Journals starting with real

RealTimeHCI04 * *Human-Computer Interaction
* Epipolar Contrained User Pushbutton Selection in Projected Interfaces
* Exploiting Depth Discontinuities for Vision-Based Fingerspelling Recognition
* EyeKeys: A Real-Time Vision Interface Based on Gaze Detection from a Low-Grade Video Camera
* Fast 2D Hand Tracking with Flocks of Features and Multi-Cue Integration
* Gesture Recognition Using 3D Appearance and Motion Features
* Head and Facial Animation Tracking using Appearance-Adaptive Models and Particle Filters
* Map Building from Human-Computer Interactions
* Office of the Past: Document Discovery and Tracking from Video, The
* Preface to Workshop on Real-Time Vision for Human-Computer Interaction
* Real-Time Detection and Understanding of Isolated Protruded Fingers
* Real-Time Inference of Complex Mental States from Facial Expressions and Head Gestures
* Static Hand Gesture Recognition based on Local Orientation Histogram Feature Distribution Model
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RealTimeImg( Vol No. ) * *Real-Time Imaging

RealTimeImg(1) * Mathematical Morphology for Edge and overlap Detection for Medical Images
* Real-Time Tracking of Cplan Rows Using a Hough Transform

RealTimeImg(10) * 3D characterization and localization of anatomical landmarks of the foot by FastSCAN
* ASIC implementation of Kohonen's map based colour image compression, An
* Computational modeling of thoracic and abdominal anatomy using spatial relationships for image segmentation
* distributed system for computer vision quality control of clinched boards, A
* dynamical model with adaptive pixel moving for microarray images segmentation, A
* effective motion vector re-estimation method for low bit-rate video transcoding, An
* Efficient hardware architectures for computation of image moments
* embedded wavelet image coder with parallel encoding and sequential decoding of bit-planes, An
* fast automatic VOP generation using boundary block segmentation, A
* Fast color correction using principal regions mapping in different color spaces
* High performance cluster computing with 3-D nonlinear diffusion filters
* Identification of tuberculosis bacteria based on shape and color
* Image contrast enhancement via entropy production
* Incremental Hough Transform: An Improved Algorithm for Digital Device Implementation
* Low bit-rate multimedia communication
* Morphometrical data analysis using wavelets
* Motion estimation using a frame-based adaptive thresholding approach
* novel DCT domain transcoder for transcoding video streams with half-pixel motion vectors, A
* Novel full-search schemes for speeding up image coding using vector quantization
* Nuclear morphometry of neoplastic cells as a method for diagnosis of histiocytoma, mastocytoma and transmissible venereal tumor in dogs
* Real time contour tracking with a new edge detector
* Real-time DSP implementation of motion: JPEG2000 using overlapped block transferring and parallel-pass methods
* Real-time face detection and tracking for mobile videoconferencing
* Real-time image filtering scheme based on robust estimators in presence of impulsive noise
* Real-time image processing with a compact FPGA-based systolic architecture
* Real-time motion segmentation from moving cameras
* Real-time scheduling based on imprecise computation for scalable streaming media system over the Internet
* Relations between bundle-adjustment and epipolar-geometry-based approaches, and their applications to efficient structure from motion
* robust hardware algorithm for real-time object tracking in video sequences, A
* Robust minimization of lighting variation for real-time defect detection
* RVLC decoding scheme for improved data recovery in MPEG-4 video coding standard
* scalable video codec for layered video streaming, A
* texture approach to leukocyte recognition, A
* Three novel low complexity scanning orders for MPEG-2 full search motion estimation
* Time-scale change detection applied to real-time abnormal stationarity monitoring
* Vectorial morphological reconstruction for brightness elimination in colour images
* wavelet subspace method for real-time face tracking, A
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RealTimeImg(11) * Context-adaptive mode selection for intra-block coding in H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10
* cost-effective encryption scheme for color images, A
* Detection of cyclic human activities based on the morphological analysis of the inter-frame similarity matrix
* Digital zooming for color filter array-based image sensors
* DWT-based scene-adaptive color quantization
* error resilient coding scheme for H.263 video transmission based on data embedding, An
* Event detection for intelligent car park video surveillance
* Fast detection and impulsive noise removal in color images
* fast impulsive noise color image filter using fuzzy metrics, A
* high-speed optical mark reader hardware implementation at low cost using programmable logic, A
* Improved adaptive vector quantization algorithm using hybrid codebook data structure
* Industrial application for inline material sorting using hyperspectral imaging in the NIR range
* Introduction to the special issue on video object processing for surveillance applications
* Introduction to the special issue on video object processing for surveillance applications
* Learning the Semantic Landscape: Embedding scene knowledge in object tracking
* Least-squares smoothing of 3D digital curves
* Low-complexity progressive image transmission scheme based on quadtree segmentation
* Modified intelligent scissors and adaptive frame skipping for video object segmentation
* Modified SPIHT algorithm for wavelet packet image coding
* Multi-dimensional image processing
* neighborhood evaluated adaptive vector filter for suppression of impulse noise in color images, A
* novel progressive refinement algorithm for full spectral rendering, A
* Optical flow-based real-time object tracking using non-prior training active feature model
* Plant disease detection based on data fusion of hyper-spectral and multi-spectral fluorescence imaging using Kohonen maps
* Real-time 2-D wavelet transform implementation for HDTV compression
* Real-time acquisition of depth and color images using structured light and its application to 3D face recognition
* Real-time automated visual inspection system for contaminant removal from wool
* Real-time foreground-background segmentation using codebook model
* Real-time lossless compression of mosaic video sequences
* Real-time multispectral color video synthesis using an array of commodity cameras
* Real-time segmentation of surgical instruments inside the abdominal cavity using a joint hue saturation color feature
* Robust moving object segmentation on H.264/AVC compressed video using the block-based MRF model
* Robust real-time transmission of scalable multimedia for heterogeneous client bandwidths
* robust, cost-effective post-processor for enhancing demosaicked camera images, A
* Rule-based real-time detection of context-independent events in video shots
* Smart camera design for intensive embedded computing
* SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial environments
* Spectral imaging in real-time: Imaging principles and applications
* Towards real-time 3-D monocular visual tracking of human limbs in unconstrained environments
* Towards real-time object recognition using pairs of lines
* versatile stereo implementation on commodity graphics hardware, A
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RealTimeImg(2) * Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization For Off-Road Navigation
* Focal-Plane Architecture for Motion Computation, A
* High-Performance Architecture with a Macroblock-Level-Pipeline for MPEG-2 Coding, A
* Image Sequence Stabilization In Real-Time
* Mesh of Linear Arrays for Template Matching
* Performance Characterization Of Image Stabilization Algorithms
* Real-Time Computer Vision Platform for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* Real-Time Considerations in the Design of the Image Understanding Architecture
* Real-Time Image-Processing with a MIMD Computer
* Special-Purpose Architectures for Real-Time Imaging
* VLSI Image-Processing Architecture Dedicated to Real-Time Quality-Control Analysis in an Industrial-Plant, A
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RealTimeImg(3) * Analog Computation of Image Chromaticity
* Color-Perception of Aperture Colors Using a Computational Model of the Human Visual-System
* Computation of Orientational Filters for Real-Time Computer Vision Problems III: Steerable System and VLSI Architecture
* Exploiting IEEE-1355 Routable Serial Links in a Real Time Vision Architecture
* Fast Calibrated Stereo Vision for Manipulation
* Fourier-Analysis and Cortical Architectures: The Exponential Chirp Transform
* Geometrical Shape-Recognition Using a Cellular Automaton Architecture and Its VLSI Implementation
* Giotto System: a Parallel Computer for Image Processing, The
* High-Speed Tomographic Reconstruction Employing Fourier Methods
* Logically Efficient Spatial-Resolution Conversion Using Paired Increasing Operators
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Architecture for Real Time Computer Vision
* Motion from Fixation
* Neural Image-Processing Strategies Applied in Real-Time Pattern-Recognition
* Optical Normal Flow Estimation on Log-Polar Images: A Solution for Real-Time Binocular Vision
* Perception Sensor for a Mobile Robot
* Pipe-Group Architecture Real Time Active Vision, The
* Real-Time Attention for Robotic Vision
* Real-Time Edge Detector: Algorithm And VLSI Architecture, A
* Real-Time Foveated Sensor with Overlapping Receptive-Fields, A
* Real-Time Quantized Optical Flow
* Recursive Implementation of LoG Filtering
* Simulating Poor Visibility Conditions Using Image-Processing
* Special Issue on Natural and Artificial Real-Time Imaging and Vision
* Special Issue on Special Purpose Architectures for Real Time Imaging: II
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RealTimeImg(4) * Adaptive Impulsive Noise Removal in TV Picture Transmission
* Application of 'Vision in the Loop' for Inspection of Lace Fabric
* ASSET-2: Real-Time Motion Segmentation and Object Tracking
* Compact Look Up Table Structure for Low Level Binary Image Processing, A
* Computational Model of the Human Visual System for Color Coding: Results with Adaptation and Colored Surrounds, A
* Design Considerations in the Real-Time Implementation of Multiple Expert Image Classifiers within a Modular and Flexible Multiple-platform Design Environment
* FT-AVS: A Fault Tolerant Architecture for Real Time Active Vision
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Visual Monitoring and Inspection
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Special-Purpose Architectures for Real-Time Imaging, Part 3
* High-Performance Hierarchical Block-Based Motion Estimation for Real-Time Video Coding
* Holographic Method for Reconstruction of Random Rough Surface
* Model-driven Active Visual Tracking
* Open Bus Architecture for Real Time Video Applications, An
* Real Time Tracking of Moving Objects with an Active Camera
* Real-Time Face Pose Estimation
* Real-Time Image Noise Reduction System for FLIR Applications, A
* Real-Time Implementations of an MRF-Based Motion Detection Algorithm
* Real-Time Segmentation of Plants and Weeds
* Real-Time Visual Sensing for Task Planning in a Field Navigation Vehicle
* Recursive Digital Filter Implementation for Noisy and Blurred Images, A
* Robust Regression for the Detection of Independent 3D Motion by a Binocular Observer
* SMAC: A VLSI Architecture for Scene Matching
* Special Issue on Computer Vision Motion Analysis
* Tree Matching Algorithm and VLSI Architecture for Real Time 2D Object Classification, A
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RealTimeImg(5) * Accurate and Fast Pattern Localization Algorithm for Automated Visual Inspection, An
* Active Rays: Polar-transformed Active Contours for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Animation System for Biomechanical Analysis of Leg Motion and Predicting Injuries during Cycling, An
* Constant-Time Thresholding on Reconfigurable Mesh
* Digital Image Compression Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Efficient Segmentation and Camera Motion Indexing of Compressed Video
* Fast Frame Type Selection Technique for Very Low Bit Rate Coding using MPEG-1, A
* Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms
* Fast Relative Depth Computation for an Active Stereo Vision System
* Gauss' Law in Image Processing and Analysis via Fast Numerical Calculation of Vector Fields
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Defect Detection
* Image Processing Techniques For Real-Time Qualitative Road Traffic Data Analysis
* IMECO: A Reconfigurable FPGA-based Image Enhancement Co-Processor Framework
* In-Camera Data Stream Processing System for Defect Detection in Web Inspection Tasks, An
* Just-in-time Landmarks Recognition
* Logical Representation of Bincode and its Applications in Manipulating Binary Images, The
* Monitoring Mineral Wool Production Using Real-Time Machine Vision
* New Neural Real-Time Implementation for Obstacle Detection using Linear Stereo Vision, A
* Pose Estimation using Point and Line Correspondences
* Real-Time 3D Motion Tracking with Known Geometric Models
* Real-Time Algorithm for Assessing Inhomogeneities in Fabrics, A
* Real-time Analysis of an IC Wire-bonding Inspection System
* Real-Time Flatness Inspection System for Steel Strip Production Lines
* Real-time Image Analysis System for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders, A
* Real-Time Image Segmentation on a Massively Parallel Architecture, A
* Real-Time Object Specific Recognition via Raster Scan Video Processing
* Video Compression for Remotely Controlled Vehicles
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RealTimeImg(6) * Adaptation of MPEG Video in ATM Networks Using Forward Loss/Error Recovery (FLER) Scheme
* Algorithms for Fractal Image Compression on Massively Parallel SIMD Arrays
* Architectural Issues on Vision-Based Automatic Vehicle Guidance: The Experience of the ARGO Project
* Benchmarking Hough Transform Architectures for Real-Time
* Block-matching algorithm based on an adaptive reduction of the search area for motion estimation
* Cellular Automaton Processor for Line and Corner Detection in Gray-Scale Images, A
* Combination of Local and Global Line Extraction
* Constant-time Algorithm for Erosions/Dilations with Applications to Morphological Texture Feature Computation, A
* Control Mechanisms for Error-Resilient MPEG-2 Video Communications over ATM Networks
* Design of New Optimized Architecture Processor for DWT
* Development of an Automated Image Processing System for Kinematic Analysis of Human Gait
* Effective Image Segmentation with Flexible ICM-Based Markov Random Fields in Distributed Systems of Personal Computers
* Encoding Video Narration as Text
* Facial Motion Analysis for Content-based Video Coding
* Fast Hough Transform for the Parametrisation of Straight Lines using Fourier Methods, A
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Digital Video over Multimedia Networks
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the Hough Transform. Has the Hough Transform Come of Age?
* Hough Array Processing via Fast Multi-Scale Clustering
* Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Model in Fully Parallel Cellular Network Architectures
* Implementation of a 3D Vision System on DSPs TMS320C31
* Implementation of a New Orthogonal Shuffled Block Transform for Image Coding Applications
* Improving the Performance of MPEG Compatible Encoding at Low Bit Rates Using Adaptive Neural Networks
* Interactive Image Morphing on a Single-Chip Multiprocessor using a Multilayered Parallel Image Computing Library
* New Modeling Approach of H.263+ VBR Coded Video Sources in ATM Networks, A
* Nonlinear Rule-based Convolution for Refocusing
* Parallel Pipeline Based Multiprocessor System for Real-Time Measurement of Road Traffic Parameters, A
* Parallel Wavelet Transform over Distributed Computer Network for Real-Time Applications
* Real-Time Camera Calibration for Virtual Studio
* Real-Time Classification of Traffic Signs
* Real-time Defect Inspection of Textured Surfaces
* Real-Time Hough-Based Method for Segment Detection in Complex Multisensor Images, A
* Real-time Visualization of Brain Electrical Activity
* Removal of Grid-Pattern Noise Introduced by M -Channel Subband Image Coding
* Robust Skeletonization through Exact Euclidean Distance Transform and its Application to Neuromorphometry
* Stereo Matching Using Optic Flow
* Time-Gradient Hough Transforms-Constraining Object Identification by Speed of Motion
* Video Summarization Using R-Sequences
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RealTimeImg(7) * 3D Face Modeling from Perspective-Views and Contour-Based Generic-Model
* Application of Distributed Platforms in a Video Surveillance System
* Band Processing Imaging Library for a TriCore-Based Digital Still Camera, A
* Bandwidth Allocation for the Transmission of Scalable MPEG Video Traffic with Deterministic Guarantees
* Contribution to Image and Contours Restoration
* Digital Video and Digital TV: A Comparison and the Future Directions
* Digital Video Sequence Stabilization Based on 2.5D Motion Estimation and Inertial Motion Filtering
* Efficient Algorithms for Overlapping a Sequence of Images
* Efficient Selective Frame Discard Algorithms for Stored Video Delivery Across Resource Constrained Networks
* Error Resilient Two-Layer H.263-based Codecs for ATM Environments
* Fast Algorithm for Local Statistics Calculation for N -Dimensional Images
* Fast Fully Data-Driven Image Restoration by means of Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Fast Parallel Algorithms for a Broad Class of Nonlinear Variational Diffusion Approaches
* Guest Editorial: Adaptive Real-Time Multimedia Transmission over Packet Switching Networks
* Guest Editorial: Fast Energy-Minimization-Based Imaging and Vision Techniques
* Guest Editorial: Video Processing and Communications in Real-Time Surveillance Systems
* Image Analysis for Video Surveillance Based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Model-Based Change Detection
* Improving a Real-Time Neural-Based Stereo Vision System
* Integrated Framework for Efficient Transport of Real-Time MPEG Video over ATM Best Effort Service, An
* Mixed-Signal Architecture for Real-Time Two-Dimensional Live TV Image Restoration
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking with Edge Relaxation and Optimization using Fully Parallel Methods in the Cellular Nonlinear Network Architecture
* New Randomized Algorithm for Detecting Lines, A
* On the Tracking of Articulated and Occluded Video Object Motion
* One-Dimensional Analog VLSI Implementation for Nonlinear Real-Time Signal Preprocessing, A
* Optimal Color Quantization for Real-Time Object Recognition
* Parallel Image Restoration with Domain Decomposition
* PCRTT Enhancement for Off-Line Video Smoothing
* Performance Evaluation Criterion for Characterizing Video-Surveillance Systems
* Pyramid Approach to Motion Tracking, A
* Real-Time Image Analysis Using MIMD Parallel à trous Wavelet Algorithms
* Real-Time Implementation of Nonlinear Unsharp Masking with FPLDs, A
* Real-time Registration of Paper Watermarks
* Real-Time Surveillance System Detecting Persons in Complex Scenes
* Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects Using Fiducials for Augmented Reality
* Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspection
* Sampling Approach to Ultra-fast Object Location, A
* Solving an Inverse Diffusion Problem for Magnetic Resonance Dosimetry by a Fast Regularization Method
* Specialized Hardware for Real-Time Navigation
* Survey of Application Layer Techniques for Adaptive Streaming of Multimedia, A
* Vision-Based Particle Tracking Velocimetry, A
* VLSI Design Methodology for Edge-Preserving Image Reconstruction
* VLSI Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform for Lossless Compression of Medical Images
42 for RealTimeImg(7)

