Index for bald

Balda, F.[Felix] * 2016: 3D Acquisition, Processing and Visualization of Archaeological Artifacts
* 2016: Interacting with Simulated Archaeological Assets

Balda, M. * 2012: Ray Contribution Masks for Structure Adaptive Sinogram Filtering
* 2014: ROCHADE: Robust Checkerboard Advanced Detection for Camera Calibration
* 2016: OCPAD: Occluded checkerboard pattern detector
Includes: Balda, M. Balda, M.[Michael]

Balda, R.C.X.[Rita C. X.] * 2020: Neonatal Pain Scales and Human Visual Perception: An Exploratory Analysis Based on Facial Expression Recognition and Eye-tracking
* 2020: Visual Perception Framework to Analyse Neonatal Pain in Face Images, A

Baldacchino, F.[Frederic] * 2017: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in Italy
* 2020: Woody Aboveground Biomass Mapping of the Brazilian Savanna with a Multi-Sensor and Machine Learning Approach
Includes: Baldacchino, F.[Frederic] Baldacchino, F.[Frédéric] Baldacchino, F.[Francesca]

Baldacci, A. * 2001: Joint striping noise removal and background clutter cancellation in IR naval surveillance systems
* 2001: Space-time processing for the detection of airborne targets in IR image sequences
* 2016: 3D reconstruction for featureless scenes with curvature hints
Includes: Baldacci, A. Baldacci, A.[Andrea]

Baldacci, F.[Fabien] * 2008: 3D Image Topological Structuring with an Oriented Boundary Graph for Split and Merge Segmentation
* 2009: 3D Topological Map Extraction from Oriented Boundary Graph
* 2010: Oriented Boundary Graph: A Framework to Design and Implement 3D Segmentation Algorithms
* 2012: Unbiased and Intervoxel Watershed Algorithm for 3D Image Segmentation, An
* 2015: Precise Cross-Section Estimation on Tubular Organs
* 2016: Centerlines of Tubular Volumes Based on Orthogonal Plane Estimation
* 2016: Improving curve skeletons of tubular volumes
* 2016: Oriented boundary graph: An efficient structuring model for segmentation of 3D images
8 for Baldacci, F.

Baldacci, L. * 2006: Clustering techniques for protein surfaces
* 2006: Template-Matching Approach for Protein Surface Clustering, A

Baldan, G. * 2020: nuScenes: A Multimodal Dataset for Autonomous Driving

Baldasano Recio, J.M. * 2010: Climatology of the Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter Ratio from Sun-Photometric Measurements

Baldasano, J.M.[Jose Maria] * 2018: Vertically Resolved Precipitation Intensity Retrieved through a Synergy between the Ground-Based NASA MPLNET Lidar Network Measurements, Surface Disdrometer Datasets and an Analytical Model Solution

Baldassari, L.[Lorenzo] * 2021: Multi-scale Classification for Electrosensing

Baldassarre, A. * 2001: Vision-Based Particle Tracking Velocimetry, A

Baldassarre, F.[Federico] * 2020: Explanation-based Weakly-supervised Learning of Visual Relations with Graph Networks

Baldassarre, G. * 2007: Self-Organized Coordinated Motion in Groups of Physically Connected Robots

Baldassarre, L.[Luca] * 2008: Vector valued regression for iron overload estimation
* 2009: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Learning Multi-modal Patterns for Embodied Agents
* 2014: Convexity in Source Separation: Models, geometry, and algorithms
Includes: Baldassarre, L.[Luca] Baldassarre, L.

Baldassarri, P. * 2003: Visual self-localisation using automatic topology construction
* 2007: Fingerprints Recognition Using Minutiae Extraction: a Fuzzy Approach.
* 2011: Continuous Learning in a Changing Environment, A
Includes: Baldassarri, P. Baldassarri, P.[Paola]

Baldassarri, S.[Sandra] * 2002: Software Laboratory for Physical Based Human Body Animation
* 2007: Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition for Natural Interaction
* 2008: Effective Emotional Classification Combining Facial Classifiers and User Assessment
* 2008: Facial Emotional Classifier For Natural Interaction

Baldassin, A.[Alexandro] * 2017: Quaternionic Flower Pollination Algorithm

Baldeck, C.A.[Claire A.] * 2012: Mapping Savanna Tree Species at Ecosystem Scales Using Support Vector Machine Classification and BRDF Correction on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* 2013: Estimating Vegetation Beta Diversity from Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Unsupervised Clustering
* 2014: Improving Remote Species Identification through Efficient Training Data Collection
* 2016: Determining Subcanopy Psidium cattleianum Invasion in Hawaiian Forests Using Imaging Spectroscopy

