Update Dates 0110

0110 * *ACM International Multimedia Conference
* 2.5-D simultaneous multislice reconstruction by series expansion methods from Fourier-rebinned PET data
* 2D-3D Rigid Registration of X-Ray Fluoroscopy and CT Images Using Mutual Information and Sparsely Sampled Histogram Estimators
* 3-D Interpretation of Single Line Drawings Based on Entropy Minimization Principle
* 3-D Object Recognition Based on Integration of Range Image and Gray-scale Image
* 3-D reconstruction of coronary arterial tree to optimize angiographic visualization
* 3-D wavelet coding of video with arbitrary regions of support
* 3D Biplanar Reconstruction of Scoliotic Vertebrae Using Statistical Models
* 3D Building Reconstruction by Map Based Generation and Evaluation of Hypotheses
* 3D Head Tracking Using Motion Adaptive Texture-Mapping
* 3D Image Interpolation Based on Directional Coherence
* 3D Line Motion Matrix and Alignment of Line Reconstructions, The
* 3D Model Generation for Cities Using Aerial Photographs and Ground Level Laser Scans
* 3D Object Recognition from Range Images using Local Feature Histograms
* 3D Reconstruction from 360 x 360 Mosaics
* 3D Simultaneous Localisation and Map-Building Using Active Vision for a Robot Moving on Undulating Terrain
* 3D Video Capture, Reconstruction, and Viewing Systems
* 3D wavelet-based multiresolution object representation
* 3D-Orientation Signatures with Conic Kernel Filtering for Multiple Motion Analysis
* Abdominal organ segmentation using texture transforms and a Hopfield neural network
* Accurate alignment of functional EPI data to anatomical MRI using a physics-based distortion model
* active contour model for measuring the area of leg ulcers, An
* Active Fourier Contour Applied To Real Time 3d Ultrasound Of The Heart
* Adaptive Algorithm for Text Detection from Natural Scenes, An
* adaptive approach to unsupervised texture segmentation using M-Band wavelet transform, An
* Adaptive Binning and Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval and Classification
* Adaptive fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance images
* adaptive image interpolation algorithm for image/video processing, An
* Adaptive Quasiconformal Kernel Metric for Image Retrieval
* adaptive segmentation algorithm for time-of-flight MRA data, An
* Adaptive template filtering for signal-to-noise ratio enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging
* Adaptive Visual System for Tracking Low Resolution Colour Targets
* adaptive-focus statistical shape model for segmentation and shape modeling of 3-D brain structures, An
* Addendum: B-spline interpolation in medical image processing
* Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
* Affine Arithmetic Based Estimation of Cue Distributions in Deformable Model Tracking
* Algebraic Approach to Camera Self-Calibration, An
* Algebraic Aspects of Reconstruction of 3D Scenes from One or More Views
* algorithm using projection onto subspace of prior distributions for long-wavelength sound wave CT, An
* Algorithms for cooperative multisensor surveillance
* Alpha Channel Estimation in High Resolution Images and Image Sequences
* AM-FM texture segmentation in electron microscopic muscle imaging
* AMISP: a complete content-based MPEG-2 error-resilient scheme
* Analysis and Detection of Shadows in Video Streams: A Comparative Evaluation
* Analysis and Synthesis of Human Faces with Pose Variations by a Parametric Piecewise Linear Subspace Method
* Analysis of asymmetry in mammograms via directional filtering with gabor wavelets
* Analysis of geometrical distortion and statistical variance in length, area, and volume in a linearly scanned 3-D ultrasound image
* Analysis of the direct Fourier method for computer tomography
* Analytic determination of pinhole collimator sensitivity with penetration
* Anatomical model matching with fuzzy implicit surfaces for segmentation of thoracic volume scans
* Anisotropic 2-D and 3-D averaging of fMRI signals
* Anti-aliased three-dimensional cone-beam reconstruction of low-contrast objects with algebraic methods
* Anti-Sequences: Event Detection by Frame Stacking
* Apparatus and method for detecting, identifying and incorporating advertisements in a video image
* Apparent image formation by compton-scattered photons in gamma-ray imaging
* Appearance Models for Occlusion Handling
* Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using Multiple Views
* Application of Baddeley's distance to dissimilarity measurement between gray scale images
* Application of Distributed Platforms in a Video Surveillance System
* Application of the Active Shape Model in a commercial medical device for bone densitometry
* approximation of a morphological opening and closing in the presence of noise, The
* Arbitrarily shaped video-object coding by wavelet
* Artery-vein separation via MRA-An image processing approach
* Articulated Body Posture Estimation from Multi-Camera Voxel Data
* artificial intelligent algorithm for tumor detection in screening mammogram, An
* Artistic Image Generation By Deviation Mapping
* Asymptotic joint normality of the granulometric moments
* Audio-Visual Event Detection using Duration Dependent Input Output Markov Models
* Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images
* Automated anatomical labeling of the bronchial branch and its application to the virtual bronchoscopy system
* Automated Cartridge Identification for Firearm Authentication
* Automated CT image evaluation of the lung: a morphology-based concept
* Automated detection of pulmonary nodules in helical CT images based on an improved template-matching technique
* Automated manifold surgery: constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models of the human cerebral cortex
* Automated melanoma recognition
* Automated model-based bias field correction of MR images of the brain
* Automated model-based tissue classification of MR images of the brain
* Automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions by model outlier detection
* Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. I. Methodology and validation on normal subjects
* Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. II. Validation on severely atrophied brains
* Automatic Description of Buildings with Complex Rooftops from Multiple Images
* Automatic Determination of Camera Positions and Poses in a Sequence of Snapshots
* Automatic Estimation of the Projected Light Source Direction
* Automatic extraction of eye and mouth fields from a face image using eigenfeatures and multilayer perceptrons
* Automatic image segmentation by integrating color-edge extraction and seeded region growing
* Automatic lung segmentation for accurate quantitation of volumetric X-ray CT images
* Automatic model-based semantic object extraction algorithm
* Automatic Partitioning of High Dimensional Search Spaces Associated with Articulated Body Motion Capture
* Automatic pose determination of 3D shapes based on modeling wave sets: a new data structure for object modeling
* Automatic segmentation of subcortical brain structures in MR images using information fusion
* Bagging Is a Small-Data-Set Phenomenon
* Band Processing Imaging Library for a TriCore-Based Digital Still Camera, A
* Bayesian Approach to Digital Matting, A
* Bayesian Color Constancy for Outdoor Object Recognition
* Bayesian Learning of Sparse Classifiers
* Bayesian Object Localisation in Images
* Bayesian Tracking with Optical Flow Initialization and Re-initialization
* Bee Brains, B-Splines and Computational Democracy: Generating an Average Shape Atlas
* Bending Invariant Representations for Surfaces
* Better Proposal Distributions: Object Tracking Using Unscented Particle Filter
* Binary operator design by k-nearest neighbor learning with application to image resolution increasing
* Biomechanical 3-D finite element modeling of the human breast using MRI data
* Biomechanical modeling of the human head for physically based, nonrigid image registration
* Blending video with synthetic images created from matched viewing environments
* Blind inverse gamma correction
* Border detection on digitized skin tumor images
* Brain tissue classification of magnetic resonance images using partial volume modeling
* Breast tissue density quantification via digitized mammograms
