Mao, A.[Anyu]
Co Author Listing * Childhood Leukemia Classification via Information Bottleneck Enhanced Hierarchical Multi-Instance Learning
* Denoising Point Clouds in Latent Space via Graph Convolution and Invertible Neural Network
* PD-Flow: A Point Cloud Denoising Framework with Normalizing Flows
* Positional Attention Guided Transformer-Like Architecture for Visual Question Answering
* Salient object detection via a linear feedback control system
* Salient Object Detection via Fuzzy Theory and Object-Level Enhancement
* Visual tracking via adaptive multi-task feature learning with calibration and identification
Includes: Mao, A.[Anyu] Mao, A.[Aihua] Mao, A.
7 for Mao, A.
Mao, A.H.[Ai Hua]
Co Author Listing * new fast normal-based interpolating subdivision scheme by cubic Bézier curves, A
Includes: Mao, A.H.[Ai Hua] Mao, A.H.[Ai-Hua]
Mao, B.
Co Author Listing * 3D Building Models Segmentation Based on K-Means++ Cluster Analysis
* Cooperative Control of Metro Trains to Minimize Net Energy Consumption
* Dynamic Online 3D Visualization Framework for Real-Time Energy Simulation Based on 3D Tiles
* Efficient Nd-point Data Structure for Querying Flood Risk, An
* Energy-Efficient Locomotive Operation for Chinese Mainline Railways by Fuzzy Predictive Control
* Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RGB Images and Machine Learning: Multi-Feature Combinations, Flight Height, and Algorithm Implications
* Estimating Maize Crop Height and Aboveground Biomass Using Multi-Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing and Optuna-Optimized Ensemble Learning Algorithms
* framework for generalization of city models based on CityGML and X3D, A
* Framework For Online Spatio-temporal Data Visualization Based On HTML5, A
* Gate Level Information Flow analysis for multi-valued logic system
* Generalization of 3D building texture using image compression and multiple representation data structure
* Integration of Multi-Camera Video Moving Objects and GIS
* Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues
* Methodology for the Efficient Progressive Distribution and Visualization of 3D Building Objects
* multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models, A
* Timetable Optimization for Metro Lines Connecting to Intercity Railway Stations to Minimize Passenger Waiting Time
* Typification for Façade Structures Based on User Perception
Includes: Mao, B. Mao, B.[Bo] Mao, B.[Bohan] Mao, B.[Binjie]
17 for Mao, B.
Mao, B.J.[Bin Jie]
Co Author Listing * Patch loss: A generic multi-scale perceptual loss for single image super-resolution
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
Includes: Mao, B.J.[Bin Jie] Mao, B.J.[Bin-Jie]
Mao, B.M.[Bo Min]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive and Reliable Location Privacy Risk Sensing in Internet of Vehicles
Includes: Mao, B.M.[Bo Min] Mao, B.M.[Bo-Min]
Mao, C.
Co Author Listing * Bus Signal Priority Control Method Based on Video Detection Technology at Urban Intersection
* Live Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
* Machine vision scheme for stain-release evaluation using Gabor filters with optimized coefficients
* Novel Chinese Sign Language Recognition Method Based on Keyframe-Centered Clips, A
* Time-Frequency Analysis of Variable-Length WiFi CSI Signals for Person Re-Identification
Includes: Mao, C. Mao, C.[Cui] Mao, C.[Chen]
Mao, C.B.[Cheng Bo]
Co Author Listing * Target-level Sentiment Analysis Based on Image and Text Fusion
Includes: Mao, C.B.[Cheng Bo] Mao, C.B.[Cheng-Bo]
Mao, C.J.[Chao Jie]
Co Author Listing * NGC: A Unified Framework for Learning with Open-World Noisy Data
* SCEdit: Efficient and Controllable Image Diffusion Generation via Skip Connection Editing
* Structured Model Probing: Empowering Efficient Transfer Learning by Structured Regularization
Includes: Mao, C.J.[Chao Jie] Mao, C.J.[Chao-Jie]
Mao, C.L.[Ching Lung]
Co Author Listing * Method of separating text and graphs in digital image data
* Question classification based on co-training style semi-supervised learning
Includes: Mao, C.L.[Ching Lung] Mao, C.L.[Ching-Lung] Mao, C.L.[Cun-Li]
Mao, C.S.[Cheng Sheng]
Co Author Listing * ImageGCN: Multi-Relational Image Graph Convolutional Networks for Disease Identification With Chest X-Rays
Includes: Mao, C.S.[Cheng Sheng] Mao, C.S.[Cheng-Sheng]
Mao, C.W.[Chi Wu]
Co Author Listing * Application of Competitive Hopfield Neural Network to Medical Image Segmentation, The
* Modified Hopfield Neural Network with Fuzzy C-Means Technique for Multispectral MR Image Segmentation, A
Includes: Mao, C.W.[Chi Wu] Mao, C.W.[Chi-Wu] Mao, C.W.
Mao, C.Y.[Chong Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Current Configuration of the OSTIA System for Operational Production of Foundation Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Concentration Analyses, The
* Examining the feasibility of current spiral curve design controls for LiDAR-based automated vehicles
* Use of SLSTR Sea Surface Temperature Data in OSTIA as a Reference Sensor: Implementation and Validation
Includes: Mao, C.Y.[Chong Yuan] Mao, C.Y.[Chong-Yuan] Mao, C.Y.[Cheng-Yang]
Mao, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Attacks are Reversible with Natural Supervision
* Causal Transportability for Visual Recognition
* Doubly Right Object Recognition: A Why Prompt for Visual Rationales
* Generative Interventions for Causal Learning
* ImageNet-D: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness on Diffusion Synthetic Object
* Landscape Learning for Neural Network Inversion
* Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness
* What You Can Reconstruct from a Shadow
Includes: Mao, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi] Mao, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi]
8 for Mao, C.Z.
Mao, D.[Donzxing]
Co Author Listing * AssistGUI: Task-Oriented PC Graphical User Interface Automation
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis for Visual Stylometry
* Location Planning of PEV Fast Charging Station: An Integrated Approach Under Traffic and Power Grid Requirements
Includes: Mao, D.[Donzxing] Mao, D.[Dong] Mao, D.
Mao, D.H.[De Hua]
Co Author Listing * Annual Wetland Mapping in Metropolis by Temporal Sample Migration and Random Forest Classification with Time Series Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Soil Total Nitrogen Content Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 Images
* Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove species (Sonneratia apetala) across latitudinal coastal areas of China
* Enhanced mangrove vegetation index based on hyperspectral images for mapping mangrove
* Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conservation on Mangroves: A Remote Sensing-Based Comparison for Two Adjacent Protected Areas in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, China
* Identifying mangroves through knowledge extracted from trained random forest models: An interpretable mangrove mapping approach (IMMA)
* Identifying Urban Functional Areas in China's Changchun City from Sentinel-2 Images and Social Sensing Data
* Impacts of Climate Change on Tibetan Lakes: Patterns and Processes
* Land Use Change and Hotspot Identification in Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration in China from 1990 to 2020
* Mapping Phragmites australis Aboveground Biomass in the Momoge Wetland Ramsar Site Based on Sentinel-1/2 Images
* Mapping the Essential Urban Land Use in Changchun by Applying Random Forest and Multi-Source Geospatial Data
* Monitoring 40-Year Lake Area Changes of the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau, Using Landsat Time Series
* Monitoring Invasion Process of Spartina alterniflora by Seasonal Sentinel-2 Imagery and an Object-Based Random Forest Classification
* National wetland mapping in China: A new product resulting from object-based and hierarchical classification of Landsat 8 OLI images
* New Vegetation Index to Detect Periodically Submerged Mangrove Forest Using Single-Tide Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
* Novel Dynamic Dispatching Method for Bicycle-Sharing System, A
* Rapid Invasion of Spartina alterniflora in the Coastal Zone of Mainland China: New Observations from Landsat OLI Images
Includes: Mao, D.H.[De Hua] Mao, D.H.[De-Hua] Mao, D.H.[Dian-Hui]
17 for Mao, D.H.
Mao, D.L.[Dong Lei]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Height of the Stable Boundary Layer in Summer and Its Influencing Factors in the Taklamakan Desert Hinterland
Includes: Mao, D.L.[Dong Lei] Mao, D.L.[Dong-Lei]
Mao, D.Q.[De Qian]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Sample Assignment Network for Tiny Object Detection, An
* Aggregating Global and Local Representations via Hybrid Transformer for Video Deraining
* DHNet: Salient Object Detection With Dynamic Scale-Aware Learning and Hard-Sample Refinement
* Fast Resolution Enhancement for Real Beam Mapping Using the Parallel Iterative Deconvolution Method
* MuA-SAR Fast Imaging Based on UCFFBP Algorithm with Multi-Level Regional Attention Strategy
* Real Aperture Radar Angular Super-Resolution Imaging Using Modified Smoothed L0 Norm with a Regularization Strategy
* Semi-Supervised SAR ATR Framework with Transductive Auxiliary Segmentation
Includes: Mao, D.Q.[De Qian] Mao, D.Q.[De-Qian] Mao, D.Q.[De-Qing]
7 for Mao, D.Q.
Mao, D.S.[Dan Sheng]
Co Author Listing * theory of phase-sensitive rotation invariance with spherical harmonic and moment-based representations, A
Includes: Mao, D.S.[Dan Sheng] Mao, D.S.[Dan-Sheng]
Mao, D.W.[Dong Wei]
Co Author Listing * Continuous Tracking of Targets for Stereoscopic HFSWR Based on IMM Filtering Combined with ELM
Includes: Mao, D.W.[Dong Wei] Mao, D.W.[Dong-Wei]
Mao, D.X.[Dong Xing]
Co Author Listing * AssistQ: Affordance-Centric Question-Driven Task Completion for Egocentric Assistant
* VideoLLM-online: Online Video Large Language Model for Streaming Video
Includes: Mao, D.X.[Dong Xing] Mao, D.X.[Dong-Xing]
Mao, D.Y.[Dong Yan]
Co Author Listing * Artificial Intelligence-Based Precipitation Estimation Method Using Fengyun-4B Satellite Data
* Evaluation of FY-4A Temperature Profile Products and Application to Winter Precipitation Type Diagnosis in Southern China
Includes: Mao, D.Y.[Dong Yan] Mao, D.Y.[Dong-Yan]
Mao, E.
Co Author Listing * High-Accuracy Phase-Derived Velocity Measurement Method for High-Speed Spatial Targets Based on Stepped-Frequency Chirp Signals, A
* High-Precision Method of Phase-Derived Velocity Measurement and Its Application in Motion Compensation of ISAR Imaging, A
* High-Precision Phase-Derived Velocity Measurement Method for High-Speed Targets Based on Wideband Direct Sampling LFM Radar, A
Includes: Mao, E. Mao, E.[Erke]
Mao, F.
Co Author Listing * 2-D and 3-D Motion Analysis in Digital Subtraction Angiography
* Boundary Layer Heights as Derived From Ground-Based Radar Wind Profiler in Beijing
* DEPARA: Deep Attribution Graph for Deep Knowledge Transferability
* Hierarchical Video Frame Sequence Representation with Deep Convolutional Graph Network
* Knowledge Amalgamation for Object Detection With Transformers
* Making DensePose fast and light
* Mastering Arterial Traffic Signal Control With Multi-Agent Attention-Based Soft Actor-Critic Model
* Optimisation model and solution method of multi-sources guide paths
* Personalized Image Semantic Segmentation
* Research and Application of Spatial Information Technology in Cultural Heritage Conservation-Case Study on Grand Canal of CHINA, The
* Self-born Wiring for Neural Trees
* Wavelet Transform for Directional Feature Extraction in Medical Imaging
Includes: Mao, F. Mao, F.[Feng] Mao, F.[Fung]
12 for Mao, F.
Mao, F.J.[Fang Jie]
Co Author Listing * Application of Convolutional Neural Network on Lei Bamboo Above-Ground-Biomass (AGB) Estimation Using Worldview-2
* Assimilating leaf area index of three typical types of subtropical forest in China from MODIS time series data based on the integrated ensemble Kalman filter and PROSAIL model
* Assimilating Multiresolution Leaf Area Index of Moso Bamboo Forest from MODIS Time Series Data Based on a Hierarchical Bayesian Network Algorithm
* Comparison of Two Data Assimilation Methods for Improving MODIS LAI Time Series for Bamboo Forests
* Estimation of Urban Forest Characteristic Parameters Using UAV-Lidar Coupled with Canopy Volume
* Intelligent Estimating the Tree Height in Urban Forests Based on Deep Learning Combined with a Smartphone and a Comparison with UAV-LiDAR
* Intelligent Mapping of Urban Forests from High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Object-Based U-Net-DenseNet-Coupled Network
* Novel Query Strategy-Based Rank Batch-Mode Active Learning Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* Phenology estimation of subtropical bamboo forests based on assimilated MODIS LAI time series data
* Simulating Future LUCC by Coupling Climate Change and Human Effects Based on Multi-Phase Remote Sensing Data
* Spatiotemporal Estimation of Bamboo Forest Aboveground Carbon Storage Based on Landsat Data in Zhejiang, China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Fractional Vegetation Cover and Its Response to Climate Change Based on MODIS Data in the Subtropical Region of China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Carbon Fluxes from Bamboo Forests and their Response to Climate Change Based on a BEPS Model in China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Expansion Using Landsat Time Series Data and Assessment of Its Influences on Forests
* Spatiotemporal LUCC Simulation under Different RCP Scenarios Based on the BPNN_CA_Markov Model: A Case Study of Bamboo Forest in Anji County
* Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Force of Urbanization and Its Impact on Urban Ecology
* Tree Species Classifications of Urban Forests Using UAV-LiDAR Intensity Frequency Data
* UAV-LiDAR Integration with Sentinel-2 Enhances Precision in AGB Estimation for Bamboo Forests
Includes: Mao, F.J.[Fang Jie] Mao, F.J.[Fang-Jie]
18 for Mao, F.J.
