Update Dates 1405

1405 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* *Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimization Methods in Computer Vision
* *Medical Computer Vision
* 2D Affine and Projective Shape Analysis
* 2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions
* 2D-PCA Shape Models: Application to 3D Reconstruction of the Human Teeth from a Single Image
* 3D multiwavelet based block coding algorithm for compression of volumetric medical images
* 3D Object Classification Using Deep Belief Networks
* 3D Traffic Scene Understanding From Movable Platforms
* 3D-Landscape Visualisation to support upkeeping and maintenance of the UNESCO cultural world heritage of the Garden Kingdom
* 5 Earth-imaging start-ups coming to a sky near you
* Acceptability-Based QoE Models for Mobile Video
* Accuracy Investigation for Structured-light Based Consumer 3D Sensors
* Accurate Whole-Brain Segmentation for Alzheimer's Disease Combining an Adaptive Statistical Atlas and Multi-atlas
* Action recognition using global spatio-temporal features derived from sparse representations
* Active Image Clustering with Pairwise Constraints from Humans
* Actively Learning Human Gaze Shifting Paths for Semantics-Aware Photo Cropping
* AdaBoost Ensemble Classifier System for Classifying Hyperspectral Data, An
* Adaptive Detection of Point-Like Targets in the Presence of Homogeneous Clutter and Subspace Interference
* Adaptive Intrusion Detection of Malicious Unmanned Air Vehicles Using Behavior Rule Specifications
* Adaptive Sparse Representations for Video Anomaly Detection
* Adaptive Subscale Entropy Based Quantification of EEG
* Adjoint State Method for the Identification Problem in SPECT: Recovery of Both the Source and the Attenuation in the Attenuated X-Ray Transform
* Advanced Moving Object Detection Algorithm for Automatic Traffic Monitoring in Real-World Limited Bandwidth Networks, An
* Affect Recognition Using Magnitude Models of Motion
* Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Ground-Level Optical Sensors As Assessment Tools for Maize Nitrogen Fertilization
* Analysis of Buffer Starvation With Application to Objective QoE Optimization of Streaming Services
* analysis of the transition proportion for binarization in handwritten historical documents, An
* Analysis of Whole Body Tracer Kinetics in Dynamic PET Studies With Application to Image-Based Blood Input Function Extraction, An
* Anisotropic Scattered Data Interpolation for Pushbroom Image Rectification
* Application of Full-Duplex Wireless Technique into Secure MIMO Communication: Achievable Secrecy Rate based Optimization
* Application of WebGIS Tools for Visualizing Coastal Flooding Vulnerability and Planning for Resiliency: The New Jersey Experience, The
* Approximating the Signature Quadratic Form Distance Using Scalable Feature Signatures
* Approximating the Weil-Petersson Metric Geodesics on the Universal Teichmüller Space by Singular Solutions
* Assessing the Robustness of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Wheat N in Mediterranean Environments
* Assessment and Correction of on-Orbit Radiometric Calibration for FY-3 VIRR Thermal Infrared Channels
* Assessment of Coarse-Resolution Land Cover Products Using CASI Hyperspectral Data in an Arid Zone in Northwestern China
* Association Fields via Cuspless Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)
* Asymmetric Matching Method for a Robust Binary Audio Fingerprinting, An
* Atmospheric Perspective Effect Enhancement of Landscape Photographs Through Depth-Aware Contrast Manipulation
* Audio-Visual Classification Video Browser
* Audiovisual Speech Source Separation: An overview of key methodologies
* Automated Aortic Doppler Flow Tracing for Reproducible Research and Clinical Measurements
* Automated Approach to Map the History of Forest Disturbance from Insect Mortality and Harvest with Landsat Time-Series Data, An
* Automatic Aorta Detection in Non-contrast 3D Cardiac CT Images Using Bayesian Tracking Method
* Automatic Descriptor-Based Co-Registration of Frame Hyperspectral Data
* Automatic Detection and Measurement of Structures in Fetal Head Ultrasound Volumes Using Sequential Estimation and Integrated Detection Network (IDN)
* Automatic Orientation of Multi-Scale Terrestrial Images for 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic recognition of serial numbers in bank notes
* Automatic Upright Adjustment of Photographs With Robust Camera Calibration
* Average Precision: Good Guide or False Friend to Multimedia Search Effectiveness?
