Update Dates 9309

9309 * 3-D cerebral vessel reconstruction from angiograms
* 3D Model based stereo reconstruction using coupled Markov random fields
* Active Animate Stereo Vision
* Active Fixation for Junction Classification
* Adaptive pyramid approach to texture segmentation
* Adding Grey Level Information to Point Distribution Models Using Finite Elements
* Adjustment-Free Stereo Matching Algorithm, An
* Affine Stereo Calibration for Relative Affine Shape Reconstruction
* Algorithms for shape from shading, lighting direction and motion
* analogic single-chip CNN visual supercomputer: A review, The
* Analysis of MR angiography volume data leading to the structural description of the cerebral vessel tree
* Analytical results on the Quadtree storage-requirements
* Anisotropic filtering of MRI data based upon image gradient histogram
* application of digital image processing in the evaluation of agricultural experiments, The
* Application of knowledge-based image inspection system for diagnosis of misprints in offsetprinting
* Artificial neural networks for image improvement
* Attentive Visual Tracking
* Automated detection of Breast Asymmetries
* Automated learning of rules using genetic operators
* automatic classification of normal and abnormal chromosomes using image analysis, The
* Automatic Machine Learning of Decision Rules for Classification Problems in Image Analysis
* Automatic recognition of scanned technical drawings
* Brightness-contrast diffusion and the grouping of missing angles
* CADI: Computer assisted educational package for digital image processing
* Calculation and estimation of sample statistics of binary images using quadtree data representations
* Cameras a Tool for the Interactive Generation of a 3D Scene Model
* Character recognition by affine moment invariants
* Circle extraction via least squares and the Kalman filter
* Colour and Texture in Cloud Identification: An Experimental Comparison of Neural Network and Bayesian Methods
* Combined evaluation of motion and disparity vector fields for stereoscopic sequence coding
* comparative study of performance for noisy roof edge detection, A
* Comparing Images Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Comparison of different approaches to suppress speckles in ultrasonic tomograms
* Complementary Quadtree
* Computation of Vehicle Trajectories Using a Neural Network
* Computer analysis of the large intestine contours for the recognition of diseases
* Computer image analysis to locate targets for an agricultural robot
* Computing image flow using a coarse-to-fine strategy for spatiotemporal filters
* Cone beam reconstruction and fourier transform of distributions
* Contour-Detection using the shape of the nearest neighbors Set (NN-Set)
* Control of composite material strucrure by fractal methods
* Corner Detection and Shape Classification of On-Line Handprinted Kanji Strokes
* Crater detection in aero-space imagery using simple nonparametric statistical tests
* Crest lines detection in grey level images: Studies of different approaches and proposition of a new one
* Cross-correlation with reconstruction: A new approach to pattern matching
* Dense stereo correspondence using polychromatic block matching
* Design of Shape from Motion Constraints, The
* Detecting corners of polygonal and polyhedral objects
* Determination of image skew angle from data including data in compressed form
* Digital image processing in radiology: An experience of development of technology for computer-aided diagnosis
* Digital processing of skylab X-ray images of the solar corona
* Digital retina simulating dynamic behavior of visual perception
* Display monitoring system for detecting and tracking an intruder in a monitor area
* Distributed Approach to Image Interpretation Using Model-Based Spatial Reasoning, A
* dual irregular pyramid, The
* Edge Enhancement and Fine Feature Restoration of Segmented Objects using Pyramid Based Adaptive Filtering
* Error diffusion in Block Truncation Coding
* Estimating local shape from shading in the presence of global shading
* Estimating optical flow for large interframe displacements
* Evaluation of plaque formation: Surface reflectance measurement
* Evidence Based Pattern-Matching Relaxation
* experimental vision tool for real time quality control, An
* Extracting Natural Scales Using Fourier Descriptors
* Extracting Structure from an Affine View of a 3D Point Set with One or 2 Bilateral Symmetries
* fast algorithm for dominant point detection on chain-coded contours, A
* Fast algorithm for the stereo pair matching with parallel computation
* Fast Component Labelling and Convex Hull Computation on Reconfigurable Meshes
* Fast discrete cosine transform approximation for JPEG image compression
* Fast iterative reconstruction of band-limited images from non-uniform sampling values
* Fast shadowing of volume data
* Feature Extraction Without Edge Detection
* Figure-Ground Discrimination: A Combinatorial Approach
* Filter Banks for Texture Segmentation
* Finding human faces in a picture
* Focus detecting optical system including a plurality of focus blocks composed of an integrally molded prism member
* Fourier parameterization provide uniform bounded Hough Space
* From Contextual Knowledge to Computational Constraints
* From pyramids to quadtrees: Approximation of heterogeneous surfaces by fixing complexity
* Fusion of the stereoscopic and temporal matching results by an algorithm of coherence control and conflicts management
* GCV-Aided linear image regularization for the reconstruction of wave distribution function of magnetospheric VLF/ELF waves
* Generalized Comparison of Quadtree and Bintree Storage Requirements
* Generation, Verification and Localisation of Object Hypotheses based on Colour
* Geon Theory as an Account of Shape Recognition in Mind, Brain and Machine
* Graduated Non-Convexity by Smoothness Focusing
* Hierarchical Framework for Robust Extraction and Delineation of Geometric Features, A
* High-tech approaches of computer vision in industry
* Hough Transform Algorithm with a 2D Hypothesis-Testing Kernel, A
* Hough transform to extract 3D information from images of different viewpoints
* Hough-like prediction/correction approach for ellipse detection, A
* Hybrid Contextual Text Recognition with String Matching
* Image Algebra for Pictorial Data Manipulation, An
* Image coding by morphological skeleton transformation
* Image conversion with lossy adaptive error diffusion
* Image Description and 3-D Reconstruction from Image Trajectories of Rotational Motion