* Buyer's Guide to Euclidean Elliptical Cylindrical and Conical Surface Fitting, A
* CAD system for the automatic detection of clustered microcalcifications in digitized mammogram films, A
* Calculating Dense Disparity Maps from Color Stereo Images, an Efficient Implementation
* Calculation of attenuation factors from combined singles and coincidence emission projections
* Calibrated, Registered Images of an Extended Urban Area
* Calibration of a Moving Camera Using a Planar Pattern: A Centre Line-Based Approach for Varying Focal Length
* Camera Trajectory Estimation using Inertial Sensor Measurements and Structure from Motion Results
* Case Study in the use of ROC curves for Algorithm Design, A
* Categorization of Image Databases for Efficient Retrieval Using Robust Mixture Decomposition
* CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
* CBIR with Perceptual Region Features
* Change detection and background extraction by linear algebra
* characterization of the geometric architecture of the peritalar joint complex via MRI, an aid to classification of foot type, A
* Classification experiments on real-world texture
* Classification of malignant and benign masses based on hybrid ART2LDA approach
* Classified zerotree wavelet image coding and adaptive packetization for low-bit-rate transport
* Classifying mammographic mass shapes using the wavelet transform modulus-maxima method
* Classifying Surveillance Events from Attributes and Behaviour
* Clustering Art
* Color Constant Ratio Gradients for Image Segmentation and Similarity of Textured Objects
* Color image segmentation: advances and prospects
* Colour Image Segmentation by Non-Parametric Density Estimation in Colour Space
* Combination Fingerprint Classifier, A
* Combination of Stereo, Motion and Rendering for 3D Footage Display
* Combining 3D Deformable Models and Level Set Methods for the Segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
* Combining Two-view Constraints for Motion Estimation
* Comments on Retrospective motion correction in digital subtraction angiography: a review
* Comments on the filtered backprojection algorithm, range conditions, and the pseudoinverse solution
* Communication via Eye Blinks: Detection and Duration Analysis in Real Time
* Compact Representation of Bidirectional Texture Functions
* Comparative Evaluation of Moving Shadow Detection Algorithms
* Comparing Constraint-Based Motion Editing Methods
* Comparison of 3-D maximum a posteriori and filtered backprojection algorithms for high-resolution animal imaging with microPET
* Comparison of 3-D reconstruction with 3D-OSEM and with FORE+OSEM for PET
* Comparison of 3D Algorithms for Non-rigid Motion and Correspondence Estimation
* Comparison of algorithms for combining X-ray angiography images
* Comparison of GLR and invariant detectors under structured clutter covariance
* Comparison of Local Plane Fitting Methods for Range Data
* Comparison of low-contrast detail perception on storage phosphor radiographs and digital flat panel detector images
* Comparison of Three Rough Surface Classifiers, A
* Component-based Face Detection
* Compressed Domain Action Classification Using HMM
* computationally efficient algorithm for determining regional cerebral blood flow in heterogeneous tissues by positron emission tomography, A
* Computer Vision System for Home Monitoring, A
* Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by Finger Pointing, A
* Computer-aided stereotactic functional neurosurgery enhanced by the use of the multiple brain atlas database
* Computer-assisted bone age assessment: image preprocessing and epiphyseal/metaphyseal ROI extraction
* Computerized detection of malignant tumors on digital mammograms
* Computerized radiographic mass detection. I. Lesion site selection by morphological enhancement and contextual segmentation
* Computerized radiographic mass detection. II. Decision support by featured database visualization and modular neural networks
* Computing Depth Maps from Descent Imagery
* cone-beam reconstruction algorithm for circle-plus-arc data-acquisition geometry, A
* Confidence interval measurement in performance analysis of biometrics systems using the bootstrap
* Confidence maps and confidence intervals for near infrared images in breast cancer
* Confidence Measure for Boundary Detection and Object Selection, A
* Consistency conditions and linear reconstruction methods in diffraction tomography
* Consistent image registration
* Consistent Nonlinear Elastic Image Registration
* Constrained Minimum Cut for Classification Using Labeled and Unlabeled Data
* constrained modulus reconstruction technique for breast cancer assessment, A
* Constrained Utility Maximizations for Generating Visual Skims
* Constructing Facial Identity Surfaces in a Nonlinear Discriminating Space
* Constructing Models for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Content-Based Image Orientation Detection with Support Vector Machines
* Contextual Classification by Entropy-Based Polygonization
* Contextual clustering for analysis of functional MRI data
* Contour Grouping with Strong Prior Models
* Contracting Curve Density Algorithm and its Application to Model-based Image Segmentation, The
* Contribution to Image and Contours Restoration
* Convex and Non-convex Illuminant Constraints for Dichromatic Colour Constancy
* Coordinate-Invariant Approach to Multiresolution Motion Analysis, A
* Correction of MR k-space data corrupted by spike noise
* Correction to Analytic determination of pinhole collimator sensitivity with penetration
* Cortical Surface Reconstruction Using a Topology Preserving Geometric Deformable Model
* Covariance Scaled Sampling for Monocular 3D Body Tracking
* Critical Configurations for N-view Projective Reconstruction
* CT reconstruction by using the MLS-ART technique and the KCD imaging system. I. Low-energy X-ray studies
* Curvature Estimation in Oriented Patterns Using Curvilinear Models Applied to Gradient Vector Fields
* Data Driven Model Acquisition using Minimum Description Length
* Data-Driven Analysis of Hemodynamic Response Delay in Event-Related fMRI Using Wavelet Transform
* Decomposed Eigenface for Face Recognition under Various Lighting Conditions
* Deformable boundary detection of stents in angiographic images
* Deformable Pedal Curves and Surfaces: Hybrid Geometric Active Models for Shape Recovery
* Deformable Spatio-Temporal Shape Models: Extending ASM to 2D+Time
* Deformation analysis to detect and quantify active lesions in three-dimensional medical image sequences
* Deformation Correction in Ultrasound Images Using Contact Force Measurements
* Dense 3-D Reconstruction of an Outdoor Scene by Hundreds-Baseline Stereo Using a Hand-Held Video Camera
* Dense Image Matching with Global and Local Statistical Criteria: A Variational Approach
* Dense Surface Point Distribution Models of the Human Face
* Depth Layers from Occlusions
* Depth-buffer targeting for spatially accurate 3-D visualization of medical images
* Design and analysis of vector color error diffusion halftoning systems
* Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assisted guided interventions (MAGI)
* design and implementation of COSEN, an iterative algorithm for fully 3-D listmode data, The
* Design, analysis, and engineering of video monitoring systems: An approach and a case study
* Detecting multiple objects under partial occlusion by integrating classification and tracking approaches
* Detection Algorithm of Particle Contamination in Reticle Images with Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Detection and Classification of Shot Transitions
* Detection and Tracking of Shopping Groups in Stores
* Detection ellipses by finding lines of symmetry in the images via an hough transform applied to straight lines
* Detection of Important Segments in Cooking Videos
* Detection of lines and boundaries in speckle images-application to medical ultrasound
* Detection of point landmarks in multidimensional tensor data
* Detection, Synthesis and Compression in Mammographic Image Analysis with a Hierarchical Image Probability Model
* Determining X-ray projections for coil treatments of intracranial aneurysms
* Device for and method of detecting motion in an image
