Update Dates 1412

1412 * *Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery
* *Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection
* *Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition
* 2-Sided Best Fitting Hyperplane Classifier
* 2D and 3D Video Scene Text Classification
* 2D Prony-Huang Transform: A New Tool for 2D Spectral Analysis
* 3-D Gaze Tracking Using Pupil Contour Features
* 3D Acquisition of Occluded Surfaces from Scattering in Participating Media
* 3D Approach to Facial Landmarks: Detection, Refinement, and Tracking, A
* 3D Face Reconstruction via Feature Point Depth Estimation and Shape Deformation
* 3D faces in motion: Fully automatic registration and statistical analysis
* 3D Facial Skin Texture Analysis Using Geometric Descriptors
* 3D Fingerprint Phantoms
* 3D Motion Trail Model Based Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradient for Action Recognition
* 3D Moving Object Reconstruction by Temporal Accumulation
* 3D Planar Representation of Stereo Depth Images for 3DTV Applications
* 3D Reconstruction of Saltanat Gate in Dolmabahce Palace
* 3D Shape Classification Using Information Fusion
* 3D shape similarity using vectors of locally aggregated tensors
* 3D Technologies for the Integrated Analysis of World Heritage: The Case of UNESCO's Škocjan Caves, Slovenia
* 3D Visualization via Augmented Reality: The Case of the Middle Stoa in the Ancient Agora of Athens
* 3D-Object Recognition Based on LLC Using Depth Spatial Pyramid
* 4-D Facial Expression Recognition by Learning Geometric Deformations
* 4D Space-Time Mereotopogeometry-Part Connectivity Calculus for Visual Object Representation
* Accelerating the Divisive Information-Theoretic Clustering of Visual Words
* Accuracy and Effort of Interpolation and Sampling: Can GIS Help Lower Field Costs?
* Accurate and automated image segmentation of 3D optical coherence tomography data suffering from low signal-to-noise levels
* Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motorized Hexacopter, Helium Balloons and Photo Modelling: A Case Study
* Accurate and Interpretable Bayesian MARS for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Accurate Approach for Microaneurysm Detection in Digital Fundus Images, An
* Accurate Camera Pose Estimation for KinectFusion Based on Line Segment Matching by LEHF
* Accurate Facial Landmarks Detection for Frontal Faces with Extended Tree-Structured Models
* Action Classification with Locality-Constrained Linear Coding
* Action Recognition in Motion Capture Data Using a Bag of Postures Approach
* Action recognition in still images by learning spatial interest regions from videos
* Active constrained fuzzy clustering: A multiple kernels learning approach
* Active contours with a joint and region-scalable distribution metric for interactive natural image segmentation
* Active Learning from Video Streams in a Multi-camera Scenario
* Active Semi-supervised Learning Using Optimum-Path Forest
* Activity Recognition for a Smartphone Based Travel Survey Based on Cross-User History Data
* Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Using Clustering Based Classification
* Adaptive Array Thinning for Enhanced DOA Estimation
* Adaptive deformation correction of depth from defocus for object reconstruction
* Adaptive face modelling for reconstructing 3D face shapes from single 2D images
* Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Adaptive Metric Learning for People Re-Identification
* adaptive neighbourhood construction algorithm based on density and connectivity, An
* Adaptive Non-local Means for Cost Aggregation in a Local Disparity Estimation Algorithm
* Adaptive Probabilistic Thresholding Method for Accurate Breast Region Segmentation in Mammograms
* Adaptive RAID: Introduction of optimized storage techniques for scalable media
* Adaptive Security for Human Surveillance Using Multimodal Open Set Biometric Recognition
* Adaptive Thread Scheduling Mechanism With Low-Power Register File for Mobile GPUs, An
* Adaptive visual tracking using the prioritized Q-learning algorithm: MDP-based parameter learning approach
* Adaptive-Profile Active Shape Model for Facial-Feature Detection, An
* Adaptive-Threshold Region Merging via Path Scanning
* adaptive-weight hybrid relevance feedback approach for content based image retrieval, An
* Advanced tree species identification using multiple leaf parts image queries
* Aerial Implicit 3D Video Stabilization Using Epipolar Geometry Constraint
* Affect and Wellbeing: Introduction to Special Section
* Affective and Content Analysis of Online Depression Communities
* Affine Alignment of Occluded Shapes
* Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the DMSP OLS
* Algebraic Approach to Ensemble Clustering, An
* Along the Appian Way. Storytelling and Memory across Time and Space in Mobile Augmented Reality
* Alternating multiconlitron: A novel framework for piecewise linear classification
* Ambulatory Assessment of Affect: Survey of Sensor Systems for Monitoring of Autonomic Nervous Systems Activation in Emotion
* Analysis of Image Registration with Tangent Distance
* Analysis of Interactions Among Two Tropical Depressions and Typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) in Pacific Ocean by Using Satellite Cloud Images
* Analysis of MERIS Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Brazilian Reservoir
* Analysis of Oblique Aerial Images for Land Cover and Point Cloud Classification in an Urban Environment
* Analysis of the Effect of Image Resolution on Automatic Face Gender Classification
* Analysis of the Side Slither On-Orbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model, An
* Analyzing Taiwanese Indigenous Folk Dances via Labanotation and Comparing Results from Interdisciplinary Studies
* Anatomy of the SIFT Method
* Ancient Coin Recognition Based on Spatial Coding
* Anomaly Detection through Spatio-temporal Context Modeling in Crowded Scenes
* Anonymous Camera for Privacy Protection
* Anti-forensics of JPEG Detectors via Adaptive Quantization Table Replacement
* ANTSAC: A Generic RANSAC Variant Using Principles of Ant Colony Algorithms
* Appearance-based approach for complete human jaw shape reconstruction
* Appearance-Based Gaze Tracking with Free Head Movement
* Appearance-Based Object Detection Under Varying Environmental Conditions
* Application of artificial neural network for automatic detection of butterfly species using color and texture features
* Application of G.I.S on Integrative Management for Cultural Heritage- An Example for Digital Management on Taiwan Kinmen Cultural Heritage, An
* Application of In-Segment Multiple Sampling in Object-Based Classification
* Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology
* Application-Independent and Segmentation-Free Approach for Spotting Queries in Document Images, An
* Applying Spectral Unmixing to Determine Surface Water Parameters in a Mining Environment
* Approximate Maximum Common Sub-graph Isomorphism Based on Discrete-Time Quantum Walk
* Arabic handwriting synthesis system, An
* Architectural Historical 4D Documentation of the Old-Segeberg Town House by Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Historical Analysis
* Architectural Perspectives Survey
* Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard Retrieval With Waveform Characteristics for NASA's Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) and Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS)
* Arctic Soil Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Type Recognition Based on Aerial Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Topographical Data
* Artifact Suppressed Dictionary Learning for Low-Dose CT Image Processing
* Assessing Band Sensitivity to Atmospheric Radiation Transfer for Space-Based Retrieval of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Assessing Textural Features for Writer Identification on Different Writing Styles and Forgeries
* Assessment of methods for image recreation from signature time-series data
* Assessment of Polynomial Regression Techniques for the Relative Radiometric Normalization (RRN) of High-Resolution Multi-Temporal Airborne Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imagery, An
* Assessment of Structural Natural Frequencies and Application in the Calibration of FEM Models and Structural Health Monitoring
* Asymmetric power distribution model of wavelet subbands for texture classification
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Optical Flow
* Attenuation Correction Synthesis for Hybrid PET-MR Scanners: Application to Brain Studies
* Attribute Augmentation with Sparse Coding
* Attribute-based learning for gait recognition using spatio-temporal interest points
* Attributed Graph Kernel from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, An
* Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors
* Audiotory Movie Summarization by Detecting Scene Changes and Sound Events
* Autogrouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis
* Automated and Robust Framework for Quantification of Muscle and Fat in the Thigh, An
* Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Topic Perspective Using Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing
* Automated Extraction of the Archaeological Tops of Qanat Shafts from VHR Imagery in Google Earth
* Automated Gelatinous Zooplankton Acquisition and Recognition
* Automated Generation of a Digital Elevation Model Over Steep Terrain in Antarctica From High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Automated identification and retrieval of moth images with semantically related visual attributes on the wings
* Automated Image Segmentation and Analysis of Rock Piles in an Open-Pit Mine
* Automated Prediction of Glasgow Outcome Scale for Traumatic Brain Injury
* Automated Social Behaviour Recognition at Low Resolution
* Automated System for Plant-Level Disease Rating in Real Fields, An
* Automated Test Approach Based on All Paths Covered Optimal Algorithm and Sequence Priority Selected Algorithm
* Automated Video Imaging System for Counting Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Organisms Events
* Automatic 3D defects identification in stereoscopic videos
* Automatic CAD System for HEp-2 Cell Image Classification
* Automatic Detection of Embryo Location in Medical Imaging Using Trigonometric Rotation for Noise Reduction
* Automatic Enhancement and Detection of Active Sea Faults from Bathymetry
* Automatic Enrichments with Controlled Vocabularies in Europeana: Challenges and Consequences
* Automatic Face Quality Assessment from Video Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix: An Empirical Study on Automatic Border Control System
* Automatic Framework for Textured 3D Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition, An
* Automatic Gait Motion Capture with Missing-Marker Fillings
* Automatic Image Attribute Selection for Zero-Shot Learning of Object Categories
* Automatic image-based segmentation of the heart from CT scans
* Automatic Liver Segmentation and Hepatic Fat Fraction Assessment in MRI
* Automatic Multi-organ Segmentation in Non-enhanced CT Datasets Using Hierarchical Shape Priors
* Automatic Object Segmentation by Quantum Cuts
* Automatic Pain Recognition from Video and Biomedical Signals
* Automatic Prediction of Perceived Traits Using Visual Cues under Varied Situational Context
* Automatic Registration of Non-overlapping Laser Scans Based on a Combination of Generated Images from Laser Data and Digital Images in One Bundle
* Automatic Seamline Network Generation for Urban Orthophoto Mosaicking with the Use of a Digital Surface Model
* Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Human Actions in Monocular Sequences
* Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition Using Auditory Models with Binary Decision Tree and SVM
* Automatic usability and stress analysis in mobile biometrics
* Automatic Video Genre Classification Using Multiple SVM Votes
* Average Overlap for Clustering Incomplete Data Using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* aZIBO: A New Descriptor Based in Shape Moments and Rotational Invariant Features
* Background Subtraction Algorithms with Post-processing: A Review
* Background Subtraction with Dynamic Noise Sampling and Complementary Learning
* Background suppressing Gabor energy filtering
* Bad Data Analysis with Sparse Sensors for Leak Localisation in Water Distribution Networks
* Bag-of-features representations using spatial visual vocabularies for object classification
* BAMS: A Tool for Supervised Burned Area Mapping Using Landsat Data
* Bayesian Active Learning for Keyword Spotting in Handwritten Documents
* Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Process Classifiers with Annealing and Pseudo-Marginal MCMC
* Bayesian Network Structure Learning Using Causality
* Bayesian Non-parametric Parsimonious Gaussian Mixture for Clustering
* Bayesian Nonparametric Framework for Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer Data, A
* Behavioural Biometrics Using Electricity Load Profiles
* Belief Based Correlated Topic Model for Trajectory Clustering in Crowded Video Scenes, A
* Belief-Function-Based Framework for Deformable 3D-Shape Retrieval
* Benchmarking 3D Pose Estimation for Face Recognition
* Between the Fragment and the Atlas: A Device for the Visualization and Documentation of the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris
* Beyond Crude 3D Models: From Point Clouds to Historical Building Information Modeling via NURBS
* Beyond Software. Design Implications for Virtual Libraries and Platforms for Cultural Heritage from Practical Findings
* BH2M: The Barcelona Historical, Handwritten Marriages Database
* Bi-DCT: DCT-based Local Binary Descriptor for Dense Stereo Matching
* Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in challenging conditions
* Biclustering Framework for Consensus Problems, A
* Bilayer Sparse Topic Model for Scene Analysis in Imbalanced Surveillance Videos
* Binary Code Reranking Method Based on Bit Importance
* Binary Krill Herd Approach for Feature Selection, A
* Binary Tomography on the Triangular Grid with 3 Alternative Directions: A Genetic Approach
* Binary Tomography Reconstructions With Stochastic Level-Set Methods
* Bio-Inspired Early-Level Image Representation and Its Contribution to Object Recognition, A
* Bit Allocation Optimization Method for ROI Based Image Compression with Stable Image Quality, A
* Bit Error Recovery in ECOC Systems through LDPC Codes
* Blind and Fully Constrained Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Spectral Properties of Convolution Operators
* Body Part Tracking of Infants
* BoG: A New Approach for Graph Matching
* Bologna Porticoes Project: 3D Reality-Based Models for the Management of a Wide-Spread Architectural Heritage Site
* Boosted Multi-modal Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Social Event Classification
* Boosted Stable Path for Staff-Line Detection Using Order Statistic Downscaling and Coarse-to-Fine Technique
* Boosting Stochastic Newton with Entropy Constraint for Large-Scale Image Classification
* Brahan Project High Frequency Radar Ocean Measurements: Currents, Winds, Waves and Their Interactions
* Brain Lobes Revealed by Spectral Clustering
* Bridging Archaeology and GIS: Influencing Factors for a 4D Archaeological GIS
* Bridging the Resolution Gap between Endoscope Types for a Colonic Polyp Classification
* Browsing image database using network spanners
* Budding Trees
