* *Algorithms for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery III
* *Integrating Photogrammetric Techniques with Scene Analysis and Machine Vision III
* *Novel Image-Stability System Takes The Shakes Out Of Pictures
* 2-Dimensional Versus 3-Dimensional Object-Based Video Compression
* 3-Dimensional Rotations by 3 Shears
* 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw from a Sequence of Images
* 3D to 2D Recognition with Regions
* Abstracting Digital Movies Automatically
* Acquiring 3D Models of Nonrigid Moving-Objects from Time and Viewpoint Varying Image Sequences: A Step Toward Left-Ventricle Recovery
* Acquisition of 3D Urban Models by Analysis of Aerial Images, Digital Surface Models, and Existing 2D Building Information
* Active Recovery of 3D Motion Trajectories and Their Use in Prediction, The
* Adaptive B-Splines and Boundary Estimation
* Adaptive Stochastic-Approximation Algorithm for Simultaneous Diagonalization of Matrix Sequences with Applications, An
* advanced control architecture for autonomous vehicles, An
* Analysis of Gesture and Action in Technical Talks
* Analysis of Terrain Using Multispectral Images
* Analysis of the Pulmonary Vascular Tree Using Differential Geometry Based Vector-Fields
* Analyzing Articulated Motion Using Expectation-Maximization
* Another Look at the Dominant Point Detection of Digital Curves
* Appearance Matching of Occluded Objects Using Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Masks
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to Geometric Model-Guided Interpretation of Brain Anatomy, An
* Application of Self-Organizing Neural Networks to Multiradar Data Fusion
* Arabic Character-Recognition Using 1-D Slices of the Character Spectrum
* Are Textureless Scenes Recoverable?
* Area and Length Minimizing Flows for Shape Segmentation
* ART Neural Networks for Remote Sensing: Vegetation Classification from Landsat TM and Terrain Data
* Assessment of Information Criteria for Motion Model Selection, An
* Asymmetric Fusion strategies for target detection in multisensor environments
* Autoassociative Learning in Relaxation Labeling Networks
* Autocalibration and the Absolute Quadric
* Automated Microscopy in Diagnostic Histopathology: From Image-Processing to Automated Reasoning
* Automatic Line Matching Across Views
* Automatic Model Acquisition from Range Images with View Planning
* Autonomous Exploration: Driven by Uncertainty
* Bas-Relief Ambiguity, The
* Bayesian Segmentation Framework for Textured Visual Images, A
* Block-Run Run-Length Coding of Handwriting and Bilevel Graphics-Based on Quadtree Segmentation
* Body Plans
* Bootstrapping Algorithm for Learning Linear Models of Object Classes, A
* Box-Cox Metric for Nearest-Neighbor Classification Improvement, The
* Building Reconstruction from Optical and Range Images
* Calibration of a Structured Light System: A Projective Approach
* Casting Light on Illumination: A Computational Model and Dimensional Analysis of Sources
* Catadioptric Omnidirectional Cameras
* CCSM: Cross Correlogram Spectral Matching
* Character Extraction of License Plates from Video
* Characterization of Errors in Compositing Panoramic Images
* Class of Probabilistic Shape Models, A
* Cognitive Architecture for Artificial Vision, A
* Color Based Tracking of Heads and Other Mobile Objects at Video Frame Rates
* Color Constancy for Scenes with Varying Illumination
* Color Image Segmentation by Modular Neural-Network
* Color Image Segmentation Using Hopfield Networks
* Combining Region Splitting and Edge Detection Through Guided Delaunay Image Subdivision
* Completion Energies and Scale
* Computational Approach to Steerable Functions, A
* Computational Perception of Scene Dynamics, The
* Computationally Attractive Reconstruction of Band-Limited Images from Irregular Samples
* Confounding of Translation and Rotation in Reconstruction from Multiple Views, The
* Content-Based Trademark Retrieval System Using Visually Salient Features
* Contrast Enhancement Using Brightness Preserving Bi-Histogram Equalization
* Controlling View-Based Algorithms Using Approximate World Models and Action Information
* Convex Set-Theoretic Image Recovery by Extrapolated Iterations of Parallel Subgradient Projections
* Convolution-Based Edge-Detection for Image/Video in Block DCT Domain
* Corner Detection with Covariance Propagation
* Coupled Hidden Markov Models for Complex Action Recognition
* Creating Image Based VR Using a Self-Calibrating Fisheye Lens
* Critical Motion Sequences for Monocular Self-Calibration and Uncalibrated Euclidean Reconstruction
