Journals starting with cisp

CISP08 * *International Congress on Image and Signal Processing
* Robust Model for Traffic Signs Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines, A

CISP09 * *International Congress on Image and Signal Processing
* 2.4kbps Multiband Characteristic Waveform Interpolation Speech Coding Algorithm, A
* 2D Finger Shape Recognition Based on Local Zero-Order Moment Features
* 3-D Infinite Frequency Resolution Analysis and Spatiotemporal Spectrum of a Moving Object
* 3D Finite Element Modeling for Eddy Current Measurement Using Probe-Coil
* 3D Image Reconstruction Algorithm of Electrical Capacitance Tomography Based on Support Vector Machines, A
* 3D Motion Parameters Fusion Under a Multi-Vision Motion Capture System
* 3D Multichannel Active Neural Microelectrode with Single-Supply Integrate Signal Processing Circuitry
* 450bps Speech Coding Algorithm Based on Multi-Mode Matrix Quantization, A
* Acoustic Analysis of a Structure Subjected to Stochastic Excitation Using Statistical Wave Superposition Approach
* Acquiring the Mapping Knowledge of Basic Elements Based on PSO in the Chinese Character Intelligent Information
* Active Contours Based Battachryya Gradient Flow for Texture Segmentation
* Active Learning with Support Vector Machines in Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* Adaptive Blind Watermarking for JPEG2000 Compression Domain
* Adaptive Chirplet Decomposition Method and Its Application in Machine Fault Diagnosis
* Adaptive Color Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Fractal and Neural Networks
* Adaptive Corner Detection Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Based on Curvature Threshold, An
* Adaptive Denoising Method Dedicated to Cardiac MR-DTI, An
* Adaptive Estimating Centroid Method for Measurement of Human Eye Aberration, An
* Adaptive Function Projective Synchronization Control and Parameters Identification of Different Uncertain Chaotic Systems
* Adaptive Gabor Filtering Method and Its Application in Edge Detection, An
* Adaptive Graph-Cut Algorithm to Video Moving Objects Segmentation
* Adaptive Image Enhancement Technique Based on Image Characteristic, An
* Adaptive Iris Recognition Method Based on the Marr Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* Adaptive Modulation and Power Control for Energy Efficient Video Transmission over Fading Channels
* Adaptive Motion Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithm
* Adaptive Noise Cancelling Method Based on EMD for Acoustic in Battlefield, An
* Adaptive Piecewise Linear Predistorter Based on PSO and Indirect Learning Architecture
* Adaptive Regulation of CCD Camera in Eye Gaze Tracking System
* Adaptive Search Based Non-Local Means Image De-Noising
* Adaptive Secure Watermarking Scheme Using Double Random-Phase Encoding Technique, An
* Adaptive Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition, An
* Adaptive Threshold Algorithm Combining Shifting Window Difference and Forward-Backward Difference in Real-Time R-Wave Detection, An
* Adaptive Update Complex Scene for Block Scheduling Strategy Based on VR
* Adaptive Volterra Filtering Algorithm Based on Lattice Pre-Processing
* Adaptive-Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm with Nulls Widening, An
* Advanced Harris-Laplace Feature Detector with High Repeatability, An
* AE Signal Processing Study Based on HHT for GFRP
* Aesthetic Photo Retouching with an Image Inpainting Algorithm
* Algorithm for ISAR Ship Imaging Based on S-Distribution, An
* Algorithm of Adaptive Fading Memory UKF in Bearings-Only Target Tracking
* Algorithm of Feature Selection and Feature Weighting Adjustment Based on Chinese FrameNet, An
* Algorithm of Inverse Log Polar Transform Based on Neighbor Pixels, An
* Algorithm of On-Line Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Hide Markov Model, The
* Algorithm of Resist Cropping Robust Audio Watermark Based On Wavelet Transformation, An
* Algorithmic Framework to the Optimal Mapping Function by a Radial Basis Function Neural Network, An
* Analysis and Optimum Design on Compliant Micro-Gripper with Micro-Force Sensor, The
* Analysis of Competition between Patterns by Using Fast Fourier Transform
* Analysis of Cortical Thickness Indicating Cingulate Gyrus and Temporal Gyrus Incrassation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Due to Mining Disaster
* Analysis of Effects of Natural Cerebrolysin on the Gene Expression Profile of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rats by Genome Chip and Bioinformatics
* Analysis of Symbol Mapping for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding
* Analysis of the Characteristic of Spots in Square Superlattice Pattern by Image Processing
* Analysis of the Pattern Evolution Based on Spatial Correlation and Fourier Spectra Technique
* Angle Estimation with Automatic Pairing for Bistatic MIMO Radar
* Anisotropic 3-D Distance Transform Based on Contour Propagation
* Antenna Selection and Transmit Beamforming Switching Scheme for a MIMO System Operating Over a Varying Rician Channel
* Anti-Noise Performance and Parameter Estimation Accuracy of FFT and FT Discrete Spectrum Correction
* Apple Location Method for the Apple Harvesting Robot
* Application and Research of Data Acquisition Technology Based on GPRS
* Application of a Modified Algorithm for Wavelet Threshold De-Noising Based on the Ultrasonic Signal of Optical Fiber Defect
* Application of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in Linear-Combination Blind Source Separation Problem, The
* Application of Continuous Dynamic Programming, An
* Application of Cyclic Correlation Analysis to Gearbox Damage Assessment
* Application of Digital Holography in Displacement Measurement
* Application of Facial Feature Localization Using Constrained Local Models in Template-Based Caricature Synthesis
* Application of Fingerprint Recognition in Process Control
* Application of Fractal Technique in Nonlinear Geophysical Signal Processing
* Application of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition in Ultrasonic Transverse Wave Detection of Wheel Flaws
* Application of Global Fuzzy C-Means (GFCM) Clustering Algorithm in Color Transfer
* Application of Harmonic Wavelet Package to Feature Extraction in Impulsive Signal
* Application of Image Processing and Discrete Analysis Method in Simulation of Oil and Gas Migration and Accumulation
* Application of Image Sensor in the Three-Dimensional Surface Measurement
* Application of Multi-Resolution Filter in Image Denoising
* Application of Pattern Recognition to the Acoustic Emission Signals of Carbon Steel
* Application of Radar Signal Processing System Based on DSP in the VTS
* Application of Retinex in Color Restoration of Image Enhancement to Night Image
* Application of Rough Set in Image's Feature Attributes Reduction
* Application of Signal Collection and Disposal Technology in Measuring the Front of Oil and Water with Polymer Flooding, The
* Application of Thermocouple Thermometry and Bundle Tube Monitoring in Fire Prevention and Extinguishing in Coal Mine
* Application of Three-Dimension Brain Atlas in the Surgery Planning, The
* Application of UKF Algorithm for Target Tracking in DTV-Based Passive Radar
* Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identifying English Pronunciation Errors
* Application of Wavelength Demodulation Algorithm on Calculating Body's Temperature in Smart Textile Based on Fiber Bragg Grating
* Application Research of Support Vector Machine in Multi-Spectra Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Application Research of the Page Test in Active Sonar Detection
* Application Research on Remote Intelligent Monitoring System of Greenhouse Based on ZIGBEE WSN
* Approach for Horizon Extraction in Ocean Observation, An
* Approach of Image Fusion Based on General Image Quality Evaluation, An
* Approximation of BV Function by Piecewise Constants and its Application in Signal Denoising and Compression
* APSK Optimization in the Presence of Phase Noise
* Array Optimization for MIMO Radar by Genetic Algorithms
* Array Pattern Synthesis Method with the Constraint of Weight Amplitude Dynamic Range, An
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Determination of Haematologic Diseases
* Assistant Timing Method for Fractionary Spaced Equalizer for Fading Channel, The
* Atmospheric Correction of SPOT5 Land Surface Imagery
* Audio Watermarking Algorithm Robust to TSM Based on Counter Propagation Neural Network
* Audio-Visual Speech Synthesis Based on Chinese Visual Triphone
* Auto-Registration of SAR and Optical Images Based on Priority Strategy
* Autofocusing Image System of CD-SEM
* Automatic Absolute Radiometric Normalization of Satellite Imagery with ENVI/IDL Programming
* Automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Image Using Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm
* Automatic Dense Point Registration Method for 3D Face Animation, An
* Automatic Extracting Residential Areas from Color Scanned Topographical Maps
* Automatic Optimal View Selection for Natural HCI
* Automatic Power Estimation Methodology for FPGA-Based Digital Signal Processing Systems, An
* Automatic Segmentation of Background Defocused Nature Image
* Automatic Temporal Location and Classification of Human Actions Based on Optical Features
* B-Spline Curve Fitting Based on Gradient Vector Flow Deformable Models
* Bare Hand Gesture Recognition with a Single Color Camera
* Bearings Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Envelope Spectrum of Laplace Wavelet Transform
* Bearings Fault Diagnosis Based on Second Order Cyclostationary Analysis
* Bilinear Neighborhood Discriminant Embedding and Its Non-Iterative Solution Algorithm
* Binaural Loudness Spectra Analysis of Individualized Binaural Room Impulse Responses
* Biometric Watermarking Based on Affine Parameters Estimation
* Birth Density Modeling in the Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter in Multi-Target Tracking Problems
* Blind Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM System Based on Oblique Projection
* Blind Multiuser Detector of TH-UWB with HMM and DLMS
* Blind Nonlinear Channel Equalization Using Kernel Processing
* Blind Sampling Clock Offset Estimation Algorithm for OFDM System
* Blind Separation for Cabin Acoustic Signals in Complex Environment
* Blind Separation of Noisy Mixed Images Based on Wiener Filtering and Independent Component Analysis
* Blind Watermarking Algorithm Based on DCT for Color Images
* Bounds and Constructions on Optimal Constant Composition Codes
* BP Model Applied to Forecast the Water and Sediment Fluxes in the Yellow River Mouth
* Brain Image Segmentation by Markov Field and Normal Distribution Curve, The
* Building Extraction Based on Hue Cluster Analysis in Complex Scene
