Update Dates 1706

1706 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* *Edinburgh Ceilidh Overhead Video Data
* *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *International Symposium on Mathmatical Morphology and Its Application to Signal and Image Processing
* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *Scale-Space
* *Scale-Space
* *Soft Biometrics
* *Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework SIRF
* *Workshop on Human Activity Analysis with Highly Diverse Cameras
* 2013 FLEX: US Airborne Campaign at the Parker Tract Loblolly Pine Plantation in North Carolina, USA, The
* 2D Normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding Algorithm for Fast Compressive Radar Imaging
* 3D Coronary Vessel Tracking in X-Ray Projections
* 3D Curve Skeletonization Method, A
* 3D Digitisation of Large-Scale Unstructured Great Wall Heritage Sites by a Small Unmanned Helicopter
* 3D Imaging of Greenhouse Plants with an Inexpensive Binocular Stereo Vision System
* 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wall in Cardiac MRI
* 3D-2D face recognition method based on extended Gabor wavelet combining curvature and edge detection, A
* accelerated image matching technique for UAV orthoimage registration, An
* Accelerating Overrelaxed and Monotone Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithms With Line Search for Sparse Reconstructions
* access icon openaccess Hybrid NSS features for no-reference image quality assessment
* Accuracy Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Eight Medium Resolution Forest Products on the Loess Plateau, China
* Accurate and Reliable Human Localization Using Composite Particle/FIR Filtering
* Accurate Attitude Estimation of a Moving Land Vehicle Using Low-Cost MEMS IMU Sensors
* Action Units and Their Cross-Correlations for Prediction of Cognitive Load during Driving
* ActiveCrowd: A Framework for Optimized Multitask Allocation in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems
* Adaptive compression of animated meshes by exploiting orthogonal iterations
* Adaptive Discretizations for Non-smooth Variational Vision
* Adaptive Energy Storage Management in Green Wireless Networks
* Adaptive Feature Selection Based on the Most Informative Graph-Based Features
* adaptive image sharpening scheme based on local intensity variations, An
* Adaptive Lagrange multiplier estimation algorithm in HEVC
* Adaptive Multialphabet Arithmetic Coding Based on Generalized Virtual Sliding Window, An
* Adaptive multiple importance sampling for general functions
* Adaptive Multiview Video Delivery Using Hybrid Networking
* Adaptive Neural Network Control of AUVs With Control Input Nonlinearities Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive rendering based on a weighted mixed-order estimator
* Adaptive Signal Control Scheme to Prevent Intersection Traffic Blockage, An
* Adaptive sparse polynomial regression for camera lens simulation
* Adaptive stochastic segmentation via energy-convergence for brain tumor in MR images
* Adaptive Superpixel Generation for Polarimetric SAR Images With Local Iterative Clustering and SIRV Model
* Adaptive Surface Modeling of Soil Properties in Complex Landforms
* Adaptive Weighted Tensor Completion Method for the Recovery of Remote Sensing Images With Missing Data, An
* Adjusted weight voting algorithm for random forests in handling missing values
* Adjustment of Parameters in Ionic Models Using Optimal Control Problems
* Adolescent Suicidal Risk Assessment in Clinician-Patient Interaction
* Adversarial Synthesis of Retinal Images from Vessel Trees
* Affection-Based Dynamic Leader Selection Model for Formation Control in Multirobot Systems, An
* Affinity Score for Grains Merging and Touching Grains Separation, An
* AID: A Benchmark Data Set for Performance Evaluation of Aerial Scene Classification
* Airborne Agent, An
* Airborne LiDAR and Aerial Imagery to Assess Potential Burrow Locations for the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
* Airplane wing deformation and flight flutter detection method by using three-dimensional speckle image correlation technology
* Airway-Tree Segmentation in Subjects with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
* Algorithm for Computing Goldman Fuzzy Reducts, An
* Algorithm to Identify Surface Snowfall From GPM DPR Observations, An
* Algorithms for Stable Matching and Clustering in a Grid
* Alternating Genetic Algorithm for Selecting SVM Model and Training Set, An
* Alzheimer disease classification using KPCA, LDA, and multi-kernel learning SVM
* Analysis and correction of ocean wave pattern induced systematic coordinate errors in airborne LiDAR bathymetry
* Analysis of a Physically Realistic Film Grain Model, and a Gaussian Film Grain Synthesis Algorithm
* Analysis of Activation-Recovery Intervals from Intra-cardiac Electrograms in a Pre-clinical Chronic Model of Myocardial Infarction
* Analysis of Burglary Hot Spots and Near-Repeat Victimization in a Large Chinese City
* Analysis of Compactly Supported Transformations for Landmark-based Image Registration
* Analysis of Coronary Contrast Agent Transport in Bolus-Based Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion MRI Measurements with Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
* Analysis of Evolving Oil Spills in Full-Polarimetric and Hybrid-Polarity SAR
* Analysis of reported error in Monte Carlo rendered images
* Analysis of Sloshing in Tanks Using Image Processing
* Analytic Existence and Uniqueness Results for PDE-Based Image Reconstruction with the Laplacian
* Analytical Modeling of Rough Surface SAR Images Under Small Perturbation Approximation
* Analyzing the evolution of breast tumors through flow fields and strain tensors
* Analyzing the Potential Risk of Climate Change on Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada Using Time Series Remotely Sensed Temperature Data and Tick Population Modelling
* Analyzing visual-search observers using eye-tracking data for digital breast tomosynthesis images
* Angular Reflectance of Leaves With a Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar and Its Implications for Leaf-Bark Separation and Leaf Moisture Estimation
* Annual and Seasonal Glacier-Wide Surface Mass Balance Quantified from Changes in Glacier Surface State: A Review on Existing Methods Using Optical Satellite Imagery
* Antiderivative Antialiasing for Memoryless Nonlinearities
* Application of a GIS-Based Slope Unit Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along the Longzi River, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
* Application of Adaptive Digital Beamforming to Osaka University Phased Array Weather Radar
* Application of ALOS/PALSAR InSAR to Measure Subsurface Penetration Depths in Deserts, The
* Application of Multitemporal InSAR Covariance and Information Fusion to Robust Road Extraction
* Application of Size Distribution Analysis to Wrinkle Evaluation of Textile Materials
* Applications of Automated Facial Coding in Media Measurement
* Approach Based in LSA for Evaluation of Ontological Relations on Domain Corpora, An
* Approach to Facilitating Geospatial Data and Metadata Publication Using a Standard Geoservice
* Approximation of Integral Operators Using Product-Convolution Expansions
* Archaeological Application of Airborne LiDAR with Object-Based Vegetation Classification and Visualization Techniques at the Lowland Maya Site of Ceibal, Guatemala
* Are You Smiling as a Celebrity? Latent Smile and Gender Recognition
* Array Interpolation Using Covariance Matrix Completion of Minimum-Size Virtual Array
* ASARI: A New Adaptive Oversegmentation Method
* Aspect-Based Extraction and Analysis of Affective Knowledge from Social Media Streams
* Assessing Deep Learning Architectures for Visualizing Maya Hieroglyphs
* Assessing Re-Composition of Xing'an Larch in Boreal Forests after the 1987 Fire, Northeast China
* Assessing the performance of aerial image point cloud and spectral metrics in predicting boreal forest canopy cover
* Assessment of Atrioventricular Valve Regurgitation Using Biomechanical Cardiac Modeling
* Assessment of Chlorophyll: A Remote Sensing Algorithms in a Productive Tropical Estuarine-Lagoon System
* Assessment of Haemodynamic Remodeling in Fetal Aortic Coarctation Using a Lumped Model of the Circulation
* Assessment of Satellite-Derived Rainfall Products Relative to Ground Observations over East Africa, An
* Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by NASA's CAR Airborne Radiometer over Railroad Valley Playa
* Assessment of Terra MODIS On-Orbit Polarization Sensitivity Using Pseudoinvariant Desert Sites
* Assessment of the Daily Cloud-Free MODIS Snow-Cover Product for Monitoring the Snow-Cover Phenology over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Atmospheric Effect Analysis and Correction of the Microwave Vegetation Index
