* *CAVIAR Test Case Scenarios
* 3D characterization and localization of anatomical landmarks of the foot by FastSCAN
* 3D reconstruction of real objects with high resolution shape and texture
* Active learning for detecting a spectrally variable subject in color infrared imagery
* Adaptive Grid Refinement Procedures for Efficient Optical Flow Computation
* Adaptive Postprocessing Technique for the Reduction of Color Bleeding in DCT-Coded Images, An
* Adaptive road detection through continuous environment learning
* Advanced algorithms for autonomous hyperspectral change detection
* affine invariant curve matching method for photo-identification of marine mammals, An
* Amsterdam Library of Object Images, The
* Analysis and interpretation of visual saliency for document functional labeling
* Analysis of 3-D Myocardial Motion in Tagged MR Images Using Nonrigid Image Registration
* Anchorperson extraction for Picture in Picture news video
* Apparatus and method for acquiring uniform-resolution panoramic images
* Approach to target detection based on relevant metric for scoring performance
* Arbitrary affine transformation and their composition effects for two-dimensional fractal sets
* Articulated Body Motion Capture by Stochastic Search
* Assessing the performance of an automated video ground truthing application
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological MR Brain Images Using a Model of Lesion Growth
* Automated stabilization method for digital image sequences
* Automatic Foveation for Video Compression Using a Neurobiological Model of Visual Attention
* Automatic instrument localization in laparoscopic surgery
* automatic road sign recognition system based on a computational model of human recognition processing, An
* Automatic video summarization based on MPEG-7 descriptions
* Bayesian Filtering Technique for SAR Interferometric Phase Fields, A
* Bayesian network classifiers versus selective k-NN classifier
* Bidirectional MC-EZBC with Lifting Implementation
* Biologically inspired approaches to automated feature extraction and target recognition
* Building Roadmaps of Minima and Transitions in Visual Models
* Camera control apparatus for controlling a plurality of cameras for tracking an object
* Classification of honeybee pollen using a multiscale texture filtering scheme
* Classification on defective items using unidentified samples
* Classifier combination based on confidence transformation
* Coastline extraction from SAR images and a method for the evaluation of the coastline precision
* Collection of on-line handwritten Japanese character pattern databases and their analyses
* Collusion-Resilient Fingerprinting by Random Pre-Warping
* Combining 2d Feature Tracking And Volume Reconstruction For Online Video-based Human Motion Capture
* Comparison of non-parametric methods for assessing classifier performance in terms of ROC parameters
* Complex neural networks as future tools in imagery analysis
* Compression Method for a Massive Image Data Set in Image-Based Rendering, A
* Compression of map images for real-time applications
* Computation in the higher visual cortices: map-seeking circuit theory and application to machine vision
* computational framework for real-time detection and recognition of large number of classes, A
* computational framework for real-time detection and recognition of large number of classes, A
* Computational modeling of thoracic and abdominal anatomy using spatial relationships for image segmentation
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Solid Breast Nodules: Use of an Artificial Neural Network Based on Multiple Sonographic Features
* Computing Large Deformation Metric Mappings via Geodesic Flows of Diffeomorphisms
* Content analysis of video using principal components
* Contour-Based Object Tracking with Occlusion Handling in Video Acquired Using Mobile Cameras
* Convolutional Face Finder: A Neural Architecture for Fast and Robust Face Detection
* Curve spreads: A biometric from front-view gait video
* CVIU special issue on event detection in video
* Data Processing Algorithms for Generating Textured 3D Building Facade Meshes from Laser Scans and Camera Images
* deformable model for fingerprint matching, A
* Dempster-Shafer's Basic Probability Assignment Based on Fuzzy Membership Functions
* Depth Estimation and Image Restoration Using Defocused Stereo Pairs
* Design and Statistical Analysis of a Hash-Aided Image Watermarking System
* Design efficient support vector machine for fast classification
* Design of Vector Quantizer for Image Compression Using Self-Organizing Feature Map and Surface Fitting
* Designing templates for cellular neural networks using particle swarm optimization
* Detection of land-cover transitions by combining multidate classifiers
* Detection of Optic Disc in Retinal Images by Means of a Geometrical Model of Vessel Structure
* Determining Correspondence in 3-D MR Brain Images Using Attribute Vectors as Morphological Signatures of Voxels
* Differential video coding of face and gesture events in presentation videos
* Directional Coherence Interpolation For Three-dimensional Gray-level Images
* distributed system for computer vision quality control of clinched boards, A
* Dmesh: Fast Depth-image Meshing And Warping
* Downstream Algorithm Based on Extended Gradient Vector Flow Field for Object Segmentation, A
* dynamical model with adaptive pixel moving for microarray images segmentation, A
