Journals starting with smcs

SMCS( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems

SMCS(43) * Adaptive Illumination Rendering in LED Lighting Systems
* Analysis of the Respiratory Dynamics During Normal Breathing by Means of Pseudophase Plots and Pressure-Volume Loops
* Automated Cognitive Health Assessment Using Smart Home Monitoring of Complex Tasks
* Designing and Implementing a Human-Robot Team for Social Interactions
* Deterministic Improved Q-Learning for Path Planning of a Mobile Robot, A
* Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Functional Connectivity of EEG Channels
* Efficient Data Scheduling Scheme for P2P Storage-Constrained IPTV System, An
* General and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Face-Space Approach to Emotion Recognition
* Generating Erroneous Human Behavior From Strategic Knowledge in Task Models and Evaluating Its Impact on System Safety With Model Checking
* Handheld System Design for Dual-Eye Multispectral Iris Capture With One Camera
* Hybrid Mapping for the Assistance of Teleoperated Grasping Tasks
* Incorporating Human Factor Considerations in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing
* Learning Frequent Behaviors of the Users in Intelligent Environments
* Mathematical Modeling of Driver Speed Control With Individual Differences
* Multicue-Based Crowd Segmentation Using Appearance and Motion
* Palm-Print Classification by Global Features
* Path-Planning Algorithm Using Vector Potential Functions in Triangular Regions, A
* People Matching for Transportation Planning Using Texel Camera Data for Sequential Estimation
* Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Feature Selection and Fusion
* Robust Face Recognition for Uncontrolled Pose and Illumination Changes
* Route Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on the Sea Using Hybrid Differential Evolution and Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
* Smart Homecare Surveillance System: Behavior Identification Based on State-Transition Support Vector Machines and Sound Directivity Pattern Analysis
* Teleoperation Approach for Mobile Social Robots Incorporating Automatic Gaze Control and Three-Dimensional Spatial Visualization, A
* Toward the Data-Brain Driven Systematic Brain Data Analysis
* Tracking Generic Human Motion via Fusion of Low- and High-Dimensional Approaches
* Tracking People Motion Based on Extended Condensation Algorithm
* Transsituational Individual-Specific Biopsychological Classification of Emotions
* Using Formal Verification to Evaluate Human-Automation Interaction: A Review
* Visual Imaging of Invisible Hazardous Substances Using Bacterial Inspiration
* Wildfire Smoke Detection Using Computational Intelligence Techniques Enhanced With Synthetic Smoke Plume Generation
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SMCS(44) * 3-D-Point-Cloud System for Human-Pose Estimation, A
* Adaptive Intrusion Detection of Malicious Unmanned Air Vehicles Using Behavior Rule Specifications
* Biometric Inspired Multimedia Encryption Based on Dual Parameter Fractional Fourier Transform
* Camera Selection for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface
* Cat is on the Mat. or is it a Dog? Dynamic Competition in Perceptual Decision Making, The
* Covert Attentional Shoulder Surfing: Human Adversaries Are More Powerful Than Expected
* Decision Fusion for Multimodal Biometrics Using Social Network Analysis
* EEG-Based Mobile Robot Control Through an Adaptive Brain-Robot Interface
* Effect of Correlation and Performances of Base-Experts on Score Fusion, The
* Explanatory Reasoning for Image Understanding Using Formal Concept Analysis and Description Logics
* Framework for Fusion of Human Sensor and Physical Sensor Data, A
* Generating Task-Oriented Interactions of Service Robots
* Guest Editorial on Decision Making in Human and Machine Vision
* Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition
* Human Pose Estimation and Tracking via Parsing a Tree Structure Based Human Model
* Improvement of Kernel-Based Object Tracking Based on Human Perception, An
* Integration of Simulation and State Observers for Online Fault Detection of Nonlinear Continuous Systems
* Intelligent Trajectory Classification for Improved Movement Prediction
* Introduction to the Special Section on Biometric Systems and Applications
* KinectFaceDB: A Kinect Database for Face Recognition
* Machine Vision-Based Gestural Interface for People With Upper Extremity Physical Impairments, A
* Mobile Target Scenario Recognition Via Low-Cost Pyroelectric Sensing System: Toward a Context-Enhanced Accurate Identification
* Neural Background Subtraction for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras
* On Deployment of Wireless Sensors on 3-D Terrains to Maximize Sensing Coverage by Utilizing Cat Swarm Optimization With Wavelet Transform
* Ontology-Based Text Mining Method to Develop D-Matrix From Unstructured Text, An
* Path Construction and Visit Scheduling for Targets by Using Data Mules
* Pose-Invariant Hand Shape Recognition Based on Finger Geometry
* Probability-Based Location Aware Design and On-Demand Robotic Intrusion Detection System
* RE-PLAN: An Extensible Software Architecture to Facilitate Disaster Response Planning
* Representation and Inference of User Intention for Internet Robot
* Review of Automatic Fault Diagnosis Systems Using Audio and Vibration Signals
* Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle Avoidance Situation
* Strategic Capability-Learning for Improved Multiagent Collaboration in Ad Hoc Environments
* User Identification for Home Entertainment Based on Free-Air Hand Motion Signatures
* Vision-Based 3-D Grasping of 3-D Objects With a Simple 2-D Gripper
* Walking Intent-Based Movement Control for JAIST Active Robotic Walker
* What/Where to Look Next? Modeling Top-Down Visual Attention in Complex Interactive Environments
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SMCS(45) * Adaptive Visual Tracking Control for Manipulator With Actuator Fuzzy Dead-Zone Constraint and Unmodeled Dynamic
* Autolanding Control Using Recurrent Wavelet Elman Neural Network
* Biometric Key Generation Method Based on Semisupervised Data Clustering, A
* Cooperative and Active Sensing in Mobile Sensor Networks for Scalar Field Mapping
* Design and Analysis of Multimodel-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Process Automation
* Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Fault Detection, Identification, and Recovery in Autonomous Spacecraft
* E-Net Modeling and Analysis of Emergency Response Processes Constrained by Resources and Uncertain Durations
* Evaluating Driving Styles by Normalizing Driving Behavior Based on Personalized Driver Modeling
* Formalization and Verification of Group Behavior Interactions
* Improved Invariant for Matching Molecular Graphs Based on VF2 Algorithm, An
* Intelligent Line Segment Perception With Cortex-Like Mechanisms
* Lagrangian Approach to Modeling and Analysis of a Crowd Dynamics, A
* Learning to Adjust and Refine Gait Patterns for a Biped Robot
* Model-Based System Specification With Tesperanto: Readable Text From Formal Graphics
* Modeling User Activity Preference by Leveraging User Spatial Temporal Characteristics in LBSNs
* MVEM-Based Fault Diagnosis of Automotive Engines Using Dempster-Shafer Theory and Multiple Hypotheses Testing
* Optimal Path Planning With Spatial-Temporal Mobility Modeling for Individual-Based Emergency Guiding
* Railway Fastener Inspection by Real-Time Machine Vision
* Recovery from Sensor Failure in an Evolving Multiobjective Swarm
* ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
* SAETA: A Smart Coaching Assistant for Professional Volleyball Training
* Smart-Condo: Optimizing Sensor Placement for Indoor Localization, The
* Traffic Sign Detection via Graph-Based Ranking and Segmentation Algorithms