* Building Optimal Radio-Frequency Signal Maps
* Bulk Queue Model for the Evaluation of Impact of Headway Variations and Passenger Waiting Behavior on Public Transit Performance, A
* Burned Area Mapping Using Support Vector Machines and the FuzCoC Feature Selection Method on VHR IKONOS Imagery
* Calibrating Non-overlapping RGB-D Cameras
* Calibration of FDTD Simulation of GPR Signal for Asphalt Pavement Compaction Monitoring
* Camera Calibration for Plate Refractive Imaging System
* Camera Calibration from Coplanar Circles
* Camera motion estimation through monocular normal flow vectors
* Canopy Height Estimation in French Guiana with LiDAR ICESat/GLAS Data Using Principal Component Analysis and Random Forest Regressions
* Capacity improved robust lossless image watermarking
* Capturing Global and Local Dynamics for Human Action Recognition
* Capturing the Sporting Heroes of Our Past by Extracting 3D Movements from Legacy Video Content
* Car Detection in High-Resolution Urban Scenes Using Multiple Image Descriptors
* Cascaded Fusion of Dynamic, Spatial, and Textural Feature Sets for Person-Independent Facial Emotion Recognition
* Category-Independent Object Proposals with Diverse Ranking
* Center-Surround Contrast Features for Pedestrian Detection
* ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution Framework for Highway Vehicular Communications
* Character Recognition in Natural Scenes Using Convolutional Co-occurrence HOG
* Characterisation of Spatial Techniques for Optimised Use in Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
* Characterization of Mountain Drainage Patterns for GPS-Denied UAS Navigation Augmentation
* Children Gender Recognition Under Unconstrained Conditions Based on Contextual Information
* Circular Regression Based on Gaussian Processes
* Classification of COPD with Multiple Instance Learning
* classification of multi-modal data with hidden conditional random field, The
* Classification of Vegetation over a Residual Megafan Landform in the Amazonian Lowland Based on Optical and SAR Imagery
* Classifier Directed Data Hybridization for Geographic Sample Supervised Segment Generation
* Classifying Ancient Coins by Local Feature Matching and Pairwise Geometric Consistency Evaluation
* Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Benchmarking Platform
* Cloud Haskell: First impressions and applications to processing large image datasets
* Cloud Model-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Video Coding
* Cloud-Based Velocity Profile Optimization for Everyday Driving: A Dynamic-Programming-Based Solution
* Clustered Multi-task Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Color-Depth Action Recognition
* Clustered Spatio-temporal Manifolds for Online Action Recognition
* Coarse-to-Fine Word Spotting Approach for Historical Handwritten Documents Based on Graph Embedding and Graph Edit Distance, A
* Coded Acquisition of High Frame Rate Video
* Cognitive Approach for Object Discovery, A
* Collaborations Patterns and Productivity Analysis for IEEE T-ITS Between 2010 and 2013
* Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Colocated MIMO Radar Transmit Beamspace Design for Randomly Present Target Detection
* Color Bregman TV
* Color Models and Weighted Covariance Estimation for Person Re-identification
* Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage: Key Questions in 3D Optical Documentation of Material Culture for Conservation, Study and Preservation
* Colour Image Filtering with Component-Graphs
* Combination of 3D Scanning, Modeling and Analyzing Methods around the Castle of Coatfrec Reconstitution
* Combinator: Optimal Combination of Multiple Pedestrian Detectors, The
* Combined Spectral and Spatial Modeling of Corn Yield Based on Aerial Images and Crop Surface Models Acquired with an Unmanned Aircraft System
* Combining face averageness and symmetry for 3D-based gender classification
* Combining Multiple Manifold-Valued Descriptors for Improved Object Recognition
* Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Inactivity Modeling
* Combining where and what in change detection for unsupervised foreground learning in surveillance
* Compact color-texture description for texture classification
* Compact Signature-Based Compressed Video Matching Using Dominant Color Profiles (DCP)
* Compact Watershed and Preemptive SLIC: On Improving Trade-offs of Superpixel Segmentation Algorithms
* Comparative Study of Feature Descriptors for Mitochondria and Synapse Segmentation, A
* comparison of 3D shape retrieval methods based on a large-scale benchmark supporting multimodal queries, A
* Comparison of Body Shape Descriptors for Biometric Recognition Using MMW Images
* Comparison of General Object Trackers for Hand Tracking in High-Speed Videos
* comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, A
* comparison of two Monte Carlo algorithms for 3D vehicle trajectory reconstruction in roundabouts, A
* Complementarity of Two Rice Mapping Approaches: Characterizing Strata Mapped by Hypertemporal MODIS and Rice Paddy Identification Using Multitemporal SAR
* Complex Composite Derivative and Its Application to Edge Detection
* Compound Exemplar Based Object Detection by Incremental Random Forest
* Compressed Sensing Framework for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting, A
* Compressed-Domain Ship Detection on Spaceborne Optical Image Using Deep Neural Network and Extreme Learning Machine
* Computation of Quasi-Conformal Surface Maps Using Discrete Beltrami Flow
* Computational Auditory Scene Analysis Based Voice Activity Detection
* Computationally Modeling Human Emotion
* Computer Assisted Analysis System of Electroencephalogram for Diagnosing Epilepsy
* Computer-assisted analysis of painting brushstrokes: digital image processing for unsupervised extraction of visible features from van Gogh's works
* Computing Histogram of Tensor Images Using Orthogonal Series Density Estimation and Riemannian Metrics
* Computing inverse optical flow
* Computing Local Binary Patterns on Discrete Manifolds
* Confidence Estimation and Reputation Analysis in Aspect Extraction
* confidence-based late fusion framework for audio-visual biometric identification, A
* Confusion Network Based Recurrent Neural Network Language Modeling for Chinese OCR Error Detection
* Connected Filtering Based on Multivalued Component-Trees
* Constrained Energy Maximization and Self-Referencing Method for Invisible Ink Detection from Multispectral Historical Document Images
* Constrained Least Squares Algorithms for Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Content-Based Filtering for Fast 3D Reconstruction from Unstructured Web-Based Image Data
* Context Aware Detection and Tracking
* Context based food image analysis
* context-aware approach for long-term behavioural change detection and abnormality prediction in ambient assisted living, A
* Contextualizing Object Detection and Classification
* Continuous Extraction of Subway Tunnel Cross Sections Based on Terrestrial Point Clouds
* Contribution of Morphological Features in the Classification of Prostate Carcinoma in Digital Pathology Images, The
* Contributions to empirical analysis of keystroke dynamics in passwords
* Convex Discriminative Multitask Clustering
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classification
* Cooperative Delivery Techniques to Support Video-on-Demand Service in IPTV Networks
* Corner Detection in Images Under Different Noise Levels
* Corner detection using Gabor filters
* Correntropy-Based Adaptive Learning to Support Video Surveillance Systems
* Correspondence Preserving Elastic Surface Registration with Shape Model Prior
* Correspondence-Free Dictionary Learning for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Cost-Sensitive Structured SVM for Multi-category Domain Adaptation
* Cost-Sensitive Transformation for Chinese Address Recognition
* Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Electrocorticographic Signal Classification
* Coupled segmentation of nuclear and membrane-bound macromolecules through voting and multiphase level set
* Coupling Land Use Change Modeling with Climate Projections to Estimate Seasonal Variability in Runoff from an Urbanizing Catchment Near Cincinnati, Ohio
* Covariance based modeling of underwater scenes for fish detection
* Covariance-Based PCA for Multi-size Data
* CPU-Based Real-Time Surface and Solid Voxelization for Incomplete Point Cloud
* CPU/GPU near real-time preprocessing for ZY-3 satellite images: Relative radiometric correction, MTF compensation, and geocorrection
* Cramer-Rao bounds in functional form: Theory and application to passive optical ranging
* Creating a Unified, Wide-Area Activity Map for Multi-Camera Networks
* Cross Domain Shared Subspace Learning for Unsupervised Transfer Classification
* Cross-Database Evaluation of Normalized Raw Pixels for Gender Recognition under Unconstrained Settings
* Cross-Trees for Stereo Matching with Priors
* Crossroad Traffic Surveillance Using Superpixel Tracking and Vehicle Trajectory Analysis
* Crowd Saliency Detection via Global Similarity Structure
* Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Gradient Analysis for a North-South Transect in Northeast Asia between 2000 and 2010
* Cultural Heritage Information Systems State of the Art and Perspectives
* Currency Recognition on Mobile Phones
* Current Directions in Personality Science and the Potential for Advances through Computing
* Curvature Estimation for Ricci Flow Embedding
* Cutoff due to pointwise degradations in color images
* Daily Area of Snow Melt Onset on Arctic Sea Ice from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations 1979-2012
* Data Fusion by Matrix Factorization
* Data Sufficiency for Online Writer Identification: A Comparative Study of Writer-Style Space vs. Feature Space Models
* Data-Dependent Hashing Based on p-Stable Distribution
* Data-Driven Objectness
* Deblurring of Document Images Based on Sparse Representations Enhanced by Non-local Means
* Decision Level Fusion of Domain Specific Regions for Facial Action Recognition
* Decoding the Language of Human Movement
* Deep Embedding Network for Clustering
* Deep Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
* Deep sparse feature selection for computer aided endoscopy diagnosis
* Defect detection of castings in radiography images using a robust statistical feature
* Defect identification on specular machined surfaces
* Defect Recognition System for Automated Inspection of Non-rigid Surfaces, A
* Defining a geometric probability measure in correspondence problems for branched structures
* Delineation of Rain Areas with TRMM Microwave Observations Based on PNN
* Delta-n Hinge: Rotation-Invariant Features for Writer Identification
* DEMD-based video coding for textured videos in an H.264/MPEG framework
* DEnKF-Variational Hybrid Snow Cover Fraction Data Assimilation for Improving Snow Simulations with the Common Land Model
* Density-Aware Part-Based Object Detection with Positive Examples
* DensityTransfer: A Data Driven Approach for Imputing Electronic Health Records
* Depth Structure Association for RGB-D Multi-target Tracking
* Depth Super-resolution by Fusing Depth Imaging and Stereo Vision with Structural Determinant Information Inference
* Description of the Enzymatic Browning in Avocado Slice Using GLCM Image Texture
* Design and Evaluation of a Viewer-Dependent Stereoscopic Display
* Design and learn distinctive features from pore-scale facial keypoints
* Design Considerations for Implementing an Interactive DigiLog Book
* Design for Knowledge and Restoration
* Design of Multi-kernel Distance Based Hashing with Multiple Objectives for Image Indexing
* Detecting abnormal fish trajectories using clustered and labeled data
* Detecting Landscape Changes in High Latitude Environments Using Landsat Trend Analysis: 1. Visualization
* Detecting Landscape Changes in High Latitude Environments Using Landsat Trend Analysis: 2. Classification
* Detecting wires in the canopy of grapevines using neural networks: A robust and heuristic free approach
* Detection of Abnormal Fish Trajectories Using a Clustering Based Hierarchical Classifier
* Detection of Realistic Facial Occlusions for Robust 3D Face Recognition
* Detection of Tumor Cell Spheroids from Co-cultures Using Phase Contrast Images and Machine Learning Approach
* DETEXTIVE optical character recognition with pattern matching on-the-fly
* Development of an Operational Calibration Methodology for the Landsat Thermal Data Archive and Initial Testing of the Atmospheric Compensation Component of a Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product from the Archive
* Dictionary Snakes
* Dictionary-Based Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Reconstruction, A
* DIET: Dynamic Integration of Extended Tracklets for Tracking Multiple Persons
* Diffuse Optical Tomography Enhanced by Clustered Sparsity for Functional Brain Imaging
* Digital Archive System with 3D Web Portal Interface
* Digital Morphometric Survey for Documentation, Conservation and Restoration Works: The MUDI Project
* Digital Survey and Material Analysis Strategies for Documenting, Monitoring and Study the Romanesque Churches in Sardinia, Italy
* Digitization Age: Mass Culture Is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society, The
* Direct Method for 3D Hand Pose Recovery, A
* Directed Depth-Based Complexity Traces of Hypergraphs from Directed Line Graphs
* Discovering and Aligning Discriminative Mid-level Features for Image Classification
* Discovering compact topical descriptors for web video retrieval
* Discovering Emergent Behaviors from Tracks Using Hierarchical Non-parametric Bayesian Methods
* Discovering joint audio-visual codewords for video event detection
* Discovering salient regions on 3D photo-textured maps: Crowdsourcing interaction data from multitouch smartphones and tablets
* Discovering User-Communities and Associated Topics from YouTube
* Discrete area filters in accurate detection of faces and facial features
* Discrete Receive Beamforming
* Discrete Visual Perception
* Discriminative Autoencoders for Small Targets Detection
* Discriminative Context Models for Collective Activity Recognition
* Discriminative Directional Texture and Color for Robust Target Tracking
* Discriminative Partition Sparsity Analysis
* Discriminative Representative Selection via Structure Sparsity
* Disjunctive normal random forests
* Distorted Music Score Recognition without Staffline Removal
* Distributed Approach for Classifying Anuran Species Based on Their Calls, A
* Distribution of Cultural Content through Exploitation of Cryptographic Algorithms and Hardware Identification
* Diversity-Based Ensemble with Sample Weight Learning
* Document image super-resolution using structural similarity and Markov random field
* Document Retrieval Based on Logo Spotting Using Key-Point Matching
* Documentation and Evaluation of the Positive Contribution of Natural Ventilation in the Rural Vernacular Architecture of Cyprus
* Dolphin fin pose correction using ICP in application to photo-identification
* Domain adaptation of weighted majority votes via perturbed variation-based self-labeling
* Domain Adaptation under Data Misalignment: An Application to Cepheid Variable Star Classification
* Domain Adaptive Self-Taught Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Dominant Sets as a Framework for Cluster Ensembles: An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach
* Don't Classify Ratings of Affect; Rank Them!