* ECG to identify individuals
* Effective Multiresolution Arc Segmentation: Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
* Effects of Classifier Structures and Training Regimes on Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numeral Strings
* efficient law-of-cosine-based search for vector quantization, An
* efficient selected feature set for the middle age Persian character recognition, An
* Efficient video indexing scheme for content-based retrieval
* Embedded reading device for blind people: a user-centered design
* Enhanced Hexagonal Search for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Face recognition by capturing eye illumination spot
* Facial expression recognition and synthesis based on an appearance model
* Fast and Robust Multiframe Super Resolution
* fast automatic extraction algorithm of elliptic object groups from remote sensing images, A
* Feasibility study for the development of a motion imagery quality metric
* Feature extraction of finger-vein patterns based on repeated line tracking and its application to personal identification
* Filter-based feature selection for rail defect detection
* Filtering control method for improving image quality of bi-linear interpolated image
* Finding the focus of expansion and estimating range using optical flow images and a matched filter
* Flexible nonlinear contextual classification
* Flexible Similarity Measure for 3D Shapes Recognition, A
* Fusion of intensity, texture, and color in video tracking based on mutual information
* fuzzy find matching tool for image text analysis, A
* Genetic algorithms for video segmentation
* Groves decipherment from space photos using prototype matching
* High-Resolution Functional Vascular Assessment With Ultrasound
* Horizon picking in 3D seismic data volumes
* Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection
* hybrid opto-electronic method for fast off-line handwritten signature verification, A
* Identification of tuberculosis bacteria based on shape and color
* Illuminant-Dependence of Von Kries Type Quotients
* Illumination invariant faces
* Image Acquisition Using Aperture Control Adapted to Spatio-Temporal Properties
* Image contrast enhancement via entropy production
* Image denoising with neighbour dependency and customized wavelet and threshold
* Image Distortion Analysis Using Polynomial Series Expansion
* Image primitive signatures
* Image Retrieval System Using Multispectral Random Field Models, Color, and Geometric Features, An
* Image retrieval using histograms of uni-color and bi-color blocks and directional changes in intensity gradient
* Image-based Template Generation Of Road Networks For Virtual Maps
* Implementing multiplexing, streaming, and server interaction for MPEG-4
* Incorporating Geometric Registration with PC-Cluster Rendering for Flexible Tiled Displays
* Independent component analysis for document restoration
* Indexing of Multidimensional Lookup Tables in Embedded Systems
* Initialization method for self-calibration using 2-views
* integrated approach for content-based video object segmentation and retrieval, An
* integrated scheme for automated video abstraction based on unsupervised cluster-validity analysis, An
* Interactive Algorithm for Image Smoothing and Segmentation, An
* Introduction to the special issue on object-based video coding and description
* Layered representations for learning and inferring office activity from multiple sensory channels
* Learning to Detect Objects in Images via a Sparse, Part-Based Representation
* Lighting and Shadow Interpolation Using Intrinsic Lumigraphs
* Lighting Sensitive Display
* Long-term global motion estimation and its application for sprite coding, content description, and segmentation
* mammography database and view system for the African American patients, A
* Markov Random Field Models for Directional Field and Singularity Extraction in Fingerprint Images
* Matching and normalization of affine deformed image from regular moments
* Maximum entropy model-based baseball highlight detection and classification
* Measurement of Retinal Vessel Widths from Fundus Images Based on 2-D Modeling
* Measuring and Improving Image Resolution by Adaptation of the Reciprocal Cell
* Method for generating a block-based image histogram
* Method for Modeling Noise in Medical Images, A
* Minimax classifiers based on neural networks
* Minimizing uncertainty in determinants and ratios of determinants for invariant relationships employed in SAR imagery pattern recognition
* Modeling Approach for Burn Scar Assessment Using Natural Features and Elastic Property, A
* modified Multi Scale Retinex algorithm with an improved global impression of brightness for wide dynamic range pictures, A
* Monitoring and reporting of fingerprint image quality and match accuracy for a large user application
* Morphometrical data analysis using wavelets
* Mosaicking images with parallax
* Motion parameters estimation by new propagation approach and time-frequency representations
* Mountain clustering on nonuniform grids
* MPEG-4 standardized methods for the compression of arbitrarily shaped video objects
* multi-modal system for the retrieval of semantic video events, A
* multi-view approach on modular PCA for illumination and pose invariant face recognition, A
* Multiple-aperture imaging spectrometer: Computer simulation and experimental validation
