Index for yoo_

Yoo, B.[Byung_In] * 2015: Rotating your face using multi-task deep neural network
* 2018: Deep Facial Age Estimation Using Conditional Multitask Learning With Weak Label Expansion
* 2021: Controllable Image Restoration for Under-Display Camera in Smartphones
* 2021: Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination
* 2021: RaScaNet: Learning Tiny Models by Raster-Scanning Images
* 2021: Robust Camera Motion Estimation for Point-of-View Video Stabilization
* 2022: Generating Hand Posture and Motion Dataset for Hand Pose Estimation in Egocentric View
* 2022: Photographic Composition Guide for Photo Acquisition on Augmented Reality Glasses
Includes: Yoo, B.[Byung_In] Yoo, B. Yoo, B.[ByungIn] Yoo, B.[Byeongwook]
8 for Yoo, B.

Yoo, B.I.[Byung In] * 2014: HDO: A novel local image descriptor
* 2014: Randomized decision bush: Combining global shape parameters and local scalable descriptors for human body parts recognition
* 2019: Generalized and Robust Method Towards Practical Gaze Estimation on Smart Phone, A
* 2022: Slot-VPS: Object-centric Representation Learning for Video Panoptic Segmentation
Includes: Yoo, B.I.[Byung In] Yoo, B.I. Yoo, B.I.[Byung-In]

Yoo, B.S.[Bum Soo] * 2015: Fuzzy Integral-Based Gaze Control of a Robotic Head for Human Robot Interaction
Includes: Yoo, B.S.[Bum Soo] Yoo, B.S.[Bum-Soo]

Yoo, C.[Chuck] * 2016: Eliminating bandwidth estimation from adaptive video streaming in wireless networks
* 2018: Classification and Mapping of Paddy Rice by Combining Landsat and SAR Time Series Data
* 2018: Estimation of daily maximum and minimum air temperatures in urban landscapes using MODIS time series satellite data
* 2019: Comparison between convolutional neural networks and random forest for local climate zone classification in mega urban areas using Landsat images
* 2020: Estimation of All-Weather 1 km MODIS Land Surface Temperature for Humid Summer Days
* 2020: Improving Local Climate Zone Classification Using Incomplete Building Data and Sentinel 2 Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data
* 2021: Real-Time Parameter Estimation of a Dual-Pol Radar Rain Rate Estimator Using the Extended Kalman Filter
* 2022: All-Sky 1 km MODIS Land Surface Temperature Reconstruction Considering Cloud Effects Based on Machine Learning
* 2022: High-Resolution Seamless Daily Sea Surface Temperature Based on Satellite Data Fusion and Machine Learning over Kuroshio Extension
* 2022: Identifying the Impact of Regional Meteorological Parameters on US Crop Yield at Various Spatial Scales Using Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Yoo, C.[Chuck] Yoo, C.[Cheolhee] Yoo, C.[Chulsang]
11 for Yoo, C.

Yoo, C.D.[Choong Don] * 2002: COP: a new corner detector
* 2004: Localized image watermarking based on feature points of scale-space representation
* 2004: robust image fingerprinting system using the Radon transform, A
* 2008: Robust video fingerprinting based on 2D-OPCA of affine covariant regions
* 2008: Robust Video Fingerprinting for Content-Based Video Identification
* 2009: Robust Video Fingerprinting Based on Symmetric Pairwise Boosting
* 2011: Variable grouping for energy minimization
* 2012: Joint Kernel Learning for Supervised Image Segmentation
* 2012: Sparsity Sharing Embedding for Face Verification
* 2013: Task-Specific Image Partitioning
* 2014: Greedy algorithm for real-time multi-object tracking
* 2014: hierarchical-structured dictionary learning for image classification, A
* 2014: Image Segmentation Using Higher-Order Correlation Clustering
* 2014: Joint Estimation of Pose and Face Landmark
* 2014: Salient object detection using bipartite dictionary
* 2015: Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstruction in Presence of Occlusions and Minimal Texture
* 2015: Face alignment using cascade Gaussian process regression trees
* 2015: Face attribute classification using attribute-aware correlation map and gated convolutional neural networks
* 2015: Segment-wise online learning based on greedy algorithm for real-time multi-target tracking
* 2016: Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Feature Representation Learning Using Various Deep Networks
* 2016: Multimodal representation: Kneser-ney smoothing/skip-gram based neural language model
* 2017: Complex Video Scene Analysis Using Kernelized-Collaborative Behavior Pattern Learning Based on Hierarchical Representative Object Behaviors
* 2017: Content adaptive video summarization using spatio-temporal features
* 2017: Deep partial person re-identification via attention model
* 2017: Multi-view visual speech recognition based on multi task learning
* 2018: Action Recognition: First-and Second-Order 3D Feature in Bi-Directional Attention Network
* 2018: Fast and Efficient Image Quality Enhancement via Desubpixel Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2018: ImaGAN: Unsupervised Training of Conditional Joint CycleGAN for Transferring Style with Core Structures in Content Preserved
* 2018: Perception-Enhanced Image Super-Resolution via Relativistic Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Pivot Correlational Neural Network for Multimodal Video Categorization
* 2018: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detection Using Distribution Matching in Various Feature Level
* 2019: Edge-Labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-Shot Learning
* 2019: Few-Shot Associative Domain Adaptation for Surface Normal Estimation
* 2019: Progressive Attention Memory Network for Movie Story Question Answering
* 2020: CNN-Based Learnable Gammatone Filterbank and Equal-Loudness Normalization for Environmental Sound Classification
* 2020: GAPNet: Generic-Attribute-Pose Network For Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Using Multi-Attribute Attention Module
* 2020: Learning Augmentation Network via Influence Functions
* 2020: Modality Shifting Attention Network for Multi-Modal Video Question Answering
* 2020: VLANet: Video-language Alignment Network for Weakly-supervised Video Moment Retrieval
* 2021: Learning Imbalanced Datasets With Maximum Margin Loss
* 2021: Sphererpn: Learning Spheres for High-Quality Region Proposals on 3d Point Clouds Object Detection
* 2021: Weakly-Supervised Moment Retrieval Network for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval
* 2022: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-supervised Adversarial Robustness
* 2022: Dual Temperature Helps Contrastive Learning Without Many Negative Samples: Towards Understanding and Simplifying MoCo
* 2022: Selective Query-Guided Debiasing for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval
* 2022: SoftGroup for 3D Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds
* 2023: SCANet: Scene Complexity Aware Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval
* 2024: Scalable SoftGroup for 3D Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds
Includes: Yoo, C.D.[Choong Don] Yoo, C.D.[Choong-Don] Yoo, C.D.[Chang D.] Yoo, C.D.
48 for Yoo, C.D.