* Averaging on Manifolds by Embedding Algorithm
* Bare-fingers Touch Detection by the Button's Distortion in a Projector-Camera System
* Biomimetic Echolocation With Application to Radar and Sonar Sensing
* Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Moving Targets Using Ultra-Narrowband Continuous Waveforms
* Blind Post-Processing for Ringing and Mosquito Artifact Reduction in Coded Videos
* Boundary Extraction for Imperfectly Segmented Nuclei in Breast Histopathology Images: A Convex Edge Grouping Approach
* Browsing Linked Video Collections for Media Production
* Calibrationless Sensor Fusion Using Linear Optimization for Depth Matching
* Camera Selection for Adaptive Human-Computer Interface
* Cat is on the Mat. or is it a Dog? Dynamic Competition in Perceptual Decision Making, The
* Changes in Vegetation Growth Dynamics and Relations with Climate over China's Landmass from 1982 to 2011
* Channel Time Allocation PSO for Gigabit Multimedia Wireless Networks
* Characterization of Maximum Likelihood Solutions to Image Reconstruction in Photon Emission Tomography
* Class-Specific Regression Random Forest for Accurate Extraction of Standard Planes from 3D Echocardiography
* Classification of Cinematographic Shots Using Lie Algebra and its Application to Complex Event Recognition
* Clausius Normalized Field-Based Shape-Independent Motion Segmentation
* Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding
* Co-Learned Multi-View Spectral Clustering for Face Recognition Based on Image Sets
* Coding Visual Features Extracted From Video Sequences
* Coherence Analysis of Metrics in LBP Space for Interactive Face Retrieval
* Collaborative Personalization of Image Enhancement
* Collections for Automatic Image Annotation and Photo Tag Recommendation
* Combination of TsHARP and Thin Plate Spline Interpolation for Spatial Sharpening of Thermal Imagery, A
* Combinatorial Technique for Construction of Triangular Covers of Digital Objects, A
* Combing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Discriminative Dictionaries Learning for Non-specific Object Detection, A
* Compact Representation for Compressing Converted Stereo Videos, A
* Comparative Study on the Use of Multi-label Classification Techniques for Concept-Based Video Indexing and Annotation, A
* Comparison of 3D Texture-Based Image Descriptors in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
* Computer Aided Diagnosis Using Multilevel Image Features on Large-Scale Evaluation
* Computer-Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer in MRI
* Concave-convex local binary features for automatic target recognition in infrared imagery
* Conceptual Flash Flood Early Warning System for Africa, Based on Terrestrial Microwave Links and Flash Flood Guidance, A
* Concurrent Single-Label Image Classification and Annotation via Efficient Multi-Layer Group Sparse Coding
* Constraint Neighborhood Projections for Semi-Supervised Clustering
* Content-Based Video Browsing with Collaborating Mobile Clients
* Control-Theoretic Approach to Rate Adaption for DASH Over Multiple Content Distribution Servers, A
* Convexity in Source Separation: Models, geometry, and algorithms
* Cost-Effective Hardware-Sharing Design of Fast Algorithm Based Multiple Forward and Inverse Transforms for H.264/AVC, MPEG-1/2/4, AVS, and VC-1 Video Encoding and Decoding Applications
* Coverage Field Analysis to the Quality of Light Field Rendering
* Creation of various skin sensations using pulsed focused ultrasound: Evidence for functional neuromodulation
* Cross-Indexing of Binary SIFT Codes for Large-Scale Image Search
* DANCo: An intrinsic dimensionality estimator exploiting angle and norm concentration
* Data-Driven Personalized Digital Ink for Chinese Characters, A
* Decomposition of a Bunch of Objects in Digital Images
* Deformable Part-Based Model Transfer for Object Detection
* Dense Elastic 3D Shape Matching
* Dense SURF and Triangulation Based Spatio-temporal Feature for Action Recognition, A
* Derivative-Based Scale Invariant Image Feature Detector With Error Resilience
* Detecting Trace of Seam Carving for Forensic Analysis
* Detection of Alteration Induced by Onshore Gas Seeps from ASTER and WorldView-2 Data
* Dictionaries for image and video-based face recognition
* Diffraction tomography from intensity measurements: An evolutionary stochastic search to invert experimental data
* Dimensional scalable lossless compression of MRI images using Haar wavelet lifting scheme with EBCOT
* Direct Differential Approach to Photometric Stereo with Perspective Viewing, A
* Discovering Features Contexts from Images Using Random Indexing
* Discrete Anamorphic Transform for Image Compression
* Discrete Imaging Models for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography Using Radially Symmetric Expansion Functions
* Discriminability Limits in Spatio-Temporal Stereo Block Matching
* Discriminative BoW Framework for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Discriminative Soft Bag-of-Visual Phrase for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Distortion-Fair Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission in OFDMA Wireless Networks
* Distributed Wireless Video Scheduling With Delayed Control Information
* Diversity in Independent Component and Vector Analyses: Identifiability, algorithms, and applications in medical imaging
* Domain Anomaly Detection in Machine Perception: A System Architecture and Taxonomy
* DTI Segmentation and Fiber Tracking Using Metrics on Multivariate Normal Distributions
* Dynamic GIS as an Efficient Tool for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, A
* Dynamically-Sampled Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Editorial: Special Issue on Active and Interactive Methods in Computer Vision
* Effective Estimation of Image Rotation Angle Using Spectral Method
* Effects of Audio Compression on Chord Recognition
* Effects of Pansharpening on Vegetation Indices
* Effects of visual attention on chromatic and achromatic detection sensitivities
* Efficient algorithm for finding the exact minimum barrier distance
* Efficient Algorithm for the Generation of Z-Convex Polyominoes, An
* Efficient Binary Tomographic Reconstruction
* Efficient Multi-View Generation Method From a Single-View Video Based on Affine Geometry Information, An
* Efficient Remote Sensing Image Denoising Method in Extended Discrete Shearlet Domain, An
* Efficient Robust Image Interpolation and Surface Properties using Polynomial Texture Mapping
* Efficient Strategy for Bit-Quad-Based Euler Number Computing Algorithm, An
* Elastic Shape Analysis of Cylindrical Surfaces for 3D/2D Registration in Endometrial Tissue Characterization
* Empirical Exploration of Extreme SVM-RBF Parameter Values for Visual Object Classification