Mao, F.L.[Feng Ling]
Co Author Listing * Stochastic Decorrelation Constraint Regularized Auto-Encoder for Visual Recognition
Includes: Mao, F.L.[Feng Ling] Mao, F.L.[Feng-Ling]
Mao, F.Y.[Fei Yue]
Co Author Listing * Deriving Hourly PM2.5 Concentrations from Himawari-8 AODs over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in China
* Disassembling Convolutional Segmentation Network
* Evaluation of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Satellite Atomic Clock Products and Their Effects on Positioning
* Evaluation of Himawari-8/AHI, MERRA-2, and CAMS Aerosol Products over China
* First retrieval of daily 160 m aerosol optical depth over urban areas using Gaofen-1/6 synergistic observations: Algorithm development and validation
* Impacts of 3D Aerosol, Cloud, and Water Vapor Variations on the Recent Brightening during the South Asian Monsoon Season
* Integration of Multi-GNSS PPP-RTK/INS/Vision with a Cascading Kalman Filter for Vehicle Navigation in Urban Areas
* Physical Parameterization of Hyperspectral Reflectance in the Oxygen A-Band for Single-Layer Water Clouds
* Regional Spatiotemporal Downscaling Method for CO2 Columns, A
* Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Fusion Combining Active and Passive Remote Sensing Based on Bayesian Maximum Entropy
* Three-Dimensional Physical and Optical Characteristics of Aerosols over Central China from Long-Term CALIPSO and HYSPLIT Data
* Validation of VIIRS AOD through a Comparison with a Sun Photometer and MODIS AODs over Wuhan
* Wavelength Selection Of Hyperspectral Lidar Based On Feature Weighting For Estimation Of Leaf Nitrogen Content In Rice
Includes: Mao, F.Y.[Fei Yue] Mao, F.Y.[Fei-Yue] Mao, F.Y.[Fang-Yuan] Mao, F.Y.[Fei-Yu]
13 for Mao, F.Y.
Mao, G.
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Link Travel Time Distribution With Limited Traffic Detectors
* Fundamental Limits of Missing Traffic Data Estimation in Urban Networks
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* Missing Data Estimation for Traffic Volume by Searching an Optimum Closed Cut in Urban Networks
* Multipath Cooperative Communications Networks for Augmented and Virtual Reality Transmission
* Network Capacity Maximization Using Route Choice and Signal Control With Multiple OD Pairs
* New Multi-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Robust Localization Using Time Difference of Arrivals
* Throughput of Infrastructure-Based Cooperative Vehicular Networks
* Topological Approach to Secure Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks, A
* Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
Includes: Mao, G. Mao, G.[Guiting]
11 for Mao, G.
Mao, G.Q.[Guo Qiang]
Co Author Listing * Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control Using Constrained Network Partition and Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MagMonitor: Vehicle Speed Estimation and Vehicle Classification Through A Magnetic Sensor
* On-Ramp Merging Strategies of Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering Communication Delay
* Parking Prediction in Smart Cities: A Survey
* Rapid and large-scale mapping of flood inundation via integrating spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery with unsupervised deep learning
* Stochastic Characterization of Information Propagation Process in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
* Toward Accurate Crowd Counting in Large Surveillance Areas Based on Passive WiFi Sensing
* Towards Enhanced Recovery and System Stability: Analytical Solutions for Dynamic Incident Effects in Road Networks
* What is the Root Cause of Congestion in Urban Traffic Networks: Road Infrastructure or Signal Control?
Includes: Mao, G.Q.[Guo Qiang] Mao, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang] Mao, G.Q.[Gan-Quan]
9 for Mao, G.Q.
Mao, H.[He]
Co Author Listing * Application of the best evacuation model of deep learning in the design of public structures
* Cell tracking using deep neural networks with multi-task learning
* Deep Multiview Clustering by Contrasting Cluster Assignments
* Delay Metric for Video Object Detection: What Average Precision Fails to Tell, A
* Enhancing Multi-modal Features Using Local Self-attention for 3D Object Detection
* Exploring the Granularity of Sparsity in Convolutional Neural Networks
* General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control, A
* Influence of Abnormal Eddies on Seasonal Variations in Sonic Layer Depth in the South China Sea
* Lightweight Keypoint-Based Oriented Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multiview Clustering by Consensus Spectral Rotation Fusion
* Multiview Subspace Clustering Using Low-Rank Representation
* Novel Deep Nearest Neighbor Neural Network for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, A
* Novel Discriminative Enhancement Method for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, A
* ThunderNet: A Turbo Unified Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Mao, H.[He] Mao, H.[Hua] Mao, H. Mao, H.[Hui] Mao, H.[Hangyu] Mao, H.[Huabin] Mao, H.[Heting]
14 for Mao, H.
Mao, H.D.[Hong Da]
Co Author Listing * convex neighbor-constrained active contour model for image segmentation, A
* Neighbor-constrained active contours without edges
Includes: Mao, H.D.[Hong Da] Mao, H.D.[Hong-Da]
Mao, H.F.[Hua Feng]
Co Author Listing * Animal Migration Patterns Extraction Based on Atrous-Gated CNN Deep Learning Model
* Infrared imaging enhancement through local window-based saliency extraction with spatial weight
* Insect-Equivalent Radar Cross-Section Model Based on Field Experimental Results of Body Length and Orientation Extraction
* Polarimetric Calibration Technique for a Fully Polarimetric Entomological Radar Based on Antenna Rotation
Includes: Mao, H.F.[Hua Feng] Mao, H.F.[Hua-Feng] Mao, H.F.[Hai-Feng]
Mao, H.H.[Hui Hui]
Co Author Listing * Discovering Optimal Triplets for Assessing the Uncertainties of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Products
* Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Extraction in X-Ray Coronary Angiography
Includes: Mao, H.H.[Hui Hui] Mao, H.H.[Hui-Hui] Mao, H.H.[Hao-Hao]
Mao, H.J.[Hai Jun]
Co Author Listing * Real-Time Holding Control for Transfer Synchronization via Robust Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Mao, H.J.[Hai Jun] Mao, H.J.[Hai-Jun]
Mao, H.P.[Han Ping]
Co Author Listing * Use of leaf color images to identify nitrogen and potassium deficient tomatoes
Includes: Mao, H.P.[Han Ping] Mao, H.P.[Han-Ping]
Mao, H.Q.[Hai Quan]
Co Author Listing * Cluster-Guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Deep Speaker Embedding
* TemporalUV: Capturing Loose Clothing with Temporally Coherent UV Coordinates
Includes: Mao, H.Q.[Hai Quan] Mao, H.Q.[Hai-Quan] Mao, H.Q.[Hui-Qi]
Mao, H.S.[Hsi Shu]
Co Author Listing * Learning-Based Super-Resolution System Using Single Facial Image and Multi-resolution Wavelet Synthesis
Includes: Mao, H.S.[Hsi Shu] Mao, H.S.[Hsi-Shu]
Mao, H.X.[Hong Xia]
Co Author Listing * Damage Scene Change Detection Based on Infrared Polarization Imaging and Fast-PCANet
Includes: Mao, H.X.[Hong Xia] Mao, H.X.[Hong-Xia]
Mao, H.Y.[Hai Yang]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive and Iterative Learning With Multi-Perspective Regularizations for Metal Artifact Reduction
* HSR-Diff: Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Conditional Diffusion Models
* Recognition confidence analysis of handwritten Chinese character with CNN
* Wavelet-Inspired Multi-Channel Score-Based Model for Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction
Includes: Mao, H.Y.[Hai Yang] Mao, H.Y.[Hai-Yang] Mao, H.Y.[Han-Yu] Mao, H.Y.[Hui-Yun]
Mao, H.Z.[Han Zi]
Co Author Listing * ConvNet for the 2020s, A
* Exploring Plain Vision Transformer Backbones for Object Detection
* Parameter-Free Inter-view Depth Propagation for Mobile Free-View Video
* Segment Anything
Includes: Mao, H.Z.[Han Zi] Mao, H.Z.[Han-Zi]
Mao, J.[Jue]
Co Author Listing * AlphaVC: High-Performance and Efficient Learned Video Compression
* Biometric Key Generation Method Based on Semisupervised Data Clustering, A
* CLIP2: Contrastive Language-Image-Point Pretraining from Real-World Point Cloud Data
* CNN-RNN: A Unified Framework for Multi-label Image Classification
* Combining Multiple OCRs for Optimizing Word Recognition
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Bi-Prediction Utilizing Spatial and Temporal Information in Video Coding
* CVRRSS-CHD: Computer vision-related roadside surveillance system using compound hierarchical-deep models
* Design of Differential-Low Earth Orbit Opportunistically Enhanced GNSS (D-LoeGNSS) Navigation Framework, A
* Designing Robust Air Transportation Networks via Minimizing Total Effective Resistance
* DETRA: A Unified Model for Object Detection and Trajectory Forecasting
* Driving Everywhere with Large Language Model Policy Adaptation
* End-To-End Convolutional Network for Video Rain Streaks Removal
* Evaluation of CLM4 Solar Radiation Partitioning Scheme Using Remote Sensing and Site Level FPAR Datasets
* Global Latitudinal-Asymmetric Vegetation Growth Trends and Their Driving Mechanisms: 1982-2009
* GrabCut algorithm for dental X-ray images based on full threshold segmentation
* Interpolated Convolutional Networks for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
* Lexicon reduction using key characters in cursive handwritten words
* Local Metric for Defocus Blur Detection Based on CNN Feature Learning, A
* Management System for Dam-Break Hazard Mapping in a Complex Basin Environment
* Multiresolution Rotation Invariant Simultaneous Auto Regressive Model for Texture Analysis
* Noise-Avoidance Sampling for Annotation Missing Object Detection
* Novel Lidar Signal-Denoising Algorithm Based on Sparrow Search Algorithm for Optimal Variational Modal Decomposition, A
* novel method of human identification based on dental impression image, A
* Perspective Plane Program Induction From a Single Image
* Point Cloud Improvement Method for High-Resolution 4D mmWave Radar Imagery, A
* Point-level feature learning based on vision transformer for occluded person re-identification
* Program-Guided Image Manipulators
* Pyramid R-CNN: Towards Better Performance and Adaptability for 3D Object Detection
* Saliency-Guided Single Shot Multibox Detector for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Scaling-up Support Vector Machines Using Boosting Algorithm
* Spectral Modality-aware Interactive Fusion Network for HSI Super-resolution
* Spectral Superresolution Using Transformer with Convolutional Spectral Self-Attention
* Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review
* Universal domain adaptation from multiple black-box sources
* What Can Help Pedestrian Detection?
Includes: Mao, J.[Jue] Mao, J.[Jiafa] Mao, J.[Jiageng] Mao, J. Mao, J.[Jianchang] Mao, J.[Jia] Mao, J.[Jianwu] Mao, J.[Jiafu] Mao, J.[Jian] Mao, J.[Jiafeng] Mao, J.[Jiandong] Mao, J.[Junfa] Mao, J.[Jiayou]
35 for Mao, J.
Mao, J.B.[Jian Bo]
Co Author Listing * Edge-Guided Contrastive Adaptation Network for Arteriovenous Nicking Classification Using Synthetic Data
Includes: Mao, J.B.[Jian Bo] Mao, J.B.[Jian-Bo]
Mao, J.C.[Jian Chang]
Co Author Listing * email: Mao, J.C.[Jian Chang]: mao AT almaden ibm com
* Artificial Neural Networks for Feature-Extraction and Multivariate Data Projection
* Form dropout using distance transformation
* Improving OCR Performance Using Character Degradation Models and Boosting Algorithm
* Integration of Multiple Feature Groups and Multiple Views into a 3d Object Recognition System
* Model-Based Form Processing Sub-System, A
* Parsimonious network design and feature selection through node pruning
* Special Issue on Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern-Recognition
* System for Automatically Reading IATA Flight Coupons, A
* System for Cursive Handwritten Address Recognition, A
* Texture Classification and Segmentation Using Multiresolution Simultaneous Autoregressive Models
Includes: Mao, J.C.[Jian Chang] Mao, J.C.[Jian-Chang] Mao, J.C.
11 for Mao, J.C.
Mao, J.F.[Jian Feng]
Co Author Listing * DocReal: Robust Document Dewarping of Real-Life Images via Attention-Enhanced Control Point Prediction
* Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Denoising: Towards Semantic-driven Initialization, The
* Noisy Localization Annotation Refinement for Object Detection
* Scomatch: Alleviating Overtrusting in Open-set Semi-supervised Learning
* Target distance measurement method using monocular vision
* Training-Free Location-Aware Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Trinity-Yolo: High-precision logo detection in the real world
Includes: Mao, J.F.[Jian Feng] Mao, J.F.[Jian-Feng] Mao, J.F.[Jia-Feng] Mao, J.F.[Jia-Fa]
7 for Mao, J.F.
Mao, J.G.[Jia Geng]
Co Author Listing * 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Survey
* Grnet: Gridding Residual Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
* Point2Seq: Detecting 3D Objects as Sequences
* Voxel Transformer for 3D Object Detection
Includes: Mao, J.G.[Jia Geng] Mao, J.G.[Jia-Geng]
Mao, J.H.[Jun Hua]
Co Author Listing * Active Patch Model for Real World Texture and Appearance Classification, An
* Compressed feature vector-based effective object recognition model in detection of COVID-19
* Filtering LIDAR Points by Fusion of Intensity Measures and Aerial Images
* Generation and Comprehension of Unambiguous Object Descriptions
* In-Flight Preliminary Performance of GF-5B/Absorbing Aerosol Sensor
* Learning Like a Child: Fast Novel Visual Concept Learning from Sentence Descriptions of Images
* Multi-modal 3D Human Pose Estimation with 2D Weak Supervision in Autonomous Driving
* Pre-Launch Multi-Energy Radiance Calibration of the OMS-N
* Preflight Spectral Calibration of the Ozone Monitoring Suite-Nadir on FengYun 3F Satellite
* STINet: Spatio-Temporal-Interactive Network for Pedestrian Detection and Trajectory Prediction
* Unsupervised Transfer Learning via Multi-Scale Convolutional Sparse Coding for Biomedical Applications
Includes: Mao, J.H.[Jun Hua] Mao, J.H.[Jun-Hua] Mao, J.H.[Jin-Hong] Mao, J.H. Mao, J.H.[Jing-Hua] Mao, J.H.[Jian-Hua]
11 for Mao, J.H.
