* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* 3D Anthropometric Signatures for Face Verification
* Accelerating 3D Medical Image Segmentation with High Performance Computing
* Accurate eye-like segmentation in a heavily untextured contrasted scene
* Altered Image Alignment Technique for 3D Motion Estimation of a Reflective Sphere, An
* Artificial Neural Networks Based Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: From Concepts to Real-World Applications
* Automated Human Recognition by Gait using Neural Network
* Automatic detection of chemotaxis cells in angiogenesis process
* Automatic Gabor Features Extraction for Face Recognition using Neural Networks
* Automatic regions of interest identification and classification in CT images: Application to kidney cysts
* Bayesian Networks for Edge Preserving Salt and Pepper Image Denoising
* Building Verification from Disparity of Contour Points
* Characterization of a capacitive imaging system for skin surface analysis
* Clustering: Algorithms and Applications
* Content Based Image Retrieval: Review of State of Art and Future Directions
* Contour Detection of Labelled Cellular Structures from Serial Ultrathin Electron Microscopy Sections using GAC and Prior Analysis
* Deblocking Algorithms with Edge Filters for DCT Compressed Images
* Detection and Counting of in vivo cells to predict cell migratory potential
* Direction Dependent Decomposition and Edge Detection
* Disparities Maps Generation Employing Multi-resolution Analysis and Perceptual Grouping
* Dynamic fire modeling in Three-dimensional space
* Ear Localization from Side Face Images using Distance Transform and Template Matching
* Efficient Framework for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Efficient Hardware Architecture Design for H.264/AVC INTRA 4X4 Algorithm, An
* Empirical Comparison of Automatic Image Annotation Systems
* Exploiting document feature interactions for efficient information fusion in high dimensional spaces
* Feature extraction and relevance evaluation for heterogeneous image database recognition
* Fingerprint Identification using Radon Transform
* FPGA Codesign Implementation of Vector Directional Filter
* Groupware Design for Online Diagnosis Support
* Haralick feature extraction from LBP images for color texture classification
* HW/SW Interface Impact on an Adaptive Multimedia System Performance: Case study
* Hybrid Localization System for Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality Applications
* Image Denoising in the Wavelet Transform Domain Based on Stein's Principle
* Image Encryption and Compression for Medical Image Security
* Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
* Iris Recognition using Steerable Pyramids
* Local Binary Pattern Approach and its Applications to Face Analysis, The
* Machine Vision Based Quality Monitoring in Olive Oil Conditioning
* Moving plane detection under translational camera motion using the c-velocity concept
* MR Image Monomodal Registration Using Structure Similarity Index
* Multivariate indexing of multichannel images based on the copula theory
* New Approach to Face Image Coding using Gabor Wavelet Networks, A
* New Clustering Approach for Face Identification, A
* New mass description in mammographies
* New Spatial Approach to Image Restoration, A
* Novel Approach to Hand-Gesture Recognition in a Human-Robot Dialog System, A
* Novel Semantic Video Classification Model, A
* Online Quality measurement of face localization obtained by neural networks trained with Zernike moments feature vectors
* Open/Closed Eye Analysis for Drowsiness Detection
* Palmprint Verification using SIFT features
* Pattern classification by a Gibbsian Kohonen neural network with an application to Arabic character recognition
* Physiological and behavioural approaches for person recognition using videos
* predictive and parametrized architecture for image analysis algorithm implementations on FPGA adapted to multispectral imaging, A
* Recognition of Arabic License Plates using NN
* Recursive sLORETA-FOCUSS Algorithm for EEG Dipoles Localization
* Reproducibility and reliability of the DTI fiber tracking algorithm integrated in the Sisyphe software
* robust approach to reconstruct experimentally the camera response function, A
* Robust Face Pose Estimation from Insufficient Data
* Score Fusion of SVD and DCT-RLDA for Face Recognition
* Segmentation of noisy images using information theory based approaches
* Text Line Segmentation in Images of Handwritten Historical Documents
* Tongue diagnosis method for extraction of effective region and classification of tongue coating
* Towards a biophysical 3D model of the DNA
* Training of the Beta wavelet networks by the frames theory: Application to face recognition
* Trends and Challenges in Mono and Multi Biometrics
* Variational approximation of a constraint signal by a Mumford-Shah type energy functional
* Video Scene Object Detection Using An A Contrario Approach
* Wavelet based Multifractal Analysis in Fractography
* Wavelet-based blotch detection in old movies
* Wrapping Based Directional Hartley Transform and Content Based Image Retrieval
71 for IPTA08