RealTimeImg(8) * Accurate and Real-time Image Processing on a New PC-compatible Board
* Adaptive Management of Video Encoder Complexity
* Adaptive Resolution System for Distributed Surveillance
* Adaptive Two-Stage Edge Detection Scheme for Digital Color Images, An
* Biological Image Restoration in Optical-Sectioning Microscopy Using Prototype Image Constraints
* Colour Mathematical Morphology for Neural Image Analysis
* Comparison of MPEG Domain Elements for Low-Level Shot Boundary Detection
* Congestion Control for Interactive Video-on-Demand over ATM
* Development and Real-Time Implementation of Auto White Balancing Scoring Algorithm
* Efficient Motion Estimation Algorithm for Video Coding Using Kalman Filter, An
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for 2D/3D Panorama Ultrasound Data, A
* Fast Computation of Moments on Compressed Grey Images using Block Representation
* Fast Panoramic Image Mosaicing Using One-dimensional Flow Estimation
* Fast Trellis-Coded Color Quantization of Images
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement using Filtering Techniques
* Gesture-Tracking in Real Time with Dynamic Regional Range Computation
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Digital Video over Multimedia Networks
* Hybrid Approach to the 3D High Precision Position Measurement and Particle Tracking in Human Cell Nuclei, A
* Hybrid Image Alignment System for Fast and Precise Pattern Localization, A
* Interlayer Jitter Index for the Transmission of Layered Video Stream over the Internet
* Investigating Anytime Algorithms for Future Distance Warning Systems
* Joint Source/Channel Coding to Maximize Perceptual Video Quality on Packet Networks
* Multi-Object Tracking in Video
* Multiphoton Imaging of Neurons in Living Tissue: Acquisition and Analysis of Time-Lapse Morphological Data
* Multiresolution-Based Segmentation of Calcifications for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer
* Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Prediction of VBR MPEG Video Sources
* New Approach to Identify Big Rocks with Applications to the Mining Industry, A
* New Approach to Pose Detection using a Trinocular Stereovision System, A
* New FPGA/DSP-Based Parallel Architecture for Real-Time Image Processing, A
* New Motion Estimation Algorithm for Video Coding Using Adaptive Kalman Filter, A
* On-line Object Tracking for Colour Video Analysis
* Progressive Image Transmission in Telemicroscopy: A Quantitative Approach for Electron Microscopy Images of Biological Specimens
* Real Time Image Rotation Using Dynamic Reconfiguration
* Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization Using Kalman Filters
* Real-Time Eye, Gaze, and Face Pose Tracking for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
* Real-Time Implementation of Obstacle Detection Algorithms on a Datacube MaxPCI Architecture
* Real-Time Implementation of the Relative Position Estimation Algorithm Using the Aerial Image Sequence
* Real-Time Stereo within the VIDET Project
* Real-time Sub-pixel Cross Bar Position Metrology
* Real-Time VBR Rate Control of MPEG Video based upon Lexicographic Bit Allocation
* Reconstruction of the Dynamics of Drosophila Genes Expression from Sets of Images Sharing a Common Pattern
* Retrospective on Real-Time Imaging, a New Taxonomy and a Roadmap for the Future, A
* Segmentation of Microarray Images by Mathematical Morphology
* Shape Inspection System for Variable-Luminance Steel Plates with Real-Time Adaptation Capabilities to Luminance Variations
* Shape-Based Features for Cat Ganglion Retinal Cells Classification
* Simulation Toolbox for 3D-FISH Spot-Counting Algorithms
* Special Issue: Imaging In Bioinformatics
* Use of Computer-Aided Screening for Detection of Motility Mutants in Zebrafish Embryos
* User-Oriented QoS Analysis in MPEG-2 Video Delivery
* Wavelet Packet Image Decomposition on MIMD Architectures
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RealTimeImg(9) * Calibrating spectral images using penalized likelihood
* component-based design and compositional verification of a fault-tolerant multimedia communication protocol, A
* Data memory power optimization and performance exploration of embedded systems for implementing motion estimation algorithms
* Development and Real-Time Implementation of a Rule-Based Auto-Focus Algorithm
* Dissimilarity-based classification of spectra: computational issues
* Enhanced multiscale skeletons
* Fast adaptive similarity based impulsive noise reduction filter
* Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Construction of Asymmetrical Reversible Variable Length Codes, A
* Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Issue on Software Engineering of Real-Time Imaging Systems
* High performance 2D parallel block-filtering system for real-time imaging applications using the Sharc ADSP21060
* high-speed subpixel edge detector implementation inside a FPGA, A
* Image-based photo hulls for fast and photo-realistic new view synthesis
* Kalman filter recipes for real-time image processing
* Length-speed ratio (LSR) as a characteristic for moving elements real-time classification
* Leveraging object-orientation for real-time imaging systems
* Linear array processors with multiple access modes memory for real-time image processing
* Low computational cost improvements of the rate-distortion performance in MPEG-2 rate control
* modular and scalable architecture for PC-based real-time vision systems, A
* new approach to optimize bandwidth reservation for real-time video transmission with deterministic guarantees, A
* novel method for detecting lips, eyes and faces in real time, A
* Parallel implementation of exact dilations and multi-scale skeletonization
* Performance of three recursive algorithms for fast space-variant Gaussian filtering
* Real-Time automated visual inspection of color tablets in pharmaceutical blisters
* Real-time classification of polymers with NIR spectral imaging and blob analysis
* Real-time foveation techniques for low bit rate video coding
* Real-time image processing with dynamically reconfigurable architecture
* Real-time iterative framework of regularized image restoration and its application to video enhancement
* Real-time surface inspection by texture
* Real-Time visual attention on a massively parallel SIMD architecture
* review of real-time segmentation of uncompressed video sequences for content-based search and retrieval, A
* Robust digital image watermarking method against geometrical attacks
* Specification of real-time imaging systems using the UML
* Spectral imaging for real-time imaging applications
* SPOT: Development tool for software pipeline optimization for VLIW-DSPs used in real-time image processing
* SVM approximation for real-time image segmentation by using an improved hyperrectangles-based method
* Tomato sorting using independent component analysis on spectral images
* Video analysis of human dynamics: A Survey
* Video object segmentation for head-shoulder sequences in the cellular neural networks architecture
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RealTimeIP( Vol No.) * *Real Time Image Processing