* CABAC Accelerating Algorithm Based on Adaptive Probability Estimation Update, A
* Calibration Methods of Coil Sensitivity for Parallel Imaging, The
* Calibration of Headphones and Earphone with KEMAR
* Calibration of Panorama Based on Linear CCD and Fisheye Lens
* Camera Calibration and Precision Analysis Based on BP Neural Network
* Camera Calibration Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Captured Human Motion Segmentation Based on Dynamics and Principal Component Analysis
* Chaff Jamming Recognition for Anti-Vessel End-Guidance Radars
* Character Extraction and Recognition Method for Line Drawings, A
* Character Recognition Algorithm Based on the Central Location and Polar Projection
* Characteristics of Detect Index for Structural Small Damage Based on Wavelet Analysis Under Strong Background Noise
* Characterization of the Simulated Procedure for Preparation of Dried Radix Rehmanniae Using IR-CWT-ICA Approach
* Characterizations of Bidimensional Filters
* Characterize System Dynamic of Pseudo Periodic Time Series with Evolution Networks
* Chinese License Plate Recognition System, A
* Chip-Based Design for Real-Time Moving Object Detection Using a Digital Camera Module
* Chroma Characteristic Recognition Based Algorithm for Rapid Detection of Residues
* Classification Based on SPACT and Visual Saliency
* Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals Based on STFTs
* Classifying Images of Classical Architectures: Chinese vs. European
* CMOS Image Sensor with Self-Reset Circuit in Active Pixel, A
* Code Assignment Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Block Spread CDMA Uplink in Multi-Cell System
* Coded Target Based Traffic Accident Vision Swift Reconnaissance System
* Color Demosaicking Using Directional Weighting
* Color Image Encryption Based on Hyper-Chaos
* Color Image Quality Assessment Based on Quaternion Representation for the Local Variance Distribution of RGB Channels
* Color Image Retrieval Scheme Based On Regions of Interest, A
* Color Image Watermarking Using Support Vector Regression
* Color Recovery Algorithm Based on Color Space Transformation, A
* Color-Based Visual Object Tracking with Prediction and Error Judgment
* Colorization Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Distance Transformation, A
* Combination of a New Five-Element JSF and Frobenius Map in Point Multiplication of ECC Over GF(2mn), A
* Combination of Local Fuzzy-Entropy-Based Transition Region Extraction with Otsu Thresholding Method for Image Segmentation, The
* Combinatorial Ricci Curvature and Laplacians for Image Processing
* Combined Nonlinear Iterative Algorithms for Retrieving the Complex Wave Field
* Combining Variation in the Bayesian Face Recognition
* Comparison Between Spectral Similarity Mapping and Correlation Algorithm in Spectral Imaging Application, The
* Comparison of Principal Components Analysis on Linear and Logarithmic Magnitude of Head-Related Transfer Functions
* Compensation Method of Acquisition for High Dynamic DSSS Signal
* Complexity Allocation and Control Algorithm for H.264 Inter Coding Based on Mobile Devices
* Computational Form of the Least Square Error Frequency Sampling Method for the Linear Phase FIR Filter Design, A
* Computationally Efficient DOA Estimation for MIMO Radar
* Concentric Two-Portion Radial Polarized Beam with Phase Shift
* Concrete CT Image Segmentation Using Modified Metropolis Dynamics
* Construction of Quasi Interval Wavelet Based on Constrained Variational Principle
* Construction of Two Types of Wavelets Based on Edge Detector
* Content-Based Medical Ultrasound Image Retrieval Using a Hierarchical Method
* Content-Based Mesh Design and Occlusion Adaptive GOP Structure
* Content-Based Retrieval System for X-Ray Images
* Contour Correction Liver Cancer CT Image Segmentation Method Based on Snake Model
* Contourlet Based MR Image Reconstruction via Reweighted L1-Minimization
* Contrast Functions for Convolutive ICA of Complex-Valued Linear Processes
* Copy-Move Forgery Detection Based on SVD in Digital Image
* Corner Point Detection on Digital Curve through Rotate-Angle Accumulation
* Counting Pedestrian in Crowded Subway Scene
* Cramer-Rao Low Bound of Radar Tracking by Exploiting the Correlativities of Multi-Dimension Resolution Cells
* Cropping Robust Geometric Distortion Correcting Algorithm for Watermarked Image Based on SIFT, A
* Cross Sensor Beamforming of Adaptive Vector Senor Canceling
* Cross-Correlation Method for Online Pipeline Leakage Monitoring System
* Crowd Target Extraction and Density Analysis Based on FTLE and GLCM
* Cryptoanalysis of Certificateless Partially Blind Signature and Proxy Blind Signature Scheme
* Cryptoanlaysis of Two Proxy Blind Signature Schemes with Proxy Revocation
* Curve-Fitting Method for Correcting Radial Distortion, A
* Damage Diagnosis for Wind Turbine Blades Based on the Shifting Distance of Characteristic Frequency
* Data Fusion Algorithm Design of GPS/IMU Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Federated Kalman Filter
* Data Processing Flow and Algorithms Study of Acquiring DEMs Using Interferometric SAR, The
* Data-Mining Based Video Shot Classification Method, A
* De-Noising Method for Velocity Signal in Impinging Stream Mixer Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition, A
* Dead Birds Detection in Modern Chicken Farm Based on SVM
* Decoupling DOA Estimation Algorithm for Rectangle Array
* Deep Brain Stimulation Artifact Removal Through Under-Sampling and Cubic-Spline Interpolation
* Denoising of SAR Images Based on Wavelet Packet
* Depth Measurement Based on Bifocus Imaging
* Design and Experiments of Photon Counting Imaging Test Platform
* Design and Field Experiment of the Coastal Acoustic Tomography
* Design and Implementation of an Embedded Image Capture Device for Mobile Robots
* Design and Implementation of Face Tracking in Real Time Multimedia Recording System, The
* Design and Realization of Multi-Functional Gateway Based on SingleChip
* Design and Realization of the Online Face Recognition System
* Design for the ACFM Sensor and the Signal Processing Based on Wavelet De-Noise
* Design of 2-D Perfect Reconstruction Diamond-Shaped and Fan-Shaped FIR Filter Banks
* Design of 8-Bit Serial Real-Time Decoder Based on Complex Programmable Logic Device
* Design of a New Kind of LDPC Decoder
* Design of a Wireless Node of Strain Data Acquisition, The
* Design of an Ultrasonic Detecting System Based on LabVIEW
* Design of Chaotic Waveforms for Application to Active Sonar
* Design of Embedded Terminal for Intelligent Transportation Video Surveillance System, A
* Design of Frequency-Hopping Waveforms Based on Ambiguity Function
* Design of Fuzzy Identification System for Patterns of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow on LabVIEW
* Design of MP3 Audio Signal System Based on DSP
* Design of PLL-Based Synchronous PWM Oscillator in Class-D Power Amplifier
* Design of Reconfigurable LED Illumination Control System Based on FPGA
* Design of Wetland-Ecological Corridor Using Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Method
* Despeckling SAR Images Using Bayes-Shrink in Bandelet Domain
* Detecting of Driver's Drowsiness Using Multiwavelet Packet Energy Spectrum
* Detection Algorithm of Dim and Small Infrared Target Based on Temporal chiČ Test
* Detection and Control Algorithm of Multi-Color Printing Registration Based on Computer Vision
* Detection of an Unknown Frequency Hopping Signal Based on Image Features
* Detection of Chirp Signal by Combination of Kurtosis Detection and Filtering in Fractional Fourier Domain
* Detection of Rock Fractures Junction in Gray-Level Images
* Detection of Weak Signal in Chaotic Clutter Using Advanced LS-SVM Regression
* Detection to Primary User Based on Radio Frequency Fingerprint in Cognitive Radio
* Development of Image Sequences Based Traffic Incident Detection System for Urban Intersection
* Deviation of Color Matching Algorithm in the Field of Full-Color LED Display, The
* Diagnosis for Transformer Faults Based on Combinatorial Bayes Network
* Different Role of Friction and Normal Force for Force-Based Signature Verification
* Digital Environmental Noise Monitoring System Based on B/S Architecture and Floating-Point DSP
* Digital Image Method for Measuring and Analyzing Color Characteristics of Various Color Scores of Beef, A
* Digital Image Processing of Special Effect Generation
* Digital Watermarking Scheme Based On Texture Measures In Wavelet Domain, A
* Dilution of Precision and Clock of Simulated Pseudolites Augmented GPS Signals
* Discrete Total Variation Model with Gradient Fidelity Term for Image Restoration
* Discrimination of Honeys by Electronic Tongue and Different Analytical Techniques
* Discussion on the Construction of Optimal ZCZ Sequence Set
* Distance Measuring Method Using Visual Image Processing, A
* Distortion-Weighing Spatiotemporal Visual Attention Model for Video Analysis, A
* Distributed IMM Filter Based Dynamic-Group Scheduling Scheme for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Network
* DOA Estimation and Self-Calibration Algorithm for Y-Shaped Array in the Presence of Mutual Coupling
* Document Image Binarization Based on NFCM
* Documentation of Nantou City Wall in Shenzhen by Digital Close Range Photogrammetry and Surface Fitting
* Drought Monitoring Using the Modified Temperature/Vegetation Dryness Index
* Dynamic Method to Estimate Source Emission Rate and Predict Contaminant Concentrations, A
* Dynamic Textures Retrieval with Surfacelet Transform
* Dynamic Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Cucumber Identification in Greenhouse, A
* Edge Detection by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
* Edge Detection Method Based on Multi-Expert Information Fusion
* Edge Detection of Oil Spills Image Using Self-Adaptive Dynamic Block Threshold Algorithm Based on Non-Maximal Suppression, The
* Edge Detection on Pantograph Slide Image
* Edge Detection Using Sparse Coding Method
* Edge Preserving Gradient Vector Flow for Active Contours, An
* Edge-Directed Sub-Pixel Extraction and Still Image Super-Resolution
* Effect of Color Space on Color Image Segmentation
* Effect of EEG with the Acupuncture of Neiguan and Shenmen
* Effect of Non-Appropriate Sampling on Radar Detection Algorithm
* Effect of Partitioning of Feature Space on Specific Class Extraction Based on Bayesian Decision, The
* Effective Dynamic Object Detecting for Video-Based Forest Fire Smog Recognition
* Effective Error Concealment Method Based on the Scene Change, An
* Effective Image Matching Method for Bubbly Flow Based on Wavelet Transform, A
* Effective Web Image Searching Engine Based on SIFT Feature Matching, An
* Efficient Image Processing Method Based on Web Services for Mobile Devices, An
* Efficient Memory System for Fast Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms, An
