Teng, B.
Co Author Listing * Vision Based Obstacle Detection Using Rover Stereo Images
Teng, B.X.[Bao Xin]
Co Author Listing * Learning a Single Convolutional Layer Model for Low Light Image Enhancement
Includes: Teng, B.X.[Bao Xin] Teng, B.X.[Bao-Xin]
Teng, C.
Co Author Listing * New application of MV- and 3D-HEVC for multi-intensity illuminated infrared video coding
* Prediction of Wheat Grain Protein by Coupling Multisource Remote Sensing Imagery and ECMWF Data
Includes: Teng, C. Teng, C.[Cong]
Teng, C.H.[Chin Hung]
Co Author Listing * accurate and adaptive optical flow estimation algorithm, An
* Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness variations
* Approach to Extracting Trunk from an Image, An
* Image-Based Camera Localization for Large and Outdoor Environments
* Image-based tree modeling from a few images with very narrow viewing range
* Improving three-dimensional point reconstruction from image correspondences using surface curvatures
* Leaf Segmentation, Its 3D Position Estimation and Leaf Classification from a Few Images with Very Close Viewpoints
* Reconstructing three-dimensional models of objects using a Kinect sensor
* Robust computation of optical flow under non-uniform illumination variations
Includes: Teng, C.H.[Chin Hung] Teng, C.H.[Chin-Hung]
9 for Teng, C.H.
Teng, C.K.M.[Chen Ke Min]
Co Author Listing * Ionospheric Oscillation with Periods of 6-30 Days at Middle Latitudes: A Response to Solar Radiative, Geomagnetic, and Lower Atmospheric Forcing
Includes: Teng, C.K.M.[Chen Ke Min] Teng, C.K.M.[Chen-Ke-Min]
Teng, C.L.[Cheng Long]
Co Author Listing * DGPR-MPC: Learning-based model predictive controller for autonomous vehicle path following
Includes: Teng, C.L.[Cheng Long] Teng, C.L.[Cheng-Long]
Teng, C.S.[Chang Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Shading Method for DSM Based on Classification Information of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud, A
* UAV Aerial Photography Technology in Island Topographic Mapping
Includes: Teng, C.S.[Chang Sheng] Teng, C.S.[Chang-Sheng]
Teng, C.Y.[Chia Yuan]
Co Author Listing * new quadtree predictive image coder, A
* Using multiresolution and multistreaming for faster access in image database broadcast
Includes: Teng, C.Y.[Chia Yuan] Teng, C.Y.[Chia-Yuan]
Teng, D.[Da]
Co Author Listing * Cervical-YOSA: Utilizing prompt engineering and pre-trained large-scale models for automated segmentation of multi-sequence MRI images in cervical cancer
* Dynamic adjustment of hyperparameters for anchor-based detection of objects with large image size differences
* Fast Frequent Directions Algorithm for Low Rank Approximation, A
* Illumination Insensitive Descriptor Combining the CSLBP Features for Street View Images in Augmented Reality: Experimental Studies, An
Includes: Teng, D.[Da] Teng, D.[Dan] Teng, D.[Degui]
Teng, D.D.[Dong Dong]
Co Author Listing * Improvement and Application of a GAN Model for Time Series Image Prediction: A Case Study of Time Series Satellite Cloud Images
Includes: Teng, D.D.[Dong Dong] Teng, D.D.[Dong-Dong]
Teng, D.X.
Co Author Listing * Sketch-Based Annotation and Visualization in Video Authoring
Teng, E.
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Curiosity for Real-Time Training Onboard Robotic Agents
Teng, F.[Fei]
Co Author Listing * 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using Inversely Mapping and Voting from Single Pass CSAR Images
* Anisotropic Scattering Analysis Method Based on the Statistical Properties of Multi-Angular SAR Images, An
* Circular SAR Incoherent 3D Imaging with a NeRF-Inspired Method
* DEM Generation With a Scale Factor Using Multi-Aspect SAR Imagery Applying Radargrammetry
* Development of GNSS Buoy for Sea Surface Elevation Observation of Offshore Wind Farm
* Exploiting Adiabatic Pulses With Prepolarization in Detection of Underground Nuclear Magnetic Resonant Signals
* Improved Mask R-CNN for Rural Building Roof Type Recognition from UAV High-Resolution Images: A Case Study in Hunan Province, China
* Measurement Method for Cislunar Spacecraft Based on Connected Element Interferometry and BeiDou-3 Interplanetary Link in Future Lunar Exploration, A
* Monitoring and Analysis of Population Distribution in China from 2000 to 2020 Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Multi-scale ship tracking via random projections
* Multiclass classification with potential function rules: Margin distribution and generalization
* Multimedia Monitoring System of Obstructive Sleep Apnea via a Deep Active Learning Model
* Parallel Solution of Timing Synchronization in High-Speed Remote Sensing Data Transmission, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Cooperative Computation Offloading in MEC-Assisted Vehicular Networks, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Stereo 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from Airborne Single-Channel Multi-Aspect SAR Image Sequences, A
* Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in China's Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions Based on XCO2 Data
* Robust multi-scale ship tracking via multiple compressed features fusion
* Target anisotropic scattering deduction model using multi-aspect SAR data
* Target Scattering Feature Extraction Based on Parametric Model Using Multi-Aspect SAR Data
Includes: Teng, F.[Fei] Teng, F.