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* 2 and 3 materials scene reconstructed from some line Mojette projections, The
* adaptive algorithm for phase retrieval from high intensity images, An
* Adaptive feature selection for heterogeneous image databases
* algorithm for iris extraction, An
* Analysis of the robustness of wavelet-based perceptual signatures
* Atlas-based segmentation of brain MR images using least square support vector machines
* Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
* Augmented Reality: Issues, trends and challenges
* Automatic generation of Analog Hardware Description Language (AHDL) code from cell culture images
* Automatic identification of cell files in light microscopic images of conifer wood
* Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and stationary obstacles at level crossings
* Bayesian regularized nonnegative matrix factorization based face features learning
* benchmark for Background Subtraction Algorithms in monocular vision: A comparative study, A
* Binary pattern matching from a local dissimilarity measure
* Co-parent selection for fast region merging in pyramidal image segmentation
* Comparison of feature selection schemes for color texture classification
* Comparison of interpolation methods for angular resampling of diffusion weighted images
* Comparison of optimization techniques for regularized statistical reconstruction in X-ray tomography
* computation of the Bhattacharyya distance between histograms without histograms, The
* Connectivity feature extraction for spatio-functional clustering of fMRI data
* Contiguity-constrained hierarchical clustering for image segmentation
* Covariance-based adaptive deinterlacing method using edge map
* Detecting potential human activities using coherent change detection
* Distributed Video Coding: Status, challenges and outlook
* Edgeworth-based approximation of Mutual Information for medical image registration
* efficient vision system to measure granule velocity and mass flow distribution in fertiliser centrifugal spreading, An
* Embedded system for real-time human motion detection
* Empirical mode decomposition based visual enhancement of underwater images
* Enhancing perceptual quality of watermarked high-definition video through composite mask
* Estimation of uncertainty for Harris corner detector
* Exploration of an adaptive NoC architecture on FPGA dedicated to multi and hysperspectral algorithm for art authentication
* Eye tracking for foveation video coding and simple scene description
* fast Geodesic Active Contour model for medical images segmentation using prior analysis, A
* Fast zonal DCT-based image compression for Wireless Camera Sensor Networks
* Feature subspaces selection via one-class SVM: Application to textured image segmentation
* Full motion detection system with post-processing
* Fusion and classification of multi-source images by SVM with selected features in a kernel space
* Graph cut segmentation technique for MRI brain tumor extraction
* H.264 video watermarking: Applications, principles, deadlocks and future
* Human Visual System Based Mammogram Enhancement and Analysis
* Hybrid super resolution using refined face logs
* Hyperspectral image compression based on Tucker Decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform
* Image and video descriptors
* Image database categorization using robust modeling of finite Generalized Dirichlet mixture
* Image modeling using statistical measures for visual object categorization
* Implementation of a reticle seeker missile simulator for jamming effect analysis
* Improved Modified Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means
* Improved two-bit transform-based motion estimation via extension of matching criterion
* Improvement of the space resolution of the optical remote sensing image by the principle of CCD imaging
* Improving compression time in zero-tree based image coding procedures
* Indexing of compressed video: Methods, challenges, applications
* Intravascular Ultrasound image segmentation: A helical active contour method
* Key frame-based video super-resolution using bi-directional overlapped block motion compensation and trained dictionary
* Laplacian pyramid decomposition-type method for resolution enhancement of ultrasound images
* Localization of noncircular iris boundaries using morphology and arched Hough transform
* Markov Random Field description of fuzzy color segmentation, A
* Measurement of laboratory fire spread experiments by stereovision
* Medical image analysis using high-dimensional information-theoretic criteria
* Memory requirements and simulation platform for the implementation of the H.264 encoder modules
* Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Mojette reconstruction from noisy projections
* Multi-level visual alphabets
* Multidimensional image processing for remote sensing anomaly detection
* Multidimensional particle swarm optimization and applications in data clustering and image retrieval
* new combining learning method for color constancy, A
* new descriptor for textured image segmentation based on fuzzy type-2 clustering approach, A