* differential index assignment scheme for tree-structured vector quantization, A
* Differential Methods for Nonmetric Calibration of Camera Lens Distortion
* Diffuse optical tomography of highly heterogeneous media
* Diffuse tomography: Using time-of-flight information in a two-dimensional model
* Diffusion Tensor Regularization with Constraints Preservation
* Digital Video Sequence Stabilization Based on 2.5D Motion Estimation and Inertial Motion Filtering
* Dimension Recognition and Geometry Reconstruction in Vectorization of Engineering Drawings
* Direct Appearance Models
* Direct comparison of a xenon and a solid-state CT detector system: measurements under working conditions
* Direct least-squares estimation of spatiotemporal distributions from dynamic SPECT projections using a spatial segmentation and temporal B-splines
* Discrete Clothoid Spline Surfaces On Open Meshes
* Discrimination of Motion Based on Traces in the Space of Probability Functions over Feature Relations
* Distributed architectures and logical-task decomposition in multimedia surveillance systems
* distribution of target registration error in rigid-body point-based registration, The
* Document filters using morphological and geometrical features of characters
* Document segmentation using polynomial spline wavelets
* Dyadic Wavelet Affine Invariant Function for 2D Shape Recognition, A
* Dynamic Bayesian Framework for Extracting Temporal Structure in Video
* Dynamic Coupled Component Analysis
* Dynamic Depth Recovery from Multiple Synchronized Video Streams
* Dynamic Shadow Elimination for Multi-Projector Displays
* Dynamic Texture Recognition
* ECG-correlated imaging of the heart with subsecond multislice spiral CT
* Edge-guided boundary delineation in prostate ultrasound images
* effect of image distortion on 3-D reconstruction of coronary bypass grafts from angiographic views, The
* Effective nonlinear approach for optical flow estimation
* Efficient clustering of large data sets
* Efficient Computation of Adaptive Threshold Surfaces for Image Binarization
* Efficient Evaluation of Classification and Recognition Systems
* efficient evolutionary algorithm for accurate polygonal approximation, An
* Efficient Grouping under Perspective Skew
* efficient low bit-rate video-coding algorithm focusing on moving regions, An
* Efficient Matching and Indexing of Graph Models in Content-Based Retrieval
* Efficient Non-parametric Adaptive Color Modeling Using Fast Gauss Transform
* Efficient Quadtree Datastructure For Neighbor Finding Algorithm, An
* Efficient Spatiotemporal Grouping Using the Nyström Method
* efficient use of MPEG-4 FAP interpolation for facial animation at 70 bits/frame, An
* Elastic model-based segmentation of 3-D neuroradiological data sets
* Elastic registration of fMRI data using Bezier-spline transformations
* Eliminating Ghosting and Exposure Artifacts in Image Mosaics
* EM algorithm for dynamic SPECT, An
* EM algorithm for estimating SPECT emission and transmission parameters from emission data only, An
* EM-like Algorithm for Motion Segmentation via Eigendecomposition, An
* Embedded foveation image coding
* Empirical evaluation of graph partitioning measures for perceptual organization
* Empirical Evaluation on the Performance of Contour Trackers
* Empirical Performance Evaluation of Object Recognition Methods
* Empirical Studies of Kernel Methods for Face Recognition
* Encoding and recognition of faces based on the human visual model and DCT
* Energy dependence of nonstationary scatter subtraction-restoration in high resolution PET
* Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algorithms Using Belief Propagation in Graphical Models
* Enhanced 3-D-reconstruction algorithm for C-arm systems suitable for interventional procedures
* Enhancing the multivariate signal of O15 water PET studies with a new nonlinear neuroanatomical registration algorithm
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation for Non-Static Scenes by 4D Tensor Voting
* Equivalence and Efficiency of Image Alignment Algorithms
* Errors-in-variables modeling in optical flow estimation
* ERS transform for the automated detection of bronchial abnormalities on CT of the lungs
* Estimating 3D Body Pose using Uncalibrated Cameras
* Estimating the Orientation and Recovery of Text Planes in a Single Image
* Estimation and detection of myocardial tags in MR image without user-defined myocardial contours
* Estimation and mode decision for spatially correlated motion sequences
* Estimation of the number of clusters and influence zones
* estimator for functional data with application to MRI, An
* Evaluating image segmentation algorithms using monotonic hulls in fitness/cost space
* Evaluation of center-line extraction algorithms in quantitative coronary angiography
* Evaluation of the adaptive speckle suppression filter for coronary optical coherence tomography imaging
* Evaluation of three-dimensional segmentation algorithms for the identification of luminal and medial-adventitial borders in intravascular ultrasound images
* Event Detection and Summarization in Sports Video
* Event Detection and Summarization in Sports Video
* Evolvable Biologically Plausible Visual Architectures
* Evolving Image Segmentations for the Analysis of Video Sequences
* Exact (spiral+circles) scan region-of-interest cone beam reconstruction via backprojection
* Exact Radon rebinning algorithm for the long object problem in helical cone-beam CT
* Exact rebinning methods for three-dimensional PET
* Experiences on data quality in automatic tissue classification
* Exploitation of Meta Knowledge for Learning Visual Concepts
* Exploring the Nature and Variants of Relevance Feedback
* Extended Performance Graphs for Cluster Retrieval
* Extracting photographic images from video
* Extraction of Illusory Linear Clues in Perspectively Skewed Documents
* Extraction of motion strength and motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Extraction of the hepatic vasculature in rats using 3-D micro-CT images
* Eye image recognition method, eye image selection method and system therefor
* Face Detection in a Video Sequence: A Temporal Approach
* Face Detection Method Based on Multi-Band Feature Extraction in the Near-IR Spectrum, A
* Face Detection: A Survey
* Face distributions in similarity space under varying head pose
* Face recognition from video images
* Face Verification Using Error Correcting Output Codes
* Face Verification via ECOC
* Fast and Reliable Color Region Merging Inspired by Decision Tree Pruning
* Fast delineation and visualization of vessels in 3-D angiographic images
* Fast EM-like methods for maximum a posteriori estimates in emission tomography
* Fast Focal Length Solution in Partial Panoramic Image Stitching
* Fast geodesic active contours
* Fast Image Segmentation Algorithm for Interactive Video Hotspot Retrieval, A
* fast implementation of the minimum spanning tree method for phase unwrapping, A
* Fast implementations of algebraic methods for three-dimensional reconstruction from cone-beam data
* Fast k-space sample selection in MRSI with a limited region of support
* Fast LV motion estimation using subspace approximation techniques
* Fast maximum entropy approximation in SPECT using the RBI-MAP algorithm
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm Based on a Principal Axis Search Tree, A
* Fast spatio-temporal image reconstruction for dynamic PET
* Feature Reduction and Hierarchy of Classifiers for Fast Object Detection in Video Images
* Feature Selection for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Feldkamp-type cone-beam tomography in the wavelet framework
* filter design method for minimizing ringing in a region of interest in MR spectroscopic images, A
* Finding Folds: On the Appearance and Identification of Occlusion
* Finding Paths in Video Sequences
* Fine-Scale Motion Detection Using Intrinsic List Mode PET Information
* First Order Tensor Voting and Application to 3-D Scale Analysis
* Flat panel detector-based cone-beam volume CT angiography imaging: system evaluation
* Flexible Flow for 3D Nonrigid Tracking and Shape Recovery
* Font Recognition Based on Global Texture Analysis
* Food safety inspection using from presence to classification object-detection model
