Index for glas

Glas, D.F. Co Author Listing * Designing and Implementing a Human-Robot Team for Social Interactions
* Modeling Interaction Structure for Robot Imitation Learning of Human Social Behavior
* Teleoperation Approach for Mobile Social Robots Incorporating Automatic Gaze Control and Three-Dimensional Spatial Visualization, A
* Temporal Awareness in Teleoperation of Conversational Robots

Glas, J.C. Co Author Listing * Estimating 3-D Body Parameters from Reflection Component Separating Imagery: A Performance Analysis

Glas, R.[Rene] Co Author Listing * Spationomy Simulation Game: Playful Learning in Spatial Economy Higher Education
Includes: Glas, R.[Rene] Glas, R.[René]

Glas, S.[Sonja] Co Author Listing * Automatic Reconstruction of Silhouettes Using B-Splines

Glasa, J.[Jan] Co Author Listing * Least-squares smoothing of 3D digital curves
Includes: Glasa, J.[Jan] Glasa, J.[Ján]

Glasbey, C.A. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Histogram-Based Thresholding Algorithms, An
* Calibrating spectral images using penalized likelihood
* Cell Identification in Differential Interference Contrast Microscope Images Using Edge Detection
* Combining Stereo and Time-of-Flight Images with Application to Automatic Plant Phenotyping
* Comparison of Digital Length Estimators for Image Features, A
* Construction of Templates for Identifying Non-Transparent Cells in DIC Microscope Images
* Fast Computation of Moving Average and Related Filters in Octagonal Windows
* Non-destructive automatic leaf area measurements by combining stereo and time-of-flight images
* Optimal Linear Interpolation of Images with Known Point Spread Function
* Recovery of Depth Information from Optical Microscope Images by Constrained Deconvolution
* Segmentation of X-ray CT images using stochastic templates
* Ultrasound Image Segmentation Using a Point Distribution Model in a Bayesian Framework
Includes: Glasbey, C.A. Glasbey, C.A.[Chris A.]
12 for Glasbey, C.A.

Glascher, J.[Jan] Co Author Listing * Towards controllable image descriptions with semi-supervised VAE
Includes: Glascher, J.[Jan] Gläscher, J.[Jan] (Maybe also Glaescher, J.)

Glaser, A.[Andreas] Co Author Listing * Good Continuation in Layers: Shading flows, color flows, surfaces and shadows

Glaser, C. Co Author Listing * Automatic interpolation of phenological phases in Germany
* Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving: Datasets, Methods, and Challenges
* Pedestrian Behavior Prediction for Automated Driving: Requirements, Metrics, and Relevant Features
Includes: Glaser, C. Gläser, C. (Maybe also Glaeser, C.)Gläser, C.[Claudius] (Maybe also Glaeser, C.)

Glaser, D.A. Co Author Listing * Computer Identification of Bacteria by Colony Morphology

Glaser, K.J. Co Author Listing * Shear Modulus Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Elastography

Glaser, M.[Markus] Co Author Listing * Omnidirectional Cameras as Backing-Up Aid

Glaser, N.[Nathaniel] Co Author Listing * When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping

Glaser, P. Co Author Listing * Bundle Adjustment of Spaceborne Double-camera Push-broom Imagers And Its Application to Lroc Nac Imagery
* Neural implicit shape modeling for small planetary bodies from multi-view images using a mask-based classification sampling strategy
Includes: Glaser, P. Gläser, P. (Maybe also Glaeser, P.)Gläser, P.[Philipp] (Maybe also Glaeser, P.)

Glaser, R.[Rudiger] Co Author Listing * Societal Echo of Severe Weather Events: Ambient Geospatial Information (AGI) on a Storm Event, The
Includes: Glaser, R.[Rudiger] Glaser, R.[Rüdiger]