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SMCS(46) * Analysis and Design Optimization of a Robotic Gripper Using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm
* Animal-Vehicle Collision Mitigation System for Automated Vehicles
* Automated Detection of Threat Objects Using Adapted Implicit Shape Model
* Automated Opal Grading by Imaging and Statistical Learning
* Automatic Design of Factors in a Human-Pose Estimation System Using Neural Networks, An
* Automatic Ear Landmark Localization, Segmentation, and Pose Classification in Range Images
* BIG-CCA: Beacon-Less, Infrastructure-Less, and GPS-Less Cooperative Collision Avoidance Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Biologically Inspired Control System for 3-D Locomotion of a Humanoid Biped Robot
* Common Bayesian Network for Classification of EEG-Based Multiclass Motor Imagery BCI
* Comparative Study of Haptic Interfaces for Bilateral Teleoperation of VTOL Aerial Robots
* Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation With Application to Joint Tracking and Classification
* Coordinated Planning of Heterogeneous Earth Observation Resources
* Design and Evaluation of a Teleoperated Robotic 3-D Mapping System using an RGB-D Sensor
* Design Framework of Image Sensor System Based on Dynamic Range Extension by Adding Noise for Saturated Conditions
* Fast Orientation Estimation Approach of Natural Images, A
* Gait Planning of Omnidirectional Walk on Inclined Ground for Biped Robots
* Generating Fixed-Length Representation From Minutiae Using Kernel Methods for Fingerprint Authentication
* Guest Editorial An Overview of Biomedical Robotics and Bio-Mechatronics Systems and Applications
* Impact of Visual-Haptic Spatial Discrepancy on Targeting Performance
* Indoor Localization System for Telehomecare Applications, An
* Landmark Reranking for Smart Travel Guide Systems by Combining and Analyzing Diverse Media
* Lightweight Social Computing Approach to Emergency Management Policy Selection, A
* Mining Personal Frequent Routes via Road Corner Detection
* New Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiattribute Decision Making, A
* New Reference-Based Edge Map Quality Measure, A
* Novel Line-Scan Palmprint Acquisition System, A
* Object Classification and Grasp Planning Using Visual and Tactile Sensing
* Optimization Models for Feature Selection of Decomposed Nearest Neighbor
* QoS-Aware Multigranularity Service Composition: Modeling and Optimization
* Recognition System for Home-Service-Related Sign Language Using Entropy-Based K -Means Algorithm and ABC-Based HMM
* Satellite Objects Extraction and Classification Based on Similarity Measure
* Seated Whole-Body Vibration Analysis, Technologies, and Modeling: A Survey
* Semantic Retrieval of Trademarks Based on Conceptual Similarity
* Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Double Articulation Analyzer
* Simulation Tool for Examining the Effect of Communications on Disaster Response in the Oil and Gas Industry, A
* Spatial Sensor Selection via Gaussian Markov Random Fields
* SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation System for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
* Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Identification
* Synergetic Brain-Machine Interfacing Paradigm for Multi-DOF Robot Control, A
* System-Theoretic Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Mammography Testing Process, A
* Toward Patients-' Motion Intention Recognition: Dynamics Modeling and Identification of iLeg: An LLRR Under Motion Constraints
* Toward Unconstrained Fingerprint Recognition: A Fully Touchless 3-D System Based on Two Views on the Move
* Trajectory-Tracking Control of Mobile Robot Systems Incorporating Neural-Dynamic Optimized Model Predictive Approach
* Vision-Based Target Detection and Localization via a Team of Cooperative UAV and UGVs
* Window-Based Classifier for Automatic Video-Based Reidentification, A
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SMCS(47) * Active Compressive Sensing via Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor for Human Situation Recognition
* Adaptive Neural Network Control of AUVs With Control Input Nonlinearities Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Full-State Constrained Wheeled Mobile Robotic System
* Affection-Based Dynamic Leader Selection Model for Formation Control in Multirobot Systems, An
* Cascaded Elastically Progressive Model for Accurate Face Alignment
* Cognitively Motivated Method for Classification of Occluded Traffic Signs, A
* Content-Adaptively Sparse Reconstruction Method for Abnormal Events Detection With Low-Rank Property, A
* Cooperative Traffic Control With Green Wave Coordination for Multiple Intersections Based on the Internet of Vehicles
* Cyberphysical System With Virtual Reality for Intelligent Motion Recognition and Training
* Development of Sensory-Motor Fusion-Based Manipulation and Grasping Control for a Robotic Hand-Eye System
* Dimension Reduction by Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine
* Door Knob Hand Recognition System
* Effect of Traffic Complexity on the Development of Near Misses on the North Sea, The
* Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dynamic Time Warping
* Efficient Intrusion Detection Approach for Visual Sensor Networks Based on Traffic Pattern Learning, An
* Exploiting Feature Correlations by Brownian Statistics for People Detection and Recognition
* Framework for Predicting Future System Performance in Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles, A
* Grayscale-Thermal Object Tracking via Multitask Laplacian Sparse Representation
* Group Sparse-Based Mid-Level Representation for Action Recognition
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Video Analytics for Enhanced Security: Algorithms and Systems
* Haptic Identification by ELM-Controlled Uncertain Manipulator
* Heterogeneous Information Fusion and Visualization for a Large-Scale Intelligent Video Surveillance System
* High-Speed Target Tracking System Based on a Hierarchical Parallel Vision Processor and Gray-Level LBP Algorithm
* Hybrid of Local and Global Saliencies for Detecting Image Salient Region and Appearance, A
* Image Piece Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Impact of Scent Type on Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia Quality of Experience, The
* Incremental Change Detection Test Based on Density Difference Estimation, An
* Learning Neural Bag-of-Features for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Model Identification and Control Design for a Humanoid Robot
* Modern Computer Vision Techniques for X-Ray Testing in Baggage Inspection
* Multiview Cauchy Estimator Feature Embedding for Depth and Inertial Sensor-Based Human Action Recognition
* Network-Based Modeling for Characterizing Human Collective Behaviors During Extreme Events
* New Multiple-Target Tracking Strategy Using Domain Knowledge and Optimization
* Novel Fusion Approach Based on the Global Consistency Criterion to Fusing Multiple Segmentations, A
* Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Following Mobile Robot, A
* Object Tracking via Temporal Consistency Dictionary Learning
* Online Fault Diagnosis of Motor Bearing via Stochastic-Resonance-Based Adaptive Filter in an Embedded System
* Online Signature Verification Based on Stable Features Extracted Dynamically
* Output Constraint Transfer for Kernelized Correlation Filter in Tracking
* Pedestrian Counting With Back-Propagated Information and Target Drift Remedy
* Physical Activity Recognition From Smartphone Accelerometer Data for User Context Awareness Sensing
* Preprocessing Design in Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor-Based Human-Tracking System: On Sensor Selection and Calibration
* Robotic System for Automation of Water Quality Monitoring and Feeding in Aquaculture Shadehouse
* Robust Iris Segmentation Method Based on a New Active Contour Force With a Noncircular Normalization
