Index for kira

Kira, K. * 1992: Practical Approach to Feature Selection, A

Kira, O.[Oz] * 2017: Toward Generic Models for Green LAI Estimation in Maize and Soybean: Satellite Observations
* 2020: Extraction of sub-pixel C3/C4 emissions of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) using artificial neural network
* 2024: Multi-Sensor Classification Framework of Urban Vegetation for Improving Ecological Services Management

Kira, Z.[Zsolt] * 2014: Mining Structure Fragments for Smart Bundle Adjustment
* 2016: Continuous Optimization Approach for Efficient and Accurate Scene Flow, A
* 2018: Attend and Interact: Higher-Order Object Interactions for Video Understanding
* 2019: Data-Efficient Graph Embedding Learning for PCB Component Detection
* 2019: Regretful Agent: Heuristic-Aided Navigation Through Progress Estimation, The
* 2019: Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation
* 2019: TS-LSTM and temporal-inception: Exploiting spatiotemporal dynamics for activity recognition
* 2020: Action Segmentation With Joint Self-Supervised Temporal Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Featmatch: Feature-based Augmentation for Semi-supervised Learning
* 2020: Generalized ODIN: Detecting Out-of-Distribution Image Without Learning From Out-of-Distribution Data
* 2020: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Localization Supervision
* 2020: When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping
* 2021: Always Be Dreaming: A New Approach for Data-Free Class-Incremental Learning
* 2022: Beyond a Pre-Trained Object Detector: Cross-Modal Textual and Visual Context for Image Captioning
* 2022: Open-Set Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* 2022: ShAPO: Implicit Representations for Multi-Object Shape, Appearance, and Pose Optimization
* 2022: Unbiased Teacher v2: Semi-supervised Object Detection for Anchor-free and Anchor-based Detectors
* 2023: Closer Look at Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning *, A
* 2023: CODA-Prompt: COntinual Decomposed Attention-Based Prompting for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning
* 2023: ConStruct-VL: Data-Free Continual Structured VL Concepts Learning*
* 2023: HAAV: Hierarchical Aggregation of Augmented Views for Image Captioning
* 2023: NeO 360: Neural Fields for Sparse View Synthesis of Outdoor Scenes
* 2023: Structure-Encoding Auxiliary Tasks for Improved Visual Representation in Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2023: Trainable Projected Gradient Method for Robust Fine-Tuning
* 2024: LatentDR: Improving Model Generalization Through Sample-Aware Latent Degradation and Restoration
* 2024: Missing Modality Robustness in Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Kira, Z.[Zsolt] Kira, Z.
26 for Kira, Z.

Kirac, A. * 1998: Optimal nonuniform orthonormal filter banks for subband coding and signal representation

Kirac, F.[Furkan] * 2011: Real time hand pose estimation using depth sensors
* 2012: Hand Pose Estimation and Hand Shape Classification Using Multi-layered Randomized Decision Forests
* 2012: Randomized decision forests for static and dynamic hand shape classification
* 2014: Hierarchically constrained 3D hand pose estimation using regression forests from single frame depth data
* 2019: Fashion Image Retrieval with Capsule Networks
* 2021: Instagram Filter Removal on Fashionable Images
* 2021: Quaternion Capsule Networks
* 2022: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and Results
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
* 2022: Patch-wise Contrastive Style Learning for Instagram Filter Removal
* 2022: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2022 Challenge Report
* 2022: Reversing Image Signal Processors by Reverse Style Transferring
* 2023: Deterministic Neural Illumination Mapping for Efficient Auto-White Balance Correction
* 2023: Modeling the Lighting in Scenes as Style for Auto White-Balance Correction
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
Includes: Kirac, F.[Furkan] Kiraç, F.[Furkan] Kiraç, F.
15 for Kirac, F.

Kiraci, A.C. * 2007: Approach for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Features from Aerial Photographs, An

Kiraly, A. * 2016: Learning a multiscale patch-based representation for image denoising in X-RAY fluoroscopy

Kiraly, A.P. * 2000: Extraction of the hepatic vasculature in rats using 3-D micro-CT images
* 2001: Image-guided Endoscopy for Lung-cancer Assessment
* 2002: Analysis of branching tubular structures in 3d digital images
* 2004: Three-Dimensional Path Planning for Virtual Bronchoscopy
* 2005: System for Live Virtual-Endoscopic Guidance of Bronchoscopy
* 2007: Computer-based system for the virtual-endoscopic guidance of bronchoscopy
* 2012: 3D-2D Registration Based on Mesh-Derived Image Bisection
Includes: Kiraly, A.P. Kiraly, A.P.[Atilla P.]
7 for Kiraly, A.P.