* New feature-based detection of blood vessels and exudates in color fundus images
* new segmentation technique for brain and head from high resolution MR image using unique histogram features, A
* Objective evaluation of compressed video's temporal flickering
* Particle filtering with fuzzy spatial relations for object tracking
* Pedestrian detection based on adaboost algorithm with a pseudo-calibrated camera
* People re-identification by classification of silhouettes based on sparse representation
* Points of interest detection in cervical spine radiographs by polygonal approximation
* Query-by-sketch based image retrieval using diffusion tensor fields
* Recognition of objects in various situations from two dimensional images
* Relevance analysis of 3D curvature-based shape descriptors on interest points of the face
* Robust Multiple Hypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction within the H.264/AVC standard
* Rooftop detection using a corner-leaping based contour propagation model
* Shape representation and analysis of 2D compact sets by shape diagrams
* Spectrogram image encoding based on dynamic Hilbert curve routing
* SPIDAR calibration using Support Vector Regression
* Stego image quality and the reliability of PSNR
* Stroke feature extraction for lettrine indexing
* Support vector machine fusion of multisensor imagery in tropical ecosystems
* SURF applied in panorama image stitching
* Temporal error concealment algorithm for H.264/AVC using omnidirectional motion similarity
* Temporal transcoding of H.264/AVC video to the scalable format
* Temporal video segmentation using a switched affine models identification technique
* Texture classification for multi-spectral images using spatial and spectral Gray Level Differences
* Validation of a virtual agronomic image modelling
* Virtual Domotic Systems: A 3D interaction technique to control virtual building devices using residential gateways
* Vision based human interaction system for disabled
* visual attention focusing system using an active stereoscopic vision sensor, A
* Visual object recognition using local binary patterns and segment-based feature
* Volume estimation of 3D particles with known convex shapes from its projected areas
* Watermarking ancient documents schema using wavelet packets and convolutional code
* Wavelet-based acoustic seabed discrimination system
98 for IPTA10
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* Action recognition in videos
* automatic level set based liver segmentation from MRI data sets, An
* Automatic oil spill detection in TerraSAR-X data using multi-contextual Markov modeling on irregular graphs
* Automatic recognition of flowers through color and edge based contour detection
* Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies (BeFIT)
* Binary Active Contours using both inside and outside texture descriptors
* Case study: Deployment of the 2D NoC on 3D for the generation of large emulation platforms
* Classification with emotional faces via a robust sparse classifier
* combining approach for 2D face recognition application on IV2 database, A
* Comparative study between color texture and shape descriptors for multi-camera pedestrians identification
* comparison of sequential and GPU-accelerated implementations of B-spline signal processing operations for 2-D and 3-D images, A
* computional intelligence framework for NMR spectroscopy imaging and retrieval, A
* Contribution of a classifier of skin lesions to the dermatologist's decision
* Coupling anatomical and functional information for the computer-aided delineation of Phase-Contrast MRI images using active contours
* Deconvolution for slowly time-varying systems 3D cases
* detection of naval vessels by fusion of edge and color background models, The
* discrete Hidden Markov models recognition module for temporal series: Application to real-time 3D hand gestures, A
* Dynamic registration of cardiac US and CT data using Fourier descriptors and Dynamic Time Warping
* Efficient exploitation of heterogeneous platforms for images features extraction
* Exploiting a scene calibration mechanism for depth estimation
* Extending the interaction area for view-invariant 3D gesture recognition
* Flickr-based semantic context to refine automatic photo annotation
* Frequency component extraction from color images for specific sound transformation and analysis
* Fully automatic 3D Threat Image Projection: Application to densely cluttered 3D Computed Tomography baggage images
* Fuzzy emotion recognition model for video sequences
* Fuzzy Rule-Based Image Segmentation technique for rock thin section images
* Gabor features in image analysis
* Glacier flow monitoring by digital camera and space-borne SAR images
* Grid application to estimate 3D temporal evolution of ground deformation displacements, A
* Hand gesture recognition using a dedicated geometric descriptor
* Harris, SIFT and SURF features comparison for vehicle localization based on virtual 3D model and camera
* High performance automatic number plate recognition in video streams
* High performance GPGPU based system for matching people in a live video feed
* How far we can improve micro features based face recognition systems?
