Diaz Ambrona, C.H.[Carlos H.]
Co Author Listing * Clustering Arid Rangelands Based on NDVI Annual Patterns and Their Persistence
* Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Temporal Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Arid Rangelands
Includes: Diaz Ambrona, C.H.[Carlos H.] Díaz-Ambrona, C.H.[Carlos H.]
Diaz Avalos, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Modeling Influence of Soil Properties in Different Gradients of Soil Moisture: The Case of the Valencia Anchor Station Validation Site, Spain
Includes: Diaz Avalos, C.[Carlos] Diaz-Avalos, C.[Carlos]
Diaz Banez, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Discovery of Repeated Melodic Phrases in Folk Singing Recordings
* Optimal projections onto grids and finite resolution images
Includes: Diaz Banez, J.M. Díaz-Báñez, J.M. Diaz-Banez, J.M.
Diaz Barros, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Face It!: A Pipeline for Real-Time Performance-Driven Facial Animation
Includes: Diaz Barros, J.M. Díaz Barros, J.M.
Diaz Boladeras, M.[Marta]
Co Author Listing * ENGAGE-DEM: A Model of Engagement of People With Dementia
Includes: Diaz Boladeras, M.[Marta] Díaz-Boladeras, M.[Marta]
Diaz Briceno, S.E.[Sergio E.]
Co Author Listing * Vehicle Simulation Model and Automated Driving Features Validation for Low-Speed High Automation Applications, A
Includes: Diaz Briceno, S.E.[Sergio E.] Diaz-Briceno, S.E.[Sergio E.]
Diaz Cabrera, M.
Co Author Listing * Multidomain Verification of Dynamic Signatures Using Local Stability Analysis
* On-line signature recognition through the combination of real dynamic data and synthetically generated static data
* Static Signature Synthesis: A Neuromotor Inspired Approach for Biometrics
Includes: Diaz Cabrera, M. Diaz-Cabrera, M. Diaz-Cabrera, M.[Moises]
Diaz Carmona, J.[Javier]
Co Author Listing * wavelet-VQ system for real-time video compression, A
Includes: Diaz Carmona, J.[Javier] Diaz-Carmona, J.[Javier]
Diaz Caro, J.
Co Author Listing * Discerning Objects from Ground and Target Pose Estimation in ladar Data using Robust Statistics
* Multiple Kernel Two-Step Tracking
* New Parameter Estimator Based on the Helmholtz Principle, A
Includes: Diaz Caro, J. Diaz-Caro, J.
Diaz Charris, L.D.[Luis David]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Railway Signaling Generation for Railways Systems Described on Railway Markup Language (railML)
Includes: Diaz Charris, L.D.[Luis David] Díaz-Charris, L.D.[Luis David]
Diaz Chito, K.[Katerine]
Co Author Listing * Empirical Evaluation of Common Vector Based Classification Methods and Some Extensions, An
* Fast Kernel Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors for Feature Extraction
* Feature Extraction by Using Dual-Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors
* Image Recognition through Incremental Discriminative Common Vectors
* LEE: A Photorealistic Virtual Environment for Assessing Driver-Vehicle Interactions in Self-driving Mode
* Null Space Based Image Recognition Using Incremental Eigendecomposition
Includes: Diaz Chito, K.[Katerine] Díaz-Chito, K.[Katerine] Diaz-Chito, K.[Katerine]
Diaz Curiel, J.[Jesus]
Co Author Listing * Processing Radargrams to Obtain Resistivity Sections
Includes: Diaz Curiel, J.[Jesus] Díaz-Curiel, J.[Jesús]
Diaz de Alba, P.[Patricia]
Co Author Listing * Forward Electromagnetic Induction Modelling in a Multilayered Half-Space: An Open-Source Software Tool
Includes: Diaz de Alba, P.[Patricia] Díaz-de Alba, P.[Patricia]
Diaz de Leon S., J.L.
Co Author Listing * Computing geometric moments using morphological erosions
* Mathematical Morphology Based on Linear Combined Metric Spaces on Z2 (Part I): Fast Distance Transforms
* Mathematical Morphology Based on Linear Combined Metric Spaces on Z2 (Part II): Constant Time Morphological Operations
* On the Computation of the Euler Number of a Binary Object
Includes: Diaz de Leon S., J.L. Díaz de León S., J.L. Díaz-de-León S., J.L.[Juan L.]
Diaz de Leon, R.
Co Author Listing * Continuous activity recognition with missing data
* Human Silhouette Recognition with Fourier Descriptors
Includes: Diaz de Leon, R. Díaz de León, R.[Rocio]
Diaz de Maria, E.
Co Author Listing * Mid-level feature set for specific event and anomaly detection in crowded scenes
Includes: Diaz de Maria, E. Diaz-de-Maria, E.
