* 3D Building Reconstruction from High-Resolution Ikonos Stereo-Imagery
* 3D Data Reconstruction and Modeling for Urban Scene Analysis
* 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Environments by Segment-Based Stereo Vision
* Absolute: An Information Visualization System for Decision Support in Sourcing
* Accuracy Assessment of Various GIS-Based Viewshed Delineation Techniques, An
* Accuracy bounds and optimal computation of robot localization
* adaptive classifier design for high-dimensional data analysis with a limited training data set, An
* Adaptive Filters with Error Nonlinearities: Mean-Square Analysis and Optimum Design
* Affine invariants for object recognition using the wavelet transform
* Affine-invariant curve normalization for object shape representation, classification, and retrieval
* AirMISR laboratory calibration and in-flight performance results
* Angular map-driven snakes with application to object shape description in color images
* anisotropic evolution formulation applied in 2-D unwrapping of discontinuous phase surfaces, An
* Application of a model of color appearance to practical problems in imaging
* approach to the evaluation of the performance of a discrete classifier, An
* Approximating large convolutions in digital images
* Ascender II: A Framework for Reconstruction of Scenes from Aerial Images
* Attractable snakes based on the greedy algorithm for contour extraction
* Authentication of digital images and video: Generic models and a new contribution
* Automated 3D region growing algorithm based on an assessment function
* Automated Extraction and Reconstruction of Buildings in Laser Scanning Data for Disaster Management
* Automated Mapping of Surface Roughness and Landuse from Simulated and Spaceborne 1M Data
* Automated Update of Building Information in Maps Using Medium-Scale Imagery
* automatic algorithm for semantic object generation and temporal tracking, An
* automatic and efficient dynamic programming algorithm for polygonal approximation of digital curves, An
* Automatic Building Detection Analysing Multiple Curve Data
* Automatic document classification and indexing in high-volume applications
* Automatic extraction of printed mathematical formulas using fuzzy logic and propagation of context
* Automatic Extraction of Trees for 3D City Models from Images and Height Data
* Automatic face recognition for video indexing applications
* Automatic generation of structured hyperdocuments from document images
* Automatic Identification Of Diatoms Using Visual Human-Interpretable Features
* Automatic mineral identification using genetic programming
* Automatic Moving Object Extraction toward Content-Based Video Representation and Indexing
* Automatic scoliosis detection based on local centroids evaluation on Moire topographic images of human backs
* Automatic Shot Change Detection Algorithm Using Multi-stage Clustering for MPEG-Compressed Videos
* Automatic two-stage IR and MMW image registration algorithm for concealed weapons detection
* Bayesian self-organising map for Gaussian mixtures
* Brief review of invariant texture analysis methods
* Building Detection and Roof Extraction in Laser Scanning Data
* Building Extraction at the State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS)
* Building Reconstruction from Synthetic Aperature Radar Images and Interferometry
* Building Reconstruction in Urban Environment: A Graph-Based Approach
* Building safer cars
* Calibrating images from different dates to like-value digital counts
* Circularly symmetric watermark embedding in 2-D DFT domain
* class of authentication digital watermarks for secure multimedia communication, A
* Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series
* Clustering incomplete relational data using the non-Euclidean relational fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Coding efficiency of multi-ring and single-ring differential chain coding for telewriting application
* Color image segmentation based on homogram thresholding and region merging
* Color image segmentation: An innovative approach
* Color quantization and processing by Fibonacci lattices
* Common principles of image acquisition systems and biological vision
* Computer-aided characterization of mammographic masses: Accuracy of mass segmentation and its effects on characterization
* Computer-Aided Design of Clustered-Dot Color Screens Based on a Human Visual System Model
* Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiography: a survey
* Computerized analysis of multiple-mammographic views: potential usefulness of special view mammograms in computer-aided diagnosis
* Constant modulus algorithm for blind equalization of multipath transmitted video signals in cable networks
* Construction of Nonseparable Multiwavelets for Nonlinear Image Compression
* Content-Based Hybrid DPCM/Classified Vector Quantization for Coding Video Telephony Sequences
* Content-based retrieval from trademark databases
* Context conditioning and run-length coding for hybrid, embedded progressive image coding
