Update Dates 0105

0105 * 4D reconstruction of the left ventricle during a single heart beat from ultrasound imaging
* Adaptive 3-D median filtering for restoration of an image sequence corrupted by impulse noise
* Adaptive postfiltering of transform coefficients for the reduction of blocking artifacts
* adaptive split-and-merge method for binary image contour data compression, An
* Adjustable imaging system with wide angle capability
* Advanced image-processing tools for counting people in tourist site-monitoring applications
* Advances in predictive models for data mining
* Affine Curvature Scale Space with Affine Length Parametrisation
* algorithm for compression of bilevel images, An
* Aligning Images Incrementally Backwards
* Application of Dempster-Shafer Theory in Condition Monitoring Applications: A Case Study
* Application of the variance compensation likelihood measure for robust hidden Markov model in noise
* approach to positron emission tomography based on penalized cross-entropy minimization, An
* approach to the automatic design of multiple classifier systems, An
* asymptotic analysis of some expert fusion methods, An
* Audiovisual information management system
* Automated processing of mobile mapping image sequences
* Automatic Construction of 2D Shape Models
* Bayesian boosting theorem, A
* Bayesian Method for Fitting Parametric and Nonparametric Models to Noisy Data, A
* Beyond Schema Versioning: A Flexible Model for Spatio-Temporal Schema Selection
* Blending a graphic
* Building HAL: Computers that sense, recognize, and respond to human emotion
* Character string extraction from color documents
* Chinese text distinction and font identification by recognizing most frequently used characters
* Classification of general audio data for content-based retrieval
* Coarse-to-Fine Face Detection
* Color image enhancement via chromaticity diffusion
* Color image segmentation and parameter estimation in a markovian framework
* Combined Kohonen neural networks and discrete cosine transform method for iterated transformation theory
* Compaction of ordered dithered images with arithmetic coding
* comparison between neural networks and decision trees based on data from industrial radiographic testing, A
* Comparison Study for Displacement Computation: Horn and Shunck's method versus March's method, A
* Computational Method for Segmenting Topological Point-Sets and Application to Image Analysis, A
* Computational Models of Object Recognition in Cortex: A Review
* COMVIS: A Communication Framework for Computer Vision
* Content-based and perceptual bit-allocation using matching pursuits
* Content-based indexing and retrieval of TV news
* Content-based similarity retrieval of trademarks using relevance feedback
* Contour Smoothing by an Eclectic Procedure
* corner preserving surface inference algorithm using 3D convolution, A
* Coupling Dense and Landmark-Based Approaches for Non Rigid Registration
* Cursive character recognition by learning vector quantization
* Cursive Script Recognition using Wildcards and Multiple Experts
* Data classification based on tolerant rough set
* Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping
* Dense Disparity Map Estimation Respecting Image Discontinuities: A PDE and Scale-Space Based Approach
* Design of wavelet-based image codec in memory-constrained environment
* Detecting duplicates among symbolically compressed images in a large document database
* Detecting Line Segments in an Image: A New Implementation for Hough Transform
* Detection and Modeling of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Detection and Modeling of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Development of a Robust Algorithm for Transformation of a 3D Object Point onto a 2D Image Point for Linear Pushbroom Imagery
* Digital watermarking based on neural networks for color images
* discontinuity adaptive Markov model for color image smoothing, A
* Distorting a two-dimensional image to represent a realistic three-dimensional virtual reality
* Edge-Based Structural Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Editorial: Spatio-Temporal Data Models and Languages
* Efficient connected-index finite-length arithmetic codes
* Efficient graph-based dictionary search and its application to text-image searching
* efficient method based on watershed and rule-based merging for segmentation of 3-D histo-pathological images, An
* Electromagnetic induction spectroscopy for clearing landmines
* Elevation modelling from satellite visible and infrared (VIR) data
* Elliptic Diagrams: Application to Patterns Detection from a Finite Set of Points
* Empirical Comparison of SNoW and SVMs for Face Detection, An
* Error detection, error correction and performance evaluation in on-line mathematical expression recognition
* Error propagation for the Hough transform
* Error resilient transmission of SPIHT coded images over fading channels
* Experiments with adaptation strategies for a prototype-based recognition system for isolated handwritten characters
* Exploring Object Perception with Random Image Structure Evolution
* extended split-radix FFT algorithm, An
* Extraction of type style-based meta-information from imaged documents