Diaz de Maria, F.[Fernando]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Lagrange multiplier estimation algorithm in HEVC
* Adaptive Multipattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques
* Automatic Learning of Image Representations Combining Content and Metadata
* Bayesian adaptive algorithm for fast coding unit decision in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard
* Bayesian model for brain tumor classification using clinical-based features, A
* Cauchy-Density-Based Basic Unit Layer Rate Controller for H.264/AVC
* Comparing visual descriptors and automatic rating strategies for video aesthetics prediction
* Complexity Control Based on a Fast Coding Unit Decision Method in the HEVC Video Coding Standard
* Directional Transforms for Video Coding Based on Lifting on Graphs
* Efficient Scale-Adaptive License Plate Detection System
* Fast Motion-Cost Based Algorithm for H.264/AVC Inter Mode Decision, A
* Filter optimization and complexity reduction for video coding using graph-based transforms
* Generative Model for Concurrent Image Retrieval and ROI Segmentation, A
* improved fast mode decision algorithm for intraprediction in H.264/AVC video coding, An
* Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Improved Motion Classification Techniques for Adaptive Multi-Pattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm
* In-Layer Multibuffer Framework for Rate-Controlled Scalable Video Coding
* Incorporating spatio-temporal mid-level features in a region segmentation algorithm for video sequences
* Mode Decision-Based Algorithm for Complexity Control in H.264/AVC
* Neighborhood Matching for Image Retrieval
* New Distance Measure for Model-Based Sequence Clustering, A
* Probabilistic Topic Model for Context-Driven Visual Attention Understanding
* Rate control initialization algorithm for scalable video coding
* RBF-Based QP Estimation Model for VBR Control in H.264/SVC
* region-centered topic model for object discovery and category-based image segmentation, A
* spatially aware generative model for image classification, topic discovery and segmentation, A
* Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Reduce the Perceived Flicker Artifact
* State-space dynamics distance for clustering sequential data
* Training deep retrieval models with noisy datasets: Bag exponential loss
* Two-Level Classification-Based Approach to Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC, A
* Two-level sliding-window VBR control algorithm for video on demand streaming
* two-level sliding-window VBR controller for real-time hierarchical video coding, A
* Video encoder based on lifting transforms on graphs
Includes: Diaz de Maria, F.[Fernando] Díaz-de-María, F.[Fernando] Diaz-de-Maria, F.[Fernando] Diaz-de-Maria, F. Díaz-de-María, F. Díaz-de María, F.[Fernando]
33 for Diaz de Maria, F.
Diaz del Rio, F.[Fernando]
Co Author Listing * Building Hierarchical Tree Representations Using Homological-Based Tools
* Computing the Component-Labeling and the Adjacency Tree of a Binary Digital Image in Near Logarithmic-Time
* Editorial of the special issue TIAR: Topological image analysis and recognition
* Generating (co)homological information using boundary scale
* Generating Second Order (Co)homological Information within AT-Model Context
* Homological Region Adjacency Tree for a 3D Binary Digital Image via HSF Model
* Labeling Color 2D Digital Images in Theoretical Near Logarithmic Time
* On the Topological Disparity Characterization of Square-Pixel Binary Image Data by a Labeled Bipartite Graph
* Parallel connected-Component-Labeling based on homotopy trees
* parallel Homological Spanning Forest framework for 2D topological image analysis, A
* Parallel Implementation for Computing the Region-Adjacency-Tree of a Segmentation of a 2D Digital Image, A
* Topological Homogeneity for Electron Microscopy Images
* Toward Parallel Computation of Dense Homotopy Skeletons for nD Digital Objects
Includes: Diaz del Rio, F.[Fernando] Díaz-del-Río, F.[Fernando] Díaz del Río, F.[Fernando] Diaz-del-Rio, F.[Fernando]
13 for Diaz del Rio, F.
Diaz Delgado, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Development and Assessment of Seasonal Rainfall Forecasting Models for the Bani and the Senegal Basins by Identifying the Best Predictive Teleconnection
* Hydrological Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR Rainfall over Upper Senegal River and Bani River Basins
Includes: Diaz Delgado, C.[Carlos] Díaz-Delgado, C.[Carlos]
Diaz Delgado, R.[Ricardo]
Co Author Listing * Can We Use Satellite-Based Soil-Moisture Products at High Resolution to Investigate Land-Use Differences and Land-Atmosphere Interactions? A Case Study in the Savanna
* Fast and Automatic Data-Driven Thresholding for Inundation Mapping with Sentinel-2 Data
* Hyperspectral Sensors as a Management Tool to Prevent the Invasion of the Exotic Cordgrass Spartina densiflora in the Doñana Wetlands
* Land-cover evolution class analysis in Image Time Series of Landsat and Sentinel-2 based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation
* Long-Term Monitoring of the Flooding Regime and Hydroperiod of Doñana Marshes with Landsat Time Series (1974-2014)
* Modelling Water Depth, Turbidity and Chlorophyll Using Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in a Restored Pond Complex of Doñana National Park (Spain)
* Radiometric Correction of Simultaneously Acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat Time Series Legacy
* Towards a Standard Plant Species Spectral Library Protocol for Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in the Shrubland of Doñana National Park
* Validation of Gross Primary Production Estimated by Remote Sensing for the Ecosystems of Doñana National Park through Improvements in Light Use Efficiency Estimation
Includes: Diaz Delgado, R.[Ricardo] Díaz-Delgado, R.[Ricardo] Díaz-Delgado, R.
9 for Diaz Delgado, R.
Diaz Diaz, E.[Efren]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration, An
Includes: Diaz Diaz, E.[Efren] Díaz-Díaz, E.[Efrén]
Diaz Douton, F.[Fernando]
Co Author Listing * Response for light scattered in the ocular fundus from double-pass and Hartmann-Shack estimations
Includes: Diaz Douton, F.[Fernando] Diaz-Douton, F.[Fernando]
Diaz Escobar, J.[Julia]
Co Author Listing * Scene Text Segmentation Based on Local Image Phase Information and MSER Method
* Text Detection in Digital Images Captured with Low Resolution Under Nonuniform Illumination Conditions
Includes: Diaz Escobar, J.[Julia] Diaz-Escobar, J.[Julia]
Diaz Ferreyra, N.[Nicolas]
Co Author Listing * Rethinking Summarization and Storytelling for Modern Social Multimedia
Includes: Diaz Ferreyra, N.[Nicolas] Diaz-Ferreyra, N.[Nicolas]
Diaz Galian, M.V.[Maria Victoria]
Co Author Listing * 3DeepM: An Ad Hoc Architecture Based on Deep Learning Methods for Multispectral Image Classification
* Proposed Methodology to Analyze Plant Growth and Movement from Phenomics Data, A
Includes: Diaz Galian, M.V.[Maria Victoria] Díaz-Galián, M.V.[María Victoria]
Diaz Garcia, J.[Jesus]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive transfer functions: Improved multiresolution visualization of medical models
* Fast Illustrative Visualization of Fiber Tracts
Includes: Diaz Garcia, J.[Jesus] Díaz-García, J.[Jesús]
Diaz Gonzalez, L.M.[Lucia M.]
