Index for aggre

aggregate keyword nearest neighbor queries on road networks
aggregate Tracklet Appearance Features for Multi-Object Tracking
Algorithm for Discriminating aggregate Gaze Points: Comparison with Salient Regions-Of-Interest
Asphalt Pavement Compaction and Vehicle Speed Monitoring Using Intelligent aggregate
Average Top-k aggregate Loss for Supervised Learning
Binary Image Segmentation of aggregates Based on Polygonal Approximation
Binary Image Segmentation of aggregates Based on Polygonal-Approximation and Classification of Concavities
Cascaded Split-and-aggregate Learning with Feature Recombination for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
CASE histogram: Privacy-aware processing of trajectory data using aggregates, The
Continuous aggregate nearest neighbor queries
DART: Diversify-aggregate-Repeat Training Improves Generalization of Neural Networks
Decompose More and aggregate Better: Two Closer Looks at Frequency Representation Learning for Human Motion Prediction
Determination of Environmental Factors for the Implementation of the Exploitability Index in Industrial aggregate Mining Using Multi-Criteria Analysis
Discriminative modeling by Boosting on Multilevel aggregates
Distributed aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VANETs
Distributed Processing of Location-Based aggregate Queries Using MapReduce
Driver Glance Behavior Modeling Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering and Piecewise aggregate Representation
Efficient texture synthesis of aggregate solid material
Efficient Vehicle-Assisted aggregate Authentication Scheme for Infrastructure-Less Vehicular Networks, An
Estimating aggregate Cardiomyocyte Strain Using In~Vivo Diffusion and Displacement Encoded MRI
Evaluating the Human Damage of Tsunami at Each Time Frame in aggregate Units Based on Gps data
Fast Fourier Transform for Hexagonal aggregates
Fast inspection for size-based analysis in aggregate processing
genetic aggregate stereo algorithm for 3-D classification of occluded shapes, A
Geometrical Characterization of Various Shaped 3D-aggregates of Primary Spherical Particules by Radial Distribution Functions
Global and Multiscale aggregate Network for Saliency Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
Global Thresholding Algorithms for aggregate Images
Grain-size assessment of fine and coarse aggregates through bipolar area morphology
Large-Scale, High-Resolution Mapping of Soil aggregate Stability in Croplands Using APEX Hyperspectral Imagery
Learning deep face representation with long-tail data: An aggregate-and-disperse approach
Learning Scheme for Recognizing Sub-classes from Model Trained on aggregate Classes, A
Learning to aggregate and Personalize 3D Face from In-the-Wild Photo Collection
Learning to aggregate and Refine Noisy Labels for Visual Sentiment Analysis
machine vision approach to the grading of crushed aggregate, A
Meta-Aggregator: Learning to aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neural Networks
Mining aggregates of over-the-counter products for syndromic surveillance
NeXtVLAD: An Efficient Neural Network to aggregate Frame-Level Features for Large-Scale Video Classification
Nonparametric Estimation of Fisher Vectors to aggregate Image Descriptors
novel aggregate gene selection method for microarray data classification, A
Online aggregate Particle Size Measurement on A Conveyor Belt
Operations to support temporal coverage aggregates over moving regions
PAMI: Partition Input and aggregate Outputs for Model Interpretation
Pedestrian detection using first- and second-order aggregate channel features
Research on Rutting Deformation Monitoring Method Based on Intelligent aggregate
Shape analysis of concrete aggregates for statistical quality modeling
Temporal aggregate Representations for Long-range Video Understanding
To aggregate or Not to aggregate: Selective Match Kernels for Image Search
To aggregate or Not to aggregate: Selective Match Kernels for Image Search
Understanding multiple days' metro travel demand at aggregate level
Utilizing Voronoi Cells of Location Data Streams for Accurate Computation of aggregate Functions in Sensor Networks
Video anomaly detection based on local statistical aggregates
Wavelet and curvelet moments for image classification: Application to aggregate mixture grading
Webcam geo-localization using aggregate light levels
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3-D aggregated object detection and labeling from multivariate confocal microscopy images: A model validation approach
3D shape similarity using vectors of locally aggregated tensors
Accumulated and aggregated shifting of intensity for defect detection on micro 3D textured surfaces
Adaptive aggregated Tracklet Linking for Multi-Face Tracking
AFD-Net: aggregated Feature Difference Learning for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
aggregated Channel Features with Optimum Parameters for Pedestrian Detection
aggregated clustering approach using multi-ant colonies algorithms, An
aggregated Context Network For Semantic Segmentation Of Aerial Images
aggregated deep convolutional recurrent model for event based surveillance video summarisation: A supervised approach, An
aggregated Deep Local Features for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
aggregated Dynamic Background Modeling
aggregated mapping of driver attention from matched optical flow
aggregated Multicolumn Dilated Convolution Network for Perspective-Free Counting, An
aggregated pyramid gating network for human pose estimation without pre-training
aggregated Representation of Electric Vehicles Population on Charging Points for Demand Response Scheduling
aggregated residual transformation network for multistage classification in diabetic retinopathy
aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks
aggregated Search in Graph Databases: Preliminary Results
aggregated Shape Similarity Index: A Case Study of Comparing the Footprints of OpenStreetMap and INSPIRE Buildings, An
aggregated Sparse Attention for Steering Angle Prediction
aggregated Wasserstein Distance and State Registration for Hidden Markov Models
aggregated Zero-Knowledge Proof and Blockchain-Empowered Authentication for Autonomous Truck Platooning
aggregated-Attention Deformable Convolutional Network for Few-Shot SAR Jamming Recognition
Anti-spoofing enabled face recognition based on aggregated local weighted gradient orientation
Automated Detection Of Highly aggregated Neurons In Microscopic Images Of Macaque Brain
Background Robust Object Labeling by Voting of Weight-aggregated Local Features
Bag-of-words with aggregated temporal pair-wise word co-occurrence for human action recognition
Bitat: Neural Network Binarization with Task-dependent aggregated Transformation
Boundary-induced and scene-aggregated network for monocular depth prediction
Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based on Multi-Attribute aggregated Data from Cell Phones: A Method Combining Multidimensional Time Series with a SOM Neural Network
C3Net: Cross-Modal Feature Recalibrated, Cross-Scale Semantic aggregated and Compact Network for Semantic Segmentation of Multi-Modal High-Resolution Aerial Images
CATNet: A Cascaded and aggregated Transformer Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
Classification of risk areas using a bootstrap-aggregated ensemble approach for reducing Zika virus infection in pregnant women
Combining Skin-Color Detector and Evidence aggregated Random Field Models towards Validating Face Detection Results
Component hashing of variable-length binary aggregated descriptors for fast image search
Creating Semantic HD Maps From Aerial Imagery and aggregated Vehicle Telemetry for Autonomous Vehicles
Crime analysis through spatial areal aggregated density patterns
Cross-Dimensional Weighting for aggregated Deep Convolutional Features
DA-VLAD: Discriminative Action Vector of Locally aggregated Descriptors for Action Recognition
Deep Autoencoders with aggregated Residual Transformations for Urban Reconstruction from Remote Sensing Data
Deeply aggregated Alternating Minimization for Image Restoration
Distance for HMMs Based on aggregated Wasserstein Metric and State Registration, A
DPANet: Dual Pooling-aggregated Attention Network for fish segmentation
Dual aggregated feature pyramid network for multi label classification
Dynamic aggregated Network for Gait Recognition
ECLAD: Extracting Concepts with Local aggregated Descriptors
Efficient Offline/Online Heterogeneous-aggregated Signcryption Protocol for Edge Computing-Based Internet of Vehicles
End-To-End Person Search Sequentially Trained On aggregated Dataset
Evaluating Combinations of Temporally aggregated Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 for Land Cover Mapping with Google Earth Engine
Face detection by aggregated Bayesian network classifiers
Fast Aircraft Detection Method for SAR Images Based on Efficient Bidirectional Path aggregated Attention Network, A
Feature aggregated Queries for Transformer-Based Video Object Detectors
Fuzzy aggregated connectedness for image segmentation
Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Via Multi-Modal aggregated Posterior Aligning Neural Network
generic framework for optimal 2D/3D key-frame extraction driven by aggregated saliency maps, A
Graph-based image gradients aggregated with random forests
HEp-2 cell classification with Vector of Hierarchically aggregated Residuals
Hierarchical aggregated Deep Features for ALS Point Cloud Classification
Hierarchical Unified Spectral-Spatial aggregated Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Hierarchically aggregated Residual Transformation for Single Image Super Resolution
Histograms of locally aggregated oriented gradients
Historical mapping of rice fields in Japan using phenology and temporally aggregated Landsat images in Google Earth Engine
Human action recognition based on aggregated local motion estimates
Identification of Experimental and Control Areas for CCTV Effectiveness Assessment: The Issue of Spatially aggregated Data
image stitching algorithm based on aggregated star groups, The
Impact of MODIS Quality Control on Temporally aggregated Urban Surface Temperature and Long-Term Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity
Improved aggregated-Mosaic Method for the Sparse Object Detection of Remote Sensing Imagery, An
Improving image similarity with vectors of locally aggregated tensors
Improving relational aggregated search from big data sources using deep learning
Information Bottleneck and aggregated Learning
Joint Over and Under Exposures Correction by aggregated Retinex Propagation for Image Enhancement
KeypointNet: A Large-Scale 3D Keypoint Dataset aggregated From Numerous Human Annotations
Lazily aggregated Quantized Gradient Innovation for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