* Down-sampling Coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures
* DRINK: Discrete Robust Invariant Keypoints
* Dual Fuzzy Hypergraph Regularized Multi-label Learning for Protein Subcellular Location Prediction
* Dynamic Classification of Traffic Flow Patterns Simulated by a Switching Multimode Discrete Cell Transmission Model
* Dynamic Insertions in TLAESA Fast NN Search Algorithm
* Dynamic Load Balancing for Real-Time Video Encoding on Heterogeneous CPU+GPU Systems
* Dynamic Pore Filtering for Keypoint Detection Applied to Newborn Authentication
* Dynamic scene understanding using temporal association rules
* Dynamic Task Decomposition for Probabilistic Tracking in Complex Scenes
* dynamic VideoBook: A hierarchical summarization for surveillance video, The
* Early Facial Expression Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Early Hierarchical Contexts Learned by Convolutional Networks for Image Segmentation
* Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Production and Water Consumption of Nile Basin Agro-Ecosystems
* Edge preservation image enlargement and enhancement method based on the adaptive Perona-Malik non-linear diffusion model
* EEG Analysis for Olfactory Perceptual-Ability Measurement Using a Recurrent Neural Classifier
* Effect of Aggregating Subtype Performances Depends Strongly on the Performance Measure Used, The
* Effective Acquisition of Dense Anisotropic BRDF
* Effective Image Block Compressed Sensing
* Effective Mean-Field Inference Method for Nonnegative Boltzmann Machines
* Effective Method for Detecting Potential Woodland Vernal Pools Using High-Resolution LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery, An
* Effective Multiple Feature Hashing for Large-Scale Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* Effective Part Localization in Latent-SVM Training
* Effects of Multiple Carrier Frequency Offsets on the Performance of Virtual MISO FSK Systems, The
* effects of temperature variation on videometric measurement and a compensation method, The
* Efficient Active Novel Class Detection for Data Stream Classification
* Efficient and Robust Pupil Size and Blink Estimation From Near-Field Video Sequences for Human-Machine Interaction
* Efficient Bilevel Approach for Urban Rail Transit Operation With Stop-Skipping
* Efficient Closed-Loop Multiple-View Registration
* Efficient Evaluation of SVM Classifiers Using Error Space Encoding
* Efficient Frame-Content Based Intra Frame Rate Control for High Efficiency Video Coding, An
* Efficient hardware calculation of running statistics
* Efficient instance search from large video database via sparse filters in subspaces
* Efficient Interactive Brain Tumor Segmentation as Within-Brain kNN Classification
* Efficient Metric Learning Based Dimension Reduction Using Sparse Projectors for Image Near Duplicate Retrieval
* Efficient Non-iterative Domain Adaptation of Pedestrian Detectors to Video Scenes
* Efficient Sub-Regional Multiple-Source Detection Based on Subspace Matrix Filtering
* Eikonal-based region growing for efficient clustering
* Elastic Net Regularized Logistic Regression Using Cubic Majorization
* Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering of Axially Moving Cylindrical Targets
* EM-Based Layout Analysis Method for Structured Documents
* Embedding Document Structure to Bag-of-Words through Pair-wise Stable Key-Regions
* Emergent Properties from Feature Co-occurrence in Image Collections
* Emissivity Measurements of Foam-Covered Water Surface at L-Band for Low Water Temperatures
* Emotional Valence Recognition, Analysis of Salience and Eye Movements
* empirical evaluation of information metrics for low-rate and high-rate DDoS attack detection, An
* Empirical Non-Parametric Estimation of the Fisher Information
* Employing PLSA model and max-bisection for refining image annotation
* Energy Consumption of Visual Sensor Networks: Impact of Spatio-Temporal Coverage
* Energy-Efficient SRAM FPGA-Based Wireless Vision Sensor Node: SENTIOF-CAM
* Enhanced Human Parsing with Multiple Feature Fusion and Augmented Pose Model
* Enhanced Random Forest with Image/Patch-Level Learning for Image Understanding
* Enhancing video concept detection with the use of tomographs
* Enhancing Word Image Retrieval in Presence of Font Variations
* Ensemble Manifold Structured Low Rank Approximation for Data Representation
* EOF-Based Algorithm to Estimate Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Taihu Lake from MODIS Land-Band Measurements: Implications for Near Real-Time Applications and Forecasting Models, An
* Erosion Band Features for Cell Phone Image Based Plant Disease Classification
* Error Analysis on ESA's Envisat ASAR Wave Mode Significant Wave Height Retrievals Using Triple Collocation Model
* Establishing a Baseline for Regional Scale Monitoring of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Habitat on the Lower Alaska Peninsula
* Estimating Attention in Exhibitions Using Wearable Cameras
* Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models (CSMs) Derived from UAV-Based RGB Imaging
* Estimating Driver Awareness of Crossing Pedestrians While Turning Left Based on Vehicle Behavior Using Bayesian Approach
* Estimating Floor Regions in Cluttered Indoor Scenes from First Person Camera View
* Estimating Long Tail Models for Risk Trends
* Estimating the number of clusters in a numerical data set via quantization error modeling
* Estimation of a 3D Bounding Box for a Segmented Object Region in a Single Image
* Estimation of Airborne Lidar-Derived Tropical Forest Canopy Height Using Landsat Time Series in Cambodia
* Estimation of Forest Height Using Spaceborne Repeat-Pass L-Band InSAR Correlation Magnitude over the US State of Maine
* Euclidean Structure from Conic Feature Correspondences
* Evaluating Cell Nuclei Segmentation for Use on Whole-Slide Images in Lung Cytology
* Evaluating Multi-task Learning for Multi-view Head-Pose Classification in Interactive Environments
* Evaluation of Binary Descriptors for Fast and Fully Automatic Identification
* Evaluation of Direct Volume Rendering-Based Uncertainty Visualization Techniques for 3D Scalar Data, The
* Evaluation of Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Motion Detection from Aerial Videos
* Evaluation of Head Gaze Loosely Synchronized With Real-Time Synthetic Speech for Social Robots
* Evaluation of MODIS LST Products Using Longwave Radiation Ground Measurements in the Northern Arid Region of China
* Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infrared Sensor Onboard Landsat 8
* Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Chinese Mainland
* Evaluation of the Faster STORM Method for Super-resolution Microscopy, An
* Evaluation of Time Series Distance Functions in the Task of Detecting Remote Phenology Patterns
* Evaluation of visual object retrieval datasets
* Evolving PCB visual inspection programs using genetic programming
* EWMA model based shift-detection methods for detecting covariate shifts in non-stationary environments
* Examining Land Use and Land Cover Spatiotemporal Change and Driving Forces in Beijing from 1978 to 2010
* Exemplar Network: A Generalized Mixture Model
* Experimental BIM Applications in Archaeology: A Work-Flow
* Experiments on Recognising the Handshape in Blobs Extracted from Sign Language Videos
* Exploiting Click Constraints and Multi-view Features for Image Re-ranking
* Exploiting Temporal Geometry for Moving Camera Background Subtraction
* Exploring Brain Tumor Heterogeneity for Survival Time Prediction
* Exploring Depth Information for Object Segmentation and Detection
* Exploring User Behaviour on Etsy through Dominant Colors
* Exposing Fake Bit Rate Videos and Estimating Original Bit Rates
* Expression Microarray Data Classification Using Counting Grids and Fisher Kernel
* Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Face Reconstruction Using Gabor Filter Bank from a 2D Single Image
* Expressive Body Movement Responses to Music Are Coherent, Consistent, and Low Dimensional
* Extended Isomap for Manifold Topology Learning with SOINN Landmarks, An
* Extension of Sparse Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm for Multiple Measurement Vectors
* Extracting Texture Features for Time Series Classification
* Extracting Watermark from 3D Prints
* Extraction and Selection of Muscle Based Features for Facial Expression Recognition
* extraction method of hierarchical Web communities for Web video retrieval, An
* Extraction Method of Scallop Area from Sand Seabed Images
* Extraction of Plant Physiological Status from Hyperspectral Signatures Using Machine Learning Methods
* Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel Using Curvelet Transform and Fuzzy C-Means
* Extraction of Vehicle Groups in Airborne Lidar Point Clouds With Two-Level Point Processes
* Eye detection using discriminatory Haar features and a new efficient SVM
* Face Anti-spoofing Based on General Image Quality Assessment
* Face Clustering in Photo Album
* Face recognition in the SWIR band when using single sensor multi-wavelength imaging systems
* Face Recognition in Videos by Label Propagation
* Face Recognition Using 3D Directional Corner Points
* Facial 3D Shape Estimation from Images for Visual Speech Animation
* Facial Age Estimation by Adaptive Label Distribution Learning
* Facial expression recognition considering individual differences in facial structure and texture
* Facial Skin Beautification Using Adaptive Region-Aware Masks
* Factor Graphs for Image Processing
* Fast 3D Blind Seismic Deconvolution via Constrained Total Variation and GCV
* Fast Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Total Variation Image Restoration, A
* Fast Adaptive Robust Subspace Tracking for Online Background Subtraction
* Fast and Accurate Text Detection in Natural Scene Images with User-Intention
* Fast and Adaptive Random Walks Approach for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Natural Images, A
* Fast and Robust Generation of Semantic Urban Terrain Models from UAV Video Streams
* Fast Convolution Method and Its Application in Mask Optimization for Intensity Calculation Using Basis Expansion
* Fast Data Selection for SVM Training Using Ensemble Margin
* Fast Decomposition of Large Nonnegative Tensors
* Fast detection of facial wrinkles based on Gabor features using image morphology and geometric constraints
* Fast Digital Filtering of Spectrometric Data for Pile-up Correction
* FAST Extreme Illumination Robust Feature in Affine Space, A
* Fast Global Image Smoothing Based on Weighted Least Squares
* Fast Human Detection Combining Range Image Segmentation and Local Feature Based Detection
* Fast Image Upsampling via the Displacement Field
* Fast Radial Scanned Near-Field 3-D SAR Imaging System and the Reconstruction Method, A
* Fast Similarity Search Using Multiple Binary Codes
* Fast Statistically Homogeneous Pixel Selection for Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multitemporal InSAR
* Feasible Point Pursuit and Successive Approximation of Non-Convex QCQPs
* Feature coding for image classification combining global saliency and local difference
* Feature correspondence based on directed structural model matching
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from EEG
* Feature Learning Based Approach for Weed Classification Using High Resolution Aerial Images from a Digital Camera Mounted on a UAV
* Feature Learning Using Bayesian Linear Regression Model
* Feature Relevance for Kernel Logistic Regression and Application to Action Classification
* Feature Selection Scheme Based on Zero-Sum Two-Player Game
* Feature Space Independent Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation via Kernel Matching
* Femur Bone Segmentation Using a Pressure Analogy
* Filtration Strategy Based on FD-CRF for Image Matching, A
* Finding a vine's structure by bottom-up parsing of cane edges
* Finding Corresponding Patches in Texture Images Using Tensor Consistency Check
* Finding the Largest Hypercavity in a Linear Data Space
* Fine-Grained Visual Categorization with 2D-Warping
* Finger Vein Recognition Using Histogram of Competitive Gabor Responses
* Fingerprint Geometric Hashing Based on Binary Minutiae Cylinder Codes
* Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Multiple Static Features and Random Forests
* FIRME: Face and Iris Recognition for Mobile Engagement
* First Results of Estimating Surface Soil Moisture in the Vegetated Areas Using ASAR and Hyperion Data: The Chinese Heihe River Basin Case Study
* First-Person Animal Activity Recognition from Egocentric Videos
* Fisher Vectors over Random Density Forests for Object Recognition
* Fisher's Discriminant with Natural Image Priors
* Fitting multiple projective models using clustering-based Markov chain Monte Carlo inference
* Forest Species Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fotonic and Electron Microscopy Images for Quality Evaluation of Delignification of Agave Fibers
* fractal-based image encryption system, A
* Framework of Multi-classifier Fusion for Human Action Recognition, A
* From a Model of a City to an Urban Information System: The SIUR 3D of the Castle of Pietrabuona
* From Europeana Cloud to Europeana Research: The Challenges of a Community-Driven Platform Exploiting Europeana Content
* From Remotely Sensed Vegetation Onset to Sowing Dates: Aggregating Pixel-Level Detections into Village-Level Sowing Probabilities
* From Shading to Local Shape
* Full Reference Image Quality Assessment: Limitation
* Fully Automatic Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation Approach Based on Neutro-Connectedness, A
* Fully-Automated Power Line Extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds in Forest Areas
* Fusion of Image Segmentations under Markov, Random Fields
* Fusion of Multibiometrics Based on a New Robust Linear Programming
* Fuzzy Archives. What Kind of an Object Is the Documental Unit of Oral Archives?
