* Practical Method of Constructing Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Digitized Space, A
* Surface Representations Based on Triangular Grids
* Texture Modelling Applications
* 1D sweep-and-prune self-collision detection for deforming cables
* 3D face sparse reconstruction based on local linear fitting
* 3D gradient enhancement
* 3D segmentation and labeling of fractured bone from CT images
* 3D shape retrieval and classification using multiple kernel learning on extended Reeb graphs
* AB3D: action-based 3D descriptor for shape analysis
* AB3D: action-based 3D descriptor for shape analysis
* Action recognition by hidden temporal models
* adaptive octree grid for GPU-based collision detection of deformable objects, An
* Application of artificial neural network for automatic detection of butterfly species using color and texture features
* Artistic preprocessing for painterly rendering and image stylization
* Artistic rendering enhancing global structure
* Audio-visual speech recognition techniques in augmented reality environments
* benchmark of simulated range images for partial shape retrieval, A
* Blending using ODE swept surfaces with shape control and C1 continuity
* Camera self-calibration with varying intrinsic parameters by an unknown three-dimensional scene
* co-boost framework for learning object categories from Google Images with 1st and 2nd order features, A
* Color face image decomposition under complex lighting conditions
* Color face image decomposition under complex lighting conditions
* Computer vision-based object recognition for the visually impaired in an indoors environment: a survey
* Computer-generated iron filing art
* Constrained quadratic errors-in-variables fitting
* Depth manipulation using disparity histogram analysis for stereoscopic 3D
* Depth map enhancement based on color and depth consistency
* Design and enhancement of painting interface for room lights
* Detecting siblings in image pairs
* Discriminative Hough context model for object detection
* Dual joints for 3D-structures
* Dynamic 3D facial expression modeling using Laplacian smooth and multi-scale mesh matching
* Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
* Editorial Special Section on 3DOR
* Editorial Special Section on 3DOR
* Effective mobile mapping of multi-room indoor structures
* effective scheme for image texture classification based on binary local structure pattern, An
* Efficient texture synthesis of aggregate solid material
* Efficient triangulation of Poisson-disk sampled point sets
* ESLPV: enhanced subsurface light propagation volumes
* Estimation of Kinect depth confidence through self-training
* Extracting shared subspace incrementally for multi-label image classification
* Fast high-quality non-blind deconvolution using sparse adaptive priors
* Fast sorting for exact OIT of complex scenes
* Feature extraction using bionic particle swarm tracing for transfer function design in direct volume rendering
* Forward non-rigid motion tracking for facial MoCap
* framework for implicit human-centered image tagging inspired by attributed affect, A
* Geometry-shader-based real-time voxelization and applications
* GPU-based parallel construction of compact visual hull meshes
* Grey conversion via perceived-contrast
* Hand-held 3D light field photography and applications
* Hierarchical level of detail for varied animated crowds
* Hole-based traffic sign detection method for traffic signs with red rim
* Hybrid tree reconstruction from inhomogeneous point clouds
* Ice melting simulation with water flow handling
* Image copy-and-paste with optimized gradient
* Jacobians and Hessians of mean value coordinates for closed triangular meshes
* Low-resolution face recognition: a review
* Macro 64-regions for uniform grids on GPU
* Modelling and animation of impact and damage with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Mono-spectrum marker: an AR marker robust to image blur and defocus
* Multilevel mesh simplification
* Multimodal composition of the digital patient: a strategy for the knee articulation
* New grouping and fitting methods for interactive overtraced sketches
* nonlinear level set model for image deblurring and denoising, A
* Object joint detection and tracking using adaptive multiple motion models
* Online robust action recognition based on a hierarchical model
* Optical illusion shape texturing using repeated asymmetric patterns
* Optimal acceleration thresholds for non-holonomic agents
* Optimizing neighborhood projection with relaxation factor for inextensible cloth simulation
* Optimizing redundant-data clustering for interactive walkthrough applications
* Optimum inpainting for depth map based on L_0 total variation
* Pairwise matching of 3D fragments using fast fourier transform
* Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
* Part-to-part morphing for planar curves
* Particle swarm optimized bi-histogram equalization for contrast enhancement and brightness preservation of images
* Physiological inverse tone mapping based on retina response
* Pose normalization of 3D models via reflective symmetry on panoramic views
* practical framework for generating volumetric meshes of subject-specific soft tissue, A
* Procedural approach to volumetric terrain generation
* Procedural architecture using deformation-aware split grammars
* Progressive 3D mesh compression using MOG-based Bayesian entropy coding and gradual prediction
* Racking focus and tracking focus on live video streams: A stereo solution
* Railroad online: acquiring and visualizing route panoramas of rail scenes
* Ray geometry in non-pinhole cameras: A survey
* Ray tracing via GPU rasterization
* Real-time and robust hand tracking with a single depth camera
* Real-time rendering of glossy materials with regular sampling
* Real-time simulating and rendering of layered dust
* Real-time simulation of lightweight rigid bodies
* Real-time stent and balloon simulation for stenosis treatment
* Retraction Note: Texture-guided volumetric deformation and visualization using 3D moving least squares
* Robust object tracking using enhanced random ferns
* Rotation invariance for dense features inside regions of interest
* SalientShape: group saliency in image collections
* Selecting stable keypoints and local descriptors for person identification using 3D face scans
* Shift-invariant ring feature for 3D shape
* Silhouette-based human action recognition using SAX-Shapes
* Situation awareness of cancelable biometric system
* Sketching human character animations by composing sequences from large motion database
* Solid texture synthesis for heterogeneous translucent materials
* Sparse approximation of 3D shapes via spectral graph wavelets
* sparse coding approach for local-to-global 3D shape description, A
* Spatial temporal pyramid matching using temporal sparse representation for human motion retrieval
* Stereoscopic image completion and depth recovery
* Structure-aware error-diffusion approach using entropy-constrained threshold modulation
* Structuring urban data
* survey on information visualization: recent advances and challenges, A
* Three robust features extraction approaches for facial gender classification
* Transform invariant text extraction
* Vehicle object retargeting from dynamic traffic videos for real-time visualisation
* VideoGraph: a non-linear video representation for efficient exploration
* Vision-based all-in-one solution for augmented reality and its storytelling applications
* Weighted attentional blocks for probabilistic object tracking
* XKin: an open source framework for hand pose and gesture recognition using kinect
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* 3D entity-based stereo matching with ground control points and joint second-order smoothness prior
* 3D shape creation by style transfer
* Adaptive cluster rendering via regression analysis
* adaptive edge-preserving image denoising technique using tetrolet transforms, An
* Adaptive locomotion on slopes and stairs using pelvic rotation
* Adaptive motion synthesis for virtual characters: a survey
* Adaptive voids
* Animation of trees in wind using sparse motion capture data
* Augmenting bag-of-words: a robust contextual representation of spatiotemporal interest points for action recognition
