Index for tani

Tani, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hara, S.: Mapping Seasonal Tree Canopy Cover and Leaf Area Using World...
     with: Kokubu, Y.: Mapping Seasonal Tree Canopy Cover and Leaf Area Using Wor...

Tani, D.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Au, B.J.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated...
     with: Chamitoff, G.E.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-acce...
     with: Chiao, L.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerate...
     with: Christiansen, M.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-acc...
     with: Fincke, E.M.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-acceler...
     with: Foale, C.M.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelera...
     with: Frey, C.A.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerat...
     with: Lu, P.J.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated...
     with: Magnus, S.H.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-acceler...
     with: McArthur, W.S.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accel...
     with: Meyer, W.V.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelera...
     with: Oki, H.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated ...
     with: Schofield, A.B.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-acce...
     with: Sicker, R.J.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-acceler...
     with: Weitz, D.A.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelera...
     with: Whitson, P.A.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accele...
     with: Williams, J.N.: Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accel...
17 for Tani, D.M.

Tani, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chittenden, A.R.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor...
     with: Chittenden, A.R.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for...
     with: Guo, M.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in Aeros...
     with: Guo, M.: Long-Term Satellite Detection of Post-Fire Vegetation Trends ...
     with: Guo, M.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aerosol ...
     with: Matsumura, S.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in...
     with: Matsumura, S.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Ae...
     with: Shibata, T.: Frame-Wise Action Recognition Training Framework for Skel...
     with: Sun, Z.Y.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in Aer...
     with: Sun, Z.Y.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aeroso...
     with: Wang, X.F.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in Ae...
     with: Wang, X.F.: Long-Term Satellite Detection of Post-Fire Vegetation Tren...
     with: Wang, X.F.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aeros...
     with: Yi, K.P.: Long-Term Satellite Detection of Post-Fire Vegetation Trends...
     with: Yin, S.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in Aeros...
     with: Yin, S.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aerosol ...
     with: Zhang, J.Q.: Long-Term Satellite Detection of Post-Fire Vegetation Tre...
     with: Zhong, G.S.: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in A...
     with: Zhong, G.S.: Long-Term Satellite Detection of Post-Fire Vegetation Tre...
     with: Zhong, G.S.: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aero...
20 for Tani, H.

Tani, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rodrigues, R.: Are These from the Same Place? Seeing the Unseen in Cro...
     with: Rodrigues, R.: Global Assists Local: Effective Aerial Representations ...
     with: Sakamoto, M.: Land Cover Changes after the Massive Rohingya Refugee In...
     with: Ullah, S.M.A.: Land Cover Changes after the Massive Rohingya Refugee I...

Tani, M.Y.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bilasco, I.M.: Events Detection Using a Video-Surveillance Ontology an...
     with: Bilasco, I.M.: OVIS: ontology video surveillance indexing and retrieva...
     with: Ghomari, A.: Events Detection Using a Video-Surveillance Ontology and ...
     with: Ghomari, A.: OVIS: ontology video surveillance indexing and retrieval ...
     with: Lablack, A.: Events Detection Using a Video-Surveillance Ontology and ...
     with: Lablack, A.: OVIS: ontology video surveillance indexing and retrieval ...

Tani, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alia, G.: Angular Spline: A New Approach to the Interpolation Problem ...
     with: Barsi, F.: Angular Spline: A New Approach to the Interpolation Problem...
     with: Martinelli, E.: Angular Spline: A New Approach to the Interpolation Pr...

Tani, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hotta, K.: Robust Human Detection to Pose and Occlusion Using Bag-of-W...

Tania, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karmakar, G.: Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation Using Intuitive Distanc...
     with: Karmakar, G.: Enhanced Local Texture Descriptor for Image Segmentation...
     with: Karmakar, G.: Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space ...
     with: Murshed, M.: Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation Using Intuitive Distance...
     with: Murshed, M.: Enhanced Local Texture Descriptor for Image Segmentation,...
     with: Murshed, M.: Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space o...
     with: Teng, S.W.: Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation Using Intuitive Distance ...
     with: Teng, S.W.: Enhanced Local Texture Descriptor for Image Segmentation, An
     with: Teng, S.W.: Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space of...
9 for Tania, S.

Taniai, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Continuous 3D Label Stereo Matching Using Local Expans...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Graph Cut Based Continuous Stereo Matching Using Local...
     with: Matsushita, Y.: Superdifferential cuts for binary energies
     with: Naemura, T.: Continuous 3D Label Stereo Matching Using Local Expansion...
     with: Naemura, T.: Graph Cut Based Continuous Stereo Matching Using Locally ...
     with: Naemura, T.: Image Segmentation using Dual Distribution Matching
     with: Naemura, T.: Superdifferential cuts for binary energies
     with: Pham, V.Q.: Image Segmentation using Dual Distribution Matching
     with: Sato, Y.: Continuous 3D Label Stereo Matching Using Local Expansion Mo...
     with: Sato, Y.: Fast Multi-frame Stereo Scene Flow with Motion Segmentation
     with: Sato, Y.: Graph Cut Based Continuous Stereo Matching Using Locally Sha...
     with: Sato, Y.: Joint Recovery of Dense Correspondence and Cosegmentation in...
     with: Sinha, S.N.: Fast Multi-frame Stereo Scene Flow with Motion Segmentation
     with: Sinha, S.N.: Joint Recovery of Dense Correspondence and Cosegmentation...
     with: Takahashi, K.: Image Segmentation using Dual Distribution Matching
15 for Taniai, T.

Taniar, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adhinugraha, K.: GIS Analysis of Adequate Accessibility to Public Tran...
     with: Alamri, S.: GIS Analysis of Adequate Accessibility to Public Transport...
     with: Ali, M.E.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Literat...
     with: Allheeib, N.: GIS Analysis of Adequate Accessibility to Public Transpo...
     with: Amaludin, B.: Toward more accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: Au...
     with: Cheema, M.A.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Lite...
     with: Fahmin, A.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Litera...
     with: Kadry, S.: Toward more accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: Autom...
     with: Li, H.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Literature...
     with: Lu, H.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Literature...
     with: Rakha, H.A.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Liter...
     with: Shen, B.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Literatu...
     with: Ting, F.F.: Toward more accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: Auto...
     with: Toosi, A.N.: Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Liter...
14 for Taniar, D.

Tanibata, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hanaoka, K.: Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames: D...
     with: Isoda, Y.: Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames: Dis...
     with: Muranaka, A.: Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames: ...
     with: Ohmura, J.: Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames: Di...
     with: Tsukamoto, A.: Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames:...

Tanibata, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shimada, N.: Extraction of Hand Features for Recognition of Sign Langu...
     with: Shirai, Y.: Extraction of Hand Features for Recognition of Sign Langua...

Tanibuchi, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yamazaki, S.: Moving object monitoring surveillance apparatus for dete...

