* AMOS: the learning multiclass pattern classifier
* application of a piecewise-linear multi-category pattern classifier with self-evolving capabilities to the interpretation of mass spectra, The
* Application of Color Information to Visual Perception
* Behavioral problems of deaf children: Clustering of variables using measures of association and similarity
* Classification by cascaded threshold elements
* contribution to the problem of feature selection with similarity functionals in pattern recognition, A
* Describing and Abstracting Pictorial Structures
* Design of a practical scanner unit for precision analysis of micrographs
* Feature extraction algorithms
* FIDAC: Film input to digital automatic computer
* Flexible linguistic pattern recognition
* Frequency-domain image errors
* Image devices for pattern recognition
* Interactive pattern analysis and classification utilizing prior knowledge
* interactive-graphic subsystem for pattern analysis, An
* Introduction to special issue on syntactic pattern recognition: Part one
* Introduction to the special issue on feature extractions
* model for evaluating the effectiveness of resolution enhancement algorithms, A
* On dimensionality and sample size in statistical pattern classification
* On the problem of bias in error rate estimation for discriminant analysis
* organization of extracted features for pattern recognition, The
* Parameter estimation and learning/classification threshold optimization applied to maxentropic adaptive pattern recognition
* Pattern recognition theory and the identification of Alamogordo Rostrocarinoids
* Picture Representation and Transformations by Computer
* Poly: A two dimensional language for a class of polygons
* Reduction of the storage requirements of Bledsoe and Browning's n-tuple method of pattern recognition
* Some dual problems in pattern recognition
* Some linguistic and statistical problems in pattern recognition
* syntax-aided recognition scheme for handprinted English letters, A
* Ungrammatical grammar in pattern recognition
30 for PR(3)
* 3-Dimensional Realization of Anomalous Pictures: An Application of Picture Interpretation Theory to Toy Design
* Adaptive Image-Enhancement Algorithm, An
* Affine Curve Moment Invariants for Shape-Recognition
* Analysis of Evidence Theoretic Decision Rules for Pattern-Classification
* Analysis of Local Feature-Extraction in Digital Mammography, An
* Analysis of Terrain Using Multispectral Images
* Application of Genetic Algorithms to Geometric Model-Guided Interpretation of Brain Anatomy, An
* Automatic Video Indexing via Object Motion Analysis
* Boundary-Based Corner Detection Using Neural Networks
* Box-Cox Metric for Nearest-Neighbor Classification Improvement, The
* Box-Cox Metric for Nearest-Neighbor Classification Improvement, The
* Chinese Document Layout Analysis Based on Adaptive Split-and-Merge and Qualitative Spatial Reasoning
* Cluster Validation Using Graph-Theoretic Concepts
* Clustering by Competitive Agglomeration
* Complex Cepstral Filtering of Images and Echo Removal in the Radon Domain
* Convergence of Numerical Box-Counting and Correlation Integral Multifractal Analysis Techniques
* Critical-Point Detection in Fluid Flow Images Using Dynamical System Properties
* Cursive Word Reference Line Detection
* Curve Bend Function Based Method to Characterize Contour Shapes, A
* Deformable Prototypes for Encoding Shape Categories in Image Databases
* Detection of Faces and Facial Landmarks Using Iconic Filter Banks
* Determination of Feature Correspondences in Stereo Images Using a Calibration Polygon
* Determining Articulated Motion from Perspective Views: A Decomposition Approach
* Digital Representation Schemes for 3D Curves
* Direct Shape from Shading with Improved Rate of Convergence
* Discrete Active Models and Applications
* Discrete Combinatorial Geometry
* Discretizing Continuous Neural Networks Using a Polarization Learning Rule
* Document-Retrieval Tolerating Character-Recognition Errors: Evaluation and Application
* Dyadic Scale-Space
* Edge-Detection in Noisy Data Using Finite Mixture Distribution Analysis
* Effect of the Perturbed Correlation Method for Optical Character-Recognition
* Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Knowledge Acquisition, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Smoothing, Linearization and Detection of Structural Feature Points of Binary Image Contours, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Finding the Centers of Conics and Quadrics in Noisy Data
* Efficient and Robust Method to Detect Object Center, An
* Evolving Descriptors for Texture Segmentation
* Extraction of Line Features in a Noisy Image
* Face Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Face Recognition Using Transform Features and Neural Networks
* Fast Algorithm for Point Pattern-Matching: Invariant to Translations, Rotations and Scale Changes
* Fast General Algorithm for Extracting Image Features on SIMD Mesh-Connected Computers, A
* Fast Implementations of Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers
* Feature Analysis: Neural Network and Fuzzy Set Theoretic Approaches
* Finding Prototypes for Nearest-Neighbor Classification by Means of Gradient Descent and Deterministic Annealing
* Fitness Functions in Editing K-NN Reference Set by Genetic Algorithms
* Focused Color Intersection with Efficient Searching for Object Extraction
* Fuzzy Cell Hough Transform for Curve Detection
* Fuzzy Feature Description of Handwriting Patterns
* Fuzzy Integration of Classification Results
* Fuzzy Region Growing Approach for Segmentation of Color Images, A
* Gaze Stabilization in Active Vision - I: Vergence Error Extraction
* Gaze Stabilization In Active Vision - II: Multirate Vergence Control
* Genetic C-Means Clustering-Algorithm Applied to Color Image Quantization, A
* Genetic Sparse Distributed Memory Approach to the Application of Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Geometric Framework for Fingerprint Image Classification
* Gray-Level Image Thresholding Based on Fisher Linear Projection of 2-Dimensional Histogram
* Growth-Processes Based on 8-Neighbor Time Delays
* Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition by Metasynthetic Approach
* Hebbian learning subspace method: A new approach
* Hierarchical Neural-Network Architecture for Handwritten Numeral Recognition, A
* HMM-Based Character-Recognition Network Using Level Building, An
* Hopfield Neural-Network for the Multichannel Segmentation of Magnetic-Resonance Cerebral Images
* Image Databases and Near-Perfect Hash Table
* Image Enhancement Using A Human Visual System Model
* Image Thresholding Based on Ali-Silvey Distance Measures
* Image-Based Keyword Recognition in Oriental Language Document Images
* Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* Improved Method to Compute the Convex-Hull of a Shape in a Binary Image, An
* Improvement of Handwritten Japanese Character-Recognition Using Weighted Direction Code Histogram
* Improving Classifier Performance Through Repeated Sampling
* Indexing Pictures by Key Objects for Large-Scale Image Databases
* Inexact Graph Matching Using Genetic Search
* Integrated Approach To 2d Object Recognition, An
* Integrated System for Content-Based Video Retrieval and Browsing, An
* Interactive Learning with a Society of Models
* Interpreting Image Databases by Region Classification
* Invariance of Stereo Images via the Theory of Complex Moments
* Invariant Representation, Matching and Pose Estimation of 3D Space-Curves Under Similarity Transformations
* Investigation of Mountain Method Clustering for Large Data Sets, An
* Investigation of the Nature of Parameterization for the Hough Transform, An
* Investigations on Fuzzy Thresholding Based on Fuzzy Clustering
* Language Model-Based on Semantically Clustered Words in a Chinese Character-Recognition System, A
* Lower Order Circle and Ellipse Hough Transform
* Machine Learning Approach for Acquiring Descriptive Classification Rules of Shape Contours, A
* Machine-Printed Japanese Document Recognition
* Matching Delaunay Graphs
* Matching Structural Shape Descriptions Using Genetic Algorithms
* Minimal Spanning Tree-Based Clustering Technique: Relationship with Bayes Classifier
* Mobile Robot Localization In Indoor Environment
* Model Indexing and Object Recognition Using 3D Viewpoint Invariance
* Model-Based Tracking of Moving Object
* Modeling Ecologically Specialized Biological Visual Systems
* Multichannel Autofocusing Scheme for Gray Level Shape Scale Detection, A
* Multilevel Post-Processing for Korean Character-Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Evaluation
* Multiscale Gradient Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using Watersheds, A
* New Probabilistic Relaxation Method Based on Probability Space Partition, A
* New Scheme for Training Feedforward Neural Networks, A
* New Shape-Preserving Parallel Thinning Algorithm for 3D Digital Images, A
* Novel Scale-Spectrum Space for Representing Gray-Level Shape, The
* Object Detection Using Gabor Filters
* Occluded Objects Recognition Using Multiscale Features and Hopfield Neural-Network
* Off-Line Signature Verification Based on Geometric Feature-Extraction and Neural-Network Classification
* On the Fast Shape Recovery Technique Using Multiple Ring Lights
* Online Handwritten Alphanumeric Character-Recognition Using Dominant Points in Strokes
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Hidden Markov-Models
* Optical Chinese Character-Recognition Using Probabilistic Neural Networks
* Optimal Boundary Detection on Grey-Tone Image
* Parallel Algorithm for Detecting Dominant Points on Multiple Digital Curves, A
* Parallel Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithms on Processor Arrays with a Reconfigurable Bus System
* Parametric and Nonparametric Unsupervised Cluster-Analysis
* Partitioning of Feature Space for Pattern Classification
* Pattern-Recognition of Strings with Substitutions, Insertions, Deletions and Generalized Transposition
* Peripheral and Global Features for Use in Coarse Classification of Chinese Characters
* Perspective-Transformation-Invariant Generalized Hough Transform for Perspective Planar Shape
* Phantom Faces for Face Analysis
* Polarimetric Fusion for Synthetic-Aperture Radar Target Classification
* Polygonal-Approximation of Digital Curves Based on the Principles of Perceptual Organization
* Practicing Vision: Integration, Evaluation and Applications
* Prime Number Based Matrix Strategy for Efficient Iconic Indexing of Symbolic Pictures, A
* Principal Component Analysis of Speech Spectrogram Images
* Quadtree Normalization Scheme Based on Cyclic Translations, A
* Qualitative Estimation of Camera Motion Parameters from Video Sequences
* Realization of Rank Order Filters Based on Majority Gate
* Recognition and learning of a class of context-sensitive languages described by augmented regular expressions
* Recognition of Online Cursive Korean Characters Combining Statistical and Structural Methods
* Recovering the 3D Structure of Tubular Objects from Stereo Silhouettes
* Recursive Hierarchical Radical Extraction for Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Region Growing and Merging Algorithm to Color Segmentation, A
* Region Growing and Merging Algorithm to Color Segmentation, A
* Region-Based Template Deformation and Masking for Eye-Feature Extraction and Description
* Representative Noise-Free Complete-Link Classification with Application to Protein Structures
* Residues of Morphological Filtering by Reconstruction for Texture Classification
* Robust Detection of Straight and Circular Road Segments in Noisy Aerial Images
* Robust Optical-Flow Estimation Using Semi-Invariant Local Features
* Roof Edge-Detection Using Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
* Scale-Space Analysis and Corner Detection on Digital Curves Using a Discrete Scale-Space Kernel
* Segmentation and Recognition of Connected Handwritten Numeral Strings
* Selection of Alpha for Alpha Hull in R-2
* Set Operations on Constant Bit-Length Linear Quadtrees
* Shape-Recognition Using Fractal Geometry
* Signature Verification Using Multiple Neural Classifiers
* Skeleton Location and Evaluation Based on Local Digital Width in Ribbon-Like Images
* Skew Detection and Text Line-Position Determination in Digitized Documents
* Special Issue: Image Databases
* Special Issue: Oriental Character-Recognition
* Stereo Matching Algorithm-Based on Modified Wavelet Decomposition Process
* Stochastic Representation of Cursive Chinese Characters for Online Recognition, A
* Structural Approach to Representation of Curved Objects, A
* Structure-Driven Induction of Decision Tree Classifiers Through Neural Learning
* Synthetic-Aperture Radar Detection and Clutter Rejection Minace Filters
* System for Computerized Classification of Color Textured Perthite Images, A
* TABU Search Based Algorithm for the Fuzzy Clustering Problem, A
* Template Matching of Binary Targets in Gray-Scale Images: A Nonparametric Approach
* Template Matching: Matched Spatial Filters And Beyond
* Threshold Selection Using Renyis Entropy
* Time-Optimal Solution to a Classification Problem in Ordered Functional Domains, with Applications, A
* Unique Solution of Projective Invariants of 6 Points from 4 Uncalibrated Images, The
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation via Wavelet Transform
* Use of the Area Under the ROC Curve in the Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms, The
* Variation Measure for Handwritten Character Image Data Using Entropy Difference, A
* Video Shot Detection and Characterization for Video Databases
* Visualization of Pattern Data Through Learning of Nonlinear Variance Conserving Dimension Reduction Mapping
* What Can Be Seen in a Noisy Optical-Flow Field Projected by a Moving Planar Patch in 3D Space
* Word Shape-Analysis for a Hybrid Recognition System
165 for PR(30)
* 2-D Object Recognition by Multiscale Tree Matching
* 2-D Object Recognition Using Invariant Contour Descriptor and Projective Refinement
* 2D Object Recognition on a Reconfigurable Mesh
* 3D Region Representation Based on Run-Lengths: Operations and Efficiency
* advanced distributed region of interest tool, The
* Algorithm to Determine the Feasibilities and Weights of Two-Layer Perceptrons for Partitioning and Classification, An
* Assessing agreement between human and machine clusterings of image databases
* Asymptotic Granulometric Mixing Theorem: Morphological Estimation of Sizing Parameters and Mixture Proportions
* Automatic Registration of Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions
* Automatic Text Location in Images and Video Frames
* Autonomous Construction of 3-Dimensional Models from Range Data
* Bagging for Linear Classifiers
* Binary Image Segmentation of Aggregates Based on Polygonal-Approximation and Classification of Concavities
* Boundary Simplification Using a Multiscale Dominant Point Detection Algorithm
* CCD Camera Calibration Based on Natural Landmarks
* Characterizations of Nearest and Farthest Neighbor Algorithms by Clustering Admissibility Conditions
* Chinese Character Stroke Extraction Algorithm Based on Contour Information, A
* Class Selective Rejection Rule to Minimize the Maximum Distance Between Selected Classes
* Classification of Machine Printed and Handwritten Texts Using Character Block Layout Variance
* Classifier Design with Incomplete Knowledge
* Color Image Segmentation Based on 3-D Clustering: Morphological Approach
* Comments on Mesh and Pyramid Algorithms for Iconic Indexing
* Comparing face images using the modified Hausdorff distance
* Complete Printed Bangla OCR System, A
* Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification Using Finger Crease Pattern
* Contour Length Terminating Criterion for Snake Model
* Contour Motion Estimation from Image Sequences Using Curvature Information
* Corner Enhancement in Curvature Scale Space
* Detection of Object Wings in Fused Range and Intensity Imagery
* Discrete, Nonlinear Curvature-Dependent Contour Evolution
* Discriminant-Analysis When The Classes Arise From A Continuum
* Effect of noise on generalisation in massively parallel fuzzy systems
* Efficient Algorithm for Form Structure Extraction Using Strip Projection, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Obtaining Algebraic Invariants from Higher Degree Implicit Polynomials for Recognition of Curved Objects
* Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
* Efficient Rotation Invariant Texture Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Enhancing Object Recognition Using Regency and Cooccurrence Heuristics
* Establishing Motion-Based Feature Point Correspondence
* Evaluation of Multiexpert Configurations for the Recognition of Handwritten Numerals, An
* Facial Feature Detection Using Geometrical Face Model: An Efficient Approach
* Fast Full Search in Motion Estimation by Hierarchical Use of Minkowski's Inequality (HUMI)
* Fast implementations for mirroring and rotating bincode-based images
* Fast Recursive Algorithms for 2-Dimensional Thresholding
* Fast Wavelet Based Karhunen Loeve Transform, A
* Feature Point Clustering Approach to the Recognition of Form Documents, A
* Formal Theory for Optimal and Information Theoretic Syntactic Pattern Recognition, A
* Foveating Fuzzy Scoring Target Recognition System, A
* From 2D Surface Patches to 3D Reconstructed Models: Theory and Applications
* From Image Quadrilaterals to Symmetrical Trapezia
* From Nomad to Explorer: Active Object Recognition on Mobile Robots
* Gabor Filter Based Method for Recognizing Handwritten Numerals, A
* Gaussian-Mixture-Based Image Segmentation Algorithm, A
* Genetic Algorithm Approach to Color Image-Enhancement, A
* geostatistical model for linear prediction analysis of speech, A
* Handwritten Phrase Recognition As Applied To Street Name Images
* Hybrid Approaches to Frontal View Face Recognition Using the Hidden Markov Model and Neural-Network
* Improved Piecewise Approximation Algorithm for Image Compression
* improved synergetic algorithm for image classification, An
* Interface Oriented Approach to Character-Recognition Based on a Dynamic Model, An
* Introduction of neighborhood information in evidence theory and application to data fusion of radar and optical images with partial cloud cover
* Investigation into the Closure Process in Human Visual-Perception for Line Patterns, An
* Isolated word recognition using modular recurrent neural networks
* Iterative Relaxational Stereo Matching Based on Adaptive Support Between Disparities
* Knowledge Based Assistant for the Selection of Edge Detectors
* Level Compression-Based Image Representation and Its Applications
* MAP-Based probabilistic reasoning to vehicle segmentation
* Matching and Recognition of Deformed Closed Contours Based on Structural Transformation Models
* Matching the Resolution Level to Salient Image Features
* maximum model distance approach for HMM-based speech recognition, A
* Measure of Recognition Difficulty for a Character Image Database, A
* Mesh and pyramid algorithms for iconic indexing
* Modelling facial colour and identity with Gaussian mixtures
* Modified Box-Counting Method: Analysis of Some Characteristic Parameters, The
* Moment-Preserving Approach for Depth from Defocus, A
* Morphological Approach to Shortest Path Planning for Rotating Objects, A
* morphological operator for corner detection, A
* Multi-Level Dynamic Programming Method for Line Segment Matching in Axial Motion Stereo, A
* Multi-Stroke Relaxation Matching Method For Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition
* Multiimage Photometric Stereo Using Surface Approximation by Legendre Polynomials