* Eolas: Video Retrieval Application for Helping Tourists
* Equivalent 2D Sequential and Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* ESA-MERIS 10-Year Mission Reveals Contrasting Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in Two Tropical Regions of Northern Australia
* Estimating Fractional Shrub Cover Using Simulated EnMAP Data: A Comparison of Three Machine Learning Regression Techniques
* Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Using VIS/NIR Spectroscopy with SVMR and SPA Methods
* Estimating wide-angle, spatially varying reflectance using time-resolved inversion of backscattered light
* Estimation of Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution from Clear-Sky MODIS Data
* Estimation of Intrinsic Volumes from Digital Grey-Scale Images
* Estimation of Regional Crop Yield Using Ensemble-Based Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation, The
* Evaluating Parameter Adjustment in the MODIS Gross Primary Production Algorithm Based on Eddy Covariance Tower Measurements
* Evaluation of Different Algorithms of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Temporal Psychovisual Modulation
* Evaluation of inertial measurement systems using laser scanners and known landmarks
* Evaluation of Large-Sized LCD Touch Panel Using Differential Sensing Circuit and Algorithm
* Evaluation of Local Action Descriptors for Human Action Classification in the Presence of Occlusion, An
* Event Detection by Velocity Pyramid
* Evolution of Coral Rubble Deposits on a Reef Platform as Detected by Remote Sensing
* Evolution of Research on Multimedia Travel Guide Search and Recommender Systems, The
* EvoTunes: Crowdsourcing-Based Music Recommendation
* Exemplar-Based Color Constancy and Multiple Illumination
* Explanatory Reasoning for Image Understanding Using Formal Concept Analysis and Description Logics
* Exploitation of Gaze Data for Photo Region Labeling in an Immersive Environment
* Explore semantic pixel sets based local patterns with information entropy for face recognition
* Exploring Distance-Aware Weighting Strategies for Accurate Reconstruction of Voxel-Based 3D Synthetic Models
* Exploring Facial Asymmetry Using Optical Flow
* Exposure-Robust Alignment of Differently Exposed Images
* Extraction of Urban Power Lines from Vehicle-Borne LiDAR Data
* Face Authentication With Makeup Changes
* Face Hallucination Via Weighted Adaptive Sparse Regularization
* Factor Selection for Reinforcement Learning in HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* Fast Algorithm for a Mean Curvature Based Image Denoising Model Using Augmented Lagrangian Method, A
* Fast and Numerically Stable Circle Fit
* Fast Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Non-convex Multi-labeling Problems, A
* Fast Intra Mode Decision for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
* Fast Local Trust Region Technique for Diffusion Tensor Registration Using Exact Reorientation and Regularization
* Fast Regularization of Matrix-Valued Images
* Fast Simple Optical Flow Computation Approach Based on the 3-D Gradient, A
* Fast Space-Varying Convolution Using Matrix Source Coding With Applications to Camera Stray Light Reduction
* Fast Synopsis for Moving Objects Using Compressed Video
* Feature Extraction with Intrinsic Distortion Correction in Celiac Disease Imagery: No Need for Rasterization
* Feature-Level Fusion of Finger Veins and Finger Dorsal Texture for Personal Authentication Based on Orientation Selection
* FeatureMatch: A General ANNF Estimation Technique and its Applications
* Few-view image reconstruction with fractional-order total variation
* Finding the Needle in the Image Stack: Performance Metrics for Big Data Image Analysis
* Flexible Architecture for Streaming and Visualization of Large Virtual Microscopy Images
* Folkioneer: Efficient Browsing of Community Geotagged Images on a Worldwide Scale
* FoodCam: A Real-Time Mobile Food Recognition System Employing Fisher Vector
* Forest Canopy Heights in the Pacific Northwest Based on InSAR Phase Discontinuities across Short Spatial Scales
* Framework for Periodic Outlier Pattern Detection in Time-Series Sequences, A
* Framework of Video Coding for Compressing Near-Duplicate Videos, A
* From Bits to Images: Inversion of Local Binary Descriptors
* From Blind to Guided Audio Source Separation: How models and side information can improve the separation of sound
* Full-Reference Quality Estimation for Images With Different Spatial Resolutions
* Fusing Appearance and Spatio-temporal Features for Multiple Camera Tracking
* Fuzzy-Rule-Based Approach for Single Frame Super Resolution, A
* Gait Based Gender Recognition Using Sparse Spatio Temporal Features
* Gaussian Copula Multivariate Modeling for Texture Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Transforms
* Gaussian Process-Mixture Conditional Heteroscedasticity
* Generalized Alternating Projection for Weighted-L_(2,1) Minimization with Applications to Model-Based Compressive Sensing
* generalized morphological skeleton transform using both internal and external skeleton points, A
* Geo-Based Statistical Models for Vulnerability Prediction of Highway Network Segments
* Geo-Spatial Support for Assessment of Anthropic Impact on Biodiversity
* Geodesic Mapping for Dynamic Surface Alignment
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment of Classified Land Use / Land Cover Changes
* Geometric Multigrid Solver on Tsubame 2.0, A
* GIS Supported Landslide Susceptibility Modeling at Regional Scale: An Expert-Based Fuzzy Weighting Method
* GIS-Based Analytical Tools for Transport Planning: Spatial Regression Models for Transportation Demand Forecast
* Glottal and Vocal Tract Characteristics of Voice Impersonators
* Good recognition is non-metric
* Graph-Based Multimodal Clustering for Social Event Detection in Large Collections of Images
* Guest Editorial on Decision Making in Human and Machine Vision
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on Socio-Mobile Media Analysis and Retrieval
* Half-Quadratic Algorithm for lp-lq Problems with Applications to TV-l1 Image Restoration and Compressive Sensing
* Hallucinating optimal high-dimensional subspaces
* Hardware-Efficient Bilateral Filtering for Stereo Matching
* Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Classification by Exploiting the Correlation Subspace
* Hierarchical Approach to Optimizing Bus Stop Distribution in Large and Fast Developing Cities, A
* Hierarchical Audio-Visual Surveillance for Passenger Elevators
* Hierarchical Multi-Temporal InSAR Method for Increasing the Spatial Density of Deformation Measurements, A
* Homography and Fundamental Matrix Estimation from Region Matches Using an Affine Error Metric
* How Do Users Search with Basic HTML5 Video Players?