* Automated human motion segmentation via motion regularities
* Automatic blur-kernel-size estimation for motion deblurring
* Automatic vehicle recognition in multiple cameras for video surveillance
* CGI 2015 Conference
* Color correction based on point clouds alignment in the logarithmic RGB space
* Comparison of three bounding regions with cubic convergence to planar freeform curves
* Compressive environment matting
* Computation of point inversion and ray-surface intersection through tracing along the base surface
* Conceptual knowledge-based modeling of interactive 3D content
* Connectivity-preserving geometry images
* Content-aware model resizing with symmetry-preservation
* Continuous collision detection for deformable objects using permissible clusters
* Correlation-optimized time warping for motion
* Crowd simulation based on constrained and controlled group formation
* Deformable mesh simulation for virtual laparoscopic cholecystectomy training
* Differential geometric methods for examining the dynamics of slow-fast vector fields
* Direct blue noise resampling of meshes of arbitrary topology
* DTW-based kernel and rank-level fusion for 3D gait recognition using Kinect
* DynaMoVis: visualization of dynamic models for urban modeling
* Effective structure restoration for image completion using internet resources
* Effects of sound on visual realism perception and task performance
* efficient approach for 2D to 3D video conversion based on structure from motion, An
* Efficient EMD and Hilbert spectra computation for 3D geometry processing and analysis via space-filling curve
* Efficient kernel discriminative common vectors for classification
* Efficient multi-constrained optimization for example-based synthesis
* Elastic moduli of simple mass spring models
* Estimation of crowd density by clustering motion cues
* Example-guided anthropometric human body modeling
* Extended surface distance for local evaluation of 3D medical image segmentations
* fast approach for perceptually-based fitting strokes into elliptical arcs, A
* Fast Bokeh effects using low-rank linear filters
* Fast depth from defocus from focal stacks
* framework for generating anatomically detailed subject-specific human facial models for biomechanical simulations, A
* Generating animated paper pop-ups from the motion of articulated characters
* Geodesic bifurcation on smooth surfaces
* Global diffusion method for smoothing triangular mesh
* Global optimal searching for textureless 3D object tracking
* GPGPU-Perf: Efficient, interval-based DVFS algorithm for mobile GPGPU applications
* GPU-based polygonization and optimization for implicit surfaces
* Graph-based deformable matching of 3D line with application in protein fitting
* Graph-based deformable matching of 3D line with application in protein fitting
* Hidden message in a deformation-based texture
* High-quality tree structures modelling using local convolution surface approximation
* Human motion control with physically plausible foot contact models
* human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment, A
* image-space algorithm for immersive views in 3-manifolds and orbifolds, An
* Incompressibility-preserving deformation for fluid flows using vector potentials
* Inter-frame constrained coding based on superpixel for tracking
* Interactive interaction plot
* Interactive partial 3D shape matching with geometric distance optimization
* Interpolation and parallel adjustment of center-sampled trees with new balancing constraints
* Invariant shape descriptor for 3D video encoding
* Iris recognition based on a novel variation of local binary pattern
* iterated randomized search algorithm for large-scale texture synthesis and manipulations, An
* Layer the sphere
* Layered modeling and generation of Pollock's drip style
* Learning best views of 3D shapes from sketch contour
* Learning human shape model from multiple databases with correspondence considering kinematic consensus
* Learning to pool high-level features for face representation
* Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery
* Model-driven multicomponent volume exploration
* Modeling fruits and their internal structure using parametric 3Gmap L-systems
* Modelling character motions on infinite-dimensional manifolds
* Motion capture data recovery using skeleton constrained singular value thresholding
* Motion capture: capturing interaction between human and animal
* Moving object tracking based on multi-independent features distribution fields with comprehensive spatial feature similarity
* Multi-camera systems use for dental arch shape measurement
* Multi-resolution terrain rendering with GPU tessellation
* Multi-scale region perpendicular local binary pattern: An effective feature for interest region description
* Multiple reconstruction and dynamic modeling of 3D digital objects using a morphing approach
* Non-blind deblurring of structured images with geometric deformation
* Novel adaptive SPH with geometric subdivision for brittle fracture animation of anisotropic materials
* novel multi-image super-resolution reconstruction method using anisotropic fractional order adaptive norm, A
* novel simulation framework based on information asymmetry to evaluate evacuation plan, A
* On spatio-temporal feature point detection for animated meshes
* Optical illusion shape texturing using repeated asymmetric patterns
* Optimal exposure compression for high dynamic range content
* Optimized recognition with few instances based on semantic distance
* Optimizing line-of-sight using simplified regular terrains
* parallelized 4D reconstruction algorithm for vascular structures and motions based on energy optimization, A
* parametric reflectance approximation for rendering Japanese lacquerware and Maki-e, A
* path-based multi-agent navigation model, A
* performance and energy evaluation of many-light rendering algorithms, A
* Procedural floor plan generation from building sketches
* Real-time accumulation of occlusion-based snow
* Real-time adaptive content retargeting for live multi-view capture and light field display
* Real-time collision-free linear trajectory generation on GPU for crowd simulations
* Real-time multi-scale tracking based on compressive sensing
* Real-time multiply recursive reflections and refractions using hybrid rendering
* Real-time obstacle detection with motion features using monocular vision
* Recent advances in facial soft biometrics
* Reconstruction of three-dimensional flame with color temperature
* Region contrast and supervised locality-preserving projection-based saliency detection
* Rendering chamfering structures of sharp edges
* response time model for abrupt changes in binocular disparity, A
* Restoring images of ancient color postcards
* Robust and efficient adaptive direct lighting estimation
* Robust object tracking via multi-feature adaptive fusion based on stability: contrast analysis
* Robust object tracking with active context learning
* Robust tracking via discriminative sparse feature selection
* Saliency detection with color contrast based on boundary information and neighbors
* Simplification of meshes with digitized radiance
* Sparse pixel sampling for appearance edit propagation
* Spectral caustic rendering of a homogeneous caustic object based on wavelength clustering and eye sensitivity
* Spectral caustic rendering of a homogeneous caustic object based on wavelength clustering and eye sensitivity
* Structure-aware QR Code abstraction
* Subimage sensitive eigenvalue spectra for image comparison
* Supporting presentation and discussion of visualization results in smart meeting rooms
* Surface carving-based automatic volume data reduction
* Texture advection on discontinuous flows
* three-dimensional cube and scale cube skeleton, The
* TimeClassifier: a visual analytic system for the classification of multi-dimensional time series data
* Triangular mesh simplification on the GPU
* Unique people count from monocular videos
* Unsupervised kernel learning for abnormal events detection
* vectorization framework for constant and linear gradient filled regions, A
* Velocity-based modeling of physical interactions in dense crowds