* Multimodal Image Segmentation Using a Modified Hopfield Neural Network
* Multiscale Edge Detection and Feature Binding: An Integrated Approach
* Multiscale Morphologic Edge Detector, A
* New Algorithm for Line Image Vectorization, A
* New Algorithm for Lossless Still Image Compression, A
* New Algorithm for Subgraph Optimal Isomorphism, A
* New Algorithms for 2D and 3D Point Matching: Pose Estimation and Correspondence
* New Approach of Color Images Segmentation Based on Fusing Region and Edge Segmentations Outputs, A
* New Approach to the Verification of Chinese Signatures with Variant Orientations and Scales Using Relaxation and State Space Search Methods, A
* New Connected Components Algorithms and Invariant Transformations of Digital Images
* New Image Distortion Measure Based on a Data-Driven Multisensor Organization, A
* New Results on the Theory of Morphological Filters by Reconstruction
* New vector quantization image coding algorithm based on the extension of the bound for Minkowski metric
* Noisy Texture Classification: A Higher Order Statistics Approach
* Non-stationary signal classification using the joint moments of time-frequency distributions
* Noniterative Probabilistic Method for Contextual Correspondence Matching, A
* Off-Line Arabic Character-Recognition: The State of the Art
* Off-Line Handwritten Numeral String Recognition by Combining Segmentation-Based and Segmentation-Free Methods
* On Illumination Invariance in Color Object Recognition
* On Image Classification: City Images vs. Landscapes
* On Pattern Classification with Sammons Nonlinear Mapping: An Experimental-Study
* On the computation of the digital convex hull and circular hull of a digital region
* On the Efficient Computation of 2-D Image Moments Using the Discrete Radon-Transform
* On the stability of thresholding SAR images
* On-line handwriting recognition using physics-based shape metamorphosis
* On-line signature verification based on logarithmic spectrum
* One-dimensional digital processing of images for straight-line detection
* Optimal Encoding of Graph Homomorphism Energy Using Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators
* Optimization Method for the Topological Structures of Feedforward Multilayer Neural Networks, An
* Optimizing the Cost Matrix for Approximate String Matching Using Genetic Algorithms
* Optimum Solution for Scale Invariant Object Recognition Based on the Multiresolution Approximation, An
* Pattern Clustering Based on Noise Modeling in Wavelet Space
* Physically Based Active Shape Models: Initialization and Optimization
* Piecewise linear classifiers with an appropriate number of hyperplanes
* Pink Panther: A Complete Environment for Ground Truthing and Benchmarking Document Page Segmentation
* Planning Sequences of Views for 3-D Object Recognition and Pose Determination
* Prototype Indexing Approach to 2-D Object Description and Recognition, A
* Recent Progress in Coded Structured Light as a Technique to Solve the Correspondence Problem: A Survey
* Recognition and Data Extraction of Form Documents Based on 3 Types of Line Segments
* Recognition of Facial Images with Low-Resolution Using a Hopfield Memory Model
* Recognition of Handwritten Digits Based on Contour Information
* Recognition of Roads and Bridges in SAR Images
* Recognizing 3-D Objects by Using a Hopfield-Style Optimization Algorithm for Matching Patch Based Descriptions
* Recursive Dimensionality Reduction Using Fishers Linear Discriminant
* Registration of Multiple-Range Views Using the Reverse-Calibration Technique
* Relaxation by Hopfield Network in Stereo Image Matching
* Relaxation Labeling Using Augmented Lagrange-Hopfield Method
* Reliable Polygonal Approximations of Imaged Real Objects Through Dominant Point Detection
* RGF Pandemonium: A Low-Level Representational Model for Images, The
* Ri-Minace Filters to Augment Segmentation of Touching Objects
* Robotic estimation: the inefficiency of random-walk sampling
* Scaled and rotated texture classification using a class of basis functions
* Scaling additional contributions to principal components analysis
* Script Independent Methodology for Optical Character Recognition, A
* Segmentation and Reconstruction of Online Handwritten Scripts
* Segmentation of 2D and 3D Images Through a Hierarchical Clustering Based on Region Modeling
* Segmentation of natural images using anisotropic diffusion and linking of boundary edges
* Segmentation of off-line cursive handwriting using linear programming
* Segmented snake for contour detection
* Separation of single-touching handwritten numeral strings based on structural features
* Sewer Pipe Deformation Assessment by Image-Analysis of Video Surveys
* Shape Similarity Matching for Query by Example
* Shape-Based Retrieval: A Case-Study with Trademark Image Databases
* Signal and image feature extraction from local maxima of generalised correlation
* Similarity and Affine Normalization of Partially Occluded Planar Curves Using First and 2nd Derivatives
* single filter for edge detection, A
* Size-invariant four-scan Euclidean distance transformation
* Skeletonization of Binary Images with Nonuniform Width via Block Decomposition and Contour Vector Matching
* Skew Symmetry Detection via Invariant Signatures
* Solution to Histogram-Equalization and Other Related Problems by Shortest-Path Methods, A
* Speeding up chinese character recognition in an automatic document reading system
* Stabilizing the Camera to Fixation Point Distance in Active Vision
* Structural Primitive Extraction and Coding for Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Structured representation and automatic indexing of movie information content
* Subpixel Detection of the Center of an Object Using a Spectral Phase Algorithm on the Image
* Supportedness and Tameness Differentialless Geometry of Plane-Curves
* Surface Reconstruction by Smoothness MAP Estimation
* Survey of Shape Analysis Techniques, A
* Symbolic graph matching with the EM algorithm
* System for Model-Based Object Recognition in Perspective Aerial Images, A
* TABU Search Algorithm for Codebook Generation in Vector Quantization
* Text Extraction Using Pyramid
* Three-dimensional model construction from multiview range images: Survey with new results
* Three-Dimensional Neural-Network Model for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition: A New Approach, A
* Threshold Selection Based on Fuzzy C-Partition Entropy Approach
* Truly 2-D hidden Markov model for off-line handwritten character recognition
* Unified decision combination framework
* Vectorization of hand-drawn image using piecewise cubic Bezier curves fitting
* Vehicle-Type Motion Estimation By the Fusion of Image Point and Line Features
* Vision-Based Pragmatic Strategy for Autonomous Navigation, A
* Visual Querying by Color Perceptive Regions
* VLSI for Moment Computation and Its Application to Breast Cancer Detection
171 for PR(31)
* 3-D analysis of projective textures using structural approaches
* 3D object identification with color and curvature signatures
* 3D Object Recognition in Range Images Using Hidden Markov Models and Neural Networks
* Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbour classifiers
* Ambiguity reduction in speaker identification by the relaxation labeling process
* analytic approach for generation of artificial hand-printed character database from given generative models, An
* Anomaly Detection through Registration
* Applications of hidden Markov chains in image analysis
* Artificial neural networks for automated quality control of textile seams
* Automatic classification of chromosomes by means of quadratically asymmetric statistical distributions
* Automatic fruit recognition: A survey and new results using Range/Attenuation images
* Automatic human face detection and recognition under non-uniform illumination
* Automatic identification and skew estimation of text lines in real scene images
* Averaging feature maps
* background-thinning-based approach for separating and recognizing connected handwritten digit strings, A
* Bidimensional shape detection using an invariant approach
* Binarization of noisy gray-scale character images by thin line modeling
* Block decomposition and segmentation for fast Hough transform evaluation
* Camera motion from brightness on lines. Combination of features and normal flow
* Classification of microcalcifications in digital mammograms using trend-oriented radial basis function neural network
* Classifying image pixels into shaped, smooth, and textured points
* Color-based object recognition
* Color-induced image representation and retrieval
* Combining rough sets and data-driven fuzzy learning for generation of classification rules
* Comparing classifiers when the misallocation costs are uncertain
* Comparison and classification of stationary multivariate time series
* Computing skeletons in three dimensions
* Computing the visual hull of solids of revolution
* Conditional expectation and martingales of random sets
* Consistent topographic surface labelling
* Corrections for systematic boundary effects in pixel-based area counts
* Curvature scale-space-driven object recognition with an indexing scheme based on artificial neural networks
* decision tree approach to graph and subgraph isomorphism detection, A
* Depth from defocusing using a neural network
* Detection and localisation of reflectional and rotational symmetry under weak perspective projection
* Deterministic search for relational graph matching
* Digital geometric methods in document image analysis
* Digitizations preserving shape
* Discrete signal quantization
* Discriminative wavelet shape descriptors for recognition of 2-D patterns
* Dynamically programmed automata for quasi context sensitive languages as a tool for inference support in pattern recognition-based real-time control expert systems
* efficient algorithm to compute eigenimages in PCA-based vision systems, An
* Efficient algorithms for robust feature matching
* evolutionary algorithm for the registration of 3-d surface representations, An
* Evolutionary segmentation of texture image using genetic algorithms towards automatic decision of optimum number of segmentation areas
* Explicit inversion: an approach to image analysis
* Extracting Decision Trees from Trained Neural Networks
* Extracting strokes from static line images based on selective searching
* Extraction of 3d anatomical point landmarks based on invariance principles
* Faithful cross-media color matching using neural networks
* fast recurring two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm, A
* Feature correspondence and motion recovery in vehicle planar navigation
* Fingerprint minutiae extraction from skeletonized binary images
* Form recognition using linear structure
* fractal-based image processing Language: Formal Modeling, A
* Function approximation from noisy data by an incremental RBF network
* Fusion of correlated decisions for writer verification
* Fuzzy feature selection
* Fuzzy partition of two-dimensional histogram and its application to thresholding
* Fuzzy relational calculus approach to multidimensional pattern classification
* Fuzzy segmented image coding using orthonormal bases and derivative chain coding
* generalized approach to real-time pattern recognition in sensed data, A
* Gravitational clustering: a new approach based on the spatial distribution of the points
* hierarchical multiscale and multiangle system for human face detection in a complex background using gravity-center template, A
* High-dimensional clustering using frequency sensitive competitive learning
* Highly accurate recognition of printed Korean characters through an improved two-stage classification method
* Hybrid neuro-fuzzy filter for impulse noise removal
* Illumination-invariant image retrieval and video segmentation
* Image retrieval by shape and texture
* Index of a point of 3-D digital binary image and algorithm for computing its Euler characteristic
* Influence of discretization in image space on Hough transform
* Intensity analysis of Boolean models
* Invariant Fourier-wavelet descriptor for pattern recognition
* Joint segmentation and image interpretation
* Knowledge-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Enhanced Recognition of Handwritten Courtesy Amounts, A
* Large scale on-line handwritten Chinese character recognition using successor method based on stochastic regular grammar
* Learning affine transformations
* Local reference lines for handwritten phrase recognition
* Locating head and face boundaries for head-shoulder images
* Lossless compression of pre-press images using a novel colour decorrelation technique
* M-band wavelet discrimination of natural textures
* Matching using Schwarz integrals
* Maximum-likelihood estimation and optimal filtering in the nondirectional, one-dimensional binomial germ-grain model
* Modeling and classifying color textures using random fields in a random environment
* modified Hough transform for line detection and its performance, A
* Mosaic image method: a local and global method
* Multiclassification: reject criteria for the Bayesian combiner
* Multidimensional scaling of simplex shapes
* Multisensor image registration by feature consensus
* new chain code, A
* new cluster-validity for fuzzy clustering, A
* new genetic-based technique for matching 3-D curves and surfaces, A
* new log-polar mapping for space variant imaging, A
* new nearest-neighbor rule in the pattern classification problem, A
* new possibilistic clustering algorithm for line detection in real world imagery, A
* New texture features based on the complexity curve
* new thresholding technique based on random sets, A
* Noise impact on time-series forecasting using an intelligent pattern matching technique
* novel stroke-based feature extraction for handwritten Chinese character recognition, A
* oblique subspace projection approach for mixed pixel classification in hyperspectral images, An
* Off-line signature verification using genetically optimized weighted features
* On fuzzy distances and their use in image processing under imprecision
* On matching brain volumes
* On the discrete representation of the Laplacian of Gaussian
* On the empty space function of some germ-grain models
* On the relationship between the 0-cell and the typical cell of a stationary random tessellation
* On the tractability of estimating the germ process of certain germ-grain random set models and related problems
* On-line handwriting character recognition using direction-change features that consider imaginary strokes
* one-pass algorithm for local symmetry of contours from chain codes, A
* Optimal quadratic-time isomorphism of ordered graphs
* Outlining of the prostate using snakes with shape restrictions based on the wavelet transform
* overlap invariant entropy measure of 3D medical image alignment, An
* Parallel array grammars as models for the growth of planar patterns
* Parsing of two-dimensional images represented by quadtree adjoining grammars
* Perceptual organization approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory
* Perceptual organization for inferring object boundaries in an image
* Perfect simulation in stochastic geometry
* Performance prediction of vehicle detection algorithms
* Polygonal approximation using genetic algorithms
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Neural Network Based Indexing
* Recognizing on-line handwritten alphanumeric characters through flexible structural matching
* Regulated morphological operations
* Robust hypothesis verification: Application to model-based object recognition
* robust line extraction method by unsupervised line clustering, A
* Robust telephone speech recognition based on channel compensation
* Robust voxel similarity metrics for the registration of dissimilar single and multimodal images
* Robustness of granulometric moments
* scaled multigrid optical flow algorithm based on the least RMS error between real and estimated second images, A
* Segmentation from motion: Combining Gabor- and Mallat-Wavelets to Overcome the Aperture and Correspondence Problems
* Shape distances for contour tracking and motion estimation
* Shift Detection by Restoration
* Silhouette recognition using high-resolution pursuit
* Size-biased random closed sets
* Some results on picture languages
* stereological unfolding problem for systems of homothetic particles, The
* study on the dual vanishing point property, A
* Supervised and unsupervised fuzzy-adaptive Hamming net
* Surface roughness classification for castings
* Surface-based matching using elastic transformations
* survey of hierarchical non-linear medical image registration, A
* Symbolic fusion of luminance-hue-chroma features for region segmentation
* Texture analysis using feature-based pairwise interaction maps
* Texture frame curves and regions of attention using adaptive non-cartesian networks
* Texture synthesis and pattern recognition for partially ordered Markov models
* Theoretical analysis of illumination in PCA-based vision systems
* Topological changes in grey-tone digital pictures
* Trainable grey-level models for disentangling overlapping chromosomes
* Two Novel Characteristics in Palmprint Verification: Datum Point Invariance and Line Feature Matching
* Uniquely parsable array grammars for generating and parsing connected patterns
* Unsupervised parallel image classification using Markovian models
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions
* unsupervised vector quantization-based target subspace projection approach to mixed pixel detection and classification in unknown background for remotely sensed imagery, An
* Use the Fuzzy Hough transform towards reduction of the precision/uncertainty duality
* Visual inspection system for the classification of solder joints
* Wavelet correlation signatures for color texture characterization
155 for PR(32)
* 3-D object recognition using a new invariant relationship by single-view
* A* perspective on deterministic optimization for deformable templates, An
* Active models for tracking moving objects
* Active vision-based control schemes for autonomous navigation tasks
* Adaptive document image binarization
* Adaptive linear dimensionality reduction for classification
* adaptive logical method for binarization of degraded document images, An
* Adaptive morphological operators, fast algorithms and their applications
* Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbour classifiers
* Adaptive window method with sizing vectors for reliable correlation-based target tracking
* Affine invariant detection of perceptually parallel 3D planar curves
* algorithm for the rapid computation of boundaries of run-length encoded regions, An
* Analog implementation of erosion/dilation, median and order statistics filters
* Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes
* apparent simplicity appearing in pattern classification problems, An
* Appearance-based object recognition using optimal feature transforms
* Application of projection pursuit learning to boundary detection and deblurring in images
* Applying deformable templates for cell image segmentation
* Bayes empirical Bayes approach to unsupervised learning of parameters in pattern recognition
* Bayesian face recognition
* better fitness measure of a text-document for a given set of keywords, A
* Binary object representation and recognition using the Hilbert morphological skeleton transform
* Boundary detection by contextual non-linear smoothing
* Calibrating a video camera pair with a rigid bar
* Can the classification capability of network be further improved by using quadratic sigmoidal neurons?
