Index for kund

Kunda, A. Co Author Listing * Efficient Utilization of Variable Duration Information in HMM Based HWR Systems

Kunda, M.[Maithilee] Co Author Listing * Fractals and Ravens
* Improving Multi-Site Autism Classification via Site-Dependence Minimization and Second-Order Functional Connectivity
* Object is Worth Six Thousand Pictures: The Egocentric, Manual, Multi-image (EMMI) Dataset, An
Includes: Kunda, M.[Maithilee] Kunda, M.[Mwiza]

Kundalwal, M.K.[Mayank Kumar] Co Author Listing * BAFL: Federated Learning with Base Ablation for Cost Effective Communication

Kundargi, S.[Shivanand] Co Author Listing * 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results
* Benchmark Grocery Dataset of Realworld Point Clouds From Single View, A

Kunde, G.J. Co Author Listing * Combining multiple visual processing streams for locating and classifying objects in video

Kunde, S.[Shruti] Co Author Listing * GEMS: Generating Efficient Meta-Subnets

Kundegorski, M.E. Co Author Listing * Transfer learning using convolutional neural networks for object classification within X-ray baggage security imagery

Kundel, H. Co Author Listing * Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries

Kundel, H.L. Co Author Listing * Enhancing Recognition of Lesions in Radiographic Images Using Perceptual Feedback
* perception of breast cancers: A spatial frequency analysis of what differentiates missed from reported cancers, The

Kundig, C.[Clement] Co Author Listing * Efficient Neural Vision Systems Based on Convolutional Image Acquisition
* Privacy-Preserving Image Acquisition for Neural Vision Systems
Includes: Kundig, C.[Clement] Kündig, C.[Clément] (Maybe also Kuendig, C.)

Kundra, H.[Harsh] Co Author Listing * Face as an index: Knowing who is who using a PDA
* PDA-based face recognition system, A

Kundu, A.[Amlan] Co Author Listing * email: Kundu, A.[Amlan]: akundu AT advtech uswest com
* 2-D Shape Classification Using Hidden Markov Model
* 3D-RCNN: Instance-Level 3D Object Reconstruction via Render-and-Compare
* Adversarial Texture Optimization From RGB-D Scans
* Alternatives to Variable Duration HMM in Handwriting Recognition
* Application of Two-Dimensional Generalized Mean Filtering for Removal of Impulse Noises from Images
* Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Variable Duration HMM
* Automatic Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model
* Combination Median Filter
* complement to variable duration hidden Markov model in handwritten word recognition, A
* DOPS: Learning to Detect 3D Objects and Predict Their 3D Shapes
* Enhancement of JPEG coded images by adaptive spatial filtering
* Feature Space Optimization for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Joint Semantic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Video
* Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
* Learning 3D Semantic Segmentation with only 2D Image Supervision
* LSTM Approach to Temporal 3d Object Detection in Lidar Point Clouds, An
* Machine reading of handwritten text information in field technician's maps
* Motion Estimation by Image Content Matching and Application to Video Processing
* Nerflets: Local Radiance Fields for Efficient Structure-Aware 3D Scene Representation from 2D Supervision
* NeRFMeshing: Distilling Neural Radiance Fields into Geometrically-Accurate 3D Meshes
* New Algorithm for Image Edge Extraction Using a Statistical Classifier Approach, A
* NIFTY: Neural Object Interaction Fields for Guided Human Motion Synthesis
* Off-line handwritten word recognition (HWR) using a single contextual hidden Markov model
* Off-Line Handwritten Word Recognition Using a Hidden Markov Model Type Stochastic Network
* Off-line handwritten word recognition using HMM with adaptive length Viterbi algorithm
* On optimal order in modeling sequence of letters in words of common language as a Markov chain
* Panoptic Neural Fields: A Semantic Object-Aware Neural Scene Representation
* Pillar-based Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Planar Shape Classification Using Hidden Markov Model
* Quantization Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* Realtime motion segmentation based multibody visual SLAM
* Realtime multibody visual SLAM with a smoothly moving monocular camera
* Recognition of Handwritten Words: First and Second Order Hidden Markov Model Based Approach
* Recognizing conic shape: a nonlinear iterative approach
* Robust Edge Detection
* Robust edge detection
* Rotation and gray scale transform invariant texture identification using wavelet decomposition and hidden Markov model
* Texture Classification Using QMF Bank-Based Subband Decomposition
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multichannel Decomposition and Hidden Markov-Models
* Variable Duration Hidden Markov Model and Morphological Segmentation for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Virtual Multi-view Fusion for 3d Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Kundu, A.[Amlan] Kundu, A. Kundu, A.[Abhijit] Kundu, A.[Abhiiit]
42 for Kundu, A.