Learning aggregated features and optimizing model for semantic labeling
Learning Deeply aggregated Alternating Minimization for General Inverse Problems
lightweight multi-scale aggregated model for detecting aerial images captured by UAVs, A
Lightweight Video Denoising using aggregated Shifted Window Attention
Locally aggregated histogram-based descriptors
Long-Tailed Federated Learning Via aggregated Meta Mapping
Method for accuracy assessment of aggregated freeway traffic data
MixNet: A Better Promising Approach for Chromosome Classification based on aggregated Residual Architecture
Modelling large vehicles operating speed characteristics on freeway alignment based on aggregated GPS data
Multi-Relay Cognitive Network With Anti-Fragile Relay Communication for Intelligent Transportation System Under aggregated Interference
Multi-stage aggregated Transformer Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
Multifactor Identity Verification Using aggregated Proof of Knowledge
Multilevel Feature aggregated Network with Instance Contrastive Learning Constraint for Building Extraction
Near-Online Multi-target Tracking with aggregated Local Flow Descriptor
Novel Image Descriptor with aggregated Semantic Skeleton Representation for Long-term Visual Place Recognition, A
Novel Negative Location Collection Method for Finding aggregated Locations, A
Optimal Routing Design of Feeder Transit With Stop Selection Using aggregated Cell Phone Data and Open Source GIS Tool
Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and Thresholded aggregated Channel Features
Pedestrian tracking in low contrast regions using aggregated background model and Silhouette Components
Processing aggregated data: the location of clusters in health data
Profiling the Spatial Structure of London: From Individual Tweets to aggregated Functional Zones
RADAM: Texture recognition through randomized aggregated encoding of deep activation maps
Real-Time Human Action Recognition Using Locally aggregated Kinematic-Guided Skeletonlet and Supervised Hashing-by-Analysis Model
Regression of Instance Boundary by aggregated CNN and GCN
Relay Cooperative Transmission Algorithms for IoV Under aggregated Interference
Roughness Classification with aggregated Discrete Fourier Transform
Salprop: Salient object proposals via aggregated edge cues
Selecting High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Bottom-Up aggregated Attention and Phase-Aware Loss
Semantic annotation for complex video street views based on 2D-3D multi-feature fusion and aggregated boosting decision forests
Sequentially aggregated Convolutional Networks
SODAR: Exploring Locally aggregated Learning of Mask Representations for Instance Segmentation
Sparsely aggregated Convolutional Networks
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Characteristics of Spatially aggregated Elements in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
Spatial-Temporal aggregated Shuffle Attention for Video Instance Segmentation of Traffic Scene
Stereo Matching Algorithm Using a Weighted Average of Costs aggregated by Various Window Sizes
Style aggregated Network for Facial Landmark Detection
T-VLAD: Temporal vector of locally aggregated descriptor for multiview human action recognition
TAB: Temporally aggregated bag-of-discriminant-words for temporal action proposals
Time-delayed collective flow diffusion models for inferring latent people flow from aggregated data at limited locations
Toward Projected Clustering With aggregated Mapping
TransVLAD: Focusing on Locally aggregated Descriptors for Few-Shot Learning
Unilaterally aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarchical Augmentation for Anomaly Detection
Unsupervised segmentation of ERS and Radarsat sea ice images using multiresolution peak detection and aggregated population equalization
Vector of Locally aggregated Descriptors, VLAD Features
Vector of Locally and Adaptively aggregated Descriptors for Image Feature Representation
Video-based Emotion Recognition using aggregated Features and Spatio-temporal Information
Visual Positioning in Indoor Environments Using RGB-D Images and Improved Vector of Local aggregated Descriptors
Weighted Component Hashing of Binary aggregated Descriptors for Fast Visual Search
Weighted two-step aggregated VLAD for image retrieval
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3D Shape Recovery by aggregating 3D Wavelet Transform-Based Image Focus Volumes Through 3D Weighted Least Squares
3D2SeqViews: aggregating Sequential Views for 3D Global Feature Learning by CNN With Hierarchical Attention Aggregation
AA-Trans: Core Attention aggregating Transformer with Information Entropy Selector for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
Accurate Human Pose Estimation by aggregating Multiple Pose Hypotheses Using Modified Kernel Density Approximation
aggregating and Sampling Methods for Processing GPS Data Streams for Traffic State Estimation
aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object Detection
aggregating Bilateral Attention for Few-Shot Instance Localization
aggregating complementary boundary contrast with smoothing for salient region detection
aggregating contour fragments for shape classification
aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation
aggregating Feature Point Cloud for Depth Completion
aggregating Global and Local Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-IDentification
aggregating Global Features into Local Vision Transformer
aggregating gradient distributions into intensity orders: A novel local image descriptor
aggregating Image and Text Quantized Correlated Components
aggregating Layers for Deepfake Detection
aggregating Local and Global Text Features for Linguistic Steganalysis
aggregating Local Context for Accurate Scene Text Detection
aggregating Local Deep Features for Image Retrieval
aggregating local descriptors into a compact image representation
aggregating Local Image Descriptors into Compact Codes
aggregating Low-Level Features for Human Action Recognition
aggregating minutia-centred deep convolutional features for fingerprint indexing
aggregating Object Features Based on Attention Weights for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
aggregating Randomized Clustering-Promoting Invariant Projections for Domain Adaptation
aggregating the temporal coherent descriptors in videos using multiple learning kernel for action recognition
Amulet: aggregating Multi-level Convolutional Features for Salient Object Detection
AttentionNet: aggregating Weak Directions for Accurate Object Detection
Bayesian Modeling of Crowd Dynamics by aggregating Multiresolution Observations From UAVs and UGVs
Cancelable Iris template generation by aggregating patch level ordinal relations with its holistically extended performance and security analysis
Cannot See the Forest for the Trees: aggregating Multiple Viewpoints to Better Classify Objects in Videos
CCF-GNN: A Unified Model aggregating Appearance, Microenvironment, and Topology for Pathology Image Classification
Club Ideas and Exertions: aggregating Local Predictions for Action Recognition
Decoupling-and-aggregating for Image Exposure Correction
Deformable Faster R-CNN with aggregating Multi-Layer Features for Partially Occluded Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
Dividing and aggregating Network for Multi-view Action Recognition
Effect of aggregating Subtype Performances Depends Strongly on the Performance Measure Used, The
Face Detection by aggregating Visible Components
FaceFormer: aggregating Global and Local Representation for Face Hallucination
From Remotely Sensed Vegetation Onset to Sowing Dates: aggregating Pixel-Level Detections into Village-Level Sowing Probabilities
Generalized Residual Vector Quantization and aggregating Tree for Large Scale Search
Image Anomaly Detection by aggregating Deep Pyramidal Representations
Incisive Neighborhood Discerning Iteratively aggregating Nomenclator (INDIAN) System for Pattern Recognition in Unsupervised Environments, An
Iterative ridge regression using the aggregating algorithm
Learning and aggregating Deep Local Descriptors for Instance-Level Recognition
Learning and aggregating Lane Graphs for Urban Automated Driving
LKDA-GAN: Cross-modality image synthesis via Generative Adversarial Network aggregating large kernel decomposable attention bottleneck block
MIANet: aggregating Unbiased Instance and General Information for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Micro-Expression Recognition by aggregating Local Spatio-Temporal Patterns
Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval by aggregating Intermediate CNN Layers
New Approach for aggregating Edge Points into Line Segments, A
Not So Naive Bayes: aggregating One-Dependence Estimators
Personalized location recommendation by aggregating multiple recommenders in diversity
Photorealistic Face De-Identification by aggregating Donors' Face Components
PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures With Edge-Preserving Coherence
PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures with Spatial Priors
Point2SpatialCapsule: aggregating Features and Spatial Relationships of Local Regions on Point Clouds Using Spatial-Aware Capsules
Reduced bootstrap aggregating of learning algorithms
REGroup: Rank-aggregating Ensemble of Generative Classifiers for Robust Predictions
Robust 3D registration of CBCT images aggregating multiple estimates through random sampling
Robust Texture Classification by aggregating Pixel-Based LBP Statistics
Salient Object Detection by aggregating Contextual Information
Scalable clustering by aggregating representatives in hierarchical groups
Segmentation of overlapping/aggregating nuclei cells in biological images
SeqViews2SeqLabels: Learning 3D Global Features via aggregating Sequential Views by RNN With Attention
Simultaneous Feature aggregating and Hashing for Compact Binary Code Learning
Simultaneous Feature aggregating and Hashing for Large-Scale Image Search
Sparse attention block: aggregating contextual information for object detection
TASED-Net: Temporally-aggregating Spatial Encoder-Decoder Network for Video Saliency Detection
VFMVAC: View-filtering-based multi-view aggregating convolution for 3D shape recognition and retrieval
Weakly Supervised PatchNets: Describing and aggregating Local Patches for Scene Recognition
Weighted aggregating Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
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3D Human Pose and Shape Reconstruction From Videos via Confidence-Aware Temporal Feature aggregation
3d Shape Temporal aggregation for Video-based Clothing-change Person Re-identification
3D-MPA: Multi-Proposal aggregation for 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation
3D2SeqViews: Aggregating Sequential Views for 3D Global Feature Learning by CNN With Hierarchical Attention aggregation
4d-stop: Panoptic Segmentation of 4d Lidar Using Spatio-temporal Object Proposal Generation and aggregation
A2-FPN: Attention aggregation based Feature Pyramid Network for Instance Segmentation
AA-RMVSNet: Adaptive aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network
AANet: Adaptive aggregation Network for Efficient Stereo Matching
Accumulated aggregation Shifting Based on Feature Enhancement for Defect Detection on 3D Textured Low-Contrast Surfaces
Accurate and Efficient Cost aggregation Strategy for Stereo Correspondence Based on Approximated Joint Bilateral Filtering
ACDnet: An action detection network for real-time edge computing based on flow-guided feature approximation and memory aggregation
ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal aggregation for Action Classification
Active Object Detection with Epistemic Uncertainty and Hierarchical Information aggregation
ACTNET: End-to-End Learning of Feature Activations and Multi-stream aggregation for Effective Instance Image Retrieval
Adaptive aggregation Networks for Class-Incremental Learning
Adaptive aggregation of Arbitrary Online Trackers with a Regret Bound
Adaptive aggregation with Self-Attention Network for Gastrointestinal Image Classification
Adaptive aggregation-distillation autoencoder for unsupervised anomaly detection
Adaptive Decomposition Approach with Dipole aggregation Model for Polarimetric SAR Data, An
Adaptive deep feature aggregation using Fourier transform and low-pass filtering for robust object retrieval
Adaptive Feature aggregation for Video Object Detection
Adaptive Feature aggregation in Deep Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
Adaptive key frame extraction for video summarization using an aggregation mechanism
Adaptive Non-local Means for Cost aggregation in a Local Disparity Estimation Algorithm
Adaptive Post-Processing Network With the Global-Local aggregation for Semantic Segmentation, An
Adaptive Refining-aggregation-Separation Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Semantic Segmentation
AdarGCN: Adaptive aggregation GCN for Few-Shot Learning
Affinity aggregation for spectral clustering
aggregation Approach to Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, An
aggregation Cross-Entropy for Sequence Recognition
aggregation distance measure and its induced similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
aggregation of attention and erasing for weakly supervised object localization
aggregation of Binary Feature Descriptors for Compact Scene Model Representation in Large Scale Structure-from-Motion Applications
aggregation of classifiers based on image transformations in biometric face recognition
aggregation of Classifiers: A Justifiable Information Granularity Approach
aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval Based on Object Detection
aggregation of local parametric candidates with exemplar-based occlusion handling for optical flow
aggregation of LoD 1 building models as an optimization problem
aggregation of Probabilistic PCA Mixtures with a Variational-Bayes Technique Over Parameters
aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Modified Stacked Generalization Model for Single Image Depth Estimation
aggregation Pheromone Density Based Image Segmentation
aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classification
aggregation procedure of Gaussian Mixture Models for additive features
aggregation Signature for Small Object Tracking
aggregation Transformer for Human Pose Estimation
aggregation via Separation: Boosting Facial Landmark Detector With Semi-Supervised Style Translation
aggregation with Feature Detection
aggregation-Based Graph Convolutional Hashing for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
Alignment Before aggregation: Trajectory Memory Retrieval Network for Video Object Segmentation
All-Higher-Stages-In Adaptive Context aggregation for Semantic Edge Detection
AMANet: Adaptive Multi-Path aggregation for Learning Human 2D-3D Correspondences
AMPFLUID: aggregation Magnified Post-Assay Fluorescence for Ultrasensitive Immunodetection on Digital Microfluidics
Analysis of Ensemble Pruning Techniques Based on Ordered aggregation, An
analysis of heuristic metrics for classifier ensemble pruning based on ordered aggregation, An
Analysis of the aggregation Characteristics and Influencing Elements of Urban Catering Points in Small Scale: Methods and Results
analytical proof on suitability of Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence as the aggregation criterion in Region Growing Algorithm, An
ANCC flow: Adaptive normalized cross-correlation with evolving guidance aggregation for dense correspondence estimation
Anchor-free Convolutional Network with Dense Attention Feature aggregation for Ship Detection in SAR Images
APANet: Auto-Path aggregation for Future Instance Segmentation Prediction
Asymmetric cost aggregation network for efficient stereo matching
Asynchronous Interaction aggregation for Action Detection
Attention guided multi-level feature aggregation network for camouflaged object detection
Attention-adaptive multi-scale feature aggregation dehazing network
Attention-aware Feature aggregation for Real-time Stereo Matching on Edge Devices
Attention-Based Local Region aggregation Network for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning
Attention-guided aggregation stereo matching network
Attention-guided chained context aggregation for semantic segmentation
Attention-Guided Hierarchical Structure aggregation for Image Matting
Attention-Guided Multilayer Feature aggregation Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, An
Attribute-Based Secure Data aggregation for Isolated IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
Attribute-Driven Feature Disentangling and Temporal aggregation for Video Person Re-Identification
Backward Attentive Fusing Network With Local aggregation Classifier for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
Bandwidth aggregation-Aware Dynamic QoS Negotiation for Real-Time Video Streaming in Next-Generation Wireless Networks
BANet: Bidirectional aggregation Network With Occlusion Handling for Panoptic Segmentation
Bayesian Inferred Self-Attentive aggregation for Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification
Belief propagation with local edge detection-based cost aggregation for stereo matching
Best Merge Region-Growing Segmentation With Integrated Nonadjacent Region Object aggregation
Better aggregation in Test-Time Augmentation
Bi-directional Cross-modality Feature Propagation with Separation-and-aggregation Gate for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
Bilateral Temporal Re-aggregation for Weakly-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
BiSeNet V2: Bilateral Network with Guided aggregation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
Blind Deep S3D Image Quality Evaluation via Local to Global Feature aggregation
Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on High Order Statistics aggregation
Blind Image Quality Index for Authentic Distortions With Local and Global Deep Feature aggregation
BMAN: Bidirectional Multi-Scale aggregation Networks for Abnormal Event Detection
BooDet: Gradient Boosting Object Detection With Additive Learning-Based Prediction aggregation
Boosting One-Stage License Plate Detector via Self-Constrained Contrastive aggregation
Boundary-Guided Feature aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection
Box aggregation for Proposal Decimation: Last Mile of Object Detection
Brain tumor image pixel segmentation and detection using an aggregation of GAN models with vision transformer
Branch aggregation Attention Network for Robotic Surgical Instrument Segmentation
Brief Survey of Knowledge aggregation Methods, A
Building Vision Transformers with Hierarchy Aware Feature aggregation
Burst Reflection Removal using Reflection Motion aggregation Cues
C2ANet: Cross-Scale and Cross-Modality aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution
CAggNet: Crossing aggregation Network for Medical Image Segmentation
Camera-Space Hand Mesh Recovery via Semantic aggregation and Adaptive 2D-1D Registration
CANet: Context-aware aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection of Surface Defects
CATs++: Boosting Cost aggregation With Convolutions and Transformers
CBRA: Color-based ranking aggregation for person re-identification
Centrality Approach to Select Offloading Data aggregation Points in Vehicular Sensor Networks, A
Certain Object Segmentation Based on AdaBoost Learning and Nodes aggregation Iterative Graph-Cuts
CGA-Net: Category Guided aggregation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
Character Identification in TV-series via Non-local Cost aggregation
Class-Aware Dual-Supervised aggregation Network for Video Object Detection
Class-Aware Feature aggregation Network for Video Object Detection
Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation methods for stereo correspondence
Clip-level Feature aggregation: A Key Factor for Video-based Person Re-identification
Closer Look at Local aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis, A
Cloud Removal with SAR-Optical Data Fusion and Graph-Based Feature aggregation Network
CLSA: A Contrastive Learning Framework With Selective aggregation for Video Rescaling
Clustering aggregation by probability accumulation
Clustering and aggregation of relational data with applications to image database categorization
CO-PILOT: Dynamic Top-Down Point Cloud with Conditional Neighborhood aggregation for Multi-Gigapixel Histopathology Image Representation
Coarse-to-Fine aggregation for Cross-Granularity Action Recognition
Cognitive Modeling Approach for the Semantic aggregation of Object Prototypes from Geometric Primitives: Toward Understanding Implicit Object Topology, A
Collaborative Optimization and aggregation for Decentralized Domain Generalization and Adaptation
Color image segmentation using genetic algorithm with aggregation-based clustering validity index (CVI)
Combining a Two Source Energy Balance Model Driven by MODIS and MSG-SEVIRI Products with an aggregation Approach to Estimate Turbulent Fluxes over Sparse and Heterogeneous Vegetation in Sahel Region (Niger)
Combining Re-Ranking and Rank aggregation Methods
Compact Deep aggregation for Set Retrieval
Comparative Classifier aggregation
Complex Spatial-Temporal Attention aggregation For Video Person Re-Identification
Composed Image Retrieval via Cross Relation Network With Hierarchical aggregation Transformer
Composite Phase and Phase-Based Gabor Element aggregation
Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