* chain code for representing 3D curves, A
* Characterizing the distribution of completion shapes with corners using a mixture of random processes
* Classification of temporal sequences via prediction using the simple recurrent neural network
* Classifying cervix tissue patterns with texture analysis
* Cliques, computation, and computational tractability
* Clutter Rejection Technique for FLIR Imagery Using Region-Based Principal Component Analysis, A
* Coarse-to-fine planar object identification using invariant curve features and B-spline modeling
* Color image compression using PCA and backpropagation learning
* Combining multiple classifiers by averaging or by multiplying?
* Comparison of algorithms that select features for pattern classifiers
* complete system for NN classification based on a VLSI array processor, A
* Computing the shape of a planar points set
* Content-lossless document image compression based on structural analysis and pattern matching
* Continuous-time relaxation labeling processes
* Convergence of a hill-climbing genetic algorithm for graph matching
* Data Visualization by Multidimensional Scaling: A Deterministic Annealing Approach
* Dealing with segmentation errors in region-based stereo matching
* Designing Gabor filters for optimal texture separability
* Determining Simplicity and Computing Topological Change in Strongly Normal Partial Tilings of R^2 or R^3
* Digital knots
* Effect of resolution and image quality on combined optical and neural network fingerprint matching
* efficient syntactic approach to structural analysis of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions, An
* efficient watershed algorithm based on connected components, An
* Estimation of hybrid reflectance properties and shape reconstruction using the LMS method
* Estimation of the influence of second- and third-order moments on random sets reconstructions
* expert system for general symbol recognition, An
* Extracting Color Halftones from Printed Documents Using Texture Analysis
* Extraction of strokes in handwritten characters
* Facial feature extraction and pose determination
* Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing
* Fast nearest-neighbor search algorithms based on approximation-elimination search
* Feature matching constrained by cross ratio invariance
* Feature reduction for classification of multidimensional data
* Fingerprint ridge distance computation methodologies
* fuzzy C+2-Means: solving the ambiguity rejection in clustering, The
* Fuzzy handwriting description language: FOHDEL
* Gamma mixture models for target recognition
* Genetic algorithm with competitive image labelling and least square
* Genetic algorithm-based clustering technique
* Genetic algorithms for ambiguous labelling problems
* genetic clustering algorithm for data with non-spherical-shape clusters, A
* Geodesic balls in a fuzzy set and fuzzy geodesic mathematical morphology
* geometric approach to consistent classification, A
* global energy approach to facet model and its minimization using weighted least-squares algorithm, A
* Grading meat quality by image processing
* Granolds: a novel texture representation
* Group morphology
* Heterogeneous morphological granulometries
* Holistic recognition of handwritten character pairs
* Hybrid stereo matching with a new relaxation scheme of preserving disparity discontinuity
* Hyperspectral image compression based on adaptive recursive bidirection prediction/jpeg
* Image enlargement based on a step edge model
* Image representation by a new optimal non-uniform morphological sampling
* Image sharpening by morphological filtering
* Image-Based Form Document Retrieval
* improved maximum model distance approach for HMM-based speech recognition systems, An
* Improved Orientation Estimation for Texture Planes Using Multiple Vanishing Points
* Integral opponent-colors features for computing visual target distinctness
* Investigating the prediction capabilities of the simple recurrent neural network on real temporal sequences
* iterative template matching algorithm using the Chirp-Z transform for digital image watermarking, An
* Knowledge-based ECG interpretation: a critical review
* Kohonen's SOM with cache
* LAFTER: a real-time face and lips tracker with facial expression recognition
* Learning of view-invariant pattern recognizer with temporal context
* Learning-based constitutive parameters estimation in an image sensing system with multiple mirrors
* Localizing a polyhedral object in a robot hand by integrating visual and tactile data
* Mathematical framework to show the existence of attractor of partitioned iterative function systems
* Maximum certainty data partitioning
* model-based neural network for edge characterization, A
* Model-Based Segmentation of Nuclei
* Morphological elastic graph matching applied to frontal face authentication under well-controlled and real conditions
* Morphological regularization neural networks
* Morphological waveform coding for writer identification
* MRF parameter estimation by MCMC method
* multiresolution texture gradient method for unsupervised segmentation, A
* Neural networks with hybrid morphological/rank/linear nodes: a unifying framework with applications to handwritten character recognition
* new approach for text-independent speaker recognition, A
* new edited k-nearest neighbor rule in the pattern classification problem, A
* new fast method for computing Legendre moments, A
* new LDA-based face recognition system which can solve the small sample size problem, A
* new parallel feature-based stereo-matching algorithm with figural continuity preservation, based on hybrid symbiotic genetic algorithms, A
* Non-linear image processing in hardware
* Noniterative manipulation of discrete energy-based models for image analysis
* note on constrained k-means algorithms, A
* Novel Fuzzy Logic Approach to Contrast Enhancement, A
* Object localization using color, texture and shape
* Off-line arabic signature recognition and verification
* On internal representations in face recognition systems
* On links between mathematical morphology and rough sets
* On the independence of rotation moment invariants
* On-line recognition of cursive Korean characters using graph representation
* Origins of illusory percepts in digital images
* Personal identification based on handwriting
* Planar shape recognition by shape morphing
* Point-based projective invariants
* Probabilistic relaxation and the Hough transform
* Projective Fourier analysis for patterns
* randomized approach with geometric constraints to fingerprint verification, A
* Real-time face location on gray-scale static images
* Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera
* Recognition of occluded polyhedra from range images
* Recognition of printed arabic text based on global features and decision tree learning techniques
* Region tracking using perspective motion model
* Region-Level Motion-Based Graph Representation and Labeling for Tracking a Spatial Image Partition, A
* Reject option with multiple thresholds
* Relaxation labeling in stereo image matching
* Restoration of severely blurred high range images using stochastic and deterministic relaxation algorithms in compound Gauss-Markov random fields
* Robustness of a multiscale scheme of feature points detection
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Distributions
* Run-length Coding Based Approach to Stroke Extraction of Chinese Characters, A
* Scaled rotation regularization
* Self-annealing and self-annihilation: unifying deterministic annealing and relaxation labeling
* Self-Organizing Neural Networks Based on Spatial Isomorphism for Active Contour Modeling
* Similarity measures for convex polyhedra based on Minkowski addition
* Similarity normalization for speaker verification by fuzzy fusion
* Skew detection and reconstruction based on maximization of variance of transition-counts
* slant removal algorithm, A
* Snakes simplified
* Spatio-temporal target identification method of high-range resolution radar
* Structure and motion from straight line segments
* switching algorithm for design of optimal increasing binary filters over large windows, A
* tabu-search-based heuristic for clustering, A
* target recognition technique employing geometric invariants, A
* technique for image magnification using partitioned iterative function system, A
* Tesseral spatio-temporal reasoning for multi-dimensional data
* Texture discrimination using discrete cosine transformation shift-insensitive (DCTSIS) descriptors
* theory of proximity based clustering: structure detection by optimization, A
* Toward global solution to MAP image restoration and segmentation: Using Common Structure of Local Minima
* unique-ID-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures, A
* Unsupervised image segmentation using Markov random field models
* Unsupervised segmentation using a self-organizing map and a noise model estimation in sonar imagery
* Using geometry towards stereo dense matching
* Visual understanding of dynamic hand gestures
* Wavelet coefficients clustering using morphological operations and pruned quadtrees
* Weighted matchings for dense stereo correspondence
* Window-Based Inverse Hough Transform, A
* Writer independent on-line handwriting recognition using an HMM approach
162 for PR(33)
* 3D structure recovery and calibration under varying intrinsic parameters using known angles
* 3D wavelet-based multiresolution object representation
* adaptive active contour model for highly irregular boundaries, An
* adaptive algorithm for conversion from quadtree to chain codes, An
* Adaptive graphical pattern recognition for the classification of company logos
* adaptive image interpolation algorithm for image/video processing, An
* Adaptive Model-based Digital Halftoning Incorporating Image Enhancement
* Adaptive skin-color filter
* Analysis of the interaction between edge and line finding techniques
* Analytic line fitting in the presence of uniform random noise
* Annealed chaotic neural network with nonlinear self-feedback and its application to clustering problem
* Arabic optical character recognition system using recognition-based segmentation, An
* Automated inspection of IC wafer contamination
* Automatic extraction of eye and mouth fields from a face image using eigenfeatures and multilayer perceptrons
* Automatic surface inspection using wavelet reconstruction
* Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and Camera Operation Analysis
* Bayesian framework for 3D surface estimation, A
* Blending video with synthetic images created from matched viewing environments
* Bootstrapping for efficient handwritten digit recognition
* Boundary location from range data using Hough transform
* Calibrating a camera network using a domino grid
* cellular model for multi-objects multi-dimensional homotopic deformations, A
* Character string extraction from color documents
* Cluster analysis by adaptive rank-order filters
* Cochannel speaker count labelling based on the use of cepstral and pitch prediction derived features
* Color image segmentation: advances and prospects
* Color indexing using chromatic invariant
* Combining multiple tracking algorithms for improved general performance
* Comparison of genetic algorithm based prototype selection schemes
* Computing geometric moments using morphological erosions
* Content-based similarity retrieval of trademarks using relevance feedback
* Contour coding through stretching of discrete circular arcs by affine transformation
* cost-effective fingerprint recognition system for use with low-quality prints and damaged fingertips, A
* Data classification based on tolerant rough set
* Decision templates for multiple classifier fusion: An Experimental Comparison
* Decoding structured light patterns for three-dimensional imaging systems
* Deformed trademark retrieval based on 2D pseudo-hidden Markov model
* Design and implementation of an estimator of fractal dimension using fuzzy techniques
* Detecting the Fingerprint Minutiae by Adaptive Tracing the Gray-Level Ridge
* direct LDA algorithm for high-dimensional data with application to face recognition, A
* Disparity maps for dynamic stereo
* Document segmentation using polynomial spline wavelets
* Dynamic classifier selection based on multiple classifier behaviour
* Dynamic generation of prototypes with self-organizing feature maps for classifier design
* edge-based algorithm for discontinuity adaptive color image smoothing, An
* efficient algorithm for human face detection and facial feature extraction under different conditions, An
* Efficient clustering of large data sets
* efficient evolutionary algorithm for accurate polygonal approximation, An
* efficient fuzzy algorithm for aligning shapes under affine transformations, An
* Efficient image segmentation using partial differential equations and morphology
* efficient method based on watershed and rule-based merging for segmentation of 3-D histo-pathological images, An
* Eigenhill vs. Eigenface and Eigenedge
* Encoding and recognition of faces based on the human visual model and DCT
* Error detection, error correction and performance evaluation in on-line mathematical expression recognition
* Evaluation of prototype learning algorithms for nearest-neighbor classifier in application to handwritten character recognition
* Exploiting image indexing techniques in DCT domain
* Eye detection in a face image using linear and nonlinear filters
* Face detection and location based on skin chrominance and lip chrominance transformation from color images
* Face recognition based on the uncorrelated discriminant transformation
* Face Recognition Using Holistic Fourier Invariant Features
* Facial Modeling from an Uncalibrated Face Image Using a Coarse-to-Fine Genetic Algorithm
* Fast algorithms for computing -skeletons and their relatives
* fast and flexible multiresolution snake with a definite termination criterion, A
* Fast computation of 2-D image moments using biaxial transform
* Fast computation of Legendre moments of polyhedra
* Feature identification in the time-frequency plane by using the Hough-Radon transform
* Field data extraction for form document processing using a gravitation-based algorithm
* Finding Similar Consensus Between Trees: An Algorithm and a Distance Hierarchy
* Fingerprint feature reduction by principal Gabor basis function
* Fingerprint ridge allocation in direct gray-scale domain
* Food safety inspection using from presence to classification object-detection model
* FROS: a fuzzy logic-based recogniser of olfactory signals
* Fusion of 2D grayscale images using multiscale morphology
* Fusion of correlated decisions for writer verification
* Fusion of perceptual cues for robust tracking of head pose and position
* Fuzzy aggregated connectedness for image segmentation
* Fuzzy classification based on pattern projections analysis
* Fuzzy clustering of semantic spaces
* Fuzzy convex set-based pattern classification for analysis of mammographic microcalcifications
* genetic approach to the automatic clustering problem, A
* Global shape invariants: a solution for 3D free-form object discrimination/identification problem
* Granulometric moments and corneal endothelium status
* Green's function approach to shape from shading, A
* Hand gesture recognition using combined features of location, angle and velocity
* Handwritten Farsi (Arabic) Word Recognition: A Holistic Approach Using Discrete HMM
* Hierarchical random graph representation of handwritten characters and its application to Hangul recognition
* Higher-order spectra (HOS) invariants for shape recognition
* Histograms analysis for image retrieval
* Hybrid symbiotic genetic optimisation for robust edge-based stereo correspondence.
