Index for ahuj

Ahuja, C.[Chaitanya] Co Author Listing * Continual Learning for Personalized Co-Speech Gesture Generation
* Language2Pose: Natural Language Grounded Pose Forecasting
* Lecture Presentations Multimodal Dataset: Towards Understanding Multimodality in Educational Videos
* Low-Resource Adaptation for Personalized Co-Speech Gesture Generation
* Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy
* Style Transfer for Co-speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-speaker Conditional-mixture Approach
Includes: Ahuja, C.[Chaitanya] Ahuja, C.

Ahuja, C.K.[Chirag Kamal] Co Author Listing * Efficient fusion of osseous and vascular details in wavelet domain
* Enc-Unet: A novel method for Glioma segmentation
* improved multimodal medical image fusion scheme based on hybrid combination of nonsubsampled contourlet transform and stationary wavelet transform, An
* Multimodal medical image fusion using non-subsampled shearlet transform and pulse coupled neural network incorporated with morphological gradient

Ahuja, H. Co Author Listing * Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Visual Tracking

Ahuja, K.[Karuna] Co Author Listing * Align2Ground: Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding Guided by Image-Caption Alignment
* Convolutional neural networks for ocular smartphone-based biometrics
* CSIS: Compressed sensing-based enhanced-embedding capacity image steganography scheme
* Eye center localization and detection using radial mapping
* ISURE: User authentication in mobile devices using ocular biometrics in visible spectrum
* preliminary study of CNNs for iris and periocular verification in the visible spectrum, A
Includes: Ahuja, K.[Karuna] Ahuja, K.[Karan] Ahuja, K.[Kapil] Ahuja, K.

