Update Dates 1408

1408 * *ECCV
* *Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* 3-D Recovery of a Non-rigid Object from a Single Camera View Employing Multiple Coordinates Representation
* 30Hz Object Detection with DPM V5
* 3D human pose estimation from image using couple sparse coding
* 3D Interest Point Detection via Discriminative Learning
* 3D Jigsaw Puzzle: Mapping Large Indoor Spaces, The
* 3D Point Cloud Registration Based on the Vector Field Representation
* 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Textures in Crowd Sourced Data
* About Combining Metric Learning and Prototype Generation
* Accelerating Parallel Transmit Array B1 Mapping in High Field MRI With Slice Undersampling and Interpolation by Kriging
* Accelerometer-based correction of skewed horizon and keystone distortion in digital photography
* accurate and computationally efficient algorithm for ground peak identification in large footprint waveform LiDAR data, An
* Accurate Intrinsic Calibration of Depth Camera with Cuboids
* Action Recognition Based on Binary Latent Variable Models
* Action Recognition Using Super Sparse Coding Vector with Spatio-temporal Awareness
* Action Recognition with Stacked Fisher Vectors
* Action-Reaction: Forecasting the Dynamics of Human Interaction
* Active Deformable Part Models Inference
* Active Patch Model for Real World Texture and Appearance Classification, An
* Active Random Forests: An Application to Autonomous Unfolding of Clothes
* Activity Group Localization by Modeling the Relations among Participants
* Activity Recognition Based on an Accelerometer in a Smartphone Using an FFT-Based New Feature and Fusion Methods
* Adaptive BPSO based feature selection and skin detection based background removal for enhanced face recognition
* Adaptive CFA Demosaicking Using Bilateral Filters for Colour Edge Preservation
* Adaptive Feature Selection via Boosting-Like Sparsity Regularization
* Adaptive mathematical morphology: A survey of the field
* Adaptive Metric Learning in Local Distance Comparison for People Re-identification
* Adaptive Model to Monitor Chlorophyll-a in Inland Waters in Southern Quebec Using Downscaled MODIS Imagery, An
* Adaptive Regularization of the NL-Means: Application to Image and Video Denoising
* Affine Subspace Representation for Feature Description
* Aircraft Detection by Deep Belief Nets
* Aircraft navigation by means of image registration
* Algorithm and architecture for quarter pixel motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Algorithm for Extracting Digital Terrain Models under Forest Canopy from Airborne LiDAR Data
* All-In-Focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging
* Alpha Matting of Motion-Blurred Objects in Bracket Sequence Images
* Analyses on Generalization Error of Ensemble Kernel Regressors
* Analysing gait sequences using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for certain human actions
* Analysis and Implementation of a Parallel Ball Pivoting Algorithm, An
* Analysis of Errors in Graph-Based Keypoint Matching and Proposed Solutions, An
* Analysis of Properties of Malignant Cases for Imbalanced Breast Thermogram Feature Classification, An
* Analysis of Soccer Coach's Eye Gaze Behavior
* Analysis of the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Wildfire Severity in a Series of Landsat Images
* Analysis of Verification Methods for Indoor Image Matching
* Analyzing Perceived Empathy Based on Reaction Time in Behavioral Mimicry
* Analyzing repetitive action in game based on sequence pattern matching
* Analyzing the Performance of Multilayer Neural Networks for Object Recognition
* Anomaly prediction in seismic signals using neural networks
* Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Learning Visual Tracking from Few Trajectory Annotations
* Application of commercial remote sensing to issues in human geography
* Application of machine vision in improving safety and reliability for gear profile measurement
* Application of Physically-Based Slope Correction for Maximum Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Waveform Lidar across Different Footprint Sizes and Locations: Tests on LVIS and GLAS
* Approach for Local Comparison of Deformable 3D Models, An
* approach to color-morphology based on Einstein addition and Loewner order, An
* Approach to Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, An
* Approximate Graph Edit Distance Guided by Bipartite Matching of Bags of Walks
* Arbitrarily Shaped Objects Relighting Using an RGB-D Camera
* Architectural Style Classification Using Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression
* As-Rigid-As-Possible Stereo under Second Order Smoothness Priors
* Assessing the potential for leaf-off LiDAR data to model canopy closure in temperate deciduous forests
* Assessing the Quality of Actions
* Assessment of the MODIS LAI Product Using Ground Measurement Data and HJ-1A/1B Imagery in the Meadow Steppe of Hulunber, China
* Assisting the autistic with improved facial expression recognition from mixed expressions
* Asymmetric information hiding and noise-free recovery based on rotating analyzer ellipsometry and quick-response code
* Asymptotical Optimality of Sequential Universal Hypothesis Testing Based on the Method of Types
* Attributes Make Sense on Segmented Objects
* Augmented paper system: A framework for User's Personalized Workspace
* Automated registration of dense terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds using curves
* Automatic Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Multi-dimensional Local Binary Patterns
* Automatic Compensation of Radial Distortion by Minimizing Entropy of Histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Automatic Cycle Averaging for Denoising Approximately Periodic Spatiotemporal Signals
* Automatic Detection Algorithm for Surface Defects in TFT-LCD, An
* Automatic Elements Extraction of Chinese Web News Using Prior Information of Content and Structure
* Automatic Multi-resolution Joint Image Smoothing for Depth Map Refinement
* Automatic number plate recognition system using modified stroke width transform
* Automatic Object Cosegmentation in Sparse Multiview Images
* Automatic optical phase identification of micro-drill bits based on improved ASM and bag of shape segment in PCB production
* Automatic plant identification from photographs
* Automatic retinal vessel extraction based on directional mathematical morphology and fuzzy classification
* Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Liver Abnormalities Using Fractal Dimension
* Automatic Single-View Calibration and Rectification from Parallel Planar Curves
* Automatic sub-category partitioning and parts localization for learning a robust object model
* Axiomatics for oriented connectivity
* Background Recovery in Railroad Crossing Videos via Incremental Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* Background subtraction by combining Temporal and Spatio-Temporal histograms in the presence of camera movement
* Background subtraction for the moving camera: A geometric approach
* Backwards Principal Component Analysis and Principal Nested Relations
* Bag-of-Visual-Phrases via Local Contexts
* Bag-of-Words Against Nearest-Neighbor Search for Visual Object Retrieval
* Balanced K-Means for Clustering
* Ball-Pivoting Algoritm for Surface Reconstruction, The
* Bayesian Estimation of the von-Mises Fisher Mixture Model with Variational Inference
* Bayesian Nonparametric Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Bilateral Functions for Global Motion Modeling
* Binary Codes Embedding for Fast Image Tagging with Incomplete Labels
* Binary Factor Graph Model for Biclustering, A
* Bit Allocation Algorithm With Novel View Synthesis Distortion Model for Multiview Video Plus Depth Coding
* Blind Deblurring Using Internal Patch Recurrence
* Blind Denoising with Random Greedy Pursuits
* Boosting VLAD with Supervised Dictionary Learning and High-Order Statistics
* C Clustering with Hypergraphs: The Case for Large Hyperedges
* Camera Motion Estimation by Geometric AIC for Factorization with Missing Data
* Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds and Its Applications
* case study on data fusion with overlapping segments, A
* Category-Specific Video Summarization
* Change Detection Algorithm for the Production of Land Cover Change Maps over the European Union Countries
* Change Detection in the Presence of Motion Blur and Rolling Shutter Effect
* Chemical Symbol Feature Set for Handwritten Chemical Symbol Recognition
* CHILD: A robust Computationally-Efficient Histogram-based Image Local Descriptor
* Cine Cone Beam CT Reconstruction Using Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: Algorithm and a Proof-of-Principle Study
* Classification Based on Boolean Algebra and Its Application to the Prediction of Recurrence of Liver Cancer
