Index for sank

Sankar Das, B.[Bhabani] * 2023: novel method for detecting soil salinity using AVIRIS-NG imaging spectroscopy and ensemble machine learning, A
Includes: Sankar Das, B.[Bhabani] Sankar-Das, B.[Bhabani]

Sankar, A.[Anath] * 2000: MAESTRO: Conductor of Multimedia Analysis Technologies
* 2010: Being John Malkovich
Includes: Sankar, A.[Anath] Sankar, A.[Aditya]

Sankar, D.[Deepa] * 2024: Copy Move Forgery detection and localisation robust to rotation using block based Discrete Cosine Transform and eigenvalues

Sankar, G.[Gomathi] * 1997: New Technique for Region of Interest Tomographic Image Reconstruction and a Comparison of the Related Algorithms, A

Sankar, K.P.[K. Pramod] * 2006: Digitizing a Million Books: Challenges for Document Analysis
* 2006: Text Driven Temporal Segmentation of Cricket Videos
* 2011: Character n-Gram Spotting in Document Images
* 2011: Interpolation Based Tracking for Fast Object Detection in Videos
* 2013: Character N-Gram Spotting on Handwritten Documents Using Weakly-Supervised Segmentation
* 2015: Adapting off-the-shelf CNNs for word spotting & recognition
Includes: Sankar, K.P.[K. Pramod] Sankar, K.P.

Sankar, P.V. * 1977: Vertex Coding Scheme for Interpreting Ambiguous Trihedral Solids, A
* 1978: Computing the Organizations and Shapes of Two-Dimensional Dot Patterns: A Perceptual-Level Approach
* 1978: On the Compactness of Subsets of Digital Pictures
* 1978: Parallel Procedure for the Detection of Dominant Points on a Digital Curve, A
* 1979: Hierarchical Representation of Waveforms
* 1980: Minimal Rectangular Partitions of Digitized Blobs
* 1982: Detecting the Edges of Lung Tumors by Classification Techniques
* 1982: Gestalt-Guided Boundary Follower for X-Ray Images of Lung Nodules, A
* 1984: Minimal Rectangular Partitions of Digitized Blobs
* 1984: Reconstructing a Network of Three-Dimensional Curves from a Small Number of Projections
* 1986: Biomedical Image Analysis
* 1986: Efficient Two-Dimensional Filters Using B-Spline Functions
* 1987: Recursive Algorithms for Implementing Digital Image Filters
* 1988: Simple Algorithms and Architectures for B-Spline Interpolation
* 1994: Curve and Surface Generation and Refinement: Based on a High-Speed Derivative Algorithm
* 1994: Efficient Algorithms for the Implementation of General B-Splines
16 for Sankar, P.V.

Sankar, R. * 1992: VLSI hardware accelerator for dynamic time warping, A
* 2006: Audio Segmentation and Speaker Localization in Meeting Videos
* 2007: Evaluation and analysis of a face and voice outdoor multi-biometric system
* 2008: Enhanced speaker recognition based on intra-modal fusion and accent modeling
* 2008: Exploring Co-Occurence Between Speech and Body Movement for Audio-Guided Video Localization
* 2023: Moist Convection in the Giant Planet Atmospheres
Includes: Sankar, R. Sankar, R.[Ravi] Sankar, R.[Ramanakumar]

Sankar, S.[Shrinivasan] * 2018: Model-based active learning to detect an isometric deformable object in the wild with a deep architecture
* 2020: Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on Mersenne Twister Method with DNA Genetic Encoding and Chaos, A
Includes: Sankar, S.[Shrinivasan] Sankar, S.[Syam]

Sankar, V.R.[V. Ravi] * 2020: MapReduce framework based big data clustering using fractional integrated sparse fuzzy C means algorithm

Sankara Rao, K. * 1986: New Algorithm for Real-Time Median Filtering, A

Sankaradas, M.[Murugan] * 2022: Why Is the Video Analytics Accuracy Fluctuating, and What Can We Do About It?