* Attribute Operators for Color Images: Image Segmentation Improved by the Use of Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation Methods
* Attribute Profiles from Partitioning Trees
* Augmented Reality Interfaces for Additive Manufacturing
* Autofocus Algorithm for Estimating Residual Trajectory Deviations in Synthetic Aperture Radar, An
* Automated Analysis of Directional Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Automated Anatomy-Based Tracking of Systemic Arteries in Arbitrary Field-of-View CTA Scans
* Automated Approach to Map Winter Cropped Area of Smallholder Farms across Large Scales Using MODIS Imagery, An
* Automated Detection and Categorization of Genital Injuries Using Digital Colposcopy
* Automated detection and tracking of slalom paddlers from broadcast image sequences using cascade classifiers and discriminative correlation filters
* Automated Detection of Forest Gaps in Spruce Dominated Stands Using Canopy Height Models Derived from Stereo Aerial Imagery
* Automated Online Exam Proctoring
* Automated Pain Assessment in Neonates
* Automatic Color Correction for Multisource Remote Sensing Images with Wasserstein CNN
* Automatic Detection of Globules, Streaks and Pigment Network Based on Texture and Color Analysis in Dermoscopic Images
* Automatic detection of Martian dark slope streaks by machine learning using HiRISE images
* Automatic Detection of Uprooted Orchards Based on Orthophoto Texture Analysis
* Automatic Documents Counterfeit Classification Using Image Processing and Analysis
* Automatic Emulation by Adaptive Relevance Vector Machines
* Automatic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Stations from High-Density RGB-T 3D Point Clouds
* Automatic Measurement of Spine Curvature on 3-D Ultrasound Volume Projection Image With Phase Features
* Automatic Quality Assessment of Echocardiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Feasibility on the Apical Four-Chamber View
* Automatic Road Detection and Centerline Extraction via Cascaded End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Fat in MRI-Scans, Using Graph-Cuts and Image Derived Energies
* Automatic Segmentation of Bone Tissue from Computed Tomography Using a Volumetric Local Binary Patterns Based Method
* Automatic Shadow Detection Method for VHR Remote Sensing Orthoimagery, An
* Automatic Sky View Factor Estimation from Street View Photographs: A Big Data Approach
* Averaging Three-Dimensional Time-Varying Sequences of Rotations: Application to Preprocessing of Motion Capture Data
* BA-based algorithm for parameter optimization of Support Vector Machine, A
* Bandeirantes: A Graph-Based Approach for Curve Tracing and Boundary Tracking
* Bayesian adaptive algorithm for fast coding unit decision in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard
* Bayesian Approach in Kendall Shape Space for Plant Species Classification
* Bayesian K-SVD Using Fast Variational Inference
* Below the Surface of the Non-local Bayesian Image Denoising Method
* Benchmarking a Multimodal and Multiview and Interactive Dataset for Human Action Recognition
* Better Estimated IEM Input Parameters Using Random Fractal Geometry Applied on Multi-Frequency SAR Data
* Better Trajectory Shape Descriptor for Human Activity Recognition, A
* Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
* Beyond Multi-view Stereo: Shading-Reflectance Decomposition
* Bi-histogram equalization using two plateau limits
* Binary classification of Mueller matrix images from an optimization of Poincare coordinates
* Blind Space-Variant Single-Image Restoration of Defocus Blur
* Block-Permutation-Based Encryption Scheme with Enhanced Color Scrambling
* Blue noise sampling using an N-body simulation-based method
* Blur-invariant copy-move forgery detection technique with improved detection accuracy utilising SWT-SVD
* BMOG: Boosted Gaussian Mixture Model with Controlled Complexity
* Body Shape-Based Biometric Person Recognition from mmW Images
* Brain Lesion Detection in 3D PET Images Using Max-Trees and a New Spatial Context Criterion
* Branch-and-Bound Framework for Unsupervised Common Event Discovery, A
* Breast Density Classification Using Local Ternary Patterns in Mammograms
* Bregman-Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Multiphase Image Segmentation
* BriefMatch: Dense Binary Feature Matching for Real-Time Optical Flow Estimation
* Brightness preserving bi-level fuzzy histogram equalization for MRI brain image contrast enhancement
* BUSAT: A MATLAB Toolbox for Breast Ultrasound Image Analysis
* C-Pro: A coastal projector monitoring system using terrestrial photogrammetry with a geometric horizon constraint
* Calibration of boresight offset of LROC NAC imagery for precision lunar topographic mapping
* Camera as weather sensor: Estimating weather information from single images
* Can a Machine Generate Humanlike Language Descriptions for a Remote Sensing Image?
* CANFIS based glioma brain tumor classification and retrieval system for tumor diagnosis
* Canonical Analysis of Sentinel-1 Radar and Sentinel-2 Optical Data
* Cartan Frames for Heart Wall Fiber Motion
* Cascading Haar Wavelet Algorithm for Computing the Walsh-Hadamard Transform, The
* CAWRES: A Waveform Retracking Fuzzy Expert System for Optimizing Coastal Sea Levels from Jason-1 and Jason-2 Satellite Altimetry Data
* Certainty and Critical Speed for Decision Making in Tests of Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking Systems
* CGI 2017 Editorial (TVCJ)
* Change Detection in SAR Images Based on Deep Semi-NMF and SVD Networks
* Change Detection in Urban Streets by a Real Time Lidar Scanner and MLS Reference Data
* Change of Land Use/Cover in Tianjin City Based on the Markov and Cellular Automata Models
* Chaos-based fast colour image encryption scheme with true random number keys from environmental noise
* Characterisation and improvement of the structure function estimation for application in PSI
* Characteristics of Evapotranspiration of Urban Lawns in a Sub-Tropical Megacity and Its Measurement by the Three Temperature Model + Infrared Remote Sensing Method
* Characterization of Surface Radar Cross Sections at W-Band at Moderate Incidence Angles
* Characterizing Land Cover Impacts on the Responses of Land Surface Phenology to the Rainy Season in the Congo Basin
* Characterizing Passenger Flow for a Transportation Hub Based on Mobile Phone Data
* Characterizing Patterns of Response During Mild Stress-Testing in Continuous Echocardiography Recordings Using a Multiview Dimensionality Reduction Technique
* Characterizing the Growth Patterns of 45 Major Metropolitans in Mainland China Using DMSP/OLS Data
* City-Scale Localization for Cameras with Known Vertical Direction
* Class of Elliptic Equations with Interior Degeneration, A
* Class Switching according to Nearest Enemy Distance for learning from highly imbalanced data-sets
* Classification Boosting by Data Decomposition Using Consensus-Based Combination of Classifiers
* Classification for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using a Fully Convolutional Network
* Classification of Fiducial Markers in Challenging Conditions with SVM
* Classification of Fingerprints Captured Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Classification of Personnel Targets with Baggage Using Dual-band Radar
* Classification Using Mixture of Discriminative Learners: The Case of Compositional Data
* Cloth compression using local cylindrical coordinates
* Clustering Approach to Heterogeneous Change Detection, A
* Clustering ensemble selection for categorical data based on internal validity indices
* CM SAF TOA Radiation Data Record Using MVIRI and SEVIRI, The
* Coastline Detection Method in Polarimetric SAR Images Mixing the Region-Based and Edge-Based Active Contour Models, A
* CodingFlow: Enable Video Coding for Video Stabilization
* Cognitive Load Measurement in a Virtual Reality-Based Driving System for Autism Intervention
* Coherent multi-layer landscape synthesis
* Collaborative Representation of Statistically Independent Filters' Response: An Application to Face Recognition Under Illicit Drug Abuse Alterations
* Color-Texture Image Analysis for Automatic Failure Detection in Tiles
* Combination of adaptive vector median filter and weighted mean filter for removal of high-density impulse noise from colour images
* Combined Prognostic Model Based on Machine Learning for Tidal Current Prediction, A
* Combined Radar-Radiometer Surface Soil Moisture and Roughness Estimation
* Combined Variable Speed Limit and Lane Change Control for Highway Traffic
* Combined Voxel and Particle Filter-Based Approach for Fast Obstacle Detection and Tracking in Automotive Applications, A
* Combining Contrast Invariant L1 Data Fidelities with Nonlinear Spectral Image Decomposition
* Combining Defocus and Photoconsistency for Depth Map Estimation in 3D Integral Imaging