19 for Teng, F.
Teng, G.
Co Author Listing * Context-Aware Natural Integration of Advertisement Object
* Image synthesis via adversarial geometric consistency pursuit
* Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Inspection Method on Rural Living Environments Based on a Modified YOLOv5s-ViT, A
* Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Opium Poppy Image Detection Based on Modified YOLOv3
* Tree Completion Net: A Novel Vegetation Point Clouds Completion Model Based on Deep Learning
Includes: Teng, G. Teng, G.[Guowei] Teng, G.[Guifa] Teng, G.[Geer]
Teng, G.E.
Co Author Listing * Joint Calibration Method of 3d Images Acquired By Common Optical Path Payload, A
Teng, G.F.[Gui Fa]
Co Author Listing * Two-Stage Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Papaver Somniferum Image Detection System Based on YOLOv5s+DenseNet121, A
Includes: Teng, G.F.[Gui Fa] Teng, G.F.[Gui-Fa]
Teng, G.J.[Gao Jun]
Co Author Listing * 3D/2D Vessel Registration Based on Monte Carlo Tree Search and Manifold Regularization
Includes: Teng, G.J.[Gao Jun] Teng, G.J.[Gao-Jun]
Teng, G.L.[Guo Long]
Co Author Listing * Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dynamics for Adaptive Person Re-identification
Includes: Teng, G.L.[Guo Long] Teng, G.L.[Guo-Long]
Teng, G.W.[Guo Wei]
Co Author Listing * Foreground-Background-Based CTU Lambda Decision Algorithm for HEVC Rate Control of Surveillance Videos, A
Includes: Teng, G.W.[Guo Wei] Teng, G.W.[Guo-Wei]
Teng, H.[Huan]
Co Author Listing * Fingerprinting Deep Image Restoration Models
* Image denoising using complex-valued deep CNN
* Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Cold Pool Associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation
* Weakly-Supervised Sparse Coding With Geometric Prior for Interactive Texture Segmentation
Includes: Teng, H.[Huan] Teng, H.[Hui] Teng, H.
Teng, H.F.[Hong Fen]
Co Author Listing * Dynamics of Vegetation Greenness and Its Response to Climate Change in Xinjiang over the Past Two Decades
* Improving Rainfall Erosivity Estimates Using Merged TRMM and Gauge Data
* Long-Term Changes in Water Body Area Dynamic and Driving Factors in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Methodological Framework to Retrospectively Obtain Downscaled Precipitation Estimates over the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA
Includes: Teng, H.F.[Hong Fen] Teng, H.F.[Hong-Fen]
Teng, H.Z.[Han Zhe]
Co Author Listing * Centroid Distance Keypoint Detector for Colored Point Clouds
Includes: Teng, H.Z.[Han Zhe] Teng, H.Z.[Han-Zhe]
Teng, J.[Jin]
Co Author Listing * Development of a Multi-Index Method Based on Landsat Reflectance Data to Map Open Water in a Complex Environment
* Estimation of the Lateral Dynamic Displacement of High-Rise Buildings under Wind Load Based on Fusion of a Remote Sensing Vibrometer and an Inclinometer
* Regularized Two Granularity Loss Function for Weakly Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
* Retrieving Pigment Concentrations Based on Hyperspectral Measurements of the Phytoplankton Absorption Coefficient in Global Oceans
* Suitable Habitat Dynamics of Wintering Geese in a Large Floodplain Wetland: Insights from Flood Duration
Includes: Teng, J.[Jin] Teng, J.[Jun] Teng, J.[Junya] Teng, J.[Jing] Teng, J.[Jiakun]
Teng, J.C.[Jian Chen]
Co Author Listing * Reconstructing high-resolution subsurface temperature of the global ocean using deep forest with combined remote sensing and in situ observations
Includes: Teng, J.C.[Jian Chen] Teng, J.C.[Jian-Chen]
Teng, J.K.[Jia Kun]
Co Author Listing * Mapping large-area tidal flats without the dependence on tidal elevations: A case study of Southern China
Includes: Teng, J.K.[Jia Kun] Teng, J.K.[Jia-Kun]
Teng, J.N.[Jia Ning]
Co Author Listing * Siamese DETR
* Typical Facial Expression Network Using a Facial Feature Decoupler and Spatial-Temporal Learning
* X-Learner: Learning Cross Sources and Tasks for Universal Visual Representation
Includes: Teng, J.N.[Jia Ning] Teng, J.N.[Jia-Ning]
Teng, J.W.[Jia Wei]
Co Author Listing * STs-NeRF: Novel View Synthesis of Space Targets Based on Improved Neural Radiance Fields
Includes: Teng, J.W.[Jia Wei] Teng, J.W.[Jia-Wei]
Teng, J.Y.[Jia Yan]
Co Author Listing * Cogview3: Finer and Faster Text-to-image Generation via Relay Diffusion
* Hyperspectral Analysis of Soil Total Nitrogen in Subsided Land Using the Local Correlation Mazimization-Complementary Superiority Method
* INF-DIT: Upsampling Any-resolution Image with Memory-efficient Diffusion Transformer
Includes: Teng, J.Y.[Jia Yan] Teng, J.Y.[Jia-Yan] Teng, J.Y.