Sankaragomathi, B. * 2017: professional estimate on the computed tomography brain tumor images using SVM-SMO for classification and MRG-GWO for segmentation, A

Sankaralingam, E.[Esakkirajan] * 2019: Despeckling of ultrasound images using directionally decimated wavelet packets with adaptive clustering
* 2022: deep learning framework for glaucoma detection based on robust optic disc segmentation and transfer learning, A

Sankaran, A.[Anush] * 2017: Class sparsity signature based Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* 2017: Group sparse autoencoder
* 2021: Improving face recognition performance using TeCS2 dictionary

Sankaran, H.E. * 2006: Efficient Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Translational Motion using a Near Least Squares Resampling Method

Sankaran, K.[Kris] * 2021: FloW: A Dataset and Benchmark for Floating Waste Detection in Inland Waters
* 2022: Interactive Visualization and Representation Analysis Applied to Glacier Segmentation
* 2023: Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning

Sankaran, N.[Naveen] * 2012: Recognition of printed Devanagari text using BLSTM Neural Network
* 2013: Character N-Gram Spotting on Handwritten Documents Using Weakly-Supervised Segmentation
* 2013: Devanagari Text Recognition: A Transcription Based Formulation
* 2013: Error Detection in Highly Inflectional Languages
* 2015: Automated analysis of line plots in documents
* 2017: Person Re-identification for Improved Multi-person Multi-camera Tracking by Continuous Entity Association
* 2018: Re-identification for Online Person Tracking by Modeling Space-Time Continuum
* 2019: Learning deep features for online person tracking using non-overlapping cameras: A survey
* 2020: Domain adaptive representation learning for facial action unit recognition
* 2020: Moving in the Right Direction: A Regularization for Deep Metric Learning
* 2021: Multistage Fusion of Face Matchers
* 2021: TADPool: Target Adaptive Pooling for Set Based Face Recognition
Includes: Sankaran, N.[Naveen] Sankaran, N. Sankaran, N.[Nishant]
12 for Sankaran, N.

Sankaran, P. * 2004: multi-view approach on modular PCA for illumination and pose invariant face recognition, A
* 2005: Pose Angle Determination by Face, Eyes and Nose Localization
* 2006: Adaptive Thresholding Based Cell Segmentation for Cell-Destruction Activity Verification
* 2008: Image enhancement for improving face detection under non-uniform lighting conditions
* 2010: second order polynomial based subspace projection method for dimensionality reduction, A
* 2018: Color image dehazing using surround filter and dark channel prior
* 2021: modular architecture for high resolution image dehazing, A
* 2022: From synthetic to natural: Single natural image dehazing deep networks using synthetic dataset domain randomization
Includes: Sankaran, P. Sankaran, P.[Praveen]
8 for Sankaran, P.

Sankaran, S.[Shvetha] * 2009: Segmentation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Nuclei within 3-D Neurospheres
* 2012: Segmentation of neural stem cells/neurospheres in high content brightfield microscopy images using localized level sets
* 2012: Segmentation of neural stem cells/neurospheres in unevenly illuminated brightfield images with shading reduction
* 2015: Fast Computation of Hemodynamic Sensitivity to Lumen Segmentation Uncertainty
* 2017: High Resolution Multispectral and Thermal Remote Sensing-Based Water Stress Assessment in Subsurface Irrigated Grapevines
* 2022: Optimization of UAV-Based Imaging and Image Processing Orthomosaic and Point Cloud Approaches for Estimating Biomass in a Forage Crop
* 2023: Rapid Assessment of Architectural Traits in Pear Rootstock Breeding Program Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Includes: Sankaran, S.[Shvetha] Sankaran, S. Sankaran, S.[Sindhuja]
7 for Sankaran, S.