* Gait Recognition Using Flow Histogram Energy Image
* GAs and Evolutionary Design in Architectural Heritage: The Case of Islamic Architecture
* Gaze Estimation Based on 3D Face Structure and Pupil Centers
* Gender Recognition Using Complexity-Aware Local Features
* General Form for Obtaining Unit Disc-Based Generalized Orthogonal Moments
* General Framework for Regularized, Similarity-Based Image Restoration, A
* General Nonlinear Embedding Framework Based on Deep Neural Network, A
* General Solution to Optimal Fixed-Gain (alpha-beta-gamma etc.) Filters, A
* Generalized BRIEF: A Novel Fast Feature Extraction Method for Robust Hand Detection
* Generalized Optical Flow Model for Scattering Media
* Generalized Radial Alignment Constraint for Camera Calibration
* Generalized Search Method for Multiple Competing Hypotheses in Visual Tracking, A
* Generic Approach to Pathological Lung Segmentation, A
* Generic Augmented Reality Telescope for Heritage Valorization, A
* Generic Subclass Ensemble: A Novel Approach to Ensemble Classification
* Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring Rules
* Geodesic Active Contours with Adaptive Configuration for Cerebral Vessel and Aneurysm Segmentation
* Geodesic Based Similarities for Approximate Spectral Clustering
* Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-Based Approach to Derivative Map Production and Visualizing Bedrock Topography within the Town of Rutland, Vermont, USA, A
* Geometric Algebra Animation Method for Mobile Augmented Reality Simulations in Digital Heritage Sites, A
* Geomorphometric pattern recognition of SRTM data applied to the tectonic interpretation of the Amazonian landscape
* Geospatial Technologies for the Built Heritage Management: Experiences in Sardinia, Italy
* Gesture Control Using Active Difference Signatures and Sparse Learning
* Gesture recognition corpora and tools: A scripted ground truthing method
* GIS Approach to Urban History: Rome in the 18th Century, A
* GIST: Graphical Interactive Display Tools Defining a Model for Interactive Search
* Giving Life to John Calvin the Reformer
* Global Land Cover Mapping: A Review and Uncertainty Analysis
* Global-to-Local Approach to Binarization of Degraded Document Images, A
* Go with the Flow: Improving Multi-view Vehicle Detection with Motion Cues
* GPT Correlation for 2D Projection Transformation Invariant Template Matching
* GPU-Based PostgreSQL Extensions for Scalable High-Throughput Pattern Matching
* GR2T vs L2E with Nuisance Scale
* Gradient Extension of Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns for Robust RGB-NIR Image Matching, A
* Gradient Radial Basis Function Based Varying-Coefficient Autoregressive Model for Nonlinear and Nonstationary Time Series
* Gradient-Angular-Features for Word-wise Video Script Identification
* Graph Based Keyword Spotting in Medieval Slavic Documents: A Project Outline
* Graph Characterization from Entropy Component Analysis
* Graph Characterization Using Wave Kernel Trace
* Graph Construction Based on Labeled Instances for Semi-supervised Learning
* Graph Construction for Salient Object Detection in Videos
* Graph Contexts for Retrieving Deformable Non-rigid 3D Shapes
* Graph cuts based relevance feedback in image retrieval
* Graph Kernel Encoding Substituents' Relative Positioning
* Graph Kernel Incorporating Molecule's Stereisomerism Information, A
* Graph Signatures for Evaluating Network Models
* Graph-Based Implementation of the Anti-aliased Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* Graph-Based Kinship Recognition
* Graphics and Scene Text Classification in Video
* Grassmannian Representation of Motion Depth for 3D Human Gesture and Action Recognition
* Ground Surface Response to Geothermal Drilling and the Following Counteractions in Staufen im Breisgau (Germany) Investigated by TerraSAR-X Time Series Analysis and Geophysical Modeling
* Ground Truth for Iris Segmentation, A
* Group Activity Recognition with Group Interaction Zone
* Guidance Method in HDD Based on Rotating Magnetic Field
* Hair Enhancement in Dermoscopic Images Using Dual-Channel Quaternion Tubularness Filters and MRF-Based Multilabel Optimization
* Hamming distance based binary particle swarm optimization (HDBPSO) algorithm for high dimensional feature selection, classification and validation, A
* Hand Gesture Recognition in Real Time for Automotive Interfaces: A Multimodal Vision-Based Approach and Evaluations
* Handling Imbalanced Datasets by Partially Guided Hybrid Sampling for Pattern Recognition
* Handwritten Text Segmentation Using Elastic Shape Analysis
* HDR Spectral Imaging System for Time-Varying Omnidirectional Scene, An
* Head Pose Estimation by Instance Parameterization
* Head Pose Estimation in First-Person Camera Views
* Head, Eye, and Hand Patterns for Driver Activity Recognition
* Hellinger Distance Trees for Imbalanced Streams
* Heritage Landscape Conservation and Development
* Heuristic for the Automatic Parametrization of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian Choice Model with Visibility, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian models for unsupervised scene understanding
* Hierarchical Group Structures in Multi-person Tracking
* Hierarchical Heuristic Search Using a Gaussian Mixture Model for UAV Coverage Planning
* Hierarchical Model Based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Action Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Semantic Hashing: Visual Localization from Buildings on Maps
* High Speed Dynamic System for Scanning Reflective Surface with Rotating Polarized Filters, A
* High-Coverage 3D Scanning through Online Structured Light Calibration
* High-Order Imaging Algorithm for High-Resolution Spaceborne SAR Based on a Modified Equivalent Squint Range Model, A
* High-payload block-based data hiding scheme using hybrid edge detector with minimal distortion
* High-Quality Depth Map Upsampling and Completion for RGB-D Cameras
* High-speed transition patterns for video projection, 3D reconstruction, and copyright protection
* High-Stakes Deception Detection Based on Facial Expressions
* Higher-Order-Statistics-Based Fractal Dimension for Noisy Bowel Sound Detection
* Highly Usable and Accurate Iris Segmentation
* Histogram modification using grey-level co-occurrence matrix for image contrast enhancement
* Histogram-Based Chan-Vese Model Driven by Local Contrast Pattern for Texture Image Segmentation, A
* Historic Center 3D Metric Documentation Updating by Low Cost Solution: The Lençóis Project
* Homogeneity Analysis of the CM SAF Surface Solar Irradiance Dataset Derived from Geostationary Satellite Observations
* How Linked Open Data Can Help in Locating Stolen or Looted Cultural Property
* human action recognition approach with a novel reduced feature set based on the natural domain knowledge of the human figure, A
* Human Hair Segmentation and Length Detection for Human Appearance Model
* Human Movement Modeling and Activity Perception Based on Fiber-Optic Sensing System
* Human perception-based image segmentation using optimising of colour quantisation
* Humanoid Robot Imitation with Pose Similarity Metric Learning
* Hybrid Aggregation of Sparse Coded Descriptors for Food Recognition
* Hybrid approach using map-based estimation and class-specific Hough forest for pedestrian counting and detection
* Hybrid Approaches for Interactive Image Segmentation Using the Live Markers Paradigm
* Hybrid Decision Forests for Prostate Segmentation in Multi-channel MR Images
* Hybrid Ensemble Classification of Tree Genera Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Hybrid Feature Selection Approach by Correlation-Based Filters and SVM-RFE, A
* Hybrid Holistic/Semantic Approach for Scene Classification, A
* Hybrid Integration of Visual Attention Model into Image Quality Metric
* Hybrid Kinect Depth Map Refinement for Transparent Objects
* Hybrid Loss for Multiclass and Structured Prediction, A
* Hybrid Method for Human Interaction Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Interest Points, A
* Hybrid On-Line 3D Face and Facial Actions Tracking in RGBD Video Sequences
* Hydrological Impacts of Urbanization of Two Catchments in Harare, Zimbabwe
* Hypergraph Kernel from Isomorphism Tests, A
* Hyperspectral imaging based on diffused laser light for prediction of astaxanthin coating concentration
* Iconic Methods for Multimodal Face Recognition: A Comparative Study
* IDEM: Iris DEtection on Mobile Devices
* Identification of Ecosystem Functional Types from Coarse Resolution Imagery Using a Self-Organizing Map Approach: A Case Study for Spain
* Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data
* Identifying Diverse Set of Images in Flickr
* Identifying Ragas in Indian Music
* Illusory Shapes via Corner Fusion
* Image and video spatial super-resolution via bandlet-based sparsity regularization and structure tensor
* Image authentication algorithm with recovery capabilities based on neural networks in the DCT domain
* Image classification based on bag of visual graphs
* Image classification using object detectors
* Image Completion Using Global Patch Matching and Optimal Seam Synthesis
* Image database TID2013: Peculiarities, results and perspectives
* Image Denoising With 2D Scale-Mixing Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Image Fusion Using Region Segmentation and Sigmoid Function
* Image Inpainting Algorithm Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition, An
* Image irradiance harmonics: a phenomenological model of image irradiance of arbitrary surface reflectance
* Image processing system dedicated to a visual intra-cortical stimulator
* Image Reconstruction Algorithm for 3-D Electrical Impedance Mammography, An
* Image restoration by blind-Wiener filter
* Image Retrieval Based on Anisotropic Scaling and Shearing Invariant Geometric Coherence
* Image Segmentation and Labeling Using Free-Form Semantic Annotation
* Image-Based Road Type Classification
* Imaging of Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities in Two Dimensions
* Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein Discrepancy
* Impact of Human-Robot Interface Design on the Use of a Learning Robot System, The
* Impact of Receiver Saturation on Surface Doppler Velocity Measurements From the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar
* Impact of Time Difference between Satellite Overpass and Ground Observation on Cloud Cover Performance Statistics, The
* Impact of Vegetation on Lithological Mapping Using Airborne Multispectral Data: A Case Study for the North Troodos Region, Cyprus, The
* Implementation Strategy of NDVI Algorithm with Nvidia Thrust
* Implicit Rank-Sparsity Decomposition: Applications to Saliency/Co-saliency Detection
* Implicitly Constrained Semi-supervised Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Improved BET Method for Brain Segmentation, An
* Improved Filtering for Fast Stereo Matching, An
* Improved Iterative Back Projection Based Single Image Super Resolution Approach, An
* Improved Linear Discriminant Analysis with L1-Norm for Robust Feature Extraction, An
* Improved Listless Embedded Block Partitioning Algorithms for Image Compression
* Improved Optimization Based on Graph Cuts for Discrete Energy Minimization
* Improved Stereo Matching in Scattering Media by Incorporating a Backscatter Cue
* Improved Surface Reflectance from Remote Sensing Data with Sub-Pixel Topographic Information
* Improved Top-Hat Filter with Sloped Brim for Extracting Ground Points from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds, An
* Improved Wetland Classification Using Eight-Band High Resolution Satellite Imagery and a Hybrid Approach
* Improvement of Benign and Malignant Probability Detection Based on Non-subsample Contourlet Transform and Super-resolution
* Improving Accuracy of Printed Character Recognition Using Hexagonal Zoning of Directional Histogram Feature
* Improving augmented reality applications with optical flow
* Improving Graph Edit Distance Approximation by Centrality Measures
* Improving Handover and Drop-off Performance on High-Speed Trains With Multi-RAT
* Improving Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition with Discriminative Quadratic Feature Extraction
* Improving Inland Water Quality Monitoring through Remote Sensing Techniques
* Improving Object Tracking by Adapting Detectors
* Improving Object Tracking with Voting from False Positive Detections
* Improving OCR Accuracy by Applying Enhancement Techniques on Multispectral Images
* Improving Personalized Ranking in Recommender Systems with Topic Hierarchies and Implicit Feedback
* Improving Point of View Scene Recognition by Considering Textual Data
* In the Pursuit of Perfect 3D Digitization of Surfaces of Paintings: Geometry and Color Optimization
* In-depth Examination of Local Binary Descriptors in Unconstrained Face Recognition, An
* Incorporating side information into multivariate Information Bottleneck for generating alternative clusterings
* Increasing the Regenerative Braking Energy for Railway Vehicles
* Incremental Delaunay Triangulation Construction for Clustering
* Incremental Graph Clustering for Efficient Retrieval from Streaming Egocentric Video Data
* Incremental Learning with Support Vector Data Description
* Incremental Solid Modeling from Sparse Structure-from-Motion Data with Improved Visual Artifacts Removal
* Indian Classical Dance Classification on Manifold Using Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence
* Indoor and outdoor depth imaging of leaves with time-of-flight and stereo vision sensors: Analysis and comparison
* Indoor Scene Recognition from RGB-D Images by Learning Scene Bases
* Inferring Plane Orientation from a Single Motion Blurred Image
* Infinite Adaptive Online Learning Model for Segmentation and Classification of Streaming Data, An
* Influence of Polarimetric Parameters and an Object-Based Approach on Land Cover Classification in Coastal Wetlands, The
* Information Divergence Based Saliency Detection with a Global Center-Surround Mechanism
* Information Geometric Algorithm for Estimating Switching Probabilities in Space-Varying HMM
* Informing Historical Preservation with the Use of Non-destructive Diagnostic Techniques: A Case Study at Ecab, Quintana Roo, Mexico
* Infrared imaging system monitors transportation structures in real time
* Innovation Technologies and Applications for Coastal Archaeological Sites
* InSAR Image Regularization and DEM Error Correction With Fractal Surface Scattering Model
* Insect classification using Scanning Electron Microphotographs considering magnifications
* Integral Images for Block Matching
* Integral Line Scan Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Integrated Application of Digital Technologies for Transmitting Values of Cultural Heritage in Remote Mountains
* Integrated Geophysical and Aerial Sensing Methods for Archaeology: A Case History in the Punic Site of Villamar (Sardinia, Italy)
* Integrated Model for Understanding Pollen Tube Growth in Video
* Integrated Vehicle Navigation System Utilizing Lane-Detection and Lateral Position Estimation Systems in Difficult Environments for GPS, An
* Integrating Solar Induced Fluorescence and the Photochemical Reflectance Index for Estimating Gross Primary Production in a Cornfield
* Integration of Geotechnologies in the Evaluation of a Wine Cellar Structure through the Finite Element Method, The
* Integration of Innovative Surveying Technologies for Purposes of 3D Documentation and Valorisation of St. Herakleidios Monastery in Cyprus
* Integration of Simulation and State Observers for Online Fault Detection of Nonlinear Continuous Systems
* Intelligent hybrid watermarking ancient-document wavelet packet decomposition-singular value decomposition-based schema
* Intelligent Interactive Applications for Museum Visits
* Intelligent Living
* Intelligent Train Operation Algorithms for Subway by Expert System and Reinforcement Learning
* Intention-Aware Multiple Pedestrian Tracking
* Interaction Recognition Using Sparse Portraits
* Interactive 3D Visualisation of Architectural Models and Point Clouds Using Low-Cost-Systems
* Interactive Design of Object Classifiers in Remote Sensing
* Interactive Estimation of Light Source Position and Reflectance of Real Objects for Mixed-Reality Application
* Interactive Framework for Insect Tracking with Active Learning
* Interactive textual feature selection for consensus clustering
* interactive tool for manual, semi-automatic and automatic video annotation, An
* Interannual Variation in Phytoplankton Primary Production at A Global Scale
* Intra-Class Variation Reduction Using Training Expression Images for Sparse Representation Based Facial Expression Recognition
