Update Dates 1304

1304 * *ACCV
* *Computational Color Imaging
* *eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* *International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision
* *International Workshop on Computer Vision with Local Binary Pattern Variants
* *International Workshop on Mobile Vision
* *Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
* *Signal Processing Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* *Workshop on Background Models Challenge
* *Workshop on Color Depth Fusion in Computer Vision
* *Workshop on Computational Photography and Low-Level Vision
* *Workshop on Detection and Tracking in Challenging Environments
* *Workshop on Developer-Centred Computer Vision
* *Workshop on Face Analysis: The Intersection of Computer Vision and Human Perception
* 1-inch UniTouch System using Kinect
* 2-D tracking system for solar panels using SVM implemented by motion assistant of LabVIEW
* 21/2 D Scene Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes from Single RGB-D Images
* 3-D Carotid Multi-Region MRI Segmentation by Globally Optimal Evolution of Coupled Surfaces
* 3-degree of freedom binary search pose estimation technique, A
* 3D classifier trained without field samples, A
* 3D Curvilinear Skeletonization Algorithm with Application to Path Tracing, A
* 3D Facial Expression Synthesis from a Single Image Using a Model Set
* 3D finger posture detection and gesture recognition on touch surfaces
* 3D LBP-Based Rotationally Invariant Region Description
* 3D shape and its applications
* 3D shape, color and specular component estimation using image scanner with multiple light sources: Optimal light position estimation
* 3D world modeling using 3D laser scanner and omni-direction camera
* 5-DOF rotation-symmetric parallel manipulator with one unconstrained tool rotation, A
* Accelerated Bilateral Filtering With Block Skipping
* Accelerated Edge-Preserving Image Restoration Without Boundary Artifacts
* Accuracy of gaze point estimation in immersive 3D interaction interface based on eye tracking
* Accurate camera calibration for hand-held camera in multi-view stereo reconstruction
* Accurate merging of images for predictive analysis using combined image
* Accurate Method for Line Detection and Manhattan Frame Estimation, An
* Acquisition of 3-D surface shape of human body from monocular images without pose estimation
* Action Disambiguation Analysis Using Normalized Google-Like Distance Correlogram
* Action Recognition Using Canonical Correlation Kernels
* Action utility prediction and role task allocation in robot soccer system
* Active Learning for Interactive Segmentation with Expected Confidence Change
* Activity recognition from a wearable camera
* Adaptation Framework for Head-Pose Classification in Dynamic Multi-view Scenarios, An
* Adaptive Background Defogging with Foreground Decremental Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
* Adaptive consensus tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems: A first-order example
* Adaptive control of parallel DC-DC buck converters with uncertain parameters
* Adaptive feedback control of magnetic suspension system preceded by Bouc-Wen hysteresis
* Adaptive finite-time stabilization of a class of stochastic nonlinear systems
* Adaptive Golomb Code for Joint Geometrically Distributed Data and Its Application in Image Coding
* Adaptive Integration of Feature Matches into Variational Optical Flow Methods
* Adaptive iterative learning control for SISO discrete time-varying systems
* Adaptive Kernel Size Selection for Correntropy Based Metric
* Adaptive learning control with spatially-periodic and unknown random disturbances
* Adaptive linear discriminant analysis for online feature extraction
* Adaptive observer-based output feedback control design for fault compensation and tolerance
* Adaptive Sampling for Low Latency Vision Processing
* Adaptive sparsity reconstruction method for ultrasonic images based on compressive sensing
* Adaptive Structure from Motion with a Contrario Model Estimation
* Adaptive Time Delay Estimation Using Filter Length Constraints for Source Localization in Reverberant Acoustic Environments
* Adaptive tracking control for a class of stochastic mechanical systems
* Adaptive Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Selection for Visual Concept Recognition
* Adjustable linear models for optic flow based obstacle avoidance
* Affective Assessment by Digital Processing of the Pupil Diameter
* Affective Body Expression Perception and Recognition: A Survey
* Affective Recommendation of Movies Based on Selected Connotative Features
* Affine transforms between image space and color space for invariant local descriptors
* AfNet: The Affordance Network
* Aggregation pheromone metaphor for semi-supervised classification
* algorithm for collision free navigation of an intelligent powered wheelchair in dynamic environments, An
* Algorithms for 3D Shape Scanning with a Depth Camera
* Alpha-Flow for Video Matting
* Analyses of a Multimodal Spontaneous Facial Expression Database
* Analysis and synthesization for a class of discrete-time Markovian jumping systems with mode-dependent delays and actuators saturation
* Analysis Based Blind Compressive Sensing
* Analysis of actuator in-phase property in terms of control performance and integrated plant/controller design using a novel model matching method
* Analysis of sensor and gripper jaw response times
* Analysis of the Wavelet Ginzburg-Landau Energy in Image Applications with Edges
* Analytical Description of Pseudoinvariant Features
* Anchor Patch Based Optimization Framework for Reducing Optical Flow Drift in Long Image Sequences, An
* Anterior Cruciate Ligament Segmentation from Knee MR Images Using Graph Cuts with Geometric and Probabilistic Shape Constraints
* Apparel Classification with Style
* Appearance Sharing for Collective Human Pose Estimation
* Application adaptation methods of gesture recognition based user interface
* Application of CRF and SVM based semi-supervised learning for semantic labeling of environments
* Application of fuzzy-PID in control of FC furnace gypsum calcination temperature
* Application of Heterogenous Motion Models towards Structure Recovery from Motion
* Application of NPC in wireless networked control systems
* Arbitrary-Shape Object Localization Using Adaptive Image Grids
* Arc Recognition on Irregular Isothetic Grids and Its Application to Reconstruction of Noisy Digital Contours
* Archiving Mural Paintings Using an Ontology Based Approach
* Area-Based Mapping of Defoliation of Scots Pine Stands Using Airborne Scanning LiDAR
* Assessing reference dataset representativeness through confidence metrics based on information density
* Assessing the impact of hydrocarbon leakages on vegetation using reflectance spectroscopy
* Assessment of Crohn's disease lesions in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy images using SVM based classification
* Asymptotic Analysis and Random Sampling of Digitally Convex Polyominoes
* Automated cervical cell image segmentation using level set based active contour model
* Automated Ulcer Detection Method from CT Images for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Crohn's Disease
* Automatic calibration for inertial measurement unit
* Automatic Detection of Optic Disc Based on PCA and Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Grading of Cortical and PSC Cataracts Using Retroillumination Lens Images
* Automatic object segmentation using mean shift and growcut
* Automatic road surface profiling with sensors fusion
* Automatic Segmentation of Scaling in 2-D Psoriasis Skin Images
* Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Supervised Learning
* Automatic Stave Discovery for Musical Facsimiles
* Automatic Storm Damage Detection in Forests Using High-Altitude Photogrammetric Imagery
* Automatic Virus Particle Selection: The Entropy Approach
* Automatic Webcam-Based Human Heart Rate Measurements Using Laplacian Eigenmap
* Autonomous control of running takeoff and landing for a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle
* Average consensus of multi-agent systems under logarithm quantized communications
* Average consensus with arbitrarily coarse logarithmic quantizers
* Azimuth-Variant Signal Processing in High-Altitude Platform Passive SAR with Spaceborne/Airborne Transmitter
* Background model based on intensity change similarity among pixels
* Background Model Based on Statistical Local Difference Pattern
* Background Subtraction Based on Multi-channel SILTP
* Bag-of-Features Approach to Classify Six Types of Pulmonary Textures on High-Resolution Computed Tomography, A
* Bayesian Approach to Uncertainty-Based Depth Map Super Resolution, A
* Bayesian Epipolar Geometry Estimation from Tomographic Projections
* Bayesian Wavelet Shrinkage With Heterogeneity-Adaptive Threshold for SAR Image Despeckling Based on Generalized Gamma Distribution
* Benchmark Dataset for Outdoor Foreground/Background Extraction, A
* Benchmarking Still-to-Video Face Recognition via Partial and Local Linear Discriminant Analysis on COX-S2V Dataset
* Beyond Dataset Bias: Multi-task Unaligned Shared Knowledge Transfer
* Beyond Spatial Pyramid Matching: Spatial Soft Voting for Image Classification
* Binary vector construction method for fast image matching in MPEG-7 CDVS framework
* Biologically Motivated Double-Opponency Approach to Illumination Invariance, A
* Blind Time-Reversal Detector in the Presence of Channel Correlation, A
* Block LBP Displacement Based Local Matching Approach for Human Face Recognition
* Boosting with Side Information
* Boundary tracking by a wheeled robot with rigidly mounted sensors
* Boundary-constrained multi-scale segmentation method for remote sensing images
* Box Relaxation Schemes in Staggered Discretizations for the Dual Formulation of Total Variation Minimization
* Brain Tumor Classification using Discrete Cosine Transform and Probabilistic Neural Network
* CACAO Method for Smoothing, Gap Filling, and Characterizing Seasonal Anomalies in Satellite Time Series, The
* Calculation of Intravascular Signal in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI Using Adaptive Complex Independent Component Analysis
* Camera Calibration Using Vertical Lines
* Camera Pose Estimation of a Smartphone at a Field without Interest Points
* Can Modern Technologies Defeat Nazi Censorship?