* Efficient Method for Detecting Ghosts and Left Objects in Intelligent Video Surveillance, An
* Efficient Multiple-Description Image Coding on Wavelet, An
* Efficient Object Detection Method For Large CCD Astronomical Images, An
* Efficient Quick Algorithm for Computing Stable Skeletons, An
* Efficient SAR Processor Based on GPU via CUDA, An
* Efficient Security Mediated Certificateless Signature Scheme, An
* Electric Heating Cable Fault Testing System Based on Wavelet Packet and RBF Neural Network
* EM Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Statistical Signal Processing
* Embedded Online Palmprint Verification System Based on Ethernet
* Emission Signal Analysis Based on Conventional and Modified Wavelet Cross-Correlation
* Emotional Speech Clustering Based Robust Speaker Recognition System
* Emulation of MBOC in GALILEO with SIMULINK
* Encoding Drive Approach to Reduce Signal Jitter of Interconnection Lines between NoC Routers, An
* Epipolar Geometry Constraint Based View Synthesis Algorithm, An
* Error Analysis and Compensation of 3D Coordinate Measuring System by Watching an Image of Object
* Error Analysis of Direction Finding for Wide Band Signals Using MUSIC Algorithm
* Error-Resistant Adaptive Filtering for INS/SAR Integrated Navigation System
* Establishment of Color Printer Profile File Based on ICC Standard, The
* Evaluation Method for View Random Access of Multiview Video Coding, An
* Evaluation of Color-Difference Formulae Based on Small Color Difference Data by Printed Sample
* Evaluation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Evaluation of Iris Images Definition Based on Pupil's Edge Kurtosis
* Evaluation of the Concatenative Turkish Text-to-Speech System
* Evolutionary Discovery of Co-Movement Patterns Among Foreign Currencies
* Experimental Impact Acoustic NDE System Using Spindle-Deviation Minimization Method
* Experimental Study on Selection of Aperture Pattern Based on Image Statistics
* Extended Video Encoder with Pre-Processing of Interlace Signal
* Extension of Information and Decision-Making Support System for Earthquake Disaster Reduction
* Extracting Contours of Hydrothermal Chimney Undersea Images Based on Machine Vision
* Extracting Residential Area Information from Dual-SAR Image Based on Object-Oriented Technique
* Extraction of Seismic Wavelets Based on the Tri-Spectrum Least Square
* Extraction of Tectonic Faults of Longmen Mountain Based on DEM
* Eyes Location Based on Dual-Orientation Gabor Filters and Templates
* Fabric Defects' Automatic Inspection Based on Computer Vision
* Face Hallucination Through KPCA
* Face Location in Dim-Lightening Coal Mine Surveillance Images
* Face Recognition Based on Face Gabor Image and SVM
* Face Recognition Based on Gabor Features and Unit-Linking PCNN
* Face Recognition Based on Projection Map and Fourier Transform for One Training Image Per Person
* Face Tracking Based Advertisement Effect Evaluation
* Facial Expression Analysis: A Hybrid Neural Network Based Approach
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Fusion Features of LBP and Gabor with LDA
* Facial Feature Extraction and Selection by Gabor Wavelets and Boosting
* Fast Algorithm for Structured and Unstructured Road Detection
* Fast Algorithm for Texture Synthesis on Surfaces
* Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Chessboard Corner Detection, A
* Fast and Automatic Segmentation of Ascending Aorta in MSCT Volume Data
* Fast Compression Algorithms for Capsule Endoscope Images
* Fast Extraction of Somatosensory Evoked Potential Using RLS Adaptive Filter Algorithms
* Fast Hausdorff Matching Algorithm between Infrared and Optical Image Using PBIL Strategies, A
* Fast Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Row-Column Scanning, A
* Fast Image Segmentation Based on Single-Parametric Level-Set Approach
* Fast Inter Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm Using Directional Gradients for H.264
* Fast Intra Prediction Algorithm for H.264, A
* Fast License Plate Segmentation and Recognition Method Based on the Modified Template Matching, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Spatial Correlation of Motion Vectors, A
* Fast Object Extraction Based on Semi-Implicit Scheme and Level Set, A
* Fast Recognition and Precise Centroiding of Artificial Targets
* Fast Template Matching Based on Local Entropy Difference
* Fast Training Method for Face Detection, A
* Fast View-Temporal Prediction Algorithm for Stereoscopic Video Coding, A
* Feasibility Analysis of Automatic Classification on Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Using Data Fusion in Human Face Recognition System, A
* Feature Extraction and Recognition of Ventilator Vibration Signal Based on ICA/SVM
* Feature Extraction of 2D Radar Profile via Double-Sides 2DPCA for Target Recognition
* Feature Extraction of Radar Emitter Harmonic Power Constraint Based on Nonlinear Characters of the Amplifier
* Feature Extraction of Rotor Systems with Coupling Fault with Crack and Rub-Impact
* Feature Selection and Classification Based on Ant Colony Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information for Language Recognition
* Feedback-Based Error Tracking for AVS-M
* Filtering Technology of Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Image Based on Curvelet Transform
* Finger-Vein Image Enhancement Based on Muti-Threshold Fuzzy Algorithm
* Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Based on Similar Vector Triangle
* Fingerprints Matching Based on Quadrangle
* Fire Detection Algorithms in Video Images for High and Large-Span Space Structures
* Five-Dimensional Chaotic System and its Circuitry Implementation
* fMRI Study of Chinese Sign Language in Functional Cortex of Prelingual Deaf Signers, An
* Focusing Properties of Annular Cylindrical Vector Beam Induce by Tunable Mask
* Fog Removal from Color Images using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
* Fourier Transform Profilometry Based on Fiber-Optic Interferometric Projection
* FPGA Based Nature Noise Reduction and RFI Removing in Radio Astronomy
* FPGA Implementation for Image Processing Module in TCON
* Fractal Based Image Watermarking for Authentication and Verification, A
* Full Scale 3D Pre-Surgery Planning System for Internal Fixation Operative of Calcaneal Collapse with Multimedia Operation Environment
* Functional Model of SystemC-Based MPEG-2 Decoder with Heterogeneous Multi-IP-Cores and Hybrid-Interconnections Architecture, A
* Fusing Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrum and Dynamic Model to Estimate Vegetation Structural Parameters
* Fuzzy Synthesis-Decision Model of Software Optimum Design
* Gait Recognition Using Wavelet Packet Silhouette Representation and Transductive Support Vector Machines
* Gear Fault Detection Using Angle Domain Average and Hilbert-Huang Transform Phase Map
* Gear Fault Diagnosis Based on Order Tracking and Degree of Cyclostationarity
* Generalized Detector with Linear Equalization for Frequency-Selective Channels Employing Finite Impulse Response Beamforming
* Generalized Variational Optimization Analysis for Improving Scatterometer Surface Wind Field
* Generalized Weighted Fractional Fourier Transform and its Application to Image Encryption, The
* Geoelectric Stratigraphy Recognition in Transient Electromagnetic Signal Based on Time-Frequency Analysis and Image Classification
* Geometric Constraints Histogram Descriptor Based on Curvature Mesh Graph for Image Retrieval
* Gestures Classification Based on Semantic Classification Tree
* GNSS Signal Interference Classified by Means of a Supervised Learning Method Applied in the Time-Frequency Domain
* Graphics Spatial Conflict Detection Based on the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
* Grey-Scale Morphological Operators and Fuzzy Connected Filters
* Group Velocity Measurement of Piezo-Actuated Lamb Waves Using Hilbert-Huang Transform Method
* GS Model for the Image Segmentation Number via Weighted the Position Information and the Gray Values
* Hardware Friendly Mode Decision Algorithm for High Definition AVS Video Encoder
* Harmonic Enhancement with Noise Reduction of Speech Signal by Comb Filtering
* Heterogeneity-Based Ship Detection Algorithm for SAR Imagery, A
* Hierarchical Clustering Tree for Organizing and Indexing of Image Database
* High Accurate theta-Scheme for Solving BSDEs
* High Definition Real-Time Monitoring System Based on Embedded Network Streaming Media
* High Efficient Implementation of Image Matching Algorithm
* High Performance Analog to Digital Converter in CCD Image Processor
* High Resolution Radon Transform and its Applications in Multiple Suppression of Seismic Data in Deep-Sea
* High Speed Digital Decimation Filter with Parallel Cascaded Integrator-Comb Pre-Filters, A
* High-Precision Localization Algorithm by Improved SIFT Key-Points, A
* High-Speed 2-D IDCT Processor for Image/Video Decoding, A
* Highly Efficient Image Stitching Based on Energy Map
* HNM-Based Speaker-Nonspecific Timbre Transformation Scheme for Speech Synthesis, An
* Homological Methods in Feature Extraction of Multidimensional Images
* Household Service Robot with Two Arms and Multi-Sensor in Unstructured Environments, A
* Human Detection Based on Fusion of Histograms of Oriented Gradients and Main Partial Features
* Hyperspectral Image Compression Method Based on Spectral Statistical Correlation
* Identification Algorithm of Forged Image Based on BP Neural Network, The
* Identification of Aging Faces Using A-Stack Classification Model
* Identification of Class a Noise Parameters via Least Square Gradient Method
* Identification of Forest Fire Based on Digital Image Processing, The
* Identity Authentication Scheme for the Distributed Centers System
* Illegally Parked Vehicles Detection Based on Omnidirectional Computer Vision
* Illumination-Robust Face Recognition Using an Efficient Mirror Technique
* Image Analysis for Wave Swash Using Color Feature Extraction
* Image Based Detection of Pedestrian Crossing, An
* Image Completion and Its Application in Cultural Relic Preservation
* Image Compression Scheme Adopted for Contourlet Transform, An
* Image Database Technology of China's Ancient Tower
* Image Denoise Using Auto-Adapted Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm
* Image Denoising Based on Combining Neighbouring Wavelet Coefficients
* Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Multiple Chaos and Wavelet Transform, An
* Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Chaos, An
* Image Encryption and Two Dimensional Discrete M-Parameter Fractional Fourier Transform
* Image Encryption In Wavelet Domain Based on Chaotic Maps
* Image Filtering with a Fourth Order Geometry-Driven Flow
* Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Transform and Fuzzy Logic