RealTimeIP(1) * Achieving real-time object detection and tracking under extreme conditions
* Adjustable SAD matching algorithm using frequency domain
* Advances in video coding for hand-held device implementation in networked electronic media
* Algorithmic and architectural design for real-time and power-efficient Retinex image/video processing
* Aliasing assessment in wavelength domain of hyperspectral data
* Application of probabilistic imaging techniques to real-time systems
* Application of spectral features' ratios for improving classification in partially calibrated hyperspectral imagery: a case study of separating Mediterranean vegetation species
* Comparative analysis of simple facial features extractors
* Fast cross-spectral image registration using new robust correlation
* FPGA-based architecture for hardware compression/decompression of wide format images
* FPGA-based real-time 3D image preprocessing for image-guided medical interventions
* hardware architecture for real-time image compression using a searchless fractal image coding method, A
* High-speed JPEG coder implementation for a smart camera
* innovative algorithm for key frame extraction in video summarization, An
* Live cell imaging: a computational perspective
* Moving-window discrete Fourier transform
* Performance evaluation of incremental training method for face recognition using PCA
* Real-time 2D-3D filtering using order statistics based algorithms
* Real-time approach for cloth simulation
* Real-time auto white balancing for digital cameras using discrete wavelet transform-based scoring
* Real-time image and video processing in portable and mobile devices
* Real-time machine-vision-based position sensing system for UAV aerial refueling
* Sensor band selection for multispectral imaging via average normalized information
* Single-Sensor Imaging in Consumer Digital Cameras: A Survey of Recent Advances and Future Directions
* Special issue on spectral imaging: Real-time processing of hyperspectral data
* Spectral image processing in real-time
* study on design of object sorting algorithms in the industrial application using hyperspectral imaging, A
* Trends in automated visual inspection
* VLSI architecture for real-time image and video processing systems
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RealTimeIP(10) * adaptive dynamic range compression with local contrast enhancement algorithm for real-time color image enhancement, An
* Adaptive rank weighted switching filter for impulsive noise removal in color images
* Advances in real-time object tracking
* Automated real-time video surveillance summarization framework
* AVScreen: a real-time video augmentation method
* CFA local binary patterns for fast illuminant-invariant color texture classification
* Codebook hardware implementation on FPGA for background subtraction
* Color tracking with contextual switching: Real-time implementation on CPU
* Delayed fusion for real-time vision-aided inertial navigation
* Dense real-time mapping of object-class semantics from RGB-D video
* Design of a shift-and-add based hardware accelerator for color space conversion
* Dynamic approach for real-time skin detection
* effective real-time color quantization method based on divisive hierarchical clustering, An
* Efficient next-best-scan planning for autonomous 3D surface reconstruction of unknown objects
* Efficient stereo vision algorithms for resource-limited systems
* Embedded and real-time architecture for bio-inspired vision-based robot navigation
* embedded architecture for real-time object detection in digital images based on niching particle swarm optimization, An
* Fast computation of polar harmonic transforms
* FPGA based simple and fast JPEG encryptor
* FPGA implementation of facial feature extraction, A
* FPGA-based architecture of DSC-SRI units specially for motion blind ultrasound systems, An
* full linear 3X3 color correction between images, A
* Fuzzy 3D filter for color video sequences contaminated by impulsive noise
* GPU implementation of linear morphological openings with arbitrary angle
* H.264/MVC interleaving for real-time multiview video streaming
* Hierarchical architecture for motion and depth estimations based on color cues
* High dynamic range imaging pipeline on the GPU
* High-efficiency TV video noise reduction through adaptive spatial-temporal frame filtering
* illumination invariant framework for real-time foreground detection, An
* Implementation of a cost-shared transform architecture for multiple video codecs
* Improved number plate character segmentation algorithm and its efficient FPGA implementation
* low-cost vehicle counter for next-generation ITS, A
* Novel Haar features for real-time hand gesture recognition using SVM
* Novel multi-scale retinex with color restoration on graphics processing unit
* Performance analysis of a novel GPU computation-to-core mapping scheme for robust facet image modeling
* Predicting and recognizing human interactions in public spaces
* Real-time 3D semi-local surface patch extraction using GPGPU
* Real-time abnormal situation detection based on particle advection in crowded scenes
* Real-time color image segmentation based on mean shift algorithm using an FPGA
* Real-time extraction of surface patches with associated uncertainties by means of Kinect cameras
* Real-time gradient vector flow on GPUs using OpenCL
* Real-time implementation of morphological filters with polygonal structuring elements
* Real-time implementation of remotely sensed hyperspectral image unmixing on GPUs
* Real-time smart lighting control using human motion tracking from depth camera
* reconfigurable embedded vision system for advanced driver assistance, A
* simple gray-edge automatic white balance method with FPGA implementation, A
* Special issue on real-time color image processing
* Special issue on real-time computer vision in smart cities
* Special issue on robot vision: what is robot vision?
* Speeding up the log-polar transform with inexpensive parallel hardware: graphics units and multi-core architectures
* temporally consistent grid-based visual odometry framework for multi-core architectures, A
* Textured/textureless object recognition and pose estimation using RGB-D image
* Vision-based tracking of a dynamic target with application to multi-axis position control
* Window memoization: toward high-performance image processing software
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RealTimeIP(11) * Accelerating embedded image processing for real time: a case study
* adaptive motion compensation method using superimposed inter-frame signals, An
* Architecture design of the high-throughput compensator and interpolator for the H.265/HEVC encoder
* Buffer structure optimized VLSI architecture for efficient hierarchical integer pixel motion estimation implementation
* Code obfuscation using very long identifiers for FFT motion estimation models in embedded processors
* competitive study of the pseudoflow algorithm for the minimum s-t cut problem in vision applications, A
* computationally efficient technique for real-time detection of particular-slope edges, A
* computationally efficient tracker with direct appearance-kinematic measure and adaptive Kalman filter, A
* efficient hardware implementation of parallel EBCOT algorithm for JPEG 2000, An
* efficient multi-layer reference frame motion estimation for video coding, An
* Exploiting task and data parallelism for advanced video coding on hybrid CPU + GPU platforms
* Fast averaging peer group filter for the impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast image recognition based on n-tuple neural networks implemented in an FPGA
* Fast mode decision algorithm for H.264/SVC enhancement layer
* Fast mode decision based on texture-depth correlation and motion prediction for multiview depth video coding
* Fast retinal vessel analysis
* fast VLSI architecture of a hierarchical block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* fast VLSI architecture of a hierarchical block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* FPGA implementation of a one-bit-per-pixel image registration algorithm, The
* FPGA-based fast computation of gray-level morphological granulometries
* FPGA-DSP co-processing for feature tracking in smart video sensors
* Gentle ICM energy minimization for Markov random fields with smoothness-based priors
* Guest Editorial: Real-time motion estimation for image video processing applications
* hardware/software prototyping system for driving assistance investigations, A
* High frame-rate tracking of multiple color-patterned objects
* High performance architecture for real-time HDTV broadcasting
* High-throughput CAVLC architecture for real-time H.264 coding using reconfigurable devices
* Hybrid 3D-2D human tracking in a top view
* improved algorithm of median flow for visual object tracking and its implementation on ARM platform, An
* Korean-English bilingual videotext recognition for news headline generation based on a split-merge strategy
* Massively parallel Lucas Kanade optical flow for real-time video processing applications
* new fast motion estimation algorithm using fast mode decision for high-efficiency video coding standard, A
* Non-linear diffusion of image noise with minimal iterativity
* novel medical image compression using Ripplet transform, A
* optimized real-time hands gesture recognition based interface for individuals with upper-level spinal cord injuries, An
* Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform
* Performance engineering to achieve real-time high dynamic range imaging
* Performance of dynamic texture segmentation using GPU
* Real time motion estimation using a neural architecture implemented on GPUs
* Real-time camera motion tracking in planar view scenarios
* Real-time HD image distortion correction in heterogeneous parallel computing systems using efficient memory access patterns
* Real-time lane tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter
* Real-time monocular image-based path detection
* Real-time moving object detection algorithm on high-resolution videos using GPUs
* Real-time multi-camera video analytics system on GPU
* Real-time precise detection of regular grids and matrix codes
* Real-time processing for shape-from-focus techniques
* Real-time robust vision-based hand gesture recognition using stereo images
* Real-time speckle image processing
* Real-time velocity measurement to linear motion of a rigid object with monocular image sequence analyses
* Review of stereo vision algorithms and their suitability for resource-limited systems
* robust fuzzy-bilateral filtering method and its application to video deinterlacing, A
* Scalable hardware architecture for disparity map computation and object location in real-time
* Special issue on real-time image and video processing for pattern recognition systems and applications
* Speeding-up homography estimation in mobile devices
* Stabilized active camera tracking system
* survey on real-time motion estimation techniques for underwater robots, A
* Video Extruder: a semi-dense point tracker for extracting beams of trajectories in real time
* Video watermark application for embedding recipient ID in real-time-encoding VoD server
59 for RealTimeIP(11)