* Correspondence estimation in image pairs
* Creating a slide presentation from full motion video
* Database-Guided Automatic Inspection of Vertically Structured Transportation Objects from Mobile Mapping Image Sequences
* Decision-level fusion in fingerprint verification
* Description of three-dimensional gray-level objects by the harmonic analysis approach
* Design and evaluation of spatial similarity approaches for image retrieval
* Designing JPEG Quantization Tables based on Human Visual System
* Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey
* Detection and segmentation of generic shapes based on affine modeling of energy in Eigenspace
* Detection of breast masses in mammograms by density slicing and texture flow-field analysis
* Detection of curvilinear structures and reconstruction of their regions in gray-scale images
* Detection of Regularly Spaced Targets in Small-Footprint LIDAR Data: Research Issues for Consideration
* Detection of urban housing development by fusing multisensor satellite data and performing spatial feature post-classification
* Detection of vehicles from traffic scenes using fuzzy integrals
* Development of an automated method for detecting mammographic masses with a partial loss of region
* Differential Snakes for Change Detection in Road Segments
* Direct Manipulation Graphics For Data Mining
* distributed adaptive block matching algorithm: Dis-ABMA, A
* Document character reading system
* Dynamic flies: a new pattern recognition tool applied to stereo sequence processing
* Effect of spatial resolution on classification errors of pure and mixed pixels in remote sensing
* effects of speckle reduction on classification of ERS SAR data, The
* Efficient and consistent method for superellipse detection
* Efficient Detection of Second-Degree Variations in 2D and 3D Images
* Efficient facet edge detection and quantitative performance evaluation
* Efficient implementation of all-digital interpolation
* Efficient Motion Estimation and Coding for Arbitrary-Shaped Video Objects
* Efficient Neural Classification Chain of SAR and Optical Urban Images, An
* Efficient skew estimation and correction algorithm for document images
* Embedded block coding in JPEG 2000
* Encoding and reconstruction of multiview video objects
* Encoding DCT Coefficients Based on Rate-Distortion Measurement
* Error-correcting tree language inference
* Estimating uncertainty in SSD-based feature tracking
* Estimation of 2D Displacement Field Based on Affine Geometric Invariance and Scene Constraints
* Estimation of depth from defocus as polynomial system identification
* Estimation of periodic-like motions of chaotic evolutions using detected unstable periodic patterns
* Evaluation of design alternatives for the 2-D-discrete wavelet transform
* Exploiting zoning based on approximating splines in cursive script recognition
* Extraction and Optimization of B-Spline PBD Templates for Recognition of Connected Handwritten Digit Strings
* Extraction of Buildings from High-Resolution Satellite Data
* Face segmentation and tracking based on connected operators and partition projection
* Face verification through tracking facial features
* fast algorithm for skew detection of document images using morphology, A
* Fast face identification under varying pose from a single 2-D model view
* fast level set method for segmentation of low contrast noisy biomedical images, A
* fast multi-resolution block matching algorithm and its LSI architecture for low bit-rate video coding, A
* fast nearest neighbor search algorithm by filtration, A
* Fast variable run-length coding for embedded progressive wavelet-based image compression
* fast, non-iterative and exact histogram matching algorithm, A
* Feature analysis through information granulation and fuzzy sets
* Feature detection algorithm based on a visual system model
* Feature extraction and classification of dynamic contrast-enhanced T2*-weighted breast image data
* Feature selection using tabu search method
* File format technology in JPEG 2000 enables flexible use of still and motion sequences
* Finding approximate patterns in undirected acyclic graphs
* Fingerprinting doesn't Hold up as a Science in Court
* Flame recognition in video
* From Image Sequences to 3D Models
* From Imagery to GIS Applications
* Full-view: A Visual Data-mining Environment
* Fusion and merging of multispectral images with use of multiscale fundamental forms
* Fusion of physically-based registration and deformation modeling for nonrigid motion analysis
* Fuzzy Ordering Theory and Its Use in Filter Generalization
* generalized approach to the vicarious calibration of multiple Earth observation sensors using hyperspectral data, A
* Generation of 3D City Models in Japan: An Overview
* generic method of cleaning and enhancing handwritten data from business forms, A
* Genetic feature selection combined with composite fuzzy nearest neighbor classifiers for hyperspectral satellite imagery
* Graph-based representations and techniques for image processing and image analysis