* Eye detection in a face image using linear and nonlinear filters
* Face detection and location based on skin chrominance and lip chrominance transformation from color images
* Face Detection in Still Gray Images
* Face image data processing devices
* Face localization based on the morphological multiscale fingerprints
* Face recognition based on the uncorrelated discriminant transformation
* fast algorithm for corner detection using the morphologic skeleton, A
* fast and flexible multiresolution snake with a definite termination criterion, A
* fast and novel technique for color quantization using reduction of color space dimensionality, A
* Fast Labelling of Natural Scenes Using Enhanced Knowledge
* Fast maximum-likelihood image-restoration algorithms for three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy
* fast multiresolution feature matching algorithm for exhaustive search in large image databases, A
* Feature Extraction Method Based on the Generalised Fisher Discriminant Criterion and Facial Recognition
* Feature extraction using wavelet and fractal
* Feature normalization and likelihood-based similarity measures for image retrieval
* Feature Selection for Face Detection
* Fourier-transform and global contrast interferometer alignment methods
* framework for temporal similarity measures of content-based scene retrieval, A
* Fusion of perceptual cues for robust tracking of head pose and position
* Fuzzy convex set-based pattern classification for analysis of mammographic microcalcifications
* fuzzy temporal notation and its application to specify fault patterns for diagnosis, A
* Gabor Wavelet Networks for Object Representation
* generalized prime-number-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures, A
* Geometric calibration of ERS satellite SAR images
* Global convergence and mixing parameter selection in the cross-correlation constant modulus algorithm for the multi-user environment
* Global shape invariants: a solution for 3D free-form object discrimination/identification problem
* graph distance metric combining maximum common subgraph and minimum common supergraph, A
* Graph distances using graph union
* Ground Penetrating Radar Antennas: Theoretical and Experimental Directivity Functions
* Group Actions, Homeomorphisms, and Matching: A General Framework
* Guest editorial: Advances in quantitative image analysis
* Hand gesture recognition using combined features of location, angle and velocity
* Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion
* Histograms analysis for image retrieval
* Hyperefficient detection of targets in noisy images
* Image based document authentication using DCT
* Image Database for 3-D Object Recognition
* Image Denoising Using a Local Contextual Hidden Markov Model in the Wavelet Domain
* Image Matching Based on Tracking Matching Paths in the Similarity Space
* Image matching using run-length feature
* Image retrieval based on object's orientation spatial relationship
* Image sequence segmentation using 3-D structure tensor and curve evolution
* Image-Based Rendering Using Parameterized Image Varieties
* improved bound on the finite-sample risk of the nearest neighbor rule, An
* Improved MR image reconstruction from sparsely sampled scans based on neural networks
* improved search algorithm for motion estimation using adaptive search order, An
* improved search algorithm for vector quantization using mean pyramid structure, An
* Improved wavelet-based watermarking through pixel-wise masking
* Improving Image and Video Transmission Quality Over ATM with Foveal Prioritization and Priority Dithering
* Incidence Angle Correction of AirSAR Data to Facilitate Land-Cover Classification
* Independent feature analysis for image retrieval
* Information-theoretic algorithm for feature selection
* Integer ambiguity resolution in phase closure imaging
* Interactive 3D model extraction from a single image
* Interferometric spectral imaging for three-dimensional objects illuminated by a natural light source
* Invariant feature extraction for 3D texture analysis using the autocorrelation function
* Invariant object detection based on evidence accumulation and Gabor features
* Invariant texture segmentation with reduced illumination sensitivity
* Iterative algorithm with a constraint condition for numerical reconstruction of a three-dimensional object from its hologram
* Joy of Sampling, The
* Knowledge-based segmentation and labeling of brain structures from MRI images
* Learning dimensionality and orientations of 3D objects
* Learning in Pattern Recognition: Some Thoughts
* Learning-Based Approach to Estimation of Morphable Model Parameters
* lexicon-driven approach for optimal segment combination in off-line recognition of unconstrained handwritten Korean words, A
* Lifting factorization-based discrete wavelet transform architecture design
* Location and interpretation of destination addresses on handwritten Chinese envelopes
* Machine-printed and hand-written text lines identification
* Making Space for Time: Issues in Space-Time Data Representation
* Markov random field processing for color demosaicing
* Maximum-Likelihood Strategy for Directing Attention during Visual Search, A