* Curvature Based Descriptor Invariant to Pose and Albedo Derived from Photometric Data, A
* Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion
* Data and Model-Driven Selection Using Color Regions
* Deblocking Algorithm for JPEG Compressed Images Using Overcomplete Wavelet Representations, A
* Decentralized Signal-Detection with Fuzzy Information
* Decision Fusion Strategies for Target Detection with a Three-Sensor Suite
* Deformable Models, Guest Editors Introduction
* Deformable Multi Template Matching With Application To Portal Images
* Depth from Scattering
* Design of a Transport Coding Scheme for High-Quality Video over ATM Networks
* Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Aerial Images
* Detection of Second-Order Structure in Optical-Flow Fields
* Detection of Specularity Using Stereo in Color and Polarization Space
* Deterioration Detection for Digital Film Restoration
* Determination of the Script and Language Content of Document Images
* Determining a Polyhedral Shape Using Interreflections
* Digital 3D/stereoscopic video compression technique utilizing disparity and motion compensated predictions
* Digital Image Restoration
* Direct Method for Stereo Correspondence Based on Singular Value Decomposition, A
* Direct Methods for Estimation of Structure and Motion from Three Views
* Discretizing Continuous Neural Networks Using a Polarization Learning Rule
* Disparity Component Matching for Visual Correspondence
* Divide and Conquer Strategy in Shape from Shading Problems, A
* Document Image Compression and Analysis
* Dyadic Scale-Space
* Dynamic Appearance-Based Recognition
* Dynamic Object Capture Using Fast Vision Tracking
* Edge Flow: A Framework of Boundary Detection and Image Segmentation
* Edge Localization in Surface Reconstruction Using Optimal Estimation Theory
* Edge-Detection of Color Images Using Directional Operators
* Effect of Temporal Image Filters on Observer-Dependent Contrast Metrics, The
* Effective Classification of Planar Shapes Based on Curve Segment Properties
* Efficient Approximation of Range Images Through Data-Dependent Adaptive Triangulations
* Efficient Automatic Text Location Method and Content-Based Indexing and Structuring of Video Database
* Efficient Class of Alternating Sequential Filters in Morphology, An
* Efficient General-Purpose Image Compression with Binary-Tree Predictive Coding
* Efficient Guaranteed Search for Gray-Level Patterns
* Efficient Regularity-Based Grouping
* Efficient Stereo with Multiple Windowing
* Efficient Window Block Retrieval in Quadtree-Based Spatial Databases
* Ego Motion Estimation Using Optical Flow Fields Observed from Multiple Cameras
* Empirical Bayesian EM Based Motion Segmentation
* Environment for Modeling and Design of Geographic Applications, An
* Error Analysis of a Real Time Stereo System
* Estimation of Prior Probabilities for Numeral Recognition
* Euclidean Reconstruction from Image Sequences with Varying and Unknown Focal Length and Principal Point
* Experimental Performance Evaluation of Feature Grouping Modules
* Exploration of Polygonal Environments Using Range Data
* Exploring and Evaluating the Consequences of Vector-to-Raster and Raster-to-Vector Conversion
* Extension to the Randomized Hough Transform Exploiting Connectivity, An
* Extracting Surface Textures and Microstructures from Multiple Aerial Images
* Extracting Symmetry Features from Color Images
* Face Detection with Information Based Maximum Discrimination
* Facial Expression Recognition and its Degree Estimation
* Fast 3D Stabilization and Mosaic Construction
* Fast Algorithm for Bottom-Up Document Layout Analysis, A
* Fast Algorithm for Point Pattern-Matching: Invariant to Translations, Rotations and Scale Changes
* Fast Algorithm for the Nearest-Neighbor Classifier, A
* Fast Binary Image Processing Using Binary Decision Diagrams
* Fast Computation of 3-Dimensional Geometric Moments Using a Discrete Divergence Theorem and a Generalization to Higher Dimensions
* Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithms for MPEG and for Partial DCT Information
* Fast Motion Estimator for Real-Time System, A
* Fast Vector Quantization Encoding Method Using Wavelet Transform, A
* Feature Subset-Selection for Classification of Histological Images
* Feature Tracking from an Image Sequence Using Geometric Invariants
* FERET Evaluation Methodology for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* Finding Prototypes for Nearest-Neighbor Classification by Means of Gradient Descent and Deterministic Annealing
* Finite-State Residual Vector Quantization Using a Tree-Structured Competitive Neural Network
