Update Dates 0001

0001 * *AIPR Workshop
* *Graphical Models
* *HIPR2: Free WWW-based Image Processing Teaching Materials with JAVA
* *MIT Car Database MITC
* *MIT Face Recognition Database
* *MIT Pedestrian Database MITP
* 1.15 Mbit/s coding of video signals including global motion compensation
* 1.2 Gbit/s HDTV digital VTR
* 120/140 Mbit/s portable HDTV codec and its transmission performance in a field trial via INTELSAT satellite
* 2-D mesh-based video object segmentation and tracking with occlusion resolution
* 2D+t Tensor Voting Based Approach for Tracking, A
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Scenes from Aerial Stereo Imagery: A Focusing Strategy
* 3-D spatiotemporal subband decompositions for hierarchical compatible video coding by mathematical morphology
* 3D Articulated Models and Multiview Tracking with Physical Forces
* 3D Imaging in the Studio
* 3D map reconstruction from range data
* 3D Reconstruction by Shadow Carving: Theory and Practical Evaluation
* 3D Shape and 2D Surface Textures of Human Faces: The Role of Averages in Attractiveness and Age
* 3D Structures for Generic Object Recognition
* 3D-television: A survey of recent research results on subjective requirements
* 64 kbit/s Video coding algorithm using adaptive gain/shape vector quantization
* 64 kbit/s Videophone codec with forward analysis and control, A
* Achieving real-time object detection and tracking under extreme conditions
* Active and Passive Range Sensing for Robotics
* Active Computer Vision System
* Active contours without edges
* Active vision-based control schemes for autonomous navigation tasks
* Adaptation and improvement of CCITT reference model 8 video coding for digital storage media applications
* Adaptive Algorithms for Image Coding Using Vector Quantization
* adaptive BTC-VQ image compression algorithm operating at a fixed bit-rate, An
* Adaptive Detection and localization of Moving Objects in Image Sequences
* Adaptive document image binarization
* Adaptive floating search methods in feature selection
* Adaptive frame/field motion compensated video coding
* adaptive hybrid DPCM/DCT method for video coding, An
* Adaptive linear dimensionality reduction for classification
* Adaptive sub-band DCT coding for HDTV signal transmission
* Adaptive window method with sizing vectors for reliable correlation-based target tracking
* Advanced modulation and channel coding tecniques for digital HDTV via satellite in the 20 GHz range
* Advances in video coding for hand-held device implementation in networked electronic media
* Affine-Invariant Recognition of Gray-Scale Characters Using Global Affine Transformation Correlation
* Aliasing assessment in wavelength domain of hyperspectral data
* All-digital high definition television: Dream or reality?
* All-digital super high definition images
* alternative method of optoelectronic color analysis for slides, An
* Appearance-based object recognition using optimal feature transforms
* Application of probabilistic imaging techniques to real-time systems
* Application of spectral features' ratios for improving classification in partially calibrated hyperspectral imagery: a case study of separating Mediterranean vegetation species
* array processor approach for low bit rate video coding, An
* ATM video signal multiplexer with congestion control function
* audio-video front-end for multimedia applications, An
* Automated Correction and Updating of Roads from Aerial Ortho-Images
* Automated surface inspection for directional textures
* Automatic Classification of Single Facial Images
* Automatic Description of Complex Buildings with Multiple Images
* Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Data on Cheques: Fact or Fiction?