* Guest editorial computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging
* Hausdorff Discretization for Cellular Distances and Its Relation to Cover and Supercover Discretizations
* Hierarchical Estimation and Segmentation of Dense Motion Fields
* Hierarchical palmprint identification via multiple feature extraction
* High-resolution ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets by means of the range instantaneous doppler technique: modeling and performance analysis
* Higher-Order-Statistics-Based Detection of Vehicles in Still Images
* Human face profile recognition using attributed string
* Hurst Parameter Estimation of Long-Range Dependent VBR MPEG Video Traffic in ATM Networks
* hybrid filter/wrapper approach of feature selection using information theory, A
* Hypergraph Imaging: An Overview
* Hyperparameter estimation for satellite image restoration using a MCMC maximum-likelihood method
* ICP Registration Using Invariant Features
* IKONOS Satellite Imagery and Its Use in Automated Road Extraction
* Illumination Effect Descriptor for Video Sequences, An
* Image classification: an evolutionary approach
* Image compression using transformed vector quantization
* Image recognition in the presence of non-Gaussian noise with unknown statistics
* Image restoration of compressed image using classified vector quantization
* Image segmentation based on situational DCT descriptors
* Image watermarking: an evolution to content based approaches
* Improved techniques for automatic image segmentation
* Improvements to image magnification
* incremental prototype set building technique, An
* Indexing for local appearance-based recognition of planar objects
* Indexing for reuse of TV news shots
* Influence of erroneous learning samples on adaptation in on-line handwriting recognition
* Information-theoretic analysis of interscale and intrascale dependencies between image wavelet coefficients
* Integrated Position Estimation Using Aerial Image Sequences
* Interword distance changes represented by sine waves for watermarking text images
* Invariant Color Features for Matching and Target Recognition
* Inverse pyramidal decomposition with multiple DCT
* Inverse scattering of a buried imperfect conductor by the genetic algorithm
* Investigation of smooth basis functions and an approximated projection algorithm for faster tomography
* Invisibility and application functionalities in perceptual watermarking an overview
* joint multicontext and multiscale approach to Bayesian image segmentation, A
* Joint source/FEC rate selection for quality-optimal MPEG-2 video delivery
* JPEG 2000 performance evaluation and assessment
* Knowledge Based System for the Interpretation of Complex Scenes
* Landsat 7 mission: Terrestrial research and applications for the 21st century, The
* Large-scale Mining, Discovery and Visualization of WWW User Clickpaths
* Line segment Hausdorff distance on face matching
* Localization of spherical fruits for robotic harvesting
* Low bit-rate efficient compression for seismic data
* M-Estimators of Roughness and Scale for GA0-Modelled SAR Imagery
* Map Based Building Reconstruction from Laser Data and Images
* Maximum entropy random fields for texture analysis
* mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes, A
* Method and apparatus for modeling and reconstruction of halftoned images
* Microwave imaging of parallel perfectly conducting cylinders
* Model-Based Approach for Multi-View Complex Building Description, A
* model-driven approach for real-time road recognition, A
* Moment-based methods for polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Morphological operators on the unit circle
* Morphological Residues and a General Framework for Image Filtering and Segmentation
* Motion Compensation on DCT Domain
* Motion estimation in the frequency domain using fuzzy c-planes clustering
* MRF-based texture segmentation using wavelet decomposed images
* Multi-camera systems
* Multi-Image 3D Feature and DSM Extraction for Change Detection and Building Reconstruction
* Multi-resolution image registration using multi-class Hausdorff fraction
* Multicriteria maximum likelihood neural network approach to positron emission tomography
* Multidimensional modeling of image quality
* Multihierarchical Graph Search
* Multiply-rooted multiscale models for large-scale estimation
* Multirate signal processing on finite fields
* Multiscale color invariants based on the human visual system
* Natural scene-illuminant estimation using the sensor correlation
* Negotiating the semantic gap: from feature maps to semantic landscapes
* Neuro-fuzzy systems for computer-aided myocardial viability assessment
* new algorithm for fitting a rectilinear x-monotone curve to a set of points in the plane, A
* New Applications of Semi-Automatic Building Acquisition
* new approach of geodesic reconstruction for drusen segmentation in eye fundus images, A
* New fast algorithm for multidimensional type-IV DCT
* new histogram quantization algorithm for land cover mapping, A
* New maximum likelihood motion estimation schemes for noisy ultrasound images
