Update Dates 1103

1103 * *ACCV
* *Medical Computer Vision
* 1-D Transforms for the Motion Compensation Residual
* 3-D Data Denoising and Inpainting with the Low-Redundancy Fast Curvelet Transform
* 3-D Palmprint Recognition With Joint Line and Orientation Features
* 3-D Video Representation Using Depth Maps
* 360° Film Brings Bombed Church To Life
* 3D Documentation of Global Historic Sites: The Scottish Ten Project and Its Applications for Cultural Heritage
* 3D Face Landmarking Method under Pose and Expression Variations
* 3D facial expression recognition: A perspective on promises and challenges
* 3D human pose recovery from image by efficient visual feature selection
* 3D measurement of feature cross-sections of foot while walking
* 3D Models for the Restoration Project: Some Issues and a Case Study
* 3D Recording for 2D Delivering: The Employment of 3D Models for Studies and Analyses
* 3D shape retrieval by Poisson histogram
* 3D Survey of the Early-Middle Bronze Age Workshop Complex and Cemetery Area at Erimi-Laonin Tou Porakou
* 3d Survey Of The San Carlo Theatre In Naples
* 3D Virtual Anastylosis And Reconstruction Of Some Buildings in the Site of Saint-Simeon, Syria
* 3d Virtual Reconstruction Of An Urban Historical Space: A Consideration on the Method
* 3D Virtual Reconstructions of Minoan Rural Sites: The Case Of Livari Cheromylia
* 3D WebGIS and Visualization Issues for Architectures and Large Sites
* Accumulated motion images for facial expression recognition in videos
* Acted vs. natural frustration and delight: Many people smile in natural frustration
* Action recognition by learnt class-specific overcomplete dictionaries
* Action recognition with appearance-motion features and fast search trees
* Action unit detection using sparse appearance descriptors in space-time video volumes
* Action unit recognition transfer across datasets
* Active conditional models
* Active Volume Models for Medical Image Segmentation
* Acume: A new visualization tool for understanding facial expression and gesture data
* Adaptive Continuous-Scale Morphology for Matrix Fields
* Adaptive Denoising by Singular Value Decomposition
* Adaptive discriminant analysis for face recognition from single sample per person
* Adaptive Model-Based Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Covariance Matrices
* Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
* Adaptive Shadow and Highlight Invariant Colour Segmentation for Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Kohonen SOM
* Adaptive smoothness based robust active contours
* Adaptive Thresholding-based Color Reduction Algorithm And Its Applications, An
* Advanced Motion Detection Algorithm With Video Quality Analysis for Video Surveillance Systems, An
* Agent-Based Cooperative Decentralized Airplane-Collision Avoidance
* Aggregation of LoD 1 building models as an optimization problem
* Algebraic error analysis of collinear feature points for camera parameter estimation
* algorithm for automatically computing the horizontal shift between homologous contours from DTMs, An
* Algorithm to decompose three-dimensional complex structures at the necks: Tested on snow structures
* Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
* Analysis and synthesis of facial expressions using decomposable nonlinear generative models
* Analysis of Real-World Driver's Frustration
* Analyzing empathetic interactions based on the probabilistic modeling of the co-occurrence patterns of facial expressions in group meetings
* Anisotropic Fourth-Order Diffusion Filter for Image Noise Removal, An
* Anomalous video event detection using spatiotemporal context
* Apero, An Open Source Bundle Adjusment Software For Automatic Calibration and Orientation of Set of Images
* Application For Cultural Heritage In Erasmus Placement. Surveys And 3D Cataloging Archaeological Finds In Mérida (Spain), An
* approach for on-line signature authentication using Zernike moments, An
* Approach of Multiscale Complexity in Texture Analysis of Lymphomas, An
* Approach Towards the Construction of a Digital Atlas for the Documentation of Cloister and Courtyards in Ascoli Piceno, An
* Approaches for global-based action representations for games and action understanding
* Architectural Historical Heritage: A Tridimensional Multilayers Cataloguing Method
* Architectural Information System SIArch3D-Univaq for Analysis and Preservation of Architectural Heritage, The
* Architectural Large Constructed Environment. Modeling And Interaction Using Dynamic Simulations
* Arcrange And Arcseer: Presenting A New Approach To Archaeological Data Management And Representation
* Assessing the performance of 3D-imaging systems
* Attention control with reinforcement learning for face recognition under partial occlusion
* Attention driven face recognition: A combination of spatial variant fixations and glance
* Audiovisual Discrimination Between Speech and Laughter: Why and When Visual Information Might Help
* Augmented Lagrangian Approach to the Constrained Optimization Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems, An
* Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agents for incremental event evaluation
* Aurora image segmentation by combining patch and texture thresholding
* Autofluorescence Removal by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Complex Image Sequences
* Automated facial affect analysis for one-on-one tutoring applications
* Automated measurement of children's facial expressions during problem solving tasks
* Automated Mitosis Detection of Stem Cell Populations in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images
* Automated quality control of printed flasks and bottles
* Automated Regularization Parameter Selection in Multi-Scale Total Variation Models for Image Restoration
* Automatic Architectural Style Recognition
* Automatic Camera Orientation and Structure Recovery with Samantha
* Automatic Orientation Of Image Sequences In Cultural Heritage
* Automatic Point Cloud Generation and Registration with a Stereovision Slit-scanner
* Automatic Reasoning about Causal Events in Surveillance Video
* Automatic reasoning for geometric constraints in 3D city models with uncertain observations
* Automatic, robust global motion estimation using clustering
* Automatically finding clusters in normalized cuts
* Background Subtraction via Robust Dictionary Learning
* Balanced Multifilter Banks for Multiple Description Coding
* Batch-Mode Active-Learning Methods for the Interactive Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Benchmarking classification models for emotion recognition in natural speech: A multi-corporal study
* Beyond simple features: A large-scale feature search approach to unconstrained face recognition
* Bilingual acoustic feature selection for emotion estimation using a 3D continuous model
* Biomedical Image Processing
* Blind Deconvolution Using Generalized Cross-Validation Approach to Regularization Parameter Estimation
* Blind Spectral Unmixing Based on Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Boosting part-sense multi-feature learners toward effective object detection
* Building up child-robot relationship for therapeutic purposes: From initial attraction towards long-term social engagement
* Can discriminative cues aid face recognition across age?
* Can Variational Models for Correspondence Problems Benefit from Upwind Discretisations?
