Update Dates 0408

0408 * 2D-Shape Analysis Using Conformal Mapping
* 3D facial tracking from corrupted movie sequences
* 3D head tracking based on recognition and interpolation using at ime-of-flight depth sensor
* 3D human pose from silhouettes by relevance vector regression
* 3D models coding and morphing for efficient video compression
* Accurate face models from uncalibrated and ill-lit video sequences
* Advances and challenges in super-resolution
* Affine image registration using a new information metric
* Affine invariant multiscale wavelet-based shape matching algorithm
* affine invariant tensor dissimilarity measure and its applications to tensor-valued image segmentation, An
* Algebraic solution for the visual hull
* algorithm for multiple object trajectory tracking, An
* Alignment of Continuous Video onto 3D Point Clouds
* ANN-based visibility prediction for camera placement in vision metrology
* Antibacterial activity detection and evaluation based on the detection of multiple concentric circles with the Hough transform
* Apparatus for correction based upon detecting a camera shaking
* Appearance-based models of locations for mobile robots
* Application of augmented reality to industrial tele-training
* Application of independent component analysis with mixture density model to localize brain alpha activity in fMRI and EEG
* Application of markerless image-based arm tracking to robot-manipulator teleoperation
* Approximating the visuomotor function for visual servoing
* Approximation of canonical sets and their applications to 2D view simplification
* Articulated models from video
* Asymmetrically boosted HMM for speech reading
* Atlanta world: an expectation maximization framework for simultaneous low-level edge grouping and camera calibration in complex man-made environments
* Attending to visual motion: localizing and classifying affine motion patterns
* Audio-visual based emotion recognition-a new approach
* Augmenting images of non-rigid scenes using point and curve correspondences
* Autocalibration & 3D reconstruction with non-central catadioptric cameras
* Automatic cascade training with perturbation bias
* Automatic method for correlating horizons across faults in 3D seismic data
* Automatic object recognition within an office environment
* Automatic view recognition in echocardiogram videos using parts-based representation
* Bayesian assembly of 3D axially symmetric shapes from fragments
* Bayesian face recognition using support vector machine and face clustering
* Bayesian fusion of camera metadata cues in semantic scene classification
* Bayesian segmentation supported by neighborhood configurations
* Bayesian video matting using learnt image priors
* Biventricular myocardial kinematics based on tagged MRI from anatomical NURBS models
* BoostMap: a method for efficient approximate similarity rankings
* Boundary based corner detection and localization using new 'cornerity' index: a robust approach
* Bridging the gaps between cameras
* Brightness Perception, Dynamic Range and Noise: A Unifying Model for Adaptive Image Sensors
* Calibrating an air-ground control system from motion correspondences
* Camera calibration from a single night sky image
* Camera network calibration from dynamic silhouettes
* Capturing Image Structure with Probabilistic Index Maps
* Categorization and learning of pen motion using hidden Markov models
* Change detection in aerial images
* Clear underwater vision
* Closed-loop person tracking and detection
* Coding and decoding of moving pictures based on sprite coding
* cognitive vision system for action recognition in office environments, A
* Collaborative tracking of multiple targets
* Color alignment in texture mapping of images under point light source and general lighting condition
* Color Lines: Image Specific Color Representation.
