Journals starting with iscv

ISCV15 * *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* Adaptive kernel for triangular meshes smoothing
* Clustering of large data based on the relational analysis
* Comparative study and improvement of acoustic vectors extractors: Multiple streams applied to the recognition of Arabic numerals
* Comparative study between different bases of transformation for compressive sensing of images
* Comparative study of the process model of Serious Game Design through the generic model DICE
* comparison of supervised classification methods for a statistical set of features: Application: Amazigh OCR, A
* Criteria and technique to choose a good rho parameter for the D-index
* design of power management for passive UHF RFID tag in 90nm CMOS process, A
* Detection of Moroccan coastal upwelling in SST images using the Expectation-Maximization
* Development of an adaptation and interface model, for the information systems interoperability
* Embedded web server for real-time remote control and monitoring of an FPGA-based on-board computer system
* Enhancement of 3D reconstruction process in terms of beautification and efficiency using geometric constraints
* gender classification approach based on 3D depth-radial curves and fuzzy similarity based classification, A
* Gene-expression-based cancer classification through feature selection with KNN and SVM classifiers
* Hand gesture recognition for automatic tap system
* Hyperspectral images classification and Dimensionality Reduction using Homogeneity feature and mutual information
* Image restoration by applying the genetic approach to the iterative Wiener filter
* Improved filter algorithm using inequality fano to select bands for HSI classification
* Integrated 60-V class-D power output stage with 95% efficiency in a 0.13 micro-m SOI BCD process
* Intelligent control in photovoltaic systems by neural network
* Intelligentocular artifacts removal in a noninvasive singlechannel EEG recording
* interval type-2 fuzzy logic PSS with the optimal H-inf tracking control for multi-machine power system, An
* Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
* Learning analytics system for assessing students' performance quality and text mining in online communication
* low power 6-bit current-steering DAC in 0.18-micro-m CMOS process, A
* MAS energy management of a microgrid based on fuzzy logic control
* Maximum power point tracking for a photovoltaic water pumping system with sliding mode control and fuzzy wavelet network
* Motion detection based on the combining of the background subtraction and spatial color information
* Motion detection using color structure-texture image decomposition
* Multi agent based incident management system according to ITIL
* Multi-agent system based on fuzzy control and prediction using NN for smart microgrid energy management
* Neural Best Fit Void Filling Scheduler in fixed time for optical burst switching
* new approach to build a geographical taxonomy of adjacency automatically using the latent semantic indexing method, A
* New model for aircraft landing scheduling using real time algorithms scheduling
* new modeling approach for Arabic opinion mining recognition, A
* New models of visual saliency: Contourlet transform based model and hybrid model
* new moving object tracking method using particle filter and probability product kernel, A
* New radiolocation technique for intelligent antennas
* Object tracking using particle filter based on Lyapunov stability
* Optimal design of second generation current conveyors by the Artificial Bee Colony technique
* Optimal H-inf control without reaching phase with the differential evolution PID based on PSS for multi-machine power system
* Optimal perturb and observe control for MPPT based on least square support vector machines algorithm
* Optimization of prediction approach for improving students orientation in university: Case of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdelah University (SMBAU)
* Optimizing self-organizing method in traffic lights with PSO algorithm in a single junction modeled with a cellular automaton
* overview of big data opportunities, applications and tools, An
* Performance evaluation of multi-criteria vertical handover for heterogeneous wireless networks
* Preprocessing phase for initializing the PRSOM architecture
* R-Letter disorder diagnosis (R-LDD): Arabic speech database development for automatic diagnosis of childhood speech disorders (Case study)
* robust intelligent control for a variable speed wind turbine based on general regression neural network, A
* Securing the architecture of the JPEG compression by an dynamic encryption
* Swarm reinforcement learning for traffic signal control based on cooperative multi-agent framework
* thresholding algorithm for improved split-row decoding method of irregular LDPC codes, A
* Toward an effective hybrid collaborative filtering: A new approach based on matrix factorization and heuristic-based neighborhood
* Towards reputation measurement in online social networks
* Translation and scale invariants of three-dimensional Tchebichef moments
* type-1 fuzzy logic algorithm to manage the flow of energy in a stand-alone PV/wind/battery hybrid system, A
57 for ISCV15

ISCV17 * *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* Action recognition technique based on fast HOG3D of integral foreground snippets and random forest
* Adaptive e-learning system based on learning style and ant colony optimization
* Amazigh audiovisual speech recognition system design
* approach for revising a fuzzy logic controller using Q-learning algorithm, An
* Arabic information retrieval: Stemming or lemmatization?