* Capturing the relative distribution of features for action recognition
* Cascade Architecture for Lateral Control in Autonomous Vehicles
* Central Subspace Dimensionality Reduction Using Covariance Operators
* Central-tendency estimation and nearest-estimate classification of event related potentials
* Circular Blurred Shape Model for Multiclass Symbol Recognition
* City model enrichment
* closed form design method for the two-channel quadrature mirror filter banks, A
* Cluster-Based Landmark and Event Detection for Tagged Photo Collections
* Co-Occurrence of Local Binary Patterns Features for Frontal Face Detection in Surveillance Applications
* co-processed contour tracing algorithm for a smart camera, A
* co-training framework for visual tracking with multiple instance learning, A
* Coded Strobing Photography: Compressive Sensing of High Speed Periodic Videos
* cognitive and video-based approach for multinational License Plate Recognition, A
* Collaborative Transcoding Strategy for Live Broadcasting Over Peer-to-Peer IPTV Networks, A
* Collision Avoidance in Air Traffic Management: A Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization Approach
* Color Constancy Using Natural Image Statistics and Scene Semantics
* Color Monogenic Signal: Application to Color Edge Detection and Color Optical Flow, The
* Colour and rotation invariant textural features based on Markov random fields
* Combination of age and head pose for adult face verification
* Combined Data Association and Evolving Particle Filter for Tracking of Multiple Articulated Objects
* Combined MR imaging towards subject-specific knee contact analysis
* Combined shape and feature-based video analysis and its application to non-rigid object tracking
* Combined significance MAP coding for still image compression
* Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the multi-kernel SVM framework to detect facial action units
* Combining shape, texture and intensity features for cell nuclei extraction in Pap smear images
* Come and have an emotional workout with sensitive artificial listeners!
* Comparative evaluation of wavelet-based super-resolution from video for face recognition at a distance
* Comparing Time-of-Flight and Phase-Shift. The Survey of the Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San Isidoro (LeÓn)
* Comparison and classification of 3D objects surface point clouds on the example of feet
* Comparison Between Active and Passive Techniques for Underwater 3D Applications, A
* Comparison of distribution strategies in uncertainty-aware catchment delineation
* Comparison of statistical models performance in case of segmentation using a small amount of training datasets
* Comparison of Two Structure and Motion Strategies
* Complete Virtual 3d Reconstruction Of The East Pediment Of The Temple Of Zeus At Olympia, The
* Component Analysis Approach to Estimation of Tissue Intensity Distributions of 3D Images
* comprehensive assessment of the structural similarity index, A
* Compressibility-Aware Media Retargeting With Structure Preserving
* computer expression recognition toolbox (CERT), The
* Concept-Driven Multi-Modality Fusion for Video Search
* Congestion control in wireless links based on selective delivery of erroneous packets
* Connectivity in the regular polytope representation
* Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: A comparative study
* Constraint-based gaze estimation without active calibration
* Construction of a Geographical Database of Classical-Archaic Manufactures, Found in the Survey of the Greek Colony Himera (Sicily, Italy). Application and Methodologies for an Experimental Research
* Content-aware video resizing based on salient visual cubes
* Context constrained facial landmark localization based on discontinuous Haar-like feature
* Context-Dependent Kernels for Object Classification
* Continuous emotion detection in response to music videos
* Control of the Effects of Regularization on Variational Optic Flow Computations
* Cooperative Maneuvering in Close Environments Among Cybercars and Dual-Mode Cars
* Copy-resistant barcodes
* CopyCat: An American Sign Language game for deaf children
* Correlation based speech-video synchronization
* criterion for measuring the separability of clusters and its applications to principal component analysis, A
* Cross-layer optimization for SVC video delivery over the IEEE 802.11e wireless networks
* Data-driven animation of hand-object interactions
* Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow, A
* Demographic effects on estimates of automatic face recognition performance
* Denoising of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Principal Component Analysis and Wavelet Shrinkage
* Density-induced margin support vector machines
* Design of a Haptic Gas Pedal for Active Car-Following Support
* Design of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems With Extended Communication Areas and Performance of Data Transmission
* Design of Interchannel MRF Model for Probabilistic Multichannel Image Processing
* Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Optimized Nonlinear Combinations of Sleepiness Indicators
* Detection and matching of curvilinear structures
* Detection and Visualization Method of Dynamic State Transition for Biological Spatio-Temporal Imaging Data
* Detection of impervious surface change with multitemporal Landsat images in an urban-rural frontier
* Developing Parametric Building Models: The Gandis Use Case
* Development and Application of an Integrated Evaluation Framework for Preventive Safety Applications
* Diachronic 3D Reconstruction for Lost Cultural Heritage
* DIBCO 2009: document image binarization contest
* Dictionary Learning for Stereo Image Representation
* Diffeomorphic Image Registration of Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Harmonics
* Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Based on Adaptive Spherical Integral
* Diffusion maps as a framework for shape modeling
* Digital Holographic Three-Dimensional Video Displays
* Digital Image Forgery Detection Based on Lens and Sensor Aberration
* Digital image processing approach using combined wavelet hidden markov model for well-being analysis of insulators
* Digital Rebirth of the Greatest Church of Cluny Maior Ecclesia: From Optronic Surveys to Real Time Use of the Digital Model
* Digital Reconstruction of the Church of San Ildefonso at Zamora (Spain) Using Orthoware
* Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization
* Dimensionality reduction of multidimensional satellite imagery
* Dimensionality reduction using a Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter for tracking and classification of articulated body motions
* Discovering social interactions in real work environments
* Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography in the Presence of Measurement Noise
* Disparity map refinement and 3D surface smoothing via Directed Anisotropic Diffusion
* Distance-Driven Skeletonization in Voxel Images
* Distinguishing identical twins by face recognition
* Distributed multi-camera visual mapping using topological maps of planar regions
* Domain-Specific Image Analysis for Cervical Neoplasia Detection Based on Conditional Random Fields
* dynamic approach to the recognition of 3D facial expressions and their temporal models, A
* Dynamic Programming and Graph Algorithms in Computer Vision