* Carrier-based sensor deployment by a mobile robot for wireless sensor networks
* Cascade framework for task-space synchronization of networked robots with uncertain kinematics and dynamics
* Case study on behavioral approach to fault-tolerant control: Application to an electric circuit
* Categorical-and-numerical-attribute data clustering based on a unified similarity metric without knowing cluster number
* Cellular automata based real time path planning for mobile robots
* CFA Based Simultaneous Multispectral Imaging and Illuminant Estimation
* Change Detection Approach to Flood Mapping in Urban Areas Using TerraSAR-X, A
* Change detection for moving object segmentation with robust background construction under Wronskian framework
* Chinese Handwriting Recognition: An Algorithmic Perspective
* Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter and Dissolved Organic Carbon from Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and MERIS Sensors: Case Study for the Northern Gulf of Mexico
* Class-Specific Weighted Dominant Orientation Templates for Object Detection
* Class-Specified Segmentation with Multi-scale Superpixels
* Classification of Pneumoconiosis on HRCT Images for Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Classifier-Based Learning of Nonlinear Feature Manifold for Visualization of Emotional Speech Prosody
* Clickable real world information retrieval application based on geo-visual clustering
* Clinical Decision Support Service for elderly people in smart home environment
* Co-regularized PLSA for Multi-view Clustering
* Coarse-to-Fine Correspondence Search for Classifying Ancient Coins
* color grouping method for detection of object regions based on local saliency, A
* Color image segmentation using mean shift and improved spectral clustering
* Color-Aware Regularization for Gradient Domain Image Manipulation
* Color-difference evaluation for digital images using a categorical judgment method
* Colorimetric Correction for Stereoscopic Camera Arrays
* Colour Descriptors for Tracking in Spatial Augmented Reality
* Combinational Subsequence Matching for Human Identification from General Actions
* Combined feedback linearization and sliding mode control for reusable launch vehicle reentry
* combined method for realtime face tracking in smart phones, A
* combined pattern recognition scheme with genetic algorithms for robot guidance using Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Combining Fast Extracted Edge Descriptors and Feature Sharing for Rapid Object Detection
* Combining Superresolution and Fusion Methods for Sharpening Misrsat-1 Data
* Combining TDMA with Slotted Aloha for delay constrained traffic over lossy links
* Communication scheduling for decentralized state estimation
* Communicative robot interface for the ageing society
* compact 3-D cubic antenna for wireless sensor networks, A
* Comparative Review of North American Tundra Delineations, A
* Comparative Study of Color Texture Features for Face Analysis, A
* Comparative Study of Encoding, Pooling and Normalization Methods for Action Recognition, A
* Comparative Study of Some Population-Based Optimization Algorithms on Inverse Scattering of a Two-Dimensional Perfectly Conducting Cylinder in Dielectric Slab Medium
* comparative study on ICA and LPP based Face Recognition under varying illuminations and facial expressions, A
* comparison of dense matching algorithms for scaled surface reconstruction using stereo camera rigs, A
* Comparison of node localization methods for sensor networks
* comparison of PID and Sliding Mode controllers for a remotely operated helicopter, A
* Comparison of Point Clouds Acquired by 3D Scanner
* Comparison of SPAN and LEACH protocol for topology control in wireless sensor networks
* Comparison of wavelet, contourlet and curvelet transform with modified particle swarm optimization for despeckling and feature enhancement of SAR image
* Complete Generic Camera Calibration and Modeling Using Spline Surfaces
* Computational and space complexity analysis of SubXPCA
* computational model of vision attention for inspection of surface quality in production line, A
* Computational Spectral Imaging Based on Adaptive Spectral Imaging
* Computational Strategies for Skin Detection
* Computationally Efficient RF Interference Suppression Method With Closed-Form Maximum Likelihood Estimator for HF Surface Wave Over-The-Horizon Radars
* Computer-aided mammography classification of malignant mass regions and normal regions based on novel texton features
* Concurrency Relations between Digital Planes
* Conformal Mapping with as Uniform as Possible Conformal Factor
* Consensus and convergence rate analysis for multi-agent systems with time delay
* Consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with inherent nonlinear dynamics under directed topologies
* Consensus over directed switching networks with communication delays and finite data rate
* Consensus tracking of nonlinear multi-agent systems with switching directed topologies
* Considerations of the Affective Factors for Appreciating a Printed-Color Picture
* Constant Modulus Algorithm for Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Reduction in MIMO OFDM/A
* Constrained MPC designs for structured uncertain systems with random input delays
* Constrained Optical Flow Estimation as a Matching Problem
* Constrained Total Variation Deblurring Models and Fast Algorithms Based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Construction and inspection management system using mobile augmented reality
* Content-based retinal image retrieval using dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Content-Driven Retargeting of Stereoscopic Images
* Contextual Pooling in Image Classification
* Continuous speech coding using coiflets wavelet
* Contrast-Adaptive Removable Visible Watermarking (CARVW) mechanism
* Control of continuous-time T-S fuzzy affine dynamic systems via piecewise Lyapunov functions
* Control performance comparison of PZT microactuator driven by voltage and current amplifiers in HDD dual-stage systems
* Control with communication constraints
* Controllability analysis of linear singular delta operator systems
* Convergence comparison of least squares based bearing-only SLAM algorithms using different landmark parametrizations
* Convergence of Level-Wise Convolution Differential Estimators
* Convex Formulation for Learning a Shared Predictive Structure from Multiple Tasks, A
* convolution approach to the circle Hough transform for arbitrary radius, A
* Cooperative control in HNMSim: A 3D hybrid networked MAS simulator
* cooperative personal automated transport system: A CityMobil demonstration in Rocquencourt, A
* Coordinated and optimal acceleration and deceleration driving control for multi-axle hydrostatic driving vehicle
* Coordinated path following control for a group of car-like vehicles
* Coordinated tracking of multi-agent systems with a leader of bounded unknown input using distributed continuous controllers
* CORDIC Based Fast Radix-2 DCT Algorithm
* Correlated topic model for image annotation
* Correntropy coefficient analysis of fMRI using reference model
* Coupling-and-Decoupling: A Hierarchical Model for Occlusion-Free Car Detection
* Covariance Descriptor Multiple Object Tracking and Re-identification with Colorspace Evaluation
* Critical Connectedness of Thin Arithmetical Discrete Planes
* Cross Anisotropic Cost Volume Filtering for Segmentation
* Cross coupling control design for three-dimensional contouring control system based on layered modeling method
* Cross Image Inference Scheme for Stereo Matching
* Cross-Database Transfer Learning via Learnable and Discriminant Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Cross-view Graph Embedding
* Crosswalk and traffic light detection via integral framework
* CS-HOG: Color similarity-based HOG
* CT image reconstruction based on combination of iterative reconstruction technique and total variation
* Daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data for the Analysis of the Heat Requirements of Grapevine Varieties
* Data Decomposition and Spatial Mixture Modeling for Part Based Model
* Dead reckoning navigation with Constant Velocity Update (CUPT)
* Deadlock resolution for navigation of wheeled robots in continuous state-space
* Deblurring Vein Images and Removing Skin Wrinkle Patterns by Using Tri-band Illumination
* Decentralized H-inf filtering for interconnected Markovian jump systems with delays
* Decentralized iterative learning control for hegerogeneous system with arbitrary interconnections
* Decentralized non-fragile guaranteed cost control and optimization for neutral interconnected systems
* Decentralized PID controller design for the cooperative control of networked multi-agent systems
* Decentralized stabilization of Markovian jump large-scale systems via neighboring mode dependent output feedback control
* Decision Forests for Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis
* Defect detection of terminal lead by single stereo vision
* Dense Scene Flow Based on Depth and Multi-channel Bilateral Filter
* Depth cue selection for 3D television
* Depth map estimation based on geometric scene categorization
* depth sensor to control pick-and-place robots for fruit packaging, A
* Depth-Estimation-Free Condition for Projective Factorization and Its Application to 3D Reconstruction
* Description and Validation of an Automated Objective Technique for Identification and Characterization of the Integrated Water Vapor Signature of Atmospheric Rivers
* Design analysis of deterministic interleaver for OFDM-IDMA system
* Design and analysis of a 2-DOF micro-motion stage based on flexural hinges
* design and implementation of lower limb rehabilitation robot based on BWSTT, The
* Design and implementation of three-phase SVPWM inverter with 16-bit dsPIC
* Design and optimization of a long-stroke compliant micropositioning stage driven by voice coil motor
* Design method of PID-type model predictive iterative learning control based on the two-dimensional generalized predictive control scheme
* Design of A Novel Gait Simulator for Rehabilitation Training
* Design of Non-Linear Discriminative Dictionaries for Image Classification
* Design of process control system of rotary klin process for nickel iron production
* Design, simulation and experiment of a novel mass detection system with active control magnetic
* Designing robot eyes for gaze communication
* Detecting Changes in Images of Street Scenes
* Detecting Partially Occluded Objects with an Implicit Shape Model Random Field
* Detecting wandering behavior based on GPS traces for elders with dementia
* Detection algorithm for road surface condition using wavelet packet transform and SVM
* Detection of Double Compression in MPEG-4 Videos Based on Markov Statistics
* Determination of network vulnerability factor using rough set
* Determining spatial location of sub pixels in hyperspectral data for mangrove species identification
* Development of a Robust and Compact On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognizer for Hand-Held Devices
* Development of an EKF-based localization algorithm using compass sensor and LRF
* Development of electrochemical biosensor for breast cancer detection using gold nanoparticle doped CA 15-3 antibody and antigen interaction
* Development of ground experiment system for space robot performing fine manipulation
* Development of identification of tire-road friction conditions
* Development of multiscale retinex algorithm for medical image enhancement based on multi-rate sampling
* Development of the hole position inspection system of pressed car parts by using laser 3-d measurement
* Digital Distances and Integer Sequences
* Digital Paparazzi: Spotting Celebrities in Professional Photo Libraries
