Index for buch

Buch Cardona, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antens, C.: Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar Dis...
     with: Buono, C.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Codina Filba, J.: Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipol...
     with: Cordasco, G.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Escalera, S.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Escalera, S.: Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar D...
     with: Escudero, J.: Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar D...
     with: Esposito, A.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Farrus, M.: Mobile ehealth Platform for Home Monitoring of Bipolar Dis...
     with: Fernandez, A.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Greco, C.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Johansen, A.T.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Kornes, M.S.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Kyslitska, D.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Laranga, J.T.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Palmero, C.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
     with: Torres, M.I.: Emotional Features of Interactions with Empathic Agents
17 for Buch Cardona, P.

Buch, A.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aanæs, H.: Large-Scale 3D Object Recognition Dataset, A
     with: Aanæs, H.: Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Objects for ...
     with: Beck, A.B.: Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Objects for...
     with: Bodenhagen, L.: Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved Ster...
     with: Brachmann, E.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Christiansen, P.: Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved St...
     with: Drost, B.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Drost, B.: performance evaluation of point pair features, A
     with: Fu, J.S.: Indoor Objects and Outdoor Urban Scenes Recognition by 3D Vi...
     with: Hagelskjær, F.: Bridging the Reality Gap for Pose Estimation Networks ...
     with: Hagelskjær, F.: Pointvotenet: Accurate Object Detection And 6 DOF Pose...
     with: Haugaard, R.L.: SurfEmb: Dense and Continuous Correspondence Distribut...
     with: Hodan, T.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Ihrke, S.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Iversen, T.M.: Shape Dependency of ICP Pose Uncertainties in the Conte...
     with: Jessen, J.B.: Extended 3D Line Segments from RGB-D Data for Pose Estim...
     with: Jessen, J.B.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cogniti...
     with: Jorgensen, R.N.: Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved Ste...
     with: Kamarainen, J.K.: Indoor Objects and Outdoor Urban Scenes Recognition ...
     with: Kamarainen, J.K.: Supervised Object Class Colour Normalisation
     with: Kehl, W.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Kiforenko, L.: Object Detection Using a Combination of Multiple 3D Fea...
     with: Kiforenko, L.: performance evaluation of point pair features, A
     with: Kiforenko, L.: Rotational Subgroup Voting and Pose Clustering for Robu...
     with: Kiforenko, L.: Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved Stere...
     with: Kim, T.K.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Kraft, D.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Kraft, D.: Extended 3D Line Segments from RGB-D Data for Pose Estimation
     with: Kraft, D.: Rotational Subgroup Voting and Pose Clustering for Robust 3...
     with: Kraft, D.: Shape Dependency of ICP Pose Uncertainties in the Context o...
     with: Kraft, D.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cognitive ...
     with: Kruger, N.: In Search of Inliers: 3D Correspondence by Local and Globa...
     with: Kruger, N.: Indoor Objects and Outdoor Urban Scenes Recognition by 3D ...
     with: Kruger, N.: Large-Scale 3D Object Recognition Dataset, A
     with: Kruger, N.: Object Detection Using a Combination of Multiple 3D Featur...
     with: Kruger, N.: performance evaluation of point pair features, A
     with: Kruger, N.: Shape Dependency of ICP Pose Uncertainties in the Context ...
     with: Kruger, N.: Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved Stereo B...
     with: Kruger, N.: Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Objects for...
     with: Kruger, N.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cognitive...
     with: Lankinen, J.: Supervised Object Class Colour Normalisation
     with: Manhardt, F.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Matas, J.G.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Michel, F.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Mustafa, W.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cognitiv...
     with: Petersen, H.G.: In Search of Inliers: 3D Correspondence by Local and G...
     with: Popovic, M.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cognitiv...
     with: Pugeault, N.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cogniti...
     with: Riabchenko, E.: Supervised Object Class Colour Normalisation
     with: Sahin, C.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Savarimuthu, T.R.: Extended 3D Line Segments from RGB-D Data for Pose ...
     with: Savarimuthu, T.R.: Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Obje...
     with: Savarimuthu, T.R.: Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Co...
     with: Solund, T.: Large-Scale 3D Object Recognition Dataset, A
     with: Solund, T.: Teach it Yourself: Fast Modeling of Industrial Objects for...
     with: Suvei, S.D.: Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved Stereo ...
     with: Tombari, F.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Tombari, F.: performance evaluation of point pair features, A
     with: Vidal, J.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
     with: Yang, Y.: In Search of Inliers: 3D Correspondence by Local and Global ...
     with: Zabulis, X.: BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
61 for Buch, A.G.

Buch, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Orwell, J.: 3d Extended Histogram of Oriented Gradients (3DHoG) for Cl...
     with: Orwell, J.: Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of U...
     with: Orwell, J.: Urban road user detection and classification using 3D wire...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: 3d Extended Histogram of Oriented Gradients (3DHoG) fo...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis ...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Urban road user detection and classification using 3D ...