Sankaranarayana, R. * 2020: Using Temporal Features of Observers' Physiological Measures to Distinguish Between Genuine and Fake Smiles

Sankaranarayanan, A. * 2010: Real time head pose tracking from multiple cameras with a generic model
* 2014: DALM-SVD: Accelerated sparse coding through singular value decomposition of the dictionary
* 2015: FlatCam: Replacing Lenses with Masks and Computation
* 2019: Convolutional Approximations to the General Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Operator
* 2020: Freecam3d: Snapshot Structured Light 3d with Freely-moving Cameras
* 2021: Soft Cross Entropy Loss and Bottleneck Tri-Cost Volume For Efficient Stereo Depth Prediction
Includes: Sankaranarayanan, A. Sankaranarayanan, A.[Aswin]

Sankaranarayanan, A.C.[Aswin C.] * 2007: In Situ Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms Using Time Reversed Chains
* 2007: Robust Visual Tracking Using the Time-Reversibility Constraint
* 2007: Target Tracking Using a Joint Acoustic Video System
* 2008: Algorithmic and Architectural Optimizations for Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering
* 2008: Compressed sensing for multi-view tracking and 3-D voxel reconstruction
* 2008: Compressive Sensing for Background Subtraction
* 2008: Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition for Multiple Smart Cameras
* 2008: Optimal Multi-View Fusion of Object Locations
* 2008: Stochastic fusion of multi-view gradient fields
* 2009: Modeling and Visualization of Human Activities for Multicamera Networks
* 2010: Compressive Acquisition of Dynamic Scenes
* 2010: Image Invariants for Smooth Reflective Surfaces
* 2010: Online Empirical Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* 2010: Specular surface reconstruction from sparse reflection correspondences
* 2012: CS-MUVI: Video compressive sensing for spatial-multiplexing cameras
* 2012: Face Association across Unconstrained Video Frames Using Conditional Random Fields
* 2012: Flutter Shutter Video Camera for compressive sensing of videos
* 2013: Compressive Acquisition of Linear Dynamical Systems
* 2013: Joint Albedo Estimation and Pose Tracking from Video
* 2014: Realization of hybrid compressive imaging strategies
* 2014: Robust Face Recognition From Multi-View Videos
* 2014: Toward Compressive Camera Networks
* 2015: Dictionary-Based Approach for Estimating Shape and Spatially-Varying Reflectance, A
* 2015: FPA-CS: Focal plane array-based compressive imaging in short-wave infrared
* 2015: LiSens- A Scalable Architecture for Video Compressive Sensing
* 2015: Photometric Stereo with Small Angular Variations
* 2015: Reconstruction-free inference on compressive measurements
* 2015: Video Compressive Sensing for Spatial Multiplexing Cameras Using Motion-Flow Models
* 2015: What does a single light-ray reveal about a transparent object?
* 2016: Cross-scale predictive dictionaries for image and video restoration
* 2016: Dual Structured Light 3D Using a 1D Sensor
* 2016: Enhanced Compressive Imaging Using Model-Based Acquisition: Smarter sampling by incorporating domain knowledge
* 2016: Lensless Imaging: A computational renaissance
* 2016: Random Features for Sparse Signal Classification
* 2017: Compressive Video Sensing: Algorithms, architectures, and applications
* 2017: Geometry of First-Returning Photons for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging, The
* 2017: Reflectance Capture Using Univariate Sampling of BRDFs
* 2017: Shape and Spatially-Varying Reflectance Estimation from Virtual Exemplars
* 2018: Illuminant Spectra-Based Source Separation Using Flash Photography
* 2018: Programmable Triangulation Light Curtains
* 2019: Beyond Volumetric Albedo: A Surface Optimization Framework for Non-Line-Of-Sight Imaging
* 2019: Cross-Scale Predictive Dictionaries
* 2019: Learning to Separate Multiple Illuminants in a Single Image
* 2019: Theory of Fermat Paths for Non-Line-Of-Sight Shape Reconstruction, A
* 2020: 3PointTM: Faster Measurement of High-dimensional Transmission Matrices
* 2020: Photosequencing of Motion Blur using Short and Long Exposures
* 2020: SweepCam: Depth-Aware Lensless Imaging Using Programmable Masks
* 2021: Designing Display Pixel Layouts for Under-Panel Cameras
* 2021: Fine-Grain Prediction of Strawberry Freshness using Subsurface Scattering
* 2021: Precise Forecasting of Sky Images Using Spatial Warping
* 2021: SASSI: Super-Pixelated Adaptive Spatio-Spectral Imaging
* 2021: Simple Framework for 3D Lensless Imaging with Programmable Masks, A
* 2021: SliceNets: A Scalable Approach for Object Detection in 3D CT Scans
* 2022: Single-Photon Structured Light
* 2023: Computational 3D Imaging with Position Sensors
* 2023: Designing Phase Masks for Under-Display Cameras
* 2023: Neural Kaleidoscopic Space Sculpting
Includes: Sankaranarayanan, A.C.[Aswin C.] Sankaranarayanan, A.C.
57 for Sankaranarayanan, A.C.