* Digitization of Deformed Documents Using a High-Speed Multi-camera Array
* Direct EIT Reconstructions of Complex Admittivities on a Chest-Shaped Domain in 2-D
* Directed Graphical Model for Linear Barcode Scanning from Blurred Images, A
* Directing Physiology and Mood through Music: Validation of an Affective Music Player
* Direction Finding Using Higher Order Statistics Without Redundancy
* Directional relations and frames of reference
* Disagreement-Based Multi-system Tracking
* Disambiguation in Unknown Object Detection by Integrating Image and Speech Recognition Confidences
* Discrete biquintic spline method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind
* Discrete-time integral sliding-mode flow control for connection-oriented communication networks
* Discrete-time repetitive control with ideal error dynamics
* Discriminative dictionary learning for EEG signal classification in Brain-computer interface
* Discriminative Dictionary Learning with Pairwise Constraints
* Discriminative Learning with Latent Variables for Cluttered Indoor Scene Understanding
* discriminative linear regression approach to adaptation of multi-prototype based classifiers and its applications for Chinese OCR, A
* Distributed containment control of linear multi-agent systems using output information
* Distributed estimation for moving target under switching interconnection network
* Distributed filtering in sensor networks with hybrid communication constraints
* distributed online learning tracking algorithm, A
* Distributed output regulation design for multi-agent systems in output-feedback form
* Distributed probability density function estimation of environmental function from sensor network data
* Distributed robust stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems
* Distributed shape formation of multi-agent systems
* Distributed tracking and connectivity maintenance with a varying velocity leader
* Disturbance attenuation for a class of uncertain polynomial discrete-time systems: An integrator approach
* Double Khatri-Rao Space-Time-Frequency Coding Using Semi-Blind PARAFAC Based Receiver
* Dual spherical spline: A new representation of ruled surface optimization
* Duo-graph: An efficient and robust method for large-scale mapping for visual-guided robots
* Dynamic analysis of fluid-structure interaction for the biped robot running on water
* Dynamic consensus of multi-agent systems under Markov packet losses with defective transition probabilities
* Dynamic Hand Shape Manifold Embedding and Tracking from Depth Maps
* Dynamic modeling and robust adaptive control of a deployable manipulator
* Dynamic Objectness for Adaptive Tracking
* Dynamic path planning for inserting a steerable needle into soft tissue
* Dynamic Saliency Models and Human Attention: A Comparative Study on Videos
* Dynamic Texture Synthesis in Space with a Spatio-temporal Descriptor
* Dynamical systems in robot control architectures: A building block perspective
* Early Decision of Prediction Direction with Hierarchical Correlation for HEVC Compression
* Effect of Medium Attenuation on the Asymptotic Eigenvalues of Noise Covariance Matrices
* Effective elliptic fitting for iris normalization
* Effective image object retrieval and tag refinement by augmenting unsupervised semantic features
* effective mode decision method for multi-view video coding, An
* Efficient 3D Scene Modeling and Mosaicing
* Efficient Algorithms for Discrete Wavelet Transform: With Applications to Denoising and Fuzzy Inference Systems
* Efficient and Scalable 4th-Order Match Propagation
* Efficient Background Subtraction under Abrupt Illumination Variations
* Efficient Clothing Retrieval with Semantic-Preserving Visual Phrases
* Efficient Detection and Imaging of Moving Targets in SAR Images Based on Chirp Scaling
* Efficient Detection for Spatially Local Coding
* Efficient Development of User-Defined Image Recognition Systems
* Efficient Discriminative Learning of Class Hierarchy for Many Class Prediction
* Efficient Geometric Re-ranking for Mobile Visual Search
* Efficient GPU Implementation of the Integral Histogram
* Efficient homography estimation method for panorama
* Efficient Human Parsing Based on Sketch Representation
* Efficient Image Appearance Description Using Dense Sampling Based Local Binary Patterns
* Efficient Image Matching Method for Multi-View Stereo, An
* Efficient image signatures and similarities using tensor products of local descriptors
* Efficient LBP-Based Descriptor for Facial Depth Images Applied to Gender Recognition Using RGB-D Face Data, An
* Efficient Learning of Linear Predictors Using Dimensionality Reduction
* efficient modified structure of CDF 9/7 Wavelet based on adaptive lifting with SPIHT for lossy to lossless image compression, An
* Efficient Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval: A Hierarchical Signal Separation Framework
* Efficient Pixel-Grouping Based on Dempster's Theory of Evidence for Image Segmentation
* Efficient Robust Digital Annulus Fitting with Bounded Error
* efficient shape analysis method for shrimp quality evaluation, An
* efficient single Vote Hough tracking algorithm, An
* efficient steganographic technique based on chaotic maps and adpative PPM embedding, An
* efficient window-based stereo matching algorithm using foreground disparity concentration, An
* Egocentric Activity Monitoring and Recovery
* Electromyogram (EMG) feature reduction using Mutual Components Analysis for multifunction prosthetic fingers control
* Elliptical Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition
* Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs: Extending High-Dimensional Data Analysis to Networks and Other Irregular Domains, The
* energy efficient algorithm to avoid hot spot effects in Wireless Sensor Networks, An
* Engineering tourism system of systems for guided emergence and desired capability From a perspective of intelligence approach
* Enhanced Inter-Prediction Via Shifting Transformation in the H.264/AVC
* Enhanced Processing of 1-km Spatial Resolution fAPAR Time Series for Sugarcane Yield Forecasting and Monitoring
* Enhancing Expression Recognition in the Wild with Unlabeled Reference Data
* Ensemble Learning Based Segmentation of Metastatic Liver Tumours in Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography
* Ensemble Learning Incorporating Uncertain Registration
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation for Urban Scenes with Repetitive Structures
* Ergodic Interference Alignment With Delayed Feedback
* Erosion band signatures for spatial extraction of features
* Error regulation strategies for Model Based visual servoing tasks: Application to autonomous object grasping with Nao robot
* Essential Body-Joint and Atomic Action Detection for Human Activity Recognition Using Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
* Estimating Composite Curve Number Using an Improved SCS-CN Method with Remotely Sensed Variables in Guangzhou, China
* Estimation of forest canopy structural parameters using kernel-driven bi-directional reflectance model based multi-angular vegetation indices
* Estimation of Leaf Area Index Using DEIMOS-1 Data: Application and Transferability of a Semi-Empirical Relationship between two Agricultural Areas
* Estimation of subjective age based on the facial images of others: experimental verification of a younger identity caused by the effect of delusions of the accumulated memory of a known face
* Evaluation of Agreement Between Space Remote Sensing SPOT-VEGETATION fAPAR Time Series
* Evaluation of Different Methods to Retrieve the Hemispherical Downwelling Irradiance in the Thermal Infrared Region for Field Measurements
* Evaluation of wolf attack for classified target on speaker verification systems
* Event-based sensor activation for indoor occupant distribution estimation
* Evolutionary search for understanding movement dynamics on mixed networks
* Examination of regions containing color similar to that of nails
* Exclusive Visual Descriptor Quantization
* Experimental comparison of 3D vision sensors for mobile robot localization for industrial application: Stereo-camera and RGB-D sensor
* experimental framework for evaluation of facial feature extraction methods, An
* Experimental Videogrammetry and Accelerometry for the 2D Analysis of Human Motion
* Exploiting Depth and Intensity Information for Head Pose Estimation with Random Forests and Tensor Models
* Exploiting Features: Locally Interleaved Sequential Alignment for Object Detection
* Exploiting vehicle motion information in monocular SLAM
* Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Congenital Malformations (CM) in Israel, 2000-006.
* Exploring High-Level Plane Primitives for Indoor 3D Reconstruction with a Hand-held RGB-D Camera
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Phenological Patterns and Trajectories Using Self-Organizing Maps
* Exploring the Similarities of Neighboring Spatiotemporal Points for Action Pair Matching
* Extended Kalman Filtering for Continuous Volumetric MR-Temperature Imaging
* extended method of the parametric eigenspace method by automatic background elimination, An
* Extending Bayesian RFS SLAM to multi-vehicle SLAM
* Extensive analysis of feature selection for compact descriptor
* Eye Gaze in Intelligent User Interfaces: Gaze-based Analyses, Models and Applications
* Face Hallucination on Personal Photo Albums
* Face image classification using combined classifier
* Face liveness detection by exploring multiple scenic clues
* Face Parts Localization Using Structured-Output Regression Forests
* Face Recognition after Plastic Surgery: A Comprehensive Study
* Face Recognition in Videos: A Graph Based Modified Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Face Recognition with Learned Local Curvelet Patterns and 2-Directional L1-Norm Based 2DPCA
* Face Speaks: Contextual and Temporal Sensitivity to Backchannel Responses, The
* Face Spoofing Detection Using Dynamic Texture
* Facial and Vocal Cues in Perceptions of Trustworthiness
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Gabor Features and Sparse Representation
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Encrypted Domain Based on Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Facial Recognition Using Tensor-Tensor Decompositions
* Facial Trait Code
* Factorization of canonic homographies for camera calibration and scene modeling
* Fast 3D Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds Using Graph-Based Fronts Propagation
* Fast Additive Sinusoidal Synthesis With a Subband Sinusoidal Method
* fast algorithm for license plate detection, A
* Fast Algorithm for Liver Surgery Planning, A
* Fast and Effective Retrieval of Plant Leaf Shapes
* Fast and high accuracy pattern matching using multi-stage refining eigen template
* Fast and Robust 3D Correspondence Matching and Its Application to Volume Registration
* Fast and Robust Spatially Constrained Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation
* Fast restoration of natural images corrupted by high-density impulse noise
* Fast Training of Effective Multi-class Boosting Using Coordinate Descent Optimization
* Fast trajectory replanning using Laplacian mesh optimization
* Fault tolerant control for uncertain systems with actuator stochastic failures
* Fault-tolerant control for safety of discrete event systems
* Feature detection based on directional co-occurrence histograms
* Feature extraction through Binary Pattern of Phase Congruency for facial expression recognition
* Feature selection for reliable data association in visual SLAM
* Feature-Based Image Patch Approximation for Lung Tissue Classification
* Features with Feelings: Incorporating User Preferences in Video Categorization
* Feed-forward friction and inertia compensation for improving backdrivability of motors