Mao, J.J.[Jia Jia]
Co Author Listing * Effects of Assimilating Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer and FY-3D MWTS-2/MWHS-2 Data in Precipitation Forecasting
Includes: Mao, J.J.[Jia Jia] Mao, J.J.[Jia-Jia]
Mao, J.L.[Jia Li]
Co Author Listing * Comparative Analysis of Striping Noise between FY-3E MWTS-3 and FY-3D MWTS-2
* Dynamic Changes, Spatiotemporal Differences, and Ecological Effects of Impervious Surfaces in the Yellow River Basin, 1986-2020
* Performance Evaluation and Noise Mitigation of the FY-3E Microwave Humidity Sounder
* Spatio-Temporal Variation and Prediction of Carbon Storage in Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Yellow River Basin
Includes: Mao, J.L.[Jia Li] Mao, J.L.[Jia-Li] Mao, J.L.[Jia-Lin]
Mao, J.N.[Jian Nan]
Co Author Listing * MTLMetro: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Model for Metro Passenger Demands Prediction
* Origin-Destination Matrix Prediction in Public Transport Networks: Incorporating Heterogeneous Direct and Transfer Trips
Includes: Mao, J.N.[Jian Nan] Mao, J.N.[Jian-Nan]
Mao, J.P.[Jian Ping]
Co Author Listing * Airborne Measurements of CO2 Column Concentration and Range Using a Pulsed Direct-Detection IPDA Lidar
* Region-based two-stage MRI bone tissue segmentation of the knee joint
Includes: Mao, J.P.[Jian Ping] Mao, J.P.[Jian-Ping]
Mao, J.Q.[Jia Qi]
Co Author Listing * Fast Seismic Landslide Detection Based on Improved Mask R-CNN
* Hydrological Drivers for the Spatial Distribution of Wetland Herbaceous Communities in Poyang Lake
* Machine Learning Approach for Estimating the Trophic State of Urban Waters Based on Remote Sensing and Environmental Factors, A
Includes: Mao, J.Q.[Jia Qi] Mao, J.Q.[Jia-Qi] Mao, J.Q.[Jing-Qiao]
Mao, J.T.[Jing Tong]
Co Author Listing * Magnetic resonance image segmentation using optimized nearest neighbor classifiers
Includes: Mao, J.T.[Jing Tong] Mao, J.T.[Jing-Tong]
Mao, J.W.[Jun Wen]
Co Author Listing * Device temporal forensics: An information theoretic approach
* POSTER++: A simpler and stronger facial expression recognition network
* Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
Includes: Mao, J.W.[Jun Wen] Mao, J.W.[Jun-Wen] Mao, J.W.[Jia-Wei]
Mao, J.X.[Jian Xu]
Co Author Listing * Category-Contextual Relation Encoding Network for Few-Shot Object Detection
* Deep Confidence Propagation Stereo Network
* Deep Progressive Fusion Stereo Network
* Deep residual deconvolutional networks for defocus blur detection
* Deep Stereo Matching With Hysteresis Attention and Supervised Cost Volume Construction
* Deep Stereo Network With MRF-Based Cost Aggregation
* Digital Twins in Transportation Infrastructure: An Investigation of the Key Enabling Technologies, Applications, and Challenges
* Real-time human cross-race aging-related face appearance detection with deep convolution architecture
Includes: Mao, J.X.[Jian Xu] Mao, J.X.[Jian-Xu] Mao, J.X.[Jian-Xiao] Mao, J.X.[Jun-Xiang]
8 for Mao, J.X.
Mao, J.Y.[Jia Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Acquisition of Localization Confidence for Accurate Object Detection
* Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs
* local convex method for rank-sparsity factorization, A
* NS3D: Neuro-Symbolic Grounding of 3D Objects and Relations
* Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description and Synthesis
* Translating a Visual LEGO Manual to a Machine-Executable Plan
* Unified Visual-Semantic Embeddings: Bridging Vision and Language With Structured Meaning Representations
Includes: Mao, J.Y.[Jia Yuan] Mao, J.Y.[Jia-Yuan] Mao, J.Y.[Jia-Yun]
7 for Mao, J.Y.
Mao, J.Z.[Jun Zhu]
Co Author Listing * Attention Map Guided Transformer Pruning for Occluded Person Re-Identification on Edge Device
Includes: Mao, J.Z.[Jun Zhu] Mao, J.Z.[Jun-Zhu]
Mao, K.[Kebiao]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Change in Land Surface Temperature for a Long-Term Sequence in Africa (2003-2017)
* Bare Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Using Double-Angle and Dual-Polarization L-Band Radar Data
* Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation, A
* Classification of hand-wrist maturity level based on similarity matching
* Competence-Based Song Recommendation: Matching Songs to One's Singing Skill
* Cyberbullying Detection Based on Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized Denoising Auto-Encoder
* Event-Based Hough Transform in a Spiking Neural Network for Multiple Line Detection and Tracking Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
* General Paradigm for Retrieving Soil Moisture and Surface Temperature from Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data Based on Artificial Intelligence, A
* Generative detect for occlusion object based on occlusion generation and feature completing
* Global Tracking via Ensemble of Local Trackers
* Image-Based Beam Tracking With Deep Learning for mmWave V2I Communication Systems
* Information Spatial-Temporal Extension Algorithm for Shipborne Predictions Based on Deep Neural Networks with Remote Sensing Observations: Part I: Ocean Temperature, An
* Joint Visual Grounding and Tracking with Natural Language Specification
* Learning Semantic Text Features for Web Text-Aided Image Classification
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Urban Fire Services Using Historical Fire Incidents in Nanjing, China
* Measuring the Spatial Accessibility of Parks in Wuhan, China, Using a Comprehensive Multimodal 2SFCA Method
* Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations via Carbon-Water Coupling Methods
* Novel Fully Coupled Physical-Statistical-Deep Learning Method for Retrieving Near-Surface Air Temperature from Multisource Data, A
* OakInk2: A Dataset of Bimanual Hands-Object Manipulation in Complex Task Completion
* Path Loss and Shadowing for UAV-to-Ground UWB Channels Incorporating the Effects of Built-Up Areas and Airframe
* Prediction of Depression Severity Based on the Prosodic and Semantic Features With Bidirectional LSTM and Time Distributed CNN
* Purdue University Team Tackles Global Underwater-Vehicle Competition
* Review of GNSS-R Technology for Soil Moisture Inversion
* Semiphysical Microwave Surface Emission Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval, A
* Shape Pattern Recognition of Building Footprints Using t-SNE Dimensionality Reduction Visualization
* SPI-Based Analyses of Drought Changes over the Past 60 Years in China's Major Crop-Growing Areas
* Split Window Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from FY-3D MERSI-2 Data, A
Includes: Mao, K.[Kebiao] Mao, K. Mao, K.[Keji] Mao, K.[Kezhi] Mao, K.[Kaichen] Mao, K.[Kaige] Mao, K.[Kai] Mao, K.[Kainan] Mao, K.[Kangrui] Mao, K.[Kaining]
27 for Mao, K.
Mao, K.B.[Ke Biao]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of the Weak Constraint Data Assimilation Approach for Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxes at Six Sites
* Inundation Extent Mapping by Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Review
* Monitoring the Spatial and Temporal Variations in The Water Surface and Floating Algal Bloom Areas in Dongting Lake Using a Long-Term MODIS Image Time Series
* Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest China
Includes: Mao, K.B.[Ke Biao] Mao, K.B.[Ke-Biao]
Mao, K.C.[Ke Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Sea-Land Clutter Classification Based on Graph Spectrum Features
Includes: Mao, K.C.[Ke Cheng] Mao, K.C.[Ke-Cheng]
Mao, K.J.[Ke Ji]
Co Author Listing * Hamate classification method based on feature-enhanced residual network and probabilistic joint judgment
* SAR multi-target interactive motion recognition based on convolutional neural networks
* Trinity-Yolo: High-precision logo detection in the real world
Includes: Mao, K.J.[Ke Ji] Mao, K.J.[Ke-Ji]
Mao, K.M.[Ke Ming]
Co Author Listing * efficient hyperspectral image classification method for limited training data, An
* Monitoring Chlorophyll-a Concentration Variation in Fish Ponds from 2013 to 2022 in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
Includes: Mao, K.M.[Ke Ming] Mao, K.M.[Ke-Ming]
Mao, K.Z.[Ke Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Designing compact Gabor filter banks for efficient texture feature extraction
* Effective action recognition with embedded key point shifts
* Feature selection algorithm for mixed data with both nominal and continuous features
* global transformation approach to RBF neural network learning, A
* Identifying critical variables of principal components for unsupervised feature selection
* Partial Video Domain Adaptation with Partial Adversarial Temporal Attentive Network
* Selection of Gabor filters for improved texture feature extraction
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Video Incoherence Detection
Includes: Mao, K.Z.[Ke Zhi] Mao, K.Z.[Ke-Zhi] Mao, K.Z.
8 for Mao, K.Z.
Mao, L.[Li]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Color Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Fractal and Neural Networks
* Anomaly Detection of Metro Station Tracks Based on Sequential Updatable Anomaly Detection Framework
* Blind Multiply Distorted Image Quality Assessment Using Relevant Perceptual Features
* Digital Image Stabilization Based on Correction for Basic Reference Frame Jitter
* Evaluation and Assimilation of FY-3C/D MWHS-2 Radiances in the RMAPS-ST
* Extended CRC: Face Recognition with a Single Training Image per Person via Intraclass Variant Dictionary
* GreenSea: Visual Soccer Analysis Using Broad Learning System
* How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autonomous Vehicles With Ridesharing
* Identifying abnormal driving states of drunk drivers using UAV
* Interleaved k-NN Classification and Bias Field Estimation for MR Image with Intensity Inhomogeneity
* Iris Image Blur Detection with Multiple Kernel Learning
* Iterative Mamba Diffusion Change-Detection Model for Remote Sensing
* Modeling Properties of Influenza-Like Illness Peak Events with Crossing Theory
* Persymmetric Subspace Detection in Structured Interference and Non-Homogeneous Disturbance
* Quantitative Analysis of the Waterline Method for Topographical Mapping of Tidal Flats: A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank, China
* Relevance feedback for Content-based Image Retrieval using deep learning
* Simulation and Analysis of Conductively Guided Borehole Radar Wave
* Spatially Explicit Age Segregation Index and Self-Rated Health of Older Adults in US Cities
Includes: Mao, L.[Li] Mao, L.[Liang] Mao, L.[Ling] Mao, L.[Lu] Mao, L. Mao, L.[Linran] Mao, L.[Lina] Mao, L.[Lei]
18 for Mao, L.
Mao, L.B.[Long Biao]
Co Author Listing * Deep Multi-Task Multi-Label CNN for Effective Facial Attribute Classification
Includes: Mao, L.B.[Long Biao] Mao, L.B.[Long-Biao]
Mao, L.F.[Ling Feng]
Co Author Listing * All-Weather Monitoring of Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea Based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-3, and NPP Satellite Data
* Research on Airborne Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging Technology in Complex Terrain
Includes: Mao, L.F.[Ling Feng] Mao, L.F.[Ling-Feng] Mao, L.F.[Li-Feng]
Mao, L.J.[Li Jian]
Co Author Listing * RWSC-Fusion: Region-Wise Style-Controlled Fusion Network for the Prohibited X-ray Security Image Synthesis
Includes: Mao, L.J.[Li Jian] Mao, L.J.[Li-Jian]
Mao, L.S.[Li Shen]
Co Author Listing * Trend Analysis of Relationship between Primary Productivity, Precipitation and Temperature in Inner Mongolia
Includes: Mao, L.S.[Li Shen] Mao, L.S.[Li-Shen]
Mao, L.Z.[Li Zhen]
Co Author Listing * Coherence-regularized discriminative dictionary learning for histopathological image classification
* Histopathological Image Classification Through Discriminative Feature Learning and Mutual Information-Based Multi-Channel Joint Sparse Representation
Includes: Mao, L.Z.[Li Zhen] Mao, L.Z.[Li-Zhen]
Mao, M.
Co Author Listing * CUNet: A Compact Unsupervised Network For Image Classification
* DPS-Net: Deep Polarimetric Stereo Depth Estimation
* Dynamic Changes of Terrestrial Water Cycle Components over Central Asia in the Last Two Decades from 2003 to 2020
* Group and collaborative dictionary pair learning for face recognition
* Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Maximum Correntropy Unscented Information Filter
* Pixel Difference Convolutional Network for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
* Pose-Aware Facial Expression Recognition Assisted by Expression Descriptions
* Pose-robust personalized facial expression recognition through unsupervised multi-source domain adaptation
* Two Convergence Theorems on Deterministic Properties of Median Filters
* Two-dimensional PCA hashing and its extension
* Video analytical coding: When video coding meets video analysis
Includes: Mao, M. Mao, M.[Mao] Mao, M.[Min] Mao, M.[Minqi] Mao, M.[Minghe] Mao, M.[Maoyu] Mao, M.[Meng]
11 for Mao, M.
Mao, M.H.[Ming He]
Co Author Listing * CSDL-Net: An iterative network based on compressed sensing and deep learning
Mao, M.J.[Min Jia]
Co Author Listing * Hybrid of Deep Reinforcement Learning and Local Search for the Vehicle Routing Problems, A
Includes: Mao, M.J.[Min Jia] Mao, M.J.[Min-Jia]
Mao, M.L.[Mao Lin]
Co Author Listing * When Do We Not Need Larger Vision Models?
