Index for sato

Sato dos Santos, G. Co Author Listing * Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Spectral Constraints
* Reconstruction-Classification Method for Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography, A

Sato, A. Co Author Listing * candidate reduction method for handwritten Kanji character recognition, A
* confidence value estimation method for handwritten Kanji character recognition and its application to candidate reduction, A
* Face Recognition Based on Mutual Projection of Feature Distributions
* Fast k-Nearest Neighbor Search for Face Identification Using Bounds of Residual Score
* Feature selection using graph cuts based on relevance and redundancy
* Foreground Detection Robust Against Cast Shadows in Outdoor Daytime Environment
* Formulation of Learning Vector Quantization Using a New Misclassification Measure, A
* Incremental Tracking of Human Actions from Multiple Views
* Latent Linear Dynamics for Modeling Pedestrian Behaviors
* Layer-Wise Weight Decay for Deep Neural Networks
* Learning Method for Definite Canonicalization Based on Minimum Classification Error, A
* Moving Object Extraction Method Robust Against Illumination Level Changes for a Pedestrian Counting System, A
* New Learning Formulation for Kernel Classifier Design, A
* Pedestrian Counting System Robust Against Illumination Changes
* Segmentation of Page Images Using the Area Voronoi Diagram
* Single image super resolution based on content-aware constraint and intensity-order constraint
Includes: Sato, A. Sato, A.[Atsushi] Sato, A.[Akari] Sato, A.[Akitsugu] Sato, A.[Akinori]
16 for Sato, A.

Sato, A.K.[Andre Kubagawa] Co Author Listing * Propagation-based marching cubes algorithm using open boundary loop
Includes: Sato, A.K.[Andre Kubagawa] Sato, A.K.[André Kubagawa]

Sato, D. Co Author Listing * Automated help system for novice older users from touchscreen gestures

Sato, F.[Fumiaki] Co Author Listing * Prompt-Guided Zero-Shot Anomaly Action Recognition using Pretrained Deep Skeleton Features
* Unified Keypoint-Based Action Recognition Framework via Structured Keypoint Pooling

Sato, G.[Gen] Co Author Listing * Character recognition method and system capable of recognizing slant characters
* End-to-End Framework for the Automatic Matching of Omnidirectional Street Images and Building Data and the Creation of 3D Building Models
* Method of segmenting characters in lines which may be skewed, for allowing improved optical character recognition
Includes: Sato, G.[Gen] Sato, G.[Go]

Sato, H.[Hideki] Co Author Listing * Anomaly Detection of Folding Operations for Origami Instruction with Single Camera
* Apparatus for protecting occupant in vehicle
* Application of Robust Regression for Exterior Orientation of Video Images
* Arm-Pointer: 3D Pointing Interface for Real-World Interaction
* BUILDER-I: A System for the Extraction of SHGC Objects in an Edge Image
* Detection and Estimation of Equatorial Spread F Scintillations Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Downtown Osaka Scene Text Dataset
* Enhancement Of Spatial Resolution of the LROC Wide Angle Camera Images
* Expert System for Industrial Machine Vision, An
* Finding and Recovering SHGC Objects in an Edge Image
* Hexagonal image representation for 3-D photorealistic reconstruction
* Image data processing apparatus
* Image processing apparatus with high- and low-resolution image sensors and an edge detector
* Implementation and Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Photometric Sampler
* omnidirectional vision system for bus safety surveillance, An
* On Finding the Ends of SHGCs in an Edge Image
* Real-Time Motion Estimation and Compensation LSI with Wide Search Range for MPEG2 Video Encoding, A
* Realistic 3D facial animation using parameter-based deformation and texture remapping
* Superimposing Thermal-Infrared Data on 3D Structure Reconstructed by RGB Visual Odometry
* VIEW-Station Environment: Tools and Architecture for a Platform-Independent Image-Processing Workstation, The
Includes: Sato, H.[Hideki] Sato, H.[Hironori] Sato, H. Sato, H.[Hidenori] Sato, H.[Hitomi] Sato, H.[Hiroaki] Sato, H.[Hideaki]
20 for Sato, H.

Sato, I.[Imari] Co Author Listing * 3D Shape and Reflectance Morphing
* 3D Structure Modeling of Dense Capillaries by Multi-objects Tracking
* 4D Hyperspectral Photoacoustic Data Restoration with Reliability Analysis
* Acquiring a Radiance Distribution to Superimpose Virtual Objects onto a Real Scene
* Adaptive frame and QP selection for temporally super-resolved full-exposure-time video
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Aesthetic quality classification of photographs based on color harmony
* Animation from Blur: Multi-modal Blur Decomposition with Motion Guidance
* Appearance sampling for obtaining a set of basis images for variable illumination
* Appearance Sampling of Real Objects for Variable Illumination
* Asymmetric Feature Representation for Object Recognition in Client Server System
* Attached shadow coding: Estimating surface normals from shadows under unknown reflectance and lighting conditions
* Binary-Decomposed DCNN for Accelerating Computation and Compressing Model Without Retraining
* Bispectral photometric stereo based on fluorescence
* Blur Interpolation Transformer for Real-World Motion from Blur
* BRDF Estimation of Structural Color Object by Using Hyper Spectral Image
* Bringing Rolling Shutter Images Alive with Dual Reversed Distortion
* Camera spectral sensitivity estimation from a single image under unknown illumination by using fluorescence
* City-Scale Distance Sensing via Bispectral Light Extinction in Bad Weather
* ClipCrop: Conditioned Cropping Driven by Vision-Language Model
* Coded Illumination and Imaging for Fluorescence Based Classification
* Color Photometric Stereo Using a Rainbow Light for Non-Lambertian Multicolored Surfaces
* Comparison of Compressed Sensing and DNN Based Reconstruction For Ghost Motion Imaging, A
* Constant Velocity 3D Convolution
* Constructing Virtual Cities by Using Panoramic Images
* Data-Driven Approach for Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image, A
* Deeply Learned Filter Response Functions for Hyperspectral Reconstruction
* Denoising hyperspectral images using spectral domain statistics
* Depth from Spectral Defocus Blur
* Depth Sensing by Near-Infrared Light Absorption in Water
* Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image Using Basis Representation
* Direct and progressive reconstruction of dual photography images
* Disentangling Latent Groups of Factors
* Estimation of Wetness and Color from a Single Multispectral Image
* Evaluating freshness of produce using transfer learning
* EvIs-Kitchen: Egocentric Human Activities Recognition with Video and Inertial Sensor Data
* Exploiting Spectral-Spatial Correlation for Coded Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Based on MAP Estimation Incorporating Correlation Between Surface Points
* Fast Eigen Matching
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector
* From Intensity Profile to Surface Normal: Photometric Stereo for Unknown Light Sources and Isotropic Reflectances
* From RGB to Spectrum for Natural Scenes via Manifold-Based Mapping
* General and Simple Method for Camera Pose and Focal Length Determination, A
* Generating Easy-to-Understand Referring Expressions for Target Identifications
* Handling Specularity in Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* High-fidelity Event-Radiance Recovery via Transient Event Frequency
* Hybrid High Dynamic Range Imaging fusing Neuromorphic and Conventional Images
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With a Mosaic RGB Image
* Hyperspectral photometric stereo for a single capture
* Illumination and reflectance spectra separation of a hyperspectral image meets low-rank matrix factorization
* Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows: Adaptive Estimation of Illumination Distribution with Unknown Reflectance Properties in Shadow Regions
* Illumination Distribution from Shadows
* Illumination from shadows
* Image-Based Separation of Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using Illumination Variant and Invariant Color
* Implicit Neural Representations for Variable Length Human Motion Generation
* Interreflection Removal Using Fluorescence
* Learning Event Guided High Dynamic Range Video Reconstruction
* Light transport component decomposition using multi-frequency illumination
* Microfacet-Based Model for Photometric Stereo with General Isotropic Reflectance, A
* Microfacet-Based Reflectance Model for Photometric Stereo with Highly Specular Surfaces, A
* Multi Event Localization by Audio-Visual Fusion with Omnidirectional Camera and Microphone Array
* Multi-view 3D Reconstruction of a Texture-less Smooth Surface of Unknown Generic Reflectance
* new operator for image structure analysis, A
* Non-Local Intrinsic Decomposition With Near-Infrared Priors
* On the Structural Sensitivity of Deep Convolutional Networks to the Directions of Fourier Basis Functions
* Pixel-level Contrastive Learning of Driving Videos with Optical Flow
* Polarimetric Three-View Geometry
* Radiometric Compensation in a Projector-Camera System Based Properties of Human Vision System
* Real-World Video Deblurring: A Benchmark Dataset and an Efficient Recurrent Neural Network
* Reconstructing Shape and Appearance of Thin Film Objects with Hyper Spectral Sensor
* Reconstructing Shapes and Appearances of Thin Film Objects Using RGB Images
* Reconstruction of Geometric and Optical Parameters of Non-Planar Objects with Thin Film
* Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectral Recovery via Actively Lit RGB Images
* Reflectance and Fluorescent Spectra Recovery Based on Fluorescent Chromaticity Invariance under Varying Illumination
* Reliability-Aware Restoration Framework for 4D Spectral Photoacoustic Data
* Robust Content-Dependent Photometric Projector Compensation
* Separating Fluorescent and Reflective Components by Using a Single Hyperspectral Image
* Separating reflective and fluorescent components of an image
* Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using High Frequency Illumination in the Spectral Domain
* Shape from Water: Bispectral Light Absorption for Depth Recovery
* Shape Reconstruction Based on Similarity in Radiance Changes under Varying Illumination
* Simultaneous linear separation and unmixing of fluorescent and reflective components from a single hyperspectral image
* Single color image photometric stereo for multi-colored surfaces
* SPADE: Scalar Product Accelerator by Integer Decomposition for Object Detection
* Spectra Estimation of Fluorescent and Reflective Scenes by Using Ordinary Illuminants
* Spectral Imaging Using Basis Lights
* Spectral Modeling and Relighting of Reflective-Fluorescent Scenes
* Spectral Reflectance Recovery with Interreflection Using a Hyperspectral Image
* Spherical harmonics vs. Haar wavelets: Basis for Recovering Illumination from Cast Shadows
* Stability Issues in Recovering Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows
* SymPS: BRDF Symmetry Guided Photometric Stereo for Shape and Light Source Estimation
* Toward Efficient Acquisition of BRDFs with Fewer Samples
* Towards Rolling Shutter Correction and Deblurring in Dynamic Scenes
* Uncalibrated photometric stereo based on elevation angle recovery from BRDF symmetry of isotropic materials
* Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo for Unknown Isotropic Reflectances
* Underwater Scene Recovery Using Wavelength-Dependent Refraction of Light
* Using Extended Light Sources for Modeling Object Appearance under Varying Illumination
* Variable Ring Light Imaging: Capturing Transient Subsurface Scattering with an Ordinary Camera
* Video Temporal Super-Resolution Based on Self-similarity
* Virtual Blood Vessels in Complex Background Using Stereo X-Ray Images
* Visibility enhancement of fluorescent substance under ambient illumination using flash photography
* Wetness and Color from a Single Multispectral Image
Includes: Sato, I.[Imari] Sato, I. Sato, I.[Ikuro] Sato, I.[Issei]
103 for Sato, I.