RealTimeIP(12) * Accelerated catadioptric omnidirectional view image unwrapping processing using GPU parallelisation
* Adaptive mode decision for multiview video coding based on macroblock position constraint model
* Advanced multimedia service provisioning based on efficient interoperability of adaptive streaming protocol and high efficient video coding
* Algorithm and architecture design of the motion estimation for the H.265/HEVC 4K-UHD encoder
* Automatic reading of domestic electric meter: an intelligent device based on image processing and ZigBee/Ethernet communication
* client-driven media synchronization mechanism for RTP packet-based video streaming, A
* Complexity scalability for real-time HEVC encoders
* Computationally efficient image deblurring using low rank image approximation and its GPU implementation
* DASH-based HEVC multi-view video streaming system, A
* Design a new visual cryptography for human-verifiable authentication in accessing a database
* Design and implementation of a teleconferencing system using improved HEVC coding
* Directional Prediction CamShift algorithm based on Adaptive Search Pattern for moving object tracking
* early split and skip algorithm for fast intra CU selection in HEVC, An
* Effectiveness of power strategies for video applications: A practical study
* Efficient algorithm for transferring a real-time HEVC stream with haptic data through the internet
* efficient delay-constrained ARQ scheme for MMT packet-based real-time video streaming over IP networks, An
* Efficient finite impulse response filters in massively-parallel recursive systems
* Efficient network clustering for traffic reduction in embedded smart camera networks
* Embedded multi-processor system-on-programmable chip for smart camera pose estimation using nonlinear optimization methods
* Encryption algorithm for efficient transmission of HEVC media
* energy-efficient video transport protocol for personal cloud-based computing, An
* Enhanced low-complexity pruning for corner detection
* Entropy difference-based early skip detection technique for high-efficiency video coding
* Fast Algorithms and VLSI Architecture Design for HEVC Intra-Mode Decision
* Fast encoding algorithm for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) system based on spatio-temporal correlation
* Fast Gabor texture feature extraction with separable filters using GPU
* Fast GPU-based denoising filter using isoline levels
* Fast HEVC I-frame coding based on strength of dominant direction of CUs
* Fast intra prediction algorithm based on texture analysis for 3D-HEVC encoders
* Fast motion estimation for HEVC on graphics processing unit (GPU)
* Fast motion estimation using priority-based inter-prediction mode decision method in high efficiency video coding
* Fast prototyping of a SoC-based smart-camera: A real-time fall detection case study
* Fast similarity metric for real-time template-matching applications
* Fast star centroid extraction algorithm with sub-pixel accuracy based on FPGA
* GPU accelerated regional lung air volume measurements from phase contrast X-ray images
* GPU-accelerated level-set segmentation
* GPU-assisted HEVC intra decoder
* hardware centric algorithm for the best matching unit searching stage of the SOM-based quantizer and its FPGA implementation, A
* hardware solution for real-time image acquisition systems based on GigE camera, A
* HDR-ARtiSt: an adaptive real-time smart camera for high dynamic range imaging
* HEVC in wireless environments
* High-level dataflow programming for real-time image processing on smart cameras
* Lightweight real-time error-resilient encoding of visual sensor data
* Low power HEVC software decoder for mobile devices
* Low-complexity heterogeneous architecture for H.264/HEVC video transcoding
* Low-cost dedicated hardware IP modules for background subtraction in embedded vision systems
* Low-energy motion estimation architecture using quadrant-based multi-octagon (QBMO) algorithm
* Multi-camera platform for panoramic real-time HDR video construction and rendering
* Multigrid gradient vector flow computation on the GPU
* multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for image and video compression that requires ten additions only, A
* NEROvideo: a general-purpose CNN-UM video processing system
* OpenCL-based optimization methods for utilizing forward DCT and quantization of image compression on a heterogeneous platform
* optimized stereo vision implementation for embedded systems: application to RGB and infra-red images, An
* Parallelized deblocking filtering of HEVC decoders based on complexity estimation
* Real-time H264/AVC encoder based on enhanced frame level parallelism for smart multicore DSP camera
* Real-time human action recognition based on depth motion maps
* real-time multi-camera vision system for UAV collision warning and navigation, A
* SBRISK: speed-up binary robust invariant scalable keypoints
* scalable H.264/AVC deblocking filter architecture, A
* Special issue on architectures and algorithms of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard for real-time video applications
* Special issue on architectures of smart cameras for real-time applications
* Square-type-first inter-CU tree search algorithm for acceleration of HEVC encoder
* Stochastic stable buffer control for quality-adaptive HEVC video transmission in enterprise WLAN architectures
* study of hardware-friendly methods for gradient domain tone mapping of high dynamic range images, A
64 for RealTimeIP(12)

RealTimeIP(13) * Accelerated liver tumor segmentation in four-phase computed tomography images
* Accurate and efficient shape matching approach using vocabularies of multi-feature space representations
* Adaptive pattern recognition in real-time video-based soccer analysis
* Adequation and hardware implementation of the color structure descriptor for real-time temporal video segmentation
* Architecture-aware optimization of an HEVC decoder on asymmetric multicore processors
* Automated wireless video surveillance: an evaluation framework
* Binocular mobile augmented reality based on stereo camera tracking
* combinational algorithm for connected-component labeling and Euler number computing, A
* Complexity control of HEVC encoders targeting real-time constraints
* Configurable real-time motion estimation for medical imaging: application to X-ray and ultrasound
* CT and MRI image compression using wavelet-based contourlet transform and binary array technique
* DBN wavelet transform denoising method in soybean straw composition based on near-infrared rapid detection
* Editorial: Special issue on real-time processing of medical images
* Efficient DVFS for low power HEVC software decoder
* efficient systolic array grid-based structure of the robust Bayesian regularization technique for real-time enhanced imaging in uncertain remote sensing environment, An
* Embedded architecture for noise-adaptive video object detection using parameter-compressed background modeling
* Energy-aware scheme for the 3D-HEVC depth maps prediction
* Evaluation of real-time LBP computing in multiple architectures
* Fast intra encoding decisions for high efficiency video coding standard
* FestGPU: a framework for fast robust estimation on GPU
* Game theoretic approach for real-time data dissemination and offloading in vehicular ad hoc networks
* GPU implementation of non-local maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising magnetic resonance images
* GPU-accelerated denoising of 3D magnetic resonance images
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Real-Time Perceptual-Inspired Imaging Systems with Computational Science and Aesthetics
* Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for segmentation and object detection with medical image processing applications
* matrix-free approach to efficient affine-linear image registration on CPU and GPU, A
* new method of moving object detection using adaptive filter, A
* optimisation of Gaussian mixture models for integer processing units, An
* Optimization of depth modeling modes in 3D-HEVC depth intra coding
* Perceptually inspired real-time artistic style transfer for video stream
* practical parallel implementation for TDLMS image filter on multi-core processor, A
* QoS optimal real-time video streaming in distributed wireless image-sensing platforms
* Real-time 3D fluid simulation digital art using BCI
* Real-time assessment of bone structure positions via ultrasound imaging
* Real-time camera orientation estimation based on vanishing point tracking under Manhattan World assumption
* Real-time field sports scene classification using colour and frequency space decompositions
* Real-time fingerprint image enhancement with a two-stage algorithm and block-local normalization
* real-time image dehazing method considering dark channel and statistics features, A
* Real-time imaging-based assessment model for improving teaching performance and student experience in e-learning
* real-time near infrared image acquisition system based on image quality assessment, A
* Real-time patch-based medical image modality propagation by GPU computing
* Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
* Real-time scalable hardware architecture for 3D-HEVC bipartition modes
* Real-time tonal depiction method by reaction-diffusion mask
* real-time video denoising algorithm with FPGA implementation for Poisson-Gaussian noise, A
* Real-time video watermarking techniques robust against re-encoding
* Real-time, large-scale duplicate image detection method based on multi-feature fusion
* Real-time, parallel segmentation of high-resolution images on multi-core platforms
* Saliency-weighted graphs for efficient visual content description and their applications in real-time image retrieval systems
* scheme for conditional access-based systems using index locations of DCT coefficients, A
* Semivariogram analysis of bone images implemented on FPGA architectures
* Spatial and temporal pyramid-based real-time gesture recognition
* Special issue on real-time energy-aware circuits and systems for HEVC and for its 3D and SVC extensions
* system-level FPGA design methodology for video applications with weakly-programmable hardware components, A
* Uncertain clustering algorithms based on rough and fuzzy sets for real-time image segmentation
55 for RealTimeIP(13)