* Virtual ball player
* Virtual cutting of deformable objects based on efficient topological operations
* Visual importance-based adaptive photon tracing
* Visualisation of complex functions on Riemann sphere
130 for VC(31)
* 2D Vector field approximation using linear neighborhoods
* 3D cartoon face generation by local deformation mapping
* 3D model perceptual feature metric based on global height field, A
* 3D reconstruction for featureless scenes with curvature hints
* Action recognition by learning temporal slowness invariant features
* Adaptive sparse coding on PCA dictionary for image denoising
* Adaptive transfer functions: Improved multiresolution visualization of medical models
* Adaptive transmission compensation via human visual system for efficient single image dehazing
* Adaptive undersampling for efficient mobile ray tracing
* Animated visualization of spatial-temporal trajectory data for air-traffic analysis
* Animating with style: defining expressive semantics of motion
* Artistic Low Poly rendering for images
* Automatic alignment for virtual fitting using 3D garment stretching and human body relocation
* Automatic segmentation of point clouds from multi-view reconstruction using graph-cut
* Camera re-calibration after zooming based on sets of conics
* CGI 2016 Editorial (TVCJ)
* Chro-Ring: A time-oriented visual approach to represent writer's history
* Colocalization structures and eigenvalue spectra for colour image comparison
* comprehensive survey of human action recognition with spatio-temporal interest point (STIP) detector, A
* Consistent color and detail transfer from multiple source images for video and images
* Correspondence estimation for non-rigid point clouds with automatic part discovery
* CUDA-based real-time hand gesture interaction and visualization for CT volume dataset using leap motion
* Deformable strokes towards temporally coherent video painting
* Depth incorporating with color improves salient object detection
* Direct raytracing of a closed-form fluid meniscus
* Dynamic 3-D computer graphics for designing a diagnostic tool for patients with schizophrenia
* Dynamic lapped texture for fluid simulations
* Dynamic social formations of pedestrian groups navigating and using public transportation in a virtual city
* Efficient decolorization preserving dominant distinctions
* efficient layered simulation workflow for snow imprints, An
* Efficient robust filtering technique for blocking artifacts reduction
* EnergyViz: an interactive system for visualization of energy systems
* enhanced depth map based rendering method with directional depth filter and image inpainting, An
* Erratum to: Preface
* eSphere: extracting spheres from unorganized point clouds
* Examining the effect of body ownership in immersive virtual and augmented reality environments
* Example-based caricature generation with exaggeration control
* Expressive chromatic accumulation buffering for defocus blur
* Facial age estimation by using stacked feature composition and selection
* Fast capture of textured full-body avatar with RGB-D cameras
* fast modal space transform for robust nonrigid shape retrieval, A
* Fast SPH simulation for gaseous fluids
* Feature-aware natural texture synthesis
* Fisher discrimination-based L_2,1-norm sparse representation for face recognition
* Fog effect for photography using stereo vision
* From inspired modeling to creative modeling
* From inspired modeling to creative modeling
* generalized nonlocal mean framework with object-level cues for saliency detection, A
* Generalized rational Bézier curves for the rigid body motion design
* Geometry-shader-based real-time voxelization and applications
* GPU-based radial view-based culling for continuous self-collision detection of deformable surfaces
* Harmonic mean normalized Laplace-Beltrami spectral descriptor
* Haze editing with natural transmission
* Hybrid fur rendering: combining volumetric fur with explicit hair strands
* Hybridizing mesh adaptive search algorithm and artificial immune systems for discrete rational Bézier curve approximation
* Image morphing with conformal welding
* Image stylization using anisotropic reaction diffusion
* Image-based styling
* implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures, An
* inclusive Conformal Geometric Algebra GPU animation interpolation and deformation algorithm, An
* Incremental reconstruction of planar B-Rep models from multiple point clouds
* Inner engraving for the creation of a balanced LEGO sculpture
* Interactive 3D content modeling for Digital Earth
* Interactive mesh cloning driven by boundary loop
* Interactive multilevel focus+context visualization framework
* Inverse lighting design using a coverage optimization strategy
* Involving multiple fingers in exploring a haptic surface: an evaluation study
* ITEA: interactive trajectories and events analysis: exploring sequences of spatio-temporal events in movement data
* Laban descriptors for gesture recognition and emotional analysis
* Large-scale three-dimensional measurement based on LED marker tracking
* Layered shape grammars for procedural modelling of buildings
* Least square geometric iterative fitting method for generalized B-spline curves with two different kinds of weights
* Light mixture intrinsic image decomposition based on a single RGB-D image
* lighting robust fitting approach of 3D morphable model for face reconstruction, A
* Lighting-driven voxels for memory-efficient computation of indirect illumination
* Lossy volume compression using Tucker truncation and thresholding
* Mesh saliency detection via double absorbing Markov chain in feature space
* Modeling 3D synthetic view dissimilarity
* Multi-class anisotropic blue noise sampling for discrete element pattern generation
* Multi-layer local energy patterns for texture representation and classification
* Multiscale descriptors and metric learning for human body shape retrieval
* new fast normal-based interpolating subdivision scheme by cubic Bézier curves, A
* novel optimization framework for salient object detection, A
* Obfuscated volume rendering
* Parallel BVH construction using k-means clustering
* Parallel mesh simplification using embedded tree collapsing
* Parametric editing of clothed 3D avatars
* Physics-inspired controllable flame animation
* Preface to the special issue on Cyberworlds 2014
* Preface to the special section on Cyberworlds 2015
* Procedure-based component and architecture modeling from a single image
* radiance cache method for highly glossy surfaces, A
* Real-time EEG-based emotion monitoring using stable features
* Real-time haptic interaction with RGBD video streams
* Real-time rendering of refracting transmissive objects with multi-scale rough surfaces
* Real-time simulation techniques for augmented learning in science and engineering
* Real-time stress assessment using thermal imaging
* Realistic hair modeling from a hybrid orientation field
* Region saliency detection via multi-feature on absorbing Markov chain
* Repeatable texture sampling with interchangeable patches
* Retiling scheme: a novel approach of direct anisotropic quad-dominant remeshing
* Retrieval and classification methods for textured 3D models: A comparative study
* Retrieval of clothing images based on relevance feedback with focus on collar designs
* robust hybrid image-based modeling system, A
* Robust motion flow for mesh tracking of freely moving actors
* Robust PCA-based solution to image composition using augmented Lagrange multiplier (ALM)
* robust spatio-temporal scheme for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval, A
* Robust tracking via monocular active vision for an intelligent teaching system
* Semantics-driven annotation of patient-specific 3D data: a step to assist diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
* Separable soft shadow mapping
* Similarity metric learning for face verification using sigmoid decision function
* simulation on grass swaying with dynamic wind force, A
* Spatio-temporal segmentation for the similarity measurement of deforming meshes
* spatio-temporal wavelet-based descriptor for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval and recognition, A
* Special Section on CVM 2015