* Image analysis for soil dye tracer infiltration studies
* Image compression based on fuzzy segmentation and anisotropic diffusion
* Image processing and vision for the study and the modeling of spreading fires
* Impact of hierarchical structures in image categorization systems
* Infrared imagery on wildfire research. Some examples of sound capabilities and applications
* Integrating unsupervised and supervised clustering methods on a GPU platform for fast image segmentation
* Iris recognition using 2-D elliptical-support wavelet filter bank
* Mean sets for building 3D probabilistic liver atlas from perfusion MR images
* Measuring the capacity of image fusion
* Mouse neuroimaging phenotyping in the cloud
* Multi-resolution patch and window-based priority for digital image inpainting problem
* Multifractal analysis based on discrete wavelet for texture classification: Application to medical magnetic resonance imaging
* new method for finding clusters embedded in subspaces applied to medical tomography scan image, A
* new scheme for no reference image quality assessment, A
* No-reference quality metric for watermarked images based on combining of objective metrics using neural network
* Novel color HWML descriptors for scene and object image classification
* Object tracking using level set and MPEG 7 color features
* Osteoporosis assessment using Multilayer Perceptron neural networks
* parallel edge preserving algorithm for salt and pepper image denoising, A
* Perceptron nonlinear blind source separation for feature extraction and image classification
* pre-processing approach for efficient feature matching process in extreme illumination scenario, A
* Real time watermarking to authenticate the WSQ bitstream
* Real-time 3D skeletonisation in computer vision-based human pose estimation using GPGPU
* real-time license plate recognition system for Saudi Arabia using LabVIEW, A
* Regional Partitioned Iterated Function Systems for digital image enhancement
* restarted iterative homotopy analysis method for three-dimensional image segmentation, A
* Retina-enhanced SURF descriptors for semantic concept detection in videos
* Search of protein structural blocks through secondary structure triplets
* Selective variational image segmentation combined with registration: Models and algorithms
* Semi-automatic detection of cervical vertebrae in X-ray images using generalized hough transform
* Shape prior in Variational Region Growing
* Smartphone based guidance system for visually impaired person
* Special session on high performance computing in computer vision applications (HPC-CVA)
* Special session on image processing for natural risks (IPNR)
* Special session on variational approaches in image processing (VAIP)
* Speckled images restoration filter based on weighted multiplicative regularization approach
* Spherical coordinates framed RGB color space dichromatic reflection model based image segmentation: Application to wildland fires' outlines extraction
* System for automatic faces detection
* Texture approach for nets extraction application to old Arab newspapers images structuring
* Texture characterization using local binary pattern and wavelets. Application to bone radiographs
* Texture segmentation using globally active contours model and Cauchy-Schwarz distance
* tool for automatic dendritic spine detection and analysis. Part I: Dendritic spine detection using multi-level region-based segmentation, A
* Towards automatic reconstruction of axonal structures in volumetric microscopy images depicting only active synapses
* Vision based wildfire and natural risk observers
* Voting spaces cooperation for 3D plane detection from monocular image sequences
80 for IPTA12
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* 3D automated lymphoma segmentation in PET images based on cellular automata
* 3D face recognition based on histograms of local descriptors
* 3D facial reconstruction from a single 2D rasterstereography image
* 3D reconstruction method of the proximal femur and shape correction
* Affiliation possibility map filtering for image segmentation improvement
* Alignment of three-dimensional point clouds using combined descriptors
* Automated system for the detection of hypertensive retinopathy
* Bag-of-bags of words irregular graph pyramids vs spatial pyramid matching for image retrieval
* Brain region of interest selection for 18FDG positrons emission tomography computer-aided image classification
* Bright region and vessel density based robust optic disc segmentation
* Classification of histopathological images using convolutional neural network
* Classification of remotely sensed images using clonal selection theory of Artificial Immune System
* Cluster analysis methods for recognition of mineral rocks in the mining industry
* color spatio-temporal segmentation tool applied to sequences of color texture images, A
* comparative study of feature vectors derived from wavelets applied to high resolution satellite images retrieval, A
* Comparative study to analyze the effect of aging on microvascular blood flow by processing laser speckle contrast images when Lorentzian and Gaussian velocity profiles are assumed for moving scatterers
* Comparison of quasi-spherical surfaces using spherical harmonics: Application to corneal biometry
* Computer vision for face-to-face human-computer interaction
* Computer-aided breast cancer histopathological diagnosis: Comparative analysis of three DTOCS-based features: SW-DTOCS, SW-WDTOCS and SW-3-4-DTOCS
* Design and evaluation of a low-cost 3D interaction technique for wearable and handled AR devices
* Detection of the features of the objects in MR images using dynamic programming
* Determining copper surface change ratio of conduction path by using image processing
* Dorsal hand veins based person identification
* effectiveness of LSI-based CBIR with image noise using wavelet-based texture, The
* Expression invariant face recognition using contourlet transform
* Face and Texture Analysis Using Local Descriptors: A Comparative Analysis
* Fat quantification in MRI-defined lumbar muscles
* Fingerprint recognition using Polynomial Discrete Radon Transform
* From local descriptors to holistic models: A general framework embedding video processing and object representation
* Fusion of iris and palmprint for multimodal biometric authentication
* Fuzzy C-means applied to MRI images for an automatic lesion detection using image enhancement and constrained clustering
* Geodesic methods for biomedical image segmentation
* Getting one step closer to fully automatized celiac disease diagnosis
* Gradient-DCT (G-DCT) descriptors
* Gravitational weighted fuzzy c-means with application on multispectral image segmentation
* Hair strand extraction by template matching using Gabor filter and histogram
* Image perception of vision impaired by epi-retinal electrode stimulation
* Image processing method for 3D volume rendering from one 2D projection: Application to Cancer spheroids
* Image retrieval on compressed images: Can we tell the difference?