* Automatic Text Detection and Tracking in Digital Video
* Autonomous underwater vehicle guidance by integrating neural networks and geometric reasoning
* Backpack: Detection of People Carrying Objects Using Silhouettes
* Backward motion compensation for interlaced HDTV
* Bandwidth efficient transmission of MPEG-II video over noisy mobile links
* Bayes empirical Bayes approach to unsupervised learning of parameters in pattern recognition
* Bayesian estimation of edge orientations in junctions
* Bayesian Image Retrieval System, PicHunter: Theory, Implementation, and Psychophysical Experiments, The
* Bayesian Network Enhanced Prediction for Multiple Facial Feature Tracking
* Bayesian reasoning on qualitative descriptions from images and speech
* Bayesian Theory
* Bias-Variance Analysis for Controlling Adaptive Surface Meshes
* bidimensional model of line-shuffling, A
* Bit-rate control algorithm on video packet coding and its characteristics
* Bit-rate control for digital TV and HDTV codecs
* Block motion compensated coding of interlaced sequences using adaptively deinterlaced fields
* Boundary detection by contextual non-linear smoothing
* Camera Self-Calibration Using the Singular Value Decomposition of the Fundamental Matrix
* CATALOG: a system for detection and rendering of internal log defects using computer tomography
* CCITT compatible coding algorithm for digital recording of moving images, A
* Cephalogram analysis applying template matching and fuzzy logic
* Channel coding scheme for in HDTV digital VCR
* Chromatic contrast discrimination: Data and prediction for stimuli varying in L and M cone excitation
* Classified block truncation coding-vector quantization: An edge sensitive image compression algorithm
* Coded representation of multimedia and hypermedia information objects: Towards the MHEG standard
* Coding of arbitrarily shaped image segments based on a generalized orthogonal transform
* Coherent computation of the multispectral maximal directional derivative
* Color reduction using local features and a kohonen self-organized feature map neural network
* Colour contribution for stereo image matching
* Combinatorial methods for approximate image matching under translations and rotations
* Combined multiresolution source coding and modulation for digital broadcast of HDTV
* Combining DCT and subband coding into an intraframe coder
* compact improved quadtree representation with image manipulations, A
* Comparison of three methods for shape recognition in the case of mine detection
* comparison of vector quantization techniques in transform and subband coding of imagery, A
* Compatibility issues and selection devices for stereoscopic television
* Compatible coding of television images, part 1. Coding algorithm
* Compatible coding of television images, part 2. Compatible system
* competitive elliptical clustering algorithm, A
* Compressed progressive meshes
* Compression algorithms for software coding of video
* Compressor function for analogue HDTV component signals
* Compton back-scattering imaging
* Computational Framework for Segmentation and Grouping, A
* Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications
* Computational Vision: Information Processing in Perception and Visual Behavior
* Computing Stochastic Completion Fields in Linear-Time Using a Resolution Pyramid
* Concept of a wireless indoor video communications system
* Conceptual description of visual scenes from linguistic models
* Conceptual descriptions from monitoring and watching image sequences
* Conceptualizing Images
* Considerations on the possibility to exchange temporal against spatial resolution in image coding
* Constrained disparity and motion estimators for 3DTV image sequence coding
* Constructing qualitative event models automatically from video input
* Controlling robots with two cameras: how to do it properly
* COSMIC: A compatible scheme for moving image coding
* Coupled Minimization Problem for Medical Image Segmentation with Priors, A
* Creating a Large-Scale Content-Based Airphoto Image Digital Library
* Data Mining for Features Using Scale-Sensitive Gated Experts
* DCT coding for motion video storage using adaptive arithmetic coding
* DCT-based embedded coding for packet video
* DCT-Domain Watermarking Techniques for Still Images: Detector Performance Analysis and a New Structure
* Design, Architecture, and Control of a Mobile Site Modeling Robot
* Detecting human faces in color images
* Detecting human heads with their orientations
* Detection of dominant orthogonal road structures in small scale
* Detection of Moving Objects in Video Using a Robust Motion Similarity Measure
* Detection, Tracking, and Classification of Action Units in Facial Expression
* Development of 135 Mbit/s HDTV codec
* Development of Columbia's video on demand testbed
* differential method for simultaneous estimation of rotation, change of scale and translation, A
* Digital coding of television signals--CCIR activities for standardization
* Digital consumer HDTV recording based on motion-compensated DCT coding of video signals
* Digital HDTV broadcasting over the CATV distribution system
* Digital high definition television: Dawning of the new era
* Digital Image Processing: A Practical Introduction Using Java
* Digital Mammography: Gabor Filter for Detection of Microcalcifications
* digital spectrum-compatible HDTV system, The
* Direct image resampling using block transform coefficients
* direct reconstruction method with variable constraints, A
* Disambiguating Visual Motion by Form-Motion Interaction: A Computational Model
* Discrete 3D Wave Propagation for Computing Morphological Operations from Surface Patches and Unorganized Points
* Disparity Tuning as Simulated by a Neural Net
* DSP-Oriented Low Level Processing for Adaptive Tuning of Video Surveillance Images
* Dynamic Vision Algorithm to Locate a Vehicle on a Nonstructured Road, A
* ECOVISION: Challenges in Early-Cognitive Vision
* Effect of resolution and image quality on combined optical and neural network fingerprint matching
* Effective algorithms for video transmission over wireless channels
* efficient syntactic approach to structural analysis of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions, An
* Encoding of videoconferencing signals using VDPCM
* Enhancing CSS-based shape retrieval for objects with shallow concavities
* Error concealment for robust arithmetic decoding in mobile radio environments
* error-correcting code for data broadcasting and its error-correction capability, An
* Error-free image decomposition/reconstruction for subband coding schemes
* Estimating Anthropometry and Pose from a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Estimation and distribution of motion information in image communication networks
* Exact image subband decomposition/reconstruction by DCT
* Example-Based Object Detection in Images by Components
* Extension of the CCITT visual communication coding algorithm for operation in ATM networks
* Extracting Color Halftones from Printed Documents Using Texture Analysis
* Face Recognition: A Critical Look at Biologically-Inspired Approaches
* Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data by global fitting
* Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data by global fitting
* fast and efficient compression method for binary images, A
* Fast cross-spectral image registration using new robust correlation
* Fast hardware implementation of Gabor filter based motion estimation
* fast single-pass deterministic video deghoster for terrestrial transmitted video, A
* Fast Texture Synthesis Using Tree-Structured Vector Quantization
* Feature matching constrained by cross ratio invariance
* Feature-Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation Based on Nonquadratic Regularization
* Filter design for the interpolation of highly subsampled pictures
* Fixation as a Mechanism for Stabilization of Short Image Sequences
* FLC and VLC coding for professional digital HDTV recording: Application to D1-like recorders
* Flexible Automatisierung von Strassenfahrzeugen mit Rechnersehen
* Flexible scalable digital video coding
* Flexible Syntactic Matching of Curves and Its Application to Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes
* Flooding and Segmentation
* FlyCam: Practical Panoramic Video and Automatic Camera Control
* Foreground/background segmentation in videotelephony
* Fourier phase shift location estimation of unfocused optical point spread functions
* Fourier Transform and Its Applications, The
* FPGA-based architecture for hardware compression/decompression of wide format images
* Fractal image compression
* Framework for Multi-Scale and Hybrid RKHS-Based Approximators, A
* Framework for Recognizing the Simultaneous Aspects of American Sign Language, A
* Fully Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering with Entropy Criterion
* Functions of bounded variation and free discontinuity problems
* further reduction of multiplications in Wang's fast DCT algorithm, A
* general architecture of video codec for real time communication at 64 kbit/s, A
* General Ribbon-Based Thinning Algorithms for Stylus-Generated Images
* General Ribbons: A Model for Stylus-Generated Images
* Generic Image Structure
* Genetic adaptive coding optimization applied to fractal image compression
* Geodesic Active Regions and Level Set Methods: Contributions and Applications in Artificial Vision
* geometric approach to consistent classification, A
* Global Detection of Salient Convex Boundaries
* global energy approach to facet model and its minimization using weighted least-squares algorithm, A
* Globally Optimal Fuzzy Decision Trees for Classification and Regression
* Globeall: Panoramic Video for an Intelligent Room
* Great Buddha Project: Modelling Cultural Heritage through Observation, The
* Halftone image data hiding with intensity selection and connection selection
* hardware architecture for real-time image compression using a searchless fractal image coding method, A
* Hardware design of a motion video decoder for 1-1.5 Mbps rate applications
* Hardware trials for verifying recommendation H.261 on p*64 kbit/s video codec
* HDTV bit-rate reduction codec at the STM-1 rate of SDH, An
* HDTV transmission system in an ATM-based network
* Hierarchical coding of HDTV
* Hierarchical coding scheme of video signal with scalability and compatibility
* Hierarchical Color Image Region Segmentation for Content-Based Image Retrieval System
* Hierarchical multirate vector quantization for image coding
* Hierarchical sub-band coding of super high definition image with adaptive block-size multistage VQ
* Hierarchical transform and subband coding of video signals
* high resolution video workstation, A
* High-order image subsampling using feedforward artificial neural networks
* High-speed JPEG coder implementation for a smart camera
* Holistic Verification of Handwritten Phrases
* How to integrate access control mechanisms into digital HDTV systems?
* hybrid approach for stereo disparity computation, A
* Hybrid coding with pre-buffering and pre-analysis in a software-based codec environment
* Hybrid extended MPEG video coding algorithm for general video applications
* hybrid image coder with vector quantizer, A
* IDB: an image database system
* Image Analysis and Reconstruction using a Wavelet Transform Constructed from a Reducible Representation of the Euclidean Motion Group
* Image coding using an adaptive sampling technique
* Image coding using neighbourhood relations
* Image inpainting
* Image Processing For The Food Industry
* Image reconstruction from partial subband images and its application in packet video transmission
* Image Registration with Guaranteed Displacement Regularity
* Image sampling structure conversion by morphological filters
* Image sequence coding using oriented edges
* Image sequence coding using temporal co-occurrence matrices
* Image signal interpolating apparatus
* Image-Based Form Document Retrieval
* Image-guided decision support system for pathology
* Incremental recognition of traffic situations from video image sequences
* incremental-learning neural network for the classification of remote-sensing images, An
* Information theoretical based design of hierarchical channel coding and modulation for mobile radio channels
* innovative algorithm for key frame extraction in video summarization, An
* Intelligent Environments and Active Camera Networks
* Interactive Virtual Relighting of Real Scenes
* Interlaced video coding with field-based multiresolution representation
* interpretation of ERS-1 and ERS-2 InSAR data for the mining subsidence monitoring in upper Silesian coal basin, Poland, The
* Introduction to Support Vector Machines, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Image and Video Processing for Digital Libraries
* Investigations on colour coding in an object-oriented analysis-synthesis coder
* ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/WG11; Report on MPEG-2 subjective assessment at Kurihama
* Knowledge-based ECG interpretation: a critical review
* Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction: A Triangulation-Based Approach
* Layered coding for ATM based video distribution systems
* Learning based Detection, segmentation and matching of objects
* Learning Bayesian networks for clustering by means of constructive induction
* Learning Variable-Length Markov Models of Behavior
* Lexicon reduction using key characters in cursive handwritten words
* Ligature Instabilities in the Perceptual Organization of Shape
* Line Pattern Retrieval Using Relational Histograms
* Live cell imaging: a computational perspective
* Local and Global Geometric Methods for Analysis Interrogation, Reconstruction, Modification and Design of Shape
* Local motion-adaptive interpolation technique based on block matching algorithms
* Localizing a polyhedral object in a robot hand by integrating visual and tactile data
* low bit rate coding algorithm for full motion video signal, A
* Low bit rate videophone codec for ISDN applications
* Lower Level and Higher Level Approaches to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Matching and Retrieval Based on the Vocabulary and Grammar of Color Patterns
* Matching techniques to compute image motion
* Mathematical Expression Recognition: A Survey
* Maximum Margin Approach to Learning Text Classifiers Methods, Theory and Algorithms, The
* Measure-based classifier performance evaluation
* Measuring rectangularity
* Method and apparatus for detecting scene changes in a digital video stream
* Method and apparatus for training a neural network to learn hierarchical representations of objects and to detect and classify objects with uncertain training data
* Method for segmenting a digital image into a foreground region and a key color region
* migrating data-driven architecture for multidimensional signal processing, A
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction Including Missing Data
* Minimum description length method for facet matching
* mixture model for pose clustering, A
* Mobile image transmission using combined source and channel coding with low complexity concealment
* Model-Based Analysis-Synthesis Image Coding (MBASIC) System for a Person's Face
* model-based neural network for edge characterization, A
* Model-Based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery
* Modeling 3-D Complex Buildings With User Assistance
* Modeling activity in VBR video sources