* Dynamic soft encoded patterns for facial event analysis
* Dynamic Vision
* Easy Calibration of a Blind-Spot-Free Fisheye Camera System Using a Scene of a Parking Space
* Edge-Preserving Cross-Sharpening of Multi-Modal Images
* Effect of Border Noise on the Performance of Projection-Based Page Segmentation Methods, The
* Effect of illumination on automatic expression recognition: A novel 3D relightable facial database
* Effective 3D Digitization of Archaeological Artifacts for Interactive Virtual Museum
* efficient approach to smile detection, An
* Efficient fusion for infrared and visible images based on compressive sensing principle
* Efficient Routing on Large Road Networks Using Hierarchical Communities
* Efficient saliency detection based on gaussian models
* Efficient segmentation technique for noisy frontal view iris images using Fourier spectral density
* Efficient template matching for multi-channel images
* Efficient viewshed computation on terrain in external memory
* eISP low-power and tiny silicon footprint programmable video architecture, The
* Elasticity-Based Covariance Analysis of Shapes, An
* Ellipse-based principal component analysis for self-intersecting curve reconstruction from noisy point sets
* Ellipse-based principal component analysis for self-intersecting curve reconstruction from noisy point sets
* Embedded implementation of image-based water-level measurement system
* Embedded omni-vision navigator based on multi-object tracking
* Embedding of a real time image stabilization algorithm on a parameterizable SoPC architecture a chip multi-processor approach
* EMERS: a tree matching-based performance evaluation of mathematical expression recognition systems
* Emotion recognition by two view SVM_2K classifier on dynamic facial expression features
* Emotion recognition from an ensemble of features
* Emotion recognition using dynamic grid-based HoG features
* Emotion recognition using PHOG and LPQ features
* Emotion representation, analysis and synthesis in continuous space: A survey
* Emotional nodes among lines of lyrics
* empirical evaluation on dimensionality reduction schemes for dissimilarity-based classifications, An
* Enhanced Shift and Scale Tolerance for Rotation Invariant Polar Matching With Dual-Tree Wavelets
* Enhancement of historical printed document images by combining Total Variation regularization and Non-local Means filtering
* Enhancing Bag-of-Words Models with Semantics-Preserving Metric Learning
* Epipolar resampling of linear pushbroom satellite imagery by a new epipolarity model
* Estimating human 3D pose from Time-of-Flight images based on geodesic distances and optical flow
* Europeana and 3D
* Evaluating Parameters Affecting The Georeferencing Accuracy Of Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Evolutionary granular approach for recognizing faces altered due to plastic surgery
* Exploiting long-term observations for track creation and deletion in online multi-face tracking
* Exploiting observers' judgements for nonverbal group interaction analysis
* Expression of emotional states during locomotion based on canonical parameters
* Expression recognition from 3D dynamic faces using robust spatio-temporal shape features
* Extended-OPQ Method for User-Centered Quality of Experience Evaluation: A Study for Mobile 3D Video Broadcasting over DVB-H, The
* Extracting 3D images from lunar orbiter Kaguya data
* Extracting Information on Flow Direction in Multivariate Time Series
* Extraction and motion estimation of vehicles in single-pass airborne LiDAR data towards urban traffic analysis
* Extraction of relations between behaviors by lecturer and students in lectures
* Eye localization through multiscale sparse dictionaries
* Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition Using Electrooculography
* Face alignment robust to occlusion
* Face Liveness Detection by Learning Multispectral Reflectance Distributions
* Face Recognition System Using Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature Under Uncontrolled Illumination Variation
* Face Recognition Using Phase-Based Correspondence Matching
* Face recognition using regularised generalised discriminant locality preserving projections
* Face recognition with consideration of aging
* Face recognition: Some challenges in forensics
* Facial action unit recognition with sparse representation
* Facial and bodily expressions for control and adaptation of games (ECAG'11)
* Facial component-landmark detection
* Facial Deblur Inference Using Subspace Analysis for Recognition of Blurred Faces
* Facial expression recognition using emotion avatar image
* Facial feature detection with 3D convex local models
* Facial feature fusion and model selection for age estimation
* Fast and robust appearance-based tracking
* Fast arbitrary resizing of images in the discrete cosine transform domain
* Fast Detection of Robust Features by Reducing the Number of Box Filtering in SURF
* Fast Eigenspace Decomposition of Images of Objects With Variation in Illumination and Pose
* Fast encoding method for vector quantisation of images using subvector characteristics and Hadamard transform
* Fast facial shape recovery from a single image with general, unknown lighting by using tensor representation
* fast hybrid computation model for rectum deformation, A
* Fast MR Image Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging With Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories
* FAST Rate Allocation Through Steepest Descent for JPEG2000 Video Transmission
* Fast semi-global stereo matching via extracting disparity candidates from region boundaries
* Fast Signal Timing Algorithm for Individual Oversaturated Intersections, A
* Fast Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding, A
* Fast two-step histogram-based image segmentation
* Fast Visual Retrieval Using Accelerated Sequence Matching
* Fine-Granularity and Spatially-Adaptive Regularization for Projection-Based Image Deblurring
* Finsler Geometry on Higher Order Tensor Fields and Applications to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* first facial expression recognition and analysis challenge, The
* First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging, A
* Flexible Transport of 3-D Video Over Networks
* Focus on Compressive Sensing
* Formulating Team-Sport Video Summarization as a Resource Allocation Problem
* Frame Fusion for Video Copy Detection
* From CAD to Digital Modeling: The Necessary Hybridization Of Processes
* From classifiers to discriminators: A nearest neighbor rule induced discriminant analysis
* From Point to Local Neighborhood: Polyp Detection in CT Colonography Using Geodesic Ring Neighborhoods
* From Real to ... real. A Review of Geomatic and Rapid Prototyping Techniques for Solid Modelling in Cultural Heritage Field
* From the Continuous to the Discrete Model: A Laser Scanning Application to Conservation Projects
* Fully-3D PET Image Reconstruction Using Scanner-Independent, Adaptive Projection Data and Highly Rotation-Symmetric Voxel Assemblies
* Fuzzy complex numbers and their application for classifiers performance evaluation
* Fuzzy logic-based automatic contrast enhancement of satellite images of ocean
* Fuzzy Random Impulse Noise Removal From Color Image Sequences
* Game-Theoretic Strategies and Equilibriums in Multimedia Fingerprinting Social Networks