* study on user preference of high dynamic range over low dynamic range video, A
* Text-aware balloon extraction from manga
* Texture filtering based physically plausible image dehazing
* Texture map generation for 3D reconstructed scenes
* Toward semantic image similarity from crowdsourced clustering
* Two-level joint local laplacian texture filtering
* View synthesis with 3D object segmentation-based asynchronous blending and boundary misalignment rectification
* Virtual annotations of the surgical field through an augmented reality transparent display
* Visual analytics and rendering for tunnel crack analysis
* visual attention-based method to address the midas touch problem existing in gesture-based interaction, A
* Visual inspection of multivariate volume data based on multi-class noise sampling
* Visual mining of time series using a tubular visualization
* Visual saliency guided textured model simplification
* Visual tracking with semi-supervised online weighted multiple instance learning
* VizAssist: an interactive user assistant for visual data mining
* Volume preserving viscoelastic fluids with large deformations using position-based velocity corrections
* Water simulation using a responsive surface tracking for flow-type changes
* Where are you going? Using human locomotion models for target estimation
133 for VC(32)
* Adaptive compression of animated meshes by exploiting orthogonal iterations
* Adaptive highlights stencils for modeling of multi-axial BRDF anisotropy
* Adaptive multiple importance sampling for general functions
* Adaptive rendering based on a weighted mixed-order estimator
* Adaptive sparse polynomial regression for camera lens simulation
* Affective level design for a role-playing videogame evaluated by a brain-computer interface and machine learning methods
* Aggregating complementary boundary contrast with smoothing for salient region detection
* Analysis of reported error in Monte Carlo rendered images
* Artistic relighting of paintings and drawings
* Artistic stylization of face photos based on a single exemplar
* Automatic estimation and segmentation of partial blur in natural images
* Bayesian graph-cut optimization for wall surfaces reconstruction in indoor environments
* Biologically inspired simulation of livor mortis
* Blind inpainting using the fully convolutional neural network
* Blue noise sampling using an N-body simulation-based method
* CGI 2017 Editorial (TVCJ)
* Cloth compression using local cylindrical coordinates
* Coherent multi-layer landscape synthesis
* Combining hidden Markov model and fuzzy neural network for continuous recognition of complex dynamic gestures
* Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room
* comprehensive framework for modeling heterogeneous objects, A
* Computing object-based saliency via locality-constrained linear coding and conditional random fields
* Consistent as-similar-as-possible non-isometric surface registration
* Cortex-inspired multilayer hierarchy based object detection system using PHOG descriptors and ensemble classification
* Cross section-based hollowing and structural enhancement
* Customization and fabrication of the appearance for humanoid robot
* Data-driven modeling and animation of outdoor trees through interactive approach
* Data-driven subspace enrichment for elastic deformations with collisions
* Denoising of natural images through robust wavelet thresholding and genetic programming
* Designed emotions: challenges and potential methodologies for improving multisensory cues to enhance user engagement in immersive systems
* Diminished reality for augmented reality interior design
* EEG correlates of video game experience and user profile in motor-imagery-based brain-computer interaction
* Encoder-decoder recurrent network model for interactive character animation generation
* evolutionary learning based fuzzy theoretic approach for salient object detection, An
* experimental study on the effects of shading in 3D perception of volumetric models, An
* Fast algorithm for 2D fragment assembly based on partial EMD
* Feature-preserving procedural texture
* Fire synthesis using basis fires and design
* Fluid re-simulation based on physically driven model from video
* Focused augmented mirror based on human visual perception
* Forced Random Sampling: Fast generation of importance-guided blue-noise samples
* Full and partial shape similarity through sparse descriptor reconstruction
* Generating various composite human faces from real 3D facial images
* geometric control of fire motion editing, A
* Glass half full: sound synthesis for fluid-structure coupling using added mass operator
* GPU-accelerated SPH fluids surface reconstruction using two-level spatial uniform grids
* Guided point cloud denoising via sharp feature skeletons
* Hand gesture-based interactive puppetry system to assist storytelling for children
* heuristic convexity measure for 3D meshes, A
* Hierarchical feature concatenation-based kernel sparse representations for image categorization
* High-dynamic-range image recovery from flash and non-flash image pairs
* High-speed video generation with an event camera
* Hybrid image noise reduction algorithm based on genetic ant colony and PCNN
* Illumination-insensitive features for face recognition
* Illustrative multilevel focus+context visualization along snaking paths
* Incremental collision-free feathering for animated surfaces
* Indoor scene modeling from a single image using normal inference and edge features
* Interactive directional subsurface scattering and transport of emergent light
* Interactive facial expression editing based on spatio-temporal coherency
* Interactive GPU-based generation of solvent-excluded surfaces
* Interactive visualization of multi-layered clothing
* Intersection workspace visualization of multi-finger hands
* Intrinsic image estimation using near- L0 sparse optimization
* Inverse kinematics using dynamic joint parameters: inverse kinematics animation synthesis learnt from sub-divided motion micro-segments
* Joint entropy-based motion segmentation for 3D animations
* Joint-scale LBP: a new feature descriptor for texture classification
* Kinetic depth images: flexible generation of depth perception
* Learning aggregated features and optimizing model for semantic labeling
* Line-based initialization method for mobile augmented reality in aircraft assembly
* LiverDefense: how to employ a tower defense game as a customisable research tool
* Local stereo matching algorithm with efficient matching cost and adaptive guided image filter
* Marbling-based creative modelling
* Mass spring models with adjustable Poisson's ratio
* Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation
* meshless strategy for shape diameter analysis, A
* model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering, A
* Modeling and dynamics simulation for deformable objects of orthotropic materials
* Multi-camera systems use for dental arch shape measurement
* Multi-scale inherent variation features-based texture filtering
* Multiple cues-based active contours for target contour tracking under sophisticated background
* Multiple-process procedural texture
* new sparse representation-based object segmentation framework, A
* Non-redundant rendering for efficient multi-view scene discretization
* nonlocal L0 model with regression predictor for saliency detection and extension, A
* novel local derivative quantized binary pattern for object recognition, A
* novel spatial-temporal optical flow method for estimating the velocity fields of a fluid sequence, A
* novel surface tension formulation for SPH fluid simulation, A
* Object tracking by color distribution fields with adaptive hierarchical structure
* Optimally Redundant, Seek-Time Minimizing Data Layout for Interactive Rendering
* Ordered small multiple treemaps for visualizing time-varying hierarchical pesticide residue data
* Percentage of human-occupied areas for fall detection from two views
* Persistent homology to analyse 3D faces and assess body weight gain
* Preface to the special issue on VS-Games 2015
* Rank-based voting with inclusion relationship for accurate image search
* RayPortals: a light transport editing framework
