* 2-channel oversampled filter banks as joint source-channel codes for erasure channels
* 2D representation for analysis and coding of power quality events, A
* 3-D fast ridgelet transform
* 3-D image reconstruction from near-field coherently scattered waves
* 3-D object shape recovering system for active scenes using colour disordered patterns, A
* 3D mechanical characterization of artificial muscles with stereoscopic computer vision and active contours
* 3D multiresolution context-based coding for geometry compression
* 3d set partitioning coding methods in hyperspectral image compression
* 3D Video Coding Using Redundant-Wavelet Multihypothesis and Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* 3D, 3-band, 3-tap temporal lifting for scalable video coding
* Accurate mesh representation of vector-valued (color) images
* Accurate real-time object tracking with linear prediction method
* Active contour model using a priori knowledge of region shape
* Active contours with area-weighted binary flows for segmenting low SNR imagery
* Active regions for colour texture segmentation integrating region and boundary information
* Active shape lip modeling
* Adaptive Bayesian networks for video processing
* Adaptive Bi-predictive video coding using temporal extrapolation
* Adaptive deblocking of block-transform compressed images using blending: Functions approximation
* adaptive feature comparison method for real-time video identification, An
* Adaptive frame-skipping for video transcoding
* Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed Demosaicing Algorithm
* adaptive multigrid algorithm for region of interest diffuse optical tomography, An
* Adaptive principal components and image denoising
* Adaptive rule-based recognition of events in video sequences
* Adaptive system on a chip (ASOC): a backbone for power-aware signal processing cores
* Adaptive Wiener filtering of noisy images and image sequences
* Adaptively weighted update steps in motion compensated lifting based scalable video compression
* Algorithms for stochastic approximations of curvature flows
* Alternating coding for universal variable length code
* Amplitude-modification resilient watermarking based on a-law compounding
* Analog multilayer perceptron implementation of low complexity VQ for image compression
* Analysis and classification of internal pipeline images
* Analysis of optimal dynamic rate shaping of Markov-1 sources
* Analysis of the performance of predictive SNR scalable coders
* Anisotropic 3-d wavelet packet bases for video coding
* Anisotropic contour completion
* Annotating retrieval database with active learning
* Ant colony system with local search for Markov random field image segmentation
* appearance based approach for human and object tracking, An
* Application of affine invariant Fourier descriptors to stereo matching
* approach to detect video transitions based on mathematical morphology, An
* Approaches for the restoration of compressed video
* Approximation and compression of piecewise smooth images using a wavelet/wedgelet geometric model
* Approximation of color characterization MLUTs with artificial neural networks
* Arbitrary downsizing video transcoding using H.26L standard
* Artifact reduction of interpolated color filter array images using modified mean-removed classified vector quantization
* Artifacts reduction in mutual information-based image registration using prior information
* artificial neural network architecture for skeletal age assessment, An
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological Brain MR Images
* audio-visual speaker identification using coupled hidden Markov models, A
* Audio-visual speaker tracking with importance particle filters
* Autocorrelation fitting for texture orientation estimation
* Automatic attention object extraction from images
* Automatic brain MR image registration based on talairach reference system
* Automatic classification of shoeprints for use in forensic science based on the Fourier transform
* Automatic contour estimation in fetal ultrasound images
* Automatic count of hepatocytes in microscopic images
* Automatic detection of earthquake damaged areas from aerial images and digital map
* Automatic evaluation of degradation of paint coatings through EM algorithm
* Automatic extraction and annotation of soccer video highlights
* Automatic object detection using shape information in ultrasound images
* Automatic road extraction from aerial images by probabilistic contour tracking
* Automatic vergence control based on hierarchical segmentation of stereo pairs
* Automatic video object segmentation via 3D structure tensor
* Automatically generating summaries for musical video
* Automatically organizing digital photographs using time and content
* Axiomatic scalar data interpolation on manifolds
* Background estimation and segmentation based on range and color
* Background models for tracking objects in water
* bavesian formulation for 3d articulated upper body segmentation and tracking from dense disparity maps, A
* Bayesian approach to inclusion and performance analysis of using extra information in bioelectric inverse problems, A
* Bayesian framework for Gaussian mixture background modeling, A
* Bayesian framework for recursive object removal in movie post-production, A
* Bayesian motion blur identification using blur priori
* Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Image Reconstruction from Subsampled Blurred Observations
* Bi-directional gradient labeling and registration for gray-scale image segmentation
* Bit error detection and recovery for x2D MMR coded bitstreams
* Blind separation of mixed images using multiscale transforms
* Block-based fine granularity scalable video coding with optimized rate allocation for content-aware streaming
* Blood vessel segmentation using moving-window robust automatic threshold selection
* Boosting linear discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Brain tumor boundary detection in MR image with generalized fuzzy operator
* calibration-free lens distortion correction method for low cost digital imaging, A
* Camera calibration of long image sequences with the presence of occlusions
* Cart-based feature selection of hyperspectral images for crop cover classification
* cartoon character retrieval system including trainable scheme, A
* Channel aware uncoual error protection for image transmission over broadband wireless LAN
* Character prototyping in document images using Gabor filters
* Characterization of the Human Cortex in MR Images Through the Image Foresting Transform
* Chemins Minimaux et Modeles Deformables en Analyse d'Images
* Class-adapted image compression using independent component analysis
* Classification of non-homogenous texture images by combining classifiers
* Classification of segmentable images using the PDD function
* Classification of textures seen from different distances and under varying illumination direction
* Classification-based spatial error concealment for images
* Classifying multimedia documents by merging textual and pictorial information
* Classifying periodic motions in video sequences
* Clutter rejection in FLIR imagery using spatially-varying adaptive filtering
* Co-histogram and its application in remote sensing image compression evaluation
* coding artifacts removal algorithm based on spatial and temporal regularization, A
* Collusion-resillent fingerprinting using random pre-warping
* Color correction and interpolation with few samples
* Color histogram equalization through mesh deformation