* Fourier Approach to 3D Local Feature Estimation from Volume Data, A
* Fourier rebinning applied to multiplanar circular-orbit cone-beam SPECT
* Fractal analysis of bone X-ray tomographic microscopy projections
* Frame-Rate Spatial Referencing Based on Invariant Indexing and Alignment with Application to Laser Retinal Surgery
* Framework for Multiple Snakes, A
* framework for predictive modeling of anatomical deformations, A
* Framework for Sensor Planning and Control with Applications to Vision Guided Multi-Robot Systems, A
* Frequency decomposition and compounding of ultrasound medical images with wavelet packets
* Fully Automatic Panoramic Image Registration
* Fully Automatic Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets
* Fuzzy aggregated connectedness for image segmentation
* Fuzzy Connected Object Delineation: Axiomatic Path Strength Definition and the Case of Multiple Seeds
* Gait Recognition from Time-normalized Joint-angle Trajectories in the Walking Plane
* Gait Recognition Using Static, Activity-Specific Parameters
* Gauge Fixing for Accurate 3D Estimation
* Gaze determination via images of irises
* Generalizations of Morphological Shared Weight Networks Using Choquet Integrals with Applications to Ground Penetrating Radar Based Land Mine Detection
* Generalized Dynamic Programming Approaches for Object Detection: Detecting Spine Boundaries and Vertebra Endplates
* Generalized likelihood ratio detection for fMRI using complex data
* Generative Theory of Shape, A
* Generic Model Abstraction from Examples
* Geocoded Terrestrial Mosaics Using Pose Sensors and Video Registration
* Geometric Blur and Template Matching
* Geometric Distributions for Catadioptric Sensor Design
* Geometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intravascular ultrasound images by fusion with biplane angiography-methods and validation
* Global, voxel, and cluster tests, by theory and permutation, for a difference between two groups of structural MR images of the brain
* Globally Optimal Regions and Boundaries as Minimum Ratio Weight Cycles
* Gradient and texture analysis for the classification of mammographic masses
* Gradient-based iterative image reconstruction scheme for time-resolved optical tomography
* Gradient-oriented Profiles For Boundary Parameterization and Their Application to Core Atoms Towards Shape Analysis
* Graph Matching using Adjacency Matrix Markov Chains
* Graph models applied to specification, simulation, allocation, and scheduling of real-time computer vision applications
* Graph-Based Method for Face Identification from a Single 2D Line Drawing, A
* Graph-Spectral Method for Surface Height Recovery from Needle-Maps, A
* Gray-scale skeletonization of small vessels in magnetic resonance angiography
* Green's function approach to shape from shading, A
* Grouping Connected Components Using Minimal Path Techniques: Application to Reconstruction of Vessels in 2D and 3D Images
* Guest editorial the biomedical imaging resource at mayo clinic
* Guest Editorial: Video Processing and Communications in Real-Time Surveillance Systems
* HAMMER: Hierarchical Attribute Matching Mechanism for Elastic Registration
* Handling Occlusions in Dense Multi-view Stereo
* Hidden Markov Models with Patterns to Learn Boolean Vector Sequences and Application to the Built-In Self-Test for Integrated Circuits
* Hierarchical Approach to Scene Segmentation, A
* Hierarchical Combination of Object Models using Mutual Information
* Hierarchical estimation of a dense deformation field for 3-D robust registration
* Hierarchical Scheme for Representing Curves without Self-Intersections, A
* hierarchical stereo algorithm using dynamic programming, A
* Hierarchical stochastic diffusion for disparity estimation
* High-Resolution Panoramic Camera, A
* Houghing the Hough: Peak Collection for Detection of Corners, Junctions and Line Intersections
* Hue that is invariant to brightness and gamma
* Human Shape Estimation in a Multi-Camera Studio
* Hybrid symbiotic genetic optimisation for robust edge-based stereo correspondence.
* Ideal observer approximation using bayesian classification neural networks
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Illumination Subspace for Multibody Motion Segmentation
* Illumination technique for optical dynamic range compression and offset reduction
* Illumination-Invariant Motion Detection Using Colour Mixture Models
* Image Analysis for Video Surveillance Based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Model-Based Change Detection
* Image authentication techniques for surveillance applications
* Image Browsing with PCA-Assisted User-Interaction
* Image Indexing with Mixture Hierarchies
* Image Magnification Using Level-Set Reconstruction
* Image Registration by Aligning Entropies
* Image registration by maximization of combined mutual information and gradient information
* image restoration by fusion, An
* Image-based Modeling and Rendering of Surfaces with Arbitrary BRDFs
* Image-Based Surface Detail Transfer
* Imaging heart motion using harmonic phase MRI
* imaging system with calibrated color image acquisition for use in dermatology, An
* Impact of Audio on Subjective Assessment of Video Quality in Videoconferencing Applications
* Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D reconstruction of cardiac-gated SPECT images
* Improvements in Real-Time Correlation-Based Stereo Vision
* Improving the Scope of Deformable Model Shape and Motion Estimation
* In vivo measurement of 3-D skeletal kinematics from sequences of biplane radiographs: Application to knee kinematics
* Increasing the Discrimination Power of Spectral Spatial Gradients
* influence of communication bandwidth on target tracking with angle only measurements from two platforms, The
* Information fusion for text classification an experimental comparison
* Information Theoretic Approach to Statistical Shape Modelling, An
* Instant Dehazing of Images Using Polarization
* Integrated Face and Gait Recognition from Multiple Views
* Interactive Framework for Boundary Delineation for Medical CBIR, An
* interior point iterative maximum-likelihood reconstruction algorithm incorporating upper and lower bounds with application to SPECT transmission imaging, An
* Interior-point methodology for 3-D PET reconstruction
* Interpolation of 3-D binary images based on morphological skeletonization
* Interpolation revisited
* Into the woods: visual surveillance of noncooperative and camouflaged targets in complex outdoor settings
* Introduction to the Special Section on Graph Algorithms and Computer Vision
* inverse problem approach to the correction of distortion in EPI images, An
* Investigation of a solid-state detector for advanced computed tomography
* Investigation of Measures for Grouping by Graph Partitioning
* Ipsilateral Multi-View CAD System for Mass Detection in Digital Mammography
* Issues on the Geometry of Central Catadioptric Image Formation
* Iterative crystal efficiency calculation in fully 3-D PET
* Iterative reconstruction of single-shot spiral MRI with off resonance
* Jini service to reconstruct tomographic data, A
* JPDAF Based HMM for Real-Time Contour Tracking
* Kernel Principal Component Analysis and the construction of non-linear Active Shape Models
* Keyframe-Based User Interfaces for Digital Video
* Lagrange wavelets for signal processing
* Laminae-Based Feature Recognition
* Landmark-based elastic registration using approximating thin-plate splines
* LDA/SVM Driven Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Learned Templates for Feature Extraction in Fingerprint Images
* Learning an Atlas from Unlabeled Point-Sets
* Learning Flexible Sprites in Video Layers
* Learning Generative Models of Scene Features
* Learning Models for Object Recognition
* Learning Pixel-Wise Signal Energy for Understanding Semantics
* Learning Probabilistic Distribution Model for Multi-View Face Detection
* Learning Probabilistic Structure for Human Motion Detection
* Learning Representative Local Features for Face Detection
* Learning Similarity Measure for Natural Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback
* Learning Spatially Localized, Parts-Based Representation
* Learning-Based Building Outline Detection from Multiple Aerial Images