* feedforward hybrid active noise control system in the presence of sensor error, A
* Field Line Detection Based on Local-precise Extracting and Modified Hough Transform
* Filter design for tracking of ballistic target missile using seeker measurements with time lag
* Finding Happiest Moments in a Social Context
* Fingerprint extraction of audio signal using wavelet transform
* Finite state machine for vehicle detection in highway surveillance systems
* First degree heart block determination from speech analysis
* Fisher Information and the Combination of RGB Channels
* Fixed order stabilizing controller design via random reflection segments
* Flexible Auto White Balance Based on Histogram Overlap, A
* FNN-Based adaptive iterative learning control for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems, An
* Footprint generation using fuzzy-neighborhood clustering
* Foreground Detection via Robust Low Rank Matrix Decomposition Including Spatio-Temporal Constraint
* Formation iterative learning control for multi-agent systems with higher-order dynamics
* Framework for developing image-based dirt particle classifiers for dry pulp sheets
* Framework for Inter-camera Association of Multi-target Trajectories by Invariant Target Models, A
* framework to model and manipulate constraints for over-constrained geographic applications, A
* From Geoportals to Geographic Knowledge Portals
* From Previous C-Band to New X-Band SAR Systems: Assessment of the DInSAR Mapping Improvement for Deformation Time-Series Retrieval in Urban Areas
* From the Zones of Influence of Skeleton Branch Points to Meaningful Object Parts
* Full 6DOF Pose Estimation from Geo-Located Images
* Further results on H-inf control of switched linear time-delay systems
* Fusing Color and Shape for Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition
* Fusing Magnitude and Phase Features for Robust Face Recognition
* Fusing vision and odometry for accurate indoor robot localization
* Fusing Warping, Cropping, and Scaling for Optimal Image Thumbnail Generation
* Fusion Framework of Stereo Vision and Kinect for High-Quality Dense Depth Maps, A
* Fusion of MODIS Images Using Kriging With External Drift
* Fusion of Time-of-Flight and Stereo for Disambiguation of Depth Measurements
* GA-based model selection for smooth twin parametric-margin support vector machine, A
* Game-based control systems: A semi-tensor product formulation
* Generalized Mutual Subspace Based Methods for Image Set Classification
* Generalized Simple Surface Points
* Generic Active Appearance Models Revisited
* GeoCDX: An Automated Change Detection and Exploitation System for High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Geometrical approach for rectification of single-lens stereovision system with a triprism
* geometry-based 3D reconstruction from a single omnidirectional image, A
* Ghost removal method for image morphing using co-occurrence frequency image
* Global Latitudinal-Asymmetric Vegetation Growth Trends and Their Driving Mechanisms: 1982-2009
* Global robust output regulation for nonlinear multi-agent systems in strict feedback form
* Globally Minimal Path Method Using Dynamic Speed Functions Based on Progressive Wave Propagation
* Globally Optimal Consensus Set Maximization through Rotation Search
* Graspable Parts Recognition in Man-Made 3D Shapes
* Grouping Active Contour Fragments for Object Recognition
* Growth-Competition-Based Stem Diameter and Volume Modeling for Tree-Level Forest Inventory Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Guest Editorial
* H-inf filtering for networked control systems with quantization and multiple packet dropouts
* H-inf synchronization of Markovian jump master-slave systems with delay
* H-inf tracking control for time-delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters
* Hand gesture based TV control system: Towards both user- and machine-friendly gesture applications
* Hand Posture Recognition from Disparity Cost Map
* hand tracking framework using the 3D active tracking volume, A
* Hand Vein Recognition Based on Oriented Gradient Maps and Local Feature Matching
* Hand-Eye Calibration without Hand Orientation Measurement Using Minimal Solution
* Hand-held monocular SLAM in thermal-infrared
* Handbook of Iris Recognition
* Helicopter flight control using inverse optimal control and backstepping
* Hierarchical Approach to Change Detection in Very High Resolution SAR Images for Surveillance Applications, A
* Hierarchical classification-based radon road extraction (HCBRRE)
* hierarchical control architecture for resource allocation, A
* Hierarchical control design of nonlinear systems based on approximate simulation
* Hierarchical Object Representations for Visual Recognition via Weakly Supervised Learning
* Hierarchical On-line Appearance-Based Tracking for 3D head pose, eyebrows, lips, eyelids and irises
* Hierarchical Scan-Line Dynamic Programming for Optical Flow Using Semi-Global Matching
* Hierarchical Space Tiling for Scene Modeling
* Hierarchical Stereo Matching Based on Image Bit-Plane Slicing
* High Contrast Color Sets under Multiple Illuminants
* High density impulse noise removal based on linear mean-median filter
* High performance control of atomic force microscope for high-speed image scanning
* High-Resolution and Multi-spectral Capturing for Digital Archiving of Large 3D Woven Cultural Artifacts
* Higher-Order Momentum Distributions and Locally Affine LDDMM Registration
* Histogram of Oriented Normal Vectors for Object Recognition with a Depth Sensor
* Historical Document Binarization Based on Phase Information of Images
* Historical document image restoration using multispectral imaging system
* Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis (HMA): Generalized separation of style and content on manifolds
* HONNs with ELM algorithm for medical applications
* Horror Video Scene Recognition Based on Multi-view Multi-instance Learning
* Hough Forest Random Field for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Hough Transform of Special Classes of Curves
* How Bright Is the Moon? Recovering and Using Absolute Luminance Values from Internet Images
* How to Decompose a Binary Matrix into Three hv-convex Polyominoes
* Human Attribute Analysis Using a Top-View Camera Based on Two-Stage Classification
* Human Detection with Occlusion Handling by Over-Segmentation and Clustering on Foreground Regions
* Human Face Super-Resolution Based on NSCT
* Human pose tracking based on both generic and specific appearance models
* Human Reidentification with Transferred Metric Learning
* Hybrid homographies and fundamental matrices mixing uncalibrated omnidirectional and conventional cameras
* Hybrid Reconstruction Method for Quantitative PAT, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Structured Sparse Logistic Regression and Three-Dimensional Wavelet Texture Features
* iCART: Intelligent Cooperative Autonomous Robot Transporters
* ICM: An efficient data association for SLAM in stochastic mapping
* identification based indirect iterative learning control via data-driven approach, An
* identification method using thermo-image, An
* Identification of environmental anomaly hot spots in West Africa from time series of NDVI and rainfall
* Identifying Land Use/Cover Dynamics in the Koga Catchment, Ethiopia, from Multi-Scale Data, and Implications for Environmental Change
* Illuminant Invariant Descriptors for Color Texture Classification
* Illumination Invariant Background Model Using Mixture of Gaussians and SURF Features
* Image analysis method for grading raw shiitake mushrooms
* Image completion using prediction concept via support vector regression
* Image Compression by Learning to Minimize the Total Error
* Image de-noising by non-local means algorithm
* Image demosaicking by nonlocal adaptive thresholding
* Image fusion using spatial unmixing
* Image modeling system development for robust descriptor of environmental change
* Image Re-ranking and Rank Aggregation Based on Similarity of Ranked Lists
* Image reconstruction of dynamic MRI based on adaptive motion estimation
* Image registration based on a novel 2-D adaptive filter algorithm
* image retrieval technique based on texture features using semantic properties, An
* Image Retrieval Using Eigen Queries
* Image segmentation using fuzzy rule based system and graph cuts
* Image Statistics for Golden Appearance of a Painting by a Japanese Edo-era Artist Jakuchu Ito
* Image steganography in DWT domain using double-stegging with RSA encryption
* Image Super-Resolution Using Local Learnable Kernel Regression
* Image Super-Resolution: Use of Self-learning and Gabor Prior
* Image Synthesis and Occlusion Removal of Intermediate Views by Stereo Matching
* Image Upscaling Using Multiple Dictionaries of Natural Image Patches
* Impacts of Spatial Variability on Aboveground Biomass Estimation from L-Band Radar in a Temperate Forest
* Implementation of low power Successive Approximation ADC for MAV's
* Implicit Image Differentiation and Filtering with Applications to Image Sharpening
* Improved Face Clustering Method Using Weighted Graph for Matched SIFT Keypoints in Face Region, An
* improved FSOA based on stochastic search, An
* Improved H2 controller design for Markov jump linear system with general transition probabilities
* Improved Intra Prediction Coding Scheme Based on Minimum Distance Prediction for H.264/AVC
* Improved low cost GPS localization by using communicative vehicles
* Improved variable forgetting factor recursive least square algorithm
* Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
* Improving the dynamic behavior and working accuracy of the CNC laser cutting machines
* Improving Urban Change Detection From Multitemporal SAR Images Using PCA-NLM
* Incremental DPMM-Based Method for Trajectory Clustering, Modeling, and Retrieval, An
* Incremental Slow Feature Analysis with Indefinite Kernel for Online Temporal Video Segmentation
* Individual pitch control based on fuzzy PI used in variable speed wind turbine
* Indoor Scene Classification Based on the Bag-of-Words Model of Local Feature Information Gain
* influence of scanner parameters on the extraction of tree metrics from FARO Photon 120 terrestrial laser scans, The
* Information and communication technology-based tele-monitoring for elderly care houses
* Information Relevance Related Broadcast scheme for Safety Packets in VANETs, An
* Innovations for Shape Analysis: Models and Algorithms
* Integral Based Curvature Estimators in Digital Geometry
* Integral sliding mode controller for pressure stabilization in hydrodynamic system with hydraulic accumulator
* integrated state- and event-based framework for verifying liveness in supervised systems, An
* Integration of brain-like computational structure and infant behaviorial pattern for robotic hand-eye coordination
* Intelligence control method and application for decomposing furnace
* Intelligent control based on case-based reasoning for outlet tobacco moisture percentage of loosening resurgence machine
* Intelligent Photographing Interface with On-Device Aesthetic Quality Assessment
* Intensity comparison based compact descriptor for mobile visual search
* Interactional promotion content using augmented reality technology
* Interactive object modelling based on piecewise planar surface patches
* Intercomparison of Leaf Area Index Products for a Gradient of Sub-Humid to Arid Environments in West Africa
* Internal reference model based optimal LQG controller for atomic force microscope
* Introduction to Image Processing Using R: Learning by Examples
* Invariance of second-order modes of 2-D digital filters under 2-D frequency transformation
* Invariant Delineation of Nuclear Architecture in Glioblastoma Multiforme for Clinical and Molecular Association
* Invariant Surface-Based Shape Descriptor for Dynamic Surface Encoding