* multiresolution time domain approach to RF image formation, A
* Multivalued type dissimilarity measure and concept of mutual dissimilarity value for clustering symbolic patterns
* NaviGaze: enabling access to digital media for the profoundly disabled
* Neural-networks-based edges selector for boundary extraction problems
* Neurally-based algorithms for image processing
* Noise Removal Using Smoothed Normals and Surface Fitting
* Non-convex onion-peeling using a shape hull algorithm
* nonlinear technique for enhancement of color images: An architectural perspective for real-time applications, A
* note on the iterative object symmetry transform, A
* Nuclear morphometry of neoplastic cells as a method for diagnosis of histiocytoma, mastocytoma and transmissible venereal tumor in dogs
* Object tracking in image sequences using point features
* On the Number of Digital Discs
* online composite graphics recognition approach based on matching of spatial relation graphs, An
* Online handwritten circuit recognition on a tablet PC
* Optimal Data Partitioning of MPEG-2 Coded Video
* Optimal Error Protection for Real-Time Image and Video Transmission
* Overdetermined Least-Squares Aberration Estimates Using Common-Midpoint Signals
* Perceptually relevant and piecewise linear matching of silhouettes
* Pictorial Structures for Object Recognition
* POCS-Based Graph Matching Algorithm, A
* Predictive Cardiac Motion Modeling and Correction With Partial Least Squares Regression
* Preface: Pattern Recognition for Remote Sensing
* Process for detecting a change of shot in a succession of video images
* Quantifying 3-D Vascular Structures in MRA Images Using Hybrid PDE and Geometric Deformable Models
* Rapid computer modeling of faces for animation
* Rapid pose estimation of Mongolian faces using projective geometry
* Rate control and bit allocation for MPEG-4
* Raxel Imaging Model and Ray-Based Calibration, The
* Real time texture classification using field programmable gate arrays
* Real-time image processing with a compact FPGA-based systolic architecture
* Real-time motion segmentation from moving cameras
* Recognition of middle age Persian characters using a set of invariant moments
* Recognition of Persian handwritten digits using image profiles of multiple orientations
* Region-based representations of image and video: Segmentation Tools for Multimedia Services
* Retrieval by Spatial Similarity: An Algorithm and a Comparative Evaluation
* Robust Adaptive-Scale Parametric Model Estimation for Computer Vision
* Robust and Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm for Object-Based Video Coding, A
* Robust detection and recognition of buildings in urban environments from LADAR data
* Robust Digital Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain
* robust hardware algorithm for real-time object tracking in video sequences, A
* Robustness of a Blind Image Watermark Detector Designed by Orthogonal Projection
* Scalable Video Transmission Over Wireless DS-CDMA Channels Using Minimum TSC Spreading Codes
* Selection of Thresholding Scheme for Image Noise Reduction on Wavelet Components Using Bayesian Estimation
* Sequential EM learning for subspace analysis
* Shape Restoration via a Regularized Curvature Flow
* Similarity Learning Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval: Application to Digital Mammography, A
* Similarity measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on Hausdorff distance
* simple OCR method from strong perspective view, A
* State-Space Formulation of Frequency Transformation for 2-D Digital Filters
* Statistical Region Merging
* Statistical significance of features in digital images
* Surface Camera (scam) Light Field Rendering
* survey of table recognition: Models, observations, transformations, and inferences, A
* SVM classifier incorporating simultaneous noise reduction and feature selection: Illustrative case examples, An
* Swarmed feature selection
* Synthesizing feature agents using evolutionary computation
* System and method for image pattern matching using a unified signal transform
* System capabilities, requirements and design of the GDL gunfire detection and location system
* Temporal filtering for restoration of wavelet-compressed motion imagery
* Temporal spatio-velocity transform and its application to tracking and interaction
* texture approach to leukocyte recognition, A
* Texture discrimination and classification using pulse images
* Top-down approach to segmentation of prostate boundaries in ultrasound images
* Toward view-invariant representations of object structure learned using object constancy cues in natural movies
* Training algorithms for fuzzy support vector machines with noisy data
* Unified Approach To Real-time, Multi-resolution, Multi-baseline 2d View Synthesis And 3d Depth Estimation Using Commodity Graphics Hardware, A
* Unsupervised fuzzy-membership estimation of terms in semantic and syntactic lexical classes
* video segmentation algorithm for hierarchical object representations and its implementation, A
* Video segmentation for content-based coding
* Video-based event recognition: activity representation and probabilistic recognition methods
* Visual adaptation of scale and imprecision in a noisy world
* VOP generation tool: automatic segmentation of moving objects in image sequences based on spatio-temporal information, A
* Voronoi Web Site, The
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