RealTimeIP(14) * Accelerated hyperspectral image recursive hierarchical segmentation using GPUs, multicore CPUs, and hybrid CPU/GPU cluster
* Adaptive real-time reversible data hiding for JPEG images
* Bio-inspired heterogeneous architecture for real-time pedestrian detection applications
* Biological modeling of human visual system for object recognition using GLoP filters and sparse coding on multi-manifolds
* Blocking artifact removal using partial overlapping based on exact Legendre moments computation
* Computationally efficient brightness compensation and contrast enhancement for transmissive liquid crystal displays
* Data hiding scheme improving embedding capacity using mixed PVD and LSB on bit plane
* Distributed Kalman filter based on Metropolis-Hastings sampling strategy
* dynamically reconfigurable architecture system for time-varying image constraints (DRASTIC) for motion JPEG, A
* efficient nonlinear approach for removing fixed-value impulse noise from grayscale images, An
* Embedded GPU implementation of sensor correction for on-board real-time stream computing of high-resolution optical satellite imagery
* enhanced threshold visual secret sharing based on random grids, An
* extended analysis of memory hierarchies for efficient implementations of image processing applications, An
* Extended sparse representation-based classification method for face recognition
* Fast and accurate circle tracking using active contour models
* fast deconvolution-based approach for single-image super-resolution with GPU acceleration, A
* Fast dimensionality reduction and classification of hyperspectral images with extreme learning machines
* Fast hyperspectral band selection based on spatial feature extraction
* Fast J-linkage algorithm for camera orientation applications
* flexible mixed-signal image processing pipeline using 3D chip stacks, A
* FPGA implementation of collaborative representation algorithm for real-time hyperspectral target detection
* FPGA implementation of semi-fragile reversible watermarking by histogram bin shifting in real time
* GLSC: LSC superpixels at over 130 FPS
* GPU deformable part model for object recognition
* GPU implementation of RX detection using spectral derivative features
* GPU parallel implementation of the new hybrid binarization based on Kmeans method (HBK)
* GPU-based fast hyperspectral image classification using joint sparse representation with spectral consistency constraint
* GPU-based real-time RGBD data filtering
* GPU-based segmentation of retinal blood vessels
* GPU-parallel interpolation using the edge-direction based normal vector method for terrain triangular mesh
* hardware-efficient parallel architecture for real-time blob analysis based on run-length code, A
* Hierarchical convolutional features for end-to-end representation-based visual tracking
* High-capacity reversible data hiding method using block expansion in digital images
* High-level synthesis for FPGAs: code optimization strategies for real-time image processing
* Highly accurate real-time image steganalysis based on GPU
* Highly efficient image registration for embedded systems using a distributed multicore DSP architecture
* Interactive 3D object recognition pipeline on mobile GPGPU computing platforms using low-cost RGB-D sensors
* IPAS: a design framework for analysis, synthesis and optimization of image processing applications for heterogenous computing architectures
* Lossless data hiding for absolute moment block truncation coding using histogram modification
* Low-complexity inter-layer residual prediction for scalable video coding
* Machine learning for big visual analysis
* Multitask learning for neural generative question answering
* novel global methodology to analyze the embeddability of real-time image processing algorithms, A
* novel mapping-based lossless recovery algorithm for VSS, A
* Novel Two-in-One Image Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Perfect Black Visual Cryptography, A
* Panchromatic and multi-spectral image fusion for new satellites based on multi-channel deep model
* Parallel real-time virtual dimensionality estimation for hyperspectral images
* Parallel supervised land-cover classification system for hyperspectral and multispectral images
* Parallelization strategies for markerless human motion capture
* Participants increasing for threshold random grids-based visual secret sharing
* Person re-identification by discriminant analytical least squares metric learning
* Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar image segmentation by convolutional neural network using graphical processing units
* Portable real-time DCT-based steganography using OpenCL
* pre-processing scheme for real-time registration of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images, A
* Rank-sparsity balanced representation for subspace clustering
* Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
* Real-time deep satellite image quality assessment
* Real-time enhancement of sparse 3D maps using a parallel segmentation scheme based on superpixels
* Real-time image recognition using weighted spatial pyramid networks
* real-time implementation of SIFT using GPU, A
* Real-time multi-resolution edge detection with pattern analysis on graphics processing unit
* real-time secret image sharing with fairness, A
* Real-time stereo to multi-view conversion system based on adaptive meshing
* real-time unsupervised background extraction-based target detection method for hyperspectral imagery, A
* real-time, power-efficient architecture for mean-shift image segmentation, A
* Realtime multi-aircraft tracking in aerial scene with deep orientation network
* Reference frame context-adaptive variable-length coder: a real-time hardware-friendly approach for lossless external memory bandwidth reduction in current video-coding systems
* Reversible data hiding scheme with edge-direction predictor and modulo operation
* Robust feature extraction algorithm suitable for real-time embedded applications
* Robust feature matching via Gaussian field criterion for remote sensing image registration
* Robust kernelized correlation filter with scale adaption for real-time single object tracking
* Secure medical images based on data hiding using a hybrid scheme with the Hamming code, LSB, and OPAP
* Separable reversible data hiding and encryption for HEVC video
* Sequential Multiple LSB methods and real-time data hiding: variations for Visual Cryptography ciphers
* Special issue on advances in real-time image processing for remote sensing
* Special issue on advances on smart camera architectures for real-time image processing
* Special issue on heterogeneous real-time image processing
* Special Issue: Real-Time Data Hiding and Visual Cryptography
* Study of infrared reflection characteristics of aerial target using MODIS data on GPU
* Suitability of GPUs for real-time control of large astronomical adaptive optics instruments
* suite of parallel algorithms for efficient band selection from hyperspectral images, A
* Toward a smart camera for fast high-level structure extraction
* Two Zero-Watermark methods for XML documents
* Two-stream person re-identification with multi-task deep neural networks
* Video-rate calculation of depth from defocus on a FPGA
* Visual odometry based on the Fourier transform using a monocular ground-facing camera
* Visual secret sharing scheme for (k, n) threshold based on QR code with multiple decryptions
* VLSI implementation of an ultra-low-cost and low-power image compressor for wireless camera networks
88 for RealTimeIP(14)

RealTimeIP(15) * Accelerated image factorization based on improved NMF algorithm
* Boundary correlation-based intracoding for SHVC algorithm and its efficient VLSI architecture
* Component interconnect and data access interface for embedded vision applications
* Design and evaluation of a parallel and optimized light-tissue interaction-based method for fast skin lesion assessment
* Efficient computation of cross-sections from human brain model by geometric processing
* Efficient registration of 2D points to CAD models for real-time applications
* fast algorithm for integrating connected-component labeling and euler number computation, A
* fast and robust homography scheme for real-time planar target detection, A
* Flexible architectures for retinal blood vessel segmentation in high-resolution fundus images
* FPGA implementation for real-time edge detection, An
* Hardware implementation and validation of a traffic road sign detection and identification system
* Hardware implementation-oriented fast intra-coding based on downsampling information for HEVC
* Heterogeneous SoC-based acceleration of MPEG-7 compliance image retrieval process
* linked list run-length-based single-pass connected component analysis for real-time embedded hardware, A
* low energy adaptive motion estimation hardware for H.264 multiview video coding, A
* low energy intra prediction hardware for high efficiency video coding, A
* Morphological co-processing unit for embedded devices
* multi-agent-based approach for fuzzy clustering of large image data, A
* New access modes of parallel memory subsystem for sub-pixel motion estimation
* novel FPGA-based architecture for the estimation of the virtual dimensionality in remotely sensed hyperspectral images, A
* Object tracking by mean shift and radial basis function neural networks
* On-chip real-time feature extraction using semantic annotations for object recognition
* Optimization of minimum volume constrained hyperspectral image unmixing on CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform
* Optimizing memory bandwidth exploitation for OpenVX applications on embedded many-core accelerators
* parallel LEGION algorithm and cell-based architecture for real time split and merge video segmentation, A
* Parallel Light Speed Labeling: an efficient connected component algorithm for labeling and analysis on multi-core processors
* Performance evaluation of a 3D multi-view-based particle filter for visual object tracking using GPUs and multicore CPUs
* Real-time correction of panoramic images using hyperbolic Möbius transformations
* Real-time hardware-software embedded vision system for ITS smart camera implemented in Zynq SoC
* Special issue: Design and architectures for real-time signal and image processing
* Super-resolution with selective filter based on adaptive window and variable macro-block size
* Three-level pipelined multi-resolution integer motion estimation engine with optimized reference data sharing search for AVS
* Vectorization and parallelization of 2-D wavelet lifting
33 for RealTimeIP(15)

