Journals starting with surv

Survey, HMM * tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and selected applications in speech recognition, A

Survey, Relevance Feedback * Relevance feedback in content-based image retrieval: Some recent advances

Surveys( Vol No. ) * *ACM Computing Surveys

Surveys(1) * Picture Processing by Computer: Survey

Surveys(11) * Data Structures for Range Searching
* Digital Representations of Human Movement
* Geographic Data Processing

Surveys(12) * Approximate String Matching
* Representations for Rigid Solids: Theory, Methods and Systems

Surveys(13) * Image Models
* Representation of Three-Dimensional Digital Images

Surveys(14) * Computational Approaches to Image Understanding
* Computational Stereo

Surveys(15) * Image Models

Surveys(16) * Parallel Graph Algorithms
* Quadtree and Related Hierarchical Data Structures, The

Surveys(17) * Three-Dimensional Object Recognition

Surveys(18) * Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum Matching in Graphs
* Model-Based Recognition in Robot Vision

Surveys(19) * Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems, An
* Data Compression

Surveys(20) * Hierarchical Representations of Collections of Small Rectangles

Surveys(23) * Three-Dimensional Medical Imaging: Algorithms and Computer Systems
* Voronoi Diagrams: A Survey of a Fundamental Geometric Data Structure

Surveys(24) * Gross Motion Planning: A Survey
* Some Computational Strategies for Object Recognition
* Survey of Image Registration Techniques, A

Surveys(25) * Model-Based Object Recognition in Dense Range Images

Surveys(27) * Adaptive Methods for Distributed Video Presentation
* Challenge of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning, The
* Computation of Optical-Flow, The
* Digital Video Analysis and Recognition for Content-Based Access
* Exploring Functionalities in the Compressed Image Video Domain
* Myth of Semantic Video Retrieval, The
* On Detection and Representation of Multiscale Low-Level Image Structure
* Seeing and Understanding: Representing the Visual World
* Signal-to-Symbol Transformation and Vice-Versa: From Fundamental Processes to Representation
9 for Surveys(27)

Surveys(29) * Machine Interpretation of CAD Data for Manufacturing Applications
* Second-Generation Image-Coding: An Overview

Surveys(31) * Data clustering: A review

Surveys(33) * guided tour to approximate string matching, A
* Searching in metric spaces

Surveys(34) * Algorithmic issues in modeling motion
* survey of methods for recovering quadrics in triangle meshes, A

Surveys(35) * Face Recognition: A Literature Survey
* View planning for automated three-dimensional object reconstruction and inspection

Surveys(36) * Image Retrieval from the World Wide Web: Issues, Techniques, and Systems
* Object-based and image-based object representations

Surveys(37) * Feature-based similarity search in 3D object databases

Surveys(38) * Object tracking: A survey

Surveys(39) * survey of RST invariant image watermarking algorithms, A

Surveys(40) * 2D Euclidean distance transform algorithms: A comparative survey
* Describing shapes by geometrical-topological properties of real functions
* Image retrieval: Ideas, influences, and trends of the new age

Surveys(41) * Data fusion
* Survey and analysis of multimodal sensor planning and integration for wide area surveillance

Surveys(42) * Smart meeting systems: A survey of state-of-the-art and open issues
* Vlogging: A survey of videoblogging technology on the web

Surveys(43) * Coverage problems in sensor networks: A survey
* Forensic identification by computer-aided craniofacial superimposition: A survey
* Geometric distortion measurement for shape coding: A contemporary review
* Human Activity Analysis: A Review
* Vision of the unseen: Current trends and challenges in digital image and video forensics

Surveys(44) * Comparative Study of Palmprint Recognition Algorithms, A
* Flow Oriented Approaches to QoS Assurance
* review of recent advances in 3D ear- and expression-invariant face biometrics, A
* Survey of state melding in virtual worlds
* Survey on Personalized TV and NGN Services through Context-Awareness, A

