Update Dates 0308

0308 * 3-D aggregated object detection and labeling from multivariate confocal microscopy images: A model validation approach
* 3D motion estimation of bubbles of gas in fluid glass, using an optical flow gradient technique extended to a third dimension
* accurate bit-rate control algorithm for video transcoding, An
* Activation detection in fMRI using a maximum energy ratio statistic obtained by adaptive spatial filtering
* Adaptive deblocking filter
* Adaptive filtering approaches for colour image and video restoration
* Adaptive image-smoothing using a coplanar matrix and its application to document image binarization
* adaptive method for detecting dominant points, An
* Advances in Computational Stereo
* Airborne differential SAR interferometry: first results at l-band
* Analysis of event-related fMRI data using best clustering bases
* Apparatus and method for detecting speaking person's eyes and face
* Appearance-Based Method for Parametric Video Registration, An
* Application of Krylov subspaces to SPECT imaging
* application of wavelets correlator for ship wake detection in SAR images, The
* Applying improved fast marching method to endocardial boundary detection in echocardiographic images
* Approximation of digital curves with line segments and circular arcs using genetic algorithms
* Architectures for Detecting and Solving Conflicts: Two-Stage Classification and Support Vector Classifiers
* Artificial intelligence structural imaging techniques in visual pattern analysis and medical data understanding
* Aspect graph construction with noisy feature detectors
* Asymmetric binary tree coding for contour images
* Atmospheric Correction and Its Application to an Analysis of Hyperion Data
* Audiovisual localization of multiple speakers in a video teleconferencing setting
* Automated 3-D PDM construction from segmented images using deformable models
* Automatic construction of 3-D statistical deformation models of the brain using nonrigid registration
* automatic focusing algorithm, An
* Automatic gait recognition based on statistical shape analysis
* Automatic soccer video analysis and summarization
* Automatic text detection and removal in video sequences
* Bayesian analysis for fusion of data from disparate imaging systems for surveillance
* Bayesian and non-Bayesian probabilistic models for medical image analysis
* Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences
* Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences
* Blind deblurring of spiral CT images
* Camera signal processing apparatus and camera signal processing method
* Candid covariance-free incremental principal component analysis
* Character location in scene images from digital camera
* Characterizing and Correcting Hyperion Detectors Using Ice-Sheet Images
* Classification of Arabic script using multiple sources of information: State of the art and perspectives
* color object recognition scheme: application to cellular sorting, A
* Combined MR data acquisition of multicontrast images using variable acquisition parameters and K -space data sharing
* Combining static and dynamic features using neural networks and edge fusion for video object extraction
* Comments on A translation- and scale-invariant adaptive wavelet transform
* Comments on ground from figure discrimination
* comparison of BRDF models for the normalization of satellite optical data to a standard sun-target-sensor geometry, A
* Comparison of techniques for environmental sound recognition
* Complete solution classification for the perspective-three-point problem
* Complexity of optimized H.26L video decoder implementation
* Construction of wavelets for width-invariant characterization of curves
* Content-based image retrieval using moment-preserving edge detection
* Content-Based Video Retrieval: A Database Perspective
* Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding in the H.264/AVC video compression standard
* Continuous restricted Boltzmann machine with an implementable training algorithm
* Contour detection based on nonclassical receptive field inhibition
* Contour tracking with automatic motion model switching
* Contribution of the fractal dimension to multiscale adaptive filtering of SAR imagery
* Convergence of the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART)
* Convexity properties of space curves
* Corner detection and matching for visual tracking during power line inspection
* Cortical surface registration for image-guided neurosurgery using laser-range scanning
* Creating word-level language models for large-vocabulary handwriting recognition
* Cross Comparison of EO-1 Sensors and Other Earth Resources Sensors to Landsat-7 ETM+ Using Railroad Valley Playa
* Curvature Scale Space Representation: Theory, Applications, and MPEG-7 Standardization
* curvature-based multiresolution automatic karyotyping system, A
* Data management for rotated sampled images