Context aggregation Network for Semantic Labeling in Aerial Images
Context aggregation Network for Semantic Labeling in Aerial Images 2
Context and Apparent Features aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation
Context Contrasted Feature and Gated Multi-scale aggregation for Scene Segmentation
Contextual Online Learning for Multimedia Content aggregation
Contextual Residual aggregation for Ultra High-Resolution Image Inpainting
Convex aggregation Problems in Z2
Convolutional aggregation of local evidence for large pose face alignment
Convolutional cost aggregation for robust stereo matching
Cosine Similarity based Few-Shot Video Classifier with Attention-based aggregation
Cost aggregation and Occlusion Handling With WLS in Stereo Matching
Cost aggregation benchmark for light field depth estimation
Cost aggregation table: A theoretic derivation on the Markov random field and its relation to message passing
Cost aggregation Table: Cost Aggregation Method Using Summed Area Table Scheme for Dense Stereo Correspondence
Cost aggregation Table: Cost Aggregation Method Using Summed Area Table Scheme for Dense Stereo Correspondence
Cost aggregation with 4D Convolutional Swin Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation
Cost aggregation with anisotropic diffusion in feature space for hybrid stereo matching
Counting Mixed Breeding aggregations of Animal Species Using Drones: Lessons from Waterbirds on Semi-Automation
Coverage Analysis and Chance-Constrained Optimization for HSR Communications With Carrier aggregation
Cross-level Feature aggregation Network for Polyp Segmentation
Cross-Modal Correlation Learning by Adaptive Hierarchical Semantic aggregation
Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Modality Confusion and Center aggregation
Cross-Scale Cost aggregation for Stereo Matching
Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothness constraint with weighted least squares in stereo matching
Cross-trees, edge and superpixel priors-based cost aggregation for stereo matching
DASANet: A 3D Object Detector with Density-and-Sparsity Feature aggregation
Data-Driven Neuron Allocation for Scale aggregation Networks
DAVANet: Stereo Deblurring With View aggregation
DCELANM-Net: Medical image segmentation based on dual channel efficient layer aggregation network with learner
DCNet: Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation With Discriminative and Efficient Feature aggregation
Decoders Matter for Semantic Segmentation: Data-Dependent Decoding Enables Flexible Feature aggregation
Deep aggregation Net for Land Cover Classification
Deep aggregation of Local 3D Geometric Features for 3D Model Retrieval
Deep Blind Video Decaptioning by Temporal aggregation and Recurrence
Deep Feature aggregation and Image Re-Ranking With Heat Diffusion for Image Retrieval
Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification Using Visual Attention aggregation
Deep Layer aggregation
Deep learning based stereo cost aggregation on a small dataset
Deep Local and Global Spatiotemporal Feature aggregation for Blind Video Quality Assessment
Deep Multi-Branch aggregation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Street Scenes
Deep Multi-patch aggregation Network for Image Style, Aesthetics, and Quality Estimation
Deep Multi-Scale Context Aware Feature aggregation for Curved Scene Text Detection
Deep self-guided cost aggregation for stereo matching
Deep Speaker Embedding Using Hybrid Network of Multi-Feature aggregation and Multi-Loss Fusion for TI-SV
Deep Stereo Network With MRF-Based Cost aggregation
Deep Video Matting via Spatio-Temporal Alignment and aggregation
Deep Video Quality Assessor: From Spatio-Temporal Visual Sensitivity to a Convolutional Neural aggregation Network
DeeperGCN: Training Deeper GCNs With Generalized aggregation Functions
Deformable Feature aggregation for Dynamic Multi-modal 3D Object Detection
Deformable Part Region Learning and Feature aggregation Tree Representation for Object Detection
Deformable scene text detection using harmonic features and modified pixel aggregation network
Democratic Diffusion aggregation for Image Retrieval
Dense and Sparse Optic Flows aggregation for Accurate Motion Segmentation in Monocular Video Sequences
Dense Cross-Query-and-Support Attention Weighted Mask aggregation for Few-Shot Segmentation
Dense Crosstalk Feature aggregation for Classification and Localization in Object Detection
Dense Prediction with Attentive Feature aggregation
Dense Relation Distillation with Context-aware aggregation for Few-Shot Object Detection
Dense Stereo Correspondence with Contrast Context Histogram, Segmentation-Based Two-Pass aggregation and Occlusion Handling
Dense Stereo Matching with Growing aggregation and Neural Learning
Densely Connected Swin-UNet for Multiscale Information aggregation in Medical Image Segmentation
Detail Preserved Point Cloud Completion via Separated Feature aggregation
Detail-recovery Image Deraining via Context aggregation Networks
Detect face in the wild using CNN cascade with feature aggregation at multi-resolution
Detect-To-Retrieve: Efficient Regional aggregation for Image Search
Detecting Morphed Face Attacks Using Residual Noise from Deep Multi-scale Context aggregation Network
Detection, Estimation and aggregation of Three Major Types of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
DETR with Additional Global aggregation for Cross-domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection
Development of the Theory of Six Value aggregation Paths in Network Modeling for Spatial Analyses
DFANet: Deep Feature aggregation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
DFFAN: Dual Function Feature aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
Differentiable Feature aggregation Search for Knowledge Distillation
Diffusion-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation with Multi-Hypothesis aggregation
Disparity adapted weighted aggregation for local stereo
Diva: Diverse Visual Feature aggregation for Deep Metric Learning
Diverse receptive field network with context aggregation for fast object detection
DNA: Deeply Supervised Nonlinear aggregation for Salient Object Detection
Domain adaptive crowd counting via dynamic scale aggregation network
Domain Generalization with Domain-Specific aggregation Modules
Domain Transformation-Based Efficient Cost aggregation for Local Stereo Matching
Double-bagging: combining classifiers by bootstrap aggregation
Double-Stack aggregation Network Using a Feature-Travel Strategy for Pansharpening
Doubly Deformable aggregation of Covariance Matrices for Few-Shot Segmentation
Dual aggregation Transformer for Image Super-Resolution
Dual-Feature aggregation Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
Dualfeat: Dual Feature aggregation for Video Object Detection
Dynamic Center aggregation Loss With Mixed Modality for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Dynamic Dual-attentive aggregation Learning for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
Dynamic Feature aggregation for Efficient Video Object Detection
Dynamic Hierarchical aggregation for Vehicular Sensing
Dynamic Local aggregation Network with Adaptive Clusterer for Anomaly Detection
Dynamic Object-Aware Monocular Visual Odometry With Local And Global Information aggregation
Dynamic Scene Video Deblurring Using Robust Incremental Weighted Fourier aggregation
EAR: Efficient action recognition with local-global temporal aggregation
Earth observation image and DEM information aggregation for realistic 3-D visualization of natural landscapes
Edge Detection: Modeling, Estimation, and aggregation
Edge Guided Context aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
Edge-preserving guided filtering based cost aggregation for stereo matching
Edgel aggregation and Edge Description
Effective Stereo Matching Algorithm with Optimal Path Cost aggregation, An
effective weighted vector median filter for impulse noise reduction based on minimizing the degree of aggregation, An
Effects of Category aggregation on Land Change Simulation Based on Corine Land Cover Data
Effects of the Temporal aggregation and Meteorological Conditions on the Parameter Robustness of OCO-2 SIF-Based and LUE-Based GPP Models for Croplands
efficient aggregation and overlap removal algorithm for circle maps, An
Efficient and Accurate Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection With Pixel aggregation Network
Efficient and Flexible aggregation and Distribution of MODIS Atmospheric Products Based on Climate Analytics as a Service Framework
Efficient breast cancer diagnosis using multi-level progressive feature aggregation based deep transfer learning system
Efficient depth map estimation method based on gradient weight cost aggregation strategy
Efficient Method of Crowd aggregation Computation in Public Areas, An
Efficient Multimodal aggregation Network for Video-Text Retrieval, An
Efficient path aggregation and error control for video streaming
Efficient Stereo Matching Using Histogram aggregation with Multiple Slant Hypotheses
Efficient Super Resolution by Recursive aggregation
Elastic aggregation for Federated Optimization
Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-Scale aggregation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
End-to-End Edge aggregation Network for Moving Object Segmentation, An
End-to-End Temporal Feature aggregation for Siamese Trackers
Energy Consumption Optimization of Swin Transformer Based on Local aggregation and Group-Wise Transformation
Energy-Motion Features aggregation Network for Players' Fine-Grained Action Analysis in Soccer Videos
Enhancing feature fusion with spatial aggregation and channel fusion for semantic segmentation
Enhancing fine-detail image synthesis from text descriptions by text aggregation and connection fusion module
Enhancing Generalization of Universal Adversarial Perturbation through Gradient aggregation
Enriched CNN-Transformer Feature aggregation Networks for Super-Resolution
ESA: External Space Attention aggregation for Image-Text Retrieval
Estimation of Changes of Forest Structural Attributes at Three Different Spatial aggregation Levels in Northern California using Multitemporal LiDAR
Evaluation and aggregation Properties of Thermal Infra-Red-Based Evapotranspiration Algorithms from 100 m to the km Scale over a Semi-Arid Irrigated Agricultural Area
Evaluation of Penalty Functions for Semi-global Matching Cost aggregation
Evaluation of Selected Cost aggregation Methods On High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images
Explanatory Object Part aggregation for Zero-Shot Learning
Exploiting contextual information for image re-ranking and rank aggregation
Exploiting contextual information for rank aggregation
Exploiting contextual spaces for image re-ranking and rank aggregation