Teng, J.Z.[Jian Zhong]
Co Author Listing * Reversible binary image data hiding by run-length histogram modification
Includes: Teng, J.Z.[Jian Zhong] Teng, J.Z.[Jian-Zhong]
Teng, K.
Co Author Listing * Expression Classification using Wavelet Packet Method on Asymmetry Faces
* Improving scene classification with weakly spatial symmetry information
* Transit Signal Priority Controlling Method Considering Non-Transit Traffic Benefits and Coordinated Phase States for Multi-Rings Timing Plan at Isolated Intersections
* two-step abnormal data analysis and processing method for millimetre-wave radar in traffic flow detection applications, A
Includes: Teng, K. Teng, K.[Kezhen] Teng, K.[Kunmin]
Teng, K.C.[Khar Chun]
Co Author Listing * Dense Medium Microwave Backscattering Model for the Remote Sensing of Oil Palm, A
Teng, L.
Co Author Listing * Active Transfer Learning
* AIGCOIQA2024: Perceptual Quality Assessment of AI Generated Omnidirectional Images
* Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
* Cantonese sentence dataset for lip-reading
* Double Parameters Fractal Sorting Matrix and Its Application in Image Encryption
* Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
* Interactive Impacts of Built Environment Factors on Metro Ridership Using GeoDetector: From the Perspective of TOD
* Rural Settlement Subdivision by Using Landscape Metrics as Spatial Contextual Information
* Scalable Discrete and Asymmetric Unequal Length Hashing Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Visualized Multiple Image Selection Encryption Based on Log Chaos System and Multilayer Cellular Automata Saliency Detection
Includes: Teng, L. Teng, L.[Long] Teng, L.[Li] Teng, L.[Lianwei] Teng, L.[Lin] Teng, L.[Ling] Teng, L.[Longmei] Teng, L.[Luyao]
10 for Teng, L.
Teng, L.M.[Long Mei]
Co Author Listing * Discrimination of Settlement and Industrial Area Using Landscape Metrics in Rural Region
Includes: Teng, L.M.[Long Mei] Teng, L.M.[Long-Mei]
Teng, L.Y.[Lu Yao]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic Confidence Sampling and Label Semantic Guidance Learning for Domain Adaptive Retrieval
Includes: Teng, L.Y.[Lu Yao] Teng, L.Y.[Lu-Yao]
Teng, M.F.[Meng Fan]
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Daily Seamless PM2.5 Concentrations with Climate Feature in Hubei Province, China
* Estimation of Daily Seamless PM2.5 Concentrations with Climate Feature in Hubei Province, China
Includes: Teng, M.F.[Meng Fan] Teng, M.F.[Meng-Fan]
Teng, M.G.[Ming Gui]
Co Author Listing * All-in-Focus Imaging from Event Focal Stack
* Deblurring Low-Light Images with Events
* DeLiEve-Net: Deblurring Low-light Images with Light Streaks and Local Events
* Hybrid All-in-Focus Imaging From Neuromorphic Focal Stack
* NB-GTR: Narrow-Band Guided Turbulence Removal
* NEST: Neural Event Stack for Event-Based Image Enhancement
* Residual Learning Approach to Deblur and Generate High Frame Rate Video With an Event Camera, A
Includes: Teng, M.G.[Ming Gui] Teng, M.G.[Ming-Gui]
7 for Teng, M.G.