* Real-time 3D rendering with hatching
* Reconstruction of underlying curves with styling radius corners
* Robust and accurate computation of geometric distance for Lipschitz continuous implicit curves
* Robust upright adjustment of 360 spherical panoramas
* Saliency detection via Boolean and foreground in a dynamic Bayesian framework
* Salient object detection in complex scenes via D-S evidence theory based region classification
* Scalable 3D shape retrieval using local features and the signature quadratic form distance
* Scalable texture compression using the wavelet transform
* Scanning and animating characters dressed in multiple-layer garments
* Scene text detection using adaptive color reduction, adjacent character model and hybrid verification strategy
* Semantic 3D indoor scene enhancement using guide words
* Shape-controllable geometry completion for point cloud models
* Single image dehazing via an improved atmospheric scattering model
* Sprite tree: an efficient image-based representation for networked virtual environments
* Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learning: application to medical image segmentation
* Storytelling by the StoryCake visualization
* Structural sparse representation-based semi-supervised learning and edge detection proposal for visual tracking
* Tactile modeling and rendering image-textures based on electrovibration
* time-integration method for stable simulation of extremely deformable hyperelastic objects, A
* Toward accurate real-time marker labeling for live optical motion capture
* Two-dimensional shape retrieval using the distribution of extrema of Laplacian eigenfunctions
* two-level clustering approach for multidimensional transfer function specification in volume visualization, A
* Video-based fluid reconstruction and its coupling with SPH simulation
* View selection for sketch-based 3D model retrieval using visual part shape description
* Visual simulation of fire-flakes synchronized with flame
* visual-numeric approach to clustering and anomaly detection for trajectory data, A
* Visuohaptic augmented feedback for enhancing motor skills acquisition
* Volume enhancement with externally controlled anisotropic diffusion
* Webcam-based detection of emotional states
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* 2DIGH: a polar invariant local image descriptor based on joint histogram
* 3D braid guide hair reconstruction using electroluminescent wires
* 3D cartoon face rigging from sparse examples
* 3D reconstruction framework via combining one 3D scanner and multiple stereo trackers
* 3D reconstruction system based on incremental structure from motion using a camera with varying parameters
* Adaptive rendering based on robust principal component analysis
* Animating pictures of water scenes using video retrieval
* Anubhav: recognizing emotions through facial expression
* Approximations for the distribution of microflake normals
* Automatic identification of butterfly species based on HoMSC and GLCMoIB
* Automatic skinning and weight retargeting of articulated characters using extended position-based dynamics
* Carve in, carve out: a bimodal carving through voxelization and functional partitioning
* Classification of gait anomalies from kinect
* Co-segmentation for space-time co-located collections
* Compressed sensing image reconstruction via adaptive sparse nonlocal regularization
* Constant time texture filtering
* Content-aware image resizing using quasi-conformal mapping
* Continuous wavelet transform-based no-reference quality assessment of deblocked images
* Contrast preserving image decolorization combining global features and local semantic features
* Correspondence-free pose estimation for 3D objects from noisy depth data
* Coupled-layer based visual tracking via adaptive kernelized correlation filters
* Cross-table linking and brushing: interactive visual analysis of multiple tabular data sets
* Deeper cascaded peak-piloted network for weak expression recognition
* Deformation simulation based on model reduction with rigidity-guided sampling
* DepthCut: improved depth edge estimation using multiple unreliable channels
* Detail-preserved real-time hand motion regression from depth
* detailed study of ray tracing performance: Render time and energy cost, A
* Detecting and inferring repetitive elements with accurate locations and shapes from façades
* Detection of complex video events through visual rhythm
* Direct visualization of cryptographic keys for enhanced security
* Direction estimation of moving pedestrian groups for intelligent vehicles
* Distance field guided L1-median skeleton extraction
* Dual-Path Adversarial Learning for Fully Convolutional Network (FCN)-Based Medical Image Segmentation
* Early diagnosis of cirrhosis via automatic location and geometric description of liver capsule
* Efficient image super-resolution integration
* Efficient oriented particle arrangements for position-based dynamics simulation
* Efficient spectral reconstruction using a trichromatic camera via sample optimization
* Efficiently consistent affinity propagation for 3D shapes co-segmentation
* Estimation of differential quantities using Hermite RBF interpolation
* Evaluating physical and rendered material appearance
* evaluation of power transfer functions for HDR video compression, An
* Evaluation of X-ray visualization techniques for vertical depth judgments in underground exploration
* Explicit design of transfer functions for volume-rendered images by combining histograms, thumbnails, and sketch-based interaction
* Exploring hidden coherency of Ray-Tracing for heterogeneous systems using online feedback methodology
* Extremal curves and surfaces in symmetric tensor fields
* fast voxelization algorithm for trilinearly interpolated isosurfaces, A
* FiVES: an aspect-oriented approach for shared virtual environments in the web
* framework for developing and benchmarking sampling and denoising algorithms for Monte Carlo rendering, A
* generic tool for interactive complex image editing, A
* Grasp planning via hand-object geometric fitting
* Hand joints-based gesture recognition for noisy dataset using nested interval unscented Kalman filter with LSTM network
* Hand tracking with physiological constraints
* How do deep convolutional features affect tracking performance: An experimental study
* Hybrid Lighting for faster rendering of scenes with many lights
* image-based method for animated stroke rendering, An
* Implicit surfaces from polygon soup with compactly supported radial basis functions
* improved topology extraction approach for vectorization of sketchy line drawings, An
* Incremental Voronoi sets for instant stippling
* INPAC: INdependent PAss Coding algorithm for robust image data transmission through low SNR channels
* Intermediate shadow maps for interactive many-light rendering
* interpolation method for strong barrel lens distortion, An
* Is gender encoded in the smile? A computational framework for the analysis of the smile driven dynamic face for gender recognition
* Learning deep facial expression features from image and optical flow sequences using 3D CNN
* Learning to restore deteriorated line drawing
* Lens flare prediction based on measurements with real-time visualization
* Local-to-global mesh saliency
* Locally refinable gradient meshes supporting branching and sharp colour transitions
* Making machine intelligence less scary for criminal analysts: reflections on designing a visual comparative case analysis tool
* MCAEM: mixed-correlation analysis-based episodic memory for companion-user interactions
* modified ZS thinning algorithm by a hybrid approach, A
* Motion keypoint trajectory and covariance descriptor for human action recognition
* Motion normalization method based on an inverted pendulum model for clustering
* Multi-class indoor semantic segmentation with deep structured model
* Multi-scale counting and difference representation for texture classification
* Multi-view photometric stereo using surface deformation
* Multimodal non-rigid image registration based on elastodynamics
* Multiple importance sampling characterization by weighted mean invariance
* Natural image noise level estimation based on local statistics for blind noise reduction