* Image Fusion Using an Improved Max-Lifting Scheme
* Image Hashing Algorithm via Iterative Scale Interaction Geometric Model
* Image Mosaic Technology Based on Overlapped Area Linear Transition Method
* Image Processing in Vision 3D Coordinate Measurement System
* Image Processing-Based Crystal Diameter Detection for Czochralski Method
* Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on the Relevant Parameters
* Image Reconstruction by Sparse Coding and Selective Attention
* Image Reconstruction with Component Regularization Based on Bregman Iteration
* Image Reconstruction with Initialized Boundaries from Primal Sketch
* Image Recovery By Peaceman-Rachford Operator Splitting Method
* Image Registration Using Object Shape's Chain Code
* Image Resizing Using Exponential B-Spline Functions
* Image Restoration Based on Adaptive MCMC Particle Filter
* Image Restoration Based on Bi-Regularization and Split Bregman Iterations
* Image Segmentation Method of Heavy Forgings Based on Genetic Algorithm
* Image Segmentation of Drosophila's Compound Eyes via Two-Dimensional Otsu Thresholding on the Basis of AGA
* Image Segmentation with a p-Laplace Equation Model
* Image Segmentation with Simplified PCNN
* Image Thresholding Method Based on Human Visual Perception, An
* Image Warping Method Based on Level Set, An
* Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Quantization and Integer Wavelet Transform
* Image-Based Molding Effect Analysis of HWTD Sample
* Imaging on Coal Seismic Data
* Impact of Magnetic Field on Mung Bean Ultraweak Luminescence
* Imperfect Iris Information for Identity Recognition
* Implementation of Pornographic Videos Detection System
* Improved 2-D Maximum Entropy Threshold Segmentation Method Based on PSO, An
* Improved 3D Depth Image Estimation Algorithm for Visual Camera
* Improved Accuracy in Shape Based Image Retrieval with Complex Zernike Moments Using Wavelets
* Improved Active Contours Model Based on Morphology for Image Segmentation, An
* Improved Adaptive Document Image Binarization Method, An
* Improved Algorithm about Subpixel Edge Detection Based on Zernike Moments and Three-Grayscale Pattern
* Improved Algorithm for Harris Corner Detection, An
* Improved Approach of Detection and Restoration Blotches in Archived Films, An
* Improved Approximately Lower Triangular Encoding of LDPC Codes
* Improved Automatic Ship Detection Method in SAR Images, An
* Improved Background Prediction Algorithm for IR Small Targets Detection
* Improved BTC Using Luminance Bitmap for Color Image Compression
* Improved C-V Model without Reinitialization, An
* Improved CMMB FEC Scheme Based on BI-STBC, An
* Improved Cooperative Localization Algorithm for Multi-Platform on the Sea, An
* Improved Decoding Algorithm for Distributed Video Coding, An
* Improved DRFM System Based on Digital Channelized Receiver, An
* Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition, An
* Improved EZW Compression Coding Algorithm for Coal Gangue Image
* Improved Hilbert-Huang Transform and its Application in Underwater Acoustic Signal Detection, An
* Improved HT Algorithm on Straight Line Detection Based on Freeman Chain Code, An
* Improved Image Coding Algorithm Based on Embedded Zerotree Wavelet
* Improved Image Enhancement Method Based-on Reformative Histogram Specification and its Application in Continuous Cast Slab, An
* Improved Listless Zerotree Image Compression Algorithm and Application
* Improved Method For Camera Calibration, An
* Improved Method for Color Harmonization, An
* Improved Method for Modeling of Leaf Venation Patterns, An
* Improved Morphological TOP-HAT Filter Optimized with Genetic Algorithm
* Improved Motion Estimation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding, An
* Improved Non Convex Optimization Algorithm for Reconstruction of Sparse Signals
* Improved Ordered-Subset Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique, An
* Improved Real-Time Blob Detection for Visual Surveillance, An
* Improved Retinex Image Enhancement Technique for Dim Target Extraction in Infrared Images, An
* Improved Side Information Generation Using Field Coding for Wyner-Ziv Codec
* Improved Spatial/Spectral-Resolution Image Fusion Method Based on IHS-MC for IKONOS Imagery, An
* Improved Texture-Based Method for Background Subtraction Using Local Binary Patterns, An
* Improved TV Model for Image Restoration, An
* Improved Unscented Kalman Filter Based on STF for Nonlinear Systems, An
* Improved Way of Camera Self-Calibration Technique, A
* Improvement of Homing Missile Guidance Performance Using Fuzzy Adaptive IMM Radome Slope Estimation
* Improvement of Priority Computation in Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Base on D-S Evidence Theory and TV Model
* Improvement on Direct Volume Rendering
* Improving SNR of MFL Signal in Flaw Detection of Coal Mine Wire Ropes
* Improving the Textural Model of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Dimensionality Reduction Methods
* Improving Wavelet De-Noise By Means of Shifting-Scale-Method
* Influence of Number of Features on Texture Based Residential Area Extraction from Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Influence of Numerical Aperture on Focal Spot in Turbid Media Microscopy
* Influence of Standard Printing Sample on Digital Proofing
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Enhancement Technology Based on Multi-Scale Directional Analysis
* Input Plane Preprocessing of Joint Transform Correlator Based on Swarm Intelligence
* Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using WVD and Local SVD
* Integrating Perceptual Properties of the HVS into the Computational Model of Visual Attention
* Intelligent Peak Search Program for Digital Electron Diffraction Images of 3D Nano-Crystals, An
* Interactive Urban Map Design with Template and Parameterization
* Internal Direction-Based Algorithm for Medial Axis Transformation of an Arbitrary Polygon, An
* Intra-Rate Estimation Method for H.264 Rate Control, An
* Inversion Method Study on Short Wave Infrared Remote Sensing Data High Temperature Surface Feature Temperature
* Investigation of Electromagnetic Radiation from High Power Weather Radar
* Investigation of Regression Vector Structure of Human Skill Models
* Iris and Signature Authentication Using Continuous Dynamic Programming
* Iris Recognition Based on a Novel Normalization Method and Contourlet Transform
* Irregularity and Asymmetry Analysis of Skin Lesions Based on Multi-Scale Local Fractal Distributions
* ISOMAP Algorithm-Based Feature Extraction for Electromechanical Equipment Fault Prediction
* Jag-Wave Feature Detection in 2D Images, The
* Kalman Filter Underwater Passive Geomagnetic Navigation Technology Research Considering the Impact of Diurnal Variation
* Key Point Detecting and Matching for Microscopic Images of MEMS Components Based on Template Method
* Key Technology of Dynamic Visual Image Modeling Basing on Mobile Robot Self-Organizing Network
* Keyword Detection for Spontaneous Speech
* Kind of Simulation Method about the Spray Head Movement Based on Image Chromaticity Array, A
* Landscape Characteristic and its Socio-Economic Drivers Based on RS/GIS in Cheng-Yu Economic Zone, China
* Laplacian Operator Based Level Set Segmentation Algorithm for Medical Images
* Laser Scanning Techniques and Safety Analysis for Nantou City Wall
* Lateral Directional Axis Control of Aircraft Based on TECS
* Lattice Boltzmann Method Based Medical Image Denoising and Enhancement, A
* Lattice Boltzmann Method Based Medical Image Segmentation
* Layered Encryption for Scalable Video Coding
* Leaf Extraction from Complicated Background
* Learning-Based Image Ground Segmentation Using Multiple Cues
* Linear FM Signal Detection Performance from Discrete-Time Observations
* Linear Self-Calibration Method Based on Active Vision System, A
* Local Feature Based Robust Image Retrieval Algorithm, A
* Local Stereo Matching with Edge-Based Cost Aggregation and Occlusion Handling
* Locating the Ultrasonic Echo Head Wave of Bottom Sediment in Drilling Hole Based on Local SNR
* Locked to Stimulation: Significance Level of the Phase-Locking Factor
* Long-Term Background Reconstruction with Camera in Motion
* Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Image Based on 3DLMS Prediction
* Lossless DEM Watermark Signature Based on Directional Wavelet
* Low Bit Rate Compression of Facial Images Based on Adaptive Over-Complete Sparse Representation
* Low Complexity Channel Estimation Algorithm for TDS-OFDM System, A
* Low Complexity Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* Low Cost Video Coding Scheme Using Texture Synthesis, A
* Low-Complexity Region-of-Interest Extraction for Multiview Video Coding
* Lower Dimensional MLE Algorithm for Distributed Source Parameter Estimation, A
* Management System for Multi-Dimension Multimedia Data Based on Matrix Division Method and Star Structure
* Maneuvering Target Tracking in the Case of Wakes
* Max-Matching Context Kernel Design for SIFT Feature
* Maximally Stable Color Regions Based Natural Scene Recognition
* Maximum Likelihood Discriminant Feature for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
* Mean-Shift Tracking of Variable Kernel Based on Projective Geometry
* Measurement of Two-Dimensional Small Angles Based on Interference Fringes
* Measurement System of the Simulated Missile-Target Encounter Based on CCD Imaging
* Measuring on Spray Angle of Shower Nozzle Based on Embedded Image Processing System
* Measuring Terrain Information Using Multifractal and Wavelets in Terrain Navigation
* Mechanism of Enzyme Reaction Based on Dynamics Molecular
* Medical Image Compressed Sensing Based on Contourlet
* Medical Image Denoising Arithmetic Based on Wiener Filter Parallel Model of Wavelet Transform, A
* Medical Image Retrieval Using SIFT Feature
* MEG, RFFTs, and the Hunt for High Frequency Oscillations
* Memorizing GMM to Handle Sharp Changes in Moving Object Segmentation
* Mesh Simplification Based on Texture Connected Areas
* Method for Compensation of SAS Range Cell Migration, A
* Method for Elliptical Light Spot Image Recognization in Vision Coordinate Measuring System, A
* Method for Enhancing Lung Nodules in Chest Radiographs by Use of LoG Filter, A
* Method for Evaluation of the Font Definition Quality of eBook Readers, A
* Method for Nondestructive Testing of Blockboard Based on Morphological Double-Gradient Algorithm, A
* Method for Reduced-Reference Color Image Quality Assessment, A
* Method for Solving Overlap Problem in Spike Sorting Based on Genetic Algorithm, A
* Method for Stress Detection Based on FCM Algorithm, A
* Method of 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequence, A
* Method of Cloud Classification Base on Image Entropy, A
* Method of Fabric Defect Detection Using Local Contrast Deviation, A