* Inverse kinematics of a 7 DOF manipulator using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems
* Inverse Rendering of Faces with a 3D Morphable Model
* Investigating the Relationship between X-Band SAR Data from COSMO-SkyMed Satellite and NDVI for LAI Detection
* Investigation and classification of ECG beat using Input Output Additional Weighted Feed Forward Neural Network
* IP core based architecture of telecommand System-on-Chip (SoC) for spacecraft applications
* Iris Recognition Using Consistent Corner Optical Flow
* Iterative Feedback Estimation of Depth and Radiance from Defocused Images
* Iterative Hypothesis Testing for Multi-object Tracking with Noisy/Missing Appearance Features
* Iterative Learning Control for 2-D linear discrete systems with Roessor's model
* Iterative learning control for stochastic point-to-point tracking system
* Iterative Semi-Global Matching for Robust Driver Assistance Systems
* Joint Beamforming and Antenna Subarray Formation for MIMO Cognitive Radios
* Joint Decompression and Decoding for Cloud Radio Access Networks
* Joint Depth Map and Color Consistency Estimation for Stereo Images with Different Illuminations and Cameras
* Joint Design of the Receive Filter and Transmit Sequence for Active Sensing
* Joint Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction and Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Joint Kernel Learning for Supervised Image Segmentation
* Joint Motion-Compensated Interpolation Using Eight-Neighbor Block Motion Vectors
* Joint Reconstruction of Multiview Compressed Images
* Joint Visual Sharpness-Contrast-Tone Mapping Model
* JPSearch: An answer to the lack of standardization in mobile image retrieval
* Kalman Filter based leak localization applied to pneumatic systems
* Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
* KinectAvatar: Fully Automatic Body Capture Using a Single Kinect
* Knot Segmentation in Noisy 3D Images of Wood
* Knowledge Leverage from Contours to Bounding Boxes: A Concise Approach to Annotation
* Laplacian embedding and key points topology verification for large scale mobile visual identification
* Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment by Parameter Vector Partition
* Laser only feature based multi robot SLAM
* Latent Analysis of Earth Surface Dynamic Evolution Using Change Map Time Series, A
* LBP-TOP Based Countermeasure against Face Spoofing Attacks
* Leader selection and following in dynamic environments
* Leader-following consensus of linear multi-agent systems with state-observer under switching topologies
* Leader-following rendezvous with connectivity preservation of single-integrator multi-agent systems
* Learning a Confidence Measure for Optical Flow
* Learning a Context Aware Dictionary for Sparse Representation
* Learning a Quality-Based Ranking for Feature Point Trajectories
* Learning Classifier System on a humanoid NAO robot in dynamic environments
* Learning Discriminant Face Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Learning Dynamical Shape Prior for Level Set based Cell Tracking
* Learning Feature Subspaces for Appearance-Based Bundle Adjustment
* Learning from adaptive neural control for a class of pure-feedback systems
* Learning from mobile contexts to minimize the mobile location search latency
* Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words Using Naive Bayes Clustering
* Learning linear parameter-varying control of small-scale helicopter using episodic natural actor-critic method
* Learning Object Appearance from Occlusions Using Structure and Motion Recovery
* Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
* Learning Topic Models by Belief Propagation
* Leveraging multiple simulators for crossing the reality gap
* Light source estimation from a single image
* Line segment confidence region-based string matching method for map conflation
* Linear Dependency Modeling for Classifier Fusion and Feature Combination
* Linear Discriminant Analysis with Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Linear impulsive system optimization using adaptive dynamic programming
* Linear Programming Based Method for Joint Object Region Matching and Labeling, A
* Local 3D Symmetry for Visual Saliency in 2.5D Point Clouds
* Local and global tomographic image reconstruction with discrete radon transform
* Local Consistent Alignment for 3D modeling with an RGB-D camera
* Local Context Priors for Object Proposal Generation
* Local Covariance Filtering for Color Images
* Local discriminative distance metrics ensemble learning
* Local Distance Comparison for Multiple-shot People Re-identification
* Local Evidence Aggregation for Regression-Based Facial Point Detection
* Local Feature Based Breast Tissue Appearance Modelling for Mammographic Risk Assessment
* Local Hypersphere Coding Based on Edges between Visual Words
* Local multi-robot coordination and experiments
* Local Primitive Pattern for the Classification of SAR Images
* Locality-Constrained Active Appearance Model
* Localization of static target in WSNs with least-squares and extended Kalman filter
* Low Patch-Rank Interpretation of Texture, A
* Low-cost visual tracking with an intelligent wheelchair for innovative assistive care
* Machine Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis of the Thorax and Colon in CT: A Survey
* Majorize-Minimize Subspace Approach for L_2-L_0 Image Regularization, A
* Makeup color reproduction based on spectrum data
* Mapping Coral Reef Resilience Indicators Using Field and Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping Land Subsidence Related to Underground Coal Fires in the Wuda Coalfield (Northern China) Using a Small Stack of ALOS PALSAR Differential Interferograms
* Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Winter Crops at Sub-Pixel Level Using AVHRR NDVI Time Series and Neural Nets
* Marker-less piano fingering recognition using sequential depth images
* Max-Margin Regularization for Reducing Accidentalness in Chamfer Matching
* Maximal Cliques Based Rigid Body Motion Segmentation with a RGB-D Camera
* Measuring and evaluating real service operations with human-behavior sensing: A case study in a Japanese cuisine restaurant
* Measuring Linearity of Closed Curves and Connected Compound Curves
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture of 2-D Dual-Mode Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Merging Faces: A New Orthogonal Simplification of Solid Models
* method for bicycle detection using ellipse approximation, A
* Method for Feature Detection in Binary Tomography, A
* Method for recognition of numbers on speed limit signs utilizing an eigen space method based on the KL transform
* method to design conspicuous region using color features, A
* Mode tracking and diagnosis of hybrid systems, an integrated approach
* Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* Model construction of mix-valued logical network via observed data
* Model driven state estimation for target pursuit
* Model-Based Approach to Recognize the Rectus Abdominis Muscle in CT Images
* Model-based gait tracking method: A review of recent development gesture interaction
* Modeling Active Electrolocation in Weakly Electric Fish
* Modeling and Classifying Human Activities From Trajectories Using a Class of Space-Varying Parametric Motion Fields
* Modeling and design of feedback control systems based state observers over network
* Modeling and Prediction of Rainfall Using Radar Reflectivity Data: A Data-Mining Approach
* Modeling Arousal Phases in Daily Living Using Wearable Sensors
* Modeling Hidden Topics with Dual Local Consistency for Image Analysis
* Modelling and control of a biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle
* Modelling and prediction of automotive engine air-ratio using relevance vector machine
* modified method of nonlinear attitude estimation based on EKF, A
* modular hybrid SLAM for the 3D mapping of large scale environments, A
* Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics Inferred by Satellite Data Using the PhenoSat Tool
* Monocular Pedestrian Tracking from a Moving Vehicle
* Monte-Carlo-Based Parametric Motion Estimation Using a Hybrid Model Approach
* Motion Estimation Techniques for Digital Video Coding
* Motion History Images for Action Recognition and Understanding
* Motion Segmentation by Velocity Clustering with Estimation of Subspace Dimension
* Motion-Invariant Coding Using a Programmable Aperture Camera
* Moving object tracking using an adaptive colour filter
* MR image denoising and enhancing using multiresolution image decomposition technique
* MRF Guided Anisotropic Depth Diffusion for Kinect Range Image Enhancement
* MRF-Based Blind Image Deconvolution
* Multi pose face recognition using double stages classifications: SMLDA and fusion of scale invariant features
* Multi-label classification with a reject option
* Multi-layer Spectral Clustering for Video Segmentation
* Multi-Layer Virtual Slide Scanning System with Multi-Focus Image Fusion for Cytopathology and Image Diagnosis
* Multi-Level Counter Propagation Network for diabetes classification
* Multi-level representation of terrain features on a contour map
* Multi-Level Structured Image Coding on High-Dimensional Image Representation
* Multi-resolution Cell Complexes Based on Homology-Preserving Euler Operators
* Multi-Sensor Exportable Approach for Automatic Flooded Areas Detection and Monitoring by a Composite Satellite Constellation, A
* Multi-spectral flash imaging using weight map
* Multi-view Synthesis Based on Single View Reference Layer
* Multiband Radar Signal Coherent Fusion Processing With IAA and apFFT
* Multichannel filters for speech recognition using a particle swarm optimization
* Multichannel Markov Random Field Framework for Tumor Segmentation With an Application to Classification of Gene Expression-Based Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk, A
* Multidate Divergence Matrices for the Analysis of SAR Image Time Series
* Multigrid Convergent Curvature Estimator
* Multimedia search and retrieval using multimodal annotation propagation and indexing techniques
* Multimodal Interaction in Image and Video Applications
* Multiple Target Tracking Using Frame Triplets
* Multiple-Spectral-Band CRFs for Denoising Junk Bands of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks for Vision-Based Classification of Cells
* Multiscale Local Phase Quantization for Robust Component-Based Face Recognition Using Kernel Fusion of Multiple Descriptors
* Multisensor NDVI-Based Monitoring of the Tundra-Taiga Interface (Mealy Mountains, Labrador, Canada)
* Multispectral Imaging of Degraded Parchment
* Multitemporal Cross-Calibration of the Terra MODIS and Landsat 7 ETM+ Reflective Solar Bands
* Multitemporal Investigation of AMSR-E C-Band Radio-Frequency Interference, A
* Multivariable robust H-inf control for aeroengines using modified Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
* Multiyear Crop Monitoring Using Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Naive Bayes Image Classification: Beyond Nearest Neighbors
* Nakagami-Based AdaBoost Learning Framework for Detection of Anatomical Landmarks in 2D Fetal Neurosonograms
* Navigation toward Non-static Target Object Using Footprint Detection Based Tracking
* Network-based stabilization of time-delay systems with actuator saturation via anti-windup design
* Networked multi-sensor fusion estimation with delays, packet losses and missing measurements
* Networked state estimation of MIMO Systems
* Neural-based navigation of a differential-drive mobile robot
* neural-network based autonomous navigation system using mobile robots, A
* Neural-network-based cooperative adaptive identification of nonlinear systems
* New Approach to Detect Ground Clutter Mixed With Weather Signals, A
* new coupled map car-following model under inter-vehicle communication, A