Tanida, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Horisaki, R.: Compound-eye-based multidimensional imager
     with: Nakamura, T.: Compound-eye-based multidimensional imager

Tanida, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kimata, H.: Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement...
     with: Kimata, H.: Deep Feature Compression With Spatio-Temporal Arranging fo...
     with: Kimata, H.: GAN-Based Image Compression Using Mutual Information for O...
     with: Kimata, H.: Image Based Coding of Spatial Probability Distribution on ...
     with: Kimata, H.: Knowledge Transferred Fine-Tuning for Anti-Aliased Convolu...
     with: Kudo, S.: GAN-Based Image Compression Using Mutual Information for Opt...
     with: Orihashi, S.: GAN-Based Image Compression Using Mutual Information for...
     with: Shouno, H.: Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement...
     with: Shouno, H.: Deep Feature Compression With Spatio-Temporal Arranging fo...
     with: Shouno, H.: Knowledge Transferred Fine-Tuning for Anti-Aliased Convolu...
     with: Suzuki, S.: Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement...
     with: Suzuki, S.: Deep Feature Compression With Spatio-Temporal Arranging fo...
     with: Suzuki, S.: Knowledge Transferred Fine-Tuning for Anti-Aliased Convolu...
     with: Takagi, M.: Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement...
     with: Takagi, M.: Deep Feature Compression With Spatio-Temporal Arranging fo...
     with: Takamura, S.: GAN-Based Image Compression Using Mutual Information for...
     with: Takeda, S.: Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement...
     with: Takeda, S.: Deep Feature Compression With Spatio-Temporal Arranging fo...
     with: Takeda, S.: Knowledge Transferred Fine-Tuning for Anti-Aliased Convolu...
     with: Wu, X.J.: Image Based Coding of Spatial Probability Distribution on Hu...
20 for Tanida, R.

Tanida, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kaissis, G.: Interactive and Explainable Region-guided Radiology Repor...
     with: Muller, P.: Interactive and Explainable Region-guided Radiology Report...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Interactive and Explainable Region-guided Radiology Repo...

Tanie, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dangi, G.R.R.: Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual ...
     with: Hiratsuka, S.: Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
     with: Inooka, H.: Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
     with: Kajikawa, S.: Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
     with: Kaneko, T.: Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Rea...
     with: Kawahara, N.: Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual R...
     with: Kotoku, T.: Facial Expression Communication with FES
     with: Kotoku, T.: Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications
     with: Ohba, K.: Facial Expression Communication with FES
     with: Ohba, K.: Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications
     with: Ohba, K.: Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth images
     with: Ohba, K.: Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Reality
     with: Ohba, K.: Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
     with: Ortega, J.C.P.: Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth ...
     with: Ortega, J.C.P.: Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual...
     with: Takei, Y.: Real-time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Real...
     with: Tsuji, M.: Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth images
     with: Tsukada, T.: Facial Expression Communication with FES
     with: Tsukada, T.: Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications
     with: Yamada, S.: Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth images
20 for Tanie, K.

Tanielian, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Issenhuth, T.: Latent reweighting, an almost free improvement for GANs
     with: Mary, J.: Latent reweighting, an almost free improvement for GANs
     with: Picard, D.: Latent reweighting, an almost free improvement for GANs

Tanifuji, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Vidal Naquet, M.: effective resolution of correlation filters applied ...

Tanifuji, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hijikata, M.: Finite difference time domain (FDTD) analysis of optical...

Tanigaki, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hirano, T.: Push-style guidance system for technical document writing
     with: Okada, Y.: Push-style guidance system for technical document writing

Tanigawa, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hori, O.: Precise line detection from an engineering drawing using a f...
     with: Kaneda, K.: Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales wit...
     with: Raytchev, B.: Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales w...
     with: Shimotsuji, S.: Precise line detection from an engineering drawing usi...
     with: Tamaki, T.: Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales wit...
     with: Ueno, Y.J.: Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales wit...

Tanigawa, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abe, Y.: Active mass estimation with haptic vision
     with: Tanaka, H.T.: Active mass estimation with haptic vision
     with: Tanaka, S.: Active mass estimation with haptic vision
     with: Uejo, M.: Active mass estimation with haptic vision

Taniguch, R.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shimada, A.: Exploring Image Specific Structured Loss for Image Annota...
     with: Xu, X.: Exploring Image Specific Structured Loss for Image Annotation ...

Taniguchi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sasaki, F.: Pose Invariant Topological Memory for Visual Navigation
     with: Tomimoto, H.: Maximum isotope accumulation in the retrosplenial cortex...
     with: Watanabe, Y.: Maximum isotope accumulation in the retrosplenial cortex...
     with: Yamashina, R.: Pose Invariant Topological Memory for Visual Navigation

Taniguchi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akatsuka, T.: Reconstruction Method for Compensation of Surface Effect...
     with: Devaraj, B.: Reconstruction Method for Compensation of Surface Effects...
     with: Furusawa, H.: Methods of Traffic Flow Measurement using Spatio-Tempora...
     with: Nakamura, T.: Methods of Traffic Flow Measurement using Spatio-Tempora...
     with: Tanosaki, S.: Reconstruction Method for Compensation of Surface Effect...
     with: Yuasa, T.: Reconstruction Method for Compensation of Surface Effects i...

Taniguchi, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chu, C.: Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations for Im...
     with: Fan, Y.: aVCSR: Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing Using Region-of-Int...
     with: Garcia, N.: Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations for...
     with: Hirota, Y.: Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations for...
     with: Kimishima, F.: Compressive Sensing Based Image Codec With Partial Pre-...
     with: Nakashima, Y.: Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations ...
     with: Onoye, T.: Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations for ...
     with: Otani, M.: Visual Question Answering with Textual Representations for ...
     with: Wang, H.X.: aVCSR: Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing Using Region-of-...
     with: Xu, J.Y.: Compressive Sensing Based Image Codec With Partial Pre-Calcu...
     with: Yang, J.: aVCSR: Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing Using Region-of-In...
     with: Yang, J.: Compressive Sensing Based Image Codec With Partial Pre-Calcu...
     with: Zhou, J.J.: aVCSR: Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing Using Region-of-...
     with: Zhou, J.J.: Compressive Sensing Based Image Codec With Partial Pre-Cal...
14 for Taniguchi, I.

Taniguchi, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained linea...
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse repr...
     with: Fujita, T.: Control method for detecting change points in motion pictu...
     with: Fujita, T.: Method and apparatus for detecting and displaying a repres...
     with: Fujita, T.: Method of displaying moving object for enabling identifica...
     with: Han, X.H.: Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained linear...
     with: Han, X.H.: Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse repre...
     with: Hata, Y.: Three-dimensional Image Construction for Non-destructive Tes...
     with: Ikezawa, M.: Video retrieval method and apparatus
     with: Iwamoto, Y.: Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained line...
     with: Iwamoto, Y.: Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse rep...
     with: Kitamura, H.: Internet Video-on-Demand System Architecture-Mins
     with: Matsumoto, T.: Three-dimensional Image Construction for Non-destructiv...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: Development and Demonstration of a Method for GEO-to-LEO...
     with: Miyatake, T.: Control method for detecting change points in motion pic...
     with: Miyatake, T.: Method and apparatus for detecting and displaying a repr...
     with: Miyatake, T.: Method of displaying moving object for enabling identifi...
     with: Miyatake, T.: Video retrieval method and apparatus
     with: Nagasaka, A.: Control method for detecting change points in motion pic...
     with: Nagasaka, A.: Method and apparatus for detecting and displaying a repr...
     with: Nagasaka, A.: Method of displaying moving object for enabling identifi...
     with: Nagasaka, A.: Video retrieval method and apparatus
     with: Nishida, T.: Internet Video-on-Demand System Architecture-Mins
     with: Obata, K.: Analytical Relationship between Two-Band Spectral Vegetatio...
     with: Obata, K.: Development and Demonstration of a Method for GEO-to-LEO ND...
     with: Ogawa, H.: Preprocessing for Chinese character recognition and global ...
     with: Ogawa, H.: Thinning and Stroke Segmentation for Handwritten Chinese C...
     with: Ohta, K.: Three-dimensional Image Construction for Non-destructive Tes...
     with: Sasatani, S.: Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained lin...
     with: Sasatani, S.: Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse re...
     with: Sumino, S.: Video retrieval method and apparatus
     with: Tachikawa, H.: Internet Video-on-Demand System Architecture-Mins
     with: Tanaka, K.: Method and apparatus for detecting and displaying a repres...
     with: Tatsumi, S.: mura detection method, A
     with: Ueda, H.: Video retrieval method and apparatus
     with: Ueta, K.: mura detection method, A
     with: Xiong, W.: Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse repre...
     with: Yoshioka, H.: Analytical Relationship between Two-Band Spectral Vegeta...
     with: Yoshioka, H.: Development and Demonstration of a Method for GEO-to-LEO...
     with: Zeng, N.: Evaluating the Quality of Pellet Component by Using Image Pr...
69 for Taniguchi, K.