Ahuja, N.[Narendra] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Ahuja, N.[Narendra]: n-ahuja AT uiuc edu
* 3-D Motion Estimation, Understanding, and Prediction from Noisy Image Sequences
* 3-D Motion from Image Sequences: Modeling, Understanding and Prediction
* 3D Texture Classification Using the Belief Net of a Segmentation Tree
* Action Recognition Using Discriminative Structured Trajectory Groups
* Active Aperture Control and Sensor Modulation for Flexible Imaging
* Active Online Anomaly Detection Using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model and Gaussian Process Classification
* Active Stereo: Integrating Disparity, Vergence, Focus, Aperture, and Calibration for Surface Estimation
* Active Surface Estimation: Integrating Coarse-to-Fine Image Acquisition and Estimation from Multiple Cues
* Active Surface Reconstruction by Integrating Focus, Vergence, Stereo, and Camera Calibration
* Adaptive Polynomial Modelling of the Reflectance Map for Shape Estimation from Stereo and Shading
* Advances in image processing and understanding: A festschrift for Thomas S. Huang
* Advances in Image Understanding: A Festschrift for Azriel Rosenfeld
* Analysis of Ramp Discontinuity Model for Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Anomalib: A Deep Learning Library for Anomaly Detection
* Aperture access and manipulation for computational imaging
* Apparatus and method for acquiring uniform-resolution panoramic images
* Appearance-based eye gaze estimation
* Augmented Medial Axis Transform
* Automated Image Registration by Maximization of a Region Similarity Metric
* Automated Registration of Multimodality Images by Maximization of a Region Similarity Measure
* Automated Visual Inspection of Railroad Tracks
* Automatic Recognition of Offensive Team Formation in American Football Plays
* Automatic segmentation of granular objects in images: Combining local density clustering and gradient-barrier watershed
* Camera Center Estimation
* Closed-Form Solution + Maximum Likelihood: A Robust Approach to Motion and Structure Estimation
* Clustering as physically inspired energy minimization
* Coding the Displaced Frame Difference for Video Compression
* Compact representation of multidimensional data using tensor rank-one decomposition
* Comparative Study for Single Image Blind Deblurring, A
* Comparative Study of Stereo, Vergence, and Focus as Depth Cues for Active Vision, A
* Connected Segmentation Tree: A joint representation of region layout and hierarchy
* Connectivity in Lattices and Mosaics
* Constant Time Median and Bilateral Filtering
* constant-space belief propagation algorithm for stereo matching, A
* Continual Active Adaptation to Evolving Distributional Shifts
* Coreset-Based Neural Network Compression
* Decision Rules for the Choice of Neighbors in Random Field Models of Images
* Deep Joint Image Filtering
* Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks for Fast and Accurate Super-Resolution
* DeepMVS: Learning Multi-view Stereopsis
* Dense Shape and Motion from Region Correspondences by Factorization
* Dense stereo matching using kernel maximum likelihood estimation
* Depth from Stereo
* Design Analysis of a High-Resolution Panoramic Camera Using Conventional Imagers and a Mirror Pyramid
* Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey
* Detecting human faces in color images
* Detecting Migrating Birds at Night
* Detection and Segmentation of Feature Trajectories in Multiple, Discontinuous Motion Image Sequences
* Digital image watermarking: issues in resolving rightful ownership
* Dinkelbach NCUT: An Efficient Framework for Solving Normalized Cuts Problems with Priors and Convex Constraints
* Direct Data Approximation Based Motion Estimation Algorithm, A
* Dot Pattern Processing Using Voronoi Neighborhoods
* Dot Pattern Processing Using Voronoi Polygons as Neighborhoods
* Dynamic Textures Synthesis as Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Traversing
* Dynamical Systems Approach to Integration in Stereo, A
* Edge Measures Using Similarity Regions
* edge-preserving filtering framework for visibility restoration, An
* Efficient and Robust Specular Highlight Removal
* Efficient collision detection among objects in arbitrary motion using multiple shape representations
* Efficient Octree Generation from Silhouettes
* Efficient Octree Representation of Moving Objects
* Efficient Planar Embedding of Trees for VLSI Layouts
* Elliptical Gaussian Filters
* Error Analysis of Motion Parameter Estimation from Image Sequences
* Estimating Motion and Structure from Line Matches: Performance Obtained and Beyond
* Estimating Motion of Constant Acceleration from Image Sequences
* Estimating Motion/Structure from Line Correspondences: A Robust Linear Algorithm and Uniqueness Theorems
* Estimating Sensor Orientation in Cameras
* Estimation and segmentation of displacement field using multiple features
* Estimation of Motion and Structure of Planar Surfaces from a Sequence of Monocular Images
* Estimation of Multiple Periodic Motions from Video
* Estimation of the Light Source Distribution and its Use in Integrated Shape Recovery from Stereo and Shading
* Exploiting nonlocal spatiotemporal structure for video segmentation
* Exploiting ramp structures for improving optical flow estimation
* Extracting a fluid dynamic texture and the background from video
* Extracting Gestural Motion Trajectories
* Extracting Subimages of an Unknown Category from a Set of Images
* Extracting Surfaces from Stereo Images: an Integrated Approach
* Extracting Texels in 2.1D Natural Textures
* Extraction and Analysis of Multiple Periodic Motions in Video Sequences
* Extraction and Classification of Visual Motion Patterns for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Extraction of 2D Motion Trajectories and Its Application to Hand Gesture Recognition