Kiraly, G. * 2007: Tree Height Estimation Methods for Terrestrial Laser Scanning in a Forest Reserve
* 2021: Voxel-Based Automatic Tree Detection and Parameter Retrieval from Terrestrial Laser Scans for Plot-Wise Forest Inventory
Includes: Kiraly, G. Király, G. Király, G.[Géza]

Kiraly, S. * 2019: Investigating The Usability of UAV Obtained Multispectral Imagery In Tree Species Segmentation

Kiran Kumar, A.S. * 2016: Oceanic Rain Flagging Using Radar Backscatter and Noise Measurements From Oceansat-2 Scatterometer

Kiran, B.R.[Bangalore Ravi] * 2012: Climbing: A Unified Approach for Global Constraints on Hierarchical Segmentation
* 2012: Hierarchies and Climbing Energies
* 2013: Ground Truth Energies for Hierarchies of Segmentations
* 2013: Optima on Hierarchies of Partitions
* 2013: Scale Space Operators on Hierarchies of Segmentations
* 2014: Energetic lattice for optimizing over hierarchies of partitions
* 2014: Fusion of ground truths and hierarchies of segmentations
* 2014: Global-local optimizations by hierarchical cuts and climbing energies
* 2015: Braids of Partitions
* 2015: Constrained Optimization on Hierarchies and Braids of Partitions
* 2016: Digitization of Partitions and Tessellations
* 2017: Cost-Complexity Pruning of Random Forests
* 2018: Real-Time Dynamic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving Using Prior 3D-Maps
* 2022: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
Includes: Kiran, B.R.[Bangalore Ravi] Kiran, B.R.[B. Ravi]
14 for Kiran, B.R.

Kiran, G.S.[G. Sandhya] * 2020: Integrated Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis Model to Assess and Predict the Degradation of Protected Forest Areas, An
* 2021: Applicability of Smoothing Techniques in Generation of Phenological Metrics of Tectona grandis L. Using NDVI Time Series Data

Kiran, G.U.[Goru Uday] * 2022: Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection

Kiran, H.[Harshitha] * 2021: Assuring Intelligent Systems: Contingency Management for UAS

Kiran, K.G.V. * 2019: Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for the Identification and Re-Identification of Suspicious Individuals using the Bayesian ScatterNet Hybrid (BSH) Network

Kiran, K.M.[K. Mukesh] * 2017: Smartphone-based crowdsourcing for position estimation of public transport vehicles

Kiran, K.V.D. * 2023: Digital image watermarking based on hybrid FRT-HD-DWT domain and flamingo search optimisation

Kiran, M. * 2017: comparison of CNN-based face and head detectors for real-time video surveillance applications, A
* 2021: Flow guided mutual attention for person re-identification
* 2021: Knowledge distillation methods for efficient unsupervised adaptation across multiple domains
* 2021: Progressive Gradient Pruning for Classification, Detection and Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation Through Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: Incremental multi-target domain adaptation for object detection with efficient domain transfer
* 2022: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Kiran, M. Kiran, M.[Madhu]
7 for Kiran, M.

Kiran, R.[Ravi] * 2020: Wheat Lodging Detection from UAS Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* 2023: Interpreting denoising autoencoders with complex perturbation approach

Kiran, S.[Swathi] * 2023: Fusion Approaches to Predict Post-stroke Aphasia Severity from Multimodal Neuroimaging Data

Kiran, S.S.[S. Shashi] * 2021: Challenges in Sparse Image Reconstruction

Kiran, S.S.R. * 2003: bilingual OCR for Hindi-Telugu documents and its applications, A

Kiran, S.V.[S. Vishwa] * 2023: Machine Learning with Data Science-Enabled Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Classification Using Computed Tomography Images

Kiran, V.P.[V. Phani] * 2003: Motion-free superresolution and the role of relative blur

Kiranagi, B.B.[Bapu B.] * 2004: Multivalued type proximity measure and concept of mutual similarity value useful for clustering symbolic patterns
* 2005: Multivalued type dissimilarity measure and concept of mutual dissimilarity value for clustering symbolic patterns

Kirankumar, A.S. * 2014: Retrieval of land surface temperature from the Kalpana-1 VHRR data using a single-channel algorithm and its validation over western India

Kirankumar, N.V.P. * 2016: Tropical Convective Cloud Characterization Using Ground-Based Microwave Radiometric Observations

Kiranoudis, C.T.[Chris T.] * 2006: performance of pixel window algorithms in the classification of habitats using VHSR imagery, The
* 2009: Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Integrated Vehicle Routing and Three-Dimensional Container-Loading Problem, A
* 2016: Assessing the Capability of a Downscaled Urban Land Surface Temperature Time Series to Reproduce the Spatiotemporal Features of the Original Data
* 2016: Online System for Nowcasting Satellite Derived Temperatures for Urban Areas, An
* 2017: Improving the Downscaling of Diurnal Land Surface Temperatures Using the Annual Cycle Parameters as Disaggregation Kernels
* 2019: PLANHEAT's Satellite-Derived Heating and Cooling Degrees Dataset for Energy Demand Mapping and Planning
Includes: Kiranoudis, C.T.[Chris T.] Kiranoudis, C.T.