* Modeling image textures by Gibbs random fields
* Models for Motion-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Models of Object Recognition
* Monocular Perception of Biological Motion in Johansson Displays
* Morphological segmentation of sport scenes using color information
* Morphological waveform coding for writer identification
* Motion compensated subband coding schemes for compatible high definition TV coding
* Motion compensating interpolation considering covered and uncovered background
* Motion estimation and compensation for image sequence coding
* Motion estimation and compensation technologies for standards conversion
* Motion vector replenishment for low bit-rate video coding
* motion vector replenishment video codec for ATM networks, A
* Motion, stereo and color analysis for dynamic virtual environments
* Moving object localisation using a multi-label fast marching algorithm
* Moving picture coding system for digital storage media using hybrid coding
* Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives
* Moving-window discrete Fourier transform
* MPEG systems coding specification, The
* MPEG video compression algorithm, The
* MPEG++: A robust compression and transport system for digital HDTV
* multi-directional multiple-path recognition scheme for complex objects applied to the domain of a wooden toy kit, A
* Multi-frame packet reservation multiple access using oscillation-scaled histogram-based Markov modelling of video codecs
* Multiaspect Target Identification with Wave-Based Matched Pursuits and Continuous Hidden Markov Models
* Multicarrier modem for digital HDTV terrestrial broadcasting
* Multidimensional curve classification using passing-through regions
* Multifocal planes head-mounted displays
* Multiorder polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Multipath fading effects on integrated video, voice and data transmission in hybrid-code BPSK-DS/CDMA systems
* Multiple description coding using pairwise correlating transforms
* Multiplexing digital television sources on ATM networks
* Multiscale Annealing for Grouping and Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Multisensor Integration for Building Modeling
* Multithresholding of color and gray-level images through a neural network technique
* MUPCOS: A multi-purpose coding scheme
* Nearest neighbor classifier: Simultaneous editing and feature selection
* Neural Network Approach to Color Constancy, A
* new block-based motion estimation algorithm, A
* New Constraints on Data-Closeness and Needle Map Consistency for Shape-from-Shading
* new edited k-nearest neighbor rule in the pattern classification problem, A
* new fast method for computing Legendre moments, A
* new motion adaptive PAL-codec, A
* new parallel feature-based stereo-matching algorithm with figural continuity preservation, based on hybrid symbiotic genetic algorithms, A
* New Support Vector Algorithms
* Noise smoothing by a fast K-nearest neighbour algorithm
* note on constrained k-means algorithms, A
* Object classification using a fragment-based representation
* Object Recognition Using Random Image-Lines
* Object Tracking in Image Sequences
* Object-Based Image Similarity Computation Using Inductive Learning of Contour-Segment Relations
* Object-oriented analysis-synthesis coding based on moving two-dimensional objects
* Object-oriented analysis-synthesis coding of moving images
* Object-oriented motion estimation and segmentation in image sequences
* Objective image fusion performance measure
* Occupancy Model for Image Retrieval and Similarity Evaluation, An
* On the arithmetic required in the computation of orthonormal transforms
* On the Estimation of Error-correcting Parameters
* On the Inverse Hough Transform
* On the Minimum Common Supergraph of Two Graphs
* On the Uniqueness of Curvature Features
* On the use of motion as a primitive quantity for autonomous vehicle guidance
* On-line recognition of cursive Korean characters using graph representation
* Optical character recognition system and method using special normalization for special characters
* Optimized quantization for image subband coding
* ORASSYLL: Object Recognition with Autonomously Learned and Sparse Symbolic Representations Based on Metrically Organized Local Line Detectors
* Orthonormal ridgelet and linear singularities
* Ouchi Illusion as an Artifact of Biased Flow Estimation, The
* Pattern Recognition in Practice VI
* Perfect reconstruction filter banks for HDTV representation and coding