* Classification of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Images of Cervical Cancers Using Texture Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* Classification of hardwood species using ANN classifier
* classifier framework for the detection of doctored images, A
* Classifier Introducing Transition Likelihood Model Based on Quantization Residual
* Closed-Form Approximate CRF Training for Scalable Image Segmentation
* Closer Look at Context: From Coxels to the Contextual Emergence of Object Saliency, A
* Co-polarization channel imbalance determination by the use of bare soil
* Co-Sparse Textural Similarity for Interactive Segmentation
* Coarse-to-Fine Auto-Encoder Networks (CFAN) for Real-Time Face Alignment
* Coherent Occlusion Reasoning for Instance Recognition
* Collaborative Facial Landmark Localization for Transferring Annotations Across Datasets
* CollageParsing: Nonparametric Scene Parsing by Adaptive Overlapping Windows
* Color Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology and its application to pixel-level classification
* Color video segmentation by lateral inhibition in accumulative computation
* Color-Guided Depth Recovery From RGB-D Data Using an Adaptive Autoregressive Model
* Combination of Multiple Distance Measures for Protein Fold Classification
* combined fuzzy and level sets' based approach for brain MRI image segmentation, A
* Combined Use of Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Satellite Images for Grassland Monitoring
* Combining Iris and Periocular Recognition Using Light Field Camera
* Combining Structure and Parameter Adaptation of HMMs for Printed Text Recognition
* Combining the advice of experts with randomized boosting for robust pattern recognition
* Common Landmark Discovery for Object-Level View Image Retrieval: Modeling and Matching of Scenes via Bag-of-Bounding-Boxes
* Commute Time for a Gaussian Wave Packet on a Graph
* Compact Descriptors for Visual Search
* Compact Spatial Feature Representation for Image Classification, A
* Compacting Large and Loose Communities
* Comparative evaluation of feature normalization techniques for voice password based speaker verification
* Comparing Salient Object Detection Results without Ground Truth
* Comparison of Advanced Regression Algorithms for Quantifying Urban Land Cover, A
* Comparison of airborne laser scanning methods for estimating forest structure indicators based on Lorenz curves
* Comparison of Categorical Attribute Data Clustering Methods, A
* Comparison of curve and surface skeletonization methods for voxel shapes
* Compensation of Modeling Errors Due to Unknown Domain Boundary in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Complete visual metrology using relative affine structure
* Compressive Sensing via Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* ConceptMap: Mining Noisy Web Data for Concept Learning
* Consensus of Regression for Occlusion-Robust Facial Feature Localization
* Consensus Region Merging for Image Segmentation
* Consensus-Driven Approach for Structure and Texture Aware Depth Map Upsampling, A
* Considerations of Self-Motion in Motion Saliency
* Consistent Matting for Light Field Images
* Consistent Re-identification in a Camera Network
* Consistent Segmentation Based Color Correction for Coarsely Registered Images
* Contactless Palm Recognition System Using Simple Active 3D Measurement with Diffraction Grating Laser, A
* Content-based video copy detection based on motion vectors estimated using a lower frame rate
* Context as Supervisory Signal: Discovering Objects with Predictable Context
* Context-Based Pedestrian Path Prediction
* Continuous Conditional Neural Fields for Structured Regression
* Continuous Learning of Human Activity Models Using Deep Nets
* Contour Completion Model for Augmenting Surface Reconstructions, A
* Contrast Enhancement Framework with JPEG Artifacts Suppression, A
* Convergent Incoherent Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Sparse Coding, A
* Convex Combination of Adaptive Filters under the Maximum Correntropy Criterion in Impulsive Interference
* Convexity Shape Prior for Segmentation
* Coordinate Ranking Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Coplanar Common Points in Non-centric Cameras
* Correcting for Duplicate Scene Structure in Sparse 3D Reconstruction
* Correlation based object-specific attentional mechanism for target localization in high resolution satellite images
* Correlation-Based Facade Parsing Using Shape Grammar
* Coupled Binary Embedding for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Creating Summaries from User Videos
* Crisp Boundary Detection Using Pointwise Mutual Information
* Cross-Age Reference Coding for Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval
* Cross-domain clustering performed by transfer of knowledge across domains
* Crowd Behavior Representation Using Motion Influence Matrix for Anomaly Detection
* Crowd Tracking with Dynamic Evolution of Group Structures
* CUDA-enabled parallel algorithm for accelerating retinex, A
* Cursive stroke sequencing for handwritten text documents recognition
* DaMN: Discriminative and Mutually Nearest: Exploiting Pairwise Category Proximity for Video Action Recognition
* DASM: An open source active shape model for automatic registration of objects
* Data driven analysis of functional brain networks in fMRI for schizophrenia investigation
* Deblurring Face Images with Exemplars
* Decision fusion for robust horizon estimation using Dempster Shafer Combination Rule
* Decomposition and Extraction: A New Framework for Visual Classification
* Deep Features for Text Spotting
* Deep Learning of Scene-Specific Classifier for Pedestrian Detection
* Deep Network Cascade for Image Super-resolution
* Deformed and Touched Characters Recognition
* Dense 3D point-cloud model using optical flow for a monocular reconstruction system
* Dense 3D Reconstruction from High Frame-Rate Video Using a Static Grid Pattern
* Dense Semi-rigid Scene Flow Estimation from RGBD Images
* density based method for automatic hairstyle discovery and recognition, A
* Density Estimators of Gaussian Type on Closed Riemannian Manifolds
* Depth Based Object Detection from Partial Pose Estimation of Symmetric Objects
* Depth Map Upsampling via Compressive Sensing
* Depth-of-Field and Coded Aperture Imaging on XSlit Lens
* Description-Discrimination Collaborative Tracking
* Design of Manipuri Keywords Spotting System using HMM
* Design of Variable Fractional Delay Filter with Fractional Delay Constraints
* Designing LDPC Codes for ECOC Classification Systems
* Despeckling SAR images in the lapped transform domain
* Detecting Fall Incidents of the Elderly Based on Human-Ground Contact Areas
* Detecting Snap Points in Egocentric Video with a Web Photo Prior
* Detecting Social Actions of Fruit Flies
* Detection of Abnormal behavior in Dynamic Crowded Gatherings
* Detection of Driver's Drowsy Facial Expression
* Determining Relation Semantics by Mapping Relation Phrases to Knowledge Base
* Determining Wellness through an Ambient Assisted Living Environment
* Development of a virtual aquarium system interacting with a smart device
* Development of an efficient perception system and a path planning algorithm for autonomous mobile robots
* Development of Methods for Detection and Monitoring of Fire Disturbance in the Alaskan Tundra Using a Two-Decade Long Record of Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Images
* Diffusion on Some Simple Stratified Spaces
* Digital image tampering detection and localization using singular value decomposition technique
* Digital Level Layers for Digital Curve Decomposition and Vectorization
* Digital Watermarking Method to Extract Watermarks from Printed Matters with Cell Phone by Using Finder Patterns and Alignment Pattern of QR Code
* Dimensional operators for mathematical morphology on simplicial complexes
* Direct Ego-Motion Estimation Using Normal Flows
* Direct georeferencing of oblique and vertical imagery in different coordinate systems
* Direct Orthogonal Distance to Quadratic Surfaces in 3D
* Directional multi-pass median filter for impulse noise reduction
* Discovering and Describing Activities by Trajectory Analysis
* Discovering Groups of People in Images
* Discovering Object Classes from Activities
* Discovering Video Clusters from Visual Features and Noisy Tags
* Discrete Bayesian Network Classifiers: A Survey
* Discriminative Indexing for Probabilistic Image Patch Priors
* Discriminative Model with Multiple Temporal Scales for Action Prediction, A
* Discriminatively Trained Dense Surface Normal Estimation
* Distance Estimation of an Unknown Person from a Portrait
* Distinguishing Pedestrians Facing to the Front and the Side by Gait Observation
* Do you see what I see?