Kundu, D.[Debapriya] Co Author Listing * Finding Shortest Isothetic Path Inside a 3D Digital Object
* Full-reference visual quality assessment for synthetic images: A subjective study
* Large-Scale Crowdsourced Study for Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures
* Perceptual quality evaluation of synthetic pictures distorted by compression and transmission
* Visual attention guided quality assessment of Tone-Mapped images using scene statistics
Includes: Kundu, D.[Debapriya] Kundu, D.[Debarati] Kundu, D.

Kundu, G.[Gourab] Co Author Listing * SF-net: Single-frame Supervision for Temporal Action Localization

Kundu, J.N.[Jogendra Nath] Co Author Listing * AdaDepth: Unsupervised Content Congruent Adaptation for Depth Estimation
* Aligning Non-Causal Factors for Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Appearance Consensus Driven Self-supervised Human Mesh Recovery
* Balancing Act: Distribution-Guided Debiasing in Diffusion Models
* Class-incremental Domain Adaptation
* Concurrent Subsidiary Supervision for Unsupervised Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Cross-Conditioned Recurrent Networks for Long-Term Synthesis of Inter-Person Human Motion Interactions
* Domain-Specificity Inducing Transformers for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* GAN-Tree: An Incrementally Learned Hierarchical Generative Framework for Multi-Modal Data Distributions
* Generalize then Adapt: Source-Free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image Using Multi-view Keypoint Correspondence
* Self-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation via Part Guided Novel Image Synthesis
* Towards Inheritable Models for Open-Set Domain Adaptation
* UM-Adapt: Unsupervised Multi-Task Adaptation Using Adversarial Cross-Task Distillation
* Uncertainty-Aware Adaptation for Self-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Universal Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Adaptation via Probabilistic Amodal 3D Human Pose Completion
* Unsupervised Cross-modal Alignment for Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation
* Unsupervised Feature Learning of Human Actions As Trajectories in Pose Embedding Manifold
* VRT-Net: Real-Time Scene Parsing via Variable Resolution Transform
Includes: Kundu, J.N.[Jogendra Nath] Kundu, J.N.
20 for Kundu, J.N.

Kundu, K.[Kaustav] Co Author Listing * 3D Object Proposals Using Stereo Imagery for Accurate Object Class Detection
* Annotating Object Instances with a Polygon-RNN
* Exploiting Semantic Information and Deep Matching for Optical Flow
* Hierarchical Self-supervised Representation Learning for Movie Understanding
* Id-Free Person Similarity Learning
* Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Positive-Congruent Training: Towards Regression-Free Model Updates
* Prompting Foundational Models for Omni-supervised Instance Segmentation
* Rent3D: Floor-plan priors for monocular layout estimation
* SurfConv: Bridging 3D and 2D Convolution for RGBD Images
* TubeR: Tubelet Transformer for Video Action Detection
* What to look at and where: Semantic and Spatial Refined Transformer for detecting human-object interactions
12 for Kundu, K.

Kundu, M.[Mahantapas] Co Author Listing * benchmark image database of isolated Bangla handwritten compound characters, A
* CMATERdb1: A database of unconstrained handwritten Bangla and Bangla-English mixed script document image
* Handwritten Bangla character recognition using a soft computing paradigm embedded in two pass approach
* Handwritten isolated Bangla compound character recognition: A new benchmark using a novel deep learning approach
* hierarchical approach to recognition of handwritten Bangla characters, A
* Knowledge-based ECG interpretation: a critical review
* Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network for text localization
* multi-scale deep quad tree based feature extraction method for the recognition of isolated handwritten characters of popular indic scripts, A
* Multiobjective optimization for recognition of isolated handwritten Indic scripts
* novel framework for automatic sorting of postal documents with multi-script address blocks, A
* PDP-RF: Protein Domain Boundary Prediction Using Random Forest Classifier
* Prediction of Thyroid Cancer Genes Using an Ensemble of Post Translational Modification, Semantic and Structural Similarity Based Clustering Results
* Recognition of Numeric Postal Codes from Multi-script Postal Address Blocks
* Self-adaptive RBF Neural Networks for Face Recognition
* Suppression of non-text components in handwritten document images
* Text line extraction from multi-skewed handwritten documents
Includes: Kundu, M.[Mahantapas] Kundu, M.
16 for Kundu, M.