* Performance Evaluation for Automatic Feature Extraction
* Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry
* PicToSeek: Combining Color and Shape Invariant Features for Image Retrieval
* Piecewise linear motion-adaptive interpolation
* Pixel classification using variable string genetic algorithms with chromosome differentiation
* Point-based projective invariants
* Possible channel coding and modulation system for the satellite broadcasting of a high-definition television signal
* Pre-Attentive and Attentive Detection of Humans in Wide-Field Scenes
* Predictive coding of images using an adaptive intra-frame predictor and motion compensation
* Probabilistic Model for Recovering Camera Translation, A
* Progress on HDTV broadcasting standards in the United States
* Prototype Extraction and Adaptive OCR
* Random Forests
* Rate control for low-bit-rate video via variable-encoding frame rates
* Rate control for MPEG transcoders
* Real-time 2D-3D filtering using order statistics based algorithms
* Real-time auto white balancing for digital cameras using discrete wavelet transform-based scoring
* Real-Time Facial Feature Detection for Person Identification System
* Real-time image and video processing in portable and mobile devices
* Real-time machine-vision-based position sensing system for UAV aerial refueling
* Real-Time Video-Shot Detection for Scene Surveillance Applications
* Recognizing Planned, Multiperson Action
* Reconstruction de sequences d'images haute resolution. Application a la restauration de films cinematographiques
* Relative Fuzzy Connectedness among Multiple Objects: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
* Representation and Optimal Recognition of Human Activities
* Representing Contours as Sequence of One Dimensional Functions
* Requirements for high quality video coding standards
* Restoring subsampled color images
* review of fully interactive video on demand, A
* Review of Image-based Rendering Techniques, A
* Ringing reduction in low bit-rate image subband coding using projection onto a space of paraboloids
* Roadmap to the Integration of Early Visual Modules, A
* Robust Coding Schemes for Indexing and Retrieval from Large Face Databases
* Robust mobile image transmission using hierarchical QAM
* Robust real-time ground plane motion compensation from a moving vehicle
* Robust VB 2D-CELP image transmission over CDMA Rayleigh fading channels
* role of perceptual contrast non-linearities in image transform quantization, The
* Saliency-Based Search Mechanism for Overt and Covert Shifts of Visual Attention
* Segmentation and Interpretation of Multicolored Objects with Highlights
* Semantik-basierte Gebäudeerfassung mit verkoppelten Markoff-Zufallsfeldern
* semi-automatic seeded region growing algorithm for video object localization and tracking, A
* Sensor band selection for multispectral imaging via average normalized information
* Shape recognition from large image libraries by inexact graph matching
* Shape Retrieval Based on Dynamic Programming
* Shape Similarity by Piecewise Linear Alignment
* Signal processing for a digital HDTV chromakey mixer
* Silt: A distributed bit-parallel architecture for early vision
* Similarity normalization for speaker verification by fuzzy fusion
* simplified motion estimator based on binary correlation, A
* Single stage 280 Mbit/s coding of HDTV using HDPCM with a vector quantizer based on masking functions
* Single-Sensor Imaging in Consumer Digital Cameras: A Survey of Recent Advances and Future Directions
* Skew angle estimation in document processing using Cohen's class distributions
* Skew detection and reconstruction based on maximization of variance of transition-counts
* Smoothing images creates corners
* spatially layered hierarchical approach to video coding, A
* Spatio-temporal subsampling and transform coding of HDTV signals
* Special issue on multimedia adaptation
* Special issue on spectral imaging: Real-time processing of hyperspectral data
* Spectral image processing in real-time
* Standardization activities in HDTV broadcasting
* Standardization activities in image communication for telematic services
* Standardization activities on multimedia coding in ISO
* Statistical analysis of the 2D-DCT coefficients of the differential signal for images
* Statistical Models of Video Structure for Content Analysis and Characterization
* Statistics of Optical Flow, The
* Stereo and motion correspondence in a sequence of stereo images