Teng, M.J.[Ming Jun]
Co Author Listing * Seasonal Variations of the Relationship between Spectral Indexes and Land Surface Temperature Based on Local Climate Zones: A Study in Three Yangtze River Megacities
Includes: Teng, M.J.[Ming Jun] Teng, M.J.[Ming-Jun]
Teng, M.X.[Ming Xing]
Co Author Listing * Illumination Insensitive Descriptor Combining the CSLBP Features for Street View Images in Augmented Reality: Experimental Studies, An
Includes: Teng, M.X.[Ming Xing] Teng, M.X.[Ming-Xing]
Teng, N.[Nanjun]
Co Author Listing * Building efficient CNN architecture for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
Teng, P.[Poching]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Evaluation and Branch Detection Method of 3D Modeling Using Backpack 3D Lidar SLAM and UAV-SfM for Peach Trees during the Pruning Period in Winter
* EMS-Net: A Deep Learning Method for Autodetecting Epileptic Magnetoencephalography Spikes
* Estimation of Ground Surface and Accuracy Assessments of Growth Parameters for a Sweet Potato Community in Ridge Cultivation
* Packed Dense Interest Points for Scene Image Retrieval
* Voice Activity Detection Via Noise Reducing Using Non-Negative Sparse Coding
Includes: Teng, P.[Poching] Teng, P. Teng, P.[Peng]
Teng, Q.[Qi]
Co Author Listing * DSCIC: Deep Screen Content Image Compression
* Improved Low-Bitrate HEVC Video Coding Using Deep Learning Based Super-Resolution and Adaptive Block Patching
* Iterative Framework of Cascaded Deblocking and Superresolution for Compressed Images, An
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Adaptive Transform-Based Nonlocal Self-Similarity Modeling and Learning-Based Gradient Regularization
Includes: Teng, Q.[Qi] Teng, Q.
Teng, Q.Z.[Qi Zhi]
Co Author Listing * 3D MRI image super-resolution for brain combining rigid and large diffeomorphic registration
* Activating More Information in Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution
* BDNet: A BERT-based dual-path network for text-to-image cross-modal person re-identification
* Measuring Collectiveness in Crowded Scenes via Link Prediction
* Object tracking using firefly algorithm
* SGCRSR: Sequential gradient constrained regression for single image super-resolution
* Single image super resolution based on feature enhancement
* Single image super resolution using local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity priors
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Local Geometric Duality and Non-Local Similarity
* Space-time super-resolution with patch group cuts prior
Includes: Teng, Q.Z.[Qi Zhi] Teng, Q.Z.[Qi-Zhi]
10 for Teng, Q.Z.
Teng, R.K.F.
Co Author Listing * High-Speed Simultaneous Image Distortion Correction Transformations for a Multicamera Cylindrical Panorama Real-time Video System Using FPGA
* Study of visual saliency detection via nonlocal anisotropic diffusion equation
Includes: Teng, R.K.F. Teng, R.K.F.[Robert K.F.]
Teng, S.[Sitong]
Co Author Listing * 3D/2D Vessel Registration Based on Monte Carlo Tree Search and Manifold Regularization
* Assessing the Accuracy of Forest Phenological Extraction from Sentinel-1 C-Band Backscatter Measurements in Deciduous and Coniferous Forests
* CenterNet3D: An Anchor Free Object Detector for Point Cloud
* Comparison of Cloud Properties from Himawari-8 and Feng-Yun-4A Geostationary Satellite Radiometers with MODIS Cloud Retrievals
* Continuity of Top-of-Atmosphere, Surface, and Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance and NDVI between Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 OLI over China Landscape
* Feature Extraction Methods for Palmprint Recognition: A Survey and Evaluation
* Information Content of Ice Cloud Properties from Multi-Spectral, -Angle and -Polarization Observations
* Is Spectral Unmixing Model or Nonlinear Statistical Model More Suitable for Shrub Coverage Estimation in Shrub-Encroached Grasslands Based on Earth Observation Data? A Case Study in Xilingol Grassland, China
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part I: Control, Computing System Design, Communication, HD Map, Testing, and Human Behaviors
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part II: Perception and Planning
* Multi-View Spatial Attention Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Projective Double Reconstructions Based Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Cross-Domain Recognition
Includes: Teng, S.[Sitong] Teng, S.[Shiwen] Teng, S.[Siyu] Teng, S.[Senlin] Teng, S. Teng, S.[Sihan]
12 for Teng, S.