* Commodity real-time stereo vision for navigation
* Comparing viewpoint evaluation functions for model-based inspectional coverage
* Comparison between the Cosine and Hartley Based Naturalness Preserving Transforms for Image Watermarking and Data Hiding
* Computing depth under ambient illumination using multi-shuttered light
* Consideration of a person/photograph distinction using the surface direction image
* Corefaces-robust shift invariant PCA based correlation filter for illumination tolerant face recognition
* correlation-based model prior for stereo, A
* Covariance-driven mosaic formation from sparsely-overlapping image sets with application to retinal image mosaicing
* Cue integration through discriminative accumulation
* Cyclic articulated human motion tracking by sequential ancestral simulation
* Depth Weighted Modified Hausdorff Distance for Range Face Recognition
* Design and Implementation of a Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment Software Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm, The
* Detecting and reading text in natural scenes
* Detecting unusual activity in video
* Detection and removal of rain from videos
* Detection and tracking of objects in underwater video
* Detection of perceptual junctions by curve partitioning and grouping
* Development of a guide dog system for the blind with character recognition ability
* Diffeomorphic matching of distributions: a new approach for unlabelled point-sets and sub-manifolds matching
* Difference sphere: An approach to near light source estimation
* Direct super-resolution and registration using raw CFA images
* discriminative feature space for detecting and recognizing faces, A
* Discriminative Learning Framework with Pairwise Constraints for Video Object Classification, A
* Distortion estimation techniques in solving visual CAPTCHAs
* Dual-space linear discriminant analysis for face recognition
* dynamic fuzzy classifier for detecting abnormalities in mammograms, A
* Dynamic geodesic snakes for visual tracking
* Effect of colorspace transformation,the illuminance component,and color modeling on skin detection
* Efficient Belief Propagation for Early Vision
* Efficient graphical models for processing images
* Efficient model-based linear head motion recovery from movies
* Efficient search of faces from complex line drawings
* Efficient Tracking with the Bounded Hough Transform
* Elastic-string models for representation and analysis of planar shapes
* EM-like algorithm for color-histogram-based object tracking, An
* Error analysis for a navigation algorithm based on optical-flow and a digital terrain map
* Estimating camera motion through a 3D cluttered scene
* Estimating illumination direction from textured images
* Estimation of average cell shape from digital images of cellular surfaces
* Estimation of blood flow speed and vessel location from thermal video
* Estimation, smoothing, and characterization of apparent diffusion coefficient profiles from high angular resolution DWI
* Evaluating certainties in image intensity differentation for optical flow
* Evaluation of model independent image-based visual servoing
* Experience with 3D optical flow on gated MRI cardiac datasets
* Expression learning and recognition system for a family robot
* extension of statistical face detection to face tracking, The
* Extracting semantic information through illumination classification
* Extraction and integration of window in a 3D building model from ground view images
* Extraction and recognition of periodically deforming objects by continuous, spatio-temporal shape description
* Extraction of relief information on textured and coloured rough surfaces for the optimisation of a propagation model for wireless transmission
* Eye typing off the shelf
* Face localization via hierarchical Condensation with Fisher boosting feature selection
* Facial event classification with task oriented dynamic Bayesian network
* Fast and accurate skin segmentation in color images
* Fast Contour Matching Using Approximate Earth Mover's Distance
* Fast digital pan tilt zoom video
* fast multigrid implicit algorithm for the evolution of geodesic active contours, A
* Fast wide baseline matching for visual navigation
* Fast, integrated person tracking and activity recognition with plan-view templates from a single stereo camera
* Faster graph-theoretic image processing via small-world and quadtree topologies
* Feature selection for classifying high-dimensional numerical data
* Feature-centric evaluation for efficient cascaded object detection
* Film language
* flexible projector-camera system for multi-planar displays, A
* Flexible spatial models for grouping local image features
* Foreground/background detector
* Form recognition using reference areas
* Frame synchronization and multi-level subspace analysis for video based face recognition
* From facial expression to level of interest: a spatio-temporal approach
* From Fragments to Salient Closed Boundaries: An In-Depth Study
* Generalized quotient image
* generic methodology for partitioning unorganised 3D point clouds for robotic vision, A
* Geometric and shading correction for images of printed materials a unified approach using boundary
* Gibbs likelihoods for Bayesian tracking