* image processing system for material flow control in coal mining industry, An
* Improved stripe matching for colour encoded structured light
* Intensity and Edge-Based Symmetry Detection with an Application to Car-Following
* Inversion of convolution by small kernels
* Isotropic Regularization
* iterated normalized backprojection method of image reconstruction, The
* Jigsaw puzzle solving using approximate string matching and best-first search
* linear predictor as a regularization function in adaptive image restoration and reconstruction, A
* Local Search Algorithms for Geometric Object Recognition: Finding the Optimal Correspondence and Pose
* Low-level computational mono and stereo vision: A Bayesian approach
* Markov Random Fields with Short- and Long-Range Interaction for Modelling Gray-Scale Textured Images
* Matching an Elastic Model of Chromosomal Shape to Features on a Self-Organising Map
* Medical Image Registration Using Knowledge of Adjacency of Anatomical Structures
* Method and apparatus for detecting fades in digital video sequences
* Method of and apparatus for producing halftone dot image
* Method of measuring three dimensional shape
* Minimum-space time-optimal convex hull algorithms (preliminary report)
* Model-based adaptive preprocessing of images in automatic visual inspection
* Model-Based Classification of Quadric Surfaces
* model-based image quantization technique for supervised image recognition, A
* Model-Based Interpretation of 3D Medical Images
* Modeling and quantification of protein maps by Gaussian fitting
* Monoplanar Camera Calibration: Iterative Multistep Approach
* Morphological Approach to the Generalised 2-Stage Stock-Cutting Problem, A
* Motion Correspondence Using a Neural Network
* Motion estimation and the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT): New methods with gradient information
* Movement estimation method and system for high definition digital television frames
* Multi-class classification and symbolic cognitive processing with ALISA
* Multiple image matching in an automatic aerotriangulation system
* multiresolution shape description algorithm, A
* Multiscale Edge Detector, A
* Multiscale Hierarchical segmentation
* Necessary and sufficient conditions for a unique solution of plane motion and structure
* Neural networks classifiers based on geocoded data and multispectral images for satellite image interpretation
* Neural Networks for the Texture Classification of Segmented Regions of Forward Looking Infrared Images
* new heterogeneous and reconfigurable architecture for image analysis, A
* Noise effects in statistical subpixel pattern recognition
* Noise Resistant Invariants of Curves
* non-linear shape abstraction technique, A
* object-oriented pen-based recognizer for handprinted characters, An
* Object-oriented volume segmentation
* Occlusion Analysis of Spatiotemporal Images for Surface Reconstruction
* Occlusions and special views within the reconstruction of polyhedral scenes
* On a bound on signal-to-noise ratio in subband coding of Gaussian image process
* On Recursive, O(N) Partitioning of a Digitized Curve into Digital Straight Segments
* On the method of critical points in character recognition
* Optimal Motion and Structure Estimation
* Parallel Texture Region Segmentation using a Pearl Bayes Network
* Parameterisation of simple geometrical lambertian surfaces using photometric stereo
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision
* Perspective Alignment Back Projection for Monocular Tracking of Solid Objects
* Photometric stereo for non-lambertian surfaces using color information
* Physical Modeling and Combination of Range and Intensity Edge Data
* Picture processing apparatus
* Planning the next view using the max-min principle
* Point matching for registration of free-form surfaces
* Primitive and compound patterns
* Printed text segmentation using distance transform
* proximity measure of line drawings for comparison of chemical compounds, A
* Real time image processing for fast seam tracking
* Recognition of handwritten layout drawings
* Recovering translational motion parameters from image sequences using Randomized Hough Transform
* Registration of 3-D Head Surfaces Using Multiple Landmarks
* Review on Image Segmentation Techniques, A
* Robust Real Time Face Location Algorithm for Videophones, A
* Robust recovery of ego-motion
* Rotation invariance in edge detection
* rule-based approach to hand X-ray image segmentation, A
* Saccade and Pursuit on an Active Head Eye Platform
* Segmenting Handwritten Signatures at Their Perceptually Important Points
* Seismic Time Section Analysis Using Machine Vision
* Separating diffuse and specular component of image irradiance by translating a camera
* Shape-from-copies
* Shapes and metrics
* similarity measure between 3-D objects and its parallel computation, A
* Simplified technique of structure extraction from textural images
* Smooth morphological transformation of CT and MR medical data
* Sufficient Conditions for Double or Unique Solution of Motion and Structure
* Surface discontinuities in range images
* Survey: Which Hough Transform?
* Symbolic and iconic information combination for satellite imagery interpretation
* Temporal precedence in asynchronous visual indexing
* temporal smoothing technique for real-time motion detection, A
* Temporal speckle reduction for feature extraction in ultrasound images
* test-bed for computer-assisted fusion of multi-modality medical images, A
* Testing Face Recognition Systems
* Texture Analysis Using Neural Networks and Mode Filters
* Texture recognition by the q-th order fractal analysis
* Texture-Based Distance Measure For Classification, A
* Three dimensional moment invariants under rigid transformation
* Topographic structure of image
* Transparency quantification. Application to composite materials quality controls by image processing
* Ultra fast pattern classification by fuzzy logic
* Use of Geometric Histograms for Model-Based Object Recognition, The
* Using Cellular Neural Network to See random-dot stereograms
* Using eigenvectors of a vector field for deriving a second directional derivative operator for color images
* Using Line Correspondences in Invariant Signatures for Curve Recognition
* variant of learning vector quantizer based on split-merge statistical tests, A
* Variational Approach to Optical-Flow Estimation Managing Discontinuities
* Velocity-Based Correspondence in Stereokinetic Images
* Visual motion estimation from image contour tracking
195 for 9309

Index for "9"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.