* Automatic Polyp Detection in Endoscope Images Using a Hessian Filter
* Information Fusion on Oversegmented Images: An Application for Urban Scene Understanding
* *MVA
* 3D hand skeleton model estimation from a depth image
* 3D lung nodule candidate detection in multiple scales
* 3D reconstruction from photographs by CMP SfM web service
* Action recognition in bed using BAMs for assisted living and elderly care
* Affine invariant visual phrases for object instance recognition
* Annotation driven MAP search space estimation for sliding-window based person detection
* Augmenting off-the-shelf paper maps using intersection detection and geographical information systems
* Automated visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets in heavily cluttered dynamic environments
* Automatic 3D industrial point cloud modeling and recognition
* Automatic grape bunch detection in vineyards for precise yield estimation
* Automatic target recognition by infrared and visible image matching
* Bag of words representation and SVM classifier for timber knots detection on color images
* Beyond thinking in common categories: Predicting obstacle vulnerability using large random codebooks
* Biased discriminant analysis with feature line embedding for interactive image retrieval
* Boosted pedestrian detector adaptation in specific scenes
* Bundle adjustment revisited for SLAM with RGBD sensors
* Character extraction by integrating color into edge-based methods
* Circle-based eye center localization (CECL)
* closed-form estimate of 3D ICP covariance, A
* Color image processing from the physical, psychological, and biological viewpoints
* Combined generation of road marking and road sign databases applied to consistency checking of pedestrian crossings
* Compressive sensing reconstruction using collaborative sparsity among color channels
* Computer vision-based approach for rite decryption in old societies
* Connectivity-based error evaluation for ellipse fitting
* Correspondence rejection by trilateration for 3D point cloud registration
* dataset for computer-vision-based PCB analysis, A
* deep reinforcement learning approach to character segmentation of license plate images, A
* Deep-Learning Approach to Facial Expression Recognition with Candid Images, A
* Dependence on the display methods of change in accommodation and convergence when a target moves along the depth direction
* Development of design and operation supporting techniques for product inspection devices using virtual devices
* Digital image watermarking based on regularized filter
* Digital image watermarking on illumination component
* Discriminating motion patterns of ACL reconstructed patients from healthy individuals
* discriminative cascade CNN model for offline handwritten digit recognition, A
* Discriminative learning of apparel features
* Discussion on a method to extract scallop using line convergence index filter from granule-sand seabed videos
* Distributed sigma point information filters for target tracking in camera networks
* Document image dataset indexing and compression using connected components clustering
* Dorsal hand vein recognition based on EP-tree
* Effective fusing the factored matrices in dual tensors for action recognition
* efficient FPGA implementation of the Harris corner feature detector, An
* Efficient three dimensional rotation estimation for camera-based OCR
* Egocentric articulated pose tracking for action recognition
* Embedded human-following mobile-robot with an RGB-D camera
* Enhanced surface normal computation by exploiting RGB-D sensory information
* Entire shape scan system with multiple pro-cams using texture information and accurate silhouette creating technique
* Estimation of face parameters using correlation analysis and a topology preserving prior
* Expanding histogram of colors with gridding to improve tracking accuracy
* Face photo-sketch recognition based on joint dictionary learning
* Fast discrimination by early judgment using linear classifier
* Fast single image dehazing through Edge-Guided Interpolated Filter
* Fine-grained classification of identity document types with only one example
* General-purpose road boundary detection with stereo camera
* Geometric interpretation of Fisher's linear discriminant analysis through communication theory
* Grouped outlier removal for robust ellipse fitting
* Hierarchical summarization for easy video applications
* Human arm pose modeling with learned features using joint convolutional neural network
* Human motion prediction considering environmental context
* hybrid approach to pedestrian clothing color attribute extraction, A
* hybrid wavelet and temporal fusion algorithm for film and video denoising, A
* Illuminant classification based on random forest
* Image annotation via deep neural network
* Increasing the precision of junction shaped features
* Inferior alveolar canal segmentation in cone beam computed tomography images using an adaptive diffusion flow active contour model
* innovative of pyramid-based fusion for generating the HDR images in common display devices, An
* Intelligent autofocus with adaptive depth of field
* Knot detection in X-ray images of wood planks using dictionary learning
* Lane detection in surveillance videos using vector-based hierarchy clustering and density verification
* lens collar auto-inspection system, A
* Leveraging image based prior for visual place recognition
* Lie Algebra-Based Kinematic Prior for 3D Human Pose Tracking
* Local behavior modeling based on long-term tracking data
* Manufactured object sub-segmentation based on reflection motion estimation
* Measuring the complexity of two-dimensional binary patterns: Sub-symmetries versus Papentin complexity
* Metamerism-based shading illusion