Includes: Mao, M.L.[Mao Lin] Mao, M.L.[Mao-Lin]
Mao, M.Z.[Ming Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Dual Adversarial Adaptation for Cross-Device Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* Uncertainty-Aware Active Domain Adaptive Salient Object Detection
* VQAMix: Conditional Triplet Mixup for Medical Visual Question Answering
Includes: Mao, M.Z.[Ming Zhi] Mao, M.Z.[Ming-Zhi]
Mao, N.[Ningtao]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Differentiable Physics for Cloth Digitalization
* Collaborative Truck-Drone Routing for Contactless Parcel Delivery During the Epidemic
Includes: Mao, N.[Ningtao] Mao, N.[Ni]
Mao, N.X.[Ning Xiong]
Co Author Listing * JPEG image encryption with grouping coefficients based on entropy coding
* Multiple Histograms-Based Reversible Data Hiding: Framework and Realization
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Time-Varying Huffman Coding Table
* Reversible Data Hiding of JPEG Image Based on Adaptive Frequency Band Length
Includes: Mao, N.X.[Ning Xiong] Mao, N.X.[Ning-Xiong]
Mao, P.[Peng]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Damage to Roadside Trees and Urban Forests Using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Deep3dsketch+: Rapid 3d Modeling from Single Free-hand Sketches
* GNSS Spoofing Detection and Direction-Finding Method Based on Low-Cost Commercial Board Components, A
* How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite observations for quantifying the biomass of desert shrub community?
* SAM-Adapter: Adapting Segment Anything in Underperformed Scenes
Includes: Mao, P.[Peng] Mao, P.[Papa] Mao, P.[Pengrui]
Mao, P.L.[Peng Lei]
Co Author Listing * Measuring the Urban Land Surface Temperature Variations Under Zhengzhou City Expansion Using Landsat-Like Data
Includes: Mao, P.L.[Peng Lei] Mao, P.L.[Peng-Lei]
Mao, P.P.[Pei Pei]
Co Author Listing * OpenVTER: An Open Vehicle Trajectory Extraction Framework Based on Rotated Bounding Boxes
* Research on prediction method of expressway section traffic flow considering anomaly detection probability
* Variable Speed Limit Control Based on Variable Cell Transmission Model in the Connecting Traffic Environment, A
Includes: Mao, P.P.[Pei Pei] Mao, P.P.[Pei-Pei]
Mao, Q.[Qian]
Co Author Listing * Auto-Diagnosis of Time-of-Flight for Ultrasonic Signal Based on Defect Peaks Tracking Model
* Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Adaptability for Eco-Driving, A
* Conceptual Compression via Deep Structure and Texture Synthesis
* Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
* Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* DRIT++: Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* Efficient Path Planning Algorithm Based on Laser SLAM and an Optimized Visibility Graph for Robots
* Enhancing 3D-2D Representations for Convolution Occupancy Networks
* Enhancing Style-Guided Image-to-Image Translation via Self-Supervised Metric Learning
* Exploring Prototype-Anchor Contrast for Semantic Segmentation
* Feature refinement: An expression-specific feature learning and fusion method for micro-expression recognition
* Feature selection for unsupervised learning through local learning
* Feature Selection Method for Multivariate Performance Measures, A
* Fidelity or Quality? A Region-Aware Framework for Enhanced Image Decoding via Hybrid Neural Networks
* Global and local structure preserving nonnegative subspace clustering
* Integrating Spatial Continuous Wavelet Transform and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index to Map the Agro-Pastoral Transitional Zone in Northern China
* Layered Conceptual Image Compression Via Deep Semantic Synthesis
* Learned Image Compression for Both Humans and Machines via Dynamic Adaptation
* Learning Depth via Leveraging Semantics: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Both Implicit and Explicit Semantic Guidance
* LiDARCapV2: 3D human pose estimation with human-object interaction from LiDAR point clouds
* local-adapted disparity vector derivation scheme for 3D-AVS, A
* Mode Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Image Synthesis
* Multi-round dynamic swap optimisation for table-based steganography
* Objective Class-Based Micro-Expression Recognition Under Partial Occlusion Via Region-Inspired Relation Reasoning Network
* Objective-Guided Image Annotation
* Principal Graph and Structure Learning Based on Reversed Graph Embedding
* Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction via Structure Learning
* Prototypical Bidirectional Adaptation and Learning for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Pure Surface Texture Mapping Technology and it's Application for Mirror Image
* Real-time recognition of human motions using multidimensional features in ultrawideband biological radar
* Resolution Enhancement of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: Current Status and Perspectives
* Scalable Face Image Coding via StyleGAN Prior: Toward Compression for Human-Machine Collaborative Vision
* Semantic-Aware Visual Decomposition for Image Coding
* survey of micro-expression recognition, A
* Third Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
* Tiny Object Detection via Regional Cross Self-Attention Network
* Triple attention network for sentimental visual question answering
* Unrolled Decomposed Unpaired Learning for Controllable Low-light Video Enhancement
Includes: Mao, Q.[Qian] Mao, Q. Mao, Q.[Qi] Mao, Q.[Qing] Mao, Q.[Qirong] Mao, Q.[Qihong] Mao, Q.[Qin] Mao, Q.[Qiang]
38 for Mao, Q.
Mao, Q.J.[Qian Jun]
Co Author Listing * Inversion of Aerosol Particle Size Distribution Using an Improved Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Long-Term Variation Assessment of Aerosol Load and Dominant Types over Asia for Air Quality Studies Using Multi-Sources Aerosol Datasets
Includes: Mao, Q.J.[Qian Jun] Mao, Q.J.[Qian-Jun]
Mao, Q.M.[Qiao Mei]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Epoch Learning for Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
Includes: Mao, Q.M.[Qiao Mei] Mao, Q.M.[Qiao-Mei]
Mao, Q.Q.[Qian Qian]
Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Soil Moisture and Land-Atmosphere Coupling over the Tibetan Plateau Derived from Three Gridded Datasets
Includes: Mao, Q.Q.[Qian Qian] Mao, Q.Q.[Qian-Qian]
Mao, Q.R.[Qi Rong]
Co Author Listing * Collaborative Q-Learning Based Routing Control in Unstructured P2P Networks
* Dictionary-induced least squares framework for multi-view dimensionality reduction with multi-manifold embeddings
* Geometry Guided Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Hierarchical Bayesian Theme Models for Multipose Facial Expression Recognition
* Joint Pose and Expression Modeling for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning Salient Features for Speech Emotion Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Unified Deep Model for Joint Facial Expression Recognition, Face Synthesis, and Face Alignment, A
Includes: Mao, Q.R.[Qi Rong] Mao, Q.R.[Qi-Rong]
7 for Mao, Q.R.
Mao, Q.Y.[Qiu Yu]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* VPFNet: Improving 3D Object Detection With Virtual Point Based LiDAR and Stereo Data Fusion
Includes: Mao, Q.Y.[Qiu Yu] Mao, Q.Y.[Qiu-Yu]
Mao, Q.Z.[Qing Zhou]
Co Author Listing * Activity Sequence-Based Indoor Pedestrian Localization Using Smartphones
* ALIMC: Activity Landmark-Based Indoor Mapping via Crowdsourcing
* Analysis of Internal Angle Error of UAV LiDAR Based on Rotating Mirror Scanning
* Automatic inpainting by removing fence-like structures in RGBD images
* CrackTree: Automatic crack detection from pavement images
* Crowdsourcing-based indoor mapping using smartphones: A survey
* Development of a Single-Wavelength Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR: System Design and Data Processing
* Efficient and lossless compression of raster maps
* Errors of Airborne Bathymetry LiDAR Detection Caused by Ocean Waves and Dimension-Based Laser Incidence Correction
* FoSA: F* Seed-growing Approach for crack-line detection from pavement images
* Least Squares Collocation Method for Accuracy Improvement of Mobile LiDAR Systems, A
* MIWC: A multi-temporal image weighted composition method for satellite-derived bathymetry in shallow waters
* Panoramic Image and Three-Axis Laser Scanner Integrated Approach for Indoor 3D Mapping
* rigorous fastener inspection approach for high-speed railway from structured light sensors, A
Includes: Mao, Q.Z.[Qing Zhou] Mao, Q.Z.[Qing-Zhou]
14 for Mao, Q.Z.
Mao, R.[Runyu]
Co Author Listing * 3DG-STFM: 3D Geometric Guided Student-Teacher Feature Matching
* Biases of Pre-Trained Language Models: An Empirical Study on Prompt-Based Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection, The
* Dual Roles of Water Availability in Forest Vigor: A Multiperspective Analysis in China
* Incremental Learning in Online Scenario
* Meta-Based Self-Training and Re-Weighting for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* Self-Supervised Pretraining Improves Self-Supervised Pretraining
* Single-View Food Portion Estimation: Learning Image-to-Energy Mappings Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Survey of Eye Tracking in Automobile and Aviation Studies: Implications for Eye-Tracking Studies in Marine Operations, A
* Visual Aware Hierarchy Based Food Recognition
* Wide Evaluation of ChatGPT on Affective Computing Tasks, A
Includes: Mao, R.[Runyu] Mao, R.[Rui] Mao, R. Mao, R.[Richard]
10 for Mao, R.
Mao, R.Q.[Rui Qing]
Co Author Listing * Dolphins: Dataset for Collaborative Perception Enabled Harmonious and Interconnected Self-driving
Includes: Mao, R.Q.[Rui Qing] Mao, R.Q.[Rui-Qing]
Mao, R.X.[Ren Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Lidar Signal Denoising Algorithm Using Variational Mode Decomposition Combined with a Whale Optimization Algorithm
Includes: Mao, R.X.[Ren Xiang] Mao, R.X.[Ren-Xiang]
Mao, R.Y.[Ru Yong]
Co Author Listing * Robust temporal low-rank representation for traffic data recovery via fused LASSO
Includes: Mao, R.Y.[Ru Yong] Mao, R.Y.[Ru-Yong]
Mao, S.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Training of Page Segmentation Algorithms: An Optimization Approach
* Combining Static Classifiers and Class Syntax Models for Logical Entity Recognition in Scanned Historical Documents
* Dual-Branch Residual Disentangled Adversarial Learning Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* dynamic feature generation system for automated metadata extraction in preservation of digital materials, A
* Dynamic Safety Estimation of Airport Pick-Up Area Based on Video Trajectory Data
* Empirical Performance Evaluation Methodology and Its Application to Page Segmentation Algorithms
* Fine-Grained Classification of Internet Video Traffic From QoS Perspective Using Fractal Spectrum
* Generating Material-Aware 3D Models from Sparse Views
* GigaMVS: A Benchmark for Ultra-Large-Scale Gigapixel-Level 3D Reconstruction
* Guest Editorial: Video Over Future Networks
* Heterogeneous Dual-Branch Emotional Consistency Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Logical Entity Recognition in Multi-Style Document Page Images
* Methodology for Empirical Performance Evaluation of Page Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Multi-proxy feature learning for robust fine-grained visual recognition
* Multi-Scale Similarity Guidance Few-Shot Network for Ship Segmentation in SAR Images
* Multiscale Graph Texture Network
* Optimisation analysis of pulmonary nodule diagnostic test based on deep belief nets
* Quality of Experience Driven Multi-User Video Streaming in Cellular Cognitive Radio Networks With Single Channel Access
* Robust Fine-Grained Visual Recognition With Neighbor-Attention Label Correction
* Robust QoE-Driven DASH Over OFDMA Networks
* Simultaneous Layout Style and Logical Entity Recognition in a Heterogeneous Collection of Documents
* Software Architecture of PSET: A Page Segmentation Evaluation Toolkit
* Stochastic attributed K-D tree modeling of technical paper title pages
* Stochastic language models for style-directed layout analysis of document images
* Structural Charging and Replenishment Policies for Battery Swapping Charging System Operation Under Uncertainty
* Variational Model for Nonuniform Low-Light Image Enhancement, A
* View Synthesis-Based 360° VR Caching System Over MEC-Enabled C-RAN, A
* Wireless Video Transport Using Path Diversity: Multiple Description vs. Layered Coding
Includes: Mao, S. Mao, S.[Song] Mao, S.[Shasha] Mao, S.[Suyi] Mao, S.[Shi] Mao, S.[Shunan] Mao, S.[Shangbo] Mao, S.[Shilong] Mao, S.[Shuai] Mao, S.[Shen] Mao, S.[Shiwen]
28 for Mao, S.
Mao, S.B.[Shang Bo]
Co Author Listing * Deep residual pooling network for texture recognition
Includes: Mao, S.B.[Shang Bo] Mao, S.B.[Shang-Bo]
Mao, S.C.[Si Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Farmland Use Intensity and Its Patterns in a Farming: Pastoral Ecotone of Northern China
* Research on neural processes with multiple latent variables
* Ventilation Capacities of Chinese Industrial Cities and Their Influence on the Concentration of NO2
Includes: Mao, S.C.[Si Cheng] Mao, S.C.[Si-Cheng] Mao, S.C.[Shao-Chen]
Mao, S.J.[Shan Jun]
Co Author Listing * Crack Diffusion Model: An Innovative Diffusion-Based Method for Pavement Crack Detection, The
* Point Cloud Segmentation Method for Dim and Cluttered Underground Tunnel Scenes Based on the Segment Anything Model, A
* VRLane: a Desktop Virtual Navigation and Safety Monitoring Porgram for Underground Coal Mine
Includes: Mao, S.J.[Shan Jun] Mao, S.J.[Shan-Jun] Mao, S.J.