* Globally optimal segmentation of interacting surfaces with geometric constraints
* GMM parts based face representation for improved verification through relevance adaptation, A
* graphical model framework for coupling MRFs and deformable models, A
* Graphical models for graph matching
* Grouping dominant orientations for ill-structured road following
* Grouping with bias revisited
* Hand-held 3D vision system
* Hardware architecture for hierarchical segmentation in foveal images
* Hidden semantic concept discovery in region based image retrieval
* Hierarchical decision making scheme for sports video categorisation with temporal post-processing
* High resolution video mosaicing with global alignment
* High-resolution image reconstruction from rotated and translated low-resolution images with multisensors
* High-resolution image reconstruction with displacement errors: A framelet approach
* High-resolution images from compressed low-resolution video: Motion estimation and observable pixels
* High-resolution imaging using integrated optical systems
* High-speed videography using a dense camera array
* High-zoom video hallucination by exploiting spatio-temporal regularities
* How features of the human face affect recognition: a statistical comparison of three face recognition algorithms
* Hybrid textons: modeling surfaces with reflectance and geometry
* Hyperspectral texture classification using generalized Markov fields
* Image matching using resolution pyramids with geometric constraints
* Image pickup apparatus with blur compensation
* Image retrieval by ontological description of shapes (IRONS), early results
* Implicit surface reconstruction from contours
* Improving CBIR systems by integrating semantic features
* Improving object classification in far-field video
* Incremental density approximation and kernel-based Bayesian filtering for object tracking
* Inference of multiple subspaces from high-dimensional data and application to multibody grouping
* Inferring 3D body pose from silhouettes using activity manifold learning
* Integrating and employing multiple levels of zoom for activity recognition
* Integrating multiple model views for object recognition
* Integrating region and edge information for the automatic segmentation of interventional magnetic resonance images of the shoulder complex
* Inter-image statistics for scene reconstruction
* Invariant operators, small samples, and the bias-variance dilemma
* invariant, closed-form solution for matching sets of 3D lines, An
* Iris authentication apparatus
* Is bottom-up attention useful for object recognition?
* Jitter camera: high resolution video from a low resolution detector
* Joint feature-basis subset selection
* Joint prior models of neighboring objects for 3D image segmentation
* Learning a restricted bayesian network for object detection
* Learning classifiers from imbalanced data based on biased minimax probability machine
* Learning distance functions for image retrieval
* Learning methods for generic object recognition with invariance to pose and lighting
* Learning Object Detection from a Small Number of Examples: The Importance of Good Features
* Learning to segment images using region-based perceptual features
* Lie-algebraic averaging for globally consistent motion estimation
* Linear markers for robot navigation with panoramic vision
* Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and accurate object recognition
* Linear projection methods in face recognition under unconstrained illuminations: a comparative study
* Linear sequence-to-sequence alignment
* List-mode EM algorithms for limited precision high-resolution PET image reconstruction
* Local facial asymmetry for expression classification
* Local smoothing for manifold learning
* Location by involution
* LX minimization in geometric reconstruction problems
* Machine sensing for mining optimization
* Making one object look like another: Controlling appearance using a projector-camera system
* Metamorphs: deformable shape and texture models
* Method for decompressing JPEG files using a variable block size inverse discrete cosine transform
* method of vector fields for catadioptric sensor design with applications to panoramic imaging, The
* Methods and apparatuses for interactive similarity searching, retrieval, and browsing of video
* Minimal Solution to the Generalised 3-Point Pose Problem, A
* Minimum Effective Dimension for Mixtures of Subspaces: A Robust GPCA Algorithm and its Applications
* model for dynamic shape and its applications, A
* Model-based motion clustering using boosted mixture modeling
* Modeling complex motion by tracking and editing hidden markov graphs
* Modelling the effects of walking speed on appearance-based gait recognition
* Models of large population recognition performance
* Motion and trajectory recovery for tracking multiple objects undergoing a planar motion
* Motion Estimation by Swendsen-Wang Cuts
* Motion Layer Extraction in the Presence of Occlusion Using Graph Cuts
* Motion segmentation with missing data using powerfactorization and GPCA
* Motion without correspondence from tomographic projections by Bayesian inversion theory
* Motion-based background subtraction using adaptive kernel density estimation