* How Many Visual Concepts?
* How Shading Constrains Surface Patches without Knowledge of Light Sources
* How to separate between Machine-Printed/Handwritten and Arabic/Latin Words?
* Human Action Recognition in Video via Fused Optical Flow and Moment Features: Towards a Hierarchical Approach to Complex Scenario Recognition
* Human Body Model Movement Support: Automatic Muscle Control Curves Computation
* Human Pose Estimation and Tracking via Parsing a Tree Structure Based Human Model
* Hybrid Machine-Crowd Approach to Photo Retrieval Result Diversification, A
* Hypoelliptic Diffusion and Human Vision: A Semidiscrete New Twist
* Ignorant Led by the Blind: A Hybrid Human-Machine Vision System for Fine-Grained Categorization, The
* Illuminant estimation for color constancy: Why spatial-domain methods work and the role of the color distribution
* Illumination Robust Video Foreground Prediction Based on Color Recovering
* Image Annotation by Multiple-Instance Learning With Discriminative Feature Mapping and Selection
* Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, correlation constrained low-rank and sparse decomposition
* Image Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Slope
* Image formation of thick three-dimensional objects in differential-interference-contrast microscopy
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Order Visual Comparison
* Image-Based Quantitative Analysis of Gold Immunochromatographic Strip via Cellular Neural Network Approach
* Image-Difference Prediction: From Color to Spectral
* Images as Occlusions of Textures: A Framework for Segmentation
* Imaging of hemorrhagic stroke in magnetic induction tomography: An in vitro study
* Improved Similarity-Based Fast Coding Unit Depth Decision Algorithm for Inter-frame Coding in HEVC, An
* Improved White-RGB Color Filter Array Based CMOS Imaging System for Cell Phones in Low-Light Environments, An
* Improvements of Local Descriptor in HOG/SIFT by BOF Approach
* Improving Remote Species Identification through Efficient Training Data Collection
* Improving Scene Detection Algorithms Using New Similarity Measures
* Influence of Image Filtering on Land Cover Classification when using Fractal and Multifractal Features
* Information Systems Opportunities in Brain-Machine Interface Decoders
* Information-Preserving Transformations for Signal Parameter Estimation
* Initial Stability Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Band Calibration Using Invariant Desert and Deep Convective Cloud Targets
* Integrated Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Longitudinal Brain Tumor Imaging Studies
* Integration of Field and Laboratory Spectral Data with Multi-Resolution Remote Sensed Imagery for Asphalt Surface Differentiation
* Interactive Approach to Solving Correspondence Problems, An
* Interactive Correlation Environment (ICE): A Statistical Web Tool for Data Collinearity Analysis
* Interactive Device for Exploring Thematically Sorted Artworks, An
* Interactive image segmentation via kernel propagation
* Interactive Segmentation Based on Component-trees
* Investigation into Feature Effectiveness for Multimedia Hyperlinking, An
* Iterative Category Discovery via Multiple Kernel Metric Learning
* Joint Matrices Decompositions and Blind Source Separation: A survey of methods, identification, and applications
* Joint People Recognition across Photo Collections Using Sparse Markov Random Fields
* Kinect vs. Low-cost Inertial Sensing for Gesture Recognition
* Laboratory Salinization of Brazilian Alluvial Soils and the Spectral Effects of Gypsum
* Land Cover Heterogeneity Effects on Sub-Pixel and Per-Pixel Classifications
* Lane-mark extraction for automobiles under complex conditions
* Laplacian group sparse modeling of human actions
* Large-Scale Live Active Learning: Training Object Detectors with Crawled Data and Crowds
* Layered Wireless Video Relying on Minimum-Distortion Inter-Layer FEC Coding
* LBP-Based Edge-Texture Features for Object Recognition
* Learning Actionlet Ensemble for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Learning Categories From Few Examples With Multi Model Knowledge Transfer
* Learning Joint Intensity-Depth Sparse Representations
* Learning Nonlinear Functions Using Regularized Greedy Forest
* Learning to Infer Public Emotions from Large-Scale Networked Voice Data
* LiNearN: A new approach to nearest neighbour density estimator
* LIRE Request Handler: A Solr Plug-In for Large Scale Content Based Image Retrieval, The
* Live Key Frame Extraction in User Generated Content Scenarios for Embedded Mobile Platforms
* Local Phase-Based Fast Ray Features for Automatic Left Ventricle Apical View Detection in 3D Echocardiography
* Local Pyramidal Descriptors for Image Recognition
* Local Regression Learning via Forest Classification for 2D/3D Deformable Registration
* Local Segmentation for Pedestrian Tracking in Dense Crowds
* Localized Dictionaries Based Orientation Field Estimation for Latent Fingerprints
* Locating moving objects in car-driving sequences
* Location-Aware Music Artist Recommendation