Mao, S.Q.[Shun Qi]
Co Author Listing * Controllable Contextualized Image Captioning: Directing the Visual Narrative Through User-defined Highlights
Includes: Mao, S.Q.[Shun Qi] Mao, S.Q.[Shun-Qi]
Mao, S.S.[Shan Shan]
Co Author Listing * AMCFNet: Asymmetric multiscale and crossmodal fusion network for RGB-D semantic segmentation in indoor service robots
* CAM-Enhancing Generative Person Re-ID Method Based Global and Local Features, A
* Double linear regressions for single labeled image per person face recognition
* Greedy optimization classifiers ensemble based on diversity
* Image-Based Structured Vehicle Behavior Analysis Inspired by Interactive Cognition
* Mask-Guided Transformer Network with Topic Token for Remote Sensing Image Captioning, A
* Multi-Class Double-Transformation Network for SAR Image Registration
* Multi-Scale Fused SAR Image Registration Based on Deep Forest
* PGGNet: Pyramid gradual-guidance network for RGB-D indoor scene semantic segmentation
* Self-Paced Feature Attention Fusion Network for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Image
* Using an Equivalence-Based Approach to Derive 2-D Spectrum of BiSAR Data and Implementation Into an RDA Processor
* Vision-based vehicle behaviour analysis: a structured learning approach via convolutional neural networks
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Feature Refinement Network for MMW Concealed Object Detection
* Weighted classifier ensemble based on quadratic form
Includes: Mao, S.S.[Shan Shan] Mao, S.S.[Shan-Shan] Mao, S.S.[Sha-Sha]
14 for Mao, S.S.
Mao, S.W.[Shi Wen]
Co Author Listing * Control-Theoretic Approach to Rate Control for Streaming Videos, A
* Downlink Power Control for Multi-User VBR Video Streaming in Cellular Networks
* Relay-Assisted Multiuser Video Streaming in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Spatially and Spectrally Consistent Deep Functional Maps
Includes: Mao, S.W.[Shi Wen] Mao, S.W.[Shi-Wen] Mao, S.W.[Shi-Wei]
Mao, S.Y.[Shi Yi]
Co Author Listing * Effect of Non-Appropriate Sampling on Radar Detection Algorithm
* ROI-CSNet: Compressive sensing network for ROI-aware image recovery
* Trajectory-Aware Body Interaction Transformer for Multi-Person Pose Forecasting
Includes: Mao, S.Y.[Shi Yi] Mao, S.Y.[Shi-Yi] Mao, S.Y.[Si-Ying] Mao, S.Y.[Si-Yuan]
Mao, T.[Teresa]
Co Author Listing * Activity recognition using dynamic subspace angles
* AIC2018 Report: Traffic Surveillance Research
* Automated Detection of Buildings from Heterogeneous VHR Satellite Images for Rapid Response to Natural Disasters
* Boosted Genetic Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Traffic Control Optimization
* First Ionospheric Radio-Occultation Measurements From GNSS Occultation Sounder on the Chinese Feng-Yun 3C Satellite
* Generalized Metaphor of Chinese Restaurant Franchise to Fusing Both Panchromatic and Multispectral Images for Unsupervised Classification, A
* GSMNET: Towards Long-term Trajectory Prediction by Integrating Multi-scale Information
* Initial Cross-Validation of the OI 135.6 nm and LBH Radiances from FY3E/TriIPM and TIMED/GUVI
* Joint Prediction for Kinematic Trajectories in Vehicle-Pedestrian-Mixed Scenes
* Multi-Wave Structures of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruptions in the New Zealand and Australia Regions
* NeRF-based Polarimetric Multi-view Stereo
* Object-Based Unsupervised Classification of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images by Combining the HDP and IBP on Multiple Scenes
* Observation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Using the Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar, The
* SAR Image-Despeckling Method Based on HOSVD Using Tensor Patches, A
* STGAT: Modeling Spatial-Temporal Interactions for Human Trajectory Prediction
* Unsupervised Classification of Multispectral Images Embedded With a Segmentation of Panchromatic Images Using Localized Clusters
* Urban Tree Canopy Mapping Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Temporal High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
Includes: Mao, T.[Teresa] Mao, T. Mao, T.[Ting] Mao, T.[Tuo] Mao, T.[Tianlu] Mao, T.[Tian] Mao, T.[Taiyong]
17 for Mao, T.
Mao, T.L.[Tian Lu]
Co Author Listing * How Can I See My Future? FvTraj: Using First-person View for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Multi-Scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
Includes: Mao, T.L.[Tian Lu] Mao, T.L.[Tian-Lu]
Mao, T.M.[Tao Min]
Co Author Listing * Morphological Feature-Oriented Algorithm for Extracting Impervious Surface Areas Obscured by Vegetation in Collaboration with OSM Road Networks in Urban Areas, A
Includes: Mao, T.M.[Tao Min] Mao, T.M.[Tao-Min]
Mao, T.N.[Tao Ning]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Downscaling Method for Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Based on Random Forest Considering Soil Moisture Memory and Mass Conservation, A
Includes: Mao, T.N.[Tao Ning] Mao, T.N.[Tao-Ning]
Mao, T.Q.[Tian Qi]
Co Author Listing * 6G Enabled Advanced Transportation Systems
Includes: Mao, T.Q.[Tian Qi] Mao, T.Q.[Tian-Qi]
Mao, W.
Co Author Listing * Additional Microwave Radiation From Experimentally Loaded Granite Covered With Sand Layers: Features and Mechanisms
* Ambient PM2.5 Estimates and Variations during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Yangtze River Delta Using Machine Learning and Big Data
* Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data
* Automated Small River Mapping (ASRM) for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and MERIT DEM
* BSD-GAN: Branched Generative Adversarial Network for Scale-Disentangled Representation Learning and Image Synthesis
* Comparison of Machine-Learning Methods for Urban Land-Use Mapping in Hangzhou City, China
* Cost Volume Pyramid Based Depth Inference for Multi-View Stereo
* CTVIS: Consistent Training for Online Video Instance Segmentation
* Discriminating Possible Causes of Microwave Brightness Temperature Positive Anomalies Related With May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Sequence
* Disparity Filtering with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Generating Smooth Pose Sequences for Diverse Human Motion Prediction
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approach for Signal Splits Optimization in Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, A
* History Repeats Itself: Human Motion Prediction via Motion Attention
* Hybrid Chinese/English text detection in images and video frames
* Hybrid-Sparsity Constrained Dictionary Learning for Iterative Deblending of Extremely Noisy Simultaneous-Source Data
* Impact of Compressive Stress on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Feldspar Specimen
* Interacting Hand-Object Pose Estimation via Dense Mutual Attention
* Joint-Relation Transformer for Multi-Person Motion Prediction
* Leapfrog Diffusion Model for Stochastic Trajectory Prediction
* Learning Trajectory Dependencies for Human Motion Prediction
* Lightweight Model for Wheat Ear Fusarium Head Blight Detection Based on RGB Images, A
* Lunar Regolith Thickness and Stratigraphy of the Chang'E-6 Landing Site, The
* Method for Constructing an Urban Waterlogging Emergency Knowledge Graph Based on Spatiotemporal Processes, A
* Multi-level Motion Attention for Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-Scale Convolution Aggregation and Stochastic Feature Reuse for DenseNets
* New fusional framework combining sparse selection and clustering for key frame extraction
* Non-Linear Response of PM2.5 Pollution to Land Use Change in China
* Poseur: Direct Human Pose Regression with Transformers
* Remember Intentions: Retrospective-Memory-based Trajectory Prediction
* Robust patch-based tracking using valid patch selection and feature fusion update
* Scene-aware Human Motion Forecasting via Mutual Distance Prediction
* SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-level Prompt Learning
* Semi-Dense Stereo Matching Using Dual CNNs
* Sketchffusion: Sketch-Guided Image Editing with Diffusion Model
* Towards High-quality 3d Motion Transfer with Realistic Apparel Animation
* Two-Way Arterial Signal Coordination Method With Queueing Process Considered, A
* Variation in Microwave Brightness Temperature of Granite Pressed Under Weak Background Radiation, The
* VisFusion: Visibility-Aware Online 3D Scene Reconstruction from Videos
* Weakly-supervised Action Transition Learning for Stochastic Human Motion Prediction
Includes: Mao, W. Mao, W.[Wanliu] Mao, W.[Wen] Mao, W.[Wei] Mao, W.[Weian] Mao, W.[Wenge] Mao, W.[Weibo] Mao, W.[Wenshuo] Mao, W.[Wen_Bei] Mao, W.[Weihang]
39 for Mao, W.
Mao, W.A.[Wei An]
Co Author Listing * FCPose: Fully Convolutional Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Dynamic Instance-Aware Convolutions
Includes: Mao, W.A.[Wei An] Mao, W.A.[Wei-An]
Mao, W.D.[Wen Dong]
Co Author Listing * Global-Matching Framework for Multi-View Stereopsis, A
* Intelligent Typography: Artistic Text Style Transfer for Complex Texture and Structure
* No-reference image sharpness assessment based on discrepancy measures of structural degradation
* object recognition system using stochastic knowledge source and VLSI parallel architecture, An
Includes: Mao, W.D.[Wen Dong] Mao, W.D.[Wen-Dong] Mao, W.D.
Mao, W.F.[Wen Fei]
Co Author Listing * Anisotropy and Polarization of Stress-Induced Microwave Radiation Changes in Granite and Their Significance for Seismic Remote Sensing, The
* Experimental Investigation on Fragmentation Identification in Loose Slope Landslides by Infrared Emissivity Variability Features
* Extraction and Discrimination of MBT Anomalies Possibly Associated with the Mw 7.3 Maduo (Qinghai, China) Earthquake on 21 May 2021
* Horizontal Magnetic Anomaly Accompanying the Co-Seismic Earthquake Light of the M7.3 Fukushima Earthquake of 16 March 2022: Phenomenon and Mechanism
* Incorporating Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Radon Anomaly to Understand the Anar Fault Mechanism and Observing New Evidence of Intensified Activity
* Mapping high spatial resolution ionospheric total electron content by integrating Time Series InSAR with International Reference Ionosphere model
* Microwave Brightness Temperature (MBT) Background in Bayan Har Block, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Importance in Searching for Seismic MBT Anomalies
* Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies Associated With the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Dolakha Earthquakes in Nepal
* Mining Seismic Thermal Anomalies From Massive Satellite Passive Microwave Images
* Saline-Soil Deformation Extraction Based on an Improved Time-Series InSAR Approach
* Using Range Split-Spectrum Interferometry to Reduce Phase Unwrapping Errors for InSAR-Derived DEM in Large Gradient Region
Includes: Mao, W.F.[Wen Fei] Mao, W.F.[Wen-Fei] Mao, W.F.
11 for Mao, W.F.
Mao, W.G.[Wen Gang]
Co Author Listing * Isochrone-Based Predictive Optimization for Efficient Ship Voyage Planning and Execution, An
* Model of Ship Navigation Risk Field for Risk Assessment of Icebreaker Convoy Operations, The
Includes: Mao, W.G.[Wen Gang] Mao, W.G.[Wen-Gang]
Mao, W.H.[Wen Hua]
Co Author Listing * Apple Location Method for the Apple Harvesting Robot
* Ground subsidence monitoring over Jiaxing region, Zhejiang province from 2006 to 2010 using time series InSAR technique
* Real-Time GPU-Aided Lung Tumor Tracking
Includes: Mao, W.H.[Wen Hua] Mao, W.H.[Wen-Hua] Mao, W.H. Mao, W.H.[Wei-Hua]
Mao, W.J.[Wen Ji]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Perturbation Defense on Deep Neural Networks
* AnANet: Association and Alignment Network for Modeling Implicit Relevance in Cross-Modal Correlation Classification
* Attenuating Crosstalk Noise of Simultaneous-Source Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration With GPU-Based Excitation Amplitude Imaging Condition
* Construction Research and Application of Fundamental Geographic National Condition Monitoring Quality Control System
* Development of a Combined Orchard Harvesting Robot Navigation System
* DynVideo-E: Harnessing Dynamic NeRF for Large-Scale Motion- and View-Change Human-Centric Video Editing
* Elastic Full Waveform Inversion With Source-Independent Crosstalk-Free Source-Encoding Algorithm
* FedKT: Federated learning with knowledge transfer for non-IID data
* Image-level dataset synthesis with an end-to-end trainable framework
* Learning to Simulate Complex Scenes for Street Scene Segmentation
* MDA: Multimodal Data Augmentation Framework for Boosting Performance on Sentiment/Emotion Classification Tasks
* Memorable and rich video summarization
* Novel Recursive Model Based on a Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Air Pollution Prediction, A
* Research on Quality Framework of Real Scene 3d Model Based on Oblique Photogrammetry
Includes: Mao, W.J.[Wen Ji] Mao, W.J.[Wen-Ji] Mao, W.J.[Wei-Jian] Mao, W.J. Mao, W.J.[Wen-Ju] Mao, W.J.[Wei-Jia] Mao, W.J.[Wen-Jie] Mao, W.J.[Wei-Jie] Mao, W.J.[Wen-Jing]
14 for Mao, W.J.