* Extraction of Early Perceptual Structure in Dot Patterns: Integrating Region, Boundary, and Component Gestalt
* Face Detection and Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction
* Face Detection using a Mixture of Factor Analyzers
* Face Detection Using Large Margin Classifiers
* Face Detection Using Mixtures of Linear Subspaces
* Face Detection Using Multimodal Density Models
* Face recognition using feature extraction based on independent component analysis
* Face Recognition Using Kernel Eigenfaces
* Facial expression decomposition
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution with Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks
* Fast Scheme for Altering Resolution in the Compressed Domain, A
* Fast Scheme for Downsampling and Upsampling in the DCT Domain, A
* fast scheme for image size change in the compressed domain, A
* Feature Extraction and Matching as Signal Detection
* Feature Guided Pixel Matching and Segmentation in Motion Image Sequences
* Frame Interpolation Using Transmitted Block-based Motion Vectors
* From Ramp Discontinuities to Segmentation Tree
* Fusion of frequency and spatial domain information for motion analysis
* Fusion of Median and Bilateral Filtering for Range Image Upsampling
* Generalized Pupil-centric Imaging and Analytical Calibration for a Non-frontal Camera
* Generalized Radial Alignment Constraint for Camera Calibration
* Generating Octrees from Object Silhouettes in Orthographic Views
* Generating omnifocus images using graph cuts and a new focus measure
* Geometric Approach to Train Support Vector Machines, A
* Gradient Adaptive Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Gross Motion Planning: A Survey
* hemispherical imaging camera, A
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Similarity Analysis
* Hierarchical Variational Neural Uncertainty Model for Stochastic Video Prediction, A
* High Capacity Data Embedding in the Wavelet Domain
* High Dynamic Range Panoramic Imaging
* High-Resolution Panoramic Camera, A
* Hybrid Compressive Sampling via a New Total Variation TVL1
* Image completion using planar structure guidance
* Image Models
* Image Representation Using Voronoi Tessellation
* Imaging via three-dimensional compressive sampling (3DCS)
* Improving head and body pose estimation through semi-supervised manifold alignment
* incDFM: Incremental Deep Feature Modeling for Continual Novelty Detection
* Integrated 3-D Analysis and Analysis-Guided Synthesis of Flight Image Sequences
* Integrated 3D Analysis of Flight Image Sequences
* Integrated 3D Recovery and Visualization of Flight Image Sequences
* Integrated Matching and Segmentation of Multiple Features in Two Views
* Integrated Multiresolution Image Acquisition and Surface Reconstruction from Active Stereo
* Integrated Spatial and Frequency Domain 2D Motion Segmentation and Estimation
* Integrating Multiresolution Image Acquisition and Coarse-to-Fine Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
* Integration of Frequency and Space for Multiple Motion Estimation and Shape-Independent Object Segmentation
* Integration of Transitory Image Sequences
* Interference Detection and Collision Avoidance Among Three Dimensional Objects
* IU at UI: An Overview and an Example on Shape from Texture
* IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1991-92
* IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1993-94
* IU at UI: An Overview of Research During 1994-95
* IU au UI: An Overview of Research During 1996-1997
* Joint Estimation of Human Pose and Conversational Groups from Social Scenes
* Joint Image Filtering with Deep Convolutional Networks
* Joint Spatial and Frequency Domain Motion Analysis
* Learning human preferences to sharpen images
* Learning Nonlinear Manifolds from Time Series
* Learning ramp transformation for single image super-resolution
* Learning Recognition and Segmentation of 3-D Objects from 2-D Images
* Learning Recognition and Segmentation Using the Cresceptron
* Learning subcategory relevances for category recognition
* Learning the Taxonomy and Models of Categories Present in Arbitrary Images
* Learning to Fixate on 3D Targets with Uncalibrated Active Cameras
* Learning to Recognize 3D Objects with SNoW
* Learning to Recognize Objects
* Line Drawings of Octree-Represented Objects
* Location Based and Density Based Hierarchical Clustering Using Similarity Analysis
* Lossless image compression with multiscale segmentation
* Low Bit-Rate Video Coding with Implicit Multiscale Segmentation
* Low-Complexity Approach to Rate-Distortion Optimized Variable Bit-Rate Compression for Split DNN Computing, A
* Low-Level Hierarchical Multiscale Segmentation Statistics of Natural Images
* Low-Level Image Segmentation Based Scene Classification
* Low-level multiscale image segmentation and a benchmark for its evaluation
* Low-Rank Sparse Coding for Image Classification
* Low-Rank Sparse Learning for Robust Visual Tracking
* Matching images under unstable segmentations
* Matching Point Features With Ordered Geometric, Rigidity, and Disparity Constraints
* Matching Two Perspective Views
* Maximum Margin Distance Learning for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Mean-shift segmentation with wavelet-based bandwidth selection
* Mirror Uncertainty and Uniqueness Conditions for Determining Shape and Motion from Orthographic Projection
* model for dynamic shape and its applications, A
* Modeling dynamic swarms
* Modelling Objects using Distribution and Topology of Multiscale Region Pairs
* Mosaic Models for Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Mosaic Models for Images - I: Geometric Properties of Components in Cell-Structure Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Images - II: Geometric Properties of Components in Coverage Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Images - III: Spatial Correlation in Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Textures