Sankaranarayanan, J.[Jagan] * 2010: Images in News
* 2011: Max-margin clustering: Detecting margins from projections of points on lines
* 2020: Enhancing local live tweet stream to detect news
* 2023: In-Path Oracles for Road Networks

Sankaranarayanan, K.[Karthik] * 2008: Efficient Active Camera Model for Video Surveillance, An
* 2008: Fast Linear Registration Framework for Multi-camera GIS Coordination, A
* 2010: Attention-Based Target Localization Using Multiple Instance Learning
* 2010: Learning Directed Intention-driven Activities using Co-Clustering
* 2010: PTZ Camera Modeling and Panoramic View Generation via Focal Plane Mapping
* 2011: Object association across PTZ cameras using logistic MIL
* 2011: Tracking gaze direction from far-field surveillance cameras
* 2012: One-Class Multiple Instance Learning and Applications to Target Tracking
* 2012: Segmentation and scene modeling for MIL-based target localization
* 2021: Addressing Target Shift in Zero-shot Learning using Grouped Adversarial Learning
10 for Sankaranarayanan, K.

Sankaranarayanan, S.[Swaminathan] * 2012: Qualitative Evaluation of Detection and Tracking Performance
* 2015: 3D facial model synthesis using coupled dictionaries
* 2015: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* 2017: All-In-One Convolutional Neural Network for Face Analysis, An
* 2017: Face and Image Representation in Deep CNN Features
* 2017: Guided Perturbations: Self-Corrective Behavior in Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2017: Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of Faces, A
* 2018: Deep Learning for Understanding Faces: Machines May Be Just as Good, or Better, than Humans
* 2018: Generate to Adapt: Aligning Domains Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Learning from Synthetic Data: Addressing Domain Shift for Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of unconstrained faces
* 2018: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: Learning From Noisy Labels by Regularized Estimation of Annotator Confusion
Includes: Sankaranarayanan, S.[Swaminathan] Sankaranarayanan, S.[Swami] Sankaranarayanan, S.
13 for Sankaranarayanan, S.

Sankarapandian, S.[Sivaramakrishnan] * 2021: Pathology Deep Learning System Capable of Triage of Melanoma Specimens Utilizing Dermatopathologist Consensus as Ground Truth *, A

Sankarasubramaniam, Y.[Yogesh] * 2010: Paper widgets: Visually aesthetic smarts for document images

Sankari, M. * 2010: Verification of bank cheque images using Hamming measures

Sankeralli, M.J.[Marcel J.] * 1999: Ratio model for suprathreshold hue-increment detection
* 2002: Ratio model serves suprathreshold color luminance discrimination

Sanket, N.J. * 2013: Recursive Binary Particle Swarm Optimization based Face Localization
* 2022: DiffPoseNet: Direct Differentiable Camera Pose Estimation
Includes: Sanket, N.J. Sanket, N.J.[Nitin J.]