Sato, J.[Jun] Co Author Listing * email: Sato, J.[Jun]: junsato AT nitech ac jp
* 3d reconstruction and virtual forming in rotationally symmetric space
* 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Cameras and Uncalibrated Projectors from Shadows
* 3D reconstruction under light ray distortion from parametric focal cameras
* Active 3D Motion Visualization Based on Spatiotemporal Light-Ray Integration
* Adaptive Image Projection onto Non-planar Screen Using Projector-Camera Systems
* Affine Integral Invariants and Matching of Curves
* Affine Integral Invariants For Extracting Symmetry Axes
* Affine Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces from Uncalibrated Views of Apparent Contours
* Calibration and Image Generation of Mobile Projector-Camera Systems
* Calibration of projector-camera systems from virtual mutual projection
* Camera calibration and reconstruction from the chain connection of mutual camera projections
* Computing Epipolar Geometry from Unsynchronized Cameras
* Computing multiple view geometry in space-time from mutual projections of multiple cameras
* Computing Spatio-Temporal Multiple View Geometry from Mutual Projections of Multiple Cameras
* Deblurring depth blur and motion blur simultaneously by using space-time coding
* Depth and Arbitrary Motion Deblurring Using Integrated PSF
* Dynamic Multiple View Geometry with Affine Cameras
* Emphasizing 3D Structure Visually Using Coded Projection from Multiple Projectors
* Extended Multiple View Geometry for Lights and Cameras from Photometric and Geometric Constraints
* Extracting Group Transformations from Image Moments
* Extracting the Affine Transformation from Texture Moments
* Finding Corresponding Patches in Texture Images Using Tensor Consistency Check
* Generating 5D Light Fields in Scattering Media for Representing 3D Images
* Generating Free Viewpoint Images from Mutual Projection of Cameras
* High Frequency 3D Reconstruction from Unsynchronized Multiple Cameras
* Identifying human face profiles with semi-local integral invariants
* Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
* Measuring Refractive Properties of Human Vision by Showing 4D Light Fields
* Multiple View Geometries for Mirrors and Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry for Curvilinear Motion Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Curvilinear Motion Projective Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Translational Cameras
* Multiple View Geometry in Dynamic Environment
* Multiple View Geometry in the Space-Time
* Multiple View Geometry of Projector-Camera Systems from Virtual Mutual Projection
* Multiple View Geometry under Projective Projection in Space-Time
* Multiplex Image Projection Using Multi-band Projectors
* Multiview constraints in frequency space and camera calibration from unsynchronized images
* new approach of photometric stereo from linear image representation under close lighting, A
* Quasi-Invariant Parameterisations and Matching of Curves in Images
* Reconstructing Sequential Patterns without Knowing Image Correspondences
* Recovering 3D Shape and Light Source Positions from Non-planar Shadows
* Recovering Multiple View Geometry from Mutual Projections of Multiple Cameras
* Recovering structures and motions from mutual projection of cameras
* Rectification of 3D Data Obtained from Moving Range Sensors by using Multiple View Geometry
* Seeing Temporal Modulation of Lights from Standard Cameras
* Showing Different Images to Observers by Using Difference in Retinal Impulse Response
* Showing vehicles at blind corners from mixed-dimensional multi-view geometry
* Slant estimation for active vision using edge directions in omni-directional images
* Space-time invariants and video motion extraction from arbitrary viewpoints
* Space-Time Invariants for 3D Motions from Projective Cameras
* Space-Time Invariants for Recognizing 3D Motions from Arbitrary Viewpoints under Perspective Projection
* Space-Time Moment Invariants and Recognition of Non-Rigid Motions from Arbitrary Viewpoints
* Surface depth computation and representation from multiple coded projector light
* Time-to-contact from image intensity
* Time-to-Contact in Scattering Media
* Uncalibrated reconstruction of curved surfaces
* Uncalibrated visual servoing from projective reconstruction of control values
* Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Activation and Improves Force Perception
* Visual Interface from Uncalibrated Cameras for Unknown Displays
* Visual Navigation of Uncalibrated Mobile Robots from Uncalibrated Stereo Pointers
Includes: Sato, J.[Jun] Sato, J.
62 for Sato, J.

Sato, J.J.[Jun Ji] Co Author Listing * Change detection in streetscapes from GPS coordinated omni-directional image sequences
Includes: Sato, J.J.[Jun Ji] Sato, J.J.[Jun-Ji]

Sato, J.Y.[Jun Ya] Co Author Listing * Coarse-to-Fine Evolutionary Method for Fast Horizon Detection in Maritime Images
Includes: Sato, J.Y.[Jun Ya] Sato, J.Y.[Jun-Ya]