Kiranyaz, S. * 2003: Compression effects on color and texture based multimedia indexing and retrieval
* 2005: Dynamic Content-Based Indexing Method for Multimedia Databases: Hierarchical Cellular Tree, A
* 2005: Novel multimedia retrieval technique: progressive query (why wait?)
* 2006: Automatic Object Extraction Over Multiscale Edge Field for Multimedia Retrieval
* 2006: Generic content-based audio indexing and retrieval framework
* 2008: Generic Shape/Texture Descriptor Over Multiscale Edge Field: 2-D Walking Ant Histogram, A
* 2008: Unsupervised design of Artificial Neural Networks via multi-dimensional Particle Swarm Optimization
* 2010: Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images Using Evolutionary RBF Networks
* 2010: Network of evolutionary binary classifiers for classification and retrieval in macroinvertebrate databases
* 2010: Perceptual color descriptor based on spatial distribution: A top-down approach
* 2011: Incremental evolution of collective network of binary classifier for polarimetric SAR image classification
* 2011: Multi-dimensional evolutionary feature synthesis for content-based image retrieval
* 2012: Collective Network of Binary Classifier Framework for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification: An Evolutionary Approach
* 2013: Quantum mechanics in computer vision: Automatic object extraction
* 2014: Automatic Object Segmentation by Quantum Cuts
* 2014: Classification of dual- and single polarized SAR images by incorporating visual features
* 2014: Incremental Learning with Support Vector Data Description
* 2014: Integrating Color Features in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* 2014: perceptual scheme for fully automatic video shot boundary detection, A
* 2014: Semi-Supervised Learning for Ill-Posed Polarimetric SAR Classification
* 2015: Visual saliency by extended quantum cuts
* 2016: Data Enrichment in Fine-Grained Classification of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
* 2016: Face segmentation in thumbnail images by data-adaptive convolutional segmentation networks
* 2016: Joint K-Means quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* 2016: Learned vs. engineered features for fine-grained classification of aquatic macroinvertebrates
* 2016: Learning to rank salient segments extracted by multispectral Quantum Cuts
* 2016: Salient object segmentation based on linearly combined affinity graphs
* 2016: vector quantization based k-NN approach for large-scale image classification, A
* 2017: Learning graph affinities for spectral graph-based salient object detection
* 2018: Acceleration Approaches for Big Data Analysis
* 2018: Benchmark database for fine-grained image classification of benthic macroinvertebrates
* 2018: Spatiotemporal Saliency Estimation by Spectral Foreground Detection
* 2019: Dual and Single Polarized SAR Image Classification Using Compact Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: Knowledge Transfer for Face Verification Using Heterogeneous Generalized Operational Perceptrons
* 2020: Human experts vs. machines in taxa recognition
* 2021: BM3D VS 2-Layer ONN
* 2021: Reliable Covid-19 Detection using Chest X-Ray Images
* 2021: Self-Organized Residual Blocks for Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Self-Organized Variational Autoencoders (Self-Vae) for Learned Image Compression
* 2022: Osegnet: Operational Segmentation Network for Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-Ray Images
* 2022: SRL-SOA: Self-Representation Learning with Sparse 1D-Operational Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Band Selection
* 2023: Generalized Tensor Summation Compressive Sensing Network (GTSNET): An Easy to Learn Compressive Sensing Operation
Includes: Kiranyaz, S. Kiranyaz, S.[Serkan] Kíranyaz, S.[Serkan]
42 for Kiranyaz, S.

Kirar, B.S.[Bhupendra Singh] * 2019: Automated glaucoma detection using quasi-bivariate variational mode decomposition from fundus images
* 2019: Computer aided diagnosis of glaucoma using discrete and empirical wavelet transform from fundus images

Kirar, J.S.[Jyoti Singh] * 2017: Selection of Relevant Electrodes Based on Temporal Similarity for Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks

Kiratiprayoon, S.[Somboon] * 2014: Carbon Stock Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data in Savannakhet, Lao PDR

Kiratiratanapruk, K. * 2005: gradient-based foreground detection technique for object tracking in a traffic monitoring system, A

Kiratzi, A.[Anastasia] * 2019: On the Segmentation of the Cephalonia-Lefkada Transform Fault Zone (Greece) from an InSAR Multi-Mode Dataset of the Lefkada 2015 Sequence
* 2021: Earthquake Source Investigation of the Kanallaki, March 2020 Sequence (North-Western Greece) Based on Seismic and Geodetic Data

Kirazian, V.[Vic] * 2016: Research on the Use of Puppeteering to Improve Realism in Army Simulations and Training Games

Index for "k"

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