* Domain Adaptive Action Recognition with Integrated Self-Training and Feature Selection
* Domain-Adaptive Discriminative One-Shot Learning of Gestures
* Dual Objective Feature Selection and Scaled Euclidean Classification for face recognition
* Dual-Tone Radio Interferometric Positioning Systems Using Undersampling Techniques
* Duality and the Continuous Graphical Model
* Duplicate open page removal from video stream of book flipping
* Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction: Separation From Undersampled (k,t)-Space via Low-Rank Plus Sparse Prior
* Dynamic multistatic synthetic aperture radar (DMSAR) with image reconstruction algorithms and analysis
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm Applied to Omnidirectional Vision for Dense 3D Reconstruction, A
* Dynamic signature verification for secure retrieval of classified information
* Dynamically Removing False Features in Pyramidal Lucas-Kanade Registration
* Déjà Vu: Motion Prediction in Static Images
* Edge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from Edges
* Edge grouping around a fixation point
* Edge Guided High Order Image Smoothing
* Edit Distance Computed by Fast Bipartite Graph Matching
* Editorial of the special issue on cross-media analysis
* Effect of Bias Correction of Satellite-Rainfall Estimates on Runoff Simulations at the Source of the Upper Blue Nile
* effect of short ground vegetation on terrestrial laser scans at a local scale, The
* Effective Sentiment Analysis Based on Term Evaluation by Bayesian Model Selection Criteria
* Efficient 2-fold contextual filtering approach for fingerprint enhancement
* efficient algorithm for exact evaluation of stochastic watersheds, An
* Efficient and Rich Annotations for Large Photo Collections
* Efficient Approach to Web Near-Duplicate Image Detection, An
* Efficient Color Constancy with Local Surface Reflectance Statistics
* Efficient Energy Minimization for Enforcing Label Statistics
* Efficient Estimation of Linear Parameters from Correlated Node Measurements over Networks
* Efficient Hybrid Tree-Based Stereo Matching With Applications to Postcapture Image Refocusing
* Efficient Image and Video Co-Localization with Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
* Efficient Joint Segmentation, Occlusion Labeling, Stereo and Flow Estimation
* Efficient k-Support Matrix Pursuit
* Efficient Nearest Neighbors via Robust Sparse Hashing
* Efficient paper mosaic rendering on mobile devices based on position-based tiling
* Efficient Parallel Transport of Deformations in Time Series of Images: From Schild's to Pole Ladder
* Efficient Semidefinite Spectral Clustering via Lagrange Duality
* Efficient Sparsity Estimation via Marginal-Lasso Coding
* Electroencephelograph based brain machine interface for controlling a robotic arm
* Electromagnetic Tracking in Medicine: A Review of Technology, Validation, and Applications
* Emotional Speech Recognition Using Acoustic Models of Decomposed Component Words
* Energy-based adaptive matching pursuit algorithm for binary sparse signal reconstruction in compressed sensing
* Enhanced Rotational Feature Points Matching using Orientation Correction
* Enhancement of camera captured text images with specular reflection
* Entropic Graph Embedding via Multivariate Degree Distributions
* Equi-affine Invariant Geometry for Shape Analysis
* Error assessment of the estimated coefficients obtained in system identification technique
* Error characterization of flight trajectories reconstructed using Structure from Motion
* Error concealment algorithm using inter-view correlation for multi-view video
* Estimates of Aboveground Biomass from Texture Analysis of Landsat Imagery
* Estimating Speech Spectral Amplitude Based on the Nakagami Approximation
* Estimating the queue length at street intersections by using a movement feature space approach
* Estimating the Structure of Rooms from a Single Fisheye Image
* Estimation of human body shape and posture under clothing
* Estimation of the orientation and distance of a mirror from Kinect depth data
* Estimation-Theoretic Framework for Spatially Scalable Video Coding, An
* Evaluating Classification Performance with only Positive and Unlabeled Samples
* Evaluating the impact of red-edge band from Rapideye image for classifying insect defoliation levels
* Evaluation of Daytime Evaporative Fraction from MODIS TOA Radiances Using FLUXNET Observations
* Evaluation of video activity localizations integrating quality and quantity measurements
* Evaporative Fraction as an Indicator of Moisture Condition and Water Stress Status in Semi-Arid Rangeland Ecosystems
* Evapotranspiration Variability and Its Association with Vegetation Dynamics in the Nile Basin, 2002-2011
* Event Detection Based on Noisy Object Information
* Evolutionary design of Multiquadric radial basis functions neural network for face recognition
* Expanding the Family of Grassmannian Kernels: An Embedding Perspective
* Exploiting Low-Rank Structure from Latent Domains for Domain Generalization
* Exploiting Privileged Information from Web Data for Image Categorization
* Exploiting Repetitive Patterns for Fast Succinct Map Matching
* Exploring the Best Hyperspectral Features for LAI Estimation Using Partial Least Squares Regression
* Exponential spline perfect reconstruction, decomposition and reconstruction with applications in compression and denoising
* Extended Decision Tree with or Relationship for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis
* Extended Lucas-Kanade Tracking
* Extraction of line-word-character segments directly from run-length compressed printed text-documents
* Extraction of Projection Profile, Run-Histogram and Entropy Features Straight from Run-Length Compressed Text-Documents
* Extrinsic calibration of heterogeneous cameras by line images
* Eye State Detection and Eye Sequence Classification for Paralyzed Patient Interaction
* Face and facial expression recognition using Extended Locality Preserving Projection
* Face Detection without Bells and Whistles
* Face recognition using Elastic bunch graph matching
* Face recognition using position-dictionaries and region covariance feature
* Face Sketch Landmarks Localization in the Wild
* Facial Aging Simulator Based on Patch-Based Facial Texture Reconstruction
* Facial Landmark Detection by Deep Multi-task Learning
* Fall detection for elderly person care in a vision-based home surveillance environment using a monocular camera
* False Discovery Rate Control in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies via Markov Random Fields
* Fast Alternative for Template Matching: An ObjectCode Method, A
* Fast and Accurate Texture Recognition with Multilayer Convolution and Multifractal Analysis
* Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Retrieval Using Binary Descriptor
* Fast and Simple Algorithm for Producing Candidate Regions, A
* Fast area of contact computation for collision detection of a deformable object using FEM
* Fast automatic medical image segmentation based on spatial kernel fuzzy c-means on level set method
* Fast compensation of illumination changes for background subtraction
* Fast determination of the number of endmembers for real-time hyperspectral unmixing on GPUs
* Fast Gradient Computation for Learning with Tensor Product Kernels and Sparse Training Labels
* Fast Implementation of DeLong's Algorithm for Comparing the Areas Under Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
* Fast Inter-Harmonic Reconstruction for Spectral Envelope Estimation in High-Pitched Voices
* Fast moving-object detection in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance
* Fast Orthogonal Haar Transform Pattern Matching via Image Square Sum
* Fast reconstruction of fluorescence molecular tomography via a permissible region extraction strategy
* Fast reference frame and inter-mode selection method for H.264/AVC
* Fast registration of articulated objects from depth images
* Fast Transform Unit Decision for HEVC
* Fast Visual Tracking via Dense Spatio-temporal Context Learning
* Feature Disentangling Machine: A Novel Approach of Feature Selection and Disentangling in Facial Expression Analysis
* Feature extractor selection for face-iris multimodal recognition
* feature information based approach for enhancing score-level fusion in multi-sample biometric systems, A
* Feature preserving anisotropic diffusion for image restoration
* Feature track summary visualization for sequential multi-view reconstruction
* Few views image reconstruction using alternating direction method via L0-norm minimization
* Finding Approximate Convex Shapes in RGBD Images
* Finding Coherent Motions and Semantic Regions in Crowd Scenes: A Diffusion and Clustering Approach
* Fisher Discrimination Based Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Flip-Flop Sublinear Models for Graphs
* Food-101: Mining Discriminative Components with Random Forests
* Foreground Consistent Human Pose Estimation Using Branch and Bound
* Four-neighborhood clique kernel: A general framework for Bayesian and variational techniques of noise reduction in magnetic resonance images of the brain
* FPM: Fine Pose Parts-Based Model with 3D CAD Models
* Fractals and Ravens
* Frames, the Loewner order and eigendecomposition for morphological operators on tensor fields
* framework for abandoned object detection from video surveillance, A
* Free-Angle 3D Head Pose Tracking Based on Online Shape Acquisition
* Free-Shape Polygonal Object Localization
* frequency domain approach to silhouette based gait recognition, A
* From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape Retrieval via Regression Tree Fields
* From Manifold to Manifold: Geometry-Aware Dimensionality Reduction for SPD Matrices
* Fusing Local Patterns of Gabor and Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform for Face Recognition
* Fusion of face and iris biometrics using local and global feature extraction methods
* Fusion of ground truths and hierarchies of segmentations
* Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images Using 2DPCA Bases
* Fusion of satellite images using Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) method
* Future of Smart Photography, The
* Fuzzy video summarization using key frame extraction
* Fynbos leaf online plant recognition application
* Gait Verification System for Supporting Criminal Investigation
* Gaze Estimation in Children's Peer-Play Scenarios
* gDLS: A Scalable Solution to the Generalized Pose and Scale Problem
* Generalized Background Subtraction Using Superpixels with Label Integrated Motion Estimation
* Generalized Connectivity Constraints for Spatio-temporal 3D Reconstruction
* Generalized newtonian fluid simulations
* Generating Robust and Stable Disparity Map Using Phase-Based Correspondence Matching from Stereo Video Sequence
* Generation of Future Image Frames Using Optical Flow
* Generative Model for the Joint Registration of Multiple Point Sets, A
* Geodesic Object Proposals
* Geodesic Regression on the Grassmannian
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis Using Optical Satellite Imagery and GIS Data for the Detection of Mining Sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Geometric Calibration of Micro-Lens-Based Light Field Cameras Using Line Features
* Geometric invariant Target classification using 2D Mellin cepstrum with modified grid formation
* Geometry and Statistics: Manifolds and Stratified Spaces
* Geometry Driven Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes
* GIS-Assisted Object Detection and Geospatial Localization
* Global Biharmonic Framework for Robust Non-rigid Model Retrieval
* Globally Optimal Inlier Set Maximization with Unknown Rotation and Focal Length
* Good Image Priors for Non-blind Deconvolution
* Graduated Consistency-Regularized Optimization for Multi-graph Matching
* Graph Cuts for Supervised Binary Coding
* Graph Kernel from the Depth-Based Representation, A
* Graph Matching by Simplified Convex-Concave Relaxation Procedure
* Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies Using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model, A
* graph-based approach for segmenting touching lines in historical handwritten documents, A
* Graph-based hierarchical video segmentation based on a simple dissimilarity measure
* graph-based mathematical morphology reader, A
* Graph-cut based interactive segmentation of 3D materials-science images
* Group Leadership Estimation Based on Influence of Pointing Actions
* Group-Based Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Growing Regression Forests by Classification: Applications to Object Pose Estimation
* Hand Gesture Segmentation in Uncontrolled Environments with Partition Matrix and a Spotting Scheme Based on Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Hand Waving Away Scale
* Hausdorff Heuristic for Efficient Computation of Graph Edit Distance, A
* Haze Removal from Single Images Based on a Luminance Reference Model
* Head and Upper Body Pose Estimation in Team Sport Videos
* Hello, My Name Is . . .