* Robust Sclera Recognition System With Novel Sclera Segmentation and Validation Techniques
* Role of the Thumb: Study of Finger Motion in Grasping and Reachability Space in Human and Robotic Hands, The
* Shortest Processing Time Scheduling to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Dense Urban Areas
* Single-Image Super-Resolution by Subdictionary Coding and Kernel Regression
* Single-Objective Path Planning for Autonomous Robots Using Reconfigurable Analog VLSI
* Speaker Tracking Based on Distributed Particle Filter in Distributed Microphone Networks
* Structured Output-Associated Dictionary Learning for Haptic Understanding
* Underwater Fish Tracking for Moving Cameras Based on Deformable Multiple Kernels
* Vehicle Detection by a Context-Aware Multichannel Feature Pyramid
* Vehicle Routing Problems for Drone Delivery
* Visual Servoing of Constrained Mobile Robots Based on Model Predictive Control
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SMCS(48) * Autoencoder With Invertible Functions for Dimension Reduction and Image Reconstruction
* Bottom-Up Merging Segmentation for Color Images With Complex Areas
* Constrained Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking for WIP Vehicles Using Model Predictive Control and Extended State Observer
* Contour Primitives of Interest Extraction Method for Microscopic Images and Its Application on Pose Measurement
* Cooperative Motion Generation in a Distributed Network of Redundant Robot Manipulators With Noises
* Decision Support System for User-Based Vehicle Relocation in Car Sharing Systems, A
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Learning ECG Features for Screening Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Patients
* Development of a Minimal-Intervention-Based Admittance Control Strategy for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton
* Discriminative and Robust Competitive Code for Palmprint Recognition
* Dynamic Illumination Optical Flow Computing for Sensing Multiple Mobile Robots From a Drone
* Efficient Solutions for Discreteness, Drift, and Disturbance (3D) in Electronic Olfaction
* EV Charging Management System Concerning Drivers' Trip Duration and Mobility Uncertainty, An
* Evaluation of Disaster Response System Using Agent-Based Model With Geospatial and Medical Details
* Fast and Accurate Vanishing Point Detection and Its Application in Inverse Perspective Mapping of Structured Road
* Feeling the Shape: Active Exploration Behaviors for Object Recognition With a Robotic Hand
* Gait Recognition Method for Human Following in Service Robots, A
* Image Processing Unit for General-Purpose Representation and Association System for Recognizing Low-Resolution Digits With Visual Information Variability
* Impasse-Aware Node Placement Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Integrated Framework for Binary Sensor Placement and Inhabitants Location Tracking, An
* Intelligent Thermal Sensing System for Automatic, Quantitative Assessment of Motion Training in Lower-Limb Rehabilitation, An
* Lifelogging Data Validation Model for Internet of Things Enabled Personalized Healthcare
* Limb-Based Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation, A
* Methods and Tools to Construct a Global Indoor Positioning System
* Modeling the Heterogeneous Duration of User Interest in Time-Dependent Recommendation: A Hidden Semi-Markov Approach
* Multiactivity 3-D Human Pose Tracking in Incorporated Motion Model with Transition Bridges
* Novel Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Emergency Transportation Problems During Post-Disaster Scenarios, A
* Novel Intelligence Algorithm Based on the Social Group Optimization Behaviors, A
* Output-Feedback Path-Following Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Based on an Extended State Observer and Projection Neural Networks
* Passive Indoor Localization Based on CSI and Naive Bayes Classification
* Path Planning for Active SLAM Based on the D* Algorithm With Negative Edge Weights
* Personalized Variable Gain Control With Tremor Attenuation for Robot Teleoperation
* Queryable Semantics to Detect Cyber-Attacks: A Flow-Based Detection Approach
* Rainbow Coverage Path Planning for a Patrolling Mobile Robot With Circular Sensing Range, A
* Regularizing Multilayer Perceptron for Robustness
* Sketch-Based User Authentication With a Novel String Edit Distance Model
* Smart and Green ACC: Energy and Safety Optimization Strategies for EVs
* Sparse Graph Embedding Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Spatial Pyramid-Based Statistical Features for Person Re-Identification: A Comprehensive Evaluation
* Toward a Blind Quality Predictor for Screen Content Images
* Ultrasonic-Frequency-Based Visualization of Columnar Soft Matter Beyond Wavelength Limitations
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SMCS(49) * Abnormal Odor Detection in Electronic Nose via Self-Expression Inspired Extreme Learning Machine
* Acceleration-Level Pseudo-Dynamic Visual Servoing of Mobile Robots With Backstepping and Dynamic Surface Control
* Altruistic Prediction-Based Congestion Control for Strict Beaconing Requirements in Urban VANETs, An
* Autonomous Cognitive Robots Need Emotional Modulations: Introducing the eMODUL Model
* Autonomous Optimization of Swimming Gait in a Fish Robot With Multiple Onboard Sensors
* Biometric Palmprint Verification: A Dynamical System Approach
* Cartesian Trajectory Tracking of a 7-DOF Exoskeleton Robot Based on Human Inverse Kinematics
* Collaborative Representation Cascade for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Computationally Efficient and Hierarchical Control Strategy for Velocity Optimization of On-Road Vehicles, A
* Content-Insensitive Blind Image Blurriness Assessment Using Weibull Statistics and Sparse Extreme Learning Machine
* Continuous Visual World Modeling for Autonomous Robot Manipulation
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition Using Depth Maps and Postures
* Descriptor System Approach for Estimation of Incipient Faults With Application to High-Speed Railway Traction Devices, A
* Enhanced Localization of Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Using Positron Emission Markers and Rigid-Body Transformation
* Enhancing Binocular Depth Estimation Based on Proactive Perception and Action Cyclic Learning for an Autonomous Developmental Robot
* Feature Extraction Methods for Palmprint Recognition: A Survey and Evaluation
* Feature Selection Based on Tensor Decomposition and Object Proposal for Night-Time Multiclass Vehicle Detection
* Hierarchy Visualization for Group Recommender Systems
* I-Am: Implicitly Authenticate Me: Person Authentication on Mobile Devices Through Ear Shape and Arm Gesture
* Indoor Localization for Skid-Steering Mobile Robot by Fusing Encoder, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer
* Learning Human-Robot Interaction for Robot-Assisted Pedestrian Flow Optimization
* Learning to Grasp Familiar Objects Based on Experience and Objects' Shape Affordance
* Low-Latency Communication Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Control Systems, A
* Machine Vision System for Stacked Substrates Counting With a Robust Stripe Detection Algorithm, A
* Model-Based Fault Diagnosis System Verification Using Reachability Analysis
* Modeling the Effects of Prevention and Early Diagnosis on HIV/AIDS Infection Diffusion
* MR-CA Models for Analysis of Pollution Sources and Prediction of PM2.5, The
* Multitarget Tracking Control for Coupled Heterogeneous Inertial Agents Systems Based on Flocking Behavior
* New Driver Workload Prediction Using Clustering-Aided Approaches
* Nonlinear Model Predictive Lateral Stability Control of Active Chassis for Intelligent Vehicles and Its FPGA Implementation
* Novel Potential Field Controller for Use on Aerial Robots, A
* Novel Real-Time Moving Target Tracking and Path Planning System for a Quadrotor UAV in Unknown Unstructured Outdoor Scenes, A