* Data redundancy and reduced-scan reconstruction in reflectivity tomography
* Distributed genetic algorithm for Gaussian mixture model based speaker identification
* DORT method as applied to ultrawideband signals for detection of buried objects
* Down-scaling for better transform compression
* Dynamic trees for image modelling
* effects of translational misalignment when self-calibrating rotating and zooming cameras, The
* Efficient multiplier structure for realization of the discrete cosine transform
* Efficient particle filtering for multiple target tracking with application to tracking in structured images
* Efficient simulation of SAR interferograms of large areas and of rugged terrain
* Efficient Tool for Genetic Experiments: Agarose Gel Image Analysis, An
* Egomotion estimation of a range camera using the space envelope
* Elastic registration in the presence of intensity variations
* EM algorithm for wavelet-based image restoration, An
* Ensembles of classifiers for handwritten word recognition
* Estimating average growth trajectories in shape-space using kernel smoothing
* Estimating regional noise on neural network predictions
* Estimating the Principal Curvatures and the Darboux Frame from Real 3-D Range Data
* Estimating volumetric motion in human thorax with parametric matching constraints
* Estimation and Validation of Land Surface Broadband Albedos and Leaf Area Index from EO-1 ALI Data
* Estimation of rock glacier surface deformation using SAR interferometry data
* evaluation of normalized cross correlations for defect detection, The
* Exploration of Visual Data
* Extraction of 3-D information from sonar image sequences
* Extraction of digital elevation models from satellite stereo images through stereo matching based on epipolarity and scene geometry
* Extraction of special effects caption text events from digital video
* Face alignment using view-based direct appearance models
* Face as an index: Knowing who is who using a PDA
* Face recognition based on face-specific subspace
* Face recognition using LDA mixture model
* Face tracking for model-based coding and face animation
* Fade-in and fade-out temporal segments
* Fast algorithms for GS-model-based image reconstruction in data-sharing fourier imaging
* Fast and memory efficient text image compression with JBIG2
* Fast Anisotropic Gauss Filtering
* Fast Approach for Accurate Content-Adaptive Mesh Generation, A
* Fast color image restoration with multisensors
* Fast Feldkamp reconstruction based on focus of attention and distributed computing
* fast focus measure for video display inspection, A
* Fast generation of 3-D deformable moving surfaces
* Fast normalized cross correlation for defect detection
* Fast radial symmetry for detecting points of interest
* Fast two-frame multiscale dense optical flow estimation using discrete wavelet filters
* Feature extraction and dimensionality reduction algorithms and their applications in vowel recognition
* Feature learning with a genetic algorithm for fluorescence fingerprinting of plant species
* Feature preserving image compression
* Fingerprint matching using an orientation-based minutia descriptor
* Finite-Element Approach for Young's Modulus Reconstruction, A
* Fisherpalms based palmprint recognition
* Floating search algorithm for structure learning of Bayesian network classifiers
* Fluorescence-enhanced optical tomography using referenced measurements of heterogeneous media
* Foreword to the special issue on the retrieval of bio- and geophysical parameters from SAR data for land applications
* From data topology to a modular classifier
* Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis: Multi-scale Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Written in Mathematica
* Fusion of range camera and photogrammetry: A systematic procedure for improving 3-D models metric accuracy
* Fuzzy cluster validation index based on inter-cluster proximity
* Generalized B pictures and the draft H.264/AVC video-compression standard
* generalized hypothetical reference decoder for H.264/AVC, A
* Generalizing Operations of Binary Autoassociative Morphological Memories Using Fuzzy Set Theory
* Genetic algorithm optimization of multidimensional grayscale soft morphological filters with applications in film archive restoration
* Genetic design of biologically inspired receptive fields for neural pattern recognition
* Geometry of neighbourhood sequences
* Group testing for image compression using alternative transforms
* Growth and motion in three-dimensional medical images
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Morphological Neural Networks
* Guide-wire tracking during endovascular interventions
* H.264/AVC baseline profile decoder complexity analysis
* H.264/AVC in wireless environments
* H.264/AVC over IP
* Handwriting style classification
* Handwritten Digit Recognition: Benchmarking of State-of-the-Art Techniques