Yoo, C.H.[Cheol Hwan] * 2017: High-dimensional feature extraction using bit-plane decomposition of local binary patterns for robust face recognition
* 2019: Comparative evaluation of the polynomial and spline fitting methods for the B0 correction of CEST MRI data acquired from human brains
* 2022: Simple Yet Effective Approach to Repetitive Behavior Classification based on Siamese Network
* 2023: Pointing Gesture Recognition via Self-supervised Regularization for ASD Screening
Includes: Yoo, C.H.[Cheol Hwan] Yoo, C.H.[Cheol-Hwan] Yoo, C.H.[Chang Hyun]

Yoo, C.I. * 2016: Beach Volume Change Using UAV Photogrammetry Songjung Beach, Korea

Yoo, C.J.[Chul Jin] * 2000: Parking guidance and management system

Yoo, D. * 2015: Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* 2016: Pixel-Level Domain Transfer
* 2017: Light-Field Image Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Network
* 2017: Two-Phase Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2018: Distort-and-Recover: Color Enhancement Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2018: Learning Image Representations by Completing Damaged Jigsaw Puzzles
* 2018: SmartPartNet: Part-Informed Person Detection for Body-Worn Smartphones
* 2019: Photometric Transformer Networks and Label Adjustment for Breast Density Prediction
* 2022: Interactive Multi-Class Tiny-Object Detection
* 2023: Improving Multi-fidelity Optimization with a Recurring Learning Rate for Hyperparameter Tuning
* 2023: OCELOT: Overlapped Cell on Tissue Dataset for Histopathology
Includes: Yoo, D. Yoo, D.[Donggeun]
11 for Yoo, D.

Yoo, D.G.[Dong Geun] * 2015: AttentionNet: Aggregating Weak Directions for Accurate Object Detection
* 2015: Multi-scale pyramid pooling for deep convolutional representation
* 2017: Intelligent Assistant for People with Low Vision Abilities
* 2019: Learning Loss for Active Learning
* 2020: Learning Visual Context by Comparison
* 2021: Reducing Domain Gap by Reducing Style Bias
* 2023: Bayesian Optimization Meets Self-Distillation
* 2023: Benchmarking Self-Supervised Learning on Diverse Pathology Datasets
Includes: Yoo, D.G.[Dong Geun] Yoo, D.G.[Dong-Geun]
8 for Yoo, D.G.

Yoo, D.H.[Dong Hyun] * 2002: Non-contact eye gaze tracking system by mapping of corneal reflections
* 2004: Non-intrusive eye gaze estimation without knowledge of eye pose
* 2005: novel non-intrusive eye gaze estimation using cross-ratio under large head motion, A
* 2019: Domain Randomization for Scene-Specific Car Detection and Pose Estimation
Includes: Yoo, D.H.[Dong Hyun] Yoo, D.H.[Dong-Hyun]

Yoo, D.S.[Du Sic] * 2014: Joint Deblurring and Demosaicing Using Edge Information from Bayer Images

Yoo, E.K.[Eun Kyung] * 2023: Quantitative Manipulation of Custom Attributes on 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
Includes: Yoo, E.K.[Eun Kyung] Yoo, E.K.[Eun-Kyung]

Yoo, G.[Gil_Sang] * 2017: Real-time video watermarking techniques robust against re-encoding