* Method and apparatus for analyzing computer screens
* Method and apparatus for object tracking for automatic controls in video devices
* Method and apparatus for zooming digital images
* Method and system for predicting road profile
* Method for figure tracking using 2-D registration
* Method of inspecting pattern and apparatus thereof with a differential brightness image detection
* Model-based Bayesian feature matching with application to synthetic aperture radar target recognition
* Model-based discontinuity evaluation in the DCT domain
* Morphological surface profile extraction with multiple range sensors
* Motion Estimation from Disparity Images
* Motion-compensated layered video coding for playback scalability
* Motion-compensated video compression with reduced complexity encoding for remote transmission
* Multi-camera parameter tracking
* multi-scale technique for detecting forest-cover boundary from L-band SAR images, A
* Multi-spectral vision system for weed detection
* Multicriterion cross-entropy minimization approach to positron emission tomographic imaging
* Multiseeded Segmentation Using Fuzzy Connectedness
* Multiview Geometry: Profiles and Self-Calibration
* Natural Image statistics and neural representation
* Nearest-neighbour classifiers in natural scene analysis
* New algorithm for r-dimensional DCT-II
* new computation of shape moments via quadtree decomposition, A
* new decoder for the optimum recovery of nonadditive watermarks, A
* new fast algorithm for computing prime-Length DCT through cyclic convolutions, A
* New Formulation for Non-Linear Camera Calibration Using Virtual Visual Servoing, A
* new multi-expert decision combination algorithm and its application to the detection of circumscribed masses in digital mammograms, A
* new vector median filter for colour image processing, A
* Non Parametric Statistical Analysis of Scene Activity for Motion-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Object Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Occlusion Models for Natural Images: A Statistical Study of a Scale-Invariant Dead Leaves Model
* OCRSpell: An Interactive Spelling Correction System for OCR Errors in Text
* On calculation of fractal dimension of images
* On high resolution positioning of straight patterns via multiscale matched filtering of the Hough transform
* On the Performance of Connected Components Grouping
* One-pass parallel hexagonal thinning algorithm
* Online Handwriting Recognition: The NPen++ Recognizer
* Oporto: A Realistic Scenario Generator for Moving Objects
* Optimal polygonal approximation of digital planar curves using meta heuristics
* Optimization of the Simultaneous Localization and Map Building Algorithm for Real Time Implementation
* Order Parameters for Detecting Target Curves in Images: When Does High Level Knowledge Help?
* overview of multimedia content protection in consumer electronics devices, An
* Pattern-selective color image fusion
* People Recognition in Image Sequences by Supervised Learning
* Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Overview and Proposals
* Performance evaluation of 32 kbits/s real-time and dual-direction video communication system for wireless channels
* Plan-View Trajectory Estimation with Dense Stereo Background Models
* Preface Special Issue on Image/Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Probabilistic estimation of optical flow in multiple band-pass directional channels
* probabilistic model for appearance-based robot localization, A
* Procedure for the Correction of the Effect of Variation in Incidence Angle on AirSAR Data, A
* Production of a video stream with synchronized annotations over a computer network
* Projection distortion analysis for flattened image mosaicing from straight uniform generalized cylinders
* Projective Alignment with Regions
* Properties of the generalised fuzzy aggregation operators
* Qualitative vision for the guidance of legged robots in unstructured environments
* Quantitative images of antenna patterns using infrared thermography and microwave holography
* Quantitative trace element imaging using PIXE and the nuclear microprobe
* Random walk approach to image enhancement
* rate-control scheme for video transport over wireless channels, A
* RAV (Reparameterized Angle Variations) Algorithm for Online Handwriting Recognition
* Real-time processing algorithms for target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery
* Recognition of 3D planar objects in canonical frames
* Reconstructing coronary arterial segments from three projection boundaries
* Reconstruction of General Curves, Using Factorization and Bundle Adjustment
* Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking
* Reduction of blocking artifacts by cepstral filtering
* replenishment technique for low bit-rate video compression based on wavelets and vector quantization, A
* Restoration and Reconstruction from Overlapping Images for Multi-Image Fusion
* Retrieval of symmetrical image blur using zero sheets
* Robust camera parameter estimation using genetic algorithm
* Robust detection of skewed symmetries by combining local and semi-local affine invariants