* HEp-2 Cell Classification Using Multi-dimensional Local Binary Patterns and Ensemble Classification
* Hidden Sides of Names: Face Modeling with First Name Attributes, The
* Hierarchal Framework for Finger-Vein Image Classification, A
* Hierarchical Representation for Future Action Prediction, A
* High performance VLSI implementation of Context-based Adaptive Variable Length Coding (CAVLC) for H.264 encoder
* High quality depth map estimation by kinect upsampling and hole filling using RGB features and mutual information
* Higher-Order MRF Based Variational Model for Multiplicative Noise Reduction, A
* Highly Overparameterized Optical Flow Using PatchMatch Belief Propagation
* Hipster Wars: Discovering Elements of Fashion Styles
* HiRF: Hierarchical Random Field for Collective Activity Recognition in Videos
* HMM-Based Multi Oriented Text Recognition in Natural Scene Image
* HOPC: Histogram of Oriented Principal Components of 3D Pointclouds for Action Recognition
* How Do Facial Expressions Contribute to Age Prediction?
* HTS and HTSn: New shape descriptors based on Hough transform statistics
* Human Action Recognition: A Dense Trajectory and Similarity Constrained Latent Support Vector Machine Approach
* Human detection and segmentation in the crowd environment by coimbining APD with HLBD approaches
* Human Detection Using Learned Part Alphabet and Pose Dictionary
* Human object interactions recognition based on social network analysis
* Human Pose Estimation with Fields of Parts
* Hybrid Image Deblurring by Fusing Edge and Power Spectrum Information
* hybrid method for object identification and event detection in video, A
* Hybrid Stochastic / Deterministic Optimization for Tracking Sports Players and Pedestrians
* Hybrid Transfer Learning for Efficient Learning in Object Detection
* Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using a New Spectral Unmixing-Based Binary Partition Tree Representation
* I See What You See: Point of Gaze Estimation from Corneal Images
* ICA Based Approach for Complex Color Scene Text Binarization, An
* Illumination Invariant L1 Tracker Using Photometric Normalization Techniques
* Image adaptive and high-capacity watermarking system using accurate Zernike moments
* Image deblurring in super-resolution framework
* Image Deblurring Using Fast Best Kernel Retrieval
* Image Deconvolution Ringing Artifact Detection and Removal via PSF Frequency Analysis
* Image denoising using redundant finer directional wavelet transform
* Image georegistration methods: A framework for application guidelines
* Image Matching for Repetitive Patterns by Clustering and Transforming in Feature Space
* Image object extraction with shape and edge-driven Markov random field model
* Image Retrieval and Ranking via Consistently Reconstructing Multi-attribute Queries
* Image Retrieval with Fisher Vectors of Binary Features
* Image Segmentation by Bilayer Superpixel Grouping
* Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Correlated Mixture Model with Gaussian Process Priors
* Image Segmentation Using Higher-Order Correlation Clustering
* Image Segmentation with Automatically Balanced Constraints
* Image Tag Completion by Noisy Matrix Recovery
* Image-Based 4-d Reconstruction Using 3-d Change Detection
* Immersive and Interactive Map Touring System Based on Traveler Conceptual Models, An
* impact of constraint induced movement therapy on brain activation in chronic stroke patients with upper extremity paralysis: An fMRI study, The
* Implementation of the Centroid Method for the Correction of Turbulence
* Improve scene categorization via sub-scene recognition
* Improved Analysis for Subspace Pursuit Algorithm in Terms of Restricted Isometry Constant
* Improved BLSTM Neural Networks for Recognition of On-Line Bangla Complex Words
* Improved Motion Invariant Deblurring through Motion Estimation
* Improved Object Matching Using Structural Relations
* Improved Real Time Compressive Tracking, An
* Improved Spectral Clustering Using Adaptive Mahalanobis Distance
* Improved van Zyl Polarimetric Decomposition Lessening the Overestimation of Volume Scattering Power
* Improvement of Japanese Signature Verification by Combined Segmentation Verification Approach
* Improvement of Lip Reading Performance in Real Environments Using Speaker and Environmental Adaptation
* improvement on thinning to handle characters with noisy contour, An
* Improvements to the Descriptor of SIFT by BOF Approaches
* Improving Approximate Graph Edit Distance Using Genetic Algorithms
* Improving Human Detection by Long-Term Observation
* Improving Image-Sentence Embeddings Using Large Weakly Annotated Photo Collections
* Improving Sampling Criterion for Alpha Matting
* Improving Tagging Quality via Learning Dissimilarity Measure in Non-Euclidean Spaces
* Improving the Performance of Brain-Computer Interface Using Multi-modal Neuroimaging
* Improving video summarization based on user preferences
* Improvised eigenvector selection for spectral Clustering in image segmentation
* Incorporating Molecule's Stereisomerism within the Machine Learning Framework
* Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognition under wide variations
* Indirect Estimation of Signal-Dependent Noise With Nonadaptive Heterogeneous Samples
* Indoor location with Wi-Fi fingerprinting
* Infinitesimal Plane-Based Pose Estimation
* Information Theoretic Feature Selection in Multi-label Data through Composite Likelihood
* Inner FoV Stitching of Spaceborne TDI CCD Images Based on Sensor Geometry and Projection Plane in Object Space
* Instance Segmentation of Indoor Scenes Using a Coverage Loss
* Integrating Context and Occlusion for Car Detection by Hierarchical And-Or Model
* Integrating Digital Pens in Breast Imaging for Instant Knowledge Acquisition
* Integration of MKL-Based and I-Vector-Based Speaker Verification by Short Utterances
* Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Improving Crop Mapping in Northwestern Benin, West Africa
* Interactive Aged-Face Simulation with Freehand Wrinkle Drawing
* Interactive cross and multimodal biomedical image retrieval based on automatic region-of-interest (ROI) identification and classification
* Interactive Object Counting
* Interactive Phrases: Semantic Descriptionsfor Human Interaction Recognition
* Interactively Guiding Semi-Supervised Clustering via Attribute-Based Explanations
* Interestingness Prediction by Robust Learning to Rank
* Interframe Coding of Feature Descriptors for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Interreflection Removal Using Fluorescence
* Intrinsic Face Image Decomposition with Human Face Priors
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Structure-Texture Separation and Surface Normals
* Intrinsic Polynomials for Regression on Riemannian Manifolds
* Intrinsic Textures for Relightable Free-Viewpoint Video
* Intrinsic Video
* Introducing the concept of anisotropy at different scales for modeling optical turbulence
* Inverse Kernels for Fast Spatial Deconvolution
* Investigating the effects of gender and age group based differences in identical twins
* IOWA Operators and Its Application to Image Retrieval
* IQM2: new image quality measure based on steerable pyramid wavelet transform and structural similarity index
* Iris Outline Tracker: For Various Eye Shapes in a Single Video Camera without Infrared Illumination, An
* ISIgraphy: A tool for online handwriting sample database generation
* Iterative Method for Predistortion of MRI Gradient Waveforms
* Joint Alignment and Clustering via Low-Rank Representation
* Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment
* Joint Learning-Based Method for Multi-view Depth Map Super Resolution, A
* Joint Object Class Sequencing and Trajectory Triangulation (JOST)
* Joint Semantic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Video
* Joint Unsupervised Face Alignment and Behaviour Analysis
* Jointly Optimizing 3D Model Fitting and Fine-Grained Classification
* Kernel estimation from blurred edge profiles using Radon Transform for shaken images
* Keypoint descriptor matching with context-based orientation estimation
* Kinect Depth Inpainting via Graph Laplacian with TV21 Regularization
* Know Your Limits: Accuracy of Long Range Stereoscopic Object Measurements in Practice
* Knowing a Good HOG Filter When You See It: Efficient Selection of Filters for Detection
* Knowledge Adaptation with Partially Shared Features for Event Detection Using Few Exemplars
* Label-Related/Unrelated Topic Switching Model: A Partially Labeled Topic Model Handling Infinite Label-Unrelated Topics
* Land-Use Mapping in a Mixed Urban-Agricultural Arid Landscape Using Object-Based Image Analysis: A Case Study from Maricopa, Arizona
* Landslide detection on earthen levees with X-band and L-band radar data
* Laplacian spectral distances and kernels on 3D shapes
* Large Margin Local Metric Learning
* Large-Scale Face Recognition on Smart Devices
* Large-Scale Geosocial Multimedia
* Large-Scale Object Classification Using Label Relation Graphs
* Latent-Class Hough Forests for 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* Learning 6D Object Pose Estimation Using 3D Object Coordinates
* Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Learning adaptive interpolation kernels for fast single-image super resolution
* learning based approach for dense stereo matching with IGMRF prior, A
* Learning Based Reconstruction of Grayscale Face Image from Far-Infrared Image
* Learning Brightness Transfer Functions for the Joint Recovery of Illumination Changes and Optical Flow
* Learning confidence transformation for handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Learning Discriminative and Shareable Features for Scene Classification
* Learning Fingerprint Orientation Fields Using Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Learning from High-Dimensional Data in Multitask/Multilabel Classification
* Learning Graphs to Model Visual Objects across Different Depictive Styles