RealTimeIP(16) * Accelerated parametric chamfer alignment using a parallel, pipelined GPU realization
* Accelerating block-matching and 3D filtering method for image denoising on GPUs
* Acceleration of simple linear iterative clustering using early candidate cluster exclusion
* Acceleration techniques and evaluation on multi-core CPU, GPU and FPGA for image processing and super-resolution
* accurate and real-time multi-view face detector using ORFs and doubly domain-partitioning classifier, An
* Adaptive error prediction method based on multiple linear regression for reversible data hiding
* adaptive high-throughput edge detection filtering system using dynamic partial reconfiguration, An
* algorithm and VLSI architecture of a high efficient motion estimation with adaptive search range for HEVC systems, The
* Analog signal processing solution for machine vision applications
* approach to detect video frame deletion under anti-forensics, An
* Approximate computing for onboard anomaly detection from hyperspectral images
* Architecture for parallel marker-free variable length streams decoding
* code division multiplexing and block classification-based real-time reversible data-hiding algorithm for medical images, A
* Compressed dynamic mode decomposition for background modeling
* Compressive sensing for images using a variant of Toeplitz matrix for wireless sensor networks
* Consensus-based trajectory estimation for ball detection in calibrated cameras systems
* context-adaptive fast intra coding algorithm of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC), A
* Context-based image acquisition from memory in digital systems
* Data-path unrolling with logic folding for area-time-efficient FPGA-based FAST corner detector
* Deep neural networks for efficient steganographic payload location
* Deepgender: real-time gender classification using deep learning for smartphones
* Design and implementation of a highly efficient fractional motion estimation for the HEVC encoder
* Design and implementation of an efficient hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder
* DS-KCF: a real-time tracker for RGB-D data
* Dual-dissimilarity measure-based statistical video cut detection
* Dynamic multi-watermarking and detecting in DWT domain
* efficient and compact row buffer architecture on FPGA for real-time neighbourhood image processing, An
* efficient edge detection algorithm for fast intra-coding for 3D video extension of HEVC, An
* Efficient halftone image steganography based on dispersion degree optimization
* Efficient hardware implementation strategy for local normalization of fingerprint images
* efficient hardware solution for 3D-HEVC intra-prediction, An
* Efficient image compression based on side match vector quantization and digital inpainting
* Efficient image encryption and compression based on a VAE generative model
* Efficient multiview video plus depth coding for 3D-HEVC based on complexity classification of the treeblock
* Efficient parallelization on GPU of an image smoothing method based on a variational model
* efficient pass-parallel architecture for embedded block coder in JPEG 2000, An
* Efficient reference frame compression scheme for video coding systems: algorithm and VLSI design
* Efficient stego key recovery based on distribution differences of extracting message bits
* Efficient tree construction for multiscale image representation and processing
* efficient two-scan algorithm for computing basic shape features of objects in a binary image, An
* Efficient velocity estimation for MAVs by fusing motion from two frontally parallel cameras
* Embedded processing methods for online visual analysis of laser welding
* Energy-aware cache hierarchy assessment targeting HEVC encoder execution
* Energy-efficient image compression algorithm for high-frame rate multi-view wireless capsule endoscopy
* Enhanced inter-mode decision algorithm for HEVC/H.265 video coding
* enhanced SURF algorithm based on new interest point detection procedure and fast computation technique, An
* Entire frame image display employing monotonic convergent nonnegative matrix factorization
* evaluation of real-time RGB-D visual odometry algorithms on mobile devices, An
* Exact window memoization: an optimization method for high-performance image processing
* Exploiting error control in matrix coding-based data hiding over lossy channel
* Fast adaptive switching technique of impulsive noise removal in color images
* fast coding method for distortion-free data hiding in high dynamic range image, A
* Fast computation of 2D and 3D Legendre moments using multi-core CPUs and GPU parallel architectures
* Fast CU size and prediction mode decision algorithm for HEVC based on direction variance
* Fast FPGA prototyping for real-time image processing with very high-level synthesis
* Fast mode decision and early termination based on perceptual visual quality for HEVC encoders
* fast single-image super-resolution method implemented with CUDA, A
* Fast spatio-temporal digital paths video filter
* Fast total least squares vectorization
* Fast turtle shell-based data embedding mechanisms with good visual quality
* Faster and transferable deep learning steganalysis on GPU
* FPGA 2D-convolution unit based on the CAPH language, An
* FPGA implementation of a maximum simplex volume algorithm for endmember extraction from remotely sensed hyperspectral images
* FPGA implementation of a tone mapping algorithm with a halo-reducing filter, An
* FPGA implementation of an adaptive window size image impulse noise suppression system
* FPGA implementation of an efficient similarity-based adaptive window algorithm for real-time stereo matching
* FPGA implementation of cost-effective robust Canny edge detection algorithm
* FPGA implementation of the principal component analysis algorithm for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images
* FPGA-based accurate star segmentation with moon interference
* FPGA-based Auxiliary Minutest MQ-coder architecture of JPEG2000
* FPGA-based low-complexity high-throughput real-time hardware accelerator for robust watermarking
* framework for accelerating local feature extraction with OpenCL on multi-core CPUs and co-processors, A
* fully pipelined and parallel hardware architecture for real-time BRISK salient point extraction, A
* Generalized N-way iterative scanline fill algorithm for real-time applications
* GPU-based elastic shape registration approach in implicit spaces, A
* Hardware accelerator IP cores for real time Radar and camera-based ADAS
* HD number plate localization and character segmentation on the Zynq heterogeneous SoC
* Heterogeneous CPU-GPU tracking-learning-detection (H-TLD) for real-time object tracking
* HEVC early termination methods for optimal CU decision utilizing encoding residual information
* HEVC early termination methods for optimal CU decision utilizing encoding residual information
* Hierarchical stack filtering: a bitplane-based algorithm for massively parallel processors
* High speed on-chip multiple cosine transform generator
* High-speed video haze removal algorithm for embedded systems
* High-speed video haze removal algorithm for embedded systems
* High-throughput and power-efficient hardware design for a multiple video coding standard sample interpolator
* High-throughput parallel DWT hardware architecture implemented on an FPGA-based platform
* Implementing real-time RCF-Retinex image enhancement method using CUDA
* Implementing textural features on GPUs for improved real-time pavement distress detection
* Improved reversible data hiding based on PVO and adaptive pairwise embedding
* Interactive GPU active contours for segmenting inhomogeneous objects
* Kernel design for real-time denoising implementation in low-resolution images
* kernel-based method for fast and accurate computation of PHT in polar coordinates, A
* LAMB-DASH: a DASH-HEVC adaptive streaming algorithm in a sharing bandwidth environment for heterogeneous contents and dynamic connections in practice
* low-complexity MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC wavefront intra-frame transcoder architecture, A
* Modified Viola-Jones algorithm with GPU accelerated training and parallelized skin color filtering-based face detection
* MRI denoising by nonlocal means on multi-GPU
* multi-FPGA architecture-based real-time TFM ultrasound imaging, A
* multi-purpose image forensic method using densely connected convolutional neural networks, A
* Multimodal background subtraction for high-performance embedded systems
* Multiprocessor architecture for real-time applications using mean shift clustering
* new approach with enhanced accuracy in zero motion prejudgment for motion estimation in real-time applications, A
* Novel one-dimensional and two-dimensional forward discrete wavelet transform 5/3 filter architectures for efficient hardware implementation
* On predicting the HEVC intra quad-tree partitioning with tunable energy and rate-distortion
* On the design of optimal 2D filters for efficient hardware implementations of image processing algorithms by using power-of-two terms
* Overlapping pixel value ordering predictor for high-capacity reversible data hiding
* Overview and evaluation of the JPEG XT HDR image compression standard
* Overview of efficient high-quality state-of-the-art depth enhancement methods by thorough design space exploration
* Parallel BRDF-based infrared radiation simulation of aerial targets implemented on Intel Xeon processor and Xeon Phi coprocessor
* Parallel hybrid bispectrum-multi-frame blind deconvolution image reconstruction technique
* Parallel refinement of slanted 3D reconstruction using dense stereo induced from symmetry
* Parallel wavelet schemes for images
* Park marking-based vehicle self-localization with a fisheye topview system
* Partially shaded sketch-based image search in real mobile device environments via sketch-oriented compact neural codes
* Privacy protection based on binary fingerprint compression
* Progressive line processing of global and local real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images
* Prospects for live higher resolution video streaming to mobile devices: achievable quality across wireless links
* Real time security framework for detecting abnormal events at ATM installations
* Real-time adaptive visual secret sharing with reversibility and high capacity
* Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
* Real-time demosaicking method based on mixed color channel correlation
* Real-time detecting one specific tampering operation in multiple operator chains
* real-time dual-image-based reversible data hiding scheme using turtle shells, A
* Real-time embedded system for traffic sign recognition based on ZedBoard
* real-time fuzzy morphological algorithm for retinal vessel segmentation, A
* Real-time haze removal in monocular images using locally adaptive processing
* Real-time identification of pedestrian meeting and split events from surveillance videos using motion similarity and its applications
* Real-time illumination and shadow invariant lane detection on mobile platform
* Real-time implementation of an adaptive simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm on a GPU
* Real-time multi-class object detection using two-dimensional index
* Real-time multi-scale parallel compressive tracking
* Real-time multitarget tracking for sensor-based sorting
* Real-time optical flow-based video stabilization for unmanned aerial vehicles
* Real-time raindrop detection based on cellular neural networks for ADAS
* Real-time rate distortion-optimized image compression with region of interest on the ARM architecture for underwater robotics applications
* Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histogram Modification
* Real-time reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on hybrid embedding mechanism
* Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding with Shifting Block Histogram of Pixel Differences in Encrypted Image
* Real-time scene reconstruction and triangle mesh generation using multiple RGB-D cameras
* Real-time smart and standalone vision/IMU navigation sensor
* Real-time vehicle type classification with deep convolutional neural networks
* Real-time video denoising on multicores and GPUs with Kalman-based and Bilateral filters fusion
* Real-time, large-scale duplicate image detection method based on multi-feature fusion
* Realization of CUDA-based real-time registration and target localization for high-resolution video images
* Robust information fusion in the DOHT paradigm for real-time action detection
* Robust real-time image encryption with aperiodic chaotic map and random-cycling bit shift
* Search range reduction for uni-prediction and bi-prediction in HEVC
* Self adaptable high throughput reconfigurable bilateral filter architectures for real-time image de-noising
* single-cycle parallel multi-slice connected components analysis hardware architecture, A
* Software pipelining with CGA and proposed intrinsics on a reconfigurable processor for HEVC decoders
* Special issue on real-time image and video processing in mobile embedded systems
* Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensics in cloud computing
* Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensics in cloud computing
* Speeding up spatiotemporal feature extraction using GPU
* SuperBE: computationally light background estimation with superpixels
* Techniques of medical image processing and analysis accelerated by high-performance computing: a systematic literature review
* templated programmable architecture for highly constrained embedded HD video processing, A
* Tile-level rate control for tile-parallelization HEVC encoders
* Time-based feedback-control framework for real-time video surveillance systems with utilization control
* unified architecture for fast HEVC intra-prediction coding, A
* Video similarity detection using fixed-length Statistical Dominant Colour Profile (SDCP) signatures
* VLSI implementation of anisotropic probabilistic neural network for real-time image scaling
161 for RealTimeIP(16)

RealTimeIP(17) * Accelerating kernel classifiers through borders mapping
* Algorithm optimization and hardware implementation for Merge mode in HEVC
* All-hardware SIFT implementation for real-time VGA images feature extraction
* Application of deep learning model based on image definition in real-time digital image fusion
* Color HDR video processing architecture for smart camera
* Convolution neural network joint with mixture of extreme learning machines for feature extraction and classification of accident images
* Coverless real-time image information hiding based on image block matching and dense convolutional network
* Deep learning for real-time image steganalysis: a survey
* Deep learning-based real-time VPN encrypted traffic identification methods
* Efficient approximate core transform and its reconfigurable architectures for HEVC
* Efficient binary image steganalysis based on ensemble neural network of multi-module
* Enhanced multicore-manycore interaction in high-performance video encoding
* Enhancing reliability and efficiency for real-time robust adaptive steganography using cyclic redundancy check codes
* Exploiting architectural features of a computer vision platform towards reducing memory stalls
* Fast 3D image reconstruction by cuboids and 3D Charlier's moments
* Fast and accurate line detection with GPU-based least median of squares
* Fast background removal of JPEG images based on HSV polygonal cuts for a foot scanner device
* Fast CU partition-based machine learning approach for reducing HEVC complexity
* Fast deep neural networks for image processing using posits and ARM scalable vector extension
* Fast guided filter for power-efficient real-time 1080p streaming video processing
* fast image dehazing method that does not introduce color artifacts, A
* Fast intra coding unit partition decision in H.266/FVC based on spatial features
* Fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding based on texture partition and direction
* Fast parallel blur detection on GPU
* Fast restoration of geometric details of automobile castings scanned by RGB-D sensor
* Fast video encoding based on random forests
* FPGA accelerator for PatchMatch multi-view stereo using OpenCL, An
* FPGA Implementation of Optimized Karhunen-Loeve Transform for Image Processing Applications
* Generation of differential topographic images for surface inspection of long products
* GPU-accelerated 2D OTSU and 2D entropy-based thresholding
* Hierarchical prediction-based motion vector refinement for video frame-rate up-conversion
* high-dynamic range CMOS camera based on dual-gain channels, A
* Highly parallel steered mixture-of-experts rendering at pixel-level for image and light field data
* HW/SW co-design of a visual SLAM application
* Image analyzer for stereoscopic camera rig alignment
* improvement of multi-scale covariance descriptor for embedded system, An
* In-loop perceptual model-based rate-distortion optimization for HEVC real-time encoder
* intelligent video analytics model for abnormal event detection in online surveillance video, An
* Introduction to the special issue on deep learning for real-time information hiding and forensics
* Knowledge-based automatic extraction of multi-structured light stripes
* low-latency DMM-1 encoder for 3D-HEVC, A
* Multi-level complexity reduction for HEVC multiview coding
* Multi-level feature fusion model-based real-time person re-identification for forensics
* Multimodal image feature detection with ROI-based optimization for image registration
* No-reference real-time video transmission artifact detection for video signals
* Non-aligned double JPEG compression detection based on refined Markov features in QDCT domain
* Online action recognition from RGB-D cameras based on reduced basis decomposition
* Parallel binocular stereo-vision-based GPU accelerated pedestrian detection and distance computation
* Parallel computation of Watershed Transform in weighted graphs on shared memory machines
* Parallelism exploration for 3D high-efficiency video coding depth modeling mode one
* Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart city application on FPGAs
* Performance optimization of rotation-tolerant Viola-Jones-based blackbird detection
* privacy-preserving image retrieval method based on deep learning and adaptive weighted fusion, A
* Real-time attacks on robust watermarking tools in the wild by CNN
* Real-time drogue detection and template tracking strategy for autonomous aerial refueling
* Real-time estimation for the parameters of Gaussian filtering via deep learning
* Real-time human cross-race aging-related face appearance detection with deep convolution architecture
* Real-time image carrier generation based on generative adversarial network and fast object detection
* real-time image forensics scheme based on multi-domain learning, A
* Real-time impulse noise removal
* real-time reversible image authentication method using uniform embedding strategy, A
* Real-time shadow detection using multi-channel binarization and noise removal
* real-time typhoon eye detection method based on deep learning for meteorological information forensics, A
* Real-time ultrasound image reconstruction as an inverse problem on a GPU
* Realization of CUDA-based real-time multi-camera visual SLAM in embedded systems
* Reconstruction of 3D human motion in real-time using particle swarm optimization with GPU-accelerated fitness function
* Reduction of intra-coding time for HEVC based on temporary direction map
* Secure real-time image protection scheme with near-duplicate detection in cloud computing
* Security of MVD-based 3D video in 3D-HEVC using data hiding and encryption
* Self-tuning fast adaptive algorithm for impulsive noise suppression in color images
* Semi-supervised stacked autoencoder-based deep hierarchical semantic feature for real-time fingerprint liveness detection
* Smoke vehicle detection based on multi-feature fusion and hidden Markov model
* Stereo vision architecture for heterogeneous systems-on-chip
* Toward reliable experiments on the performance of Connected Components Labeling algorithms
* two-stage method to improve the quality of quantized images, A
76 for RealTimeIP(17)