* Automatic insertion of subject content in domain knowledge of an intelligent tutoring system
* autonomous vehicular system based on muli-agents control: Architecture and behavior simulation, An
* Bayesian regularized artificial neural network for fault detection and isolation in wind turbine
* Clustering based on density estimation using variable kernel and maximum entropy principle
* Combination of R1-PCA and median LDA for anomaly network detection
* comparison between fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy GRA for the vertical handover decision making, A
* comparison of classification algorithms for verbose queries detection using BabelNet, A
* Consistency preserving for evolving megamodels through axiomatic semantics
* Customer experience in a regulated telecom market from mobile service users perspective
* Data lifecycles analysis: Towards intelligent cycle
* Definition of the database anonymization method for open data
* DePass: A secure hash-based authentication scheme
* Design of fuzzy observer for a class of Takagi-Sugeno descriptor systems subject to unknown inputs
* efficient multi-agent computationnal model for massively distribution of independent and heterogeneous tasks, An
* Extended iris color features analysis and cluster headache diagnosis based on support vector classifier
* Face segmentation and detection using Voronoi diagram and 2D histogram
* Feature selection based on pairwise evalution
* Feedback T-S fuzzy controller in finite frequency for wind energy conversion systems based on neural network
* Fer-pixel extrusion mapping: The correction of the intersection point between the extrusion geometry and the viewing ray
* Fuzzy deep learning based urban traffic incident detection
* fuzzy ontology-based support for multi-criteria decision-making in collaborative product development, A
* Generalization of the weighted product aggregation applied to data fusion of intuitionistic fuzzy quantities
* Genetic algorithms and dynamic weighted sum method for RNA alignment
* GPU parallel neural hierarchical multi objective solver for burst routing and wavelength assignment
* H-MAS architecture and reinforcement learning method for autonomous robot path planning
* H-Model reduction for T-S fuzzy systems with finite frequency specifications
* Hand pose estimation based on deep learning depth map for hand gesture recognition
* heuristic algorithm for RNA secondary structure based on genetic algorithm, A
* High density salt-and-pepper noise suppression using adaptive dual threshold decision based algorithm in fingerprint images
* HVS-MRMR wrapper method for variables selection
* Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with dynamic customers and traffic factors
* Hybrid classifier for fault detection and isolation in wind turbine based on data-driven
* Hybrid method for background modeling and subtracting
* Hybrid strategy based on MAS for an intelligent energy management: Application to an electric vehicle
* Image reconstruction by Krawtchouk moments via digital filter
* Image registration of medical images
* Improvement view: Extension of seven views approach
* Improving relational aggregated search from big data sources using deep learning
* intelligent system solution for improving the distance collaborative work, An
* Investigation on deep learning for off-line handwritten Arabic Character Recognition using Theano research platform
* Learning efficient and interpretable prototypes from data for nearest neighbor classification method
* Machine learning techniques applied to prepaid subscribers: Case study on the telecom industry of Morocco
* MAS based energy-coordination for decentralized control of the hybrid electrical system, A
* methodology for prior management of temporal data quality in a data mining process, A
* Mining tweets of Moroccan users using the framework Hadoop, NLP, K-means and basemap
* Mongo2SPARQL: Automatic and semantic query conversion of MongoDB query language to SPARQL
* Moving object detection with an adaptive background model
* Multi-agent system based on the fuzzy control and extreme learning machine for intelligent management in hybrid energy system
* Multi-criteria decision making approach for ITIL processes performance evaluation: Application to a Moroccan SME
* Multi-criteria optimization of neural networks using multi-objective genetic algorithm
* Multi-view clustering with local refinement for cancer patient stratification
* Multimedia documents adaptive platform using multi-agent system and mobile ubiquitous environment
* New load balancing framework based on mobile AGENT and ant-colony optimization technique
* New optimized GPU version of the k-means algorithm for large-sized image segmentation
* new robust watermarking scheme based on polynomial decomposition, A
* Observer-based stabilization for a class of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy descriptor systems
* Optimal nonlinear control for a variable speed wind turbine based on support vector machine algorithm
* Optimal tracking and robust intelligent based PI power controller of the wind turbine systems
* Optimization of high-level design edge detect filter for video processing system on FPGA
* P recognizer for automatic facial emotion recognition using Kinect sensor, A