* Image approximation and modeling via least statistically dependent bases
* Image hiding by optimal LSB substitution and genetic algorithm
* image moment method for the limited range CT image reconstruction and pattern recognition, The
* image restoration by fusion, An
* incremental data mining algorithm for compact realization of prototypes, An
* incremental multivariate regression method for function approximation from noisy data, An
* influence of edge direction on the estimation of edge contrast and orientation, The
* Information fusion for text classification an experimental comparison
* Interchangeable pairs of pixels in two-valued digital images
* J-MEANS: A New Local Search Heuristic for Minimum Sum of Squares Clustering
* Least-commitment graph matching with genetic algorithms
* Least-squares orthogonal distances fitting of circle, sphere, ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola
* lexicon-driven approach for optimal segment combination in off-line recognition of unconstrained handwritten Korean words, A
* Linear band detection based on the Euclidean distance transform and a new line segment extraction method
* linear constrained distance-based discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification, A
* Local discriminative learning for pattern recognition
* Locating geometric primitives by pruning the parameter space
* Locating target at high speed using image decimation decomposition processing
* logical combinatorial approach to pattern recognition, an overview through selected works, The
* Lossless image compression and encryption using SCAN
* Matching point features under small nonrigid motion
* Measure of Quality for Evaluating Methods of Segmentation and Edge Detection, A
* Model-based Bayesian feature matching with application to synthetic aperture radar target recognition
* Model-based stroke extraction and matching for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Morphological granulometric estimation of random patterns in the context of parameterized random sets
* Morphological Representation of 2-D Binary Shapes Using Rectangular Components
* Morphological surface profile extraction with multiple range sensors
* Motion-based segmentation and region tracking in image sequences
* Multi-cues eye detection on gray intensity image
* Multi-dimensional semantic clustering of large databases for association rule mining
* Multi-image matching for a general motion stereo camera model
* Multiple forecasting using local approximation
* multiple hyper-ellipsoidal subclass model for an evolutionary classifier, A
* Multiresolution discontinuity-preserving surface reconstruction
* Nearest-neighbour classifiers in natural scene analysis
* new adaptive filter and quality evaluation index for image restoration, A
* new approach to 3D reconstruction without camera calibration, A
* new computation of shape moments via quadtree decomposition, A
* new method for sparsity control in support vector classification and regression, A
* new multi-expert decision combination algorithm and its application to the detection of circumscribed masses in digital mammograms, A
* new scheme for rectifying recognition results of printed Chinese characters, A
* Non-homothetic granulometric mixing theory with application to blood cell counting
* nonlinear neural network model of mixture of local principal component analysis: application to handwritten digits recognition, A
* Normal vector and winding number in 2D digital images with application for hole detection
* novel algorithm for data clustering, A
* novel approach for human face detection from color images under complex background, A
* novel invariant mapping applied to hand-written Arabic character recognition, A
* Obtaining functional parametric models using active vision strategies
* On output independence and complementariness in rank-based multiple classifier decision systems
* On the Canny edge detector
* On the computation of the affine skeletons of planar curves and the detection of skew symmetry
* On-line segmentation of freehand sketches by knowledge-based nonlinear thresholding operations
* Optical recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by hierarchical radical matching method
* Optimal polygonal approximation of digital planar curves using meta heuristics
* Optimisation of HMM topology and its model parameters by genetic algorithms
* Overview of the Evolution of the Concept of Testor, An
* Pattern classification using multiple hierarchical overlapped self-organising maps
* Pattern-selective color image fusion
* Performance evaluation of cross-diagonal texture matrix method of texture analysis
* Pixon-Based Image Denoising with Markov Random Fields
* Pose determination of human faces by using vanishing points
* Practical Ways to Calculate Camera Lens Distortion for Real-Time Camera Calibration
* Projection distortion analysis for flattened image mosaicing from straight uniform generalized cylinders
* Qualitative vision for the guidance of legged robots in unstructured environments
* real-time color space converter for the measurement of appearance, A
* Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera
* Recognition of polyhedral objects using triplets of projected spatial edges based on a single perspective image
* Recognizing articulated objects in SAR images
* Reconstruction and segmentation of underwater acoustic images combining confidence information in MRF models
* Reconstruction of broken handwritten digits based on structural morphological features
* Reduced resolution and scale space for dominant feature detection in contours
* representation of digitized patterns and an edge tracking thinning method, A
* Robust and direct estimation of 3-D motion and scene depth from stereo image sequences
* Robust detection of skewed symmetries by combining local and semi-local affine invariants
* Robust Hausdorff distance matching algorithms using pyramidal structures
* Robust model-based signal analysis and identification
* robust solution for object recognition by mean field annealing techniques, A
* robust stereo disparity estimation using adaptive window search and dynamic programming search, A
* Robust tracking of ellipses at frame rate
* robust-invariant pattern recognition model using Fuzzy ART, A
* Rule prepending and post-pruning approach to incremental learning of decision lists
* Segmentation based on fusion of range and intensity images using robust trimmed methods
* Segmentation of FLIR images by Hopfield neural network with edge constraint
* Segmentation of Macular Fluorescein Angiographies. A Statistical Approach
* Segmentation of textured images based on fractals and image filtering
* Segmenting multisensor aerial images in class-scale space
* Self-supervised texture segmentation using complementary types of features
* Separation of touching handwritten multi-numeral strings based on morphological structural features
* Shape recognition using an invariant pulse code and a hierarchical, competitive neural network
* Shape skeletonization by identifying discrete local symmetries
* Sharpness preserving image enlargement based on a ramp edge model
* Skeletonization by a Topology-Adaptive Self-Organizing Neural Network
* Slant estimation algorithm for OCR systems
* Smoothly distributed fuzzy C-means: a new self-organizing map
* Sparse image coding with clustering property and its application to face recognition
* Spatiotemporal segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Speech recognition using fractals
* statistical unified framework for rank-based multiple classifier decision combination, A
* Stereo matching using genetic algorithm with adaptive chromosomes
* Support vector machine-based text detection in digital video
* Surface Topography Using Shape-from-Shading
* Syntactic methodology of pruning large lexicons in cursive script recognition
* Synthesizing realistic facial animations using energy minimization for model-based coding
* Template-based online character recognition
* Text analysis using local energy
* Texture discrimination with multidimensional distributions of signed gray-level differences
* theorem on the uncorrelated optimal discriminant vectors, A
* Three-dimensional ego-motion estimation from motion fields observed with multiple cameras
* Triangle-based approach to the detection of human face
* Trifocal tensors for weak perspective and paraperspective projections
* Unimodal Thresholding
* Using dominant points and variants for profile extraction from chromosomes
* Video indexing and similarity retrieval by largest common subgraph detection using decision trees
* Visual Tracking with Automatic Motion Model Switching
* VLSI array architecture for Hough transform, A
* Weighted A-shape: a descriptor of the shape of a point set
* Why recognition in a statistics-based face recognition system should be based on the pure face portion: a probabilistic decision-based proof
206 for PR(34)
* 2D human body tracking with Structural Kalman filter
* 3D C-string: a new spatio-temporal knowledge representation for video database systems
* 3D head tracking under partial occlusion
* 3D motion-tracking method in graphonomic research: possible applications in future handwriting recognition studies, A
* Accurate and Efficient Curve Detection in Images: The Importance Sampling Hough Transform
* Adaptive texture and color segmentation for tracking moving objects
* Alternative c-means clustering algorithms
* Analysis of Depth Estimation Error for Cylindrical Stereo Imaging
* Application of planar shape comparison to object retrieval in image databases
* Attractable snakes based on the greedy algorithm for contour extraction
* Automatic analysis of the structuring of children's drawings and writing
* Automatic face recognition for video indexing applications
* Automatic generation of structured hyperdocuments from document images
* Automatic TV advertisement detection from MPEG bitstream
* automation system: generation of digital map data from pictorial map resources, An
* Binocular matching constraints from motion
* Biometric perils and patches
* Brief review of invariant texture analysis methods
* class-modular feedforward neural network for handwriting recognition, A
* Clustering categorical data sets using tabu search techniques
* Coder selection for lossy compression of still images
* Color constancy: a biological model and its application for still and video images
* Color image segmentation based on homogram thresholding and region merging
* Color image segmentation: An innovative approach
* Combination of multiple classifiers using probabilistic dictionary and its application to postcode recognition
* comparative review of camera calibrating methods with accuracy evaluation, A
* comparison of a novel neural spell checker and standard spell checking algorithms, A
* Complementary retrieval for distorted images
* Continuous mixture modeling via goodness-of-fit ridges
* Decision-level fusion in fingerprint verification
* Detecting and locating landmine fields from vehicle- and air-borne measured IR Images
* Detection of curvilinear structures and reconstruction of their regions in gray-scale images
* Detection of vehicles from traffic scenes using fuzzy integrals
* Determination of blur and affine combined invariants by normalization
* Direct content access and extraction from JPEG compressed images
* Discriminant feature extraction using empirical probability density estimation and a local basis library
* Document image binarization based on topographic analysis using a water flow model
* Efficient algorithms for 3-D polygonal approximation based on LISE criterion
* Efficient facet edge detection and quantitative performance evaluation
* Efficient image retrieval through vantage objects
* efficient prototype merging strategy for the condensed 1-NN rule through class-conditional hierarchical clustering, An
* Efficient prototype reordering in nearest neighbor classification
* Enhanced layered segment trees: a pragmatic data structure for real-time processing of geometric objects
* Estimating derivatives and curvature of open curves
* Estimating Relative Vehicle Motions in Traffic Scenes
* Estimating the perspective pose of texture planes using spectral analysis on the unit sphere
* Estimation of general 2D affine motion using Fourier descriptors
* Euclidean reconstruction from contour matches
* Exploiting zoning based on approximating splines in cursive script recognition
* Extracting moving shapes by evidence gathering
* Extraction of dominant points by estimation of the contour fluctuations
* Extraction of embedded and/or line-touching character-like objects
* Extraction of major object features using VQ clustering for content-based image retrieval
* Extraction of spots in biological images using multiscale products
* Face posture estimation using eigen analysis on an IBR (image based rendered) database
* Face recognition approach based on rank correlation of Gabor-filtered images
* Face representation using independent component analysis
* Face segmentation and tracking based on connected operators and partition projection
* Fast line segment grouping method for finding globally more favorable line segments
* fast nearest neighbor search algorithm by filtration, A
* Feature analysis through information granulation and fuzzy sets
* Feature Representation: Both Components of the Fourier Transform vs. Hartley Transform
* Feature selection toolbox
* Feature selection using tabu search method
* Finding a small number of regions in an image using low-level features
* Finding approximate palindromes in strings
* Finding approximate patterns in undirected acyclic graphs
* Finding defects in texture using regularity and local orientation
* Fourier and wavelet descriptors for shape recognition using neural networksa comparative study
* fractal neighbor distance measure, The
* From image vector to matrix: A straightforward image projection technique: IMPCA vs. PCA
* fuzzy algorithm for color quantization of images, A
* Fuzzy clustering algorithms based on resolution and their application in image compression
* Fuzzy J-Means: a new heuristic for fuzzy clustering
* Fuzzy points: algebra and application
* Gaussian mixture parameter estimation with known means and unknown class-dependent variances
* Gaze position detection by computing the three dimensional facial positions and motions
* Generalised correlation for multi-feature correspondence
* Generalized K-L transform based combined feature extraction
* Generating cubical complexes from image data and computation of the Euler number
* Genetic clustering for automatic evolution of clusters and application to image classification
* geometric approach for the analysis and computation of the intrinsic camera parameters, A
* geometry-based error estimation for cross-ratios, A
* Graph-based representations and techniques for image processing and image analysis
* ground truth based vanishing point detection algorithm, A
* Handwritten numeral recognition using gradient and curvature of gray scale image
* hierarchical classification strategy for digital documents, A
* Hierarchical classifiers based on neighbourhood criteria with adaptive computational cost
* Hierarchical Organization Scheme for Video Data, A
* Hierarchical palmprint identification via multiple feature extraction
* High-order Fisher's discriminant analysis
* Human face profile recognition using attributed string
* hybrid filter/wrapper approach of feature selection using information theory, A
* hybrid learning system for image deblurring, A
* Hypergraph Imaging: An Overview