Buch, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, R.: RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action Reco...
     with: Dery, L.: Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Groundi...
     with: Escorcia, V.: SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals
     with: Fan, L.X.: RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action Re...
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Grou...
     with: Fei Fei, L.: RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action ...
     with: Garg, A.: Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Groundi...
     with: Ghanem, B.: SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals
     with: Huang, D.: Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Ground...
     with: Ji, J.W.: End-to-End Joint Semantic Segmentation of Actors and Actions...
     with: Niebles, J.C.: End-to-End Joint Semantic Segmentation of Actors and Ac...
     with: Niebles, J.C.: Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Gr...
     with: Niebles, J.C.: RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Actio...
     with: Niebles, J.C.: SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals
     with: Shen, C.: SST: Single-Stream Temporal Action Proposals
     with: Soto, A.: End-to-End Joint Semantic Segmentation of Actors and Actions...
     with: Wang, G.Z.: RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action R...
     with: Zhu, Y.: RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action Reco...
18 for Buch, S.

Buch, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chaudhari, P.: Beyond mAP: Towards Better Evaluation of Instance Segme...
     with: Doiphode, N.: Beyond mAP: Towards Better Evaluation of Instance Segmen...
     with: Gee, J.: Beyond mAP: Towards Better Evaluation of Instance Segmentation
     with: Jena, R.: Beyond mAP: Towards Better Evaluation of Instance Segmentation
     with: Shi, J.B.: Beyond mAP: Towards Better Evaluation of Instance Segmentat...
     with: Zhornyak, L.: Beyond mAP: Towards Better Evaluation of Instance Segmen...

Bucha, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barka, I.: Mapping Aboveground Woody Biomass on Abandoned Agricultural...
     with: Barka, I.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abando...
     with: Barka, I.: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agricult...
     with: Bicarova, S.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Tu...
     with: Buchholcerova, A.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mu...
     with: Feranec, J.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aban...
     with: Feranec, J.: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agricu...
     with: Goga, T.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abandon...
     with: Kopecka, M.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aban...
     with: Kulla, L.: Comparison of Two Tree Detection Methods for Estimation of ...
     with: Lukasova, V.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Tu...
     with: Marekova, L.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Tu...
     with: Otahel, J.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aband...
     with: Pajtik, J.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aband...
     with: Pajtik, J.: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agricul...
     with: Papco, J.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abando...
     with: Papco, J.: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agricult...
     with: Pazur, R.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Abando...
     with: Rusnak, M.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aband...
     with: Sackov, I.: Comparison of Two Tree Detection Methods for Estimation of...
     with: Sackov, I.: Mapping Aboveground Woody Biomass on Abandoned Agricultura...
     with: Sackov, I.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aband...
     with: Sackov, I.: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agricul...
     with: Sedliak, M.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aban...
     with: Sedliak, M.: Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agricu...
     with: Szatmari, D.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aba...
     with: Vladovic, J.: Review of the Application of Remote Sensing Data for Aba...
27 for Bucha, T.

Bucha, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ablameyko, S.: Interactive Road Extraction with Pixel Force Fields
     with: Ablameyko, S.V.: Augmented 3D Endoscopy Video
     with: Ablameyko, S.V.: Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Co...
     with: Ablameyko, S.V.: What should the user do? Inference structures and lin...
     with: Chernov, V.: 3DCapture: 3D Reconstruction for a Smartphone
     with: Drogolyub, A.: Depth Camera Based on Color-Coded Aperture
     with: Lyubimtseva, M.: 3DCapture: 3D Reconstruction for a Smartphone
     with: Muratov, O.: 3DCapture: 3D Reconstruction for a Smartphone
     with: Nedzved, A.: Augmented 3D Endoscopy Video
     with: Panchenko, I.: Depth Camera Based on Color-Coded Aperture
     with: Paramonov, V.: Depth Camera Based on Color-Coded Aperture
     with: Pridmore, T.P.: What should the user do? Inference structures and line...
     with: Shamsuarov, A.: 3DCapture: 3D Reconstruction for a Smartphone
     with: Slynko, Y.: 3DCapture: 3D Reconstruction for a Smartphone
     with: Uchida, S.: Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Color M...
     with: Uchida, S.: Interactive Road Extraction with Pixel Force Fields
     with: Zagoruyko, S.: Depth Camera Based on Color-Coded Aperture
17 for Bucha, V.