Taniguchi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tezuka, T.: Automatic Trimap Generation by a Multimodal Neural Network

Taniguchi, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akiyama, I.: Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images...
     with: Chen, M.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with a ...
     with: Cheng, X.Y.: Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images...
     with: Hamada, K.: Automatic Detection of Floating Macroalgae via Adaptive Th...
     with: Hanifa, A.D.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel wit...
     with: Hori, M.: Automatic Detection of Floating Macroalgae via Adaptive Thre...
     with: Itoh, K.: Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Us...
     with: Iwashita, H.: Reproduction of the Marine Debris Distribution in the Se...
     with: Kaneko, A.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with ...
     with: Kida, S.: Short-Term Variation of the Surface Flow Pattern South of Lo...
     with: Lin, J.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with a F...
     with: Mutsuda, H.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with...
     with: Mutsuda, H.: Short-Term Variation of the Surface Flow Pattern South of...
     with: Muzhoffar, D.A.F.: Automatic Detection of Floating Macroalgae via Adap...
     with: Nakajima, M.: Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Image...
     with: Sakuno, Y.: Automatic Detection of Floating Macroalgae via Adaptive Th...
     with: Sakuno, Y.J.: Reproduction of the Marine Debris Distribution in the Se...
     with: Sakuno, Y.J.: Short-Term Variation of the Surface Flow Pattern South o...
     with: Shimabukuro, H.: Automatic Detection of Floating Macroalgae via Adapti...
     with: Song, S.L.: Reproduction of the Marine Debris Distribution in the Seto...
     with: Syamsudin, F.: Short-Term Variation of the Surface Flow Pattern South ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Automated Detection of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Us...
     with: Zhang, C.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with a...
     with: Zhu, X.H.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with a...
     with: Zhu, Z.: Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with a F...
25 for Taniguchi, N.

Taniguchi, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amamiya, M.: Image Reconstruction Using High Level Constraints
     with: Amamiya, M.: model generation method for object recognition task by pi...
     with: Arita, D.: model generation method for object recognition task by pict...
     with: Arita, D.: Recognition of Local Features for Camera-based Sign Languag...
     with: Hasegawa, T.: Embodied Proactive Human Interface PICO-2
     with: Hayirci, Z.: TetraTSDF: 3D Human Reconstruction From a Single Image Wi...
     with: Igi, S.: Recognition of Local Features for Camera-based Sign Language ...
     with: Imagawa, K.: Recognition of Local Features for Camera-based Sign Langu...
     with: Kurazume, R.: Embodied Proactive Human Interface PICO-2
     with: Lu, S.: Recognition of Local Features for Camera-based Sign Language R...
     with: Matsuo, H.: Recognition of Local Features for Camera-based Sign Langua...
     with: Nakano, H.: Real-time human figure control using tracked blobs
     with: Omasa, H.: Embodied Proactive Human Interface PICO-2
     with: Onizuka, H.: Landmark-Guided Deformation Transfer of Template Facial E...
     with: Onizuka, H.: TetraTSDF: 3D Human Reconstruction From a Single Image Wi...
     with: Sugimoto, A.: TetraTSDF: 3D Human Reconstruction From a Single Image W...
     with: Thomas, D.: Landmark-Guided Deformation Transfer of Template Facial Ex...
     with: Thomas, D.: TetraTSDF: 3D Human Reconstruction From a Single Image Wit...
     with: Tsuruta, N.: Image Reconstruction Using High Level Constraints
     with: Tsuruta, N.: model generation method for object recognition task by pi...
     with: Uchida, S.: Embodied Proactive Human Interface PICO-2
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Landmark-Guided Deformation Transfer of Template Facial ...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: TetraTSDF: 3D Human Reconstruction From a Single Image W...
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Real-time human figure control using tracked blobs
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Vision-based 3D direct manipulation interface for smart ...
25 for Taniguchi, R.