* Hyperparameter estimation for satellite image restoration using a MCMC maximum-likelihood method
* Identification of actors drawn in Ukiyoe pictures
* Illumination color covariant locale-based visual object retrieval
* Image database indexing using JPEG coefficients
* Image processing with neural networks: A Review
* Image restoration of compressed image using classified vector quantization
* Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings
* Image watermarking: an evolution to content based approaches
* Implementation of morphological filters using coordinate logic operations
* Improved k-nearest neighbor classification
* Improvements to image magnification
* Improving the robustness of parametric shape tracking with switched multiple models
* Incorporating Shape into Histograms for CBIR
* incremental prototype set building technique, An
* Indexing chromatic and achromatic patterns for content-based colour image retrieval
* Indexing for reuse of TV news shots
* Inexact graph matching by means of estimation of distribution algorithms
* Influence of erroneous learning samples on adaptation in on-line handwriting recognition
* integrated automatic face detection and recognition system, An
* Interactive clustering and merging with a new fuzzy expected value
* invariant approach for image registration in digital subtraction angiography, An
* Invariant character recognition with Zernike and orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* Invariant characterisation of the Hough transform for pose estimation of arbitrary shapes
* Junction detection and grouping with probabilistic edge models and Bayesian A*
* K-means Iterative Fisher (KIF) unsupervised clustering algorithm applied to image texture segmentation
* Learning good prototypes for classification using filtering and abstraction of instances
* Learning handwriting by evolution: a conceptual framework for performance evaluation and tuning
* Learning handwriting with pen-based systems: computational issues
* Line segment Hausdorff distance on face matching
* Linear programming support vector machines
* Lip contour extraction from color images using a deformable model
* Local registration and deformation of a road cartographic database on a SPOT satellite image
* Localization and classification based on projections
* Logarithm bispectrum-based approach to radar range profile for automatic target recognition
* Marginal noise removal of document images
* method of detecting and tracking irises and eyelids in video, A
* Modular Clutter Rejection Technique for Flir Imagery Using Region-based Principal Component Analysis, A
* Moment-based methods for polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Motor algebra approach for visually guided robotics
* MRF-based texture segmentation using wavelet decomposed images
* Multi-resolution form of SVD for text-independent speaker recognition
* multinomial selection procedure for evaluating pattern recognition algorithms, A
* Multiple eigenspaces
* Multiscale skeletons by image foresting transform and its application to neuromorphometry
* Negotiating the semantic gap: from feature maps to semantic landscapes
* Neural networks with enhanced outlier rejection ability for off-line handwritten word recognition
* new approach to edge detection, A
* new approach to morphological color image processing, A
* New maximum likelihood motion estimation schemes for noisy ultrasound images
* New method for feature extraction based on fractal behavior
* new model for fingerprint classification by ridge distribution sequences, A
* no-threshold histogram-based image segmentation method, A
* Non-contact velocity compensation system for handheld scanners
* Non-parametric planar shape representation based on adaptive curvature functions
* novel algorithm for fast computation of Zernike moments, A
* novel two stage template matching method for rotation and illumination invariance, A
* Object recognition and articulated object learning by accumulative Hopfield matching
* Object-based illumination classification
* off-line oriental character recognition system (OOCRS): synergy of distortion modeling, hidden Markov models and vector quantization, An
* Off-line signature verification using structural feature correspondence
* On deformable models for visual pattern recognition
* On measuring the distance between histograms
* On morphological operators based on rank filters
* On the generalization of the form identification and skew detection problem
* On the inverse problem of rotation moment invariants
* On the similarity of identical twin fingerprints
* On the use of Bernoulli mixture models for text classification
* On-line signature verification
* Optical character recognition of the Orthodox Hellenic Byzantine Music notation
* Optimal camera placement for accurate reconstruction
* Optimal design of radial basis function neural networks for fuzzy-rule extraction in high dimensional data
* Optimal Gabor filters for textile flaw detection
* Optimal linear granulometric estimation for random sets
* Optimal matching problem in detection and recognition: Performance Evaluation
* Optimal polygonal approximation of digitized curves using the sum of square deviations criterion
* Optimal reference subset selection for nearest neighbor classification by tabu search
* Optimizing filter banks for supervised texture recognition
* Page segmentation of Chinese newspapers
* Pair-wise discrimination based on a stroke importance measure
* parallel algorithm for real-time object recognition, A
* Part segmentation of objects in real images
* Pattern recognition in information systems
* Pattern recognition using Markov random field models
* Plurality Voting-Based Multiple Classifier Systems: Statistically Independent with Respect to Dependent Classifier Sets
* Prototype optimization for nearest-neighbor classification
* pseudo top-hat mathematical morphological approach to edge detection in dark regions, A
* Real time tracking of 3D objects: an efficient and robust approach
* Real-time tracking of multiple objects in space-variant vision based on magnocellular visual pathway
* Recognition of Handwritten Bengali Characters: A Novel Multistage approach
* Recognition of simple and complex interacting non-orthogonal features
* Recovering facial pose with the EM algorithm
* Region oriented compression of color images using fuzzy inference and fast merging
* Region-based face detection
* Relational object recognition from large structural libraries
* Reliability measure assignment to sonar for robust target differentiation
* Retrieval by classification of images containing large manmade objects using perceptual grouping
* Robust clustering by deterministic agglomeration EM of mixtures of multivariate t-distributions
* Robust image registration by increment sign correlation
* Robust vision-based features and classification schemes for off-line handwritten digit recognition
* Robust watermarking of fingerprint images
* Rotation-invariant pattern matching with color ring-projection
* rough-fuzzy approach for generating classification rules, A
* Scene analysis using an integrated composite neural oscillatory elastic graph matching model
* Scenery image recognition and interpretation using fuzzy inference neural networks
* Segmentation of page images having artifacts of photocopying and scanning
* Segmentation of SAR images
* Segmentation of touching and fused Devanagari characters
* Self-adaptive algorithm of impulsive noise reduction in color images
* Self-calibration with varying focal length from two images obtained by a stereo head
* Shape and orientation of revolution surfaces from contours and reflections
* Shape similarity retrieval under affine transforms
* Signature verification using a modified Bayesian network
* Spatial arrangement of color in retrieval by visual similarity
* Spatial-temporal joint probability images for video segmentation
* Speaker recognition: general classifier approaches and data fusion methods
* Special issue on color imaging: Guest Editor
* Special issue on Image/Video Communication
* Special Issue: Handwriting Processing and Applications
* Special issue: Shape Representation and Similarity for Image Databases
* Spectral domain texture analysis for speech enhancement
* statistic approach to the detection of human faces in color nature scene, A
* statistical analysis of dynamic curves and sections, The
* Statistical correlation analysis in image retrieval
* Structural feature indexing for retrieval of partially visible shapes
* Structural pattern recognition using genetic algorithms
* Subspace morphing theory for appearance based object identification
* surface-based approach to 3-D object recognition using a mean field annealing neural network, A
* survey on off-line Cursive Word Recognition, A
* survey on the use of pattern recognition methods for abstraction, indexing and retrieval of images and video, A
* Text extraction in complex color documents
* Tongue image matching using color content
* Towards intelligent image retrieval
* Two new algorithms for efficient computation of Legendre moments
* Two simply connected sets that have the same area are IP-equivalent
* unifying framework for lossless and progressive image coding, A
* unsupervised generalized Hough transform for natural shapes, An
* Use of adaptive segmentation in handwritten phrase recognition
* Using eigencolor normalization for illumination-invariant color object recognition
* Using Fourier/Mellin-based correlators and their fractional versions in navigational tasks
* Vector quantization in DCT domain using fuzzy possibilistic c-means based on penalized and compensated constraints
* Vehicle path planning by using adaptive constrained distance transformation
* Verification Method of Enhancing the Recognizers of Isolated and Touching Handwritten Numerals
* Visual information retrieval system via content-based approach
* Visual segment tree creation for MPEG-7 Description Schemes
* What's wrong with Fisher criterion?
240 for PR(35)
* adaptive method for detecting dominant points, An
* Artificial intelligence structural imaging techniques in visual pattern analysis and medical data understanding
* Character location in scene images from digital camera
* Contour tracking with automatic motion model switching
* Efficient Tool for Genetic Experiments: Agarose Gel Image Analysis, An
* Estimating regional noise on neural network predictions
* Independent component analysis for texture segmentation
* Inferring region salience from binary and gray-level images
* Neuro-fuzzy synergism to the intelligent system for edge detection and enhancement
* new algorithm for dominant points detection and polygonization of digital curves, A
* On the concept of best achievable compression ratio for lossy image coding
* Palmprint feature extraction using 2-D Gabor filters
* Parameter estimation: known vector signals in unknown Gaussian noise
* Registering real and virtual imagery
* Spectral embedding of graphs
* Stability and style-variation modeling for on-line signature verification
* test to control a region growing process within a hierarchical graph, A
* Topologically controlled segmentation of 3D magnetic resonance images of the head by using morphological operators
18 for PR(36
* 2D/3D model-based object tracking framework, A
* 3-D shape reconstruction in an active stereo vision system using genetic algorithms
* 3D object recognition based on curvature information of planar views
* 3D object recognition using Bayesian geometric hashing and pose clustering
* 3D reconstruction of free-formed line-like objects using NURBS representation
* ACORD: An adaptive corner detector for planar curves
* Adaptive lifting for shape-based image retrieval
* adaptive rough fuzzy single pass algorithm for clustering large data sets, An
* Adaptive singular value decomposition in wavelet domain for image denoising
* Adaptive skin color modeling using the skin locus for selecting training pixels
* Affine invariant classification and retrieval of texture images
* Ant colony search algorithms for optimal polygonal approximation of plane curves
* Appearance Models Based on Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* architecture of TrueViz: A groundTRUth/metadata editing and VIsualiZing ToolKit, The
* Assessing the Behaviour of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms
* Attribute bagging: improving accuracy of classifier ensembles by using random feature subsets
* Automatic classification of clustered microcalcifications by a multiple expert system
* Automatic extraction of human-recognizable shape and execution prototypes of handwritten characters
* Automatic Facial Expression Analysis: A Survey
* Bayesian shape model for facial feature extraction and recognition
* Boosting neural network feature extraction by reduced accuracy activation functions
* Boundary detection of optic disk by a modified ASM method
* Breast cancer detection using rank nearest neighbor classification rules
* Characterizing the scale dimension of a high-dimensional classification problem
* choice of vantage objects for image retrieval, The
* Circular shortest path in images
* Circular shortest paths by branch and bound
* Classification by restricted random walks
* Classification of forms with handwritten fields by planar hidden Markov models
* Classification of heart rate data using artificial neural network and fuzzy equivalence relation
* Clustering with block mixture models
* Coarse View Synthesis Using Shape-from-Shading
* Color Image Retrieval Using Multispectral Random Field Texture Model and Color Content Features
* Combinational image watermarking in the spatial and frequency domains
* Combined blur and affine moment invariants and their use in pattern recognition
* Combining flat and structured representations for fingerprint classification with recursive neural networks and support vector machines
* comparative analysis of algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments, A
* Comparative analysis of different approaches to target differentiation and localization with sonar
* Computation of volume and surface body moments
* computational study of several relocation methods for k-means algorithms, A
* Computer-aided detection and classification of microcalcifications in mammograms: a survey
* Constructing and training feed-forward neural networks for pattern classification
* Constructing support vector machine ensemble
* content-guided searching algorithm for balloons, A
* Contour-based handwritten numeral recognition using multiwavelets and neural networks
* Contrast enhancement based on a novel homogeneity measurement
* Controlled accurate searches with balloons
* Convergent matching for model-based computer vision
* Convex set symmetry measurement using Blaschke addition
* Correcting Show-Through Effects on Scanned Color Document Images by Multiscale Analysis
* Data decomposition using independent component analysis with prior constraints
* Data dimensionality estimation methods: a survey
* Databases for recognition of handwritten Arabic cheques
* Dempster-Shafer approach for recognizing machine features from CAD models, A
* Determination of vitality from a non-invasive biomedical measurement for use in fingerprint scanners
* Directional Relative Position Between Objects in Image Processing: A Comparison Between Fuzzy Approaches
* Discrete signal matching using coarse-to-fine wavelet basis functions
* Distributed genetic algorithm for Gaussian mixture model based speaker identification
* Do mixture models in chromaticity space improve skin detection?
* Do singular values contain adequate information for face recognition?