* Pattern mining based video saliency detection
* Radial Meixner moments for rotational invariant pattern recognition
* review on image mining, A
* Road traffic: Vehicle detection and classification
* robust PID controller for active queue management framework in congested routers, A
* Robust system for road sign detection and recognition using template matching
* Route optimization for school bus scheduling problem based on a distributed ant colony system algorithm
* Search optimal fuzzy model using evolutionary algorithm: Application to predict the form function of the composite cylindrical shell
* Sharpness improvement of license plates using a fusion method
* simple tool for automatic extraction of the Moroccan coastal upwelling from sea surface chlorophyll images, A
* Solving sub-pixel image registration problems using phase correlation and Lucas-Kanade optical flow method
* Spatio-temporal blotches detection and removal in archive video
* Static output feedback control problem for polynomial fuzzy systems via a sum of squares (SOS) approach
* Strategy of detecting abnormal behaviors by fuzzy logic
* Study of efficiency k-means clustering using Z-test proprieties
* Study of the energy performance of DTN protocols
* study on differential evolution and cellular differential evolution for multilevel color image segmentation, A
* Texture complexity based fast and efficient intra block mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC
* Toward a virtual learning environment based on agile learner-centered design
* Towards a decision support system, based on the systemic and multi-agent approaches for organizational performance evaluation of a risk management unit: Banks case
* Towards a hybrid learning model for the higher education system in Morocco
* Towards a model of adaptation and interfacing based on a middleware layer SOA for interoperability of several different information systems
* Towards a new adaptive E-learning framework for adapting content to presentation
* Towards an agent-based approach for multidimensional analyses of semantic web data
* Towards the implementation of refurbished ev lithium-ion batteries for smart grid energy storage
* Using content-based image retrieval to automatically assess day similarity in visual lifelogs
* Video based human fall detection using von Mises distribution of motion vectors
* Visual content learning for visualizations memorability classification
94 for ISCV17

ISCV18 * *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* 2D visualization for object-oriented software systems
* 3D tilt sensing by using accelerometer-based wireless sensor networks: Real case study: Application in the smart cities
* Analysis and design of dickson charge pump for EEPROM in 180nm CMOS technology
* approach for modeling the economy as a complex system using agent-based theory, An
* Array antenna characteristics enhancement for electronic scanning radar application: Parasitic patches and multi layer techniques
* ASK-modulator design of RFID tag in 180nm CMOS technology
* Causal model of performance measurement systems by combining qualitative and quantitative models for robust results
* Choreography for interoperability in the e-Government applications
* Classification and comparison of routing protocols in VANETs
* Classification of the lean implementation procedures for improving the business processes
* Color texture characterization based on the extended relative phase in the complex wavelets domain
* Comparative study between HDLs simulation and Matlab for image processing
* Decisional information systems of the public actors in Moroccan Oasis Zones: Case study Draa-Tafilalet region: Towards a descriptive approach and a measurement of qualities and performances
* Deep generative models: Survey
* Deep neural network dynamic traffic routing system for vehicles
* Deep semi-supervised learning for DTI prediction using large datasets and H2O-spark platform
* design of a new resistor string DAC for phones applications in 130nm technology, A
* Developing a decision making support tool for planning customer satisfaction strategies in microfinance industry
* Development of a use case for virtual reality to visit a historical monument
* Dual-camera 3D head tracking for clinical infant monitoring
* Dynamic relief mapping
* Effective feature descriptor-based new framework for off-line text-independent writer identification
* Efficient image classification by using improved dual Hahn Moment Invariants
* Efficient spark-based framework for solving the traveling salesman problem using a distributed swarm intelligence method
* Elderly fall detection system based on multiple shape features and motion analysis
* Electronic and computer system for monitoring a photovoltaic station
* End-to-end soccer video scene and event classification with deep transfer learning
* Experimentation of visual augmented reality for visiting the historical monuments of the medina of Fez
* Fabric classification using new mapping of local binary pattern
* Focal loss dense detector for vehicle surveillance
* Fusing wavelet and short-term features for speaker identification in noisy environment
* Fuzzy logic control of DFIG-based wind turbine
* Geographic and topology based routing protocols in vehicular ad-hoc networks: Performance evaluation and QoS analysis
* Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D discrete orthogonal moments based on Racah polynomials
* Grayscale image encryption using shift bits operations
* Hand gesture recognition based on convexity approach and background subtraction
* health remote monitoring application based on wireless body area networks, A
* Higher order statistics based method for workload prediction in the cloud using ARMA model
* hybrid approach to improve part of speech tagging system, An
* Hybrid forests for left ventricle segmentation using only the first slice label
* idea of a clustering algorithm using support vector machines based on binary decision tree, An
* Image clustering based on hermetian positive definite matrix and radial Jacobi moments
* Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for 2-D discrete state delayed systems
* Improving the Arabic root extraction by using the quadratic splines
* Incident detection in signalized urban roads based on genetic algorithm and support vector machine
* Integrating web usage mining for an automatic learner profile detection: A learning styles-based approach
* Kernel entropy principal component analysis using Parzen estimator
* Limits of fluidification for a stochastic Petri nets by timed continuous Petri nets
* Machine learning for hand gesture recognition using bag-of-words
* MDX2SPARQL: Semantic query mapping of OLAP query language to SPARQL
* Multiple face detection based on machine learning
* Multiple linear regression for universal steganalysis of images
* Network visualization algorithms to evaluate students in online discussion forums: A simulation study
* new dense omnidirectional stereo matching approach, A
* New features for wireless capsule endoscopy polyp detection
* new solution to optimize the time shift TV bandwidth, A
* novel particle swarm tracking system based on chromatic co-occurrence matrices, A
* Per-pixel revolution mapping with rectification of the texture projection
* Performance analysis of ECG signal denoising methods in transform domain
* Policy based generic autonomic adapter for a context-aware social-collaborative system
* Possibilistic fuzzy C-means clustering under observer-biased framework
* Road sign recognition with Convolutional Neural Network
* Robust stability analysis and H-inf controller design of teleoperation system with time varying communication delay
* Robust stability of uncertain discrete-time switched systems with time-varying delay
* SARIM: A gesture-based sound augmented reality interface for visiting museums
* set of indicators for BPM life cycle improvement, A
* Simultaneous object detection and localization using convolutional neural networks
* Single feed compact millimeter wave antenna for future 5G applications
* Stabilization analysis of observer-based controller for uncertain and disturbed T-S fuzzy model: Application to wind turbine
* study of lesion skin segmentation, features selection and classification approaches, A
* Thermal effect analysis of brain tumor on simulated T1-weighted MRI images
* Traffic flow prediction using neural network
* Translation Scaling and rotation invariants of 3D Krawtchouk moments
* Triplet Markov chain in images segmentation
* Vehicle counting system in real-time
* Vehicle speed estimation using extracted SURF features from stereo images
* viable system model driven the organization and the information system design, The
* Web mining techniques and applications: Literature review and a proposal approach to improve performance of employment for young graduate in Morocco
79 for ISCV18

ISCV20 * *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* Amazigh isolated word speech recognition system using the Adaptive Orthogonal Transform Method.
* Applying the T5 language model and duration units normalization to address temporal common sense understanding on the MCTACO dataset
* ARKit and ARCore in serve to augmented reality
* Artificial intelligence in ophthalmology: the ophthalmologist's opinion
* Augmented reality for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A systematic review.
* Automatic Question Tagging using k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest
* Blind Image Zero-Watermarking Algorithm Based on Radial Krawtchouk Moments and Chaotic System
* Capsule Network Based on Scalograms of Electrocardiogram for Myocardial Infarction Classification
* Color Stereo Image Zero-Watermarking using Quaternion Radial Tchebichef Moments
* Compact Microstrip T-Shaped Resonator Band Pass Filter for 5G Applications, A
* comparison between two methods of object detection: Fast Yolo model and Delaunay Triangulation, The
* Comparison of the different control strategies for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Context Aware for Internet of Things: A Survey
* Controller design for delta operator time-delay systems subject to actuator saturation
* Credit Card Fraud Detection Based on Multilayer Perceptron and Extreme Learning Machine Architectures
* Data-driven sustainable smart manufacturing: A conceptual framework
* Decentralized AI Data Management System In Federated Learning, A
* Deep Based Recommender System For Relevant K Pick-up Points
* Design of a business contingency plan. Case study: Municipality of Cantón Suscal.