* Motion and Structure Estimation Using Long Sequence Motion Models
* Motion and Structure Factorization and Segmentation of Long Multiple Motion Image Sequences
* Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences: Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization
* Motion and Structure from Point Correspondences: A Robust Algorithm for Planar Case with Error Estimation
* Motion and Structure from Two Perspective Views: Algorithms, Error Analysis, and Error Estimation
* Motion Estimation under Orthographic Projection
* Motion from Images: Image Matching Parameter Estimation and Intrinsic Stability
* Motion Modeling and Prediction
* Motion-based background subtraction and panoramic mosaicing for freight train analysis
* Multi-scale Region Detector, A
* Multiprocessor Pyramid Architectures for Bottom-Up Image Analysis
* Multiresolution Image Acquisition and Surface Reconstruction
* Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection
* Multiscale Image Segmentation Using a Recent Transform
* Multiscale Region Detection
* Multiscale Region-Based Approach to Image Matching, A
* Multiview panoramic cameras using a mirror pyramid
* Multiview Panoramic Cameras Using Mirror Pyramids
* Necessary and sufficient conditions for a unique solution of plane motion and structure
* Neighbor Gray Levels as Features in Pixel Classification
* NETRA: A Hierarchical and Partitionable Architecture for Computer Vision
* NETRA: An Architecture for a Large Scale Multiprocessor Vision System
* Neural Rate Estimator and Unsupervised Learning for Efficient Distributed Image Analytics in Split-DNN models
* New Framework for Hierarchical Segmentation Using Homogeneity Analysis, A
* New Imaging Model, A
* new wavelet-based scheme for watermarking images, A
* Non-frontal Camera Calibration Using Focal Stack Imagery
* Non-local compressive sampling recovery
* Note on the Use of Second-Order Gray Level Statistics for Threshold Selection, A
* Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System with a Single Camera, A
* Object contour tracking using graph cuts based active contours
* Object segmentation using graph cuts based active contours
* Object Tracking by Occlusion Detection via Structured Sparse Learning
* Object Tracking Using Globally Coordinated Nonlinear Manifolds
* Obtaining Focused Images Using a Non-frontal Imaging Camera
* Octree Generation from Object Silhouettes in Perspective Views
* Octree Representation of Objects in Arbitrary Motion: Representation and Efficiency
* Octree Representations of Moving Objects
* Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System Using a Single Camera, An
* Omnifocused 3D Display Using the Nonfrontal Imaging Camera
* On Approaches to Polygonal Decomposition for Hierarchical Image Representation
* On Cosine-Fourth and Vignetting Effects in Real Lenses
* On Detection and Representation of Multiscale Low-Level Image Structure
* On Generating Seamless Mosaics with Large Depth of Field
* On stochastic gradient descent and quadratic mutual information for image registration
* On the Equivalence of Moving Entrance Pupil and Radial Distortion for Camera Calibration
* On the Essence of Unsupervised Detection of Anomalous Motion in Surveillance Videos
* Open-NeRF: Towards Open Vocabulary NeRF Decomposition
* Optimal Motion and Structure Estimation
* Panoramic Image Acquisition
* Parallel Distributed Detection of Feature Trajectories in Multiple Discontinuous Motion Image Sequences
* Partial Occlusion Handling for Visual Tracking via Robust Part Matching
* Path Planning Using a Potential Field Representation
* Pattern Models
* Pedestrian Recognition with a Learned Metric
* Perceptual Segmentation of Nonhomogeneous Dot Patterns
* Performance Analysis of Depth Cues for Active Vision
* Performance Analysis of Stereo, Vergence, and Focus as Depth Cues for Active Vision
* Phase Based Modelling of Dynamic Textures
* Phase PCA for Dynamic Texture Video Compression
* Piecewise Approximation of Pictures Using Maximal Neighborhoods
* POCS based adaptive image magnification
* Potential Field Approach to Path Planning, A
* Predictive encoding using coset codes
* Properties determining choice of mother wavelet
* Pupil-Centric Model of Image Formation, A
* Random Pattern Generation Processes
* Range Estimation from Focus Using a Non-Frontal Imaging Camera
* Range Estimation from Focus Using an Active Non-Frontal Imaging Camera
* Rank-R Approximation of Tensors: Using Image-as-Matrix Representation
* Real-time O(1) bilateral filtering
* Real-Time Specular Highlight Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
* Recognizing Hand Gestures Using Motion Trajectories
* reconfigurable and hierarchical parallel processing architecture: performance results for stereo vision, A
* Reconstructing a dynamic surface from video sequences using graph cuts in 4d space-time
* Recovering Frontal-pose Image from a Single Profile Image
* Recovering shape and reflectance model of non-lambertian objects from multiple views
* Refractive Camera for Acquiring Stereo and Super-resolution Images, A
* Region Correspondence by Global Configuration Matching and Progressive Delaunay Triangulation
* Region-Based Hierarchical Image Matching
* Region-Based Video Coding Using a Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Regression Based Bandwidth Selection for Segmentation Using Parzen Windows
* Remove to Improve?
* Representation and Three-Dimensional Interpretation of Image Texture: An Integrated Approach
* Representation for Image Structure and Its Application to Object Selection Using Freehand Sketches, A
* Representation of Images Using Voronoi Tessellation
* Resolution and Accuracy of Stereo, Focus, and Shading Methods
* Rigid Body Motion and the Optic Flow Image