* Image smoothing using a metric tensor for an affine invariant scale space
* Improving the module recognition rate of high density QR codes (Version 40) by using centrality bias
* Improving the quality of mesh simplification with texture saliency measurement
* Indoor vision-based auditory assistance for blind people in semi controlled environments
* Interest lower body point's detection for markerless gait analysis
* Investigation of feature selection for historical document layout analysis
* Kernel descriptor based plant leaf identification
* Layered RC circuit with dynamic resistances for background subtraction
* method of H.264 video watermarking robust to attack on I and P frames by removal, A
* Methods for automated segmentation of trabecular bone structure
* MS lesions segmentation in 3D MR images using FCM and SVM
* multi-layer approach for camera-based complex map image retrieval and spotting system, A
* Multi-scale segmentation for remote sensing imagery based on minimum heterogeneity rule
* Natural hand gestures for human identification in a Human-Computer Interface
* Neural learning-based image quality metric without reference
* new fast approach for skew estimation using moments and wavelet transform, A
* new strategy based on spatiogram similarity association for multi-pedestrian tracking, A
* novel approach for image denoising based on evolutionary game theory, A
* Optimality of black to white ratio and information complexity for robust marker recognition
* PQMET: A digital image quality metric based on human visual system
* Proposing a new evaluation metric to improved view random access for multi-view video coding
* Reconfigurable computing for imaging systems
* recurrent neural network approach for 3D vision-based force estimation, A
* Robust and accurate optical flow estimation for weak texture and varying illumination conditions: Application to cystoscopy
* Robust model adaptation for tracking with online weighted color and shape feature
* securing access approach to virtual worlds based on 3D mesh watermarking of avatar's face, A
* Segmentation system and its evaluation for gray scale coin documents
* Semi-automatic news video annotation framework for Arabic text
* Sensing, predicting, and utilizing human visual attention
* SLStudio: Open-source framework for real-time structured light
* Study of compressed sensing application to low dose computed tomography data collection
* Subjective and objective quality assessment for H264 compressed medical video sequences
* Tracking single microtubules by using B-spline curves and Hausdorff distance
* Undecimated wavelet-based Bayesian denoising in mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise with application on medical and biological images
* unsupervised approach to automatic object extraction from a maritime video scene, An
* Video-based analysis of gait with side views
76 for IPTA14
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* accurate eye localization approach for smart embedded system, An
* Acquiring multispectral light transport using multi-primary DLP projector
* Adaptive dynamic time warping for recognition of natural gestures
* Advanced low cost clustering system
* analysis of 3D point cloud reconstruction from light field images, An
* automated method for realistic face simulation and facial landmark annotation and its application to active appearance models, An
* Automated segmentation of RPE layer for the detection of age macular degeneration using OCT images
* Automated visual fruit detection for harvest estimation and robotic harvesting
* Automatic detection of cervical cells in Pap-smear images using polar transform and k-means segmentation
* Automatic detection, tracking and counting of birds in marine video content
* Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular traction pathology stages
* Automatic monitoring system for the detection and evaluation of the evolution of hemangiomas
* Bit-stream-based scrambling for regions of interest in H.264/AVC videos with drift reduction
* Camera communication deblurring: A semiblind spatial fractionally-spaced adaptive equalizer with flexible filter support design
* Characterization of hematologic malignancies based on discrete orthogonal moments
* Classification of mammographic microcalcification clusters using a combination of topological and location modelling
* CNN transfer learning for the automated diagnosis of celiac disease
* Color correction in image stitching using histogram specification and global mapping
* Combining deep learning and hand-crafted features for skin lesion classification
* Comparison of 2D and 3D region-based deformable models and random walker methods for PET segmentation
* De-convolutional auto-encoder for enhancement of fingerprint samples
* De-identifying people in videos using neural art
* Detection and spatial analysis of hepatic steatosis in histopathology images using sparse linear models
* Diffusion weighted imaging of prostate cancer: Prediction of cancer using texture features from parametric maps of the monoexponential and kurtosis functions
* effective histogram-based approach to JPEG-100 forensics, An
* Efficient BSIF-based near-infrared iris recognition
* Enhancement of micro-channels within the human mastoid bone based on local structure tensor analysis
* Evaluation of feature sensitivity to training data inaccuracy in detection of retinal lesions
* Extracting region of interest for palmprint by convolutional neural networks
* Face presentation attack detection across spectrum using time-frequency descriptors of maximal response in Laplacian scale-space
* Face spoofing detection with image quality regression
* Fake face detection based on radiometric distortions
* Fast Chinese character detection from complex scenes
* Fast feature matching for detailed point cloud generation
* Fast growing hough forest as a stable model for object detection
* Fast HEVC CU/PU mode decision based on ANN and texture analysis
* Feature covariance for human action recognition
* From active appearance models and mnemonic descent to 3d morphable models: A brief history of statistical deformable models with examples in menpo
* Fusion system based on belief functions theory and approximated belief functions for tree species recognition
* Graphical stochastic models for tracking applications with variational message passing inference
* Head measurements from 3D point clouds
* High-capacity data hiding in encrypted images using MSB prediction
* How to reach top accuracy for a visual pedestrian warning system from a car?