* Color image enhancement based on perceptual sharpening
* Color image segmentation using multiscale fuzzy C-means and graph theoretic merging
* Color image sharpening based on nonlinear reaction-diffusion
* Color photo categorization using compressed histograms and supportvector machines
* Color segmentation by ordered mergings
* Colorization algorithm for grayscale image by propagating seed pixels
* Colour quantisation through dithering techniques
* Combinatorial pyramids
* Combined rate control and mode decision optimization for MPEG-2 transcoding with spatial resolution reduction
* Combining curvature evidence to shape-from-shading
* Combining intensity and range images for 3D modelling
* comparative evaluation of global representation-based schemes for face verification, A
* Competitive learning/ reflected residual vector quantization for coding angiogram images
* complex wavelet domain markov model for image denoising, A
* Complexity scalable mode-based H.263 video transcoding
* Complexm-scalable compensation of geometrical distortions in image watermarking
* Compressed domain human motion recognition using motion history information
* Compression effects on color and texture based multimedia indexing and retrieval
* Compression of bayer color filter array data
* Compression of digital elevation maps for fast and efficient search and retrieval
* Compressive data hiding for video signals
* Computationally efficient wavelet affine invariant functions for 2D object recognition
* Computer assisted diagnosis method of whole body cancer using FDG-PET images
* Conebeam x-ray computed tomography with an offset detector array
* Consistent intensity correction of MR images
* Content-adaptive long-term prediction with reduced memory
* Content-based indexing performance: a class size normalized precision, recall, generality evaluation
* Content-based utility function prediction for real-time MPEG-4 video transcoding
* context modeling algorithm and its application in video compression, A
* Context modeling and accessibility for 3D scalable compression
* Context-modeled wavelet difference reduction coding based on fractional bit-plane partitioning
* context-weighting algorithm achieving modeladaptability in lossless bi-level image compression, A
* Continuous model of irregular sampled data using multilevel B-splines
* Contour detection operators based on surround inhibition
* contour-preserving image interpolation method, A
* Contrast enhancement using histogram equalization with bin underflow and bin overflow
* Control of the distortion variation in video coding systems based on motion compensated temporal filtering
* Controlled temporal Haar transform for video coding
* Cross-layer adaptive video coding to reduce energy on general-purpose processors
* Curvature Dependent Skeletonization
* Data compression algorithms with maximum error control
* DCT based segmentation applied to a scalable zenithal people counter
* Deconvolution based on the curvelet transform
* Defect repair for range data observed with a laser range scanner
* Deformable face mapping for person identification
* Depth of field in light field rendering
* Description method for spatio-temporal regions in a video and its application
* design of linear binary wavelet transforms and their application to binary image compression, The
* Design of M channel IIR causal stable perfect reconstruction filter banks using similarity transformation
* Design of Q-shift complex wavelets for image processing using frequency domain energy minimization
* Detecting fish in underwater video using the EM algorithm
* Detecting moving objects from omnidirectional dynamic images based on adaptive background subtraction
* Detection and counting of cars in aerial images
* Detection and extraction of road networks from high resolution satellite mages
* Detection of major changes in satellite images
* Detection of meaningful events in videos based on a supervised classification approach
* DFT algoritrm based on filter banks: the extended subband DFT, A
* Differences of edge properties in photographs and paintings
* Diffuse optical tomography using a linear matrix inequality algorithm in an admissible solution approach
* diffusion process for wavelet-transform-based image denoising and its application to document image binarization, A
* Directional channel representation for multiple line-endings and intensity levels
* Discrete multi-directional wavelet bases
* discrete universal denoiser and its application to binary images, A
* Discriminant local feature analysis of facial images
* Discriminative analysis of pixel difference towards picture quality prediction
* Disparity dependent segmentation based stereo image coding
* Distributed image compression for sensor networks using correspondence analysis and super-resolution
* Dither-based secure image hashing using distributed coding
* Dither-modulation data riding with distortion-compensation: exact performance analysis and an improved detector for JPEG attacks
* DNA spot extraction via grayscale range quantization and morphological measurement
* Dual camera system for face detection in unconstrained environments
* DWT gain compensation of motion-JPEG2000 for invertible deinterlacer
* Dynamic depth recovery using belief propagation
* Edge adapted nonlinear multiscale transforms for compact image representation
* Edge potential functions and genetic algorithms for shape-based image retrieval
* effect of the random jitter attack on the bit error rate performance of spatial domain image watermarking, The
* Effective bandwidth based scheduling for streaming multimedia
* Effective detection and elimination of impulsive noise with a minimal image smoothing
* effective feature extraction method for face recognition, An
* effective post-refinement method for shot boundary detection, An
* Efficient 2D shape orientation
* efficient algorithm for extraction of anatomical structures in retinal images, An
* efficient coding algorithm for color and normal data of three-dimensional mesh models, An
* Efficient construction of histology slide mosaics via phase correlation registration of high resolution tiles
* Efficient deblocking and optimal quantizer selection for video transcoding
* Efficient frame vector selection based on ordered sets
* Efficient image down-conversion for mixed field/frame-mode macroblocks
* Efficient image retrieval using MPEG-7 descriptors
* Efficient intra-prediction algorithm in H.264
* efficient optimal rate control scheme for JPEG2000 image coding, An
* Efficient Removing of Impulsive Noise Based on an L1-L2 Cost-Function
* Efficient Stereo Video Coding System for Immersive Teleconference with Two-Stage Hybrid Disparity Estimation Algorithm
* efficient subdivision inversion for wavemesh-based progressive compression of 3D triangle meshes, An
* Efficient unassisted video segmentation using enhanced fast marching
* Eigenbands fusion for frontal face recognition
* Elastic image matching with embedded rigid structures using spring-mass system
* electronic digital image stabilizer based on stationary wavelet transform (SWT), An
* EM-based simultaneous registration, restoration, and interpolation of super resolved images
* Embedded Co-Processor Architecture for CMOS Based Image Acquisition
* embedded merging scheme for H.264/AVC motion estimation, An
* Embedded wavelet region-based coding methods applied to digital mammography
* Emotional event detection using relevance feedback
* Empirical comparison of cell segmentation algorithms using an annotated dataset
* ENCARA: Real-Time Detection of Frontal Faces