* Detection and Classification of Industrial Signal Lights for Factory Floors
* Detection of Market Manipulation using Ensemble Neural Networks
* Developing Good Habits Using Deep Learning Techniques
* Development of a clinical decision support system for the early detection of COVID-19 using deep learning based on chest radiographic images
* DOS attack forecasting: A comparative study on wrapper feature selection
* DSL for collaborative Business Process, A
* Early detection of COVID19 by deep learning transfer Model for populations in isolated rural areas
* EDF-based real-time scheduling for self-powered sensors: AA survey of main theoretical results
* Effective CU size decision algorithm based on depth map homogeneity for 3D-HEVC inter-coding
* Efficient Reconstruction and Compression of Large Size ECG Signal by Tchebichef Moments
* enhanced backoff strategy for fair channel access in WBAN-based health monitoring systems, An
* Enhancing GPSR routing protocol based on Velocity and Density for real-time urban scenario
* Enhancing Machine Translation by Integrating Linguistic Knowledge in the Word Alignment Module
* Evaluation of LBP Variants in Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using Machine Learning
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric features
* Fast Depth Map Intra Mode Prediction Based on Self-organizing Map
* Fractal Metamaterial Antenna for Bluetooth, WLAN, WiMAX and X-band Applications, A
* Frequent Itemsets Methods for Text Clustering
* Fuzzy Logic Classifier and Conditional Responses Algorithm for Gestural Input Game
* Generic distributed polymorphic learning model for a community of heterogeneous cyber physical social robots in MAS Environment and GPU Architecture
* Human Factor: A Key Element in A Fire Safety System Of Hydrocarbon Storage Tank
* hybrid Deep Learning Strategy for an Anomaly Based N-IDS, A
* Induced guided acoustic waves by the presence of a defective guide in one dimensional asymmetric loop phononic crystal
* k-eNSC: k-estimation for Normalized Spectral Clustering
* Knowledge components detection in User-Generated Content
* Large Size 1D Signal Analysis by Hybrid Tchebichef-Charlier Moments
* Leveraging topic feature for followee recommendation on Twitter network
* Literature Review on Driver's Drowsiness and Fatigue Detection
* LMI approach to Robust Fuzzy H8 Control for Wind Generator System in Finite Frequency Domain
* Local Ontologies Merging in Data Ponds
* Markovian Segmentation of Textured Color Images
* Modeling and simulation of an evolutionary approach based on MAS strategy: for intelligent energy management in EV
* Moroccan Dialect Speech Recognition System Based on CMU SphinxTools
* Multi-agent simulation of the Moroccan conventional insurance sector
* Network selection based on Cosine Similarity and Combination of Subjective and Objective Weighting
* New Cooperative Insurance Based On Blockchain Technology: Six Simulations To Evaluate The Model., A
* New Embedded Chien Search Block for Reed- Solomon (RS) Codes based on Factorization of Error Locator Polynomial, A
* new weighted fuzzy c-means based on the collective behaviour of starling birds, A
* Node Capability Classification in Internet of Things, A
* Novel Pooling Method for Regularization of Deep Neural networks, A
* Observer Design for a Class of Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Models with Unmeasurable Premise Variables: Application to an Asynchronous Motor
* Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Deep Learning: Comparative Study
* Parameters Optimization of Elastic NET for High Dimensional Data using PSO Algorithm
* Pedagogical Efficiency at the Ludic Level of a Serious Game
* Privacy and Authentication Scheme for IoT Environments Using ECC and Fuzzy Extractor, A
* Quantification of soil moisture variability over agriculture fields using Sentinel imagery
* Recommendation Approach in Social Learning Based on K-Means Clustering, A
* Reconfigurable Radiation Pattern Antenna with eight Switchable Beams in Azimuth Plane for WLAN Wireless System
* Remote health monitoring system of elderly based on Fog to Cloud (F2C) computing
* Road traffic mortality in Morocco: Analysis of statistical data
* Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Fuzzy Logic: A survey
* Routing Scheme Using an Adaptive K-Harmonic Means Clustering for VANETs, A
* Scalable multi agent system middleware for HPC of Big Data Applications
* Segmentation of medical images for the extraction of brain tumors: A comparative study between the Hidden Markov and Deep Learning approaches
* Semantic Oriented Text Clustering Based on RDF
* sensor fault detection scheme of DFIG-based wind turbine using deep auto-encoder approach, A
* Sharing Emotions in the Distance Education Experience: Attitudes and Motivation of University Students
* Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using an Improved Ensemble Machine Learning model
* Small-Signal Modeling of GaAs: pHEMT Using Direct Extraction Method
* Smart Data Collection in Mobile Edge Computing Environment
* Smooth Filters for Improving Prony's Method in Labview Environment
* Stable Computation of Hahn Polynomials for Higher Polynomial Order
* Stress-free mobile app for Moroccan university students: relaxation program validation
* study on predicting and diagnosing non-communicable diseases: case of cardiovascular diseases, A
* Study, Design and Simulation of an Array Antenna for Base Station 5G
* Survey on Educational Data Mining 2014-2019], A
* Survey on how computer vision can response to urgent need to contribute in COVID-19 pandemics, A
* Text Encryption: Hybrid cryptographic method using Vigenere and Hill Ciphers.