* Inverse Rendering of Lambertian Surfaces Using Subspace Methods
* Inverse source in the presence of a reflecting plane for the strip case
* Inversion attack resilient zero-watermarking scheme for medical image authentication
* Investigating large-scale feature matching using the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor
* Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Total Ozone Column in the Yangtze River Delta Using Satellite Data: 1978-2013
* Investigation of the Effects of Data Collection on Visual Stylometry
* Iris Segmentation System Based on Approximate Feature Detection with Subsequent Refinements
* Iterative Tensor Voting for Pavement Crack Extraction Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* J-Linkage Based Approach for Vanishing Direction Estimation in Catadioptric Images, A
* Joint Attention Simulation Using Eye-Tracking and Virtual Humans
* Joint Demosaicing and Denoising via Learned Nonparametric Random Fields
* Joint Dictionary and Classifier Learning for Categorization of Images Using a Max-margin Framework
* Joint Evaluation of Dictionary Learning and Feature Encoding for Action Recognition, A
* Joint Motion Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image Pair
* Joint Power Splitting and Antenna Selection in Energy Harvesting Relay Channels
* Joint Video Frame Set Division and Low-Rank Decomposition for Background Subtraction
* k-NN Classification of Handwritten Characters Using a New Distortion-Tolerant Matching Measure
* KAIRA: The Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array: System Overview and First Results
* Kalman Filter-Based Method to Generate Continuous Time Series of Medium-Resolution NDVI Images, A
* Keeping the Equilibrium: The Static Aspects of the Restoration Project. The Case Study of the Mother Church of San Cataldo (Sicily)
* Kernel Archetypal Analysis for Clustering Web Search Frequency Time Series
* Kernel Density Estimation Using Joint Spatial-Color-Depth Data for Background Modeling
* Kernel Least Mean Square with Single Feedback
* Kernel-Based Representation to Support 3D MRI Unsupervised Clustering, A
* Kernel-mapped histograms of multi-scale LBPs for tree bark recognition
* Kernelized Relaxed Margin Components Analysis for Person Re-identification
* Kernelized Structural Classification for 3D Dogs Body Parts Detection
* Key observation selection-based effective video synopsis for camera network
* Key-Frame Extraction Using Weighted Multi-view Convex Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering
* Kinect-Variety Fusion: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Artifacts-Free 3DTV Content Generation
* Kinematic Reeb Graph Extraction Based on Heat Diffusion
* KIZUKI Processing for Visual Inspection: A Smart Pattern Pop-Out Algorithm Based on Human Visual Architecture
* Label Consistent Fisher Vectors for Supervised Feature Aggregation
* Label localization by appearance guided graph inferring
* Label-Denoising Auto-encoder for Classification with Inaccurate Supervision Information
* Land Cover Classification of Landsat Data with Phenological Features Extracted from Time Series MODIS NDVI Data
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner Daytime Mid-Infrared Data
* Landmark- and Intensity-Based Registration with Large Deformations via Quasi-conformal Maps
* Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Performance
* Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Geometric Characterization and Calibration
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Design, Characterization and Performance
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Radiometric Calibration and Stability
* Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Vicarious Radiometric Calibration
* Laplacian Support Vector Analysis for Subspace Discriminative Learning
* Large Scale Image Categorization in Sparse Nonparametric Bayesian Representation
* Large scale image retrieval with visual groups
* Large-scale feature matching with distributed and heterogeneous computing
* Large-Scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex
* large-scale solar image dataset with labeled event regions, A
* LBO-Shape Densities: Efficient 3D Shape Retrieval Using Wavelet Density Estimation
* Leaf Species Classification Based on a Botanical Shape Sub-classifier Strategy
* Learning beautiful (and ugly) attributes
* Learning Category-Specific Dictionary and Shared Dictionary for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* Learning context sensitive similarity measure on pair fusion graph
* Learning Convolutional Nonlinear Features for K Nearest Neighbor Image Classification
* Learning Features and Parts for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Learning Flexible Binary Code for Linear Projection Based Hashing with Random Forest
* Learning from weakly labeled faces and video in the wild
* Learning Generative Models of Object Parts from a Few Positive Examples
* Learning Graph Cut Energy Functions for Image Segmentation
* Learning Multiple Complex Features Based on Classification Results
* Learning Multiple Relative Attributes With Humans in the Loop
* Learning of Multilabel Classifiers
* Learning Pose Dictionary for Human Action Recognition
* Learning Room Occupancy Patterns from Sparsely Recovered Light Transport Models
* Learning Semantic Binary Codes by Encoding Attributes for Image Retrieval
* Learning the Deep Features for Eye Detection in Uncontrolled Conditions
* Learning to Count with Back-propagated Information
* Learning to Detect Contours with Dynamic Programming Snakes
* Learning to Rank the Severity of Unrepaired Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity on 3D Mesh Data
* Learning with Hidden Information
* Learning with Hidden Information Using a Max-Margin Latent Variable Model
* Learning-based automatic defect recognition with computed tomographic imaging
* Least squares twin multi-class classification support vector machine
* Left-Luggage Detection from Finite-State-Machine Analysis in Static-Camera Videos
* Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using Tissue Transition Analysis
* Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Scheduling with a Sentinel-2 Like Time Series (SPOT4-Take5) in Morocco, A
* Lift: Multi-Label Learning with Label-Specific Features
* Light Transport Refocusing for Unknown Scattering Medium
* Lighting Robust Fitting Approach of 3D Morphable Model Using Spherical Harmonic Illumination, A
* Lightweight Hyperspectral Mapping System and Photogrammetric Processing Chain for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* Limits of Predictability for Large-Scale Urban Vehicular Mobility
* Line-Images in Cone Mirror Catadioptric Systems
* Linear Unmixing in BRDF Reproduction and 3D Shape Recovery
* Linked Source and Target Domain Subspace Feature Transfer Learning -- Exemplified by Speech Emotion Recognition
* Lip Reading Using Wavelet-Based Features and Random Forests Classification
* LMA-Based Motion Retrieval for Folk Dance Cultural Heritage
* local approach for 3D object recognition through a set of size functions, A
* Local Approach for Negative Emotion Detection, A
* Local Binary Patterns Calculated over Gaussian Derivative Images
* Local Density Encoding for Robust Stereo Matching
* Local dip transformation for fast seismic horizon reconstruction
* Local Gradient Order Pattern for Face Representation and Recognition
* Local Hybrid Coding for Image Classification
* Local Image Feature Matching Improvements for Omnidirectional Camera Systems
* Local Label Probability Propagation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Local Oriented Statistics Information Booster (LOSIB) for Texture Classification
* Local Refinement for Stereo Regularization
* Local Symmetry Detection in Natural Images Using a Particle Filtering Approach
* Local Topographic Shape Patterns for Texture Description
* Locality Constrained Encoding Graph Construction and Application to Outdoor Object Classification
* Locality-Constrained Sparse Reconstruction for Trajectory Classification
* Localization of 2D Cameras in a Known Environment Using Direct 2D-3D Registration
* Localization of Diagnostically Relevant Regions of Interest in Whole Slide Images
* Localized Image Blur Removal through Non-parametric Kernel Estimation
* Locating People in Video from Semantic Descriptions: A New Database and Approach
* Logboats: A Global Symbolic Content for New Reflections on the Protection of World Heritage in the Future with the Help of Cutting Edge Technology
* Logistic Component Analysis for Fast Distance Metric Learning
* Long Term Relevance Feedback: A Probabilistic Axis Re-Weighting Update Scheme
* Looking at Machine Vision
* Lossless chaos-based crypto-compression scheme for image protection
* Low Bias Local Intrinsic Dimension Estimation from Expected Simplex Skewness
* Low Computation Face Verification Using Class Center Analysis
* Low Dimensionality Expression Robust Rejector for 3D Face Recognition, A
* Low Rank Global Geometric Consistency for Partial-Duplicate Image Search
* Low-rank matrix approximations for Coherent point drift
* Low-rank matrix factorization with multiple Hypergraph regularizer
* Low-resolution face recognition in uses of multiple-size discrete cosine transforms and selective Gaussian mixture models
* LP-SR: Approaching Optimal Storage and Retrieval for Video-on-Demand
* LSTM-Based Early Recognition of Motion Patterns
* M3art: A Database of Models of Canvas Paintings
* Machine learning and pattern recognition models in change detection
* Machine Learning Based Method for Staff Removal, A
* machine vision extension to the Ruby programming language using OpenCV and FFI, A
* Madonna of the Goldfinch by Raphael: Chamera of Perception, The
* Makeup-Invariant Face Recognition by 3D Face: Modeling and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform from Women's 2D Real-World Images
* Manifold Alignment for Person Independent Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* MAP-Based Online Data Association for Multiple People Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Mapping Entomological Dengue Risk Levels in Martinique Using High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Environmental Data
* Mapping Forest Height in Alaska Using GLAS, Landsat Composites, and Airborne LiDAR
* Margin Perceptrons for Graphs
* Marine Biodiversity Classification Using Dropout Regularization
* Masking Light Fields to Remove Partial Occlusion
* Matching based ground-truth annotation for online handwritten mathematical expressions
* Matrix Completion for Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Image Classification
* Matrix Factorization Approach to Graph Compression, A
* Matrix Recovery Using Split Bregman
* Max-K-Min Distance Analysis for Dimension Reduction
* MAXICULTURE: Assessing the Impact of EU Projects in the Digital Cultural Heritage Domain
* Maximal Max-Tree Simplification
* Maximizing Network Capacity with Optimal Source Selection: A Network Science Perspective
* Maximum distance minimization for feature weighting
* mCENTRIST: A Multi-Channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorization
* MDGHM-SURF: A robust local image descriptor based on modified discrete Gaussian-Hermite moment
* measure of information gained through biometric systems, A
* Measure of Septum Shape Using Shortest Path Segmentation in Echocardiographic Images of LVAD Patients, A
* Measurement and Modeling of Video Watching Time in a Large-Scale Internet Video-on-Demand System
* Measuring Networkwide Traffic Delay in Schedule Optimization for Work-Zone Planning in Urban Networks
* Memory-Efficient Architecture of Full HD Around View Monitor Systems, A
* meSch: Material Encounters with Digital Cultural Heritage
* Method of Discriminative Information Preservation and In-Dimension Distance Minimization Method for Feature Selection, A
* Micro-expression Recognition Using Dynamic Textures on Tensor Independent Color Space
* Microenvironment-Based Protein Function Analysis by Random Forest
* Microwave Assisted Preparation of Calcium Hydroxide and Barium Hydroxide Nanoparticles and Their Application for Conservation of Cultural Heritage
* Mid-level-Representation Based Lexicon for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition
* Mineral Mapping and Ore Prospecting with HyMap Data over Eastern Tien Shan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
* Minor Surfaces are Boundaries of Mode-Based Clusters
* Missing Data and Regression Models for Spatial Images
* Mixed Reality Virtual Clothes Try-On System, A
* Mobile plant leaf identification using smart-phones
* mobile, lightweight, poll-based food identification system, A
* Model for the Complex Dielectric Constant of Supercooled Liquid Water at Microwave Frequencies, A
* Model Semantic Relations with Extended Attributes
* model-based approach for compound leaves understanding and identification, A
* Model-based food volume estimation using 3D pose
* Model-based graph-cut method for automatic flower segmentation with spatial constraints
* Modeling and Mapping of Soil Salinity with Reflectance Spectroscopy and Landsat Data Using Two Quantitative Methods (PLSR and MARS)
* Modeling the Brain Connectivity for Pattern Analysis
* Modeling the Detector Radiometric Gains of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands
* Modeling the Past Online: Interactive Visualisation of Uncertainty and Phasing
* Modeling the Relationship of Action, Object, and Scene
* MODIS Inundation Estimate Assimilation into Soil Moisture Accounting Hydrologic Model: A Case Study in Southeast Asia
* Modular-based classification system for weed classification using mixture of features
* Monitoring Active Volcanos Using Aerial Images and the Orthoview Tool
* Monitoring of Oil Exploitation Infrastructure by Combining Unsupervised Pixel-Based Classification of Polarimetric SAR and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Monitoring the Fluctuation of Lake Qinghai Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* More Personality in Personality Computing
* More Robust Mean Shift Tracker Using Joint Monogenic Signal Analysis and Color Histogram, A
* More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of UAV Flights to Archaeological Research: The Case Study of Curium Site in Cyprus
* Morphological Analysis for Temporary Behaviour Description of Photoelasticity Images on Plastic Films
* Morphological features for leaf based plant recognition
* Morphological Tree of Shapes for Color Images, A
* Motion Estimation and Classification in Compressive Sensing from Dynamic Measurements
* Motion Hooks for the Multiview Extension of HEVC
* Motion Interaction Field for Accident Detection in Traffic Surveillance Video
* Motion-based counter-measures to photo attacks in face recognition
* MPEG-M: A digital media ecosystem for interoperable applications
* MSER-Based Real-Time Text Detection and Tracking
* MTSAT-1R Visible Imager Point Spread Correction Function, Part I: The Need for, Validation of, and Calibration With
* MTSAT-1R Visible Imager Point Spread Function Correction, Part II: Theory
* Multi-Bin search: improved large-scale content-based image retrieval
* Multi-camera Trajectory Mining: Database and Evaluation
* Multi-group Adaptation for Event Recognition from Videos
* Multi-image high dynamic range algorithm using a hybrid camera
* Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels
* Multi-modal and Cross-Modal for Lecture Videos Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Topic Model for Image Annotation Using Text Analysis, A
* Multi-ROI Association and Tracking With Belief Functions: Application to Traffic Sign Recognition
* Multi-scale Tensor l1-Based Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-shot Person Re-identification with Automatic Ambiguity Inference and Removal
* Multi-source Adaptive Learning for Fast Control of Prosthetics Hand
* Multi-source image auto-annotation
* Multi-source transfer learning based on label shared subspace
* Multi-Surface and Multi-Field Co-Segmentation of 3-D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Multi-task Learning Framework for Joint Disease Risk Prediction and Comorbidity Discovery, A
* Multi-view Based AdaBoost Classifier Ensemble for Class Prediction from Gene Expression Profiles
* Multi-View Embedding Space for Modeling Internet Images, Tags, and Their Semantics, A
* Multi-view Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Tracklet Plots
* Multi-view Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Clothing Image Characterization
* Multiangle Backscattering Observations of Continental Surfaces in Ku-Band (13 GHz) From Satellites: Understanding the Signals, Particularly in Arid Regions