* General Approach to First-Order Error Prediction in Rigid Point Registration
* Generalized Gaussian Scale-Space Axiomatics Comprising Linear Scale-Space, Affine Scale-Space and Spatio-Temporal Scale-Space
* Generating Alternative Proposals For The Louvre Using Procedural Modeling
* Generating New Commuting Coprime Matrix Pairs From Known Pairs
* Generic camera model and its calibration for computational integral imaging and 3D reconstruction
* Geometric Invariant Audio Watermarking Based on an LCM Feature
* Geometric Method for Optimal Design of Color Filter Arrays, A
* GIS-Based Surface Analysis of Archaeological Finds
* Global Minimization for Continuous Multiphase Partitioning Problems Using a Dual Approach
* Global Spatial Similarity Optimization Scheme to Track Large Numbers of Dendritic Spines in Time-Lapse Confocal Microscopy, A
* Goal-Oriented Rectification of Camera-Based Document Images
* GPU framework for parallel segmentation of volumetric images using discrete deformable models, A
* GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
* Gradient Ascent Subjective Multimedia Quality Testing
* Grammar-based techniques for creating ground-truthed sketch corpora
* Graph Run-Length Matrices for Histopathological Image Segmentation
* Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation for video retrieval
* graphical model based solution to the facial feature point tracking problem, A
* GRASP algorithm for fast hybrid (filter-wrapper) feature subset selection in high-dimensional datasets, A
* Guest Editorial: Advances in people tracking
* HAIRIS: A Method for Automatic Image Registration Through Histogram-Based Image Segmentation
* Harvesting Image Databases from the Web
* HCI-lambda-2 Workbench: A development tool for multimodal human-computer interaction systems
* Hierarchical CRF with product label spaces for parts-based models
* hierarchical framework for simultaneous facial activity tracking, A
* Hierarchical ranking of facial attributes
* High And Low Resolution Textured Models Of Complex Architectural Surfaces
* High performance fractional motion estimation in H.264/AVC based on one-step algorithm and 8x4 element block processing
* High resolution face sequences from a PTZ network camera
* high-throughput ASIC processor for 8x8 transform coding in H.264/AVC, A
* Highly Accurate Schemes for PDE-Based Morphology with General Convex Structuring Elements
* Historic Building Information Modelling: Adding Intelligence to Laser and Image Based Surveys
* Human head-shoulder segmentation
* human motion database: A cognitive and parametric sampling of human motion, The
* Human Motion Tracking by Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts
* Human pose estimation using patch-based candidate generation and model-based verification
* Hybrid Approach to Detect and Localize Texts in Natural Scene Images, A
* Hyperspectral BSS Using GMCA With Spatio-Spectral Sparsity Constraints
* ICDAR 2009 Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
* ICDAR2009 handwriting segmentation contest
* ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring
* iLogDemons: A Demons-Based Registration Algorithm for Tracking Incompressible Elastic Biological Tissues
* Image Analysis by Conformal Embedding
* Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* Image Denoising Using Gaussian Scale Mixtures with Gaussian-Hermite PDF in Steerable Pyramid Domain
* Image fusion by spatially adaptive filtering using downscaling cokriging
* Image fusion technique based on non-subsampled contourlet transform and adaptive unit-fast-linking pulse-coupled neural network
* Image postprocessing by Non-local Kuan's filter
* Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the Regularized Minimax Estimation for Electrical Capacitance Tomography, An
* Image representation using accurate orthogonal Gegenbauer moments
* Image restoration under mixed noise using globally convex segmentation
* Image Segmentation and Shape Analysis for Road-Sign Detection
* Image-Based and Range-based 3D Modelling of Archaeological Cultural Heritage: The Telamon of the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Agrigento (Italy)
* Image-based Approach For The Architectural Modeling of Past States, An
* Image-based Modeling Experience About Social Facilities, Built During The Fascist Period In Middle Italy, An
* Impact of DEM-Assisted Coregistration on High-Resolution SAR Interferometry
* Improved nonuniformity correction using bilateral filters
* Improved Pole Positioning for Parallel Filters Based on Spectral Smoothing and Multiband Warping
* Improved SIFT matching for pose robust facial expression recognition
* Improving dynamic facial expression recognition with feature subset selection
* Improving Face Recognition Technology
* Improving Harris corner selection strategy
* Improving mixture of experts for view-independent face recognition using teacher-directed learning
* Improving Offline Handwritten Text Recognition with Hybrid HMM/ANN Models
* Improving Subpixel Classification by Incorporating Prior Information in Linear Mixture Models
* Improving the recognition of faces occluded by facial accessories
* In Search of Perceptually Salient Groupings
* In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using Shear Wave Imaging
* In-vehicle camera traffic sign detection and recognition
* Individual identification based on facial dynamics during expressions using active-appearance-based Hidden Markov Models
* Induced Voltage Calculation in Electric Traction Systems: Simplified Methods, Screening Factors, and Accuracy
* Inference on the prediction of ensembles of infinite size
* Infrastructures for Home Delivery, Interfacing, Captioning, and Viewing of 3-D Content
* Innovations in Intelligent Image Analysis
* Integrated Strategies For The Modeling Very Large And Complex Architectures
* Integrating semantic web technologies and geospatial catalog services for geospatial information discovery and processing in cyberinfrastructure
* Interactive 3D Landscapes On Line
* Interactive Image Segmentation With Multiple Linear Reconstructions in Windows
* Interactive Streaming of Stored Multiview Video Using Redundant Frame Structures
* Interpreting motion events of pairs of moving objects
* introduction to the good, the bad, and the ugly face recognition challenge problem, An
* Inverse Halftoning Based on the Bayesian Theorem
* Investigating the relationship between image enhancement and image compression in the context of the multi-scale retinex
* Iterative Shape Refinement in AAM
* joint 2D AM-FM estimation based on higher order Teager-Kaiser energy operators, A
* Joint Coding/Routing Optimization for Distributed Video Sources in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* Joint Optimization of the Worst-Case Robust MMSE MIMO Transceiver
* Kernel Maximum Autocorrelation Factor and Minimum Noise Fraction Transformations
* Kernel Similarity Modeling of Texture Pattern Flow for Motion Detection in Complex Background
* Kernel spectral regression of perceived age from hybrid facial features
* Kernel-based object tracking using asymmetric kernels with adaptive scale and orientation selection
* key binding system based on n-nearest minutiae structure of fingerprint, A
* Kids Take Their Best Shot (and Learn about Electronics in the Process)
* Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval and Mining