* method based on view-directional consistency constraints for robust 3D object recognition, The
* METU dataset: A big dataset for benchmarking trademark retrieval
* Mobile 3D wood pile surveying
* Mobile real-time single image 3D corridor reconstruction using J-Linkage
* Modeling the stone floor based on excavation information using implicit polynomial
* Multi-genomic curve extraction
* Multi-organ segmentation by minimization of higher-order energy for CT boundary
* Multi-view hypotheses transfer for enhanced object recognition in clutter
* Multiple-organ segmentation based on spatially-divided neighboring data energy
* new method to detect nystagmus for vertigo diagnosis system by eye movement velocity, A
* Non-contact pulse transit time measurement using imaging camera, and its relation to blood pressure
* Non-parametric image transforms for sparse disparity maps
* novel multi modal tracking method based on depth and semantic color features for human robot interaction, A
* Novel spatio-temporal features for fingertip writing recognition in egocentric viewpoint
* novel spiral addressing scheme for rectangular images, A
* Object detection in surveillance video from dense trajectories
* Occlusion-free appearance modeling of body parts for human pose estimation
* OKIRAKU search: Leaf images based visual tree search system
* OLED panel defect detection using local inlier-outlier ratios and modified LBP
* On the number of holes of a 2-D binary object
* Part-segment features for articulated pose estimation
* Pedestrian detection in thermal images using adaptive fuzzy C-means clustering and convolutional neural networks
* People re-identification using two-stage transfer metric learning
* PerSEE: A central sensors fusion electronic control unit for the development of perception-based ADAS
* Pixel-wise radiometric line scanner calibration
* portable 6-DOF motion tracker using high-accuracy AR markers: First report on the feasibility, A
* Portable, automatic water level estimation using mobile phone cameras
* Pose estimation of textureless objects in cluttered environments
* practical classifier for photographs and non-photographic images based on local visual features, A
* Probabilistic nodes for modelling classification uncertainty for random forest
* Reliable background prediction using approximated GMM
* Research opportunities in creating medical images
* Respiratory motion prediction from CBCT image observations using UKF
* Road sign-aided estimation of visibility conditions
* Robust visual analysis for planogram compliance problem
* Scene retrieval by unsupervised salient part discovery
* Semantic mapping for mobile outdoor robots
* Semantic rich ICM algorithm for VHR satellite images segmentation
* Similar handwritten Chinese character recognition based on adaptive discriminative locality alignment
* Sparse image reconstruction by two phase RBM learning: Application to mine planning
* Spatio-temporal descriptor for abnormal human activity detection
* Spatio-temporal texture-based feature extraction for spontaneous facial expression recognition
* Structural inpainting of road patches for anomaly detection
* study on the robustness of shape descriptors to common scanning artifacts, A
* Surface defect detection in low-contrast images using basis image representation
* Surface object recognition with CNN and SVM in Landsat 8 images
* Temporal-spatial validation of knot-tying procedures using RGB-D sensor for training of surgical operation
* Three-DoF pose estimation of asteroids by appearance-based linear regression with divided parameter space
* Towards 3D human posture estimation using multiple kinects despite self-contacts
* Tracking a table tennis ball for umpiring purposes
* Tracking image features with PCA-SURF descriptors
* Training-free moving object detection system based on hierarchical color-guided motion segmentation
* Transfer learning method using multi-prediction deep Boltzmann machines for a small scale dataset
* Tri-subjects kinship verification: Understanding the core of a family
* Tsai camera calibration enhanced
* Unsupervised figure-ground segmentation using edge detection and game-theoretical graph-cut approach
* Unsupervised muscle region extraction by fuzzy decision based saliency feature integration on thigh MRI for 3D modeling
* Using polynomials to correct non-uniform backgrounds in thermal images caused by uneven heating
* VHR satellite image segmentation based on topological unsupervised learning
* View extension for teleoperated MAV
* Visual detection and species classification of orchid flowers
* Visual words for automated visual inspection of bulk materials
* Visually salient features for highway scene analysis
* Weighted Hough Forest for object detection
* WM-SBA: Weighted multibody sparse bundle adjustment
141 for MVA15
* *MVA
* 3D convolutional object recognition using volumetric representations of depth data
* Active discriminative tracking using collective memory
* Activity recognition for indoor fall detection using convolutional neural network
* Analysis of in- and out-group differences between Western and East-Asian facial expression recognition
* Asymmetric locality preserving projection and its application to k-nearest neighbor method
* Attention to describe products with attributes
* Automatic extraction and recognition of shoe logos with a wide variety of appearance
* Automatic pencil sketch generation by using Canny edges
* autonomous hidden camera crew, The
* Ball-like observation model and multi-peak distribution estimation based particle filter for 3D Ping-pong ball tracking
* Banknote portrait detection using convolutional neural network
* Bi-direction ICP: Fast registration method of point clouds
* Can fully convolutional networks perform well for general image restoration problems?
* Comparison of the deep-learning-based automated segmentation methods for the head sectioned images of the virtual Korean human project
* Compressive color sensing using random complementary color filter array
* Computational single-cell classification using deep learning on bright-field and phase images
* Connecting the dots: Embodied visual perception from first-person cameras
* Continuous action recognition with weakly labelling videos
* Convolutional bag of words for diabetic retinopathy detection from eye fundus images
* Could you guess an interesting movie from the posters?: An evaluation of vision-based features on movie poster database
* Crowd pedestrian detection using expectation maximization with weighted local features
* Damage detection from aerial images via convolutional neural networks
* Deep convolutional neural networks for motion instability identification using kinect
* deep network model based on subspaces: A novel approach for image classification, A
* Deep residual coalesced convolutional network for efficient semantic road segmentation
* Deep visual words: Improved fisher vector for image classification
* Design and analysis of a novel omnidirectional stereovision system
* Detecting humans in RGB-D data with CNNs
* Detection of cars in complex urban areas
* Detection of self intersection in synthetic hand pose generators
* Detection of view-disturbing noise by using time-axial clustering in spatio-temporal image
* Development of online machine vision system using support vector regression (SVR) algorithm for grade prediction of iron ores
* DFD2.0: Motion robustness by amplitude domain approach
* Dilated convolutions for image classification and object localization
* Direct methods for 3D reconstruction and visual SLAM
* Domain adaptation of articulated pose estimation via synthetic pose prior
* Dynamic hand gesture recognition from cyclical hand pattern
* Enhancing discriminability of randomized time warping for motion recognition
* Estimating extrinsic parameters between a stereo rig and a multi-layer lidar using plane matching and circle feature extraction
* Estimation of radial distortion using local spectra of planar textures
* Evaluation of features for SVM-based classification of geometric primitives in point clouds
* Event based surveillance video synopsis using trajectory kinematics descriptors
* Exemplar-based human facial features cloning
* Face liveness detection with feature discrimination between sharpness and blurriness
* fast algorithm for a weighted low rank approximation, A
* Fast and robust selection of highly-correlated features in regression problems
* Fast low-level multi-scale feature extraction for hexagonal images
* Fast search based on generalized similarity measure
* Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
* fast sparse reconstruction approach for high resolution image-based object surface anomaly detection, A
* Fast, versatile, and non-destructive biscuit inspection system using spectral imaging
* Field tests on flat ground of an intensity-difference based monocular visual odometry algorithm for planetary rovers
* Fine-grained event timing detection method using quasi-high frame generation for single camera image sequence
* FPGA implementation of high frame rate and ultra-low delay vision system with local and global parallel based matching
* framework for an accurate point cloud based registration of full 3D human body scans, A
* Hierarchical zero-shot classification with convolutional neural network features and semantic attribute learning
* High accuracy local stereo matching using DoG scale map
* Histogram of oriented gradients based presentation attack detection in dorsal hand-vein biometric system
* Hotspots detection for machine operation in egocentric vision
* Human bodypart classification using geodesic descriptors and random forests
* Human ear structure from motion
* Image recognition for driver assistance in intelligent vehicles
* Improving the performance of non-rigid 3D shape recovery by points classification
* In-line recognition of agglomerated pharmaceutical pellets with density-based clustering and convolutional neural network
* incremental face recognition system based on deep learning, An
* Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM
* Initial response time measurement in eye movement for dementia screening test
* Limited memory switched Broyden method for faster image deblurring
* linear method for recovering the depth of Ultra HD cameras using a kinect V2 sensor, A
* Low cost calibration of stereo line scan camera systems
* Low-resolution person recognition using image downsampling
* Mass-produced parts traceability system based on automated scanning of Fingerprint of Things