Sanketi, P.[Pannag] * 2011: Localizing blurry and low-resolution text in natural images

Sankey, J. .B.[Joel B.] * 2021: Monitoring Tamarix Changes Using WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Sankey, J.B.[Joel B.] * 2014: Remote Sensing of Sonoran Desert Vegetation Structure and Phenology with Ground-Based LiDAR

Sankey, T. * 2009: Regional Assessment of Aspen Change and Spatial Variability on Decadal Time Scales
* 2018: Evaluating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images for Estimating Forest Canopy Fuels in a Ponderosa Pine Stand
* 2021: Monitoring Tamarix Changes Using WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
* 2021: UAV-Based Estimate of Snow Cover Dynamics: Optimizing Semi-Arid Forest Structure for Snow Persistence
Includes: Sankey, T. Sankey, T.[Temuulen]

Sankin, G. * 2020: Simultaneous Photoacoustic Imaging and Cavitation Mapping in Shockwave Lithotripsy
* 2021: Internal-Illumination Photoacoustic Tomography Enhanced by a Graded-Scattering Fiber Diffuser

Sankisa, A. * 2016: novel cumulative distortion metric and a no-reference sparse prediction model for packet prioritization in encoded video transmission, A
* 2018: Video Error Concealment Using Deep Neural Networks

Sankoh, H.[Hiroshi] * 2013: Occlusion robust free-viewpoint video synthesis based on inter-camera/-frame interpolation
* 2014: Joint gaze-correction and beautification of DIBR-synthesized human face via dual sparse coding
* 2015: Automatic Soccer Player Tracking in Single Camera with Robust Occlusion Handling Using Attribute Matching
* 2015: Utilizing Attributed Graph Representation in Object Detection and Tracking for Indoor Range Sensor Surveillance Cameras
* 2016: Robust moving camera calibration for synthesizing free viewpoint soccer video
* 2018: Optimal Billboard Deformation via 3D Voxel for Free-Viewpoint System
* 2018: Toward Real-Time Delivery of Immersive Sports Content
Includes: Sankoh, H.[Hiroshi] Sankoh, H.
7 for Sankoh, H.

Sankowski, D.[Dominik] * 2001: Thresholding Image Segmentation Based on the Volume Analysis of Spatial Regions
* 2009: Computer vision system for high temperature measurements of surface properties
* 2023: Analysis of the Results Determining the Positions and Velocities of Satellite Laser Ranging Stations during Earthquakes in 2010-2011

Sankowski, W.[Wojciech] * 2010: Reliable algorithm for iris segmentation in eye image
* 2012: reliable iris recognition algorithm based on reverse biorthogonal wavelet transform, A
* 2017: Estimation of measurement uncertainty in stereo vision system
Includes: Sankowski, W.[Wojciech] Sankowski, W.