Glaser, S. Co Author Listing * 3D estimation of road cartography using vehicle localization and observers
* Automatic Parallel Parking in Tiny Spots: Path Planning and Control
* Deep RNN Based Prediction of Driver's Intended Movements at Intersection Using Cooperative Awareness Messages
* Highly Automated Driving on Highways Based on Legal Safety
* Improving Efficiency and Generalisability of Motion Predictions With Deep Multi-Agent Learning and Multi-Head Attention
* Maneuver-Based Trajectory Planning for Highly Autonomous Vehicles on Real Road With Traffic and Driver Interaction
* model driven 3D lane detection system using stereovision, A
* PerSEE: A central sensors fusion electronic control unit for the development of perception-based ADAS
* Review of Motion Planning for Highway Autonomous Driving, A
* Smart and Green ACC: Energy and Safety Optimization Strategies for EVs
* Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed in Adverse Weather Conditions by Mitigating the Risk Level
* Time to Line Crossing for Lane Departure Avoidance: A Theoretical Study and an Experimental Setting
* Use of Social Interaction and Intention to Improve Motion Prediction Within Automated Vehicle Framework: A Review
* Vehicle Simulator for an Efficient Electronic and Electrical Architecture Design, A
* Vision Based Tangent Point Detection Algorithm, Evaluation and Validation
Includes: Glaser, S. Glaser, S.[Sebastien] Glaser, S.[Sébastien]
15 for Glaser, S.

Glaser, T.[Tamar] Co Author Listing * Incorporating temporal context in Bag-of-Words models
* Navigating Text-to-image Generative Bias Across Indic Languages
* PETA: Photo Albums Event Recognition using Transformers Attention

Glaser, Y. Co Author Listing * Deep Learning for Predicting Significant Wave Height From Synthetic Aperture Radar

Glasgow, B. Co Author Listing * Mita: An Information Extraction Approach to the Analysis of Free-Form Text in Life-Insurance Applications

Glasgow, E.D.[Evan Donald] Co Author Listing * Proactive Indoor Navigation on Mobile Devices

Glasgow, J. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Three-Dimensional Protein Images

Glasgow, J.M. Co Author Listing * Optimizing Information Value: Improving Rover Sensor Data Collection

Glashoff, K.[Klaus] Co Author Listing * Coupled Functional Maps
* MADMM: A Generic Algorithm for Non-smooth Optimization on Manifolds
* Multimodal Manifold Analysis by Simultaneous Diagonalization of Laplacians
* Structure from Motion Using Augmented Lagrangian Robust Factorization
Includes: Glashoff, K.[Klaus] Glashoff, K.

Glasius, R. Co Author Listing * Neural-Network Dynamics For Path Planning And Obstacle Avoidance

Glasmacher, B.[Birgit] Co Author Listing * PCA Enhanced Training Data for Adaboost

Glasmachers, T.[Tobias] Co Author Listing * Maximum Likelihood Model Selection for 1-Norm Soft Margin SVMs with Multiple Parameters
* Texture Attribute Synthesis and Transfer Using Feed-Forward CNNs
* Transfer Meta Learning
Includes: Glasmachers, T.[Tobias] Glasmachers, T.

Glasman, D. Co Author Listing * QBIC Project: Querying Image by Content Using Color, Texture, and Shape, The

Glasner, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Accurate Blur Models vs. Image Priors in Single Image Super-resolution
* Contour-based joint clustering of multiple segmentations
* Global Approach for Solving Edge-Matching Puzzles, A
* High Resolution Segmentation of Neuronal Tissues from Low Depth-Resolution EM Imagery
* Hot or Not: Exploring Correlations between Appearance and Temperature
* MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-to-Image Generation
* Rethinking FID: Towards a Better Evaluation Metric for Image Generation
* Super-resolution from a single image
* Toward Perceptually-Consistent Stereo: A Scanline Study
* Understanding Robustness of Transformers for Image Classification
* Viewpoint-aware object detection and continuous pose estimation
* Viewpoint-aware object detection and pose estimation
Includes: Glasner, D.[Daniel] Glasner, D.
12 for Glasner, D.

