* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* EMS-Vision: A Perceptual System for Autonomous Vehicles
* EMS-Vision: Application to Hybrid Adaptive Cruise Control
* EMS-Vision: Enhanced Abilities for Locomotion
* EMS-Vision: Gaze Control in Autonomous Vehicles
* EMS-Vision: Mission Performance on Road Networks
* EMS-Vision: Recognition of Intersections on Unmarked Road Networks
* Knowledge Representation for Flexible Automation of Land Vehicles
* On the use of motion as a primitive quantity for autonomous vehicle guidance
9 for IVS00
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* 3D parking assistant system
* 3D vision sensing for improved pedestrian safety
* Acquisition of position and direction of in-vehicle camera for HIR system
* Adaptive fuzzy logic algorithm for grid-map based sensor fusion
* ADAS safety impacts on rural and urban highways
* AdTM tracking for blind spot collision avoidance
* Algorithms for calibrating roadside traffic cameras and estimating mean vehicle speed
* ARCHIMEDE: The first European diagnostic train for global monitoring of railway infrastructure
* Automatic region of interest tracking for visual characterization of the driver's behaviour
* Autonomous system for exploration and navigation in drift networks
* Avoiding cars and pedestrians using velocity obstacles and motion prediction
* Ballast 3D reconstruction by a matching pursuit based stereo matcher
* cascade detector approach applied to vehicle occupant monitoring with an omni-directional camera, A
* CHAUFFEUR Assistant: a driver assistance system for commercial vehicles based on fusion of advanced ACC and lane keeping
* color vision system for real-time analysis of road scenes, A
* Combined road prediction and target tracking in collision avoidance
* Communication architecture for sensorfusion systems
* comparative study of fast dense stereo vision algorithms, A
* Comparison between the unscented Kalman filter and the extended Kalman filter for the position estimation module of an integrated navigation information system
* context-dependent vision system for pedestrian detection, A
* Cooperation of passive vision systems in detection and tracking of pedestrians
* Crowd detection in video sequences
* Cutting-in vehicle recognition for ACC systems: Towards Feasible Situation Analysis Methodologies
* DARPA grand challenge: Development of an Autonomous Vehicle, The
* Defect detection on rail surfaces by a vision based system
* Design and experimental study of an ultrasonic sensor system for lateral collision avoidance at low speeds
* Detecting reflection posts: Lane recognition on country roads
* Detection of driver's posture in the car by using far infrared camera
* Detection of moving objects in railway using vision
* Determining car-park occupancy from single images
* Development, evaluation and introduction of a lane keeping assistance system
* Direction estimation of pedestrian from multiple still images
* Driver's eye state detecting method design based on eye geometry feature
* Dynamic cluster tracking technique for traffic monitoring using on-vehicle radar
* Dynamic ego-pose estimation for driver assistance in urban environments
* Dynamic situation and threat assessment for collision warning systems: the EUCLIDE approach
* Dynamic-preserving qualitative motion description for intelligent vehicles
* Evaluation of the detection characteristics of road sensors under poor-visibility conditions
* Extracting road features from color images using a cognitive approach
* Extraction of vehicle image from panoramic street-image
* Eye detection in face images for a driver vigilance system
* Fast fiber coupled clearance profile scanner using real time 3D data processing with automatic rail detection
* Forward collision warning with a single camera
* Fusion and filtering of multidimensional objects for driver assistance systems
* Fusion of range and vision for real-time motion estimation
* fuzzy ranking method for automated highway driving, A
* General design of the lateral control system based on monocular vision on THASV-I
* Hardware-friendly pedestrian detection and impact prediction
* Head pose estimation for driver monitoring
* High accuracy stereo vision system for far distance obstacle detection
* Hough transformation based approach for road border detection in infrared images
* Human posture estimation using voxel data for smart airbag systems: issues and framework
* IMM object tracking for high dynamic driving maneuvers
* Improvements on obstacle detection in the pantograph gauge due to the recognition of steady arms
* Information data flow in AWAKE multi-sensor driver monitoring system
* integrated, robust approach to lane marking detection and lane tracking, An
* lane departure warning system based on a linear-parabolic lane model, A
* Local probability based safe region detection for autonomous driving
* Low cost obstacle detection for smart railway infrastructures