* Hausdorff measure functions: A new way to characterize fractal sets, The
* Hidden Markov Model object recognition technique for incomplete and distorted corner sequences, A
* Hidden Markov Models combination framework for handwriting recognition, A
* Hierarchical fuzzy segmentation of brain MR images
* Hierarchical representation of digitized curves through dominant point detection
* hierarchical structure of images, The
* How we detect a face: A survey of psychological evidence
* Human-robot interactions during the robot-assisted urban search and rescue response at the World Trade Center
* Human-vision-based selection of image processing algorithms for planetary exploration
* Hyperion, a space-based imaging spectrometer
* Illumination Ratio Image: Synthesizing and Recognition with Varying Illuminations
* Image classification using color, texture and regions
* Image detail-preserving filter for impulsive noise attenuation
* Image reconstructions from two orthogonal projections
* Image subband coding using fuzzy inference and adaptive quantization
* Improved Search Heuristics for the SA-Tree
* Improvements on the linear discrimination technique with application to face recognition
* Incremental modifications of segmented image defined by discrete maps
* Independent component analysis for texture segmentation
* Indexing and retrieval of images by spatial constraints
* Inertia-based video cut detection and its integration with video coder
* Inferring region salience from binary and gray-level images
* influence of prior knowledge on the expected performance of a classifier, The
* integrated method of adaptive enhancement for unsupervised segmentation of MRI brain images, An
* Intensity-based segmentation of microarray images
* Interpolation artifacts in multimodality image registration based on maximization of mutual information
* Interpretation and improvement of an iterative wavelet-based denoising method
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
* Isosurfaces as deformable models for magnetic resonance angiography
* Iterated wavelet transformation and signal discrimination for HRR radar target recognition
* JERS SAR interferometry for land subsidence monitoring
* k*-Means: A new generalized k-means clustering algorithm
* Karhunen-Loeve expansion of a set of rotated templates
* Kinematic and deformation analysis of 4-D coronary arterial trees reconstructed from cine angiograms
* L/M-fold image resizing in block-DCT domain using symmetric convolution
* level set approach for shape-driven segmentation and tracking of the left ventricle, A
* local spectral inversion of a linearized TV model for denoising and deblurring, A
* Locating the optic nerve in a retinal image using the fuzzy convergence of the blood vessels
* Low-complexity transform and quantization in H.264/AVC
* Low-cost interactive active range finder
* Mathematical properties of the JPEG2000 wavelet filters
* maximum a posteriori estimate for the source separation problem with statistical knowledge about the mixing matrix, A
* Maximum likelihood based framework for second-level adaptive prediction
* Measuring Shape: Ellipticity, Rectangularity, and Triangularity
* Method and apparatus for generating consistent image registration
* Method and device of object detectable and background removal, and storage media for storing program thereof
* Method for classifying an object in a moving picture
* method for objective edge detection evaluation and detector parameter selection, A
* Method for quantifying volumetric lesion change in interval liver CT examinations
* Method of paired transforms for reconstruction of images from projections: discrete model
* Methods for adaptive combination of classifiers with application to recognition of handwritten characters
* Minimum description length synthetic aperture radar image segmentation
* Minimum entropy regularization in frequency-wavenumber migration to localize subsurface objects
* MLP-SVM combination architecture for offline handwritten digit recognition: Reduction of recognition errors by Support Vector Machines rejection mechanisms, An
* model for image generation and symbol recognition through the deformation of lineal shapes, A
* Modeling and animation of individualized faces for 3D facial expression synthesis
* Modeling of subband coefficients for clustering-based adaptive quantization with spatial constraints
* Models and algorithms for efficient multiresolution topology estimation of measured 3-D range data
* Moments of superellipsoids and their application to range image registration
* Morphological Scale Spaces and Associative Morphological Memories: Results on Robustness and Practical Applications
* Motion- and aliasing-compensated prediction for hybrid video coding
* MRF-based image segmentation using Ant Colony System
* Multichannel blind iterative image restoration