* Least squares generalized B-spline signal and image processing
* Least-squares orthogonal distances fitting of circle, sphere, ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola
* Left ventricular motion reconstruction based on elastic vector splines
* Light Field Rendering for Large-Scale Scenes
* Linear Image Coding for Regression and Classification using the Tensor-rank Principle
* Linear Iterative Method for Auto-Calibration using the DAC Equation, A
* Linear Subspaces for Illumination Robust Face Recognition
* Local Analysis for 3D Reconstruction of Specular Surfaces
* Local Feature View Clustering for 3D Object Recognition
* Local Gradient, Global Matching, Piecewise-Smooth Optical Flow
* Local Mode Filtering
* Local stereovision matching through the ADALINE neural network
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* Locating blood vessels in retinal images by piecewise threshold probing of a matched filter response
* Longitudinal sampling and aliasing in spiral CT
* Look-up table (LUT) method for inverse halftoning
* Low-complexity and low-memory entropy coder for image compression
* LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SPECT
* LV volume quantification via spatiotemporal analysis of real-time 3-D echocardiography
* Mammographic mass detection by adaptive thresholding and region growing
* MAP Framework for Tag Line Detection in SPAMM Data Using Markov Random Fields on the B-Spline Solid, A
* Markov fields for recognition derived from facial texture error
* Matching of Double-Sided Document Images to Remove Interference
* Matching point features under small nonrigid motion
* Matching, Reconstructing and Grouping 3D Lines From Multiple Views Using Uncertain Projective Geometry
* Mathematical Morphology in the HLS Colour Space
* Maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization reconstruction of sinograms with arbitrary noise distribution using NEC-transformations
* Maximum-likelihood transmission image reconstruction for overlapping transmission beams
* MDL based Structural Interpretation of Images under Partial Occlusion
* Medical image segmentation using analysis of isolable-contour maps
* Meta-analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms
* Method and apparatus for determining the position of a TV camera for use in a virtual studio
* Method and apparatus for estimating scene structure and ego-motion from multiple images of a scene using correlation
* Method and apparatus for omnidirectional imaging
* Method and apparatus for predictively coding shape information of video signal
* Method and apparatus for segmenting images prior to coding
* Method for automatically animating lip synchronization and facial expression of animated characters
* Method for automatically checking the printing quality of a multicolor image
* Method for estimating the noise level in a video sequence
* Method for the Comparison of Biomechanical Breast Models, A
* Metric Self Calibration from Screw-Transform Manifolds
* Microwave image reconstruction utilizing log-magnitude and unwrapped phase to improve high-contrast object recovery
* Microwave imaging using the finite-element method and a sensitivity analysis approach
* Minimally Supervised Acquisition of 3D Recognition Models from Cluttered Images
* Mixture model for face-color modeling and segmentation
* Mixtures of Trees for Object Recognition
* Model-Based 3D Tracking of an Articulated Hand
* Model-Based Curve Evolution Technique for Image Segmentation
* Model-Based Hand Tracking Using an Unscented Kalman Filter
* Model-based quantitation of 3-D magnetic resonance angiographic images
* Model-Based Road Sign Identification System, A
* Model-based stroke extraction and matching for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Model-free functional MRI analysis using Kohonen clustering neural network and fuzzy C-means
* Model-Free Optimal Trajectories in the Image Space: Application to Robot Vision Control
* Model-updated image guidance: initial clinical experiences with gravity-induced brain deformation
* Modeling and optimization of rotational C-arm stereoscopic X-ray angiography
* Modeling for edge detection problems in blurred noisy images
* Modeling general distributed nonstationary process and identifying time-varying autoregressive system by wavelets: theory and application
* Modeling Segmentation Via Geometric Deformable Regularizers, Pde And Level Sets In Still And Motion Imagery: A Revisit
* Modeling the hemodynamic response in fMRI using smooth FIR filters
* Modelling of Single Mode Distributions of Colour Data Using Directional Statistics
* Models for the comparative equivalence of scattering properties of elemental filters used in diagnostic radiology
* modular software system for computer-aided surgery and its first application in oral implantology, A
* Monitoring human behavior from video taken in an office environment
* Monolithic Silicon Microbolometer Arrays for Low-cost Uncooled Infrared Imagers
* Monotonic algorithms for transmission tomography
* Morphable 3D Models from Video
* morphological approach of target detection on perspective plane, A
* Morphological Color Quantization
* Morphology-based three-dimensional interpolation
* Mosaic-Based Clustering of Scene Locations in Videos
* Mosaic-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera
* Motion bias and structure distortion induced by calibration errors
* Motion verifying camera and motion verifying photography method
* Moving Object Graphs and Layer Extraction from Image Sequences
* Mpeg-7 Texture Descriptors
* MRF-based Approach for Real-Time Subway Monitoring, A
* MRI simulation-based evaluation of image-processing and classification methods
* Multi Camera Image Tracking
* Multi-baseline Stereo Matching Using Genetic Algorithm
* Multi-Modal Tracking of Interacting Targets using Gaussian Approximations
* Multi-Modality Stereo with Varying Spatial, Temporal, and Spectral Resolution
* Multi-Object Tracking Using Dynamical Graph Matching
* Multibody Grouping via Orthogonal Subspace Decomposition
* multimodal registration algorithm of eye fundus images using vessels detection and Hough transform, A
* Multiobjective genetic optimization of diagnostic classifiers with implications for generating receiver operating characteristic curves
* Multiple camera tracking of interacting and occluded human motion
* Multiple description coding of motion fields for robust video transmission
* Multiple Objects Colour-Based Tracking using Multiple Cameras in Complex Time-Varying Outdoor Scenes
* multiscale dynamic programming procedure for boundary detection in ultrasonic artery images, A
* Multislice helical CT: image temporal resolution
* Multispace KL for Pattern Representation and Classification
* Multispectral Skin Color Modeling
* Multistage hybrid active appearance model matching: segmentation of left and right ventricles in cardiac MR images
* Multiview Texture Models
* Multiwavelet prefilters-part II: optimal orthogonal prefilters
* n-PI-method for helical cone-beam CT, The
* Navier-Stokes, Fluid Dynamics, and Image and Video Inpainting
* Necessary Conditions to Attain Performance Bounds on Structure and Motion Estimates of Rigid Objects
* Neural network-based text location in color images
* New 3-D Pattern Recognition Technique With Application to Computer Aided Colonoscopy, A
* New Analysis Framework for Relevance Feedback-Driven Similarity Measure Refinement in Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* new approach for nonlinear distortion correction in endoscopic images based on least squares estimation, A
* new approach to 3D reconstruction without camera calibration, A
* New Area Based Metrics for Automatic Gait Recognition
* new computational approach for cortical imaging, A
* New edge-directed interpolation
* new fast recursive algorithm for computing discrete Hartley transform and its implementation, A
* new model-based technique for enhanced small-vessel measurements in X-ray cine-angiograms, A
* New Panorama, The
* New progressive image transmission based on quadtree and shading approach with resolution control
* New Signature-Based Method for Efficient 3-D Object Recognition, A
* New techniques for efficient sliding thin-slab volume visualization
* New variants of a method of MRI scale standardization