* Natural image noise removal using nonlocal means and hidden Markov models in transform domain
* Navigation in AR based on digital replicas
* New advances for haptic rendering: state of the art
* new two-stage mesh surface segmentation method, A
* novel unconditionally stable explicit integration method for finite element method, A
* Offsetting spherical curves in vector and raster form
* PDE patch-based spectral method for progressive mesh compression andm esh denoising, A
* Perceptual evaluation of maneuvering motion illusion for virtual pedestrians
* PhotoSketch: a photocentric urban 3D modeling system
* Physics-inspired approach to realistic and stable water spray with narrowband air particles
* Point-based rendering enhancement via deep learning
* Point-pattern matching based on point pair local topology and probabilistic relaxation labeling
* Point-wise saliency detection on 3D point clouds via covariance descriptors
* Poisson noise removal of images on graphs using tight wavelet frames
* Propagation-based marching cubes algorithm using open boundary loop
* Real-time 3D scene reconstruction with dynamically moving object using a single depth camera
* Real-time camera pose estimation via line tracking
* Real-time dissection of organs via hybrid coupling of geometric metaballs and physics-centric mesh-free method
* Real-time dynamic reflections for realistic rendering of 3D scenes
* Reassembly of fractured objects using surface signature
* Reconstructing three-dimensional models of objects using a Kinect sensor
* Reflection reprojection using temporal coherence
* Removing Monte Carlo noise using a Sobel operator and a guided image filter
* Review on the effects of age, gender, and race demographics on automatic face recognition
* Rigid registration of noisy point clouds based on higher-dimensional error metrics
* Robust cost function for optimizing chamfer masks
* robust non-rigid point set registration method based on inhomogeneous Gaussian mixture models, A
* Robust normal estimation in unstructured 3D point clouds by selective normal space exploration
* Rotation-invariant object detection using Sector-ring HOG and boosted random ferns
* Salient object detection based on Laplacian similarity metrics
* Salient object detection via compactness and objectness cues
* self-adaptive segmentation method for a point cloud, A
* Single image dehazing using second-generation wavelet transforms and the mean vector L2-norm
* Space-time image layout
* Spatial pyramid face feature representation and weighted dissimilarity matching for improved face recognition
* Stroke-based splatting: an efficient multi-resolution point cloud visualization technique
* Style-based biped walking control
* Style-based motion analysis for dance composition
* Superpixel-based color-depth restoration and dynamic environment modeling for Kinect-assisted image-based rendering systems
* survey on algorithms of hole filling in 3D surface reconstruction, A
* survey on face modeling: building a bridge between face analysis and synthesis, A
* Time-scaled interactive object-driven multi-party VR
* Uncertainty visualization for variable associations analysis
* VIAL: a unified process for visual interactive labeling
* Video abstraction using density-based clustering algorithm
* Virtual reality's effect on parameter optimisation for crowd-sourced procedural animation
* Visual analysis of retinal changes with optical coherence tomography
* Visual attention prediction for images with leading line structure
* VR-based user study on the effects of vision impairments on recognition distances of escape-route signs in buildings, A
* Wire cut of double-sided minimal surfaces
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* 3D color homography model for photo-realistic color transfer re-coding
* 3D object recognition using scale-invariant features
* Acquiring periodic tilings of regular polygons from images
* Action snapshot with single pose and viewpoint
* AniCode: authoring coded artifacts for network-free personalized animations
* ASPIRE: Automatic scanner position reconstruction
* asynchronous method for cloud-based rendering, An
* Augmenting photographs with textures using the Laplacian pyramid
* Automatic identification and behavioral analysis of phlebotomine sand flies using trajectory features
* Blind image deblurring with reinforced use of edges
* Building anatomically realistic jaw kinematics model from data
* Camera-trap images segmentation using multi-layer robust principal component analysis
* Caricature synthesis with feature deviation matching under example-based framework
* Cascading classifier with discriminative multi-features for a specific 3D object real-time detection
* Color image denoising via monogenic matrix-based sparse representation
* Construction of a flexible and scalable 4D light field camera array using Raspberry Pi clusters
* Convolutional neural networks for crowd behaviour analysis: a survey
* Correction of overexposure utilizing haze removal model and image fusion technique
* Cost-effective printing of 3D objects with self-supporting property
* CrowdEst: a method for estimating (and not simulating) crowd evacuation parameters in generic environments
* Cubic norm and kernel-based bi-directional PCA: toward age-aware facial kinship verification
* Deep 3D semantic scene extrapolation
* Deep binocular tone mapping
* Deep similarity network fusion for 3D shape classification
* DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning
* Density-based label placement
* Depth-aware image vectorization and editing
* Description generation of open-domain videos incorporating multimodal features and bidirectional encoder
* Development and evaluation of a self-training system for tennis shots with motion feature assessment and visualization
* Disparity estimation in stereo video sequence with adaptive spatiotemporally consistent constraints
* Double chaotic image encryption algorithm based on optimal sequence solution and fractional transform
* draw call-oriented approach for visibility of static and dynamic scenes with large number of triangles, A
* Effective NC machining simulation with OptiX ray tracing engine
* Effective shadow removal via multi-scale image decomposition
* Efficient convolutional hierarchical autoencoder for human motion prediction
* efficient FLIP and shape matching coupled method for fluid-solid and two-phase fluid simulations, An
* Efficient multi-plane extraction from massive 3D points for modeling large-scale urban scenes
* efficient stereo matching based on fragment matching, An
* Emotion information visualization through learning of 3D morphable face model
* Emotion-based diversity crowd behavior simulation in public emergency
* enhanced sweep and prune algorithm for multi-body continuous collision detection, An
* Example-based rapid generation of vegetation on terrain via CNN-based distribution learning
* Expressive facial style transfer for personalized memes mimic
* Fast example searching for input-adaptive data-driven dehazing with Gaussian process regression
* Fingerprint liveness detection using local quality features
* gait skeleton model extraction method based on the fusion between vision and tactility, A
* Generating signed distance fields on the GPU with ray maps
* GeoBrick: exploration of spatiotemporal data
* Hand-drawn grayscale image colorful colorization based on natural image
* Handling pure camera rotation in semi-dense monocular SLAM
* Histograms of Gaussian normal distribution for 3D feature matching in cluttered scenes
* Huber- L1-based non-isometric surface registration
* Human motions and emotions recognition inspired by LMA qualities
* human-computer interface for wrist rehabilitation: A pilot study using commercial sensors to detect wrist movements, A
* Image classification by combining local and global features
* Image-based translucency transfer through correlation analysis over multi-scale spatial color distribution
* Image-driven unsupervised 3D model co-segmentation
* Importance-based approach for rough drawings
* Improving bag-of-poses with semi-temporal pose descriptors for skeleton-based action recognition
* Intelligent Chinese calligraphy beautification from handwritten characters for robotic writing