RealTimeIP(2) * Architecture and design of an embeddable system for SCAN-based compression, encryption and information hiding
* Change-driven data flow image processing architecture for optical flow computation
* Dynamo: a runtime partitioning system for FPGA-based HW/SW image processing systems
* Editorial for the special issue on markerless real-time tracking for augmented reality image synthesis
* Efficient and robust shot change detection
* Extraction of 3D freeform surfaces as visual landmarks for real-time tracking
* FPGA implementation of real-time K-means clustering for color images, An
* FPGA-based accelerator for Fourier Descriptors computing for color object recognition using SVM, An
* FPGA-based architecture for a local tone-mapping operator, An
* hierarchical pipelining architecture and FPGA implementation for lifting-based 2-D DWT, A
* High performance FPGA-based image correlation
* low-power wireless video sensor node for distributed object detection, A
* MATRIS project: real-time markerless camera tracking for Augmented Reality and broadcast applications, The
* new fast reversible method for image safe transfer, A
* Real time 3D face and facial feature tracking
* Real-time 2D to 3D video conversion
* Real-time camera tracking using sports pitch markings
* Real-time hardware acceleration of the trace transform
* Real-time image segmentation based on a parallel and pipelined watershed algorithm
* Real-time predictive zoom tracking for digital still cameras
* Real-time stabilization of long range observation system turbulent video
* Real-time view-based pose recognition and interpolation for tracking initialization
* Real-time vision-based tracking and reconstruction
* Reconfigurable architectures and processors for real-time video motion estimation
* Robust GPU-assisted camera tracking using free-form surface models
* Robust real-time tracking by fusing measurements from inertial and vision sensors
* Special issue on Field-Programmable Technology
* wavelet-VQ system for real-time video compression, A
28 for RealTimeIP(2)

RealTimeIP(3) * architecture based on reconfigurability and asynchronism for real-time image processing, An
* ASIP-based reconfigurable architectures for power-efficient and real-time image/video processing
* Automatic Gender Recognition Based on Pixel-Pattern-Based Texture Feature
* Automation techniques for implementation of hybrid wave-pipelined 2D DWT
* coarse-grain reconfigurable architecture for multimedia applications featuring subword computation capabilities, A
* Color image segmentation in HSI space for automotive applications
* Custom parallel caching schemes for hardware-accelerated image compression
* Efficient high-performance implementation of JPEG-LS encoder
* efficient VLSI architecture and FPGA implementation of the Finite Ridgelet Transform, An
* Fast computation of accurate Zernike moments
* fast feature-assisted adaptive early termination approach for multiple reference frames motion estimation in H.264, A
* Fast mode decision on H.264/AVC baseline profile for real-time performance
* Fast Zernike moments
* FPGA implementation of a real-time biologically inspired image enhancement algorithm
* FPGA-based minutia matching for biometric fingerprint image database retrieval
* Implementation and analysis of optimized architectures for rank order filter
* line segment table: a fast region description algorithm, The
* MinGPU: a minimum GPU library for computer vision
* Model-based mapping of reconfigurable image registration on FPGA platforms
* Multiple parallel FPGA implementations of a Kolmogorov phase screen generator
* real-time H.264/AVC VLSI encoder architecture, A
* Real-time human action recognition on an embedded, reconfigurable video processing architecture
* real-time motion estimation FPGA architecture, A
* Real-time object recognition using local features on a DSP-based embedded system
* Reconfigurable computing: design methodology and hardware tasks scheduling for real-time image processing
* Special issue on reconfigurable architecture for real-time image processing
26 for RealTimeIP(3)

RealTimeIP(4) * Accelerating the multiple reference frames compensation in the H.264 video coder
* Adaptive real-time image processing exploiting two dimensional reconfigurable architecture
* Agent-based reconfigurable architecture for real-time object tracking
* Architecture of an application-specific processor for real-time implementation of H.264/AVC sub-pixel interpolation
* Convex regularization-based hardware/software co-design for real-time enhancement of remote sensing imagery
* Designing a novel high-performance FPGA architecture for data intensive applications
* Fast adaptive termination mode selection for H.264 scalable video coding
* Fast and accurate extraction of moving object silhouette for personalized Virtual Reality Studio @ Home
* Fast damage mapping in case of earthquakes using multitemporal SAR data
* Fast real-time onboard processing of hyperspectral imagery for detection and classification
* HDS, a real-time multi-DSP motion estimator for MPEG-4 H.264 AVC high definition video encoding
* High performance motion detection: Some trends toward new embedded architectures for vision systems
* improved rate control algorithm based on a novel shot detection scheme for the H.264/AVC standard, An
* Low-complexity quantization for H.264/AVC
* Memory and architectural optimizations for soft video encoders
* Motion-compensated temporal filtering with optimized motion estimation
* Near real-time parallel processing and advanced data management of SAR images in grid environments
* Near real-time SAR-based processing to support flood monitoring
* new software/hardware architecture for real time image processing of wide area airborne camera images, A
* Optical flow approximation based motion object extraction for MPEG-2 video stream
* Real time data hiding by exploiting the IPCM macroblocks in H.264/AVC streams
* Real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images using multivariate normal mixture models and GPU processing
* Real-time error concealing bitstream adaptation methods for SVC in IPTV systems
* Real-time interactive regions of interest in H.264/AVC
* Real-time scratching behavior quantification system for laboratory mice using high-speed vision
* Reconfigurable processing for satellite on-board automatic cloud cover assessment
* Sorting of rice grains using Zernike moments
* Special issue on architectures and techniques for real-time processing of remotely sensed images
* Variable frame rate control jerkiness-driven
29 for RealTimeIP(4)

RealTimeIP(5) * Aligning windows of live video from an imprecise pan-tilt-zoom camera into a remote panoramic display for remote nature observation
* Cascaded online boosting
* DCT-domain coder for digital video applications
* Embedded hardware low cost JPEG 2000 video coding system: Hardware coder for surveillance type videos
* Fast computation of pseudo Zernike moments
* Guest editorial of the special issue on improving display and rendering technologies for virtual environments
* Guest editorial of the special issue on real-time vision-based motion analysis and intelligent transportation systems
* haptic-based immersive environment for shape analysis and modelling, An
* Human posture recognition for intelligent vehicles
* IMMIView: a multi-user solution for design review in real-time
* Infrared target-flare discrimination using a ZISC hardware neural network
* Integrated video motion estimator with Retinex-like pre-processing for robust motion analysis in automotive scenarios: algorithmic and real-time architecture design
* Low bit depth representation motion estimation algorithms: a comparative study
* Network-driven low complexity coding for wireless multi-view video system
* Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated correlation of images from the International Space Station
* Real-time compression architecture for efficient coding in autostereoscopic displays
* real-time low-cost marker-based multiple camera tracking solution for virtual reality applications, A
* Real-time optical markerless tracking for augmented reality applications
* SEMARTCam scheduler: semantics driven real-time data collection from indoor camera networks to maximize event detection
* Third issue of Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, volume 5
* two-level real-time vision machine combining coarse- and fine-grained parallelism, A
* Variational optic flow on the Sony PlayStation 3: Accurate dense flow fields for real-time applications
* Window memoization: an efficient hardware architecture for high-performance image processing
23 for RealTimeIP(5)

RealTimeIP(6) * Bayesian real-time perception algorithms on GPU: Real-time implementation of Bayesian models for multimodal perception using CUDA
* co-processed contour tracing algorithm for a smart camera, A
* Correlation analysis on GPU systems using NVIDIA™s CUDA
* eISP low-power and tiny silicon footprint programmable video architecture, The
* Embedding of a real time image stabilization algorithm on a parameterizable SoPC architecture a chip multi-processor approach
* Estimation of motion vector parameter using hexagon-diamond search algorithm
* Fast computation methods for estimation of image spatial entropy
* Fast computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments in polar coordinates
* Fast structural similarity index algorithm
* generic and parallel algorithm for 2D digital curve polygonal approximation, A
* Interactive region of interest scalability for wavelet based scalable video coder
* Journal of real-time image processing: second issue of volume 6
* Light speed labeling: efficient connected component labeling on RISC architectures
* LLVM-based and scalable MPEG-RVC decoder
* Parallel implementation of a spatio-temporal visual saliency model
* Parameterized real-time moment computation on gray images using block techniques
* Perceptually tuned subband coder for JPEG
* portable medical system using real-time streaming transport over 3G wireless networks, A
* Real time ultrasound image denoising
* real-time framework for eye detection and tracking, A
* real-time fuzzy hardware structure for disparity map computation, A
* Real-time medical video processing, enabled by hardware accelerated correlations
* Real-time object detection on CUDA
* real-time streaming server in the RTLinux environment using VideoLanClient, A
* Special issue (part II) on parallel computing for real-time image processing
* Special issue on parallel computing for real-time image processing
* Utilization of a rational-based representation to improve the image quality of a hardware-based K-SOM quantizer
27 for RealTimeIP(6)