Mao, W.Q.[Wei Qing]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Roof Solar Energy Potential in the Downtown Area Using a GPU-Accelerated Solar Radiation Model and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Graph-Based Approach for 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
Includes: Mao, W.Q.[Wei Qing] Mao, W.Q.[Wei-Qing]
Mao, W.S.[Wei Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Surface Defect Image Classification of Lithium Battery Pole Piece Based on Deep Learning
Includes: Mao, W.S.[Wei Sheng] Mao, W.S.[Wei-Sheng]
Mao, W.T.[Wen Tao]
Co Author Listing * adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence of unified orthogonal polynomials, An
* Pre-extracting method for SVM classification based on the non-parametric K-NN rule
* Real-time human body parts localization from dynamic vision sensor
* Weighted solution path algorithm of support vector regression for abnormal data
Includes: Mao, W.T.[Wen Tao] Mao, W.T.[Wen-Tao]
Mao, W.X.[Wen Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Accessing the Time-Series Two-Dimensional Displacements around a Reservoir Using Multi-Orbit SAR Datasets: A Case Study of Xiluodu Hydropower Station
* Dense Teacher: Dense Pseudo-Labels for Semi-supervised Object Detection
* Improved Phase Unwrapping Method Based on Hierarchical Networking and Constrained Adjustment, An
* Joint Estimation of Ground Displacement and Atmospheric Model Parameters in Ground-Based Radar
* Landslide Susceptibility Zoning in Yunnan Province Based on SBAS-InSAR Technology and a Random Forest Model
* Stream Query Denoising for Vectorized HD-map Construction
Includes: Mao, W.X.[Wen Xiang] Mao, W.X.[Wen-Xiang] Mao, W.X.[Wei-Xin]
Mao, W.Y.[Wen Yu]
Co Author Listing * ACQ: Improving generative data-free quantization via attention correction
* CAT-DUnet: Enhancing Speech Dereverberation via Feature Fusion and Structural Similarity Loss
Includes: Mao, W.Y.[Wen Yu] Mao, W.Y.[Wen-Yu]
Mao, X.[Xin]
Co Author Listing * 3D Texture Recognition for RGB-D Images
* AdaRevD: Adaptive Patch Exiting Reversible Decoder Pushes the Limit of Image Deblurring
* Amplitude-Modulated Laser Radar for Range and Speed Measurement in Car Applications
* Assessment of Vegetation Drought Loss and Recovery in Central Asia Considering a Comprehensive Vegetation Index
* Automatic speech discrete labels to dimensional emotional values conversion method
* Backchannel Prediction for Mandarin Human-Computer Interaction
* Combined pattern search optimization of feature extraction and classification parameters in facial recognition
* Construction and Inference Method of Semantic-Driven, Spatio-Temporal Derivation Relationship Network for Place Names
* Continuous Approximation Based Dimension-Reduced Estimation for Arbitrary Sampling
* Demonstration of In-Car Doppler Laser Radar at 1.55 mu-m for Range and Speed Measurement
* Distinct Impacts of Two Types of Developing El Nino-Southern Oscillations on Tibetan Plateau Summer Precipitation
* dual quad-tree based variable block-size coding method, A
* English-Chinese Machine Translation and Evaluation Method for Geographical Names, An
* Facial expression recognition considering individual differences in facial structure and texture
* Fast kernel SVM training via support vector identification
* G-Quadtree: A Hierarchical Representation of Gray-Scale Digital Images
* Hole-Free Symmetric Complementary Sparse Array Design for High-Precision DOA Estimation
* Human interaction recognition fusing multiple features of depth sequences
* Influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon on Inter-Annual Variability of the Tibetan-Plateau NDVI in Its Main Growing Season
* Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanization on Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China Using Nighttime Light Data
* Kernel optimization using nonparametric Fisher criterion in the subspace
* Knowledge-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Filtered Backprojection Imagery
* Knowledge-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Range Migration Algorithm Imagery
* Learning deep facial expression features from image and optical flow sequences using 3D CNN
* Learning-Based Video Compression with Continuously Variable Bitrate Coding
* Lightweight Social Computing Approach to Emergency Management Policy Selection, A
* Multilinear Spatial Discriminant Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* Nonlinear Shape-Texture Manifold Learning
* Novel Method for Low-Contrast and High-Noise Vessel Segmentation and Location in Venipuncture, A
* OGMN: Occlusion-guided multi-task network for object detection in UAV images
* Point Context: An Effective Shape Descriptor for RST-Invariant Trajectory Recognition
* Primary Interannual Variability Patterns of the Growing-Season NDVI over the Tibetan Plateau and Main Climatic Factors
* RD-Domain Virtual Aperture Extension Method for Shipborne HFSWR, An
* Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
* Robust Relaxation for Coherent DOA Estimation in Impulsive Noise
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Disparities of Vegetation Trends over the Tibetan Plateau under Climate Change
* Structured-Patch Optimization for Dense Correspondence
* Trajectory-based view-invariant hand gesture recognition by fusing shape and orientation
* Underdetermined Direct Localization of Emitters Based on Spatio-Temporal Processing
* Underdetermined DOA Estimation for Wideband Signals via Joint Sparse Signal Reconstruction
* View-Invariant Gesture Recognition Using Nonparametric Shape Descriptor
* Vision Based Obstacle Detection Using Rover Stereo Images
Includes: Mao, X.[Xin] Mao, X.[Xintian] Mao, X. Mao, X.[Xurui] Mao, X.[Xia] Mao, X.[Xi] Mao, X.[Xunan] Mao, X.[Xue] Mao, X.[Xingpeng] Mao, X.[Xianglai] Mao, X.[Xionghui] Mao, X.[Xiuhua]
42 for Mao, X.
Mao, X.D.[Xu Dong]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of the SMAP-Derived Soil Water Deficit Index (SWDI-SMAP) as an Agricultural Drought Index in China
* Cross Initialization for Face Personalization of Text-to-Image Models
* Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement
* Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks
* On the Effectiveness of Least Squares Generative Adversarial Networks
* residual generator: An improved divergence minimization framework for GAN, The
Includes: Mao, X.D.[Xu Dong] Mao, X.D.[Xu-Dong]
Mao, X.F.[Xiao Feng]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to DNNs in a Blink
* COCO-O: A Benchmark for Object Detectors under Natural Distribution Shifts
* Context-Aware Robust Fine-Tuning
* Extracting Local Binary Patterns from Image Key Points: Application to Automatic Facial Expression Recognition
* Fine-Grained Fashion Similarity Prediction by Attribute-Specific Embedding Learning
* Multilevel receptive field expansion network for small object detection
* Towards Robust Vision Transformer
Includes: Mao, X.F.[Xiao Feng] Mao, X.F.[Xiao-Feng] Mao, X.F.[Xiao-Fei]
7 for Mao, X.F.
Mao, X.G.[Xue Gang]
Co Author Listing * Modified Two-Steps Three-Stage Inversion Algorithm for Forest Height Inversion Using Single-Baseline L-Band PolInSAR Data, A
* Raster Scale Farmland Productivity Assessment with Multi-Source Data Fusion: A Case of Typical Black Soil Region in Northeast China
Includes: Mao, X.G.[Xue Gang] Mao, X.G.[Xue-Gang]
Mao, X.H.[Xiao Han]
Co Author Listing * Beyond Object Recognition: A New Benchmark towards Object Concept Learning
* EmbodiedScan: A Holistic Multi-Modal 3D Perception Suite Towards Embodied AI
* Identifying the Nonlinear Impacts of Road Network Topology and Built Environment on the Potential Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction of Dockless Bike-Sharing Trips: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Impact of Black Edge Artifact on QoE of the FOV-Based Cloud VR Services, The
* Learning Single/Multi-Attribute of Object With Symmetry and Group
* Structure-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Airborne Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Symmetry and Group in Attribute-Object Compositions
* two dimension overlapped subaperture polar format algorithm based on stepped-chirp signal, A
* Uncovering the Relationship between Urban Road Network Topology and Taxi Drivers' Income: A Perspective from Spatial Design Network Analysis
Includes: Mao, X.H.[Xiao Han] Mao, X.H.[Xiao-Han] Mao, X.H.[Xin-Hua] Mao, X.H.[Xiong-Hui]
9 for Mao, X.H.
Mao, X.J.[Xiao Jiao]
Co Author Listing * Age-invariant face verification based on Local Classifier Ensemble
* Binary Code Learning via Iterative Distance Adjustment
* Collective Matrix Completion via Graph Extraction
* Enhanced deformable part model for pedestrian detection via joint state inference
* Hashing With Pairwise Correlation Learning and Reconstruction
* Scalable face image retrieval integrating multi-feature quantization and constrained reference re-ranking
* Text detection based on convolutional neural networks with spatial pyramid pooling
* Visual feature coding for image classification integrating dictionary structure
Includes: Mao, X.J.[Xiao Jiao] Mao, X.J.[Xiao-Jiao] Mao, X.J.[Xiao-Jun]
8 for Mao, X.J.
Mao, X.K.[Xiao Kang]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Offset Tracking Method with SAR Images for Landslide Displacement Monitoring, An
* Landslide Displacement Monitoring by a Fully Polarimetric SAR Offset Tracking Method
Includes: Mao, X.K.[Xiao Kang] Mao, X.K.[Xiao-Kang]
Mao, X.L.[Xian Ling]
Co Author Listing * Depth-Aware and Semantic Guided Relational Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
* DFME: A New Benchmark for Dynamic Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
* Enhancing Octree-Based Context Models for Point Cloud Geometry Compression With Attention-Based Child Node Number Prediction
* Exploring global information for session-based recommendation
* Fourier Series and Laplacian Noise-Based Quantization Error Compensation for End-to-End Learning-Based Image Compression
* Nonnegative matrix factorization for rapid recovery of constituent spectra in magnetic resonance chemical shift imaging of the brain
* Position-aware self-attention based neural sequence labeling
* User-based network embedding for opinion spammer detection
Includes: Mao, X.L.[Xian Ling] Mao, X.L.[Xian-Ling] Mao, X.L.[Xing-Long] Mao, X.L.[Xiao-Long] Mao, X.L.[Xiang-Ling]
8 for Mao, X.L.
Mao, X.M.[Xiao Min]
Co Author Listing * Improved Exponential Model Considering a Spectrally Effective Moisture Threshold for Proximal Hyperspectral Reflectance Simulation and Soil Salinity Estimation, An
Includes: Mao, X.M.[Xiao Min] Mao, X.M.[Xiao-Min]
Mao, X.P.[Xing Peng]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Ship Detection Performance with Full-, Compact- and Dual-Polarimetric SAR
* Application of Image Processing and Discrete Analysis Method in Simulation of Oil and Gas Migration and Accumulation
* Assessing Land Cover and Ecological Quality Changes in the Forest-Steppe Ecotone of the Greater Khingan Mountains, Northeast China, from Landsat and MODIS Observations from 2000 to 2018
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Detection of Marine Oil Spills Using an Adaptive Long-Term Moment Estimation Optimizer
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Changes in Forest Type and Aboveground Biomass from Landsat Long-Term Time-Series Analysis: A Case Study from Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Anhui Province of Eastern China
* Underdetermined DOA Estimation via Covariance Matrix Completion for Nested Sparse Circular Array in Nonuniform Noise
* Understanding Current and Future Fragmentation Dynamics of Urban Forest Cover in the Nanjing Laoshan Region of Jiangsu, China
Includes: Mao, X.P.[Xing Peng] Mao, X.P.[Xing-Peng] Mao, X.P.[Xiao-Ping] Mao, X.P.[Xu-Peng] Mao, X.P.
7 for Mao, X.P.
Mao, X.S.[Xue Song]
Co Author Listing * Effects of Probabilistic Priority on Delay at Permissive Left-Turn Signalized Intersections
Includes: Mao, X.S.[Xue Song] Mao, X.S.[Xue-Song]
Mao, X.T.[Xin Tian]
Co Author Listing * I³Net: Inter-Intra-Slice Interpolation Network for Medical Slice Synthesis
Includes: Mao, X.T.[Xin Tian] Mao, X.T.[Xin-Tian]
Mao, X.W.[Xiong Wei]
Co Author Listing * Graph-BAS3Net: Boundary-Aware Semi-Supervised Segmentation Network with Bilateral Graph Convolution
Includes: Mao, X.W.[Xiong Wei] Mao, X.W.[Xiong-Wei]
Mao, X.X.[Xin Xin]
Co Author Listing * Bodily Electrodermal Representations for Affective Computing
Includes: Mao, X.X.[Xin Xin] Mao, X.X.[Xin-Xin]
Mao, X.Y.[Xiang Yu]
Co Author Listing * AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* Caricature synthesis with feature deviation matching under example-based framework
* CGI 2017 Editorial (TVCJ)
* Cultivated Land Quality Evaluated Using the RNN Algorithm Based on Multisource Data
* Development and Validation of an Unsupervised Feature Learning System for Leukocyte Characterization and Classification: A Multi-Hospital Study
* Evaluation of Reasonable Stocking Rate Based on the Relative Contribution of Climate Change and Grazing Activities to the Productivity of Alpine Grasslands in Qinghai Province
* Example-based caricature generation with exaggeration control
* Film Comic Reflecting Camera-Works
* Hairstyle Suggestion Using Statistical Learning
* Hidden message in a deformation-based texture
* Marbling-based creative modelling
* Mono-spectrum marker: an AR marker robust to image blur and defocus
* Naturalness- and information-preserving image recoloring for red-green dichromats
* New Method for Estimating Soil Fertility Using Extreme Gradient Boosting and a Backpropagation Neural Network, A
* Personalized Image Recoloring for Color Vision Deficiency Compensation
* Processing images for red-green dichromats compensation via naturalness and information-preservation considered recoloring
* Re-texturing by Intrinsic Video
* Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
* Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
* Retrieval of clothing images based on relevance feedback with focus on collar designs
* Subjective quality analyses of stereoscopic images in 3DTV system
* Visual attention prediction for images with leading line structure
* Visual Coherence Face Anonymization Algorithm Based on Dynamic Identity Perception
Includes: Mao, X.Y.[Xiang Yu] Mao, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu] Mao, X.Y.[Xiao-Yang] Mao, X.Y.[Xiao-Yun] Mao, X.Y.[Xuan-Yu] Mao, X.Y.[Xiang-Ying]
23 for Mao, X.Y.