* Learning High-Level Judgments of Urban Perception
* Learning Latent Constituents for Recognition of Group Activities in Video
* Learning Object-to-Class Kernels for Scene Classification
* Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation
* Learning the Face Prior for Bayesian Face Recognition
* Learning to Hash with Partial Tags: Exploring Correlation between Tags and Hashing Bits for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* Learning to Rank 3D Features
* Learning to Rank Using High-Order Information
* Learning Where to Classify in Multi-view Semantic Segmentation
* Let There Be Color! Large-Scale Texturing of 3D Reconstructions
* Light Source Estimation in Mobile Augmented Reality Scenes by Using Human Face Geometry
* Linear cyclic pursuit based prediction of personal space violation in surveillance video
* Linear Estimation of 4-D Illumination Light Field from Diffuse Reflections
* Linear Poisson Models: A Pattern Recognition Solution to the Histogram Composition Problem
* Linking People in Videos with Their Names Using Coreference Resolution
* Lip Segmentation under MAP-MRF Framework with Automatic Selection of Local Observation Scale and Number of Segments
* Lip tracking under varying expressions utilizing domain knowledge
* Living without Menu Bar: A Shape Retrieval Based Word Editor
* Local Estimation of High Velocity Optical Flow with Correlation Image Sensor
* Local Illumination Influence on Vegetation Indices and Plant Area Index (PAI) Relationships
* Local Metric Learning in 2D/3D Deformable Registration With Application in the Abdomen
* Local Subspace Classifier with Gabor Filter Decomposition for Image Classification
* Locality-Constrained Collaborative Sparse Approximation for Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification
* Long-Term Record of Sampled Disturbances in Northern Eurasian Boreal Forest from Pre-2000 Landsat Data
* Low-Complexity Energy Efficiency Optimization with Statistical CSI in Two-Hop MIMO Systems
* Low-Level Hierarchical Multiscale Segmentation Statistics of Natural Images
* Low-power DSP system for real-time correction of fish-eye cameras in automotive driver assistance applications
* Low-Rank Matrix Completion Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* LSD-SLAM: Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM
* L^1 Control Theoretic Smoothing Splines
* L_p-Norm IDF for Scalable Image Retrieval
* M-ary reversible contrast mapping in reversible watermarking with optimal distortion control
* Magic Mirror: An Intelligent Fashion Recommendation System
* Majority Vote of Diverse Classifiers for Late Fusion
* Majorization-Minimization Approach to Lq Norm Multiple Kernel Learning, A
* Mammary Gland Tumor Detection in Cats Using Ant Colony Optimisation
* Mangrove Species Identification: Comparing WorldView-2 with Aerial Photographs
* Manifold Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for Semi-supervised Clustering
* MAP-Estimation Framework for Blind Deblurring Using High-Level Edge Priors, A
* Mapping Coral Reef Benthos, Substrates, and Bathymetry, Using Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) Data
* Margin Based Feature Selection for Cross-Sensor Iris Recognition via Linear Programming
* Match Selection and Refinement for Highly Accurate Two-View Structure from Motion
* Matching Similarity for Keyword-Based Clustering
* Material Classification Based on Training Data Synthesized Using a BTF Database
* Mathematical formula identification and performance evaluation in PDF documents
* Matrix-Based Hierarchical Graph Matching in Off-Line Handwritten Signatures Recognition
* Max-Correlation Embedding Computation
* Maximum Correlation Feature Descriptor for Heterogeneous Face Recognition, A
* Mean shift clustering based outlier removal for global motion estimation
* Mean-shift based object detection and clustering from high resolution remote sensing imagery
* Medical image analysis an attempt for mammogram classification using texture based association rule mining
* MEEM: Robust Tracking via Multiple Experts Using Entropy Minimization
* Melanin and Hemoglobin Identification for Skin Disease Analysis
* Melanoma Classification Using Dermoscopy Imaging and Ensemble Learning
* Memory-Efficient Computation of High-Dimensional Integral Images
* Memristive fuzzy edge detector
* Mesh denoising by improved 3D geometric bilateral filter
* MET: media-embedded target for connecting paper to digital media
* Method for Exaggerative Caricature Generation from Real Face Image, A
* Metric Learning in Dissimilarity Space for Improved Nearest Neighbor Performance
* Metric-Based Pairwise and Multiple Image Registration
* Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context
* Mirror Match: Reliable Feature Point Matching without Geometric Constraints
* Mixticky: A Smartphone-Based Virtual Environment for Recordable and Browsable Multimedia Stickies
* Mobile Camera Localization Method Using Aerial-View Images, A
* Mobile Robot Photographer
* Model Selection by Linear Programming
* Model-Free Segmentation and Grasp Selection of Unknown Stacked Objects
* Modeling Blurred Video with Layers
* Modeling Perceptual Color Differences by Local Metric Learning
* Modeling Video Dynamics with Deep Dynencoder
* Modelling mammographic microcalcification clusters using persistent mereotopology
* Modelling the Spatial Distribution of Culicoides imicola: Climatic versus Remote Sensing Data
* modified POCS-based reconstruction method for compressively sampled MR imaging, A
* Modifying SEBAL Model Based on the Trapezoidal Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Index for Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation
* Monitoring a large surveillance space through distributed face matching
* Monocular Multiview Object Tracking with 3D Aspect Parts
* Monte Carlo Non-Local Means: Random Sampling for Large-Scale Image Filtering
* Mood-Learning Public Display: Adapting Content Design Evolutionarily through Viewers' Involuntary Gestures and Movements
* morphological approach for distinguishing texture and individual features in images, A
* Motion boundary based sampling and 3D co-occurrence descriptors for action recognition
* Motion estimation using the fast and adaptive bidimensional empirical mode decomposition
* Motion Words for Videos
* Movement Pattern Histogram for Action Recognition and Retrieval
* Moving Cast Shadow Detection
* Moving Object Detection Based on Temporal Information
* Moving Vehicle Information Extraction from Single-Pass WorldView-2 Imagery Based on ERGAS-SNS Analysis
* MRF and DP based specular surface reconstruction
* Multi Focus Structured Light for Recovering Scene Shape and Global Illumination
* Multi-body Depth-Map Fusion with Non-intersection Constraints
* Multi-class Open Set Recognition Using Probability of Inclusion
* Multi-feature Late Fusion for Image Tagging
* Multi-layered Background Modeling for Complex Environment Surveillance
* Multi-level Adaptive Active Learning for Scene Classification
* Multi-Material Decomposition Using Statistical Image Reconstruction for Spectral CT
* Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Registration for Natural Images
* Multi-modal Subspace Learning with Joint Graph Regularization for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-modal Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Scene Labeling
* Multi-object Tracking under Occlusion Using Dual-Mode Graph Embedding
* Multi-perspective anomaly prediction using neural networks
* Multi-resolution Action Recognition Algorithm Using Wavelet Domain Features, A
* Multi-resolution image fusion using multistage guided filter
* Multi-scale Deblurring with Smooth Region Constraints
* Multi-scale decomposition tool for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features
* Multi-scale ship tracking via random projections
* Multi-sensor image fusion based on statistical features and wavelet transform
* Multi-spectral demosaicing technique for single-sensor imaging
* Multi-stage Approach to Curve Extraction, A
* Multi-transformational Model for Background Subtraction with Moving Cameras, A
* Multifocus Image Fusion via Region Reconstruction
* Multilayer background modeling under occlusions
* Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces
* multimodal approach to high resolution image classification, A
* Multimodal Spatio-Temporal Theme Modeling for Landmark Analysis
* Multiple View Geometry in Dynamic Environment
* Multiscale noise-adaptive homomorphic filtering based speckle denoising in laser speckle imaging
* Multispectral palmprint matching based on joint sparse representation
* Multivariate Tensor-Based Morphometry with a Right-Invariant Riemannian Distance on GL+(n)
* Natural Action Recognition Using Invariant 3D Motion Encoding
* Near real-time face parsing
* Neighborhood-level learning techniques for nonparametric scene models
* Neural Codes for Image Retrieval
* new approach for terrain analysis of lunar surface by Chandrayaan-1 data using open source libraries, A
* New Banknote Number Recognition Algorithm Based on Support Vector Machine
* new HSI based filtering technique for impulse noise removal in images, A
* new Motion Estimation Technique for video compression, A
* New Multispectral Method for Face Liveness Detection, A
* New Variational Framework for Multiview Surface Reconstruction, A
* Nitrogen Status Assessment for Variable Rate Fertilization in Maize through Hyperspectral Imagery
* No-reference image and video quality assessment: A classification and review of recent approaches
* Node Centrality for Continuous-Time Quantum Walks
* Non-associative Higher-Order Markov Networks for Point Cloud Classification
* Non-Linear Filter for Gyroscope-Based Video Stabilization, A
* Non-local Method for Robust Noisy Image Completion, A
* Non-local Sparse Model for Intrinsic Images, A
* Non-local Total Generalized Variation for Optical Flow Estimation
* Non-parametric Higher-Order Random Fields for Image Segmentation