Yoo, H. * 2001: Novel Compression Algorithm for Cell Animation Images, A
* 2001: Unified Framework for Wavelet Transforms Based on the Lifting Scheme, A
* 2010: Analysis and Improvement of Laser Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Systems Configurations
* 2013: ABFT: Anisotropic binary feature transform based on structure tensor space
* 2013: Exact order based feature descriptor for illumination robust image matching
* 2013: Gradient-Enhancing Conversion for Illumination-Robust Lane Detection
* 2014: Multi-task learning with over-sampled time-series representation of a trajectory for traffic motion pattern recognition
* 2015: Efficient Spatio-Temporal Data Association Using Multidimensional Assignment in Multi-Camera Multi-Target Tracking
* 2017: Online Scheme for Multiple Camera Multiple Target Tracking Based on Multiple Hypothesis Tracking
* 2017: Unified Color and Contrast Age-Dependent Visual Content Adaptation, A
* 2018: Unified optimization framework for localization and tracking of multiple targets with multiple cameras
* 2018: Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches
* 2019: Detection of interacting groups based on geometric and social relations between individuals in an image
* 2019: Direct Feedback Alignment Based Convolutional Neural Network Training for Low-Power Online Learning Processor
* 2020: Heterogeneous Deep Neural Network Processor With a Non-von Neumann Architecture, The
* 2021: Learning To Disentangle Representations for Rain Streak Removal
* 2021: Visual Graph Memory with Unsupervised Representation for Visual Navigation
* 2022: Drivable Dirt Road Region Identification Using Image and Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Fusion
* 2023: Data Efficient Single Image Dehazing via Adversarial Auto-Augmentation and extended Atmospheric Scattering Model
* 2023: Local Selective Vision Transformer for Depth Estimation Using a Compound Eye Camera
* 2024: Lightweight Thermal Super-Resolution and Object Detection for Robust Perception in Adverse Weather Conditions
* 2024: PAIR: Perception Aided Image Restoration for Natural Driving Conditions
Includes: Yoo, H. Yoo, H.[Hunjae] Yoo, H.[Hanjoo] Yoo, H.[Haanju] Yoo, H.[Hyunjin] Yoo, H.[Hwiyeon] Yoo, H.[Hyeongjun] Yoo, H.[Hyunsung] Yoo, H.[HyunJin]
22 for Yoo, H.

Yoo, H.J. * 1994: New Method for Straight Line and Circular Arc Extraction, A
* 2009: Color Calibration of HDR Image under a Known Illumination for Measuring Reflectance Property of Materials
* 2009: Configurable Heterogeneous Multicore Architecture With Cellular Neural Network for Real-Time Object Recognition, A
* 2010: attention controlled multi-core architecture for energy efficient object recognition, An
* 2010: Enhanced Measurement Model for Subspace-Based Tracking
* 2010: Familiarity based unified visual attention model for fast and robust object recognition
* 2010: Multi-Spectral Imaging by Optimized Wide Band Illumination
* 2017: Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Embedded System for Intelligent ADAS with RNN-Based Deep Risk Prediction using Stereo Camera, A
* 2024: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation via Piece-Wise Pose Estimation and Geometric Constraints
Includes: Yoo, H.J. Yoo, H.J.[Hyun-Jin] Yoo, H.J.[Hoi-Jun] Yoo, H.J.[Haan Joo]
9 for Yoo, H.J.

Yoo, H.M.[Hyouck Min] * 2010: Fingerprint reference point detemination based on a novel ridgeline feature

Yoo, H.S.[Hong Sang] * 2023: Precondition and effect reasoning for action recognition
Includes: Yoo, H.S.[Hong Sang] Yoo, H.S.[Hong-Sang]

Yoo, H.W.[Hun Woo] * 2002: Extraction of major object features using VQ clustering for content-based image retrieval
* 2002: Visual information retrieval system via content-based approach
Includes: Yoo, H.W.[Hun Woo] Yoo, H.W.[Hun-Woo]

Yoo, H.Y. * 2006: Variographic Analysis of Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Imageries by Wavelet-based Approaches
* 2010: Visual Image Processing RAM: Memory Architecture With 2-D Data Location Search and Data Consistency Management for a Multicore Object Recognition Processor

Yoo, I.[Innfarn] * 2014: Sketching human character animations by composing sequences from large motion database
* 2016: Can COMT-inhibitor delay the clinical progression of Parkinson's disease? 2 years follow up pilot study
* 2020: GIFnets: Differentiable GIF Encoding Framework
* 2022: Deep 3D-to-2D Watermarking: Embedding Messages in 3D Meshes and Extracting Them from 2D Renderings
Includes: Yoo, I.[Innfarn] Yoo, I.[Ikdong] Yoo, I.

Yoo, I.S.[In Sub] * 2017: Accurate object distance estimation based on frequency-domain analysis with a stereo camera
Includes: Yoo, I.S.[In Sub] Yoo, I.S.[In-Sub]