* New Measurements and Corner-Guidance for Curve Matching with Probabilistic Relaxation
* New nonparametric dominant point detection algorithm
* New similarity measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and application to pattern recognitions
* News from CyberCity-Modeler
* noise attribute thresholding method for document image binarization, A
* Non-contact velocity compensation system for handheld scanners
* Note on Park and Chin's Algorithm, A
* Novel Fast Block Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Combined Subsamplings on Pixels and Search Candidates, A
* novel feature extraction method and hybrid tree classification for handwritten numeral recognition, A
* numeral character recognition using the PCA mixture model, A
* Object Tracking with Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Layer Representations
* Object-based coding of stereoscopic and 3D image sequences
* Object-Based Shot Boundary Detection Using Edge Tracing and Tracking, An
* Oblivious Digital Watermarking Scheme with Blob-Oriented and Modular-Arithmetic-Based Spatial-Domain Mechanism
* On morphological operators based on rank filters
* On the Consistency of Instantaneous Rigid Motion Estimation
* On the nonexistence of Hausdorff-like metrics for fuzzy sets
* On-line Scene Change Detection of Multicast Video
* operational rate-distortion optimal single-pass SNR scalable video coder, An
* Optical character recognition of the Orthodox Hellenic Byzantine Music notation
* Optical Flow in Log-Mapped Image Plane-A New Approach
* Optimal camera placement for accurate reconstruction
* Optimal design of radial basis function neural networks for fuzzy-rule extraction in high dimensional data
* Optimal polygonal approximation of digitized curves using the sum of square deviations criterion
* Optimisation of multi-level block truncation coding
* Optimizing filter banks for supervised texture recognition
* overview of quantization in JPEG 2000, An
* overview of the JPEG 2000 still image compression standard, An
* overview of the visual optimization tools in JPEG 2000, An
* Panoramic imaging arrangement
* Patient-specific models for lung nodule detection and surveillance in CT images
* Pattern recognition using Markov random field models
* Perception of High-Contrast Blurred Edges
* Perception-based Analysis Of Engineering Experiments In The Semiconductor Industry
* Perceptual assessment of demosaicing algorithm performance
* Performance Analysis of a Simple Vehicle Detction Algorithm
* Physics-based approach to color image enhancement in poor visibility conditions
* Piecewise Linear Skeletonization Using Principal Curves
* Postprocessing of low bit-rate wavelet-based image coding using multiscale edge characterization
* Potential of Road Stereo Mapping with RADARSAT Images
* Practical self-calibration of pan-tilt cameras
* Predictive multistage vector quantizer design using asymptotic closed-loop optimization
* Probabilistic Approach to Roof Patch Extraction and Reconstruction, A
* Projection-based image registration in the presence of fixed-pattern noise
* Psychophysics of reading. XIX: hypertext search and retrieval with low vision
* Radiometry of Multiple Images, The
* Rate-distortion model based rate control for real-time VBR video coding and low-delay communications
* Real time tracking of 3D objects: an efficient and robust approach
* Real-Time Algorithm for Error Recovery in Remote Video-Based Surveillance Applications, A
* Recognition of gestures in Arabic sign language using neuro-fuzzy systems
* Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects through Matching of Their Parts
* Region of interest coding in JPEG 2000
* Region-based image watermarking
* Reliability analysis of the rank transform for stereo matching
* Requirements of Users from a Public Mapping Organisation
* Research into a Framework for Automatic Linear Feature Identification and Extraction
* Restoration of error-diffused images using projection onto convex sets
* Road Extraction Focussing on Urban Areas
* Robust evidence-based object tracking
* Robust Method for Registering Ground-Based Laser Range Images of Urban Outdoor Objects, A
* Robust Nonlinear Filtering Approach to Inverse Halftoning, A
* robust scene-change detection method for video segmentation, A
* Robust structure from motion estimation using inertial data
* Robust Surface Matching for Automated Detection of Local Deformations Using Least-Median-of-Squares Estimator
* Rotation-invariant pattern matching using wavelet decomposition
* Rule-Based Classification Systems Using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analysis
* Rule-based moving object segmentation
* Scale and Texture in Digital Image Classification
* Scanning the issue: Special issue on translating human vision research into engineering technology
* Scene Modeling from Motion-Free Radar Sensing
* Search For Patterns In Compressed Time Series
* Searching for the best elimination sequence in Bayesian networks by using ant colony optimization