Exploiting feature Representations Through Similarity Learning and Ranking aggregation for Person Re-identification
Exploiting feature representations through similarity learning, post-ranking and ranking aggregation for person re-identification
Explore Spatio-Temporal aggregation for Insubstantial Object Detection: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
Exploring Data aggregation in Policy Learning for Vision-Based Urban Autonomous Driving
Extended Edge Detection: Modeling, Estimation, and aggregation
Extracting Buildings from Aerial Images Using Hierarchical aggregation in 2D and 3D
Face aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
Face anti-spoofing with multifeature videolet aggregation
Face Detection, Bounding Box aggregation and Pose Estimation for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation in the Wild
Facial Expression Recognition on the High aggregation Subgraphs
Facial Expression Recognition Using Hierarchical Features With Deep Comprehensive Multipatches aggregation Convolutional Neural Networks
Facing Imbalanced Classes through aggregation of Classifiers
FADE: Feature aggregation for Depth Estimation With Multi-View Stereo
FANet: Feature aggregation network for RGBD saliency detection
FANet: Feature aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation
FarNet: An Attention-aggregation Network for Long-Range Rail Track Point Cloud Segmentation
FARP-Net: Local-Global Feature aggregation and Relation-Aware Proposals for 3D Object Detection
FASNet: Feature aggregation and Sharing Network for Image Inpainting
Fast hierarchical cost volume aggregation for stereo-matching
Fast Light-field Disparity Estimation with Multi-disparity-scale Cost aggregation
Fast Monocular Depth Estimation via Side Prediction aggregation with Continuous Spatial Refinement
Fast Video Object Segmentation With Temporal aggregation Network and Dynamic Template Matching
Fast-Convergent Federated Learning via Cyclic aggregation
Feature aggregation and Propagation Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
Feature aggregation and Region-Aware Learning for Detection of Splicing Forgery
Feature aggregation Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing
Feature aggregation Convolution Network for Haze Removal
Feature aggregation Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
Feature aggregation in Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer Using Multilingual BERT
Feature aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
Feature aggregation Networks Based on Dual Attention Capsules for Visual Object Tracking
Feature aggregation via Attention Mechanism for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
Feature Alignment and aggregation Siamese Networks for Fast Visual Tracking
Feature Disentanglement Learning with Switching and aggregation for Video-based Person Re-Identification
Flow-Guided Feature aggregation for Video Object Detection
Forecasting Regional Sugarcane Yield Based on Time Integral and Spatial aggregation of MODIS NDVI
Foreign Shadow Robust Makeup Transfer via Hierarchical Deep aggregation and Disentangled Representation
Formal Model and Mixed-Integer Program for Area aggregation in Map Generalization, A
Frame aggregation and Multi-Modal Fusion Framework for Video-Based Person Recognition
Frame-to-Frame aggregation of Active Regions in Web Videos for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Frequency-Aware Feature aggregation Network with Dual-Task Consistency for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
From Individual to Whole: Reducing Intra-class Variance by Feature aggregation
From Less to More: Spectral Splitting and aggregation Network for Hyperspectral Face Super-Resolution
From Points to Parts: 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud With Part-Aware and Part-aggregation Network
From Social to Individuals: A Parsimonious Path of Multi-Level Models for Crowdsourced Preference aggregation
FSA-Net: Learning Fine-Grained Structure aggregation for Head Pose Estimation From a Single Image
full-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment index based on stable aggregation of monocular and binocular visual features, A
Fuzzy aggregation of image features in content-based image retrieval
G-FAN: Graph-Based Feature aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
GA-Net: Guided aggregation Net for End-To-End Stereo Matching
Gait Recognition via Effective Global-Local Feature Representation and Local Temporal aggregation
Gas Plume Target Detection in Multibeam Water Column Image Using Deep Residual aggregation Structure and Attention Mechanism
Gated Context aggregation Network for Image Dehazing and Deraining
Gated Path aggregation Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
Gaussian meta-feature balanced aggregation for few-shot synthetic aperture radar target detection
GCFAgg: Global and Cross-View Feature aggregation for Multi-View Clustering
General Descent aggregation Framework for Gradient-Based Bi-Level Optimization, A
Generalised cylinders from local aggregation of sections
Generalization of the weighted product aggregation applied to data fusion of intuitionistic fuzzy quantities
generalized adaptive ensemble generation and aggregation approach for multiple classifier systems, A
Generalized aggregation of Sparse Coded Multi-Spectra for Satellite Scene Classification
Generalized pyramid co-attention with learnable aggregation net for video question answering
Generalizing aggregation Functions in GNNs: Building High Capacity and Robust GNNs via Nonlinear Aggregation
Generalizing aggregation Functions in GNNs: Building High Capacity and Robust GNNs via Nonlinear Aggregation
Geometry Guided Feature aggregation in Video Face Recognition
GL-Net: Semantic segmentation for point clouds of shield tunnel via global feature learning and local feature discriminative aggregation
Global aggregation Then Local Distribution for Scene Parsing
Global and local information aggregation network for edge-aware salient object detection
Global Feature aggregation for Accident Anticipation
GMM-based saliency aggregation for calibration-free gaze estimation
Gradient aggregation based fine-grained image retrieval: A unified viewpoint for CNN and Transformer
Graph aggregation Based Image Modeling and Indexing for Video Annotation
Graph Based Unsupervised Feature aggregation for Face Recognition, A
graph convolutional neural network model with Fisher vector encoding and channel-wise spatial-temporal aggregation for skeleton-based action recognition, A
Graph-Based Region and Boundary aggregation for Biomedical Image Segmentation
GraphAIR: Graph representation learning with neighborhood aggregation and interaction
Ground Plane Context aggregation Network for Day-and-Night on Vehicular Pedestrian Detection
Grouped Spatial-Temporal aggregation for Efficient Action Recognition
Guided Cluster aggregation: A Hierarchical Approach to Generalized Category Discovery
Guided Sampling Based Feature aggregation for Video Object Detection
H.264/AVC video packet aggregation and unequal error protection for noisy channels
HAAV: Hierarchical aggregation of Augmented Views for Image Captioning
HAMIL: Hierarchical aggregation-based multi-instance learning for microscopy image classification
Hand-held video deblurring via efficient Fourier aggregation
HELA-VFA: A Hellinger Distance-Attention-based Feature aggregation Network for Few-Shot Classification
Heterogeneous Hierarchical Feature aggregation Network for Personalized Micro-Video Recommendation
Heterogeneous Image Change Detection Based on Deep Image Translation and Feature Refinement-aggregation
Hierarchical aggregation Based Deep Aging Feature for Age Prediction
Hierarchical aggregation for 3D Instance Segmentation
Hierarchical aggregation for efficient shape extraction
Hierarchical and Multi-Level Cost aggregation for Stereo Matching
Hierarchical Feature aggregation Based on Transformer for Image-Text Matching
hierarchical stereo matching algorithm based on adaptive support region aggregation method, A
High dynamic range imaging via gradient-aware context aggregation network
High-level feature aggregation for fine-grained architectural floor plan retrieval
High-Quality Real-Time Stereo Using Adaptive Cost aggregation and Dynamic Programming
High-Resolution Dual-Stage Multi-Level Feature aggregation for Single Image and Video Deblurring
High-Throughput Depth Estimation Processor for Accurate Semiglobal Stereo Matching Using Pipelined Inter-Pixel aggregation, A
Histogram-based cost aggregation strategy with joint bilateral filtering for stereo matching
HPA-Net: Hierarchical and Parallel aggregation Network for Context Learning in Stereo Matching
Human Face Image Recognition: An Evidence aggregation Approach
Hybrid aggregation of Sparse Coded Descriptors for Food Recognition
Hybrid-TransCD: A Hybrid Transformer Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Network via Token aggregation
Hyperdimensional computing as a framework for systematic aggregation of image descriptors
IAFA: Instance-Aware Feature aggregation for 3d Object Detection from a Single Image
IAN: The Individual aggregation Network for Person Search
IDANet: An Information Distillation and aggregation Network for Speech Enhancement
Identity Consistency Multi-Viewpoint Generative aggregation for Person Re-Identification
Identity-Consistent aggregation for Video Object Detection
Image Re-ranking and Rank aggregation Based on Similarity of Ranked Lists
Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up aggregation and Cue Integration
Improved Fusion of Spatial Information into Hyperspectral Classification through the aggregation of Constrained Segment Trees: Segment Forest
Improved quadruple sparse census transform and adaptive multi-shape aggregation algorithms for precise stereo matching
Improving Action Quality Assessment Using Weighted aggregation
Improving Computer-Aided Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Random View aggregation
Improving Image Restoration by Revisiting Global Information aggregation
Improving Large-Scale Image Retrieval Through Robust aggregation of Local Descriptors
Improving multispectral pedestrian detection with scale-aware permutation attention and adjacent feature aggregation
Improving Person Re-Identification With Iterative Impression aggregation
Improving Semi-global Matching: Cost aggregation And Confidence Measure
Improving Spectral Clustering Using Spectrum-Preserving Node aggregation
Improving the search accuracy of the VLAD through weighted aggregation of local descriptors
Incremental trajectory aggregation in video sequences
Indoor Crowd Detection Network Framework Based on Feature aggregation Module and Hybrid Attention Selection Module, An
Infinite-dimensional feature aggregation via a factorized bilinear model