* Online Change-Point Detection in Sparse Time Series With Application to Online Advertising
* Paradigm for Path Following Control of a Ribbon-Fin Propelled Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle, A
* Personalized Driver Workload Inference by Learning From Vehicle Related Measurements
* Planning and Operation of Parking Lots Considering System, Traffic, and Drivers Behavioral Model
* Real-Time and Fully Distributed Approach to Motion Planning for Multirobot Systems, A
* Real-Time Pose Imitation by Mid-Size Humanoid Robot With Servo-Cradle-Head RGB-D Vision System
* Review of Estimation for Vehicle Tire-Road Interactions Toward Automated Driving, A
* Robust Kalman Filters Based on Gaussian Scale Mixture Distributions With Application to Target Tracking
* Scene Understanding in Deep Learning-Based End-to-End Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles
* Semantically Enhanced UAVs to Increase the Aerial Scene Understanding
* Structure From Motion Technique for Scene Detection Using Autonomous Drone Navigation
* Subgraph Robustness of Complex Networks Under Attacks
* Toward a Context-Aware Human-Robot Interaction Framework Based on Cognitive Development
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SMCS(50) * Adaptive Fault-Tolerant H-Infinity Output Feedback Control for Lead-Wing Close Formation Flight
* Adaptive Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems
* Adaptive Partial Reinforcement Learning Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Wheeled Mobile Robotic Systems
* Adaptive Robust Nonlinear Control Design for Course Tracking of Ships Subject to External Disturbances and Input Saturation
* Anonymous Privacy Preservation Based on m-Signature and Fuzzy Processing for Real-Time Data Release
* Automatic Visual Fingerprinting for Indoor Image-Based Localization Applications
* Common Spatial Patterns Based on the Quantized Minimum Error Entropy Criterion
* Compensating Delays and Noises in Motion Control of Autonomous Electric Vehicles by Using Deep Learning and Unscented Kalman Predictor
* Detecting Seam-Carved Image by Extreme Learning Machines Using Patch Analysis Method, Jury Voting, and Combinatorial Fusion
* Detection of Power Line Insulator Defects Using Aerial Images Analyzed With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Distributed Control Framework of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Dynamic Wildfire Tracking, A
* Disturbance-Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Control of High-Speed Trains: A Markovian Jump System Model Approach
* Dual-Objective Optimization for Lane Reservation With Residual Capacity and Budget Constraints
* Energy-Efficient Subway Train Scheduling Design With Time-Dependent Demand Based on an Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach
* Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design of Missile-Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Fine-Grained Visual Comparison Based on Relative Attribute Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
* Fleet Sizing for Electric Car Sharing Systems in Discrete Event System Frameworks
* Formation Control of Multiple Mobile Robots Incorporating an Extended State Observer and Distributed Model Predictive Approach
* Human Identification Using Selected Features From Finger Geometric Profiles
* Image Dynamics-Based Visual Servoing for Quadrotors Tracking a Target With a Nonlinear Trajectory Observer
* Influence of Time Pressure on Inhibitory Brain Control During Emergency Driving
* Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Systems
* Multiple-Solution Optimization Strategy for Multirobot Task Allocation
* Muscle Fatigue Induced Hand Tremor Clustering in Dynamic Laparoscopic Manipulation
* Novel Weber Local Binary Descriptor for Fingerprint Liveness Detection, A
* Online Heterogeneous Face Recognition Based on Total-Error-Rate Minimization
* Perimeter Control of Multiregion Urban Traffic Networks With Time-Varying Delays
* Real-Time Recurrent Tactile Recognition: Momentum Batch-Sequential Echo State Networks
* Reinforcement Learning Approach to Autonomous Decision Making of Intelligent Vehicles on Highways, A
* Robot Path Planning Using Analog Circuit Phase Delay
* Smoothed Graphic User Interaction on Smartphones With Motion Prediction
* Stream-of-Variation (SOV) Theory Applied in Geometric Error Modeling for Six-Axis Motion Platform
* Subspace Learning Approach to Multishot Person Reidentification, A
* Surgical Wounds Assessment System for Self-Care
* System-of-Systems Approach to the Strategic Feasibility of Modular Vehicle Fleets, A
* Target Following and Close Monitoring Using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle
* Target State and Markovian Jump Ionospheric Height Bias Estimation for OTHR Tracking Systems
* Triangulation-Based Coverage Path Planning, A
* Two-Factor Authentication System Using P300 Response to a Sequence of Human Photographs
* UAV Video Dataset for Mosaicking and Change Detection From Low-Altitude Flights, A
* Unifying Analytical Methods With Numerical Methods for Traffic System Modeling and Control
* Using Stacked Sparse Auto-Encoder and Superpixel CRF for Long-Term Visual Scene Understanding of UGVs
* Utility Driven Post Disaster Emergency Resource Allocation System Using DTN, A
* Visual Guidance for a Spatial Discrepancy Problem of in Encountered-Type Haptic Display
* Weighted Outlier Detection of High-Dimensional Categorical Data Using Feature Grouping
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SMCS(51) * 3-D Path Planning With Multiple Motions for a Gliding Robotic Dolphin
* Active Fault-Tolerant Control for Discrete Vehicle Active Suspension Via Reduced-Order Observer
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for High-Speed Train: A Multi-Agent Approach
* Adaptive Path Following Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles Considering Environmental Disturbances and System Constraints
* Adaptive Pulsatile Plane for Robust Noncontact Heart Rate Monitoring
* Artificial Vision by Deep CNN Neocognitron
* Bleeding Simulation With Improved Visual Effects for Surgical Simulation Systems
* Classification of EEG Signals on VEP-Based BCI Systems With Broad Learning
* Complex Network-Based Broad Learning System for Detecting Driver Fatigue From EEG Signals, A
* Complex Workpiece Positioning System With Nonrigid Registration Method for 6-DoFs Automatic Spray Painting Robot
* Cooperative Moving-Target Enclosing Control for Multiple Nonholonomic Vehicles Using Feedback Linearization Approach
* Cooperative Target Tracking in Aquatic Environment Using Dual Robotic Dolphins
* Crowd Behavior Simulation With Emotional Contagion in Unexpected Multihazard Situations
* Curved Path Following for Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Heading Amendment
* Deep Adversarial Domain Adaptation Model for Bearing Fault Diagnosis
* Design and Analysis of a Human-Machine Interaction System for Researching Human's Dynamic Emotion
* DeSIRe: Deep Signer-Invariant Representations for Sign Language Recognition
* Discriminative Face Hallucination via Locality-Constrained and Category Embedding Representation
* Distance Measure for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Its Application to Pattern Classification Problems, A
* Distributed Secure Platoon Control of Connected Vehicles Subject to DoS Attack: Theory and Application
* Disturbance Observer-Based Adaptive Finite-Time Attitude Tracking Control for Rigid Spacecraft
* Dynamic Control of Fraud Information Spreading in Mobile Social Networks
* Efficient Body Motion Quantification and Similarity Evaluation Using 3-D Joints Skeleton Coordinates
* Efficient Method to Recover Relative Pose for Vehicle-Mounted Cameras Under Planar Motion, An
* Emotion Classification Using EEG Brain Signals and the Broad Learning System