* Flexible Images: Matching and Recognition Using Learned Deformations
* FOCUS: Searching for Multi-Colored Objects in a Diverse Image Database
* Four-Step Camera Calibration Procedure with Implicit Image Correction, A
* Fractal Image-Coding Using Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
* Fractional pixel motion estimation of video signals
* Fully 3D Active Surface Models with Self-Inflation and Self-Deflation Forces
* Fusion of Identity Declarations from Dissimilar Sources Using the Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Fuzzy Contextual Classification of Multisource Remote Sensing Images
* Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning Approach to Target Identity and State Fusion in Multisensor Environments
* General Filter for Measurements with Any Probability Distribution, A
* General Framework For Geometry-Driven Evolution-Equations, A
* Geometric Constraints on Hypothesis Generation for Monocular Building Extraction
* Global Framework for Qualitative Shape Description, A
* Global Training of Document Processing Systems Using Graph Transformer Networks
* Gradient Vector Flow: A New External Force for Snakes
* Growth-Processes Based on 8-Neighbor Time Delays
* Hierarchical Neural-Network Architecture for Handwritten Numeral Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Recognition of Articulated Objects from Single Perspective Views
* Hopfield Neural-Network for Adaptive Image Segmentation: An Active Surface Paradigm, A
* Hybrid Framework for Surface Registration and Deformable Models, An
* Hyperpatches for 3D Model Acquisition and Tracking
* Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Entropy-Constrained Predictive Trellis-Coded Quantization
* Identification of Salient Contours in Cluttered Images
* Image Based View Synthesis of Articulated Agents
* Image Based Visual Motion Cue for Autonomous Navigation, An
* Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
* Image processing device for processing grey level images
* Image signal decoding device capable of removing block distortion with simple structure
* Image Velocity Estimation from Trajectory Surface in Spatiotemporal Space
* Image-Based Virtual World Generation
* Image-Coding Making Use of B-Spline Surfaces
* Image-Processing in Basic: An Examination of Its Potential
* Images as Embedding Maps and Minimal Surfaces: Movies, Color, and Volumetric Medical Images
* Imposing Hard Constraints on Deformable Models Through Optimization in Orthogonal Subspaces
* Independent 3D Motion Detection Based on Depth Elimination in Normal Flow Fields
* Inferring 2D Object Structure from the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Influence of an Explicitly Modeled 3D Scene on the Tracking of Partially Occluded Vehicles
* Information-Based Approach to Performance Estimation and Requirements Allocation in Multisensor Fusion for Target Recognition
* Infrared Technology and Applications XXIII
* Interaction with On-Screen Objects Using Visual Gesture Recognition
* Intermediate Annotationless Dynamical Object-Index-Based Query in Large Image Archives with Holographic Representation
* Inverse Half-Toning via MAP Estimation
* Investigation of the Selection of Texture Features for Crop Discrimination Using SAR Imagery, An
* Iterative Curve Organization with the EM Algorithm
* LAFTER: Lips and Face Real Time Tracker
* Layered DCT Still Image Compression
* Learning and Recognizing Human Dynamics in Video Sequences
* Learning Bilinear Models for Two Factor Problems in Vision
* Learning Generic Prior Models for Visual Computation
* Learning Parameterized Models of Image Motion
* Lens Distortion Calibration Using Point Correspondences
* Linear Fitting with Missing Data: Applications to Structure from Motion and to Characterizing Intensity Images
* Lip Reading from Scale-Space Measurements
* Local Blur Estimation and Super Resolution
* Machine Learning Approach for Acquiring Descriptive Classification Rules of Shape Contours, A
* Matching 3-D Arcs
* Matching 3-D Models to 2-D Images
* MDL Estimation for Small Sample Sizes and Its Application to Segmenting Binary Strings
* Method and apparatus for locally switching gray dot types to reproduce an image with gray level printing
* Minimum-Variance Adaptive Surface Mesh, A
* Mixture-Models with Higher-Order Moments
* Mobile Robot That Learns Its Place, A
* Mobile Root Positioning: Sensors and Techniques
* Model for Integrating Image-Processing into Decision Aids for Diagnostic-Radiology, A
* Model-Based Approach to Accurate and Consistent 3-D Modeling of Drainage and Surrounding Terrain
* Model-Based Image-Reconstruction by Means of a Constrained Least-Squares Solution