Buchaillard, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Foong, K.W.C.: Reconstruction of 3D tooth images
     with: Ong, S.H.: Reconstruction of 3D tooth images
     with: Payan, Y.: Reconstruction of 3D tooth images

Buchaillot, M.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Araus, J.L.: Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Imagery
     with: Araus, J.L.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early Wa...
     with: Cairns, J.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early War...
     with: Chelal, J.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early War...
     with: Clinton, N.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early Wa...
     with: Fernandez Gallego, J.A.: Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Im...
     with: Gutierrez, N.A.: Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Imagery
     with: Hamadziripi, E.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Earl...
     with: Hughes, D.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early War...
     with: Kefauver, S.C.: Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Imagery
     with: Kefauver, S.C.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early...
     with: Kehs, A.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early Warni...
     with: McCloskey, P.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early ...
     with: Nieto Taladriz, M.T.: Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Imagery
     with: Wilson, K.: Regional Monitoring of Fall Armyworm (FAW) Using Early War...
15 for Buchaillot, M.L.

Buchan, S.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duran, M.: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification o...
     with: Mahu, R.: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification of...
     with: Rojas, C.: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification o...
     with: Stafford, K.M.: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classificat...
     with: Wuth, J.: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification of...
     with: Yoma, N.B.: HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification ...

Buchana, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cazan, I.: Simultaneous forgery identification and localization in pai...
     with: Diaz Granados, M.: Simultaneous forgery identification and localizatio...
     with: Juefei Xu, F.: Simultaneous forgery identification and localization in...
     with: Savvides, M.: Simultaneous forgery identification and localization in ...

Buchanan, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: Combining local and global motion models for feature...
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: Interactive Feature Tracking using K-D Trees and Dyn...

Buchanan, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: Damped Newton Algorithms for Matrix Factorization wi...

Buchanan, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bi, Y.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin Echol...
     with: Briscoe, D.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin ...
     with: Childerhouse, S.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dol...
     with: Pine, M.K.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin E...
     with: Vennell, R.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin ...
     with: Xue, B.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin Echo...
     with: Zhang, M.J.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin ...
7 for Buchanan, C.

Buchanan, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berends, D.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Acce...
     with: Chai, S.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Acceler...
     with: Gudis, E.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Accele...
     with: Kaighn, K.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Accel...
     with: Lu, P.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Accelerat...
     with: Piacentino, M.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous A...
     with: van der Wal, G.: Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous ...
7 for Buchanan, G.

Buchanan, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Green, R.: Creating a view dependent rendering system for mainstream use

Buchanan, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ma, Y.: Canonical Factors for Hybrid Neural Fields
     with: Yi, B.: Canonical Factors for Hybrid Neural Fields
     with: Zeng, W.J.: Canonical Factors for Hybrid Neural Fields

Buchanan, W.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, J.: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on Me...
     with: Arshad: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on Merse...
     with: Boulila, W.: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on ...
     with: Masood, F.: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on M...
     with: Rubaiee, S.: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on ...
     with: Sankar, S.: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on M...

Buchbach, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Busche, T.: Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digital El...
     with: Erasmi, S.: Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digital El...
     with: Rosenbauer, R.: Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digita...
     with: Rutishauser, S.: Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digit...

Buche, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bosser, A.G.: Fine-Grained is Too Coarse: A Novel Data-Centric Approac...
     with: Neau, M.: Fine-Grained is Too Coarse: A Novel Data-Centric Approach fo...
     with: Santos, P.E.: Fine-Grained is Too Coarse: A Novel Data-Centric Approac...

Buche, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dornberger, R.: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the optimiza...
     with: Koumoutsakos, P.: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the optimi...
     with: Stoll, P.: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the optimization ...

Buchel, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Corman, F.: What Do We Know When? Modeling Predictability of Transit O...

Buchel, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hartung, G.: Embedded image processing system for cloud-based applicat...
     with: Schuer, A.: Embedded image processing system for cloud-based applicati...
     with: Thieling, L.: Embedded image processing system for cloud-based applica...

Buchele, D.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buchele, W.M.: Unitary Catadioptric Objective Lens System

Buchele, W.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buchele, D.R.: Unitary Catadioptric Objective Lens System

Buchelnikov, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Artemiev, V.: Parameterization of Light Absorption of Phytoplankton, N...
     with: Churilova, T.: Parameterization of Light Absorption of Phytoplankton, ...
     with: Efimova, T.: Parameterization of Light Absorption of Phytoplankton, No...
     with: Moiseeva, N.: Parameterization of Light Absorption of Phytoplankton, N...
     with: Salyuk, P.: Parameterization of Light Absorption of Phytoplankton, Non...
     with: Skorokhod, E.: Parameterization of Light Absorption of Phytoplankton, ...

Buchelnikov, A.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Churilova, T.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the ...
     with: Efimova, T.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the Ar...
     with: Glukhovets, D.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the...
     with: Khrapko, A.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the Ar...
     with: Moiseeva, N.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the A...
     with: Skorokhod, E.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the ...
     with: Suslin, V.: Light Absorption by Optically Active Components in the Arc...
7 for Buchelnikov, A.S.