* Document retrieval from compressed images
* Double-bagging: combining classifiers by bootstrap aggregation
* Edge Based Features for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Edge-backpropagation for noisy logo recognition
* effective algorithm for fingerprint image enhancement based on wavelet transform, An
* efficient 2D deformable objects detection and location algorithm, An
* Efficient face candidates selector for face detection
* Efficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation of Kernel Fisher Discriminant Classifiers
* Efficient morphological shape representation by varying overlapping levels among representative disks
* Eigen-deformations for elastic matching based handwritten character recognition
* Eigenspace updating for non-stationary process and its application to face recognition
* EM algorithms for Gaussian mixtures with split-and-merge operation
* EM procedures using mean field-like approximations for Markov model-based image segmentation
* Enhancing prototype reduction schemes with LVQ3-type algorithms
* Estimation of 3D structure and motion from image corners
* Estimation of the fundamental matrix from uncalibrated stereo hand images for 3D hand gesture recognition
* Estimation-Based Approach for Range Image Segmentation: On the Reliability of Primitive Extraction, An
* Evaluation of a hypothesizer for silhouette-based 3-D object recognition
* Extensions of LDA by PCA mixture model and class-wise features
* Extraction of the Euclidean skeleton based on a connectivity criterion
* Face authentication for multiple subjects using eigenflow
* Face recognition based on a group decision-making combination approach
* Face recognition using the embedded HMM with second-order block-specific observations
* Fast adaptive algorithms and networks for class-separability features
* Fast adaptive PNN-based thresholding algorithms
* fast algorithm for the computation of axial moments and its application to the orthogonal fitting of curves, A
* Fast deformable matching of 3D images over multiscale nested subspaces. Application to atlas-based MRI segmentation
* Fast object recognition using dynamic programming from combination of salient line groups
* Feature extraction and dimensionality reduction algorithms and their applications in vowel recognition
* Feature extraction based on the Bhattacharyya distance
* Feature fusion: parallel strategy vs. serial strategy
* Finding optimal least-significant-bit substitution in image hiding by dynamic programming strategy
* Finding representative patterns with ordered projections
* Fingerprint matching by thin-plate spline modelling of elastic deformations
* First order Gaussian graphs for efficient structure classification
* Flexible view recognition for indoor navigation based on Gabor filters and support vector machines
* Full-body person recognition system
* Function-described graphs for modelling objects represented by sets of attributed graphs
* Fuzzy homogeneity and scale-space approach to color image segmentation
* fuzzy hybrid learning algorithm for radial basis function neural network with application in human face recognition, A
* General sweep mathematical morphology
* Geometric and algebraic properties of point-to-line mappings
* Geometric preprocessing and neurocomputing for pattern recognition and pose estimation
* global k-means clustering algorithm, The
* Gradient feature extraction for classification-based face detection
* Growing snakes: active contours for complex topologies
* Growing support vector classifiers with controlled complexity
* Handwritten Digit Recognition: Benchmarking of State-of-the-Art Techniques
* Hierarchical classification and feature reduction for fast face detection with support vector machines
* Hierarchical content classification and script determination for automatic document image processing
* Host-based intrusion detection using dynamic and static behavioral models
* HVS-based adaptive coder for perceptually lossy image compression, An
* hybrid fingerprint matcher, A
* Hybrid inter- and intra-wavelet scale image restoration
* iJADE surveillant: An intelligent multi-resolution composite neuro-oscillatory agent-based surveillance system
* Image Retrieval Based on Index Compressed Vector Quantization
* Image retrieval based on shape similarity by edge orientation autocorrelogram
* Image retrieval by texture similarity
* importance of being random: statistical principles of iris recognition, The
* Improved estimation of defocus blur and spatial shifts in spatial domain: a homotopy-based approach
* Improvements on the Uncorrelated Optimal Discriminant Vectors
* Improving mine recognition through processing and Dempster-Shafer fusion of ground-penetrating radar data
* Influences of variable scales and activation functions on the performances of multilayer feedforward neural networks
* Innovations in fingerprint capture devices
* Integrated probability function and its application to content-based image retrieval by relevance feedback
* Introduction to Biometrics Special Issue
* Iris detection using intensity and edge information
* iterative algorithm learning the maximal margin classifier, An
* JPEG compressed image retrieval via statistical features
* Kernel and subspace methods for computer vision
* Kronecker product graph matching
* Learning fingerprint minutiae location and type
* Learning mixtures of point distribution models with the EM algorithm
* Linear transform for simultaneous diagonalization of covariance and perceptual metric matrix in image coding
* low complexity approximation of probabilistic appearance models, A
* Mesh optimization for surface approximation using an efficient coarse-to-fine evolutionary algorithm
* Message-based Cocktail Watermarking System, A
* Modeling the 3D kinematics of the eye in the geometric algebra framework
* Motion tracking as a constrained optimization problem
* Multi-scale texture classification from generalized locally orderless images
* Multiscale skeletons by image foresting transform and its application to neuromorphometry
* Multispectral image classification using wavelets: a simulation study
* Natural resonance-based feature extraction with reduced aspect sensitivity for electromagnetic target classification
* Neural network based detection of local textile defects
* New Easy Camera Calibration Technique Based on Circular Points, A
* new method for representing and matching shapes of natural objects, A
* new robust algorithm for video text extraction, A
* New training strategies for RBF neural networks for X-ray agricultural product inspection
* Noise compensation in a person verification system using face and multiple speech features
* Noisy logo recognition using line segment Hausdorff distance
* Normal vector and winding number in 2D digital images with their application for hole detection
* novel stroke extraction method for Chinese characters using Gabor filters, A
* Object representation and recognition in shape spaces
* Object-based image labeling through learning by example and multi-level segmentation
* Off-line signature verification by the tracking of feature and stroke positions
* On combining classifiers for speaker authentication
* On Optimal Pairwise Linear Classifiers for Normal Distributions: The D-Dimensional Case
* On the classification of multispectral satellite images using the multilayer perceptron
* Online training of support vector classifier
* Pedestrian registration in static images with unconstrained background
* Perceptual grouping of segmented regions in color images
* Personal authentication using palm-print features
* Physics-based flow estimation of fluids
* Pose-invariant face recognition using a 3D deformable model
* Possibilistic and probabilistic fuzzy clustering: unification within the framework of the non-extensive thermostatistics
* Premature clustering phenomenon and new training algorithms for LVQ
* probabilistic framework for specular shape-from-shading, A
* Real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery
* Real-time object recognition using a modified generalized Hough transform
* Recent developments in human motion analysis
* Recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings using genetic algorithms
* Recognition of dynamic hand gestures
* Rectifying Perspective Views of Text in 3D Scenes Using Vanishing Points
* Redundant versus orthogonal wavelet decomposition for multisensor image fusion
* Regularized discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition
* Removal of Bird-Contaminated Wind Profiler Data Based on Neural Networks
* Resolving handwriting from background printing using photometric stereo
* Retrieval of translated, rotated and scaled color textures
* review on egomotion by means of differential epipolar geometry applied to the movement of a mobile robot, A
* Robust adaptive spot segmentation of DNA microarray images
* Robust matching of 3D contours using iterative closest point algorithm improved by M-estimation
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh Models, A
* SASI: A Generic Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval
* Scale-orientation histogram for texture image retrieval
* Segmentation based compression for graylevel images
* Segmentation of connected handwritten numeral strings
* Self-synchronizing watermarking scheme for an arbitrarily shaped object
* Semi-parametric classification of noisy curves
* Shape Statistics in Kernel Space for Variational Image Segmentation
* Signal recognition: Fourier transform vs. Hartley transform
* similarity between probabilistic tree languages: Application to XML document families, A
* simple and high-hiding capacity method for hiding digit-by-digit data in images based on modulus function, A
* Spatially eigen-weighted Hausdorff distances for human face recognition
* Spatio-temporal shape building from image sequences using lateral interaction in accumulative computation
* Spatiotemporal video segmentation and motion estimation through irregular pyramids
* Spectral correspondence for point pattern matching
* Speech Recognition of Mandarin Monosyllables
* Stochastic models for recognition of occluded targets
* Strategies for learning in class imbalance problems
* Superellipse fitting to partial data
* Text region extraction in a document image based on the Delaunay tessellation
* Texture classification using the support vector machines
* Theory analysis on FSLDA and ULDA
* Topology preservation of template-based 6-subiteration reduction operations
* topology-preserving parallel 3D thinning algorithm for extracting the curve skeleton, A
* Towards better making a decision in speaker verification
* Translation invariants of Zernike moments
* Two-stage segmentation of unconstrained handwritten Chinese characters
* Uncalibrated reconstruction: an adaptation to structured light vision
* Unconstrained handwritten character recognition based on fuzzy logic
* Unconstrained logo detection in document images
* Unsupervised face recognition by associative chaining
* UODV: Improved Algorithm and Generalized Theory
* use of kernel principal component analysis to model data distributions, The
* Using an ICA representation of local color histograms for object recognition
* Using selective correlation coefficient for robust image registration
* version of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for restoration of images degraded by Poisson noise, A
* Visual cryptography for color images
* Visual enhancement of incised text
* Vote counting measures for ensemble classifiers
* Voxel-based surface area estimation: from theory to practice
* Wavelet modeling of contour deformations in Sobolev spaces for fitting and tracking applications
* Web-based collaborative filtering system, A
* Weighted Thin-Plate Spline Image Denoising
* Why can LDA be performed in PCA transformed space?
225 for PR(36)
* 3D head model classification by evolutionary optimization of the Extended Gaussian Image representation
* Accelerated queries of time series databases
* Active recognition through next view planning: a survey
* Adaptive application of feature detection operators based on image variance
* Adaptive fuzzy inference neural network
* Adaptive fuzzy wavelet algorithm for text-independent speaker recognition
* adjusted-purpose digital watermarking technique, An
* Agent-based computer vision in a dynamic, real-time environment
* Alternative linear discriminant classifier
* Analysis of error-reject trade-off in linearly combined multiple classifiers
* analytical algorithm for determining the generalized optimal set of discriminant vectors, An
* Automated person recognition by walking and running via model-based approaches
* Automatic lip contour extraction from color images
* Automatic localization of craniofacial landmarks for assisted cephalometry
* automatic shape independent clustering technique, An
* Bayesian network modeling of strokes and their relationships for on-line handwriting recognition
* Bayesian relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* Biohashing: Two factor authentication featuring fingerprint data and tokenised random number
* Biological shape analysis by digital curvature
* Biometric Template Selection and Update: A Case Study in Fingerprints
* Block truncation coding using pattern fitting
* Bolstered error estimation
* Bounded irregular pyramid: a new structure for color image segmentation
* Chinese sign language recognition system based on SOFM/SRN/HMM, A
* Classification of bioacoustic time series based on the combination of global and local decisions
* Classification with color and texture: jointly or separately?
* Classifier performance as a function of distributional complexity
* Classifying non-uniformly sampled vector-valued curves
* clustering fuzzy approach for image segmentation, A
* Clustering of the self-organizing map using a clustering validity index based on inter-cluster and intra-cluster density
* Color balancing of digital photos using simple image statistics
* Color texture classification by integrative Co-occurrence matrices
* Color-based video segmentation using interlinked irregular pyramids
* Combination Model for Orientation Field of Fingerprints, A
* comment on Alternative c-means clustering algorithms, A
* Comparison of multiwavelet, wavelet, Haralick, and shape features for microcalcification classification in mammograms
* comparison of skin history and trajectory-based representation schemes for the recognition of user-specified gestures, A
* Competitive EM algorithm for finite mixture models
* Compressing histogram representations for automatic colour photo categorization
* Conics-enhanced vision approach for easy and low-cost 3D tracking
* Connectivity oriented fast Hough transform for tool wear monitoring
* Connectivity-based multiple-circle fitting
* Construction of all non-reducible descriptors
* Contextual post-processing based on the confusion matrix in offline handwritten Chinese script recognition
* Density-based retrieval from high-similarity image databases
* Design considerations for image segmentation quality assessment measures
* Development of neural network committee machines for automatic forest fire detection using lidar
* Diagnostic tools for evaluating and updating hidden Markov models
* Diatom classification in ecological applications
* Discriminative training approaches to fabric defect classification based on wavelet transform
* Dissimilarity learning for nominal data
* Distance metric learning by knowledge embedding
* Distance metric learning by knowledge embedding
* Distributed intelligence for multi-camera visual surveillance
* Edge- and region-based segmentation technique for the extraction of large, man-made objects in high-resolution satellite imagery
* efficient algorithm to solve the small sample size problem for LDA, An
* efficient approach to compute the threshold for multi-dimensional linear classifiers, An
* Efficient clustering of radial basis perceptron neural network for pattern recognition
* Efficient region segmentation on compressed gray images using quadtree and shading representation
* efficient renovation on kernel Fisher discriminant analysis and face recognition experiments, An
* Eigen-image based compression for the image-based relighting with cascade recursive least squared networks
* Elastic registration of electrophoresis images using intensity information and point landmarks
* Embodied categorisation for vision-guided mobile robots
* Employing optimized combinations of one-class classifiers for automated currency validation
* Essence of kernel Fisher discriminant: KPCA plus LDA
* Extraction of karyocytes and their components from microscopic bone marrow images based on regional color features
* Face recognition using partial least squares components
* Face recognition using the second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Fast algorithm for generation of moment invariants
* fast expected time algorithm for the 2-D point pattern matching problem, A
* FCM-Based Model Selection Algorithms for Determining the Number of Clusters
* Feature extracted from wavelet eigenfunction estimation for text-independent speaker recognition
* Fingerprint classification based on extraction and analysis of singularities and pseudo ridges
* Fourier domain representation of planar curves for recognition in multiple views
* Frequency domain classification of cyclic and dihedral symmetries of finite 2-D patterns
* Functional template-based SAR image segmentation
* Further reduced form of wavelet feature for text independent speaker recognition
* Fuzzy clustering and enumeration of target type based on sonar returns
* Fuzzy clustering with supervision
* Gaussian fields: a new criterion for 3D rigid registration
* Generalized Non-reducible Descriptors
* genetic clustering method for intrusion detection, A
* Genetic watermarking based on transform-domain techniques
* Geno-fuzzy classification trees
* Geometric linear discriminant analysis for pattern recognition
* Gesture recognition using Bezier curves for visualization navigation from registered 3-D data
* GPU implementation of neural networks
* Graph matching for object recognition and recovery
* graph-based approach for multiscale shape analysis, A
* Handwritten Digit Recognition: Investigation of Normalization and Feature Extraction Techniques
* Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution
* Hierarchical image segmentation using a correspondence with a tree model
* High training set size reduction by space partitioning and prototype abstraction
* HMM-based handwritten word recognition: on the optimization of the number of states, training iterations and Gaussian components
* Image and video encryption using SCAN patterns
* Image segmentation functional model
* Image-based lens geometric distortion correction using minimization of average bicoherence index
* immune oriented multi-agent system for biological image processing, An
* improved algorithm for two-image camera self-calibration and Euclidean structure recovery using absolute quadric, An
* Improved scene classification using efficient low-level features and semantic cues
* Improved support vector classification using PCA and ICA feature space modification
* Improving angular error by near-circular operator design
* Improving ICP with easy implementation for free-form surface matching
* Improving non-negative matrix factorizations through structured initialization
* Independent component analysis in a local facial residue space for face recognition
* Indian script character recognition: a survey
* Language identification in web documents using discrete HMMs
* language model using variable length tokens for open-vocabulary Hangul text recognition, A
* Large margin linear projection and face recognition
* LDA/QR: an efficient and effective dimension reduction algorithm and its theoretical foundation
* Learning effective classifiers with Z-value measure based on genetic programming
* Learning multi-label scene classification
* Learning switching dynamic models for objects tracking
* Leave one support vector out cross validation for fast estimation of generalization errors
* Local intensity variation analysis for iris recognition
* Locality pursuit embedding
* Localized image watermarking based on feature points of scale-space representation
* Locally nearest neighbor classifiers for pattern classification
* Lossless compression and information hiding in images
* Making FLDA applicable to face recognition with one sample per person