* Method of Image Enlargement Based on Constrained Pixels, A
* Method of Improving SIFT Algorithm Matching Efficiency, A
* Method of Phase-Locked Loop Performance Testing, A
* Method of Position Calibration for Digital Camera, A
* Methodology Research in Exploring Geothermal Resources by Using Infrared Remote Sensing
* Mineralization Information Extraction Using ETM Remote Sensing Image
* Mixed Drive Method for High Gray Scale TFT-LCD, A
* Modeling and Simulation of HF Band Transmission Loss Over China Oceans
* Modeling and Simulation of Single-Look Complex Images for Distributed Satellite Borne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Modeling of Complex Radar Target for High-Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Simulation Based on GRECO
* Modified Contourlet Transform and Its Application in Image Fusion
* Modified Dynamic Programming Approach for Dim Target Detection and Tracking, A
* Modified L-Iterative Algorithm for Fast Computation of Pseudo-Zernike Moments, A
* Modified Method of State-Estimator Designing for Non-Uniformly Sampled System, A
* Modified Sobel Edge Detection Using Dempster-Shafer Theory, A
* Modulation Type Recognition Method Using Wavelet Support Vector Machines, A
* Monitoring Land Subsidence in Suzhou City Using D-InSAR Technique
* Monocular Real-Time Foreground Cut Based on Multiple Cues
* Monocular Vision-Based Distributed Node Localization for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
* Monte Carlo Tracking Method with Threshold Constraint
* Morphing and Repairing a 3D Scalp Geometry in Building Hair Models and Simulation
* Morphological Undecimated Wavelet Decomposition for Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Element Bearing
* Motion Compensation Using Polyline Based Block Partition
* Motion Editing Designed For Animators
* Motion Estimation for a Mobile Robot Based on Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* Moving Foreground Detection Based on Modified Codebook
* Moving Object and Shadow Detection Based on RGB Color Space and Edge Ratio
* Moving Object Segmentation Based on Video Coding Information in H.264 Compressed Domain
* MPAL Cross-Dipole Array Acoustic Logging Data Processing
* MSV-Based Face Detection in Color Images
* Multi Focus Image Fusion Based on Spline Pyramidal Direction Filter Banks
* Multi-Camera Tracking Based on Information Fusion in Video Surveillance
* Multi-Camera-Based Object Handoff Using Decision-Level Fusion
* Multi-Channel AC-3 Encoder Architecture Design and Optimization, A
* Multi-Feature Fusion Using Multi-GMM Supervector for SVM Speaker Verification
* Multi-Level Image Thresholding Based on Histogram Voting
* Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Feature Classification for Single Sample Recognition Problem
* Multi-Modal Identity Verification Based on Improved BP Neural Network
* Multi-Object Tracking Based on Improved Mean-Shift Algorithm
* Multi-Ridge Recognition Method Using Modified MOPSO Algorithm and its Application on Modal Parameter Identification, A
* Multi-Scale Shape Representation for Profiled Fibers
* Multi-Sensor Based Perception Network for Vehicle Driving Assistance
* Multi-Sensor Image Fusion: Difficulties and Key Techniques
* Multi-Stage Astronomical Images Registration Based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform, A
* Multi-Thresholding Segmentation and Contour Tracing of ACF Surface Image
* Multilevel Optimization of DSP Based SPEEX Decoder
* Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation Based on Harmonic Structure Model
* Multiscale Gabor Wavelet for Shoeprint Image Retrieval
* Multiscale Markov Random Field Method for SAR Image Segmentation
* Multiscale Orientation and Recognition for Permanent Scatterers
* Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Existing Image Quality Metrics Over Turbulent Images
* Multiwavelet-Based Estimation for Improving Magnetic Resonance Images
* Multiwavelet-Based Region of Interest Image Coding
* Natural Gradient Improvement Methods in Blind Source Separation
* Natural Image Denoising Using Sparse ICA Based on 2-D Gabor Wavelet
* Natural Landmarks Extraction Method from Range Image for Mobile Robot
* Natural Object Recognition Using the Combination of Gaussian Model and Region Growing
* Neugebauer Model of a Four-Color Inkjet Printer
* Neural Ensemble Decoding of Rat's Motor Cortex by Kalman Filter and Optimal Linear Estimation
* New Algorithm for Labeling of Human Motion, A
* New Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Salt and Pepper Noises, A
* New Algorithm for Revising Noise Covariance Matrix Disturbance in the Presence of Coherent Sources, A
* New Algorithm of Face Detection Based on Color Information and Face Contour, A
* New Analysis on PVL Model Reduction Using Solutions of Linear Systems by the Lanczos Method, A
* New Approach for Detecting DDoS Attacks Based on Wavelet Analysis, A
* New Approach for the Camera Motion Extraction from Texture Images with Spatio-Temporal Slice Analysis, A
* New Approach for Wavelet Denoising Based on Training, A
* New Approach to Optimal Filtering for ARMA Signals
* New Approach to Underwater Target Recognition, A
* New Audio Watermarking for Copyright Protection and Content Authentication, A
* New Blind Channel Estimation Algorithm for OFDM Systems, A
* New Buffer Strategy for Embedded Video-on-Demand System, A
* New Data Transformation Method Based on Adaptive Binarization for Bag-of-Features Model, A
* New Design and Implementation of the Butterfly Unit on FPGA, A
* New Expression Database and Facial Animation, A
* New Fast Chinese Visible Human Brain Skull Stripping Method, A
* New Fast Motion Estimation Method for H.264, A
* New Global Bi-Directional Motion Compensation Frame Interpolation for Rate Control in H.264/AVC CODEC, A
* New Hardware and Software Co-Design of JPEG2000 Encoder, A
* New Image Fusion Algorithm Based on PCNN and DMWT, A
* New Image Segmentation Method Based on Modified Intersecting Cortical Model, A
* New Joint Detection Algorithm of Conveyer Belt X-Ray Imaging Using the BP Neural Networks, A
* New Lane Detection Method Based on Feature Pattern, A
* New LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Multi-Layer Two-Class Segmentation, A
* New Medical Segmentation Method Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Region Growing, A
* New Method Based on Treatment of Singular Integration in Computation of Acoustic Scattering, A
* New Method for Automatically Measurement of Vickers Hardness Using Thick Line Hough Transform and Least Square Method, A
* New Method for Bar Code Localization and Recognition, A
* New Method for Estimating the Number of Targets from Radar Returns, A
* New Method for Extracting Phase Slowness of Dispersive Waves, A
* New Method for Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery Based on Harmonic Wavelet Filtering, A
* New Method for Image Denoising while Keeping Edge Information
* New Method for the Discerning of Point Moving Targets' Tracks, A
* New Method for Uncertainty Evaluation of Centroid Detection, A
* New Method in Change Detection of Remote Sensing Image, A
* New Method of Digital Holographic Reconstruction Based on EALCD and CCD, A
* New Method of Highlight Characteristics Calculation for Underwater Targets, A
* New Method of Image Encryption/Decryption via Voice Features, A
* New Method of Multi-Component Source Signal Coding, A
* New Method to Solve the End Effect of Empirical Mode Decomposition
* New Model on Detecting Target Strength: Surface Segmentation and Integral, A
* New Morphological Filtering Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
* New No-Reference Assessment Metric of Blocking Artifacts Based on HVS Masking Effect, A
* New OFDM Blind Synchronization Algorithm Suitable for PLC, A
* New Parameter of Speech Character Based on the Bloomfield's Model, A
* New Restoration Scheme for Defocus Blurred Image using Multiscale-Decomposition, A
* New Robust Similarity Measure Based on Lissajous Curves and its Applications in Remote Sensing Image Registration, A
* New Robust Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT, A
* New Search Algorithm Based on Muti-Octagon-Grid, A
* New Sub-Pixel Subdivision Location Algorithm for Star Image, A
* New Video Codec Based on Compressed Sensing, A
* New Wavelet Image Fusion Method Based on Gradient and Energy for Decision-Making, A
* Night Color Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Set
* No-Reference Objective Quality Assessment for Video Communication Services Based on Feature Extraction
* Noise and Zero Excursion Elimination of Electrostatic Detection Signals Based on EMD and Wavelet Transform
* Noise Attenuation for Seismic Signal by Non-Linear Thresholding in Curvelet Domain
* Noise Removal Using Edge-Preserving Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equations
* Noise Suppression Methods in Beam Hardening Correction for X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Non-Equal Spacing Division of HSV Components for Wood Image Retrieval
* Non-Linear Prediction Algorithm of Satellite Cloud Images
* Non-Linear Warping Method for Face Hallucination Based-on Subdivision Mesh, A
* Non-Local Means Image Denoising with Local Geometric Structures Matching Strategy
* Nonuniform Subband Method for Wideband Beamforming of Nested Array
* Novel 3-D Motion Estimation Algorithm for Multireference Frame in H.264/AVC, A
* Novel Algorithm for Edge Detection of Remote Sensing Image Based on CNN and PSO, A
* Novel Approach for Palmprint Ridges Features Extraction, A
* Novel Chip Design of Chopper-Stabilized Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifier, A
* Novel Data Association Approach of SLAM, A
* Novel Deformable Model for Urban Vegetation Detection Using LiDAR Data, A
* Novel Dimension Reduction Method of Gabor Feature and its Application to Face Recognition
* Novel Fast Subspace Decomposition Using Lanczos Recursion
* Novel Finger Vein Pattern Extraction Approach for Near-Infrared Image, A
* Novel Fingerprint Enhancement Method Based on Gabor Filtering, A
* Novel Framework for Frame Rate Up Conversion by Predictive Variable Block-Size Motion Estimated Optical Flow, A
* Novel Geometric Algorithm for Blind Image Restoration Based on High-Dimensional Space, A
* Novel High-Speed Parallel Scheme for Data Sorting Algorithm Based on FPGA, A
* Novel Hybrid Segmentation Method for Medical Images Based on Level Set, A
* Novel Image Analyzer of SRID Assay for the Quantification of Hemagglutinin in Influenza Vaccine, A
* Novel Iris Location Method for Fast Iris Recognition, A
* Novel Level Set Initialization Method, A
* Novel Method for Eye Corner Detection Based on Weighted Variance Projection Function, A
* Novel Method for Ship Detection Based on NSCT and ACO, A
* Novel Method of Binaural Sound Localization Based on Dominant Frequency Separation, A