Buchelt, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blothe, J.H.: Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Roc...
     with: Dietz, A.: Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Relate...
     with: Kneisel, C.: Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock...
     with: Kuenzer, C.: Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock...
     with: Kuenzer, C.: Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Rela...
     with: Philipp, M.: Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock...
     with: Philipp, M.: Trends in Satellite Earth Observation for Permafrost Rela...
     with: Rosch, M.: Comparing PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping Mo...
     with: Schmitt, A.: Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock...
     with: Sonnenschein, R.: Comparing PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Map...
     with: Ullmann, T.: Comparing PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping ...
     with: Ullmann, T.: Deciphering Small-Scale Seasonal Surface Dynamics of Rock...
12 for Buchelt, S.

Bucher, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gonzalez, C.: Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI
     with: Mukhopadhyay, A.: Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI
     with: Othman, A.E.: Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI
     with: Pinto dos Santos, D.: Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI
     with: Ranem, A.: Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI

Bucher, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brasebin, M.: Enriching a 3D world with synthetic and visible informat...
     with: Brunet, V.G.: Towards Culture-Aware Smart and Sustainable Cities: Inte...
     with: Ceh, M.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web of Da...
     with: Ellett von Brasch, T.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies...
     with: Folmer, E.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web of...
     with: Hein, C.: Towards Culture-Aware Smart and Sustainable Cities: Integrat...
     with: Hoarau, C.: Enriching a 3D world with synthetic and visible informatio...
     with: Janssen, P.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web o...
     with: Kotzinos, D.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web ...
     with: Raines, D.: Towards Culture-Aware Smart and Sustainable Cities: Integr...
     with: Rijsdijk, M.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web ...
     with: Tiainen, E.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web o...
     with: van Damme, M.D.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and W...
     with: Zhral, M.: Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web of ...
14 for Bucher, B.

Bucher, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, H.: Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpool...
     with: Jonietz, D.: Assessing the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Context for Ne...
     with: Kiefer, P.: Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challenges...
     with: Kissling, J.: Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carp...
     with: Raubal, M.: Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpoo...
     with: Raubal, M.: Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challenges...
     with: Scheider, S.: Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challeng...
     with: Urner, J.: Assessing the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Context for Next...
     with: Weibel, R.: Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpoo...
     with: Weiser, P.: Towards sustainable mobility behavior: research challenges...
     with: Yang, J.: Assessing the Influence of Spatio-Temporal Context for Next ...
11 for Bucher, D.

Bucher, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baritaux, J.C.: Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomica...
     with: Boulch, A.: Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of...
     with: Cord, M.: ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptati...
     with: Cord, M.: DADA: Depth-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
     with: Cord, M.: Handling new target classes in semantic segmentation with do...
     with: Hassler, K.: Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomical P...
     with: Herbin, S.: Generating Visual Representations for Zero-Shot Classifica...
     with: Herbin, S.: Hard Negative Mining for Metric Learning Based Zero-Shot C...
     with: Herbin, S.: Improving Semantic Embedding Consistency by Metric Learnin...
     with: Herbin, S.: Semantic Bottleneck for Computer Vision Tasks
     with: Jain, H.: ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptati...
     with: Jain, H.: DADA: Depth-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
     with: Jurie, F.: Generating Visual Representations for Zero-Shot Classificat...
     with: Jurie, F.: Hard Negative Mining for Metric Learning Based Zero-Shot Cl...
     with: Jurie, F.: Improving Semantic Embedding Consistency by Metric Learning...
     with: Jurie, F.: Semantic Bottleneck for Computer Vision Tasks
     with: Marlet, R.: Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of...
     with: Michele, B.: Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation o...
     with: Perez, P.: ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptat...
     with: Perez, P.: Handling new target classes in semantic segmentation with d...
     with: Perez, P.P.: DADA: Depth-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Puy, G.: Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D...
     with: Sanyal, S.: Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomical Pr...
     with: Unser, M.: Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomical Pri...
     with: Vu, T.: DADA: Depth-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
     with: Vu, T.H.: ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptati...
     with: Vu, T.H.: Handling new target classes in semantic segmentation with do...
27 for Bucher, M.

Bucher, S.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Denzler, J.: Unified Automatic Plant Cover and Phenology Prediction
     with: Korschens, M.: Unified Automatic Plant Cover and Phenology Prediction
     with: Romermann, C.: Unified Automatic Plant Cover and Phenology Prediction

Bucher, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borner, A.: In-orbit Geometric Calibration of Firebird's Infrared Line...
     with: Fischer, C.: In-orbit Geometric Calibration of Firebird's Infrared Lin...
     with: Frauenberger, O.: In-orbit Geometric Calibration of Firebird's Infrare...
     with: Piltz, B.: In-orbit Geometric Calibration of Firebird's Infrared Line ...
     with: Wohlfeil, J.: In-orbit Geometric Calibration of Firebird's Infrared Li...