Kundu, M.K.[Malay K.] Co Author Listing * adaptive approach to unsupervised texture segmentation using M-Band wavelet transform, An
* Adaptive Basis Selection for Multi Texture Segmentation by M-Band Wavelet Packet Frames
* Automatic Selection of Object Enhancement Operator with Quantitative Justification Based on Fuzzy Set Theoretic Measures
* Blind CDMA Image Watermarking Scheme in Wavelet Domain, A
* Content Based Image Retrieval: Related Issues Using Euler Vector
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Packets and Fuzzy Spatial Relations
* Corner detection using support vector machines
* Determination Of Minutiae Scores For Fingerprint Image Applications
* Document image segmentation using wavelet scale-space features
* Edge Based Features for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Efficient Foreground Extraction From HEVC Compressed Video for Application to Real-Time Analysis of Surveillance Big Data
* efficient radiographic Image Retrieval system using Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Enhanced Macroblock Features for Dynamic Background Modeling in H.264/AVC Video Encoded at Low Bitrate
* Euler vector for search and retrieval of gray-tone images
* Extraction of features using M-band wavelet packet frame and their neuro-fuzzy evaluation for multitexture segmentation
* Fusion of multimodality Medical Images using combined Activity Level Measurement and Contourlet Transform
* Generalised Digital Contour Coding Scheme, A
* Image Retrieval Using Fuzzy Relevance Feedback and Validation with MPEG-7 Content Descriptors
* image watermarking scheme using HVS characteristics and spread transform, An
* Lossless ROI Medical Image Watermarking Technique with Enhanced Security and High Payload Embedding
* Method of compressing an image
* Multiscale Morphologic Edge Detector, A
* Multiscale Segmentation of Document Images Using M-Band Wavelets
* Noisy Fingerprints Classification with Directional FFT Based Features Using MLP
* Note on Grey Level-Intensity Transformation: Effect on HVS Thresholding, A
* Novel CBIR system based on Ripplet Transform using interactive Neuro-Fuzzy technique
* On-chip Computation of Euler Number of a Binary Image for Efficient Database Search
* Parallel Greytone Thinning Algorithm, A
* Quantization Based Data Hiding Scheme for Efficient Quality Access Control of Images Using DWT via Lifting
* Ripplet Transform Based Statistical Framework for Natural Color Image Retrieval, A
* Robust Background Subtraction for Network Surveillance in H.264 Streaming Video
* Robust SS watermarking with improved capacity
* Segmentation of remotely sensed images using wavelet features and their evaluation in soft computing framework
* Technique for Fractal Image Compression Using Genetic Algorithm
* technique for image magnification using partitioned iterative function system, A
* Thresholding for Edge Detection Using Human Psychovisual Phenomena
* Turning video into traffic data- an application to urban intersection analysis using transfer learning
* Two Texture Segmentation Using M-band Wavelet Transform
* Wavelet-based texture segmentation of remotely sensed images
Includes: Kundu, M.K.[Malay K.] Kundu, M.K. Kundu, M.K.[Malay Kumar]
39 for Kundu, M.K.

Kundu, P. Co Author Listing * Detection and Gradation of Oriented Texture
* Fuzzy Geometric Feature-Based Texture Classification
* Improved Fractal Geometry Based Texture Segmentation Technique
* Optimum Circular Fit to Weighted Data in Multi-Dimensional Space

Kundu, P.K. Co Author Listing * OCR error correction of an Inflectional Indian language using morphological parsing

Kundu, P.P.[Partha Pratim] Co Author Listing * Multi-objective Evolutionary Feature Selection

Kundu, R.[Rohit] Co Author Listing * Doodle It Yourself: Class Incremental Learning by Drawing a Few Sketches
* MFSNet: A multi focus segmentation network for skin lesion segmentation
* Serf: Towards better training of deep neural networks using log-Softplus ERror activation Function