* Hyperspectral face recognition using 3D discrete wavelet transform
* Hyperspectral image analysis using deep learning: A review
* Improved interpolation kernels for super resolution algorithms
* Improving curve skeletons of tubular volumes
* Incorporating human knowledge in automated celiac disease diagnosis
* Initiating GrabCut by color difference for automatic foreground extraction of passport imagery
* Intensity normalization of sidescan sonar imagery
* Investigation of adaptive local threshold segmentation in context of 3D-handwriting forensics
* Local feature hierarchy for face recognition across pose and illumination
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition based on S1/2 and L1/2 regularizations in dynamic MRI
* MCMC based sampling technique for robust multi-model fitting and visual data segmentation
* Median based pixel selection for partial image encryption
* MedianStruck for long-term tracking applications
* Microaneurysm detection in retinal images using an ensemble classifier
* Multi-biometric template protection: A security analysis of binarized statistical features for bloom filters on smartphones
* Multi-modal subspace learning with dropout regularization for cross-modal recognition and retrieval
* multidimensional scaling optimization and fusion approach for the unsupervised change detection problem in remote sensing images, A
* Multiple description coding based on enhanced X-tree
* No-reference quality assessment for contrast-distorted image
* On pain assessment from facial videos using spatio-temporal local descriptors
* On semantic image segmentation using deep convolutional neural network with shortcuts and easy class extension
* On the use of image quality measures for image restoration
* On the use of skin texture features for gender recognition: An experimental evaluation
* Optimized fast Walsh-Hadamard transform on OpenCL-GPU and OpenCL-CPU
* original face anti-spoofing approach using partial convolutional neural network, An
* OUHANDS database for hand detection and pose recognition
* Pedestrian detection using HOG, LUV and optical flow as features with AdaBoost as classifier
* perceptual-based rate control for HEVC, A
* Performance evaluation of a statistical and a neural network model for nonrigid shape-based registration
* Phylogeny of JPEG images by ancestor estimation using missing markers on image pairs
* Prototype-based class-specific nonlinear subspace learning for large-scale face verification
* Quality dependent multimodal fusion of face and iris biometrics
* RealSense real heart rate: Illumination invariant heart rate estimation from videos
* Reconstruction of retinal spectra from RGB data using a RBF network
* Resource-efficient latent fingerprint age estimation for Adhoc crime scene forensics: Quality assessment of flat bed scans and statistical features
* Score thresholding for accurate instance classification in multiple instance learning
* Segmentation of retinal vessels in adaptive optics images for assessment of vasculitis
* Single image super-resolution reconstruction in presence of mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise
* Square to hexagonal lattice conversion based on one-dimensional interpolation
* Stain separation in digital bright field histopathology
* Structure-based image inpainting
* Thermal super-pixels for bimodal stress recognition
* Towards gaze-based video annotation
* Towards skin image mosaicing
* Towards spectral prediction of 2.5D prints for soft-proofing applications
* Two dimensional translation detection by comprehensively calculating three cross-correlations
* Unsupervised deep hashing for large-scale visual search
* Using web images as additional training resource for the discriminative generalized hough transform
* vector quantization based k-NN approach for large-scale image classification, A
93 for IPTA16
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* Automated quantification of retinal vessel morphometry in the UK biobank cohort
* automatic detection of helmeted and non-helmeted motorcyclist with license plate extraction using convolutional neural network, An
* Background modelling, analysis and implementation for thermographic images
* Bayesian optimization for refining object proposals
* Brain Tissue Classification of Alzheimer Disease Using Partial Volume Possibilistic Modeling: Application to ADNI Phantom Images
* Calibration method for sparse multi-view cameras by bridging with a mobile camera
* closed-form expression for thin lens image irradiance, A
* Coarse-to-fine texture analysis for inner cell mass identification in human blastocyst microscopic images
* Combining left and right wrist vein images for personal verification
* Comparing keyframe summaries of egocentric videos: Closest-to-centroid baseline
* Comparison of CNN and MLP classifiers for algae detection in underwater pipelines
* comparison of CNN-based face and head detectors for real-time video surveillance applications, A
* Completed local structure patterns on three orthogonal planes for dynamic texture recognition
* computer vision method for respiratory monitoring in intensive care environment using RGB-D cameras, A
* Continuous activity understanding based on accumulative pose-context visual patterns
* Convolutional neural networks for histopathology image classification: Training vs. Using pre-trained networks
* Correlation-based 2D registration method for single particle cryo-EM images
* deep learning approach for detecting and correcting highlights in endoscopic images, A
* Deep learning for automatic sale receipt understanding
* Deriving high-level scene descriptions from deep scene CNN features
* Detecting exercise-induced fatigue using thermal imaging and deep learning
* Digital spotlighting parameter evaluation for SAR imaging
* Distanceless label propagation: An efficient direct connected component labeling algorithm for GPUs
* Dynamic ensemble selection VS K-NN: Why and when dynamic selection obtains higher classification performance?