* Ensemble Learning Based Brain-Computer Interface System for Ground Vehicle Control
* Event-Based Formation Coordinated Control for Multiple Spacecraft Under Communication Constraints
* Fast Pore Comparison for High Resolution Fingerprint Images Based on Multiple Co-Occurrence Descriptors and Local Topology Similarities
* Fixed-Time Active Disturbance Rejection Control and Its Application to Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Force Sensorless Admittance Control for Teleoperation of Uncertain Robot Manipulator Using Neural Networks
* Fusing Skeleton Recognition With Face-TLD for Human Following of Mobile Service Robots
* Global and Local-Contrast Guides Content-Aware Fusion for RGB-D Saliency Prediction
* Independent Electromagnetic Field Control for Practical Approach to Actively Locomotive Wireless Capsule Endoscope
* Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Fingerprint and Mobility Prediction in RSS Fluctuation-Prone WLANs, An
* Investigating the Flexibility of the MBSE Approach to the Biomass Mission
* IWSCR: An Intelligent Water Surface Cleaner Robot for Collecting Floating Garbage
* Laser-Based Intersection-Aware Human Following With a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments
* Leader-Follower Trajectory Control for Quadrotors via Tracking Differentiators and Disturbance Observers
* Model-Based Adaptive Control of Transfemoral Prostheses: Theory, Simulation, and Experiments
* Modular Lightweight Network for Road Object Detection Using a Feature Fusion Approach
* Multi-Kernel Online Reinforcement Learning for Path Tracking Control of Intelligent Vehicles
* Multialgorithm Fusion Image Processing for High Speed Railway Dropper Failure-Defect Detection
* Multilabel Image Classification via Feature/Label Co-Projection
* Multisensor-Based Navigation and Control of a Mobile Service Robot
* Muscle-Synergies-Based Neuromuscular Control for Motion Learning and Generalization of a Musculoskeletal System
* Novel Approach to Image-Sequence-Based Mobile Robot Place Recognition, A
* Novel Fuzzy Logic-Based Text Classification Method for Tracking Rare Events on Twitter, A
* Novel Multicamera System for High-Speed Touchless Palm Recognition, A
* Performance Evaluation of Joint Tracking and Classification
* Prediction-Based Seabed Terrain Following Control for an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System
* Quality Inspection Based on Quadrangular Object Detection for Deep Aperture Component
* Range-Based Reactive Deployment of Autonomous Drones for Optimal Coverage in Disaster Areas
* Real-Time Robotic Grasping Approach With Oriented Anchor Box, A
* Real-Time Taxi-Passenger Matching Using a Differential Evolutionary Fuzzy Controller
* RISE-Based Integrated Motion Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles With Asymptotic Prescribed Performance
* Robust 3-D Object Recognition via View-Specific Constraint
* Robust Vehicle Driver Assistance Control for Handover Scenarios Considering Driving Performances
* Semantic-Aware Informative Path Planning for Efficient Object Search Using Mobile Robot
* Spatial Context Energy Curve-Based Multilevel 3-D Otsu Algorithm for Image Segmentation
* Targeting Posture Control With Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance of Constrained Uncertain Wheeled Mobile Robots Including Unknown Skidding and Slipping
* Time-Efficient Indoor Navigation and Evacuation With Fastest Path Planning Based on Internet of Things Technologies
* Toward Pre-Empted EV Charging Recommendation Through V2V-Based Reservation System
* Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle With Unknown Parameters and External Disturbances
* Transformation-Aware Similarity Measurement for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment via Bidirectional Rewarping
* Two Hybrid Multiobjective Motion Planning Schemes Synthesized by Recurrent Neural Networks for Wheeled Mobile Robot Manipulators
* Two-Phase Coordinated Planning Approach for Heterogeneous Earth-Observation Resources to Monitor Area Targets, A
* Underwater Target Tracking Control of an Untethered Robotic Fish With a Camera Stabilizer
* Vision-Assisted Autonomous Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot
* Visual Human-Computer Interactions for Intelligent Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation Systems: The State of the Art and Future Directions
* Visual Leader-Following Approach With a T-D-R Framework for Quadruped Robots, A
* Visual Servoing of a Flexible Aerial Refueling Boom With an Eye-in-Hand Camera
* Visual Trajectory Tracking of Wheeled Mobile Robots With Uncalibrated Camera Extrinsic Parameters
* Wearable Ultrasound System for Sensing Muscular Morphological Deformations, A
* Weight-Adapted Convolution Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction
74 for SMCS(51)

SMCS(52) * Active Suspension Control of Quarter-Car System With Experimental Validation
* Agent-Based Traffic Recommendation System: Revisiting and Revising Urban Traffic Management Strategies, An
* Anomaly Detection Based on Convolutional Recurrent Autoencoder for IoT Time Series
* Assessing Player Profiles of Achievement, Affiliation, and Power Motivation Using Electroencephalography
* Asymmetric CNN for Image Superresolution
* Asynchronous Multithreading Reinforcement-Learning-Based Path Planning and Tracking for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
* Attention-Based Interactive Learning-to-Rank Model for Document Retrieval, An
* Automated Deep CNN-LSTM Architecture Design for Solar Irradiance Forecasting
* Bayesian Modeling of Crowd Dynamics by Aggregating Multiresolution Observations From UAVs and UGVs
* Competitive Learning of Facial Fitting and Synthesis Using UV Energy
* Composite Adaptive Disturbance Observer-Based Decentralized Fractional-Order Fault-Tolerant Control of Networked UAVs
* Concurrent Learning-Based Adaptive Control of an Uncertain Robot Manipulator With Guaranteed Safety and Performance
* Content-Adaptive Resizing Framework for Boosting Computation Speed of Background Modeling Methods, A
* Convolutional Neural Network Formulation to Compare 4-D Seismic and Reservoir Simulation Models
* Cooperative Path Following Control of Multiple Quadcopters With Unknown External Disturbances
* Coordinate-Free Jacobian Motion Planning: A 3-D Space Robot
* Coordinated Path-Following Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Decentralized Motion Planning for Multiagent Collaboration Under Coupled LTL Task Specifications
* Design and Analysis of a Prediction System About Influenza-Like Illness From the Latent Temporal and Spatial Information
* Detecting Dynamic Behavior of Brain Fatigue Through 3-D-CNN-LSTM
* Development and Motion Control of Biomimetic Underwater Robots: A Survey
* Distributed Algorithm for Task Offloading in Vehicular Networks With Hybrid Fog/Cloud Computing, A
* Distributed Task Assignment for Multiple Robots Under Limited Communication Range
* DS-P3SNet: An Efficient Classification Approach for Devanagari Script-Based P300 Speller Using Compact Channelwise Convolution and Knowledge Distillation
* Dual-Master/Single-Slave Haptic Teleoperation System for Semiautonomous Bilateral Control of Hexapod Robot Subject to Deformable Rough Terrain
* Editorial to the Special Issue on Smart Cities Based on the Efforts of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
* EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection With Fuzzy Independent Phase-Locking Value Representations Using Lagrangian-Based Deep Neural Networks
* Ensemble-Based Densely-Connected Deep Learning System for Assessment of Skeletal Maturity, An
* Event-Based Fault Detection for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Subject to Denial-of-Service Attacks
* FastStereoNet: A Fast Neural Architecture Search for Improving the Inference of Disparity Estimation on Resource-Limited Platforms
* Finite-Time Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Without Velocity Measurements