Yoo, J.[Jinhee] * 1997: Multilevel Post-Processing for Korean Character-Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Evaluation
* 1999: Fast Algorithm for Designing Stack Filters, A
* 2001: Structuring element decomposition for efficient implementation of morphological filters
* 2005: 3D Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data Using Moving Least Square Method
* 2005: efficient scattered data approximation using multilevel B-splines based on quasi-interpolants, An
* 2007: Hurricane Disaster Assessments With Image-Driven Data Mining in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* 2011: Manifold-respecting discriminant nonnegative matrix factorization
* 2013: 3D mesh and multi-view synthesis implementation using stereo cameras and a depth camera
* 2013: Target Localization Using Ensemble Support Vector Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2014: Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* 2014: Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* 2015: Visual Hull-Based Geometric Data Compression of a 3-D Object
* 2016: Practical Hand Skeleton Estimation Method Based on Monocular Camera
* 2017: Beyond Deep Residual Learning for Image Restoration: Persistent Homology-Guided Manifold Simplification
* 2017: Feature Vector Construction Method for Iris Recognition
* 2017: NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2018: Deep Convolutional Framelet Denosing for Low-Dose CT via Wavelet Residual Network
* 2018: Image Restoration by Estimating Frequency Distribution of Local Patches
* 2019: Enhancing Denoised Image Via Fusion With a Noisy Image
* 2019: Photorealistic Style Transfer via Wavelet Transforms
* 2019: Predictive Perception Model and Control Strategy for Collision-Free Autonomous Driving, A
* 2019: Software pipelining with CGA and proposed intrinsics on a reconfigurable processor for HEVC decoders
* 2019: Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Fast Adaptation to Super-resolution Networks via Meta-learning
* 2020: Kl-Divergence-Based Region Proposal Network For Object Detection
* 2020: Raindrop-Aware GAN: Unsupervised Learning for Raindrop-Contaminated Coastal Video Enhancement
* 2020: Rethinking Data Augmentation for Image Super-resolution: A Comprehensive Analysis and a New Strategy
* 2020: Simulation-based Data Augmentation Using Physical Priors for Noise Filtering Deep Neural Network
* 2020: SimUSR: A Simple but Strong Baseline for Unsupervised Image Super-resolution
* 2020: StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains
* 2020: Unpriortized Autoencoder For Image Generation
* 2021: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2021: Improved Calibration of Wind Estimates from Advanced Scatterometer MetOp-B in Korean Seas Using Deep Neural Network
* 2021: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2021: Learning Dynamic Network Using a Reuse Gate Function in Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation
* 2021: Physics-Driven CNN Model for Real-Time Sea Waves 3D Reconstruction, A
* 2021: Quantification of Phycocyanin in Inland Waters through Remote Measurement of Ratios and Shifts in Reflection Spectral Peaks
* 2021: RaScaNet: Learning Tiny Models by Raster-Scanning Images
* 2021: Rethinking the Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* 2021: SetVAE: Learning Hierarchical Composition for Generative Modeling of Set-Structured Data
* 2021: Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
* 2021: Training Multi-Object Detector by Estimating Bounding Box Distribution for Input Image
* 2022: MatteFormer: Transformer-Based Image Matting via Prior-Tokens
* 2022: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for One-Stage Object Detector Using Offsets to Bounding Box
* 2023: Enriched CNN-Transformer Feature Aggregation Networks for Super-Resolution
* 2023: Exploiting Inter-pixel Correlations in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation
* 2023: LANIT: Language-Driven Image-to-Image Translation for Unlabeled Data
* 2023: Semantic-Aware Dynamic Parameter for Video Inpainting Transformer
* 2023: Towards End-to-End Generative Modeling of Long Videos with Memory-Efficient Bidirectional Transformers
* 2024: RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis
Includes: Yoo, J.[Jinhee] Yoo, J. Yoo, J.[Jaechil] Yoo, J.[Jiho] Yoo, J.[Jisang] Yoo, J.[Jisung] Yoo, J.[Jaehyeon] Yoo, J.[Jae_Jun] Yoo, J.[Jaeyoung] Yoo, J.[Jonghun] Yoo, J.[Jinsu] Yoo, J.[Jeseon] Yoo, J.[Jaeyoon] Yoo, J.[Jayeon] Yoo, J.[Jaehyun] Yoo, J.[Jaehyoung] Yoo, J.[Jaejun] Yoo, J.[Jaehoon] Yoo, J.[JaeYoung]
51 for Yoo, J.

Yoo, J.C. * 2012: Image matching using peak signal-to-noise ratio-based occlusion detection
* 2014: Image restoration by blind-Wiener filter
Includes: Yoo, J.C. Yoo, J.C.[Jae-Chern]

Yoo, J.D. * 2014: On-Demand Conflict Resolution Procedures for Air-Traffic Intersections

Yoo, J.E.[Jung Eun] * 2021: Fast and Accurate Single-Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report

Yoo, J.H.[Jae Hung] * 1993: Ellipse Detection Method from the Polar and Pole Definition of Conics, An
* 1994: Design Of Multicategory Multifeature Split Decision Trees Using Perceptron Learning
* 1994: General Approach for Token Correspondence, A
* 1995: Thresholding Based on Histogram Approximation
* 1996: Symbolic Mapping of Neurons in Feedforward Networks
* 1997: Structure-Driven Induction of Decision Tree Classifiers Through Neural Learning
* 2002: Extracting human gait signatures by body segment properties
* 2002: Model-driven statistical analysis of human gait motion
* 2006: Feature Extraction and Selection for Recognizing Humans by Their Gait
* 2007: Robust Eye Detection Method in Facial Region, A
* 2008: Automated Human Recognition by Gait using Neural Network
* 2008: Real-Time Face Verification for Mobile Platforms
* 2010: Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* 2014: Human Action Recognition Based on 3D Human Modeling and Cyclic HMMs
* 2015: simply integrated dual-sensor based non-intrusive iris image acquisition system, A
* 2017: Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments, A
* 2020: 3D-CVF: Generating Joint Camera and Lidar Features Using Cross-view Spatial Feature Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* 2022: Simple Yet Effective Approach to Repetitive Behavior Classification based on Siamese Network
* 2023: Pointing Gesture Recognition via Self-supervised Regularization for ASD Screening
Includes: Yoo, J.H.[Jae Hung] Yoo, J.H.[Jae H.] Yoo, J.H. Yoo, J.H.[Jang-Hee] Yoo, J.H.[Ji-Ho] Yoo, J.H.[Jin Hyeok]
19 for Yoo, J.H.