* new dynamical linearization based adaptive ILC for nonlinear discrete-time MIMO systems, A
* new face descriptor using local un-quantized patterns, A
* new filter for removal of salt and pepper noise, A
* New Framework for Background Subtraction Using Multiple Cues, A
* new framework for optimal classifier design, A
* new gain function for compact exploration, A
* New mathematical and algorithmic schemes for pattern classification with application to the identification of writers of important ancient documents
* new method for occupancy grid maps merging: Application to multi-vehicle cooperative local mapping and moving object detection in outdoor environment, A
* New Microslice Technology for Hyperspectral Imaging
* New Projection Space for Separation of Specular-Diffuse Reflection Components in Color Images, A
* New results on robust filtering design for continuous-time nonlinear systems via T-S fuzzy affine dynamic models
* new sliding mode-based learning control for uncertain discrete-time systems, A
* new state vector and a map joining algorithm for range-only SLAM, A
* New Structures Based on Completions
* new technique for Face Recognition using 2D-Gabor Wavelet Transform with 2D-Hidden Markov Model approach, A
* new threshold function for de-noising partial discharge signal based on wavelet transform, A
* Nighttime Face Recognition at Long Distance: Cross-Distance and Cross-Spectral Matching
* Noise Resistant Gradient Calculation and Edge Detection Using Local Binary Patterns
* Noise robust rotation invariant features for texture classification
* Noise Tolerant Watershed Transformation with Viscous Force for Seeded Image Segmentation, A
* non-deadlock reconfiguration strategy in cooperative module systems, A
* Non-parametric single image super resolution
* Non-rigid Self-calibration of a Projective Camera
* Non-sequential Multi-view Detection, Localization and Identification of People Using Multi-modal Feature Maps
* Nonlinear robust state feedback control of uncertain polynomial discrete-time systems: An integral action approach
* Nonlocal Spectral Prior Model for Low-Level Vision
* Nonparametric Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images Based on Mean-Shift Clustering
* Nonseparable Shearlet Transform
* note on the canonical controller in the behavioral system-theoretic approach, A
* note on the number of solutions of the coplanar P4P problem, A
* Novel Adaptive Eye Detection and Tracking for Challenging Lighting Conditions
* novel aircraft fault diagnosis and prognosis system based on Gaussian Mixture Models, A
* Novel algorithms for 2-D FFT and its inverse for image compression
* Novel and efficient pedestrian detection using bidirectional PCA
* novel approach to liveness supervision of AMS with assembly operations using Petri nets, A
* novel approach using T.H.E.S methodology for CBIR, A
* Novel Dynamic System in the Space of SPD Matrices with Applications to Appearance Tracking, A
* Novel Imaging Method for Cell Phone Camera in Low Ambient Light Conditions Using Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs, A
* Novel low level local features for 3D expression invariant face recognition
* novel method of Post processing algorithms for image and VP8 video codec's, A
* Novel Multi-view Synthesis from a Stereo Image Pair for 3D Display on Mobile Phone
* Novel Surface-Smoothing Based Local Gyrification Index
* Numerical Methods for Coupled Reconstruction and Registration in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* O(n 3logn) Time Complexity for the Optimal Consensus Set Computation for 4-Connected Digital Circles
* Object ranging and tracking for aircraft landing system
* Object recognition by spectral feature derived from canonical shape representation
* Object Templates for Visual Place Categorization
* Object Tracking across Non-overlapping Cameras Using Adaptive Models
* Object Tracking within the Framework of Concept Drift
* Object-Based Fusion of Multitemporal Multiangle ENVISAT ASAR and HJ-1B Multispectral Data for Urban Land-Cover Mapping
* Objective Assessment of Sonographic Quality I: Task Information
* Objective Assessment of Sonographic: Quality II Acquisition Information Spectrum
* Observation-Driven Adaptive Differential Evolution for Robust Bronchoscope 3-D Motion Tracking
* Observer based adaptive control for optical manipulation of cell
* Observer based adaptive control of nonlinear systems using filtered-FNN design
* Obstacle avoidance path planning strategy for robot arm based on fuzzy logic
* Obstacles Extraction Using a Moving Camera
* Occlusion filling in stereo: Theory and experiments
* Omnidirectional Vision Systems: Calibration, Feature Extraction and 3D Information
* On Dimension Partitions in Discrete Metric Spaces
* On pinning impulsive control of complex dynamical networks
* On splitting dataset: Boosting Locally Adaptive Regression Kernels for car localization
* On Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise After Short-Time Fourier Transformation
* On the degree of polarization for SAR sea oil slick observation
* On the Degree Sequences of Uniform Hypergraphs
* On the Global Self-calibration of Central Cameras Using Two Infinitesimal Rotations
* On the Non-additive Sets of Uniqueness in a Finite Grid
* On the performance limit of single-hop TOA localization
* On the Retrieval of the Directional Scattering Matrix from Directional Noise
* On the Uniform Sampling of CIELAB Color Space and the Number of Discernible Colors
* On-line Malayalam handwritten character recognition using HMM and SVM
* One-Class Background Model
* One-Class Multiple Instance Learning and Applications to Target Tracking
* One-Class Multiple Instance Learning via Robust PCA for Common Object Discovery
* Online Feature Selection with Streaming Features
* Online Kernel Adaptive Algorithms With Dictionary Adaptation for MIMO Models
* Online Learning for Fast Segmentation of Moving Objects
* Online Multi-target Tracking by Large Margin Structured Learning
* Online Semi-Supervised Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation
* Online Web-Data-Driven Segmentation of Selected Moving Objects in Videos
* Open-loop Stackelberg strategy for two-player game with time delay
* OpenCL-based feature matcher, An
* Opinion dynamics in networks with bounded confidence and influence
* Optimal Blind Temporal Motion Blur Deconvolution Filter, An
* Optimal controller location in wireless sensor and actuator networks
* Optimal Covering of a Straight Line Applied to Discrete Convexity
* Optimal Operator Space Pursuit: A Framework for Video Sequence Data Analysis
* Optimal Text/Background Color Combination of LED Information Boards for Visibility Improvement Based on Psychological Measurements, An
* optimization approach for 3D environment mapping using normal vector uncertainty, An
* Oriented Gradient Context for pedestrian detection
* Out-of-Band Correction for Multispectral Remote Sensing
* Output feedback control of 2-D T-S fuzzy systems
* Overview of Interactive Medical Image Segmentation, An
* Parallel indexing technique for spatio-temporal data
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Grayscale Images, A
* Parameterised quadratic constraints for network systems subject to multiple communication topologies
* Parameterization of point-cloud freeform surfaces using adaptive sequential learning RBFnetworks
* Parameterized Variety Based View Synthesis Scheme for Multi-view 3DTV
* Partial Face Recognition: Alignment-Free Approach
* Partial fingerprint matching using projection based weak descriptor
* Pass rate analysis of interception heuristic against border crossers along a linear border
* Passage method for nonlinear dimensionality reduction of data on multi-cluster manifolds
* Passing car identification using Hough data verification
* Passivity based control of stochastic mechanical system
* Passivity-based consensus and passification for a class of stochastic multi-agent systems with switching topology
* Patch Mosaic for Fast Motion Deblurring
* Path found to combined MRI and CT Scanner
* Pathway estimation for vision based road following suitable for unstructured roads
* PC-based orientation sensing using 9-DOF strapdown inertial measurement unit, A
* Pedestrian detection using labeled depth data
* PEDIVHANDI: Multimodal Indexation and Retrieval System for Lecture Videos
* Perceptually motivated shape context which uses shape interiors
* Performance analysis of multiuser MIMO systems using non-iterative technique
* Performance analysis of uplink MIMO in 2X2 mobile WiMAX system
* Performance evaluation of traditional and adaptive lifting based wavelets with SPIHT for lossy image compression
* Performance improvement in smart antenna by modified swarm algorithm
* Performance Improvement of Physically Based Spectral Rendering Using Stochastic Sampling
* Performance of Zero Forcing DSL Systems, The
* Persistence Space in Multidimensional Persistent Homology, The
* Persistent Patterns in Integer Discrete Circles
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Landslide Characterization and Monitoring
* Petri net based hierarchical and distributed implementation of robotic manufacturing systems
* Phase plane-based variable structure control for switched reluctance motor direct torque control
* Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion
* Phase-Based Approach for Caption Detection in Videos, A
* Photogrammetric Approach for Assessing Positional Accuracy of OpenStreetMap© Roads, A
* PHY Layer Security Based on Protected Zone and Artificial Noise
* PI-lambda-D-mu controller design for underactuated mechanical systems
* Picture Is Worth a Thousand Tags: Automatic Web Based Image Tag Expansion, A
* Piecewise Planar Scene Reconstruction and Optimization for Multi-view Stereo
* Ping-pong robotics with high-speed vision system
* PIRF 3D: Online spatial and appearance based loop closure
* Planar motion estimation from 1D homographies
* Play Estimation with Motions and Textures in Space-Time Map Description
* PMD induced broadening on propagation of Chirped Super Gaussian pulse in single mode optical fiber
* Polarimetric Temporal Analysis of Urban Environments With a Ground-Based SAR
* Pooled NBNN Kernel: Beyond Image-to-Class and Image-to-Image, The
* pose measurement method of a non-cooperative GEO spacecraft based on stereo vision, A
* Position variable structure control for water hydraulic vane actuator
* Positive real control for uncertain 2-D discrete systems in general model
* Power allocation based on finite-horizon optimization for vehicle-to-roadside communications
* Power-level regulation of the MHTGR based upon iterative damping assignment
* Precise 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Precise Estimation of Painting Surfaces for Digital Archiving
* Predict water quality based on multiple kernel least squares support vector regression and genetic algorithm
* Predicting Emotional Responses to Long Informal Text
* Predicting foliar biochemistry of tea (Camellia sinensis) using reflectance spectra measured at powder, leaf and canopy levels
* Presentation of Japanese Cultural Event Using Virtual Reality
* Priori-Driven PCA, A
* Probabilistic 3D Model Retrieval System Using Sphere Image, A
* Processing Terrain Point Cloud Data
* Projection into Expression Subspaces for Face Recognition from Single Sample per Person
* Proposal of Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction Method Based on a Fast Block-Iterative Algorithm, A
* proposal of voxel data interpolation method by using gradient direction of range data, A
* Protocol sequence based wireless media access control in networked control systems
* Providing timely actuation guarantees with heterogeneous SAN for industrial process control
* Pseudo multi-hop distributed consensus algorithm under directed topologies