Surveys(45) * 3D Virtual worlds and the metaverse: Current status and future possibilities
* comparison of index-based Lempel-Ziv LZ77 factorization algorithms, A
* exact online string matching problem: A review of the most recent results, The
* Near-duplicate video retrieval: Current research and future trends
* Offline arabic handwritten text recognition: A Survey
* Polygon mesh repairing: An application perspective
* QoS routing in wireless sensor networks: A survey
* Semantic trajectories modeling and analysis
* survey on ear biometrics, A
9 for Surveys(45)

Surveys(46) * From taxi GPS traces to social and community dynamics: A survey
* Keeping the vehicle on the road: A survey on on-road lane detection systems
* Light on horizontal interactive surfaces: Input space for tabletop computing
* Multimedia search reranking: A literature survey
* Object class detection: A survey
* survey on ontologies for human behavior recognition, A
* tutorial on human activity recognition using body-worn inertial sensors, A
7 for Surveys(46)

Surveys(47) * 3D Mesh Compression: Survey, Comparisons, and Emerging Trends
* Accounting and Accountability in Content Distribution Architectures: A Survey
* Discrete Bayesian Network Classifiers: A Survey
* Interaction with Large Displays: A Survey
* Low-Rank Modeling and Its Applications in Image Analysis
* On Computing Mapping of 3D Objects: A Survey
* Qualitative Review on 3D Coarse Registration Methods, A
* Review and Meta-Analysis of Multimodal Affect Detection Systems, A
* Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques, A
* Survey of Interactive Remote Rendering Systems, A
* Survey on Antispoofing Schemes for Fingerprint Recognition Systems, A
* Survey on Implicit Surface Polygonization, A
12 for Surveys(47)

Surveys(48) * Biometric Recognition in Automated Border Control: A Survey
* Feet in Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey of Foot-Based Interaction, The
* Impact of Bio-Inspired Approaches Toward the Advancement of Face Recognition, The
* Indoor Positioning Using Visible LED Lights: A Survey
* Knuckle Print Biometrics and Fusion Schemes: Overview, Challenges, and Solutions
* Multioccupant Activity Recognition in Pervasive Smart Home Environments
* Seamless Outdoors-Indoors Localization Solutions on Smartphones: Implementation and Challenges
* Survey and Analysis of the GNSS Spoofing Threat and Countermeasures, A
* Survey of Measures and Methods for Matching Geospatial Vector Datasets, A
* Systematic Review of Shared Sensor Networks, A
* Target Tracking for Sensor Networks: A Survey
* User Intent in Multimedia Search: A Survey of the State of the Art and Future Challenges
* Video Interaction Tools: A Survey of Recent Work
13 for Surveys(48)

Surveys(49) * Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing: Recent Approaches in Multimedia and Robotics
* Mobile IP Handover for Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Classifications
* On Precision Bound of Distributed Fault-Tolerant Sensor Fusion Algorithms
* Predicting Breast Cancer Recurrence Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Review
* Recent Advances in Camera Planning for Large Area Surveillance: A Comprehensive Review
* Survey of Wearable Biometric Recognition Systems, A
* Techniques and Devices Used in Palpation Simulation with Haptic Feedback
* Vehicular Networks: A New Challenge for Content-Delivery-Based Applications
8 for Surveys(49)

Surveys(5) * Progress in Picture Processing: 1969-71

Surveys(50) * Arabic Online Handwriting Recognition (AOHR): A Survey
* Automated Vehicle Detection and Classification: Models, Methods, and Techniques
* Data-Driven Techniques in Disaster Information Management
* Deep Learning Advances in Computer Vision with 3D Data: A Survey
* Modeling, Evaluation, and Scale on Artificial Pedestrians: A Literature Review
* Non-GPS Positioning Systems: A Survey
* Offensive and Defensive Exposition of Wearable Computing, An
* Presentation Attack Detection Methods for Face Recognition Systems: A Comprehensive Survey
* Secure Smart Homes: Opportunities and Challenges
* Smart Computing and Sensing Technologies for Animal Welfare: A Systematic Review
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Team Sports
* Toward Real-Time Ray Tracing: A Survey on Hardware Acceleration and Microarchitecture Techniques
* Towards Reasoning Vehicles: A Survey of Fuzzy Logic-Based Solutions in Vehicular Networks
* Tutorial for Olfaction-Based Multisensorial Media Application Design and Evaluation, A
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Surveys(51) * Activity Recognition with Evolving Data Streams: A Review
* Analysis of Online Social Network Connections for Identification of Influential Users: Survey and Open Research Issues
* Community Discovery in Dynamic Networks: A Survey
* Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning for Image Captioning, A
* Computational Understanding of Visual Interestingness Beyond Semantics: Literature Survey and Analysis of Covariates
* Computer-aided Arrhythmia Diagnosis with Bio-signal Processing: A Survey of Trends and Techniques
* Critical Review of Proactive Detection of Driver Stress Levels Based on Multimodal Measurements, A
* Deep Learning for Biometrics: A Survey
* Engagement in HCI: Conception, Theory and Measurement
* Facial Expression Analysis under Partial Occlusion: A Survey
* Gait-based Person Re-identification: A Survey
* GeoStreams: A Survey
* Graph Summarization Methods and Applications: A Survey
* Handcrafted and Deep Trackers: Recent Visual Object Tracking Approaches and Trends
* Indoor Positioning Based on Visible Light Communication: A Performance-based Survey of Real-world Prototypes
* Is Multimedia Multisensorial? - A Review of Mulsemedia Systems
* Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A Review
* Multimedia Big Data Analytics: A Survey
* Passive Vision Region-Based Road Detection: A Literature Review
* Perspective Analysis of Handwritten Signature Technology, A
* Presentation Attack Detection for Iris Recognition: An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art
* Recent Advances in Transfer Learning for Cross-Dataset Visual Recognition: A Problem-Oriented Perspective
* Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the Application and Data Planes
* Survey of Techniques for Automatically Sensing the Behavior of a Crowd, A
* Survey on Brain Biometrics, A
* Survey on Brain-Computer Interface: An Emerging Computational Intelligence Paradigm
* Survey on Gait Recognition, A
* Survey on the Usage of Eye-Tracking in Computer Programming, A
* Synthesis of Facial Expressions in Photographs: Characteristics, Approaches, and Challenges
* Systematic Review for Smart City Data Analytics, A
* Visual SLAM and Structure from Motion in Dynamic Environments: A Survey
31 for Surveys(51)

Surveys(52) * Adaptive Biometric Systems: Review and Perspectives
* Autonomous UAV Cinematography: A Tutorial and a Formalized Shot-Type Taxonomy
* Comprehensive Study of Continuous Orthogonal Moments: A Systematic Review
* Dance Interactive Learning Systems: A Study on Interaction Workflow and Teaching Approaches
* Document Layout Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey
* How Smart Are Smart Classrooms? A Review of Smart Classroom Technologies
* Huffman Coding
* Indoor Localization Improved by Spatial Context: A Survey
* Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Navigation
* Recoloring Algorithms for Colorblind People: A Survey
* Seeing the Invisible: Survey of Video Motion Magnification and Small Motion Analysis
* Survey of Compressed Domain Video Summarization Techniques
* Survey on 360° Video Streaming: Acquisition, Transmission, and Display, A
* Survey on Gait Recognition via Wearable Sensors, A
* Systematic Review on Imbalanced Data Challenges in Machine Learning: Applications and Solutions, A
* Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation
* Video Description: A Survey of Methods, Datasets, and Evaluation Metrics
* Video Skimming: Taxonomy and Comprehensive Survey
18 for Surveys(52)

Surveys(53) * Adversarial Examples on Object Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
* Anomaly Detection in Road Traffic Using Visual Surveillance: A Survey
* Autonomous Visual Navigation for Mobile Robots: A Systematic Literature Review
* Biometric Systems Utilising Health Data from Wearable Devices: Applications and Future Challenges in Computer Security
* Computation Offloading and Retrieval for Vehicular Edge Computing: Algorithms, Models, and Classification
* Computer-Generated Holograms for 3D Imaging: A Survey
* Content Delivery Networks: State of the Art, Trends, and Future Roadmap
* Deep Journey into Super-Resolution: A Survey, A
* Deep Learning-Based Video Coding: A Review and a Case Study
* Driver Emotion Recognition for Intelligent Vehicles: A Survey
* Knowledge Transfer in Vision Recognition: A Survey
* Machine Learning Methods for Data Association in Multi-Object Tracking
* Mind Your Mind: EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces and Their Security in Cyber Space
* Mobility Management in 5G-Enabled Vehicular Networks: Models, Protocols, and Classification
* Predictive Reliability and Fault Management in Exascale Systems: State of the Art and Perspectives
* Real-Time Illumination and Visual Coherence for Photorealistic Augmented/Mixed Reality
* Recommender Systems Leveraging Multimedia Content
* Smart Home Personal Assistants: A Security and Privacy Review
* Survey of Ontologies for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Mobile Robots, A
* Survey on Bayesian Deep Learning, A
* Survey on Device-Free Indoor Localization and Tracking in the Multi-Resident Environment, A
* Survey on Fuzzy Deep Neural Networks, A
* Survey on Heart Biometrics, A
* Touch-Dynamics Based Behavioural Biometrics on Mobile Devices: A Review from a Usability and Performance Perspective
* Traffic Efficiency Applications over Downtown Roads: A New Challenge for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
* Understanding Optical Music Recognition
* Vehicle Trajectory Similarity: Models, Methods, and Applications
* Visual Question Generation: The State of the Art
28 for Surveys(53)

Surveys(54) * Adversarial Perturbation Defense on Deep Neural Networks
* Affective Automotive User Interfaces-Reviewing the State of Driver Affect Research and Emotion Regulation in the Car
* Applying Machine Learning for Sensor Data Analysis in Interactive Systems: Common Pitfalls of Pragmatic Use and Ways to Avoid Them
* Computer Vision for Autonomous UAV Flight Safety: An Overview and a Vision-Based Safe Landing Pipeline Example
* Computing Graph Neural Networks: A Survey from Algorithms to Accelerators
* Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles: Taxonomy and Survey
* Creation and Detection of Deepfakes: A Survey, The
* Cyberattacks and Countermeasures for In-Vehicle Networks
* Cytology Image Analysis Techniques Toward Automation: Systematically Revisited
* Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection: A Review
* Deep Learning for Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition: Overview, Challenges, and Opportunities
* Deep Neural Network–Based Enhancement for Image and Video Streaming Systems: A Survey and Future Directions
* Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Brain Imaging Data Analysis
* Event Prediction in the Big Data Era: A Systematic Survey
* Fashion Meets Computer Vision: A Survey
* Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comprehensive Review, Challenges, and Research Directions
* Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions
* Generative Adversarial Networks in Computer Vision: A Survey and Taxonomy
* Images in Space and Time: Real Big Data in Healthcare
* Location Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms in Location-Based Services: A Comprehensive Survey
* Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Survey
* Mobility Trace Analysis for Intelligent Vehicular Networks: Methods, Models, and Applications
* Object Detection Using Deep Learning Methods in Traffic Scenarios
* Screen Content Quality Assessment: Overview, Benchmark, and Beyond
* Security in Brain-Computer Interfaces: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities, and Future Challenges
* Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB Positioning Systems: A Survey and Future Research Directions
* Social Media Identity Deception Detection: A Survey
* Survey of Post-OCR Processing Approaches
* Survey on Adversarial Recommender Systems: From Attack/Defense Strategies to Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Survey on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Fighting Against COVID-19, A
* Survey on Data-Driven Network Intrusion Detection, A
* Survey on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition, A
* Survey on Distributed Graph Pattern Matching in Massive Graphs, A
* Survey on Generative Adversarial Networks: Variants, Applications, and Training, A
* Survey on Haptic Technologies for Mobile Augmented Reality, A
* Survey on Trajectory Data Management, Analytics, and Learning, A
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition in Computer Vision: A Systematic Review
* Text Recognition in the Wild: A Survey
* Topic-Based Video Analysis: A Survey
* Towards Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research on Mobile Headsets and Future Challenges
* Two-Dimensional Stroke Gesture Recognition: A Survey
* Ultrasound Medical Imaging Techniques: A Survey
* Vision-Based Autonomous Vehicle Recognition: A New Challenge for Deep Learning-Based Systems
* Visual Affordance and Function Understanding: A Survey
44 for Surveys(54)

Surveys(55) * 3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360° Imagery: A Survey
* Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learning: From a Perspective of Cybersecurity
* Adversarial Machine Learning in Image Classification: A Survey Toward the Defender's Perspective
* AI-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for In-Vehicle Networks: A Survey
* AI-Empowered Persuasive Video Generation: A Survey
* Anomaly Analysis in Images and Videos: A Comprehensive Review
* Camera Measurement of Physiological Vital Signs
* Comprehensive Report on Machine Learning-Based Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data, A
* Comprehensive Review on Vision-Based Violence Detection in Surveillance Videos, A
* Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Single Image Dehazing Based on Deep Learning, A
* Comprehensive Survey of Few-Shot Learning: Evolution, Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities, A
* Computational Challenges and Approaches for Electric Vehicles
* Computer Vision-Based Analysis of Buildings and Built Environments: A Systematic Review of Current Approaches
* Continuous Human Action Recognition for Human-Machine Interaction: A Review
* Deep Learning in Sentiment Analysis: Recent Architectures
* Deep Learning on Monocular Object Pose Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Overview
* Deep Learning Techniques for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Prognosis Based on Radiological Imaging
* Deep Learning-Based Face Super-Resolution: A Survey
* Deep Person Generation: A Survey from the Perspective of Face, Pose, and Cloth Synthesis
* Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis in the Context of COVID-19: A Survey
* Edge Computing and Sensor-Cloud: Overview, Solutions, and Directions
* EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
* Emotion Ontology Studies: A Framework for Expressing Feelings Digitally and Its Application to Sentiment Analysis
* Experimental Investigation of Text-Based CAPTCHA Attacks and Their Robustness, An
* Eye in Extended Reality: A Survey on Gaze Interaction and Eye Tracking in Head-Worn Extended Reality, The
* Eye-Tracking Technologies in Mobile Devices Using Edge Computing: A Systematic Review
* From Reactive to Active Sensing: A Survey on Information Gathering in Decision-Theoretic Planning
* Gait Recognition Based on Deep Learning: A Survey
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Generation: A Survey
* Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution: A Survey
* Human Body Pose Estimation for Gait Identification: A Comprehensive Survey of Datasets and Models
* Level-5 Autonomous Driving: Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: A Survey of Methods, Trends, and Challenges
* Path-Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Environment Complexity Considerations: A Survey
* Presentation-Level Privacy Protection Techniques for Automated Face Recognition: A Survey
* Privacy Intelligence: A Survey on Image Privacy in Online Social Networks
* PURE: A Framework for Analyzing Proximity-Based Contact Tracing Protocols
* Recent Advances in Baggage Threat Detection: A Comprehensive and Systematic Survey
* Recent Advances of Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Deep Learning Perspective
* Recent Trends in Task and Motion Planning for Robotics: A Survey
* Role of Generative Adversarial Network in Medical Image Analysis: An In-Depth Survey, The
* Self-Supervised Learning for Videos: A Survey
* Survey of 3D Ear Recognition Techniques, A
* Survey of Approaches to Unobtrusive Sensing of Humans, A
* Survey of Orthogonal Moments for Image Representation: Theory, Implementation, and Evaluation, A
* Survey of Security and Privacy Issues in V2X Communication Systems, A
* Survey on Data-Driven COVID-19 and Future Pandemic Management, A
* Survey on Digital Video Stabilization: Concepts, Methods, and Challenges
* Survey on Perceptually Optimized Video Coding, A
* Survey on Seismic Sensor Based Target Detection, Localization, Identification, and Activity Recognition, A
* Survey on Synchronous Augmented, Virtual, AndMixed Reality Remote Collaboration Systems, A
* Survey on Underwater Computer Vision, A
* Survey on Video Moment Localization, A
* Systematic Review of Comparative Studies of the Impact of Realism in Immersive Virtual Experiences
* Systematic Survey of Regularization and Normalization in GANs, A
* Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
* Vehicular Edge Computing: Architecture, Resource Management, Security, and Challenges
* Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review
* Virtual Reality Solutions Employing Artificial Intelligence Methods: A Systematic Literature Review
59 for Surveys(55)

Surveys(56) * 3D Brain and Heart Volume Generative Models: A Survey
* 3D Face Recognition: Two Decades of Progress and Prospects
* 3D Face Reconstruction: The Road to Forensics
* Appearance and Pose-guided Human Generation: A Survey
* Are you feeling sick?: A systematic literature review of cybersickness in virtual reality
* Beyond Smart Homes: An In-Depth Analysis of Smart Aging Care System Security
* Bridging the Gap between Spatial and Spectral Domains: A Unified Framework for Graph Neural Networks
* Challenges and Opportunities of Biometric User Authentication in the Age of IoT: A Survey
* Co-Located Human-Human Interaction Analysis Using Nonverbal Cues: A Survey
* Comprehensive Review and New Taxonomy on Superpixel Segmentation, A
* Computational Techniques in PET/CT Image Processing for Breast Cancer: A Systematic Mapping Review
* Computational Technologies for Fashion Recommendation: A Survey
* Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
* Cross-Modality Neuroimage Synthesis: A Survey
* Deep Dive into Robot Vision - An Integrative Systematic Literature Review Methodologies and Research Endeavor Practices, A
* Deep Learning for Iris Recognition: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Plant Identification and Disease Classification from Leaf Images: Multi-prediction Approaches
* Deep Learning for Table Detection and Structure Recognition: A Survey
* Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation: A Survey
* Deep Multimodal Data Fusion
* Document Image Quality Assessment: A Survey
* Early Detection of Bark Beetle Attack Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Review
* Efficient High-Resolution Deep Learning: A Survey
* Embedding Compression in Recommender Systems: A Survey
* End-to-End Review of Gaze Estimation and Its Interactive Applications on Handheld Mobile Devices, An
* Evaluation of XR Applications: A Tertiary Review
* Explainable Deep Learning Methods in Medical Image Classification: A Survey
* Extended Reality (XR) Toward Building Immersive Solutions: The Key to Unlocking Industry 4.0
* From Detection to Application: Recent Advances in Understanding Scientific Tables and Figures
* Generalized Video Anomaly Event Detection: Systematic Taxonomy and Comparison of Deep Models
* Generative Adversarial Networks: A Survey on Attack and Defense Perspective
* Human Image Generation: A Comprehensive Survey
* Meta-learning Approaches for Few-Shot Learning: A Survey of Recent Advances
* Mobile Edge Computing and Machine Learning in the Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Survey
* Mobile Near-infrared Sensing: A Systematic Review on Devices, Data, Modeling, and Applications
* Named Entity Recognition and Classification in Historical Documents: A Survey
* Neuromorphic Perception and Navigation for Mobile Robots: A Review
* Recent Advances for Aerial Object Detection: A Survey
* Research Progress of EEG-Based Emotion Recognition: A Survey
* Review of Explainable Fashion Compatibility Modeling Methods, A
* Review of Modern Fashion Recommender Systems, A
* Review of Olfactory Display Designs for Virtual Reality Environments, A
* Scoping Survey on Cross-Reality Systems, A
* Secure UAV (Drone) and the Great Promise of AI
* Security, Privacy, and Decentralized Trust Management in VANETs: A Review of Current Research and Future Directions
* Sensor-Based Locomotion Data Mining for Supporting the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Survey
* Sentiment Analysis for the Natural Environment: A Systematic Review
* Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, and Application
* Survey of Computer Vision Technologies in Urban and Controlled-environment Agriculture, A
* Survey of Cutting-edge Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, A
* Survey of Dataset Refinement for Problems in Computer Vision Datasets, A
* Survey of Deep Learning for Low-shot Object Detection, A
* Survey of Robustness and Safety of 2D and 3D Deep Learning Models against Adversarial Attacks, A
* Survey of Single Image Rain Removal Based on Deep Learning, A
* Survey on Deep Generative 3D-Aware Image Synthesis, A
* Survey on Fashion Image Retrieval, A
* Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in Interactive Systems
* Survey on Reversible Data Hiding for Uncompressed Images, A
* Survey on Robotic Prosthetics: Neuroprosthetics, Soft Actuators, and Control Strategies, A
* Survey on Sketch-to-Photo Translation
* Survey on the Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management, A
* Systematic Collection of Medical Image Datasets for Deep Learning, A
* Systematic Survey of Deep Learning-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution, A
* Towards Hybrid-Optimization Video Coding
* Tutorial on Matching-based Causal Analysis of Human Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensor Data
* Video Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
* Visual Tuning
67 for Surveys(56)

Surveys(57) * Adversarial Attacks and Countermeasures on Image Classification-based Deep Learning Models in Autonomous Driving Systems: A Systematic Review
* Co-clustering: A Survey of the Main Methods, Recent Trends, and Open Problems
* Comprehensive Survey on Deep Clustering: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Future Directions, A
* Comprehensive Survey on Rare Event Prediction, A
* Deep Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Survey
* Deepfake Detection: A Comprehensive Survey from the Reliability Perspective
* Digital Food Sensing and Ingredient Analysis Techniques to Facilitate Human-Food Interface Designs
* Early-Exit Deep Neural Network - A Comprehensive Survey
* Eco-Friendly Route Planning Algorithms: Taxonomies, Literature Review and Future Directions
* Empowering Agrifood System with Artificial Intelligence: A Survey of the Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
* Enabling Technologies and Techniques for Floor Identification
* Graph and Sequential Neural Networks in Session-based Recommendation: A Survey
* How to Improve Video Analytics with Action Recognition: A Survey
* Image Steganography Approaches and Their Detection Strategies: A Survey
* Interdisciplinary Survey on Origin-destination Flows Modeling: Theory and Techniques, An
* Knowledge-based Cyber Physical Security at Smart Home: A Review
* LiDAR-Based Place Recognition For Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Mathematical Information Retrieval: A Review
* Modality Deep-learning Frameworks for Fake News Detection on Social Networks: A Systematic Literature Review
* Multimodal Recommender Systems: A Survey
* Object Selection and Manipulation in VR Headsets: Research Challenges, Solutions, and Success Measurements
* Physics-Informed Computer Vision: A Review and Perspectives
* Presentation Attack Detection: A Systematic Literature Review
* Racial Bias within Face Recognition: A Survey
* survey of 3D Space Path-Planning Methods and Algorithms, A
* Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Models, A
* Survey on Adversarial Attack and Defense for Medical Image Analysis: Methods and Challenges
* Survey on Deep Learning for Design and Generation of Virtual Architecture, A
* Survey on Security of UAV Swarm Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures, A
* Survey on Video Diffusion Models, A
* Systematic Literature Review on Multi-Robot Task Allocation, A
31 for Surveys(57)

Surveys(6) * Computer Processing of Line Drawing Images

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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