Mao, Y.[Yafei]
Co Author Listing * 4-Row Serpentine Tone Dependent Fast Error Diffusion
* Atomic Clock Performance Assessment of BeiDou-3 Basic System with the Noise Analysis of Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization
* Automatic Extraction of Discontinuity Traces from 3D Rock Mass Point Clouds Considering the Influence of Light Shadows and Color Change
* Caching in Dynamic Environments: A Near-Optimal Online Learning Approach
* Change Representation and Extraction in Stripes: Rethinking Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Change Detection With an Untrained Network
* Coal Quality Exploration Technology Based on an Incremental Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine and Remote Sensing Images
* Cooperative Rate Splitting for MISO Broadcast Channel With User Relaying, and Performance Benefits Over Cooperative NOMA
* Cross-modal knowledge learning with scene text for fine-grained image classification
* CrowdPose: Efficient Crowded Scenes Pose Estimation and a New Benchmark
* deep convolutional neural network trained on representative samples for circulating tumor cell detection, A
* Detect Any Shadow: Segment Anything for Video Shadow Detection
* Development and Optimization of Regularized Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithms Utilizing Equally-Sloped Tomography
* Efficient Ordinary Differential Equation-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Viscoelastic Wave Modeling
* Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives
* Emotion-based diversity crowd behavior simulation in public emergency
* Evaluation of Evapotranspiration for Exorheic Catchments of China during the GRACE Era: From a Water Balance Perspective
* Evaluation of Two Satellite Surface Solar Radiation Products in the Urban Region in Beijing, China
* Extended T: Learning With Mixed Closed-Set and Open-Set Noisy Labels
* Feature selection by Universum embedding
* Generating Stereoscopic Images With Convergence Control Ability From a Light Field Image Pair
* Geohazards Monitoring and Assessment Using Multi-Source Earth Observation Techniques
* Habitat Synthetic Scenes Dataset (HSSD-200): An Analysis of 3D Scene Scale and Realism Tradeoffs for ObjectGoal Navigation
* Image classifier learning from noisy labels via generalized graph smoothness priors
* Image interpolation for DIBR view-synthesis using graph fourier transform
* Improved Forest Height Model Using L-Band Single-Baseline Polarimetric InSAR Data for Various Forest Densities, An
* Joint Signal Processing and Cryptographic Approach to Multimedia Encryption, A
* Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
* LR-SVM+: Learning Using Privileged Information with Noisy Labels
* MASA: Motion-Aware Masked Autoencoder with Semantic Alignment for Sign Language Recognition
* Match-stereo-videos: Bidirectional Alignment for Consistent Dynamic Stereo Matching
* Modelling Urban Housing Stocks for Building Energy Simulation Using CityGML EnergyADE
* Multi-level Dispersion Residual Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
* New Faulty GNSS Measurement Detection and Exclusion Algorithm for Urban Vehicle Positioning, A
* Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge Report, The
* Non-rigid Geometric Distortions Correction: Application to atmospheric turbulence stabilization
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* On Constructing z -Dimensional DIBR-Synthesized Images
* Optical coherence tomography used for security and fingerprint-sensing applications
* Optimal Charging Schemes for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid: A Contract Theoretic Approach
* personalized traffic simulation integrating emotion using a driving simulator, A
* Potential of Fully Polarized ALOS-2 Data for Estimating Forest Above-Ground Biomass, The
* QoE-Based Task Offloading With Deep Reinforcement Learning in Edge-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Rapid Detection of Iron Ore and Mining Areas Based on MSSA-BNVTELM, Visible: Infrared Spectroscopy, and Remote Sensing
* Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing
* Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing in Raw Domain
* Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Surveys Using Terrain-Invariant Regions for Measuring Exploitative Volumes over Open-Pit Mines
* Retrieval of Boreal Forest Heights Using an Improved Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) Model Based on Repeat-Pass Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: The Case Study of Saihanba, China
* Sensitivity Evaluation of Time Series InSAR Monitoring Results for Landslide Detection
* Significant Disparity in Spatiotemporal Changes of Terrestrial Evapotranspiration across Reanalysis Datasets in China from 1982 to 2020
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics of 2022 Pakistan Severe Flood Event Based on Multi-Source Satellite Gravity Observations
* Unsupervised Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Images Based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
* Variational Nested Dropout
* Wavelet-Based Representation of Biological Shapes
Includes: Mao, Y.[Yafei] Mao, Y.[Yue] Mao, Y.[Yachun] Mao, Y.[Yinan] Mao, Y.[Yin] Mao, Y. Mao, Y.[Yingchi] Mao, Y.[Yihuan] Mao, Y.[Yunyao] Mao, Y.[Yongsen] Mao, Y.[Yan] Mao, Y.[Yuna] Mao, Y.[Yinian] Mao, Y.[Yu] Mao, Y.[Yining] Mao, Y.[Ye] Mao, Y.[Yong] Mao, Y.[Yanyu] Mao, Y.[Yi] Mao, Y.[Yiru]
54 for Mao, Y.
Mao, Y.B.[Yao Bin]
Co Author Listing * efficient data-scalable algorithm for image orientation detection, An
* Home environment fall detection system based on a cascaded multi-SVM classifier
* Multi-feature Based Invertible Authentication Watermarking for JPEG Images, A
* Recognition of human activities using SVM multi-class classifier
* Visual tracking by separability-maximum online boosting
Includes: Mao, Y.B.[Yao Bin] Mao, Y.B.[Yao-Bin]
Mao, Y.C.[Ya Chun]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Mining Waste Dump Site Stability Based on Multiple Remote Sensing Technologies
* Bibliometric Analysis of the Permafrost Research: Developments, Impacts, and Trends
* Dense video captioning based on local attention
* FRDet: Few-shot object detection via feature reconstruction
* Hiding Multiple Images into a Single Image Using Up-Sampling
* MFAE: Multimodal Fusion and Alignment for Entity-level Disinformation Detection
* Presight: Enhancing Autonomous Vehicle Perception with City-scale NeRF Priors
* Scale-Aware Graph Convolutional Network with Part-Level Refinement for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
Includes: Mao, Y.C.[Ya Chun] Mao, Y.C.[Ya-Chun] Mao, Y.C.[Yun-Cheng] Mao, Y.C.[Ying-Chi] Mao, Y.C.[Yu-Cheng]
8 for Mao, Y.C.
Mao, Y.D.[Yu Dong]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Modality Fusion and Progressive Integration Network for Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Unsupervised Decomposition and Correction Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
Includes: Mao, Y.D.[Yu Dong] Mao, Y.D.[Yu-Dong]
Mao, Y.F.[Ya Fei]
Co Author Listing * Ink Drop Displacement Model-Based Direct Binary Search
* MRC-Net: 6-DoF Pose Estimation with MultiScale Residual Correlation
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Optical flow-assisted multi-level fusion network for Light Field image angular reconstruction
* Sinusoidal Sampling Enhanced Compressive Camera for High Speed Imaging
Includes: Mao, Y.F.[Ya Fei] Mao, Y.F.[Ya-Fei] Mao, Y.F.[Yi-Fan] Mao, Y.F.[Yi-Feng]
Mao, Y.H.[Yun Hao]
Co Author Listing * High Efficiency Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding Based on Composite Cauchy Distribution
* Learning From Coding Features: High Efficiency Rate Control for AOMedia Video 1
* Neural Network Based Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding
Includes: Mao, Y.H.[Yun Hao] Mao, Y.H.[Yun-Hao]
Mao, Y.I.[Yin Ian]
Co Author Listing * Uncertainty Quantification in Depth Estimation via Constrained Ordinal Regression
Includes: Mao, Y.I.[Yin Ian] Mao, Y.I.[Yin-Ian]
Mao, Y.J.[Yu Jie]
Co Author Listing * DESAT: A Distance-Enhanced Strip Attention Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Domain Generalization with Global Sample Mixup
* Efficient measurement of large-scale decadal shoreline change with increased accuracy in tide-dominated coastal environments with Google Earth Engine
* Predicting Ground Cover with Deep Learning Models: An Application of Spatio-Temporal Prediction Methods to Satellite-Derived Ground Cover Maps in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments
* Reconstructing cloud-contaminated NDVI images with SAR-Optical fusion using spatio-temporal partitioning and multiple linear regression
Includes: Mao, Y.J.[Yu Jie] Mao, Y.J.[Yu-Jie] Mao, Y.J.[Yang-Jun] Mao, Y.J.[Yong-Jing.] Mao, Y.J.[Yong-Jing]
Mao, Y.K.[Yun Kun]
Co Author Listing * Detecting Urban Traffic Anomalies Using Traffic-Monitoring Data
Includes: Mao, Y.K.[Yun Kun] Mao, Y.K.[Yun-Kun]
Mao, Y.M.[Yi Ming]
Co Author Listing * Controllable Image Synthesis With Attribute-Decomposed GAN
* Controllable Person Image Synthesis With Attribute-Decomposed GAN
* Joint Optimization and Online Algorithms of Fuel-Aware Multi-Objective Routing for Autonomous Vehicles
* Once Detected, Never Lost: Surpassing Human Performance in Offline LiDAR based 3D Object Detection
* UASNet: Uncertainty Adaptive Sampling Network for Deep Stereo Matching
Includes: Mao, Y.M.[Yi Ming] Mao, Y.M.[Yi-Ming] Mao, Y.M.[Yu-Ming] Mao, Y.M.[Ya-Min]
Mao, Y.N.[Yi Nian]
Co Author Listing * Collusion-Resistant Intentional De-Synchronization for Digital Video Fingerprinting
* Mutual-Complementing Framework for Nuclei Detection and Segmentation in Pathology Image
* Security evaluation for communication-friendly encryption of multimedia
Includes: Mao, Y.N.[Yi Nian] Mao, Y.N.[Yi-Nian] Mao, Y.N.[Yi-Ning]
Mao, Y.P.[Ying Ping]
Co Author Listing * Traffic control approach based on multi-source data fusion
Includes: Mao, Y.P.[Ying Ping] Mao, Y.P.[Ying-Ping]
Mao, Y.Q.[Yong Qiang]
Co Author Listing * Beyond single receptive field: A receptive field fusion-and-stratification network for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
* Bidirectional Feature Globalization for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Cloud Scenes
* ConGMC: Consistency-Guided Multimodal Clustering via Mutual Information Maximin
* Contrastive cross-modal clustering with twin network
* Coupling Complementary Strategy to U-Net Based Convolution Neural Network for Detecting Lunar Impact Craters
* HeightFormer: A Multilevel Interaction and Image-Adaptive Classification-Regression Network for Monocular Height Estimation with Aerial Images
* Multitask Image Clustering via Deep Information Bottleneck
* OGMN: Occlusion-guided multi-task network for object detection in UAV images
* Prompt-and-Transfer: Dynamic Class-Aware Enhancement for Few-Shot Segmentation
Includes: Mao, Y.Q.[Yong Qiang] Mao, Y.Q.[Yong-Qiang] Mao, Y.Q.[Yi-Qiao] Mao, Y.Q.[Yu-Qing]
9 for Mao, Y.Q.
Mao, Y.R.[Yi Rong]
Co Author Listing * COSONet: Compact Second-Order Network for Video Face Recognition
Includes: Mao, Y.R.[Yi Rong] Mao, Y.R.[Yi-Rong]
Mao, Y.S.[Yong Sen]
Co Author Listing * OPD: Single-View 3D Openable Part Detection
* RPN Prototype Alignment For Domain Adaptive Object Detector
Includes: Mao, Y.S.[Yong Sen] Mao, Y.S.[Yong-Sen] Mao, Y.S.[Yu-Shi]
Mao, Y.T.[Yi Tong]
Co Author Listing * Algorithm for the Weak Target Joint Detection and Ambiguity Resolution Based on Ambiguity Matrix
Includes: Mao, Y.T.[Yi Tong] Mao, Y.T.[Yi-Tong]
Mao, Y.W.[Yong Wei]
Co Author Listing * ER-MACG: An Extreme Precipitation Forecasting Model Integrating Self-Attention Based on FY4A Satellite Data
* Forest Carbon Flux Simulation Using Multi-Source Data and Incorporation of Remotely Sensed Model with Process-Based Model
* Message Passing Based Block Sparse Signal Recovery for DOA Estimation Using Large Arrays
* Modified Multi-Direction Iterative Algorithm for Separable Nonlinear Models With Missing Data
* OpenHSI: A Complete Open-Source Hyperspectral Imaging Solution for Everyone
Includes: Mao, Y.W.[Yong Wei] Mao, Y.W.[Yong-Wei] Mao, Y.W.[Ying-Wu] Mao, Y.W.[Yi-Wen] Mao, Y.W.[Ya-Wen] Mao, Y.W.[Yi-Wei]
Mao, Y.X.[Yu Xin]
Co Author Listing * Decomposed Guided Dynamic Filters for Efficient RGB-Guided Depth Completion
* Deep Idempotent Network for Efficient Single Image Blind Deblurring
* Joint Appearance and Motion Learning for Efficient Rolling Shutter Correction
* Label-anticipated Event Disentanglement for Audio-visual Video Parsing
* Learning Dense and Continuous Optical Flow From an Event Camera
* Learning domain transfer for unsupervised magnetic resonance imaging restoration and edge enhancement
* Live 360 Degree Video Delivery Based on User Collaboration in a Streaming Flock
* Multimodal Variational Auto-encoder based Audio-Visual Segmentation
* MUNet: Motion uncertainty-aware semi-supervised video object segmentation
* Mutual Information Regularization for Weakly-Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Pose Estimation Based on Two Images from Different Views
* Radar Camera Fusion via Representation Learning in Autonomous Driving
* RPEFlow: Multimodal Fusion of RGB-PointCloud-Event for Joint Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation
* Training a Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detector Using Tracklets
* Triplet-Metric-Guided Multi-Scale Attention for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with a Convolutional Neural Network
Includes: Mao, Y.X.[Yu Xin] Mao, Y.X.[Yu-Xin] Mao, Y.X.[Yuan-Xin] Mao, Y.X.[Yi-Xiang] Mao, Y.X.[Yu-Xing] Mao, Y.X.[Yun-Xiang] Mao, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan]
15 for Mao, Y.X.
Mao, Y.Y.[Yun Yao]
Co Author Listing * CMD: Self-supervised 3D Action Representation Learning with Cross-Modal Mutual Distillation
* CMT: Context-Matching-Guided Transformer for 3D Tracking in Point Clouds
* Information Bottleneck and Aggregated Learning
* Joint Inductive and Transductive Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* Masked Motion Predictors are Strong 3D Action Representation Learners
* On the integration of crowd knowledge in pattern recognition
* Regularizing Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Perturbation
* Robust object tracking via ensembling semantic-aware network and redetection
* Space-Time Analysis of Vehicle Theft Patterns in Shanghai, China
Includes: Mao, Y.Y.[Yun Yao] Mao, Y.Y.[Yun-Yao] Mao, Y.Y.[Yong-Yi] Mao, Y.Y.[Yan-Yan] Mao, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan]
9 for Mao, Y.Y.