Co Author Listing * Integration of Remote-Sensing Techniques for the Preventive Conservation of Paleolithic Cave Art in the Karst of the Altamira Cave
Includes: Diaz Gonzalez, L.M.[Lucia M.] Díaz-González, L.M.[Lucía M.]
Diaz Granados, M.
Co Author Listing * Simultaneous forgery identification and localization in paintings using advanced correlation filters
Includes: Diaz Granados, M. Diaz-Granados, M.
Diaz Gutierrez, P.[Pablo]
Co Author Listing * Capturing and View-Dependent Rendering of Billboard Models
Includes: Diaz Gutierrez, P.[Pablo] Diaz-Gutierrez, P.[Pablo]
Diaz Hernandez, R.[Raquel]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of visual SLAM algorithms in unstructured planetary-like and agricultural environments
* Texture Based Supervised Learning for Crater-Like Structures Recognition Using ALOS/PALSAR Images
Includes: Diaz Hernandez, R.[Raquel] Díaz-Hernández, R.[Raquel] Diaz-Hernandez, R.[Raquel]
Diaz Honrubia, A.J.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Fast Quadtree Level Decision Algorithm for H.264 to HEVC Video Transcoding
* Cost-efficient HEVC-based quadtree splitting (HEQUS) for VVC Video Transcoding
* Efficient HEVC-to-VVC Transcoder Based On A Bayesian Classifier For The First Quadtree Depth Level
* fast full partitioning algorithm for HEVC-to-VVC video transcoding using Bayesian classifiers, A
* Fast motion estimation for closed-loop HEVC transrating
* Fast quadtree level decision algorithm for H.264/HEVC transcoder
* fast temporal and hybrid SHVC encoder, A
* Low-complexity heterogeneous architecture for H.264/HEVC video transcoding
* Multiple Reference Frame Transcoding from H.264/AVC to HEVC
Includes: Diaz Honrubia, A.J. Diaz-Honrubia, A.J. Díaz-Honrubia, A.J. Diaz-Honrubia, A.J.[Antonio J.] Diaz-Honrubia, A.J.[Antonio Jesus] Díaz-Honrubia, A.J.[Antonio Jesús]
9 for Diaz Honrubia, A.J.
Diaz Huerta, C.C.[Claudia C.]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation and Selection of Morphological Procedures for Automatic Detection of Micro-calcifications in Mammography Images
Includes: Diaz Huerta, C.C.[Claudia C.] Diaz-Huerta, C.C.[Claudia C.]
Diaz Jimenez, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Case Study of a Low-Cost IoT Device with a Thermal Vision to Monitor Human Stool Behavior in the Home
Includes: Diaz Jimenez, D.[David] Díaz-Jiménez, D.[David]
Diaz Kloch, N.[Nicolas]
Co Author Listing * Bridging the Gap: Comprehensive Boreal Forest Complexity Mapping through LVIS Full-Waveform LiDAR, Single-Year and Time Series Landsat Imagery
Includes: Diaz Kloch, N.[Nicolas] Diaz-Kloch, N.[Nicolas]
Diaz Madrid, J.A.[Jose Angel]
Co Author Listing * All-hardware SIFT implementation for real-time VGA images feature extraction
Includes: Diaz Madrid, J.A.[Jose Angel] Díaz-Madrid, J.Á.[José Ángel]
Diaz Manso, J.M.
Co Author Listing * Parcel-based image classification as a decision-making supporting tool for the Land Bank of Galicia (Spain)
Includes: Diaz Manso, J.M. Díaz-Manso, J.M.
Diaz Martinez, I.[Ignacio]
Co Author Listing * Application of Fast Fourier Transform Filtering to High Spatial Resolution Digital Terrain Models Derived from LiDAR Sensors for the Objective Mapping of Surface Features and Digital Terrain Model Evaluations, The
Includes: Diaz Martinez, I.[Ignacio] Díaz-Martínez, I.[Ignacio]
Diaz Mas, L.
Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Accuracy of DEM Generation Algorithms from UAV Imagery
* novel method to look for the hysteresis thresholds for the Canny edge detector, A
* octree-based method for shape from inconsistent silhouettes, An
* Shape from pairwise silhouettes for plan-view map generation
* Shape from silhouette using Dempster-Shafer theory
Includes: Diaz Mas, L. Diaz-Mas, L. Díaz-Más, L.
Diaz Moreno, A.[Alejandro]
Co Author Listing * Low-Cost Automatic Slope Monitoring Using Vector Tracking Analyses on Live-Streamed Time-Lapse Imagery
* Recent Developments and Applications of Acoustic Infrasound to Monitor Volcanic Emissions
* Volcano-Seismic Transfer Learning and Uncertainty Quantification With Bayesian Neural Networks
Includes: Diaz Moreno, A.[Alejandro] Diaz-Moreno, A.[Alejandro] Díaz Moreno, A.