* Multidimensional Extension of the Concept of Coherence in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry, A
* Multifeature-Based Surround Inhibition Improves Contour Detection in Natural Images
* Multilayer Markovian Model for Change Detection in Aerial Image Pairs with Large Time Differences, A
* Multilingual Specialist Glossaries in a Framework for Intangible Cultural Heritage
* Multimedia Information Retrieval Based on Late Semantic Fusion Approaches: Experiments on a Wikipedia Image Collection
* Multimodal Approach for Recognizing Human Actions Using Depth Information, A
* Multimodal non-rigid registration methods based on local variability measures in computed tomography and magnetic resonance brain images
* Multipage Administrative Document Stream Segmentation
* Multiphase Image Segmentation Using the Deformable Simplicial Complex Method
* Multiple Circle Detection Based on Center-Based Clustering
* Multiple Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple Instance Dictionary Learning for Activity Representation
* Multiple Instance Learning with Response-Optimized Random Forests
* Multiple Kernel Learning Based Multi-view Spectral Clustering
* Multiple Model Fitting by Evolutionary Dynamics
* Multiple One-Class Classifier Combination for Multi-class Classification
* Multiple View Based Building Modeling with Multi-box Grammar
* Multiple-Facial Action Unit Recognition by Shared Feature Learning and Semantic Relation Modeling
* Multiple-Output Regression with High-Order Structure Information
* Multisize Superpixel Approach for Salient Object Detection Based on Multivariate Normal Distribution Estimation, A
* Multivalued Component-Tree Filtering
* Multiview coding and error correction coding for 3D video over noisy channels
* Multiview stereo and silhouette fusion via minimizing generalized reprojection error
* Mutual Information between Graphs, The
* NCC-RANSAC: A Fast Plane Extraction Method for 3-D Range Data Segmentation
* Near Field Photometric Stereo with Point Light Sources
* NEATER: Filtering of Over-sampled Data Using Non-cooperative Game Theory
* Neighborhood Repulsed Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* NetClust: A Framework for Scalable and Pareto-Optimal Media Server Placement
* Network-Based Correlated Correspondence for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Hyperspectral Satellite Images
* Network-Dependent Image Annotation Based on Explicit Context-Dependent Kernel Maps
* Neural Network Based Image Modification for Shape from Observed SEM Images
* New approach for the detection of noise-distorted signals based on the method of S-preparation
* New Approach of Arc Skeletonization for Tree-like Objects Using Minimum Cost Path, A
* New Approach to Ocean Wave Parameter Estimates From C-Band ScanSAR Images, A
* New Approach to the Design of Low Complexity 9/7 Tap Wavelet Filters With Maximum Vanishing Moments
* New Divergence Measure Based on Arimoto Entropy for Medical Image Registration, A
* New Efficient Regression Method for Local AADT Estimation via SCAD Variable Selection
* New feature weighting approaches for speech-act classification
* New Filter for Reducing HALO Artifacts in Tone Mapped Images, A
* New Geometric Approach for Faster Solving the Perspective-Three-Point Problem, A
* New Geometric Interpretation and Analytic Solution for Quadrilateral Reconstruction
* New Hybrid Texture-Perceptual Descriptor: Application CBIR, A
* New local edge binary patterns for image retrieval
* New Metric for Quantifying Burn Severity: The Relativized Burn Ratio, A
* new patch based change detector for polarimetric SAR data, A
* New Spherical Mixture Model for Head Detection in Depth Images, A
* New technique for online object tracking-by-detection in video
* Nighttime Traffic Flow Analysis for Rain-Drop Tampered Cameras
* NMF with Sparse Regularizations in Transformed Domains
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Contrast-Distorted Images Based on Natural Scene Statistics
* No-Reference Sharpness Assessment of Camera-Shaken Images by Analysis of Spectral Structure
* Noise-Resistant Image Retrieval
* Noise-Robust Adaptive Hybrid Pattern for Texture Classification, A
* Non-Coherent Direction of Arrival Estimation from Magnitude-Only Measurements
* Non-destructive automatic leaf area measurements by combining stereo and time-of-flight images
* Non-enumerative Cross Validation for the Determination of Structural Parameters in Feature-Selective SVMs
* Non-frontal Camera Calibration Using Focal Stack Imagery
* Non-invasive Materials Analysis Using Portable X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) in the Examination of Two Mural Paintings in the Catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse
* Non-Local Means Image Denoising With a Soft Threshold
* Non-rigid visible and infrared face registration via regularized Gaussian fields criterion
* Nonlinear Supervised Locality Preserving Projections for Visual Pattern Discrimination
* Nonlocal Filter-Based Hybrid Strategy for Depth Map Enhancement, A
* Nonlocal Structure Tensor-Based Approach for Multicomponent Image Recovery Problems, A
* Nonlocal Variational Formulation for the Improvement of Tone Mapped Images, A
* Nonparametric Discovery of Learning Patterns and Autism Subgroups from Therapeutic Data
* Nonparametric label propagation using mutual local similarity in nearest neighbors
* Nonparametric Regression for Estimation of Spatiotemporal Mountain Glacier Retreat From Satellite Images
* Novel Algorithm for Crash Detection Under General Road Scenes Using Crash Probabilities and an Interactive Multiple Model Particle Filter, A
* Novel Biometric Approach for Human Identification and Verification Using Eye Blinking Signal, A
* Novel DCT-Based Image Up-Sampling Using Learning-Based Adaptive k-NN MMSE Estimation
* Novel Global and Local Features for Near-Duplicate Document Image Matching
* Novel Graph-Based Fisher Kernel Method for Semi-supervised Learning, A
* Novel HHT-Based Features for Biometric Identification Using EEG Signals
* novel image tag saliency ranking algorithm based on sparse representation, A
* Novel Inference of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine, A
* Novel Mammography Image Representation Framework with Application to Image Registration, A
* Novel Methodology to Estimate Single-Tree Biophysical Parameters from 3D Digital Imagery Compared to Aerial Laser Scanner Data, A
* Novel Robust Modified Support Vector Machines, A
* Novel Sphere-Based Maximum Margin Classification Method, A
* Novel Structure of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Based on Unequal Error Protection Rateless Code, A
* Novelty detection in human tracking based on spatiotemporal oriented energies
* NSHP-HMM Based on Conditional Zone Observation Probabilities for Off-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Nuclear Norm Regularized Sparse Coding
* Numerical Analysis of the Topological Gradient Method for Fourth Order Models and Applications to the Detection of Fine Structures in Imaging
* O(1) Algorithms for Overlapping Group Sparsity
* Object Categorization from Range Images Using a Hierarchical Compositional Representation
* Object Classification in Traffic Scene Surveillance Based on Online Semi-supervised Active Learning
* Object detection in security applications using dominant edge directions
* Object recognition based on adapative bag of feature and discriminative learning
* Object Segmentation Based on Contour-Skeleton Duality
* Object-Based Analysis of Airborne LiDAR Data for Building Change Detection
* Object-Based Land-Cover Mapping with High Resolution Aerial Photography at a County Scale in Midwestern USA
* Objective image quality assessment of 3D synthesized views
* Observation Capability Metadata Model for EO Sensor Discovery in Sensor Web Enablement Environments, An
* Ocular Biometrics by Score-Level Fusion of Disparate Experts
* Offline Features for Classifying Handwritten Math Symbols with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Offline Framework for Handling Automatic Passenger Counting Raw Data, An
* On Clustering Human Gait Patterns
* On Computing Jeffrey's Divergence Between Time-Varying Autoregressive Models
* On Covariant Derivatives and Their Applications to Image Regularization
* On Effectiveness of Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features for Visible to Near Infrared Face Matching
* On Human Perception and Automatic Target Recognition: Strategies for Human-Computer Cooperation
* On Infimal Convolution of TV-Type Functionals and Applications to Video and Image Reconstruction
* On Iris Spoofing Using Print Attack
* On Markov Earth Mover's Distance
* On Meta-learning for Dynamic Ensemble Selection
* On Performance Evaluation Metrics for Lane Estimation
* On the Behavior of EMD and MEMD in Presence of Symmetric alpha-Stable Noise
* On the Convergence of Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Algorithm
* On the Downscaling of Actual Evapotranspiration Maps Based on Combination of MODIS and Landsat-Based Actual Evapotranspiration Estimates
* On the Efficiency of Angular Intraprediction
* On the Ozarow-Leung Scheme for the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Feedback
* On the Performance of Secure Full-Duplex Relaying under Composite Fading Channels
* On the projection similarity in line grouping
* On the Scalability of Graphic Symbol Recognition
* On the Training of Artificial Neural Networks with Radial Basis Function Using Optimum-Path Forest Clustering
* On Validation of Clustering Techniques for Bibliographic Databases
* On-Orbit Radiometric Performance of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
* One-dimensional voting scheme for circle and arc detection
* Online Camera-Gyroscope Autocalibration for Cell Phones
* Online image search result grouping with MapReduce-based image clustering and graph construction for large-scale photos
* Online Learning and Detection with Part-Based, Circulant Structure
* Online Regression of Grandmother-Cell Responses with Visual Experience Learning for Face Recognition
* Online signature verification using segment-level fuzzy modelling
* Ontology-Driven Processing and Management of Digital Rock Art Objects in IndianaMAS
* Ontology-Driven Visual Browsing of Historical Industrial Archives
* Openness as Visualization Technique for Interpretative Mapping of Airborne Lidar Derived Digital Terrain Models
* Operational System for Estimating Road Traffic Information from Aerial Images, An
* Optical Flow Based Expression Suppression in Video
* Optimal Design of Multichannel Equalizers for the Structural Similarity Index
* Optimal Feature Selection for Robust Classification via L2,1-Norms Regularization
* Optimal Object Association in the Dempster-Shafer Framework
* Optimal Performance-Efficiency Trade-off for Bag of Words Classification of Road Signs
* Optimal Scheduling for Highway Emergency Repairs Under Large-Scale Supply-Demand Perturbations
* Optimal Swarm Formation for Odor Plume Finding
* Optimal Velocity-Planning Scheme for Vehicle Energy Efficiency Through Probabilistic Prediction of Traffic-Signal Timing, An
* Optimization-Based Extreme Learning Machine with Multi-kernel Learning Approach for Classification
* Optimized hybrid shape descriptor-based 3D ojbect retrieval
* Optimized Sliding Window Approach to Pedestrian Detection, An
* Optimized Window Arrangement for Spatial Pyramid Matching Scheme
* Optimizing Optics and Imaging for Pattern Recognition Based Screening Tasks
* Optimizing PLLR Features for Spoken Language Recognition
* Ordered histogram of shapemes: An ordered bag-of-features based shape descriptor for efficient shape matching
* Orientation-Adaptive Extension to Scale-Adaptive Local Binary Patterns, An
* Orthogonal locally discriminant spline embedding for plant leaf recognition
* Orthoimage of Asclepieion at the Ancient Messene from UAV Images Applying Dense Image Matching
* Overlapped Fingerprints Separation Based on Adaptive Orientation Model Fitting
* Pain Intensity Evaluation through Facial Action Units
* parallel H.264/SVC encoder for high definition video conferencing, A
* Parameterization of Centimeter-Scale Sea Ice Surface Roughness Using Terrestrial LiDAR
* Parameterization of the Satellite-Based Model (METRIC) for the Estimation of Instantaneous Surface Energy Balance Components over a Drip-Irrigated Vineyard
* Parametric Estimation Approach to Instantaneous Spectral Imaging, A
* Parametric Local Multi-modal Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
* Partial Volume Correction on ASL-MRI and Its Application on Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* pattern recognition framework for detecting dynamic changes on cyclic time series, A
* Pattern Theory-Based Interpretation of Activities
* Pectoral Muscle Elimination on Mammogram Using K-Means Clustering Approach
* Pedestrian Detection Using Augmented Training Data
* Pedestrian's Trajectory Forecast in Public Traffic with Artificial Neural Networks
* People Detection with Heterogeneous Features and Explicit Optimization on Computation Time
* People Semantic Description and Re-identification from Point Cloud Geometry
* Perceptual Differences between Men and Women: A 3D Facial Morphometric Perspective
* Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Odd Period 2^m-1
* Performance Analysis of the Tactical Inertial Navigator Aided by Non-GPS Derived References, The
* Performance Analysis of Time of Arrival Estimation on OFDM Signals
* Performance Comparison between Circular and Spline-Based Methods for Iris Segmentation, A
* Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six Texture-Based Feature Sets for Segmenting Historical Documents
* Performance evaluation of handwritten signature recognition in mobile environments
* Performance Evaluation of Neuromorphic-Vision Object Recognition Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation on Action Recognition with Local Features, A
* Performance of Transmit Beamforming Codebooks with Separate Amplitude and Phase Quantization
* Periocular Recognition Using Unsupervised Convolutional RBM Feature Learning
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Processing of COSMO-SkyMed StripMap HIMAGE Time Series to Depict Deformation of the Historic Centre of Rome, Italy
* Person Orientation and Feature Distances Boost Re-identification
* Person Re-identification Based on Relaxed Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Regularizations
* Person Re-Identification by Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis
* Person Re-identification via Discriminative Accumulation of Local Features
* Personalized Economy of Images in Social Forums: An Analysis on Supply, Consumption, and Saliency
* Perspective-3-Point Problem When Using a Planar Mirror, The
* Piece-wise linearity based method for text frame classification in video
* Piecewise-Bezier C1 Interpolation on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to 2D Shape Morphing
* Pill Recognition Using Imprint Information by Two-Step Sampling Distance Sets
* Pixel Classification Using General Adaptive Neighborhood-Based Features
* Plane Geometry Figure Retrieval Based on Bilayer Geometric Attributed Graph Matching
* Plant species recognition using spatial correlation between the leaf margin and the leaf salient points
* Playhist: Play and Learn History. Learning with a Historical Game vs An Interactive Film
* Playscript Classification and Automatic Wikipedia Play Articles Generation
* PLSA-Based Sparse Representation for Object Classification
* Polarimetric Incoherent Target Decomposition by Means of Independent Component Analysis
* Pose Estimation via Complex-Frequency Domain Analysis of Image Gradient Orientations
* Pose Independent Face Recognition by Localizing Local Binary Patterns via Deformation Components
* Pose Invariant Activity Classification for Multi-Floor Indoor Localization
* Pose-Adaptive Constrained Local Model for Accurate Head Pose Tracking, A
* Pose-invariant face recognition using curvelet neural network
* Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Face Reconstruction and Synthesis from a Single 2D Image
* Position-Based Action Recognition Using High Dimension Index Tree
* Potential and Uptake of Remote Sensing in Insurance: A Review, The
* Pre-registration for Improved Latent Fingerprint Identification
* Predicting Relevant Change in High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Preliminary Study of Lower Leg Geometry as a Soft Biometric Trait for Forensic Investigation, A
* Presenting Cypriot Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality: A User Evaluation
* Preservation of a Computer-Based Art Installation
* Preservative Approach to Study Encased Archaeological Artefacts
* Prevalence of Pure Versus Mixed Snow Cover Pixels across Spatial Resolutions in Alpine Environments
* Prime Rigid Graphs and Multidimensional Scaling with Missing Data
* Principal Local Binary Patterns for Face Representation and Recognition
* Principles of time-frequency feature extraction for change detection in non-stationary signals: Applications to newborn EEG abnormality detection
* Privileged Information for Hierarchical Document Clustering: A Metric Learning Approach
* Probabilistic Interpretation of the Exponential Mixture, A
* Probabilistic Model for the Optimal Configuration of Retinal Junctions Using Theoretically Proven Features, A
* Probabilistic white strip approach to plastic bottle sorting system
* Procedure to Map Subsidence at the Regional Scale Using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique, A
* Product Aspects Identification Method by Using Translation-Based Language Model, A
* Progressive Band Processing of Constrained Energy Minimization for Subpixel Detection
* Prosodic, Spectral and Voice Quality Feature Selection Using a Long-Term Stopping Criterion for Audio-Based Emotion Recognition
* Prostate Cancer Grading: Use of Graph Cut and Spatial Arrangement of Nuclei
* Protected Facial Biometric Templates Based on Local Gabor Patterns and Adaptive Bloom Filters
* Pruning the 3D Curve Skeleton
* Pseudo-Marginal Bayesian Multiple-Class Multiple-Kernel Learning for Neuroimaging Data
* Putting the Scientist in the Loop: Accelerating Scientific Progress with Interactive Machine Learning
* Pyramidal Fisher Motion for Multiview Gait Recognition
* QBRIX: a quantile-based approach to retinex
* QRCODE and RFID Integrated Technologies for the Enhancement of Museum Collections
* Quadratic Discriminant Revisited
* Quality Based Frame Selection for Face Clustering in News Video
* Quality Evaluation of an Anonymized Dataset
* Quality of Rural Life and Culture: Managing Change through the Identification of Good Practice, Pilot Implementation Projects and Evaluation
* Quantification of Actin Structures Using Unsupervised Pattern Analysis Techniques
* Quantifying Ancient Maya Land Use Legacy Effects on Contemporary Rainforest Canopy Structure
* Quantifying the Physical Composition of Urban Morphology throughout Wales Based on the Time Series (1989-2011) Analysis of Landsat TM/ETM+ Images and Supporting GIS Data
* Radial shifted Legendre moments for image analysis and invariant image recognition
* Radiometric Cross Calibration of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
* Random Forest for Reliable Pre-classification of Handwritten Characters
* Random Walk Kernel Applications to Classification Using Support Vector Machines
* Rank-Based Similarity Search: Reducing the Dimensional Dependence
* Ranking Images Based on Aesthetic Qualities
* Rapid Multiclass Traffic Sign Detection in High-Resolution Images
* RE-PLAN: An Extensible Software Architecture to Facilitate Disaster Response Planning
* Re-ranking with two-level hashing
* Real Time Fingertip Detection with Kinect Depth Image Sequences
* Real-time method for counting unseen stacked objects in mobile
* Real-Time Object Tracking with Generalized Part-Based Appearance Model and Structure-Constrained Motion Model
* Real-Time Pose-Invariant Face Recognition by Triplet Pose Sparse Matrix from Only a Single Image
* Real-Time Scene Text Detection Based on Stroke Model
* Real-Time Segmentation and Recognition of Surgical Tasks in Cataract Surgery Videos
* Real-Time Tracking Combined with Object Segmentation
* Real-Time Tracking via Deformable Structure Regression Learning
* Real-Time Visual Target Tracking in RGB-D Data for Person-Following Robots
* Realtime Multilevel Crowd Tracking Using Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
* Recent Advances on Singlemodal and Multimodal Face Recognition: A Survey
* Recognition of Handwritten Characters in Chinese Legal Amounts by Stacked Autoencoders
* recognition of landed aircrafts based on PCNN model and affine moment invariants, The
* Recognition of Pen-Based Music Notation: The HOMUS Dataset
* Recognizing in the depth: Selective 3D Spatial Pyramid Matching Kernel for object and scene categorization
* Recognizing Point Clouds Using Conditional Random Fields
* Recovery of Fragile Objects from Underwater Archaeological Excavations: New Materials and Techniques by SASMAP Project
* Recovery of Spectral Sensitivity Functions from a Colour Chart Image under Unknown Spectrally Smooth Illumination
* Recursive Separation of Stationary Components by Subspace Projection and Stochastic Constraints
* Reducing Multiplexing Artifacts in Multi-Pinhole SPECT With a Stacked Silicon-Germanium System: A Simulation Study
* Reduction of Uncorrelated Striping Noise: Applications for Hyperspectral Pushbroom Acquisitions
* Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch
* Region Tree Based Sparse Model for Optical Flow Estimation
* Regularized Hierarchical Feature Learning with Non-negative Sparsity and Selectivity for Image Classification
* Regularized Multi-view Multi-metric Learning for Action Recognition
* Regularizing Topic Discovery in EMRs with Side Information by Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models
* Relative entropy collaborative fuzzy clustering method
* Relaxed Problem of Registration Based on the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff Material Stored Energy for the Mapping of Mouse Brain Gene Expression Data to a Neuroanatomical Mouse Atlas, A
* Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-identification by Exploiting Global Similarities
* Reliable Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Vision and a Single-Track Model
* Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives
* Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Shallow Non-Turbid River Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Representation Learning for Contextual Object and Region Detection in Remote Sensing
* Representation of facial expression categories in continuous arousal-valence space: Feature and correlation
* RES Signatures of Ice Bottom Near to Dome C (Antarctica)
* Research on the GIS as a Communication Platform in the Risk Management of Traditional Settlement
* Resolution-Controlled Conductivity Discretization in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Restoration of the Dome of St. James's Cathedral in Šibenik
* Revisiting Trifocal Tensor Estimation Using Lines
* Reweighted and Adaptive Morphology Separation
* RFI Suppression Based on Phase-Coded Stepped-Frequency Waveform in Through-Wall Radar
* RGB-D Based Face Reconstruction and Recognition
* RGB-D Multi-view System Calibration for Full 3D Scene Reconstruction
* RGB-D-T Based Face Recognition
* RichWPS Environment for Orchestration, The
* Robust 3D Face Landmark Localization Based on Local Coordinate Coding
* Robust 3D Morphable Model Fitting by Sparse SIFT Flow
* Robust and Invariant Phase Based Local Feature Matching
* Robust block sparse discriminative classification framework
* Robust Camera Tracking by Combining Color and Depth Measurements
* Robust Clustering Based on Dominant Sets
* Robust Context Dependent Spectral Unmixing
* Robust Deformable and Occluded Object Tracking With Dynamic Graph
* Robust Edge-Based Corner Detector (EBCD), A
* Robust Face Recognition via Adaptive Sparse Representation
* Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using Revised Canonical Correlation
* Robust Feature Point Matching With Sparse Model
* Robust Head-Shoulder Detection Using a Two-Stage Cascade Framework
* Robust Human Detection to Pose and Occlusion Using Bag-of-Words
* Robust Image Description with Weighted and Adaptive Local Binary Pattern Features
* Robust Image Restoration via Adaptive Low-Rank Approximation and Joint Kernel Regression
* Robust Likelihood Function for 3D Human Pose Tracking, A
* Robust Multi-pose Facial Expression Recognition
* Robust Object Recognition via Visual Pathway Feedback
* Robust One-Bit Bayesian Compressed Sensing with Sign-Flip Errors
* Robust Point Set Matching under Variational Bayesian Framework
* Robust Real-Time Extreme Head Pose Estimation
* Robust Registration and Filtering for Moving Object Detection in Aerial Videos
* Robust Skew Estimation of Handwritten and Printed Documents Based on Grayvalue Images
* Robust Spatial Consistency Graph Model for Partial Duplicate Image Retrieval
* Robust Surface Pattern Matching for Ball Spin Estimation with Multi-exposed Images Under Varying Illumination Conditions
* Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images by Generalized Color-Enhanced Contrasting Extremal Region and Neural Networks
* Robust Text Line Segmentation for Historical Manuscript Images Using Color and Texture
* Robust view-invariant multiscale gait recognition
* Robustifying Descriptor Instability Using Fisher Vectors
* Robustness Improvement of Hyperspectral Image Unmixing by Spatial Second-Order Regularization
* Rollover-Preventive Force Synthesis at Active Suspensions in a Vehicle Performing a Severe Maneuver With Wheels Lifted Off
* Rotation and Illumination Invariant Interleaved Intensity Order-Based Local Descriptor
* RSURF: The Efficient Texture-Based Descriptor for Fluorescence Microscopy Images of HEP-2 Cells
* S-BLOSUM: Classification of 2D Shapes with Biological Sequence Alignment
* S-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Calibration/Characterization and Current State of SDR Products, The
* S3CCA: Smoothly Structured Sparse CCA for Partial Pattern Matching
* Saliency detection framework via linear neighbourhood propagation
* saliency detection model using aggregation degree of color and texture, A
* Sampled-Data Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Vehicles With Sensor Failures
* Sandwich Cut: An Algorithm for Temporally-Coherent Video Bilayer Segmentation
* Satellite Observations of Wind Farm Impacts on Nocturnal Land Surface Temperature in Iowa
* Scalable Arrow Detection in Biomedical Images
* Scalable face image retrieval integrating multi-feature quantization and constrained reference re-ranking
* Scalable Video Summarization Using Skeleton Graph and Random Walk
* Scale Adaptive Tracking Using Mean Shift and Efficient Feature Matching
* Scale Coding Bag-of-Words for Action Recognition
* Scale invariant texture representation based on frequency decomposition and gradient orientation
* Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Image Descriptor
* Scale-Adaptive Texture Classification
* Scale-invariant contour segment context in object detection
* Scene change detection in encrypted video bit streams
* Scene Recognition with Naive Bayes Non-linear Learning
* Scene Text Segmentation with Multi-level Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Screened Poisson Hyperfields for Shape Coding
* Scribe Attribution for Early Medieval Handwriting by Means of Letter Extraction and Classification and a Voting Procedure for Larger Pieces
* Search-Based Content Analysis System on Online Collaborative Platform for Film Production
* Second Order Differences of Cyclic Data and Applications in Variational Denoising
* Segment-based image classifcaton using Layered-SOM
* Segment-Forest for Segmentation
* Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Four-Chamber View Echocardiogram Images
* Segmentation of Retinal Arteries in Adaptive Optics Images
* Segmenting Reddish Lesions in Capsule Endoscopy Images Using a Gastrointestinal Color Space
* Selection of Features in Accord with Population Drift
* Selection of Unknown Objects Specified by Speech Using Models Constructed from Web Images
* Selective Concealment of Characters for Privacy Protection
* Self-Organizing Cascaded Structure of Deformable Part Models for Fast Object Detection
* Self-Updating with Facial Trajectories for Video-to-Video Face Recognition
* Semantic Urban Maps
* Semantically-driven automatic creation of training sets for object recognition
* Semi-automatic Segmentation and Modelling from Point Clouds towards Historical Building Information Modelling
* Semi-supervised Classification of Human Actions Based on Neural Networks
* Semi-supervised Image Meta-filtering in Cultural Heritage Applications
* Semi-supervised Learning for Cross-Device Visual Location Recognition
* Semi-supervised Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Semi-supervised Learning of Geospatial Objects through Multi-modal Data Integration
* Semi-supervised Learning on Bi-relational Graph for Image Annotation
* Semi-supervised Online Bayesian Network Learner for Handwritten Characters Recognition
* Semi-supervised Segmentation Fusion of Multi-spectral and Aerial Images
* Semiautonomous Vehicular Control Using Driver Modeling
* Semisupervised Hyperspectral Classification Using Task-Driven Dictionary Learning With Laplacian Regularization
* Sensing Visual Attention by Sequential Patterns
* Sensor-Display Registration for 3D Physical User Interaction Using a Flat-Panel Display
* Sensors for Seniors
* Sentinel-1 for Monitoring Reservoirs: A Performance Analysis
* Separating Mangrove Species and Conditions Using Laboratory Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study of a Degraded Mangrove Forest of the Mexican Pacific
* Shallow Classification or Deep Learning: An Experimental Study
* Shape classification using invariant features and contextual information in the bag-of-words model
* shape descriptor based on new projective invariants, A
* Shape Features for Candidate Photo Selection in Sketch Recognition
* Shape from Phase: An Integrated Level Set and Probability Density Shape Representation
* Shape Matching Using Multiscale Integral Invariants
* Shape-Based Classification of Environmental Microorganisms
* Shape-From-Focus Depth Reconstruction With a Spatial Consistency Model
* Shared Solutions to Tackle Restoration Restrictions and Requirements for Cultural Landscape and the Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Heritage
* ShearFace: Efficient Extraction of Anisotropic Features for Face Recognition
* Ship Discrimination Using Polarimetric SAR Data and Coherent Time-Frequency Analysis
* Sigma-Lognormal Model for Handwritten Text CAPTCHA Generation, A
* Signature Matching Using Supervised Topic Models
* Simple Method for Retrieving Understory NDVI in Sparse Needleleaf Forests in Alaska Using MODIS BRDF Data, A
* simple statistics-based nearest neighbor cluster detection algorithm, A
* Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Facial Action Units via Hierarchical Task Structure Learning
* Simultaneous Ground Metric Learning and Matrix Factorization with Earth Mover's Distance
* Simultaneous HDR and Optic Flow Computation
* Single frame correction of motion artifacts in PMD-based time of flight cameras
* Single-Image Super-Resolution via Linear Mapping of Interpolated Self-Examples
* Single-image super-resolution with total generalised variation and Shearlet regularisations
* Skeletal Quads: Human Action Recognition Using Joint Quadruples
* Skeleton Filling Rate for Shape Recognition
* Sketch Recognition by Ensemble Matching of Structured Features
* Sketch Retrieval via Dense Stroke Features
* Sketch-Based 3D Model Retrieval via Multi-feature Fusion
* Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Size-Adaptive and Noise-Robust Feature Description
* Skull Segmentation in MRI by a Support Vector Machine Combining Local and Global Features
* Slow Adaptive Power Control and Outage Avoidance in Composite Fading Wireless Channels
* Small Object Discovery and Recognition Using Actively Guided Robot
* Smoothing Security Prices
* Snowfall Detection in a Foggy Scene
* Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience in Human-Machine Systems: A Roadmap for Improving Training, Human-Robot Interaction, and Team Performance
* Social Image Tagging With Diverse Semantics
* Soft Biometrics Integrated Multi-target Tracking
* Soft computing applied to the build of textile defects inspection system
* Soft computing-based colour quantisation
* Soft-Output MIMO Detectors with Channel Estimation Error
* Software Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented 3D Geovisualization Systems, A
* Space Variant Blind Image Restoration
* Space-time super-resolution with patch group cuts prior
* Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Decomposition Based Local Morphological Analysis and Its Application to Diagnosis of Cirrhosis Livers
* Sparse Coding with a Coupled Dictionary Learning Approach for Textual Image Super-resolution
* Sparse Feature Tracking for Crowd Change Detection and Event Recognition
* Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing
* Sparse Multi-regularized Shearlet-Network Using Convex Relaxation for Face Recognition
* Sparse Online Co-regularization Using Conjugate Functions
* Sparse Representation and Low-Rank Approximation for Robust Face Recognition