* Laser Scanning of a Monolithic Column During Processing in Middle Egypt
* Layered Multicast With Inter-Layer Network Coding for Multimedia Streaming
* Learning discriminative local binary patterns for face recognition
* Learning grammar rules of building parts from precise models and noisy observations
* Learning sparse feature for eyeglasses problem in face recognition
* Learning spatio-temporal dependency of local patches for complex motion segmentation
* Learning Visual Contexts for Image Annotation From Flickr Groups
* Left-Invariant Diffusions on the Space of Positions and Orientations and their Application to Crossing-Preserving Smoothing of HARDI images
* Lie to Me: Deceit detection via online behavioral learning
* Linear Time Algorithms for Exact Distance Transform
* Linearized Motion Estimation for Articulated Planes
* LLVM-based and scalable MPEG-RVC decoder
* Local Algorithm for the Computation of Image Velocity via Constructive Interference of Global Fourier Components, A
* Local binary patterns for multi-view facial expression recognition
* Local Distance Functions: A Taxonomy, New Algorithms, and an Evaluation
* Local frequency descriptor for low-resolution face recognition
* Local matching Gabor entropy weighted face recognition
* Local shape descriptor selection for object recognition in range data
* Low Complexity Mode Decision Method for Spatial Scalability Coding, A
* LPSM: Fitting shape model by linear programming
* Lynx Mobile Mapper For Surveying City Centers And Highways
* Macro- and micro-expression spotting in long videos using spatio-temporal strain
* MAGIC 2.0: A web tool for false positive prediction and prevention for gesture recognition systems
* Magnetic Resonance Driven Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Simulation Study
* Making a photomap of the human eye based on the spherical shape of its sclera and the circular contour of its iris
* Manifold-respecting discriminant nonnegative matrix factorization
* Mapping and manipulating facial dynamics
* Margin Emphasized Metric Learning and its application to Gabor feature based face recognition
* Markerless reconstruction and synthesis of dynamic facial expressions
* Matera città Narrata Project: An Integrated Guide For Mobile Systems
* Mathematical Modeling of the Human Cognitive System in Two Serial Processing Stages With Its Applications in Adaptive Workload-Management Systems
* Maximum Margin Clustering Based Statistical VAD With Multiple Observation Compound Feature
* Measured Model, Theoretical Model and Represented Model: The So-Called Arch of Drusus in Rome
* Measuring 3D shape similarity by graph-based matching of the medial scaffolds
* Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Reference Frame Compression in Video Encoding
* Methods and Tools for Wavelet-Based Scalable Multiview Video Coding
* Metric Survey Of The Monument Of Queen Elisenda's Tomb In The Monastery Of Pedralbes, Barcelona
* Metrics for evaluating performance in document analysis: Application to tables
* Metropolis monte carlo for tomographic reconstruction with prior smoothness information
* MIC: My Ideal City
* MIMiC: Multimodal Interactive Motion Controller
* Minimization of Imaging Gradient Effects in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Minimizing the Effect of Sampling Jitters in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Mining Event Structures from Web Videos
* Model-Based Multiple Rigid Object Detection and Registration in Unstructured Range Data
* Modeling hidden dynamics of multimodal cues for spontaneous agreement and disagreement recognition
* Modeling Social Perception of Faces
* Modeling spatial and semantic cues for large-scale near-duplicated image retrieval
* Modelling and analysing 3D buildings with a primal/dual data structure
* Moments-Based Fast Wedgelet Transform
* Morphological Amoebas Are Self-snakes
* Morphological rational operator for contrast enhancement
* Mosaic Decomposition: An Electronic Cleansing Method for Inhomogeneously Tagged Regions in Noncathartic CT Colonography
* Motion capture for realtime control of virtual actors in live, distributed, theatrical performances
* Motion Compensated Three-Dimensional Frequency Selective Extrapolation for improved error concealment in video communication
* Motion divergence fields for dynamic hand gesture recognition
* motion in emotion: A CERT based approach to the FERA emotion challenge, The
* Motion Pattern Extraction and Event Detection for Automatic Visual Surveillance
* MSE optimized polynomial equalizer for 16QAM and 64QAM constellation, A
* Multi-approach Satellite Images Fusion Based On Blind Sources Separation
* Multi-Core Platforms for Beamforming and Wave Field Synthesis
* Multi-histogram Clustering Approach Toward Markov Random Field For Foreground Segmentation, A
* Multi-Scale Vectorial L-tau-TV Framework for Color Image Restoration, A
* Multi-signal gesture recognition using temporal smoothing hidden conditional random fields
* Multichannel Audio Coding Based on Analysis by Synthesis
* Multichannel Image Registration by Feature-Based Information Fusion
* Multiclass object classification for real-time video surveillance systems
* Multicore speedup for automated stitching of large images
* multifactor extension of Grassmann manifolds for face recognition, The
* Multifactor feature extraction for human movement recognition
* Multiframe image super-resolution adapted with local spatial information
* Multilinear projection for face recognition via canonical decomposition
* Multimodal identification using Markov logic networks
* Multiple kernel learning SVM and statistical validation for facial landmark detection
* multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models, A
* Multiscale Interactive Communication: Inside And Outside Thun Castle
* New 3D-Matching Method of Nonrigid and Partially Similar Models Using Curve Analysis, A
* new approach to corner matching from image sequence using fuzzy similarity index, A
* new distortion measure for motion estimation in motion-compensated hybrid video coding, A
* New Instruments for Survey: On-Line Softwares for 3D Recontruction from Images
* new method for combined face detection and identification using interest point descriptors, A
* New method for the fusion of complementary information from infrared and visual images for object detection
* new pan-sharpening method using multiobjective particle swarm optimization and the shiftable contourlet transform, A
* New Possibilities in Image Diffusion and Sharpening via High-Order Sobolev Gradient Flows
* New Solution to the Relative Orientation Problem Using Only 3 Points and the Vertical Direction, A
* Noise gradient reduction based on morphological dual operators
* Nongeometric Distortion Smoothing Approach for Depth Map Preprocessing
* Nonrigid Registration of 2-D and 3-D Dynamic Cell Nuclei Images for Improved Classification of Subcellular Particle Motion
* note on ball segment picking related to clustering, A
* novel biometric via hand structure using near-field microwave imaging, A
* novel coarse-to-fine hair segmentation method, A
* Novel Efficient Algorithm for Locating and Tracking Object Parts in Low Resolution Videos, A
* novel geometric facial representation based on multi-scale extended local binary patterns, A
* novel histogram transformation to improve the performance of thresholding methods in edge detection, A