Diaz Pachon, D.A.[Daniel Andres]
Co Author Listing * High Dimensional Mode Hunting Using Pettiest Components Analysis
Includes: Diaz Pachon, D.A.[Daniel Andres] Díaz-Pachón, D.A.[Daniel Andrés]
Diaz Paz, J.P.[Jean Pierre]
Co Author Listing * Detection of Coastal Erosion and Progradation in the Colombian Atrato River Delta by Using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
Includes: Diaz Paz, J.P.[Jean Pierre] Díaz-Paz, J.P.[Jean Pierre]
Diaz Pernas, F.J.
Co Author Listing * Approach for Determining Bidirectional Reflectance Parameters from Range and Brightness Data, An
* Multi-scale neural texture classification using the GPU as a stream processing engine
Includes: Diaz Pernas, F.J. Díaz-Pernas, F.J.
Diaz Pernil, D.[Daniel]
Co Author Listing * Effective homology of k-D digital objects (partially) calculated in parallel
* Fully automatized parallel segmentation of the optic disc in retinal fundus images
* Parallel Implementation of the Thresholding Problem by Using Tissue-Like P Systems, A
* Parallel Skeletonizing of Digital Images by Using Cellular Automata
* Region-based segmentation of 2D and 3D images with tissue-like P systems
* Segmentation in 2D and 3D Image Using Tissue-Like P System
* Segmenting images with gradient-based edge detection using Membrane Computing
* Using Membrane Computing for Obtaining Homology Groups of Binary 2D Digital Images
Includes: Diaz Pernil, D.[Daniel] Díaz-Pernil, D.[Daniel]
8 for Diaz Pernil, D.
Diaz Pinto, A.[Andres]
Co Author Listing * Retinal Image Synthesis and Semi-Supervised Learning for Glaucoma Assessment
Includes: Diaz Pinto, A.[Andres] Diaz-Pinto, A.[Andres]
Diaz Pulido, A.[Angelica]
Co Author Listing * Camera-trap images segmentation using multi-layer robust principal component analysis
Includes: Diaz Pulido, A.[Angelica] Diaz-Pulido, A.[Angélica]
Diaz Ramirez, A.[Arnoldo]
Co Author Listing * Robust Face Tracking with Locally-Adaptive Correlation Filtering
Includes: Diaz Ramirez, A.[Arnoldo] Diaz-Ramirez, A.[Arnoldo]
Diaz Ramirez, V.H.[Victor Hugo]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive composite filters for pattern recognition in nonoverlapping scenes using noisy training images
* CWMA: Circular Window Matching Algorithm
* Improving the Discrimination Capability with an Adaptive Synthetic Discriminant Function Filter
* Object Tracking in Nonuniform Illumination Using Space-Variant Correlation Filters
* Real-time haze removal in monocular images using locally adaptive processing
* Robust Face Tracking with Locally-Adaptive Correlation Filtering
* Robust Tracking Algorithm Based on HOGs Descriptor, A
* Rotation Invariant Tracking Algorithm Based on Circular HOGs
Includes: Diaz Ramirez, V.H.[Victor Hugo] Díaz-Ramírez, V.H.[Víctor Hugo] Díaz-Ramírez, V.H.[Víctor H.] Diaz-Ramirez, V.H.[Victor H.]
8 for Diaz Ramirez, V.H.
Diaz Redondo, R.P.
Co Author Listing * Bringing Content Awareness to Web-Based IDTV Advertising
* Inferring Contexts From Facebook Interactions: A Social Publicity Scenario
Includes: Diaz Redondo, R.P. Díaz Redondo, R.P. Diaz-Redondo, R.P.
Diaz Rodriguez, B.D.[Bernardino Deni]
Co Author Listing * Experiencies Using Non-Metric Cameras in Photogrammetry
Includes: Diaz Rodriguez, B.D.[Bernardino Deni] Dìaz Rodrìguez, B.D.[Bernardino Deni]
Diaz Romanach, M.L.B.[Marta L. Baguer]
Co Author Listing * Graph Based Segmentation Strategy for Baggage Scanner Images, A
* Mammographic Mass Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-means and Decision Trees
Includes: Diaz Romanach, M.L.B.[Marta L. Baguer] Díaz-Romañach, M.L.B.[Marta L. Baguer] Díaz-Romañach, M.L.B.[Marta Lourdes Baguer]
Diaz Ruiz, C.A.[Carlos A.]
Co Author Listing * Ithaca365: Dataset and Driving Perception under Repeated and Challenging Weather Conditions
Includes: Diaz Ruiz, C.A.[Carlos A.] Diaz-Ruiz, C.A.[Carlos A.]
Diaz Sanchez, C.[Carlos]
Co Author Listing * Challenges and Possibilities of Archaeological Sites Virtual Tours: The Ulaca Oppidum (Central Spain) as a Case Study
Includes: Diaz Sanchez, C.[Carlos] Díaz-Sánchez, C.[Carlos]
Diaz Sanchez, G.[German]
Co Author Listing * evolutionary algorithm with acceleration operator to generate a subset of typical testors, An
Includes: Diaz Sanchez, G.[German] Diaz-Sanchez, G.[German]
Diaz Santana, E.[Eva]
Co Author Listing * Surround ImagerTM: A Multi-camera Touchless Device to Acquire 3D Rolled-Equivalent Fingerprints, The
Includes: Diaz Santana, E.[Eva] Diaz-Santana, E.[Eva]
Diaz Santana, L.[Luis]
Co Author Listing * Designing a holographic modal wavefront sensor for the detection of static ocular aberrations
Includes: Diaz Santana, L.[Luis] Diaz-Santana, L.[Luis]
Diaz Tula, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * xSDL: stroboscopic differential lighting eye tracker with extended temporal support
Includes: Diaz Tula, A.[Antonio] Diaz-Tula, A.[Antonio]
Diaz Varela, R.