* Mass lesion detection with a fuzzy neural network
* Matching of dental X-ray images for human identification
* Measuring Sigmoidality
* method to make multiple hypotheses with high cumulative recognition rate using SVMs, A
* Microcalcification detection using fuzzy logic and scale space approaches
* Modeling orientation fields of fingerprints with rational complex functions
* Morphological hat-transform scale spaces and their use in pattern classification
* Multi-agent segmentation of IVUS images
* Multiband segmentation based on a hierarchical Markov model
* multiple agent architecture for handwritten text recognition, A
* Multiple classifier combination for face-based identity verification
* multiscale edge detection algorithm based on wavelet domain vector hidden Markov tree model, A
* Multispectral image compression using eigenregion-based segmentation
* Mutual information aspects of scale space images
* new algorithm for ball recognition using circle Hough transform and neural classifier, A
* new approach to mixed pixel classification of hyperspectral imagery based on extended morphological profiles, A
* New memory- and computation-efficient hough transform for detecting lines
* New methods for analysing colour texture based on the Karhunen-Loeve transform and quantification
* new shifting grid clustering algorithm, A
* Non-parametric adaptive region of support useful for corner detection: a novel approach
* Nonlinear feature extraction based on centroids and kernel functions
* Nonrigid medical image registration technique as a composition of local warpings
* novel method for Fisher discriminant analysis, A
* novel two-phase Hilbert-scan-based search algorithm for block motion estimation using CTF data structure, A
* Object detection using feature subset selection
* Object Recognition Based on Image Sequences by Using Inter-Feature-Line Consistencies
* On cluster validity index for estimation of the optimal number of fuzzy clusters
* On incremental and robust subspace learning
* On the optimality of image processing pipeline
* On the relation between discriminant analysis and mutual information for supervised linear feature extraction
* On using prototype reduction schemes to optimize kernel-based nonlinear subspace methods
* On-line cursive hangul recognition that uses DP matching to detect key segmentation points
* One-dimensional B-B polynomial and Hilbert scan for graylevel image coding
* optimization algorithm for clustering using weighted dissimilarity measures, An
* Palmprint classification using principal lines
* Pattern codification strategies in structured light systems
* Pattern matching with affine moment descriptors
* Pedestrian detection and tracking at crossroads
* People tracking based on motion model and motion constraints with automatic initialization
* Perceptual Grouping of Line Features in 3-D Space: A Model-Based Framework
* Polygonal representation of digital planar curves through dominant point detection: A nonparametric algorithm
* probabilistic spectral framework for grouping and segmentation, A
* probabilistic theory of clustering, A
* Projection functions for eye detection
* Quadtree-based genetic algorithm and its applications to computer vision
* Qualitative estimation of camera motion parameters from the linear composition of optical flow
* Recognition of shapes by attributed skeletal graphs
* Reconstruction and analysis of multi-pose face images based on nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* reformative kernel Fisher discriminant analysis, A
* Regularized discriminant analysis for face recognition
* relationship between information prioritization and visual distinctness in two progressive image transmission schemes, The
* Review of shape representation and description techniques
* Robot Navigation Using Panoramic Tracking
* Robust and automated unimodal histogram thresholding and potential applications
* robust method for measuring trabecular bone orientation anisotropy at in vivo resolution using tensor scale, A
* Scalable edge enhancement with automatic optimization for digital radiographic images
* segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry, A
* Selecting informative features with fuzzy-rough sets and its application for complex systems monitoring
* semiparametric density estimation approach to pattern classification, A
* Shape and motion from simultaneous equations with closed-loop solution
* Sharing and hiding secret images with size constraint
* Similarity-Based Classification of Sequences Using Hidden Markov Models
* Speaker identification using hybrid Karhunen-Loeve transform and Gaussian mixture model approach
* Special Issue Introduction: Agent-based computer vision
* Speeding up the EM algorithm for mixture model-based segmentation of magnetic resonance images
* Subpattern-based principle component analysis
* Supervised pattern recognition by parallel feature partitioning
* Surface registration using a dynamic genetic algorithm
* Table structure understanding and its performance evaluation
* Testing the performance of some nonparametric pattern recognition algorithms in realistic cases
* Text detection and recognition in images and video frames
* Text information extraction in images and video: a survey
* Three-dimensional Euclidean distance transformation and its application to shortest path planning
* thresholding method based on two-dimensional Renyi's entropy, A
* Time series clustering with ARMA mixtures
* Translation and scale invariants of Legendre moments
* Two realizations of a general feature extraction framework
* Unsupervised image segmentation using a simple MRF model with a new implementation scheme
* Unsupervised learning of prototypes and attribute weights
* Unsupervised writer adaptation applied to handwritten text recognition
* Using geometric extrema for segment-to-segment characteristics comparison in online signature verification
* Using orientation codes for rotation-invariant template matching
* Validity index for crisp and fuzzy clusters
* View-based recognition of real-world textures
* Viewpoint independent matching of planar curves in 3D space
* wavelet-based image fusion tutorial, A
206 for PR(37)
* Active curve axis Gaussian mixture models
* Adaptive Inverse Halftoning for Scanned Document Images Through Multiresolution and Multiscale Analysis
* Adaptive training of a kernel-based nonlinear discriminator
* adequacy of different landscape metrics for various landscape patterns, The
* affine invariant curve matching method for photo-identification of marine mammals, An
* Algorithms and networks for accelerated convergence of adaptive LDA
* analytical algorithm for generalized low-rank approximations of matrices, An
* Appearance-based recognition of 3-D objects by cluttered background and occlusions
* Application of feature space trajectory classifier to identification of multi-aspect radar signals
* Automatic 3d free form shape matching using the graduated assignment algorithm
* Automatic detection of vibrato in monophonic music
* Automatic facial feature extraction and 3D face modeling using two orthogonal views with application to 3D face recognition
* Automatic model selection for the optimization of SVM kernels
* Bayesian adaptation for user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication
* Bayesian network classifiers versus selective k-NN classifier
* Bayesian network-based framework for semantic image understanding, A
* Behavior classification by eigendecomposition of periodic motions
* Beyond pixels: Exploiting camera metadata for photo classification
* bibliographical study of grammatical inference, A
* bigVAT: Visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data sets
* Bit-level based secret sharing for image encryption
* Boosting image classification with LDA-based feature combination for digital photograph management
* bottom-up algorithm for finding principal curves with applications to image skeletonization, A
* Camera calibration with moving one-dimensional objects
* Chinese document layout analysis using an adaptive regrouping strategy
* Classification and numbering of teeth in dental bitewing images
* Classification methodologies of multilayer perceptrons with sigmoid activation functions
* Classification on defective items using unidentified samples
* Classifier combination based on confidence transformation
* Clustering of time series data: A survey
* Coarse iris classification using box-counting to estimate fractal dimensions
* coefficient of intrinsic dependence (feature selection using el CID), The
* Color edge detection using the minimal spanning tree
* Combination of the assembly neural network with a perceptron for recognition of handwritten digits arranged in numeral strings
* Combining intra-image and inter-class semantics for consumer image retrieval
* Content-adaptive feature extraction using image variance
* Content-based image retrieval using growing hierarchical self-organizing quadtree map
* content-based system for human identification based on bitewing dental X-ray images, A
* Controlling the diversity in classifier ensembles through a measure of agreement
* Corner detection and curve segmentation by multiresolution chain-code linking
* Data reduction of large vector graphics
* Decomposition of arbitrary gray-scale morphological structuring elements
* deformable model for fingerprint matching, A
* Design efficient support vector machine for fast classification
* Determination of the optimal number of features for quadratic discriminant analysis via the normal approximation to the discriminant distribution
* Dimensionality reduction of image features using the canonical contextual correlation projection
* Directed connection measurement for evaluating reconstructed stroke sequence in handwriting images
* Discrimination of similar handwritten numerals based on invariant curvature features
* Discriminative multimodal biometric authentication based on quality measures
* ECG beat classifier designed by combined neural network model
* ECG to identify individuals
* Edge detection in bar code signals corrupted by integrated time-varying speckle
* Edge enhancement by local deconvolution
* Efficient 3D reconstruction for face recognition
* efficient algorithm for computing moments on a block representation of a grey-scale image, An
* efficient chain code with Huffman coding, An
* Efficient encryption of wavelet-based coded color images
* efficient kernel discriminant analysis method, An
* Efficient pattern synthesis for nearest neighbour classifier
* Efficient wavelet adaptation for hybrid wavelet-large margin classifiers
* Enhanced neural gas network for prototype-based clustering
* Evaluation of the performance of clustering algorithms in kernel-induced feature space
* Evolutionary extreme learning machine
* Evolutionary induction of stochastic context free grammars
* Exact and fast algorithm for two-dimensional image wavelet moments via the projection transform
* Exact performance of error estimators for discrete classifiers
* Exploring margin setting for good generalization in multiple class discrimination
* Exploring the structure of supervised data by Discriminant Isometric Mapping
* Extraction of reference lines and items from form document images with complicated background
* Face recognition based on multi-class mapping of Fisher scores
* Face recognition under varying illumination based on a 2D face shape model
* Face recognition using a fuzzy fisherface classifier
* Face recognition using direct, weighted linear discriminant analysis and modular subspaces
* Fast and effective characterization for classification and similarity searches of 2D and 3D spatial region data
* fast approach for dimensionality reduction with image data, A
* Fast, robust and efficient 2D pattern recognition for re-assembling fragmented images
* Fault-tolerant and progressive transmission of images
* Fiducial line based skew estimation
* Fingerprint classification using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear discriminant analysis
* Fingerprint matching based on global alignment of multiple reference minutiae
* Fourier-LDA approach for image recognition, A
* fundamental role of pattern recognition for gene-expression/microarray data in bioinformatics, The
* Fuzzy colour category map for the measurement of colour similarity and dissimilarity
* Gabor filters-based feature extraction for character recognition
* general framework for three-dimensional surface reconstruction by self-consistent fusion of shading and shadow features, A
* generalized Radon transform: Sampling, accuracy and memory considerations, The
* Generalizing relevance weighted LDA
* generic method for determining up/down orientation of text in Roman and non-Roman scripts, A
* Genetic algorithms for video segmentation
* GP-based secondary classifiers
* graph-spectral method for surface height recovery, A
* Guest Editor's Introduction to Special Issue on Grammatical Inference
* Hand tracking in a natural conversational environment by the interacting multiple model and probabilistic data association (IMM-PDA) algorithm
* Hidden annotation for image retrieval with long-term relevance feedback learning
* Hidden Markov models with factored Gaussian mixtures densities
* Hiding secret data in images via predictive coding
* Hierarchical clustering based on ordinal consistency
* hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery, A
* Hough transform based line recognition method utilizing both parameter space and image space, A
* Illuminant and device invariant colour using histogram equalisation
* Illumination invariant face recognition
* Image denoising with neighbour dependency and customized wavelet and threshold
* Image retrieval based on incremental subspace learning
* Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets
* Impact of error estimation on feature selection
* Implementation of real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to remote sensing image classification
* improved binarization algorithm based on a water flow model for document image with inhomogeneous backgrounds, An
* Improved feature reduction in input and feature spaces
* Improving feature extraction by replacing the Fisher criterion by an upper error bound
* Improving support vector data description using local density degree
* Incremental learning of context free grammars based on bottom-up parsing and search
* Incremental locally linear embedding
* Indoor vs. outdoor scene classification in digital photographs
* Inexact graph matching for model-based recognition: Evaluation and comparison of optimization algorithms
* Inference of finite-state transducers from regular languages
* Inference of regular languages using state merging algorithms with search
* Initialization insensitive LVQ algorithm based on cost-function adaptation
* Initialization method for self-calibration using 2-views
* Integration of multiresolution image segmentation and neural networks for object depth recovery
* Intrapersonal Subspace Analysis with Application to Adaptive Bayesian Face Recognition
* Invariant and adaptive geometrical texture features for defect detection and classification
* Inverse Fisher discriminate criteria for small sample size problem and its application to face recognition
* k-populations algorithm for clustering categorical data, A
* Kernel direct discriminant analysis and its theoretical foundation
* Kernel ICA: An alternative formulation and its application to face recognition
* Kernel matching pursuit for large datasets
* Learning context-free grammars using tabular representations
* Learning multi-kernel distance functions using relative comparisons
* Linear dimensionality reduction using relevance weighted LDA
* Links between probabilistic automata and hidden Markov models: probability distributions, learning models and induction algorithms
* method of N-grams in large-scale clustering of DNA texts, The
* Minimax classifiers based on neural networks
* minutia-based partial fingerprint recognition system, A
* Model-Based Mixture Discriminant Analysis: An Experimental Study
* Model-guided deformable hand shape recognition without positioning aids
* Modified linear discriminant analysis
* Morphological corner detector using paired triangular structuring elements
* Motion Segmentation of Multiple Translating Objects Using Line Correspondences
* Multi-component image segmentation in homogeneous regions based on description length minimization: Application to speckle, Poisson and Bernoulli noise
* Multi-stimuli multi-channel data and decision fusion strategies for dyslexia prediction using neonatal ERPs
* Multiobjective algorithm parameter optimization using multivariate statistics in three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction
* multiobjective genetic algorithm for obtaining the optimal size of a recurrent neural network for grammatical inference, A
* multiple classifier approach to detect Chinese character recognition errors, A
* Multivalued type dissimilarity measure and concept of mutual dissimilarity value for clustering symbolic patterns
* Natural language grammar induction with a generative constituent-context model
* Natural scene classification using overcomplete ICA
* new adaptive framework for unbiased orientation estimation in textured images, A
* new and fast contour-filling algorithm, A
* new approach to clustering data with arbitrary shapes, A
* new maximum margin algorithm for one-class problems and its boosting implementation, A
* new method of feature fusion and its application in image recognition, A
* new shape decomposition scheme for graph-based representation, A
* new subdivision based approach for piecewise smooth approximation of 3D polygonal curves, A
* note on kernel uncorrelated discriminant analysis, A
* novel adaptive morphological approach for degraded character image segmentation, A
* novel fusion approach to content-based image retrieval, A
* Object tracking in image sequences using point features
* Objects based change detection in a pair of gray-level images
* Off-line signature verification and forgery detection using fuzzy modeling
* On the correct convergence of the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures
* one-dimensional analysis for the probability of error of linear classifiers for normally distributed classes, A
* Optimal robust classifiers
* Optimization on Lie manifolds and pattern recognition
* Orthogonalized Fisher discriminant
* Overlap pattern synthesis with an efficient nearest neighbor classifier
* Palmprint verification using hierarchical decomposition
* Partial shape recognition by sub-matrix matching for partial matching guided image labeling
* Pattern Recognition techniques for the emerging field of bioinformatics: A review
* Patterns of macroeconomic indicators preceding the unemployment rise in Western Europe and the USA
* PCA-based watermarking scheme for tamper-proof of web pages, A
* Perceptually relevant and piecewise linear matching of silhouettes
* Personal authentication using multiple palmprint representation
* Planar rectification by solving the intersection of two circles under 2D homography
* Positron emission tomography by Markov chain Monte Carlo with auxiliary variables
* Possibilistic support vector machines
* probabilistic approach for foreground and shadow segmentation in monocular image sequences, A
* Probabilistic logic with minimum perplexity: Application to language modeling
* Projective reconstruction of all visual primitives
* Pseudo two-dimensional shape normalization methods for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark based on effect estimation of the affine transform
* Re-illuminating single images using Albedo estimation
* Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
* recall or precision oriented skin classifier using binary combining strategies, A
* Recursive algorithm based on fuzzy 2-partition entropy for 2-level image thresholding
* Reinforcement learning combined with a fuzzy adaptive learning control network (FALCON-R) for pattern classification
* Reversible data hiding and lossless reconstruction of binary images using pair-wise logical computation mechanism
* Robust automatic selection of optimal views in multi-view free-form object recognition
* Robust face recognition using 2D and 3D data: Pose and illumination compensation
* Robust Fingerprint Matching Method, A
* Robust real-time 3D head pose estimation from range data