Mao, Y.Y.X.[Yuan Yan Xin]
Co Author Listing * Few-shot learning for dermatological conditions with Lesion Area Aware Swin Transformer
Includes: Mao, Y.Y.X.[Yuan Yan Xin] Mao, Y.Y.X.[Yuan-Yan-Xin]
Mao, Z.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Compensation of Traction System Actuator Failures for High-Speed Trains
* Advanced Object Detection in Multibeam forward-Looking Sonar Images Using Linear Cross-Attention Techniques
* Compact Configuration of Aircraft Flows at Intersections
* Compact network embedding for fast node classification
* Computing Correspondences in a Sequence of Non-Rigid Objects
* Continuous and Unified Person Re-Identification
* Contour Motion Estimation Using Relaxation Matching with a Smoothness Constraint on the Velocity-Field
* Deep Neural Networks for Quantitative Damage Evaluation of Building Losses Using Aerial Oblique Images: Case Study on the Great Wall (China)
* Deep Neural Networks for Road Sign Detection and Embedded Modeling Using Oblique Aerial Images
* Double-Bit Quantization and Index Hashing for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Edge Detection in Machine Vision Using a Simple L(1) Norm Template Matching Algorithm
* Edge-Guided Multiscale Segmentation of Satellite Multispectral Imagery
* Graph Structured Network for Image-Text Matching
* How to Account for Changes in Carbon Storage from Coal Mining and Reclamation in Eastern China? Taking Yanzhou Coalfield as an Example to Simulate and Estimate
* Incipient Fault Detection for Traction Motors of High-Speed Railways Using an Interval Sliding Mode Observer
* Incipient Fault Diagnosis for High-Speed Train Traction Systems via Stacked Generalization
* Influence of Plasma Sheath's Velocity Field on ISAR Imaging of Hypersonic Target
* Instance Segmentation in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Hard-to-Segment Instance Learning and Boundary Shape Analysis
* Joint Target and Transmitter Localization With AOA and DTD Using Passive Sensors
* Layer Removal Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Data in Coastal Regions, A
* Lidar Remote Sensing of Seawater Optical Properties: Experiment and Monte Carlo Simulation
* MFATNet: Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation via Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection With Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
* Moving Car Recognition and Removal for 3D Urban Modelling Using Oblique Images
* Moving Source Localization in Passive Sensor Network With Location Uncertainty
* Multi-Scale Semantic Map Distillation for Lightweight Pavement Crack Detection
* Oblique photogrammetry supporting procedural tree modeling in urban areas
* Polarized Remote Inversion of the Refractive Index of Marine Spilled Oil From PARASOL Images Under Sunglint
* Practical Method for On-Orbit Estimation of Polarization Response of Satellite Ocean Color Sensor, A
* Task-Adaptive Attention for Image Captioning
* Toward Constructing a Real-time Social Anxiety Evaluation System: Exploring Effective Heart Rate Features
* UAV small target detection algorithm based on an improved YOLOv5s model
Includes: Mao, Z. Mao, Z.[Zhaoyong] Mao, Z.[Zheng] Mao, Z.[Zuhua] Mao, Z.[Zhu] Mao, Z.[Zhen] Mao, Z.[Zehui] Mao, Z.[Zhi] Mao, Z.[Zan] Mao, Z.[Zhendong]
32 for Mao, Z.
Mao, Z.C.[Zhong Chao]
Co Author Listing * Role of Soil Salinization in Shaping the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Soil Organic Carbon Stock, The
Includes: Mao, Z.C.[Zhong Chao] Mao, Z.C.[Zhong-Chao]
Mao, Z.D.[Zhen Dong]
Co Author Listing * ABINet++: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Spotting
* Cascade Semantic Prompt Alignment Network for Image Captioning
* Compact Position-aware Attention Network for Image Semantic Segmentation
* Crossing the Gap: Domain Generalization for Image Captioning
* Curriculum Learning Driven Domain Adaptation for Low-Resource Machine Reading Comprehension
* Enhanced Semantic Similarity Learning Framework for Image-Text Matching
* Evolution of ICTs-empowered-identification: A general re-ranking method for person re-identification
* Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Memory-Enhanced Embedding Learning Framework for Image-Text Retrieval
* Focus Your Attention: A Focal Attention for Multimodal Learning
* Improving Image-Text Matching With Bidirectional Consistency of Cross-Modal Alignment
* Intra-Class Adaptive Augmentation With Neighbor Correction for Deep Metric Learning
* Joint Local Correlation and Global Contextual Information for Unsupervised 3D Model Retrieval and Classification
* Learning Semantic Relationship among Instances for Image-Text Matching
* Lesion-Aware Transformers for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
* Linguistic-Aware Patch Slimming Framework for Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Alignment
* M-GCN: Multi-Branch Graph Convolution Network for 2D Image-based on 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* Negative-Aware Attention Framework for Image-Text Matching
* Not All Image Regions Matter: Masked Vector Quantization for Autoregressive Image Generation
* Read Like Humans: Autonomous, Bidirectional and Iterative Language Modeling for Scene Text Recognition
* RealCustom: Narrowing Real Text Word for Real-Time Open-Domain Text-to-Image Customization
* Self-Supervised Synthesis Ranking for Deep Metric Learning
* Semantically Similarity-Wise Dual-Branch Network for Scene Graph Generation
* Towards Accurate Image Coding: Improved Autoregressive Image Generation with Dynamic Vector Quantization
* Unified Adaptive Relevance Distinguishable Attention Network for Image-Text Matching
* Uyghur Language Text Detection in Complex Background Images Using Enhanced MSERs
Includes: Mao, Z.D.[Zhen Dong] Mao, Z.D.[Zhen-Dong]
26 for Mao, Z.D.
Mao, Z.G.[Zhi Gang]
Co Author Listing * adaptive motion estimation algorithm based on evolution strategies with correlated mutations, An
* Mapping Long-Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Pen Aquaculture in a Shallow Lake: Less Aquaculture Coming along Better Water Quality
Includes: Mao, Z.G.[Zhi Gang] Mao, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang]
Mao, Z.H.[Ze Hui]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode Control for High-Speed Trains with Actuator Faults and Uncertainties
* Assessment of VIIRS on the Identification of Harmful Algal Bloom Types in the Coasts of the East China Sea
* Atmospheric Correction of COCTS on the HY-1C and HY-1D Satellites, The
* Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing in the Presence of High Aerosol Loads
* Conflict Resolution and Traffic Complexity of Multiple Intersecting Flows of Aircraft
* Cramer-Rao Bound of Joint DOA-Range Estimation for Coprime Frequency Diverse Arrays
* DBH Estimation for Individual Tree: Two-Dimensional Images or Three-Dimensional Point Clouds?
* Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
* Determining spectral groups to distinguish oil emulsions from Sargassum over the Gulf of Mexico using an airborne imaging spectrometer
* Effective Method for Detecting Clouds in GaoFen-4 Images of Coastal Zones, An
* Enhancing Water Depth Estimation from Satellite Images Using Online Machine Learning: A Case Study Using Baidu Easy-DL with Acoustic Bathymetry and Sentinel-2 Data
* Feasible Calibration Method for Type 1 Open Ocean Water LiDAR Data Based on Bio-Optical Models, A
* Influence of Aircraft Maneuver Preference Variability on Airspace Usage
* Integrating Multiple Datasets and Machine Learning Algorithms for Satellite-Based Bathymetry in Seaports
* NDNet: Narrow While Deep Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Novel Fast Multiple-Scattering Approximate Model for Oceanographic Lidar, A
* Novel Framework of Integrating UV and NIR Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Coastal Ocean Color Remote Sensing, A
* Observations of Optical Properties and Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Qiandao Lake Using Shipborne Lidar
* Observations of the Impacts of Hong Kong International Airport on Water Quality from 1986 to 2022 Using Landsat Satellite
* OLE: A Novel Oceanic Lidar Emulator
* Optical aerial image partitioning using level sets based on modified Chan-Vese model
* Parallel Public Transportation System and Its Application in Evaluating Evacuation Plans for Large-Scale Activities
* Remote Sensing Estimation of Sea Surface Salinity from GOCI Measurements in the Southern Yellow Sea
* Retrieval of Urban Aerosol Optical Depth from Landsat 8 OLI in Nanjing, China
* Robust detection of perceptually salient features on 3D meshes
* Seasonal Cycles of Phytoplankton Expressed by Sine Equations Using the Daily Climatology from Satellite-Retrieved Chlorophyll-a Concentration (1997-2019) Over Global Ocean
* Semianalytic Monte Carlo Simulator for Spaceborne Oceanic Lidar: Framework and Preliminary Results, A
* Shape-Preserving Generation of Food Images for Automatic Dietary Assessment
* Small Object Augmentation of Urban Scenes for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* SOLS: An Open-Source Spaceborne Oceanic Lidar Simulator
* Stability of intersecting aircraft flows using heading-change maneuvers for conflict avoidance
* Two-Stage Level Set Evolution Scheme for Man-Made Objects Detection in Aerial Images, A
* UAV-based multispectral remote sensing for precision agriculture: A comparison between different cameras
* Unified Algorithm for the Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Remote Sensing Data over Land and Ocean, A
* Upscaling-Downscaling Optimal Seamline Detection Algorithm for Very Large Remote Sensing Image Mosaicking, An
Includes: Mao, Z.H.[Ze Hui] Mao, Z.H.[Ze-Hui] Mao, Z.H.[Zhi-Hua] Mao, Z.H. Mao, Z.H.[Zi-Huan] Mao, Z.H.[Zhi-Hui] Mao, Z.H.[Zhi-Hong]
35 for Mao, Z.H.
Mao, Z.J.[Zi Jing]
Co Author Listing * EEG-based prediction of driver's cognitive performance by deep convolutional neural network
* Highway Ecological Environmental Assessment Based on Modified Remote Sensing Index: Taking the Lhasa-Nyingchi Motorway as an Example
* Multimodal object tracking by exploiting appearance and class information
* Robust Tracking for Motion Blur Via Context Enhancement
* Tiny Object Tracking With Proposal Position Enhancement
Includes: Mao, Z.J.[Zi Jing] Mao, Z.J.[Zi-Jing] Mao, Z.J.[Zheng-Jun] Mao, Z.J.[Zhong-Jie]
Mao, Z.L.[Zhi Li]
Co Author Listing * Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data
* Constructing dense correspondences for the analysis of 3D facial morphology
* Constructing dense correspondences to analyze 3D facial change
* Dynamic Changes of Lake Issyk-Kul from 1958 to 2020 Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data, The
* Emerging Signal of Englacial Debris on One Clean Surface Glacier Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Includes: Mao, Z.L.[Zhi Li] Mao, Z.L.[Zhi-Li] Mao, Z.L.[Zhong-Lei]
Mao, Z.M.[Z. Morley]
Co Author Listing * Anomaly Detection Against GPS Spoofing Attacks on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Using Learning From Demonstration
* Leveraging Hierarchical Feature Sharing for Efficient Dataset Condensation
* On Adversarial Robustness of Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles
* On the Cybersecurity of Traffic Signal Control System With Connected Vehicles
* Rethinking the Backdoor Attacks' Triggers: A Frequency Perspective
* Sensor Adversarial Traits: Analyzing Robustness of 3D Object Detection Sensor Fusion Models
* Spectral View of Randomized Smoothing Under Common Corruptions: Benchmarking and Improving Certified Robustness, A
7 for Mao, Z.M.
Mao, Z.Q.[Zong Qing]
Co Author Listing * GBCA: Graph Convolution Network and BERT combined with Co-Attention for fake news detection
* Individual Wave Propagations in Ionosphere and Troposphere Triggered by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Underwater Volcano Eruption on 15 January 2022
* Locating Seismo-Conductivity Anomaly before the 2017 MW 6.5 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake in China Using Far Magnetic Stations
* Monitoring Seismo-TEC Perturbations Utilizing the Beidou Geostationary Satellites
* Numerical Solution of the Atmospheric Perturbations Triggered by Persistent Lithospheric Vibrations
Includes: Mao, Z.Q.[Zong Qing] Mao, Z.Q.[Zong-Qing] Mao, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang]
Mao, Z.S.[Zhong Shu]
Co Author Listing * Enhancing transferability of adversarial examples with pixel-level scale variation
Includes: Mao, Z.S.[Zhong Shu] Mao, Z.S.[Zhong-Shu]
Mao, Z.W.[Zhi Wen]
Co Author Listing * Observation of Precipitation during Cooling with Ka-Band Cloud Radar in Wuhan, China, An
* Spatiotemporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of Theft during the Pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 Periods: A Case Study of Haining City, Zhejiang, China
Includes: Mao, Z.W.[Zhi Wen] Mao, Z.W.[Zhi-Wen] Mao, Z.W.[Zhe-Wei]
Mao, Z.X.[Ze Xi]
Co Author Listing * Seasonal Cycles of Phytoplankton Expressed by Sine Equations Using the Daily Climatology from Satellite-Retrieved Chlorophyll-a Concentration (1997-2019) Over Global Ocean
Includes: Mao, Z.X.[Ze Xi] Mao, Z.X.[Ze-Xi]
Mao, Z.Y.[Zhi Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Accelerating Atmospheric Turbulence Simulation via Learned Phase-to-Space Transform
* FarSight: A Physics-Driven Whole-Body Biometric System at Large Distance and Altitude
* Focus on informative graphs! Semi-supervised active learning for graph-level classification
* HTDet: A Hybrid Transformer-Based Approach for Underwater Small Object Detection
* Point Cluster Analysis Using a 3D Voronoi Diagram with Applications in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Single Frame Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation: A Benchmark Study and a New Physics-Inspired Transformer Model
* Spatio-Temporal Turbulence Mitigation: A Translational Perspective
* Structured Kernel Estimation for Photon-Limited Deconvolution
* Student-Teacher Learning from Clean Inputs to Noisy Inputs
* Vegetation Monitoring of Protected Areas in Rugged Mountains Using an Improved Shadow-Eliminated Vegetation Index (SEVI)
Includes: Mao, Z.Y.[Zhi Yuan] Mao, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yuan] Mao, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yang] Mao, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yong] Mao, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yuan]
10 for Mao, Z.Y.