* Enhanced mode-adaptive fine granularity scalability
* Enhancement of direct mode selection in B pictures for bit rate reduction of compressed video sequences
* entropy-based segmentation algorithm for computer-generated documentimages, An
* error concealment algorithm for streaming video, An
* Error concealment of video sequences by data hiding
* Error correction using data hiding technique for JPEG2000 images
* Error resilient coding of 3-D meshes
* Error resilient video coding using optimal multiple description of DCT coefficients
* Error-in-variables likelihood functions for motion estimation
* Estimation error bounds for denoising by sparse approximation
* Estimation of cardiac phases in echographic images using multiple models
* Evaluating group-based relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* evaluation of mesh model algorithms for direct feature detection on compressed image representations, An
* Evaluation strategies for automatic linguistic indexing of pictures
* Evolutionary design of context-free attentional operators
* Evolving roads in Ikonos multispectral imagery
* Exploiting parallelism in media processing using VLIW processor
* Exploring semantic dependencies for scalable concept detection
* Extension of epipolar image analysis to circular camera movements
* Extensor-based image interpolation
* Face description based on decomposition and combining of a facial space with LDA
* Face detection based on a new color space YCgCr
* Face detection in digital images
* Face Recognition: A Literature Survey
* Facial expression analysis from 3d range images; comparison with the analysis from 2d images and their integration
* Facial feature extraction using topological methods
* family of information-theoretic algorithms for low-complexity discriminant feature selection in image retrieval, A
* Fast algorithm for multiple-objects MIN-e problem
* fast algorithm for the block codes and its application to image compression, The
* Fast and robust dense stereo correspondence by column segmentation
* Fast and Robust Super-Resolution
* fast arbitrary downsizing algorithm for video transcouing, A
* fast BNM (Best Neighborhood Matching): Algorithm and parallel processing for image restoration, A
* fast clustering algorithm for video abstraction, A
* Fast epipolar line adjustment of stereo pairs
* Fast face detection by lifting dyadic wavelet filters
* Fast feldkamp algorithm for cone-beam computer tomography
* Fast gem wavelet-based image deconvolution algorithm
* Fast global motion estimation based on local motion segmentation
* Fast global registration for image mosaicing
* Fast halftoning of MPEG video for bi-tonal displays
* Fast hierarchical backprojection for helical cone-beam tomography
* Fast indexing for image retrieval based on local appearance with re-ranking
* Fast long-term motion estimation for H.264 using multiresolution search
* Fast mode decision and motion estimation for JVT/H.264
* Fast motion estimation with modified diamond search for variable motion block sizes
* Fast probabilistic snake algorithm
* Fast Registration for 2D Images: The Clock Algorithm
* Fast similarity search on video signatures
* fast two-stage OMP algorithm for coding stereo image residuals, A
* Fast view interpolation of stereo images using image gradient and disparity triangulation
* Fault-tolerant tracking for gait analysis
* Feature selection for semi supervised learning applied to image retrieval
* Feature selection for unsupervised discovery of statistical temporal structures in video
* FFT-Based Disparity Estimation for Stereo Image Coding
* Filter banks for multiple description coding
* Filtering interferometric phase images by anisotropic diffusion
* Fixed point in fractal image compression as watermarking
* flexible multimodal object tracking system, A
* FPGA based parameterisable system for discrete Hartley transforms implementation, An
* Fractional scaling of image and video in DCT domain
* Fragile watermark based on the Gaussian mixture model in the wavelet domain for image authentication
* Frame difference normalization: an approach to reduce error rates of cut detection algorithms for MPEG videos
* Frame rate preferences in low bit rate video
* framework for constrained multi-scale range image segmentation, A
* framework for estimation of orientation and velocity, A
* From tracking to advanced surveillance
* fully automatic algorithm for contour detection of bones in hand radiographs using active contours, A
* Fully scalable object based video coder based on analysis-synthesis scheme
* Fundamental Performance Limits in Image Registration
* Fusion of multiple images with robust random field models
* fuzzy integral for color seal segmentation on document images, The
* fuzzy rule-based colour image segmentation algorithm, A
* Fuzzy transformation and its applications
* general framework for designing image processing algorithms for coherent polarimetric images, A
* generalization, optimization, and information-theoretic justification of filter-based and autocovariance-based motion estimation, The
* Generalized Morphological Skeleton Transform and Extraction of Structural Shape Components, A
* Generalized motion compensation and arithmetic coding for matching pursuit cover
* Generalized pattern matching using orbit decomposition
* generalized video complexity verifier for flexible decoding, A
* Generation of sports highlights using motion activity in combination with a common audio feature extraction framework
* Generic approach to highlights extraction from a sport video
* Geometric image masking for segmenting dynamic projected imagery
* Geometric robust watermarking through watermark pattern shaping
* Geometric segmentation of 3D structures
* Geometric shape priors for region-based active contours
* Geometry-assisted statistical modeling for face mosaicing
* Gesture recognition using position and appearance features
* Gesture segmentation in complex motion sequences
* Ghosting reduction in adaptive non-uniformity correction of infrared focal-plane array image sequences
* Gibbs phenomenon bounds in wavelet approximations, The
* Gradient field distributions for the registration of images
* Graph matching applications in pattern recognition and image processing
* Graph-based object tracking
* Graphical Indicia
* Graylevel alignment between two images using linear programming
* H-inf filtering and physical modeling for robust kinematics estimation
* Halftone Visual Cryptography
* Hardware implementation of shape-adaptive discrete wavelet transform with the JPEG2000 defaulted
* Head pose localization based on multi-cue fusion
* Hibrid-SoC: a multi-core architecture for image and video applications
* hidden markov model based framework for recognition of humans from gait sequences, A
* Hierarchical disparity estimation with energy-based regularization
* Hierarchical posterior sampling for images and random fields
* Hierarchical segmentation via a diffusion scheme in color/texture feature space
* hierarchical statistical modeling approach for the unsupervised 3d reconstruction of the scoliotic spine, A
* Hierarchical structure analysis of sport videos using hmms
* Higher-order dependencies in local appearance models
* highly efficient multiplication-free binary arithmetic coder and its application in video coding, A
* Highly Scalable Video Compression with Scalable Motion Coding
* Histogram intersection kernel for image classification
* HMM based semantic analysis framework for sports game event detection, A
* Human face detection using angular radial transform and support vector machines