* Novel Multi-Focus Images Fusion Method Based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition, A
* Novel Noise Reduction Algorithm Based on Direction Correlation, A
* Novel Perceptual Image Hashing Method via Geometric Features and Distance Invariant, A
* Novel Pocket Intelligent One Lead ECG Monitor Based on Fingers Touching, A
* Novel Segmentation Method for Left Ventricular from Cardiac MR Images Based on Improved Markov Random Field Model, A
* Novel Snake Model for X-Ray Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Based on MRF, A
* Novel Tracking Method Based on Optimized Selection, A
* Novel Transforming Function for Nonlinear Equations, A
* Novel Two-Step-Deformation Active Contour with Application to Facial Features Extraction, A
* Novel Video Content Classification Algorithm Based on Combined Visual Features Model, A
* NPR Technique of Abstraction Effects, A
* Numerical Comparison Between FHSS and DSSS in Satellite Communication Systems with On-Board Processing, A
* Numerical Method of an Orthogonal Array Optimization
* Object Contour Extraction Based on Intensity and Texture Information
* Object Oriented Information Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Object Recognition Using a Bayesian Network Imitating Human Neocortex
* Object Track in Underwater Sonar Images
* Object Tracking with Mean Shift and Model Prediction
* Object-Based Image Retrieval Using Semi-Supervised Multi-Instance Learning
* Obstacle Recognition and Localization Based on the Monocular Vision for Double Split Transmission Lines Inspection Robot
* On Automatic Computation of Minimum-Area Encasing Rectangles of Arbitrary Polygons
* On Design of Efficient Comb Decimator with Improved Response for Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converters
* On Improved Single Viewpoint Constraint Calibration for Catadioptric Omnidirectional Vision
* On the Detection of Periodic Components in Observational and Experimental Data
* On-Line Bubble Inspection Method for Automated Vacuum Casting Controlling System
* One Kind of Macrophages Images Segmentation and Labeling Method
* Optic Flow Target Tracking Method Based on Corner Detection
* Optimal Method for Dynamic Particle Image Sequence, An
* Optimization Design of Amplitude-Frequency Arithmetic Symmetry Linear Phase Filter
* Optimization Dijkstra Algorithm Based on Two-Function Limitation Strategy, An
* Optimized Method for Automatic Registration of Remotely Sensed Images Based on Structural Image Matching, An
* Optimum Design of Multistage Multirate FIR Filter for Audio Signal Sampling Rate Conversion via a Genetic Algorithm Approach, The
* Optoelectronic Property and Application for Optical Recording of a New Diarylethene Bearing a Six-Membered Aryl Unit
* Ordered-Subset Ridge Regression in Image Reconstruction
* Oriented Smoothness Aided Harmonic Gradient Vector Flow for Active Contours
* Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Discriminant Projections for Face Recognition
* Out-of-Sequence Track for Distributed Multisensor System
* Overcomplete Blind Source Separation Based on Second Order Statistics
* PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals Using Modified Partial Transmit Sequences
* Parallel Dynamic Convex Hull Algorithm Based on the Macro to Micro Model, A
* Parallel Processing Architecture of Remotely Sensed Image Processing System Based on Cluster
* Parameter Optimization of Median epsilon-Filter Based on Correlation Maximization
* Particle Extraction and Quantitative Analysis of Soil Microstructure from SEM Using Spatial Analyst Tools in ArcGIS
* Particle Selection Strategy for Three-Dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry
* Particle Swarm Optimized Unscented Particle Filter for Target Tracking
* Passive Coherent Radar Tracking Algorithm Based on Particle Filter and Multiple TDOA Measurements
* Pattern Recognition of Wood Defects Types Based on Hu Invariant Moments
* PD Based Determination of Polarized Reflection Regions in Bad Weather
* Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of an OFDM Signal Using Signal Scrambling
* Pendant Drop Method for Interfacial Tension Measurement Based on Edge Detection
* Per-Pixel Stratified Classification Methodology for Land Cover Mapping Based on Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Perceptual Evaluation of Sub-Pixel Rendering in a Four-Primary Display System
* Performamce Comparison of Pulse Design Methods for UWB System
* Performance Analysis of Fractional Lower Order Constant Modulus Algorithm
* Performance Analysis of M-ary Signals for MIMO MRC Systems with Imperfect Channel Estimation
* Performance Analysis of Non Coherent CFAR Detection Based on Goodness-of-Fit Tests in Different Clutter Environments
* Performance Analysis of the Eigen-Space Projection Beamformer Based on Operator Approach
* Performance Analysis of the Self-Stabilizing Douglas's MCA Algorithm, The
* Performance Evaluation for Three Classes of Textural Coarseness
* Persian Writer Identification Method Based on Gradient Features and Neural Networks, A
* Phase Error Measurement Algorithm for Sampling System in Power Fault Recorder
* Photochromic Diarylethene with a Six-Membered Aryl Unit for Polarization Optical Recording, A
* Physical Constraints of High Resolution Acoustic Imaging in the 50 Hz-15 kHz Frequency Range
* Polarization Patterns Hide and Display Using Photoinduced Anisotropy of a Novel Photochromic Diarylethene
* Potential Field Separation Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition and its Application
* Power Cable Faults Diagnosis Based on the Convex Hull Binary Tree SVM
* Power Quality Disturbance Recognition Based on S-Transform and SOM Neural Network
* Practical Approach to Motion Estimation for Omnidirectional Vision, A
* Practical Method of Feature Extraction for Water Surface Temperature Based on Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Image, A
* Precise Registration of Point Clouds for Projected Fringe Image
* Predictive Search Range and Block Size in Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms in Video Coding
* Preparation and Conductive Mechanism of the Ink-Jet Printed Nanosilver Films for Flexible Display
* Preparation of CuO Nanorods in Ionic Liquids
* Probability Density Function Estimation Based on Windowed Fourier Transform of Characteristic Function
* Processing of Signals of Ring-Shaped Spots in Dielectric Barrier Discharge
* Program Algorithm Research of T2 Spectrum in NMR and MATLAB Realization
* Programmable Point-Source Digital In-Line Holographic Microscope with Enhanced Field of View
* Progress of Instantaneity in Real-Time ROBOCUP Vision System
* Proximity Capacitance Sensor Design for Noncontact Liquid Detection
* Purification of Axis Trace Based on Adaptive Generalized Morphological Filter
* Purification of Rubbing Axis Trace by Harmonic Window Method
* QP and Partition-Size Statistic Based Fuzzy Algorithm for Fast Inter and Intra Mode Decision in Video Coding, A
* Quality Assessment of Stereo Images with Stereo Vision
* Quantitative Analysis of Color Reproduction Based on Interpolation Arithmetic, The
* Quick Algorithm for Filtering Noise from Laser Terrain Image, A
* QX-LMS Adaptive FIR Filters For System Identification
* Radar Signal Environment Simulation Based on Quadrature Multiple Waveform Synthesis Method
* Rapidly Creating Structure-Aware Halftoning with Improved Error Diffusion
* RBF Model Applied to Forecast the Water and Sediment Fluxes in Lijin Section
* Real Time Speckle Filter by Cellular Neural Network
* Real-Time Follow-Up Tracking Fast Moving Object with an Active Camera
* Real-Time Generation of Dynamic Wave Interaction
* Real-Time Global Motion Vectors Estimation Based on Phase Correlation and Gray Projection Algorithm
* Real-Time High Resolution Image Compression System Based on ADV212, A
* Real-Time Illumination Robust Maneuvering Target Tracking Based on Color Invariance
* Real-Time Power Line Harmonics Suppression from MRS Based on Stacking and ANC
* Real-Time Simulation and Rendering of 3D Smoke on GPU Programme
* Real-Time Stereovision Approach of Object Detection for Driving Assistance
* Receptive Field Based Image Modeling Method for Interactive Segmentation
* Recognition Algorithm for Letter Digital Images Based on the Centroid, A
* Recognition Method of Weed Seeds Based on Computer Vision
* Recognition of Broken Corn Seeds Based on Contour Curvature
* Recognition of Fabric Defects Using Wavelet Texture Analysis and LVQ Neural Network, The
* Recognizing Human Emotional State Based on the 2D-FrFT and FLDA
* Reconfigurable Platform for MPEG-4 Encoder Based on SOPC, A
* Reconfigurable Transmission Scheme for Lossy Image Transmission over Congested Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Reconstruction and Analysis of the 3D Aquifer Model Based on the Well Logs
* Recovery of Motion JPEG2000 Video when LL Subband Disrupted
* Recursive Approach to Generate Univariate Orthonormal Wavelet, A
* Reduction of Markov Extended Features in JPEG Image Steganalysis
* Reformative Gradient Vector Flow Based on Beltrami Flow, A
* Remembering Key Features of Visual Images Based on Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity of Spiking Neurons
* Remote Monitoring System of Temperature and Humidity Based on GSM
* Remote Scene Binocular Video Surveillance System with Small Object Tracking, A
* Remote Sensing Experts Classification System Applying in the Land Use Classification in Guangzhou City
* Remote Sensing Image Extraction and Precision Analysis for Alpine Wetland Based on Coupling Analysis of Multispectral Factor PCA and Decision Tree
* Remote Sensing Image Matching for Unpiloted Aircraft Based on SIFT Arithmetic Operators
* Removal of Baseline Wander from Dynamic Electrocardiogram Signals
* Removing Blindness Shadows from Image Based on Its Points Calculation in High Dimensional Space
* Repairing Incomplete Measured Data with Haptic Interaction
* Representation of Hand Dorsal Vein Features Using a Low Dimensional Representation Integrating Cholesky Decomposition
* Research and Application of Digital Media Exhibition Technology (DMET) in the Small City's Museum, The
* Research and Application of Video Image Bit Rate Control Based on PID Controller and ADV611
* Research and Design of Navigation Simulator Dome Laboratory
* Research and Implement of Head Milled Rice Detection High-Speed Algorithm Based on FPGA
* Research of Acoustic Signal De-Noising Using Wavelet Transform
* Research of Automatic Needle Puncture Based on Ultrasound Image Processing
* Research of Computer Assisted Astronomical Positioning Algorithm
* Research of Digital Watermarking Based on DWT and Holography Image
* Research of Double-Threshold Segmentation of Brazing-Area Defect of Saw Based on Otsu and HSV Color Space
* Research of Finger Vein Recognition Based on Fusion of Wavelet Moment and Horizontal and Vertical 2DPCA