Bucherie, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayala, F.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from Disaster...
     with: Bazo, J.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from Disaster ...
     with: de Sherbinin, A.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from D...
     with: Hultquist, C.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from Disa...
     with: Kruczkiewicz, A.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from D...
     with: Mason, S.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from Disaster...
     with: Vergara, H.: Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from Disast...
7 for Bucherie, A.

Buchert, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kim, S.T.: Exploiting Diversity of Unlabeled Data for Label-Efficient ...
     with: Navab, N.: Exploiting Diversity of Unlabeled Data for Label-Efficient ...

Buchert, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hadjidemetriou, S.: Non-Parametric Bayesian Registration (NParBR) of B...
     with: Pilutti, D.: Non-Parametric Bayesian Registration (NParBR) of Body Tum...
     with: Strumia, M.: Non-Parametric Bayesian Registration (NParBR) of Body Tum...

Buchhart, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Souza, R.: Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Different Ve...
     with: Heil, K.: Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Different Vegeta...
     with: Padilla, F.M.: Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Different V...
     with: Plass, J.: Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Different Veget...
     with: Schmidhalter, U.: Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Differen...

Buchhaupt, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Connor, L.: Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA's ...
     with: Egido, A.: Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA's O...
     with: Smith, W.H.F.: Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA...
     with: Yi, D.H.: Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA's Op...
     with: Zhang, D.: Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Elevation Distribution from NASA's O...

Buchheit, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alayan, M.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Motion S...
     with: Alayan, M.: Motion Sickness Prediction in Self-Driving Cars Using the ...
     with: Bhamborae, M.J.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Mot...
     with: Corona Strauss, F.I.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in ...
     with: Dauth, F.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Motion Si...
     with: Dauth, F.: Motion Sickness Prediction in Self-Driving Cars Using the 6...
     with: Flotho, P.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Motion S...
     with: Schneider, E.N.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Mot...
     with: Schneider, E.N.: Motion Sickness Prediction in Self-Driving Cars Using...
     with: Strauss, D.J.: Electrodermal Responses to Driving Maneuvers in a Motio...
     with: Strauss, D.J.: Motion Sickness Prediction in Self-Driving Cars Using t...
11 for Buchheit, B.

Buchholcerova, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bicarova, S.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Tu...
     with: Bucha, T.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Turra...
     with: Lukasova, V.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Tu...
     with: Marekova, L.: Changes in the Greenness of Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo Tu...

Buchholz, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bauszat, P.: Indoor Scene Reconstruction Using Near-Light Photometric ...
     with: Eisemann, E.: Indoor Scene Reconstruction Using Near-Light Photometric...
     with: Liao, J.: Indoor Scene Reconstruction Using Near-Light Photometric Ste...
     with: Thiery, J.M.: Indoor Scene Reconstruction Using Near-Light Photometric...

Buchholz, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kubus, D.: 3D object localization using single camera images
     with: Rilk, M.: Shape (self-)similarity and Dissimilarity Rating for Segment...
     with: Spehr, J.: Shape (self-)similarity and Dissimilarity Rating for Segmen...
     with: Wahl, F.M.: 3D object localization using single camera images
     with: Wahl, F.M.: Shape (self-)similarity and Dissimilarity Rating for Segme...
     with: Winkelbach, S.: 3D object localization using single camera images
     with: Winkelbach, S.: Shape (self-)similarity and Dissimilarity Rating for S...
7 for Buchholz, D.

Buchholz, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dietmayer, K.: Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibra...
     with: Dietmayer, K.: MGNet: Monocular Geometric Scene Understanding for Auto...
     with: Herrmann, M.: Motion Planning for Connected Automated Vehicles at Occl...
     with: Horn, M.: Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibration ...
     with: Muller, J.: Motion Planning for Connected Automated Vehicles at Occlud...
     with: Schon, M.: MGNet: Monocular Geometric Scene Understanding for Autonomo...
     with: Strohbeck, J.: Motion Planning for Connected Automated Vehicles at Occ...
     with: Wodtko, T.: Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibratio...
8 for Buchholz, M.

Buchholz, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bayro Corrochano, E.: New Self-Organizing Neural Network Using Geometr...
     with: Lasenby, J.: CGAPoseNet+GCAN: A Geometric Clifford Algebra Network for...
     with: Pepe, A.: CGAPoseNet+GCAN: A Geometric Clifford Algebra Network for Ge...
     with: Sommer, G.: New Self-Organizing Neural Network Using Geometric Algebra...

Buchholz, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fernandez Prieto, D.: Targeted Land-Cover Classification
     with: Marconcini, M.: Targeted Land-Cover Classification

Buchholz, T.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brachmann, A.: N2V2 - Fixing Noise2void Checkerboard Artifacts with Mo...
     with: Freytag, A.: N2V2 - Fixing Noise2void Checkerboard Artifacts with Modi...
     with: Hock, E.: N2V2 - Fixing Noise2void Checkerboard Artifacts with Modifie...
     with: Jug, F.: Fourier Image Transformer
     with: Jug, F.: N2V2 - Fixing Noise2void Checkerboard Artifacts with Modified...
     with: Jug, F.: Noise2Void - Learning Denoising From Single Noisy Images
     with: Krull, A.: Noise2Void - Learning Denoising From Single Noisy Images
7 for Buchholz, T.O.