Yoo, J.J.[Jae Jun] * 2005: scalable VideoGIS system for GPS-guided vehicles, A
* 2009: SVC adaptation: Standard tools and supporting methods
* 2017: Joint Sparse Recovery Framework for Accurate Reconstruction of Inclusions in Elastic Media, A
* 2020: Deep Learning Diffuse Optical Tomography
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
Includes: Yoo, J.J.[Jae Jun] Yoo, J.J.[Jae-Jun] Yoo, J.J.[Jeong-Ju]

Yoo, J.K. * 2012: Fuzzy Integral-Based Gaze Control Architecture Incorporated With Modified-Univector Field-Based Navigation for Humanoid Robots

Yoo, J.M.[Jae Myung] * 2006: New Macroblock-Layer Rate Control for H.264/AVC Using Quadratic R-D Model, A
* 2007: Adaptive Interpolation for Error Concealment in H.264 Using Directional Histograms
* 2019: Probability Index of Low Stratus and Fog at Dawn using Dual Geostationary Satellite Observations from COMS and FY-2D near the Korean Peninsula
* 2021: Advanced Dual-Satellite Method for Detection of Low Stratus and Fog near Japan at Dawn from FY-4A and Himawari-8
Includes: Yoo, J.M.[Jae Myung] Yoo, J.M.[Jae-Myung] Yoo, J.M.[Jung-Moon]

Yoo, J.S. * 1993: Nonlinear Prefiltering and Differences of Estimates Approaches to Edge Detection: Applications of Stack Filters, The
* 1997: Dual Stack Filters and the Modified Difference of Estimates Approach to Edge Detection
* 2005: Efficient Wavelet-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm, An
* 2005: In-Route Nearest Neighbor Queries
* 2006: Electronic Watermarking Technique for Digital Holograms in a DWT Domain, An
* 2007: Interactive Multi-View Video and View-Dependent Audio Under MPEG-21 DIA (Digital Item Adaptation)
* 2007: Spatio-temporal Conceptual Schema Development for Wide-Area Sensor Networks
* 2010: problems in digital watermarking into intra-frames of H.264/AVC, The
* 2010: Selective and adaptive signal hiding technique for security of JPEG2000
* 2016: Fast Search of a Similar Patch for Self-Similarity Based Image Super Resolution
* 2018: Improving Color Constancy in an Ambient Light Environment Using the Phong Reflection Model
* 2019: Dichromatic Model Based Temporal Color Constancy for AC Light Sources
* 2020: Deep Temporal Color Constancy for AC Light Sources
* 2020: Filter Style Transfer Between Photos
* 2020: Noise-Robust Iterative Back-Projection
* 2021: Deep Dichromatic Model Estimation Under AC Light Sources
* 2023: GPS-GLASS: Learning Nighttime Semantic Segmentation Using Daytime Video and GPS data
* 2023: Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Object Segmentation
* 2023: RZSR: Reference-Based Zero-Shot Super-Resolution With Depth Guided Self-Exemplars
* 2023: Video Object Segmentation-aware Video Frame Interpolation
* 2024: Pose and Shape Estimation of Humans in Vehicles
* 2024: RefQSR: Reference-Based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
Includes: Yoo, J.S. Yoo, J.S.[Ji-Sang] Yoo, J.S.[Jin Soung] Yoo, J.S.[Jun-Sang] Yoo, J.S.[Ji-Sung]
22 for Yoo, J.S.

Yoo, J.W.[Jin Woo] * 2012: Implementation and Optimization of Image Processing Algorithms on Embedded GPU
* 2013: Content-Driven Retargeting of Stereoscopic Images
* 2013: Variable Step-Size Sign Subband Adaptive Filter
* 2022: SeeThroughNet: Resurrection of Auxiliary Loss by Preserving Class Probability Information
Includes: Yoo, J.W.[Jin Woo] Yoo, J.W. Yoo, J.W.[Jin-Woo] Yoo, J.W.[Jae-Wook]

Yoo, J.Y. * 1997: Line Removal and Restoration of Handwritten Characters on the Form Documents

Yoo, K.[Kiwon] * 2008: VLSI architecture design of motion vector processor for H.264/AVC
* 2009: Fast mode-decision for H.264/AVC based on inter-frame correlations
* 2010: Hardware design of motion data decoding process for H.264/AVC
* 2017: Supervising Neural Attention Models for Video Captioning by Human Gaze Data
* 2023: Self-Distilled Self-supervised Representation Learning
Includes: Yoo, K.[Kiwon] Yoo, K. Yoo, K.[Kiyoon]

Yoo, K.H.[Kwan Hee] * 1996: Model Based Method for the Quantizer Assignment of JPEG-Like Coders, A
* 2010: High-Definition 3D Stereoscopic Microscope Display System for Biomedical Applications
Includes: Yoo, K.H.[Kwan Hee] Yoo, K.H.[Kwan-Hee]

Yoo, K.M. * 2019: Leveraging Class Hierarchy in Fashion Classification
* 2019: Stochastic Relational Network
* 2019: Utterance Generation With Variational Auto-Encoder for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding

Yoo, K.Y. * 1998: Efficient Coding Method for the Local Motion Vector by Using Global Motion, An
* 1998: New Fast Local Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Global Motion, A
* 1999: New motion estimation and compensation algorithms for video compression combining global and local motions
* 2000: Core-based Fingerprint Image Classification
* 2005: Fast Full Search Algorithm for Variable Block-Based Motion Estimation of H.264, A
* 2005: Fast Video Mixing Method for Multiparty Video Conference, A
* 2006: DCT-Domain Predictive Coding Method for Video Compression
* 2010: Fast Interframe mode decision algorithm based on mode mapping and MB activity for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC transcoding
* 2018: real-time secret image sharing with fairness, A
* 2018: Reversible data hiding scheme with edge-direction predictor and modulo operation
Includes: Yoo, K.Y. Yoo, K.Y.[Kook-Yeol] Yoo, K.Y.[Kee-Young]
10 for Yoo, K.Y.