* Research of Full-Wave Acoustic Logging Signal Processing, The
* Research of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition on Ultrasonic Image Diagnoses of Multi-Layered Adhesive Structure in Solid Rocket Motor
* Research of Location Algorithm Model Based on Fuzzy Identification with Stratified Synchronization and Cooperative Difference, The
* Research of Magnetic Flux Leakage Signal Processing Based on Wavelet De-Noising and EMD
* Research of Object Tracking Algorithm Applied in Passenger Flow Statistics in Public Traffic
* Research of Parallel Magnetic Field Tomography Based on Finite Element Method, The
* Research of STRAIGHT Spectrogram and Difference Subspace Algorithm for Speech Recognition
* Research of Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Multi-Images of Random Micro-Offset
* Research of the Embedded Data Pre-Processing and Fault Prognostics System for Turbine-Generator Units
* Research of Tool Wear Predictive Technique Based on Support Vector Machine
* Research on Approach of Data Association Based on Fuzzy Logic for Nomadic Tracking Application
* Research on Approach of Entropy-Based Wavelet Filtering for Nomadic Service
* Research on Automatic Inspection and Classification for Middle Thickness Pb Alloy Castings Based on Machine Vision Recognition Technology
* Research on CA Differencing for Remote Sensing Change Detection
* Research on Camera Internal Parameters Self-Calibration Method for Mobile 3D Coordinates Vision Measurement System
* Research on CCD De-Noising Technology
* Research on Chaos-Based Message Digest Method for Medical Images
* Research on Design of Antennae Tacking-Pointing Control System for Airborne Platform
* Research on Expression Method of GDP Data Based on GRID
* Research on Image Processing Algorithms of Image Stabilization Testing for Sighting Telescope Based on Cross Lines
* Research on Image Recognition Method of In-Service Pipeline Corrosion Fault
* Research on Intelligent Transportation Vehicle Detection and Tracking Algorithms Based on Video
* Research on Measurement and Classification System Design and Application about Ultra Steel Dimple
* Research on Measuring Analysis and Prediction of the Nanoscale Precipitated Phase in Steel, The
* Research on Multi-Mode Medical Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform and the Edge Characteristics of Images
* Research on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technique for Motor Fault Diagnosis
* Research on Scale Selection in Image Edge Detection Methods Based on Wavelet Transform
* Research on Signal Processing for LD-PSD System Based on Square-Wave Modulation
* Research on SVM Based Classification for Welding Defects in Radiographic Testing
* Research on Target Damage Assessment Based on SAR Images
* Research on Telemetry Vibration Signal Processing by Hilbert-Huang Transform
* Research on the De-Noising Algorithm
* Research on the Performance Evaluation Technique for Communication Network
* Research on the Technology of Extracting 3D Face Feature Points on Basis of Binocular Vision
* Research on the Three-Dimensional Underwater Acoustic Image Measurement Technology Using Planar Array
* Research on the Visualization and Simulation of Branch Breaking Based on Physical and Stochastic Approaches
* Research on Time-Frequency Characteristics of Engine Induction Noise and Time-Frequency Representation of the Acoustic Signals
* Research on Unequal Error Protection with Irregular LDPC and Application on Image Transmission
* Research on Vision-Based Service Robot Oriented Facial Expression Recognition
* Research on WebGIS-Based Visualization of Storm Surge Disaster Based on Sphere: Take the Taiwan Strait Storm Surge Forecast Data as an Example
* Resolution Enhancement in High Numerical Aperture Optical System
* Restoration of Defocus Blur Image Based on Global Phase Coherence
* Retinal Image Mosaic Based on Invariant Feature and Hierarchial Transformation Models, The
* Retrieval of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Pearl River Estuary Using MODIS Data
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Shifting
* Review of 3D Pose Estimation from a Monocular Image Sequence, A
* Revised SNR Estimator in DSSS Receiver Based on Curve Fitting
* Rife Spectrum Estimation Algorithm Based on Phase Criterion
* Road Segmentation and Road Type Identification Approach Based on New-Type Histogram Calculation, A
* Robust Alignment Algorithm for Microprocessor Based Fiber Fusion Splicer, A
* Robust and Discontinuity-Preserving Approach to Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Robust and Fast Monocular-Vision-Based Hand Tracking Method for Virtual Touch Screen, A
* Robust and Flexible Scalable Video Multicast with Network Coding over P2P Network
* Robust Designs of Selected Objects Extraction CNN
* Robust Estimation Method of Interferometric Phase Based on Weighted Subspace Fitting, A
* Robust FastSLAM Algorithm for Mobile Robot with an Adaptive Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter
* Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Phase Features in DFT Domain and Generalized Radon Transformations
* Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Using Lapped Biorthogonal Transform
* Robust Multiframe Blind Image Deblurring
* Robust Sea-Sky-Line Detection Based on Horizontal Projection and Hough Transformation
* Robust Speaker Recognition in Cross-Channel Condition
* Robust SPIHT-Coded Image Transmission over Wireless Channels Using Packetization
* Robust Traffic Parameter Extraction Approach for Surveillance System at Urban Intersection, A
* Robust Zero-Watermark Algorithm Based on Singular Value Decomposition for Digital Right Management, A
* Rotation Invariance Image Matching Method Based on Harris Corner Detection, A
* Salt and Pepper Noise Removal by Adaptive Median Filter and Minimal Surface Inpainting
* Sample Normalization Algorithm of Neural Network Based on Fuzzy Rough Set Theory
* Satellite Image Positioning Method Based upon Aligning Surface Characteristics
* Scallop Detection from Sand-Seabed Images for Fishery Investigation
* Seal Image Registration Based on Shape and Layout Characteristics
* Secure Spread Image Watermarking Scheme in 3D-DCT Domain
* Segment DPCA Motion Compensation for SAS
* Segmentation Method Based on Fusion Algorithm for Coronary Angiograms
* Segmentation of the Color Milk Somatic Cells Images, The
* Segmentation Scheme for Head-Shoulder in MPEG Compressed Domain, A
* Self-Adaptive Threshold Canny Operator in Color Image Edge Detection
* Semi-Supervised Regression via Local Block Coordinate
* Sensor Fusion Based Head Pose Tracking for Flight Cockpit System
* Sequence Fingerprint Image Mosaic Method and Its Experimental Study Based on Phase Correlation and Gray Correlation
* Shape Recovery Using Rotated Slicing Planes
* Shape Representation and Clustering Based on Laplacian Spectrum
* Shape-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Edit Distance
* Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Combining Global and Local Shape Features
* Ship Tracking Using Background Subtraction and Inter-Frame Correlation
* Shortcut to Compressing Bayer-Pattern Imagery Losslessly, A
* Sidelobe-Constraint Direct Data Domain Least Square Algorithm, A
* Signal Analysis Method for Automatic Flaw Classification on Pipeline Girth Weld Inspection by Ultrasonic Phased Array System
* Signal Processing and Application of Intelligent Power Module in Power Inverter for Switched Reluctance Drive, The
* Signal Processing System Used in Digital Ophthalmology Ultrasonography, A
* Signal Reconstruction in Unstable Magnetic Field NMR with Wavelet Analysis
* Signal Transmission to Concurrent Processes: Spatio-Temporal Process Model
* Signals Spreading and Information Processing in the Outer Plexiform Layer of the Frog Retina
* Silk Texture Defect Recognition System Using Computer Vision and Artificial Neural Networks
* Simple and Fast Region of Interest Extraction Approach Based on Computer Vision for Sport Scene Images, A
* Simple Ensemble of Extreme Learning Machine
* Simulated Joint Robot-Hand System Based on Java3D
* Simulation and Experimental Studies on the Stratified Flow of Gas-Water by Electromagnetic Tomography
* Simulation and Optimization of the Flow in ERP System for MMI
* Simulation of Key Technologies for EER Adopted Digital Broadcast Transmitter, The
* Simulation of Urban Scale Expansion Under the Restriction of Land Price Based on GIS and CA
* Simulation of Urbanization Development Using Cellular Automata Model to Inform Urban Planning Policy in Zhangjagang Region, China
* Simultaneous Dual-Isotope SPECT Imaging Using Independent Component Analysis Based on Wavelet Transformation: Wavelet Based Dual-Isotope SPECT Imaging Using ICA Analysis
* Single Tree Modeling and Forest Scene Rendering with SRTM and TM Data
* Sleep Apnea Assessment by ECG Pattern
* Smart Channel Switching in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Solution to Polygonal Blanking Problem in 3-D Space Based on the Improved Painter Algorithm, A
* Sorting Radar Emitter Signal Based on Wpt6 and Cr1
* Source Localization from Received Signal Strength Under Log-Normal Shadowing: Bias and Variance
* Space Relative Navigation Filter Based On-Board Radar Observation
* Sparse Locality Preserving Embedding
* Sparse Signal Recovery via Multi-Residual Based Greedy Method
* Sparse Signal Recovery via Optimized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Spectral Analysis of Geomagnetic Data with Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Spectral Model of Earthquake Ground Motions Based on Non-White Noise Filter, A
* Spectral Representations of Fingerprint Minutiae Subsets
* Spectral Similarity Measure Edge Detection Algorithm in Hyperspectral Image
* Sports Type Determination Based on Keyword Spotting
* State of Charge Estimation Online Based on EKF-Ah Method for Lithium-Ion Power Battery
* Statistical Class Separation Using sEMG Features Towards Automated Muscle Fatigue Detection and Prediction
* Steganalysis Based on Bayesion Network and Genetic Algorithm
* Steganalysis Based on Double JPEG Compression
* Steganography with Hash
* Stereo Correspondence with Global and Local Traits
* Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Image Segmentation and Features Point, A
* Stereo Picture Quality Estimation Based on a Multiple Channel HVS Model
* Stereoscopic Video Compression Based on H.264 MVC
* Striation Patterns Classification of Tool Marks Based on Morphological Structure Features
* Structural Time-Varying Parameter Analysis Based on Adaptive System Identification Method Using Strong Motion Records
* Studies of High Spectral Resolution Atmospheric Sounding Data Compression and Noise Reduction Based on Principal Component Analysis Method