* Model-Based Multi Objective Analysis of Ultrasound Image Sequences in Prenatal Diagnosis
* Model-to-SAR Image Registration
* Modelling of Single Mode Distributions of Colour Data Using Directional Statistics
* Motion Analysis By Translational Decomposition
* Motion Estimation Using Ordinal Measures
* Motion of Disturbances: Detection and Tracking of Multi-Body Non-Rigid Motion
* Multi Image Focus of Attention for Rapid Site Model Construction
* Multi-Modal Tracking of Faces for Video Communications
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Gain Control of IR Images
* Multi-Scale Classification of 3D Objects
* Multiple over-the-Horizon Radar Track Association
* Multiscale Approach to Image Sequence-Analysis
* Multisensor Hough Transform and Logic-Based Track Initiation Techniques
* Nadaraya-Watson Estimator for Sensor Fusion
* Name-It: Association Of Face And Name In Video
* Neural-Network Fusion Capabilities for Efficient Implementation of Tracking Algorithms
* New Interpretation of ROMKF, A
* New Prediction Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation in Video Coding, A
* New RCS Statistical-Model of Radar Targets, A
* Non-Parametric Similarity Measures for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation and Image Retrieval
* Nonlinear Operators in Image Restoration
* Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation
* Novel Iterative Optimizing Quantization Technique and Its Application to X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy for 3-Dimensional Reconstruction from a Limited Number of Views
* Novel Scheme for Optimizing Partitioned VQ Using a Modified Resolution Measure, A
* Novel View Synthesis in Tensor Space
* Novel-Approach to Feature-Selection Based on Analysis of Class Regions, A
* Object Based Video Indexing for Virtual Studio Productions
* Object Detection Using Gabor Filters
* Object Detection Using Hierarchical MRF and MAP Estimation
* Object Detection with Vector Quantized Binary Features
* Object Model Construction by Invariance and Photogrammetry
* Object Recognition Research at MIT: Introduction
* Object Recognition Using Appearance Based Parts and Relations
* Object Recognition Using Invariant Profiles
* Object Tracking Using Affine Structure for Point Correspondences
* Object-Based Coding of Stereo Image Sequences Using Joint 3-D Motion/Disparity Compensation
* Object-Oriented Software Design in Semiautomatic Building Extraction
* Obtaining Base Edge Correspondence in Stereo Images via Quantitative Measures Along C-Diagonals
* On 3D Differential-Operators for Detecting Point Landmarks
* On Hausdorff-Like Metrics for Fuzzy-Sets
* On Occluding Contour Artifacts in Stereo Vision
* On Perpendicular Texture or: Why Do We See More Flowers in the Distance?
* On Photometric Issues in 3D Visual Recognition from a Single 2D Image
* On the Computational-Complexity of the LBG and PNN Algorithms
* On the Design of Quadratic Filters with Application to Image-Processing
* On the Geometry of Visual Correspondence
* On the Use of Gibbs Priors for Bayesian Image Restoration
* On-Range Sensor Feedback for Mobile Robot Docking within Prescribed Posture Tolerances
* Online Handwritten Segmentation in Linear Drawings
* Operationally Efficient Architectures for Fusion of Binary Decision Sensors in Multidecision Environments
* Optic Flow Calculation Using Robust Statistics
* Optimal Selection of Camera Parameters for Recovery of Depth from Defocused Images
* Optimal Wiener Interpolation Filters for Multiresolution Coding of Images
* Optimized Nonorthogonal Transforms for Image Compression
* Optimum Filter for Detecting a Target in Multiplicative Noise and Additive Noise
* Orientation Diffusions
* Panoramic Mosaics By Manifold Projection
* Parallel Algorithm for Detecting Dominant Points on Multiple Digital Curves, A
* Parameter-Estimation for Optimal Object Recognition: Theory and Application
* Parameterized Structure from Motion for 3D Adaptive Feedback Tracking of Faces
* Parametric and Nonparametric Unsupervised Cluster-Analysis
* Paraperspective Factorization Method for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Partial Rotation-Invariant Pattern-Matching and Face Recognition with a Joint Transform Correlator
* Patch-Based Stereo in a General Binocular Viewing Geometry
* Pattern-Classification with Genetic Algorithms: Incorporation of Chromosome Differentiation
* Pedestrian Detection Using Wavelet Templates
* Photometric Computation of the Sign of Gaussian Curvature using a Curve-Orientation Invariant
* Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction by Voxel Coloring