* Finite-Time Velocity-Free Rendezvous Control of Multiple AUV Systems With Intermittent Communication
* Game Theory-Based Ramp Merging for Mixed Traffic With Unity-SUMO Co-Simulation
* Generic Markov Decision Process Model and Reinforcement Learning Method for Scheduling Agile Earth Observation Satellites, A
* Geometric Model-Based Approach to Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Structure-Based Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Multiple 3-DOF Laboratory Helicopters
* Hinf Consensus of Homogeneous Vehicular Platooning Systems With Packet Dropout and Communication Delay
* Human-Inspired Haptic-Enabled Learning From Prehensile Move Demonstrations
* Improved Dyna-Q Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Unknown Dynamic Environment, An
* Indexing-Min-Max Hashing: Relaxing the Security-Performance Tradeoff for Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Innovative Contactless Palmprint Recognition System Based on Dual-Camera Alignment
* Intelligent Geodemographic Clustering Based on Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Interactive Model Predictive Control for Robot Navigation in Dense Crowds
* Learning From Imbalanced Data With Deep Density Hybrid Sampling
* Learning-Based Cooperative Multiagent Formation Control With Collision Avoidance
* Learning-Based Kinematic Control Using Position and Velocity Errors for Robot Trajectory Tracking
* Leveraging Multimodal Semantic Fusion for Gastric Cancer Screening via Hierarchical Attention Mechanism
* Linear Velocity-Free Visual Servoing Control for Unmanned Helicopter Landing on a Ship With Visibility Constraint
* Liveness-Enforcing Supervisor Tolerant to Sensor-Reading Modification Attacks, A
* MedUCC: Medium-Driven Underwater Camera Calibration for Refractive 3-D Reconstruction
* Multiapproximator-Based Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for Unmanned Autonomous Helicopter With Input Saturation
* Multiattention Adaptation Network for Motor Imagery Recognition
* Multiobjective Deep Clustering and its Applications in Single-cell RNA-seq Data
* Multiple-Fine-Tuned Convolutional Neural Networks for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis From Offline Handwriting
* Multitarget Tracking for Multiple Lagrangian Plants With Input-to-Output Redundancy and Sampled-Data Interactions
* Multitone Model-Based Seismic Data Compression, A
* Neural Adaptive Command Filtered Control for Cooperative Path Following of Multiple Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Along One Path
* Novel Ensemble Machine Learning and an Evolutionary Algorithm in Modeling the COVID-19 Epidemic and Optimizing Government Policies, A
* Observability Metrics for Single-Target Tracking With Bearings-Only Measurements
* On Training Traffic Predictors via Broad Learning Structures: A Benchmark Study
* Online Evolving Method For a Safe and Fast Automated Vehicle Control System, An
* Optimal Camera Point Selection Toward the Most Preferable View of 3-D Human Pose
* Optimal Leader-Follower Consensus for Constrained-Input Multiagent Systems With Completely Unknown Dynamics
* Partial Visual-Tactile Fused Learning for Robotic Object Recognition
* PDE Modeling and Tracking Control for the Flexible Tail of an Autonomous Robotic Fish
* Perspective-Corrected Spatial Referring Expression Generation for Human-Robot Interaction
* Probabilistic Model for Driving-Style-Recognition-Enabled Driver Steering Behaviors, A
* Real-Time Decision Making and Path Planning for Robotic Autonomous Luggage Trolley Collection at Airports
* Risk-Aware and Collision-Preventive Cooperative Fleet Cruise Control Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Situational Assessment for Intelligent Vehicles Based on Stochastic Model and Gaussian Distributions in Typical Traffic Scenarios
* Survey of the Four Pillars for Small Object Detection: Multiscale Representation, Contextual Information, Super-Resolution, and Region Proposal, A
* System and Experiments of Model-Driven Motion Planning and Control for Autonomous Vehicles
* Systematic Deep Learning Model Selection for P300-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces, A
* TrackInFactory: A Tight Coupling Particle Filter for Industrial Vehicle Tracking in Indoor Environments
* Two-Stage Supervised Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Two-Stream CNN With Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation for Robotic Grasping, A
* Uncalibrated Visual Servoing for a Planar Two Link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator Without Joint-Space-Velocity Measurement
* Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Routing Problem With Mobile Charging Stations for Assisting Search and Rescue Missions in Postdisaster Scenarios
* Virtual-Goal-Guided RRT for Visual Servoing of Mobile Robots With FOV Constraint
79 for SMCS(52)

SMCS(53) * Actual Shape-Based Obstacle Avoidance Synthesized by Velocity-Acceleration Minimization for Redundant Manipulators: An Optimization Perspective
* Adaptive Human Driver Model for Realistic Race Car Simulations, An
* Adaptive Saturated Path Following Control of Underactuated AUV With Unmodeled Dynamics and Unknown Actuator Hysteresis
* Advances in Line-of-Sight Guidance for Path Following of Autonomous Marine Vehicles: An Overview
* Attentive Spatio-Temporal Learning-Based Network for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis, An
* Autonomous System for EEG-Based Multiple Abnormal Mental States Classification Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks Under Flight Environment
* Bionic Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm of the Micro UAV Based on the Fusion of Deep Neural Network Optimization/Filtering and Hawk-Eye Vision, A
* Cognitive-Based Crack Detection for Road Maintenance: An Integrated System in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* Collision-Free Adaptive Fuzzy Formation Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Multiagent Systems
* Command Filter-Based Adaptive Practical Prescribed-Time Asymptotic Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles With Limited Communication Angles
* Computer Vision Techniques in Manufacturing
* Congestive Heart Failure Detection From ECG Signals Using Deep Residual Neural Network
* Containment Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles With Stochastic Environment Disturbances
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Robot Control for an Eye-in-Hand Camera
* Convolutional Neural Networks Demystified: A Matched Filtering Perspective-Based Tutorial
* DBCNet: Dynamic Bilateral Cross-Fusion Network for RGB-T Urban Scene Understanding in Intelligent Vehicles
* Design of Safe Optimal Guidance With Obstacle Avoidance Using Control Barrier Function-Based Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning
* Development of AgriVerse: Past, Present, and Future, The
* Discrete Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control of Underwater Vehicles Based on Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model
* Distributed Adaptive Fixed-Time Robust Platoon Control for Fully Heterogeneous Vehicles
* Distributed Search Planning in 3-D Environments With a Dynamically Varying Number of Agents
* Dual Stream Meta Learning for Road Surface Classification and Riding Event Detection on Shared Bikes
* Dynamic Evolution Method for Autonomous Vehicle Groups in an Urban Scene, A
* Efficient Data-Driven Switched Predictive Control Strategy With Online Data for Vehicle Lateral Stabilization in Ice and Snow-Rutted Conditions, An
* Extended Belief Rule-Based System With Accurate Rule Weights and Efficient Rule Activation for Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules
* Fast Distributed Platooning of Connected Vehicular Systems With Inaccurate Velocity Measurement