Sato, K.[Kosuke] Co Author Listing * 3D Intrusion Detection System with Uncalibrated Multiple Cameras
* Analysis of Light Transport based on the Separation of Direct and Indirect Components
* Artifact Reduction in Radiometric Compensation of Projector-Camera Systems for Steep Reflectance Variations
* Automatic Detection of Unconscious Reactions to Illuminance Changes in Illumination
* Character Reading System
* Determining Reflectance Parameters Using Range and Brightness Images
* Determining Reflectance Properties of an Object Using Range and Brightness Images
* Driver Trust in Automated Driving Systems: The Case of Overtaking and Passing
* Exploring the world of fonts for discovering the most standard fonts and the missing fonts
* Extracting Interval Distribution of Human Interactions
* Few-Shot Anomaly Detection Using Deep Generative Models for Grouped Data
* Fusing Depth from Defocus and Stereo with Coded Apertures
* Generation of emotional feature space based on topological characteristics of facial expression images
* Germination of the Active Lighting: An Introduction and Brief History of Our Research
* Hand-Scan OCR with a One-Dimensional Image Sensor
* Implementation and Evaluation of Load Balancing Mechanism With Multiple Edge Server Cooperation for Dynamic Map System
* LazyNav: 3D ground navigation with non-critical body parts
* Model Based Recognition of Specular Objects Using Sensor Models
* Multi-rate recognition of human gestures by concurrent frame rate control
* New Watermarking Method with Obfuscated Quasi-Chirp Transform, A
* Non-invasive Facial Visual-Infrared Stereo Vision Based Measurement as an Alternative for Physiological Measurement, A
* Object Recognition Through Continuous Spectral Images, An
* Optical Character Reading System
* Optical Character Reading System [First of two]
* Partial Face Recognition Using Radial Basis Function Networks
* Particle Filter Design Based on Reinforcement Learning and Its Application to Mobile Robot Localization
* Range Imaging Based on Moving Pattern Light and Spatio-Temporal Matched Filter
* Range Imaging System Based on Binary Image Accumulation
* Range Imaging System for 3-D Object Recognition
* Range-Imaging System Utilizing Nematic Liquid Crystal Mask
* rapid anomalous region extraction method by iterative projection onto kernel eigenspace, A
* Real-Time Detection of Anomalous Objects in Dynamic Scene
* Real-Time Gesture Recognition by Learning and Selective Control of Visual Interest Points
* Real-Time Multiview Recognition of Human Gestures by Distributed Image Processing
* Real-Time Object Tracking By Rotating Range Sensor
* Real-Time Object Tracking without Feature Extraction
* Realtime Gesture Recognition under the Multi-Layered Parallel Recognition Framework of QVIPS
* Reducing Motion Blur Artifact of Foveal Projection for a Dynamic Focus-Plus-Context Display
* Regression Based Trajectory Learning and Prediction for Human Motion
* Robust Face Identification against Lighting Fluctuation for Lock Control
* Rule-Driven Processing And Recognition From Range Images
* Shape from Silhouettes in Discrete Space
* Shape Reconstruction by Line Voting in Discrete Space
* Some Further Results of Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Spectral Observation Theory and Beam Debroadening Algorithm for Atmospheric Radar
* Synchronous Detection for Robust 3-D Shape Measurement against Interreflection and Subsurface Scattering
* Temporal spatio-velocity transform and its application to tracking and interaction
* Three-Dimensional Surface Measurement by Space Encoding Range Imaging
* Tracking objects in occluding environments using temporal spatio-velocity transform
* Tracking People with Active Cameras Using Variable Time-Step Decisions
* Tracking Persons and Vehicles in Outdoor Image Sequences using Temporal Spatio-Velocity Transform
* Tracking soccer players using broadcast TV images
* Tuned Range Finder for High Precision 3D Data
* Uncalibrated synthetic aperture for defocus control
* Unsupervised Feature Selection and Category Classification for a Vision-Based Mobile Robot
* Unsupervised Feature Selection and Category Formation for Generic Object Recognition
* Which is the Better Inpainted Image? Training Data Generation Without Any Manual Operations
Includes: Sato, K.[Kosuke] Sato, K. Sato, K.[Koji] Sato, K.[Kota] Sato, K.[Kazuki] Sato, K.[Kazuhito] Sato, K.[Kenya] Sato, K.[Kiyotsugu] Sato, K.[Kiminori] Sato, K.[Ken] Sato, K.[Koichi]
57 for Sato, K.

Sato, L.Y.[Luciane Yumie] Co Author Listing * Post-Fire Changes in Forest Biomass Retrieved by Airborne LiDAR in Amazonia
* Spectral-Temporal Analysis by Response Surface applied to detect deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Includes: Sato, L.Y.[Luciane Yumie] Sato, L.Y.[Luciane Y.]

Sato, M.[Motoyuki] Co Author Listing * 3D Ground Penetrating Radar to Detect Tree Roots and Estimate Root Biomass in the Field
* Adaptive Model-Based Polarimetric Decomposition Using PolInSAR Coherence
* Analysis of Polarization Orientation Angle Shifts by Artificial Structures
* Analysis of three-dimensional motion of an object using a fixed monocular camera
* Behavior Analysis of Volume Prototypes in High Dimensionality
* Consideration of the Embodiment of a New, Human-Centered Interface
* Construction of Experimental System SPIDAR-HS for Designing VR Guidelines Based on Physiological Behavior Measurement
* Data compression by volume prototypes for streaming data
* development and evaluation of reactive motion capture system with haptic feedback, A
* Development of hand-eye system with 3-D vision and microgripper and its application to assembling flexible wires
* Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of VHF Signals Recorded on the International Space Station and Simultaneous Observations of Optical Lightning
* Disaster debris estimation using high-resolution polarimetric stereo-SAR
* Effects of Induced Field Rotation From Rough Surface on H-Alpha Decomposition of Full-Polarimetric GPR
* Effects of visual attention on chromatic and achromatic detection sensitivities
* Efficient and Accurate GB-SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform, An
* Evaluation of Atmospheric Phase Correction Performance in 79 GHz Ground-Based Radar Interferometry: A Comparison with 17 GHz Ground-Based SAR Data
* Extracting a Traffic Sign From the Video Stream Using Color Filtering, Histogram Analysis, and Texture Analysis
* F-k Filter Designs to Suppress Direct Waves for Bistatic Ground Penetrating Radar
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Subsurface Sensing Using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)
* General Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition for Coherency Matrix
* Gradient Magnitude Based Region Growing Algorithm for Accurate Segmentation, A
* Hand-Eye System with Three-Dimensional Vision and Microgripper for Handling Flexible Wire
* Hierarchical Description of Digital Grayscale Images Based on Image Dipoles, A
* Identification of facial image with high accuracy
* Image Classification Using the Surface-shape Operator and Multiscale Features
* Image Defocus Analysis for Finger Detection on A Virtual Keyboard
* Image Quality Evaluation Model Based on Local Features and Segmentation
* In-Situ Measurement of Soil Permittivity at Various Depths for the Calibration and Validation of Low-Frequency SAR Soil Moisture Models by Using GPR
* Influence of Heterogeneous Soils and Clutter on the Performance of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection
* Invariant Range Image Multi-Pose Face Recognition Using Gradient Face, Membership Matching Score and 3-Layer Matching Search
* Investigation of Time-Frequency Features for GPR Landmine Discrimination
* Iterative Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation for Near-Real-Time Ground-Based InSAR Measurements Over a Mountainous Slope
* Kinect-based automatic scoring system for spasmodic torticollis
* Learning Algorithm of Environmental Recognition in Driving Vehicle
* Mapping and Assessment of Tree Roots Using Ground Penetrating Radar with Low-Cost GPS
* MCR expression of document images based on maximum matching of bipartite graph
* Migration Velocity Analysis and Prestack Migration of Common-Transmitter GPR Data
* Modeling and Interpretation of Scattering Mechanisms in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar: Advances and perspectives
* morphological study on structure line, A
* Motion from Focus
* New Operator for Describing Topographical Image Structure, A
* Novel Direction-Finding Algorithm for Directional Borehole Radar, A
* Novel Directional Borehole Radar System Using Optical Electric Field Sensors, A
* On the Use of Lateral Wave for the Interlayer Debonding Detecting in an Asphalt Airport Pavement Using a Multistatic GPR System
* Parametric Inversion Technique for Location of Cylindrical Structures by Cross-Hole Measurements
* Passive Bistatic Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar: Concept, System, and Experiment Results
* Polarimetric SAR Analysis of Tsunami Damage Following the March 11, 2011 East Japan Earthquake
* PolInSAR Complex Coherence Estimation Based on Covariance Matrix Similarity Test
* Post-Earthquake Damage Inspection of Wood-Frame Buildings by a Polarimetric GB-SAR System
* Proposal on an image haptization system based on emotional effects of color
* Radar Polarimetry Analysis Applied to Single-Hole Fully Polarimetric Borehole Radar
* Real-time 3-D image reconstruction from multi-focus images by efficient linear filtering with multi-dimensional symmetry
* Reconstruction From Antenna-Transformed Radar Data Using a Time-Domain Reconstruction Method
* Salient region extraction based on local extrema of natural images
* Scale space filtering on spherical pattern
* Scale-Space Tree and Its Hierarchy
* Screen Projection Camera for Ranging Far Away Objects
* Self-Supervised Learning Algorithm of Environment Recognition in Driving Vehicle
* Stimulus-Driven Segmentation By Gaussian Functions
* Structural features by MCR expression for printed Arabic character recognition
* Subsurface Cavity Imaging by Crosshole Borehole Radar Measurements
* Super-Resolution of Coherent Targets by a Directional Borehole Radar
* Surface Shape Operator and Multiscale Approach for Image Classification, The
* surface-shape operator based shading-tolerant method for multiscale image analysis, The
* Teaching Reverse Appraisal to Improve Negotiation Skills
* three dimensional interface device by the wire tip position measurement using two linear image sensors and a rotary encoder, A
* Tsunami Damage Investigation of Built-Up Areas Using Multitemporal Spaceborne Full Polarimetric SAR Images
* Understanding of ridge-valley lines on image-intensity surfaces in scale-space
* Uniform Polarimetric Matrix Rotation Theory and Its Applications
* Urban Damage Level Mapping Based on Scattering Mechanism Investigation Using Fully Polarimetric SAR Data for the 3.11 East Japan Earthquake
Includes: Sato, M.[Motoyuki] Sato, M. Sato, M.[Maiko] Sato, M.[Makoto] Sato, M.[Masayuki] Sato, M.[Miki] Sato, M.[Masaharu] Sato, M.[Motoaki]
70 for Sato, M.