Influence of Spatial aggregation on Prediction Accuracy of Green Vegetation Using Boosted Regression Trees
Information Fusion Problem and Rule Based Hypothesis Applied to Complex aggregations of Image Events, The
Instance Segmentation Method for Anthracnose Based on Swin Transformer and Path aggregation, An
Integrating monomodal biometric matchers through logistic regression rank aggregation approach
Interaction-And-aggregation Network for Person Re-Identification
Intermediary-Guided Bidirectional Spatial-Temporal aggregation Network for Video-Based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Intra-Clip aggregation For Video Person Re-Identification
Intrusion Detection for Maritime Transportation Systems With Batch Federated aggregation
Investigating intrinsic degradation factors by multi-branch aggregation for real-world underwater image enhancement
Joint Histogram-Based Cost aggregation for Stereo Matching
Joint Optimal Quantization and aggregation of Federated Learning Scheme in VANETs
Kernel-based feature aggregation framework in point cloud networks
Kernelized Few-shot Object Detection with Efficient Integral aggregation
Knowledge aggregation networks for class incremental learning
L-DAWA: Layer-wise Divergence Aware Weight aggregation in Federated Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
Label Consistent Fisher Vectors for Supervised Feature aggregation
Land Cover Classification Using Fuzzy Rules and aggregation of Contextual Information Through Evidence Theory
Language-Guided Multi-Granularity Context aggregation for Temporal Sentence Grounding
Layer-Wise Geometry aggregation Framework for Lossless LiDAR Point Cloud Compression
Layer-wised Model aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning
LBP-based progressive feature aggregation network for low-light image enhancement
Learning a General-Purpose Confidence Measure Based on O(1) Features and a Smarter aggregation Strategy for Semi Global Matching
Learning Convolution Feature aggregation via Edge Attention Convolution Network for Person Re-Identification
Learning Discriminative aggregation Network for Video-Based Face Recognition
Learning Discriminative aggregation Network for Video-Based Face Recognition and Person Re-identification
Learning Feature aggregation for Deep 3D Morphable Models
Learning feature aggregation in temporal domain for re-identification
Learning Multi-Layer Attention aggregation Siamese Network for Robust RGBT Tracking
Learning Multi-View aggregation In the Wild for Large-Scale 3D Semantic Segmentation
Learning Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Pixel aggregations for Image and Video Denoising
Learning to Combine: Knowledge aggregation for Multi-source Domain Adaptation
Learning to Estimate Hidden Motions with Global Motion aggregation
Lightweight Object Detection Method in Aerial Images Based on Dense Feature Fusion Path aggregation Network, A
Linking Objects of Different Spatial Data Sets by Integration and aggregation
Lisnet: A Covid-19 Lung Infection Segmentation Network Based on Edge Supervision and Multi-Scale Context aggregation
Little Truth Injection But a Big Reward: Label aggregation With Graph Neural Networks, A
LLA-Flow: A Lightweight Local aggregation on Cost Volume for Optical Flow Estimation
Local aggregation for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Embeddings
Local Evidence aggregation for Regression-Based Facial Point Detection
Local feature aggregation for blind image quality assessment
Local Feature aggregation Method for Music Retrieval, A
Local Multi-Scale Feature aggregation Network for Real-Time Image Dehazing
Local stereo matching with 3D adaptive cost aggregation for slanted surface modeling and sub-pixel accuracy
Local Stereo Matching with Edge-Based Cost aggregation and Occlusion Handling
Local-aggregation Graph Networks
Local-Sparse-Information-aggregation Transformer with Explicit Contour Guidance for SAR Ship Detection, A
Local-to-Global Cost aggregation for Semantic Correspondence
Long-Short Term Spatio-Temporal aggregation for Trajectory Prediction
Lossless aggregation for Transporting Stored Video over a CBR Communications Channel
Low Quality Video Face Recognition: Multi-Mode aggregation Recurrent Network (MARN)
Low-Level Feature aggregation Networks for Disease Severity Estimation of Coffee Leaves
Lucky DCT aggregation for camera shake removal
M2OVQA: Multi-space signal characterization and multi-channel information aggregation for quality assessment of compressed omnidirectional videos
MADAN: Multi-source Adversarial Domain aggregation Network for Domain Adaptation
MADANet: A Lightweight Hyperspectral Image Classification Network with Multiscale Feature aggregation and a Dual Attention Mechanism
Main-Auxiliary aggregation Strategy for Video Anomaly Detection
MAMask: Multi-feature aggregation instance segmentation with pyramid attention mechanism
Margin-based ordered aggregation for ensemble pruning
Mask-guided multiscale feature aggregation network for hand gesture recognition
MEGA: Multimodal Alignment aggregation and Distillation For Cinematic Video Segmentation
Membershipmap: data transformation based on membership aggregation
Memory aggregation Networks for Efficient Interactive Video Object Segmentation
Memory Enhanced Global-Local aggregation for Video Object Detection
method for extracting burned areas from Landsat TM/ETM+ images by soft aggregation of multiple Spectral Indices and a region growing algorithm, A
MFANet: A Multi-Level Feature aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
MFANet: Multifaceted Feature aggregation Network for Oil Stains Detection of High-Speed Trains
MFATNet: Multi-Scale Feature aggregation via Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
MFCANet: A Road Scene Segmentation Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Context Information aggregation
MGPAN: Mask Guided Pixel aggregation Network
Mimic Embedding via Adaptive aggregation: Learning Generalizable Person Re-identification
Misalignment-Free Relation aggregation for Multi-Source-Free Domain Adaptation
Mitigating the Impact of Field and Image Registration Errors through Spatial aggregation
Mixability of integral losses: A key to efficient online aggregation of functional and probabilistic forecasts
Mixture Model for aggregation of Multiple Pre-Trained Weak Classifiers, A
Mobile-Oriented Hand Segmentation Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Multiscale aggregation, A
Modality Synergy Complement Learning with Cascaded aggregation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Model-Based Edgel aggregation
Model-Guided Multi-Path Knowledge aggregation for Aerial Saliency Prediction
Modeling Evapotranspiration at Larger Temporal Scales: Effects of Temporal aggregation and Data Gaps
Motion Feature aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
Motor-Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Signal Derivation and aggregation Functions
MPANET: Multi-Scale Pyramid aggregation Network for Stereo Matching
Mscanet: Adaptive Multi-scale Context aggregation Network for Congested Crowd Counting
MTA Dataset for Multi Target Multi Camera Pedestrian Tracking by Weighted Distance aggregation, The
MTSCANet: Multi temporal resolution temporal semantic context aggregation network
MuCAN: Multi-correspondence aggregation Network for Video Super-resolution
Multi-Feature aggregation for Semantic Segmentation of an Urban Scene Point Cloud
Multi-Granularity aggregation Transformer for Joint Video-Audio-Text Representation Learning
Multi-Granularity aggregation Transformer for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
Multi-Granularity Reference-Aided Attentive Feature aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
Multi-Label Visual Feature Learning with Attentional aggregation
Multi-layer and Multi-scale feature aggregation for DIBR-Synthesized image quality assessment
Multi-layer CNN Features aggregation for Real-time Visual Tracking
Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature aggregation Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-Tagging
Multi-level Attention aggregation for Aesthetic Face Relighting
Multi-Level Context Ultra-aggregation for Stereo Matching
Multi-level Gate Feature aggregation with Spatially Adaptive Batch-instance Normalization for Semantic Image Synthesis
Multi-Modal Tumor Segmentation With Deformable aggregation and Uncertain Region Inpainting
Multi-Object Tracking Based on Deep Path aggregation Network
Multi-Range View aggregation Network With Vision Transformer Feature Fusion for 3D Object Retrieval
Multi-receptive Field aggregation Network for single image deraining
Multi-Scale aggregation Network for Direct Face Alignment
Multi-Scale aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposals
Multi-Scale aggregation Transformers for Multispectral Object Detection
Multi-Scale Attentive aggregation for LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation
Multi-Scale Context aggregation for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
Multi-Scale Convolution aggregation and Stochastic Feature Reuse for DenseNets
Multi-scale feature aggregation and boundary awareness network for salient object detection
Multi-Scale Feature aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
Multi-Scale Feature aggregation Network for Water Area Segmentation
Multi-Scale Feature Map aggregation and Supervised Domain Adaptation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Urban Building Footprint Extraction
Multi-Scale Hierarchy Deep Feature aggregation for Compact Image Representations
Multi-scale homography estimation based on dual feature aggregation transformer
Multi-Scale Multi-View Deep Feature aggregation for Food Recognition
Multi-Scale Neighborhood Feature Extraction and aggregation for Point Cloud Segmentation
Multi-Scale Object Detector Based on Coordinate and Global Information aggregation for UAV Aerial Images, A
Multi-scale Patch aggregation (MPA) for Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation
Multi-scale Visual aggregation Residual Network for Super-Resolution
Multi-Semantics aggregation Network Based on the Dynamic-Attention Mechanism for 3D Human Motion Prediction
Multi-Source aggregation Transformer for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Images
Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal aggregation Transformer for Video Person Re-Identification
Multi-view Data aggregation for Behaviour Analysis in Video Surveillance Systems
Multi-View Spatial aggregation Framework for Joint Localization and Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck CT Images
Multilevel Spatial-Temporal Feature aggregation for Video Object Detection
Multimodal aggregation Network With Serial Self-Attention Mechanism for Micro-Video Multi-Label Classification, A