* human skin detector combining mean shift analysis and watershed algorithm, A
* hybrid mesh-H264 video coder, An
* Hyperespectral image analysis with associative morphological memories
* ICA and gabor representation for facial expression recognition
* ICON based error concealment for JPEG and JPEG 2000 images
* Identification of individuals through the morphological processing of the iris
* Identifying painters from color profiles of skin patches in painting images
* Image classification using multimedia knowledge networks
* Image coding based on multiple projections and multi stage vector quantization
* Image compression with on-line and off-line learning
* Image decomposition, image restoration, and texture modeling using total variation minimization and the H-1 norm
* Image denoising using learned overcomplete representations
* Image features that draw fixations
* Image filling-in in a decomposition space
* Image fusion with the hermite transform
* Image indexing by modified color co-occurrence matrix
* Image multi-thresholding based on sample moment function
* Image orientation detection with integrated human perception cues (or which way is up)
* Image processing apparatus
* Image processing using the PCNN time matrix as a selective filter
* image quality assessment method based on perception of structural information, An
* Image Reconstruction in MRI: Regularized Approach by Markov Random Fields
* Image registration using collinear virtual circles
* Image restoration using content-adaptive mesh modeling
* Image restoration using gaussian scale mixtures in the wavelet domain
* Image retrieval via connecting words to salient objects
* Image retrieval with SVM active learning embedding Euclidean search
* Image sampling by hierarchical annealing
* Image segmentation
* Image segmentation by spatially adaptive color and texture features
* Image Segmentation Using GMRF Models: Parameters Estimation and Applications
* Image segmentation using multi-region stability and edge strength
* Image segmentation via local higher order statistics
* Image-based panoramic 3D virtual environment using rotating two multi-view cameras
* Imaging and analysis of forensic striation marks
* Implementation of a robust coded structured light technique for dynamic 3D measurements
* Implementation of a SPIHT coprocessor memory issues and hardware implications
* Improved coding of atoms in matching pursuits
* Improved fingercode for filterbank-based fingerprint matching
* Improved H.264/AVC coding using texture analysis and synthesis
* improved multilevel successive elimination algorithm for fast full-search motion estimation, An
* Improved shading model in spectral-based ray tracing method
* improved SP frame coding technique for the JVT standard, The
* Improved sparse approximation over quasi-incoherent dictionaries
* improvement of rotation invariant 3D-shape descriptor based on functions on concentric spheres, An
* Improvements to the MC-EZBC scalable video coder
* Improving phase-unwrapping result of insar images by incorporating the fractal model
* Improving shape-based face recognition by means of a supervised discriminant Hausdorff distance
* Incorporating complex statistical information in active contour-based image segmentation
* Incorporating constraints into the design of locally identifiable calibration patterns
* Incorporating total variation information in image recovery
* Incremental motion estimation through modified bundle adjustment
* Indexing and segmenting colour images using neighbourhood sequences
* Influence of channel fluctuations on optimal real-time scalable image transmission
* Inhomogeneity correction of magnetic resonance images by minimization of intensity overlapping
* Inpainting surface holes
* integrated algorithm of incremental and robust PCA, An
* Integrated end-to-end buffer management and congestion control for scalable video communications
* Integrated segmentation and classification for automotive airbag suppression
* Intellectual property management and protection for MPEG multimedia content: A structured language for interoperable IPMP systems
* Inter-camera color calibration by correlation model function
* Interactive level-set smoothing for photo editing
* Interactive search fusion methods for video database retrieval
* Intermodal collaboration: a strategy for semantic content analysis for broadcasted sports video
* Inverse halftoning by decision tree learning
* Iterative sub-image binarization for document images
* joint multiple description-encryption image algorithm, A
* Joint security and robustness enhancement for quantization embedding
* joint source-channel coding scheme for image-in-image data hiding, A
* Joint uncertainty measures for maximally decimated M-channel prime factor cascaded wavelet filter banks
* JPEG 2000 coding of color-quantized images
* JPEG Compression History Estimation for Color Images
* JPEG2000 encoder for reducing tiling artifacts and accelerating the coding process
* JPEG2000 Encoding With Perceptual Distortion Control
* Jumping snakes and parametric model for lip segmentation
* K-voronoi diagrams computing in arbitrary domains
* Kernel density estimation based multichannel impulsive noise reduction filter
* Kernel indextng for relevance feedback image retrieval
* Kernel particle filter: iterative sampling for efficient visual tracking
* Lapped spectral decomposition for 3D triangle mesh compression
* Lapped transform domain denoising using hidden Markov trees
* Laser pointer interaction for camera-registered multi-projector displays
* Layer-correlated motion estimation and motion vector coding for the 3d-wavelet video coding
* Layered access control for MPEG-4 FGS video
* LDGM codes for joint source-channel coding of correlated sources
* Learning and recognising 3d models represented by multiple views by means of methods based on random graphs
* Learning automatic video capture from human's camera operations
* Learning modes of structural variation in graphs
* Learning regional semantic concepts from incomplete annotation
* Learning sparse, overcomplete representations of time-varying natural images
* Learning visual models of semantic concepts
* Level set method for pulmonary vessels extraction
* Level set methods in image science
* Level-set based geometric colour snake with region support
* Linear approximations for rate control in video coding
* Linear shift-variant filtering for POCS reconstruction of irregularly sampled images
* Linear sparse feature based face detection in gray images
* LLRT based detection of LSB hiding
* Local regularity-based image denoising
* Localization and classification of partially overlapped objects using self-organizing trees
* locally adaptive region growing algorithm for vascular segmentation, A
* Logo recognition in video stills by string matching
* Lossless chain coder for gray edge images
* lossless coding method using shape information and rotation compensation for digital museum images, A
* Low bit rate video quality assessment based on perceptual characteristics
* Low bitrate image compression using self-organized kohonen maps
* low complexity overcomplete directional image pyramid, A
* Low-complexity lossless video coding via adaptive spatio-temporal prediction
* Low-Complexity Quality Monitoring of MPEG-2 Video in a Network
* Macroblock-based progressive fine granularity scalable video coding
* MAP based resolution enhancement of video sequences using a haber-markov random field image prior model
* Markov model for multispectral image analysis: application to small magellanic cloud segmentation