Sato, M.V.[Marcus V.] Co Author Listing * Multi-Temporal Satellite Images on Topsoil Attribute Quantification and the Relationship with Soil Classes and Geology
* Tropical Texture Determination by Proximal Sensing Using a Regional Spectral Library and Its Relationship with Soil Classification

Sato, N.[Nobuhiko] Co Author Listing * Shoulder gesture interface for operating electric wheelchair

Sato, O. Co Author Listing * On-line holographic reconstruction of NMR images by means of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator

Sato, R. Co Author Listing * Acquisition of Obstacle Avoidance Behaviors for a Quadruped Robot Using Visual and Ultrasonic Sensors
* Data-Driven Geofencing Design for Point-Of-Interest Notifiers Utilizing Genetic Algorithm
* Development of the hole position inspection system of pressed car parts by using laser 3-d measurement
* Method Of Extracting Curvature Features and Its Application to Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Mobile Collaborative Heatmapping to Infer Self-Guided Walking Tourists' Preferences for Geomedia
* Real-time image-based rendering system for virtual city based on image compression technique and eigen texture method
* Recognition of Handwritten Characters Using Pattern Transformation Method with Cosine Function
* Retrieval of Polarimetric Azimuthal Angular Characteristics via the Application of Target Decomposition to Spectral Domain Circular SAR Images
* Scene Recognition for Blind Spot via Road Safety Mirror and In-Vehicle Camera
Includes: Sato, R. Sato, R.[Ryo] Sato, R.[Ryoichi] Sato, R.[Rikiya]
9 for Sato, R.

Sato, R.F.Y.[Ryosuke Furuta Yoichi] Co Author Listing * Efficient Annotation and Learning for 3D Hand Pose Estimation: A Survey

Sato, S.[Susumu] Co Author Listing * Camera-shake display device
* Compressive color sensing using random complementary color filter array
* Compressive sensing reconstruction using collaborative sparsity among color channels
* Digital Bleaching and Content Extraction for the Digital Archive of Rare Books
* FPGA Realization of a Random Forest with k-Means Clustering Using a High-Level Synthesis Design, An
* Geometric verification using semi-2D constraints for 3D object retrieval
* Global methods for stroke segmentation
* Incompressibility-preserving deformation for fluid flows using vector potentials
* Inherent limitations on specular highlight analysis
* Location-Map Free Reversible Data Hiding Method using Block-Based Single Parameter, A
* Multimedia event detection using GMM supervectors and SVMS
* Photometric Linearization under Near Point Light Sources
* Quantification of Airway Structures by Persistent Homology
* Real Time High-Sensitivity Imaging for Home Surveillance System by Using Combined Long/Short Exposure
* Rethinking Generic Camera Models for Deep Single Image Camera Calibration to Recover Rotation and Fisheye Distortion
* Shadow Detection Based on Luminance-LiDAR Intensity Uncorrelation
* Spatial Modeling for Homicide Rates Estimation in Pernambuco State-Brazil
* Threshold Neuron Pruning for a Binarized Deep Neural Network on an FPGA, A
* Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition with LiDAR Intensity
Includes: Sato, S.[Susumu] Sato, S. Sato, S.[Satoshi] Sato, S.[Shimpei] Sato, S.[Shin'ichi] Sato, S.[Syuhei] Sato, S.[Shuji] Sato, S.[Shunsuke] Sato, S.[Shogo] Sato, S.[Simone]
19 for Sato, S.

Sato, T. Co Author Listing * 3-D modeling of an outdoor scene by multi-baseline stereo using a long sequence of images
* 3-D Modeling of an Outdoor Scene from Multiple Image Sequences by Estimating Camera Motion Parameters
* 3d Shape Recovery of Non-convex Object from Rotation
* Accurate UWB Radar Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for a Complex Boundary Without Range Point Connections
* Approximated Prediction Strategy for Reducing Power Consumption of Convolutional Neural Network Processor
* AR Cultural Heritage Reconstruction Based on Feature Landmark Database Constructed by Using Omnidirectional Range Sensor
* Automotive Stereo Vision Using Deconvolution Technique
* Bayesian Classification of Task-Oriented Actions Based on Stochastic Context-Free Grammar
* Bundle adjustment using aerial images with two-stage geometric verification
* Camera having a blur notifying function
* Character Reading System
* CNN to Capsule Network Transformation
* Code-Division Multiple Transmission for High-Speed UWB Radar Imaging With an Antenna Array
* Collective Activity Localization with Contextual Spatial Pyramid
* Comparison Study for Displacement Computation: Horn and Shunck's method versus March's method, A
* Computer Vision Technology Applied to MR-Based Pre-visualization in Filmmaking
* Consistent collective activity recognition with fully connected CRFs
* Construction of Feature Landmark Database Using Omnidirectional Videos and GPS Positions
* Contactless Palm Recognition System Using Simple Active 3D Measurement with Diffraction Grating Laser, A
* Dense 3-D Reconstruction of an Outdoor Scene by Hundreds-Baseline Stereo Using a Hand-Held Video Camera
* Detecting Human Activity Profiles with Dirichlet Enhanced Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes
* Detection of 3D points on moving objects from point cloud data for 3D modeling of outdoor environments
* Dissociation of equilibrium points for color-discrimination and color-appearance mechanisms in incomplete chromatic adaptation
* Does Physical Adversarial Example Really Matter to Autonomous Driving? Towards System-Level Effect of Adversarial Object Evasion Attack
* Efficient hundreds-baseline stereo by counting interest points for moving omni-directional multi-camera system
* Efficient surface completion using principal curvature and its evaluation
* Empirical Framework to Control Human Attention by Robot, An
* ENSEI: Efficient Secure Inference via Frequency-Domain Homomorphic Convolution for Privacy-Preserving Visual Recognition
* Epipolar geometry estimation for wide-baseline omnidirectional street view images
* Estimating Camera Position and Posture by Using Feature Landmark Database
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation Based on Feature Tracking and GPS Data
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation Using Video Images and GPS Considering GPS Positioning Accuracy
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Recovery from Multiple Image Sequences Captured by an Omni-Directional Multi-camera System
* Face Recognition Method Using Higher Order Local Autocorrelation and Multivariate Analysis, A
* Facial image recognition apparatus
* Finding Important People in a Video Using Deep Neural Networks with Conditional Random Fields
* fully connected model for consistent collective activity recognition in videos, A
* Generation of a Super-Resolved Stereo Video Using Two Synchronized Videos with Different Magnifications
* Generation of a Zoomed Stereo Video Using Two Synchronized Videos with Different Magnifications
* Generation of an Omnidirectional Video without Invisible Areas Using Image Inpainting
* Handwritten Digit Recognition by Hierarchical Displacement Extraction with Gradual Prototype Elimination
* Hierarchical recognition of daily human actions based on Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* High Range Resolution Ultrasonographic Vascular Imaging Using Frequency Domain Interferometry With the Capon Method
* High-Resolution and Real-Time Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm With Envelopes of Spheres for UWB Radars
* Human Motion Tracking System Based on Skeleton and Surface Integration Model Using Pressure Sensors Distribtuion Bed
* Image Inpainting Considering Brightness Change and Spatial Locality of Textures and Its Evaluation
* Image resolution enhancement based on novel view synthesis
* Imaging Algorithm of Objects Embedded in a Lossy-Dispersive Medium for Subsurface Radar-Data Processing, An
* immersive telepresence system with a locomotion interface using high-resolution omnidirectional movies, An
* Interactive 3-D Modeling System Using a Hand-Held Video Camera
* Interpolation-Based Object Detection Using Motion Vectors for Embedded Real-time Tracking Systems
* Iterative applications of image completion with CNN-based failure detection
* Key-Region Detection for Document Images: Application to Administrative Document Retrieval
* Learning from Mistakes: Object Movement Classification by the Boosted Features
* Linear Estimation of 4-D Illumination Light Field from Diffuse Reflections
* Moving object detection from a point cloud using photometric and depth consistencies
* Multiple Persons Tracking with Data Fusion of Multiple Cameras and Sensing Floor Using Particle Filters
* New Multi-baseline Stereo by Counting Interest Points
* Omnidirectional Flick View
* Panoramic Movie Generation Using an Omnidirectional Multi-camera System for Telepresence
* Planning Focus of Attention for Multifingered Hand with Consideration of Time-Varying Aspects
* Position estimation of near point light sources using a clear hollow sphere
* Position Estimation of Pedestrians in Surveillance Video Using Face Detection and Simple Camera Calibration
* Position Estimation of Pedestrians in Surveillance Video Using Face Detection and Simple Camera Calibration
* Real-time camera position and posture estimation using a feature landmark database with priorities
* ReMagicMirror: Action Learning Using Human Reenactment with the Mirror Metaphor
* Robust indoor activity recognition via boosting
* Secrecy Analysis of ABCom-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems With Jamming
* Semi-supervised Semantics-guided Adversarial Training for Robust Trajectory Prediction
* SEPHLA: Challenges and Opportunities Within Environment-Personal Health Archives
* Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) System for Agriculture Land Suitability Maps Visualization
* Spatio-temporal Super-Resolution Using Depth Map
* Spectral Observation Theory and Beam Debroadening Algorithm for Atmospheric Radar
* Summarization of User-Generated Sports Video by Using Deep Action Recognition Features
* Super-Resolved Video Mosaicing for Documents Based on Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation
* Surface completion by minimizing energy based on similarity of shape
* Surface completion of shape and texture based on energy minimization
* Texture-Based Automatic Separation of Echoes from Distributed Moving Targets in UWB Radar Signals
* Towards Driving-Oriented Metric for Lane Detection Models
* Two-Dimensional Ultrawideband Radar Imaging of a Target With Arbitrary Translation and Rotation
* Ultra-Shallow DoF Imaging Using Faced Paraboloidal Mirrors
* Vehicle Driver Face Detection in Various Sunlight Environments Using Composed Face Images
* Video Mosaicing Based on Structure from Motion for Distortion-Free Document Digitization
* Video Mosaicing for Curved Documents Based on Structure from Motion
* Video mosaicing for curved documents by structure from motion
* Viewpoint Invariant Collective Activity Recognition with Relative Action Context
* What is the Most EfficientWay to Select Nearest Neighbor Candidates for Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search?
Includes: Sato, T. Sato, T.[Tomokazu] Sato, T.[Taichi] Sato, T.[Tatsuya] Sato, T.[Toshio] Sato, T.[Takumi] Sato, T.[Tomomasa] Sato, T.[Taiji] Sato, T.[Tomoharu] Sato, T.[Takami] Sato, T.[Takayuki] Sato, T.[Takashi] Sato, T.[Tomomi] Sato, T.[Takuro] Sato, T.[Tomohiro] Sato, T.[Toshiki]
87 for Sato, T.