Co Author Listing * Tracking environmental impacts and habitat fragmentation on coastal protected areas through object oriented analysis. Identification and categorization of linear disturbances in Corrubedo Natural Park (NW Iberian Peninsula)
* UAV and Satellite Multispectral Data Approach to Monitor Water Quality in Small Reservoirs, An
Includes: Diaz Varela, R. Díaz Varela, R. Díaz-Varela, R.[Ramon]
Diaz Varela, R.A.[Ramon Alberto]
Co Author Listing * 3D Point Clouds in Forest Remote Sensing
* Estimating Fuel Loads and Structural Characteristics of Shrub Communities by Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Evaluation of Radiometric and Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Landsat 5 TM Data
* High-Resolution Airborne UAV Imagery to Assess Olive Tree Crown Parameters Using 3D Photo Reconstruction: Application in Breeding Trials
* Potential of Sentinel-2A Data to Model Surface and Canopy Fuel Characteristics in Relation to Crown Fire Hazard
Includes: Diaz Varela, R.A.[Ramon Alberto] Díaz-Varela, R.A.[Ramón Alberto] Díaz-Varela, R.A.[Ramón A.]
Diaz Vilarino, L.
Co Author Listing * 3D Modelling of Interior Spaces: Learning the Language of Indoor Architecture
* Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Columns in As-Built Buildings from Point Clouds
* Automatic Modelling of Rubble Mound Breakwaters from LIDAR Data
* Autonomous Point Cloud Acquisition of Unknown Indoor Scenes
* Barrier and Guardrail Extraction and Classification From Point Clouds
* Door recognition in cluttered building interiors using imagery and lidar data
* Evaluation Of Driver Visibility From Mobile Lidar Data And Weather Conditions
* From BIM to Scan Planning and Optimization for Construction Control
* Indoor Navigation From Point Clouds: 3d Modelling And Obstacle Detection
* Influence of the Precision of LIDAR Data in Surface Water Runoff Estimation for Road Maintenance
* Integration of Infrared Thermography And Photogrammetric Surveying Of Built Landscape
* Lidar-equipped UAV for building information modelling
* Mathematical morphology directly applied to point cloud data
* Obstacle-Aware Indoor Pathfinding Using Point Clouds
* Optimal scan planning for surveying large sites with static and mobile mapping systems
* Point Cloud Room Segmentation Based on Indoor Spaces and 3d Mathematical Morphology
* Point clouds for direct pedestrian pathfinding in urban environments
* Point Clouds to Direct Indoor Pedestrian Pathfinding
* Preface - Isprs Workshop Indoor 3d 2019
* Scan Planning Optimization for Outdoor Archaeological Sites
* Semantic Segmentation of Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds with Long Short-term Memory Networks: Preliminary Results
* Sidewalk Detection and Pavement Characterisation in Historic Urban Environments From Point Clouds: Preliminary Results
* Simple Approaches to Improve the Automatic Inventory of Zebra Crossing from MLS Data
Includes: Diaz Vilarino, L. Díaz-Vilariño, L. Díaz-Vilariño, L.[Lucía] Dìaz-Vilariño, L.
24 for Diaz Vilarino, L.
Diaz Villanueva, W.[Wladimiro]
Co Author Listing * Drug Activity Characterization Using One-Class Support Vector Machines with Counterexamples
* Empirical Evaluation of Common Vector Based Classification Methods and Some Extensions, An
* Image Recognition through Incremental Discriminative Common Vectors
* Null Space Based Image Recognition Using Incremental Eigendecomposition
Includes: Diaz Villanueva, W.[Wladimiro] Diaz-Villanueva, W.[Wladimiro] Díaz-Villanueva, W.[Wladimiro]
Diaz Vilor, C.
Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Ensemble Classification With Correlated Decision Agents
* Unsupervised online clustering and detection algorithms using crowdsourced data for malaria diagnosis
Includes: Diaz Vilor, C. Díaz-Vilor, C. Díaz-Vilor, C.[Carles]
Diaz, A.[Angelica]
Co Author Listing * Animal Identification in Low Quality Camera-Trap Images Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Confidence Thresholds
Diaz, A.H.[Abdel Hechavarria]
Co Author Listing * Formal Distance vs. Association Strength in Text Processing
Includes: Diaz, A.H.[Abdel Hechavarria] Díaz, A.H.[Abdel Hechavarría]
Diaz, A.J.R.[Alexis Jair Reategui]
Co Author Listing * Linking Past and Present Land-Use Histories in Southern Amazonas, Peru
Includes: Diaz, A.J.R.[Alexis Jair Reategui] Díaz, A.J.R.[Alexis Jair Reátegui]
Diaz, A.S.P.[Alfonso Sanchez Paus]
Co Author Listing * Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through Augmented Visual Interpretation
* Medium- (MR) and Very-High-Resolution (VHR) Image Integration through Collect Earth for Monitoring Forests and Land-Use Changes: Global Forest Survey (GF
* Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and Land-Cover Dynamics: The Use of a Sample-Based Assessment through Augmented Visual Interpretation Using Open Foris Collect Earth
Includes: Diaz, A.S.P.[Alfonso Sanchez Paus] Díaz, A.S.P.[Alfonso Sánchez-Paus] Díaz, A.S.P.[Alfonso Sanchez-Paus]
Diaz, A.U.[Alejandra Umana]
Co Author Listing * On the Atmospheric Correction of Antarctic Airborne Hyperspectral Data
Diaz, B.M.