* Interactive animation generation of virtual characters using single RGB-D camera
* Inverse appearance modeling of interwoven cloth
* Joint bilateral propagation upsampling for unstructured multi-view stereo
* lightweight methodology of 3D printed objects utilizing multi-scale porous structures, A
* Linearized kernel dictionary learning with group sparse priors for action recognition
* local image descriptor based on radial and angular gradient intensity histogram for blurred image matching, A
* Locally controllable neural style transfer on mobile devices
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition via the truncated nuclear norm and a sparse regularizer
* Mandible and skull segmentation in cone beam computed tomography using super-voxels and graph clustering
* Minkowski sum computation for planar freeform geometric models using G1-biarc approximation and interior disk culling
* Modeling coverage with semantic embedding for image caption generation
* Motion energy image for evaluation of video stabilization
* Motion rank: applying page rank to motion data search
* MSANet: multimodal self-augmentation and adversarial network for RGB-D object recognition
* Multi-label image classification with recurrently learning semantic dependencies
* Multiple feature subspaces analysis for single sample per person face recognition
* Multiresolution visualization of massive black oil reservoir models
* NIR and VW iris image recognition using ensemble of patch statistics features
* No reference noise estimation in digital images using random conditional selection and sampling theory
* novel deep hashing method for fast image retrieval, A
* novel multi-graph framework for salient object detection, A
* novel part-based cascaded regression algorithm research combining with pose estimation, The
* novel point-line duality feature for trajectory classification, A
* Object tracking based on Huber loss function
* Objectness-based smoothing stochastic sampling and coherence approximate nearest neighbor for visual tracking
* On the use of local ray termination for efficiently constructing qualitative BSPs, BIHs and (S)BVHs
* Online learning and detection of faces with low human supervision
* Optimal mass transport based brain morphometry for patients with congenital hand deformities
* Optimized minimal path selection (OMPS) method for automatic and unsupervised crack segmentation within two-dimensional pavement images
* optimized source term formulation for incompressible SPH, An
* Patch-based detection of dynamic objects in CrowdCam images
* Patch-based self-adaptive matting for high-resolution image and video
* Photon mapping with visible kernel domains
* Physically based modeling and animation of landslides with MPM
* Point sets joint registration and co-segmentation
* PolarViz: a discriminating visualization and visual analytics tool for high-dimensional data
* Precomputed optimal one-hop motion transition for responsive character animation
* Procedural modeling of rivers from single image toward natural scene production
* Processing images for red-green dichromats compensation via naturalness and information-preservation considered recoloring
* Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using meshfree methods in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
* Real-time smoke simulation based on vorticity preserving lattice Boltzmann method
* Real-time ultra-high definition multiview glasses-free 3D display system
* Retrieval of spatial-temporal motion topics from 3D skeleton data
* Revisiting correlation-based filters for low-resolution and long-term visual tracking
* Role of normalization of breast thermogram images and automatic classification of breast cancer
* Rolling bilateral filter-based text image deblurring
* Scene classification-oriented saliency detection via the modularized prescription
* self-calibrated photo-geometric depth camera, A
* Special issue of the 36th Computer Graphics International (CGI 2019)
* SSG: superpixel segmentation and GrabCut-based salient object segmentation
* Stereoscopic image stitching with rectangular boundaries
* Structure-preserving image completion with multi-level dynamic patches
* Stylistic scene enhancement GAN: Mixed stylistic enhancement generation for 3D indoor scenes
* Super-resolution image reconstruction using fractional-order total variation and adaptive regularization parameters
* survey on deep neural network-based image captioning, A
* TimeCluster: dimension reduction applied to temporal data for visual analytics
* TOP-SIFT: the selected SIFT descriptor based on dictionary learning
* Total generalized variation and wavelet frame-based adaptive image restoration algorithm
* Two-dimensional line segment-triangle intersection test: revision and enhancement
* Unified convolutional neural network for direct facial keypoints detection
* unified framework for interactive image segmentation via Fisher rules, A
* unified model for human activity recognition using spatial distribution of gradients and difference of Gaussian kernel, A
* User-centric QoE model of visual perception for mobile videos
* Video style transfer by consistent adaptive patch sampling
* Visual simulation of a capsizing ship in stormy weather condition
* Visual SuperTree: similarity-based multi-scale visualization, The
* Visualizing large graphs by layering and bundling graph edges
* Wavelet frame-based image restoration using sparsity, nonlocal, and support prior of frame coefficients
* Weighted superpixel segmentation
* Weighted two-step aggregated VLAD for image retrieval
* WpmDecolor: weighted projection maximum solver for contrast-preserving decolorization
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* 3D human pose estimation by depth map
* 3D indirect shape retrieval based on hand interaction
* 3D RANs: 3D Residual Attention Networks for action recognition
* 4D facial expression recognition using multimodal time series analysis of geometric landmark-based deformations
* Action matching network: open-set action recognition using spatio-temporal representation matching
* Adversarial learning for modeling human motion
* Air-writing recognition system for Persian numbers with a novel classifier
* automatic 3D registration method for rock mass point clouds based on plane detection and polygon matching, An
* Automatic darkest filament detection (ADFD): a new algorithm for crack extraction on two-dimensional pavement images
* Automatic procedural model generation for 3D object variation
* Automatic semantic style transfer using deep convolutional neural networks and soft masks
* Bilateral counting network for single-image object counting
* Blind motion deblurring with cycle generative adversarial networks
* block-based RDWT-SVD image watermarking method using human visual system characteristics, A
* Building hierarchical structures for 3D scenes with repeated elements
* Calipso: physics-based image and video editing through CAD model proxies
* Cancelable multi-biometric recognition system based on deep learning
* Candidate-based matching of 3-D point clouds with axially switching pose estimation
* CityCraft: 3D virtual city creation from a single image
* Classification of basic artistic media based on a deep convolutional approach
* Classification of priors and regularization techniques appurtenant to single image super-resolution
* Compact and intuitive data-driven BRDF models
* comprehensive survey on automatic facial action unit analysis, A
* Compressing animated meshes with fine details using local spectral analysis and deformation transfer
* Computer-aided superimposition via reconstructing and matching 3D faces to 3D skulls for forensic craniofacial identifications
* Crowd anomaly detection and localization using histogram of magnitude and momentum
* Data compression for measured heterogeneous subsurface scattering via scattering profile blending
* Deep convolutional BiLSTM fusion network for facial expression recognition
* Deep generative smoke simulator: connecting simulated and real data
* Deep motion templates and extreme learning machine for sign language recognition
* DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning
* Depth image upsampling based on guided filter with low gradient minimization
* DRCDN: learning deep residual convolutional dehazing networks
* DTW-CNN: time series-based human interaction prediction in videos using CNN-extracted features
* Dual-modality spatiotemporal feature learning for spontaneous facial expression recognition in e-learning using hybrid deep neural network
* Dynamic texture recognition using local tetra pattern: Three orthogonal planes (LTrP-TOP)
* Effect of layer-wise fine-tuning in magnification-dependent classification of breast cancer histopathological image
* End-to-end deep metric network for visual tracking
* Endpoint fusing method of online freehand-sketched polyhedrons
* Face detection and tracking using hybrid margin-based ROI techniques
* Facial emotion detection using modified eyemap-mouthmap algorithm on an enhanced image and classification with tensorflow
* Facial expression recognition algorithm based on parameter adaptive initialization of CNN and LSTM
* Facial expression recognition with convolutional neural networks via a new face cropping and rotation strategy
* Fast and sub-pixel precision target tracking algorithm for intelligent dual-resolution camera
* Fast facial expression recognition using local binary features and shallow neural networks
* Fast two-stage segmentation model for images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Fine-grained action recognition using multi-view attentions
* Four points: one-pass geometrical camera calibration algorithm
* Fuzzy weighted sparse reconstruction error-steered semi-supervised learning for face recognition
* Generation of crowd arrival and destination locations/times in complex transit facilities
* Geometric statistics-based descriptor for 3D ear recognition
* Gestural flick input-based non-touch interface for character input
* Glioma extraction from MR images employing Gradient Based Kernel Selection Graph Cut technique
* GSPnP: simple and geometric solution for PnP problem
* HDR image retrieval by using color-based descriptor and tone mapping operator
* High-performance intra-mode accelerator for HEVC
* Human position and head direction tracking in fisheye camera using randomized ferns and fisheye histograms of oriented gradients
* Hybrid 3D mass-spring system for simulation of isotropic materials with any Poisson's ratio
* Image enhancement with naturalness preservation
* Image saliency detection via multi-scale iterative CNN
* improved correlation filter tracking method with occlusion and drift handling, An
* improved correlation filter tracking method with occlusion and drift handling, An
* Improved curriculum learning using SSM for facial expression recognition
* integrated approach for medical abnormality detection using deep patch convolutional neural networks, An
* Integrating global and local image features for enhanced loop closure detection in RGB-D SLAM systems
* Interactive influences of color attributes on color perception bias
* ISPH-PBD: Coupled Simulation of Incompressible Fluids and Deformable Bodies
* Joint learning of image detail and transmission map for single image dehazing
* Joint learning of visual and spatial features for edit propagation from a single image
* Kinetic locally minimal triangulation: theoretical evaluation and combinatorial analysis
* Latent transformations neural network for object view synthesis
* Learning a convolutional neural network for propagation-based stereo image segmentation
* Learning semantic dependencies with channel correlation for multi-label classification
* Light field variational estimation using a light field formation model
* Literature Explorer: effective retrieval of scientific documents through nonparametric thematic topic detection
* Long-term correlation tracking via spatial-temporal context
* machine learning framework for full-reference 3D shape quality assessment, A
* Maximum spatial-temporal isometric cluster for dynamic surface correspondence
* Micro-expression recognition: an updated review of current trends, challenges and solutions
* microfacet-based BRDF for the accurate and efficient rendering of high-definition specular normal maps, A
* Multi-level colored directional motif histograms for content-based image retrieval
* Multidimensional virtual reality-MVR method: A new method of visualization of multidimensional worlds
* new multi-secret image sharing scheme based on DCT, A
* new TLD target tracking method based on improved correlation filter and adaptive scale, A
* NLME: a nonlinear motion estimation-based compression method for animated mesh sequence
* Noise-tolerant texture feature extraction through directional thresholded local binary pattern
* novel approach for scale and rotation adaptive estimation based on time series alignment, A
* novel deep network and aggregation model for saliency detection, A
* OP-MR: the implementation of order picking based on mixed reality in a smart warehouse
* Part-based visual tracking with spatially regularized correlation filters
* Pattern recognition based on compound complex shape-invariant Radon transform
* Pattern understanding and synthesis based on layout tree descriptor
* personalized traffic simulation integrating emotion using a driving simulator, A
* Photographic style transfer
* Physics-preserving fluid reconstruction from monocular video coupling with SFS and SPH
* Physics-preserving fluid reconstruction from monocular video coupling with SFS and SPH
* Point set registration based on feature point constraints
* practical methodology for computer-aided design of custom 3D printable casts for wrist fractures, A
* Preparation and enhancement of 3D laser scanner data for realistic coloured BIM models
* Real-time object tracking based on an adaptive transition model and extended Kalman filter to handle full occlusion
* Recent advances in shape correspondence
* Residual feature pyramid networks for salient object detection
* review of monocular visual odometry, A
* Robust dense correspondence using deep convolutional features
* Robust salient object detection for RGB images
* robust visual tracking method via local feature extraction and saliency detection, A
* Saliency bagging: a novel framework for robust salient object detection
* Salient object detection via hybrid upsampling and hybrid loss computing
* Search inliers based on redundant geometric constraints
* Segmentation of crowd flow by trajectory clustering in active contours
* Simultaneous segmentation and correction model for color medical and natural images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Single-image super-resolution via patch-based and group-based local smoothness modeling
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition by Part-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks
* Structured dictionary learning using mixed-norms and group-sparsity constraint
* Support vector regression-based 3D-wavelet texture learning for hyperspectral image compression
* Surface defect saliency of magnetic tile
* Survey of cube mapping methods in interactive computer graphics
* Texture-guided depth upsampling using Bregman split: A clustering graph-based approach
* Three-dimensional salient point detection based on the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions
* Tight lower bound on transmission for single image dehazing
* Tracking and frame-rate enhancement for real-time 2D human pose estimation
* Transformation of portraits to Picasso's cubism style
* Two-attribute e-commerce image classification based on a convolutional neural network
* Using CNN for facial expression recognition: a study of the effects of kernel size and number of filters on accuracy
* Using pseudo voxel octree to accelerate collision between cutting tool and deformable objects modeled as linked voxels
* Video stitching based on multi-view spatiotemporal feature points and grid-based matching
* Video-Based Social Behavior Recognition Based on Kernel Relevance Analysis
* Visual tracking tracker via object proposals and co-trained kernelized correlation filters
* Weakly supervised deep network for spatiotemporal localization and detection of human actions in wild conditions
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