* Nine Points of Light: Acquiring Subspaces for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting
* Noise characterization of block-iterative reconstruction algorithms: I. Theory
* Non-homothetic granulometric mixing theory with application to blood cell counting
* Non-Linear Gray-Level Appearance Model Improves Active Shape Model Segmentation, A
* Non-Metric Image-Based Rendering for Video Stabilization
* Non-Parametric Motion Recognition Using Temporal Multiscale Gibbs Models
* Non-Rigid Object Tracking using Performance Evaluation Measures as Feedback
* Nonactive antenna compensation for fixed-array microwave imaging: I. Model development
* Nonactive antenna compensation for fixed-array microwave imaging: II. Imaging results
* Nondistorting flattening maps and the 3-D visualization of colon CT images
* Nondistorting flattening maps and the 3-D visualization of colon CT images
* Noninvasive estimation of the aorta input function for measurement of tumor blood flow with O15 water
* Nonlinear elastic registration of brain images with tumor pathology using a biomechanical model [MRI]
* Nonparametric Statistical Comparison of Principal Component and Linear Discriminant Subspaces for Face Recognition, A
* Nonparametric Training of Snakes to Find Indistinct Boundaries
* Nonrigid registration using free-form deformations: Application to breast MR images
* Normalization of local contrast in mammograms
* novel approach to extract colon lumen from CT images for virtual colonoscopy, A
* Novel Bayesian multiscale method for speckle removal in medical ultrasound images
* Novel Hyper-Spectral Imaging System: Application on in-vivo Detection and Grading of Cervical Precancers and of Pigmented Skin Lesions, A
* novel multiscale nonlinear thresholding method for ultrasonic speckle suppressing, A
* Numerical aspects of spatio-temporal current density reconstruction from EEG-/MEG-data
* Object Based Segmentation of Video Using Color, Motion and Spatial Information
* Object descriptors invariant to affine distortions
* Object Detection and Tracking in an Open and Dynamic World
* Object localization and border detection criteria design in edge-based image segmentation: automated learning from examples
* Object recognition based on fractal neighbor distance
* Object Recognition using Boosted Discriminants
* Object-based Queries using Color Points of Interest
* Objective quantification of the motion of soft tissues in the orbit
* Off-resonance correction of MR images
* Offline General Handwritten Word Recognition Using an Approximate BEAM Matching Algorithm
* On 3D Scene Flow and Structure Estimation
* On Computing Exact Visual Hulls of Solids Bounded by Smooth Surfaces
* On eigenstructure-based direct multichannel blind image restoration
* On Focal Length Calibration from Two Views
* On Holographic Transform Compression of Images
* On Median Graphs: Properties, Algorithms, and Applications
* On output independence and complementariness in rank-based multiple classifier decision systems
* On Photometric Aspects of Catadioptric Cameras
* On Representing Edge Structure for Model Matching
* On segmenting the three-dimensional scan data of a human body
* On Solving 2D and 3D Puzzles Using Curve Matching
* On the direct Fourier method for computer tomography
* On the distribution of the wavelet coefficient for a Poisson noise
* On the Fundamental Limits of Reconstruction-Based Super-resolution Algorithms
* On the Individuality of Fingerprints
* On the Laplace-Beltrami operator and brain surface flattening
* On the optimality of the gridding reconstruction algorithm
* On the Pattern Recognition of Noisy Subsequence Trees
* On the Perceptual Organization of Texture and Shading Flows: From a Geometrical Model to Coherence Computation
* On the Tracking of Articulated and Occluded Video Object Motion
* On the use of shadows in stance recovery
* One-dimension range profile identification of radar targets based on a linear interpolation neural network
* Ontological Query Language for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Open Problem in Matching Sets of 3D Lines, An
* Optimal Adaptive Learning for Image Retrieval
* Optimal Color Quantization for Real-Time Object Recognition
* Optimal image sampling schedule for both image-derived input and output functions in PET cardiac studies
* Optimal k-space sampling in MRSI for images with a limited region of support
* optimal L-filter for reducing blocking artifacts using genetic algorithms, An
* Optimal Texture Map Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Oriented Matching Constraints
* Outlier Detection in Video Sequences under Affine Projection
* PACS Based Interface for 3D Anatomical Structures Visualization and Surgical Planning, A
* Pairwise Coupling for Machine Recognition of Hand-Printed Japanese Characters
* Parallel Processing 360-Degree Rotation Invariant Face Detection
* Parametric and nonparametric methods for the statistical evaluation of HumanID algorithms
* Parametric estimate of intensity inhomogeneities applied to MRI
* Parametric Representations for Nonlinear Modeling of Visual Data
* PDE Approach for Measuring Tissue Thickness, A
* Penalized discriminant analysis of 15-O-water PET brain images with prediction error selection of smoothness and regularization hyperparameters
* Penalized weighted least-squares image reconstruction for dual energy X-ray transmission tomography
* Penalized-likelihood estimators and noise analysis for randoms-precorrected PET transmission scans
* People Tracking in Indoor Surveillance Applications
* Perception of temporally filtered X-ray fluoroscopy images
* Perceptual feedback in multigrid motion estimation using an improved DCT quantization
* Performance characteristics of the 3-D OSEM algorithm in the reconstruction of small animal PET images
* Performance Evaluation Criterion for Characterizing Video-Surveillance Systems
* Performance Evaluation of Corner Detection Algorithms under Similarity and Affine Transforms
* Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance
* Performance evaluation protocol for content-based image retrieval, A
* Permutation testing made practical for functional magnetic resonance image analysis
* perspective on needle artifacts in MRI: an electromagnetic model for experimentally separating susceptibility effects, A
* Photometric Stereo with General, Unknown Lighting
* Piecewise Planar Segmentation for Automatic Scene Modeling
* Pixelwise fusion for optimizing SNR in multiple-plate computed radiography imaging
* Point-tracked quantitative analysis of left ventricular surface motion from 3-D image sequences
* Pose determination of human faces by using vanishing points
* Pose-Independent Face Identification from Video Sequences
* Poseidon Technologies: The world's first and only computer-aided drowning detection system
* Position sensitive light spot detector
* Practical Method for Estimation of Point Light-Sources, A
* Precise Omnidirectional Camera Calibration
* Probabilistic Framework for Graph Clustering, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Images, A
* Probabilistic modeling of single-trial fMRI data
* Probabilistic Tracking of Motion Boundaries with Spatiotemporal Predictions
* Production of Video Images by Computer Controlled Camera and Its Application to TV Conference System
* projector/backprojector with slice-to-slice blurring for efficient three-dimensional scatter modeling, A
* proposed taxonomy for nailfold capillaries based on their morphology, A
* Provably-Convergent Iterative Methods for Projective Structure from Motion
* Proxy Servers for Scalable Interactive Video Support
* Pure Learning Approach to Background-Invariant Object Recognition Using Pedagogical Support Vector Learning, A
* Quantification, Visualization, and Motion Correction in Dynamic Processes
* Quantigraphic Imaging: Estimating the Camera Response and Exposures from Differently Exposed Images
* Quantitative and kinetic evolution of wound healing through image analysis
* Quantitative Measurement of Illumination Invariance for Face Recognition Using Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Quasi-exact filtered backprojection algorithm for long-object problem in helical cone-beam tomography
* Quo Vidas Face Recognition?