Co Author Listing * Spatial Reasoning Using the Quad Tesseral Representation
* Spatially Referenced Methods of Processing Raster and Vector Data
Diaz, C.[Cesar]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive protection scheme for MVC-encoded stereoscopic video streaming in IP-based networks
* Augmented Reality Mobile App for Museums: Virtual Restoration of a Plate of Glass, An
* Enhancement of Pro-MPEG COP3 codes and application to layer-aware FEC protection of two-layered video transmission
* extension to the PRO-MPEG COP3 codes for unequal error protection of real-time video transmission, An
* FVV Live: A Real-Time Free-Viewpoint Video System With Consumer Electronics Hardware
* Novel System for Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Foveal Classifiers With Real-Time Performance, A
* Perceptually Equivalent Resolution in Handheld Devices for Streaming Bandwidth Saving
* Subjective Evaluation of Visual Quality and Simulator Sickness of Short 360° Videos: ITU-T Rec. P.919
Includes: Diaz, C.[Cesar] Díaz, C.[Carmen] Díaz, C.[César] Díaz, C.
8 for Diaz, C.
Diaz, C.L.P.[Carlos L. Perez]
Co Author Listing * S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands 10-Year On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
Includes: Diaz, C.L.P.[Carlos L. Perez] Díaz, C.L.P.[Carlos L. Pérez]
Diaz, D.[Daniel]
Co Author Listing * Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services
* Nerve Structure Segmentation from Ultrasound Images Using Random Under-Sampling and an SVM Classifier
* Shallow and Deep Electric Structures in the Tolhuaca Geothermal System (S. Chile) Investigated by Magnetotellurics
* Support Vector Machine with External Recurrences for Modeling Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation
Includes: Diaz, D.[Daniel] Díaz, D.[Daniel] Diaz, D. Diaz, D.[Darwin]
Diaz, E.[Ester]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Spatially and Temporally Overlapping Events with Application to Image Sequences
* Estimating the Duration of Overlapping Events from Image Sequences Using Cylindrical Temporal Boolean Models
* Improving Information Retrieval Through a Global Term Weighting Scheme
* Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology
* Studying endocytosis in space and time by means of temporal Boolean models
Includes: Diaz, E.[Ester] Díaz, E.[Ester] Diaz, E.[Elva] Díaz, E.
Diaz, F.[Frederic]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of depth-of-focus-enhancing pupil masks based on a signal-to-noise-ratio criterion after deconvolution
* Documentation of the roman bronze hand found in the site of El Tossal in Lucentum
Includes: Diaz, F.[Frederic] Diaz, F.[Frédéric] Diaz, F.
Diaz, G.[Gloria]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Clump Splitting for Cell Quantification in Microscopical Images
* Histopathological Image Classification Using Stain Component Features on a pLSA Model
* Infected Cell Identification in Thin Blood Images Based on Color Pixel Classification: Comparison and Analysis
* Predicting Very Early Stage Mild Cognitive Impairment Based on a Voxel-wise Arterial Spin Labeling Analysis
* Recognition and Quantification of Area Damaged by Oligonychus Perseae in Avocado Leaves
* RITnet: Real-time Semantic Segmentation of the Eye for Gaze Tracking
* Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in Support of Maritime Archaeological Research: VENmuS Imagery of Caesarea Maritima, Israel, as a Case Study
* Soybean crop coverage estimation from NDVI images with different spatial resolution to evaluate yield variability in a plot
Includes: Diaz, G.[Gloria] Díaz, G.[Gloria] Diaz, G. Diaz, G.[Gerardo] Díaz, G.
8 for Diaz, G.
Diaz, H.[Harold]
Co Author Listing * Quantification of Two-Dimensional Wave Breaking Dissipation in the Surf Zone from Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Diaz, H.[Harold] Díaz, H.[Harold]
Diaz, I.
Co Author Listing * Derivation of an Observer Model Adapted to Irregular Signals Based on Convolution Channels
* Embedded Low Power High Efficient Object Tracker for Surveillance Systems, An
* Fully Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Two MRI Modalities
* Fuzzy mathematical morphology for color images defined by fuzzy preference relations
* Intuitionistic fuzzy set and fuzzy mathematical morphology applied to color leukocytes segmentation
Includes: Diaz, I. Diaz, I.[Idanis] Díaz, I.[Irene]
Diaz, J.[Javier]
Co Author Listing * Background subtraction model based on color and depth cues
* Bio-inspired Motion-Based Object Segmentation
* Codebook hardware implementation on FPGA for background subtraction
* compact harmonic code for early vision based on anisotropic frequency channels, A
* Cross-domain Interpolation for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
* Dealing with the Perspective Distortion to Detect Overtaking Cars for Driving Assistance
* Disparity disambiguation by fusion of signal- and symbolic-level information
* experimental study on the effects of shading in 3D perception of volumetric models, An
* FPGA-based real-time optical-flow system
* Hierarchical architecture for motion and depth estimations based on color cues
* High-Performance Optical-Flow Architecture Based on a Multi-Scale, Multi-Orientation Phase-Based Model
* Increasing Efficiency in Disparity Calculation
* Language Modeling on Location-Based Social Networks
* Level Set Regularization Using Geometric Flows
* Low-cost sensor to detect overtaking based on optical flow
* Massive Parallel-Hardware Architecture for Multiscale Stereo, Optical Flow and Image-Structure Computation
* method for sparse disparity densification using voting mask propagation, A
* MRI-Compatible Device for Examining Brain Activation Related to Stepping
* multi-resolution approach for massively-parallel hardware-friendly optical flow estimation, A
* Municipal Open Data Portals: Their Implementation In the Face of A Municipality's Political and Territorial Reality
* On-chip semidense representation map for dense visual features driven by attention processes
* Optimization Strategies for High-Performance Computing of Optical-Flow in General-Purpose Processors
* Real-Time Model-Based Rigid Object Pose Estimation and Tracking Combining Dense and Sparse Visual Cues
* Real-Time System for High-Image Resolution Disparity Estimation
* Spatial and temporal constraints in variational correspondence methods
* Subpixel motion computing architecture
* Superpipelined high-performance optical-flow computation architecture
* Tropospheric NO2: Anthropogenic Influence, Global Trends, Satellite Data, and Machine Learning Application
* Visual System Based on Artificial Retina for Motion Detection
Includes: Diaz, J.[Javier] Díaz, J.[Javier] Díaz, J.[Jose] Díaz, J. Diaz, J.[Juglar] Diaz, J. Díaz, J.[Jesús]
29 for Diaz, J.