* Long-Bone Fracture Detection in Digital X-ray Images Based on Concavity Index
* Loss-Resilient Coding of Texture and Depth for Free-Viewpoint Video Conferencing
* Lossless Tagged Visual Cryptography Scheme, A
* Low Complexity Equalization of HCM Systems with DPFFT Demodulation over Doubly-Selective Channels
* Low-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimization Algorithms for HEVC Intra Prediction
* Low-Cost Head and Eye Tracking System for Realistic Eye Movements in Virtual Avatars, A
* Lower Bound for the Fisher Information Measure, A
* M3 + P3 + O3 = Multi-D Photo Browsing
* Machine Vision-Based Gestural Interface for People With Upper Extremity Physical Impairments, A
* Mapping Plant Functional Types over Broad Mountainous Regions: A Hierarchical Soft Time-Space Classification Applied to the Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping the Potential for Biofuel Production on Marginal Lands: Differences in Definitions, Data and Models across Scales
* Meaningful Scales Detection: An Unsupervised Noise Detection Algorithm for Digital Contours
* Memory-Efficient Image Databases for Mobile Visual Search
* Metric Learning Based Structural Appearance Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* Micro-vascular imaging experiences of time-of-flight MRA at 7T for cerebrovascular diseases
* MIMO Radar 3D Imaging Based on Combined Amplitude and Total Variation Cost Function With Sequential Order One Negative Exponential Form
* Minimizing Illumination Differences for 3D to 2D Face Recognition Using Lighting Maps
* Mining the Web for Multimedia-Based Enriching
* Mobile Landmark Search with 3D Models
* Mobile Photo Recommendation and Logbook Generation Using Context-Tagged Images
* Model-Based Classification Methods of Global Patterns in Dermoscopic Images
* Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Sparse Spatiospectral Masks
* Modeling Dependencies in Multiple Parallel Data Streams with Hyperdimensional Computing
* Modeling the Time-Varying Subjective Quality of HTTP Video Streams With Rate Adaptations
* Modification of High Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning DTMs for Drainage Network Delineation
* MOSRO: Enabling Mobile Sensing for Real-Scene Objects with Grid Based Structured Output Learning
* MR Simulation for Re-wallpapering a Room in a Free-Hand Movie
* MRI-Compatible Device for Examining Brain Activation Related to Stepping
* MsLRR: A Unified Multiscale Low-Rank Representation for Image Segmentation
* Muithu: A Touch-Based Annotation Interface for Activity Logging in the Norwegian Premier League
* Multi-structure Atlas-Based Segmentation Using Anatomical Regions of Interest
* Multi-view Action Synchronization in Complex Background
* Multicriteria Robust Fitting of Elliptical Primitives
* Multimedia Grand Challenge 2013, The
* Multimedia Semantic Retrieval Mobile System Based on HCFGs, A
* Multiple Reference Frame Transcoding from H.264/AVC to HEVC
* Multiscale Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography by a Stationary Wavelet Transform Prior to Unmixing
* Multiscale Retinex
* Multisource Single-Tree Inventory in the Prediction of Tree Quality Variables and Logging Recoveries
* Multiview Gait Recognition Based on Patch Distribution Features and Uncorrelated Multilinear Sparse Local Discriminant Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Near-Field Imaging of Infinite Rough Surfaces in Dielectric Media
* Neural Background Subtraction for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras
* Neurofeedback using functional spectroscopy
* New Approach to Classifier Fusion Based on Upper Integral, A
* New method for the on-line signature verification based on horizontal partitioning
* New Network-Based Algorithm for Human Activity Recognition in Videos, A
* New Opportunities for Computer Vision-Based Assistive Technology Systems for the Visually Impaired
* New Paradigm for Querying Blobs in Vehicular Networks, A
* New Results on Fractional QCQP with Applications to Radar Steering Direction Estimation
* New Saliency Model Using Intra Coded High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Frames, A
* New Secure Image Transmission Technique via Secret-Fragment-Visible Mosaic Images by Nearly Reversible Color Transformations, A
* New Technique for the Estimation of Cardiac Motion in Echocardiography Based on Transverse Oscillations: A Preliminary Evaluation In Silico and a Feasibility Demonstration In Vivo, A
* NII-UIT: A Tool for Known Item Search by Sequential Pattern Filtering
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Stereoscopic Images Based on Binocular Quality Perception
* Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Equalization Method with Variable Neighborhood for Processing of High Dynamic Range Images in Solar Corona Research, A
* Noise Interpolation for Unique Word OFDM
* Nonlinear Transform for Robust Dense Block-Based Motion Estimation
* Nonlocal Variational Model for Pansharpening Image Fusion, A
* Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations: An algorithmic perspective
* Novel Approach for Semantics-Enabled Search of Multimedia Documents on the Web, A