* Nonlinear dimensionality reduction for structural discovery in image processing
* Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis Based on Probability Estimation by Gaussian Mixture Model
* Nonrigid Surface Registration and Completion from RGBD Images
* novel framework for multi-focus image fusion, A
* Novel Generalized DCT-Based JND Profile Based on an Elaborate CM-JND Model for Variable Block-Sized Transforms in Monochrome Images, A
* Novel Integration of Intensity Order and Texture for Effective Feature Description, A
* Novel Keypoint Registration for Fast and Robust Pose Detection on Mobile Phones
* Novel Topic-Level Random Walk Framework for Scene Image Co-segmentation, A
* Nuclear Norm Based 2DPCA
* Numerical Inversion of SRNFs for Efficient Elastic Shape Analysis of Star-Shaped Objects
* Object boundary detection using Rough Set Theory
* Object Co-detection via Efficient Inference in a Fully-Connected CRF
* Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation with Auto-masking Neural Network
* Object Detection in Dynamic Scenes Based on Codebook with Superpixels
* Object Recognition by Combining Binary Local Invariant Features and Color Histogram
* Object Recognition by Integrated Information Using Web Images
* Object Recognition Method Using RGB-D Sensor, An
* Object Tracking via Multi-task Gaussian-Laplacian Regression
* Object tracking with sparse representation and annealed particle filter
* Observation Model Based on Scale Interactions for Optical Flow Estimation
* Occlusion and Motion Reasoning for Long-Term Tracking
* Occlusion Reasoning for Object Detection Under Arbitrary Viewpoint
* OCR from Video Stream of Book Flipping
* OCR system for the Meetei Mayek script, An
* OD-Match: PatchMatch based Optic Disk detection
* Off-line skilled forgery detection on handwritten Devanagri script
* Omni-gradient-based total variation minimisation for sparse reconstruction of omni-directional image
* On Cross-Validation for MLP Model Evaluation
* On Image Contours of Projective Shapes
* On Mean Pose and Variability of 3D Deformable Models
* On Means and Their Asymptotics: Circles and Shape Spaces
* On Optimum Thresholding of Multivariate Change Detectors
* On Parallel Lines in Noisy Forms
* On Sampling Focal Length Values to Solve the Absolute Pose Problem
* On Secrecy Capacity of Gaussian Wiretap Channel Aided by A Cooperative Jammer
* On Shape and Material Recovery from Motion
* On the Convergence and Optimality of Reweighted Message Passing for Channel Assignment Problems
* On the Steady-State Analysis of PNLMS-Type Algorithms for Correlated Gaussian Input Data
* Online Graph-Based Tracking
* Online, Real-Time Tracking Using a Category-to-Individual Detector
* Open Access Data in Polar and Cryospheric Remote Sensing
* OpenDR: An Approximate Differentiable Renderer
* Optical Flow Estimation with Channel Constancy
* Optimal Essential Matrix Estimation via Inlier-Set Maximization
* optimal RF shielding method for MR-PET fusion system with insertable PET, An
* Optimization of information retrieval for cross media contents in a best practice network
* Optimization-Based Artifact Correction for Electron Microscopy Image Stacks
* optimized derivative projection warping approach for moving platform video stabilization, An
* Optimizing LBP Structure For Visual Recognition Using Binary Quadratic Programming
* Optimizing Ranking Measures for Compact Binary Code Learning
* Orientation Covariant Aggregation of Local Descriptors with Embeddings
* OTC: A Novel Local Descriptor for Scene Classification
* OUB: a scalable grid-based surface-representation for realtime high-resolution rendering
* Outdoor scene classification using invariant features
* Overview of the Geometries of Shape Spaces and Diffeomorphism Groups
* Painting-91: a large scale database for computational painting categorization
* Pairwise Probabilistic Voting: Fast Place Recognition without RANSAC
* Pan-sharpening based on Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform detail extraction
* PanoContext: A Whole-Room 3D Context Model for Panoramic Scene Understanding
* Parallel Computing Paradigm for Pan-Sharpening Algorithms of Remotely Sensed Images on a Multi-Core Computer, A
* Parallel mesh regularization and resampling algorithm for improved mesh registration
* Parallel processing for real-time 3D reconstruction from video streams
* Parameterizing Object Detectors in the Continuous Pose Space
* Part Based Regression with Dimensionality Reduction for Colorizing Monochrome Face Images
* Part Bricolage: Flow-Assisted Part-Based Graphs for Detecting Activities in Videos
* Part-Based R-CNNs for Fine-Grained Category Detection
* Part-Pair Representation for Part Localization
* Partial Fourier reconstruction using subspace projection
* Passive Tomography of Turbulence Strength
* Perceptual video hashing based on the Achlioptas's random projections
* Perceptually Inspired Layout-Aware Losses for Image Segmentation
* Performance Evaluation of Image Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Outdoor-Scene Visual Navigation
* Person instance graphs for mono-, cross- and multi-modal person recognition in multimedia data: application to speaker identification in TV broadcast
* Person Re-identification by Video Ranking
* Person Re-Identification Over Camera Networks Using Multi-Task Distance Metric Learning
* Person Re-Identification Using Kernel-Based Metric Learning Methods
* Personality Model Based on NEO PI-R for Emotion Simulation, A
* PET image reconstruction using ANN
* PFW: A Face Database in the Wild for Studying Face Identification and Verification in Uncontrolled Environment
* Photo Uncrop
* Photometric Stereo Using Sparse Bayesian Regression for General Diffuse Surfaces
* Physical modeling of nuclear detonations in dirsig
* Physically Grounded Spatio-temporal Object Affordances
* Piecewise-Planar StereoScan: Structure and Motion from Plane Primitives
* Pipe-Run Extraction and Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Pipelining Localized Semantic Features for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
* Pixel-Pair Features Selection for Vehicle Tracking
* Planar Segmentation from Point Clouds via Graph Laplacian Regularized K-Planes
* Planar Structure Matching under Projective Uncertainty for Geolocation
* Plenoptic camera range finding
* Poisoning Complete-Linkage Hierarchical Clustering
* Pose Filter Based Hidden-CRF Models for Activity Detection
* Pose Locality Constrained Representation for 3D Human Pose Reconstruction
* Pose Machines: Articulated Pose Estimation via Inference Machines
* Pot of Gold: Rainbows as a Calibration Cue, A
* Potential of X-Band Images from High-Resolution Satellite SAR Sensors to Assess Growth and Yield in Paddy Rice
* Power-Constrained Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Multiscale Retinex for OLED Display
* Precision-Recall-Classification Evaluation Framework: Application to Depth Estimation on Single Images
* Predicting Actions from Static Scenes
* Predicting the imagined contents using brain activation
* Predicting Visual Semantic Descriptive Terms From Radiological Image Data: Preliminary Results With Liver Lesions in CT
* Predictive Mapping of Dwarf Shrub Vegetation in an Arid High Mountain Ecosystem Using Remote Sensing and Random Forests
* Preliminary Analysis of Gait Changes That Correspond to Gaze Directions
* Probabilistic Temporal Head Pose Estimation Using a Hierarchical Graphical Model
* Programmable Automotive Headlights
* Progressive Mode-Seeking on Graphs for Sparse Feature Matching
* Projected Residual Vector Quantization for ANN Search
* Properties of Object-Level Cross-Validation Schemes for Symmetric Pair-Input Data
* Protecting Patient Privacy against Unauthorized Release of Medical Images Using Weighted Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Proximal ADMM for Multi-Channel Image Reconstruction in Spectral X-ray CT
* Pseudo-bound Optimization for Binary Energies
* Psychovisual saliency in color images
* Python-Based Open Source System for Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) Utilizing Raster Attribute Tables, A
* Quadratically Convergent Method for Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channels, A
* Quality analysis of real-time digital broadcasting images applying the Qoe measurement technology
* Quantification of Impact of Orbital Drift on Inter-Annual Trends in AVHRR NDVI Data
* Quantum vs. Classical Ranking in Segment Grouping
* Radial Bright Channel Prior for Single Image Vignetting Correction
* Random Decomposition Forests
* Random tessellations generated by Boolean random functions
* Rank Minimization with Structured Data Patterns
* Ranking Domain-Specific Highlights by Analyzing Edited Videos
* Ranking Part Model for Object Detection, A
* Rapid Mobile Object Recognition Using Fisher Vector
* Rate-invariant comparisons of covariance paths for visual speech recognition
* Read My Lips: Continuous Signer Independent Weakly Supervised Viseme Recognition
* Real Helper Data Scheme, A
* Real time anomaly detection in H.264 compressed videos
* Real-time and accurate rail wear measurement method and experimental analysis
* Real-time approximate and exact CSG of implicit surfaces on the GPU
* Real-Time Binary Descriptor Based Background Modeling
* Real-time emotion retrieval scheme in video with image sequence features
* Real-Time Exemplar-Based Face Sketch Synthesis
* Real-Time Foreground Segmentation from Moving Camera Based on Case-Based Trajectory Classification
* Real-time human action recognition from motion capture data
* Real-Time Minimization of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional
* Real-time stereo using approximated joint bilateral filtering and dynamic programming
* Real-time video photomosaics with optimized image set and GPU
* Realization of hybrid compressive imaging strategies
* Reasoning about Object Affordances in a Knowledge Base Representation