* Combining Deformation Modeling and Machine Learning for Personalized Prosthesis Size Prediction in Valve-Sparing Aortic Root Reconstruction
* Combining feature extraction and expansion to improve classification based similarity learning
* Compact Polarimetric Response of Rape (Brassica napus L.) at C-Band: Analysis and Growth Parameters Inversion
* Comparative Assessment of Two Vegetation Fractional Cover Estimating Methods and Their Impacts on Modeling Urban Latent Heat Flux Using Landsat Imagery
* Comparative Study of Visual Tracking Method: A Probabilistic Approach for Pose Estimation Using Lines
* Comparative Validation of Polyp Detection Methods in Video Colonoscopy: Results From the MICCAI 2015 Endoscopic Vision Challenge
* Comparing Deep and Dendrite Neural Networks: A Case Study
* Comparing Passive Microwave with Visible-To-Near-Infrared Phenometrics in Croplands of Northern Eurasia
* Comparison Between Three Sparse Unmixing Algorithms Using a Large Library of Shortwave Infrared Mineral Spectra, A
* Comparison of Concave Point Detection Methods for Overlapping Convex Objects Segmentation
* Comparison of GOME-2 UVA Satellite Data to Ground-Based Spectroradiometer Measurements at a Subtropical Site
* Comparison of Isotropic and Anisotropic Second Order Regularisers for Optical Flow, A
* Comparison of Multiple Linear Regression, Cubist Regression, and Random Forest Algorithms to Estimate Daily Air Surface Temperature from Dynamic Combinations of MODIS LST Data
* comparison of prefilters in ORB-based object detection, A
* Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations
* Comparison of Terrain Indices toward Their Ability in Assisting Surface Water Mapping from Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Comparison of Three Theoretical Methods for Determining Dry and Wet Edges of the LST/FVC Space: Revisit of Method Physics
* Comparison of Two Data Assimilation Methods for Improving MODIS LAI Time Series for Bamboo Forests
* Compensated Row-Column Ultrasound Imaging System Using Three Dimensional Random Fields
* Complex Video Scene Analysis Using Kernelized-Collaborative Behavior Pattern Learning Based on Hierarchical Representative Object Behaviors
* Compressed Motion Sensing
* Compressive Acquisition and Least-Squares Reconstruction of Correlated Signals
* Computational Modeling of Players: Emotional Response Patterns to the Story Events of Video Games
* Computer Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer on Biparametric MRI Using a Quadratic Discriminant Model
* Computer vision for sports: Current applications and research topics
* Computer Vision in Sports
* Conceptual Model for Delineating Land Management Units (LMUs) Using Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis, A
* Connected Morphological Attribute Filters on Distributed Memory Parallel Machines
* connected-component labeling problem: A review of state-of-the-art algorithms, The
* Consistent as-similar-as-possible non-isometric surface registration
* Construction of a Decision Support System Based on GP Services, Using a Warning-Judgment Module as an Example
* Construction of Latent Descriptor Space and Inference Model of Hand-Object Interactions
* Construction of Persistent Voronoi Diagram on 3D Digital Plane
* Construction of Thinnest Digital Ellipsoid Using Inverse Projection and Recursive Integer Intervals
* Context Aware Query Image Representation for Particular Object Retrieval
* Context-Aware Distance for Anomalous Human Trajectories Detection
* Context-based object viewpoint estimation: A 2D relational approach
* Contextual segment-based classification of airborne laser scanner data
* Continuous Authentication With Touch Behavioral Biometrics and Voice on Wearable Glasses
* Continuous digital zooming using local self-similarity-based super-resolution for an asymmetric dual camera system
* Continuous Prediction of Streaming Video QoE Using Dynamic Networks
* Contrast Enhancement by Top-Hat and Bottom-Hat Transform with Optimal Structuring Element: Application to Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Contrast Enhancement Using Stratified Parametric-Oriented Histogram Equalization
* Convergence Analysis of Cooperative Braking Control for Interconnected Vehicle Systems
* Convex Non-Convex Segmentation over Surfaces
* Convex Variational Methods on Graphs for Multiclass Segmentation of High-Dimensional Data and Point Clouds
* ConvNet Regression for Fingerprint Orientations
* Convolutional Neural Networks Based Hyperspectral Image Classification Method with Adaptive Kernels
* Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reduction of Automatically Detected Cilia in Low Magnification TEM Images
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Object Detection of Human Semen
* Cooperative Traffic Control With Green Wave Coordination for Multiple Intersections Based on the Internet of Vehicles
* Copernicus Sentinel-2A Calibration and Products Validation Status
* Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using the Segment Gradient Orientation Histogram
* Corner Detection Using the Affine Morphological Scale Space
* Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
* Correlation-Based Dissimilarity Measure for Noisy Patches, A
* Correntropy Matching Pursuit With Application to Robust Digit and Face Recognition
* Cost-Complexity Pruning of Random Forests
* Cost-Effective Class-Imbalance Aware CNN for Vehicle Localization and Categorization in High Resolution Aerial Images
* Country Profile of the Czech Republic Based on an LADM for the Development of a 3D Cadastre, A
* Cow Behavior Recognition Using Motion History Image Feature
* Creating Immersive Virtual Reality Scenes Using a Single RGB-D Camera
* Creating Ultra Dense Point Correspondence Over the Entire Human Head
* Critical object recognition in millimeter-wave images with robustness to rotation and scale
* Cross section-based hollowing and structural enhancement
* Cross-Dataset and Cross-Cultural Music Mood Prediction: A Case on Western and Chinese Pop Songs
* Cross-Diffusion Systems for Image Processing: I. The Linear Case
* Cross-Diffusion Systems for Image Processing: II. The Nonlinear Case
* Cross-layer optimized authentication and error control for wireless 3D medical video streaming over LTE
* Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Scalable Video Over OFDMA Wireless Networks: Tradeoff Between Quality Fairness and Efficiency
* Crowd Behavior Analysis via Curl and Divergence of Motion Trajectories
* Crowd Counting Based on MMCNN in Still Images
* Crowd-Cooperative Approach for Intelligent Transportation Systems, A
* crowddeliver: Planning City-Wide Package Delivery Paths Leveraging the Crowd of Taxis
* Curvelet-Based Bayesian Estimator for Speckle Suppression in Ultrasound Imaging
* Curvelet-Based Classification of Brain MRI Images
* Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Land, A
* Data Adaptive Dual Domain Denoising: a Method to Boost State of the Art Denoising Algorithms
* Data modeling and method analysis for brain imaging genetics
* Data-driven modeling and animation of outdoor trees through interactive approach
* Data-driven subspace enrichment for elastic deformations with collisions
* DCT Regularized Extreme Visual Recovery
* DCT-Based Total JND Profile for Spatiotemporal and Foveated Masking Effects, A
* DEBC Detection with Deep Learning
* Decoding Gene Expression in 2D and 3D
* Decomposition of LiDAR waveforms by B-spline-based modeling
* Deep CNN with Graph Laplacian Regularization for Multi-label Image Annotation
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Maximum-Likelihood Principle in Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Deep Kernelized Autoencoders
* Deep Learning for Polar Bear Detection
* Deep Neural Network for Vessel Segmentation of Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Images, A
* Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep, dense and accurate 3D face correspondence for generating population specific deformable models
* DeepID-Net: Object Detection with Deformable Part Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* DeepShape: Deep-Learned Shape Descriptor for 3D Shape Retrieval
* Denoising by Inpainting
* Denoising of Image Gradients and Constrained Total Generalized Variation
* Density Normalization in Density Peak Based Clustering
* Depth from Defocus via Active Quasi-random Point Projections: A Deep Learning Approach
* Depth map super-resolution via low-resolution depth guided joint trilateral up-sampling
* Depth-Preserving Stereo Image Retargeting Based on Pixel Fusion
* Derivation of Sea Surface Tidal Current From Spaceborne SAR Constellation Data
* Derived Observations From Frequently Sampled Microwave Measurements of Precipitation: Part I: Relations to Atmospheric Thermodynamics
* Describing contrast across scales