* Toward Classification of Arabic Manuscripts Words Based on the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Towards a semantic recommender system for cultural objects: Case study Draa-Tafilalet region
* Tracking a human being via the gray local dissimilarity map
* V-Museum: A Virtual Museum Based on Augmented and Virtual Realities for Cultural Heritage Mediation
* Wheat Diseases Classification and Localization Using Convolutional Neural Networks and GradCAM Visualization
* Why implement continuity plans in Organizations? Approach of a prospective study based on ITIL
* WordNet and Wiki Based Approach for Finding Polysemy Tags in a Tag Set
95 for ISCV20

ISCV22 * *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* 2-stages feature selection framework for colon cancer classification using SVM, A
* Admissibility Analysis of T-S Fuzzy singular system with time varying-delay
* Advanced Financial Data Processing and Labeling Methods for Machine Learning
* Analysis and Classification of Skin Cancer Based on Deep Learning Approach
* Application of the deep learning approach for identification and face recognition in real-time video
* ARIMA Model for Modeling and Forecasting the Dynamic of Univariate Time Series: The case of Moroccan Inflation Rate, An
* Automatic counting of chickens in confined area using the LCFCN algorithm
* Big Data and public finance sector
* Bone age assessment using deep learning architecture: A Survey
* Comparative Evaluation use Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Classifiers, A
* Comparative Study of latest CNN based Optical Flow Estimation
* DarSpeech: An Automatic Speech Recognition System for the Moroccan Dialect
* Decision-Making System for emergency service design and management during pandemic COVID-19, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Emergency Response Management
* Design of Observer for Cardiovascular Anomalies Detection: an LMI approach
* Detection of toxicity in social media based on Natural Language Processing methods
* Do Patients Tend to Find Positive or Negative Feedback on Social Networks? A Study of The Main Aspects of Modelling Patient Understanding Based on Emotional Variants
* Drone path optimization in complex environment based on Q-learning algorithm
* Efficient Localization And Reconstruction Of 3D Objects Using The New Hybrid Squire Moment
* Exploring text representation impact on K-means based arabic text documents clustering
* Face information forensics analysis based on facial aging: A Survey
* Framework for Estimating Distance and Detecting Object on Mono-camera
* FSMC for PWM rotor side converter in DFIG-based wind turbine system
* Graph based method for Arabic text summarization
* Iconic registration based on the local dissimilarity card
* Image Enhancement on Underwater Images for Protozoan White Spot Fish Disease Detection
* Image-Based Visual Servoing Techniques for Robot Control
* In silico molecular investigations of derived cyclohexane-1,3-dione compounds as potential inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinase C-met: 2D QSAR, molecular docking and ADMET
* Intelligent Document Processing with Small and Relevant Training Dataset
* Is Arabic text categorization a solved task?