* Studies on Cloud Detection of Atmospheric Remote Sensing Image Using ICA Algorithm
* Studies on Micropatterning and Photoreaction of Copolymer LB Films Containing Nonionic Photoacid Generator
* Study and Application of HHT in Vibration Signal Analysis of Bridge Structural Health Monitoring System, A
* Study of Defog Technology Based on Scattering Model in Assistant Driving System
* Study of Fast Video Discrimination System of Vehicles under Complicated Road Environment
* Study of Image Restoration Using Complex Wavelets
* Study of Land Subsidence by Radar Remote Sensing at Datong Jurassic & Carboniferous Period Coalfield, A
* Study of Objectionable Sound Recognition Based on Histogram Features and SVM
* Study of Relationship Between Ink Trapping Rate and Color Difference
* Study of Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on GIHS Transform, The
* Study of Side Lobes Suppression for Using Pulse Compression in Weather Radar
* Study on Acceptable Color Difference Using Printed Samples
* Study on Beeline Edge Subpixel Localization for Mechanical Part
* Study on Classification for Remote Sensing Image Based on BP Neural Network
* Study on Data Process and Visualization System of Tide and Tidal Current
* Study on Detonating Control Technique of Pseudo-Noise Code Phase Modulation Fuze
* Study on Dynamical Visualization of Marine Current Data Field Based on Base State with Amendments Spatio-Temporal Model
* Study on Earthwork Calculation of Open-Pit Mine Based on Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning Technology, The
* Study on Hyperlipidemia Serum Ultraviolet Visible Absorption Spectra Based on Wavelet Transform
* Study on Land Use Changes of Wenchuan Disaster Area Based on RS and GIS, The
* Study on Measurement Methods of Masking Thresholds
* Study on Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Paper with Bleached Chemical Pulp
* Study on Seepage Field of Horizontal Well Patten
* Study on Sound Roughness Evaluation Based on an Auditory Synchronization Index Model, A
* Study on Structural Damage Detection Method Based on Model Updating, A
* Study on the Background Parameter Quantization Method of Remote Sensing Data Processing
* Study on the Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Three Gorges Reservoir Region Based on RS and GIS in the Last Decade, The
* Study on the Road Dynamic Response Signal Acquire and Process
* Study on the Spatial Distribution Law of NDVI in Sichuan Province Based on RS and GIS
* Study on the Treatment Technology and Application of Charge Coupled Device
* Study on Water Bodies Extraction with FY3A Satellite Image
* Stylization Method for Edge Map Extraction, A
* Subspace-Based Self-Calibration of Mutual Coupling in Uniform and Circular Array
* Subsquarewise Threshold Based Image Denoising
* Substitution of Vocal Folds for Voice Generation by Means of Intra-Oral Pulse Generator
* Super Resolution Time Delay Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Sinusoidal Signals
* Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction for Gaussian Plus Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal
* Supervised Color Correction Based on QPSO-BP Neural Network Algorithm
* Support Vector Discriminant Analysis on Local Binary Patterns for Facial Expression Recognition
* Synthesis of a New Unsymmetrical Photochromic Diarylethene for Polarization Multiplexing Holographic Recording
* Synthesis, Photochromism and Optical Storage of a Novel Diarylethene Compound
* Synthesis, Properties and Application in Optical Memory of a New Type Diarylethene Based on Five and Six Rings
* System Design of DPF Data Recorder and Data Analysis
* System for Dynamically Monitoring and Warning Algae Blooms in Taihu Lake Based on Remote Sensing, A
* System of a Probe for Two-Dimensional Micro-Angle Based on Invariant Light-Distance
* Tangency-Based Algorithm for Robot Path Planning
* Target Detection in SAR Image Based-on Wavelet Transform and Fractal Feature
* Target Motion Analysis Using Single Sensor Bearings-Only Measurements
* Target Recognition and Tracking in Outdoor Environment
* Target Recognition Based on a Novel Riemannian Map
* Temporal Modulation Normalization for Robust Speech Feature Extraction and Recognition
* Textile Texture Periodicity Estimation Base on Frequency Spectrum
* Textural Adaptive Learning-Based Super Resolution for Human Face Images
* Texture Classification Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and LS-SVM
* Theoretical Study on the Properties of a Composite Film with the Interface Between Two Ferroelectrics
* Thin Line Power Increase Stereo Matching Method Used in High-Precision Three-Dimensional Measurement, A
* Three Dimensional Deformation Measurements with Digital Holography
* Time Delay Estimation Based on Mutual Information Estimation
* Time Delay Estimation Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform in the Passive System
* Time-Frequency Analysis for Nonlinear Lamb Wave Signal
* To Extend the Depth of Field Based on Image Processing
* Tongue Image Classification Based on the TSVM
* Torsional Vibration of Turbo-Generator Groups in Mechanically and Electrically Coupled Influences, The
* Towards the Development of a Portable Smell-Seeing Electronic Nose and its Applications in Amine Recognition
* Training Asymmetry SVM in Image Retrieval Using Unlabeled Data
* Trajectory Processing Under Incomplete Measurement Situation Using a Sparse Representation Model
* Transcoding Scheme between AMR-WB and VMR-WB
* Transversal Filter Synthesis Based on Frames of Translates
* Tree-Structure Classifier Ensemble for Tracked Target Categorization, A
* Trilateral Filtering for Image Interpolation
* Tropical Wood Species Recognition Based on Gabor Filter
* Truncated Total Least Squares Regularization Method for Ocean Acoustic Tomography Inverse Problem
* TV Commercial Detection Based on Shot Change and Text Extraction
* Two Kinds of Methods to Extend the Color Gamut of DTV System with Extended Quantization Levels
* Two Strategies for Remote Sensing Classification Accuracy Improvement of Salt Marsh Vegetation: A Case Study in Chongming Dongtan
* Two-Dimensional Circular Array Real-Time Phase Interferometer Algorithm and its Correction
* Two-Dimensional Mid- and Near-Infrared Correlation Spectroscopy for Rhubarb Identification
* Two-View Motion Segmentation by Gaussian Blurring Mean Shift with Fitness Measure
* Ultra-Fine Grain Steel's Metallurgical Image Restoration Method Based on Improved Water-Growing
* Underdetermined Blind Source Separation in Single Mixtures Signal
* Underwater Acoustic Channel Blind Identification Based on Matrix Outer-Product Decomposition Algorithm
* Unified LZ and Hybrid Coding for Compound Image Partial-Lossless Compression, A
* Uninformation Variable Elimination and Successive Projections Algorithm in Mid-Infrared Spectral Wavenumber Selection
* Universal Steganalysis Using Features Derived from the Differential Image Histogram in Frequency Domain, A
* Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Multi-Human Detection and Recognition in Complex Scene
* Using a New Search Strategy to Improve the Performance of N-FINDR Algorithm for End-Member Determination
* Using Phase and Directional Line Features for Efficient Palmprint Authentication
* Using Tasseled Cap Transformation of CBERS-02 Images to Detect Dieback or Dead Robinia Pseudoacacia Plantation
* Using Tucker Decomposition to Compress Color Images
* Uygur Words Localization in Single Frame Image of Complex Background
* Variational Approach for Bias Correction and Boundary Delineation of SAR Image with Intensity Inhomogeneity, A
* Variational-Based Contour Tracking in Infrared Imagery
* Vector Sensor Cross-Product for Direction of Arrival Estimation
* Vegetation Canopy Water Content Estimation Using GVMI and EWT Model from MODIS Data
* Vehicle License Plate Location Algorithm Based on Gray Level Variation and Color Features
* Vein Pattern Extraction Based on the Position-Gray-Profile Curve
* Video Based Real-Time Pedestrian Detection on Zebra Cross
* Video Error Concealment Using Spatio-Temporal Boundary Matching
* Video Stitch Algorithm Based on Dynamic Foreground Extraction
* Virtual Presenting a Famous Chinese Landscape Painting Based on Textured 3-D Model
* Vision Navigation Algorithm for MAVs Attitude Estimation Based on Radon Transformation, A
* Vision System for an Unmanned Helicopter Landing in Complex Environment
* Vision-Based Unmanned Helicopter Ship Board Landing System, A
* Visual Object Tracking with Pyramid, Random Subspace Features
* Visualization of Chinese Digitized Intestinal Tract
* Visualizing Storm Surge Forecasting Data over the Web
* Visualizing the Instability Degree of Regional Cultivated Lands Using an Imagery-Based Model
* VLF Atmospheric Noise Suppression Using Median Filter and Wavelet Threshold Denoising
* Voice Instruction Learning System Using PL-T-SOM, A
* Voltage Flicker Analysis Based on Second Order Blind Identification
* Water Objects Extraction from Polarimetric SAR Imagery Based on Sequential Nonlinear Filtering and Independent Component Analysis
* Waterdrops Shape Extraction of Hydrophobic Image Based on Snake Model
* Watermarking Algorithm of Gray Image Based on Histogram, A
* Watershed Segmentation Using Curvelet and Morphological Filtering
* Wavelet Denoising and Its Implementation in LabVIEW
* Wavelet Domain Steganalysis Based on Predictability Analysis and Magnitude Prediction
* Wavelet Extended EMD Noise Reduction Model for Signal Trend Extraction
* Wavelet Thresholding Method Using Higher-Order Statistics for Seismic Signal De-Noising
* Wavelet-Based Feature Extraction for Retrieval of Photosynthetic Pigment Concentrations from Hyperspectral Reflectance
* Wavelet-Based Multi-Scale Variation Image Noise Removal Model and the Image Geometry-Adapted Method for Multi-Scale Parameters Determining
* Wavelet-Domain Structure Similarity for Image Quality Assessment, A
* Weak Signal Detection in Noisy Chaotic Time Series Using ORBFNN
* Weather Radar Data Compression Based on Zerotree Wavelet Algorithm
* WebVoice: A Toolkit for Perceptual Insights into Speech Processing
* Weighted BDPCA Based on Local Feature for Face Recognition with a Single Training Sample
* Weighted Source Localization in a Underwater Wireless Sensor Array Network
* Weld Slim Line Defects Extraction Based on Adaptive Local Threshold and Modified Hough Transform
* Whole Heart Region Segmentation from CT and MRI Images Using a Hybrid Model
* Wideband Automatic Diagonal-Loading Beamformers for Acoustic Imaging
* Wideband Sonar Signal Design for Moving Target Parameter Estimation
* Wireless Collector for EEG Signal of Freely Behaving White Mice, A
* Wireless Sensor Self-Localization Algorithm in NLOS Environment, A
* Writer Recognition by Combining Local and Global Methods
1091 for CISP09

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