* Design and Verification of a Rail-Borne Energy Harvester for Powering Wireless Sensor Networks in the Railway Industry
* Design of a Model Base Framework for Model Environment Construction in a Virtual Geographic Environment (VGE)
* Design, analysis and application of a volumetric convolutional neural network
* Detecting Alzheimer's Disease Using Directed Graphs
* Detecting Changes with the Robust Competitive Detector
* Detecting Chest Compression Depth Using a Smartphone Camera and Motion Segmentation
* Detecting Damaged Building Regions Based on Semantic Scene Change from Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Detecting moving regions in CrowdCam images
* Detecting Spatio-Temporally Interest Points Using the Shearlet Transform
* Detection of Oil near Shorelines during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
* Determining Rice Growth Stage with X-Band SAR: A Metamodel Based Inversion
* Development and Comparison of Species Distribution Models for Forest Inventories
* Development and Implementation of an Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Bands 27-30 in Terra MODIS Collection 6
* Development of a clinically oriented system for melanoma diagnosis
* Development of an Active Shape Model Using the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Development of Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics for Hispaniola's Lake Azuei and Enriquillo Using Landsat Imagery
* Development of saliency-based seamless image compositing using hybrid blending (SSICHB)
* Development of Sensory-Motor Fusion-Based Manipulation and Grasping Control for a Robotic Hand-Eye System
* Diagnosis of Broiler Livers by Classifying Image Patches
* Difficulty of Measuring the Absorption of Scattered Sunlight by H2O and CO2 in Volcanic Plumes: A Comment on Pering et al. A Novel and Inexpensive Method for Measuring Volcanic Plume Water Fluxes at High Temporal Resolution, The
* Digital Counts of Maize Plants by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
* Digital restoration of damaged color documents based on hyperspectral imaging and lattice associative memories
* Direct Geolocation of Spread-Spectrum Emitters
* Directed Acyclic Graph Continuous Max-Flow Image Segmentation for Unconstrained Label Orderings
* Directional Total Generalized Variation Regularization for Impulse Noise Removal
* Discovery of Shared Semantic Spaces for Multiscene Video Query and Summarization
* Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed Tomography Lung Cancer Prediction
* Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequencers for Multi-parametric MRI Prostate Cancer Classification
* Discriminant analysis via jointly -norm sparse tensor preserving embedding for image classification
* Discriminant Kernel Assignment for Image Coding
* Discriminative Multi-View Interactive Image Re-Ranking
* Discriminative Nonlinear Analysis Operator Learning: When Cosparse Model Meets Image Classification
* Discriminative Transformation for Multi-Dimensional Temporal Sequences
* Displacement monitoring and modelling of a high-speed railway bridge using C-band Sentinel-1 data
* Distance Between Vector-Valued Fuzzy Sets Based on Intersection Decomposition with Applications in Object Detection
* Distance Between Vector-Valued Representations of Objects in Images with Application in Object Detection and Classification
* Distortion adaptive Sobel filters for the gradient estimation of wide angle images
* Distributed representation learning for knowledge graphs with entity descriptions
* Diurnal Scale Controls on C-Band Microwave Backscatter From Snow-Covered First-Year Sea Ice During the Transition From Late Winter to Early Melt
* Do Daily and Seasonal Trends in Leaf Solar Induced Fluorescence Reflect Changes in Photosynthesis, Growth or Light Exposure?
* Domain Transfer for Delving into Deep Networks Capacity to De-Abstract Art
* Double Least-Squares Projections Method for Signal Estimation
* Double-Sided Probing by Map of Asplund's Distances Using Logarithmic Image Processing in the Framework of Mathematical Morphology
* DSP: Discriminative Spatial Part modeling for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Dynamic Analysis between Urban Nighttime Economy and Urbanization Using the DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data in China from 1992 to 2012, The
* Dynamic Data Filtering of Long-Range Doppler LiDAR Wind Speed Measurements
* Dynamic ensembles of exemplar-SVMs for still-to-video face recognition
* Dynamic Exploratory Search in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Dynamic Monitoring of the Largest Freshwater Lake in China Using a New Water Index Derived from High Spatiotemporal Resolution Sentinel-1A Data
* Dynamic multi-level appearance models and adaptive clustered decision trees for single target tracking
* Dynamic Programming Solution to Bounded Dejittering Problems, A
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Time-Causal Spatio-Temporal Scale-Space Filters
* Early Detection of Sudden Pedestrian Crossing for Safe Driving During Summer Nights
* Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Signalized Intersections Considering Queue Effects
* Edit Distance Between Graph Correspondences, An
* Effective Indoor Localization and 3D Point Registration Based on Plane Matching Initialization
* Effects of the Equatorial Electrojet on FM-Based Passive Radar Systems
* Effects of tissue and gender on macromolecule suppressed gamma-aminobutyric acid
* Effects of urban tree canopy loss on land surface temperature magnitude and timing
* Efficient and Stable Two-Pixel Scheme for 2D Forward-and-Backward Diffusion, An
* Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality Medical Image Fusion, An
* Efficient Globally Optimal Algorithm for Asymmetric Point Matching, An
* Efficient Lagrangian Algorithm for an Anisotropic Geodesic Active Contour Model, An
* Efficient Location Privacy-Preserving k-Anonymity Method Based on the Credible Chain
* efficient multiple classifier system for Arabic handwritten words recognition, An
* Efficient Pattern Recognition Using the Frequency Response of a Spiking Neuron
* Efficient PVO-based reversible data hiding using multistage blocking and prediction accuracy matrix
* Efficient Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Joint Estimation of R_2^* and Off-Resonance in fMRI, An
* efficient temporal distortion measure of videos based on spacetime texture, An
* Efficient Vector-Raster Overlay Algorithm for High-Accuracy and High-Efficiency Surface Area Calculations of Irregularly Shaped Land Use Patches, An
* Ejection Fraction Estimation Using a Wide Convolutional Neural Network
* Emotion Rendering in Auditory Simulations of Imagined Walking Styles
* Empirical Analysis of Deep Feature Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition, An
* Employing Crowdsourced Geographic Information to Classify Land Cover with Spatial Clustering and Topic Model
* Empowering Simple Binary Classifiers for Image Set Based Face Recognition
* Encoder-decoder recurrent network model for interactive character animation generation
* End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* End-to-End Deep Learning for Driver Distraction Recognition
* Energy Consumption Evaluation Based on a Personalized Driver-Vehicle Model
* Energy Efficient Bidirectional Massive MIMO Relay Beamforming
* Energy-Efficient Distributed Filtering in Sensor Networks: A Unified Switched System Approach
* Enhanced Resolution Stripmap Mode Using Dynamic Metasurface Antennas
* Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and Tracking Dust Outbreaks by Means of SEVIRI Data, An
* Enhanced Viola-Jones Vehicle Detection Method From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Imagery, An
* Enhancement of Cilia Sub-structures by Multiple Instance Registration and Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Enhancement of low visibility aerial images using histogram truncation and an explicit Retinex representation for balancing contrast and color consistency
* Entropy-Based Analysis of GPR Data for the Assessment of Railway Ballast Conditions, An
* Envisat RA-2 Individual Echoes: A Unique Dataset for a Better Understanding of Inland Water Altimetry Potentialities
* EO-1 Data Quality and Sensor Stability with Changing Orbital Precession at the End of a 16 Year Mission
* Error Analysis of Structured Light Scanning of Biological Tissue, An
* Error estimation based on variance analysis of k-fold cross-validation
* Error-Tolerant Coarse-to-Fine Matching Model for Hierarchical Graphs
* Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines
* Estimating 3D Ventricular Shape From 2D Echocardiography: Feasibility and Effect of Noise
* Estimating Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters Using the Joint Fraunhofer Line Depth and Laser-Induced Saturation Pulse (FLD-LISP) Method in Different Plant Species