Diaz, J.A.[Jose A.]
Co Author Listing * 1/f noise in human color vision: the role of S-cone signals
* Clustering Based Approach for Automatic Image Segmentation: An Application to Biplane Ventriculograms, A
* Education and training activities in airborne research
* Spatial and Multi-Temporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature through Landsat 8 Images: Comparison of Algorithms in a Highly Polluted City (Granada)
Includes: Diaz, J.A.[Jose A.] Díaz, J.A.[José A.] Díaz, J.A.[J. Arelis] Diaz, J.A.[Jorge Andres] Díaz, J.A.[Julián Arco]
Diaz, J.C.F.[Juan Carlos Fernandez]
Co Author Listing * Airborne Lidar Survey, Density-Based Clustering, and Ancient Maya Settlement in the Upper Usumacinta River Region of Mexico and Guatemala
* Ancient Maya Regional Settlement and Inter-Site Analysis: The 2013 West-Central Belize LiDAR Survey
Includes: Diaz, J.C.F.[Juan Carlos Fernandez] Diaz, J.C.F.[Juan C. Fernandez]
Diaz, J.C.T.[Juan Carlos Tocino]
Co Author Listing * Feature-Based Stereo Vision Using Smart Cameras for Traffic Surveillance
Diaz, J.E.
Co Author Listing * RPAS Based Tracking of Machinery Used in Asphalt Paving Process
Includes: Diaz, J.E. Díaz, J.E.
Diaz, J.J.M.[Jose J. Martinez]
Co Author Listing * InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Earthquake
Includes: Diaz, J.J.M.[Jose J. Martinez] Díaz, J.J.M.[José J. Martínez]
Diaz, J.J.V.[J.J. Vinagre]
Co Author Listing * Bluetooth Traffic Monitoring Systems for Travel Time Estimation on Freeways
* Prediction of On-Street Parking Level of Service Based on Random Undersampling Decision Trees
* Short-Term Prediction of Level of Service in Highways Based on Bluetooth Identification
* Time-Based Utilization Rate of the Fleet: Measuring Deep Inefficiencies in E-Scooter Services in Atlanta and Rome
Includes: Diaz, J.J.V.[J.J. Vinagre] Díaz, J.J.V.[Juan José Vinagre]
Diaz, L.[Laura]
Co Author Listing * Approach to Facilitating Geospatial Data and Metadata Publication Using a Standard Geoservice
Includes: Diaz, L.[Laura] Díaz, L.[Laura]
Diaz, M.
Co Author Listing * Algorithm for an Accurate Detection of Anomalies in Hyperspectral Images With a Low Computational Complexity, An
* Anthropomorphic Features for On-Line Signatures
* Approaching the intra-class variability in multi-script static signature evaluation
* Automated Low-Cost LED-Based Sun Photometer for City Scale Distributed Measurements
* BeCAPTCHA-Type: Biometric Keystroke Data Generation for Improved Bot Detection
* Behavioral Handwriting Model for Static and Dynamic Signature Synthesis, A
* Behaviour of dynamic and static feature dependences in constrained signatures
* Building up child-robot relationship for therapeutic purposes: From initial attraction towards long-term social engagement
* Dynamic Signature Verification System Based on One Real Signature
* Dynamically enhanced static handwriting representation for Parkinson's disease detection
* Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases by Handwritten Signature Analysis
* Estimating Photometric Properties from Image Collections
* Exploiting Image Collections for Recovering Photometric Properties
* Extending the kinematic theory of rapid movements with new primitives
* Facade's Dome of The St. Anthony's Basilica in Padua, The
* Finding Images with Similar Lighting Conditions in Large Photo Collections
* FPGA-Based On-Board Hyperspectral Imaging Compression: Benchmarking Performance and Energy Efficiency against GPU Implementations
* Generation of Duplicated Off-Line Signature Images for Verification Systems
* Human or Machine? It Is Not What You Write, But How You Write It
* iDeLog: Iterative Dual Spatial and Kinematic Extraction of Sigma-Lognormal Parameters
* Line-by-Line Fast Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Low-Cost Ka-Band Cloud Radar System for Distributed Measurements within the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
* Multi-script versus single-script scenarios in automatic off-line signature verification
* Neural network modelling of kinematic and dynamic features for signature verification
* New Algorithm for the On-Board Compression of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Non-parametric bootstrap ensembles for detection of tumor lesions
* Perspective Analysis of Handwritten Signature Technology, A
* Radiometric calibration using photo collections
* Real-Time Hyperspectral Data Transmission for UAV-Based Acquisition Platforms
* Robust score normalization for DTW-based on-line signature verification
* RPAS Based Tracking of Machinery Used in Asphalt Paving Process
* SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for signature verification
* Static and Dynamic Synthesis of Bengali and Devanagari Signatures
* Survey on Traffic Light Detection, A
* SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition
* To Veer or Not to Veer: Learning from Experts How to Stay Within the Crosswalk
* Towards an automatic on-line signature verifier using only one reference per signer
* Towards the Concurrent Execution of Multiple Hyperspectral Imaging Applications by Means of Computationally Simple Operations
* Two-steps perceptual important points estimator in 8-connected curves from handwritten signature
* Uncertainty-Aware Policy Sampling and Mixing for Safe Interactive Imitation Learning
Includes: Diaz, M. Díaz, M. Diaz, M.[Moises] Diaz, M.[Marcos] Diaz, M.[Marta] Díaz, M.[Mauricio] Díaz, M.[María] Díaz, M.[Marcos] Diaz, M.[Mireya] Diaz, M.[Manfred]
40 for Diaz, M.