* Map aided SLAM in neighbourhood environments
* Mid-range and distant vehicle detection with a mobile camera
* Model based vehicle detection for intelligent vehicles
* Modelling the Robotised Multiterminal Port System: RMT-PS
* Monitoring and inspecting overhead wires and supporting structures
* monitoring method of driver mouth behavior based on machine vision, A
* monocular image based intersection assistant, A
* Motion based vehicle surround analysis using an omni-directional camera
* Multi Sensor Based Tracking of Pedestrians: A Survey of Suitable Movement Models
* multi-resolution approach for infrared vision-based pedestrian detection, A
* Multi-resolution vehicle detection using artificial vision
* Multi-target detection and tracking with a laser scanner
* Multi-target multi-object tracking, sensor fusion of radar and infrared
* Multiple-model tracking for the detection of lane change maneuvers
* multiple-sensor multiple-target tracking approach for the autotaxi system, A
* new approach for tracking lanes by fusing image measurements with map data, A
* Object tracking and classification for multiple active safety and comfort applications using a multilayer laser scanner
* Object tracking and classification using a multiple hypothesis approach
* Occlusions in obstacle detection for safe navigation
* Occupant posture analysis using reflectance and stereo image for smart airbag deployment
* On chip vision system architecture using a CMOS retina
* Onboard surveillance system for automobiles using image processing LSI
* Pedestrian detection for driving assistance systems: Single-frame classification and system level performance
* Pedestrian localization and tracking system with Kalman filtering
* Position detection using stereo slit camera and vertical objects
* Pre-crash system validation with PRESCAN and VEHIL
* Probabilistic contour extraction with model-switching for vehicle localization
* Radar sensors and sensor platform used for pedestrian protection in the EC-funded project SAVE-U
* Real time motion analysis for monitoring the rear and lateral road
* Real-time data fusion on tracking camera pose for direct visual guidance
* Real-time radial symmetry for speed sign detection
* Real-time system for monitoring driver vigilance
* Reinforcing the reliability of pedestrian detection in far-infrared sensing
* Road obstacles detection using a self-adaptive stereo vision sensor: a contribution to the ARCOS French project
* Road sides recognition in non-structured environments by vision
* Robust obstacle detection with monocular vision based on motion analysis
* Robust real time tracking of a vehicle by image processing
* Robust recognition of traffic signals
* Robust velocity measurement for railway applications by fusing eddy current sensor signals
* Sensor fusion system for pre-crash safety system
* simultaneous localization and mapping algorithm based on Kalman filtering, A
* Smart sensor modeling with the UML for real-time embedded applications
* Solid or not solid: vision for radar target validation
* Standard platform for sensor fusion on advanced driver assistance system using Bayesian Network
* Stereo calibration in vehicles
* Stereo panoramic vision for monitoring vehicle blind-spots
* Stereo-based vision system for automotive imminent collision detection
* Street model with multiple movable panels for pedestrian environment analysis
* Study of situation adaptive drive assist system
* Study on method of detecting preceding vehicle based on monocular camera
* Target classification based on near-distance radar sensors
* Team TerraMax and the DARPA grand challenge: a general overview
* Threat assessment of traffic moving toward a controlled intersection
* tool for vision based pedestrian detection performance evaluation, A
* Train wheel detection without electronic equipment near the rail line
* Ultrasonic sensor system for detecting falling objects on railways
* Vehicle detection fusing 2D visual features
* Vehicle occupancy monitoring with optical range-sensors
* Vehicle surround sensing based on information fusion of monocular video and digital map
* Vehicle wheel detector using 2D filter banks
* Vehicles detection using sensor fusion
* Vision based real-time pose estimation for intelligent vehicles
* Vision-based pedestrian detection: the PROTECTOR system
* volumetric multi-cameras method dedicated to road traffic monitoring, A
124 for IVS04
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* Multiple Detector Approach to Low-Resolution FIR Pedestrian Recognition, A
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* Invariant Road Sign Recognition with Fuzzy ARTMAP and Zernike Moments
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles
* Real time detection of lane markers in urban streets
* Traffic sign classification using invariant features and Support Vector Machines
* Traffic sign recognition by fuzzy sets
* *International Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles