Journals starting with mva_

MVA( Vol No. ) * *Machine Vision and Applications

MVA(1) * 3-D Imaging Systems and High-Speed Processing for Robot Control
* Active, Optical Range Imaging Sensors
* Applications of Dynamic Monocular Machine Vision
* Automatic Optical Inspection of Plated Through-Holes for Ultrahigh Density Printed Wiring Boards
* Background subtraction algorithms for videodensitometric quantification of coronary stenosis
* Class of Adaptive Model- and Object-Driven Nonuniform Sampling Methods for 3-D Inspection, A
* Dynamic Monocular Machine Vision
* Image-Recognition System Using Algorithmically Dedicated Integrated Circuits, An
* Interactive and Automatic Image Recognition System
* Measure theoretic imaging, with an example employing magnetic resonance input
* Model-based estimation techniques for 3-D reconstruction from projections
* P300: A System for Automatic Pattern Wafer Inspection, The
* Perception engineering
* Pipeline Architectures for Morphologic Image Analysis
* Projection-Based High Accuracy Measurement of Straight Line Edges
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MVA(10) * Adjacency Matrix Generation from the Image of Graphs: A Morphological Approach
* Assessing the Condition of a Plant
* Automatic High-Resolution Optoelectronic Photogrammetric 3D Surface Geometry Acquisition-System
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Arm Motion from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Automatic Threshold Selection Based on Histogram Modes and a Discriminant Criterion
* Automatic Video Data Structuring Through Shot Partitioning and Key-Frame Computing
* Classification and Segmentation of Vector Flow-Fields Using a Neural-Network
* Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Masks for Appearance Matching of Occluded Scenes
* Comparison of Local Surface Geometry Estimation Methods, A
* Direct Linear Sub-Pixel Correlation by Incorporation of Neighbor Pixels Information and Robust Estimation of Window Transformation
* Efficient Extraction of Primitives from Line-Drawings Composed of Horizontal and Vertical Lines
* Expressive Language and Interface for Image Querying, An
* Extracting Characters of License Plates from Video Sequences
* Image and Video Indexing Using Vector Quantization
* Local Method for Contour Matching and Its Parallel Implementation, A
* Memory-Based Approach to Sensory-Motor Coordination, A
* Mobile Robot Navigation and Scene Modeling Using Stereo Fish-Eye Lens System
* Model-Based Interpretation of Stereo Imagery of Textured Surfaces
* Multipass Hierarchical Stereo Matching for Generation of Digital Terrain Models from Aerial Images
* New Phase Extraction Algorithm for Phase Profilometry, A
* Nonlinear Filtering of Magnetic Resonance Tomograms by Geometry Driven Diffusion
* Optic Flow Estimation by a Hopfield Neural-Network Using Geometrical Constraints
* Recognition of Handprinted Numerals in Visa(R) Card Application Forms
* Retina-Like Visual Sensor for Fast Tracking and Navigation Robots
* Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination: New Solutions with Uncalibrated Stereo Cameras
* Robust Classification of Arbitrary Object Classes Based on Hierarchical Spatial Feature-Matching
* Sign Language Recognition Using Model-Based Tracking and a 3D Hopfield Neural-Network
* Silhouette-Based Occluded Object Recognition Through Curvature Scale-Space
* Spectral Covariance and Fuzzy Regions for Image Indexing
* Stereovision System for a Planetary Rover: Calibration, Correlation, Registration, and Fusion, A
* System to Understand Hand-Drawn Floor-Plans Using Subgraph Isomorphism and Hough Transform, A
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MVA(11) * Adaptive target recognition
* Analog Computation for Phase-Based Disparity Estimation: Continuous and Discrete Models
* Automated Delineation of Individual Tree Crowns in High Spatial Resolution Aerial Images by Multiple Scale Analysis
* Automatic detection of vehicle occupants: The Imaging Problem and its solution
* Automatic registration of ceramic tiles for the purpose of fault detection
* CATALOG: a system for detection and rendering of internal log defects using computer tomography
* Deformable Model of the Human Iris for Measuring Small 3-Dimensional Eye Movements, A
* Extending Color Vision Methods to Bands Beyond the Visible
* Fast Algorithm for Detecting Die Extrusion Defects in IC Packages, A
* Genetic Algorithms for Clustering in Machine Vision
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on computer vision beyond the visible spectrum
* hybrid approach for stereo disparity computation, A
* Image Retrieval Using Efficient Local Area Matching
* Image-guided decision support system for pathology
* Interactive Tool for Recognizing Structured Figures with Variable Shapes, An
* LADAR Target Detection Using Morphological Shared-Weight Neural Networks
* Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surface texture analysis
* Measuring rectangularity
* Mixing Synthetic and Video Images of an Outdoor Urban Environment
* MODEEP: A motion-based object detection and pose estimation method for airborne FLIR sequences
* Model-Based Dynamic Hand Posture Identification Using Genetic Algorithm, The
* Motion of Disturbances: Detection and Tracking of Multi-Body Non-Rigid Motion
* new and fast approach for DPIV using an incompressible affine flow model, A
* On the generalised stock-cutting problem
* Perceptual Correction for Color Grading Using Sensor Transformations and Metameric Data
* Practical Use of Cellular Neural Networks: The Stereo-Vision Problem as an Optimisation, A
* Real-time target tracking applied to improve fragmentation of renal stones in extra-corporeal lithotripsy
* Regularized CDWT optical flow applied to moving-target detection in IR imagery
* Restoring subsampled color images
* Robust real-time ground plane motion compensation from a moving vehicle
* System For A New 2-Dimensional Code: Secure 2D Code, A
* Towards the Recovery of Extrinsic Camera Parameters from Video Records of Sewer Surveys
* vision system based on a laser range-finder applied to robotic fruit harvesting, A
* Visual Routines for Real Time Monitoring of Vehicle Behavior
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MVA(12) * Active shape from stereo for highway inspection
* Algorithms for coplanar camera calibration
* Appearance-Based Visual Learning and Object Recognition with Illumination Invariance
* automatic assessment scheme for steel quality inspection, An
* Automatic Extraction of Roads from Aerial Images Based on Scale Space and Snakes
* Automatic IC orientation checks
* Building a color classification system for textured and hue homogeneous surfaces: system calibration and algorithm
* compact algorithm for rectification of stereo pairs, A
* Efficient CAD-based triangulation of unordered 3D data
* Empirical evaluation of a calibration chart detector
* Fast prototyping of parallel-vision applications using functional skeletons
* Geometric fusion for a hand-held 3D sensor
* Geometry-driven-diffusion filtering of magnetic resonance images using model-based conductance
* golden-template self-generating method for patterned wafer inspection, A
* High performance computing for industrial visual inspection
* Image feedback path tracking control using an uncalibrated CCD camera
* Increasing flexibility for automatic visual inspection: the general analysis graph
* Machine vision system for curved surface inspection
* method for inspecting industrial parts surfaces based on an optics model, A
* model-based hand gesture recognition system, A
* Multi-sensor recognition of electronic components
* Novel precision target detection with adaptive thresholding for dynamic image segmentation
* Perceptual correction for colour grading of random textures
* Pipelined parallelisation of automatic face inspection
* Real-Time CAM-Based Hough Transform Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation
* Real-time multiple vehicle detection and tracking from a moving vehicle
* robust eigenspace method for obtaining feature values in high-speed massively parallel vision systems, A
* Robust online detection of pipeline corrosion from range data
* Robust parametric active contours: the Sandwich Snakes
* Tracking a Person with Pre-Recorded Image Database by a Pan, Tilt, and Zoom Camera
* Widening the dynamic range of pictures using a minimum spanning tree algorithm
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MVA(13) * Accuracy bounds and optimal computation of robot localization
* Affine-invariant curve normalization for object shape representation, classification, and retrieval
* Augmented Geophysical Data Interpretation Through Automated Velocity Picking in Semblance Velocity Images
* Automatic mineral identification using genetic programming
* bin picking system based on depth from defocus, A
* Defect detection in textured surfaces using color ring-projection correlation
* Dry camera calibration for underwater applications
* Efficient multi-modal image registration using local-frequency maps
* Evaluation of statistical and multiple-hypothesis tracking for video traffic surveillance
* Fast image thresholding by finding the zero(s) of the first derivative of between-class variance
* Fast template matching using bounded partial correlation
* Fractal analysis of tumor in brain MR images
* golden-block-based self-refining scheme for repetitive patterned wafer inspections, A
* Head tracking using stereo
* Intermediate-level feature extraction in novel parallel environments
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Applications of Computer Vision
* Localization of spherical fruits for robotic harvesting
* Model-based detection, segmentation, and classification for image analysis using on-line shape learning
* model-driven approach for real-time road recognition, A
* Motion compensated film restoration
* Motion detection with nonstationary background
* Motion Segmentation and Pose Recognition with Motion History Gradients
* Range image segmentation using local approximation of scan lines with application to CAD model acquisition
* reconfigurable architecture for autonomous visual-navigation, A
* REFLICS: Real-time Flow Imaging and Classification System
* Registration of Technical Drawings and Calibrated Images for Industrial Augmented Reality
* Robust and efficient map-to-image registration with line segments
* Shooting a smooth video with a shaky camera
* Straight lines have to be straight
* Tracking and MAP reconstruction of line scratches in degraded motion pictures
* Tracking the human arm using constraint fusion and multiple-cue localization
* Utilization of stereo disparity and optical flow information for the computer analysis of human interactions
* vision system for an underwater cable tracker, A
* Wood inspection with non-supervised clustering
* Zoom tracking and its applications
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MVA(14) * 3D motion estimation of bubbles of gas in fluid glass, using an optical flow gradient technique extended to a third dimension
* Animated statues
* Automatic acquisition and initialization of articulated models
* color object recognition scheme: application to cellular sorting, A
* Computer vision for human modelling and analysis
* Computer vision systems
* curvature-based multiresolution automatic karyotyping system, A
* fast focus measure for video display inspection, A
* Fast self-localization method for mobile robots using multiple omnidirectional vision sensors
* Human motion analysis for biomechanics and biomedicine
* Human movement capture and analysis in intelligent environments
* Introduction to the special issue on human modeling, analysis, and synthesis
* Low-cost interactive active range finder
* Measuring Shape: Ellipticity, Rectangularity, and Triangularity
* MOBSY: Integration of Vision and Dialogue in Service Robots
* Modelling and estimating the pose of a human arm
* Omnidirectional image-based modeling: three approaches to approximated plenoptic representations
* On the Improvement of Anthropometry and Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Image
* perceptive workbench: Computer-vision-based gesture tracking, object tracking, and 3D reconstruction for augmented desks, The
* Problems, ongoing research and future directions in motion research
* Radar and vision data fusion for hybrid adaptive cruise control on highways
* Rapid omnidirectional vision acquisition using an intelligent linear scanning technique
* Real-Time Vision Module for Interactive Perceptual Agents, A
* Reconstructing a textured CAD model of an urban environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range Scanners and Line Cameras
* Road feature detection and estimation
* Rolling and swaying motion estimation for a mobile robot by using omnidirectional optical flows
* secret of velvety skin, The
* Special issue on omnidirectional vision and its applications
* stereo-vision system for support of planetary surface exploration, A
* System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship Structure, A
* Towards Robust Multi-Cue Integration for Visual Tracking
* Understanding human behavior from motion imagery
* Video arrays for real-time tracking of person, head, and face in an intelligent room
* View-based navigation using an omniview sequence in a corridor environment
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MVA(15) * Aircraft identification integrated into an airport surface surveillance video system
* Automated analysis of DNA hybridization images for high-throughput genomics
* CAD-based 3D data acquisition strategy for inspection, A
* Classification of honeybee pollen using a multiscale texture filtering scheme
* Deformation visual inspection of industrial parts with image sequence
* DETER: Detection of events for threat evaluation and recognition
* Eye and gaze tracking for interactive graphic display
* Feature extraction of finger-vein patterns based on repeated line tracking and its application to personal identification
* Filter-based feature selection for rail defect detection
* Finding the focus of expansion and estimating range using optical flow images and a matched filter
* Fusion of laser and visual data for robot motion planning and collision avoidance
* Horizon picking in 3D seismic data volumes
* Image Acquisition Using Aperture Control Adapted to Spatio-Temporal Properties
* Microscopic vision system with all-in-focus and depth images
* modified Multi Scale Retinex algorithm with an improved global impression of brightness for wide dynamic range pictures, A
* mosaicing approach for the acquisition and representation of 3D painted surfaces for conservation and restoration purposes, A
* Robust DNA microarray image analysis
* Segmentation and range sensing using a moving-aperture lens
* Ship identification in sequential ISAR imagery
* Signature analysis and defect detection in layered manufacturing of ceramic sensors and actuators
* Stereo vision system for precision dimensional inspection of 3D holes
* Tool wear monitoring using a fast Hough transform of images of machined surfaces
* Video shot characterization
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MVA(16) * 3D surface analysis using coupled HMMs
* Australian sign language recognition
* Automatic diatom identification using contour analysis by morphological curvature scale spaces
* Automatic model-based 3D object recognition by combining feature matching with tracking
* Brand Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms
* Camera cooperation for achieving visual attention
* CeDAR: A real-world vision system: Mechanism, control and visual processing
* Colour tonality inspection using eigenspace features
* Comparison of three individual tree crown detection methods
* Computing Depth Maps from Descent Imagery
* CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its purpose, features, and structure, The
* Dynamically Reconfigurable Vision-Based User Interfaces
* efficient method for geo-referenced video mosaicing for environmental monitoring, An
* Efficient Pose Estimation Using View-Based Object Representations
* Estimation and monitoring of product aesthetics: Application to manufacturing of engineered stone countertops
* Estimation of a fluorescent lamp spectral distribution for color image in machine vision
* Fault segmentation in fabric images using Gabor wavelet transform
* Image fusion method based on nonseparable wavelets
* Image interpolation for virtual sports scenarios
* Imalab Method for Vision Systems, The
* Implementing the Expert Object Recognition Pathway
* Information extraction from image sequences of real-world facial expressions
* Integrating Context-Free and Context-Dependent Attentional Mechanisms for Gestural Object Reference
* Introduction to the special issue: International Conference on Vision Systems
* Layer-based video registration
* machine vision approach to the grading of crushed aggregate, A
* machine vision system for quantifying velocity fields in complex rock models, A
* mathematical morphology approach to image based 3D particle shape analysis, A
* multiview 3D modeling system based on stereo vision techniques, A
* new method for implementing moment functions in a CMOS retina, A
* nondestructive automated defect detection system for silicon carbide wafers, A
* Novel fuzzy test patterns and their application in the measurement of geometric characteristics of displays
* novel machine vision application for analysis and visualization of confocal microscopic images, A
* Parametric ego-motion estimation for vehicle surround analysis using an omnidirectional camera
* Photorealistic 3D reconstruction from handheld cameras
* Preemptive RANSAC for live structure and motion estimation
* scalable model-based hand posture analysis system, A
* Shape analysis of concrete aggregates for statistical quality modeling
* structured light vision system for out-of-plane vibration frequencies location of a moving web, A
* Texture analysis based on local analysis of the Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Towards Ontology Based Cognitive Vision
* Tracking-based depth recovery for virtual reality applications
* Type classification, color estimation, and specific target detection of moving targets on public streets
* VICs: A modular HCI framework using spatiotemporal dynamics
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MVA(17) * Agile Stereo Pair for active vision, The
* Automatic fog detection and estimation of visibility distance through use of an onboard camera
* Comparison of the nearest feature classifiers for face recognition
* Computer vision based methods for detecting weeds in lawns
* Computer Vision for Nanoscale Imaging
* Detecting and Measuring Fine Roots in Minirhizotron Images Using Matched Filtering and Local Entropy Thresholding
* Deterioration of visual information in face classification using Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces
* Efficient extraction of metric measurements for planar scene under 2D homography with the help of planar circles
* empirical evaluation of factors influencing camera calibration accuracy using three publicly available techniques, An
* Fourier-Based Object Description in Defect Image Retrieval
* Graph-based Method to Remove Interferential Curve From Text Image, A
* Hybrid Stereo Configurations Through a Cylindrical Sensor Calibration
* Improved segmentation of semiconductor defects using area sieves
* machine-vision system to measure the parameters describing the performance of a Foucault pendulum, A
* model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification, A
* Morphological segmentation and classification of underground pipe images
* noise-resistant algorithm for grid finding in microarray image analysis, A
* On the Use of Hash Functions as Preprocessing Algorithms to Detect Defects on Repeating Definite Textures
* Ontological inference for image and video analysis
* Petroglyph digitization: enabling cultural heritage scholarship
* Real Time Machine Learning Based Car Detection in Images With Fast Training
* Recent Developments in 3D Multi-modal Laser Imaging Applied to Cultural Heritage
* Reconfigurable hardware implementation of a phase-correlation stereo algorithm
* Robust Approach for Structure from Planar Motion by Stereo Image Sequences, A
* Special issue on 3D acquisition technology for cultural heritage
* System for 3D Modeling Frescoed Historical Buildings with Multispectral Texture Information, A
* Three-dimensional acquisition of large and detailed cultural heritage objects
* Three-dimensional view-invariant face recognition using a hierarchical pose-normalization strategy
* Tool condition classification using Hidden Markov Model based on fractal analysis of machined surface textures
* Towards a Multinational Car License Plate Recognition System
* Tracking the activity of participants in a meeting
* Volumetric Model Reconstruction from Unrestricted Camera Views Based on the Photo-consistency of 3D Voxel Mask
* Web-based 3D Reconstruction Service
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MVA(18) * adaptive focus-of-attention model for video surveillance and monitoring, An
* Addressing corner detection issues for machine vision based UAV aerial refueling
* Automatic extraction and delineation of single trees from remote sensing data
* Calibration of 3D kinematic systems using orthogonality constraints
* Defect Detection in Inhomogeneously Textured Sputtered Surfaces Using 3D Fourier Image Reconstruction
* Detecting textured objects using convex hull
* development and application of a multiple wavelength illumination technique for the vision-based process monitoring of aero-structure riveting, The
* Face recognition using localized features based on non-negative sparse coding
* Human appearance modeling for matching across video sequences
* Hybrid object labelling in digital images
* image-based feature tracking algorithm for real-time measurement of clad height, An
* Multi-object trajectory tracking
* Multi-person interaction and activity analysis: A synergistic track- and body-level analysis framework
* Novel concepts and challenges for the next generation of video surveillance systems
* Person tracking and reidentification: Introducing Panoramic Appearance Map (PAM) for feature representation
* Pose estimation for objects with planar surfaces using eigenimage and range data analysis
* Probabilistic-topological calibration of widely distributed camera networks
* Qualitative part-based models in content-based image retrieval
* Real-time control of video surveillance systems with program supervision techniques
* Reflection-area-based feature descriptor for solder joint inspection
* Retina simulation using cellular automata and GPU programming
* Scout: a game speed analysis and tracking system
* separation of reflected and transparent layers from real-world image sequence, The
* Shadow based texture registration for 3D modeling of outdoor scenes
* Shape from shading for the digitization of curved documents
* system for articulated tracking incorporating a clothing model, A
* Tracking people across disjoint camera views by an illumination-tolerant appearance representation
* Using distance transform to solve real-time machine vision inspection problems
* Video understanding for complex activity recognition
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MVA(19) * Adaptive video communication for an intelligent distributed system: Tuning sensors parameters for surveillance purposes
* Aggregation of classifiers based on image transformations in biometric face recognition
* Automated insect identification through concatenated histograms of local appearance features: feature vector generation and region detection for deformable objects
* Automatic detection of dust devils and clouds on Mars
* Characterization of surface deformation with the Edge of LightTM technique
* Classification of face images using local iterated function systems
* Coopetitive multi-camera surveillance using model predictive control
* Crowd analysis: a survey
* Detection of irregularities in regular patterns
* Evaluation of an appearance-based 3D face tracker using dense 3D data
* evolution of video surveillance: an overview, The
* Fast pattern recognition using normalized grey-scale correlation in a pyramid image representation
* Feature extraction for man-made objects segmentation in aerial images
* Frame-level temporal calibration of video sequences from unsynchronized cameras
* How close are we to solving the problem of automated visual surveillance?: A review of real-world surveillance, scientific progress and evaluative mechanisms
* IBM smart surveillance system (S3): event based video surveillance system with an open and extensible framework
* Intelligent perception and control for space robotics Autonomous Satellite Rendezvous and Docking
* Intentional motion on-line learning and prediction
* interactive grading and learning system for chinese calligraphy, An
* Measuring and modelling sewer pipes from video
* Morphology-based text line extraction
* new graph cut-based multiple active contour algorithm without initial contours and seed points, A
* novel approach for recognition of human actions with semi-global features, A
* Object matching in disjoint cameras using a color transfer approach
* occlusion metric for selecting robust camera configurations, An
* Pearson-based mixture model for color object tracking
* Real-time edge-enhanced dynamic correlation and predictive open-loop car-following control for robust tracking
* Retrieving articulated 3-D models using medial surfaces
* Self-identifying patterns for plane-based camera calibration
* Special issue on video surveillance research in industry and academia
* Thermo-visual feature fusion for object tracking using multiple spatiogram trackers
* Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multiple human tracking with identities
* Tracking with general regression
* unified learning framework for object detection and classification using nested cascades of boosted classifiers, A
* Waterfront surveillance and trackability
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MVA(2) * Analysis of Textual Images Using the Hough Transform
* Architecture for Region Boundary Extraction in Raster Scan Images Suitable for VLSI Implementation, An
* Combined Decision Theoretic and Syntactic Approach to Image Segmentation
* Extraction of graphic primitives from images of paper based line drawings
* fruit-tracking system for robotic harvesting, A
* Knowledge-directed inspection for complex multilayered patterns
* Model-Based Computer Vision System for Recognizing Handwritten ZIP Codes, A
* Parallel Computer Vision on Polymorphic Torus Architecture
* Performance Assessment of Near-Perfect Machines
* Range Estimation from Intensity Gradient Analysis
* Real-Time Model Based Geometric Reasoning for Vision-Guided Navigation
* Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Patterns from Fourier Descriptors
* Report on Range Image Understanding Workshop
* Robust Window Operators
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MVA(20) * 1D-based defect detection in patterned TFT-LCD panels using characteristic fractal dimension and correlations
* Aerial tracking of elongated objects in rural environments
* Augmented reality on cloth with realistic illumination
* Automatic extraction of brushstroke orientation from paintings: POET: prevailing orientation extraction technique
* BearCam: automated wildlife monitoring at the arctic circle
* Color constancy based on local space average color
* Complete discriminant evaluation and feature extraction in kernel space for face recognition
* Computer vision system for high temperature measurements of surface properties
* Data mining for large scale 3D seismic data analysis
* Designing a smart-card-based face verification system: Empirical investigation
* Detection of object abandonment using temporal logic
* efficient image-mosaicing method based on multifeature matching, An
* Gradient-based shape descriptors
* hybrid system for embedded machine vision using FPGAs and neural networks, A
* Improving target detection by coupling it with tracking
* Model-based view planning
* Multi-object segmentation by stereo mismatch
* multimodal approach for 3D face modeling and recognition using 3D deformable facial mask, A
* Multiple target tracking with lazy background subtraction and connected components analysis
* Non-parametric statistical background modeling for efficient foreground region detection
* Online Updating Appearance Generative Mixture Model for Meanshift Tracking
* Reaction-diffusion algorithm for stereo disparity detection
* Real-time gaze tracking with appearance-based models
* robust eye gaze tracking method based on a virtual eyeball model, A
* robust object category detection system using deformable shapes, A
* Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects in Epo doping-control
* Simplified pulse-coupled neural network for adaptive segmentation of fabric defects, A
* Structural similarity-based object tracking in multimodality surveillance videos
* sub-pixel stereo matching algorithm and its applications in fabric imaging, A
* Visual measurement and tracking in laser hybrid welding
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MVA(21) * 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces using a calibrated projector-camera setup
* adaptive, real-time, traffic monitoring system, An
* advanced auto-inspection system for micro-router collapse, An
* Applications of projected circle centers in camera calibration
* Assessment of the influence of adaptive components in trainable surface inspection systems
* Automatic free parking space detection by using motion stereo-based 3D reconstruction
* Automatic optical flank wear measurement of microdrills using level set for cutting plane segmentation
* Automatic resource allocation in a distributed camera network
* comparative evaluation of interest point detectors and local descriptors for visual SLAM, A
* comparison of dimension reduction methods with application to multi-spectral images of sand used in concrete, A
* Comparison of point matching algorithms for the UAV aerial refueling problem
* Comparison of sparse point distribution models
* Correspondence-Free Stereo Vision: Extension from Planar Scene Case to Polyhedral Scene Case
* dedicated hardware architecture for real-time auto-focusing using an FPGA, A
* Defect detection in patterned wafers using anisotropic kernels
* EC-EGI: enriched complex EGI for 3D shape registration
* Efficient borehole detection from single scan data
* Embedded planar surface segmentation system for stereo images
* Estimating the motion of plant root cells from in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy images
* Extending 3D Lucas-Kanade tracking with adaptive templates for head pose estimation
* Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU
* fast connected components labeling algorithm and its application to real-time pupil detection, A
* Fast crack detection method for large-size concrete surface images using percolation-based image processing
* Fusing continuous spectral images for face recognition under indoor and outdoor illuminants
* Gamma/X-ray linear pushbroom stereo for 3D cargo inspection
* generic library for structured real-time computations: GPU implementation applied to retinal and cortical vision processes, A
* Global Hand Pose Estimation by Multiple Camera Ellipse Tracking
* Hough Transform with projection for velocity estimation, A
* Human action detection via boosted local motion histograms
* Impact of object extraction methods on classification performance in surface inspection systems
* Improved gait recognition by multiple-projections normalization
* integrated fire detection and suppression system based on widely available video surveillance, An
* Integrated imaging and vision techniques for industrial inspection: A special issue on machine vision and applications
* Integrating perceptual level of detail with head-pose estimation and its uncertainty
* Interactive color image segmentation with linear programming
* Invariance analysis of modified C2 features: case study: Handwritten digit recognition
* Is local colour normalization good enough for local appearance-based classification?
* License plate localization based on a probabilistic model
* Lip contour extraction for language learning in VEC3D
* Locality preserving and global discriminant projection with prior information
* Medical Image Retrieval Based on Complexity Analysis
* Model-based 3D object detection: Efficient approach using superquadrics
* Multi-camera video surveillance for real-time analysis and reconstruction of soccer games
* Multi-modal defect detection of residual oxide scale on a cold stainless steel strip
* Multiscale and local search methods for real time region tracking with particle filters: local search driven by adaptive scale estimation on GPUs
* Neighborhood linear embedding for intrinsic structure discovery
* New Multi-Unit Iris Authentication Based on Quality Assessment and Score Level Fusion for Mobile Phones, A
* Non-contact 3D acquisition system based on stereo vision and laser triangulation
* novel framework for 3D reconstruction and analysis of ancient inscriptions, A
* Occlusion event detection using geometric features in spatio-temporal volumes
* On design and optimization of face verification systems that are smart-card based
* On tracking inside groups
* On-line modeling for real-time 3D target tracking
* Optimal occlusion of teeth using planar structure information
* Particle filtering strategies for data fusion dedicated to visual tracking from a mobile robot
* Pedestrian tracking by fusion of thermal-visible surveillance videos
* perceptual similarity method by pairwise comparison in a medical image case, A
* performance study for camera pose estimation using visual marker based tracking, A
* Precise ellipse estimation without contour point extraction
* Proposal of a method to analyze 3D deformation/fracture characteristics inside materials based on a stratified matching approach
* quick scale-invariant interest point detecting approach, A
* Rapid automated detection of roots in minirhizotron images
* Recovery of 3D animal motions using cameras and mirrors
* Robust 3D object registration without explicit correspondence using geometric integration
* robust facial feature detection on mobile robot platform, A
* Salient features useful for the accurate segmentation of masticatory muscles from minimum slices subsets of magnetic resonance images
* Single image face orientation and gaze detection
* Surface image synthesis of moving spinning cans using a 1,000-fps area scan camera
* Texture based prelens tear film segmentation in interferometry images
* Texture pattern analysis of kidney tissues for disorder identification and classification using dominant Gabor wavelet
* topological approach to finding grids in calibration patterns, A
* Towards automatic power line detection for a UAV surveillance system using pulse coupled neural filter and an improved Hough transform
* Tracking of vehicle trajectory by combining a camera and a laser rangefinder
* Traffic sign recognition system with beta-correction
* Trainable blotch detection on high resolution archive films minimizing the human interaction
* Two-frame structure from motion using optical flow probability distributions for unmanned air vehicle obstacle avoidance
* Using bidimensional regression to assess face similarity
* Wide-baseline stereo vision for terrain mapping
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MVA(22) * 3D measurement of feature cross-sections of foot while walking
* 3D reconstruction of human face based on an improved seeds-growing algorithm
* Alleviating the computational load of the probabilistic algorithms for circles detection using the connectivity represented by graph
* Artificial neural network approach to authentication of coins by vision-based minimization
* Attention control with reinforcement learning for face recognition under partial occlusion
* Automated quality control of printed flasks and bottles
* Automatic LightBeam Controller for driver assistance
* Automatic multiple view inspection using geometrical tracking and feature analysis in aluminum wheels
* Automatic recognition of complete palynomorphs in digital images
* Camera distortion self-calibration using the plumb-line constraint and minimal Hough entropy
* cognitive and video-based approach for multinational License Plate Recognition, A
* Combining diverse systems for handwritten text line recognition
* Comparing two video-based techniques for driver fatigue detection: classification versus optical flow approach
* Comparison and classification of 3D objects surface point clouds on the example of feet
* comparison of face and facial feature detectors based on the Viola-Jones general object detection framework, A
* Complementary texture and intensity gradient estimation and fusion for watershed segmentation
* Contour segmentation in 2D ultrasound medical images with particle filtering
* Cost-sensitive learning of top-down modulation for attentional control
* Decision tree-based contrast enhancement for various color images
* Detection and correction of specular reflections for automatic surgical tool segmentation in thoracoscopic images
* Determination of motion parameters of a moving range sensor approximated by polynomials for rectification of distorted 3D data
* Distributed, multi-sensor tracking of multiple participants within immersive environments using a 2-cohort camera setup
* Dynamic texture as foreground and background
* Efficient detection and tracking of moving objects in geo-coordinates
* Efficiently extracting and classifying objects for analyzing color documents
* Embedded omni-vision navigator based on multi-object tracking
* Evaluation of robustness against rotation of LBP, CCR and ILBP features in granite texture classification
* Exploiting sparse representations in very high-dimensional feature spaces obtained from patch-based processing
* Feature tracking and matching in video using programmable graphics hardware
* Generalized Stauffer-Grimson background subtraction for dynamic scenes
* Hand-held 3D scanning based on coarse and fine registration of multiple range images
* Hyperlinking reality via camera phones
* Identification of ancient coins based on fusion of shape and local features
* Illumination normalization of facial images by reversing the process of image formation
* Image registration for visual inspection of imprinted pharmaceutical tablets
* Improving mixture of experts for view-independent face recognition using teacher-directed learning
* In-vehicle camera traffic sign detection and recognition
* Kernel-based object tracking using asymmetric kernels with adaptive scale and orientation selection
* Lane detection and tracking using a new lane model and distance transform
* Low-contrast surface inspection of mura defects in liquid crystal displays using optical flow-based motion analysis
* machine-vision system for automated quality control of welded rings, A
* Maximal local interclass embedding with application to face recognition
* Measuring optical distortion in aircraft transparencies: A fully automated system for quantitative evaluation
* Multi-scale neural texture classification using the GPU as a stream processing engine
* Multimedia translation for linking visual data to semantics in videos
* Multimodal image registration system for image-guided orthopaedic surgery
* particle filter-based approach for tracking undersea narrow telecommunication cables, A
* People tracking using a network-based PTZ camera
* Performance characterization of a high-speed stereo vision sensor for acquisition of time-varying 3D shapes
* Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors
* Quasi-Euclidean epipolar rectification of uncalibrated images
* Rapid modeling of cones and cylinders from a single calibrated image using minimum 2D control points
* Real-time 3D registration using GPU
* Real-time automatic recognition of omnidirectional multiple barcodes and DSP implementation
* Real-time image segmentation for visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets
* Real-time vehicle tracking for driving assistance
* Recognition of human actions using texture descriptors
* recognition-based motion capture baseline on the HumanEva II test data, A
* Road environment modeling using robust perspective analysis and recursive Bayesian segmentation
* robust automatic crack detection method from noisy concrete surfaces, A
* Robust camera pose tracking for augmented reality using particle filtering framework
* Robust contour reconstruction of red blood cells and parasites in the automated identification of the stages of malarial infection
* Round-Robin sequential forward selection algorithm for prostate cancer classification and diagnosis using multispectral imagery
* Seeking multi-thresholds for image segmentation with Learning Automata
* Special issue on dynamic textures in video
* Structural two-dimensional principal component analysis for image recognition
* Tracking dynamic textures using a particle filter driven by intrinsic motion information
* Tracking rigid objects using integration of model-based and model-free cues
* Urban scene understanding from aerial and ground LIDAR data
* Using pedestrians walking on uneven terrains for camera calibration
* Vision based smoke detection system using image energy and color information
* Vision safety system based on cellular neural networks
* Vision-based clad height measurement
* vision-based system for automatic hand washing quality assessment, A
* vision-based system for the prevention of car collisions at night, A
* Weighted maximum scatter difference based feature extraction and its application to face recognition
* Work piece recognition based on the permutation neural classifier technique
77 for MVA(22)

MVA(23) * 3D characterization of hot metallic shells during industrial forging
* 3D registration of laser range scenes by coincidence of coarse binary cubes
* 3D-2D spatiotemporal registration for sports motion analysis
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection using high-frequency and spatio-temporal features
* Active entropy camera
* algorithm to estimate the crown patterns of diamonds based on machine vision, An
* ANIMATED-TEM: a toolbox for electron microscope automation based on image analysis
* Appearance-based parameter optimization for accurate stereo camera calibration
* application of support vector machine classification to detect cell nuclei for automated microscopy, The
* Assessing the influence of temperature variations on the geometrical properties of a low-cost calibrated camera system by using computer vision procedures
* Automated detection of lung nodules in computed tomography images: a review
* Automatic real-time road marking recognition using a feature driven approach
* Automatic segmentation of adherent biological cell boundaries and nuclei from brightfield microscopy images
* Background subtraction via incremental maximum margin criterion: a discriminative subspace approach
* Body temperature estimation of a moving subject from thermographic images
* Camera calibration using identical objects
* Camera-projector matching using unstructured video
* Cell morphology classification and clutter mitigation in phase-contrast microscopy images using machine learning
* Color to gray conversions in the context of stereo matching algorithms: An analysis and comparison of current methods and an ad-hoc theoretically-motivated technique for image matching
* Combinatorial photometric stereo and its application in 3D modeling of melanoma
* completely affine invariant image-matching method based on perspective projection, A
* Covariance matrix-based fire and flame detection method in video
* Detecting image forgeries using metrology
* Detecting people in dense crowds
* Developing robust vision modules for microsystems applications
* Disparity disambiguation by fusion of signal- and symbolic-level information
* Effective venue image retrieval using robust feature extraction and model constrained matching for mobile robot localization
* Efficient large-scale multi-view stereo for ultra high-resolution image sets
* Efficient omni-image unwarping using geometric symmetry
* Face recognition using decimated redundant discrete wavelet transforms
* family of cubeness measures, A
* Fast and robust laser stripe extraction for 3D reconstruction in industrial environments
* Fast discrete curvelet transform based anisotropic iris coding and recognition using k-out-of-n: A fused post-classifier
* Fast parameter-free region growing segmentation with application to surgical planning
* fast regularity measure for surface defect detection, A
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy class mean embedding (FCME) with its application to face and palm biometrics
* Finding best-fitted rectangle for regions using a bisection method
* FPGA-based RGBD imager, An
* fuzzy inference approach to template-based visual tracking, A
* Gradient convergence filters and a phase congruency approach for in vivo cell nuclei detection
* Graph-based shape indexing
* Human action recognition based on aggregated local motion estimates
* image differencing method for interface level detection in separation cells, An
* Image processing and analysis algorithms for yarn hairiness determination
* Improving class separability using extended pixel planes: A comparative study
* Layer extraction in rodent retinal images acquired by optical coherence tomography
* Machine vision scheme for stain-release evaluation using Gabor filters with optimized coefficients
* Machine vision system for automated spectroscopy
* machine vision system for defect characterization on transparent parts with non-plane surfaces, A
* Methods for geometrical video projector calibration
* Micro crack detection with Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
* Motion history image: Its variants and applications
* Multi-camera head pose estimation
* Multivariate Bayesian cognitive modeling for unsupervised quality control of baked pizzas
* Network snakes: Graph-based object delineation with active contour models
* novel multiscale-multidirectional autocorrelation approach for defect detection in homogeneous flat surfaces, A
* on-board vision sensor system for small unmanned vehicle applications, An
* Optimizing PTZ camera calibration from two images
* Pedestrian tracking using color, thermal and location cue measurements: a DSmT-based framework
* Performance of optical flow techniques for motion analysis of fluorescent point signals in confocal microscopy
* Rapidly constructed appearance models for tracking in augmented reality applications
* Real-time stereo matching based on fast belief propagation
* Region-based pose tracking with occlusions using 3D models
* Robust and efficient foreground analysis in complex surveillance videos
* Segmentation of fuzzy images: A novel and fast two-step pseudo MAP method
* self-organization based optical flow estimator with GPU implementation, A
* Silhouette-based multi-sensor smoke detection: Coverage analysis of moving object silhouettes in thermal and visual registered images
* Soil-moisture estimation from TerraSAR-X data using neural networks
* Special issue on microscopy image analysis for biomedical applications
* Style adaptive contour tracking of human gait using explicit manifold models
* Super-resolution in practice: the complete pipeline from image capture to super-resolved subimage creation using a novel frame selection method
* Symmetry-based monocular vehicle detection system
* Three-dimensional digitization of highly reflective and transparent objects using multi-wavelength range sensing
* Three-dimensional point cloud alignment detecting fiducial markers by structured light stereo imaging
* Tissue-level segmentation and tracking of cells in growing plant roots
* two-step approach to see-through bad weather for surveillance video quality enhancement, A
* Unsupervised active contours driven by density distance and local fitting energy with applications to medical image segmentation
* Using retina modelling to characterize blinking: comparison between EOG and video analysis
* Vehicle detection and tracking in airborne videos by multi-motion layer analysis
* Virtual manipulator-based binocular stereo vision positioning system and errors modelling
* Visual tracking of hands, faces and facial features of multiple persons
81 for MVA(23)

MVA(24) * 3-degree of freedom binary search pose estimation technique, A
* Accurate ball detection in soccer images using probabilistic analysis of salient regions
* Accurate prediction of AD patients using cortical thickness networks
* Active contour model combining region and edge information
* Active contours methods with respect to Vickers indentations
* Adaptive linear discriminant analysis for online feature extraction
* Aircraft classification with a low resolution infrared sensor
* Algorithmic methodologies for FPGA-based vision
* Analysis of object description methods in a video object tracking environment
* Analysis of Tsai calibration method using two- and three-dimensional calibration objects
* Autocalibration-based partioning relationship and parallax relation for head-mounted eye trackers
* Automated Identification of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Automated morphological classification of lung cancer subtypes using H&E tissue images
* Automated visual inspection of imprint quality of pharmaceutical tablets
* Automatic laser-based identification for UF6 cylinders
* Bottom-up saliency detection for attention determination
* Breast cancer diagnosis from biopsy images with highly reliable random subspace classifier ensembles
* Camera calibration with enclosing ellipses by an extended application of generalized eigenvalue decomposition
* Car model recognition by utilizing symmetric property to overcome severe pose variation
* Change detection for moving object segmentation with robust background construction under Wronskian framework
* Classification of small lesions in dynamic breast MRI: eliminating the need for precise lesion segmentation through spatio-temporal analysis of contrast enhancement
* Classifying web videos using a global video descriptor
* CM-BOF: visual similarity-based 3D shape retrieval using Clock Matching and Bag-of-Features
* combined topological and statistical approach for interactive segmentation of 3D images, A
* computational model of vision attention for inspection of surface quality in production line, A
* computer vision framework for the analysis and interpretation of the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers, A
* convolution approach to the circle Hough transform for arbitrary radius, A
* Counting moving persons in crowded scenes
* database for automatic classification of forest species, A
* Defect detection in periodic patterns using a multi-band-pass filter
* Detecting behavioral zones in local and global camera views
* Detecting interaction above digital tabletops using a single depth camera
* Detection of moving objects with a moving camera using non-panoramic background model
* Detection of swimmer using dense optical flow motion map and intensity information
* Development of an optical system for analysis of the ink-paper interaction
* Direction Kernels: Using a simplified 3D model representation for grasping
* Dynamic random regression forests for real-time head pose estimation
* Efficient segmentation of leaves in semi-controlled conditions
* Embedding class information into local invariant features by low-dimensional retinotopic mapping
* Erosion band signatures for spatial extraction of features
* Estimating 3D human shapes from measurements
* Estimation of affine transformations directly from tomographic projections in two and three dimensions
* Extraction of left ventricle borders with local and global priors from echocardiograms
* Fast spatiotemporal MACH filter for action recognition
* Feature matching based on unsupervised manifold alignment
* Feature selection for reliable data association in visual SLAM
* FPGA-based detection of SIFT interest keypoints
* Framework for developing image-based dirt particle classifiers for dry pulp sheets
* Freight train gauge-exceeding detection based on three-dimensional stereo vision measurement
* Fully automatic face recognition framework based on local and global features
* Fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier for tropical wood species recognition system
* Gaussian-weighted Jensen-Shannon divergence as a robust fitness function for multi-model fitting
* Generating near-spherical range panoramas by fusing optical flow and stereo from a single-camera folded catadioptric rig
* Geometric steerable medial maps
* Geometrical approach for rectification of single-lens stereovision system with a triprism
* Hierarchical Stereo Matching with Image Bit-Plane Slicing
* high throughput robot system for machine vision based plant phenotype studies, A
* High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale manifold learning approach
* Homography-based depth recovery with descent images
* Hybrid homographies and fundamental matrices mixing uncalibrated omnidirectional and conventional cameras
* Image completion using prediction concept via support vector regression
* Improving retinal artery and vein classification by means of a minimal path approach
* Informative patches sampling for image classification by utilizing bottom-up and top-down information
* Infrared system for 3D scanning of metallic surfaces
* innovative methodology for detection and quantification of cracks through incorporation of depth perception, An
* IR and visible image sequence automatic registration method based on optical flow, An
* Large-scale gaussian process multi-class classification for semantic segmentation and facade recognition
* Learning class-specific dictionaries for digit recognition from spherical surface of a 3D ball
* Learning the shape manifold to improve object recognition
* Linear feature selection in texture analysis: A PLS based method
* linear system form solution to compute the local space average color, A
* Lip contour segmentation and tracking compliant with lip-reading application constraints
* Machine learning in medical imaging
* machine vision system to estimate cotton fiber maturity from longitudinal view using a transfer learning approach, A
* Markerless tracking and gesture recognition using polar correlation of camera optical flow
* Measurement of mirror surfaces using specular reflection and analytical computation
* Mind reading with regularized multinomial logistic regression
* Moment-based alignment for shape prior with variational B-spline level set
* Multi-cue hand detection and tracking for a head-mounted augmented reality system
* Multi-view dense 3D modelling of untextured objects from a moving projector-cameras system
* Multicamera human detection and tracking supporting natural interaction with large-scale displays
* Nearest neighbor weighted average customization for modeling faces
* new approach for color image segmentation based on color mixture, A
* new fusion scheme for multifocus images based on focused pixels detection, A
* new image binarization method using iterative partitioning, A
* novel online boosting algorithm for automatic anatomy detection, A
* novel particle filter with implicit dynamic model for irregular motion tracking, A
* novel plane extraction approach using supervised learning, A
* Object recognition by spectral feature derived from canonical shape representation
* On-line prediction of micro-turning multi-response variables by machine vision system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
* optimized approach to histogram computation on GPU, An
* Panoramic Gaussian Mixture Model and large-scale range background substraction method for PTZ camera-based surveillance systems
* Pi-Tag: a fast image-space marker design based on projective invariants
* Real-time free viewpoint video from a range sensor and color cameras
* Real-time user independent hand gesture recognition from time-of-flight camera video using static and dynamic models
* Recognizing 50 human action categories of web videos
* Recursive Bayesian fire recognition using greedy margin-maximizing clustering
* Retrieving 2D shapes using caterpillar decomposition
* Robust and accurate pattern matching in fuzzy space for fiducial mark alignment
* robust non-iterative method for similarity transform estimation, A
* Robust outdoor stereo vision SLAM for heavy machine rotation sensing
* Segmentation of Rumex obtusifolius using Gaussian Markov random fields
* semantic-guided and self-configurable framework for video analysis, A
* Shadow compensation and illumination normalization of face image
* SLAC: Statistical total lesion metabolic activity computation by fuzzy unsupervised learning of PET images
* Spatial and temporal constraints in variational correspondence methods
* Texture-independent recognition of facial expressions in image snapshots and videos
* Three-dimensional human shape inference from silhouettes: reconstruction and validation
* Touch tracking with a particle filter
* Toward a computer vision-based wayfinding aid for blind persons to access unfamiliar indoor environments
* Towards a balanced trade-off between speed and accuracy in unsupervised data-driven image segmentation
* Tracking-by-detection of multiple persons by a resample-move particle filter
* Triangular traffic signs detection based on RSLD algorithm
* unified extreme learning machines and discriminative random fields for automatic knee cartilage and meniscus segmentation from multi-contrast MR images, The
* unifying framework for automatic and semi-automatic segmentation of vertebrae from radiographs using sample-driven active shape models, A
* Unsupervised scene segmentation using sparse coding context
* Using multiple sensors for reliable markerless identification through supervised learning
* Vision system for tracking handball players using fuzzy color processing
* Visual spatial-context based wildfire smoke sensor
119 for MVA(24)

MVA(25) * 3D Hough transform for sphere recognition on point clouds
* 3D human pose estimation from image using couple sparse coding
* 3D segmentation of abdominal CT imagery with graphical models, conditional random fields and learning
* Abnormal behavior detection using dominant sets
* Accurate and robust localization of duplicated region in copy-move image forgery
* Action recognition using 3D DAISY descriptor
* Active learning for on-road vehicle detection: a comparative study
* Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occlusion: A two-layer approach
* Advanced background modeling with RGB-D sensors through classifiers combination and inter-frame foreground prediction
* Anisotropic diffusion algorithm based on weber local descriptor for illumination invariant face verification
* Application of machine vision in improving safety and reliability for gear profile measurement
* Attributed hypergraph matching on a Riemannian manifold
* Auto-calibrating photometric stereo using ring light constraints
* Automatic image segmentation and classification based on direction texton technique for hemolytic anemia in thin blood smears
* Automatic inpainting by removing fence-like structures in RGBD images
* Automatic optical phase identification of micro-drill bits based on improved ASM and bag of shape segment in PCB production
* Automatic plant identification from photographs
* Background modeling in the maritime domain
* Background subtraction by combining Temporal and Spatio-Temporal histograms in the presence of camera movement
* Background subtraction model based on color and depth cues
* Background subtraction using finite mixtures of asymmetric Gaussian distributions and shadow detection
* Background subtraction: separating the modeling and the inference
* Biometric template protection with DCT-based watermarking
* Case-based background modeling: associative background database towards low-cost and high-performance change detection
* ChaLearn gesture dataset (CGD 2011), The
* Change detection by probabilistic segmentation from monocular view
* Charting-based subspace learning for video-based human action classification
* complete system for garment segmentation and color classification, A
* computationally efficient importance sampling tracking algorithm, A
* Context-based person identification framework for smart video surveillance
* Creating robust high-throughput traffic sign detectors using centre-surround HOG statistics
* Defect identification on specular machined surfaces
* Detail-generating geometry completion for point-sampled geometry
* Detection and localization of specular surfaces using image motion cues
* Discovering joint audio-visual codewords for video event detection
* Discriminative vessel segmentation in retinal images by fusing context-aware hybrid features
* Dissimilarity criteria and their comparison for quantitative evaluation of image segmentation: application to human retina vessels
* Dynamic image mosaic via SIFT and dynamic programming
* Dynamic objects detection through visual odometry and stereo-vision: A study of inaccuracy and improvement sources
* E-LAMP: integration of innovative ideas for multimedia event detection
* Enhanced fog detection and free-space segmentation for car navigation
* Evaluating multimedia features and fusion for example-based event detection
* Evaluating the effect of diffuse light on photometric stereo reconstruction
* Event classification for vehicle navigation system by regional optical flow analysis
* Exploiting street-level panoramic images for large-scale automated surveying of traffic signs
* Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign detection from a moving vehicle
* Extrinsic calibration of heterogeneous cameras by line images
* Face relighting using discriminative 2D spherical spaces for face recognition
* Factored particle filtering with dependent and constrained partition dynamics for tracking deformable objects
* Family verification based on similarity of individual family member's facial segments
* Fast automatic medical image segmentation based on spatial kernel fuzzy c-means on level set method
* feature selection method using improved regularized linear discriminant analysis, A
* Features classification using geometrical deformation feature vector of support vector machine and active appearance algorithm for automatic facial expression recognition
* Forest species recognition using macroscopic images
* FPGA-based module for SURF extraction
* Free-Viewpoint Video Relighting from Multi-View Sequence under General Illumination
* Fully automatic expression-invariant face correspondence
* Fusing the information in visible light and near-infrared images for iris recognition
* Generation of new points for training set and feature-level fusion in multimodal biometric identification
* Graph-cut based interactive segmentation of 3D materials-science images
* Harmony search-based hybrid stable adaptive fuzzy tracking controllers for vision-based mobile robot navigation
* Hierarchical abnormal event detection by real time and semi-real time multi-tasking video surveillance system
* HMPMR strategy for real-time tracking in aerial images, using direct methods
* Human interaction categorization by using audio-visual cues
* Hybrid model of clustering and kernel autoassociator for reliable vehicle type classification
* Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for prediction of astaxanthin coating concentration
* Image forgery detection using steerable pyramid transform and local binary pattern
* Image visual attention computation and application via the learning of object attributes
* Image-based magnification calibration for electron microscope
* Improve scene categorization via sub-scene recognition
* Improving three-dimensional point reconstruction from image correspondences using surface curvatures
* Inductive hierarchical nonnegative graph embedding for verb-object image classification
* Inpainting images with curvilinear structures propagation
* Intrinsic and extrinsic active self-calibration of multi-camera systems
* Kernelized pyramid nearest-neighbor search for object categorization
* Key observation selection-based effective video synopsis for camera network
* Localizing relevant frames in web videos using topic model and relevance filtering
* Low-cost sensor to detect overtaking based on optical flow
* Mixture of Merged Gaussian Algorithm using RTDENN
* Multi-modal object detection and localization for high integrity driving assistance
* Multi-scale patch-based sparse appearance model for robust object tracking
* Multi-view traffic sign detection, recognition, and 3D localisation
* Multilayer background modeling under occlusions
* Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion and temporal concept localization
* Multiphase B-spline level set and incremental shape priors with applications to segmentation and tracking of left ventricle in cardiac MR images
* Multiple human tracking system for unpredictable trajectories
* natural and synthetic corpus for benchmarking of hand gesture recognition systems, A
* new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images, A
* New color GPHOG descriptors for object and scene image classification
* nonlocal energy minimization approach to brain image segmentation with simultaneous bias field estimation and denoising, A
* Normalized Cut optimization based on color perception findings: A comparative study
* On hierarchical modelling of motion for workflow analysis from overhead view
* OPTIMUS: Online Persistent Tracking and Identification of Many Users for Smart Spaces
* Painting-91: a large scale database for computational painting categorization
* Parking assistance using dense motion-stereo
* Pedestrian detection based on sparse coding and transfer learning
* pROST: a smoothed lp -norm robust online subspace tracking method for background subtraction in video
* Rapid blockwise multi-resolution clustering of facial images for intelligent watermarking
* Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
* Real-time moustache detection by combining image decolorization and texture detection with applications to facial gender recognition
* Realistic human action recognition by Fast HOG3D and self-organization feature map
* Recent progress in road and lane detection: a survey
* Recognizing interactions between human performers by Dominating Pose Doublet
* refined particle filter based on determined level set model for robust contour tracking, A
* ReigSAC: fast discrimination of spurious keypoint correspondences on planar surfaces
* RGB-D based place representation in topological maps
* rule-based event detection system for real-life underwater domain, A
* Scale alignment of 3D point clouds with different scales
* Scene appearance model based on spatial prediction
* Seeing Eye Phone: a smart phone-based indoor localization and guidance system for the visually impaired
* Selection of negative samples and two-stage combination of multiple features for action detection in thousands of videos
* Semi-supervised Unified Latent Factor learning with multi-view data
* Shape from interaction
* Silhouette analysis for human action recognition based on maximum spatio-temporal dissimilarity embedding
* Special issue on background modeling for foreground detection in real-world dynamic scenes
* Special issue on car navigation and vehicle systems
* Special issue on contextual vision computing
* Special issue on Multimedia Event Detection
* Structured light self-calibration with vanishing points
* Summarizing high-level scene behavior
* Super-resolution: a comprehensive survey
* synthetic training framework for providing gesture scalability to 2.5D pose-based hand gesture recognition systems, A
* Temporal synchronization in mobile sensor networks using image sequence analysis
* Thermal cameras and applications: a survey
* Traffic event classification at intersections based on the severity of abnormality
* traverse inspection system for high precision visual on-loom fabric defect detection, A
* Two-stage online inference model for traffic pattern analysis and anomaly detection
* Uncalibrated flatfielding and illumination vector estimationfor photometric stereo face reconstruction
* Unsupervised manifold learning based on multiple feature spaces
* Video background modeling: Recent Approaches, Issues and Our Proposed Techniques
* Visual lane analysis and higher-order tasks: a concise review
* When standard RANSAC is not enough: Cross-media visual matching with hypothesis relevancy
132 for MVA(25)

MVA(26) * 3D vision-based inspection method for pairwise comparison of locally deformable 3D models, A
* adaptive ensemble-based system for face recognition in person re-identification, An
* Anisotropic clustering on surfaces for crack extraction
* Auto-inpainting heritage scenes: a complete framework for detecting and infilling cracks in images and videos with quantitative assessment
* automated gland segmentation and classification method in prostate biopsies: an image source-independent approach, An
* Automating shockwave segmentation in low-contrast coherent shadowgraphy
* Backward-Simulation Particle Smoother with a hybrid state for 3D vehicle trajectory, class and dimension simultaneous estimation
* Better than SIFT?
* Categorization of human actions with high dynamics in upper extremities based on arm pose modeling
* Coarse-grained ancient coin classification using image-based reverse side motif recognition
* comparative experimental study of image feature detectors and descriptors, A
* computer vision-based approach to grade simulated cataract surgeries, A
* Deformable image registration based on elastodynamics
* Descriptor evaluation and feature regression for multimodal image analysis
* Design and implementation of a computer vision-guided greenhouse crop diagnostics system
* Detection of foreground in dynamic scene via two-step background subtraction
* Discriminant feature extraction for image recognition using complete robust maximum margin criterion
* Enforcing consistency constraints in uncalibrated multiple homography estimation using latent variables
* Entropy volumes for viewpoint-independent gait recognition
* Entropy-cum-Hough-transform-based ear detection using ellipsoid particle swarm optimization
* Exemplar-based logo and trademark recognition
* Facial expression recognition using LP-norm MKL multiclass-SVM
* Fast inspection for size-based analysis in aggregate processing
* Fire recognition based on correlation of segmentations by image processing techniques
* Flow field texture representation-based motion segmentation for crowd counting
* Forest species recognition based on dynamic classifier selection and dissimilarity feature vector representation
* Garment-based motion capture (GaMoCap): High-density capture of human shape in motion
* Gaze direction estimation by component separation for recognition of Eye Accessing Cues
* Geometric and radiometric estimation in a structured-light 3D scanner
* Glasses detection on real images based on robust alignment
* Grain-size assessment of fine and coarse aggregates through bipolar area morphology
* GRowing Algorithm for Intersection Detection (GRAID) in branching patterns
* Hierarchical classification with reject option for live fish recognition
* Human body motion parameters capturing using kinect
* image inpainting method using pLSA-based search space estimation, An
* Improved best match search method in depth recovery with descent images
* Improved hierarchical conditional random field model for object segmentation
* Incremental maximum margin criterion based on eigenvalue decomposition updating algorithm
* Invariant chromatic descriptor for LADAR data processing
* Modelling folded garments by fitting foldable templates
* Motion priors for multiple target visual tracking
* Multi-view object detection in dual-energy X-ray images
* novel technique to extract accurate cell contours applied for segmentation of phytoplankton images, A
* Object detection based on scale-invariant partial shape matching
* On covariate factor detection and removal for robust gait recognition
* On designing an unconstrained tri-band pupil detection system for human identification
* Onboard monocular pedestrian detection by combining spatio-temporal hog with structure from motion algorithm
* Partial sparse shape constrained sector-driven bladder wall segmentation
* Person identity recognition on motion capture data using multiple actions
* Pose-invariant vehicle identification in aerial electro-optical imagery
* Posed and spontaneous expression recognition through modeling their spatial patterns
* Qatris iManager: a general purpose CBIR system
* RARE: people detection in crowded passages by range image reconstruction
* Real-time automatic multilevel color video thresholding using a novel class-variance criterion
* Real-time one-dimensional motion estimation and its application in computer vision
* Real-time tracking-with-detection for coping with viewpoint change
* Region-based approach for the spectral clustering Nyström approximation with an application to burn depth assessment
* Resource aware and incremental mosaics of wide areas from small-scale UAVs
* Robust face recognition using sparse representation in LDA space
* robust multilevel segment description for multi-class object recognition, A
* self-adaptive matched filter for retinal blood vessel detection, A
* Spatio-temporal features for the automatic control of driver drowsiness state and lack of concentration
* Stereo matching-based definition of saliency via sample-based Kullback-Leibler divergence estimation
* structural low rank regularization method for single image super-resolution, A
* Tracking the articulated motion of the human body with two RGBD cameras
* Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cognitive Vision system
* Visual tracking based on group sparsity learning
* Visual tracking in complex scenes through pixel-wise tri-modeling
* Visual tracking in complex scenes through pixel-wise tri-modeling
* VLSI implementation of a high-resolution depth-sensing SoC based on active structured light, The
70 for MVA(26)

MVA(27) * 3D Spatial Pyramid: Descriptors generation from point clouds for indoor scene classification
* Accurate keyframe selection and keypoint tracking for robust visual odometry
* Achieving invariance to the temporal offset of unsynchronized cameras through epipolar point-line triangulation
* Action recognition using edge trajectories and motion acceleration descriptor
* Addressing the non-functional requirements of computer vision systems: a case study
* Articulated tracking with manifold regularized particle filter
* Automated estimation of tiller number in wheat by ribbon detection
* Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
* Camera calibration: a personal retrospective
* Can Computer Vision Problems Benefit from Structured Hierarchical Classification?
* Characterization of Mountain Drainage Patterns for GPS-Denied UAS Navigation Augmentation
* Collecting and annotating the large continuous action dataset
* Compressive multi-spectral imaging using self-correlations of images based on hierarchical joint sparsity models
* Context-based multi-target tracking with occlusion handling
* context-driven approach to image-based crack detection, A
* Contextual-based top-down saliency feature weighting for target detection
* Continuous localization and mapping of a pan-tilt-zoom camera for wide area tracking
* Counting pedestrians with a zenithal arrangement of depth cameras
* Defeating face de-identification methods based on DCT-block scrambling
* Depth-assisted rectification for real-time object detection and pose estimation
* Detecting flaws in golf swing using common movements of professional players
* Detection of bubbles as Concentric Circular Arrangements
* Discriminative local binary pattern
* Dynamic view selection for multi-camera action recognition
* EEG signal preprocessing for biometric recognition
* efficient and sparse approach for large scale human action recognition in videos, An
* efficient surface registration using smartphone, An
* Encouraging second-order consistency for multiple graph matching
* Evaluation of visual saliency analysis algorithms in noisy images
* extension to the brightness clustering transform and locally contrasting keypoints, An
* Extracting complex lesion phenotypes in Zea mays
* Facial descriptor for Kinect depth using inner-inter-normal components local binary patterns and tensor histograms
* Fast and automatic city-scale environment modelling using hard and/or weak constrained bundle adjustments
* Finding local leaf vein patterns for legume characterization and classification
* Finger-vein authentication based on deformation-tolerant feature-point matching
* Flexible three-dimensional modeling of plants using low- resolution cameras and visual odometry
* framework for the extraction of quantitative traits from 2D images of mature Arabidopsis thaliana, A
* Generation and application of hyperspectral 3D plant models: Methods and challenges
* hybrid approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval based on Fast Beta Wavelet network and fuzzy decision support system, A
* Image feature based GPS trace filtering for road network generation and road segmentation
* Improved L1-tracker using robust PCA and random projection
* Incorporating higher-order point distribution model priors into MRFs using convex quadratic programming
* Inhibition-augmented trainable COSFIRE filters for keypoint detection and object recognition
* Leaf segmentation in plant phenotyping: a collation study
* leucocytes count system from blood smear images, A
* Local polynomial space-time descriptors for action classification
* Logo localization and recognition in natural images using homographic class graphs
* Model-free non-rigid head pose tracking by joint shape and pose estimation
* modular system for global and local abnormal event detection and categorization in videos, A
* Motion estimation using learning automata
* Multi-modality imagery database for plant phenotyping
* Multimodal features fusion for gait, gender and shoes recognition
* Multimodal information fusion for urban scene understanding
* Normalized filter pool for prior modeling of nature images
* novel Computer-Aided Tree Species Identification method based on Burst Wind Segmentation of 3D bark textures, A
* novel hardware plane fitting implementation and applications for bionic vision, A
* novel target detection algorithm combining foreground and background manifold-based models, A
* On a 3D analogue of the first Hu moment invariant and a family of shape ellipsoidness measures
* On improving performance of surface inspection systems by online active learning and flexible classifier updates
* On rotational pre-alignment for tree log identification using methods inspired by fingerprint and iris recognition
* On the use of fingernail images as transient biometric identifiers
* On the value of the Kullback-Leibler divergence for cost-effective spectral imaging of plants by optimal selection of wavebands
* opinion on imaging challenges in phenotyping field crops, An
* OptiFuzz: a robust illumination invariant face recognition system and its implementation
* overview of depth cameras and range scanners based on time-of-flight technologies, An
* Parallax correction via disparity estimation in a multi-aperture camera
* Parsing human skeletons in an operating room
* Particle detection and tracking in fluorescence time-lapse imaging: A contrario approach
* patch-based approach to 3D plant shoot phenotyping, A
* Pattern recognition in multilinear space and its applications: mathematics, computational algorithms and numerical validations
* Persistent people tracking and face capture using a PTZ camera
* photometric sampling method for facial shape recovery, A
* Portable and fast text detection
* Pose-invariant descriptor for facial emotion recognition
* Print registration for automated visual inspection of transparent pharmaceutical capsules
* Pupil detection for head-mounted eye tracking in the wild: An evaluation of the state of the art
* Realistic surface geometry reconstruction using a hand-held RGB-D camera
* Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single camera: A scene invariant approach
* Robust deformable shape reconstruction from monocular video with manifold forests
* Shape descriptors to characterize the shoot of entire plant from multiple side views of a motorized depth sensor
* Special issue on computer vision and image analysis in plant phenotyping
* Special issue on IAPR MVA2013 best papers
* Special issue on selected papers from CAIP 2015
* Stereo Pictorial Structure for 2D articulated human pose estimation
* Stereo-based bokeh effects for photography
* Supervised vessel delineation in retinal fundus images with the automatic selection of B-COSFIRE filters
* survey of datasets for visual tracking, A
* Topology-based image segmentation using LBP pyramids
* Two-stage approach to extracting visual objects from paper documents
* Unsupervised manifold alignment using soft-assign technique
* Validation of plant part measurements using a 3D reconstruction method suitable for high-throughput seedling phenotyping
* Vision-based approach towards lane line detection and vehicle localization
* Vision-based robot localization based on the efficient matching of planar features
* Visual change detection on tunnel linings
* Visual tracking for the recovery of multiple interacting plant root systems from X-ray CT images
95 for MVA(27)

MVA(28) * Abnormality detection in crowd videos by tracking sparse components
* automatic image-to-DEM alignment approach for annotating mountains pictures on a smartphone, An
* Automatic inspection of aeronautic components
* Bridging the spectral gap using image synthesis: a study on matching visible to passive infrared face images
* Bright spot regions segmentation and classification for specular highlights detection in colonoscopy videos
* Cell tracking via Structured Prediction and Learning
* Characterizing the impact of optically induced blurring of a high-resolution phase-shift 3D scanner
* Collaborative representation with HM-LBP features for palmprint recognition
* Comparison of SIFT, Bi-SIFT, and Tri-SIFT and their frequency spectrum analysis
* Covert photo classification by deep convolutional neural networks
* Decay-weighted extreme learning machine for balance and optimization learning
* Detecting violent and abnormal crowd activity using temporal analysis of grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture measures
* Directional coherence-based spatiotemporal descriptor for object detection in static and dynamic scenes
* Discrete Modal Decomposition: a new approach for the reflectance modeling and rendering of real surfaces
* distributed approach for real-time multi-camera multiple object tracking, A
* Epipolar geometry for prism-based single-lens stereovision
* Evaluating contour segment descriptors
* Extrinsic calibration of multi-modal sensor arrangements with non-overlapping field-of-view
* Fast and accurate detection and localization of abnormal behavior in crowded scenes
* fractional differential fidelity-based PDE model for image denoising, A
* Gait recognition from corrupted silhouettes: A robust statistical approach
* Generating natural language tags for video information management
* Human arm pose modeling with learned features using joint convolutional neural network
* Human body segmentation based on shape constraint
* Image-based search and retrieval for biface artefacts using features capturing archaeologically significant characteristics
* Image-guided ToF depth upsampling: a survey
* Improving the construction of ORB through FPGA-based acceleration
* ISR: indoor shop recognition via user-friendly and efficient fingerprinting on smartphones
* Learning typographic style: from discrimination to synthesis
* Local motion deblurring using an effective image prior based on both the first- and second-order gradients
* Low-rank image completion with entropy features
* Motion interaction field for detection of abnormal interactions
* Motion priors based on goals hierarchies in pedestrian tracking applications
* Movement correction in DCE-MRI through windowed and reconstruction dynamic mode decomposition
* Multi-gait recognition using hypergraph partition
* Multiple path exploration for graph matching
* Multiscale salient region-based visual tracking
* Novel Active Contour Model for Image Segmentation Using Local and Global Region-Based Information, A
* Online human moves recognition through discriminative key poses and speed-aware action graphs
* Optimal seamline detection in dynamic scenes via graph cuts for image mosaicking
* Power difference template for action recognition
* Predicting multiple target tracking performance for applications on video sequences
* Real-Time 3D Motion Capture by Monocular Vision and Virtual Rendering
* Real-time SLAM relocalization with online learning of binary feature indexing
* Rectification of planar targets using line segments
* Recursive drivable road detection with shadows based on two-camera systems
* Removal of specular reflections from image sequences using feature correspondences
* Robust and parallel Uyghur text localization in complex background images
* Robust watch-list screening using dynamic ensembles of SVMs based on multiple face representations
* Shape automatic clustering-based multi-objective optimization with decomposition
* Siamese inception architecture network for person re-identification, A
* Smile detection in the wild with deep convolutional neural networks
* Solving the robot-world hand-eye(s) calibration problem with iterative methods
* Special issue on intelligent urban computing with big data
* Staff-line detection and removal using a convolutional neural network
* Superpixel-based class-semantic texton occurrences for natural roadside vegetation segmentation
* survey of memory deduplication approaches for intelligent urban computing, A
* Survey on zoom-lens calibration methods and techniques
* TabletGaze: dataset and analysis for unconstrained appearance-based gaze estimation in mobile tablets
* Three-dimensional laser scanning under the pinhole camera with lens distortion
* Toward evaluation of visual navigation algorithms on RGB-D data from the first- and second-generation Kinect
* Towards an efficient 3D model estimation methodology for aerial and ground images
* Triple-Bit Quantization with Asymmetric Distance for Image Content Security
* Urban 3D segmentation and modelling from street view images and LiDAR point clouds
* Vehicle classification for large-scale traffic surveillance videos using Convolutional Neural Networks
* vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses in futsal, A
66 for MVA(28)

MVA(29) * 3D level set method for blastomere segmentation of preimplantation embryos in fluorescence microscopy images
* Action detection fusing multiple Kinects and a WIMU: an application to in-home assistive technology for the elderly
* Adaptive locally affine-invariant shape matching
* Al-Thocb HSC: a harmony search algorithm for automated calibration of industrial equipment
* Almost constant-time 3D nearest-neighbor lookup using implicit octrees
* Annotated face model-based alignment: a robust landmark-free pose estimation approach for 3D model registration
* Artery/vein classification using reflection features in retina fundus images
* Benchmark for the robustness of image features in rainy conditions
* Beyond Eleven Color Names for Image Understanding
* Classify vehicles in traffic scene images with deformable part-based models
* Combinational illumination estimation method based on image-specific PCA filters and support vector regression
* Deep transformation learning for face recognition in the unconstrained scene
* Detection of reactions to sound via gaze and global eye motion analysis using camera streaming
* Directional gradients integration image for illumination insensitive face representation
* efficient and robust hybrid method for segmentation of zebrafish objects from bright-field microscope images, An
* efficient motion magnification system for real-time applications, An
* End-to-end learning for image-based air quality level estimation
* End-to-End Temporal Attention Extraction and Human Action Recognition
* Example-based 3D inpainting of point clouds using metric tensor and Christoffel symbols
* Exercise classification and event segmentation in Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination videos
* experimental comparison of superpixels detection methods for contour detection, An
* Facial expression analysis and expression-invariant face recognition by manifold-based synthesis
* Fast and robust ellipse detection algorithm for head-mounted eye tracking systems
* Fast shape-from-template using local features
* From biomedical big data to knowledge and action
* Geometric primitive refinement for structured light cameras
* High-sensitivity analysis of polarization by surface reflection
* Hybrid light field imaging for improved spatial resolution and depth range
* Image reconstruction for compressed sensing based on joint sparse bases and adaptive sampling
* Image-based mesh generation of tubular geometries under circular motion in refractive environments
* Image-based pencil drawing synthesized using convolutional neural network feature maps
* Improved deep learning-based macromolecules structure classification from electron cryo-tomograms
* Instance-based object recognition in 3D point clouds using discriminative shape primitives
* Interactive 1-bit feedback segmentation using transductive inference
* Introducing spectral moment features in analyzing the SpecTex hyperspectral texture database
* Joint representation learning of appearance and motion for abnormal event detection
* Key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos: a method of multiple change-point detection
* Kinship verification from facial images and videos: human versus machine
* Learning to transfer microscopy image modalities
* Localization of 3D objects using model-constrained SLAM
* maximum likelihood filter using non-local information for despeckling of ultrasound images, A
* method for measuring the thermal geometric parameters of large hot rectangular forgings based on projection feature lines, A
* Mitosis event recognition and detection based on evolution of feature in time domain
* Mixture of counting CNNs
* Modeling spatial uncertainty of point features in feature-based RGB-D SLAM
* Multi-focal nematode image stack classification using a projection-based multi-linear method
* Multi-model particle filter-based tracking with switching dynamical state to study bedload transport
* multi-seed dynamic local graph matching model for tracking of densely packed cells across unregistered microscopy image sequences, A
* multimodal deep learning framework using local feature representations for face recognition, A
* Multiple sperm tracking in microscopic videos using modified GM-PHD filter
* Multiple sperm tracking in microscopic videos using modified GM-PHD filter
* Multiple structure recovery with maximum coverage
* new approach for rotation-invariant and noise-resistant texture analysis and classification, A
* Occlusion detection and restoration techniques for 3D face recognition: a literature review
* Player detection in field sports
* Proving the efficiency of template matching-based markerless tracking methods which consider the camera perspective deformations
* Quantization-based Markov feature extraction method for image splicing detection
* Random walks with statistical shape prior for cochlea and inner ear segmentation in micro-CT images
* recursive framework for expression recognition: From web images to deep models to game dataset, A
* Region-based image segmentation evaluation via perceptual pooling strategies
* Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
* Robust spatial-temporal Bayesian view synthesis for video stitching with occlusion handling
* Salient object detection based on compactness and foreground connectivity
* Scale coding bag of deep features for human attribute and action recognition
* Scene text recognition using residual convolutional recurrent neural network
* Single-sensor hand-vein multimodal biometric recognition using multiscale deep pyramidal approach
* Sparse-then-dense alignment-based 3D map reconstruction method for endoscopic capsule robots
* Spatio-temporal elastic cuboid trajectories for efficient fight recognition using Hough forests
* SPiKeS: Superpixel-Keypoints structure for robust visual tracking
* survey of sketch-based image retrieval, A
* Temporal segmentation and recognition of team activities in sports
* Toward identifying behavioral risk markers for mental health disorders: an assistive system for monitoring children's movements in a preschool classroom
* Tracking using Numerous Anchor Points
* Validation of right coronary artery lumen area from cardiac computed tomography against intravascular ultrasound
* Visible and infrared image registration based on region features and edginess
* Vision-based navigation of an unmanned surface vehicle with object detection and tracking abilities
* Vision-based real estate price estimation
* Visual object tracking via coefficients constrained exclusive group LASSO
* Visual tracking of resident space objects via an RFS-based multi-Bernoulli track-before-detect method
* Wound measurement by RGB-D camera
80 for MVA(29)

MVA(3) * Accumulator-Based Inexact Matching Using Relational Summaries
* Automated Visual Inspection Of Rolled Metal Surfaces
* Camera Calibration Technique Using Three Sets of Parallel Lines, A
* Computing Camera Parameters Using Vanishing-Line Information from a Rectangular Parallelepiped
* Computing the Hough Transform on a Pyramid Architecture
* Hand-Eye System with Three-Dimensional Vision and Microgripper for Handling Flexible Wire
* Hierarchical Image Fusion
* Knowledge-Based Vision System for Industrial Applications, A
* Model Driven Edge Detection
* Multiresolution Image Dynamic Thresholding
* Multiresolution Image Motion Detection and Displacement Estimation
* On Improving the Accuracy of the Hough Transform
* Scanning Electron Microscope-Based Stereo Analysis
* Symbolic Subtraction from Fixed Formatted Graphics and Text from Filled in Forms
* Systematic Methodology for Determining/Optimizing a Machine Vision System's Capability, A
* VLSI Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Image Segmentation Processor
16 for MVA(3)

MVA(30) * 3D object recognition from cluttered and occluded scenes with a compact local feature
* Abnormal gesture recognition based on multi-model fusion strategy
* Action recognition in poor-quality spectator crowd videos using head distribution-based person segmentation
* Affordable person detection in omnidirectional cameras using radial integral channel features
* Age estimation in facial images through transfer learning
* Age progression by gender-specific 3D aging model
* Ancient pelvis reconstruction from collapsed component bones using statistical shape models
* ARM-VO: an efficient monocular visual odometry for ground vehicles on ARM CPUs
* Audiovisual emotion recognition in wild
* Auto-calibration of depth camera networks for people tracking
* Bagging-RandomMiner: A one-class classifier for file access-based masquerade detection
* Beyond estimating discrete directions of walk: a fuzzy approach
* Beyond Feature Integration: A Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Cascade Correlation Tracking
* camera model for cameras with hypercentric lenses and some example applications, A
* Camera pose estimation from lines: a fast, robust and general method
* CamType: assistive text entry using gaze with an off-the-shelf webcam
* Cardinal color fusion network for single image haze removal
* CCDA: a concise corner detection algorithm
* Classification and comparison of on-line video summarisation methods
* closed-form single-pose calibration method for the camera-projector system, A
* Collaborative tracking based on contextual information and local patches
* Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Multi-Scale Additive Merging Layers for Visual Smoke Recognition
* Deep domain adaptation with manifold aligned label transfer
* Depth texture synthesis for high-resolution reconstruction of large scenes
* Detecting cerebral microbleeds with transfer learning
* Detecting personality and emotion traits in crowds from video sequences
* Detection of abnormal behavior in narrow scene with perspective distortion
* Driving behaviour recognition from still images by using multi-stream fusion CNN
* Dual-channel CNN for efficient abnormal behavior identification through crowd feature engineering
* Edge-texture feature-based image forgery detection with cross-dataset evaluation
* Efficient and distinctive binary descriptor for rotated circular image recognition
* efficient Concealed Information Test: EEG feature extraction and ensemble classification for lie identification, An
* embedded implementation of CNN-based hand detection and orientation estimation algorithm, An
* Establishing the performance of low-cost Lytro cameras for 3D coordinate geometry measurements
* Fading Affect Bias: Improving the Trade-Off Between Accuracy and Efficiency in Feature Clustering
* Gait representation and recognition from temporal co-occurrence of flow fields
* Gait-based age progression/regression: a baseline and performance evaluation by age group classification and cross-age gait identification
* Gated bidirectional feature pyramid network for accurate one-shot detection
* Graph-based particular object discovery
* GridDS: a hybrid data structure for residue computation in point set matching
* Guest editorial: special issue on human abnormal behavioural analysis
* Hard negative mining for correlation filters in visual tracking
* Hierarchical Gaussian descriptor based on local pooling for action recognition
* hybrid image dataset toward bridging the gap between real and simulation environments for robotics, A
* Hyper-parameter optimization tools comparison for multiple object tracking applications
* Hyperspectral demosaicking and crosstalk correction using deep learning
* Improved embedding product quantization
* Major automatic diabetic retinopathy screening systems and related core algorithms: a review
* motion-based waveform for the detection of breathing difficulties during sleep, A
* Multi-scale convolutional neural network for pixel-wise reconstruction of Van Gogh's drawings
* novel framework for robust long-term object tracking in real-time, A
* novel method for breast mass segmentation: from superpixel to subpixel segmentation, A
* One-shot learning hand gesture recognition based on modified 3d convolutional neural networks
* Patch-based facial texture super-resolution by fitting 3D face models
* probabilistic analysis of a common RANSAC heuristic, A
* Pseudocolor enhancement of mammogram texture abnormalities
* Real-time demographic profiling from face imagery with Fisher vectors
* real-time webcam-based method for assessing upper-body postures, A
* Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
* Robust GNSS-denied localization for UAV using particle filter and visual odometry
* Robust graticule intersection localization for rotated topographic maps
* Robust multi-lane detection and tracking using adaptive threshold and lane classification
* Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Saliency Driven Image Manipulation
* Saliency object detection: integrating reconstruction and prior
* Scalable and view-independent calibration of multi-projector display for arbitrary uneven surfaces
* Scale estimation-based visual tracking with optimized convolutional activation features
* Semantic segmentation-based parking space detection with standalone around view monitoring system
* Small object segmentation with fully convolutional network based on overlapping domain decomposition
* Soft decision optimization method for robust fundamental matrix estimation
* spatiotemporal attention-based ResC3D model for large-scale gesture recognition, A
* Spotting words in silent speech videos: a retrieval-based approach
* Statistical detection of a panic behavior in crowded scenes
* Studying the plasticity in deep convolutional neural networks using random pruning
* Topology-aware non-rigid point set registration via global-local topology preservation
* Trajectory prediction of vehicles turning at intersections using deep neural networks
* Two-stage local details restoration framework for face hallucination
* Unsupervised deep context prediction for background estimation and foreground segmentation
* Utilization of DenseNet201 for diagnosis of breast abnormality
* Video mining for facial action unit classification using statistical spatial-temporal feature image and LoG deep convolutional neural network
* Video-based discomfort detection for infants
* View synthesis for pose computation
* Visual odometry with a single-camera stereo omnidirectional system
* Weighted-learning-instance-based retrieval model using instance distance
* Wide baseline pose estimation from video with a density-based uncertainty model
* xSDL: stroboscopic differential lighting eye tracker with extended temporal support
* xSDL: stroboscopic differential lighting eye tracker with extended temporal support
87 for MVA(30)

MVA(31) * 3D video semantic segmentation for wildfire smoke
* Absolute time encoding for temporal super-resolution using de Bruijn coded exposures
* Aerial-DEM geolocalization for GPS-denied UAS navigation
* Analysis of microtomographic images in automatic defect localization and detection
* Anthropometric clothing measurements from 3D body scans
* ARF-Crack: rotation invariant deep fully convolutional network for pixel-level crack detection
* Automated facial video-based recognition of depression and anxiety symptom severity: cross-corpus validation
* Boosting binary masks for multi-domain learning through affine transformations
* ColpoNet for automated cervical cancer screening using colposcopy images
* comparative study of breast cancer tumor classification by classical machine learning methods and deep learning method, A
* Convolutional networks for appearance-based recommendation and visualisation of mascara products
* Coupling cell detection and tracking by temporal feedback
* Cross-spectral registration of natural images with SIPCFE
* DC-Gnet for detection of glaucoma in retinal fundus imaging
* Deep convolutional neural networks with transfer learning for automated brain image classification
* Deep learning applications in pulmonary medical imaging: Recent updates and insights on COVID-19
* Deep learning in medical image registration: a survey
* Detection and pose estimation of auto-rickshaws from traffic images
* Detection of difficult airway using deep learning
* Detection of tomato organs based on convolutional neural network under the overlap and occlusion backgrounds
* efficient and globally optimal method for camera pose estimation using line features, An
* Efficient use of recent progresses for Real-time Semantic segmentation
* Fast and efficient difference of block means code for palmprint recognition
* GC-NET for classification of glaucoma in the retinal fundus image
* Gradient self-weighting linear collaborative discriminant regression classification for human cognitive states classification
* Graph Laplacian for image anomaly detection
* Graph-based topic models for trajectory clustering in crowd videos
* Hyper-parameter optimization of deep learning model for prediction of Parkinson's disease
* I-ME: iterative model evolution for learning from weakly labeled images and videos
* Improved face super-resolution generative adversarial networks
* morphological approach to piecewise constant active contour model incorporated with the geodesic edge term, A
* Multi-scale crowd feature detection using vision sensing and statistical mechanics principles
* Multi-source domain adaptation for image classification
* Object detection based on semi-supervised domain adaptation for imbalanced domain resources
* OCLU-NET for occlusal classification of 3D dental models
* On evolutionary computation techniques for multi-view triangulation
* Parameter selection framework for stereo correspondence
* Pedestrian detection using multi-scale squeeze-and-excitation module
* Photo-realistic dehazing via contextual generative adversarial networks
* Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields
* Robust face tracking using multiple appearance models and graph relational learning
* Root identification in minirhizotron imagery with multiple instance learning
* Rosette plant segmentation with leaf count using orthogonal transform and deep convolutional neural network
* Rosette plant segmentation with leaf count using orthogonal transform and deep convolutional neural network
* Semi-supervised learning using adversarial training with good and bad samples
* Singular value decomposition-based virtual representation for face recognition
* Special issue on Advanced Machine Vision
* Towards infield, live plant phenotyping using a reduced-parameter CNN
* Transfer learning privileged information fuels CAD diagnosis of breast cancer
* Two-stream FCNs to balance content and style for style transfer
* User-interactive salient object detection using YOLOv2, lazy snapping, and gabor filters
* Using CNN with Bayesian optimization to identify cerebral micro-bleeds
* Utilization of a convolutional method for Alzheimer disease diagnosis
* WatchNet++: efficient and accurate depth-based network for detecting people attacks and intrusion
54 for MVA(31)

MVA(4) * Analysis of Aerosol Images using the Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Application of Computer Vision to the Removal of Tie-Wires in a Live-Line Maintenance Robotics Manipulation, The
* Automatic Registration of Color Separation Films
* Circle-Detection Algorithm Simulating Wave Propagation, A
* Image-Flow Computation: An Estimation-Theoretic Framework, Unification and Integration
* Interpretation of Laser Radar Images by a Knowledge-Based System
* Levels of Knowledge for Object Extraction
* Machine Vision in the 1990s: Applications and How to Get There
* Optimization Framework for Feature Extraction, An
* Recognition and Localization of Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Surface Profile Measurement Using Color Fringe Projection
* Surface Reconstruction from Stereoscopy and Shape from Shading in SEM Images
* VLSI Architecture for a Half-Edge-Based Corner Detector, A
13 for MVA(4)

MVA(5) * Background Primal Sketch: An Approach for Tracking Moving Objects, The
* Computational Model for Recognition of Multifont Word Images, A
* Depth Perception Using Blurring and Its Application in VLSI Wafer Probing
* Document Image Analysis: A Bibliography
* Efficient Representation and Transformation of Image Data on the Connection Machine System
* Extraction of Data from Preprinted Forms
* Flexibly Coupled Hypercube Multiprocessor for High Level Vision, A
* Hierarchical Multiple-SIMD Architecture for Image Analysis
* Intelligent Forms Processing System
* Local Association Based Recognition of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Method for Detection of Circular Arcs Based on the Hough Transform, A
* Nonuniform Region Processing on SIMD Arrays Using the Coterie Network
* Text Segmentation Using Gabor Filters for Automatic Document Processing
* Unified Distance Transform Algorithm and Architecture, A
14 for MVA(5)

MVA(6) * Adaptive window-based tracking for the detection of membrane structures in kidney electron micrographs
* Automated contour detection of the left ventricle in short axis view in 2D echocardiograms
* Automatic reading of the literal amount of bank checks
* Design and Implementation of a Low-Level Image Segmentation Architecture -- LISA
* Fast Single Pass Edgel Extraction Routine, A
* Fingerprint Image Analysis for Automatic Identification
* Fourier descriptors and handwritten digit recognition
* graph grammar programming style for recognition of music notation, A
* Image registration for automated inspection of printed circuit patterns using CAD reference data
* Intermediate-level vision tasks on a memory array architecture
* Line Drawing Interpretation Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Line Segment Matching for 3D Computer Vision Using a New Iteration Scheme
* Machine identification of buds in images of plant shoots
* MUSER: A prototype musical score recognition system using mathematical morphology
* Orthonormal wavelet representations for recognized complex annotations
* Parallel Stereo Algorithm That Produces Dense Depth Maps and Preserves Image Features, A
* Passive Range Estimation for Rotorcraft Low-Altitude Flight
* Sparse Pixel Recognition of Primitives in Engineering Drawings
* Special Issue: Document Image Analysis Techniques
* Stop-Sign Recognition Based on Color-Shape Processing
* Structure recognition methods for various types of documents
21 for MVA(6)

MVA(7) * Autonomous Landing Of Airplanes By Dynamic Machine Vision
* Cache Tiling for High Performance Morphological Image Processing
* Error Propagation in Machine Vision
* Estimation Of Motion Vectors And Their Application To Scene Retrieval
* Estimation of Skew Angle in Text-Image Analysis by SLIDE: Subspace-Based Line Detection
* Fast Segmentation of Range Images by Scan Line Grouping
* Functional Programming on a Data Flow Architecture: Applications In Real-Time Image Processing
* High-Quality 3D Multiview Model-Building Technique Based on CAD, A
* Image-Analysis System for Automatic Data-Acquisition from Colored Scanned Maps, An
* Image-Sensing Model and Computer-Simulation for CCD Camera Systems
* Knowledge-Based Image-Inspection System for Automatic Defect Recognition, Classification, and Process Diagnosis, A
* Layout Extraction of Mixed-Mode Documents
* Low-Cost Calibration Method for Automated Optical Mensuration Using A Video Camera, A
* Machine Vision System for Enhancing the Teleoperation of an Industrial Robot, A
* Motion Estimation Methods and Noisy Phenomena
* Multiscale Regularity Measure as a Geometric Criterion for Image Segmentation, A
* Optimal Template Matching by Non-Orthogonal Image Expansion Using Restoration
* Optimization Algorithm for Shape Analysis of Regular Polygons, An
* Patterned Wafer Inspection By High-Resolution Spectral Estimation Techniques
* PDL-HM: Morphological and Syntactic Shape Classification Algorithm
* Program Development and Coding on a Fine-Grained Vision Machine
* Programmable VLSI Retina for Rough Vision, A
* Real-Time Vision System Using an Integrated Memory Array Processor Prototype, A
* Road Obstacle Detection and Tracking by an Active and Intelligent Sensing Strategy
* Special Issue on Innovative Applications of Computer Vision: Introduction
* Special Section on Frontiers in Machine Vision Applications: Introduction
* Vision Processor System for Moving-Object Analysis
27 for MVA(7)

MVA(8) * Automatic Person Recognition by Acoustic and Geometric Features
* Automatic Target Scoring System Using Machine Vision
* Bayesian Shape Estimation: Shape-from-Shading and Photometric Stereo Revisited
* Classification of Binary Document Images into Textual or Nontextual Data Blocks Using Neural-Network Models
* Computation of Ego Motion Using the Vertical Cue
* Cursive Script-Recognition System Based on Human Reading Models, A
* Dynamic Integration Algorithm to Model Surfaces from Multiple Range Views, A
* Entropy-Based Method for Extracting Robust Binary Templates, An
* Fast and Robust Recognition and Localization of 2-D Objects
* Feature-Extraction and Image Segmentation Using Self-Organizing Networks
* Geometric Camera Calibration: The Virtual Camera Approach
* Handprinted Word Recognition on a NIST Data Set
* Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Machine-Vision System, A
* High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
* Image Recognition with an Analog Neural-Net Chip
* Incremental Learning-Experiments with Scriptor: An Engine for Online Recognition of Cursive Handwriting
* Integration of Lexical and Syntactic Knowledge in a Handwriting-Recognition System
* Miniaturized Space-Variant Active Vision System: Cortex-I, A
* Neural Structures for Visual-Motion Tracking
* Neural-Network Classifier for OCR Using Structural Descriptions, A
* Neuromorphic Architecture for Cortical Multilayer Integration of Early Visual Tasks, A
* New Architectural Solutions for Computer Vision Systems
* Online Cursive Script Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks and Hidden Markov-Models
* Proteus: A Reconfigurable Computational Network for Computer Vision
* Range Measurement from Defocus Gradient
* Real-Time Color Recognition in Symbolic Programming for Machine Vision Systems
* Real-Time Synthesis of a Human-Like Agent in Response to the Users Moving Image
* Recent Advances in the Automatic Inspection of Integrated-Circuits for Pattern Defects
* Recognition of Hand-Written Rotated Digits by Neural Networks
* Recording, Processing, and Analysis of Digital High-Speed Sequences in Glottography
* Renaissance for Handwriting, A
* Robust Variable Order Facet Model For Image Data, A
* Scalable, Real-Time, Image-Processing Pipeline, A
* Segmentation and Tracking of Piglets in Images
* Special Section on Artificial Neural Networks for Machine Vision
* Special Section on Image Technology in Italy
* Strategies for Cursive Script Recognition Using Hidden Markov-Models
* Structural-Analysis of Arabic Handwriting: Segmentation and Recognition
* System for Form-Feature-Based Interpretation of Technical Drawings, A
* Texture Crack Detection
* Use of Context in Cursive Script Recognition, The
* Vision-Based Robotic Convoy Driving
42 for MVA(8)

MVA(9) * Algorithmic Modeling For Performance Evaluation
* Applying Algebraic and Differential Invariants for Logo Recognition
* Automated Inspection Station for Machine-Vision Grading of Potatoes, An
* Automated Laser-Scanning Based on Orthogonal Cross-Sections
* Automatic Defect Classification for Semiconductor Manufacturing
* Comparative-Study of the Robustness of Two Pose Estimation Techniques, A
* Computation of Cloud-base Height from Paired Whole-Sky Imaging Cameras, The
* Contour Representation of Binary Images Using Run-type Direction Codes
* Depth Extraction Using a Single Moving Camera: An Integration of Depth from Motion and Depth from Stereo
* Edges: Saliency Measures and Automatic Thresholding
* Efficient Contrast-Enhancement Method Using the Analog-to-Digital Converter, An
* Estimating 3-D Rigid-Body Transformations: A Comparison of Four Major Algorithms
* Estimations of Previewed Road Curvatures and Vehicular Motion by a Vision-Based Data Fusion Scheme
* Identification of Business Forms Using Relationships Between Adjacent Frames
* Image-Processing Techniques for Leather Hide Ranking in the Footwear Industry
* Machine-Vision System for Iris Recognition, A
* Matching Free Stereovision for Detecting Obstacles on a Ground Plane
* Methodology for Evaluation of Task-Performance in Robotic Systems: A Case-Study in Vision-Based Localization, A
* Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Multidimensional-Scaling Approach to Explore the Behavior of a Texture-Perception Algorithm, A
* On The Magic Of Slide
* Performance Characterization of Fundamental Matrix Estimation under Image Degradation
* Performance of Phase-Based Algorithms for Disparity Estimation
* Performance-Characteristics Of Vision Algorithms
* Protocol for Performance Evaluation of Line Detection Algorithms, A
* Random Perturbation Models for Boundary Extraction Sequence
* Real-Time Parallel Computation of Disparity and Optical-Flow Using Phase Difference
* Recognition of Handwritten Musical Notes by a Modified Neocognitron
* Reconstruction of Dynamic 3D Structure of Biological Objects Using Stereo Microscope Images, The
* Tracking Moving-Objects During Low-Altitude Flight
* Uncalibrated Obstacle Detection Using Normal Flow
31 for MVA(9)

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