Taniguchi, R.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdelwahab, M.A.: Video Object Segmentation Based on Superpixel Trajec...
     with: Abdelwahab, M.M.: Video Object Segmentation Based on Superpixel Trajec...
     with: Akashi, R.: Scattering tomography using ellipsoidal mirror
     with: Aly, S.: On Face Recognition Using Hierarchical Self-Organized Gabor F...
     with: Aly, S.: Robust Face Recognition Using Multiple Self-Organized Gabor F...
     with: Amamiya, M.: AMP: an autonomous multi-processor for image processing a...
     with: Arita, D.: Confidence-driven architecture for real-time vision process...
     with: Arita, D.: Dynamic Control of Adaptive Mixture-of-Gaussians Background...
     with: Arita, D.: Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Dataset...
     with: Arita, D.: fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction u...
     with: Arita, D.: Fast Feature Extraction Approach for Multi-Dimension Featur...
     with: Arita, D.: Frame Rate Stabilization by Variable Resolution Shape Recon...
     with: Arita, D.: Non-parametric Background and Shadow Modeling for Object De...
     with: Arita, D.: Object Detection under Varying Illumination Based on Adapti...
     with: Arita, D.: Real-time Analysis of Human Motion using Multi-view Silhoue...
     with: Arita, D.: Real-time Human Motion Analysis and IK-based Human Figure C...
     with: Arita, D.: Real-Time Human Motion Analysis Based on Analysis of Silhou...
     with: Arita, D.: Real-time human motion sensing based on vision-based invers...
     with: Arita, D.: real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fusion...
     with: Arita, D.: Real-time Visually Guided Human Figure Control Using IK-bas...
     with: Arita, D.: RPV-II: A stream-based real-time parallel vision system and...
     with: Arita, D.: Towards Robust Object Detection: Integrated Background Mode...
     with: Arita, D.: Vision-Based Motion Capture of Interacting Multiple People
     with: Arita, D.S.: Real-time 3D Hand Shape Estimation based on Image Feature...
     with: Arita, D.S.: Real-Time 3D Hand Shape Estimation Based on Inverse Kinem...
     with: Arita, D.S.: Real-time hand shape recognition for human interface
     with: Arth, C.: Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and Stati...
     with: Chen, W.Y.: Real-time 3D Hand Shape Estimation based on Image Feature ...
     with: Chen, W.Y.: Real-Time 3D Hand Shape Estimation Based on Inverse Kinema...
     with: Date, N.: Confidence-driven architecture for real-time vision processi...
     with: Date, N.: Real-time human motion sensing based on vision-based inverse...
     with: Egashira, H.: Vision-Based Motion Capture of Interacting Multiple People
     with: Endo, K.: Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Reconst...
     with: Fujiki, R.J.: Real-time 3D Hand Shape Estimation based on Image Featur...
     with: Fujiki, R.J.: Real-Time 3D Hand Shape Estimation Based on Inverse Kine...
     with: Haruyama, S.: Spatially-multiplexed MIMO markers
     with: Hasegawa, T.: Early Recognition and Prediction of Gestures
     with: Hasegawa, T.: Logical DP Matching for Detecting Similar Subsequence
     with: Hori, M.: Person re-identification visualization tool for object track...
     with: Horimoto, S.: Real-time hand shape recognition for human interface
     with: Hoshino, R.: Real-time Analysis of Human Motion using Multi-view Silho...
     with: Hoshino, R.: Real-Time Human Motion Analysis Based on Analysis of Silh...
     with: Ito, T.: Clickable real world information retrieval application based ...
     with: Kagawa, K.: Dynamic photometric stereo method using multi-tap CMOS ima...
     with: Kajitani, K.: Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environmen...
     with: Kawaguchi, E.: Coded DF-Expression for Binary and Multi-Valued Picture
     with: Kawaguchi, E.: Knowledge-Based Image Analysis of Landsat Data: How to ...
     with: Kawaguchi, E.: Knowledge-Based Picture Understanding of Weather Charts
     with: Kawahata, R.: Incremental Learning of Hand Gestures Based on Submoveme...
     with: Kawahata, R.: What are Good Design Gestures?
     with: Kawahito, S.: Dynamic photometric stereo method using multi-tap CMOS i...
     with: Kawashima, M.: Adaptive template method for early recognition of gestu...
     with: Kurazume, R.: Early Recognition and Prediction of Gestures
     with: Kurazume, R.: Logical DP Matching for Detecting Similar Subsequence
     with: Lima, J.P.: Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and Sta...
     with: Lima, J.P.: Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
     with: Lima, J.P.: RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
     with: Liu, H.: Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retrieval ch...
     with: Lu, C.H.: Sparse Cost Volume for Efficient Stereo Matching
     with: Lu, Y.H.: Anonymous Camera for Privacy Protection
     with: Maeda, S.: Fast Feature Extraction Approach for Multi-Dimension Featur...
     with: Maeno, K.: Light field distortion feature for transparent object class...
     with: Maeno, K.: Light Field Distortion Feature for Transparent Object Recog...
     with: Matsui, S.: Half-sweep imaging for depth from defocus
     with: Matsumoto, A.: real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fu...
     with: Minematsu, T.: Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
     with: Minematsu, T.: Adaptive search of background models for object detecti...
     with: Minematsu, T.: Analytics of deep neural network in change detection
     with: Minematsu, T.: Background initialization based on bidirectional analys...
     with: Minematsu, T.: Evaluation of foreground detection methodology for a mo...
     with: Minematsu, T.: Rethinking Background And Foreground In Deep Neural Net...
     with: Mishima, M.: Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Datas...
     with: Mishima, M.: RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
     with: Moreau, G.: Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense SLAM
     with: Mori, A.: Early Recognition and Prediction of Gestures
     with: Mori, A.: Logical DP Matching for Detecting Similar Subsequence
     with: Mukaigawa, Y.: Scattering tomography using ellipsoidal mirror
     with: Nabeshima, R.: Frame Rate Stabilization by Variable Resolution Shape R...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
     with: Nagahara, H.: Adaptive search of background models for object detectio...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Adaptive template method for early recognition of gestures
     with: Nagahara, H.: Anonymous Camera for Privacy Protection
     with: Nagahara, H.: Background initialization based on bidirectional analysi...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Background light ray modeling for change detection
     with: Nagahara, H.: Background model based on intensity change similarity am...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Background Model Based on Statistical Local Difference P...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Background Modeling Based on Bidirectional Analysis
     with: Nagahara, H.: Case-based background modeling: associative background d...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Change detection on light field for active video surveil...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Clickable real world information retrieval application b...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Dynamic photometric stereo method using multi-tap CMOS i...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Evaluation of foreground detection methodology for a mov...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Evaluation report of integrated background modeling base...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Half-sweep imaging for depth from defocus
     with: Nagahara, H.: Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
     with: Nagahara, H.: Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Rec...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Light field distortion feature for transparent object cl...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Light Field Distortion Feature for Transparent Object Re...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Motion-Invariant Coding Using a Programmable Aperture Ca...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environmen...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Object detection based on spatiotemporal background models
     with: Nagahara, H.: Object Detection Using Local Difference Patterns
     with: Nagahara, H.: Person re-identification visualization tool for object t...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retriev...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Real-Time Foreground Segmentation from Moving Camera Bas...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense ...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Reflectance and Shape Estimation with a Light Field Came...
     with: Nagahara, H.: Scattering tomography using ellipsoidal mirror
     with: Nagahara, H.: Shape and light directions from shading and polarization
     with: Nagahara, H.: Spatially-multiplexed MIMO markers
     with: Nagahara, H.: Surface Normals and Light Directions From Shading and Po...
     with: Nagahara, H.: TransCut: Transparent Object Segmentation from a Light-F...
     with: Naito, T.: Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environment S...
     with: Ngo, T.T.: Reflectance and Shape Estimation with a Light Field Camera ...
     with: Ngo, T.T.: Shape and light directions from shading and polarization
     with: Ngo, T.T.: Surface Normals and Light Directions From Shading and Polar...
     with: Nishino, K.: Reflectance and Shape Estimation with a Light Field Camer...
     with: Nonaka, Y.: Case-based background modeling: associative background dat...
     with: Nonaka, Y.: Evaluation report of integrated background modeling based ...
     with: Nonaka, Y.: Real-Time Foreground Segmentation from Moving Camera Based...
     with: Normand, J.M.: Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense...
     with: Okayasu, T.: Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Datas...
     with: Okutomi, M.: Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Reco...
     with: Pot, E.: Person re-identification visualization tool for object tracki...
     with: Roberto, R.: Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and St...
     with: Roberto, R.: Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
     with: Roberto, R.: RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
     with: Sagheer, A.: Fast Feature Extraction Approach for Multi-Dimension Feat...
     with: Sakoe, H.: Early Recognition and Prediction of Gestures
     with: Sakurai, S.: Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Datas...
     with: Schmalstieg, D.: Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric an...
     with: Shimada, A.: Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
     with: Shimada, A.: Adaptive Background Modeling for Paused Object Regions
     with: Shimada, A.: Adaptive search of background models for object detection...
     with: Shimada, A.: Adaptive template method for early recognition of gestures
     with: Shimada, A.: Analytics of deep neural network in change detection
     with: Shimada, A.: Background initialization based on bidirectional analysis...
     with: Shimada, A.: Background light ray modeling for change detection
     with: Shimada, A.: Background model based on intensity change similarity amo...
     with: Shimada, A.: Background Model Based on Statistical Local Difference Pa...
     with: Shimada, A.: Background Modeling Based on Bidirectional Analysis
     with: Shimada, A.: Case-based background modeling: associative background da...
     with: Shimada, A.: Change detection on light field for active video surveill...
     with: Shimada, A.: Clickable real world information retrieval application ba...
     with: Shimada, A.: Correlated topic model for image annotation
     with: Shimada, A.: Dynamic Control of Adaptive Mixture-of-Gaussians Backgrou...
     with: Shimada, A.: Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Datas...
     with: Shimada, A.: Evaluation of foreground detection methodology for a movi...
     with: Shimada, A.: Evaluation report of integrated background modeling based...
     with: Shimada, A.: fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction...
     with: Shimada, A.: Gesture recognition using sparse code of Hierarchical SOM
     with: Shimada, A.: Hand gesture based TV control system: Towards both user- ...
     with: Shimada, A.: Hybrid Background Model Using Spatial-Temporal LBP
     with: Shimada, A.: Incremental Learning of Hand Gestures Based on Submovemen...
     with: Shimada, A.: Light field distortion feature for transparent object cla...
     with: Shimada, A.: Light Field Distortion Feature for Transparent Object Rec...
     with: Shimada, A.: Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environment...
     with: Shimada, A.: Non-parametric Background and Shadow Modeling for Object ...
     with: Shimada, A.: Object detection based on spatiotemporal background models
     with: Shimada, A.: Object Detection under Varying Illumination Based on Adap...
     with: Shimada, A.: Object Detection Using Local Difference Patterns
     with: Shimada, A.: Person re-identification visualization tool for object tr...
     with: Shimada, A.: Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retrieva...
     with: Shimada, A.: Real-Time Foreground Segmentation from Moving Camera Base...
     with: Shimada, A.: Rethinking Background And Foreground In Deep Neural Netwo...
     with: Shimada, A.: Robust Face Recognition Using Multiple Self-Organized Gab...
     with: Shimada, A.: Sparse Cost Volume for Efficient Stereo Matching
     with: Shimada, A.: Spatially-multiplexed MIMO markers
     with: Shimada, A.: Towards Robust Object Detection: Integrated Background Mo...
     with: Shimada, A.: TransCut: Transparent Object Segmentation from a Light-Fi...
     with: Shimada, A.: Video Object Segmentation Based on Superpixel Trajectories
     with: Shimada, A.: Vision-Based Motion Capture of Interacting Multiple People
     with: Shimada, A.: What are Good Design Gestures?
     with: Sirazitdinova, E.: Revisiting Depth Image Fusion with Variational Mess...
     with: Sonoda, T.: Motion-Invariant Coding Using a Programmable Aperture Camera
     with: Sugimoto, A.: Revisiting Depth Image Fusion with Variational Message P...
     with: Sugiyama, Y.: Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Rec...
     with: Tamati, T.: Knowledge-Based Picture Understanding of Weather Charts
     with: Tanaka, T.: fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction ...
     with: Tanaka, T.: Non-parametric Background and Shadow Modeling for Object D...
     with: Tanaka, T.: Object Detection under Varying Illumination Based on Adapt...
     with: Tanaka, T.: Towards Robust Object Detection: Integrated Background Mod...
     with: Teichrieb, V.: Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and ...
     with: Teichrieb, V.: Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
     with: Teichrieb, V.: RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
     with: Thomas, D.: Augmented Blendshapes for Real-Time Simultaneous 3D Head M...
     with: Thomas, D.: Revisiting Depth Image Fusion with Variational Message Pas...
     with: Thomas, D.: RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
     with: Thomas, D.: Sparse Cost Volume for Efficient Stereo Matching
     with: Torii, A.: Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Recons...
     with: Tsuruta, N.: Fast Feature Extraction Approach for Multi-Dimension Feat...
     with: Tsuruta, N.: On Face Recognition Using Hierarchical Self-Organized Gab...
     with: Tsuruta, N.: Robust Face Recognition Using Multiple Self-Organized Gab...
     with: Tsuruta, N.: Tracking of 3D Multi-Part Objects Using Multiple Viewpoin...
     with: Uchida, S.: Early Recognition and Prediction of Gestures
     with: Uchida, S.: Logical DP Matching for Detecting Similar Subsequence
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Adaptive search of background models for object detectio...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Background initialization based on bidirectional analysi...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Data...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Evaluation of foreground detection methodology for a mov...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and S...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retriev...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense ...
     with: Uchiyama, H.: RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Sparse Cost Volume for Efficient Stereo Matching
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Spatially-multiplexed MIMO markers
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Video Object Segmentation Based on Superpixel Trajectories
     with: Ueda, M.: Frame Rate Stabilization by Variable Resolution Shape Recons...
     with: Wang, Y.R.: Incremental Learning of Hand Gestures Based on Submovement...
     with: Xu, X.: Correlated topic model for image annotation
     with: Xu, X.: Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retrieval cha...
     with: Xu, Y.C.: Light field distortion feature for transparent object classi...
     with: Xu, Y.C.: Light Field Distortion Feature for Transparent Object Recogn...
     with: Xu, Y.C.: TransCut: Transparent Object Segmentation from a Light-Field...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Reflectance and Shape Estimation with a Light Field Camera...
     with: Yamashita, T.: Hand gesture based TV control system: Towards both user...
     with: Yamashita, T.: Incremental Learning of Hand Gestures Based on Submovem...
     with: Yamashita, T.: Towards Robust Object Detection: Integrated Background ...
     with: Yang, L.: Real-Time Surface of Revolution Reconstruction on Dense SLAM
     with: Yasutomi, K.: Dynamic photometric stereo method using multi-tap CMOS i...
     with: Yoda, T.: Dynamic photometric stereo method using multi-tap CMOS image...
     with: Yokota, M.: Knowledge-Based Picture Understanding of Weather Charts
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Real-time Analysis of Human Motion using Multi-view Silh...
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Real-time Human Motion Analysis and IK-based Human Figur...
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Real-Time Human Motion Analysis Based on Analysis of Sil...
     with: Yonemoto, S.: real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fus...
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Real-time Visually Guided Human Figure Control Using IK-...
     with: Yonemoto, S.: Tracking of 3D Multi-Part Objects Using Multiple Viewpoi...
     with: Yoshida, M.: Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Reco...
     with: Yoshimoto, H.: Confidence-driven architecture for real-time vision pro...
     with: Yoshimoto, H.: Real-time human motion sensing based on vision-based in...
     with: Yoshinaga, S.: Adaptive Background Modeling for Paused Object Regions
     with: Yoshinaga, S.: Background model based on intensity change similarity a...
     with: Yoshinaga, S.: Background Model Based on Statistical Local Difference ...
     with: Yoshinaga, S.: Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environme...
     with: Yoshinaga, S.: Object detection based on spatiotemporal background mod...
     with: Yoshinaga, S.: Object Detection Using Local Difference Patterns
     with: Zhang, Y.P.: Anonymous Camera for Privacy Protection
242 for Taniguchi, R.I.