Sato, W.[Wataru] Co Author Listing * High-Density Scanning for Virtual Heritage and Archeology : Reproduction and Restoration

Sato, Y.[Yoichi] Co Author Listing * email: Sato, Y.[Yoichi]: ysato AT iis u-tokyo ac jp
* 3-d Face Modeling with Multiple Range Images
* 3-D Model Reconstruction with Shape and Color by Active Rangefinding
* 3D Head Tracking using the Particle Filter with Cascaded Classifiers
* 3D Human Body Measurement by Multiple Range Images
* 3D reconstruction of a femoral shape using a parametric model and two 2D fluoroscopic images
* 3D Reconstruction of a Human Body from Multiple Viewpoints
* 3D Reconstruction with High Density and Accuracy Using Laser Profiler and Camera Fusion System on a Rover, A
* 3D Shape and Reflectance Morphing
* Accurate Rangefinder with Laser Pattern Shifting
* Acquiring 3D Models of Nonrigid Moving-Objects from Time and Viewpoint Varying Image Sequences: A Step Toward Left-Ventricle Recovery
* Acquiring a Radiance Distribution to Superimpose Virtual Objects onto a Real Scene
* Acquisition of Symbolic Description from Flow-Fields: A New Approach Based on a Fluid Model
* Active Vision With Two Differentiated Visual Fields
* Adaptive Linear Regression for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Aesthetic quality classification of photographs based on color harmony
* Apparatus for correction based upon detecting a camera shaking
* Appearance Based Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* Appearance Compression and Synthesis based on 3D Model for Mixed Reality
* Appearance sampling for obtaining a set of basis images for variable illumination
* Appearance Sampling of Real Objects for Variable Illumination
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation Using Visual Saliency
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Uncalibrated Gaze Pattern Recovery
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation With Online Calibration From Mouse Operations
* Appearance-Based Head Pose Estimation with Scene-Specific Adaptation
* Appearance-Based Visual Learning and Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* Attached shadow coding: Estimating surface normals from shadows under unknown reflectance and lighting conditions
* Attention Prediction in Egocentric Video Using Motion and Visual Saliency
* Auto-Radiometric Calibration in Photometric Stereo
* Automated inspection of IC wafer contamination
* Automatic face classifications by self-organization for face recognition
* Automatic fetal face detection by locating fetal facial features from 3D ultrasound images for navigating fetoscopic tracheal occlusion surgeries
* Bispectral photometric stereo based on fluorescence
* Calibration of a structured light system by observing planar object from unknown viewpoints
* Calibration-free gaze sensing using saliency maps
* Camera spectral sensitivity estimation from a single image under unknown illumination by using fluorescence
* Can Saliency Map Models Predict Human Egocentric Visual Attention?
* Cell Detection From Redundant Candidate Regions Under Nonoverlapping Constraints
* ClipCrop: Conditioned Cropping Driven by Vision-Language Model
* Combining Stochastic and Deterministic Search for Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Community detection using random-walk similarity and application to image clustering
* Community Detection Using Restrained Random-Walk Similarity
* CompNVS: Novel View Synthesis with Scene Completion
* Compound Prototype Matching for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Consensus Surfaces for Modeling 3D Objects from Multiple Range Images
* Continuous 3D Label Stereo Matching Using Local Expansion Moves
* Coupling eye-motion and ego-motion features for first-person activity recognition
* Creating Photorealistic Virtual Model with Polarization-based Vision System
* Deblurring Vein Images and Removing Skin Wrinkle Patterns by Using Tri-band Illumination
* DeCo: Decomposition and Reconstruction for Compositional Temporal Grounding via Coarse-to-Fine Contrastive Ranking
* Deleted Interpolation Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Grammar Network for Recognizing Human Activity
* Denoising hyperspectral images using spectral domain statistics
* Detecting Planar and Curved Symmetries of 3D Shapes from a Range Image
* Detecting Video Forgeries Based on Noise Characteristics
* Determining surface orientations of transparent objects based on polarization degrees in visible and infrared wavelengths
* Discovering Objects of Joint Attention via First-Person Sensing
* Discovering Primitive Action Categories by Leveraging Relevant Visual Context
* Domain Adaptive Hand Keypoint and Pixel Localization in the Wild
* Early facial expression recognition using early RankBoost
* Editorial for ACCV'16 award papers
* Effects of Image Segmentation for Approximating Object Appearance Under Near Lighting
* Ego-surfing first person videos
* Ego-Surfing: Person Localization in First-Person Videos Using Ego-Motion Signatures
* Ego-Vision System for Discovering Human Joint Attention, An
* Ego-Vision System for Hand Grasp Analysis, An
* Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
* Eigen-Texture Method: Appearance Compression and Synthesis Based on a 3D Model
* Eigen-Texture Method: Appearance Compression based on 3D Model
* Electronic endoscope system for shape measurement
* Error correction in laser scanner three-dimensional measurement by two-axis model and coarse-fine parameter search
* Estimating Pose of Human Face Based on Symmetry Plane Using Range and Intensity Images
* Estimation of Asymmetry in Facial Actions for the Analysis of Motion Dysfunction Due to Paralysis
* Estimation of Rice Plant Coverage Using Sentinel-2 Based on UAV-Observed Data
* Exploiting Spectral-Spatial Correlation for Coded Hyperspectral Image Restoration
* Extended Geometric Approach in Active Vision to Detect and Eliminate Specularity in Shiny Colored Objects, An
* Extension of Hidden Markov Models for Multiple Candidates and Its Application to Gesture Recognition
* Extension of hidden markov models to deal with multiple candidates of observations and its application to mobile-robot-oriented gesture recognition
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Based on MAP Estimation Incorporating Correlation Between Surface Points
* Fast Multi-frame Stereo Scene Flow with Motion Segmentation
* Fast sparse edge-based intrinsic image decomposition guided by chromaticity gradients
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector
* Fast Tracking of Hands and Fingertips in Infrared Images for Augmented Desk Interface
* Fast unsupervised ego-action learning for first-person sports videos
* Finding Speaker Face Region by Audiovisual Correlation
* Fine-grained Affordance Annotation for Egocentric Hand-Object Interaction Videos
* From Intensity Profile to Surface Normal: Photometric Stereo for Unknown Light Sources and Isotropic Reflectances
* From RGB to Spectrum for Natural Scenes via Manifold-Based Mapping
* Future Person Localization in First-Person Videos
* Gaze Estimation by Exploring Two-Eye Asymmetry
* Gaze Estimation From Eye Appearance: A Head Pose-Free Method via Eye Image Synthesis
* Gaze Estimation from Low Resolution Images
* Generalizing Hand Segmentation in Egocentric Videos With Uncertainty-Guided Model Adaptation
* Graph Cut Based Continuous Stereo Matching Using Locally Shared Labels
* Head direction estimation from low resolution images with scene adaptation
* Head Pose Classification from Low Resolution Images Using Pairwise Non-Local Intensity and Color Differences
* Head pose-free appearance-based gaze sensing via eye image synthesis
* Head Pose-free Approach for Appearance-based Gaze Estimation, A
* Hierarchical Gaussian Descriptor for Person Re-identification
* Hierarchical Gaussian Descriptors with Application to Person Re-Identification
* Illumination and reflectance spectra separation of a hyperspectral image meets low-rank matrix factorization
* Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows: Adaptive Estimation of Illumination Distribution with Unknown Reflectance Properties in Shadow Regions
* Illumination Distribution from Shadows
* Illumination from shadows
* Illumination normalization of face images with cast shadows
* Image Enhancement of Low-Light Scenes with Near-Infrared Flash Images
* Improving Action Segmentation via Graph-Based Temporal Reasoning
* Incorporating Long-Term Observations of Human Actions for Stable 3D People Tracking
* Incremental Learning Method for Unconstrained Gaze Estimation, An
* Inferring human gaze from appearance via adaptive linear regression
* Information Layout and Interaction Techniques on an Augmented Round Table
* Interact before Align: Leveraging Cross-Modal Knowledge for Domain Adaptive Action Recognition
* Interreflection Removal Using Fluorescence
* Intraoperative Magnetic Tracker Calibration Using a Magneto-Optic Hybrid Tracker for 3-D Ultrasound-Based Navigation in Laparoscopic Surgery
* Joint Recovery of Dense Correspondence and Cosegmentation in Two Images
* Learning gaze biases with head motion for head pose-free gaze estimation
* Learning Multiple Complex Features Based on Classification Results
* Learning-by-Synthesis for Appearance-Based 3D Gaze Estimation
* Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in magnetic resonance images- Effects of voxel anisotropy
* Manipulation-Skill Assessment from Videos with Spatial Attention Network
* Matching Compound Prototypes for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Measurement of surface orientations of transparent objects by use of polarization in highlight
* Measurement of Surface Orientations of Transparent Objects Using Polarization in Highlight
* Measuring Microcirculation Using Spatiotemporal Image Analysis
* method for high speed 3-D range measurement and its trail instrumentation, A
* Modeling from Reality (Book)
* Modeling the stone floor based on excavation information using implicit polynomial
* Moving object detection with mobile stereo omni-directional system (SOS) based on motion compensatory inter-frame depth subtraction
* MRI artifact cancellation due to rigid motion in the imaging plane
* Multiple Robotic Wheelchair System Considering Group Communication
* Mutual Context Network for Jointly Estimating Egocentric Gaze and Action
* Object recognition based on photometric alignment using RANSAC
* Object Shape and Reflectance Modeling from Observation
* On-Line Signature Verification Based on Shape, Motion, and Writing Pressure
* Orientation Space Filtering for Multiple Orientation Line Segmentation
* Person Re-identification via Discriminative Accumulation of Local Features
* Person-Independent Monocular Tracking of Face and Facial Actions with Multilinear Models
* Photometric stereo with auto-radiometric calibration
* Physics-based flow estimation of fluids
* Piecewise Linear Approximation of Plane Curves by Perimeter Optimization
* Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variable-Intensity Templates
* Predicting Gaze in Egocentric Video by Learning Task-Dependent Attention Transition
* Privacy-Preserving Visual Learning Using Doubly Permuted Homomorphic Encryption
* Pseudodistance Measures for Recognition of Curved Objects
* Quadruped Robot Platform for Selective Pesticide Spraying
* Radiometric Compensation in a Projector-Camera System Based Properties of Human Vision System
* Real-time tracking of multiple fingertips and gesture recognition for augmented desk interface systems
* Real-Time Tracking of User's Motions and Its Use for Augmented Surface Systems
* Recognition of Blurred Faces via Facial Deblurring Combined with Blur-Tolerant Descriptors
* Recognizing Micro-Actions and Reactions from Paired Egocentric Videos
* Recognizing Multiple Objects via Regression Incorporating the Co-occurrence of Categories
* Reconstruction of 3-D shape and texture by active rangefinding
* Reconstruction of time-varying 3-d left-ventricular shape from multiview x-ray cineangiocardiograms
* Recovering audio-to-video synchronization by audiovisual correlation analysis
* Recovering the Basic Structure of Human Activities from a Video-Based Symbol String
* Recovery of audio-to-video synchronization through analysis of cross-modality correlation
* Recovery of Hierarchical Part Structure of 3D Shape from Range Image
* Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer Graphics
* Reflectance Analysis for 3D Computer-Graphics Model Generation
* Reflectance Analysis Under Solar Illumination
* Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectral Recovery via Actively Lit RGB Images
* Reflectance and Fluorescent Spectra Recovery Based on Fluorescent Chromaticity Invariance under Varying Illumination
* Reflectance estimation from motion under complex illumination
* Registering panoramic range data and omni-directional color image based on edge histograms
* Robust Content-Dependent Photometric Projector Compensation
* Segmentation of Liver in Low-Contrast Images Using K-Means Clustering and Geodesic Active Contour Algorithms
* Semantic Image Segmentation by Dynamic Discriminative Prototypes
* Sensing, predicting, and utilizing human visual attention
* Separating Fluorescent and Reflective Components by Using a Single Hyperspectral Image
* Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using High Frequency Illumination in the Spectral Domain
* Shape Measurement of Curved Objects Using Multiple Slit-Ray Projections
* Shape Reconstruction Based on Similarity in Radiance Changes under Varying Illumination
* Shape-Preserving Half-Projective Warps for Image Stitching
* Smoothed Local Generalized Cones: An Axial Representation of 3D Shapes
* Spatio-Temporal Perturbations for Video Attribution
* Special issue on IAPR MVA2013 best papers
* Spectra Estimation of Fluorescent and Reflective Scenes by Using Ordinary Illuminants
* Spectral Imaging Using Basis Lights
* Spherical harmonics vs. Haar wavelets: Basis for Recovering Illumination from Cast Shadows
* Stability Issues in Recovering Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows
* Steerable Projector Calibration
* Structural Multiplane Image: Bridging Neural View Synthesis and 3D Reconstruction
* Surface Reconstruction in Photometric Stereo with Calibration Error
* Survey on Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches to Computer Assisted Medical Intervention: Intraoperative Anatomy Modeling and Optimization of Interventional Procedures, A
* SymPS: BRDF Symmetry Guided Photometric Stereo for Shape and Light Source Estimation
* Temporal Localization and Spatial Segmentation of Joint Attention in Multiple First-Person Videos
* Temporal-Color Space Analysis of Reflection
* Thin Ice Area Extraction In The Sea Of Okhotsk From Gcom-w1/amsr2 Data
* Three-Dimensional Shape Reconstruction by Active Rangefinder
* Toward Efficient Acquisition of BRDFs with Fewer Samples
* Towards Visually Explaining Video Understanding Networks with Perturbation
* Uncalibrated photometric stereo based on elevation angle recovery from BRDF symmetry of isotropic materials
* Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo for Unknown Isotropic Reflectances
* Using Extended Light Sources for Modeling Object Appearance under Varying Illumination
* Using individuality to track individuals: Clustering individual trajectories in crowds using local appearance and frequency trait
* Video Segmentation with Motion Smoothness
* Video Temporal Super-Resolution Based on Self-similarity
* Video-based tracking of user's motion for augmented desk interface
* Visual Motif Discovery via First-Person Vision
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Sentence Grounding with Uncertainty-Guided Self-training
Includes: Sato, Y.[Yoichi] Sato, Y. Sato, Y.[Yukio] Sato, Y.[Yoshinobu] Sato, Y.[Yasuhiro] Sato, Y.[Yuki] Sato, Y.[Yosuke] Sato, Y.[Yoshikuni] Sato, Y.[Yoshihiro] Sato, Y.[Yoshihisa] Sato, Y.[Yohshinobu]
201 for Sato, Y.