Buchhorn, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bernardino, P.N.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Change...
     with: Bertram, M.: Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing in...
     with: Bratsch, S.N.: Differentiating among Four Arctic Tundra Plant Communit...
     with: Cristobal, J.: Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing ...
     with: Epstein, H.E.: Differentiating among Four Arctic Tundra Plant Communit...
     with: Epstein, H.E.: Ground-Based Hyperspectral Characterization of Alaska T...
     with: Fensholt, R.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes ov...
     with: Gens, R.: Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing in th...
     with: Graham, P.: Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing in ...
     with: Guldager, N.: Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing i...
     with: Heim, B.: Ground-Based Hyperspectral Characterization of Alaska Tundra...
     with: Herold, M.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes over...
     with: Horion, S.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes over...
     with: Prakash, A.: Airborne Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Processing in...
     with: Raynolds, M.K.: Ground-Based Hyperspectral Characterization of Alaska ...
     with: Schwieder, M.: Ground-Based Hyperspectral Characterization of Alaska T...
     with: Somers, B.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes over...
     with: Souverijns, N.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes ...
     with: Tsendbazar, N.E.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Change...
     with: van de Kerchove, R.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Cha...
     with: Verbeeck, H.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes ov...
     with: Verbesselt, J.: Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes ...
     with: Walker, D.A.: Differentiating among Four Arctic Tundra Plant Communiti...
     with: Walker, D.A.: Ground-Based Hyperspectral Characterization of Alaska Tu...
24 for Buchhorn, M.

Buchicchio, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brox, T.: Multimodal Future Localization and Emergence Prediction for ...
     with: Cicek, O.: Multimodal Future Localization and Emergence Prediction for...
     with: Makansi, O.: Multimodal Future Localization and Emergence Prediction f...

Buchin, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buchin, M.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in he...
     with: Demsar, U.: Stacked space-time densities: A geovisualisation approach ...
     with: Loffler, M.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in h...
     with: Luo, J.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in healt...
     with: Shamoun Baranes, J.: Stacked space-time densities: A geovisualisation ...
     with: Silveira, R.I.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters i...
     with: van Kreveld, M.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters ...
     with: van Loon, E.E.: Stacked space-time densities: A geovisualisation appro...
8 for Buchin, K.

Buchin, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buchin, K.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in he...
     with: Loffler, M.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in h...
     with: Luo, J.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in healt...
     with: Silveira, R.I.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters i...
     with: van Kreveld, M.: Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters ...

Buchinger, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hlavacs, H.: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile mu...
     with: Hotop, E.: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile mult...
     with: Hummelbrunner, P.: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mob...
     with: Nezveda, M.: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile mu...
     with: Robitza, W.: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile mu...
     with: Sack, M.C.: Evaluating feedback devices for time-continuous mobile mul...

Buchler, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bauer, S.: Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radiother...
     with: Lu, H.X.: Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radiothera...
     with: May, C.P.: Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radiother...
     with: Nolte, L.P.: Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radioth...
     with: Reyes, M.: Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radiother...

Buchler, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergamo, A.: Large Scale Real-World Multi-person Tracking
     with: Berneshawi, A.: Large Scale Real-World Multi-person Tracking
     with: Boden, A.: Large Scale Real-World Multi-person Tracking
     with: Brattoli, B.: Improving Spatiotemporal Self-supervision by Deep Reinfo...
     with: Brattoli, B.: LSTM Self-Supervision for Detailed Behavior Analysis
     with: Dorkenwald, M.: Unsupervised Magnification of Posture Deviations Acros...
     with: Ommer, B.: Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Learning
     with: Ommer, B.: Improving Spatiotemporal Self-supervision by Deep Reinforce...
     with: Ommer, B.: LSTM Self-Supervision for Detailed Behavior Analysis
     with: Ommer, B.: Unsupervised Magnification of Posture Deviations Across Sub...
     with: Sanakoyeu, A.: Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Learn...
     with: Schwab, M.E.: LSTM Self-Supervision for Detailed Behavior Analysis
     with: Shuai, B.: Large Scale Real-World Multi-person Tracking
     with: Tighe, J.: Large Scale Real-World Multi-person Tracking
     with: Tschernezki, V.: Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Lea...
     with: Wahl, A.S.: LSTM Self-Supervision for Detailed Behavior Analysis
16 for Buchler, U.