Diaz, M.A.[Marcos A.]
Co Author Listing * Effects of the 12 May 2021 Geomagnetic Storm on Georeferencing Precision
* Femto-Satellite Localization Method Based on TDOA and AOA Using Two CubeSats, A
* Human-in-the-Loop Optimization of Wearable Robotic Devices to Improve Human-Robot Interaction: A Systematic Review
* Ionospheric Behavior during the 10 June 2021 Annular Solar Eclipse and Its Impact on GNSS Precise Point Positioning
Includes: Diaz, M.A.[Marcos A.] Díaz, M.A.[Marcos A.] Díaz, M.A.[María Alejandra]
Diaz, M.E.[Maria Elena]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Spatially and Temporally Overlapping Events with Application to Image Sequences
* Bayesian estimation of edge orientations in junctions
* Estimating the Duration of Overlapping Events from Image Sequences Using Cylindrical Temporal Boolean Models
* Granulometric moments and corneal endothelium status
* Gray-Level 2D Feature Detector Using Circular Statistics, A
* Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology
* Robust Descriptors of Binary Shapes with Applications
* Set Descriptors for Visual Evaluation of Human Corneal Endothelia
* Studying endocytosis in space and time by means of temporal Boolean models
Includes: Diaz, M.E.[Maria Elena] Díaz, M.E.[María Elena] Díaz, M.E. Diaz, M.E.
9 for Diaz, M.E.
Diaz, M.J.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Multisensory Barrier for Obstacle Detection on Railways
Diaz, M.L.[Maria Lopez]
Co Author Listing * Parking space inventory from above: Detection on aerial images and estimation for unobserved regions
Includes: Diaz, M.L.[Maria Lopez] Díaz, M.L.[María López]
Diaz, N.[Nelson]
Co Author Listing * Multispectral Filter Array Design by Optimal Sphere Packing
Diaz, N.J.[N. Jimenez]
Co Author Listing * Ambiguity Concept In Stereo Matching Pipeline
Diaz, O.
Co Author Listing * Multimodal Breast Parenchymal Patterns Correlation Using a Patient-Specific Biomechanical Model
* Similarity Metrics for Intensity-Based Registration Using Breast Density Maps
Includes: Diaz, O. Diaz, O.[Oliver]
Diaz, P.
Co Author Listing * Interactive Data Visualization Using Dimensionality Reduction and Similarity-Based Representations
Diaz, P.M.A.[P.M. Achanccaray]
Co Author Listing * First Results of the LEM Benchmark Database for Agricultural Applications
* Meta-Methodology for Improving Land Cover and Land Use Classification with SAR Imagery, A
* Method To Estimate Temporal Interaction In A Conditional Random Field Based Approach For Crop Recognition, A
Includes: Diaz, P.M.A.[P.M. Achanccaray] Diaz, P.M.A.[Pedro M. A.] Diaz, P.M.A.
Diaz, P.P.[Pablo Paniego]
Co Author Listing * Lost Landscape: A Combination of LiDAR and APSFR Data to Locate and Contextualize Archaeological Sites in River Environments
Includes: Diaz, P.P.[Pablo Paniego] Díaz, P.P.[Pablo Paniego]
Diaz, R.
Co Author Listing * Cluster-Wise Ratio Tests for Fast Camera Localization
* Design and Optimization of the VideoWeb Wireless Camera Network
* Detecting Dynamic Objects with Multi-view Background Subtraction
* Lifting GIS maps into strong geometric context for scene understanding
* Multi-View Mesh Reconstruction with Neural Deferred Shading
* Multimodal Transformer for Nursing Activity Recognition
* Soft Labels for Ordinal Regression
Includes: Diaz, R. Díaz, R. Diaz, R.[Ramiro] Diaz, R.[Raul] Diaz, R.[Rodrigo] Diaz, R.[Renato]
7 for Diaz, R.
Diaz, R.G.[Rocio Gonzalez]
Co Author Listing * Abandoned Object Detection Using Persistent Homology
Diaz, S.
Co Author Listing * Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications, A
Includes: Diaz, S. Díaz, S.
Diaz, S.A.[Sergio A.]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of PERSIANN Satellite Products over the Tulijá River Basin, Mexico
Includes: Diaz, S.A.[Sergio A.] Díaz, S.A.[Sergio A.]
Diaz, T.G.[Teresa Gonzalez]
Co Author Listing * XDNet: A Few-Shot Meta-Learning Approach for Cross-Domain Visual Inspection
Diaz, V.
Co Author Listing * Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation, A
* Hydrological Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR Rainfall over Upper Senegal River and Bani River Basins
Includes: Diaz, V. Diaz, V.[Vitali]
Diazgranados, M.[Mauricio]
Co Author Listing * Identifying and mapping individual plants in a highly diverse high-elevation ecosystem using UAV imagery and deep learning