Baldelomar, E. * 2016: Efficient Small Blob Detection Based on Local Convexity, Intensity and Shape Information

Baldelomar, J.J.[Juan Jose] * 2020: Opentraj: Assessing Prediction Complexity in Human Trajectories Datasets
Includes: Baldelomar, J.J.[Juan Jose] Baldelomar, J.J.[Juan José]

Balder, J.C. * 1962: Video Transmission by Delta Modulation Using Tunnel Diodes

Balderas Lopez, S.[Silvia] * 2021: Participatory Mapping as a Didactic and Auxiliary Tool for Learning Community Integration, Technology Transference, and Natural Resource Management
Includes: Balderas Lopez, S.[Silvia] Balderas-López, S.[Silvia]

Baldeschwieler, J.E. * 1995: distributed hierarchical video-on-demand system, A

Baldessari, F.[Federico] * 2019: Blind Print-Cam Data Hiding Exploiting Color Perception

Baldeweck, T.[Therese] * 2014: Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profiles and area stability: Application to melanocyte segmentation in engineered skin
* 2018: Dealing with Topological Information Within a Fully Convolutional Neural Network
Includes: Baldeweck, T.[Therese] Baldeweck, T.[Thérèse]

Baldewsing, R.A. * 2005: Assessment of Vulnerable Plaque Composition by Matching the Deformation of a Parametric Plaque Model to Measured Plaque Deformation

Baldi, C.[Chad] * 2020: Measuring Winds and Currents with Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry: An Airborne Implementation and Progress towards a Spaceborne Mission

Baldi, H.[Heather] * 2019: Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon in Biochar-Amended Soil Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

Baldi, M. * 2009: Optimized H.264 Video Encoding and Packetization for Video Transmission Over Pipeline Forwarding Networks

Baldi, P. * 2005: Monitoring the morphological evolution of the Sciara del Fuoco during the 2002-2003 Stromboli eruption using multi-temporal photogrammetry
* 2005: Principled Approach to Detecting Surprising Events in Video, A
* 2017: Detecting Cardiovascular Disease from Mammograms With Deep Learning
Includes: Baldi, P. Baldi, P.[Pierre]

Baldi, S. * 2003: Using tree-grammars for training set expansion in page classification
* 2017: Integration of auto-steering with adaptive cruise control for improved cornering behaviour
* 2018: Adaptive Learning-Based Approach for Nearly Optimal Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets, An
* 2021: Traffic Flow on a Ring With a Single Autonomous Vehicle: An Interconnected Stability Perspective
* 2022: Impact of Network Topology on the Resilience of Vehicle Platoons
* 2022: On Training Traffic Predictors via Broad Learning Structures: A Benchmark Study
* 2023: On Structural and Safety Properties of Head-to-Tail String Stability in Mixed Platoons
Includes: Baldi, S. Baldi, S.[Simone]
7 for Baldi, S.

Baldi, T.L. * 2017: GESTO: A Glove for Enhanced Sensing and Touching Based on Inertial and Magnetic Sensors for Hand Tracking and Cutaneous Feedback

Baldinelli, G.[Giorgio] * 2015: Analysis of Albedo Influence on Surface Urban Heat Island by Spaceborne Detection and Airborne Thermography

Baldini, G. * 2000: Combustion Analysis by Image Processing of Premixed Flames
* 2001: Automatic Monitoring of Waste-water in Industrial Plants Basins

Baldini, L. * 2018: Performance Evaluations of Rain Microphysical Retrieval Using Gpm Dual-Wavelength Radar by Way of Comparison With the Self-Consistent Numerical Method
* 2019: Precipitation Structure of the Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone Numa: Analysis of GPM Observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Simulations, The
* 2020: Weather Radar and Rain-Gauge Data Fusion for Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Two Case Studies
* 2021: Evaluation of Rainfall Estimation Derived From Commercial Interactive DVB Receivers Using Disdrometer, Rain Gauge, and Weather Radar
* 2021: Validation of GPM Rainfall and Drop Size Distribution Products through Disdrometers in Italy
* 2022: Quantitative Precipitation Estimation over Antarctica Using Different Ze-SR Relationships Based on Snowfall Classification Combining Ground Observations
Includes: Baldini, L. Baldini, L.[Luca]

Baldissera, F.L.[Fabio L.] * 2023: Benford's law: What does it say on adversarial images?