* Novel Kernel Correlation Model with the Correspondence Estimation, A
* novel perceptual feature set for audio emotion recognition, A
* Novel RD-Optimized VBSME With Matching Highly Data Re-Usable Hardware Architecture
* Novel Scatter Compensation of List-Mode PET Data Using Spatial and Energy Dependent Corrections
* Noviodunum Roman Fortress. A Survey On A City Wall Section
* Object Tracking of Video Sequences in Curvelet Domain
* Obtaining speech assets for judgement analysis on low-pass filtered emotional speech
* On a Derivative-Free Fan-Beam Reconstruction Formula
* On approximating Euclidean metrics by weighted t-cost distances in arbitrary dimension
* On dimensions in emotion psychology
* On guided model-based analysis for ear biometrics
* On Semi-implicit Splitting Schemes for the Beltrami Color Image Filtering
* On the Eigenstructure of DFT Matrices
* On the Equivalence Between Hierarchical Segmentations and Ultrametric Watersheds
* On the Occurrence Probability of Local Binary Patterns: A Theoretical Study
* On the Selection of Optimal Feature Region Set for Robust Digital Image Watermarking
* On the Use of Stochastic Driver Behavior Model in Lane Departure Warning
* On-line Arabic handwriting recognition competition: ADAB database and participating systems
* One-class label propagation using local cone based similarity
* Online Appearance Model Learning and Generation for Adaptive Visual Tracking
* Online loop closure for real-time interactive 3D scanning
* Online multiple support instance tracking
* Online Spatio-Temporal Risk Assessment for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Online Video Recommendation through Tag-Cloud Aggregation
* Operator Splittings, Bregman Methods and Frame Shrinkage in Image Processing
* Optical signal processing with illumination-encoded filters
* Optimal Bandwidth Assignment for Multiple-Description-Coded Video
* optimal camera arrangement by a performance model for gait recognition, The
* Optimal Data Hiding Scheme With Tree-Based Parity Check, An
* Optimal gradient pursuit for face alignment
* Optimal Transportation Approach for Nuclear Structure-Based Pathology, An
* Optimal-flow minimum-cost correspondence assignment in particle flow tracking
* Optimized Median Lifting Scheme for Lossy Image Compression
* Optimizing Minimum and Maximum Green Time Settings for Traffic Actuated Control at Isolated Intersections
* Optimizing Visual Search Reranking via Pairwise Learning
* Orientation Inference Framework for Surface Reconstruction From Unorganized Point Clouds, An
* Orientation-Matching Minimization for Image Denoising and Inpainting
* Orthogonal Tensor Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for facial expression recognition
* Output-associative RVM regression for dimensional and continuous emotion prediction
* Overview of the Stereo and Multiview Video Coding Extensions of the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Standard
* Painful data: The UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expression archive database
* Pairwise Orthogonal Transform for Spectral Image Coding
* Parallel Deblocking Filtering in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 on Massively Parallel Architectures
* Parallel implementation of a spatio-temporal visual saliency model
* Parallel MR Image Reconstruction Using Augmented Lagrangian Methods
* Parameter de-correlation and model-identification in hybrid-style terrestrial laser scanner self-calibration
* Parameter Identification of 1D Recurrent Fractal Interpolation Functions with Applications to Imaging and Signal Processing
* Parameterization-Invariant Shape Comparisons of Anatomical Surfaces
* Parameterized Logarithmic Framework for Image Enhancement
* Partial Differential Equations for Zooming, Deinterlacing and Dejittering
* particle filter-based approach for tracking undersea narrow telecommunication cables, A
* Patrol Routing Expression, Execution, Evaluation, and Engagement
* PCA-based image recombination for multimodal 2D + 3D face recognition
* Performance Analysis of n-Channel Symmetric FEC-Based Multiple Description Coding for OFDM Networks
* Performance Comparison of Feature-Based Detectors for Spectrum Sensing in the Presence of Primary User Traffic
* Performance Evaluation of a Structure and Motion Strategy in Architecture and Cultural Heritage
* Performance evaluation of wavelet-based distributed video coding schemes
* Periodic Plus Smooth Image Decomposition
* Person identification using behavioral features from lip motion
* Person identification using behavioral features from lip motion
* Person-independent facial expression detection using Constrained Local Models
* PET Image Reconstruction Using Information Theoretic Anatomical Priors
* POETICON enacted scenario corpus: A tool for human and computational experiments on action understanding, The
* Point Cloud Visualization in an Open Source 3D Glob3
* Polygonal shape reconstruction in the plane
* Polynomial-Time Feasibility Condition for Multiclass Aircraft Sequencing on a Single-Runway Airport
* Practical Approach to Model Selection for Support Vector Machines With a Gaussian Kernel, A
* Predicting dominance judgements automatically: A machine learning approach
* Prediction-based classification for audiovisual discrimination between laughter and speech
* Primal and Dual Bregman Methods with Application to Optical Nanoscopy
* Principal component analysis of image gradient orientations for face recognition
* Priority-Based 6T/8T Hybrid SRAM Architecture for Aggressive Voltage Scaling in Video Applications, A
* Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems: Analysis of Subband-Adaptive Scrambling in JPEG XR
* Probabilistic people tracking with appearance models and occlusion classification: The AD-HOC system
* Problem of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems: The Irregularity of LED Radiation Pattern and Emitter Design, A
* Procedures And Methods of Digital Modeling in Representation Didactics
* Processing A Complex Architectural Sampling With Meshlab: The Case of Piazza Della Signoria
* Production Rules for Stereo Acquisition
* Project Photofly: New 3D Modeling Online Web Service (Case Studies and Assessments)
* Prop-free pointing detection in dynamic cluttered environments
* Prostate Segmentation in HIFU Therapy
* Proto-Object Based Rate Control for JPEG2000: An Approach to Content-Based Scalability
* protocol to characterize the descriptive power and the complementarity of shape descriptors, A
* Qualitative change detection using sensor networks based on connectivity information
* Quality analysis on 3D building models reconstructed from airborne laser scanning data
* Quantitative structural information for inferring context free grammars with an extended Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm
* Random linear network coding with ladder-shaped global coding matrix for robust video transmission
* Random N-Finder (N-FINDR) Endmember Extraction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Range Based Method For Complex Facade Modeling, A
* Rank Estimation in Missing Data Matrix Problems
* Rapid 3D face modeling using a frontal face and a profile face for accurate 2D pose synthesis
* Rapid modeling of cones and cylinders from a single calibrated image using minimum 2D control points
* Rapid scalar value classification and volume clipping for interactive 3D medical image visualization