Taniguchi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ishibashi, R.: Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Itera...
     with: Kanaoka, K.: Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterati...
     with: Kawamura, S.: Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterat...
     with: Kino, H.: Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterative ...
     with: Ozawa, R.: Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterative...
     with: Uemura, M.: Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterativ...

Taniguchi, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bando, T.: Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Double...
     with: Bando, T.: Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Double Articu...
     with: Bando, T.: Unsupervised Hierarchical Modeling of Driving Behavior and ...
     with: Bando, T.: Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Feature E...
     with: Chandrasiri, N.P.: Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Doubl...
     with: Furusawa, K.: Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Dou...
     with: Hitomi, K.: Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Double Artic...
     with: Hitomi, K.: Unsupervised Hierarchical Modeling of Driving Behavior and...
     with: Ishii, I.: High-Frame-Rate Optical Flow System
     with: Liu, H.: Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Double A...
     with: Liu, H.: Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Feature Ext...
     with: Nagasaka, S.: Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Double Art...
     with: Nagasaka, S.: Unsupervised Hierarchical Modeling of Driving Behavior a...
     with: Takaki, T.: High-Frame-Rate Optical Flow System
     with: Takenaka, K.: Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Dou...
     with: Takenaka, K.: Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Double Art...
     with: Takenaka, K.: Unsupervised Hierarchical Modeling of Driving Behavior a...
     with: Takenaka, K.: Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Featur...
     with: Tanaka, Y.: Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Doubl...
     with: Tanaka, Y.: Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Feature ...
     with: Yamamoto, K.: High-Frame-Rate Optical Flow System
21 for Taniguchi, T.