* q-Gaussian Mixture Models Based on Non-extensive Statistics for Image and Video Semantic Indexing
* Quadra-Embedding: Binary Code Embedding with Low Quantization Error
* Qualitative Pose Estimation by Discriminative Deformable Part Models
* Quality Assessment of Cloud-Top Height Estimates From Satellite IR Radiances Using the CALIPSO Lidar
* Quantized consensus for linear discrete-time multi-agent systems
* Quantized output-feedback control for linear systems with multiplicative noises in measurement
* Quasi Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots
* Quasi-regular Facade Structure Extraction
* Quasi-synchronization of switched linearly coupled complex networks
* Radiometric and Spatial Resolution Constraints in Millimeter-Wave Close-Range Passive Screener Systems
* Radiometric Calibration Model for the Field Imaging Spectrometer System, A
* Rapid SLAM using simple map representation in indoor environment
* Rapid Uncertainty Computation with Gaussian Processes and Histogram Intersection Kernels
* Rate and Energy Efficient Power Control in a Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network
* Real-Time Continuous Image Registration Enabling Ultraprecise 2-D Motion Tracking
* Real-time Decentralized Monocular SLAM
* Real-time free viewpoint video from a range sensor and color cameras
* Real-time hand gesture recognition for augmented screen using average background and camshift
* Real-time low cost infrared vein imaging system
* Real-time simulation of satellite attitude control based on low cost embedded system
* Real-Time Tracking with Online Constrained Compressive Learning
* Realization of Beamlet Transform edge detection algorithm using FPGA
* Realtime arbitrary-shaped template matching process
* Receding Horizon Cache and Extreme Learning Machine based Reinforcement Learning
* Reconstructing Sequential Patterns without Knowing Image Correspondences
* Reconstructing Shape from Dictionaries of Shading Primitives
* Reconstruction of 3D Surface and Restoration of Flat Document Image from Monocular Image Sequence
* Reconstruction of Quantitative Properties from X-Rays
* Recoverability of faulty discrete event systems
* Recursive identification of FIR systems with binary-valued observations
* Reduced Ordering Technique of Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images
* Region Segmentation and Object Extraction Based on Virtual Edge and Global Features
* Regional appearance modeling based on the clustering of intensity profiles
* Registration of Multi-view Images of Planar Surfaces
* Registration of Pre-Operative CT and Non-Contrast-Enhanced C-Arm CT: An Application to Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
* Regularization Properties of Mumford-Shah-Type Functionals with Perimeter and Norm Constraints for Linear Ill-Posed Problems
* Relative Forest for Attribute Prediction
* Reliability-based driver drowsiness detection using Dempster-Shafer theory
* Reliability-Based Multi-Algorithm Fusion Technique in Detecting Changes in Land Cover, A
* Reliable stabilization for a class of uncertain switched systems: A sliding mode control design
* Remarks on the difficulty of top-down supervisor synthesis
* Remission based improvement of extrinsic parameter calibration of camera and laser scanner
* Remotely detecting canopy nitrogen concentration and uptake of paddy rice in the Northeast China Plain
* Removal of high and low density impulse noise from digital images using non linear filter
* Removal of high density salt and pepper noise using neighborhood based switching filter
* Research on recognition of working condition for calciner and grate cooler based on expert system
* Retinal Spectral Image Analysis Methods Using Spectral Reflectance Pattern Recognition
* Retinal vessel segmentation using multiwavelet kernels and multiscale hierarchical decomposition
* River Courses Affected by Landslides and Implications for Hazard Assessment: A High Resolution Remote Sensing Case Study in NE Iraq-W Iran
* robust algorithm for tracking object under occlusion and illumination change, A
* Robust and Efficient Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences
* Robust compositional method for background subtraction
* Robust control for a class of uncertain switched time delay systems using delta operator
* robust evolutionary algorithm for the recovery of rational Gielis curves, A
* robust face and ear based multimodal biometric system using sparse representation, A
* Robust Fall Detection by Combining 3D Data and Fuzzy Logic
* Robust fault detection observer design for LPV systems
* robust gesture recognition based on depth data, A
* Robust H-inf reliable control for a class of uncertain switched nonlinear systems
* Robust H-inf state feedback control of networked control systems with congestion control
* Robust Image Deblurring Using Hyper Laplacian Model
* Robust image retrieval with hidden classes
* robust learning control for SISO nonlinear systems with T-S fuzzy model: C02-robust control, A
* Robust Locally Linear Analysis with Applications to Image Denoising and Blind Inpainting
* Robust Mid-Sagittal Plane Extraction in 3-D Ultrasound Fetal Volume for First Trimester Screening
* Robust Multiple-Instance Learning with Superbags
* robust non-blind color image watermarking scheme, A
* Robust Object Tracking in Crowd Dynamic Scenes Using Explicit Stereo Depth
* Robust Object Tracking Using Constellation Model with Superpixel
* Robust Particle Tracker via Markov Chain Monte Carlo Posterior Sampling, A
* robust real-time tracking system based on an adaptive selection mechanism for mobile robots, A
* Robust Registration-Based Tracking by Sparse Representation with Model Update
* Robust sampled-data control of nonlinear output feedback systems
* Robust stability with general decay rate for stochastic neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays
* Robust stabilization of multiple coupled networked control system via jump linear system approach
* robust static hand gesture recognition system using geometry based normalizations and Krawtchouk moments, A
* Robust Stereo Prior for Human Segmentation, A
* Robust Time-Frequency Analysis Based on the L-Estimation and Compressive Sensing
* Robust unbiased H-inf filtering for uncertain two-dimensional systems
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Dynamic Classifier Selection with Sparse Representation of Label Noise
* Role of Methodology and Spatiotemporal Scale in Understanding Environmental Change in Peri-Urban Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, The
* Root crown detection using statistics of Zernike moments
* rotation and scale invariance face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network and Image Contour, A
* Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence among Adjacent LBPs
* Rotation-invariant fast features for large-scale recognition and real-time tracking
* Safe diagnosability of fuzzy discrete-event systems
* Saliency-Guided Consistent Color Harmonization
* Salient Object Detection via Color Contrast and Color Distribution
* Sand image replicating sand animation process
* Scalable Coding of Depth Maps With R-D Optimized Embedding
* Scale Filtered Euclidean Medial Axis
* Scene Text Detection and Tracking for a Camera-Equipped Wearable Reading Assistant for the Blind
* Schroedinger Eigenmaps for the Analysis of Biomedical Data
* Searchlight: Precipitation Advection Tracking Using Multiplatform Low-Earth-Orbiting Satellite Data
* Second-order distributed consensus with modified probabilistic quantization
* Second-order distributed consensus with one-bit adaptive quantization
* Second-order event-triggered tracking control with only position measurements
* Secrets of adaptive support weight techniques for local stereo matching
* Seeing Stars of Valence and Arousal in Blog Posts
* Segmentation of Liver in Low-Contrast Images Using K-Means Clustering and Geodesic Active Contour Algorithms
* Segmentation of Rumex obtusifolius using Gaussian Markov random fields
* Segmentation of tissues in MR images using Modified Spatial Fuzzy C Means algorithm
* Segmentation-based tracking by support fusion
* Selection of local features for visual search
* Self-calibration and Motion Recovery from Silhouettes with Two Mirrors
* Self-calibration of a PTZ Camera Using New LMI Constraints
* Self-Calibration of Catadioptric Camera with Two Planar Mirrors from Silhouettes
* Self-Organizing Map approach to determining compromised solutions for multi-objective UAV path planning
* Semantic 3D Object Maps for Everyday Robot Manipulation
* Semantic Pixel Sets Based Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition
* Semantic Segmentation with Millions of Features: Integrating Multiple Cues in a Combined Random Forest Approach
* Semantic-Context-Based Augmented Descriptor for Image Feature Matching
* semi-physical simulation system for binocular vision guided rendezvous, A
* Semi-Supervised Learning on a Budget: Scaling Up to Large Datasets
* Semi-supervised learning with nuclear norm regularization
* Semi-Supervised Novelty Detection Using SVM Entire Solution Path
* Sensitivity of narrowband vegetation indices to boreal forest LAI, reflectance seasonality and species composition
* Sensor placement in heterogeneous sensor networks
* Separation of nonstationary signals using Fourier Bessel, fractional Fourier and time-frequency analysis
* Sequential Reconstruction Segment-Wise Feature Track and Structure Updating Based on Parallax Paths
* Shadow Repair Approach for Kinect Depth Maps, A
* Shadow-Free TILT for Facade Rectification
* Shift-Map Based Stereo Image Retargeting with Disparity Adjustment
* Shifts in Global Vegetation Activity Trends
* Signal processing for segmentation of vocal and non-vocal regions in songs: A review
* simple robust controller for hysteresis and resonance compensation of piezoelectric actuators, A
* simulation of multilayer thin-film interference for pearl material preproduction, A
* Simultaneous Monocular 2D Segmentation, 3D Pose Recovery and 3D Reconstruction
* Simultaneous Multiple Rotation Averaging Using Lagrangian Duality
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Outer Boundary Shape and Admittivity Distribution in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Images: Similarity Metrics and Efficient Optimization
* Single image enlargement based on kernel estimation and linear weighting
* Single Image Super Resolution Reconstruction in Perturbed Exemplar Sub-space
* Single-Image Blind Deblurring for Non-uniform Camera-Shake Blur
* singular value approach for humanoid motion analysis and simulation, A
* Skeleton Extraction of Vertex Sets Lying on Arbitrary Triangulated 3D Meshes
* Sliding mode control for networked systems with Markovian jumping parameters
* Smart phone-based Indoor guidance system for the visually impaired
* Soil Moisture Estimation Under Low Vegetation Cover Using a Multi-Angular Polarimetric Decomposition
* Solving second order boundary value problems by discrete cubic splines
* Sparse representation of astronomical images
* Sparse Representations and Compressive Sensing for Imaging and Vision
* Sparse Spatio-Temporal Representation With Adaptive Regularized Dictionary Learning for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Sparsity Sharing Embedding for Face Verification
* Spatial Graph for Image Classification
* Spatially Varying Color Distributions for Interactive Multilabel Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Clustering Model for Multi-object Tracking through Occlusions
* Spatio-temporal polygonal clustering with space and time as first-class citizens
* spatio-temporal pyramid matching for video retrieval, A
* Spatiotemporal Salience via Centre-Surround Comparison of Visual Spacetime Orientations
* Spatiotemporal Satellite Image Fusion Through One-Pair Image Learning