* Matching pursuits based multiple description video coding for lossy environments
* Matching with epipolar gradient features and edge transfer
* Maximizing efficacy for efficient watermarking systems
* Mean shift-based Bayesian image reconstruction into visual subspace
* Mean-shift analysis using quasi-newton methods
* measure for perceptual image quality assessment, A
* Medical image segmentation using openings and closings with reconstruction criteria
* memorization learning model for image retrieval, A
* Mesh-based motion compensation using three-dimensional overlapped warping prediction
* Method and system for object-oriented motion-based video description
* Method for generating a personalized 3-D face model
* method for predictive order adaptation based on model averaging, A
* method for progressive near-lossless image compression, A
* method for reassembling fragments in image reconstruction, A
* Method for recognizing multi-language printed documents using strokes and non-strokes of characters
* Method of and apparatus for animation, driven by an audio signal, of a synthesized model of a human face
* method of rate control of wavelet picture coding using dynamic programming, A
* Metric Spaces, Euler Equations, and Normal Geodesic Image Motions of Computational Anatomy, The
* Microarray Basics: Background Adjustment, Segmentation, Image Compression and Analysis of Microarray Images
* Minutiae-based enhanced fingerprint verification assessment relaying on image quality factors
* Mixed Exponentials Filter for Edge Detection and the Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind
* MMA-based region localisation for iconic image representation and transmission
* Model-based head pose estimation for air-traffic controllers
* Model-Based Orientation Field Estimation for Fingerprint Recognition
* Modified curvature scale space feature alignment approach for hand posture recognition
* modified retinex for image contrast enhancement and dynamics control, A
* Modified snake: real-time face object extraction for video phone
* Modified twofish algorithm for increasing security and efficiency in the encryption of video signals
* modular approach to virtual view creation for a scalable immersive teleconferencing configuration, A
* Monocular 3D human body reconstruction towards depth augmentation of television sequences
* Morphological hat-transform scale spaces and their use in texture classification
* Morse Description and Geometric Encoding of DEM Data
* Mosaic of a video shot with multiple moving objects
* Motion compensated de-interlacing with adaptive global motion estimation and compensation
* Motion Compensation Assisted Motion Adaptive Interlaced-to-Progressive Conversion
* Motion estimation based on spatio -temporal correlations
* Motion estimation by pre-coded image planes matching
* Motion vector coding for in-band motion compensated temporal filtering
* Motion-based figure-ground segmentation by maximum motion separation
* Motion-compensated noise estimation for efficient pre-filtering in a video encoder
* Motion-compensated reconstruction of tomographic image sequences
* Moving object detection in video by detecting non-Gaussian regions in subbands and active contours
* MPEG-4 facial animation in video analysis and synthesis
* MPEG-based personalized content delivery
* MRA data segmentation using level sets
* Multi-band segmentation using morphological clustering and fusion: application to color image segmentation
* Multi-baseline stereo using a single-lens camera
* Multi-class segmentation based on generalized fuzzy gibbs random fields
* Multi-frame information fusion for gray-scale and spatial enhancement of images
* Multi-hypothesis error concealment algorithm for H.26l video
* Multi-temporal geospatial query grouping using correlation signatures
* Multibaseline INSAR terrain elevation estimation: A dynamic programming approach
* Multichannel bussgang algorithm for blind restoration of natural images
* Multidimensional b-spline forms and their fourier transforms
* Multihypothesis motion compensation in the redundant wavelet domain
* Multimedia content recommendation engine with automatic inference of user preferences
* Multimodal speaker identification with audio-video processing
* Multiple description coding for internet video streaming
* Multiple description scalable coding using wavelet-based motion compensated temporal filtering
* Multiple scale correlation of chirp signal by discrete wavelet transform
* Multiresolution approaches to adaptive speckle reduction in synthetic aperture radar images
* Multiresolution image analysis using dual fresnel transform pairs and application to medical image denoising
* Multiresolution linear discriminant analysis: efficient extraction of geometrical structures in images
* multiresolution nonparametric regression and image de-noising, A
* Multistage index assignments for M-description coding
* Natural color image segmentation
* Natural scene synthesis using multiple eigenspaces
* Navigating in Manhattan: 3D orientation from video without correspondences
* near least squares method for image decimation, A
* Near-optimal multipath streaming of H.264 using reference frame selection
* Nested convolutional-turbo codes for the binary Wyner-Ziv problem
* Neural mechanisms for segregation and recovering of intrinsic images features
* new algorithm for image indexing and retrieval using wavelet correlogram, A
* New Application for Saliency Maps: Synthetic Vision of Autonomous Actors, A
* new approach to detecting the corners in digital images, A
* new automatic detection approach for hepatocellular, carcinoma using 11C-acetate positron emission tomography, A
* New DCT-domain transcoding using split and merge technique
* new decoding algorithm based on range block mean and contrast scaling, A
* New discrepancy measures for segmentation evaluation
* new estimation of blur in the blind restoration problem, A
* New Framework for Object Warping: A Semi-Lagrangian Level Set Approach, A
* New image retrieval paradigm: logical composition of region categories
* new perspective for embedding-detection methods with distortion compensation and thresholding processing techniques, A
* new quality metric for image fusion, A
* new rate-minimizing matching criterion and a fast algorithm for block motion estimation, A
* New shape-based texture descriptors for rotation invariant texture classification
* New Statistical Model for Non-Rayleigh Amplitude Signals, A
* New texture descriptor for high-speed web inspection applications
* new video coder based on second generation wavelets, A
* new wavelet domain block matching algorithm for real-time object tracking, A
* new wavelet-based method for contrast-edge enhancement, A
* new way to use hidden Markov models for object tracking in video sequences, A
* Noise reduction in color video sequences using multichannel motion-compensated L-filter
* noise robust method for change detection, A
* Non-diagonal color correction
* Non-linear 3D rendering workload prediction based on a combined fuzzy-neural network architecture for grid computing applications
* Non-linear color image filtering by color to planar, shape mapping
* Non-rigid morphological image registration and its practical issues
* Non-rigid object localization from color model using mean shift
* Nonlinear approximation based image recovery using adaptive sparse reconstructions
* Nonlinear modeling of wavelet coefficients around edges
* Nonlinear multigrid inversion
* Normalized classifier fusion for semantic visual concept detection