* IT Agility and Moroccan HEI's Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of IT Ambidexterity
* Learning analytics: a review of the literature
* Localisation and Mapping of Self-driving Vehicles based on Fuzzy K-means Clustering: A Non-semantic Approach
* Machine Learning Based Methods for Arabic Duplicate Question Detection
* Malay lexical simplification model for non-native speaker
* Meta-heuristics Applied to Multiple DG Allocation in Radial Distribution Network: A comparative study
* Monitoring Photovoltaic Panels Using the ESP32 Microcontroller via low-power Bluetooth Communication
* Moroccan sign language recognition based on machine learning
* MTTR Prediction of railway rolling stock using regression algorithms
* Multi-criteria optimization for optimal nutrition of Moroccan diabetics
* New approach of smoothing to extend language model in Lucene
* new decision tree pre-pruning method based on nodes probabilities, A
* New Financial Group Lending Based on Smart Contracts: An Agent-based Simulation, A
* new sampling strategy to improve the performance of mobile robot path planning algorithms, A
* Offline and Online Evaluation for Recommender Systems
* On The Formalization of The TOGAF Content MetaModel Using Ontologies
* OneDetect: A Federated Learning Architecture for Global Soft Biometrics Prediction
* Optimal 3D object reconstruction and classification by separable moments via the Firefly algorithm
* Overview of personalization approaches in MOOCs
* Perspectives Of Classical Methods Of Face Recognition
* Physics mathematization: Teachers' observations on the application of ICT
* Placement methods of Virtual Machines in servers
* Prediction of Traffic Accidents using Random Forest Model
* Quaternion Discrete Racah Moments Convolutional Neural Network for Color Face Recognition
* Recognition of Arabic digits using a convolutional neural network
* Recognition System Of Human Activities Based On Time-Frequency Features Of Accelerometer Data
* Reducing the training time of deep learning models using synchronous SGD and large batch size
* Road Traffic: Deep Q-learning Agent Control Traffic lights in the intersection.
* Robust Traffic Signs Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* SASHA: A Shift-Add Segmented Hybrid Approximated Multiplier for Image Processing
* Simulation Experiments of Different Metaheuristics Algorithms using Benchmark Functions: A Performance Study
* Spam image detection based on convolutional block attention module
* Speed control of Switched Reluctance Machine using fuzzy controller and neural network
* SqueezeNet-Based Range, Angle, and Doppler Estimation for Automotive MIMO Radar Systems
* study and identification of COVID-19 viruses using N-grams with Naďve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors, Artificial Neural Networks, Decision tree and Support Vector Machine, A
* Study of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Sequential Recommendations, A
* survey of deep learning approaches for classifying ECG heartbeat arrhythmias, A
* Toward a Stage-wise Classification of Date Palm White Scale Disease using Features Extraction and Machine Learning Techniques
* Towards a new method for classifying employee performance using machine learning algorithms
* Using Support Vector Regression to Predict the Overall Equipment Effectiveness Indicator*
* VMM: Viewpoint-based Memory Mechanism for Object Detection of Moving Sensors
72 for ISCV22

ISCV24 * *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* Abnormal Event Detection in Videos using LSTM Convolutional Autoencoder
* Adaptive Mobile Diminished Reality Framework for 3D Visual Privacy
* Adaptive Subgraph Feature Extraction for Explainable Multi-Modal Learning
* Analyzing Recorded Video to Evaluate How Engaged and Emotional Students Are in Remote Learning Environments
* Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0 Trends: A Comprehensive Review and Case Study Analysis in the Moroccan Context
* Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Resource Management
* Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Virtual Learning Environment: An Overview
* Artificial intelligence in computerized adaptive testing to assess the cognitive performance of students: A Systematic Review
* Automating the Recognition of Microservices from Business Process Analysis
* Clothing Type and Color Classification Using TinyML
* Combined Akima Interpolation and Deep Learning LSTM Method based Building Energy Efficiency Prediction
* CoML: Machine Learning based approach for COVID-19 related Suicidal Ideation detection
* Comparative evaluation of YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram as online learning resources
* Comparison of ResNet50V2 and MobileNetV2 Models in Building Architectural Style Classification
* Comparison of the rendering speed of the most popular image-based rendering techniques
* Content and link Analysis of a Moroccan entrepreneurs group
* Contribution to the optimization of the flight duration of autonomous drones: Flight path planning
* Converging human and algorithmic biases in the hiring decision-making process
* Covid-19 Detection From CT Scan Images Using Deep Learning Models
* Crowd density estimation with a block-based density map generation
* Deep Learning-Based Estimation of Olive Flower Density from UAV Imagery
* Detecting DDoS Attacks using Machine Learning in IoT Environment
* Diabetic Retinopathy Identification Depend On Deep Learning Techniques: A comparative Study
* Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction Based on a Hybrid Deep Learning Approach
* Drone-type-Set: Drone types detection benchmark for drone detection and tracking
* Dynamic Selection of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* EfficientNetV2 and Attention Mechanisms for the automated detection of Cephalometric landmarks
* Enhancing Radiation Stability and Image Quality in Periodic Planar Structures: A Characteristic Mode Analysis Approach for Cancer Imaging
* Enhancing Student Attendance System through Fingerprint Recognition Using Transfer Learning Techniques
* Evolution and History of E-learning: From 1840 to Present, The
* Explainability in CNN based Deep Learning models for medical image classification
* Exploring Machine Learning Algorithms for Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis
* Face recognition using Nuclear Norm-based Angle Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis
* Fine-Tuning Vision Transformers for Enhanced Skin Lesion Classification: Navigating the Challenges of Small Datasets
* Functional Local Mean K-Nearest Neighbor: Introducing a novel metric for improved algorithm performance
* gap between the expectations of Gen Z and Organizations in Industry 4.0, The
* Harnessing feature engineering to improve machine learning: A review of different data processing techniques
* High efficiency, intelligent charger for Li-ion batteries in Electrical Vehicle controlled by application
* How does vector alteration affect transformer models?