* Radical Approach to Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Active Handwriting Models, A
* Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints
* Range-based Foreground Detection Using Visibility Constraints
* Range-Space Approach for Generalized Multiple Baseline Stereo and Direct Virtual View Synthesis
* Rank-order polynomial subband decomposition for medical image compression
* Rapid 3-D cone-beam reconstruction with the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) using 2-D texture mapping hardware
* rapid look-up table method for reconstructing MR images from arbitrary K-space trajectories, A
* Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features
* Rate control for VBR video over ATM: simplification and implementation
* Reactive Memories: An Interactive Talking-Head
* Reactive Zoom Control while Tracking Using an Affine Camera
* Real Time 3D Template Matching
* Real-Time Affine Region Tracking and Coplanar Grouping
* Real-time cardiac MRI using DSPs
* Real-Time Content-Based Adaptive Streaming of Sports Videos
* Real-time image reconstruction for spiral MRI using fixed-point calculation
* real-time interactive 3-D-DVA for robust coronary MRA, The
* Real-Time Multi-View Face Detection, Pose Estimation, Tracking, Alignment, and Recognition
* Real-time Registration of Paper Watermarks
* Real-Time Surveillance System Detecting Persons in Complex Scenes
* Real-Time Tracking of Pedestrians and Vehicles
* Real-time Trinocular Stereo for Telepresence
* Real-Time Video Georegistration
* Realizations of fast 2-D/3-D image filtering and enhancement
* Recognising Trajectories of Facial Identities Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Recognition and retrieval via histogram trees
* Recognition of Facial Expressions in the Presence of Occlusion
* Recognition of Human Gaits
* Recognizing Symbols By Drawing Them
* Reconstruction algorithm for polychromatic CT imaging: Application to beam hardening correction
* Reconstruction of 3D Figure Motion from 2D Correspondences
* Reconstruction of attenuation map using discrete consistency conditions
* Reconstruction of MR images from data acquired on a general nonregular grid by pseudoinverse calculation
* Reconstruction of Specular Surfaces using Polarization Imaging
* Reconstruction of the human cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance images
* Reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional images from synthetic-collimator data
* Recovering the Geometry of Single Axis Motions by Conic Fitting
* Rectangular Subregioning and 3-D Maximum-Surface Techniques
* Rectification for any epipolar geometry
* Rectifying Transformations That Minimize Resampling Effects
* Recursive flow based structure from parallax with automatic rescaling
* Reduced-complexity iterative post-filtering of video
* Region Tracking on Level-Sets Methods
* Region-based MRF Model for Unsupervised Segmentation of Moving Objects in Image Sequences, A
* Registration of physical space to laparoscopic image space for use in minimally invasive hepatic surgery
* Registration of stereo and temporal images of the retina
* Registration Via Direct Methods: A Statistical Approach
* Regularization for Uniform Spatial Resolution Properties in Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction
* Regularized color clustering in medical image database
* Relationship Between Spline-Based Deformable Models and Weighted Graphs in Non-rigid Matching, A
* Relief Mosaics by Joint View Triangulation
* Relighting with the Reflected Irradiance Field: Representation, Sampling and Reconstruction
* Removing Weather Effects from Monochrome Images
* Representation for Image Structure and Its Application to Object Selection Using Freehand Sketches, A
* Representation of Shape in Ultrasonic Images with a Physically-Based Image Model
* Resampling of data between arbitrary grids using convolution interpolation
* resolution and frame-rate scalable subband/wavelet video coder, A
* Resolution and noise properties of MAP reconstruction for fully 3-D PET
* Rethinking Classical Internal Forces for Active Contour Models
* Retinal thickness measurements from optical coherence tomography using a markov boundary model
* Retrospective Heel Effect Correction in Conventional Radiography
* Retrospective intermodality registration techniques for images of the head: surface-based versus volume-based
* Retrospective Motion Correction in Digital Subtraction Angiography: A Review
* Reversible compression of MR images
* Revisiting Non-Parametric Activation Detection on fMRI Time Series
* Robot Homing Based on Corner Tracking in a Sequence of Panoramic Images
* Robust and Adaptive Integration of Multiple Range Images with Photometric Attributes
* Robust Change Detection by Fusing Intensity and Texture Differences
* Robust Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation of Piecewise Smooth Surfaces from Triangle Mesh Approximations Using Normal Voting
* Robust midsagittal plane extraction from normal and pathological 3-D neuroradiology images
* Robust Online Appearance Models for Visual Tracking
* Robust optimal granulometric bandpass filters
* Robust Point Feature Matching in Projective Space
* Robust registration of 2D and 3D point sets
* Robust Regression for Data with Multiple Structures
* Robust Shape Tracking in the Presence of Cluttered Background
* robust stereo disparity estimation using adaptive window search and dynamic programming search, A
* Robust Super-Resolution
* Robust transmission of video sequence using double-vector motion compensation
* Role of Domain Knowledge in the Detection of Retinal Hard Exudates, The
* Salient Points for Content Based Retrieval
* Salient Points for Content Based Retrieval
* Sampling Approach to Ultra-fast Object Location, A
* Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand, A
* Scalable, Absolute Position Recovery for Omni-Directional Image Networks
* Scale-space signatures for the detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Scene Text Extraction and Translation for Handheld Devices
* Scene-Consistent Detection of Feature Points in Video Sequences
* Sectored Snakes: Evaluating Learned-Energy Segmentations
* Segmentation and Boundary Detection Using Multiscale Intensity Measurements
* Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Complex Situations
* Segmentation for Robust Tracking in the Presence of Severe Occlusion
* Segmentation from motion of non-rigid objects by neuronal lateral interaction
* Segmentation of brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the expectation-maximization algorithm
* Segmentation of Dense Leukocyte Clusters
* Segmentation of large brain lesions
* Segmentation of Rough Surfaces using Reflectance
* Segmentation, registration, and measurement of shape variation via image object shape
* Segmenting skin lesions with partial-differential-equations-based image processing algorithms
* Self Correcting Projector, A
* Self-Organization in Vision: Stochastic Clustering for Image Segmentation, Perceptual Grouping, and Image Database Organization
* Self-Similar Convolution Image Distribution Histograms as Invariant Identifiers
* Semi-Dense Stereo Correspondence with Dense Features
* Semi-Dense Stereo Correspondence with Dense Features
* Semiautomatic 3-D image registration as applied to interventional MRI liver cancer treatment
* Separating Lambertian and Specular Reflectance Components using Iterated Conditional Modes
* Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflection from Color Images
* Sequential Knowledge-Driven Scene Recognition Model
* Shadow Elimination and Occluder Light Suppression for Multi-Projector Displays
* Shape Analysis of Brain Ventricles Using SPHARM
* Shape Contexts Enable Efficient Retrieval of Similar Shapes
* Shape-based nonrigid correspondence with application to heart motion analysis
* signal estimation approach to functional MRI, A
* Signature Analysis of Targets in PMMW Imagery
* Similarity Templates for Detection and Recognition
* Simple Stereo Algorithm to Recover Precise Object Boundaries and Smooth Surfaces
* Simple Stereo Algorithm to Recover Precise Object Boundaries and Smooth Surfaces, A
* Simple Strategy for Calibrating the Geometry of Light Sources, A
* SIMPLIcity: Semantics-Sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries
* Simultaneous correction of ghost and geometric distortion artifacts in EPI using a multiecho reference scan
* Simultaneous Linear Estimation of Multiple View Geometry and Lens Distortion
* Simultaneous Tracking of Both Hands by Estimation of Erroneous Observations
* Single and multiscale detection of masses in digital mammograms
* Single View Modeling of Free-Form Scenes
* Single-slice rebinning reconstruction in spiral cone-beam computed tomography
* Skewed Symmetry Groups
* Slant estimation algorithm for OCR systems
* Small Sample Learning during Multimedia Retrieval Using BiasMap
* Smoothly distributed fuzzy C-means: a new self-organizing map
* Snakes on the Watershed
* Soft median adaptive predictor for lossless picture compression
* Soft source decoding with applications
* SOM Based Approach to Skin Detection with Application in Real Time Systems, A
* Space-time segmentation using level set active contours applied to myocardial gated SPECT
* Spatial Information in Multiresolution Histograms
* Spatial Lesion Indexing for Medical Image Databases Using Force Histograms
* Spatio-Temporal Model-Based Statistical Approach to Detect Evolving Multiple Sclerosis Lesions, A
* Spatio-temporal tracking of myocardial deformations with a 4-D B-spline model from tagged MRI
* spatiotemporal model of cyclic kinematics and its application to analyzing nonrigid motion with MR velocity images, A