Yoo, M. * 2020: Unsupervised Deep Contrast Enhancement With Power Constraint for OLED Displays

Yoo, M.H. * 2000: Control Model for Vergence Movement on a Stereo Robotic Head Using Disparity Flux, A
* 2000: Pre-attentive Detection of Perceptually Important Regions in Facial Images
Includes: Yoo, M.H. Yoo, M.H.[Myung-Hyun]

Yoo, M.J.[Min Jae] * 2024: Revisiting PID Control for Power-Constrained Video Display
Includes: Yoo, M.J.[Min Jae] Yoo, M.J.[Min-Jae]

Yoo, M.Y. * 1977: Pattern Recognition by Fourier Shape Descriptor

Yoo, N.[Nobline] * 2023: Efficient, Self-Supervised Human Pose Estimation with Inductive Prior Tuning

Yoo, S. * 2010: Dual Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* 2011: Estimating Crown Variables of Individual Trees Using Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* 2013: Background subtraction using hybrid feature coding in the bag-of-features framework
* 2015: Dictionary-based multiple frame video super-resolution
* 2016: Compressive reconstruction for 3D incoherent holographic microscopy
* 2016: Memory Access Scheduling for a Smart TV
* 2016: Super-resolution of compressed videos using convolutional neural networks
* 2017: Sparse Representation-Based Multiple Frame Video Super-Resolution
* 2017: Weighted-Entropy-Based Quantization for Deep Neural Networks
* 2018: Bayesian Approach for Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation in 3D Image Reconstruction from Multi-Focus Microscope
* 2018: Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-Based Palette Generation
* 2018: Value-Aware Quantization for Training and Inference of Neural Networks
* 2019: Coloring With Limited Data: Few-Shot Colorization via Memory Augmented Networks
* 2019: Sinogram Image Completion for Limited Angle Tomography With Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2019: Tag2Pix: Line Art Colorization Using Text Tag With SECat and Changing Loss
* 2020: End-to-End Lane Marker Detection via Row-wise Classification
* 2020: Exploring Unlabeled Faces for Novel Attribute Discovery
* 2020: Image Collection Simulation Using High-Resolution Atmospheric Modeling
* 2021: AGKD-BML: Defense Against Adversarial Attack by Attention Guided Knowledge Distillation and Bi-directional Metric Learning
* 2021: Fine-Grained Multi-Class Object Counting
* 2021: Fine-grained Semantics-aware Representation Enhancement for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2022: BASQ: Branch-wise Activation-clipping Search Quantization for Sub-4-bit Neural Networks
* 2023: Deep Learning on Multiphysical Features and Hemodynamic Modeling for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth Prediction
* 2023: Fusion-SUNet: Spatial Layout Consistency for 3D Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Human Vision Based 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes
* 2023: Multi-scale Local Implicit Keypoint Descriptor for Keypoint Matching
* 2023: NIPQ: Noise proxy-based Integrated Pseudo-Quantization
* 2023: SALAD: Part-Level Latent Diffusion for 3D Shape Generation and Manipulation
* 2023: UVCGAN: UNet Vision Transformer cycle-consistent GAN for unpaired image-to-image translation
Includes: Yoo, S. Yoo, S.[Seungwoo] Yoo, S.[Seunghwan] Yoo, S.[Sungjoo] Yoo, S.[Seungjoo] Yoo, S.[Shinjae] Yoo, S.[Seunghwa] Yoo, S.[Sunkook] Yoo, S.[Sunghwan]
29 for Yoo, S.

Yoo, S.B.[Seok Bong] * 2011: Post processing for blocking artifact reduction
* 2012: Block Poisson Method and its application to large scale image editing
* 2014: Blind Post-Processing for Ringing and Mosquito Artifact Reduction in Coded Videos
* 2014: Post-Processing for Blocking Artifact Reduction Based on Inter-Block Correlation
* 2016: Texture enhancement for improving single-image super-resolution performance
* 2018: Efficient Texture Creation Based on Random Patches in Database and Guided Filter
* 2022: Haze-net: High-frequency Attentive Super-resolved Gaze Estimation in Low-resolution Face Images
* 2022: Latentgaze: Cross-domain Gaze Estimation Through Gaze-aware Analytic Latent Code Manipulation
* 2023: Latent-OFER: Detect, Mask, and Reconstruct with Latent Vectors for Occluded Facial Expression Recognition
Includes: Yoo, S.B.[Seok Bong] Yoo, S.B.
9 for Yoo, S.B.

Yoo, S.C.[Seung Chul] * 2020: Meet the Virtual Jeju Dol Harubang The Mixed VR/AR Application for Cultural Immersion in Korea's Main Heritage
* 2020: PalmitoAR: The Last Battle of the U.S. Civil War Reenacted Using Augmented Reality
Includes: Yoo, S.C.[Seung Chul] Yoo, S.C.[Seung-Chul]

Yoo, S.H.[Si Ho] * 2006: Fuzzy Bayesian validation for cluster analysis of yeast cell-cycle data
* 2018: Rapid Disaster Mapping through Data Integration from UAVS and Multi-sensors Mounted on Investigation Platforms of Ndmi, Korea
Includes: Yoo, S.H.[Si Ho] Yoo, S.H.[Si-Ho] Yoo, S.H.