Multiple instance real boosting with aggregation functions
Multiplexing Video Traffic Using Frame-skipping aggregation Technique
Multiscale Feature aggregation Capsule Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
Multiscale Supervision-Guided Context aggregation Network for Single Image Dehazing
Multitask Multigranularity aggregation With Global-Guided Attention for Video Person Re-Identification
National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal aggregation
Near real-time stereo based on effective cost aggregation
Neighborhood Supported Model Level Fuzzy aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
Neural aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
New Approach for Feature Point Classification, aggregation, and Description, A
New Approach for Interpreting the Morisita Index of aggregation through Quadrat Size, A
NL-Means and aggregation procedures
Non-Local aggregation for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
non-local cost aggregation method for stereo matching, A
Non-trivial Feature Derivation For Intensifying Feature Detection Using Lidar Datasets Through Allometric aggregation Data Analysis Applying Diffused Hierarchical Clustering For Discriminating Agricultural Land Cover In Portions Of Northern Mindanao, Philippines
Normal Assisted Pixel-Visibility Learning With Cost aggregation for Multiview Stereo
NORPPA: NOvel Ringed Seal Re-Identification by Pelage Pattern aggregation
novel active learning framework for classification: Using weighted rank aggregation to achieve multiple query criteria, A
Novel Adaptive Edge aggregation and Multiscale Feature Interaction Detector for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
Novel Asymmetric Pyramid aggregation Network for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection
Novel Attention-based aggregation Function to Combine Vision and Language, A
novel deep network and aggregation model for saliency detection, A
novel fuzzy classifier based on product aggregation operator, A
NUTA: Non-uniform Temporal aggregation for Action Recognition
Object matching using feature aggregation over a frame sequence
Object-Aware aggregation With Bidirectional Temporal Graph for Video Captioning
Object-Based aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval
Omni aggregation Networks for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
On aggregation of Unsupervised Deep Binary Descriptor With Weak Bits
On rank aggregation for face recognition from videos
On the choice of number of superstates in the aggregation of Markov chains
On the Importance of Feature aggregation for Face Reconstruction
On Visualization and aggregation of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
Online aggregation of probability forecasts with confidence
Online Asymmetric Metric Learning With Multi-Layer Similarity aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Online Metro Origin-Destination Prediction via Heterogeneous Information aggregation
Online Multi-object Tracking via Structural Constraint Event aggregation
Online Video Recommendation through Tag-Cloud aggregation
OPANAS: One-Shot Path aggregation Network Architecture Search for Object Detection
Optimal Encoding of Graph Homomorphism Energy Using Fuzzy Information aggregation Operators
Optimal Load Scheduling of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles via Weight-aggregation Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Optimized Segmentation Based on the Weighted aggregation Method for Loess Bank Gully Mapping
Ordered Weighted aggregation Networks for Video Face Recognition
Orientation Covariant aggregation of Local Descriptors with Embeddings
OSCAR: a framework to integrate spatial computing ability and data aggregation for emergency management of public health
Outlier aggregation to pick up scattered watermark energy
Outlier-Robust Neural aggregation Network for Video Face Identification
P-MVSNet: Learning Patch-Wise Matching Confidence aggregation for Multi-View Stereo
Paddy Field Expansion and aggregation Since the Mid-1950s in a Cold Region and Its Possible Causes
ParkCrowd: Reliable Crowdsensing for aggregation and Dissemination of Parking Space Information
Part aggregation in a compositional model based on the evaluation of feature cooccurrence statistics
Partial rank aggregation using multiobjective genetic algorithm: Application in ranking genes
Past Information aggregation for Multi-Person Tracking
Path aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
Performance Study on Different Cost aggregation Approaches Used in Real-Time Stereo Matching, A
Person Re-identification via Recurrent Feature aggregation
Person Reidentification via Ranking aggregation of Similarity Pulling and Dissimilarity Pushing
Perspective Flow aggregation for Data-Limited 6D Object Pose Estimation
Phase-wise Parameter aggregation For Improving SGD Optimization
Pixel resolution plenoptic disparity using cost aggregation
PMBANet: Progressive Multi-Branch aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution
Point Set Multi-Level aggregation Feature Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Max Pooling and LDA for Point Cloud Classification
Point-Voxel and Bird-Eye-View Representation aggregation Network for Single Stage 3D Object Detection
Pose Calibrated Feature aggregation for Face Set Recognition
Post-aggregation stereo matching method using Dempster-Shafer theory
Predicting Forest Age Classes from High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Voronoi Polygon aggregation
Preserving local spatial information in image similarity using tensor aggregation of local features
Probabilistic model supported rank aggregation for the semantic concept detection in video
Progressive Context-Aware aggregation Network Combining Multi-Scale and Multi-Level Dense Reconstruction for Building Change Detection
Progressive Contextual aggregation Empowered by Pixel-Wise Confidence Scoring for Image Inpainting
Properties of the generalised fuzzy aggregation operators
Prototype Reminiscence and Augmented Asymmetric Knowledge aggregation for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning
Pyramid Feature aggregation for Hierarchical Quality Prediction of Stitched Panoramic Images
Pyramid Multi-view Stereo Net with Self-adaptive View aggregation
Pyramid Spatial-Temporal aggregation for Video-based Person Re-Identification
QDFA: Query-Dependent Feature aggregation for Medical Image Retrieval
Quality Assessment for Stitched Panoramic Images via Patch Registration and Bidimensional Feature aggregation
Quantification of Underwater Sargassum aggregations Based on a Semi-Analytical Approach Applied to Sentinel-3/OLCI (Copernicus) Data in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Quantifying Efficiency of Sliding-Window Based aggregation Technique by Using Predictive Modeling on Landform Attributes Derived from DEM and NDVI
Radical aggregation network for few-shot offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
Random image frequency aggregation dropout in image classification for deep convolutional neural networks
RANet: A Reliability-Guided aggregation Network for Hyperspectral and RGB Fusion Tracking
Rank aggregation Framework for Video Interestingness Prediction, A
Re-ranking and TOPSIS-based ensemble feature selection with multi-stage aggregation for text categorization
Real time stereo vision using exponential step cost aggregation on GPU
Real-Time Accurate Stereo Matching Using Modified Two-Pass aggregation and Winner-Take-All Guided Dynamic Programming
Real-time and accurate object detection in compressed video by long short-term feature aggregation
Real-time deep image super-resolution via global context aggregation and local queue jumping
Real-Time Semantic Scene Completion Via Feature aggregation And Conditioned Prediction
Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via Auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature aggregation
Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context aggregation Network
Real-time Semantic SLAM with DCNN-based Feature Point Detection, Matching and Dense Point Cloud aggregation
Real-time stereo vision system using adaptive weight cost aggregation approach
Recognition of arrows in line drawings based on the aggregation of geometric criteria using the Choquet integral
Recombinator Networks: Learning Coarse-to-Fine Feature aggregation
Recurrent Context aggregation Network for Single Image Dehazing
Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
Recurrent Temporal aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
Refining Method For Building Object aggregation And Footprint Modelling Using Multi-source Data, A
Regional Semantic Contrast and aggregation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Regularized tessellation density estimation with bootstrap aggregation and complexity penalization
Relaxed Spatio-Temporal Deep Feature aggregation for Real-Fake Expression Prediction
Relevance aggregation projections for image retrieval
Reliability-Based Local Features aggregation for Image Segmentation
Remote sensing image analysis by aggregation of segmentation-classification collaborative agents
Remote Sensing Imagery and Signature Fields Reconstruction Via aggregation of Robust Regularization with Neural Computing
Representation learning for very short texts using weighted word embedding aggregation
Residual Feature aggregation Network for Image Super-Resolution
Rethinking 3D cost aggregation in stereo matching
revisit to cost aggregation in stereo matching: How far can we reduce its computational redundancy?, A
RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification Via Multi-Modality Relation aggregation and Graph Convolution Network
Rich Context aggregation with Reflection Prior for Glass Surface Detection
Road signs recognition using a dynamic pixel aggregation technique in the HSV color space
Robust and scalable aggregation of local features for ultra large-scale retrieval
Robust Attentional aggregation of Deep Feature Sets for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction
Robust Facial Landmark Detection via aggregation on Geometrically Manipulated Faces
Robust object detection using marginal space learning and ranking-based multi-detector aggregation: Application to left ventricle detection in 2D MRI images
Robust object re-identification with Grassmann subspace feature for key points aggregation
Robust segment-based Stereo using Cost aggregation
Robustification of Deep Net Classifiers by Key Based Diversified aggregation with Pre-Filtering
Rotation Tolerant Hand Pose Recognition Using aggregation of Gradient Orientations
Saliency aggregation: A Data-Driven Approach
Saliency aggregation: Does Unity Make Strength?