* Dynamic hand gesture recognition based on 3D pattern assembled trajectories
* EEG source imaging based on spatial and temporal graph structures
* Effective keyframe extraction from RGB and RGB-D video sequences
* Effective Waterline detection for unmanned surface vehicles in inland water
* Enlarging the discriminability of bag-of-words representations with deep convolutional features
* Extraction of saliency in images and video: Problems, methods and applications. A survey
* Footnote-based document image classification using 1D convolutional neural networks and histograms
* Genre linked automated assessment and feedback of photographs based on visual aesthetics
* Global visual saliency: Geometric and colorimetrie saliency fusion and its applications for 3D colored meshes
* Handwriting gender recognition system based on the one-class support vector machines
* HEVC stream saliency extraction: Synergies between FIT and information theory principles
* High performance and fast object detection in road environments
* Illumination-robust multispectral demosaicing
* Image cryptography based on the imitation of gene fusion and horizontal gene transfer
* Image matching using GPT correlation associated with simplified HOG patterns
* Image retrieval based on saliency for urban image contents
* Improving a deep learning based RGB-D object recognition model by ensemble learning
* joint snake and atlas-based segmentation of plantar foot thermal images, A
* JPEG compression model in copy-move forgery detection
* Line Segmentation for Grayscale Text Images of Khmer Palm Leaf Manuscripts
* Local radon descriptors for image search
* Lossless light-field compression using reversible colour transformations
* Majorization-minimization algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation of magnetic resonance images
* Markov random fields for pattern extraction in analog wafer test data
* Multi-modal data fusion for pain intensity assessment and classification
* Multi-View Visual Saliency-Based MRI Classification for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Multimodal three-dimensional vision for wildland fires detection and analysis
* multiresolution DCT-based blind blur quality measure, A
* Multispectral single-sensor RGB-NIR imaging: New challenges and opportunities
* new change detector in heterogeneous remote sensing imagery, A
* new latent generalized dirichlet allocation model for image classification, A
* new semi-supervised method for image co-segmentation, A
* No-reference image quality assessment using Gabor-based smoothness and latent noise estimation
* novel algorithm for optimal matching of elastic shapes with landmark constraints, A
* novel synthetic dataset for research in overlapped fingerprint separation, A
* Offline handwritten signature verification- Literature review
* Pain recognition with camera photoplethysmography
* Pixelwise classification for music document analysis
* Real-time recognition of suicidal behavior using an RGB-D camera
* Recursive 3D scene estimation with multiple camera pairs
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on adaptive local entropy analysis
* Sample-based regularization for support vector machine classification
* Single object tracking using offline trained deep regression networks
* Single parameter post-processing method for image deblurring
* Subaperture image segmentation for lossless compression
* Texture features based on the use of the hough transform and income inequality metrics
* Towards light-compensated saliency prediction for omnidirectional images
* Two-Stage volumetric texture synthesis based on structural information
* Two-steps perceptual important points estimator in 8-connected curves from handwritten signature
* Unsupervised data analysis for virus detection with a surface plasmon resonance sensor
* Vehicle boundary improvement and passing vehicle detection in driver assistance by flow distribution
* Vehicle re-identification by fusing multiple deep neural networks
* Visual place recognition with CNNs: From global to partial
* Weeds detection in UAV imagery using SLIC and the hough transform
* Weighted hybrid features for person re-identification
80 for IPTA17
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* 3D deep learning approach based on Shape Prior for automatic segmentation of myocardial diseases, A
* 4D Light Field Disparity Map estimation using Krawtchouk Polynomials
* Analysis of the weighted Van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard model for image segmentation
* Assigning a new glioma grade label ground-truth for the BraTS dataset using radiologic criteria
* CenterlineNet: Automatic Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction for Computed Tomographic Angiographic Images Using Convolutional Neural Network Architectures
* Cloud Cover Nowcasting with Deep Learning
* Cognitive tasks modelization and description in VR environment for Alzheimer's disease state identification
* Combined Datasets For Breast Cancer Grading Based On Multi-CNN Architectures
* Data augmentation for multi-organ detection in medical images
* Deep learning based automatic detection of uninformative images in pulmonary optical endomicroscopy
* Deep Recognition-based Character Segmentation in Handwritten Syriac Manuscripts
* Deep Unrolled Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Deep-learning based segmentation of challenging myelin sheaths