Buchmann, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baier, H.: Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-scale...
     with: Busch, C.: Deep Learning-based Semantic Segmentation for Touchless Fin...
     with: Busch, C.: Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-scale...
     with: Busch, C.: SynCoLFinGer: Synthetic contactless fingerprint generator
     with: Hofbauer, H.: Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-sc...
     with: Priesnitz, J.: Deep Learning-based Semantic Segmentation for Touchless...
     with: Priesnitz, J.: SynCoLFinGer: Synthetic contactless fingerprint generator
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Deep Learning-based Semantic Segmentation for Touchless F...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-sca...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: SynCoLFinGer: Synthetic contactless fingerprint generator
     with: Uhl, A.: Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-scale c...
11 for Buchmann, N.

Buchmuller, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kropfl, M.: Online Maps and Cloud-Supported Location-Based Services Ac...
     with: Leberl, F.: Online Maps and Cloud-Supported Location-Based Services Ac...

Buchner, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andre, B.: Learning Semantic and Visual Similarity for Endomicroscopy ...
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Learning Semantic and Visual Similarity for Endomicrosco...
     with: Gabler, B.: Mitigation of Mutual Antenna Coupling Effects for Active R...
     with: Jirousek, M.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Functio...
     with: Jirousek, M.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Functio...
     with: Limbach, M.: Mitigation of Mutual Antenna Coupling Effects for Active ...
     with: Raab, S.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Function Me...
     with: Raab, S.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Function Me...
     with: Reimann, J.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Function...
     with: Reimann, J.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Function...
     with: Schwerdt, M.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Functio...
     with: Schwerdt, M.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Functio...
     with: Schwerdt, M.: Mitigation of Mutual Antenna Coupling Effects for Active...
     with: Vercauteren, T.: Learning Semantic and Visual Similarity for Endomicro...
     with: Wallace, M.B.: Learning Semantic and Visual Similarity for Endomicrosc...
     with: Weidenhaupt, K.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Func...
     with: Weidenhaupt, K.: Highly Accurate Radar Cross-Section and Transfer Func...
     with: Weidenhaupt, K.: Mitigation of Mutual Antenna Coupling Effects for Act...
18 for Buchner, A.M.

Buchner, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blaettermann, G.: Efficient Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding
     with: Heising, G.: Efficient Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding
     with: Marpe, D.: Efficient Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding
     with: Stockhammer, T.: Efficient Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding

Buchner, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benesty, J.: Single-Channel MVDR Filter for Acoustic Echo Suppression, A
     with: Chen, J.: Single-Channel MVDR Filter for Acoustic Echo Suppression, A
     with: Darvas, F.: Numerical aspects of spatio-temporal current density recon...
     with: Fuchs, M.: Numerical aspects of spatio-temporal current density recons...
     with: Helwani, K.: Single-Channel MVDR Filter for Acoustic Echo Suppression, A
     with: Louis, A.K.: Numerical aspects of spatio-temporal current density reco...
     with: Schmitt, U.: Numerical aspects of spatio-temporal current density reco...
7 for Buchner, H.

Buchner, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burgard, W.: Learning and Aggregating Lane Graphs for Urban Automated ...
     with: Todoran, I.G.: Learning and Aggregating Lane Graphs for Urban Automate...
     with: Valada, A.: Learning and Aggregating Lane Graphs for Urban Automated D...
     with: Zurn, J.: Learning and Aggregating Lane Graphs for Urban Automated Dri...

Buchnev, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Isaev, T.: One-Shot Model for Mixed-Precision Quantization
     with: Koryakovskiy, I.: One-Shot Model for Mixed-Precision Quantization
     with: Odinokikh, G.: One-Shot Model for Mixed-Precision Quantization
     with: Yakovleva, A.: One-Shot Model for Mixed-Precision Quantization

Bucholtz, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mayer, R.: Object detection by using whitening/dewhitening to transfor...
     with: Scribner, D.: Object detection by using whitening/dewhitening to trans...

Buchowicz, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pietrowcew, A.: Bit-rate control algorithm based on local image comple...
     with: Pietrowcew, A.: Bit-Rate Control Algorithm for ROI Enabled Video Coding
     with: Pitas, I.: Multichannel distance filters
     with: Skarbek, W.: Bit-rate control algorithm based on local image complexit...
     with: Skarbek, W.: Bit-Rate Control Algorithm for ROI Enabled Video Coding

Buchris, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amar, A.: Asynchronous Transmitter Position and Velocity Estimation Us...