* Rate and Distortion Modeling of CGS Coded Scalable Video Content
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Joint Source/Channel Coding of WWAN Multicast Video for a Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Collective
* Real time ultrasound image denoising
* Real-time automatic recognition of omnidirectional multiple barcodes and DSP implementation
* Real-time avatar animation from a single image
* Real-time avatar animation from a single image
* Real-time face recognition demonstration
* Real-Time Gaze Estimator Based on Driver's Head Orientation for Forward Collision Warning System
* Real-time inference of mental states from facial expressions and upper body gestures
* Real-time social interaction analysis
* Real-Time Urban Monitoring Using Cell Phones: A Case Study in Rome
* Real-time vehicle tracking for driving assistance
* Realistic head motion synthesis for an image-based talking head
* Realistic head motion synthesis for an image-based talking head
* Realtime Compositing Of Procedural Facade Textures on the GPU
* Recent advances in age and height estimation from still images and video
* Recognition Of Postal Codes From Fingerspelling Video Sequence
* Recognizing face sketches by a large number of human subjects: A perception-based study for facial distinctiveness
* Recognizing facial expressions from 3D video: Current results and future prospects
* Reconstructing CCTV, Beijing
* Reconstruction of 3D Vector Models of Buildings by Combination of ALS, TLS and VLS Data
* Recovery of polarimetric Stokes images by spatial mixture models
* Reducing FFT Scalloping Loss Errors Without Multiplication
* Refining structural texture synthesis approach
* Region Detection by Minimizing Intraclass Variance With Geometric Constraints, Global Optimality, and Efficient Approximation
* Regularization of Discrete Contour by Willmore Energy
* Regularized Background Adaptation: A Novel Learning Rate Control Scheme for Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Relay Level Set Method for Automatic Image Segmentation, A
* Reliable camera pose and calibration from a small set of point and line correspondences: A probabilistic approach
* Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter
* Requiem for Freeway Travel Time Estimation Methods Based on Blind Speed Interpolations Between Point Measurements
* Research on the unbiased probability estimation of error-correcting output coding
* Reshaping 3D facial scans for facial appearance modeling and 3D facial expression analysis
* Reverse caricatures effects on three-dimensional facial reconstructions
* Reverse Engineering and 3D Modelling for Digital Documentation of Maritime Heritage
* Reversible and high-capacity data hiding in medical images
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image
* Revisiting Linear Discriminant Techniques in Gender Recognition
* Riemannian Geometry of the Space of Positive-Definite Matrices and Its Application to the Regularization of Positive-Definite Matrix-Valued Data, The
* Rigid Body Motion Compensation for Spiral Projection Imaging
* Road Detection Based on Illuminant Invariance
* Robust 3D hand tracking for human computer interaction
* robust automatic crack detection method from noisy concrete surfaces, A
* Robust Camera Calibration and Player Tracking in Broadcast Basketball Video
* robust composite metric for head pose tracking using an accurate face model, A
* Robust Fitting of Circle Arcs
* Robust Inference of Principal Road Paths for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* robust method based on ICA and mixture sparsity for edge detection in medical images, A
* Robust semantic analysis by synthesis of 3D facial motion
* Robust skin detection using multi-spectral illumination
* Robust Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Robust Visual Object Tracking Using Multi-Mode Anisotropic Mean Shift and Particle Filters
* Robustly registering range images using local distribution of albedo
* Salient Motion Features for Video Quality Assessment
* Sampled medial loci for 3D shape representation
* Scalable face labeling in online social networks
* Scalable Modeling of Motion and Boundary Geometry With Quad-Tree Node Merging
* Scalable Video Multicast in Hybrid 3G/Ad-Hoc Networks
* Scale-Adaptive Spatial Appearance Feature Density Approximation for Object Tracking
* SCUT-COUCH2009: A comprehensive online unconstrained Chinese handwriting database and benchmark evaluation
* Seafloor: A Key Factor in Lidar Bottom Detection, The
* Security of the Medical Media Using a Hybrid and Multiple Watermark Technique
* Segment and recognize expression phase by fusion of motion area and neutral divergence features
* Segmentation of noisy colour images using cauchy distribution in the complex wavelet domain
* Segmentation of textured cell images based on frequency analysis
* Selective image abstraction
* Sensing and Signal Processing for Vehicle Reidentification and Travel Time Estimation
* set of new Chebyshev kernel functions for support vector machine pattern classification, A
* Setting up a competition framework for the evaluation of structure extraction from OCR-ed books
* SfM-based 3D face reconstruction method robust to self-occlusion by using a shape conversion matrix, A
* Shear Wave Velocity Imaging Using Transient Electrode Perturbation: Phantom and ex vivo Validation
* Ship Surveillance With TerraSAR-X
* Silhouette-based gesture and action recognition via modeling trajectories on Riemannian shape manifolds
* SiMOR: Single Moving Object Recognition
* simple time domain algorithm for the detection of ventricular fibrillation in electrocardiogram, A
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation for PET/MR
* Single and sparse view 3D reconstruction by learning shape priors
* Single viewpoint model completion of symmetric objects for digital inspection
* Smooth contour coding with minimal description length active grid segmentation techniques
* Space Moving Objects Spatio-temporal Modeling And Visualization
* Sparse eigentracker augmented by associative mapping to 3D shape
* Sparse Matrix Transform for Covariance Estimation and Analysis of High Dimensional Signals, The
* sparse nearest mean classifier for high dimensional multi-class problems, A
* Sparse shape registration for occluded facial feature localization
* Sparsely Encoded Local Descriptor for face recognition
* Spatial cloaking for anonymous location-based services in mobile peer-to-peer environments
* Spatial Correlation-Based Image Compression Framework for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, A
* Spatial Sparsity-Induced Prediction (SIP) for Images and Video: A Simple Way to Reject Structured Interference
* Spatio-temporal modelling of informal settlement development in Sancaktepe district, Istanbul, Turkey
* Spatiotemporal Localization and Categorization of Human Actions in Unsegmented Image Sequences
* Special Issue on 3-D Media and Displays
* Special issue on 3D imaging and modelling
* Special issue on feature-oriented image and video computing for extracting contexts and semantics
* Special issue on parallel computing for real-time image processing
* Special Issue on Performance Evaluation
* SPIDERGL: A Graphics Library For 3d Web Applications
* Spiral band model for locating Tropical Cyclone centers