* Multi-classifier framework for atlas-based image segmentation
* Multi-modal nonlinear feature reduction for the recognition of handwritten numerals
* Multi-scale visual tracking by sequential belief propagation
* Multibody factorization with uncertainty and missing data using the EM algorithm
* Multibody motion segmentation based on simulated annealing
* Multibody Trifocal Tensor: Motion Segmentation from 3 Perspective Views, The
* Multigrid and Multi-Level Swendsen-Wang Cuts for Hierarchic Graph Partition
* Multiobjective data clustering
* Multiple Bernoulli relevance models for image and video annotation
* Multiple kernel tracking with SSD
* Multiscale conditional random fields for image labeling
* Multiview occlusion analysis for tracking densely populated objects based on 2-D visual angles
* Names and faces in the news
* new GPCA algorithm for clustering subspaces by fitting, differentiating and dividing polynomials, A
* new integrative approach to time varying image interpretation, A
* non-parametric approach for independent component analysis using kernel density estimation, A
* Non-rigid shape and motion recovery: degenerate deformations
* Novel region-based modeling for human detection within highly dynamic aquatic environment
* Object tracking: feature selection and confidence propagation
* Object-based image retrieval using the statistical structure of images
* On the Distribution of Saliency
* On the limits of second generation watermarks
* optical-inertial tracking system for fully-enclosed VR displays, An
* Optimizing motion estimation with linear programming and detail-preserving variational method
* Orthogonal complement component analysis for positive samples in SVM based relevance feedback image retrieval
* Parts-based 3D object classification
* PCA-SIFT: a more distinctive representation for local image descriptors
* Perceptual organization of radial symmetries
* Perspective shape-from-shading by fast marching
* Point matching as a classification problem for fast and robust object pose estimation
* Pointwise motion tracking in echocardiographic images
* Predictive encoding and decoding methods of video data
* Probabilistic data association methods in visual tracking of groups
* Probabilistic expression analysis on manifolds
* probabilistic framework for combining tracking algorithms, A
* Probabilistic identity characterization for face recognition
* Probabilistic parameter-free motion detection
* Probability models for high dynamic range imaging
* Programmable imaging using a digital micromirror array
* Propagation networks for recognition of partially ordered sequential action
* Proposal maps driven MCMC for estimating human body pose in static images
* Q-Lambda -based image thresholding
* Radiometric alignment of image sequences
* Radiometric calibration from a single image
* Radiometric calibration of a Helmholtz stereo rig
* Random sampling based SVM for relevance feedback image retrieval
* Random sampling LDA for face recognition
* Range image fusion for object reconstruction and modeling
* Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for eigentracking, A
* Real world/virtual world correlation system using 3D graphics pipeline
* Real-time combined 2D+3D active appearance models
* Real-time hybrid pose estimation from vision and inertial data
* Real-time motion tracker for a robotic vision system
* Reconstructing 3D independent motions using non-accidentalness
* Reconstructing open surfaces from unorganized data points
* Recovering Human Body Configurations: Combining Segmentation and Recognition
* Recovering shape and irradiance maps from rich dense texton fields
* Recovering shape and reflectance model of non-lambertian objects from multiple views
* Recovering the shading image under known illumination
* Region-based progressive stereo matching
* Registration of diffusion tensor images
* reinforcement learning framework for parameter control in computer vision applications, A
* Representation and matching of articulated shapes
* Restoration of curved document images through 3D shape modeling
* Robust color object detection using spatial-color joint probability functions
* Robust estimation of camera rotation, translation and focal length at high outlier rates
* Robust method of recovering epipolar geometry using messy genetic algorithm
* Robust subspace clustering by combined use of kNND metric and SVD algorithm
* Role of shape and kinematics in human movement analysis
* Rotated transform of an image using block transfers
* Rotation, scaling, translation invariant image watermarking based on radon transform
* Scalable discriminant feature selection for image retrieval and recognition
* Scale Selection for Anisotropic Scale-Space: Application to Volumetric Tumor Characterization
* Scale-invariant shape features for recognition of object categories
* Sea ice boundary detection in SAR satellite images using conflicting strength
* Searching the web with mobile images for location recognition
* second-generation wavelet framework for super-resolution with noise filtering, A
* secure authentication watermarking for halftone and binary images, A
* Segment-based stereo matching using graph cuts
* Segmentation of the breast region in mammograms using snakes