Sankur, B. * 1992: Transformation of a general 3D facial model to an actual scene face
* 1993: Two-layer coding for videotelephone
* 1994: Feature extraction and classification of nonstationary signals based on the multiresolution signal decomposition
* 1995: Facial feature localization and adaptation of a generic face model for model-based coding
* 1996: Multidirectional and Multiscale Edge-detection Via M-Band Wavelet Transform
* 1996: Region Growing Motion Segmentation and Estimation in Object-Oriented Video Coding
* 1997: Object-Oriented Video Codec Based on Region Growing Motion Segmentation, An
* 1997: performance evaluation of thresholding algorithms for optical character recognition, The
* 1998: Color Cell Image Segmentation Using Pyramidal Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network
* 1998: Generalized distance based matching of nonbinary images
* 1998: VQ-Adaptive Block Transform Coding of Images
* 1999: Assessment of Thresholding Algorithms for Document Processing
* 1999: MAP Segmentation of Color Images Using Constraint Satisfaction Neural Network
* 2000: Generalized Non-reducible Descriptors
* 2000: quadratic motion-based object-oriented video codec, A
* 2001: Analyses of error correction strategies for typical communication channels in watermarking
* 2001: Color image segmentation using histogram multithresholding and fusion
* 2001: Metrics for Performance Evaluation of Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Without Ground-truth
* 2001: Non-Rigid Object Tracking using Performance Evaluation Measures as Feedback
* 2001: Selection of Thresholding Methods for Non-desctructive Testing Applications
* 2002: Feature Extraction for Quality Assessment of Aerial Image Segmentation
* 2002: Image segmentation by relaxation using constraint satisfaction neural network
* 2002: Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
* 2002: progressive lossless/near-lossless image compression algorithm, A
* 2003: Image multi-thresholding based on sample moment function
* 2003: Steganalysis using image quality metrics
* 2003: Video object tracking with feedback of performance measures
* 2004: classifier design for detecting image manipulations, A
* 2004: Feature selection in the independent component subspace for face recognition
* 2004: Generalized Non-reducible Descriptors
* 2004: Improving the Payload of Watermarking Channels via LDPC Coding
* 2004: Performance Measures for Video Object Segmentation and Tracking
* 2005: Face Detection Using Look-Up Table Based Gentle AdaBoost
* 2005: Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
* 2005: Multiresolution face recognition
* 2005: Transform-based methods for indexing and retrieval of 3D objects
* 2006: Hand biometrics
* 2006: Shape-Based Hand Recognition
* 2007: Improving Efficiency of Density-Based Shape Descriptors for 3D Object Retrieval
* 2007: Multimodal 3D Healthcare Communication System, A
* 2007: Robust 2D/3D Face Landmarking
* 2007: Robust Facial Landmarking for Registration
* 2008: Multi-attribute robust facial feature localization
* 2008: Non-rigid registration of 3D surfaces by deformable 2D triangular meshes
* 2008: Similarity Score Fusion By Ranking Risk Minimization for 3D Object Retrieval
* 2009: 3D Model Retrieval Using Probability Density-Based Shape Descriptors
* 2009: Automatic detection of facial actions from 3D data
* 2009: Bayesian Separation of Images Modeled With MRFs Using MCMC
* 2009: Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical components
* 2009: Robust Scaling-Based Image Watermarking Using Maximum-Likelihood Decoder With Optimum Strength Factor
* 2009: SHREC'09 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
* 2009: SignTutor: An Interactive System for Sign Language Tutoring
* 2010: Adaptive Langevin Sampler for Separation of t-Distribution Modelled Astrophysical Maps
* 2010: Facial action unit detection: 3D versus 2D modality
* 2010: Similarity Learning for 3D Object Retrieval Using Relevance Feedback and Risk Minimization
* 2010: Subspace methods for retrieval of general 3D models
* 2011: Hand vein biometry based on geometry and appearance methods
* 2011: Robust classification of face and head gestures in video
* 2012: Classification with emotional faces via a robust sparse classifier
* 2012: Comparative evaluation of 3D vs. 2D modality for automatic detection of facial action units
* 2012: Regression-based intensity estimation of facial action units
* 2013: Comparative Study of Face Landmarking Techniques, A
* 2013: Efficient Estimation of Disparity Statistics and their Use as a Predictor for Perceived 3D Video Scene Quality
* 2014: Evaluation of video activity localizations integrating quality and quantity measurements
* 2015: Fast Exact Hyper-graph Matching with Dynamic Programming for Spatio-temporal Data
* 2017: Non-rigid registration based model-free 3D facial expression recognition
Includes: Sankur, B. Sankur, B.[Bulent] Sankur, B.[Bülent]
66 for Sankur, B.

Index for "s"

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