* Robust Orthonormal Subspace Learning: Efficient Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrices
* Robust Probabilistic Estimation Framework for Parametric Image Models, A
* Robust Registration and Tracking Using Kernel Density Correlation
* Robust segmentation of freight containers in train monitoring videos
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Oblique Random Forests
* Robust Visual Tracking Via Consistent Low-Rank Sparse Learning
* Robust Visual Tracking via Exclusive Context Modeling
* Robust Visual Tracking Via Multi-Task Sparse Learning
* Robust Visual Tracking via Structured Multi-Task Sparse Learning
* Rotation-invariant texture recognition by rotation compensation and wavelet analysis
* Saliency detection via divergence analysis: A unified perspective
* Scale-Invariant Region-Based Hierarchical Image Matching
* Scheme for Joint Watermarking and Compression of Video, A
* scheme for spatial scalability using nonscalable encoders, A
* SDG Cut: 3D Reconstruction of Non-lambertian Objects Using Graph Cuts on Surface Distance Grid
* Seamless video editing
* Search strategies for shape regularized active contour
* Segmentation and Factorization-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Long Image Sequences
* Segmentation based Denoising using Multiple Compaction Domains
* Segmentation Based Reversible Image Compression
* Segmentation of Multidimensional Images
* Segmentation of periodically moving objects
* Segmentation of Volume Images Using a Multiscale Transform
* Segmentation, Matching and Estimation of Structure and Motion of Textured Piecewise Planar Surfaces
* Segmentation-based Perceptual Image Quality Assessment (SPIQA)
* Selecting Objects With Freehand Sketches
* Semantic-Preserving Image Compression
* Shadow Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
* Shape and View Independent Reflectance Map from Multiple Views
* Shape from Appearance: A Statistical Approach to Surface Shape Estimation
* Shape from Texture: Integrating Texture-Element Extraction and Surface Estimation
* Shape Regularized Active Contour Using Iterative Global Search and Local Optimization
* Shape Representation Using a Generalized Potential-Field Model
* Silhouette-based Structure and Motion Estimation of a Smooth Object
* Simplified Linear Optical Flow-Motion Algorithm, A
* Single camera stereo using planar parallel plate
* Single image super-resolution from transformed self-exemplars
* Single image super-resolution using adaptive domain transformation
* Some Experiments with Mosaic Models for Textures
* Sparse Coding of Linear Dynamical Systems with an Application to Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Spatial and Fourier Error Minimization for Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Special Volume on Computer Vision: Introduction
* Split Aperture Imaging for High Dynamic Range
* state-free causal video encoding paradigm, A
* Stereo Matching Using Epipolar Distance Transform
* Structural Sparse Tracking
* Structure and Motion Estimation from Dynamic Silhouettes under Perspective Projection
* Sub-band Energy Constraints for Self-Similarity Based Super-resolution
* Sufficient Conditions for Double or Unique Solution of Motion and Structure
* Super Resolution with Region Sensitive Interpolation
* Super-Resolution Using Sub-Band Self-Similarity
* Super-resolving Noisy Images
* Superpixel Hierarchy
* Supervised and Unsupervised Clustering with Probabilistic Shift
* Supervised classification of early perceptual structure in dot patterns
* Surface Reconstruction by Dynamic Integration of Focus, Camera Vergence, and Stereo
* Surface reflectance and normal estimation from photometric stereo
* Surfaces from Stereo
* Surfaces from Stereo: Integrating Feature Matching, Disparity Estimation, and Contour Detection
* SVM for edge-preserving filtering
* syntax for image understanding, A
* Tale of Two Classifiers: SNoW vs. SVM in Visual Recognition, A
* Target Tracking and Cumulative Depth Map Generation from Binocular Image Sequences
* Tensor Approximation Approach to Dimensionality Reduction, A
* Texel-based texture segmentation
* Topic Model Approach to Representing and Classifying Football Plays, A
* Tracking Persons-of-Interest via Adaptive Discriminative Features
* Tracking Persons-of-Interest via Unsupervised Representation Adaptation
* Trajectory-based Fisher kernel representation for action recognition in videos
* Transform for Detection of Multiscale Image Structure, A
* Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection, A
* Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation, A
* Transitory Image Sequences, Asymptotic Properties, and Estimation of Motion and Structure
* Two-View Matching
* Uncovering Interactions and Interactors: Joint Estimation of Head, Body Orientation and F-Formations from Surveillance Videos
* unified model for activity recognition from video sequences, A
* Uniform Framework for Estimating Illumination Chromaticity, Correspondence, and Specular Reflection, A
* Uniformity and Homogeneity Based Hierarchical Clustering
* uniformity criterion and algorithm for data clustering, A
* Unsupervised 3D Pose Estimation for Hierarchical Dance Video Recognition *
* Unsupervised Category Modeling, Recognition, and Segmentation in Images
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Objects using Efficient Learning
* Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Graph-Based Consistent Constraints
* Video Denoising by Combining Kalman and Wiener Estimates
* Videoshop: A New Framework for Spatio-Temporal Video Editing in Gradient Domain
* Vision based fire detection
* Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains, A
* Visual Scene Graphs for Audio Source Separation
* Why Aspect Graphs Are Not (Yet) Practical for Computer Vision
Includes: Ahuja, N.[Narendra] Ahuja, N. Ahuja, N.[Nilesh] Ahuja, N.[Narenda]
352 for Ahuja, N.