* Special Issue Introduction
* Special issue on visual search and augmented reality
* Spectrum Sensing Over MIMO Channels Using Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests
* Spin Image Revisited: Fast Candidate Selection Using Outlier Forest Search
* Spin-context Segmentation of Breast Tissue Microarray Images
* SSOCBT: A Robust Semisupervised Online CovBoost Tracker That Uses Samples Differently
* Stability analysis for T-S fuzzy control systems with linear interpolations into membership functions
* Stability analysis of a distributed state estimator for linear systems
* Stability region of fractional-order PI-lambda-mu controller for fractional-order systems with time delay
* Stable and fast techniques for unambiguous compound phase coding
* Stable Two View Reconstruction Using the Six-Point Algorithm
* STARS: A New Method for Multitemporal Remote Sensing
* Static output feedback reliable controller design of nonlinear systems with multiple constraints
* Statistical Distances and Their Applications to Biophysical Parameter Estimation: Information Measures, M-Estimates, and Minimum Contrast Methods
* Statistical region based active contour using a fractional entropy descriptor: Application to nuclei cell segmentation in confocal microscopy images
* Steady-state target real-time optimization for adaptive constrained generalized predictive control
* Stereo matching using graph cuts: A 3D-Hough transformation approach
* Stereo Reconstruction and Contrast Restoration in Daytime Fog
* STHist-C: A highly accurate cluster-based histogram for two and three dimensional geographic data points
* Stockpile modelling using mobile laser scanner for quality grade control in stockpile management
* Street searching service framework for navigation
* Structural Uncertainty in Model-Simulated Trends of Global Gross Primary Production
* Structured Visual Tracking with Dynamic Graph
* Study and analysis of PCA, DCT and DWT based image fusion techniques
* Study of brain dynamics under mobile phone radiation using various fractal dimension methods
* Study of Monodromy in the Computation of Multidimensional Persistence, A
* Subpixel Rendering: From Font Rendering to Image Subsampling
* Sufficient Conditions for Topological Invariance of 2D Images under Rigid Transformations
* Sufficient conditions of optimality for mean-field stochastic control problems
* Sufficient Conditions on Stable Recovery of Sparse Signals With Partial Support Information
* Super-resolution of a 3-dimensional scene from novel viewpoints
* Super-resolution reconstruction of dynamic MRI by patch learning
* Super-resolved 3D reconstruction for parking assistance using projective transformation
* Superpixel Classification Based Optic Disc Segmentation
* survey of video datasets for human action and activity recognition, A
* Survey on Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches to Computer Assisted Medical Intervention: Intraoperative Anatomy Modeling and Optimization of Interventional Procedures, A
* SVD Based Automatic Detection of Target Regions for Image Inpainting
* Symbol-Based Algorithm for Decoding Bar Codes, A
* Symmetrizing Smoothing Filters
* Symmetry-driven shape description for image retrieval
* system for hand gesture based signature recognition, A
* systemic point-cloud de-noising and smoothing method for 3D shape reuse, A
* Tangible Images: Bridging the Real and Virtual Worlds
* Technical Perspective: Understanding Pictures of Rooms
* Technical Perspective: Video Quality Assessment in the Age of Internet Video
* Techniques for Mimicry and Identity Blending Using Morph Space PCA
* Tell Me What You Like and I'll Tell You What You Are: Discriminating Visual Preferences on Flickr Data
* Temporal Saliency for Fast Motion Detection
* Temporal-Spatial Refinements for Video Concept Fusion
* Tensor-based 3D color face reconstruction using a single image
* Text independent speaker gender recognition using lip movement
* Texton clustering for local classification using scene-context scale
* Textural-Contextual Model for Unsupervised Segmentation of Multipolarization Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Texture based color segmentation for infrared river ice images using K-means clustering
* Texture Classification Based on BIMF Monogenic Signals
* Texture classification using color local texture features
* Texture-independent recognition of facial expressions in image snapshots and videos
* Three dimensional location detection using received signal strength
* Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction of Targets Under the Illumination of Terahertz Gaussian Beam: Theory and Experiment
* Threshold phenomenon for average consensus
* Tikhonov Regularisation in Diffusion Signal Estimation
* TOF Range-Imaging Cameras
* Tolerance analysis of model-based camera tracking by modeling errors
* Topics in Medical Image Processing and Computational Vision
* Total Generalized Variation in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* touch based interactive realbook system with SURF algorithm, A
* Toward Efficient Acquisition of BRDFs with Fewer Samples
* Toward Fully Automatic Detection of Changes in Suburban Areas From VHR SAR Images by Combining Multiple Neural-Network Models
* Toward Perception-Based Shape Decomposition
* Towards an online fuzzy modeling for human internal states detection
* Towards speed-independent road-type classification
* Trace Ratio Linear Discriminant Analysis for Medical Diagnosis: A Case Study of Dementia
* Track level fusion algorithms for automotive safety applications
* Tracking a robot and visitors in a museum using sensor poles
* Tracking Growing Axons by Particle Filtering in 3D + t Fluorescent Two-Photon Microscopy Images
* Tracking Pedestrian with Multi-component Online Deformable Part-Based Model
* Tracking People's Hands and Feet Using Mixed Network AND/OR Search
* Tracking the Position and Rotational Orientation of a Catheter Using a Transmit Array System
* Tracking the Untrackable: How to Track When Your Object Is Featureless
* Transforming Cluster-Based Segmentation for Use in OpenVL by Mainstream Developers
* Transmural Imaging of Ventricular Action Potentials and Post-Infarction Scars in Swine Hearts
* Traversable ground detection based on geometric-featured voxel map
* Trends and ENSO/AAO Driven Variability in NDVI Derived Productivity and Phenology alongside the Andes Mountains
* Tsunami Damage Investigation of Built-Up Areas Using Multitemporal Spaceborne Full Polarimetric SAR Images
* Tuned Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation Based on Data-Dependent Triangulation, A
* Two-Dimensional Tomography from Noisy Projections Taken at Unknown Random Directions
* Two-Image Perspective Photometric Stereo Using Shape-from-Shading
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method Using a Convex Variant of the Mumford-Shah Model and Thresholding, A
* U.S. speed limit sign detection and recognition from image sequences
* Ultra-Low Power QRS Complex Detection Algorithm Based on Down-Sampling Wavelet Transform, An
* Understanding the Impact of Video Quality on User Engagement
* Underwater Live Fish Recognition Using a Balance-Guaranteed Optimized Tree
* Unified Detection and Tracking of Instruments during Retinal Microsurgery
* Unified Framework for Line Extraction in Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras, A
* Uniformly asymptotical stability of nonlinear time delay systems
* Unifying Parametric Framework for 2D Steerable Wavelet Transforms, A
* Uniqueness and Approximation of a Photometric Shape-from-Shading Model
* Unitary Regression Classification With Total Minimum Projection Error for Face Recognition
* Universal Chroma Subsampling Strategy for Compressing Mosaic Video Sequences With Arbitrary RGB Color Filter Arrays in H.264/AVC
* Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geometry Problems
* Unmixing approach for hyperspectral data resolution enhancement using high resolution multispectral image
* Unraveling Travelling Salesman Problem by genetic algorithm using m-crossover operator
* Unsupervised edge detection and noise detection from a single image
* Unsupervised Language Learning for Discovered Visual Concepts
* Upper-body pose recognition using cylindrical coordinate system
* Urban road extraction based on hough transform and region growing
* Using Extended Three-valued Increment Sign for a denoising model of high-frequency artifacts in JPEG images by estimation of specific frequency
* Using fast classification of static and dynamic environment for improving Bayesian occupancy filter (BOF) and tracking
* Using Models of Objects with Deformable Parts for Joint Categorization and Segmentation of Objects
* Using Thermal Time and Pixel Purity for Enhancing Biophysical Variable Time Series: An Interproduct Comparison
* Utilizing Optical Aberrations for Extended-Depth-of-Field Panoramas
* Validating ICESat Over Thick Sea Ice in the Northern Canada Basin
* Vanishing Points Estimation and Line Classification in a Manhattan World
* Variable gain control of elastic crane using vision sensor data
* Variation of Land Surface Phenology From 1982 to 2006 Along the Appalachian Trail, The
* Variational Wavelet-Based Computational Model for the Enhancement of Contrast Perception in Color Images, A
* Vehicle dynamics estimation using Box Particle Filter
* Vehicle Localization Using Omnidirectional Camera with GPS Supporting in Wide Urban Area
* Velocity-free fault tolerant control allocation for flexible spacecraft with redundant thrusters
* Vessel Segmentation in Medical Imaging Using a Tight-Frame-Based Algorithm
* Video Co-segmentation
* Video Quality Assessment by Reduced Reference Spatio-Temporal Entropic Differencing
* Video Segmentation with Superpixels
* Video Stylization: Painterly Rendering and Optimization With Content Extraction
* Video Surveillance: Past, Present, and Now the Future
* Video-Rate Hair Tracking System Using Kinect
* View invariant action recognition using weighted fundamental ratios
* View synthesis with depth information based on graph cuts for FTV
* View-Invariant Object Detection by Matching 3D Contours
* virtual guide for assisted tours using context aware system, The
* Virtual View Generation Using Clustering Based Local View Transition Model
* Vision-based multi-agent cooperative target search
* VISOR: Towards On-the-Fly Large-Scale Object Category Retrieval
* visual attention model for dynamic scenes based on motion features, A
* Visual servo control of uncalibrated robot system with dead-zone input
* Visual spatial-context based wildfire smoke sensor
* Visual Texture: Accurate Material Appearance Measurement, Representation and Modeling
* Visual tracking by proto-objects
* Visual tracking by separability-maximum online boosting
* Visual Tracking in Continuous Appearance Space via Sparse Coding
* Visual-based robotic control without joint velocities
* Vitality Assessment of Boar Sperm Using an Adaptive LBP Based on Oriented Deviation
* VLSI implementation of sliding window DFT
* Voice Activity Detection Via Noise Reducing Using Non-Negative Sparse Coding
* Voronoi-Based Extraction of a Feature Skeleton from Noisy Triangulated Surfaces
* Walking in the Farey Fan to Compute the Characteristics of a Discrete Straight Line Subsegment
* Weighted Interaction Force Estimation for Abnormality Detection in Crowd Scenes
* Wheelchair control system by using electrooculogram signal processing
* Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometric Sensing of Microwave Travel Time in Snowpacks and Planetary Ice Layers
* wrapper based feature subset selection using ACO-ELM-ANP and GA-ELM-ANP approaches for keystroke dynamics authentication, A
* Yellow or Gold?: Neural Processing of Gloss Information
1186 for 1304

Index for "1"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.