Taniguchi, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aich, S.: Multi-Scale Weight Sharing Network for Image Recognition
     with: Arai, H.: Alternating Co-Quantization for Cross-Modal Hashing
     with: Arai, H.: Multimodal Learning of Geometry-Preserving Binary Codes for ...
     with: Asada, M.: Dynamic Integration of Height Maps into a 3D World Represen...
     with: Ejiri, M.: Automatic Wafer Inspection System Using Pipelined Image Pro...
     with: Furukawa, K.: Obstacle detection using projective invariant and vanish...
     with: Furukawa, K.: Onboard surveillance system for automobiles using image ...
     with: Furuta, R.: Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Generativ...
     with: Hinami, R.: Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Generativ...
     with: Hu, P.: Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation using Super-pixel labeling...
     with: Imaoka, K.: GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 1R Product: Dataset of Brightness Temp...
     with: Irie, G.: Alternating Co-Quantization for Cross-Modal Hashing
     with: Irie, G.: Multimodal Learning of Geometry-Preserving Binary Codes for ...
     with: Irie, G.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identification ...
     with: Ishiwatari, S.: Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Gener...
     with: Kashino, A.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identificati...
     with: Kimura, M.: Dynamic Integration of Height Maps into a 3D World Represe...
     with: Kitahara, M.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identificat...
     with: Konomi, S.: Few-shot Font Style Transfer between Different Languages
     with: Kunikata, K.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identificat...
     with: Li, C.H.: Few-shot Font Style Transfer between Different Languages
     with: Lu, M.: Few-shot Font Style Transfer between Different Languages
     with: Maeda, T.: GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 1R Product: Dataset of Brightness Tempe...
     with: Maki, A.: Temporally evaluated optical flow: study on accuracy
     with: Matsumoto, A.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identifica...
     with: Miyagawa, I.: Dense Light Transport for Relighting Computation Using O...
     with: Murasaki, K.: Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recognit...
     with: Murasaki, K.: method based on view-directional consistency constraints...
     with: Murasaki, K.: Mix and Match: Joint Model for Clothing and Attribute Re...
     with: Murasaki, K.: Occlusion boundary detection based on mid-level figure/g...
     with: Ogawa, S.: Fractal Analysis for Akamura Mounded Tomb and Location Esti...
     with: Ohuchi, Y.: Automatic Wafer Inspection System Using Pipelined Image Pr...
     with: Okada, R.: Obstacle detection using projective invariant and vanishing...
     with: Okada, R.: Onboard surveillance system for automobiles using image pro...
     with: Okada, R.: Temporally evaluated optical flow: study on accuracy
     with: Okatani, T.: Mix and Match: Joint Model for Clothing and Attribute Rec...
     with: Onoguchi, K.: Obstacle detection using projective invariant and vanish...
     with: Onoguchi, K.: Onboard surveillance system for automobiles using image ...
     with: Onoguchi, K.: Temporally evaluated optical flow: study on accuracy
     with: Osawa, T.: Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recognition
     with: Ouyang, D.: Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Generativ...
     with: Peng, X.C.: Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation using Super-pixel labe...
     with: Saenko, K.: Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation using Super-pixel labe...
     with: Saito, K.: Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation using Super-pixel label...
     with: Shimamura, J.: Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recogni...
     with: Shimamura, J.: method based on view-directional consistency constraint...
     with: Shimizu, Y.: Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Generati...
     with: Shirai, Y.: Dynamic Integration of Height Maps into a 3D World Represe...
     with: Sogabe, Y.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identificatio...
     with: Stavness, I.: Multi-Scale Weight Sharing Network for Image Recognition
     with: Sudo, K.: Cross-Domain Concept Detection with Dictionary Coherence by ...
     with: Sudo, K.: Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recognition
     with: Sudo, K.: method based on view-directional consistency constraints for...
     with: Sudo, K.: Mix and Match: Joint Model for Clothing and Attribute Recogn...
     with: Sudo, K.: Occlusion boundary detection based on mid-level figure/groun...
     with: Sun, Y.Q.: Cross-Domain Concept Detection with Dictionary Coherence by...
     with: Tonomura, Y.: Method and apparatus for video cut detection
     with: Yabushita, H.: method based on view-directional consistency constraint...
     with: Yamaguchi, K.: Mix and Match: Joint Model for Clothing and Attribute R...
     with: Yamamoto, Y.: Pose-Invariant Learning for Efficient Person Identificat...
     with: Yamazaki, M.: Multi-Scale Weight Sharing Network for Image Recognition
     with: Yamazaki, M.: Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation using Super-pixel la...
     with: Yoda, H.: Automatic Wafer Inspection System Using Pipelined Image Proc...
     with: Yonemoto, H.: Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recognit...
     with: Yoshida, T.: method based on view-directional consistency constraints ...
68 for Taniguchi, Y.

Tanikawa, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shibata, T.: Robust Medical Image Recognition System Employing Edge-Ba...
     with: Takada, K.: Robust Medical Image Recognition System Employing Edge-Bas...
     with: Yagi, M.: Robust Medical Image Recognition System Employing Edge-Based...

Tanikawa, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, L.: Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civil E...
     with: Guo, J.: Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessment Fram...
     with: Liang, H.W.: Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civi...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessment Fr...
     with: Matsuno, Y.: Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civi...
     with: Nagata, S.: Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessment F...
     with: Ota, Y.: Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessment Fram...
     with: Shirakawa, H.: Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessmen...
     with: Zhang, R.R.: Adaptive Nighttime-Light-Based Building Stock Assessment ...
9 for Tanikawa, H.

Tanikawa, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hirose, M.: Integrated view-input interaction method for mobile AR
     with: Hirose, M.: wearable augmented reality system with haptic feedback and...
     with: Kiyama, R.: wearable augmented reality system with haptic feedback and...
     with: Murakami, K.: wearable augmented reality system with haptic feedback a...
     with: Narumi, T.: Integrated view-input interaction method for mobile AR
     with: Narumi, T.: wearable augmented reality system with haptic feedback and...
     with: Uzuka, H.: Integrated view-input interaction method for mobile AR
7 for Tanikawa, T.

Tanima, I.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Habib, A.R.B.: adaptive digital image watermarking scheme with PSO, DW...
     with: Mitashe, M.R.: adaptive digital image watermarking scheme with PSO, DW...
     with: Razzaque, A.: adaptive digital image watermarking scheme with PSO, DWT...
     with: Uddin, J.: adaptive digital image watermarking scheme with PSO, DWT an...

Tanimoto, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dai, X.Y.: Cut and paste curriculum learning with hard negative mining...
     with: Fujivoshi, H.: Cut and paste curriculum learning with hard negative mi...
     with: Hsieh, Y.: Cut and paste curriculum learning with hard negative mining...
     with: Kim, J.: Cut and paste curriculum learning with hard negative mining f...

Tanimoto, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Doman, K.: Domain Adaptation from Visible-Light to FIR with Reliable P...
     with: Kyutoku, H.: Domain Adaptation from Visible-Light to FIR with Reliable...
     with: Mekada, Y.: Domain Adaptation from Visible-Light to FIR with Reliable ...

Tanimoto, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asano, A.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding t...
     with: Asano, C.M.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding...
     with: Hinamoto, T.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excludin...
     with: Muneyasu, M.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excludin...
     with: Nakamoto, T.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excludin...
     with: Taguchi, A.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding...
     with: Tambe, T.: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding t...
8 for Tanimoto, K.