RealTimeIP(7) * 2D wavelet transform on emerging architectures: GPUs and multicores, The
* Efficient FPGA implementation of homodyne-based time-of-flight range imaging
* Exploration of 3D grid caching strategies for ray-shooting
* Fast buffering for FPGA implementation of vision-based object recognition systems
* High-resolution, real-time 3D imaging with fringe analysis
* new parallel particle filter face tracking method based on heterogeneous system, A
* On the fast computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments with improved numerical stability
* optimal time-space algorithm for dense stereo matching, An
* Prediction mode modulated data-hiding algorithm for H.264/AVC
* Real-time and low-power processing of 3D direct/inverse discrete cosine transform for low-complexity video codec
* Real-time computation of disparity for hand-pair gesture recognition using a stereo webcam
* Real-time detection of colored objects in multiple camera streams with off-the-shelf hardware components
* Real-time disparity map computation using the cell broadband engine
* Real-time dynamic tone-mapping operator on GPU
* Real-time GPU color-based segmentation of football players
* Real-time H.264/AVC baseline decoder implementation on TMS320C6416
* Real-time N-finder processing algorithms for hyperspectral imagery
* Real-time PCA calculation for spectral imaging (using SIMD and GP-GPU)
* secure wavelet transform, The
* Special issue (part III) on parallel computing for real-time image processing
* Special issue on real-time 3D imaging and processing
* Task complexity analysis and QoS management for mapping dynamic video-processing tasks on a multi-core platform
* Wireless transmission of HD video using H.264 compression over UWB channel
23 for RealTimeIP(7)

RealTimeIP(8) * 500-fps face tracking system
* Accelerated image resampling for geometry correction
* Comparitive study on photometric normalization algorithms for an innovative, robust and real-time eye gaze tracker
* Complexity-aware algorithm architecture for real-time enhancement of local anomalies in hyperspectral images
* Efficient hardware implementation of 8X8 integer cosine transforms for multiple video codecs
* Fast implementation of dense stereo vision algorithms on a highly parallel SIMD architecture
* Fast recursive grayscale morphology operators: From the algorithm to the pipeline architecture
* flexible FPGA implementation for illuminance-reflectance video enhancement, A
* FPGA implementation of the JPEG2000 binary arithmetic (MQ) decoder
* FPGA-based architecture for real time segmentation and denoising of HD video
* FPGA-based IP cores implementation for face recognition using dynamic partial reconfiguration
* Guest editorial: special issue on algorithms and architectures for real-time image and video enhancement
* Improved Palmprint Recognition System Using Iris Features, An
* innovative algorithm for key frame extraction in video summarization, An
* Low-latency histogram equalization for infrared image sequences: A hardware implementation
* multi-processor NoC-based architecture for real-time image/video enhancement, A
* Parallel architecture for accelerating affine transform in high-speed imaging systems
* Parallel geometric hashing for robust iris indexing
* practical solution for ripe tomato recognition and localisation, A
* Real time cardiac image registration during respiration: a time series prediction approach
* Real-time automatic license plate recognition for CCTV forensic applications
* Real-time embedded systems powered by FPGA dynamic partial self-reconfiguration: a case study oriented to biometric recognition applications
* real-time implementation of gradient domain high dynamic range compression using a local Poisson solver, A
* Real-time motion detection based on SW/HW-codesign for walking rescue robots
* Real-time structured light coding for adaptive patterns
* reduced memory bandwidth and high throughput HDTV motion compensation decoder for H.264/AVC High 4:2:2 profile, A
* Robust chaotic key stream generator for real-time images encryption
* Robust real-time detection of multi-color markers on a cell phone
* Scalable watermark extraction for real-time authentication of JPEG 2000 images
* Score level fusion of voting strategy of geometric hashing and SURF for an efficient palmprint-based identification
* self-adaptive heterogeneous multi-core architecture for embedded real-time video object tracking, A
* Special issue on real time biometrics and secure media
* Subsample-based image compression for capsule endoscopy
33 for RealTimeIP(8)

RealTimeIP(9) * 3D modelling of laser scanned and photogrammetric data for digital documentation: the Mosteiro da Batalha case study
* Analyzing repetitive action in game based on sequence pattern matching
* Classification of business documents for real-time application
* Coding modes-based frame skip avoidance scheme for low bit rate video coding
* comprehensive comparison of GPU- and FPGA-based acceleration of reflection image reconstruction for 3D ultrasound computer tomography, A
* CUDA-enabled parallel algorithm for accelerating retinex, A
* Development of a virtual aquarium system interacting with a smart device
* Dual-mode detection for foreground segmentation in low-contrast video images
* Effective layer-based segmentation of compound images using morphology
* Efficient algorithm for automatic road sign recognition and its hardware implementation
* Efficient implementation of data flow graphs on multi-gpu clusters
* efficient low-cost FPGA implementation of a configurable motion estimation for H.264 video coding, An
* Efficient paper mosaic rendering on mobile devices based on position-based tiling
* efficient parallelization technique for x264 encoder on heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs and GPUs, An
* Fall detection system using Kinect's infrared sensor
* Fast determination of the number of endmembers for real-time hyperspectral unmixing on GPUs
* Fast electrostatic halftoning
* Fast low-complexity computation and real-time architecture for H.264/AVC intra-prediction
* Flexible VLIW processor based on FPGA for efficient embedded real-time image processing
* GPU-accelerated real-time single image de-hazing method using pixel-level optimal de-hazing criterion, A
* hardware solution for real-time intelligent fingerprint acquisition, A
* Hardware-software optimizations of reconfigurable multi-core processors for floating-point computations of large sparse matrices
* High performance implementation of texture features extraction algorithms using FPGA architecture
* High-level dataflow design of signal processing systems for reconfigurable and multicore heterogeneous platforms
* In situ image processing capabilities of ARM-based micro-controllers
* Low-power DSP system for real-time correction of fish-eye cameras in automotive driver assistance applications
* Memristive fuzzy edge detector
* method for fusing a pair of images in the JPEG domain, A
* Modified stable Euler-number algorithm implementation for real-time image binarization
* Motion estimation using the fast and adaptive bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
* multi-dataflow composer tool: Generation of on-the-fly reconfigurable platforms, The
* N-Ary coded structured light-based range scanners using color invariants
* On-chip semidense representation map for dense visual features driven by attention processes
* OUB: a scalable grid-based surface-representation for realtime high-resolution rendering
* Parallel implementation of sequential morphological filters
* Parallel processing for real-time 3D reconstruction from video streams
* Performance evaluation of an automotive distributed architecture based on a high speed power line communication protocol using a transaction level modeling approach
* Phase-correlation guided area matching for realtime vision and video encoding
* practical evaluation of the performance of the Impulse CoDeveloper HLS tool for implementing large-kernel 2-D filters, A
* Predictive and distribution-oriented fast motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Quality analysis of real-time digital broadcasting images applying the Qoe measurement technology
* Real-time background generation and foreground object segmentation for high-definition colour video stream in FPGA device
* Real-time detection of lines using parallel coordinates and CUDA
* Real-time emotion retrieval scheme in video with image sequence features
* Real-time stereo using approximated joint bilateral filtering and dynamic programming
* Real-time video photomosaics with optimized image set and GPU
* RX architectures for real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images
* Special issue on algorithms and architectures for real-time multi-dimensional image processing
* Special issue on convergence of real-time 3D imaging and optical communications
* Special issue on design and architectures of real-time image processing in embedded systems
* VLSI implementation of star detection and centroid calculation algorithms for star tracking applications
51 for RealTimeIP(9)

RealWorld22 * *Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
* Chalearn LAP Seasons in Drift Challenge: Dataset, Design and Results
* Cross-modality Attention and Multimodal Fusion Transformer for Pedestrian Detection
* Detection of Fights in Videos: A Comparison Study of Anomaly Detection and Action Recognition
* Gait Recognition from Occluded Sequences in Surveillance Sites
* Look at Adjacent Frames: Video Anomaly Detection Without Offline Training
* Privacy-preserving Person Detection Using Low-resolution Infrared Cameras
* See Finer, See More: Implicit Modality Alignment for Text-based Person Retrieval
* Sompt22: A Surveillance Oriented Multi-pedestrian Tracking Dataset
* Strengthening Skeletal Action Recognizers via Leveraging Temporal Patterns
* Video in 10 Bits: Few-bit Videoqa for Efficiency and Privacy
* Visible-infrared Person Re-identification Using Privileged Intermediate Information
* Which Expert Knows Best? Modulating Soft Learning with Online Batch Confidence for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification
13 for RealWorld22

RealWorld23 * *Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
* Automated and Scalable ML Solution for Mapping Invasive Species: the Case of the Australian Tree Fern in Hawaiian Forests, An
* Bringing Generalization to Deep Multi-View Pedestrian Detection
* Discriminative Sampling of Proposals in Self-Supervised Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* EMOD: Efficient Moving Object Detection via Image Eccentricity Analysis and Sparse Neural Networks
* Exploiting Inter-pixel Correlations in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Exploiting Temporal Context for Tiny Object Detection
* Knowledge-based Visual Context-Aware Framework for Applications in Robotic Services
* Low-Resolution Thermal Sensor-Guided Image Synthesis
* Meet-in-the-middle: Multi-scale upsampling and matching for cross-resolution face recognition
* Mixture Domain Adaptation to Improve Semantic Segmentation in Real-World Surveillance
* Multi-view Target Transformation for Pedestrian Detection
* Multimodal Data Augmentation for Visual-Infrared Person ReID with Corrupted Data
* Synthehicle: Multi-Vehicle Multi-Camera Tracking in Virtual Cities
* ThermalSynth: A Novel Approach for Generating Synthetic Thermal Human Scenarios
* Transformer Based Multi-Grained Features for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Transformer-based Late-Fusion Mechanism for Fine-Grained Object Recognition in Videos, A
* UPAR Challenge: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attribute-based Person Retrieval - Dataset, Design, and Results
* VDiSC: An Open Source Framework for Distributed Smart City Vision and Biometric Surveillance Networks
19 for RealWorld23

Index for "r"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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