Baldisserra, D.[Denis] * 2006: Fake Fingerprint Detection by Odor Analysis

Baldissini, S. * 2009: information system for the integration, management and visualization of 3D reality based archaeological models from different operators, An
* 2013: Palladiolibrary Geo-Models: An Open 3D Archive to Manage and Visualize Information-Communication Resources About Palladio, The

Baldo, J.[James] * 2020: Natural Disaster Building Damage Assessment Using a Two-encoder U-net

Baldo, M. * 2019: Estimating Crop Density From Multi-spectral UAV Imagery in Maize Crop
* 2020: Investigating the Susceptibility to Failure of a Rock Cliff by Integrating Structure-from-Motion Analysis and 3D Geomechanical Modelling
* 2023: Coexistence of a Marginal Mountain Community with Large-Scale and Low Kinematic Landslide: The Intensive Monitoring Approach
Includes: Baldo, M. Baldo, M.[Marco]

Baldo, S.[Sisto] * 2009: Non-linear generative embeddings for kernels on latent variable models
* 2010: Nonlinear Mappings for Generative Kernels on Latent Variable Models
* 2019: Relation, Transition and Comparison Between the Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Rule and the Hypersphere Classifier

Baldocchi, D.[Dennis] * 2006: Isolating Individual Trees in a Savanna Woodland Using Small Footprint Lidar Data
* 2007: Estimating Basal Area and Stem Volume for Individual Trees from Lidar Data
* 2007: Filtering Airborne Laser Scanning Data with Morphological Methods
* 2018: Field-Scale Assessment of Land and Water Use Change over the California Delta Using Remote Sensing
* 2019: Impact of Insolation Data Source on Remote Sensing Retrievals of Evapotranspiration over the California Delta

Baldock, R. * 1988: Application of a knowledge-based system to the interpretation of ultrasound images

Baldock, R.A.[Richard A.] * 1992: Trainable models for the interpretation of biomedical images
* 2001: Robust Point Correspondence Applied to Two- and Three-Dimensional Image Registration
* 2009: Woolz IIP: A Tiled On-the-Fly Sectioning Server for 3D Volumetric Atlases

Baldock, T.E.[Tom E.] * 2021: Wave Peel Tracking: A New Approach for Assessing Surf Amenity and Analysis of Breaking Waves
* 2022: Remote Sensing of Wave Overtopping on Dynamic Coastal Structures

Baldoncini, M. * 2018: Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Modeling Cosmic Radiation and Effective Dose in the Lower Atmosphere

Baldoni, M.[Matteo] * 2000: Use of IFS Codes for Learning 2D Isolated-Object Classification Systems

Baldoni, S.[Sara] * 2018: feature-based approach for saliency estimation of omni-directional images, A

Baldota, S.[Siddhant] * 2023: Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection

Baldovino Chiquillo, L.[Laura] * 2023: STRIDE: Street View-based Environmental Feature Detection and Pedestrian Collision Prediction
Includes: Baldovino Chiquillo, L.[Laura] Baldovino-Chiquillo, L.[Laura]

Baldrati, A.[Alberto] * 2022: Conditioned and composed image retrieval combining and partially fine-tuning CLIP-based features
* 2022: Effective conditioned and composed image retrieval combining CLIP-based features
* 2023: ECO: Ensembling Context Optimization for Vision-Language Models
* 2023: Mapping Memes to Words for Multimodal Hateful Meme Classification
* 2023: Multimodal Garment Designer: Human-Centric Latent Diffusion Models for Fashion Image Editing
* 2023: Openfashionclip: Vision-and-language Contrastive Learning with Open-source Fashion Data
* 2023: Zero-Shot Composed Image Retrieval with Textual Inversion
7 for Baldrati, A.

Baldrich, R.[Ramon] * 2000: Normalized Colour Segmentation for Human Appearance Description
* 2001: Colour Normalisation Based on Background Information
* 2003: Color image enhancement based on perceptual sharpening
* 2003: modular and scalable architecture for PC-based real-time vision systems, A
* 2004: Induction operators for a computational colour-texture representation
* 2005: Fast Surface Grading Using Color Statistics in the CIE Lab Space
* 2005: Relaxed Grey-World: Computational Colour Constancy by Surface Matching
* 2007: Shadow Resistant Road Segmentation from a Mobile Monocular System
* 2007: Topological Histogram Reduction Towards Colour Segmentation
* 2008: Image Segmentation in the Presence of Shadows and Highlights
* 2008: Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control
* 2008: Parametric fuzzy sets for automatic color naming
* 2010: Saliency of color image derivatives: A comparison between computational models and human perception
* 2011: Describing Reflectances for Color Segmentation Robust to Shadows, Highlights, and Textures
* 2011: Perception Based Representations for Computational Colour
* 2012: Color Constancy by Category Correlation
* 2015: DAcImPro: A Novel Database of Acquired Image Projections and Its Application to Object Recognition
* 2018: Cross-Domain Fashion Image Retrieval
* 2022: Area Under the ROC Curve Maximization for Metric Learning
Includes: Baldrich, R.[Ramon] Baldrich, R. Baldrich, R.[Ramón]
19 for Baldrich, R.