* novel class of variable-length lapped transform for image coding, A
* novel color interpolation framework in modified YCbCr domain for digital cameras, A
* novel cost-distortion optimization framework for video streaming over differentiated services networks, A
* novel image-based rendering method by linear filtering of multiple focused images acquired by a camera array, A
* novel method for designing adaptive compaction orthogonal wavelet filter banks, A
* novel method of splitting the 3-D discrete Hartley transform, A
* Object localization using texture motifs and markov random fields
* Object reconstruction and pose indexing by volume feedback
* Object shape delineation during tracking process
* Object-based video compression scheme with optimal bit allocation among shape, motion and texture
* Occlusion detection and stereo matching in a stochastic method
* Occlusion points propagation geodesic distance transformation
* Old fashion text-based image retrieval using FCA
* On automatic annotation of meeting databases
* On incorporating just-noticeable-distortion profile into motion-compensated prediction for video compression
* On lattice structure and design of orthogonal and biorthogonal multifilter banks
* On multivariate estimation by thresholding
* On optimal m of JPEG 2000 code stream
* On the Rayleigh nature of Gabor filter outputs
* On the reconstruction of an image from its moments
* On the scalability of an mage transcoding proxy server
* ontology approach to object-based image retrieval, An
* Optical flow angular rate determination
* Optical flow estimation based on the extraction of motion patterns
* optical flow probabilistic observation model for tracking, An
* Optimal Detection for Multiplicative Watermarks Embedded in DFT Domain
* Optimal distortion compensation for quantization watermarking
* Optimal erasure protection assignment for scalable compressed images with tree-structured dependencies
* Optimal framework for low bit-rate block coders
* Optimal gabor kernel location selection for face recognition
* Optimal rate control methods for fine granularity scalable video
* Optimal sampling in parallel magnetic resonance imaging
* Optimal steerable filters for feature detection
* Optimal strategies for spread-spectrum and quantized-projection image data hiding games with BER payoffs
* Optimal weighted model-based bit allocation for quincunx sampled images
* Optimized two-dimensional local discriminant basis algorithm
* Optimizing multiscale texture invariants for the identification of bivalve larvae
* Order statistic filters: minimal collection of minimum weight vectors
* Oversampled lapped transforms via time-domain pre- and post-processing
* Parallel iterative reconstruction methods for structure determination of biological specimens by electron microscopy
* Parallel-pipelined architecture for 2-D ICT VLSI implementation
* Parameter estimation for spatial random trees using the EM algorithm
* Parameter search for an image processing fuzzy C-means hand gesture recognition system
* Parametric contour estimation by simulated annealing
* Partial-scrambling of images encoded using JPEG2000 without generating marker codes
* Pattern matching using morphological probing
* PDE-based denoising of complex scenes using a spatially-varying fidelity term
* PDE-based modeling of image segmentation using volumic flooding
* PDE-Based Region Tracking without Motion Computation by Joint Space-Time Segmentation
* Pedestrian detection and tracking at crossroads
* Perceptual quality metric for qualitative 3D scene evaluation
* Perceptual regularization functionals for natural image restoration
* perceptually optimized and error-resilient video codec based on 3-d SPIHT algorithm, A
* Percetually motivated bit-allocation for H.264 encoded video sequences
* Performance evaluation of Euclidean/correlation-based relevance feedback algorithms in content-based image retrieval systems
* Performance of passive ranging from image flow
* piecewise Gaussian model for profiling and differentiating retinal vessels, A
* Pixel classification through divergence-based integration of texture methods with conflict resolution
* Platform architecture design for MPEG-4 video coding
* Player classification in interactive sport scenes using prior information region space analysis and number recognition
* Plenoptic path and its applications
* pose-invariant approach for hypothesis support, A
* Precise real-time outlier removal from motion vector fields for 3D reconstruction
* Precision lifting method to reduce the mismatches between spatial- and transform-domain motion-compensated coders
* Prescient R-D optimized packet dependency management for low-latency video streaming
* Primary-consistent soft-decision color demosaic for digital cameras
* priori information in image segmentation: energy functional based on shape statistical model and image information, A
* PRISM: A Reversed Multimedia Coding Paradigm
* probabilistic framework for image segmentation, A
* probabilistic method for foreground and shadow segmentation, A
* Product code error protection of packetized multimedia bitstreams
* Progressive transmission of 3D object based on balls and cones union from medial axis transformation
* Projection based image and video inpainting using wavelets
* Projection-based adaptive anomaly detection for hyperspectral imagery
* Projection-based time-varying subband image coding
* Quadruped gait analysis using sparse motion information
* Quantization of adaptive 2D wavelet decompositions
* Quaternion matrix singular value decomposition and its applications for color image processing
* Quaternion principal component analysis of color images
* quick and coarse color image segmentation, A
* Radix-4x4 for fast calculation of the 2-D NMNT
* Radon Transform Inversion via Wiener Filtering over the Euclidean Motion Group
* Random access using isolated regions
* Range estimation via multi-dimensional segmentation
* Range image registration using enhanced genetic algorithms
* Rate control for JVT video coding scheme with urd considerations
* Rate distortion optimized mode decision in the scalable video coding
* Rate-distortion optimized interactive browsing of JPEG2000 images
* Rate-distortion optimized intra update for error resilience in MPEG-4 video coding
* Rate-distortion optimized on-demand media streaming with server diversity
* Rate-distortion optimized streaming of compressed light fields
* Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with multiple deadlines
* real time generic variable pattern selection algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding, A
* Real time image enhancement and segmentation for sign/text detection
* Real time pipeline profile extraction using recursive filtering and circle location
* Real-time head tracking and 3d pose estimation from range data
* Real-time microfacet billboarding for free-viewpoint video rendering
* Real-time rotation invariant face detection based on cost-sensitive AdaBoost
* Recent changes and future trends in general purpose processor architectures to support image and video applications
* Reconstruction of vascular structures in retinal images
* Recursive end-to-end distortion estimation with model-based cross-correlation approximation
* Recursive method to extract rectangular objects from scans
* Recursive transform-based phase unwrapping
* Red eye detection with machine learning
* Redundant representation with complex wavelets: How to achieve sparsity
* refined ICP algorithm for robust 3-d correspondence estimation, A