Yoo, S.I. * 1988: methodology for solving problems: Problem Modeling and Heuristic Generation, A
* 1999: MCEBC: A Blob Coloring Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval System
* 2008: Image Restoration for Quantifying TFT-LCD Defect Levels
* 2010: Convex Image Segmentation: Extending Graph Cuts and Closed-Form Matting, A
* 2011: Isotropic Huber MRFS for structure super-resolution
* 2014: Detecting defects in repeatedly patterned image with spatially different level of noise
* 2015: Learning Texture Image Prior for Super Resolution Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* 2019: Multi-Image Blind Deconvolution Using Low-Rank Representation
Includes: Yoo, S.I. Yoo, S.I.[Suk I.] Yoo, S.I.[Suk In]
8 for Yoo, S.I.

Yoo, S.J.[Seong Joon] * 2000: composite histogram for image retrieval, A
* 2004: Method for generating a block-based image histogram
* 2006: Method for generating a block-based image histogram
* 2009: Real-Time Color Correction Method for a Low-Cost Still/Video Camera
* 2014: Memory-Efficient Architecture of Full HD Around View Monitor Systems, A
* 2018: Connectivity-Preserving Approach for Distributed Adaptive Synchronized Tracking of Networked Uncertain Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
* 2019: Error Transformation Approach for Connectivity-Preserving and Collision-Avoiding Formation Tracking of Networked Uncertain Underactuated Surface Vessels, An
* 2020: Profit: A Novel Training Method for sub-4-bit Mobilenet Models
* 2021: Exploiting Spatial Dimensions of Latent in GAN for Real-time Image Editing
* 2021: Learning-Based Automation of Robotic Assembly for Smart Manufacturing
* 2021: Structure-from-Sherds: Incremental 3D Reassembly of Axially Symmetric Pots from Unordered and Mixed Fragment Collections
* 2023: AnyFlow: Arbitrary Scale Optical Flow with Implicit Neural Representation
Includes: Yoo, S.J.[Seong Joon] Yoo, S.J.[Seong-Joon] Yoo, S.J.[Sung-Joo] Yoo, S.J.[Sung Jin] Yoo, S.J. Yoo, S.J.[Su-Jeong] Yoo, S.J.[Seong Jong]
12 for Yoo, S.J.

Yoo, S.J.B. * 2004: Joint server/peer receiver-driven rate-distortion optimized video streaming using asynchronous clocks

Yoo, S.K.[Sun K.] * 2005: Web-Based Hybrid Visualization of Medical Images
* 2020: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance Evaluation
Includes: Yoo, S.K.[Sun K.] Yoo, S.K.

Yoo, S.M.[Seong Moo] * 2005: Use of Artificial Color filtering to improve iris recognition and searching
* 2007: Complexity accuracy tradeoffs of Lie operators in motion estimation
* 2021: I-Keyboard: Fully Imaginary Keyboard on Touch Devices Empowered by Deep Neural Decoder
* 2023: FastSwap: A Lightweight One-Stage Framework for Real-Time Face Swapping
Includes: Yoo, S.M.[Seong Moo] Yoo, S.M.[Seong-Moo] Yoo, S.M.[Sahng-Min]

Yoo, S.S.[Seung Schik] * 2008: Composite MR contrast agents for conditional cell-labeling
* 2008: Guest editorial: Special issue on human brain imaging
* 2008: Independent vector analysis (IVA) for group fMRI processing of subcortical area
* 2008: Neurofeedback fMRI-mediated learning and consolidation of regional brain activation during motor imagery
* 2011: Focused ultrasound modulates the level of cortical neurotransmitters: Potential as a new functional brain mapping technique
* 2011: Investigation of spectrally coherent resting-state networks using non-negative matrix factorization for functional MRI data
* 2012: Image-guided navigation of single-element focused ultrasound transducer
* 2014: Creation of various skin sensations using pulsed focused ultrasound: Evidence for functional neuromodulation
* 2014: Endoscopic capsule robots using reconfigurable modular assembly: A pilot study
* 2014: Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel as an acoustic coupling medium for low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound
* 2018: Focused ultrasound brain stimulation to anesthetized rats induces long-term changes in somatosensory evoked potentials
Includes: Yoo, S.S.[Seung Schik] Yoo, S.S.[Seung-Schik]
11 for Yoo, S.S.

Yoo, S.W.[Seung Woo] * 2014: novel monochromatic cue for detecting regions of visual interest, A
* 2018: Interior Point Method for Nonnegative Sparse Signal Reconstruction, An
Includes: Yoo, S.W.[Seung Woo] Yoo, S.W.[Seung-Woo] Yoo, S.W.[Seungh-Wan]

Yoo, T.S.[Terry S.] * 2005: Active Contours Using a Constraint-Based Implicit Representation
* 2006: Hierarchically Partitioned Implicit Surfaces for Interpolating Large Point Set Models
* 2008: stable optic-flow based method for tracking colonoscopy images, A
* 2010: MRF-based statistical deformation model for morphological image analysis, An
* 2012: Automatic identification of prescription drugs using shape distribution models

Yoo, T.W.[Tae Woong] * 1999: fast algorithm for tracking human faces based on chromatic histograms, A
Includes: Yoo, T.W.[Tae Woong] Yoo, T.W.[Tae-Woong]