* Detection of asian hornet's nest on drone acquired FLIR and color images using deep learning methods
* Efficient Deep Face Alignment with Explicit Statistical Shape Models in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Efficient Implementation of Regional Mutual Information for the Registration of Road Images
* Fall Detection using Body Geometry in Video Sequences
* Features Understanding in 3D CNNs for Actions Recognition in Video
* Frame-based reflectance estimation from multispectral images for weed identification in varying illumination conditions
* Fully automatic CNN-based segmentation of retinal bifurcations in 2D adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy images
* Image glossiness from curvelet features using SVM-based classification
* Image-based Classification of Honeybees
* Impact of Deep Learning and Smartphone Technologies in Dermatology: Automated Diagnosis
* Impact of Quality Of Images On Users Behavior On Social Media
* Improved centerline tracking for new descriptors of atherosclerotic aortas
* Instance segmentation in fisheye images
* Investigating CoordConv for Fully and Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Lifelong learning of interpretable image representations
* Literature Review of Deep Learning Models for Liver Vessels Reconstruction
* Localization and Correction of Corrupted Pixel Blocks in Noisy Encrypted Images
* Mixtures of Variational Autoencoders
* original MRI-based method to quantify the Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma brain infiltration, An
* Predicting Brain Degeneration with a Multimodal Siamese Neural Network
* Reconciling Image Captioning and User's Comments for Urban Tourism
* Robust and discriminating face recognition system based on a neural network and correlation techniques
* Robust Image Wafer Inspection
* SegTHOR: Segmentation of Thoracic Organs at Risk in CT images
* Semantic image segmentation based on spatial relationships and inexact graph matching
* Semantic Segmentation Post-processing with Colorized Pairwise Potentials and Deep Edges
* Single-Modal Video Analysis of Personality Traits using Low-Level Visual Features
* Sorting cells from fluorescent markers organization in confocal microscopy: 3D versus 2D images
* Study of the influence of Age: Use of Sample Entropy and CEEMDAN on Navigation Data Acquired from a Bike Simulator
* Study on the Impact of Training Data in CNN-Based Super-Resolution for Low Bitrate End-to-End Video Coding, A
* Symmetric adversarial poisoning against deep learning
* Taming the curse of dimensionality for perturbed token identification
* Time-Dependent Joint Segmentation and Registration Model: Application to Longitudinal Registration of Hepatic DCE-MRI Sequences, A
* Unsupervised segmentation of stents corrupted by artifacts in medical X-ray images
* Video Seals Recognition using Transfer Learning of Convolutional Neural Network
49 for IPTA20
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* AAEGAN Optimization by Purposeful Noise Injection for the Generation of Bright-Field Brain Organoid Images
* Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for cell classification
* Analyzing the Variability of Subjective Image Quality Ratings for Different Distortions
* ARIN: Adaptive Resampling and Instance Normalization for Robust Blind Inpainting of Dunhuang Cave Paintings
* CNN for Hand Washing Movement Classification: What Matters More - the Approach or the Dataset?
* Comparison of GWO-SVM and Random Forest Classifiers in a LevelSet based approach for Bladder wall segmentation and characterisation using MR images
* complex network approach for fish species recognition based on otolith shape, A
* Complex Texture Features Learned by Applying Randomized Neural Network on Graphs
* Correction of Secret Images Reconstructed from Noised Shared Images
* Draco-Based Selective Crypto-Compression Method of 3D objects
* End-to-End Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging using Video Transformers
* Evaluation of Multi-Scale Multiple Instance Learning to Improve Thyroid Cancer Classification
* Explainability for Medical Image Captioning
* Hand-Based Person Identification using Global and Part-Aware Deep Feature Representation Learning
* Impact of Pooling Methods on Image Quality Metrics
* Learning-based compression of visual objects for smart surveillance
* Monoplanar CT Reconstruction with GANs
* Near-Lossless Coding of Plenoptic Camera Sensor Images for Archiving Light Field Array of Views
* Novel and Fast Approach for Reconstructing CASSI-Raman Spectra using Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* On the relevance of edge-conditioned convolution for GNN-based semantic image segmentation using spatial relationships
* One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
* Psi-NET: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Animal Segmentation
* Pyramid Tokens-to-Token Vision Transformer for Thyroid Pathology Image Classification
* Scale Space Radon Transform for Non Overlapping Thick Ellipses Detection
* Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of Hematopoietic Cells
* Towards Fast and Accurate Intimate Contact Recognition through Video Analysis
* Using fractal interpolation over complex network modeling of deep texture representation
* Weak supervision using cell tracking annotation and image registration improves cell segmentation
29 for IPTA22