Teng, S.H.[Shao Hua]
Co Author Listing * Data Uncertainty in Face Recognition
* Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Dynamic Confidence Sampling and Label Semantic Guidance Learning for Domain Adaptive Retrieval
* Enhanced Minutiae Extraction for High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition
* Jointly learning compact multi-view hash codes for few-shot FKP recognition
* Learning modality-invariant binary descriptor for crossing palmprint to palm-vein recognition
* LSR based astronomical image denoising via adaptive dictionary learning
* Mask-guided multiscale feature aggregation network for hand gesture recognition
* Multimodal Fusion Fatigue Driving Detection Method Based on Heart Rate and PERCLOS, A
* novel consensus learning approach to incomplete multi-view clustering, A
* Power SVM: Generalization with exemplar classification uncertainty
* Scalable Discrete and Asymmetric Unequal Length Hashing Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Separators for Sphere-Packings and Nearest-Neighbor Graphs
* Towards pen-holding hand pose recognition: A new benchmark and a coarse-to-fine PHHP recognition network
Includes: Teng, S.H.[Shao Hua] Teng, S.H.[Shao-Hua] Teng, S.H.[Shu-Hua] Teng, S.H.[Shang-Hua] Teng, S.H.
14 for Teng, S.H.
Teng, S.J.[Shang Ju]
Co Author Listing * Motion trajectory based video indexing and retrieval
Includes: Teng, S.J.[Shang Ju] Teng, S.J.[Shang-Ju]
Teng, S.J.J.
Co Author Listing * Gain-Pixel Visualization Algorithm Designed for Computational Color Constancy Scheme
Teng, S.Q.N.[Shu Qing N.]
Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data Reveal Scale-Dependent and System-Specific Strengths of Urban Heat Island Determinants
Includes: Teng, S.Q.N.[Shu Qing N.] Teng, S.Q.N.[Shu-Qing N.]
Teng, S.W.[Shyh Wei]
Co Author Listing * Achieving High Multi-Modal Registration Performance Using Simplified Hough-Transform with Improved Symmetric-SIFT
* Adversarial Network With Multiple Classifiers for Open Set Domain Adaptation
* Bidirectional Mapping Coupled GAN for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Combining Pyramid Match Kernel and Spatial Pyramid for Image Classification
* Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation Using Intuitive Distance Measure
* Cuboid Segmentation for Effective Image Retrieval
* Detection of Structural Similarity for Multimodal Microscopic Image Registration
* Distortion Robust Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Discrete Cosine Transform
* Effective and efficient contour-based corner detectors
* Enhanced Local Texture Descriptor for Image Segmentation, An
* Enhancement to SIFT-Based Techniques for Image Registration, An
* Enhancing image registration performance by incorporating distribution and spatial distance of local descriptors
* Enhancing SIFT-based image registration performance by building and selecting highly discriminating descriptors
* Estimating Soil Organic Carbon from Multispectral Images Using Physics-informed Neural Networks
* Extracting road centrelines from binary road images by optimizing geodesic lines
* Fast mode decision algorithm for Residual Quadtree coding in HEVC
* general stochastic clustering method for automatic cluster discovery, A
* Hybrid Data Dependent Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval, A
* Image Clustering Using a Similarity Measure Incorporating Human Perception
* Image indexing and retrieval based on vector quantization
* Image registration using modified Local Ternary Pattern
* improved building detection in complex sites using the LIDAR height variation and point density, An
* Improved Kernel Descriptors for Effective and Efficient Image Classification
* Improved Symmetric-SIFT for Multi-modal Image Registration
* Improved Tamura Features for Image Classification Using Kernel Based Descriptors
* Integrated generalized zero-shot learning for fine-grained classification
* Kernel-Based Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* New Building Mask Using the Gradient of Heights for Automatic Building Extraction, A
* Novel Multi-Modal Image Registration Method Based on Corners, A
* Novel Perceptual Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval, A
* Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space of the Weibull Distribution, A
* Rotation Invariant Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification
* Texture classification using multimodal Invariant Local Binary Pattern
Includes: Teng, S.W.[Shyh Wei] Teng, S.W. Teng, S.W.[Su-Wei] Teng, S.W.[Shy Wei]
33 for Teng, S.W.
Teng, S.Y.[Si Yu]
Co Author Listing * AutoMine: An Unmanned Mine Dataset
* Intra- and Inter-Emotion Transformer-Based Fusion Model with Homogeneous and Diverse Constraints Using Multi-Emotional Audiovisual Features for Depression Detection, An
* Lane detection in surveillance videos using vector-based hierarchy clustering and density verification
* Leveraging Line-point Consistence to Preserve Structures for Wide Parallax Image Stitching
* PRB-FPN+: Video Analytics for Enforcing Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Includes: Teng, S.Y.[Si Yu] Teng, S.Y.[Si-Yu] Teng, S.Y.[Shi-Yu] Teng, S.Y.[Shan-Yun] Teng, S.Y.[Shin-You]
Teng, S.Z.[Shang Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Viewpoint and Scale Consistency Reinforcement for UAV Vehicle Re-Identification
Includes: Teng, S.Z.[Shang Zhi] Teng, S.Z.[Shang-Zhi]
Teng, T.