* Hybrid Deep Learning Perspective on Stock Market Liquidity Prediction in the MENA Region
* Hydrogen Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Vehicle Capacity
* Image Enhancement using Modified Laplacian Filter, Clahe and Adaptive Thresholding
* imapct of temporal features in anomaly detection in smart cities, The
* Implementing Analog Artificial Neural Networks for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Speed in Machine Learning Applications
* Improved Intensity-Based Image Registration via Archimedes Optimization Algorithm
* Improving Hybrid Recommendations with VADER-Powered Sentiment Analysis*
* Improving Power Precision in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems with a Quad Active Bridge DC-DC Converter and Neural Network-Based Decoupling
* In-Depth Analysis of LoRa Mesh Routing for Effective Forest Fire Prevention
* Innovative Solutions for Emerging Challenges in Education
* IoT-Powered Predictive Maintenance Framework for ICU Ventilators
* Item Based Collaborative Filtering Tourism Recommender System Using Apache Mahout
* Joining CNNs and Transformer networks for enhanced breast ultrasound image segmentation
* Landfill Detection using Computer Vision and Aerial Imagery
* Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Server Workload Prediction
* Models for Short-Term Energy Load Forecasting: The Moroccan Cities Case and Dataset
* MPPT based Fractional Short-Circuit Current - Model Predictive Control for PV System in Real Weather Conditions for Heat-Pump Applications
* Neural Network-Driven Optimization for Cost Minimization in Telecom Energy Systems with Nonlinear Converter Efficiencies
* Nonlinear Backstepping Control of a PMSG-Based Wind Energy Conversion System Connected to the Grid
* novel E-commerce recommender system using deep learning approaches*, A
* Ontology Design for Requirements Engineering
* Optimization of Graph Convolutional Networks with Variational Graph Autoencoder Architecture for 3D Face Reconstruction Task
* Optimizing Costs for Cloud-Based Long-Running Activities using ILP
* Pioneering Pain Relief: Exploring Neuromodulation with Electrical Impulses and Mechanical Techniques for Effective Pain Management
* Predicting Cardiovascular Disease: A Scoping Survey on different Datasets and DL/ML Models using ECG
* Predicting risk criticalities of hospital sterilization using fuzzy FMEA and artificial neural network
* Predictive Power of AI: Tackling Child Undernutrition in Morocco
* Process Quality Assurance of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis
* Radiation Pattern Stability and Miniaturization Improvements of Planar Antennas for Radar and Medical Imaging using the Theory of Characteristic Modes
* Random Forest Classifier for Marine Biodiversity Analysis
* Real-time Handwritten Digit Recognition Using CNN on Embedded Systems
* Record Linkage Approaches in Big Data: A Comprehensive Review
* Reinforcement learning application in portfolio optimization: A comprehensive literature review
* Requirement Specification in Problem and Solution Domains
* Revolutionizing WBAN Networks: A Novel Encoding Method for Robust Transmission Integrity in Noisy Environments
* Robust Multi-view Multi- Modal Ensemble for Improved Image Classification with Feature Selection
* SelfRewardRAG: Enhancing Medical Reasoning with Retrieval-Augmented Generation and Self-Evaluation in Large Language Models
* Sign Language Animator: A Platform for Multilingual Sign Language Synthesis
* SolvPredict: A Comprehensive Exploration of Predictive Models for Molecule Solubility
* Speech Emotion Recognition System Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine
* Survey on Traffic Sign Classification using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, A
* Towards a Generic Data-Driven Model for Optimal Health Service
* Towards Maximum Efficiency: Combining ELM with BA for Credit Card Fraud Detection
* XAI for Understanding the Success in Curbing COVID-19
84 for ISCV24

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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