* Estimating FAPAR of Rice Growth Period Using Radiation Transfer Model Coupled with the WOFOST Model for Analyzing Heavy Metal Stress
* Estimating Heart Rate and Rhythm via 3D Motion Tracking in Depth Video
* Estimating Time Series Soil Moisture by Applying Recurrent Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Networks to Passive Microwave Data over the Heihe River Basin, China
* Estimating Top-of-Atmosphere Daily Reflected Shortwave Radiation Flux Over Land From MODIS Data
* Estimating Wheat Yield in China at the Field and District Scale from the Assimilation of Satellite Data into the Aquacrop and Simple Algorithm for Yield (SAFY) Models
* Estimation and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Net Primary Productivity Integrating Efficiency Model with Process Model in Karst Area
* Estimation and Mapping of Winter Oilseed Rape LAI from High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data Based on a Hybrid Method
* Estimation of Heartbeat Peak Locations and Heartbeat Rate from Facial Video
* Estimation of Local Conduction Velocity from Myocardium Activation Time: Application to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
* Estimation of Strain Elastography from Ultrasound Radio-Frequency Data by Utilizing Analytic Gradient of the Similarity Metric
* Estimation of Surface NO2 Volume Mixing Ratio in Four Metropolitan Cities in Korea Using Multiple Regression Models with OMI and AIRS Data
* Evaluating Consistency of Snow Water Equivalent Retrievals from Passive Microwave Sensors over the North Central U. S.: SSM/I vs. SSMIS and AMSR-E vs. AMSR2
* Evaluating Data Terms for Variational Multi-frame Super-Resolution
* Evaluating pixel and object based image classification techniques for mapping plant invasions from UAV derived aerial imagery: Harrisia pomanensis as a case study
* Evaluating Site-Specific and Generic Spatial Models of Aboveground Forest Biomass Based on Landsat Time-Series and LiDAR Strip Samples in the Eastern USA
* Evaluating the Differences in Modeling Biophysical Attributes between Deciduous Broadleaved and Evergreen Conifer Forests Using Low-Density Small-Footprint LiDAR Data
* Evaluating the Use of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Imagery in Predicting PM2.5 Concentrations in the Northeastern United States
* Evaluating Urban Land Carrying Capacity Based on the Ecological Sensitivity Analysis: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China
* Evaluation of Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Models from VIIRS Retrieval Algorithms over North China Plain
* Evaluation of Combinations of Watershed Hierarchies
* Evaluation of Device-Independent Internet Spatial Location
* Evaluation of Direct Signal Suppression for Passive Radar
* Evaluation of Error in IMERG Precipitation Estimates under Different Topographic Conditions and Temporal Scales over Mexico
* Evaluation of MODIS Albedo Product over Ice Caps in Iceland and Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on Their Albedo
* Evaluation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data to Estimate Near-Surface Air Temperature in Northeast China
* Evaluation of Multiple Downscaled Microwave Soil Moisture Products over the Central Tibetan Plateau
* Evaluation of periocular features for kinship verification in the wild
* Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple Biomes Using Global Eddy Covariance Flux Data
* Evaluation of the Plant Phenology Index (PPI), NDVI and EVI for Start-of-Season Trend Analysis of the Northern Hemisphere Boreal Zone
* Evaluation of Urbanization Dynamics and its Impacts on Surface Heat Islands: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Evaluation of Visual Tracking Algorithms for Embedded Devices
* Evapotranspiration Estimate over an Almond Orchard Using Landsat Satellite Observations
* Event-Based Optical Flow Algorithm for Dynamic Vision Sensors, An
* Evidential Grid-Based Tracking and Mapping
* Evolutionary Clustering Using Multi-prototype Representation and Connectivity Criterion
* Evolutionary Dynamics of Collective Behavior Selection and Drift: Flocking, Collapse, and Oscillation
* Exact Computation of Graph Edit Distance for Uniform and Non-uniform Metric Edit Costs
* Examination of the Potential of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Rapid Nondestructive Field Measurement of Grass Biomass
* Examining Forest Disturbance and Recovery in the Subtropical Forest Region of Zhejiang Province Using Landsat Time-Series Data
* Examining the strength of the newly-launched Sentinel 2 MSI sensor in detecting and discriminating subtle differences between C3 and C4 grass species
* Exemplar-Based Image and Video Stylization Using Fully Convolutional Semantic Features
* Exemplar-Guided Similarity Learning on Polynomial Kernel Feature Map for Person Re-identification
* Experimental Evaluation of the Usability of Cartogram for Representation of GlobeLand30 Data
* Exploiting Deep Matching and SAR Data for the Geo-Localization Accuracy Improvement of Optical Satellite Images
* Exploiting Semantic Segmentation for Robust Camera Motion Classification
* Exploiting the Redundancy of Multiple Overlapping Aerial Images for Dense Image Matching Based Digital Surface Model Generation
* Exploration Strategy for RL with Considerations of Budget and Risk, An
* Exploring diversity in ensemble classification: Applications in large area land cover mapping
* Exploring Interpersonal Influence by Tracking User Dynamic Interactions
* Exploring Relationships among Tree-Ring Growth, Climate Variability, and Seasonal Leaf Activity on Varying Timescales and Spatial Resolutions
* Exploring structure for long-term tracking of multiple objects in sports videos
* Exploring the Potential of Spectral Classification in Estimation of Soil Contaminant Elements
* Exploring the Relationship between the Arid Valley Boundary's Displacement and Climate Change during 1999-2013 in the Upper Reaches of the Min River, China
* Extended Chirp Scaling-Baseband Azimuth Scaling-Based Azimuth: Range Decouple L_1 Regularization for TOPS SAR Imaging via CAMP
* Extended Data-Based Mechanistic Method for Improving Leaf Area Index Time Series Estimation with Satellite Data
* Extended three-dimensional rotation invariant local binary patterns
* Extending Extremal Polygonal Arrays for the Merrifield-Simmons Index
* Extension of a One-Dimensional Convexity Measure to Two Dimensions
* Extension of the InSAR-Based Probability Integral Method and Its Application for Predicting 3-D Mining-Induced Displacements Under Different Extraction Conditions, An
* Extraction of Terraces on the Loess Plateau from High-Resolution DEMs and Imagery Utilizing Object-Based Image Analysis
* Eyes Wide Open: An interactive learning method for the design of rule-based systems
* Facial Age Estimation With Age Difference
* Facial Skin Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast and accurate three-dimensional point spread function computation for fluorescence microscopy
* Fast and Robust Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Using a Combination of the Pyramidal Approach and Level Set Method, A
* Fast coding algorithm for HEVC based on video contents
* Fast ground filtering for TLS data via Scanline Density Analysis
* Fast MBO Scheme for Multiclass Data Classification, A
* fast method for moving object detection in video surveillance image, A
* Fast Nearest Neighbors Search in Graph Space Based on a Branch-and-Bound Strategy
* fast single-image super-resolution via directional edge-guided regularized extreme learning regression, A
* Fast Spectral Clustering Using Autoencoders and Landmarks
* Fast Water-Filling Method for Sum-Power Minimization in OFDMA Networks
* Fast-BR vs. Fast-CT_EXT: An Empirical Performance Study
* FastVentricle: Cardiac Segmentation with ENet
* Feasibility of the Estimation of Myocardial Stiffness with Reduced 2D Deformation Data
* Feature learning and change feature classification based on deep learning for ternary change detection in SAR images
* Feature Learning for Footnote-Based Document Image Classification
* Feature learning via partial differential equation with applications to face recognition
* Feature matching evaluation for multimodal correspondence
* Feature selection for regression problems based on the Morisita estimator of intrinsic dimension
* Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
* Feature Tracking Cardiac Magnetic Resonance via Deep Learning and Spline Optimization
* Feature-Based Knowledge Transfer Framework for Cross-Environment Activity Recognition Toward Smart Home Applications, A
* Feature-Based Scaffolding for Object Tracking
* Feature-preserving procedural texture
* Fiber Defect Detection of Inhomogeneous Voluminous Textiles
* Finding the number of clusters in a data set: An information theoretic approach