* stereo visual pattern image coding system, A
* Stereoscopic display for design visualization
* stereoscopic television system (3D-TV) and compatible transmission on a MAC channel (3D-MAC), A
* Still images retrieval from a remote database: The system Imagine
* Study of video-on-demand system using narrow band ISDN
* study on design of object sorting algorithms in the industrial application using hyperspectral imaging, A
* Sub-pattern texture recognition using intelligent focal-plane imaging sensor of small window-size
* Subband based TV coding
* Subband coding of image sequences at low bit rates
* Subjective assessment of redundancy-reduced moving images for interactive application: Test methodology and report
* Supervised and Unsupervised Pattern Recognition: Feature Extraction and Computational Intelligence
* Surfels: Surface Elements as Rendering Primitives
* Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture, A
* Symmetric Objects in Multiple Affine Views
* System and Method for Determining Ridge Counts in Fingerprint Image Processing
* T-Snakes: Topology Adaptive Snakes
* target recognition technique employing geometric invariants, A
* Task-Specific Contour Tracker for Ultrasound, A
* Technical features of the JBIG standard for progressive bi-level image compression
* Texture mapping in model-based image coding
* three camera approach for calculating disparity and synthesizing intermediate pictures, A
* Three-Class Markovian Segmentation of High-Resolution Sonar Images
* Time-recursive deinterlacing for IDTV and pyramid coding
* Toward computers that recognize and respond to user emotion
* Towards Perceptual Intelligence: Statistical Modeling of Human Individual and Interactive Behaviors
* Tracking and Modeling People in Video Sequences
* Tracking apparatus and tracking method
* Tracking multiple moving objects for real-time robot navigation
* Tracking techniques for visual servoing tasks
* Trajectory Analysis for Sport and Video Surveillance
* Trends in automated visual inspection
* Triangulation Based Fusion of Sonar Data for Robust Pose Tracking
* two layers video coding scheme for ATM networks, A
* Two-layer coding for videotelephone
* Two-layer video coding for ATM networks
* Two-stage multirate coding of color images
* Ultrasonic pulse shaping with optimal lag filters
* Uncertain Reasoning and Learning for Feature Grouping
* Universal VBR videocodecs for ATM networks in the Belgian Broadband Experiment
* use of genetic algorithms in morphological filter design, The
* Use of Zoom within Active Vision, The
* Using Constraint Lines for Estimating Egomotion
* Using Local Features in a Neural Network Based Gray-level Reduction Technique
* Utilisation des modeles markoviens en reconnaissance de l'ecriture arabe: Etat de l'art
* Vanishing Points are Meaningful Gestalts
* Variable bit-rate coding based on human visual system
* Variable bit-rate image sequence coding with adaptive quantization
* Variable bit-rate source modelling of ATM-based video services
* Variable length coding of interleaved DCT coefficients for digital HDTV
* Vector probability diffusion
* versatile DCT coding system for HDTV with interlaced and progressive scanning, A
* Very high resolution imaging scheme with multiple different-aperture cameras
* Video codec standardization in CCITT study group XV
* Video coding algorithm up to 10 Mbit/s
* video coding method considering cell losses in ATM-based networks, A
* Video coding with motion-compensated interpolation for CD-ROM applications
* Video Object Extraction Based on Adaptive Background and Statistical Change Detection
* Video on demand
* Video semantics
* Video subband VQ coding at 64 kbit/s using short-kernel filter banks with an improved motion estimation technique
* Vision based station keeping and docking for an aerial blimp
* Vision guided circumnavigating autonomous robots
* Vision-Based Detection of Staircases
* Visual landmark learning
* Visual Motion of Curves and Surfaces
* VLSI architecture for real-time image and video processing systems
* VLSI implementation study of a 10 Mbit/s video decoder, A
* Voronoi-based interpolation with higher continuity
* VQ on projection domain of image
* Wavelet video transmission over wireless channels
* Wavelet-Based Off-Line Handwritten Signature Verification
* Weakly Supervised Scale-Invariant Learning of Models for Visual Recognition
* Wideband MAC-compatible HDTV transmission system
485 for 0001

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.