saliency detection model using aggregation degree of color and texture, A
Salient Object Detection via Deep Hierarchical Context aggregation and Multi-Layer Supervision
Salient Object Detection With Edge-Guided Learning and Specific aggregation
Sampling and Reconstruction of Diffused Sparse Graph Signals From Successive Local aggregations
Scalable Hash From Triplet Loss Feature aggregation For Video De-duplication
Scale aggregation Network for Accurate and Efficient Crowd Counting
Scale-Adaptive Feature aggregation for Efficient Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
Scale-Adaptive Neural Dense Features: Learning via Hierarchical Context aggregation
Scale-Invariant Multi-Level Context aggregation Network for Weakly Supervised Building Extraction
SCFANet: Semantics and Context Feature aggregation Network for 360° Salient Object Detection
SCTANet: A Spatial Attention-Guided CNN-Transformer aggregation Network for Deep Face Image Super-Resolution
Second-Order Democratic aggregation
Segment-Tree Based Cost aggregation for Stereo Matching
Segmentation and aggregation: An Approach to Figure-Ground Phenomena
Segmentation by weighted aggregation and perceptual hash for pedestrian detection
Selective Convolutional Descriptor aggregation for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
Selective Spatio-Temporal aggregation Based Pose Refinement System: Towards Understanding Human Activities in Real-World Videos
Self-adaptive Multi-scale aggregation Network for Stereo Matching
Self-Attentive Local aggregation Learning With Prototype Guided Regularization for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of High-Speed Railways
Self-distilled Feature aggregation for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Self-Supervised Neural aggregation Networks for Human Parsing
Semi-Autonomous Learning Algorithm for Remote Image Object Detection Based on aggregation Area Instance Refinement
Semi-dense and robust image registration by shift adapted weighted aggregation and variational completion
Sequence Level Semantics aggregation for Video Object Detection
Sequential Video VLAD: Training the aggregation Locally and Temporally
Sequentially Refined Spatial and Channel-Wise Feature aggregation in Encoder-Decoder Network for Single Image Dehazing
Shape from Texture: A Brief Overview and a New aggregation Transform
Shape from Texture: An aggregation Transform That Maps a Class of Textures into Surface Orientation
Shape similarity assessment based on partial feature aggregation and ranking lists
Short-term and Long-term Context aggregation Network for Video Inpainting
Shrinking classification trees for boot-strap aggregation
Shunted Self-Attention via Multi-Scale Token aggregation
SiamMBFAN: Siamese tracker with multi-branch feature aggregation network
Single image deraining using Context aggregation Recurrent Network
Single Shot Feature aggregation Network for Underwater Object Detection
Single-Shot Object Detector with Feature aggregation and Enhancement, A
SliceMatch: Geometry-Guided aggregation for Cross-View Pose Estimation
Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Topological Line Localization and Temporal Feature aggregation
SOAP: Cross-sensor Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection Using Stationary Object aggregation Pseudo-labelling
Soft Cost aggregation with Multi-resolution Fusion
Sparse aggregation Framework for Optical Flow Estimation
Sparse Overcomplete Denoising: aggregation Versus Global Optimization
Sparse point-voxel aggregation network for efficient point cloud semantic segmentation
Spatial aggregation: Theory and Applications
Spatial-tree filter for cost aggregation in stereo matching
Spatio-Temporal Crop aggregation for Video Representation Learning
Spatio-Temporal Outdoor Lighting aggregation on Image Sequences Using Transformer Networks
Spatiotemporal Evolution Patterns of the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Space-Time aggregation and Spatial Statistics: A Global Perspective
Spatiotemporal Progressive Inward-Outward aggregation Network for skeleton-based action recognition
Spectral aggregation for clustering ensemble
SPiraL aggregation Map (SPLAM): A new descriptor for robust template matching with fast algorithm
StairNet: Top-Down Semantic aggregation for Accurate One Shot Detection
Stereo Disparity through Cost aggregation with Guided Filter
Stereo matching algorithm based on improved census transform and minimum spanning tree cost aggregation
Stereo Matching Based on Efficient Image-Guided Cost aggregation
Stop-and-Wait: Discover aggregation Effect Based on Private Car Trajectory Data
Structure aggregation for Cross-Spectral Stereo Image Guided Denoising
Supervised penalty-based aggregation applied to motor-imagery based brain-computer-interface
Support aggregation via Non-linear Diffusion with Disparity-Dependent Support-Weights for Stereo Matching
SVCNet: Scribble-Based Video Colorization Network With Temporal aggregation
Tailored aggregation for Classification
Tale of HodgeRank and Spectral Method: Target Attack Against Rank aggregation is the Fixed Point of Adversarial Game, A
TAN: Temporal aggregation Network for Dense Multi-Label Action Recognition
Target Adaptive Context aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation
Target Detection Using Phase-Based Gabor Element aggregation
TDCC: top-down semantic aggregation for colour constancy
TEA: Temporal Excitation and aggregation for Action Recognition
Teacher-Student Learning: Efficient Hierarchical Message aggregation Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Temporal aggregation for large-scale query-by-image video retrieval
Temporal aggregation with Clip-level Attention for Video-based Person Re-identification
Temporal Context aggregation for Video Retrieval with Contrastive Learning
Temporal Context aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposal Refinement
Temporal-adaptive sparse feature aggregation for video object detection
Terrain-dependent aggregation of 3D city models
Text Position-Aware Pixel aggregation Network With Adaptive Gaussian Threshold: Detecting Text in the Wild
Texture segmentation by multiscale aggregation of filter responses and shape elements
Theory of Spatio-Temporal aggregation for Vision, A
Three-Stream Cross-Modal Feature aggregation Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection
TMA: Temporal Motion aggregation for Event-based Optical Flow
Toward More Robust and Real-Time Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Detection and Tracking via Cross-Scale Feature aggregation Based on the Center Keypoint
Towards Content-independent Multi-reference Super-resolution: Adaptive Pattern Matching and Feature aggregation
Transformer-Based Feature Compensation and aggregation for DeepFake Detection
Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and aggregation for Multi-contrast MRI Super-resolution
TransPillars: Coarse-to-Fine aggregation for Multi-Frame 3D Object Detection
TransVPR: Transformer-Based Place Recognition with Multi-Level Attention aggregation
Tree Structure-Aware Few-Shot Image Classification via Hierarchical aggregation
Triangulation Embedding and Democratic aggregation for Image Search
Truck Parking Pattern aggregation and Availability Prediction by Deep Learning
TSA2: Temporal Segment Adaptation and aggregation for Video Harmonization
Tumor Detection in Automated Breast Ultrasound Using 3-D CNN and Prioritized Candidate aggregation
Understanding Private Car aggregation Effect via Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Trajectory Data
Underwater object detection algorithm based on feature enhancement and progressive dynamic aggregation strategy
Unified View on Patch aggregation, A
Unifying Sum and Weighted aggregations for Efficient Yet Effective Image Representation Computation
Unpaired MR Motion Artifact Deep Learning Using Outlier-Rejecting Bootstrap aggregation
Unpaired Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution with Multi-Stage aggregation Networks
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Class aggregation for Text Recognition
Unsupervised manifold learning using Reciprocal kNN Graphs in image re-ranking and rank aggregation tasks
Unsupervised Semantic-Based aggregation of Deep Convolutional Features
Use of aggregation pheromone density for image segmentation
Using bandwidth aggregation to improve the performance of quality-adaptive streaming
Using Mask-Based Enhancement and Feature aggregation for Single Image Deraining
Variational aggregation Framework for Patch-Based Optical Flow Estimation, A
VD-LAB: A view-decoupled network with local-global aggregation bridge for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
Vehicle re-identification based on grouping aggregation attention and cross-part interaction
Video Captioning With Object-Aware Spatio-Temporal Correlation and aggregation
Video Object Detection Using Object's Motion Context and Spatio-Temporal Feature aggregation
Video Object Detection via Object-level Temporal aggregation
Video Person Re-Identification using Learned Clip Similarity aggregation
Video Person Re-identification with Competitive Snippet-Similarity aggregation and Co-attentive Snippet Embedding
Video Sampled Frame Category aggregation and Consistent Representation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Video segmentation: Propagation, validation and aggregation of a preceding graph
View Synthesis with Multi-scale Cost aggregation and Confidence Prior
Virtual Adversarial Training-Based Deep Feature aggregation Network From Dynamic Effective Connectivity for MCI Identification
VISOLO: Grid-Based Space-Time aggregation for Efficient Online Video Instance Segmentation
ViSTA: Vision and Scene Text aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Visual query expansion with or without geometry: Refining local descriptors by feature aggregation
Visual Word aggregation
Wacnet: Word Segmentation Guided Characters aggregation Net for Scene Text Spotting With Arbitrary Shapes
WAEF: Weighted aggregation with Enhancement Filter for Visual Object Tracking
Web-Scale Image Retrieval Using Compact Tensor aggregation of Visual Descriptors
Weighted aggregation for guided image filtering
Where and How to Transfer: Knowledge aggregation-Induced Transferability Perception for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Where Maps Lie: Visualization of Perceptual Fallacy in Choropleth Maps at Different Levels of aggregation
Window-Based Three-Dimensional aggregation for Stereo Matching
Yet Another Cost aggregation Over Models
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aggregative Modeling of Nonlinear Systems
Decentralized Equilibrium Seeking of Joint Routing and Destination Planning of Electric Vehicles: A Constrained aggregative Game Approach
new similarity-based classifier with Dombi aggregative operators, A
Progressive modality-complement aggregative multitransformer for domain multi-modal neural machine translation

aggregator operations considering authentication for electrical charging of EVs
Bidding Strategies in Energy and Reserve Markets for an aggregator of Multiple EV Fast Charging Stations With Battery Storage
Coherence-aware context aggregator for fast video object segmentation
Meta-aggregator: Learning to Aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neural Networks
MFIALane: Multiscale Feature Information aggregator Network for Lane Detection
Traffic State Data Imputation: An Efficient Generating Method Based on the Graph aggregator
Underwater Moving Object Detection using an End-to-End Encoder-Decoder Architecture and GraphSage with aggregator and Refactoring
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Automatic Audio-Visual Fusion for aggression Detection Using Meta-information
CASSANDRA: audio-video sensor fusion for aggression detection
comparative study on automatic audio-visual fusion for aggression detection using meta-information, A
Detecting aggression in Voice Using Inverse Filtered Speech Features
Multi-modal human aggression detection
Nonverbal Behavioral Patterns Predict Social Rejection Elicited aggression
Verbal aggression detection in complex social environments
Video measurement of resident-on-resident physical aggression in nursing homes
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aggressive region growing for speckle reduction in ultrasound images
Application of Real Field Connected Vehicle Data for aggressive Driving Identification on Horizontal Curves
Bold but Cautious: Unlocking the Potential of Personalized Federated Learning through Cautiously aggressive Collaboration
Endoscope 3-D motion tracking using an aggressive particle filtering for boosting electromagnetic guidance endoscopy
Face analysis of aggressive moods in automobile driving using mutual subspace method
Finding connected components in digital images by aggressive reuse of labels
How Smartphone Accelerometers Reveal aggressive Driving Behavior?: The Key is the Representation
Implementing Low Level Features for Human aggressive Movement Detection
improved geometric descriptor associated with wavelet transform for aggressive human behaviour recognition, An
Joint Token Pruning and Squeezing Towards More aggressive Compression of Vision Transformers
New aggressive way to search for the best base in wavelet packets
Passive-aggressive for On-Line Learning in Statistical Machine Translation
Passive-aggressive online learning with nonlinear embeddings
Priority-Based 6T/8T Hybrid SRAM Architecture for aggressive Voltage Scaling in Video Applications, A
real time aggressive human behaviour detection system in cage environment across multiple cameras, A
Recognition of Trip-Based aggressive Driving: A System Integrated With Gaussian Mixture Model Structured of Factor-Analysis, and Hierarchical Clustering
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Driver aggressiveness detection using visual information from forward camera
May Radiomic Data Predict Prostate Cancer aggressiveness?
Modeling and Detecting aggressiveness From Driving Signals
On the Effectiveness of 3D Vision Transformers for the Prediction of Prostate Cancer aggressiveness

Index for "a"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:10:16
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