* Fast Vehicle Routing via Knowledge Transfer in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Fixed-Time and Fault-Tolerant Path-Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles With Unknown Parameters Subject to Prescribed Performance
* Graph Attention in Attention Network for Image Denoising
* Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for 6-DOF UCAV Air-to-Air Combat, A
* Hybrid Vision/Magnetic-Force Finite-Time Convergent Neural Network Tracking Control of Electromagnetically Actuated Soft-Tethered Colonoscope Robot With Current Constraints
* Improved Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robot
* Individual Surveillance Around Parked Aircraft at Nighttime: Thermal Infrared Vision-Based Human Action Recognition
* Integrated Inspection on PCB Manufacturing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* Intelligent Cockpit for Intelligent Vehicle in Metaverse: A Case Study of Empathetic Auditory Regulation of Human Emotion
* Internal-Model-Principle-Based Fast Adaptive Iterative Learning Trajectory Tracking Control for Autonomous Farming Vehicle Under Alignment Condition and Input Constraint
* Koopman-Theoretic Modeling of Quasiperiodically Driven Systems: Example of Signalized Traffic Corridor
* Lagrangian Relaxation Method for an Online Decentralized Assignment of Electric Vehicles to Charging Stations, A
* Manifold Enhanced 2-D Fuzzy Subspace Clustering for Image Data
* MARL Sim2real Transfer: Merging Physical Reality With Digital Virtuality in Metaverse
* Marrying Global-Local Spatial Context for Image Patches in Computer-Aided Assessment
* Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System With Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part I: Control, Computing System Design, Communication, HD Map, Testing, and Human Behaviors
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part II: Perception and Planning
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation in the Wild: Using Adversarial Method to Train a Top-Down Pose Estimation Network
* Multi-UAV Safe Collaborative Transportation Based on Adaptive Control Barrier Function
* Multirobot Cooperative Patrolling Strategy for Moving Objects
* Multitask-Oriented Brain-Controlled Intelligent Vehicle Based on Human-Machine Intelligence Integration
* Nonlinear Model-Predictive Contouring Controller for Shared Control Driving Assistance in High-Performance Scenarios, A
* Novel SMMS Teleoperation Control Framework for Multiple Mobile Agents With Obstacles Avoidance by Leader Selection, A
* Parallel Vision for Intelligent Transportation Systems in Metaverse: Challenges, Solutions, and Potential Applications
* ParallelEye Pipeline: An Effective Method to Synthesize Images for Improving the Visual Intelligence of Intelligent Vehicles
* Parameter Estimation and Anti-Sideslip Line-of-Sight Method-Based Adaptive Path-Following Controller for a Multijoint Snake Robot
* Path Planning Optimization With Multiple Pesticide and Power Loading Bases Using Several Unmanned Aerial Systems on Segmented Agricultural Fields
* Path-Guided Model-Free Flocking Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles Based on Concurrent Learning Extended State Observers
* Privacy-Preserving Platooning Control of Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems With Saturated Inputs
* Proactive Control for Online Individual User Adaptation in a Welfare Robot Guidance Scenario: Toward Supporting Elderly People
* RadarVerses in Metaverses: A CPSI-Based Architecture for 6S Radar Systems in CPSS
* Resilient Formation Tracking of Spacecraft Swarm Against Actuation Attacks: A Distributed Lyapunov-Based Model Predictive Approach
* Robot-Assisted Disassembly Sequence Planning With Real-Time Human Motion Prediction
* Robotic Object Perception Based on Multispectral Few-Shot Coupled Learning
* Robust Path-Following Control for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Along an Implicit Elliptical Curve
* Robust Region Control Approach for Simultaneous Trajectory Tracking and Compliant Physical Human-Robot Interaction, A
* Safe Route Carpooling to Avoid Accident Locations and Small-Scale Proof of Concept in Japan
* Sensor Data Modeling and Model Frequency Analysis for Detecting Cutting Tool Anomalies in Machining
* Sharing Traffic Priorities via Cyber-Physical-Social Intelligence: A Lane-Free Autonomous Intersection Management Method in Metaverse
* Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Using the Explicit Reference Governor Approach
* Stitching Dynamic Movement Primitives and Image-Based Visual Servo Control
* Three-Dimensional Space-and-Time-Synchronized Target-Tracking Control Under Input Saturation
* Tracking Passengers and Baggage Items Using Multiple Overhead Cameras at Security Checkpoints
* Unsupervised Pixel-Level Detection of Rail Surface Defects Using Multistep Domain Adaptation
* Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Considering Driver Uncertainty and Vehicle Dynamics Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Vision-Based Plane Estimation and Following for Building Inspection with Autonomous UAV
* Visual Footsteps Planning System for Exoskeleton Robots Under Complex Terrain, The
* Visual Servoing of Rigid-Link Flexible-Joint Manipulators in the Presence of Unknown Camera Parameters and Boundary Output
* Watch and Act: Learning Robotic Manipulation From Visual Demonstration
76 for SMCS(53)

SMCS(54) * AKDC: Ambiguous Kernel Distance Clustering Algorithm for COVID-19 CT Scans Analysis
* Ambiguous Edge Detection Method for Computed Tomography Scans of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cases, An
* BiaS: Incorporating Biased Knowledge to Boost Unsupervised Image Anomaly Localization
* Centimeter-Level Indoor Positioning With Facing Direction Detection for Microlocation-Aware Services
* Chassis Global Dynamics Optimization for Automated Vehicles: A Multiactuator Integrated Control Method
* Chassis Global Dynamics-Oriented Trajectory Planning for Automated Vehicles
* Collision-Free Cooperative Motion Planning and Decision-Making for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections
* Consensus-Based Vehicle Platoon Control Under Periodic Event-Triggered Strategy
* Constrained 3-D Trajectory Planning for Aerial Vehicles Without Range Measurement
* Convolutional Features-Based Broad Learning With LSTM for Multidimensional Facial Emotion Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction
* Data-Driven Image-Based Visual Servoing Scheme for Redundant Manipulators With Unknown Structure and Singularity Solution, A
* Deep Multidilation Temporal and Spatial Dependence Modeling in Stereoscopic 3-D EEG for Visual Discomfort Assessment
* Degeneracy-Aware Full-Pose Path Planning Strategy for Robot Manipulator
* Dense Hybrid Attention Network for Palmprint Image Super-Resolution
* Detecting and Tracking 6-DoF Motion of Unknown Dynamic Objects in Industrial Environments Using Stereo Visual Sensing
* Distributed Prescribed Performance Fault-Tolerant Control of Multi-UAVs With Input Delays via Dynamic Event-Triggered Observers
* Efficient Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Sensor-Weapon-Target Assignment
* Efficient Liveness Analysis Method for Petri Nets via Maximally Good-Step Graphs, An
* Enhanced Scene Understanding and Situation Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Semantic Segmentation
* Event-Based Distributed Secure Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles With DoS Attacks
* Event-Triggered Connectivity-Preserving Formation Control of Heterogeneous Multiple USVs
* Event-Triggered Heading Control of an Energy-Efficient Underwater Gliding Robot
* Event-Triggered Quantitative Prescribed Performance Neural Adaptive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Exact Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Vehicles in Polygonal Domains
* Fault Detection for Switched Positive Systems With Application to Traffic Signal Systems