* Sparse Representation Preserving for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Sparse Representation-Based Binary Hypothesis Model for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Sparse-induced similarity measure: mono-modal image registration via sparse-induced similarity measure
* Sparseness-Based Descriptors for Texture Segmentation
* Sparsity Fine Tuning in Wavelet Domain With Application to Compressive Image Reconstruction
* Spatial Face Context with Gender Information for Group Photo Similarity Assessment
* Spatial Pattern and Temporal Variation Law-Based Multi-Sensor Collaboration Method for Improving Regional Soil Moisture Monitoring Capabilities
* Spatial People Density Estimation from Multiple Viewpoints by Memory Based Regression
* Spatial-Visual Label Propagation for Local Feature Classification
* Spatially-Variant Area Openings for Reference-Driven Adaptive Contour Preserving Filtering
* Spatially-Varying Image Warps for Scene Alignment
* Spatio-temporal Keypoints for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Spatio-temporal Saliency Detection in Dynamic Scenes Using Local Binary Patterns
* Special issue on 'Multi-biometrics and Mobile-biometrics: Recent Advances and Future Research'
* Spectral Graph Kernel and Its Application to Collective Activities Classification, A
* Spectral Unmixing via Data-Guided Sparsity
* Spherical Blurred Shape Model for 3-D Object and Pose Recognition: Quantitative Analysis and HCI Applications in Smart Environments
* Split-and-merge EM for vine image segmentation
* Spotting Rapid Facial Movements from Videos Using Appearance-Based Feature Difference Analysis
* Staff Line Removal Using Line Adjacency Graph and Staff Line Skeleton for Camera-Based Printed Music Scores
* Statistical Anomaly Detection in Mean and Variation of Energy Consumption
* Statistical Criteria for Shape Fusion and Selection
* Statistical Modeling of Multi-modal Medical Image Fusion Method Using C-CHMM and M-PCNN
* Statistical Optimization for Geometric Estimation: Minimization vs. Non-minimization
* Statistical shape models of plant leaves
* Stein Unbiased GrAdient estimator of the Risk (SUGAR) for Multiple Parameter Selection
* Stereo Similarity Metric Fusion Using Stereo Confidence
* Stereovision-Only Based Interactive Mobile Robot for Human-Robot Face-to-Face Interaction
* Stochastic Algorithm Based on Fast Marching for Automatic Capacitance Extraction in Non-Manhattan Geometries, A
* Stratified gesture recognition using the normalized longest common subsequence with rough sets
* Stray Light Artifacts in Imagery from the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
* Strengths and Limitations in Using the Daily MODIS Open Water Likelihood Algorithm for Identifying Flood Events, The
* String Kernels for Complex Time-Series: Counting Targets from Sensed Movement
* Stroke Bank: A High-Level Representation for Scene Character Recognition
* Structural similarity-based video fingerprinting for video copy detection
* Structural Texture Approach for Characterising Malignancy Associated Changes in Pap Smears Based on Mean-Shift and the Watershed Transform, A
* Study of Designing Compact Classifiers Using Deep Neural Networks for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Study on Spatial Changes within Rukai Indigenous Settlements during the Japanese Colonial Era, A
* Sub-band Energy Constraints for Self-Similarity Based Super-resolution
* Sub-Millimeter Crack Detection in Casted Steel Using Color Photometric Stereo
* Sufficient Statistics Feature Mapping over Deep Boltzmann Machine for Detection
* Summed-area tables for texture mapping
* SUnGP: A Greedy Sparse Approximation Algorithm for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Super-high Dynamic Range Imaging
* Super-resolution Facial Images from Single Input Images Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Super-resolution Reconstruction for Binocular 3D Data
* Super-resolution System for 4K-HDTV
* SuperPixel Based Angular Differences as a Mid-level Image Descriptor
* Superpixel-Based Disocclusion Filling in Depth Image Based Rendering
* Supervised and Unsupervised Feature Extraction Methods for Underwater Fish Species Recognition
* Supervision Strategies for the Online Learning of an Evolving Classifier for Gesture Commands
* Surface Daytime Net Radiation Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Surface Interpolation to Image with Edge Preserving
* Surface-Based Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Survey and Classification of Large Woody Debris (LWD) in Streams Using Generated Low-Cost Geomatic Products
* survey of Hough Transform, A
* Survey of Personality Computing, A
* Survey of single-target visual tracking methods based on online learning
* Survey on Intrusive Load Monitoring for Appliance Recognition, A
* SVD Compression for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting in the Time Domain
* Symmetric Subspace Learning for Image Analysis
* Synergistic Methodology for Soil Moisture Estimation in an Alpine Prairie Using Radar and Optical Satellite Data, A
* Synthetic aperture radar image segmentation using fuzzy label field-based triplet Markov fields model
* Systematic Labeling Bias: De-biasing Where Everyone is Wrong
* Systems Perspective on Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* Tangent Bundle Elastica and Computer Vision
* Tangible versus Intangible in e-Learning on Cultural Heritage: From Online Learning to On-site Study of Historic Sites
* Target-driven video summarization in a camera network
* Targeting: Logistic Regression, Special Cases and Extensions
* TecLines: A MATLAB-Based Toolbox for Tectonic Lineament Analysis from Satellite Images and DEMs, Part 2: Line Segments Linking and Merging
* Teleimmersive Audio-Visual Communication Using Commodity Hardware
* Temporal Consistency Based Method for Blind Video Deblurring
* Temporal Data Dissemination in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems
* Temporal Facial Expression Modeling for Automated Action Unit Intensity Measurement
* Temporal Mapping of Surveillance Video
* Temporal Non-maximum Suppression for Pedestrian Detection Using Self-Calibration
* Temporal Polarimetric Behavior of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) at C-Band for Early Season Sowing Date Monitoring
* Temporal Segmentation and Seamless Stitching of Motion Patterns for Synthesizing Novel Animations of Periodic Dances
* Temporal Stability of X-Band Single-Pass InSAR Heights in a Spruce Forest: Effects of Acquisition Properties and Season
* Temporal validation of Particle Filters for video tracking
* Test Point Specific k Estimation for kNN Classifier
* Texton analysis for mass classification in mammograms
* Texture Analysis with Shape Co-occurrence Patterns
* Texture Classification Using 2D LSTM Networks
* Texture Defect Detection Using Independent Vector Analysis in Wavelet Domain
* Theme Classification and Analysis of Core Articles Published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems From 2010 to 2013
* Theoretical and Experimental Comparison of the EM and SEM Algorithm, A
* Theoretical performance model for single image depth from defocus
* Thermal Infrared Multipath Reflection from Breaking Waves Observed at Large Incidence Angles
* Three-Dimensional Deconvolution of Wide Field Microscopy with Sparse Priors: Application to Zebrafish Imagery
* Three-dimensional face recognition under expression variation
* Time Regularization Technique for Discrete Spectral Envelopes Through Frequency Derivative, A
* Time Series Transductive Classification on Imbalanced Data Sets: An Experimental Study
* Time-Sampling Errors of Earth Radiation From Satellites: Theory for Outgoing Longwave Radiation
* To Be Bernoulli or to Be Gaussian, for a Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Topological Framework for Training Latent Variable Models, A
* Total Variation Regularization for Manifold-Valued Data
* Toward Integrated Scene Text Reading
* Toward Real-Time and Efficient Compression of Human Time-Varying Meshes
* Toward Sparse Coding on Cosine Distance
* Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project
* Towards Making Unlabeled Data Never Hurt
* Towards on-the-fly Large Scale Video Search
* Towards Robust Identification of Slow Moving Animals in Deep-Sea Imagery by Integrating Shape and Appearance Cues
* Tracking Using Multiple Linear Searches and Motion Direction Sampling
* Traffic Camera Anomaly Detection
* Traffic Displays for Visual Flight Indicating Track and Priority Cues
* Training more discriminative multi-class classifiers for hand detection
* Transfer Learning of a Temporal Bone Performance Model via Anatomical Feature Registration
* Transfer Learning of Motion Patterns in Traffic Scene via Convex Optimization
* Transfer Learning of Structured Representation for Face Recognition
* Transform flow: A mobile augmented reality visualisation and evaluation toolkit
* Transformation-Invariant Collaborative Sub-representation
* Transformed Neighborhood Propagation
* Transforming Web Tables to a Relational Database
* Transit Timetables Resulting in Even Maximum Load on Individual Vehicles
* Transmission Policy Selection for Multi-View Content Delivery Over Bandwidth Constrained Channels
* Tree Species Classification Based on 3D Bark Texture Analysis
* Tree-Based Morse Regions: A Topological Approach to Local Feature Detection
* Trends in Spring Phenology of Western European Deciduous Forests
* Tridimensional Reconstruction Applied to Cultural Heritage with the Use of Camera-Equipped UAV and Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Two Efficient Algorithms for Approximately Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Two-Dimensional Barcode with Robust Decoding against Distortion and Occlusion for Automatic Recognition of Garbage Bags, A
* Two-Dimensional Global Image Registration Using Local Linear Property of Image Manifold
* Two-flux transfer matrix model for predicting the reflectance and transmittance of duplex halftone prints
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method Using Euler's Elastica Regularized Mumford-Shah Model, A
* Two-Stage Regression Using Bioimpedance and Temperature for Hydration Assessment During Sports, A
* Type-2 Fuzzy GMMs for Robust Text-Independent Speaker Verification in Noisy Environments
* UAV Flight Experiments Applied to the Remote Sensing of Vegetated Areas
* Uncertainty, Baseline, and Noise Analysis for L1 Error-Based Multi-view Triangulation
* Unconstrained Handwritten Word Recognition Based on Trigrams Using BLSTM
* Underwater Microscopic Shape from Focus
* Unified Model for Human Behavior Modeling Using a Hierarchy with a Variable Number of States, A
* Unified Online Dictionary Learning Framework with Label Information for Robust Object Tracking, A
* Unsupervised Alignment of Image Manifolds with Centrality Measures
* Unsupervised Band Selection Method Based on Overall Accuracy Prediction, An
* Unsupervised Clustering of Depth Images Using Watson Mixture Model
* Unsupervised Detection of Video Sub-scenes
* Unsupervised Discriminant Canonical Correlation Analysis for Feature Fusion
* Unsupervised Focus Group Identification from Online Product Reviews
* Unsupervised Image Segmentation Contest
* Unsupervised Scene Adaptation for Faster Multi-scale Pedestrian Detection
* Unsupervised Surveillance Video Retrieval Based on Human Action and Appearance
* Unsupervised Tracking from Clustered Graph Patterns
* Urban Morphological Change Analysis of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Space Syntax
* Use of Satellite SAR for Understanding Long-Term Human Occupation Dynamics in the Monsoonal Semi-Arid Plains of North Gujarat, India
* Use of the NASA Giovanni Data System for Geospatial Public Health Research: Example of Weather-Influenza Connection
* Using a Discrete Hidden Markov Model Kernel for lip-based biometric identification
* Using Airborne LiDAR and QuickBird Data for Modelling Urban Tree Carbon Storage and Its Distribution: A Case Study of Berlin
* Using Appearance-Based Hand Features for Dynamic RGB-D Gesture Recognition
* Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies to Improve Context-Aware Recommender Systems
* Using Heritage Risk Maps as an Approach for Estimating the Climate Impact to Cultural Heritage Materials in the Island of Taiwan
* Using ICT in Cultural Heritage, Bless or Mess? Stakeholders' and Practitioners' View through the eCultValue Project
* Using Leg Geometry to Align Androgenic Hair Patterns in Low Resolution Images for Criminal and Victim Identification
* Using Object Probabilities in Deformable Model Fitting
* Using Shape-Aware Models for Lumbar Spine Intervertebral Disc Segmentation
* Validating the Remotely Sensed Geography of Crime: A Review of Emerging Issues
* Variable Density Sampling with Continuous Trajectories
* VC-Dimension of Rule Sets
* Vehicle Driver Face Detection in Various Sunlight Environments Using Composed Face Images
* Vehicle Type Classification Using Unsupervised Convolutional Neural Network
* Vein Pattern Visualization through Multiple Mapping Models and Local Parameter Estimation for Forensic Investigation
* Velocity-Based Multiple Change-Point Inference for Unsupervised Segmentation of Human Movement Behavior
* VernArch Digital Database Project: Documentation and Protection of the Vernacular Architecture of Cyprus, The
* Versatile, Production-Oriented Approach to High-Resolution Tree-Canopy Mapping in Urban and Suburban Landscapes Using GEOBIA and Data Fusion, A
* Video abstraction in social media: Augmenting facebook's EdgeRank algorithm in video content presentation
* Video Content Detection with Single Frame Level Accuracy Using Dynamic Thresholding Technique
* Video Event Detection via Multi-modality Deep Learning
* Video event recounting using mixture subclass discriminant analysis
* Video human segmentation based on multiple-cue integration
* Video saliency detection based on random walk with restart
* Video Segmentation Descriptors for Event Recognition
* Video Text Extraction Using the Fusion of Color Gradient and Log-Gabor Filter
* Video/GIS registration system based on skyline matching method
* View-Invariant 3D Action Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Self-Similarities from Depth Camera
* View-Invariant Gesture Recognition Using Nonparametric Shape Descriptor
* Virtual reality's moment
* Virus Recognition Based on Local Texture
* vision-based method for automatizing tea shoots detection, A
* Vision-Based Road Bump Detection Using a Front-Mounted Car Camcorder
* Vision-based robust calibration for optical see-through head-mounted displays
* Visual Group Binary Signature for Video Copy Detection
* Visual rhythm-based time series analysis for phenology studies
* Visual Tracking Using Multi-stage Random Simple Features
* Visual Tracking via Saliency Weighted Sparse Coding Appearance Model
* Visual Tracking via Structure Constrained Grouping
* Visual words dictionaries and fusion techniques for searching people through textual and visual attributes
* Visualization of Hyperspectral Imaging Data Based on Manifold Alignment
* Volume Reconstruction for MRI
* Volume-Based Fabric Tensors through Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
* Wall Clutter Mitigation Using Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences for Sparse Reconstruction of Indoor Stationary Scenes
* Walsh-Hadamard Transform Kernel-Based Feature Vector for Shot Boundary Detection
* Watch-List Screening Using Ensembles Based on Multiple Face Representations
* We like it! Mapping image preferences on the counting grid
* Weakly Supervised Visual Dictionary Learning by Harnessing Image Attributes
* Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endoscopy, A
* Weighted One-Class Classifier Ensemble Based on Fuzzy Feature Space Partitioning
* What parts of a shape are discriminative?
* What to Transfer? High-Level Semantics in Transfer Metric Learning for Action Similarity
* When Patches Match: A Statistical View on Matching under Illumination Variation
* When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-MFD-Based Approach
* Wide Baseline Multi-view Video Matting Using a Hybrid Markov Random Field
* Window repositioning for printed Arabic recognition
* Word Spotting in Bangla and English Graphical Documents
* Word-Graph-Based Handwriting Keyword Spotting of Out-of-Vocabulary Queries
* Worthy Outcomes from a System Advancing the Sharing of CH Data and Stakeholders' Relations
* Writer Identification for Historical Arabic Documents
* X-Band Interferometric SAR Observations of Baltic Fast Ice
* ZebraRecognizer: Efficient and Precise Localization of Pedestrian Crossings
1597 for 1412

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.