* Novel Human Action Representation via Convolution of Shape-Motion Histograms, A
* Novel Land Cover Classification Map Based on a MODIS Time-Series in Xinjiang, China, A
* Novel Shape Feature Descriptor for the Classification of Polyps in HD Colonoscopy, A
* Numerical Curve Length Calculation Using Polynomial Interpolation
* Object-Coherence Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting
* On Intersection Graphs of Convex Polygons
* On Symbol-Wise Variational Bayesian CSI Estimation and Detection for Distributed Antenna Systems Subjected to Multiple Unknown Jammers
* On the Cost-QoE Tradeoff for Cloud-Based Video Streaming Under Amazon EC2's Pricing Models
* On the Response of European Vegetation Phenology to Hydroclimatic Anomalies
* Online Glocal Transfer for Automatic Figure-Ground Segmentation
* Online Identification of Primary Social Groups
* Optimal RGB Light-Mixing for Image Acquisition Using Random Search and Robust Parameter Design
* Optimization Model for Aesthetic Two-Dimensional Barcodes, An
* Optimized Brightness Compensation and Contrast Enhancement for Transmissive Liquid Crystal Displays
* Order of Magnitude Sensitivity Increase in X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) Imaging With an Optimized Spectro-Spatial Detector Configuration: Theory and Simulation
* Organ Localization Using Joint AP/LAT View Landmark Consensus Detection and Hierarchical Active Appearance Models
* Organising Crowd-Sourced Media Content via a Tangible Desktop Application
* Oriented Gaussian Mixture Models for Nonrigid 2D/3D Coronary Artery Registration
* Orthogonal moments based on exponent functions: Exponent-Fourier moments
* Orthogonal Wavelet Filters with Minimum RMS Bandwidth
* Overview of the 2013 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (MCV 2013)
* Parallel Algorithms for Combinatorial Pattern Matching
* Parallel Consensus on Likelihoods and Priors for Networked Nonlinear Filtering
* Parameter Identification in Photothermal Imaging
* Parameter-Free Inter-view Depth Propagation for Mobile Free-View Video
* Parametric Model for Describing the Correlation Between Single Color Images and Depth Maps, A
* Part and Attribute Discovery from Relative Annotations
* Part-Based Online Tracking With Geometry Constraint and Attention Selection
* Partially Blind Deblurring of Barcode from Out-of-Focus Blur
* Pectoral Muscle Detection in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mammography
* Perceptual Characteristics of 3D Orientation, The
* Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Urban Pattern Recognition from Multi-spectral Satellite Images
* Persistent Aerial Video Registration and Fast Multi-View Mosaicing
* Personal Media Reunion: Re-collecting Media Content Scattered over Smart Devices and Social Networks
* Personalized Geo-Specific Tag Recommendation for Photos on Social Websites
* Personalized Recommendation by Exploring Social Users' Behaviors
* Perspective Multiscale Detection and Tracking of Persons
* Physical Layer Service Integration in Wireless Networks: Signal processing challenges
* Phytoplankton Biomass Dynamics in the Strait of Malacca within the Period of the SeaWiFS Full Mission: Seasonal Cycles, Interannual Variations and Decadal-Scale Trends
* Prediction of Forest Stand Attributes Using TerraSAR-X Stereo Imagery
* Principal Component Analysis by L_p-Norm Maximization
* Probabilistic Graph-Based Framework for Plug-and-Play Multi-Cue Visual Tracking, A
* Probability Density Components Analysis: A New Approach to Treatment and Classification of SAR Images
* Processing Stationary Noise: Model and Parameter Selection in Variational Methods
* Pursuing Detector Efficiency for Simple Scene Pedestrian Detection
* Putting Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to the Test: A tutorial derivation of pertinent Cramer-Rao bounds and performance benchmarking
* Putting the User in the Loop for Image-Based Modeling
* Quantifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Urban Landscapes: Integrating Visual Interpretation and Object-Based Classification
* Rain-Use-Efficiency: What it Tells us about the Conflicting Sahel Greening and Sahelian Paradox
* Random Matrix Ensembles of Time Correlation Matrices to Analyze Visual Lifelogs
* Random-Grid-Based Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Real-Time Adaptive Event Detection in Astronomical Data Streams
* Real-Time Gaze Estimation Using a Kinect and a HD Webcam
* Real-Time Skeleton-Tracking-Based Human Action Recognition Using Kinect Data
* Real-World Event Detection Using Flickr Images
* Rebuilding Visual Vocabulary via Spatial-temporal Context Similarity for Video Retrieval
* Reconstructed Wind Fields from Multi-Satellite Observations
* Reconstructing 3-D Skin Surface Motion for the DIET Breast Cancer Screening System
* Recovering Piecewise Smooth Multichannel Images by Minimization of Convex Functionals with Total Generalized Variation Penalty
* Reed-Solomon Code Based Measurement Matrix with Small Coherence, A
* Region-Based Saliency Detection and Its Application in Object Recognition
* Regularized Approach for Geodesic-Based Semisupervised Multimanifold Learning, A
* Regularized Generalized Inverse Accelerating Linearized Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Frame-Based Poissonian Image Deblurring
* Reliability-Based Multiview Depth Enhancement Considering Interview Coherence
* Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a in Inland Waters by a NIR-Red-Based Algorithm: Validation in Asian Lakes
* RESIC: A Tool for Music Stretching Resistance Estimation
* Residual Component Analysis of Hyperspectral Images: Application to Joint Nonlinear Unmixing and Nonlinearity Detection
* Resource Constrained Multimedia Event Detection
* Rethinking Context: Leveraging Human and Machine Computation in Disaster Response
* Review of Automatic Fault Diagnosis Systems Using Audio and Vibration Signals
* review of biometric technology along with trends and prospects, A
* Rich Nonverbal Sensing Technology for Automated Social Skills Training
* rise of the crash-proof car, The
* Road-Departure Prevention in an Emergency Obstacle Avoidance Situation
* Robots Are Coming
* robust adaptive algorithm of moving object detection for video surveillance, A
* Robust Image Restoration via Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
* Robust Mixture-Parameter Estimation for Unsupervised Segmentation of Brain MR Images
* Robust Multi-Speaker Tracking via Dictionary Learning and Identity Modeling
* Robust Object Tracking via Sparse Collaborative Appearance Model
* Robust obstacle detection based on a novel disparity calculation method and G-disparity
* Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images
* Robust Video Coding Based on Hybrid Hierarchical B Pictures
* Role of Image Processing in Solar Coronal Research
* Saliency Tree: A Novel Saliency Detection Framework
* Saliency-Based Selection of Gradient Vector Flow Paths for Content Aware Image Resizing
* Satellite Imagery Analysis: What Can Hospital Parking Lots Tell Us about a Disease Outbreak?
* Scan integration as a labelling problem
* Scenarizing CADastre Exquisse: A Crossover between Snoezeling in Hospitals/Domes, and Authoring/Experiencing Soundful Comic Strips
* Scenarizing Metropolitan Views: FlanoGraphing the Urban Spaces
* Score-Informed Source Separation for Musical Audio Recordings: An overview
* Segment and Label Indoor Scene Based on RGB-D for the Visually Impaired
* Segmentation of Sloped Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using Ridge-Based Hierarchical Decomposition
* Segmentation-Driven Image Registration-Application to 4D DCE-MRI Recordings of the Moving Kidneys
* Self-Recognized Image Protection Technique that Resists Large-Scale Cropping
* Semantic Based Background Music Recommendation for Home Videos
* Semantic Context Forests for Learning-Based Knee Cartilage Segmentation in 3D MR Images
* Semi-Automatic Detection of Swimming Pools from Aerial High-Resolution Images and LIDAR Data
* Semi-supervised Learning of Nonrigid Deformations for Image Registration
* Semisupervised Hashing via Kernel Hyperplane Learning for Scalable Image Search
* Sequential Framework for Image Change Detection, A
* Series Expansions of the Reconstruction Kernel of the Radon Transform over a Cormack-Type Family of Curves with Applications in Tomography
* Shape Curvature Histogram: A Shape Feature for Celiac Disease Diagnosis
* Signal Processing Leads a Photographic and Imaging Revolution
* Signature-Based Video Browser
* Similarity Assessment Model for Chinese Sign Language Videos
* Simultaneous feature selection and Gaussian mixture model estimation for supervised classification problems
* Simultaneous Sparsity Model for Histopathological Image Representation and Classification
* Single-Image Superresolution of Natural Stochastic Textures Based on Fractional Brownian Motion
* Small Brains, Smart Machines: From Fly Vision to Robot Vision and Back Again
* Small Reservoir Distribution, Rate of Construction, and Uses in the Upper and Middle Chattahoochee Basins of the Georgia Piedmont, USA, 1950-2010
* Smoke Detection Based on a Semi-supervised Clustering Model
* Smoothing Descent Method for Nonconvex TV q -Models, A
* Smoothing Filters in the DART Algorithm
* Sparse Patch Coding for 3D Model Retrieval
* Sparse Representation for Brain Signal Processing: A tutorial on methods and applications
* Spatial Pooling of Heterogeneous Features for Image Classification
* Spatial Similarity Measure of Visual Phrases for Image Retrieval
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Using Textural Contrast and Its Applications
* Spectral Classification of 3D Articulated Shapes
* Speed Comparison of Segmentation Evaluation Methods
* Splitting of Overlapping Cells in Peripheral Blood Smear Images by Concavity Analysis
* Standardizing 3D Medical Imaging
* Static and Dynamic Source Separation Using Nonnegative Factorizations: A unified view
* Statistical Model of Quantized DCT Coefficients: Application in the Steganalysis of Jsteg Algorithm
* Steady-State Mean-Square Error Analysis for Adaptive Filtering under the Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Stereo, Shading, and Surfaces: Curvature Constraints Couple Neural Computations