Yoo, W. * 2016: Sensor Fusion Algorithm Design in Detecting Vehicles Using Laser Scanner and Stereo Vision

Yoo, W.H.[Weon Hee] * 2005: Layered Fingerprint Recognition Method, A
Includes: Yoo, W.H.[Weon Hee] Yoo, W.H.[Weon-Hee]

Yoo, Y. * 1996: Adaptive quantization of image subbands with efficient overhead rate selection
* 1999: Image Subband Coding Using Context-Based Classification and Adaptive Quantization
* 2002: Development and Real-Time Implementation of Auto White Balancing Scoring Algorithm
* 2016: Deep 3D Convolutional Encoder Networks With Shortcuts for Multiscale Feature Integration Applied to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
* 2016: Visual Path Prediction in Complex Scenes with Crowded Moving Objects
* 2017: Action-Decision Networks for Visual Tracking with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2017: Variational Autoencoded Regression: High Dimensional Regression of Visual Data on Complex Manifold
* 2018: Dynamic Graph Generation Network: Generating Relational Knowledge from Diagrams
* 2019: CutMix: Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers With Localizable Features
* 2020: Sensor-realistic Synthetic Data Engine for Multi-frame High Dynamic Range Photography
* 2020: SINet: Extreme Lightweight Portrait Segmentation Networks with Spatial Squeeze Modules and Information Blocking Decoder
* 2021: Brain midline shift detection and quantification by a cascaded deep network pipeline on non-contrast computed tomography scans
* 2021: SelfReg: Self-supervised Contrastive Regularization for Domain Generalization
* 2021: Strategic Analysis for Governance Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal in Korea
* 2022: Real-Time Ultrasound Detection of Breast Microcalcifications Using Multifocus Twinkling Artifact Imaging
* 2024: Real-Time Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy using Lightweight Transformer
Includes: Yoo, Y. Yoo, Y.[Youngjin] Yoo, Y.[Youngjun] Yoo, Y.[Yejin] Yoo, Y.[Yangmo] Yoo, Y.[Youngbeom]
16 for Yoo, Y.

Yoo, Y.F. * 2020: Wavelet Synthesis Net for Disparity Estimation to Synthesize DSLR Calibre Bokeh Effect on Smartphones

Yoo, Y.H.[Yong Ho] * 2022: Convolutional Recurrent Reconstructive Network for Spatiotemporal Anomaly Detection in Solder Paste Inspection
Includes: Yoo, Y.H.[Yong Ho] Yoo, Y.H.[Yong-Ho]

Yoo, Y.J. * 1996: Digital halftoning algorithm using visual-optimized binary patterns
* 1999: Embedded Image-Domain Compression Using Context Models
* 1999: Programmable DSP platform for digital still cameras
* 2006: Hierarchical Blur Identification from Severely Out-of-Focus Images
* 2009: Adaptive Scan Pattern for Quantized Coefficients in Intra Coding of H.264
* 2009: Low-light imaging method with visible-band and wide-band image pair
* 2010: Adaptive shadow estimator for removing shadow of moving object
* 2011: Enhanced Adaptive Loop Filter for Motion Compensated Frame
* 2011: Wide-band image guided visible-band image enhancement
* 2012: Robust Moving Object Detection Against Fast Illumination Change
* 2014: Deep Learning of Image Features from Unlabeled Data for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
* 2014: Multi-task learning with over-sampled time-series representation of a trajectory for traffic motion pattern recognition
* 2014: Transfer Learning of Motion Patterns in Traffic Scene via Convex Optimization
* 2014: Two-stage online inference model for traffic pattern analysis and anomaly detection
* 2014: Visual surveillance briefing system: Event-based video retrieval and summarization
* 2017: Motion interaction field for detection of abnormal interactions
* 2018: Pose transforming network: Learning to disentangle human posture in variational auto-encoded latent space
* 2020: Integration of Remote Sensing and Field Surveys to Detect Ecologically Damaged Areas for Restoration in South Korea, The
* 2021: Rainbow Memory: Continual Learning with a Memory of Diverse Samples
* 2021: Rethinking Channel Dimensions for Efficient Model Design
* 2022: Beyond Semantic to Instance Segmentation: Weakly-Supervised Instance Segmentation via Semantic Knowledge Transfer and Self-Refinement
* 2024: EResFD: Rediscovery of the Effectiveness of Standard Convolution for Lightweight Face Detection
* 2024: NCIS: Neural Contextual Iterative Smoothing for Purifying Adversarial Perturbations
Includes: Yoo, Y.J. Yoo, Y.J.[Young-Jun] Yoo, Y.J.[Yoon-Jong] Yoo, Y.J.[Young-Joe] Yoo, Y.J.[Young-Jin] Yoo, Y.J.[Yung Jun] Yoo, Y.J.[Young-Joon] Yoo, Y.J.[Young-Jae]
23 for Yoo, Y.J.

Yoo, Y.M.[Yang Mo] * 2006: Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion and Shock Filter for Ultrasound Image Enhancement
* 2007: Nonlinear Diffusion in Laplacian Pyramid Domain for Ultrasonic Speckle Reduction
Includes: Yoo, Y.M.[Yang Mo] Yoo, Y.M.

Yoo, Y.S.[Yong Seok] * 2005: Asymmetric Multi-Phase Deformable Model for Colon Segmentation
* 2008: moving object detection algorithm for smart cameras, A
Includes: Yoo, Y.S.[Yong Seok] Yoo, Y.S.[Yong-Seok]

Index for "y"

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