Co Author Listing * Brain-Computer Interface-Based Vehicle Destination Selection System Using P300 and SSVEP Signals, A
* EEG-Based Detection of Driver Emergency Braking Intention for Brain-Controlled Vehicles
* Using a Head-up Display-Based Steady-State Visually Evoked Potential Brain: Computer Interface to Control a Simulated Vehicle
Teng, T.T.[Ting Ting]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning Localization Method for Acoustic Source via Improved Input Features and Network Structure, A
Includes: Teng, T.T.[Ting Ting] Teng, T.T.[Ting-Ting]
Teng, W.[Wei]
Co Author Listing * Conformal and Low-Rank Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Exploring Weakly Labeled Images for Video Object Segmentation With Submodular Proposal Selection
* Local Shape Transfer for Image Co-segmentation
Teng, W.B.[Wen Bin]
Co Author Listing * Unimodal Face Classification with Multimodal Training
Includes: Teng, W.B.[Wen Bin] Teng, W.B.[Wen-Bin]
Teng, W.C.[Wei Chung]
Co Author Listing * Immersive and Interactive Map Touring System Based on Traveler Conceptual Models, An
* MI3: Multi-intensity infrared illumination video database
Includes: Teng, W.C.[Wei Chung] Teng, W.C.[Wei-Chung] Teng, W.C.
Teng, W.G.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive and efficient colour quantisation based on a growing self-organising map
Teng, W.T.[Wen Tao]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Domain Scene Classification Based on a Spatial Generalized Neural Architecture Search for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Teng, W.T.[Wen Tao] Teng, W.T.[Wen-Tao]
Teng, W.X.[Wen Xin]
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Multi-Floor Localization Based on Smartphone-Integrated Sensors and Pedestrian Indoor Network
* BRB-Based Effective Fault Diagnosis Model for High-Speed Trains Running Gear Systems, A
Includes: Teng, W.X.[Wen Xin] Teng, W.X.[Wen-Xin] Teng, W.X.[Wan-Xiu]
Teng, W.Y.[Wei Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Research on Super-Resolution Objective Evaluation Index System of Visible Light Image
Includes: Teng, W.Y.[Wei Yuan] Teng, W.Y.[Wei-Yuan]
Teng, X.[Xin]
Co Author Listing * Classroom Attention Analysis Based on Multiple Euler Angles Constraint and Head Pose Estimation
* Constructing High-Order Functional Connectivity Networks With Temporal Information From fMRI Data
* Enhancing Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with a Novel Differential Network Approach for Precision and Robust Background Suppression
* Image Relighting by Analogy
* Instance-Level Scaling and Dynamic Margin-Alignment Knowledge Distillation for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Learning to Purification for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* methodology for specifying PET VOIs using multimodality techniques, A
Includes: Teng, X.[Xin] Teng, X.[Xiangyi] Teng, X.[Xiang] Teng, X.[Xiao] Teng, X.
7 for Teng, X.