Buchroithner, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdi, O.: Synergetic Analysis of Sentinel-1 and -2 for Mapping Histori...
     with: Bayramov, E.: Quantitative Assessment of Vertical and Horizontal Defor...
     with: Bayramov, E.: Radar Remote Sensing to Supplement Pipeline Surveillance...
     with: Dong, Y.Y.: Quantitative Retrieval of Organic Soil Properties from Vis...
     with: Ji, M.: Case Study of the Forced Invariance Approach for Soil Salinity...
     with: Ji, M.: Combining Partial Least Squares and the Gradient-Boosting Meth...
     with: Ji, M.: Identifying Collapsed Buildings Using Post-Earthquake Satellit...
     with: Ji, M.: Quantitative Retrieval of Organic Soil Properties from Visible...
     with: Kada, M.: Quantitative Assessment of Vertical and Horizontal Deformati...
     with: Kada, M.: Radar Remote Sensing to Supplement Pipeline Surveillance Pro...
     with: Liu, L.: Case Study of the Forced Invariance Approach for Soil Salinit...
     with: Liu, L.: Combining Partial Least Squares and the Gradient-Boosting Met...
     with: Liu, L.: Identifying Collapsed Buildings Using Post-Earthquake Satelli...
     with: Liu, L.F.: Quantitative Retrieval of Organic Soil Properties from Visi...
     with: Shirvani, Z.: Synergetic Analysis of Sentinel-1 and -2 for Mapping His...
     with: Zhang, R.C.: Quantitative Retrieval of Organic Soil Properties from Vi...
     with: Zhuniskenov, Y.: Quantitative Assessment of Vertical and Horizontal De...
17 for Buchroithner, M.

Buchroithner, M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bolch, T.: Generation and evaluation of multitemporal digital terrain ...
     with: Du, R.: Comparative Study of Texture and Convolutional Neural Network ...
     with: Gaisecker, T.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Visualization of a C...
     with: Hecht, R.: Estimation of Urban Green Volume Based on Single-Pulse LiDA...
     with: Ji, M.: Comparative Study of Texture and Convolutional Neural Network ...
     with: Lee, S.: Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysi...
     with: Liu, L.: Comparative Study of Texture and Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Meinel, G.: Estimation of Urban Green Volume Based on Single-Pulse LiD...
     with: Pieczonka, T.: Generation and evaluation of multitemporal digital terr...
     with: Pradhan, B.: Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Ana...
10 for Buchroithner, M.F.

Buchsbaum, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bedrosian, S.D.: Number of Simultaneous Colors Versus Gray Levels: A Q...
     with: Eckert, M.P.: Separability of Spatiotemporal Spectra of Image Sequences
     with: Levitan, R.: Conversion and Trade-offs Between Scaled Gaussian Paralle...
     with: Watson, A.B.: Separability of Spatiotemporal Spectra of Image Sequences

Buchsbaum, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dunn, S.M.: Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
     with: Phillips, P.J.: Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
     with: Spiegel Cohen, J.L.: Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
     with: Vardi, Y.: Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
8 for Buchsbaum, M.S.

Buchsteiner, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baur, P.A.: Spatial Analysis of Intra-Annual Reed Ecosystem Dynamics a...
     with: Glatzel, S.: Spatial Analysis of Intra-Annual Reed Ecosystem Dynamics ...

Buchwinkler, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hilbert, S.: Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
     with: Hohn, R.: Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
     with: Reulke, R.: Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
     with: Rossmann, H.: Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
     with: Uhlig, M.: Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem
     with: Williges, C.: Verification of the Sentinel-4 Focal Plane Subsystem

Buchwitz, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aalto, T.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Car...
     with: Backman, L.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in C...
     with: Bovensmann, H.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral...
     with: Bovensmann, H.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral...
     with: Bovensmann, H.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Se...
     with: Burrows, J.P.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral ...
     with: Burrows, J.P.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral ...
     with: Burrows, J.P.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
     with: Buschmann, M.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in...
     with: Chen, H.L.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Ca...
     with: Fladeland, M.M.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine S...
     with: Gerilowski, K.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Se...
     with: Hakkarainen, J.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 ...
     with: Herkommer, B.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in...
     with: Horstjann, M.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
     with: Jonsson, H.H.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
     with: Karppinen, T.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in...
     with: Kivi, R.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Carb...
     with: Kivimaki, E.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in ...
     with: Kolyer, R.W.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
     with: Krautwurst, S.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Se...
     with: Krings, T.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
     with: Lan, X.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Carbo...
     with: Leifer, I.: Reduced Methane Emissions from Santa Barbara Marine Seeps
     with: Lindqvist, H.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in...
     with: Noel, S.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instr...
     with: Noel, S.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instr...
     with: Notholt, J.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in C...
     with: Reuter, M.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Ins...
     with: Reuter, M.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Ins...
     with: Roehl, C.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Car...
     with: Rozanov, V.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral In...
     with: Rozanov, V.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral In...
     with: Schneising, O.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 i...
     with: Schneising, O.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral...
     with: Schneising, O.: Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral...
     with: Tamminen, J.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in ...
     with: Te, Y.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Carbon...
     with: Tsuruta, A.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in C...
     with: Wunch, D.: CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in Car...
40 for Buchwitz, M.

Index for "b"

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