Kundu, S.[Srimanta] Co Author Listing * Automatic Vehicle Pollution Detection Using Feedback Based Iterative Deep Learning
* better fitness measure of a text-document for a given set of keywords, A
* Block Selective Reprogramming for On-device Training of Vision Transformers
* Calculation of phase fraction in steel microstructure images using random forest classifier
* Chebyshev-Harmonic-Fourier-Moments and Deep CNNs for Detecting Forged Handwriting
* class of linear maps for error corrective dimensionality reduction of binary templates, A
* Conflating two polygonal lines
* DeSI: Deepfake Source Identifier for Social Media
* DIA: Diffusion based Inverse Network Attack on Collaborative Inference
* Equivalence of the Subregion Representation and the Wall Representation for a Certain Class of Rectangular Dissections, The
* FireFly: A Synthetic Dataset for Ember Detection in Wildfire
* FLOAT: Fast Learnable Once-for-All Adversarial Training for Tunable Trade-off between Accuracy and Robustness
* Flood Depth Estimation during Hurricane Harvey Using Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR Data
* Fuzzy-rough community in social networks
* Gravitational clustering: a new approach based on the spatial distribution of the points
* HIRE-SNN: Harnessing the Inherent Robustness of Energy-Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Networks by Training with Crafted Input Noise
* Improved Random Forest for Classification
* InstaTune: Instantaneous Neural Architecture Search During Fine-Tuning
* IS-GGT: Iterative Scene Graph Generation with Generative Transformers
* Knowledge guided learning: Open world egocentric action recognition with zero supervision
* L1-fusion: Robust linear-time image recovery from few severely corrupted copies
* Linear Mapping Technique for Optimizing Binary Templates in Noise-Free Pattern Matching, A
* Making Models Shallow Again: Jointly Learning to Reduce Non-Linearity and Depth for Latency-Efficient Private Inference
* Multi-lingual scene text detection and language identification
* New O(Nlogn) Algorithm for Computing the Intersection of Convex Polygons, A
* O(kN.log N) algorithm for decomposing a set of polygons into d-separable components, An
* On a Class of Linear Maps for Data Compression
* Projecting Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Actual Evapotranspiration for the Narmada River Basin in Central India in the Future
* RLNet: Robust Linearized Networks for Efficient Private Inference
* SAL-ViT: Towards Latency Efficient Private Inference on ViT using Selective Attention Search with a Learnable Softmax Approximation
* Self-Attentive Pooling for Efficient Deep Learning
* Solution to Histogram-Equalization and Other Related Problems by Shortest-Path Methods, A
* Spatially Informative Optic Flow Model of Bee Colony With Saccadic Flight Strategy for Global Optimization, A
* Spike-Thrift: Towards Energy-Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Networks by Limiting Spiking Activity via Attention-Guided Compression
* unique database synthesis technique for coverless data hiding, A
* Vision HGNN: An Image is More than a Graph of Nodes
Includes: Kundu, S.[Srimanta] Kundu, S.[Sukhamay] Kundu, S.[Souvik] Kundu, S.[Saurabh] Kundu, S.[Sayani] Kundu, S.[Shovonlal] Kundu, S.[Suman] Kundu, S.[Sananda] Kundu, S. Kundu, S.[Sanjoy] Kundu, S.[Sandipan] Kundu, S.[Soumyadeep] Kundu, S.[Sumana]
36 for Kundu, S.

Kundu, S.J. Co Author Listing * Elastic face, an anatomy-based biometrics beyond visible cue

Kundu, S.S. Co Author Listing * Operational Remote Sensing Services In North Eastern Region Of India For Natural Resources Management, Early Warning For Disaster Risk Reduction And Dissemination Of Information And Services

Kundu, T.[Tuhin] Co Author Listing * MIMIC: Masked Image Modeling with Image Correspondences

Kundur, D. Co Author Listing * Analysis and design of watermarking algorithms for improved resistance to compression
* Attack Characterization for Effective Watermarking
* Blind Image Deconvolution
* Blind Image Deconvolution Revisited
* Compressive Data Hiding: An Unconventional Approach for Improved Color Image Coding
* Content-dependent Spatially Localized Video Watermark for Resistance to Collusion and Interpolation Attacks, A
* Detecting State of Charge False Reporting Attacks via Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Digital watermarking for telltale tamper proofing and authentication
* Dual Domain Watermarking for Authentication and Compression of Cultural Heritage Images
* Energy Allocation for High-capacity Watermarking in the Presence of Compression
* Event-Driven Visual Sensor Networks: Issues in Reliability
* Integrity of Multimedia and Multimodal Data: From Capture to Use
* Novel Approach to Robust Blind Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Novel Blind Deconvolution Scheme for Image Restoration Using Recursive Filtering, A
* On privacy and security in distributed visual sensor networks
* On the Global Asymptotic Stability of the NAS-RIF Algorithm for Blind Image Restoration
* Robust Classification of Blurred Imagery
* Robust Digital Image Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Based Fusion, A
* Robust Digital Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain
* Security and Privacy for Distributed Multimedia Sensor Networks
* Towards a telltale watermarking technique for tamper-proofing
Includes: Kundur, D. Kundur, D.[Deepa]
21 for Kundur, D.

Kundur, S.R.[Sridhar R.] Co Author Listing * Active vision-based control schemes for autonomous navigation tasks
* Image Based Visual Motion Cue for Autonomous Navigation, An
* Image-Based Visual Threat Cue for Autonomous Navigation, An
* Novel Active Vision-Based Visual Threat Cue for Autonomous Navigation Tasks
* Vision-Based Fuzzy Controllers for Navigation Tasks
* Vision-Based Pragmatic Strategy for Autonomous Navigation, A

Index for "k"

Last update: 9-Nov-24 11:49:29
Use for comments.