Teng, X.C.[Xi Chao]
Co Author Listing * Multi-scale Cross Distillation for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Structure extraction of straight wing aircraft using consistent line clustering
Includes: Teng, X.C.[Xi Chao] Teng, X.C.[Xi-Chao]
Teng, X.F.[Xiao Fei]
Co Author Listing * Image modality classification: a late fusion method based on confidence indicator and closeness matrix
Includes: Teng, X.F.[Xiao Fei] Teng, X.F.[Xiao-Fei]
Teng, X.H.[Xiu Hua]
Co Author Listing * Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Aerial Images via Sparse Representation and Superpixels
Includes: Teng, X.H.[Xiu Hua] Teng, X.H.[Xiu-Hua]
Teng, X.L.[Xiao Long]
Co Author Listing * Discriminant Locality Preserving Projections: A New Method to Face Representation and Recognition
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections
* Feature selection based on rough sets and particle swarm optimization
Includes: Teng, X.L.[Xiao Long] Teng, X.L.[Xiao-Long]
Teng, X.Y.[Xu Yang]
Co Author Listing * E-Region Field-Aligned Irregularities in the Middle of a Solar Eclipse Observed by a Bistatic Radar
* Flood Detection in Dual-Polarization SAR Images Based on Multi-Scale Deeplab Model
* Theory and Experiment Analysis on the Influence of Floods on a GNSS Pseudo-Range Multipath and CNR Signal Based on Two Cases Study in China
Includes: Teng, X.Y.[Xu Yang] Teng, X.Y.[Xu-Yang]
Teng, Y.[Yong]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics Set Computation Model for Internal Wavenumber Spectra and Its Validation with MODIS Retrieved Parameters in the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea, A
* Deep Equilibrium Object Detection
* Generalized EM-Type Reconstruction Algorithms for Emission Tomography
* Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Approach Based on Local Adaptive Sparse Unmixing and Subpixel Calibration
* Logit Normalization for Long-Tail Object Detection
* Mixed-Timescale Per-Group Hybrid Precoding for Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems
* Model of Extraction of Rail's Vertical Corrugation Based on Flexible Virtual Ruler, A
* Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Field Referencing for Video Compression, A
* Multi-Modal Neural Radiance Field for Monocular Dense SLAM with a Light-Weight ToF Sensor
* Novel Hyperspectral Images Destriping Method Based on Edge Reconstruction and Adaptive Morphological Operators, A
* novel multi-scale LRMR method for hyperspectral images restoration, A
* Pruning-and-distillation: One-stage joint compression framework for CNNs via clustering
* Quadratic Autoencoder (Q-AE) for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Retinal vessel segmentation via Iterative Geodesic Time Transform
* SkatingVerse: A large-scale benchmark for comprehensive evaluation on human action understanding
* SparseBEV: High-Performance Sparse 3D Object Detection from Multi-Camera Videos
* StageInteractor: Query-based Object Detector with Cross-stage Interaction
* Structured Sparse R-CNN for Direct Scene Graph Generation
* Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation
Includes: Teng, Y.[Yong] Teng, Y.[Yao] Teng, Y. Teng, Y.[Yidan] Teng, Y.[Yun] Teng, Y.[Yanbin] Teng, Y.[Yinglei] Teng, Y.[Yan]
19 for Teng, Y.
Teng, Y.A.
Co Author Listing * Stealth Terrain Navigation
* Stealth Terrain Navigation for Multi-Vehicle Path Planning
* Stealth Terrain Navigation with Bounding Overwatch
Teng, Y.D.[Ya Dong]
Co Author Listing * Learning Latent Dynamics for Autonomous Shape Control of Deformable Object
* Multidimensional Deformable Object Manipulation Based on DN-Transporter Networks
Includes: Teng, Y.D.[Ya Dong] Teng, Y.D.[Ya-Dong]
Teng, Y.G.[Yan Guo]
Co Author Listing * Impacts of Growth and Environmental Parameters on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Seasonal and Diurnal Scales, The
* Nonlinear Relationship Between the Yield of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthetic Efficiency in Senescent Crops
Includes: Teng, Y.G.[Yan Guo] Teng, Y.G.[Yan-Guo]
Teng, Y.H.[Yun He]
Co Author Listing * VHR Bi-Temporal Remote-Sensing Image Change Detection Network Based on Swin Transformer, A
Includes: Teng, Y.H.[Yun He] Teng, Y.H.[Yun-He]
Teng, Y.J.[Yun Jie]
Co Author Listing * End-to-End Detail-Enhanced Dehazing Network for Remote Sensing Images
* Estimation of Soil-Related Parameters Using Airborne-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ground Data in the Fenwei Plain, China
Includes: Teng, Y.J.[Yun Jie] Teng, Y.J.[Yun-Jie] Teng, Y.J.[Yuan-Jian]
Teng, Y.L.[Yi Long]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Scale Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Information Fusion Networks for Multi-Step Traffic Flow Forecasting
* UniParser: Multi-Human Parsing With Unified Correlation Representation Learning