* Robust shape similarity retrieval based on contour segmentation polygonal multiresolution and elastic matching
* Robust visual similarity retrieval in single model face databases
* robust watermarking scheme using phase shift keying with the combination of amplitude boost and low amplitude block selection, A
* robust, real-time ellipse detector, A
* Rotation invariant pattern recognition using ridgelets, wavelet cycle-spinning and Fourier features
* Rough support vector clustering
* Scalable model-based cluster analysis using clustering features
* Score normalization in multimodal biometric systems
* Secure semi-blind watermarking based on iteration mapping and image features
* Segmentation of external force field for automatic initialization and splitting of snakes
* Selected tree classifier combination based on both accuracy and error diversity
* Self-supervised learning based on discriminative nonlinear features for image classification
* Semi-supervised statistical region refinement for color image segmentation
* Similarity K-d tree method for sparse point pattern matching with underlying non-rigidity
* Singular value decomposition in additive, multiplicative, and logistic forms
* Smoothing and compression with stochastic k-testable tree languages
* Special Issue on Image Understanding for Digital Photographs
* Statistical modeling and conceptualization of natural images
* statistics-based approach to control the quality of subclusters in incremental gravitational clustering, A
* Steerable pyramid-based face hallucination
* study on the performances of dynamic classifier selection based on local accuracy estimation, A
* Subpixel edge detection of color images by principal axis analysis and moment-preserving principle
* Successive pattern classification based on test feature classifier and its application to defect image classification
* Supervised parametric and non-parametric classification of chromosome images
* Surface radiance correction for shape from shading
* SVM classifier incorporating simultaneous noise reduction and feature selection: Illustrative case examples, An
* SVM decision boundary based discriminative subspace induction
* Switching class labels to generate classification ensembles
* Symmetry-based photo-editing
* system for human identification from X-ray dental radiographs, A
* Texture classification with combined rotation and scale invariant wavelet features
* theorem on the generalized canonical projective vectors, A
* Towards a real-time 3D shape reconstruction using a structured light system
* Tracking multiple people with recovery from partial and total occlusion
* Tracking non-rigid objects using probabilistic Hausdorff distance matching
* Two different approaches for iris recognition using Gabor filters and multiscale zero-crossing representation
* Two-dimensional discriminant transform for face recognition
* Two-dimensional FLD for face recognition
* Uncorrelated discriminant vectors using a kernel method
* Uncorrelated heteroscedastic LDA based on the weighted pairwise Chernoff criterion
* Unified dual for bi-class SVM approaches
* unifying view for stack filter design based on graph search methods, A
* Universal demosaicking for imaging pipelines with an RGB color filter array
* Vector transport for shape-from-shading
* Visual object recognition using probabilistic kernel subspace similarity
* Wavelet based methods on patterned fabric defect detection
* Wavelet correlogram: A new approach for image indexing and retrieval
237 for PR(38)
* 2D clustering based discriminant analysis for 3D head model classification
* 2D)2LDA: An efficient approach for face recognition
* 3D face detection using curvature analysis
* Absolute motion and structure from stereo image sequences without stereo correspondence and analysis of degenerate cases
* Adaptive degraded document image binarization
* adaptive error penalization method for training an efficient and generalized SVM, An
* Adaptive fusion and co-operative training for classifier ensembles
* aggregated clustering approach using multi-ant colonies algorithms, An
* algorithm for semi-supervised learning in image retrieval, An
* Alternative learning vector quantization
* analysis of BioHashing and its variants, An
* Analytically tractable case of fuzzy c-means clustering
* Approaches for automated detection and classification of masses in mammograms
* Approximating the problem, not the solution: An alternative view of point set matching
* Attention-driven image interpretation with application to image retrieval
* Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation
* Automatic decomposition of time series into step, ramp, and impulse primitives
* Automatic texture feature selection for image pixel classification
* Bhattacharyya space for feature selection and its application to texture segmentation, The
* Boosted discriminant projections for nearest neighbor classification
* Boundary-trimmed 3D triangular mesh segmentation based on iterative merging strategy
* Breast cancer diagnosis using genetic programming generated feature
* Class-dependent PCA, MDC and LDA: A combined classifier for pattern classification
* Class-specific feature polynomial classifier for pattern classification and its application to handwritten numeral recognition
* Classification by evolutionary ensembles
* Classification of acoustic events using SVM-based clustering schemes
* Classification of gene-expression data: The manifold-based metric learning way
* Classifying protein sequences using hydropathy blocks
* Clustering in Video Data: Dealing with Heterogeneous Semantics of Features
* clustering method based on multidimensional texture analysis, A
* clustering method for automatic biometric template selection, A
* Clustering noisy data in a reduced dimension space via multivariate regression trees
* Clustering techniques for protein surfaces
* colorization algorithm based on local MAP estimation, A
* Combining classifier decisions for robust speaker identification
* comparative study of combining multiple enrolled samples for fingerprint verification, A
* Comparison among feature extraction methods for HIV-1 protease cleavage site prediction
* Complexity reduction in efficient prototype-based classification
* Computing camera focal length by zooming a single point
* Confidence-based classifier design
* Conflating two polygonal lines
* Constrained nonlinear models of fingerprint orientations with prediction
* Contains and inside relationships within combinatorial pyramids
* coprocessor architecture for fast protein structure prediction, A
* Correspondence matching using kernel principal components analysis and label consistency constraints
* Data representations and generalization error in kernel based learning machines
* Database, protocols and tools for evaluating score-level fusion algorithms in biometric authentication
* Detecting fingerprint minutiae by run length encoding scheme
* Detection of a polymorphic Mesoamerican symbol using a rule-based approach
* Diagnosis of heart disease using artificial immune recognition system and fuzzy weighted pre-processing
* Diagonal principal component analysis for face recognition
* Directional features in online handwriting recognition
* Discriminant neighborhood embedding for classification
* Document zone content classification and its performance evaluation
* Dual unification of bi-class support vector machine formulations
* Dynamic registration selection for fingerprint verification
* Edit distance-based kernel functions for structural pattern classification
* Efficient bottom-up hybrid hierarchical clustering techniques for protein sequence classification
* efficient clustering scheme using support vector methods, An
* Efficient Computation of Adaptive Threshold Surfaces for Image Binarization
* Efficient computation of radial moment functions using symmetrical property
* Efficient edge-based object tracking
* Efficient Legendre moment computation for grey level images
* Efficient selective encryption for JPEG 2000 images using private initial table
* Efficient visual secret sharing scheme for color images
* Eliminating redundancy and irrelevance using a new MLP-based feature selection method
* Enhanced Snake algorithm by embedded domain transformation
* Ensemble learning for independent component analysis
* Evaluation for uncertain image classification and segmentation
* Experimental study on prototype optimisation algorithms for prototype-based classification in vector spaces
* Exploiting homogeneity in protein sequence clusters for construction of protein family hierarchies
* Exploring gene causal interactions using an enhanced constraint-based method
* Extended Hough transform for linear feature detection
* Extending the relevant component analysis algorithm for metric learning using both positive and negative equivalence constraints
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and Support Vector Machine
* Face recognition based on 2D Fisherface approach
* Face Recognition from a Single Image Per Person: A Survey
* Face recognition robust to left/right shadows; facial symmetry
* face recognition system based on automatically determined facial fiducial points, A
* Face recognition using common faces method
* Fast algorithms for finding disjoint subsequences with extremal densities
* fast evolutionary pursuit algorithm based on linearly combining vectors, A
* fast kernel-based nonlinear discriminant analysis for multi-class problems, A
* Fast multiscale clustering and manifold identification
* Feature representation and discrimination based on Gaussian mixture model probability densities: Practices and algorithms
* Feature-based approach to semi-supervised similarity learning
* Fingerprint matching by genetic algorithms
* Fingerprint matching using ridges
* Fingerprint minutiae matching algorithm for real time system
* Formulating LLE using alignment technique
* framework for multiple snakes and its applications, A
* From lines to epipoles through planes in two views
* FS_SFS: A novel feature selection method for support vector machines
* Fuzzy Bayesian validation for cluster analysis of yeast cell-cycle data
* Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for stereovision matching
* Fuzzy discriminant analysis with kernel methods
* fuzzy logic approach for detection of video shot boundaries, A
* FuzzyBagging: A novel ensemble of classifiers
* GACV: Geodesic-Aided C-V method
* Gait recognition using linear time normalization
* Gaussian fields for semi-supervised regression and correspondence learning
* Generalized null space uncorrelated Fisher discriminant analysis for linear dimensionality reduction
* Geometric visualization of clusters obtained from fuzzy clustering algorithms
* Gestalt-based feature similarity measure in trademark database
* Graph matching and clustering using spectral partitions
* graph-based, multi-resolution algorithm for tracking objects in presence of occlusions, A
* High-capacity image hiding scheme based on vector quantization
* Image hiding scheme with modulus function and dynamic programming strategy on partitioned pixels
* Image languages in intelligent radiological palm diagnostics
* Improved Bayesian image denoising based on wavelets with applications to electron microscopy
* Improved quality of reconstructed images using floating point arithmetic for moment calculation
* Improving nearest neighbor classification with cam weighted distance
* Incremental wrapper-based gene selection from microarray data for cancer classification
* independent component analysis-based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images, An
* Integration of fuzzy spatial relations in deformable models: Application to brain MRI segmentation
* Iterative shrinking method for clustering problems
* Kernel matching pursuit classifier ensemble
* Laplacian linear discriminant analysis
* Learning prototypes and distances: A prototype reduction technique based on nearest neighbor error minimization
* Learning stochastic edit distance: Application in handwritten character recognition
* Learning the kernel parameters in kernel minimum distance classifier
* LLE and a linear mapping, The
* Local structure based supervised feature extraction
* Locally adaptable mathematical morphology using distance transformations
* Locally linear metric adaptation with application to semi-supervised clustering and image retrieval
* Low resolution face recognition based on support vector data description
* mixture of experts committee machine to design compensators for intensity modulated radiation therapy, A
* multi-expert approach for robust face detection, A
* Multi-Objective Evolutionary Biclustering of Gene Expression Data
* Multiresolution fragile watermarking using complex chirp signals for content authentication
* Multisets mixture learning-based ellipse detection
* Multivariate image similarity in the compressed domain using statistical graph matching
* mura detection method, A
* nD generalized map pyramids: Definition, representations and basic operations
* Neighborhood size selection in the k-nearest-neighbor rule using statistical confidence
* new algorithm for the embedding of a prediction mechanism into the JPEG2000 coding chain, A
* Non-parametric classifier-independent feature selection
* Nonlinear discriminant mapping using the Laplacian of a graph
* Notes on shape orientation where the standard method does not work
* novel and quick SVM-based multi-class classifier, A
* novel approach to fuzzy clustering based on a dissimilarity relation extracted from data using a TS system, A
* novel approach to the fast computation of Zernike moments, A
* novel Bayesian framework for relevance feedback in image content-based retrieval systems, A
* novel gray-based reduced NN classification method, A
* novel image-hiding scheme based on block difference, A
* Null Foley-Sammon transform
* On denoising and compression of DNA microarray images
* On fast supervised learning for normal mixture models with missing information
* On relational possibilistic clustering
* On solving the face recognition problem with one training sample per subject
* On the impact of fusion strategies on classification errors for large ensembles of classifiers
* On the information and representation of non-Euclidean pairwise data
* On transforming statistical models for non-frontal face verification
* Optimal convex error estimators for classification
* Orientation feature for fingerprint matching
* Oriented connectivity-based method for segmenting solar loops
* Outlier correction from uncalibrated image sequence using the Triangulation method
* Owner-customer right protection mechanism using a watermarking scheme and a watermarking protocol
* Palmprint identification using feature-level fusion
* partitional clustering algorithm validated by a clustering tendency index based on graph theory, A
* Pattern classification in DNA microarray data of multiple tumor types
* Pattern Recognition methods for advanced stochastic protein sequence analysis using HMMs
* pattern recognition-based approach for phylogenetic network construction with constrained recombination, A
* Performance evaluation and optimization for content-based image retrieval
* Prediction of structural classes for protein sequences and domains--Impact of prediction algorithms, sequence representation and homology, and test procedures on accuracy
* Preserving boundaries for image texture segmentation using grey level co-occurring probabilities
* Projective reconstruction from line-correspondences in multiple uncalibrated images
* Proposing new methods in low-level vision from the Mach band illusion in retrospect
* Protein classification by matching and clustering surface graphs
* prototype classification method and its use in a hybrid solution for multiclass pattern recognition, A
* Prototype reduction schemes applicable for non-stationary data sets
* Prototype selection for dissimilarity-based classifiers
* Pyramid segmentation algorithms revisited
* Quantitative evaluation of a wavelet-based method in ventricular late potential detection
* Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark based on effect estimation of the affine transform
* RBF-based neurodynamic nearest neighbor classification in real pattern space
* Real time multiple objects tracking and identification based on discrete wavelet transform
* Recognizing facial action units using independent component analysis and support vector machine
* Recovery of missing information in graph sequences by means of reference pattern matching and decision tree learning
* Recursive computation of Tchebichef moment and its inverse transform
* Reduce shadow size in aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes using a square block-wise operation
* Registration of partially overlapping surfaces by rejection of false point correspondences
* Relaxational metric adaptation and its application to semi-supervised clustering and content-based image retrieval
* robust eye detection method using combined binary edge and intensity information, A
* Robust locally linear embedding
* robust method for detecting facial orientation in infrared images, A
* rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
* Rule-based cleanup of on-line English ink notes
* Saliency and semantic processing: Extracting forest cover from historical topographic maps
* Scalable visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data sets
* Selecting features in microarray classification using ROC curves
* Self-calibration from one circular motion sequence and two images
* Semidefinite spectral clustering
* Sequence-driven features for prediction of subcellular localization of proteins
* Shared farthest neighbor approach to clustering of high dimensionality, low cardinality data
* Signatures versus histograms: Definitions, distances and algorithms
* Similarity-based analysis for large networks of ultra-low resolution sensors
* Similarity-based pattern recognition
* Simple algorithms for partial point set pattern matching under rigid motion
* simple and fast multi-class piecewise linear pattern classifier, A
* Singular point detection by shape analysis of directional fields in fingerprints
* Skeletonization based on error reduction
* solutions of equation-based noise detector for an adaptive median filter, The
* Solving the small sample size problem in face recognition using generalized discriminant analysis
* Some approaches to improve tree-based nearest neighbour search algorithms
* Some refinements of rough k-means clustering
* Special Issue on Bioinformatics
* Specific object retrieval based on salient regions
* Spectral Approach to Learning Structural Variations in Graphs, A
* Spectral feature projections that maximize Shannon mutual information with class labels
* Stochastic learning-based weak estimation of multinomial random variables and its applications to pattern recognition in non-stationary environments
* study of Gaussian mixture models of color and texture features for image classification and segmentation, A
* Study of Identical Twins' Palmprints for Personal Authentication, A
* Studying endocytosis in space and time by means of temporal Boolean models
* Subspace distance analysis with application to adaptive Bayesian algorithm for face recognition
* Subspace independent component analysis using vector kurtosis
* systematic method for fingerprint ridge orientation estimation and image segmentation, A
* theoretical analysis of FDA and applications, The
* Two-class fingerprint matcher
* Understanding gestures with systematic variations in movement dynamics
* Unsupervised possibilistic clustering
* use of entropy minimization for the solution of blind source separation problems in image analysis, The
* Using color reach histogram for object search in colour and/or depth scene
* Using diversity of errors for selecting members of a committee classifier
* Using natural class hierarchies in multi-class visual classification
* Vectorized image segmentation via trixel agglomeration
* Visual learning and recognition of 3D objects using two-dimensional principal component analysis: A robust and an efficient approach
* Visual surveillance by dynamic visual attention method
* Wavelet feature selection based neural networks with application to the text independent speaker identification
* What is wrong with mesh PCA in coordinate direction normalization
* What's NEXT? An interactive next best view approach
* Why direct LDA is not equivalent to LDA
232 for PR(39)