* Mixture particle filter with block jump biomechanics constraint for volleyball players lower body parts tracking
* Mobile hologram verification with deep learning
* Model based visual inspection of pharmaceutical tablets with photometric stereo
* Model-based 3D pose estimation for pick-and-place application
* MRF-based image segmentation with unsupervised model parameter estimation, An
* Multi-layer age regression for face age estimation
* Multi-resolution ICP for the efficient registration of point clouds based on octrees
* Multiple-organ segmentation by graph cuts with supervoxel nodes
* Multiscale two-view stereo using convolutional neural networks for unrectified images
* neural network approach to visual tracking, A
* new algorithm for fast and accurate moving object detection based on motion segmentation by clustering, A
* new deep learning architecture for detection of long linear infrastructure, A
* new reconstruction method in gaze estimation with natural head movement, A
* Object specific deep feature and its application to face detection
* Parsing floor plan images
* Pedestrian near-miss analysis on vehicle-mounted driving recorders
* Pedestrian positioning in urban city with the aid of Google maps street view
* Phenotyping of xylem vessels for drought stress analysis in rice
* Pixel-wise binarization of musical documents with convolutional neural networks
* Plane labeling trinocular stereo matching with baseline recovery
* Point of Gaze Estimation Using Corneal Surface Reflection and Omnidirectional Camera Image
* preliminary study on extracting objects in sketches, A
* Projective structure from facial motion
* PTZ camera based people-occupancy estimation system (PCBPOES), A
* Quadrant segmentation and ring-like searching based FPGA implementation of ORB matching system for Full-HD video
* Raspberry Pi 2-based stereo camera depth meter, A
* Real-time image improvement system for visual testing of nuclear reactors
* Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-writing using leap motion
* Recognition of JSL finger spelling using convolutional neural networks
* Refining faster-RCNN for accurate object detection
* Retinal vessel enhancement via sparse coding and dictionary learning
* Road user detection with convolutional neural networks: An application to the autonomous shuttle WEpod
* Robust markers for visual navigation using Reed-Solomon codes
* Robust registration of serial cell microscopic images using 3D Hilbert scan search
* Saliency/non-saliency segregation in video sequences using perception-based local ternary pattern features
* sampling method for processing contours drawn with an uncertain stroke order and number, A
* Scene text extraction with local symmetry transform
* Selecting image pairs for SfM by introducing Jaccard similarity
* Self-learning structure for text localization
* Sheet metal forming limits as classification problem
* Simultaneous estimation of food categories and calories with multi-task CNN
* Single image super resolution based on content-aware constraint and intensity-order constraint
* Skeletonization and 3D graph approach for thin objects recognition in pick and place tasks
* Skin beautification detection using sparse coding
* study of virtual visual servoing sensitivity in the context of image/GIS registration for urban environments, A
* Supervised multi-modal dictionary learning for clothing representation
* surround view image generation method with low distortion for vehicle camera systems using a composite projection, A
* Texture super-resolution for 3D reconstruction
* Transfer learning of a deep convolutional neural network for localizing handwritten slab identification numbers
* Two features combination with gated recurrent unit for visual speech recognition
* Two-stage cross-based stereo disparity refinement
* Two-stage model fitting approach for human body shape estimation from a single depth image
* Unsupervised image segmentation using defocus map and superpixel grouping
* Unsupervised place discovery for visual place classification
* Unsupervised video object segmentation by supertrajectory labeling
* visual-SLAM for first person vision and mobile robots, A
* Visual-to-speech conversion based on maximum likelihood estimation
* Weak rocks disintegration patterns recognition through image analysis
* Wood cellular structure evaluation using image analysis methods
132 for MVA17
* *MVA
* 3D Object Trajectory Reconstruction using Stereo Matching and Instance Flow based Multiple Object Tracking
* Accurate Ellipse Extraction in Low-Quality Images
* Accurate Hand Keypoint Localization on Mobile Devices
* Auto-Retoucher(ART): A Framework for Background Replacement and Foreground Adjustment
* Autoencoder-Based Fabric Defect Detection with Cross- Patch Similarity
* Automatic Human Pose Annotation for Loose-fitting Clothes
* Automatic Measurement of Visual Attention to Video Content using Deep Learning
* BallTrack: Football ball tracking for real-time CCTV systems
* Bullet-time image generation without 3-D
* CASE Dataset of Candidate Spaces for Advert Implantation, The
* CNN-based Image Denoising for Outdoor Active Stereo
* Consolidating Segmentwise Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* Cooking Video Summarization Guided By Matching with Step-By-Step Recipe Photos
* DCNN-GAN: Reconstructing Realistic Image from fMRI
* Domain Adaptation using a Gradient Reversal Layer with Instance Weighting
* End-to-End Feature Pyramid Network for Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Evaluation of Recent Local Image Descriptors for Real-World Applications of Image Matching, An
* Exploring Better Food Detection via Transfer Learning
* EyeWeS: Weakly Supervised Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
* Face Style Transfer and Removal with Generative Adversarial Network
* Gait Recognition Based on Constrained Mutual Subspace Method with CNN Features
* Gradual Sampling Gate for Bidirectional Knowledge Distillation
* Heatmapping of People Involved in Group Activities
* Hierarchical Segmentation Approach with Convolution-Recursive Deep Learning for 3D Multi-Object Recognition under Partial Occlusion Conditions, A
* Hotspots Integrating of Expert and Beginner Experiences of Machine Operations through Egocentric Vision
* Human identification by gait from event-based camera
* Human-Object Maps for Daily Activity Recognition
* Improving image classifiers for small datasets by learning rate adaptations
* Indexing in k-Nearest Neighbor Graph by Hash-Based Hill-Climbing
* Integrating Visual and Geometric Consistency for Pose Estimation
* Invariant Spatial Information for Loop-Closure Detection
* Kernelized Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Based Character Segmentation Method for Various License Plates
* Measuring robustness of Visual SLAM
* News2meme: An Automatic Content Generator from News Based on Word Subspaces from Text and Image
* Online Targetless End-to-End Camera-LIDAR Self-calibration
* PCB-METAL: A PCB Image Dataset for Advanced Computer Vision Machine Learning Component Analysis
* Performance Evalution of 3D Keypoint Detectors and Descriptors for Plants Health Classification
* Perspective-Aware Loss Function for Crowd Density Estimation
* Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens with Generic Deep Convolutional Features
* Photo Booth That Finds Your Sports Player Lookalike, A
* Pupil Localization for Ophthalmic Diagnosis Using Anchor Ellipse Regression
* Re-staining Pathology Images by FCNN
* Recognition and 6D Pose Estimation of Large-scale Objects using 3D Semi-Global Descriptors
* Reconstruction with Guided PatchMatch Stereo
* Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
* Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for Battery Cell Surface Inspection
* Revisiting Visual Odometry for Real-Time Performance
* Robust 3D Human Pose Estimation Guided by Filtered Subsets of Body Keypoints
* Robust Auto-Calibration for Practical Scanning Setups from Epipolar and Trifocal Relations
* Similar Finger Gesture Recognition using Triplet-loss Networks
* Single-wavelength and multi-parallel dotted- and solid-lines for dense and robust active 3D reconstruction
* Skip-Pose Vectors: Pose-based motion embedding using Encoder-Decoder models
* SlamCraft: Dense Planar RGB Monocular SLAM
* Sparse and Noisy LiDAR Completion with RGB Guidance and Uncertainty
* Spatio-temporal eye contact detection combining CNN and LSTM
* Spectral Normalization and Relativistic Adversarial Training for Conditional Pose Generation with Self-Attention
* Super accurate low latency object detection on a surveillance UAV
* Team Formation Mapping and Sequential Ball Motion State Based Event Recognition for Automatic Data Volley
* Temporally Forward Nonlinear Scale Space with Octave Prediction for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay A-KAZE Matching System
* Three-Player GAN: Generating Hard Samples to Improve Classification Networks, A
* UMGAN: Generative adversarial network for image unmosaicing using perceptual loss
* Uncalibrated photometric stereo constrained by intrinsic reflectance image and shape from silhoutte
* Uncertainty based model selection for fast semantic segmentation
* very concise feature representation for time series classification understanding, A
* Visual Rhythm Prediction with Feature-Aligning Network
* Welding Joints Inspection via Residual Attention Network
* Zero-shot Learning of 3D Point Cloud Objects
69 for MVA19