* Fine-grained action recognition of boxing punches from depth imagery
* Fine-Grained Urban Event Detection and Characterization Based on Tensor Cofactorization
* Fine-Grained Vehicle Model Recognition Using A Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
* Fine-Resolution Repeat Topographic Surveying of Dryland Landscapes Using UAS-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry: Assessing Accuracy and Precision against Traditional Ground-Based Erosion Measurements
* Finite dictionary techniques for MSER equalization in RKHS
* Fixed Height Queries Tree Permutation Index for Proximity Searching
* Flood Inundation Mapping from Optical Satellite Images Using Spatiotemporal Context Learning and Modest AdaBoost
* Focus-Plus-Context Techniques for Picoprojection-Based Interaction
* Fog Density Estimation and Image Defogging Based on Surrogate Modeling for Optical Depth
* Footnote-Based Document Image Classification
* Forced Random Sampling: Fast generation of importance-guided blue-noise samples
* Forecasting the Subway Passenger Flow Under Event Occurrences With Social Media
* Foreign Object Detection in Multispectral X-ray Images of Food Items Using Sparse Discriminant Analysis
* Formation of Winter Supertyphoons Haiyan (2013) and Hagupit (2014) Through Interactions With Cold Fronts as Observed by Multifunctional Transport Satellite
* Four-Component Model-Based Decomposition for Ship Targets Using PolSAR Data
* Frame duplication/mirroring detection method with binary features
* Framework for Classification and Segmentation of Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion in SD-OCT, A
* Framework for Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Inventory
* Framework for Predicting Future System Performance in Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles, A
* Framework of Camera Source Identification Bayesian Game, A
* From Activity Recognition to Intention Recognition for Assisted Living Within Smart Homes
* FRSVC: Towards making support vector clustering consume less
* Full-Aperture Focusing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne-Squinted Sliding Spotlight SAR Data
* Full-Wave Electromagnetic Scattering From Rough Surfaces With Buried Inhomogeneities
* Fully Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of the Prostate Gland in Diffusion-Weighted MR Images
* Function Decomposition in Main and Lesser Peaks
* Fusion of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* Fusion of Perception and V2P Communication Systems for the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users
* G-Super4PCS Registration Method for Photogrammetric and TLS Data in Geology, A
* Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation in High-Resolution Images
* Gaussian Mixture Trees for One Class Classification in Automated Visual Inspection
* General Cramér-von Mises, a Helpful Ally for Transparent Object Inspection Using Deflection Maps?
* Generalized Aggregation of Sparse Coded Multi-Spectra for Satellite Scene Classification
* Generation and Authoring of Augmented Reality Terrains Through Real-Time Analysis of Map Images
* Generation of Aircraft Intent Based on a Microstrategy Search Tree
* Geometry-Based Global Alignment for GSMS Remote Sensing Images
* Geospatial Analysis of Earthquake Damage Probability of Water Pipelines Due to Multi-Hazard Failure
* Geospatial Big Data-Based Geostatistical Zonation of Seismic Site Effects in Seoul Metropolitan Area
* Geospatial Modeling Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* GERoMe: A Novel Graph Extraction Robustness Measure
* Glacier Changes in the Susitna Basin, Alaska, USA, (1951-2015) using GIS and Remote Sensing Methods
* Glacier Surface Velocity Retrieval Using D-InSAR and Offset Tracking Techniques Applied to Ascending and Descending Passes of Sentinel-1 Data for Southern Ellesmere Ice Caps, Canadian Arctic
* Glass half full: sound synthesis for fluid-structure coupling using added mass operator
* Global Analysis of Bioclimatic Controls on Ecosystem Productivity Using Satellite Observations of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* global and local consistent ranking model for image saliency computation, A
* Global Performance of a Fast Parameterization Scheme for Estimating Surface Solar Radiation From MODIS Data
* Gold: A novel deconvolution algorithm with optimization for waveform LiDAR processing
* Gradient and Graph Cuts Based Method for Multi-level Discrete Tomography
* Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
* Graph Embedding Through Probabilistic Graphical Model Applied to Symbolic Graphs
* Graph regularized nonnegative sparse coding using incoherent dictionary for approximate nearest neighbor search
* Graph-Regularized Structured Support Vector Machine for Object Tracking
* Graphical Model Parameter Learning by Inverse Linear Programming
* Grassmannian Approach to Address View Change Problem in Gait Recognition, A
* Gravitation-Based Edge Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* Greedy Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Matrices with Adjacent 1s, A
* Ground Ammonia Concentrations over China Derived from Satellite and Atmospheric Transport Modeling
* Ground Plane Segmentation Using Artificial Neural Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Ground-Level NO2 Concentrations over China Inferred from the Satellite OMI and CMAQ Model Simulations
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Situation, Activity, and Goal Awareness in Cyber-Physical Human-Machine Systems
* Guest Editorial: Toward Commercial Applications of Affective Computing
* Guided point cloud denoising via sharp feature skeletons
* Hardware efficient multiplier-less multi-level 2D DWT architecture without off-chip RAM
* HDR Imaging Pipeline for Spectral Filter Array Cameras
* Hessian of Axially Symmetric Functions on SE(3) and Application in 3D Image Analysis, The
* heuristic convexity measure for 3D meshes, A
* Hierarchical decomposition based on a variation of empirical mode decomposition
* Hierarchical Guidance Filtering-Based Ensemble Classification for Hyperspectral Images
* Hierarchical Multi-label Classification using Fully Associative Ensemble Learning
* Hierarchical Segmentation Based Upon Multi-resolution Approximations and the Watershed Transform
* Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Model for Human Activity Recognition, A
* High Frequency Field Measurements of an Undular Bore Using a 2D LiDAR Scanner
* High Performance, Spatiotemporal Statistical Analysis System Based on a Spatiotemporal Cloud Platform, A
* High-dynamic-range image recovery from flash and non-flash image pairs
* High-Order Local Pooling and Encoding Gaussians Over a Dictionary of Gaussians
* High-Rise Building Layover Exploitation with Non-Local Frequency Estimation in SAR Interferograms
* High-Speed Target Tracking System Based on a Hierarchical Parallel Vision Processor and Gray-Level LBP Algorithm
* High-speed video generation with an event camera
* Higher order spectral regression discriminant analysis (HOSRDA): A tensor feature reduction method for ERP detection
* Historical Document Binarization Combining Semantic Labeling and Graph Cuts
* Historical Document Handwriting Transcription End-to-end System, A
* HOTS: A Hierarchy of Event-Based Time-Surfaces for Pattern Recognition
* Hourglass-Shape Network Based Semantic Segmentation for High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Human detection in occluded scenes through optically inspired multi-camera image fusion
* Human identification based on temporal lifting using 5/3 wavelet filters and radon transform
* Human Pose Estimation by a Series of Residual Auto-Encoders
* Human-Centered Activity Tracking System: Toward a Healthier Workplace, A
* Human-Centered Feed-Forward Control of a Vehicle Steering System Based on a Driver's Path-Following Characteristics
* Hungarian Algorithm for Error-Correcting Graph Matching, A
* hybrid backtracking search algorithm with wavelet mutation-based nonlinear system identification of Hammerstein models, A
* Hybrid CNN and Dictionary-Based Models for Scene Recognition and Domain Adaptation
* hybrid contextual compression technique using wavelet and contourlet transforms with PSO optimized prediction, A
* hybrid frequency-time domain symmetric adaptive decorrelator, A
* Hybrid Multi-modal Fusion for Human Action Recognition
* Hypergraph Embedding for Spatial-Spectral Joint Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Images
* Hyperspectral Alteration Information from Drill Cores and Deep Uranium Exploration in the Baiyanghe Uranium Deposit in the Xuemisitan Area, Xinjiang, China
* Hyperspectral and LiDAR Fusion Using Extinction Profiles and Total Variation Component Analysis
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via a Sparsity Score Estimation Framework
* Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction by Tensor Sparse and Low-Rank Graph-Based Discriminant Analysis
* Hyperspectral remote sensing detection of petroleum hydrocarbons in mixtures with mineral substrates: Implications for onshore exploration and monitoring
* Hyperspectral Target Detection via Adaptive Joint Sparse Representation and Multi-Task Learning with Locality Information
* Identification of Transversely Isotropic Properties from Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using the Optimised Virtual Fields Method
* Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Composting Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors
* Identifying the Lambertian Property of Ground Surfaces in the Thermal Infrared Region via Field Experiments
* Illumination compensation in ground based hyperspectral imaging
* Illumination-insensitive image representation via synergistic weighted center-surround receptive field model and Weber law
* Image annotation using multi-view non-negative matrix factorization with different number of basis vectors
* Image colourisation using linear neighbourhood propagation and weighted smoothing
* Image contrast enhancement using geometric mean filter
* Image Fusion With Cosparse Analysis Operator
* Image Modification Based on Spatial Frequency Components for Visual Attention Retargeting
* Image Noise Filter Based on DCT and Fast Clustering
* Image Processing and Its Hardware Support Analysis vs Synthesis: Historical Trends
* Image Processing of Leaf Movements in Mimosa pudica
* Image Projection Ridge Regression for Subspace Clustering
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Order Local Features Description, Modeling and Quantification
* Image Reconstruction by Multilabel Propagation
* Image Registration and Fusion of Visible and Infrared Integrated Camera for Medium-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing
* Image Registration Based on a Minimized Cost Function and SURF Algorithm
* Image Segmentation and Modeling of the Pediatric Tricuspid Valve in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
* Image Segmentation Based on Solving the Flow in the Mesh with the Connections of Limited Capacities
* Image Segmentation via Weighted Carving Decompositions
* Image Texture Analysis Method for Minority Language Identification, An
* Image-Based Method for Objectively Assessing Injection Moulded Plastic Quality, An
* Image-Based Modeling of the Heterogeneity of Propagation of the Cardiac Action Potential. Example of Rat Heart High Resolution MRI
* ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Impact of Atmospheric Inversion Effects on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Exploitation of the Apparent Reflectance as a Quality Indicator
* Impact of AVHRR Channel 3b Noise on Climate Data Records: Filtering Method Applied to the CM SAF CLARA-A2 Data Record
* Impact of Driving Behavior on Traffic Delay at a Congested Signalized Intersection
* Impact of High-Resolution Topographic Mapping on Beach Morphological Analyses Based on Terrestrial LiDAR and Object-Oriented Beach Evolution
* Impact of Plant Surface Moisture on Differential Interferometric Observables: A Controlled Electromagnetic Experiment
* Impact of the Acquisition Time on ECG Compression-Based Biometric Identification Systems
* Impacts of Thermal Time on Land Surface Phenology in Urban Areas
* Impervious Surface Information Extraction Based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Implicit Component-Graph: A Discussion
* Improved Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm for Moderate to High Spatial Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Improved Compression-Based Pattern Recognition Exploiting New Useful Features
* Improved Computational Efficiency of Locally Low Rank MRI Reconstruction Using Iterative Random Patch Adjustments
* Improved Directional Convexity Measure for Binary Images, An
* Improved Face and Head Detection Based on Traditional Middle Eastern Clothing
* Improved Graph Edit Distance Approximation with Simulated Annealing
* Improved RANSAC for 3D Point Cloud Plane Segmentation Based on Normal Distribution Transformation Cells, An
* Improved TFIDF in big news retrieval: An empirical study
* Improvement of contrast sensitivity with practice is not compatible with a sensory threshold account
* Improvements in Precise Orbits of Altimetry Satellites and Their Impact on Mean Sea Level Monitoring
* Improving Convolutional Neural Network Design via Variable Neighborhood Search
* Improving object proposals with top-down cues
* Improving the Impervious Surface Estimation from Hyperspectral Images Using a Spectral-Spatial Feature Sparse Representation and Post-Processing Approach
* Improving the Spatial Solution of Electrocardiographic Imaging: A New Regularization Parameter Choice Technique for the Tikhonov Method
* Improving Understanding of Long-Term Cardiac Functional Remodelling via Cross-Sectional Analysis of Polyaffine Motion Parameters
* In Silico Analysis of Haemodynamics in Patient-Specific Left Atria with Different Appendage Morphologies
* In Vivo Parametric T1 Maps Correlate with Structural and Molecular Characteristics of Focal Fibrosis
* In-Flight Calibration of GF-1/WFV Visible Channels Using Rayleigh Scattering
* In-Orbit Spectral Response Function Correction and Its Impact on Operational Calibration for the Long-Wave Split-Window Infrared Band (12.0 µm) of FY-2G Satellite
* In-Situ Measurement of Soil Permittivity at Various Depths for the Calibration and Validation of Low-Frequency SAR Soil Moisture Models by Using GPR
* Incorporating Ethical Considerations Into Automated Vehicle Control
* Incorporating Primary User Interference for Enhanced Spectrum Sensing
* Incremental collision-free feathering for animated surfaces
* Incremental Framework for Video-Based Traffic Sign Detection, Tracking, and Recognition, An
* Independent and Commutable Target Decomposition of PolSAR Data Using a Mapping From SU(4) to SO(6)
* Independent System Calibration of Sentinel-1B
* Indirect Range-Doppler Algorithm for Multireceiver Synthetic Aperture Sonar Based on Lagrange Inversion Theorem, An
* Indoor Fingerprint Positioning Based on Wi-Fi: An Overview
* Inferring Emotional Tags From Social Images With User Demographics
* Infimal Convolution Coupling of First and Second Order Differences on Manifold-Valued Images
* Influence of Increasing Water Turbidity on Sea Surface Emissivity, The
* Influence of Plot Size on Efficiency of Biomass Estimates in Inventories of Dry Tropical Forests Assisted by Photogrammetric Data from an Unmanned Aircraft System
* Information Extraction in Handwritten Marriage Licenses Books Using the MGGI Methodology
* Information Model and Architecture Specification for Context Awareness Interaction Decision Support in Cyber-Physical Human-Machine Systems
* Infrared dim target detection based on total variation regularization and principal component pursuit
* Input Fast-Forwarding for Better Deep Learning
* Inscribing Convex Polygons in Star-Shaped Objects
* Inshore Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images via Weighted Pose Voting
* Insight on the Large G, Small n Problem in Gene-Expression Microarray Classification, An
* Instrument Learning and Sparse NMD for Automatic Polyphonic Music Transcription
* Integrated System for Auto-Registered Hyperspectral and 3D Structure Measurement at the Point Scale
* Integration of Landscape Metrics and Variograms to Characterize and Quantify the Spatial Heterogeneity Change of Vegetation Induced by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
* Interactive facial expression editing based on spatio-temporal coherency
* Interactive GPU-based generation of solvent-excluded surfaces
* Interactive Layout Detection
* Intercomparison of Ozone Vertical Profile Measurements by Differential Absorption Lidar and IASI/MetOp Satellite in the Upper Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere
* Interpolation from Grid Lines: Linear, Transfinite and Weighted Method
* Intrinsic Mode Function Based Noise Power Estimation With Applications to Semiblind Spectrum Sensing Methods
* Introducing the Dahu Pseudo-Distance
* Introducing VF3: A New Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism
* Invariant Sliding Window Detection Process, An
* Investigation on the Expansion of Urban Construction Land Use Based on the CART-CA Model
* IR small target detection based on human visual attention using pulsed discrete cosine transform
* Iterative Multiplicative Filters for Data Labeling
* Joint Amplitude-Phase Compensation for Ionospheric Scintillation in GEO SAR Imaging
* joint dictionary learning and regression model for intensity estimation of facial AUs, A
* Joint Hyperspectral Superresolution and Unmixing With Interactive Feedback
* Joint Intermodal and Intramodal Label Transfers for Extremely Rare or Unseen Classes