* Recognition and identification of target images using feature based retrieval in UAV missions
* Recognition of Layout-Free Characters on Complex Background
* Recognizing City Identity via Attribute Analysis of Geo-tagged Images
* Recognizing Complex Events in Videos by Learning Key Static-Dynamic Evidences
* Recognizing Conversational Expressions Using Latent Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
* Recognizing handwritten Arabic words using grapheme segmentation and recurrent neural networks
* Recognizing Products: A Per-exemplar Multi-Label Image Classification Approach
* Reconfigurable High Speed Architecture Design for Discrete Hilbert Transform, A
* Reconstructing Velocities of Migrating Birds from Weather Radar: A Case Study in Computational Sustainability
* Reconstruction of 3D Vertebrae and Spinal Cord Models from CT and STIR-MRI Images
* Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion and Defocus Analysis
* Recursive Binary Particle Swarm Optimization based Face Localization
* Reduced Analytic Dependency Modeling: Robust Fusion for Visual Recognition
* Refraction Wiggles for Measuring Fluid Depth and Velocity from Video
* Region-Based Near-Duplicate Image Retrieval with Geometric Consistency
* Registration of Whole-Mount Histology and Volumetric Imaging of the Prostate Using Particle Filtering
* Regular Decomposition of Multivariate Time Series and Other Matrices
* Remote quantification of phycocyanin in potable water sources through an adaptive model
* Remote spectral imaging with simultaneous extraction of 3D topography for historical wall paintings
* Removal of hand-drawn annotation lines from document images by digital-geometric analysis and inpainting
* Remove Noise in Video with 3D Topological Maps
* Repairing Bad Co-Segmentation Using Its Quality Evaluation and Segment Propagation
* Representing Images Using Curvilinear Feature Driven Subdivision Surfaces
* Restoration of Partial Color Artifact and Blotches using histogram matching and sparse technique
* Reverse Training: An Efficient Approach for Image Set Classification
* Reversible watermarking technique to enhance security of a biometric authentication system
* review of recent advances in visual speech decoding, A
* RGBD Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
* Riemannian mathematical morphology
* Riemannian Sparse Coding for Positive Definite Matrices
* RIP-Based Approach to Sigma-Delta Quantization for Compressed Sensing, An
* Robust and Accurate Non-parametric Estimation of Reflectance Using Basis Decomposition and Correction Functions
* Robust and Efficient Minutia-Based Fingerprint Matching Algorithm, A
* Robust Angle Invariant 1D Barcode Detection
* Robust Bundle Adjustment Revisited
* Robust Computer Vision Techniques for High-Quality 3D Modeling
* Robust Face Recognition With Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* robust faint line detection and enhancement algorithm for mural images, A
* Robust feature vector for efficient human detection
* Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints
* Robust Global Translations with 1DSfM
* Robust Instance Recognition in Presence of Occlusion and Clutter
* Robust Low-Rank Representation via Correntropy
* Robust Motion Segmentation with Unknown Correspondences
* Robust Scene Text Detection with Convolution Neural Network Induced MSER Trees
* Robust Sparse Coding and Compressed Sensing with the Difference Map
* Robust Visual Tracking with Double Bounding Box Model
* ROCHADE: Robust Checkerboard Advanced Detection for Camera Calibration
* Rolling Guidance Filter
* RX architectures for real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images
* Saliency Detection Using Color Spatial Variance Weighted Graph Model
* Saliency Detection with Flash and No-flash Image Pairs
* Saliency Driven Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering for Object Recognition
* Saliency in Crowd
* Salient Color Names for Person Re-identification
* Salient Montages from Unconstrained Videos
* Salient object detection in SfM point cloud
* Sampling and series expansion for linear canonical transform
* Scalable 6-DOF Localization on Mobile Devices
* Scalable Extensions of HEVC for Ultra-High-Definition Video Delivery, The
* Scale Adaptive Mean Shift Tracking Based on Feature Point Matching
* Scale Space for Camera Invariant Features
* Scanned Image Descreening With Image Redundancy and Adaptive Filtering
* Scene Chronology
* Scene Classification via Hypergraph-Based Semantic Attributes Subnetworks Identification
* Schwarps: Locally Projective Image Warps Based on 2D Schwarzian Derivatives
* Sclera Recognition: A Survey
* Script independent detection of bold words in multi font-size documents
* Search based Video Recommendations
* Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People's Minds Better than Computer-Vision Methods Recognize Actions
* Segmentation and analysis of brain subcortical regions using regularized multiphase level set in autistic MR images
* Segmentation and Enhancement of Latent Fingerprints: A Coarse to Fine Ridge Structure Dictionary
* Segmentation and Estimation of Spatially Varying Illumination
* Segmentation for brain magnetic resonance images using dual-tree complex wavelet transform and spatial constrained self-organizing tree map
* Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profiles and area stability: Application to melanocyte segmentation in engineered skin
* Selecting Influential Examples: Active Learning with Expected Model Output Changes
* Selection algorithm for parameters to characterize uterine EHG signals for the detection of preterm labor
* Self-explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification
* Semantic Aware Video Transcription Using Random Forest Classifiers
* Semantic Pyramids for Gender and Action Recognition
* Semi-supervised Online Learning of Handwritten Characters Using a Bayesian Classifier
* Sensor fusion framework for robust occupancy grid mapping
* Separable Spatiotemporal Priors for Convex Reconstruction of Time-Varying 3D Point Clouds
* Sequential Max-Margin Event Detectors
* Set-Based Feature Learning for Person Re-identification via Third-Party Images
* Shape from Light Field Meets Robust PCA
* Shape recognition based on shape-signature identification and condensibility: Application to underwater imagery
* Shape Reconstruction from Single Relief Image
* ShapeForest: Building Constrained Statistical Shape Models with Decision Trees
* Share Me: A Digital Annotation Sharing Service for Paper Documents with Multiple Clients Support
* Shrinkage Expansion Adaptive Metric Learning
* Similarity-Invariant Sketch-Based Image Retrieval in Large Databases
* Simultaneous Action Recognition and Localization Based on Multi-view Hough Voting
* Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation
* Simultaneous Feature and Dictionary Learning for Image Set Based Face Recognition
* Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Local Self-Similarity
* Single image super-resolution using compressive sensing with learned overcomplete dictionary
* Single-Image Super-Resolution: A Benchmark
* Skeletonization using the divergence of an anisotropic vector field flow
* Sliding Shapes for 3D Object Detection in Depth Images
* Soft Cost Aggregation with Multi-resolution Fusion
* Solving Square Jigsaw Puzzles with Loop Constraints
* Source color error analysis for robust separation of reflection components
* SPADE: Scalar Product Accelerator by Integer Decomposition for Object Detection
* Sparse Additive Subspace Clustering
* Sparse Dictionaries for Semantic Segmentation
* Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition with Limited Labeled Samples
* Sparse Representation Based Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Sparse Spatio-spectral Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution
* Spatial Differencing Method for Mixed Far-Field and Near-Field Sources Localization
* Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
* Spatial variance of color and boundary statistics for salient object detection
* Spatial-Temporal Context for Action Recognition Combined with Confidence and Contribution Weight
* Spatio-chromatic Opponent Features
* Spatio-temporal Event Classification Using Time-Series Kernel Based Structured Sparsity
* Spatio-temporal feature based VLAD for efficient video retrieval
* Spatio-temporal Matching for Human Detection in Video
* Spatio-temporal Object Detection Proposals
* Spatiotemporal Background Subtraction Using Minimum Spanning Tree and Optical Flow
* Special issue on advances in mathematical morphology
* Special issue on algorithms and architectures for real-time multi-dimensional image processing
* Special issue on convergence of real-time 3D imaging and optical communications
* Spectra Estimation of Fluorescent and Reflective Scenes by Using Ordinary Illuminants
* Spectral approach to find number of clusters of short-text documents
* Spectral Clustering with a Convex Regularizer on Millions of Images
* Spectral Edge Image Fusion: Theory and Applications
* Speeding up SIFT using GPU
* Spike-and-Slab RBM and Extensions to Discrete and Sparse Data Distributions, The
* SRA: Fast Removal of General Multipath for ToF Sensors
* Stable biped locomotion using improved Proportional Derivative Controller
* Stable Length Estimates of Tube-Like Shapes
* Stacked Deformable Part Model with Shape Regression for Object Part Localization
* STAR: A Content Based Video Retrieval system for moving camera video shots
* Statistical and Spatial Consensus Collection for Detector Adaptation
* Statistical Method for Semantic Segmentation of Dominant Plane from Remote Exploration Image Sequence
* Statistical Pose Averaging with Non-isotropic and Incomplete Relative Measurements
* Statistical segmentation and structural recognition for floor plan interpretation
* Stixmantics: A Medium-Level Model for Real-Time Semantic Scene Understanding
* Stochastic resonance aided robust techniques for segmentation of medical ultrasound images