* SSIM-based approach for finding similar facial expressions, A
* State of the Art in Stereoscopic and Autostereoscopic Displays
* Static Object Detection Based on a Dual Background Model and a Finite-State Machine
* Statistical Analysis of Cortical Morphometrics Using Pooled Distances Based on Labeled Cortical Distance Maps
* Statistical Analysis of H.264/AVC FME Mode Reduction, A
* String-based audiovisual fusion of behavioural events for the assessment of dimensional affect
* Structural two-dimensional principal component analysis for image recognition
* Structured learning approach to image descriptor combination
* Structured Max-Margin Learning for Inter-Related Classifier Training and Multilabel Image Annotation
* Study On Height Information Extraction Of Cultural Features In Remote Sensing Images Based On Shadow Areas, The
* Subjective Quality Assessment of H.264/AVC Video Streaming with Packet Losses
* Summarizing tourist destinations by mining user-generated travelogues and photos
* Superchunk-Based Efficient Search in P2P-VoD System
* Supervised Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Dimensionality Reduction
* Supervised principal component analysis: Visualization, classification and regression on subspaces and submanifolds
* Support vector machines in remote sensing: A review
* Survey of Audio-Based Music Classification and Annotation, A
* survey of multilinear subspace learning for tensor data, A
* Survey Problems and Representation of Architectural Painted Surfaces
* Survey, Representation and Analysis of a War I Complex System of Surface and Underground Fortifications in the Gresta Valley, Italy
* Tackling the Problem of Invariant Texture Retrieval Using Multiple Strategies
* Tangent bundle for human action recognition
* Targetless Camera Calibration
* Tennis Video 2.0: A new presentation of sports videos with content separation and rendering
* Tensor-based locally maximum margin classifier for image and video classification
* Text From Corners: A Novel Approach to Detect Text and Caption in Videos
* Theme issue 'Quality, scale and analysis aspects of urban city models'
* Threat determines affective startle potentiation
* Three Novell Analog-Domain Algorithms for Motion Detection in Video Surveillance
* Three-dimensional Data and the Recording of Material Structure
* Three-dimensional machine vision and machine-learning algorithms applied to quality control of percussion caps
* Three-Dimensional Media for Mobile Devices
* Three-Dimensional Occlusion Detection and Restoration of Partially Occluded Faces
* Three-Dimensional Optical Sensing and Visualization Using Integral Imaging
* Three-Dimensional Video Postproduction and Processing
* Tissue Characterization of Equine Tendons With Clinical B-Scan Images Using a Shock Filter Thinning Algorithm
* Topology-Adaptive Mesh Deformation for Surface Evolution, Morphing, and Multiview Reconstruction
* Total Variation Projection With First Order Schemes
* Towards a more discriminative and semantic visual vocabulary
* Towards Detecting Swath Events in TerraSAR-X Time Series to Establish NATURA 2000 Grassland Habitat Swath Management as Monitoring Parameter
* Towards view-invariant expression analysis using analytic shape manifolds
* Tracking body and hands for gesture recognition: NATOPS aircraft handling signals database
* Tracking facial feature points with prediction-assisted view-based active shape model
* Tracking rigid objects using integration of model-based and model-free cues
* transformation for ordering multispectral data in terms of image quality with implications for noise removal, A
* Transport and Storage Systems for 3-D Video Using MPEG-2 Systems, RTP, and ISO File Format
* Travel Time Prediction Using Floating Car Data Applied to Logistics Planning
* Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Minimal Path Method and Anisotropic Enhancement
* Two Classes of Elliptic Discrete Fourier Transforms: Properties and Examples
* Two Enhanced Fourth Order Diffusion Models for Image Denoising
* unified context assessing model for object categorization, A
* Unsupervised Alignment of News Video and Text Using Visual Patterns and Textual Concepts
* Unsupervised learning of human expressions, gestures, and actions
* Urban Archaeology: How to Communicate a Story of a Site, 3D Virtual Reconstruction but not Only
* Use of 3D Models in Integrate Survey: The Church of St. Thomas of Villanova in Castel Gandolfo, The
* Use of matrix polar decomposition for illumination-tolerant face recognition in discrete cosine transform domain
* Using horizontal and vertical building structure to constrain indirect sensor orientation
* Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Lidar Data for Photo-Realistic Visualisation of Climate Impacts at Heritage Sites
* Variable Length Open Contour Tracking Using a Deformable Trellis
* Variance Analysis and Comparison in Computer-Aided Design
* Variational Bayesian Super Resolution
* Variational Multi-Valued Velocity Field Estimation for Transparent Sequences
* Vector quantisation based on a quasi-binary search algorithm
* Veering around the Uncanny Valley: Revealing the underlying structure of facial expressions
* Versatile spectral methods for point set matching
* Video Coding Using Spatially Varying Transform
* Video object pursuit by tri-tracker with on-line learning from positive and negative candidates
* Virtual Contour Guided Video Object Inpainting Using Posture Mapping and Retrieval
* Virtual Exhibition and Fruition of Archaeological Finds
* Virtual Museum Applications and Their Public Perception in Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Virtual Presence and the Mind's Eye in 3-D Online Communities
* Virtual Reconstruction of the Almaqah Temple of Yeha in Ethiopia by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* vision-based system for automatic hand washing quality assessment, A
* Visual enhancement of old documents with hyperspectral imaging
* Visual Fatigue Prediction for Stereoscopic Image
* Visual Rhythm Detection and Its Applications in Interactive Multimedia
* Visual tracking using the Earth Mover's Distance between Gaussian mixtures and Kalman filtering
* Visualisation and prediction of conversation interest through mined social signals
* Warp that smile on your face: Optimal and smooth deformations for face recognition
* Watching Video over the Web Part 1: Streaming Protocols
* Wavelet shrinkage: Unification of basic thresholding functions and thresholds
* Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite state automata for pattern classification
* Wavelet-Based Image Texture Classification Using Local Energy Histograms
* Weakly Supervised Training of a Sign Language Recognition System Using Multiple Instance Learning Density Matrices
* wearable gaze tracking system for children in unconstrained environments, A
* Web-based Interactive Tool for Multi-Resolution 3D Models of a Maya Archaeological Site, A
* When high-quality face images match poorly
* Window-Level Rate Control for Smooth Picture Quality and Smooth Buffer Occupancy
* X-ray Categorization and Retrieval on the Organ and Pathology Level, Using Patch-Based Visual Words
* X3dom as Carrier of the Virtual Heritage
* YaDiV: An open platform for 3D visualization and 3D segmentation of medical data
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Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.