* Robust Image Mosaicing of Soccer Videos using Self-Calibration and Line Tracking
* Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises, A
* robust-invariant pattern recognition model using Fuzzy ART, A
* Rotation, scale, and translation resilient watermarking for images
* Rule prepending and post-pruning approach to incremental learning of decision lists
* S-TREE Self-Organizing Trees for Data Clustering and Online Vector Quantization
* Scalable video browsing and searching via Q-metric
* scheme of colour image retrieval from databases, A
* Second-order adaptive volterra system identification based on discrete nonlinear Wiener model
* Segmenting Traffic Scenes from Grey Level and Motion Information
* Self-organised clustering for road extraction in classified imagery
* Self-similar texture modeling using FARIMA processes with applications to satellite images
* Semantic video object extraction using four-band watershed and partition lattice operators
* SENSOR: A Tool for the Simulation of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Systems
* Separate adjustment in close-range photogrammetry
* Separation of a Class of Convolutive Mixtures: A Contrast Function Approach
* serial combination of connectionist-based classifiers for OCR, A
* Shape and topology preserving multi-valued image pyramids for multi-resolution skeletonization
* Shape Reconstruction in a Planar Dynamic Environment
* Shape-resolving local thresholding for object detection
* Show-through cancellation in scans of duplex printed documents
* Side Collision Warning Systems for Transit Buses: Functional Goals
* Signal analysis using a multiresolution form of the singular value decomposition
* Signature verification apparatus and method utilizing relative angle measurements
* simple mechanism for curvature detection, A
* simplified method for retrieval of ground level reflectance of targets from airborne video imagery, A
* Smooth side-match classified vector quantizer with variable block size
* Solution to the Simultaneous Location and Map Building (SLAM) Problem, A
* Spatial Filtering Using the Active-Space Indexing Method
* Spatio-Temporal Data Handling with Constraints
* Spatio-Temporal Model for the Manipulation of Lineage Metadata, A
* stereo vision system for the inspection of IC bonding wires, A
* Stochastic K-means algorithm for vector quantization
* Structuring element decomposition for efficient implementation of morphological filters
* Super-resolution target identification from remotely sensed images using a Hopfield neural network
* Superresolution optical system using three fixed generalized gratings: experimental results
* System for retrieving images using a database
* Technique for disambiguating proximate objects within an image
* Thickness extraction from biological images and interference colors
* Three-dimensional building detection and modeling using a statistical approach
* Three-Dimensional Correspondence
* Three-dimensional ego-motion estimation from motion fields observed with multiple cameras
* Thresholding implemented in the frequency domain
* Topological principal component analysis for face encoding and recognition
* Topological recognition of polyhedral objects from multiple views
* Toward computers that recognize and respond to user emotion
* Toward Edge Sharpening: A SAR Speckle Filtering Algorithm
* Tracking Multiple Objects with Particle Filtering
* Trainable System for Object Detection in Images and Video Sequences, A
* Transform Based Lossy Compression of Multispectral Images
* Turbo code protection of video watermark channel
* Two-phase clustering process for outliers detection
* two-step circle detection algorithm from the intersecting chords, A
* Unsupervised image segmentation combining region and boundary estimation
* Use of airborne video data for the characterization of tropical savannas in northern Australia: the optimal spatial resolution for remote sensing applications
* Using dendronal signatures for feature extraction and retrieval
* Using physics-based modeler outputs to train probabilistic neural networks for unexploded ordnance (UXO) classification in magnetometry surveys
* Variable dimension vector quantization based image watermarking
* Variational Approach to Multi-Modal Image Matching, A
* Varying similarity metrics in visual information retrieval
* Video motion vector detection including rotation and/or zoom vector generation
* Video sequence matching via decision tree path following
* Vision system for on-line characterization of paper slurry
* Vision-based road-traffic monitoring sensor
* Visual Data Fusion: Application to Objects Localization and Exploration
* VLSI array architecture for Hough transform, A
* VPLF method for vanishing point computation, The
* VQ-agglomeration: a novel approach to clustering
* Wavelet-based moving-picture coding using shift-invariant motion estimation in wavelet domain
* Wavelet-based simulations of electromagnetic scattering from large-scale two-dimensional perfectly conducting random rough surfaces
* Why recognition in a statistics-based face recognition system should be based on the pure face portion: a probabilistic decision-based proof
285 for 0105

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.