* Specified-resolution wavelet analysis of activation patterns from BOLD contrast fMRI
* Spectral and Spatial Invariant Image Retrieval using Scene Structural Matrix
* Spectral Probability Models for IR Images With Applications to IR Face Recognition
* Spherical Eye from Multiple Cameras (Makes Better Models of the World), A
* Spin Discriminant Analysis(SDA): Using A One-Dimensional Classifier for High Dimensional Classification Problems
* Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral CT. I. Theory
* Spiral interpolation algorithms for multislice spiral CT. II. Measurement and evaluation of slice sensitivity profiles and noise at a clinical multislice system
* SSD Matching Using Shift-Invariant Wavelet Transform
* Stability Issues in Recovering Illumination Distribution from Brightness in Shadows
* State-of-the-Art in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
* Statistical Approach for Estimating Brain Tumor-Induced Deformation, A
* Statistical textural features for detection of microcalcifications in digitized mammograms
* Statistics of Real-World Illumination
* Stereo Head Calibration from a Planar Object
* Stereo with Oblique Cameras
* Stereo-Guided Biomechanical Model for Volumetric Deformation Analysis, A
* Stratified Methodology for Classifier and Recognizer Evaluation, A
* Streaming Technology in 3G Mobile Communication Systems
* Streaming-Media Knowledge Discovery
* Structural Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition
* Structure and Motion Estimation with Expectation Maximization and Extended Kalman Smoother for Continuous Image Sequences
* Structure and Motion from Uncalibrated Catadioptric Views
* Structured Point Distribution Models: Model Intermittently Present Features
* Subspace Approach to Layer Extraction, A
* Successive structural analysis using wavelet transform for blocking artifacts suppression
* Super-Resolution from Multiple Views Using Learnt Image Models
* Support Vector Tracking
* Surface interpolation from sparse cross sections using region correspondence
* Surface-bounded growth modeling applied to human mandibles
* Survey: interpolation methods in medical image processing
* Symbol Recognition by Error-Tolerant Subgraph Matching between Region Adjacency Graphs
* System for determining the end of a path for a moving object
* system for performance evaluation of arc segmentation algorithms, A
* Systematic Design and Analysis Cycle of a Vision System: A Case Study in Video Surveillance, The
* Systems and methods for rotating high addressability images
* Tag surface reconstruction and tracking of myocardial beads from SPAMM-MRI with parametric B-spline surfaces
* Target Detection Features for Pruned Quadtree Image Formation
* Target-Tracking in FLIR Imagery Using Mean-Shift and Global Motion Compensation
* task-specific evaluation of three-dimensional image interpolation techniques, A
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Methods, A
* technique of object-adaptive vertex-based shape coding for MPEG-4 videos, A
* Temporal Integration of Multiple Silhouette-based Body-part Hypotheses
* Temporal smoothing of scene analysis data for image sequence generation
* Text analysis using local energy
* Text Identification in Complex Background Using SVM
* Texture analysis for classification of cervix lesions
* Texture Replacement in Real Images
* Theoretical study of lesion detectability of MAP reconstruction using computer observers
* theoretical study of the contrast recovery and variance of MAP reconstructions from PET data, A
* Thoracic Electrical Impedance Tomographic Measurements During Volume Controlled Ventilation-Effects of Tidal Volume and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
* Three-dimensional artifact induced by projection weighting and misalignment
* Three-dimensional attenuation map reconstruction using geometrical models and free-form deformations
* Three-dimensional Bayesian optical image reconstruction with domain decomposition
* Three-Dimensional Medial Shape Representation Incorporating Object Variability
* Three-dimensional modeling for functional analysis of cardiac images: A Review
* Three-dimensional modeling from two-dimensional video
* Three-dimensional multimodal brain warping using the Demons algorithm and adaptive intensity corrections
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of microcalcification clusters from two mammographic views
* Three-dimensional registration and fusion of ultrasound and MRI using major vessels as fiducial markers
* Three-dimensional texture analysis of MRI brain datasets
* Time-constrained Dynamic Semantic Compression for Video Indexing and Interactive Searching
* Time-varying Shape Tensors for Scenes with Multiply Moving Points
* TINA 2001: The Closed Loop 3D Model Matcher
* Tomographic reconstruction for tilted helical multislice CT
* Tool for Decomposing 3D Discrete Objects, A
* Topological analysis of trabecular bone MR images
* Topology adaptive deformable surfaces for medical image volume segmentation
* Topology Preserving Deformable Model Using Level Sets, A
* Toward Machine Emotional Intelligence: Analysis of Affective Physiological State
* Towards a low bandwidth talking face using appearance models
* Towards Object-Based Retrieval for Image Libraries
* Tracking and Classifying Moving Objects from Video
* Tracking and Modeling Non-Rigid Objects with Rank Constraints
* Tracking Human Faces in Infrared Video
* Tracking in Uncalibrated Cameras with Overlapping Field of View
* Tracking Liver Motion Using 3-D Ultrasound and a Surface-Based Statistical Shape Model
* Tracking Mammographic Structures Over Time
* Tracking Multiple Moving Objects with a Mobile Robot
* Tracking multiple sports players through occlusion, congestion and scale
* Tracking of Non-Gaussian Clusters in the PETS2001 Image Sequences
* Tracking of Object with SVM Regression
* Tracking Persons and Vehicles in Outdoor Image Sequences using Temporal Spatio-Velocity Transform
* Tracking the left ventricle in echocardiographic images by learning heart dynamics
* Tracking the Optic Nervehead in OCT Video Using Dual Eigenspaces and an Adaptive Vascular Distribution Model
* Tree Triangular Coding Image Compression Algorithms
* Trinocular Stereo Using Shortest Paths and the Ordering Constraint
* Tumor-Induced Structural and Radiometric Asymmetry in Brain Images
* Two Algorithms For Computing The Euclidean Distance Transform
* Two-body Segmentation from Two Perspective Views
* Two-Step Approach to Hallucinating Faces: Global Parametric Model and Local Nonparametric Model, A
* ultra-fast user-steered image segmentation paradigm: Live wire on the fly, An
* Ultrasound measurement of brachial flow-mediated vasodilator response
* Understanding Popout through Repulsion
* Undoing Paper Curl Distortion Using Applicable Surfaces
* unified reconstruction framework for both parallel-beam and variable focal-length fan-beam collimators by a Cormack-type inversion of exponential Radon transform, A
* Unsupervised and Model-Free News Video Segmentation
* Unsupervised Face Recognition from Image Sequences Based on Clustering with Attraction and Repulsion
* Unwarping of unidirectionally distorted EPI images
* Urban surveillance systems: from the laboratory to the commercial world
* Use of ridge regression for improved estimation of kinetic constants from PET data
* User-Oriented Affective Video Content Analysis
* Using an ICA Representation of High Dimensional Data for Object Recognition and Classification
* Using an MRI distortion transfer function to characterize the ghosts in motion-corrupted images
* Using Multiple-Hypothesis Disparity Maps and Image Velocity for 3-D Motion Estimation
* Using Occlusions to Aid Position Estimation for Visual Motion Capture
* Using Robust Methods for Automatic Extraction of Buildings
* Validation of an optical flow method for tag displacement estimation
* Validation of ultrasonic image boundary recognition in abdominal aortic aneurysm
* Variational Framework for Joint Segmentation and Registration, A
* Vector quantization based on genetic simulated annealing
* Vessel Detection by Mean Shift-Based Ray Propagation
* Vessel extraction in medical images by wave-propagation and traceback
* Video Analysis using the Acadia I(TM) Single-Chip Vision System
* Video safety curtain
* Video to Reference Image Alignment in the Presence of Sparse Features and Appearance Change
* Videoendoscopic distortion correction and its application to virtual guidance of endoscopy
* View Reconstruction by Linear Combination of Sample Views
* View Synthesis using Convex and Visual Hulls
* View-Based Human Activity Recognition by Indexing and Sequencing
* View-Invariance in Action Recognition
* Virtual Sample Generation for Template-Based Shape Matching
* Vision System for Fast 3D Model Reconstruction, A
* Vitrionic sensors: Computer vision for an intelligent touchless water faucet and intelligent plumbing systems
* VLSI array architecture for realization of DFT, DHT, DCT and DST, A
* Volume image registration by template matching
* Volume rendering quantification algorithm for reconstruction of CT volume-rendered structures. 1. Cerebral arteriovenous malformations
* Volumetric reconstruction of medical images
* Voxel similarity measures for 3-D serial MR brain image registration
* Wavelet-based image denoising in (digital) particle image velocimetry
* Weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Local Representations, A
* X-ray CT metal artifact reduction using wavelets: An application for imaging total hip prostheses
* Zernike Velocity Moments for Description and Recognition of Moving Shapes
939 for 0110

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.