* Flashlight-Net: A Modular Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery EEG Classification
* Fuzzy Adaptive Event-Triggered Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Vehicles Considering Rollover Prevention and Parameter Uncertainty
* Heterogeneous Window Transformer for Image Denoising
* HSNet: An Intelligent Hierarchical Semantic-Aware Network System for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Human-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Decision Making of Autonomous Vehicles
* Hybrid Visual Servoing Control for Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems With Multiple Cameras
* Influence of Vaccine Willingness on Epidemic Spreading in Social Networks, The
* Integrated Tracking Control of an Underwater Bionic Robot Based on Multimodal Motions
* Integrating Visual Perception With Decision Making in Neuromorphic Fault-Tolerant Quadruplet-Spike Learning Framework
* Intelligent Trajectory Tracking and Formation Control of Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: A Critical Review
* Lane-Keeping Control of Automatic Steering Systems via Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Approach
* Local 2-D Path Planning of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles in Continuous Action Space Based on the Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
* MARS: Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Spatial: Spectral and Temporal Feature Selection in EEG-Based BCI
* MLG-NCS: Multimodal Local-Global Neuromorphic Computing System for Affective Video Content Analysis
* Mode-Switched Control Architecture for Human-in-the-Loop Teleoperation of Multislave Robots via Data-Training-Based Observer, A
* Model Predictive Formation Tracking-Containment Control for Multi-UAVs With Obstacle Avoidance
* Model Predictive Lateral Control for Unmanned Ground Vehicles With Speed Coupling: A Terminal Constraint-Free Approach
* Modified State Refinement GRU for Atrial Fibrillation and Premature Ventricular Contraction Signals Detection, A
* MOGAN: Morphologic-Structure-Aware Generative Learning From a Single Image
* Monte Carlo-Based Restoration of Images Degraded by Atmospheric Turbulence
* Multimodal Human Action Recognition for Rehabilitation Exercise of Upper Body for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy
* Multimodal Perception and Decision-Making Systems for Complex Roads Based on Foundation Models
* Multirobot Cooperative Path Optimization Approach for Multiobjective Coverage in a Congestion Risk Environment
* Multiscale Coarse-to-Fine Human Pose Estimation Network With Hard Keypoint Mining, A
* Multiscale Neighborhood Adaptive Clustering Image Segmentation for Molten Iron Flow Slag-Iron Recognition
* Novel Hybrid Fusion Combining Palmprint and Palm Vein for Large-Scale Palm-Based Recognition, A
* Performance Prescribed Cooperative Guidance Against Maneuvering Target Under Malicious Attacks
* Personality Shaping: A Prescriptive Approach Based on Virtual-Real Human Interaction
* Practical Reset Logarithmic Sliding Mode Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction With Sensorless Behavior Estimation
* Privacy-Preserving Routing and Charging Scheduling for Cellular-Connected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Probabilistic Liveness Decision Method of Unbounded Petri Nets Based on Machine Learning, The
* Quantized Fuzzy Feedback Control for Electric Vehicle Lateral Dynamics
* Real-Time 3-D Visual Detection-Based Soft Wire Avoidance Scheme for Industrial Robot Manipulators, A
* Robotic Grasp Detection Using Structure Prior Attention and Multiscale Features
* Robotic Grasp Detection With 6-D Pose Estimation Based on Graph Convolution and Refinement
* Robust Evidential Multisource Data Fusion Approach Based on Cooperative Game Theory and Its Application in EEG, A
* Safety-Certified Multi-Target Circumnavigation With Autonomous Surface Vehicles via Neurodynamics-Driven Distributed Optimization
* Scientometric Analysis of Quantum Algorithms for VANET Optimization
* Selective Migration-Based Improved GPR Modeling Method for Batch Process, A
* So Many Heads, So Many Wits: Multimodal Graph Reasoning for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
* Survey of Wearable Lower Extremity Neurorehabilitation Exoskeleton: Sensing, Gait Dynamics, and Human-Robot Collaboration, A
* Threat Assessment Strategy of Human-in-the-Loop Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Under Uncertain Events
* TIDE: Test-Time Few-Shot Object Detection
* Time-Dependent Lane-Level Navigation With Spatiotemporal Mobility Modeling Based on the Internet of Vehicles
* TinyStereo: A Tiny Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Vision-Based Depth Estimation on Embedded GPUs
* Toward Foundation Models for Inclusive Object Detection: Geometry- and Category-Aware Feature Extraction Across Road User Categories
* Toward Large-Scale Palmprint Image Analysis by a Rich Orientation Code
* Toward Task-Independent Optimal Adaptive Control of a Hip Exoskeleton for Locomotion Assistance in Neurorehabilitation
* Trajectory Intent Prediction of Autonomous Systems Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
* Transmission Line Component Defect Detection Based on UAV Patrol Images: A Self-Supervised HC-ViT Method
* Ultrasound as a Neurorobotic Interface: A Review
* Variable-Gain Fixed-Time Convergent and Robust ZNN Model for Image Fusion: Design, Analysis, and Verification, A
77 for SMCS(54)

SMCS(55) * AIS Data-Driven Hybrid Approach to Ship Trajectory Prediction, An
* Collaborative Recommendation of National Image Resources for Targeted International Communication via Multidimensional Features and E-CARGO Modeling
* Constrained Safe Cooperative Maneuvering of Autonomous Surface Vehicles: A Control Barrier Function Approach
* D-LORD for Motion Stylization
* Distributed Two-Layered Leader-Follower Affine Formation Control for Multiple AUVs in 3-D Space
* Driving Mode Advisory for Emergency Maneuvering in TransVerse Enabled Connected Vehicular Network
* Fuzzy Optimal Fault-Tolerant Trajectory Tracking Control of Underactuated AUVs With Prescribed Performance in 3-D Space
* Fuzzy Trajectory Tracking Control of Under-Actuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Ocean Current and Input Quantization
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on AI-Powered Planning and Control of Autonomous Marine Vehicles
* Iterative Learning Control Design for Iteration-Varying State-of-Charge Profiles of Electric Vehicle Batteries
* Landmark Block-Embedded Aggregation Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection
* Learning and Sampling-Based Informative Path Planning for AUVs in Ocean Current Fields
* Muscle-Targeted Robotic Assistive Control Using Musculoskeletal Model of the Lower Limb
* Networked and Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Control for Autonomous Marine Vehicles: A Survey
* Novel Robustness-Enhancing Adversarial Defense Approach to AI-Powered Sea State Estimation for Autonomous Marine Vessels, A
* Optimal Motion Planning for Heterogeneous Multi-USV Systems Using Hexagonal Grid-Based Neural Networks and Parallelogram Law Under Ocean Currents
* Practical Prescribed-Time Control for Constrained Human-Robot Co-Transportation With Velocity Observer and Obstacle Avoidance
* Priority-Based DREAM Approach for Highly Manoeuvring Intruders in a Perimeter Defense Problem
* Pursuit-Evasion Games of Marine Surface Vessels Using Neural Network-Based Control
* Scalable Formation Control for Second-Order Multiagent Systems: An Event-Triggered Predefined-Time Strategy
* Structured Light-Based Underwater Collision-Free Navigation and Dense Mapping System for Refined Exploration in Unknown Dark Environments
* Weighted Deformable Network for Efficient Segmentation of Lung Tumors in CT
22 for SMCS(55)

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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