* Region of interest coding of volumetric medical images
* Region-based active contours using geometrical and statistical features for image segmentation
* Registration of multi-dimensional image data via sub-pixel resolution phase correlation
* Regular polyhedral descriptor for 3-D object retrieval system
* Regularized image up-sampling using a new observation model and the level set method
* relevance feedback algorithm based on the clustering and parzen window, A
* Relevance feedback based on incremental learning for mammogram retrieval
* Relevance feedback for shape query refinement
* Removal of video line jitter using a dynamic programming approach
* Retrieval characteristics of an untrained holographic index for image databases
* Reversible image watermarking
* Reversible integer KLT for progressive-to-lossless compression of multiple component images
* Reversible watermark using difference expansion of triplets
* RGB, to spectral image conversion using spectral pallete and compression by SVD
* Road network extraction in remote sensing by a Markov object process
* Robust background estimation for complex video sequences
* robust bayesian network for articulated motion classification, A
* Robust decoding of arithmetic codes for image transmission over error-prone channels
* Robust dominant color region detection and color-based applications for sports video
* robust face detection system for real environments, A
* Robust influence functionals for image filtering
* Robust line detection using a weighted MSE estimator
* Robust matching of affinely transformed objects
* Robust motion detector for video surveillance applications
* Robust moving video object segmentation in the MPEG compressed domain
* Robust object boundary determination using a locally adaptive level set algorithm
* robust quality metric for color image quality assessment, A
* Robust real-time egomotion from stereo images
* robust shape-from-shading algorithm using two images and control of boundary conditions, A
* robust soft hash algorithm for digital image signature, A
* Robust statistical registration of 3D ultrasound images using texture information
* Robust time-frequency model estimation in Otolith images for fish age and growth analysis
* Robust tracking of cyclic nonrigid motion
* robust video scene extraction approach to movie content abstraction, A
* Robust video streaming over wireless LAN with efficient scalable coding and prioritized adaptive transmission
* Rotation-invariant features based on steerable transforms with an application to distributed image classification
* Sampling and interpolation of the plenoptic function
* Scalable object-based image retrieval
* scale-based pyramid weighting of the wavelet coefficients in zerotree coding techniques, The
* Scale-Sets Image Analysis
* Scene cut detection using the colored pattern appearance model
* Scene generative models for adaptive video fast forward
* second-order PDE tecumque to construct distance functions with more accurate derivatives, A
* Secure scalable streaming and secure transcoving with JPEG2000
* Segmentation of 2 1/2 D brain image stacks with automatic extraction and visualization of functional information
* Segmentation of faces in video footage using HSV color for face detection and image retrieval
* Segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions from mr brain images using the principles of fuzzy-connectedness and artificial neuron networks
* Segmentation of non-rigid object in a non-parametric MAP framework
* Segmented trajectory based indexing and retrieval of video data
* Segmenting cervical epithelial nuclei from confocal images using gaussian markov random fields
* Self-dual inclusion filters for grayscale imagery
* Self-induced color correction for skin tracking under varying illumination
* Semantic indexing of sports program sequences by audio-visual analysis
* Semantic labeling of images combining color, texture and keywords
* Semantic mosaic for indexing and compressing instructional videos
* semantic representation for image retrieval, A
* Semantic sports video analysis: approaches and new applications
* Sensing Lena: Massively Distributed Compression of Sensor Images
* Sensitivity of reflected radiance to surface normal orientation
* sensor for pipe inspection: model, analysis and image extraction, A
* Sensor Fusion for Context-Aware Computing Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Separation of reflections via sparse ICA
* Sequential Bayesian segmentation of remote sensing images
* Sequential Monte Carlo video text segmentation
* Server diversity in rate-distortion optimized media streaming
* set of mutually watermarked halftone images, A
* Shape adaptation for light field compression
* Shape analysis algorithm based on information theory
* Shape based region growing using derivatives of 3D medical images: application to semi-automated detection of pulmonary nodules
* Shape from Shading Using Graph Cuts
* Shape metrics, warping and statistics
* Shape-adaptive tarp coding
* Shape-based detection of humans for video surveillance applications
* Shot genre classification using compressed audio-visual features
* Similarity based impulsive noise removal in color images
* Similarity measure learning for image retrieval using binary component discriminating function
* Simultaneous object extraction and disparity estimation using stochastic diffusion
* Simultaneous tracking and registration in a multisensor surveillance system
* Sirface vs. Fisherface: recognition using class specific linear projection
* Slant estimation for active vision using edge directions in omni-directional images
* Sliding-window packetization for unequal loss protection based multiple description coding
* Smooth signal extension for M-channel paraunitary filterbanks and its application to image coding
* Smoothing B-spline active contour for fast and robust image and video segmentation
* space domain approach for multiple description video coding, A
* Sparse decompositions in incoherent dictionaries
* Sparse-parametric writer identification using heterogeneous feature groups
* Spatial resolution analysis of route panorama
* Spatial temporal and histogram video registration for digital watermark detection
* Spatial wavelets for temporally correlated FMRI
* Spatio-temporal attribute morphology filters for noise reduction in image sequences
* Spatio-temporal motion estimation for transparency and occlusions
* Spatio-temporal-SNR scalable wavelet coding with motion compensated DCT base-layer architectures
* Speckle noise removal by robust modeling
* Speech-to-video synthesis using facial animation parameters
* Spline-based boundary loss concealment
* Spread transform watermarking for video sources
* SR-based radon transform to extract weak lines from noise images, A
* state-free causal video encoding paradigm, A
* Statistical analysis and distortion modeling of MPEG-4 FGS
* Statistical atlas-based sub-voxel segmentation of 3d brain MRI
* statistical error analysis for voxel coloring, A
* Statistical learning for effective visual information retrieval
* Statistical modeling for facial expression analysis and synthesis
* Statistical-mechanical approach to the distributed source coding
* Still image compression method based on adaptive block segmentation vector quantization technique
* Still image compression with multiple overlapping local cosine bases
* Stochastic active contour for cardiac MR image segmentation
* Stochastic attributed K-D tree modeling of technical paper title pages
* Stochastic rate-control of interframe video coders for VBR channels