* Strengthening the Effectiveness of Pedestrian Detection with Spatially Pooled Features
* Stressed vegetation identification by SAR time series as an indicator of slope instability in Mississippi River levee segments
* Structural Human Shape Analysis for Modeling and Recognition
* Structural similarity classifier for facial expression recognition
* Structure Feature Extraction for Finger-Vein Recognition
* Structure-based level set method for automatic retinal vasculature segmentation
* Structure-Preserving Sparse Decomposition for Facial Expression Analysis
* Sub-pixel Layout for Super-Resolution with Images in the Octic Group
* Subspace-Based Discrete Transform Encoded Local Binary Patterns Representations for Robust Periocular Matching on NIST's Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* Super-resolution: a comprehensive survey
* Superior Tracking Approach: Building a Strong Tracker through Fusion, A
* Superpixel Based Depth Map Generation for Stereoscopic Video Conversion
* Superpixel Graph Label Transfer with Learned Distance Metric
* Supervoxel-Consistent Foreground Propagation in Video
* Support Vector Guided Dictionary Learning
* Suppression of Atmospheric Turbulence in Video Using an Adaptive Control Grid Interpolation Approach
* Surface fitting in SPECT imaging useful for detecting Parkinson's Disease and Scans Without Evidence of Dopaminergic Deficit
* Surface Matching and Registration by Landmark Curve-Driven Canonical Quasiconformal Mapping
* Surface Normal Deconvolution: Photometric Stereo for Optically Thick Translucent Objects
* Surface reconstruction and landslide displacement measurements with Pléiades satellite images
* Surface Reconstruction From Microscopic Images in Optical Lithography
* Surgical Robots Deliver Care More Precisely
* Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques, A
* SVD Face: Illumination-Invariant Face Representation
* Symmetry based 3D reconstruction of repeated cylinders
* SymStereo: Stereo Matching using Induced Symmetry
* Synchronization of Two Independently Moving Cameras without Feature Correspondences
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessing Wenchuan Earthquake (2008) Deforestation in the Sichuan Giant Panda Site
* Tartaglia-Pascal triangle and Brownian motion in non-euclidean geometries: application to heat and Black-Scholes equations
* TecLines: A MATLAB-Based Toolbox for Tectonic Lineament Analysis from Satellite Images and DEMs, Part 1: Line Segment Detection and Extraction
* Temporally scalable compression of animation geometry
* Tensor-Cuts: A simultaneous multi-type feature extractor and classifier and its application to road extraction from satellite images
* Text Image Classifier Using Image-Wise Annotation
* Texture Classification Using Multi-dimensional LBP Variance
* Texture sparseness for pixel classification of business document images
* Texture Synthesis: From Convolutional RBMs to Efficient Deterministic Algorithms
* Three-Dimensional Sheaf of Ultrasound Planes Reconstruction (SOUPR) of Ablated Volumes
* Time driven video summarization using GMM
* Time-frequency analysis based motion detection in perfusion weighted MRI
* Timely autonomous identification of UAV safe landing zones
* Topic detection in cross-media: A semi-supervised co-clustering approach
* Total Moving Face Reconstruction
* Toward a Satellite-Based System of Sugarcane Yield Estimation and Forecasting in Smallholder Farming Conditions: A Case Study on Reunion Island
* Toward Multiscreen Social TV with Geolocation-Aware Social Sense
* Towards Robust Gait Recognition
* Towards Scalable Prototype Selection by Genetic Algorithms with Fast Criteria
* Towards Transparent Systems: Semantic Characterization of Failure Modes
* Towards Unified Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
* Tracking based depth-guided video inpainting
* Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Programming
* Tracking object poses in the context of robust body pose estimates
* Tracking People with Active Cameras Using Variable Time-Step Decisions
* Tracking System with Re-identification Using a RGB String Kernel
* Tracking Using Multilevel Quantizations
* Tractable and Reliable Registration of 2D Point Sets
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Complementary Features
* Training Deformable Object Models for Human Detection Based on Alignment and Clustering
* Training Object Class Detectors from Eye Tracking Data
* Training-Based Spectral Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
* Transductive Multi-view Embedding for Zero-Shot Recognition and Annotation
* Transfer Learning Based Visual Tracking with Gaussian Processes Regression
* Transitive State Alignment for the Quantum Jensen-Shannon Kernel
* Transparent Text Detection and Background Recovery
* traverse inspection system for high precision visual on-loom fabric defect detection, A
* Tree Fusion Method for Semantic Concept Detection in Images
* Tree-Oriented Analysis of Brain Artery Structure
* Tsallis and Renyi's embedded entropy based mutual information for multimodal image registration
* Tubular Structure Filtering by Ranking Orientation Responses of Path Operators
* Two Co-occurrence Histogram Features Using Gradient Orientations and Local Binary Patterns for Pedestrian Detection
* Two-stage online inference model for traffic pattern analysis and anomaly detection
* UKF based multi-component phase estimation in digital holographic Moire
* Uncertainty Estimation in Diffusion MRI Using the Nonlocal Bootstrap
* Unfolding an Indoor Origami World
* Unified depth intra coding for 3D video extension of HEVC
* Unifying Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis Variants in Biometric Authentication
* Unsupervised Dense Object Discovery, Detection, Tracking and Reconstruction
* Unsupervised evaluation method using Markov random field for moving object segmentation in infrared videos
* Unsupervised Video Adaptation for Parsing Human Motion
* Untangling Object-View Manifold for Multiview Recognition and Pose Estimation
* UPnP: An Optimal O(n) Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem with Universal Applicability
* USB: Ultrashort Binary Descriptor for Fast Visual Matching and Retrieval
* Use of a Hand-Held Camera for Individual Tree 3D Mapping in Forest Sample Plots, The
* Using Analogy to Cluster Hand-Drawn Sketches for Sketch-Based Educational Software
* Using Isometry to Classify Correct/Incorrect 3D-2D Correspondences
* Variable Parallelism Cyclic Redundancy Check Circuit for 3GPP-LTE/LTE-Advanced
* Variational Bayesian Method for Retinex
* Variational Justification of Cycle Spinning for Wavelet-Based Solutions of Inverse Problems
* VCDB: A Large-Scale Database for Partial Copy Detection in Videos
* Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images by Parallel Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Very Fast Image Retrieval Based on JPEG Huffman Tables
* Video Action Detection with Relational Dynamic-Poselets
* Video Analysis of a Snooker Footage Based on a Kinematic Model
* Video Based Children's Social Behavior Classification in Peer-Play Scenarios
* Video image mosaic implement based on planar-mirror-based catadioptric system
* Video image quality analysis for enhancing tracker performance
* Video Object Co-segmentation by Regulated Maximum Weight Cliques
* Video Object Discovery and Co-Segmentation with Extremely Weak Supervision
* Video Pop-up: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes
* Video Registration to SfM Models
* Video shot boundary detection: An efficient and an accurate approach based on Gabor moments
* Video-based activity analysis using the L1 tracker on VIRAT data
* View-Based 3D Object Retrieval: Challenges and Approaches
* View-Consistent 3D Scene Flow Estimation over Multiple Frames
* Virtual garment simulation
* Vision systems and the lives of people with disabilities
* Vision-based navigation system for obstacle avoidance in complex environments
* Vision-Based Pose Estimation From Points With Unknown Correspondences
* Visual Gesture Character String Recognition by Classification-Based Segmentation with Stroke Deletion
* Visual lane analysis and higher-order tasks: a concise review
* Visual Tracking by Sampling Tree-Structured Graphical Models
* Visual-Based Image Retrieval by Block Reallocation Considering Object Region
* Visualisation and Browsing of Flickr Retrieval Results
* Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks
* VocMatch: Efficient Multiview Correspondence for Structure from Motion
* Watersheds on weighted graphs
* Wavefront reconstruction in phase-shifting interferometry via sparse coding of amplitude and absolute phase
* Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Ordering Constraints
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Objects, Attributes and Their Associations
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Latent Category Learning
* Webpage Saliency
* Weighted Block-Sparse Low Rank Representation for Face Clustering in Videos
* Weighted Mean Assignment of a Pair of Correspondences Using Optimisation Functions
* Well Begun Is Half Done: Generating High-Quality Seeds for Automatic Image Dataset Construction from Web
* What Do I See? Modeling Human Visual Perception for Multi-person Tracking
* When to engage video resilience options
* Where Are You Looking At? - Feature-Based Eye Tracking on Unmodified Tablets
* Which Looks Like Which: Exploring Inter-class Relationships in Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Who Is Missing? A New Pattern Recognition Puzzle
* Wide-Range Feature Point Tracking with Corresponding Point Search and Accurate Feature Point Tracking with Mean-Shift
* Word recognition in natural scene and video images using Hidden Markov Model
* Zero-Shot Learning via Visual Abstraction
* Zeta-image, illuminant estimation, and specularity manipulation, The
1083 for 1408

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.