Sato, Y.I.[Yo Ichi] Co Author Listing * Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With a Mosaic RGB Image
Includes: Sato, Y.I.[Yo Ichi] Sato, Y.I.[Yo-Ichi]

Sato, Y.J.[Yu Ji] Co Author Listing * Video-Based Person Re-identification by 3D Convolutional Neural Networks and Improved Parameter Learning
Includes: Sato, Y.J.[Yu Ji] Sato, Y.J.[Yu-Ji]

Satoh, F. Co Author Listing * Learning personalized video highlights from detailed MPEG-7 metadata

Satoh, H. Co Author Listing * Algorithm for Coronary Calcification Diagnosis Based on Helical CT Images, An
* Complete 3-D reconstruction of dental cast shape using perceptual grouping
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on Helical CT Images
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Pulmonary Nodules Based on Helical CT Images
Includes: Satoh, H. Satoh, H.[Hitoshi]

Satoh, K.[Koji] Co Author Listing * Character recognition apparatus
* Displaying Motion Parallax by Occlusion Detectable Stereo
* Occlusion Detectable Stereo -- Occlusion Patterns in Camera Matrix
* Occlusion Detectable Stereo: Systematic Comparison of Detection Algorithms
Includes: Satoh, K.[Koji] Satoh, K. Satoh, K.[Kiyohide]

Satoh, M. Co Author Listing * Application Of Vision Metrology To In-orbit Measurement Of Large Reflector Onboard Communication Satellite For Next Generation Mobile Satellite Communication
* Assessments of Doppler Velocity Errors of EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar Using Global Cloud System Resolving Simulations: Effects of Doppler Broadening and Folding
Includes: Satoh, M. Satoh, M.[Masaki]

Satoh, R.[Ryuta] Co Author Listing * Lensless Imaging with Focusing Sparse Ura Masks in Long-wave Infrared and Its Application for Human Detection

Satoh, S. Co Author Listing * Audience Behavior Mining: Integrating TV Ratings with Multimedia Content
* Auto face re-ranking by mining the web and video archives
* Automated real-time video surveillance summarization framework
* Bag-of-Words Against Nearest-Neighbor Search for Visual Object Retrieval
* Bayesian Exponential Inverse Document Frequency and Region-of-Interest Effect for Enhancing Instance Search Accuracy
* Bidirectional extraction and recognition of scene text with layout consistency
* BIG-OH: BInarization of Gradient Orientation Histograms
* BM25 With Exponential IDF for Instance Search
* Boosting global scene classification accuracy by discriminative region localization
* Building Compact Local Pairwise Codebook with Joint Feature Space Clustering
* Capturing Small, Fast-Moving Objects: Frame Interpolation via Recurrent Motion Enhancement
* Commercial mining basedon temporal recurrence hashing algorithm and bag-of-fingerprints model
* Community detection using random-walk similarity and application to image clustering
* Community Detection Using Restrained Random-Walk Similarity
* Compact correlation coding for visual object categorization
* Comparative Evaluation of Face Sequence Matching for Content-based Video Access
* Cross-View Action Recognition by Projection-Based Augmentation
* Deep Counterfactual Representation Learning for Visual Recognition Against Weather Corruptions
* Detecting Screen Shot Images within Large-Scale Video Archive
* Detection of Important Segments in Cooking Videos
* document understanding method for database construction of an electronic library, A
* DotSCN: Group Re-Identification via Domain-Transferred Single and Couple Representation Learning
* Drawing Image Understanding Using State Transition Models
* Drawing Understanding Framework Using State Transition Models
* efficient implementation and evaluation of robust face sequence matching, An
* Efficient instance search from large video database via sparse filters in subspaces
* Efficient Large Scale Image Classification via Prediction Score Decomposition
* Efficient large-scale multi-class image classification by learning balanced trees
* efficient method for face retrieval from large video datasets, An
* Efficient quantization of color sift for image classification
* Efficient Tracking of News Topics Based on Chronological Semantic Structures in a Large-Scale News Video Archive
* Energy based fast event retrieval in video with temporal match kernel
* Ent-Boost: Boosting Using Entropy Measures for Robust Object Detection
* Evaluation of visual object retrieval datasets
* Face Retrieval in Broadcasting News Video by Fusing Temporal and Intensity Information
* Face Retrieval in Large-Scale News Video Datasets
* FashionGraph: Understanding fashion data using scene graph generation
* Fast face sequence matching in large-scale video databases
* Fast-Scanning Phased-Array Weather Radar With Angular Imaging Technique
* From Scarcity to Understanding: Transfer Learning for the Extremely Low Resource Irish Sign Language
* Generalized Histogram: Empirical Optimization of Low Dimensional Features for Image Matching
* Geo-Localization via Ground-to-Satellite Cross-View Image Retrieval
* Guidance and Evaluation: Semantic-aware Image Inpainting for Mixed Scenes
* High temporal frequency vehicle counting from low-resolution satellite images
* Human Action Recognition and Localization in Video Using Structured Learning of Local Space-Time Features
* Human Action Recognition from Depth Videos Using Pool of Multiple Projections with Greedy Selection
* Human action recognition in crowded surveillance video sequences by using features taken from key-point trajectories
* Human gesture recognition using 3.5-dimensional trajectory features for hands-free user interface
* hybrid classifier for precise and robust eye detection, A
* Illumination-Adaptive Person Re-Identification
* Image Inpainting Guided by Coherence Priors of Semantics and Textures
* Improving Image Categorization by Using Multiple Instance Learning with Spatial Relation
* Improving Retake Detection by Adding Motion Feature
* Incremental Re-Identification by Cross-Direction and Cross-Ranking Adaption
* Instance search retrospective with focus on TRECVID
* Integrating local action elements for action analysis
* Integrating multi-modal content analysis and hyperbolic visualization for large-scale news video retrieval and exploration
* Joint Detection and Recounting of Abnormal Events by Learning Deep Generic Knowledge
* Large vocabulary quantization for searching instances from videos
* Large-Scale R-CNN with Classifier Adaptive Quantization
* Learning Balanced Trees for Large Scale Image Classification
* Learning Directional Local Pairwise Bases with Sparse Coding
* Learning From Cross-Domain Media Streams for Event-of-Interest Discovery
* Learning Sparse and Identity-Preserved Hidden Attributes for Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Reduce Dual-Level Discrepancy for Infrared-Visible Person Re-Identification
* Long-Term Background Redundancy Reduction for Earth Observatory Video Coding
* Mining Large-Scale News Video Database Via Knowledge Visualization
* Multi-Stage Approach to Fast Face Detection, A
* Multilevel Thresholding Color Image Segmentation Using a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Name-It: Association Of Face And Name In Video
* Name-It: Naming and Detecting Faces in Video by the Integration of Image and Natural Language Processing
* Neural Global Shutter: Learn to Restore Video from a Rolling Shutter Camera with Global Reset Feature
* NII-UIT Browser: A Multimodal Video Search System
* NII-UIT: A Tool for Known Item Search by Sequential Pattern Filtering
* novel adaptive image enhancement algorithm for face detection, A
* On Assisting Diagnoses of Pareidolia by Emulating Patient Behavior
* One method of structural description rule extraction based on graphical and spatial relations
* Optimal Correction Cost for Object Detection Evaluation
* Person Reidentification via Discrepancy Matrix and Matrix Metric
* Personalized Fashion Recommendation Using Pairwise Attention
* Poses Guide Spatiotemporal Model for Vehicle Re-identification
* practical spatial re-ranking method for instance search from videos, A
* Progressive Motion Boosting for Video Frame Interpolation
* Query Bootstrapping: A Visual Mining Based Query Expansion
* Query-Adaptive Asymmetrical Dissimilarities for Visual Object Retrieval
* Reference-Guided Texture and Structure Inference for Image Inpainting
* Rephrasing Visual Questions by Specifying the Entropy of the Answer Distribution
* Robust eye localization in video by combining eye detector and eye tracker
* Robust Object Detection using Fast Feature Selection from Huge Feature Sets
* Scalable Face Track Retrieval in Video Archives Using Bag-of-Faces Sparse Representation
* SDL: Spectrum-Disentangled Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Semantic Extraction and Object Proposal for Video Search
* Shape Decomposition Based on Erosion Model
* Siamese-structure Deep Neural Network Recognizing Changes in Facial Expression According to the Degree of Smiling
* Single Image Deblurring with Row-dependent Blur Magnitude
* Structured learning of local features for human action classification and localization
* Subject Region Segmentation in Disparity Maps for Image Retrieval
* Sum-max video pooling for complex event recognition
* Supervised Distributed Hashing for Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval
* Tell Me about TV Commercials of This Product
* Topic Threading for Structuring a Large-Scale News Video Archive
* Toward Verifiable and Reproducible Human Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation
* Towards Robust Person Re-Identification by Defending Against Universal Attackers
* Ultrahigh-Speed TV Commercial Detection, Extraction, and Matching
* Unified Approach to Detection and Identification of Commercial Films by Temporal Occurrence Pattern
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification Via Individual-Preserving and Environmental-Switching Cyclic Generation
* Unsupervised Foggy Scene Understanding via Self Spatial-Temporal Label Diffusion
* Unsupervised learning of supervoxel embeddings for video Segmentation
* Using node relationships for hierarchical classification
* Using Topic Concepts for Semantic Video Shots Classification
* Video instance search via spatial fusion of visual words and object proposals
* Video Retrieval Based on Tracked Features Quantization
* Video search by multi-modal and clustering analysis
* Visual Analytics of Political Networks From Face-Tracking of News Video
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 Challenge Results, The
* Weakly Supervised Action Recognition Using Implicit Shape Models
* Weakly-Supervised Learning With Complementary Heatmap for Retinal Disease Detection
* Web Image Search Re-Ranking With Click-Based Similarity and Typicality
* Win-Win by Competition: Auxiliary-Free Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
Includes: Satoh, S. Satoh, S.[Shin'ichi] Satoh, S.[Shin'Ichi] Satoh, S.[Shin’ichi] Satoh, S.[Shinichi]
119 for Satoh, S.