* stokes flow boundary integral measurement of tubular structure cross sections in two dimensions, A
* Strain Calculation from Sinusoidal Tagged MR Images Via Moire Analysis
* Strategies for quadtree predictive image coding
* Stream morphing approaches to temporal scalable video coding
* Structuralizing educational videos based on presentation content
* study of biorthogonal wavelets in digital watermarking, A
* Study on imaging algorithm of missile-borne MMW SAR for ground target
* Subpixel rendering on non-striped colour matrix displays
* subspace algorithm for error localization with overcomplete frame expansions and its application to image transmission, A
* Subspace eyetracking for driver warning
* sufficient condition based on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for efficient template matching, A
* Summarization of news video and its description for content-based access
* Super-resolution image restoration from several blurred images formed in various conditions
* Super-resolution using the Walsh functions, a new algorithm for image reconstruction
* Support regions and images for photo event retrieval
* Surface acquisition from single gray-scale images
* Symbol recognition using graphs
* Synchronous and asynchronous multiple object rate control for MPEG-4 video coding
* Synthesizing pose and lighting variation from object motion
* System and method for eye gaze tracking using corneal image mapping
* System and process for locating and tracking a person or object in a scene using a series of range images
* Systematic lossy forward error protection for video waveforms
* systemic framework of camera motion analysis for home video, A
* Tagged Cardiac MRI: Detection of Myocardial Boundaries by Texture Analysis
* technique for digital video quality evaluation, A
* Techniques for automatic video content derivation
* Temporal Impulsive Noise Excision in the Range-Doppler Map of HF Radar
* Temporal prediction and differential coding of motion vectors in the MCTF framework
* Text to visual synthesis with appearance models
* Texture analysis and optical anisotropy measurements of leukocytes for early diagnostics of diabetes mellitus
* Texture analysis using Renyi's generalized entropies
* Texture analysis: an adaptive probabilistic approach
* Three-dimensional digital filtering algorithm for parallel DSP implementation
* Three-view camera calibration using geometric algebra
* Toolbox of Image Processing Using the Python Language
* Top-down control of visual attention in object detection
* Topological modeling of illuminated surfaces using REEB graph
* Towards a theory for video coding using distributed compression principles
* Towards an efficient high quality picture-rate up-converter
* Towards objective performance analysis for estimation of complex motion: analytic motion modeling, filter optimization, and test sequences
* Towards optimal bit-rate control in video transcoding
* Towards practical Wyner-Ziv coding of video
* Tracking Bees: A 3D, Outdoor Small Object Environment
* Tracking of multiple fluorescent biological objects in three dimensional video microscopy
* Tracking with simultaneous camera motion substraction by level set spatio-temporal surface evolution
* Training sequence size in clustering algorithms and averaging single-particle images
* Transductive inference for color-based particle filter tracking
* TV-trawler project, The
* Two error resilient coding schemes for wavelet-based image transmission based on data embedding and genetic algorithms
* two-stage system for meter value recognition, A
* Unequal-arm adaptive Rood pattern search for fast block-matching motion estimation in the JVT/H.26L
* unified approach to detection of shot boundaries and subshots in compressed video, A
* unsupervised artifact correction approach for the analysis of DNA microarray images, An
* Unsupervised Bayesian Image Segmentation Using Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Models
* Unsupervised multicomponent image segmentation combining a vectorial HMC Model and ICA
* Unsupervised segmentation of color textured images using a multi-layer MRF model
* Unsupervised statistical sketching for non-photorealistic rendering models
* Unsupervised subspace linear spectral mixture analysis for hyperspectral images
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using a statistical wavelet-based hierarchical multi data model
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using multiresolution hybrid genetic algorithm
* Unsupervised thresholds for shape matching
* Using a pictorial dictionary as a high level user interface for visual information retrieval
* Using graphs for statistical object models
* Using polarimetric imaging for material classification
* Utilization of texture, contrast and color homogeneity for detecting and recognizing text from video frames
* Variance-aware distortion estimation for wireless video communications
* Variational Beltrami flows over manifolds
* variational method for bayesian blind image deconvolution, A
* variational method for leukocyte detection, A
* variational model for disocclusion, A
* Variational non rigid image registration using exclusive f-information
* Vector amplification for color-dependent image filtering
* Velocity measurement using prase fitting of analytic spatiotemporal images
* Verification of image content integrity by using dual watermarking on wavelets domain
* Video caption detection and extraction using temporal information
* Video coding and transport layer techniques for H.264/AVC-based transmission over packet-lossy networks
* Video coding ecology using DCT and block-restricted matching pursuit
* Video coding using a deformation compensation algorithm based on adaptive matching pursuit image decompositions
* Video compression for multicast environments using spatial scalability and simulcast coding
* Video object extraction using extended intelligent scissors
* Video object segmentation and tracking in stereo sequences using adaptable neural networks
* Video region segmentation by spatio-temporal watersheds
* Video segmentation using vector-valued diffusion and clustering
* Video Sequence Modeling by Dynamic Bayesian Networks: A Systematic Approach from Coarse-to-Fine Grains
* Video tracking using block matching
* Video transcoding based on optimal frame rate estimation
* VideoAL: A novel end-to-end MPEG-7 video automatic labeling system
* Visire: Photorealistic 3D Reconstruction from Video Sequences
* Visual comparison of JPEG 2000 versus conventional JPEG
* Visual contents adaptation for color vision deficiency
* Visual-tag reader: image capture by cell phone camera
* voting scheme for estimating the synchrony of moving-camera videos, A
* Watermarking for 3d polygonal meshes using normalvector distributions of each patch
* Watermarking of digital mammograms without interfering with automatic detection of microcalcifications
* Watermarking video, hierarchical embedding in motion vectors
* Watermarking with knowledge of image database
* Wavelet-based 2-d multichannel signal estimation
* Wavelet-based adaptive image denoising with edge preservation
* Wavelet-based level set evolution for classification of textured images
* Wavelet-domain HMT-based image superresolution
* Weighted minimum common supergraph for cluster representation
* Weighted order statistic image filter chip based on cellular neural network architecture
* What's so good about quadrature filters?
* Wide dynamic range imaging by sensitivity adjustable cmos image sensor
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