* Stixel on the Bus: An Efficient Lossless Compression Scheme for Depth Information in Traffic Scenarios
* Stochastic Level Set Dynamics to Track Closed Curves Through Image Data
* Stochastic reasoning for structural pattern recognition: An example from image-based UAV navigation
* Structural brain changes in early-onset and late-onset depression: An update of volumetric MRI findings
* Study of Reducing Circuit Scale Associated with Bit Depth Expansion Using Predictive Gradation Detection Algorithm
* Sub-Array Weighting UN-MUSIC: A Unified Framework and Optimal Weighting Strategy
* Sufficient Conditions for General 2D Operators to Preserve Topology
* Summarised Presentation of Personal Photo Sets
* SUN Attribute Database: Beyond Categories for Deeper Scene Understanding, The
* Superiorization for Image Analysis
* Support Vector Machine Classifier With Pinball Loss
* Surface Soil Water Content Estimation from Thermal Remote Sensing based on the Temporal Variation of Land Surface Temperature
* Survey and analysis of various image fusion techniques for clinical CT and MRI images
* Symmetry Constraint for Foreground Extraction
* Tag Relatedness Using Laplacian Score Feature Selection and Adapted Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* Task-Driven Image Retrieval Using Geographic Information
* Tell Me about TV Commercials of This Product
* Tensors: A brief introduction
* Texture Direction Based Optimization for Intra Prediction in HEVC
* Texture Modeling Using Contourlets and Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions and Applications
* Thirty-two Years of Sahelian Zone Growing Season Non-Stationary NDVI3g Patterns and Trends
* Threshold prediction for segmenting tumour from brain MRI scans
* Tools for User Interaction in Immersive Environments
* Topic-Sensitive Influencer Mining in Interest-Based Social Media Networks via Hypergraph Learning
* Topographic Correction of ZY-3 Satellite Images and Its Effects on Estimation of Shrub Leaf Biomass in Mountainous Areas
* Topology-Preserving Conditions for 2D Digital Images Under Rigid Transformations
* Towards Codebook-Free: Scalable Cascaded Hashing for Mobile Image Search
* Trace Transform Based Method for Color Image Domain Identification
* TravelBuddy: Interactive Travel Route Recommendation with a Visual Scene Interface
* Ultra-High-Definition Television (Rec. ITU-R BT.2020): A Generational Leap in the Evolution of Television
* Uncensored Indoor Positioning
* Understanding Affective Content of Music Videos through Learned Representations
* Unsupervised Multiclass Region Cosegmentation via Ensemble Clustering and Energy Minimization
* Unsupervised Object Extraction by Contour Delineation and Texture Discrimination Based on Oriented Edge Features
* Use of Airborne and Mobile Laser Scanning for Modeling Railway Environments in 3D, The
* use of imaging and non-imaging Spectroscopy for the determination of stress phenomena of beech trees, The
* User Intentions in Digital Photo Production: A Test Data Set
* Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structures of Virus Particles
* Using Probability Maps for Multi-organ Automatic Segmentation
* Variable Tap-Length LMS Algorithm Based on Adaptive Parameters for TDL Structure Adaption
* Variant of Pure Two-Dimensional Context-Free Grammars Generating Picture Languages, A
* Vegetation Greenness in Northeastern Brazil and Its Relation to ENSO Warm Events
* VERGE: An Interactive Search Engine for Browsing Video Collections
* Video to Article Hyperlinking by Multiple Tag Property Exploration
* View invariant action recognition using projective depth
* Vision-Based 3-D Grasping of 3-D Objects With a Simple 2-D Gripper
* Visions for Augmented Cultural Heritage Experience
* Visual Analysis of TerraSAR-X Backscatter Imagery for Archaeological Prospection
* Visual Comfort Amelioration Technique for Stereoscopic Images: Disparity Remapping to Mitigate Global and Local Discomfort Causes
* Visual Information Retrieval System for Radiology Reports and the Medical Literature, A
* Visual Recognition by Exploiting Latent Social Links in Image Collections
* Visual Saliency Computation
* Visual Saliency Weighting and Cross-Domain Manifold Ranking for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Walking Intent-Based Movement Control for JAIST Active Robotic Walker
* Weakly Supervised Multi-Graph Learning for Robust Image Reranking
* Web GIS-Based Public Health Surveillance Systems: A Systematic Review
* Weighted Distances on a Triangular Grid
* What/Where to Look Next? Modeling Top-Down Visual Attention in Complex Interactive Environments
* Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-Based Event Detection Framework for Journalists
* White Matter Supervoxel Segmentation by Axial DP-Means Clustering
* Who's the Best Charades Player? Mining Iconic Movement of Semantic Concepts
* Why do rough surfaces appear glossy?
* Window Regression: A Spatial-Temporal Analysis to Estimate Pixels Classified as Low-Quality in MODIS NDVI Time Series
* Yoga Posture Recognition for Self-training
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.