* Multicriteria second-order neural networks approach to imaging through turbulence
* Multiple classifier decision combination strategies for character recognition: A review
* Multitemporal Repeat Pass SAR Interferometry of Boreal Forests
* Mutual-information-based registration of medical images: a survey
* Neighbors-buffering-based video-on-demand architecture
* Neural network-based image restoration using scaled residual with space-variant regularization
* Neuro-fuzzy synergism to the intelligent system for edge detection and enhancement
* new algorithm for border description of polarized light surface microscopic images of pigmented skin lesions, A
* new algorithm for dominant points detection and polygonization of digital curves, A
* new cluster isolation criterion based on dissimilarity increments, A
* new graph-like classification method applied to ancient handwritten musical symbols, A
* new method for analyzing local shape in three-dimensional images based on medial axis transformation, A
* Nonlinear finite-element analysis and biomechanical evaluation of the lumbar spine
* Nonlinear Inverse Problem Inspired by Three-Dimensional Diffuse Tomography: Explicit Formulas, A
* Nonparametric discriminant analysis and nearest neighbor classification
* Normal Distribution for Tensor-Valued Random Variables: Applications to Diffusion Tensor MRI, A
* novel blind super-resolution technique based on the improved Poisson maximum a posteriori algorithm, A
* omega-automata approach to the representation of bilevel images, An
* On 3-D scene flow and structure recovery from multiview image sequences
* On designing an isotropic fiducial mark
* On the combination of abstract-level classifiers
* On the concept of best achievable compression ratio for lossy image coding
* On the fast search algorithms for vector quantization encoding
* On the preview of digital movies
* On-Orbit Radiometric and Spectral Calibration Characteristics of EO-1 Hyperion Derived with an Underflight of AVIRIS and in Situ Measurements at Salar de Arizaro, Argentina
* One-dimensional dense disparity estimation for three-dimensional reconstruction
* Online image classification using IHDR
* Optical imaging through clouds and fog
* Optimal data acquisition in fMRI using prolate spheroidal wave functions
* Optimal FEC assignment for scalable video transmission over burst error channel with loss rate feedback
* Optimizing Digital Hardware Perceptrons for Multi-Spectral Image Classification
* Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard
* Palmprint feature extraction using 2-D Gabor filters
* Parameter estimation: known vector signals in unknown Gaussian noise
* Performance analysis and modeling of errors and losses over 802.11b LANs for high-bit-rate real-time multimedia
* PessimalPrint: a reverse Turing test
* Point fingerprint: A new 3-D object representation scheme
* Practical aspects of a data-driven motion correction approach for brain SPECT
* Precision isosurface rendering of 3D image data
* Preprocessing EO-1 Hyperion Hyperspectral Data to Support the Application of Agricultural Indexes
* primal sketch of the cortex mean curvature: a morphogenesis based approach to study the variability of the folding patterns, A
* printer model using signal processing techniques, A
* Progressive edge detection compression for fingerprint images
* Pyramid-based super-resolution of the undersampled and subpixel shifted image sequence
* Pyramid-based super-resolution of the undersampled and subpixel shifted image sequence
* QoS based video delivery with foveation and bandwidth monitoring
* quadtree-based representation technique for indexing and retrieval of image databases, A
* Radar imaging of moving targets in foliage using multifrequency multiaperture polarimetric SAR
* Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video Coding Standards
* real time adaptive visual surveillance system for tracking low-resolution colour targets in dynamically changing scenes, A
* recognition of handwritten numeral strings using a two-stage HMM-based method, The
* Recompression of JPEG images by requantization
* Reconstruction of medical images under different image acquisition angles
* Reconstruction of Patterns from Noisy Inputs Using Morphological Associative Memories
* Recovery of shape and surface reflectance of specular object from relative rotation of light source
* Refined Empirical Line Approach for Retrieving Surface Reflectance from EO-1 ALI Images
* Registering real and virtual imagery
* Regularization of flow streamlines in multislice phase-contrast MR imaging
* Regularized adaptive high-resolution image reconstruction considering inaccurate subpixel registration
* Relationship between an LPTV system and the equivalent LTI MIMO structure
* Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval: Bayesian framework, feature subspaces, and progressive learning
* Removing the blocking artifacts of block-based DCT compressed images