Satoh, S.S.S.[Shigeyuki Sakazawa Shin'ichi] Co Author Listing * Digital watermarking for deep neural networks

Satoh, T. Co Author Listing * Approach To Automatic Detection And Hazard Risk Assessment Of Large Protruding Rocks In Densely Forested Hilly Region, An
* Automatic Label Placement of Area-features Using Deep Learning
* Building CAD Model Reconstruction from Point Clouds via Instance Segmentation, Signed Distance Function, and Graph Cut
* Computational method for the point cluster analysis on networks
* Multi Sensor Data Integration for an Accurate 3D Model Generation
* Quality Improvement for Airborne Lidar Data Filtering Based on Deep Learning Method
* Road Signs Detection And Recognition Utilizing Images And 3d Point Cloud Acquired By Mobile Mapping System
* Wall Stone Extraction Based on Stacked Conditional GAN and Multiscale Image Segmentation
Includes: Satoh, T. Satoh, T.[Toshiaki]
8 for Satoh, T.

Satoh, Y.[Yutaka] Co Author Listing * 3D Change Localization and Captioning from Dynamic Scans of Indoor Scenes
* AI-Based VR Earthquake Simulator
* Anticipating Traffic Accidents with Adaptive Loss and Large-Scale Incident DB
* Can Spatiotemporal 3D CNNs Retrace the History of 2D CNNs and ImageNet?
* Co-occurrence Background Model with Hypothesis on Degradation Modification for Object Detection in Strong Background Changes, A
* Co-occurrence-based adaptive background model for robust object detection
* color-based tracking by Kalman particle filter, A
* Describing and Localizing Multiple Changes with Transformers
* Development of Omni-directional Stereo Vision-based Intelligent Electric Wheelchair
* Disentangle, Assemble, and Synthesize: Unsupervised Learning to Disentangle Appearance and Location
* Dominant Codewords Selection with Topic Model for Action Recognition
* Estimation of Human Condition at Disaster Site Using Aerial Drone Images
* Evaluation of Vision-Based Human Activity Recognition in Dense Trajectory Framework
* Extended Co-occurrence HOG with Dense Trajectories for Fine-Grained Activity Recognition
* Extended Feature Descriptor and Vehicle Motion Model with Tracking-by-Detection for Pedestrian Active Safety
* Formula-driven Supervised Learning with Recursive Tiling Patterns
* Human Action Recognition Without Human
* Hybrid Camera Surveillance System by Using Stereo Omni-directional System and Robust Human Detection
* Illuminant-Camera Communication to Observe Moving Objects under Strong External Light by Spread Spectrum Modulation
* Incorporating 3D Information Into Visual Question Answering
* Lavatube: A Software Framework for Computer Vision Research and Development
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Features with 3D Residual Networks for Action Recognition
* Motion Representation with Acceleration Images
* Object detection based on a robust and accurate statistical multi-point-pair model
* Object recognition system and abnormality detection system using image processing
* Occlusion Handling Human Detection with Refocused Images
* Omnidirectional Flick View
* Omnidirectional Stereo Vision-Based Smart Wheelchair, An
* Pre-Training Without Natural Images
* Predicting Appearance of Vehicles From Blind Spots Based on Pedestrian Behaviors at Crossroads
* Recognition of Transitional Action for Short-Term Action Prediction using Discriminative Temporal CNN Feature
* Recognizing People in Blind Spots Based on Surrounding Behavior
* Robust adapted object detection under complex environment
* Robust event detection by radial reach filter (RRF)
* Robust face recognition using the GAP feature
* Robust Tracking Using Particle Filter with a Hybrid Feature
* Slant estimation for active vision using edge directions in omni-directional images
* Statistical Reach Feature Method and Its Application to Template Matching
* Towards Good Practice for Action Recognition with Spatiotemporal 3D Convolutions
* Using selective correlation coefficient for robust image registration
* Viewpoint-agnostic Image Rendering
* VirtualHome Action Genome: A Simulated Spatio-Temporal Scene Graph Dataset with Consistent Relationship Labels
Includes: Satoh, Y.[Yutaka] Satoh, Y. Satoh, Y.[Yoshiyuki]
42 for Satoh, Y.

Satonaka, T. Co Author Listing * Elliptic Metric K-NN Method with Asymptotic MDL Measure
* Object Recognition with Luminance, Rotation and Location Invariance

Satori, H. Co Author Listing * Amazigh audiovisual speech recognition system design
* Moroccan Dialect Speech Recognition System Based on CMU SphinxTools

Satori, K.[Khalid] Co Author Listing * 3D reconstruction system based on incremental structure from motion using a camera with varying parameters
* Amazigh audiovisual speech recognition system design
* ARKit and ARCore in serve to augmented reality
* Camera self-calibration with varying intrinsic parameters by an unknown three-dimensional scene
* comparison of supervised classification methods for a statistical set of features: Application: Amazigh OCR, A
* Comparison of the rendering speed of the most popular image-based rendering techniques
* Dynamic mosaicking: combining A* algorithm with fractional Brownian motion for an optimal seamline detection
* Dynamic relief mapping
* Enhancement of 3D reconstruction process in terms of beautification and efficiency using geometric constraints
* Face Recognition Using Local Binary Probabilistic Pattern (LBPP) and 2D-DCT Frequency Decomposition
* Fer-pixel extrusion mapping: The correction of the intersection point between the extrusion geometry and the viewing ray
* flexible technique based on fundamental matrix for camera self-calibration with variable intrinsic parameters from two views, A
* Grayscale image encryption using shift bits operations
* Item-to-item recommender system with simultaneous use of multiple images for image mosaicking creation in dynamic scenes
* Moroccan Dialect Speech Recognition System Based on CMU SphinxTools
* Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Deep Learning: Comparative Study
* Per-pixel revolution mapping with rectification of the texture projection
* Recognition of Off-Line Arabic Handwriting Words Using HMM Toolkit (HTK)
* Securing the architecture of the JPEG compression by an dynamic encryption
* Stereo Planar Self-Calibration Method of a Camera with Variable Intrinsic Parameters, A
* Text Encryption: Hybrid cryptographic method using Vigenere and Hill Ciphers.
Includes: Satori, K.[Khalid] Satori, K.
21 for Satori, K.

Satorres Martinez, S. Co Author Listing * machine vision system for defect characterization on transparent parts with non-plane surfaces, A
Includes: Satorres Martinez, S. Satorres Martínez, S.

Satoru, L.[Luiz] Co Author Listing * Fractal triangular search: a metaheuristic for image content search

Satoshi, G. Co Author Listing * Accurate and Low Complexity Approach of Detecting Circular Shape Objects in Still Color Images, An

Satoshi, N.[Naoi] Co Author Listing * Deep learning based language and orientation recognition in document analysis
* Reconstruction combined training for convolutional neural networks on character recognition
* Seamless stitching with shape deformation for historical document images

Satoti, A.[Abdurauf] Co Author Listing * Spatial Semantics for the Evaluation of Administrative Geospatial Ontologies

Satou, A. Co Author Listing * Developmental Word Acquisition and Grammar Learning by Humanoid Robots Through a Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network

Satou, T. Co Author Listing * Affective Audio-Visual Words and Latent Topic Driving Model for Realizing Movie Affective Scene Classification
* Improving Item Recommendation Based on Social Tag Ranking
* One method of structural description rule extraction based on graphical and spatial relations
Includes: Satou, T. Satou, T.[Takashi]

Satou, Y.[Yutaka] Co Author Listing * Perceptual Color Classification Based on Lightning Environment with Hyperspectral Data

Index for "s"

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