* Physically Based Fluid Flow Recovery from Image Sequences
* Physics-Based Segmentation of Complex Objects Using Multiple Hypotheses of Image-Formation
* Physics-Based Visual Understanding
* Pictorial Recognition Using Affine-Invariant Spectral Signatures
* Picture Coding Employing B-Spline Surfaces with Multiple Vertices
* Point-in-Polygon Analysis Under Certainty and Uncertainty
* Polygonal Object Recognition with the Use of the Hough Transform
* Polynomial-Time Geometric Matching for Object Recognition
* Practicing Vision: Integration, Evaluation and Applications
* Prediction Intervals for Surface Growing Range Segmentation
* Preliminary Results on the Analysis of HYDICE Data for Information Fusion in Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Processes to Support Error Estimation for Model Supported Positioning
* Projective Recovery of Structure from Nonrigid Motion Using Temporal Fusion
* Projective Registration with Difference Decomposition
* Pulse-Coupled Image Fusion
* Radar Backscatter Analysis for Urban Environments
* Radar Probability of Detection for Some Additional Fluctuating Target Cases
* Rational Discrete Generalized Cylinders And Their Application To Shape Recovery In Medical Images
* Real Time Closed World Tracking
* Real Time Computer Vision System for Measuring Traffic Parameters, A
* Real-Time Distributed Sensor Fusion for Time Critical Sensor Readings
* Real-Time Estimation of Human Body Posture from Monocular Thermal Images
* Real-Time MPEG-1 Audio Coding and Decoding on a DSP Chip
* Real-time stereo vision on the PARTS reconfigurable computer
* Recognition of Hand Gestures with 3D, Nonlinear Arm Movement
* Recognizing Objects by Matching Oriented Points
* Reconstruction of 3-D Curves from 2-D Images Using Affine Shape Methods for Curves
* Recovering the Shape of Polyhedra Using Line-Drawing Analysis and Complex Reflectance Models
* Recovery of Ego-Motion Using Region Alignment
* Recursive Resolving Algorithm For Multiple Stereo And Motion Matches
* Recursive Structure and Motion from Image Sequences Using Shape and Depth Spaces
* Redundancy Of Parallel Thinning
* Reflectance and Texture of Real-World Surfaces
* Region-Level Graph Labeling Approach to Motion-Based Segmentation, A
* Registering Multiple Cartographic Models with the Hierarchical Mixture of Expert Algorithms
* Registration and Exploitation of Multi-pass Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Registration of Mobile Sensors Using the Parallelized Extended Kalman Filter
* Removing the Bias from Line Detection
* Representation and Recognition of Action Using Temporal Templates, The
* Representation of Objects in a Volumetric Frequency Domain with Application to Face Recognition
* Resolving Occlusion in Augmented Reality: A Contour Based Approach Without 3D Reconstruction
* Ridge's Corner Detection and Correspondence
* Robust Analysis of Feature Spaces: Color Image Segmentation
* Robust and Convergent Iterative Approach for Determining the Dominant Plane from Two Views Without Correspondence and Calibration, A
* Robust Methods for High-Quality Stills from Interlaced Video in the Presence of Dominant Motion
* Robust Occluding Contour Detection Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Robust Optical-Flow Estimation Using Semi-Invariant Local Features
* Rocket Plume Image Sequence Enhancement Using 3D Operators
* Role of Model-Based Segmentation in the Recovery of Volumetric Parts from Range Data, The
* Scale-Space Vector Fields for Feature Analysis
* Scene Adaptive and Signal Adaptive Quantization for Subband Image and Video Compression Using Wavelets, A
* Scheme for Intelligent Image Retrieval in Multimedia Databases, A
* Segmentation and Recognition of Arabic Characters by Structural Classification
* Self-Maintaining Camera Calibration over Time
* Self-Organizing Neural Networks for Spatial Data
* Sensor Fusion 1997
* Separation of Reflection Components Using Color and Polarization
* Separators for Sphere-Packings and Nearest-Neighbor Graphs
* Shape Alignment: Optimal Initial Point and Pose Estimation
* Shape and Albedo from Multiple Images Using Integrability
* Shape from the Light Field Boundary
* Shape Indexing Using Approximate Nearest-Neighbour Search in High-Dimensional Spaces
* Shocks from Images: Propagation of Orientation Elements
* Simple And Efficient Search Algorithm for Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Simple Parametric Equation for Pseudocoloring Grey-Scale Images Keeping Their Original Brightness Progression, A
* Smoothness in Layers: Motion Segmentation Using Nonparametric Mixture Estimation
* Source Model for Transform Video Coder and Its Application I: Fundamental Theory