Glasner, P.[Philip] Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Impact the Weekday Has on Near-Repeat Victimization: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Street Robberies in the City of Vienna, Austria

Glass, D.H.[David H.] Co Author Listing * Integration of Gene Ontology-based similarities for supporting analysis of protein-protein interaction networks

Glass, H.J.[Hylke Jan] Co Author Listing * Novel MLR-RF-Based Geospatial Techniques: A Comparison with OK

Glass, I. Co Author Listing * Physiological gating of the MARS spectral micro CT scanner

Glass, J.[James] Co Author Listing * Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for Video Retrieval
* Jointly Discovering Visual Objects and Spoken Words from Raw Sensory Input
* Learning Words by Drawing Images
* Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning from Unlabeled Videos
* Multistream Articulatory Feature-Based Models for Visual Speech Recognition
* Noise-Robust Self-Adaptive Multitarget Speaker Detection System, A
* Spoken Moments: Learning Joint Audio-Visual Representations from Video Descriptions
* UAVM: Towards Unifying Audio and Visual Models
* Visual Speech Recognition with Loosely Synchronized Feature Streams
* What, When, and Where? Self-Supervised Spatio- Temporal Grounding in Untrimmed Multi-Action Videos from Narrated Instructions
Includes: Glass, J.[James] Glass, J.
10 for Glass, J.

Glass, J.M. Co Author Listing * On the Quantization of Line-Drawing Data

Glass, L.[Leah] Co Author Listing * Google Earth Engine Mangrove Mapping Methodology (GEEMMM), The
* Madagascar's Mangroves: Quantifying Nation-Wide and Ecosystem Specific Dynamics, and Detailed Contemporary Mapping of Distinct Ecosystems

Glass, M.R. Co Author Listing * P2L: Predicting Transfer Learning for Images and Semantic Relations

Glass, S. Co Author Listing * Faded Smiles? A Largescale Observational Study of Smiling from Adolescence to Old Age

Glasscoe, M.T.[Margaret T.] Co Author Listing * Detection of Flood Extent Using Sentinel-1A/B Synthetic Aperture Radar: An Application for Hurricane Harvey, Houston, TX

Glasser, C.[Cornelia] Co Author Listing * 3D-Landscape Visualisation to support upkeeping and maintenance of the UNESCO cultural world heritage of the Garden Kingdom
* development of an integrated technical-methodical approach to visualise hydrological processes in an exemplary post-mining area in Central Germany, The
* Enhanced Classification Approach using Hyperspectral Image Data in Combination with in situ Spectral Measurements for the Mapping of Vegetation Communities, An
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment of Classified Land Use / Land Cover Changes
* Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity: Part I: Soil Characteristics
* Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits
* Multi-temporal Analysis of RapidEye Data to Detect Natural Vegetation Phenology During Two Growing Seasons in the Northern Negev, Israel
* Overview of Experimental Setups in Spectroscopic Laboratory Measurements: The SpecTour Project
* Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity: Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics
* White-reference based post-correction method for multi-source spectral libraries
Includes: Glasser, C.[Cornelia] Glässer, C.[Cornelia] (Maybe also Glaesser, C.)Glasser, C.
10 for Glasser, C.

Glasser, M.F.[Matthew F.] Co Author Listing * ICAM-Reg: Interpretable Classification and Regression With Feature Attribution for Mapping Neurological Phenotypes in Individual Scans

Glassey, M.A. Co Author Listing * 3D Computer Vision for Agrotics: The Potato Operation, An Overview

Glassman, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Systems and methods for rotating high addressability images

Glassman, E. Co Author Listing * Image-Directed Robotic System For Precise Orthopedic-Surgery, An

Glassman, M.S.[Martin S.] Co Author Listing * Omnidirectional visual image detector and processor

Glassmeier, K.H.[Karl Heinz] Co Author Listing * Compressed sensing for aperture synthesis imaging
Includes: Glassmeier, K.H.[Karl Heinz] Glassmeier, K.H.[Karl-Heinz]

Glassock, R. Co Author Listing * Investigation of Fish-Eye Lenses for Small-UAV Aerial Photography

Glassy, J. Co Author Listing * SMAP Level 4 Carbon Product for Monitoring Ecosystem Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange, The

Glastonbury, C.A. Co Author Listing * Count-ception: Counting by Fully Convolutional Redundant Counting

Glastre, W.[Wilfried] Co Author Listing * Laser optical feedback imaging controlled by an electronic feedback loop
* Optimization of an autodyne laser interferometer for high-speed confocal imaging
* Synthetic aperture laser optical feedback imaging using a translational scanning with galvanometric mirrors

Index for "g"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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