Baldridge, B.[Braxton] * 2003: IKONOS spatial resolution and image interpretability characterization

Baldridge, J. * 2019: Transferable Representation Learning in Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2021: Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for Text-to-Image Generation
* 2021: Pathdreamer: A World Model for Indoor Navigation
* 2021: Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention
* 2022: Less is More: Generating Grounded Navigation Instructions from Landmarks
* 2023: Imagen Editor and EditBench: Advancing and Evaluating Text-Guided Image Inpainting
* 2023: New Path: Scaling Vision-and-Language Navigation with Synthetic Instructions and Imitation Learning, A
Includes: Baldridge, J. Baldridge, J.[Jason]
7 for Baldridge, J.

Balducci, F.[Fabrizio] * 2017: Affective level design for a role-playing videogame evaluated by a brain-computer interface and machine learning methods
* 2017: Pixel Classification Methods to Detect Skin Lesions on Dermoscopic Medical Images
* 2020: Improving smart interactive experiences in cultural heritage through pattern recognition techniques

Balducci, V.[Vinicio] * 2009: WebGIS for the dissemination of information on historical landslides and floods in Umbria, Italy, A

Balduini, M.[Marco] * 2015: CitySensing: Fusing City Data for Visual Storytelling

Balduzzi, D.[David] * 2015: Domain Generalization for Object Recognition with Multi-task Autoencoders
* 2016: Deep Reconstruction-Classification Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2017: Back To RGB: Deep articulated hand pose estimation from a single camera image
* 2017: Scatter Component Analysis: A Unified Framework for Domain Adaptation and Domain Generalization
Includes: Balduzzi, D.[David] Balduzzi, D.

Balduzzi, L.[Luigi] * 2013: What Epipolar Geometry Can Do for Video-Surveillance

Baldwin, B.[Bernard] * 1998: Resolution-Appropriate Shape Representation

Baldwin, D.[Doug] * 2007: Surface Reconstruction from Constructive Solid Geometry for Interactive Visualization
* 2015: Validation of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Ice Surface Temperature Environmental Data Record
* 2017: Validation of Suomi-NPP VIIRS sea ice concentration with very high-resolution satellite and airborne camera imagery
* 2019: Estimating Root Zone Soil Moisture Across the Eastern United States with Passive Microwave Satellite Data and a Simple Hydrologic Model
Includes: Baldwin, D.[Doug] Baldwin, D.[Daniel] Baldwin, D.[Douglas]

Baldwin, D.G. * 2007: Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents From Infrared and Ocean Color Satellite Imagery

Baldwin, E.[Eli] * 2022: Probabilistic Tracking of Annual Cropland Changes over Large, Complex Agricultural Landscapes Using Google Earth Engine

Baldwin, E.C. * 1983: Computer Controlled Optical Testing of High-Density Printed-Circuit Boards

Baldwin, J.[Jonathan] * 2000: 3d Estimation Using Panoramic Stereo

Baldwin, M.W. * 1940: Subjective Sharpness of Television Images, The
* 1951: Subjective Sharpness of Additive Color Pictures
* 1956: Subjective Sharpness of Simulated Color Television Pictures

Baldwin, R.W.[R. Wes] * 2019: Inceptive Event Time-Surfaces for Object Classification Using Neuromorphic Cameras
* 2020: Distance Surface for Event-Based Optical Flow
* 2020: Event Probability Mask (EPM) and Event Denoising Convolutional Neural Network (EDnCNN) for Neuromorphic Cameras
* 2023: Time-Ordered Recent Event (TORE) Volumes for Event Cameras

Baldysz, Z.[Zofia] * 2018: Assessment of the Impact of GNSS Processing Strategies on the Long-Term Parameters of 20 Years IWV Time Series
* 2019: Improved Empirical Coefficients for Estimating Water Vapor Weighted Mean Temperature over Europe for GNSS Applications

Index for "b"

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