* Segmentation using multiscale cues
* segmentation-free approach for skeletonization of gray-scale images via anisotropic vector diffusion, A
* Segmenting, Modeling, and Matching Video Clips Containing Multiple Moving Objects
* Selecting ghosts and queues from a car trackers output using a spatio-temporal query language
* Self shadowing and local illumination of randomly rough surfaces
* Self-calibration of a simplified camera using Kruppa equations
* Self-normalized linear tests
* Separating reflections from a single image using local features
* Separating style and content on a nonlinear manifold
* Shape constrained image segmentation by parametric distributional clustering
* Shape correspondence through landmark sliding
* Shape from contours and multiple stereo a hierarchical, mesh-based approach
* Shape Representation and Classification Using the Poisson Equation
* Shaping receptive fields for affine invariance
* Sharing Features: Efficient Boosting Procedures for Multiclass Object Detection
* Shedding light on stereoscopic segmentation
* Similarity measure and learning with gray level aura matrices (GLAM) for texture image retrieval
* Simultaneous calibration and tracking with a network of non-overlapping sensors
* Simultaneous segmentation of range and color images based on Bayesian decision theory
* Single-frame image super-resolution using learned wavelet coefficients
* Space-Time Isosurface Evolution for Temporally Coherent 3D Reconstruction
* Space-time video completion
* Spatially coherent clustering using graph cuts
* Spherical harmonics vs. Haar wavelets: Basis for Recovering Illumination from Cast Shadows
* SPS algorithm: patching figural continuity and transparency by split-patch search, The
* Stand-alone vision sensor design based on fuzzy associative database
* Statistical feature fusion for gait-based human recognition
* Stereo Correspondence with Slanted Surfaces: Critical Implications of Horizontal Slant
* Stereo vision algorithm for robotic assembly operations
* Structural method for tracking coronary arteries in coronary cineangiograms
* Studies on silhouette quality and gait recognition
* Super-resolution approach to overcome physical limitations of imaging sensors: An overview
* Super-resolution through neighbor embedding
* Synchronizing video sequences
* Synthetic-aperture technique for high-resolution composite imaging of the inside walls of tubular specimens
* System and method for determining the location of a target in a room or small area
* Target image enhancement using representative line in MR cholangiography images
* Texture analysis using gaussian weighted grey level co-occurrence probabilities
* Thermal face recognition in an operational scenario
* Tomographic reconstruction of piecewise smooth images
* Toward glaucoma classification with moment methods
* Towards on-board color constancy on mobile robots
* Towards robust structure-based enhancement and horizon picking in 3-D seismic data
* Tracking loose-limbed people
* Tracking multiple humans in crowded environment
* Uncalibrated and unsynchronized human motion capture: A Stereo Factorization Approach
* Uncontrolled Modulation Imaging
* unified framework for uncertainty propagation in automatic shape tracking, A
* unified spatio-temporal articulated model for tracking, A
* Unsupervised Learning of Image Manifolds by Semidefinite Programming
* Unsupervised segmentation of synthetic aperture radar sea ice imagery using MRF models
* unsupervised, online learning framework for moving object detection, An
* Use of four surface normal approximations and optimization of light direction for robust shape reconstruction from single images
* use of super-resolution techniques to reduce slice thickness in functional MRI, The
* Using plane + parallax for calibrating dense camera arrays
* Using skew Gabor filter in source signal separation and local spectral multi-orientation analysis
* Value directed learning of gestures and facial displays
* Variational Approach to Problems in Calibration of Multiple Cameras, A
* variational approach to scene reconstruction and image segmentation from motion-blur cues, A
* Variational mixture smoothing for non-linear dynamical systems
* Video data mining using configurations of viewpoint invariant regions
* Video Repairing: Inference of Foreground and Background Under Severe Occlusion
* Video stabilization as a variational problem and numerical solution with the viterbi method
* View independent human body pose estimation from a single perspective image
* Vision guided control of multiple robots
* Vision-based multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping
* Visual odometry
* Visual odometry and map correlation
* Visual tracking using active appearance models
* Visual tracking using learned linear subspaces
* Wavelet algorithms for deblurring models
* Wavelet-based hierarchical surface approximation from height fields
* What image information is important in silhouette-based gait recognition?
* Wide baseline feature matching using the cross-epipolar ordering constraint
* Wide-baseline stereo from multiple views: A probabilistic account
* Window-based, discontinuity preserving stereo
* world in an eye, The
362 for 0408

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.