* Representation and classification of 3-D objects
* Road feature detection and estimation
* Road vectors update using SAR imagery: a snake-based method
* Robust full-motion recovery of head by dynamic templates and re-registration techniques
* Robust segmentation of tubular structures in 3-D medical images by parametric object detection and tracking
* Robust stability of two-dimensional uncertain discrete systems
* SAR image denoising via Bayesian wavelet shrinkage based on heavy-tailed modeling
* SAR monitoring of progressive and seasonal ground deformation using the permanent scatterers technique
* Segmentation and analysis of the human airway tree from three-dimensional X-ray CT images
* Selected papers from the ICDAR'01 conference
* Sensing and Modeling Human Networks
* Sensor fusion in anti-personnel mine detection using a two-level belief function model
* Shape Measures for Image Retrieval
* Signal recognition: Fourier transform vs. Cosine transform
* Silhouette-based 3-D model reconstruction from multiple images
* Similarity measures on intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Simultaneous structure and texture image inpainting
* Single-shot MR imaging using trapezoidal-gradient-based Lissajous trajectories
* SP- and SI-frames design for H.264/AVC, The
* Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of the tradeoff between image sharpness and pixel noise in computed tomography
* Speaker adaptation based on MAP estimation using fuzzy controller
* Special Issue Introduction, Bayesian Analysis
* Special issue on 3-D image analysis and modeling
* Special issue on multiple classifiers for document analysis applications
* Spectral embedding of graphs
* Stability and style-variation modeling for on-line signature verification
* Stereo geometry from 3D ego-motion streams
* Stereovision matching through support vector machines
* Stochastic kinematic modeling and feature extraction for gait analysis
* Stochastic nonlinear image restoration using the wavelet transform
* Subsurface imaging in south-central Egypt using low-frequency radar: Bir Safsaf revisited
* Superresolution modeling using an omnidirectional image sensor
* Symmetric Region Growing
* Synthetic aperture inversion for arbitrary flight paths and nonflat topography
* Synthetic faces: Analysis and applications
* System and method for rectifying images of three dimensional objects
* System and process for generating 3D video textures using video-based rendering techniques
* Systematic Data Acquisition: A Prerequisite for Meaningful Biophysical Parameter Retrieval?
* Systolic array architectures for computation of the discrete wavelet transform
* Telemedicine and fuzzy logic: application in ophthalmology
* Terrain Analysis Using Radar Shape-from-Shading
* test to control a region growing process within a hierarchical graph, A
* Texture-based classification of atherosclerotic carotid plaques
* Texture-based image indexing in the process of lossless data compression
* Theoretical Framework for Relaxation Processes in Pattern Recognition: Application to Robust Nonparametric Contour Generalization, A
* Topologically controlled segmentation of 3D magnetic resonance images of the head by using morphological operators
* Tracking in cluttered images
* Two-dimensional cellular automata of radius one for density classification task
* Two-dimensional cubic convolution
* Uncertainty in the output of artificial neural networks
* Unified approach for constructing multiwavelets with approximation order using refinable super-functions
* Unsupervised clustering of dominant scenes in sports video
* Using distance transform based algorithms for extracting measures of the fiber network in volume images of paper
* Variable block-size transforms for H.264/AVC
* Variational methods for shape reconstruction in computer vision
* vehicle-borne urban 3-D acquisition system using single-row laser range scanners, A
* Vicarious Radiometric Calibration of EO-1 Sensors by Reference to High-Reflectance Ground Targets
* Visual attention for region of interest coding in JPEG 2000
* Visual capture and understanding of hand pointing actions in a 3-D environment
* Visual speech, a trajectory in viseme space
* Volume-preserving nonrigid registration of MR breast images using free-form deformation with an incompressibility constraint
* VQ-based blind image restoration algorithm, A
* Watershed identification of polygonal patterns in noisy SAR images
* Wavelet domain residual redundancy-based descriptions
* Wavelet energy spectrum for time-frequency localization of earthquake energy
* Wavelet transform-based locally orderless images for texture segmentation
* Wavelet-based corner detection using eigenvectors of covariance matrices
* well-balanced flow equation for noise removal and edge detection, A
328 for 0308

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.