* Source Model for Transform Video Coder and Its Application II: Variable Frame Rate Coding
* Space-Efficient Outlines from Image Data via Vertex Minimization and Grid Constraints
* Spatial Indexing for Video Databases
* Spatially Dependent Texture Analysis and Control in Digital Half-Toning
* Spatiotemporal Video Segmentation Using a Joint Similarity Measure
* Special Issue on Indexing, Storage, Browsing, and Retrieval of Images and Video: Guest Editors Introduction
* Speechreading Using Probabilistic Models
* Static/Dynamic Distributed Interacting Multiple Model Fusion Algorithms for Multiplatform Multisensor Tracking
* Statistical Approaches to Feature-Based Object Recognition
* Stereo Coupled Active Contours
* Stereo-Motion That Complements Stereo and Motion Analyses
* Storage-Constrained and Entropy-Constrained Multistage Vector Quantization and Its Applications to Progressive Image Transmission
* Stratified Approach To Metric Self-Calibration, A
* Subband-Coded Image-Reconstruction for Lossy Packet Networks
* Supporting Content-Based Retrieval in Large Image Database-Systems
* Suppression of False Edge-Detection Due to Specular Reflection in Color Images
* Surface Curvature and Shape Reconstruction from Unknown Multiple Illumination and Integrability
* Surface Microstructure Extraction from Multiple Aerial Images
* Surface Shape from Warping
* Symmetry as a Continuous Feature: Comment
* Synthesizing Perspective Views of 3D Scenes From Multiple Reference Images Using a Synergy of Point and Line Invariant Transfer Algorithms
* Target Fluctuation Models for Radar System-Design and Performance Analysis: An Overview of 3 Papers
* Target Identification with Bayesian Networks in a Multiple Hypothesis Tracking System
* Target Model Pitfalls (Illness, Diagnosis, and Prescription)
* Target Signature Consistency of Image Data Fusion Alternatives
* Techniques for Fast Partitioning of Compressed and Uncompressed Video
* Temporal Classification of Natural Gesture with Application to Video Coding
* Temporal Multi-Scale Models for Flow and Acceleration
* Texture Fusion and Feature-Selection Applied to SAR Imagery
* Texture Synthesis by L-Systems
* Thresholding Multiresolution Block Matching Algorithm, A
* Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Images Based on Reduced Sufficient Statistics, A
* Tracking Non-Rigid Moving Objects Based on Color Cluster Flow
* Training Support Vector Machines: An Application to Face Detection
* Translation and Rotation of Binary Images Encoded as Minimized Boolean Functions
* Triplet Geometric Representation: A Novel Scale, Translation and Rotation-Invariant Feature Representation Based on Geometric Constraints for Recognition of 2D Object Features
* True Multi-Image Alignment and Its Application to Mosaicing and Lens Distortion Correction
* Uncalibrated 1D Camera and 3D Affine Reconstruction of Lines
* Understanding the Hough Transform: Hough Cell Support and Its Utilization
* Unified Approach to Iconic Indexing, Retrieval, and Maintenance of Spatial Relationships in Image Databases, A
* Use of Neural Networks to Estimate the Number of Nodes of an Edge Quadtree
* Using 3D Features to Improve Terrain Classification
* Using Chromaticity Distributions and Eigenspace Analysis for Pose-, Illumination- and Specularity-Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects
* Using Differential Constraints to Reconstruct Complex Surfaces from Stereo
* Using Geometric Corners to Build a 2D Mosaic from a Set of Images
* Using Local 3D Structure for Segmentation of Bone from Computer Tomography Images
* Vectorizations of Randomized Matching for Run-Length Coded Strings
* Velcro Surfaces: Fast Initialization of Deformable Models
* Velocity And Disparity Cues For Robust Real-Time Binocular Tracking
* Verifying Model-Based Alignments in the Presence of Uncertainty
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Color Video Coding Using Adaptive Subband Vector Quantization with Dynamic Bit Allocation
* Video Annotation by Motion Interpretation Using Optical-Flow Streams
* Video Skimming and Characterization through the Combination of Image and Language Understanding Techniques
* View Generation for 3-Dimensional Scenes from Video Sequences
* Virtualized Reality: Constructing Virtual Worlds From Real Scenes
* Vision for a Smart Kiosk
* Volumetric Segmentation of Medical Images by Three-Dimensional Bubbles
* Wavelet Transforms in a JPEG-Like Image Coder
* Wavelet-Based Image Denoising Using a Markov Random-Field a-Priori Model
* What Is A Light Source?
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