Ahuja, N.A. Co Author Listing * Factorization Approach for Enabling Structure-from-Motion/SLAM Using Integer Arithmetic, A
* Multidimensional Generalized Sampling Theorem for wavelet Based Image Superresolution
* Spatiotemporal-Bandwidth Product of m-Dimensional Signals
* Subspace Modeling for Fast Out-Of-Distribution and Anomaly Detection
* Superresolution and Noise Filtering Using Moving Least Squares
Includes: Ahuja, N.A. Ahuja, N.A.[Nilesh A.]

Ahuja, R.[Rahul] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Pairwise Reverse Attention for Camera Performance Imbalance in Person Re-Identification: New Dataset And Metrics
* DNA Microarray Image Intensity Extraction using Eigenspots
* OptFlow: Fast Optimization-based Scene Flow Estimation without Supervision
* Robust Discriminative Subspace Learning for Person Reidentification
Includes: Ahuja, R.[Rahul] Ahuja, R.[Ramandeep] Ahuja, R.

Ahuja, S.[Siddhant] Co Author Listing * 3D Scan Registration Using Curvelet Features
* Automatic Recognition of Offensive Team Formation in American Football Plays
* Denoising of computed tomography using bilateral median based autoencoder network
* improved real-time miniaturized embedded stereo vision system (MESVS-II), An
* New Miniaturized Embedded Stereo-Vision System (MESVS-I), A
* Topic Model Approach to Representing and Classifying Football Plays, A
Includes: Ahuja, S.[Siddhant] Ahuja, S.[Shaunak] Ahuja, S.[Shaurya]

Ahuja, V. Co Author Listing * Video Delivery Challenges and Opportunities in 4G Networks

Ahuja, V.R.[Vishal R.] Co Author Listing * Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting Resolution of Digital Rock Images for Improved Petrophysical Property Estimation

Index for "a"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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