Includes: Teng, Y.L.[Yi Long] Teng, Y.L.[Yi-Long] Teng, Y.L.[Ying-Lei]
Teng, Y.P.[Yu Peng]
Co Author Listing * New Perspective on the Scattering Mechanism of S-Band Weather Radar Clear-Air Echoes Based on Communication Models, A
* Novel Method for Estimating the Vertical Velocity of Air with a Descending Radiosonde System, A
* Rainfall Area Identification Algorithm Based on Himawari-8 Satellite Data and Analysis of its Spatiotemporal Characteristics
* Turbulence: A Significant Role in Clear-Air Echoes of CINRAD/SA at Night
Includes: Teng, Y.P.[Yu Peng] Teng, Y.P.[Yu-Peng]
Teng, Y.T.[Yun Tian]
Co Author Listing * Temporal and Spatial Evolution Analysis of Earthquake Events in California and Nevada Based on Spatial Statistics
Includes: Teng, Y.T.[Yun Tian] Teng, Y.T.[Yun-Tian]
Teng, Y.Y.[Yue Yang]
Co Author Listing * CST Framework: A Robust and Portable Finger Motion Tracking Framework
* Learning Social Relationship From Videos via Pre-Trained Multimodal Transformer
* Recognizing Social Relationships in Long Videos via Multimodal Character Interaction
Includes: Teng, Y.Y.[Yue Yang] Teng, Y.Y.[Yue-Yang] Teng, Y.Y.[Yi-Yang]
Teng, Y.Z.[Ying Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Constructing High-Order Functional Connectivity Networks With Temporal Information From fMRI Data
Includes: Teng, Y.Z.[Ying Zhi] Teng, Y.Z.[Ying-Zhi]
Teng, Z.[Zhou]
Co Author Listing * 3D Object Detection Based on Geometrical Segmentation
* ARawNet: A Lightweight Solution for Leveraging Raw Waveforms in Spoof Speech Detection
* Deep Spatial and Temporal Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* end-to-end identity association network based on geometry refinement for multi-object tracking, An
* Fast-HBNet: Hybrid Branch Network for Fast Lane Detection
* Heterogeneous Diversity Driven Active Learning for Multi-Object Tracking
* Inference-Domain Network Evolution: A New Perspective for One-Shot Multi-Object Tracking
* Interactive Two-Stream Network Across Modalities for Deepfake Detection
* Learning Attentions: Residual Attentional Siamese Network for High Performance Online Visual Tracking
* MINet: Modality interaction network for unified multi-modal tracking
* MRE-Net: Multi-Rate Excitation Network for Deepfake Video Detection
* Multi-label borderline oversampling technique
* Robust Object Tracking Based on Temporal and Spatial Deep Networks
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Three-step action search networks with deep Q-learning for real-time object tracking
* Token-word mixer meets object-aware transformer for referring image segmentation
Includes: Teng, Z.[Zhou] Teng, Z.[Zhongwei] Teng, Z.[Zhu] Teng, Z. Teng, Z.[Zeyu]
16 for Teng, Z.
Teng, Z.D.[Zhen De]
Co Author Listing * Cross-level reinforced attention network for person re-identification
Includes: Teng, Z.D.[Zhen De] Teng, Z.D.[Zhen-De]
Teng, Z.F.[Zhi Feng]
Co Author Listing * 360BEV: Panoramic Semantic Mapping for Indoor Bird's-Eye View
Includes: Teng, Z.F.[Zhi Feng] Teng, Z.F.[Zhi-Feng]
Teng, Z.Z.[Zhong Zhao]
Co Author Listing * Automatic segmentation of MR depicted carotid arterial boundary based on local priors and constrained global optimisation
Includes: Teng, Z.Z.[Zhong Zhao] Teng, Z.Z.[Zhong-Zhao]
Tengana, L.[Lizzy]
Co Author Listing * Machine Learning Techniques for Identity Document Verification in Uncontrolled Environments: A Case Study
Tengattini, S.[Simone]
Co Author Listing * Context-sensitive, first-principles approach to bicycle speed estimation
Tengen, D.
Co Author Listing * Investigations On Vertical Land Movements Along The North Sea And Baltic Sea Coast in Germany With Ps Interferometry
Tengesdal, T.[Trym]
Co Author Listing * Ship Collision Avoidance Utilizing the Cross-Entropy Method for Collision Risk Assessment
Tengfei, S.[Shao]
Co Author Listing * Design of Traditional Cultural Experiences Using Augmented Reality Based on Environmental Presence
Tengg, A.[Allan]
Co Author Listing * audio-visual sensor fusion approach for feature based vehicle identification, An
* Vehicle Classification on Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras Using Feature- and Decision-Fusion
Includes: Tengg, A.[Allan] Tengg, A.
Tengilimoglu, O.[Oguz]
Co Author Listing * Infrastructure-related challenges in implementing connected and automated vehicles on urban roads: Insights from experts and stakeholders
Tengler, W.[Walter]
Co Author Listing * Coding scheme and hardware structure of a high-rate digital HDTV codec with partly error-free encoding
* versatile DCT coding system for HDTV with interlaced and progressive scanning, A
Tengshe, H.V.[Hemant V.]
Co Author Listing * Gaze tracking system and method
Tengshe, V.G.[Venkatesh G.]
Co Author Listing * Gaze tracking system and method
Tengshe, V.V.[Vishwas V.]
Co Author Listing * Gaze tracking system and method