Tanimoto, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Do, M.N.: Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techniq...
     with: Fujii, R.: New Flexible Acquisition System of Ray-Space Data for Arbit...
     with: Fujii, T.: Acquisition of position and direction of in-vehicle camera ...
     with: Fujii, T.: Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for image ge...
     with: Fujii, T.: Depth up-sampling for depth coding using view information
     with: Fujii, T.: Detection of driver's posture in the car by using far infra...
     with: Fujii, T.: Error supression in view synthesis using reliability reason...
     with: Fujii, T.: Free Viewpoint Image Generation Synchronized with Free List...
     with: Fujii, T.: Free-Viewpoint TV
     with: Fujii, T.: FTV for 3-D Spatial Communication
     with: Fujii, T.: Integration of 3D audio and 3D video for FTV
     with: Fujii, T.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color C...
     with: Fujii, T.: New Fractal Image Coding Scheme Employing Blocks of Variabl...
     with: Fujii, T.: Probabilistic reliability based view synthesis for FTV
     with: Fujii, T.: Real-time free viewpoint image rendering by using fast mult...
     with: Fujii, T.: Seelinder: Cylindrical 3D display viewable from 360 degrees...
     with: Fujii, T.: Traffic Sign Recognition with Invariance to Lighting in Dua...
     with: Fujii, T.: View Generation by Ray-Space Method in Circular Camera Setu...
     with: Fujii, T.: View generation with 3D warping using depth information for...
     with: Fukushima, N.: Comparison between blur transfer and blur re-generation...
     with: Fukushima, N.: Free Viewpoint Image Generation Synchronized with Free ...
     with: Fukushima, N.: Real-time free viewpoint image rendering by using fast ...
     with: Fukushima, N.: View generation with 3D warping using depth information...
     with: Gu, Y.: Traffic Sign Recognition with Invariance to Lighting in Dual-F...
     with: He, Y.: Introduction to the Special Section on Multiview Video Coding
     with: Ishibashi, Y.: Comparison between blur transfer and blur re-generation...
     with: Ishibashi, Y.: Real-time free viewpoint image rendering by using fast ...
     with: Kamikura, K.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Colo...
     with: Kato, T.: Detection of driver's posture in the car by using far infrar...
     with: Katsuyama, S.: New Fractal Image Coding Scheme Employing Blocks of Var...
     with: Kim, C.S.: Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techni...
     with: Kimata, H.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color ...
     with: Kimoto, T.: New Flexible Acquisition System of Ray-Space Data for Arbi...
     with: Kimoto, T.: New Fractal Image Coding Scheme Employing Blocks of Variab...
     with: Kitahara, M.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Colo...
     with: Kodera, N.: Comparison between blur transfer and blur re-generation in...
     with: Koyamaishi, M.: Acquisition of position and direction of in-vehicle ca...
     with: Kurokawa, H.: Omnidirectional FTV
     with: Mase, K.: Integration of 3D audio and 3D video for FTV
     with: Mori, Y.J.: View generation with 3D warping using depth information fo...
     with: Muller, K.: Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techn...
     with: Ngan, K.N.: Introduction to the Special Issue on 3-D Video Technology
     with: Ohyama, H.: New Fractal Image Coding Scheme Employing Blocks of Variab...
     with: Ostermann, J.: Introduction to the Special Section on Multiview Video ...
     with: Panahpour Tehrani, M.: Seelinder: Cylindrical 3D display viewable from...
     with: Panahpour Tehrani, M.: Traffic Sign Recognition with Invariance to Lig...
     with: Sakai, H.: Acquisition of position and direction of in-vehicle camera ...
     with: Schafer, R.: All-digital high definition television: Dream or reality?
     with: Shimizu, S.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color...
     with: Smolic, A.: Introduction to the Special Section on Multiview Video Cod...
     with: Strintzis, M.G.: Introduction to the Special Issue on 3-D Video Techno...
     with: Takeda, K.: Integration of 3D audio and 3D video for FTV
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for imag...
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: Depth up-sampling for depth coding using view information
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: Error supression in view synthesis using reliability re...
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: Free-Viewpoint TV
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: FTV for 3-D Spatial Communication
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: Integration of 3D audio and 3D video for FTV
     with: Tehrani, M.P.: Probabilistic reliability based view synthesis for FTV
     with: Tomohiro, Y.: Free Viewpoint Image Generation Synchronized with Free L...
     with: Uemori, T.: View Generation by Ray-Space Method in Circular Camera Set...
     with: Vetro, A.: Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techni...
     with: Vetterli, M.: All-digital high definition television: Dream or reality?
     with: Wang, Y.: Introduction to the Special Issue on 3-D Video Technology
     with: Wildeboer, M.O.: Depth up-sampling for depth coding using view informa...
     with: Yamamoto, K.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Colo...
     with: Yang, L.: Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for image gen...
     with: Yang, L.: Error supression in view synthesis using reliability reasoni...
     with: Yang, L.: Probabilistic reliability based view synthesis for FTV
     with: Yashima, Y.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color...
     with: Yendo, T.: Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for image ge...
     with: Yendo, T.: Depth up-sampling for depth coding using view information
     with: Yendo, T.: Error supression in view synthesis using reliability reason...
     with: Yendo, T.: Free-Viewpoint TV
     with: Yendo, T.: FTV for 3-D Spatial Communication
     with: Yendo, T.: Integration of 3D audio and 3D video for FTV
     with: Yendo, T.: Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color C...
     with: Yendo, T.: Probabilistic reliability based view synthesis for FTV
     with: Yendo, T.: Real-time free viewpoint image rendering by using fast mult...
     with: Yendo, T.: Seelinder: Cylindrical 3D display viewable from 360 degrees...
     with: Yendo, T.: Traffic Sign Recognition with Invariance to Lighting in Dua...
     with: Yendo, T.: View Generation by Ray-Space Method in Circular Camera Setu...
     with: Yendo, T.: View generation with 3D warping using depth information for...
     with: Yu, L.: 3D-TV System with Depth-Image-Based Rendering: Architectures, ...
     with: Zhao, Y.: 3D-TV System with Depth-Image-Based Rendering: Architectures...
     with: Zhu, C.: 3D-TV System with Depth-Image-Based Rendering: Architectures,...
90 for Tanimoto, M.

Tanimoto, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cinque, L.: Articulated Object Recognition: A General Framework and a ...
     with: Cinque, L.: Retrieval of Images Using Rich Region Descriptions
     with: Cinque, L.: Segmentation of page images having artifacts of photocopyi...
     with: Cinque, L.: Understanding the page logical structure
     with: Forino, L.: Understanding the page logical structure
     with: Henderson, P.: Considerations for Efficient Picture Output via Linepri...
     with: Hongo, H.: New Ground Movement Compensation Approach for Obstacle Dete...
     with: Lecca, F.: Retrieval of Images Using Rich Region Descriptions
     with: Levialdi, S.: Retrieval of Images Using Rich Region Descriptions
     with: Levialdi, S.: Segmentation of page images having artifacts of photocop...
     with: Levialdi, S.: Understanding the page logical structure
     with: Lombardi, L.: Segmentation of page images having artifacts of photocop...
     with: Lombardi, L.: Understanding the page logical structure
     with: Sangineto, E.: Articulated Object Recognition: A General Framework and...
     with: Yang, C.H.: New Ground Movement Compensation Approach for Obstacle Det...
15 for Tanimoto, S.