* Segmentation of LIDAR and InSAR Elevation Data for Building Reconstruction
* Segmentation of Perspective Textured Planes through the Ridges of Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Segmentation of SAR images
* Segmentation of touching and fused Devanagari characters
* Segmentation-based recognition of handwritten touching pairs of digits using structural features
* Semi-Automated Building Extraction from Stereo Image Pairs
* Sensor sharpening for computational color constancy
* Shape from focus using multilayer feedforward neural networks
* Shape recognition using attributed string matching with polygon vertices as the primitives
* Simplex minimization for single- and multiple-reference motion estimation
* Slice-adaptive histogram for improvement of anatomical structure extraction in volume data
* Small vessel enhancement in MRA images using local maximum mean processing
* Some More Steps Towards 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas from Multiple Views
* Some novel classifiers designed using prototypes extracted by a new scheme based on self-organizing feature map
* Spatial Similarity Retrieval in Video Databases
* Spatio-Temporal Modeling in Video and Multimedia Geographic Information Systems
* Special Issue Introduction, JPEG 2000
* Special issue on Image/Video Communication
* Special Issue on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing: Part I
* Special Issue on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing: Part II
* statistical 3-D pattern processing method for computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography, A
* Statistical algorithms for target detection in coherent active polarimetric images
* Statistical Color Models with Application to Skin Detection
* Statistical Interpretation of DEM and Image Data for Building Extraction
* Stereoscopic and autostereoscopic display systems
* Study of Dempster-Shafer theory for image segmentation applications
* Suitability for Airborne Laser Scanner Data for Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction, The
* Super-resolution land cover pattern prediction using a Hopfield neural network
* surface-based approach to 3-D object recognition using a mean field annealing neural network, A
* survey on the use of pattern recognition methods for abstraction, indexing and retrieval of images and video, A
* Synergistic Automatic Clustering Technique (SYNERACT ) for Multispectral Image Analysis, A
* Temporal Resolution Enhancement in Compressed Video Sequences
* Temporal video segmentation: A survey
* Ten years of art imaging research
* Texture-Integrated Classification of Urban Treed Areas in High-Resolution Color-Infrared Imagery
* Three-dimensional computer-aided diagnosis scheme for detection of colonic polyps
* Three-dimensional optical tomographic imaging of breast in a human subject
* Three-dimensional tracking of coronary arteries from biplane angiographic sequences using parametrically deformable models
* Tongue image matching using color content
* Topological and Geometrical Models for Building Reconstruction from Multiple Images
* Towards a Methodology for the Evaluation of Multimedia Geographical Information Products
* Towards Fully Automated 3D City Model Generation
* Transform domain LMS-based adaptive prediction for lossless image coding
* Tree-structured product-codebook vector quantization
* Two simply connected sets that have the same area are IP-equivalent
* Two theorems in catoptrics
* Unified approach to absolute radiometric calibration in the solar-reflective range
* unified rate-distortion analysis framework for transform coding, A
* unifying framework for lossless and progressive image coding, A
* Updating of Cartographic Road Databases by Image Analysis
* Use of Contour-Based DEMs for Deriving and Mapping Topographic Attributes
* Using Browsing to Improve Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Using color histogram normalization for recovering chromatic illumination-changed images
* Using moment invariants and HMM in facial expression recognition
* Video compression with dense motion fields
* Video Segmentation in the Wavelet Compressed Domain
* Virtual Habitat: Models of the Urban Outdoors
* Visible-infrared and radar imagery fusion for geological application: A new approach using DEM and sun-illumination model
* Vision-based adaptive and recursive tracking of unpaved roads
* Vision-based strategy to reduce the perceived color misregistration of image-capturing devices
* Vision-model-based impairment metric to evaluate blocking artifacts in digital video
* Visual information retrieval system via content-based approach
* Visual segment tree creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes
* Visualization Framework For The Analysis Of Hyperdimensional Data, A
* Watermark Detection and Extraction Using Independent Component Analysis Method
* Wavelet-based corner detection technique using optimal scale
* word extraction algorithm for machine-printed documents using a 3D neighborhood graph model, A
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