Tanimoto, S.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Allen, B.: Improved Algorithm for Relational Distance Graph Matching, An
     with: Allen, R.: Parallel Algorithm for Graph Matching and Its MASPAR Implem...
     with: Blanford, R.P.: Bright-Spot Detection in Pyramids
     with: Blanford, R.P.: Pyramid Machine Simulator for the Symbolics 3600, A
     with: Borgefors, G.: Parallel Distance Transforms on Pyramid Machines: Theor...
     with: Browning, J.D.: Segmentation of Pictures into Regions with a Tile-by-T...
     with: Cinque, L.: Improved Algorithm for Relational Distance Graph Matching,...
     with: Cinque, L.: Parallel Algorithm for Graph Matching and Its MASPAR Imple...
     with: Gangolli, A.R.: Two Pyramid Machine Algorithms for Edge Detection in N...
     with: Hartmann, T.: Parallel Distance Transforms on Pyramid Machines: Theory...
     with: Hwang, S.Y.: Parallel coordination of image operators based on shared-...
     with: Hwang, S.Y.: Parallel Coordination of Image Operators: Model, Algorith...
     with: Itai, A.: Some Matching Problems for Bipartite Graphs
     with: Jackins, C.L.: Oct-trees and Their Use in Representing Three-Dimension...
     with: Jackins, C.L.: Quad-Trees, Oct-Trees, and K-Trees: A Generalized Appro...
     with: Kent, E.W.: Architectures and Algorithms for Iconic-to-Symbolic Transf...
     with: Klinger, A.: Structured Computer Vision: Machine Perception through Hi...
     with: Ligocki, T.J.: Prototype Pyramid Machine for Hierarchical Cellular Log...
     with: Ling, R.: Prototype Pyramid Machine for Hierarchical Cellular Logic, A
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Editing of Picture Segmentations Using Local Analysis of...
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Graph Labelling Algorithms for Picture Analysis
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Hierarchical Data Structure for Picture Processing, A
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Texture Identification by a Directed Split-and Merge Pro...
     with: Rodeh, M.: Some Matching Problems for Bipartite Graphs
     with: Shapiro, L.G.: Improved Algorithm for Relational Distance Graph Matchi...
     with: Shapiro, L.G.: Parallel Algorithm for Graph Matching and Its MASPAR Im...
     with: Sloan, K.R.: Progressive Refinement of Raster Images
     with: Yasuda, D.: Improved Algorithm for Relational Distance Graph Matching,...
     with: Yasuda, D.: Parallel Algorithm for Graph Matching and Its MASPAR Imple...
29 for Tanimoto, S.L.

Tanimoto, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Horiuchi, T.: Precise Estimation of Painting Surfaces for Digital Arch...
     with: Hoshino, K.: Realtime Hand Posture Estimation with Self-Organizing Map...
     with: Tominaga, S.: Precise Estimation of Painting Surfaces for Digital Arch...

Tanimoto, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nanba, K.: Image measurement of body position during side-approach tra...
     with: Tokuhiro, A.: Image measurement of body position during side-approach ...
     with: Ukida, H.: Image measurement of body position during side-approach tra...
     with: Yamamoto, H.: Image measurement of body position during side-approach ...

Tanin, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amores, D.: Flexible Paths: A Path Planning Approach to Dynamic Naviga...
     with: Fanaeepour, M.: CASE histogram: Privacy-aware processing of trajectory...
     with: Harwood, A.: Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World
     with: Kulik, L.: CASE histogram: Privacy-aware processing of trajectory data...
     with: Kulik, L.: Opportunistic sampling-based query processing in wireless s...
     with: Kulik, L.: Privacy-Aware Traffic Monitoring
     with: Kulik, L.: Spatial interpolation in wireless sensor networks: Localize...
     with: Nayar, D.: Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World
     with: Nutanong, S.: Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World
     with: Rubinstein, B.I.P.: CASE histogram: Privacy-aware processing of trajec...
     with: Samet, H.: Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World
     with: Umer, M.: Opportunistic sampling-based query processing in wireless se...
     with: Umer, M.: Spatial interpolation in wireless sensor networks: Localized...
     with: Vasardani, M.: Flexible Paths: A Path Planning Approach to Dynamic Nav...
     with: Xie, H.: Privacy-Aware Traffic Monitoring
15 for Tanin, E.

Tanioka, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yamada, Y.: Apparatus for performing gradation processing on image data

Tanis, F.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lyzenga, D.R.: Multispectral Bathymetry Using a Simple Physically Base...
     with: Malinas, N.P.: Multispectral Bathymetry Using a Simple Physically Base...

Tanisaro, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Heidemann, G.: Dimensionality Reduction for Visualization of Time Seri...
     with: Heidemann, G.: very concise feature representation for time series cla...

Tanisik, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gundogdu, E.: Multiple model adaptive visual tracking with correlation...
     with: Ikizler Cinbis, N.: Facial descriptors for human interaction recogniti...
     with: Ikizler Cinbis, N.: Multi-stream pose convolutional neural networks fo...
     with: Zalluhoglu, C.: Facial descriptors for human interaction recognition i...
     with: Zalluhoglu, C.: Multi-stream pose convolutional neural networks for hu...

Taniyama, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hayashi, K.: Robust car License Plate Recognition system verified with...

Tanizaki, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hashimoto, N.: Computing Valid P-Values for Image Segmentation by Sele...
     with: Hontani, H.: Computing Valid P-Values for Image Segmentation by Select...
     with: Inatsu, Y.: Computing Valid P-Values for Image Segmentation by Selecti...
     with: Takeuchi, I.: Computing Valid P-Values for Image Segmentation by Selec...

Tanizawa, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asaka, S.: One-Dimensional Directional Unified Transform for intra cod...
     with: Asano, W.: highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software encod...
     with: Chujoh, T.: Block Based Extra/Inter-Polating Prediction for Intra Coding
     with: Chujoh, T.: Efficient weighted prediction parameter signaling using pa...
     with: Chujoh, T.: In-loop filter using block-based filter control for video ...
     with: Chujoh, T.: Multi-directional implicit weighted prediction based on im...
     with: Chujoh, T.: study on fast rate-distortion optimized coding mode decisi...
     with: Heng, T.K.: highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software enco...
     with: Itoh, T.: highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software encode...
     with: Kikuchi, Y.: study on fast rate-distortion optimized coding mode decis...
     with: Kodama, T.: highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software enco...
     with: Koto, S.: study on fast rate-distortion optimized coding mode decision...
     with: Matsuo, T.: highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software enco...
     with: Shiodera, T.: Block Based Extra/Inter-Polating Prediction for Intra Co...
     with: Shiodera, T.: One-Dimensional Directional Unified Transform for intra ...
     with: Wada, N.: In-loop filter using block-based filter control for video co...
     with: Watanabe, T.: In-loop filter using block-based filter control for vide...
     with: Yamaguchi, J.: highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software e...
     with: Yamaguchi, J.: One-Dimensional Directional Unified Transform for intra...
     with: Yamakage, T.: In-loop filter using block-based filter control for vide...
     with: Yamakage, T.: Multi-directional implicit weighted prediction based on ...
     with: Yamakage, T.: One-Dimensional Directional Unified Transform for intra ...
     with: Yasuda, G.: In-loop filter using block-based filter control for video ...
23 for Tanizawa, A.

Tanizawa, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Noguchi, C.: Ego-Vehicle Action Recognition based on Semi-Supervised C...

Tanizoe, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kagawa, S.: Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Proc...
     with: Kaneko, H.: Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Proc...
     with: Kimura, T.: Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Proc...
     with: Ozawa, M.: Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Proce...
     with: Sugiura, H.: Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Pro...
     with: Ueno, H.: Wide Color Gamut Displays using Led Backlight: Signal Proces...

Index for "t"

Last update:15-Jan-25 14:57:33
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