* Joint Segmentation of Retinal Layers and Focal Lesions in 3-D OCT Data of Topologically Disrupted Retinas
* Joint Source-Channel Coding of JPEG 2000 Image Transmission Over Two-Way Multi-Relay Networks
* Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Pansharpening of Multispectral Images, A
* JPEG Quantization Table Optimization by Guided Fireworks Algorithm
* K-Autoregressive Clustering: Application on Terahertz Image Analysis
* Kernel alignment for identifying objective criteria from brain MEG recordings in schizophrenia
* Kernel Least Mean p-Power Algorithm
* Knowledge-Driven Geospatially Enabled Framework for Geological Big Data, A
* Known-Artist Live Song Identification Using Audio Hashprints
* Ku-Band Sea Surface Radar Backscatter at Low Incidence Angles under Extreme Wind Conditions
* L-Band Relative Permittivity of Organic Soil Surface Layers: A New Dataset of Resonant Cavity Measurements and Model Evaluation
* L-Band RFI Detected by SMOS and Aquarius
* L1-norm constrained normalized subband adaptive filter algorithm with variable norm-bound parameter and improved version
* Land Cover, Land Use, and Climate Change Impacts on Endemic Cichlid Habitats in Northern Tanzania
* Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval from Field-Measured Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data Using Wavelet Transform
* LandXML Encoding of Mixed 2D and 3D Survey Plans with Multi-Level Topology
* Language Proficiency Classification During Computer-Based Test with EEG Pattern Recognition Methods
* Large-Scale Assessment of Coastal Aquaculture Ponds with Sentinel-1 Time Series Data
* Large-Scale Mapping of Small Roads in Lidar Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Laser-Based Bidirectional Pedestrian Counting via Height Map Guided Regression and Voting
* Latent Regression Forest: Structured Estimation of 3D Hand Poses
* Lateral Vehicle Trajectory Optimization Using Constrained Linear Time-Varying MPC
* Lattice-Theoretic Approach for Segmentation of Truss-Like Porous Objects in Outdoor Aerial Scenes, A
* Learning discriminated and correlated patches for multi-view object detection using sparse coding
* Learning Dual Multi-Scale Manifold Ranking for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Images
* Learning features for offline handwritten signature verification using deep convolutional neural networks
* Learning Filter Functions in Regularisers by Minimising Quotients
* Learning Framework for Robust Obstacle Detection, Recognition, and Tracking
* Learning from Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images Using Graph Kernels
* Learning Graph Matching with a Graph-Based Perceptron in a Classification Context
* Learning Low Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Learning Multi-Instance Deep Discriminative Patterns for Image Classification
* Learning Multilayer Channel Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Learning parametrised regularisation functions via quotient minimisation
* Learning quality assessment of retargeted images
* Learning Salient Structures for the Analysis of Symmetric Patterns
* Learning Scene-Independent Group Descriptors for Crowd Understanding
* Learning to Deblur Adaptive Optics Retinal Images
* Learning to Diversify Deep Belief Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning to Segment Human by Watching YouTube
* Learning-Based Heart Coverage Estimation for Short-Axis Cine Cardiac MR Images
* learning-based variable size part extraction architecture for 6D object pose recovery in depth images, A
* Left Ventricle Wall Detection from Ultrasound Images Using Shape and Appearance Information
* Leveraging Activity Indexing for Egocentric Image Retrieval
* Lexicon based feature extraction for emotion text classification
* License Plate Detection and Character Segmentation Using Adaptive Binarization Based on Superpixels under Illumination Change
* LiDAR for Autonomous Vehicles: The future of 3D Sensing and Perception
* Lie-X: Depth Image Based Articulated Object Pose Estimation, Tracking, and Action Recognition on Lie Groups
* Light Field Estimation in the Ultraviolet Spectrum
* Limitations and Improvements of the Leaf Optical Properties Model Leaf Incorporating Biochemistry Exhibiting Reflectance and Transmittance Yields (LIBERTY)
* Linear Spectral Clustering Superpixel
* Linearized 3-D Electromagnetic Contrast Source Inversion and Its Applications to Half-Space Configurations
* linearly approximated iterative Gaussian decomposition method for waveform LiDAR processing, A
* Linking Spaceborne and Ground Observations of Autumn Foliage Senescence in Southern Québec, Canada
* Local Adaptive Wiener Filtering for Class Averaging in Single Particle Reconstruction
* Local Ambiguity Function Shaping via Unimodular Sequence Design
* Local Co-Occurrence Selection via Partial Least Squares for Pedestrian Detection
* Local Features Applied to Dermoscopy Images: Bag-of-Features versus Sparse Coding
* Local Mean Multiphase Segmentation with HMMF Models
* Local receptive field constrained stacked sparse autoencoder for classification of hyperspectral images
* Log-Linear Weight Optimization Using Discriminative Ridge Regression Method in Statistical Machine Translation
* Longitudinal Parameter Estimation in 3D Electromechanical Models: Application to Cardiovascular Changes in Digestion
* Look-Ahead Hybrid Matching Pursuit for Multipolarization Through-Wall Radar Imaging
* Lossless image compression algorithm and hardware architecture for bandwidth reduction of external memory
* Low Cost UWB Based Solution for Direct Georeferencing UAV Photogrammetry, A
* Low-rank preserving embedding
* Low-Rank Representation with Graph Constraints for Robust Visual Tracking
* LP Relaxation of the Potts Labeling Problem Is as Hard as Any Linear Program
* L_1 -Regularization-Based SAR Imaging and CFAR Detection via Complex Approximated Message Passing
* Machine Learning Based Reconstruction Method for Satellite Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture Images with In Situ Observations, A
* Machine Learning Method for Co-Registration and Individual Tree Matching of Forest Inventory and Airborne Laser Scanning Data, A
* Machine Learning-Driven Approach to Computational Physiological Modeling of Skin Cancer, A
* Management System for Dam-Break Hazard Mapping in a Complex Basin Environment
* Many Shades of Negativity, The
* MAP Image Labeling Using Wasserstein Messages and Geometric Assignment
* Map Spectrum-Based Spatiotemporal Clustering Method for GDP Variation Pattern Analysis Using Nighttime Light Images of the Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, A
* Mapping of Urban Surface Water Bodies from Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery at 10 m Resolution via NDWI-Based Image Sharpening
* Mapping plastic greenhouse with medium spatial resolution satellite data: Development of a new spectral index
* Mapping Plastic-Mulched Farmland with Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Data
* Mapping Reflectance Anisotropy of a Potato Canopy Using Aerial Images Acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Mapping Spartina alterniflora Biomass Using LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Mapping the Twilight Zone: What We Are Missing between Clouds and Aerosols
* Mapping Torreya grandis Spatial Distribution Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery with the Expert Rules-Based Approach
* Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and climate data
* MapReduce-based artificial bee colony for large-scale data clustering, A
* Marbling-based creative modelling
* Maritime Semantic Labeling of Optical Remote Sensing Images with Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network
* Marker-based human pose tracking using adaptive annealed particle swarm optimization with search space partitioning
* Markov random field integrating spectral dissimilarity and class co-occurrence dependency for remote sensing image classification optimization, A
* Matrix-Valued Levelings for Colour Images
* Max-Margin Heterogeneous Information Machine for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Max-Margin Learning of Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Maximum Margin of Twin Spheres Support Vector Machine for Imbalanced Data Classification
* Measurement of Ocean Wave Directional Spectra Using Airborne HF/VHF Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Theoretical Evaluation
* Measures of Spatial Autocorrelation Changes in Multitemporal SAR Images for Event Landslides Detection
* Measuring the Quality of Annotations for a Subjective Crowdsourcing Task
* Measuring Vertex Centrality Using the Holevo Quantity
* Measuring Water Vapor and Ash in Volcanic Eruptions With a Millimeter-Wave Radar/Imager
* Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation
* Memory Effects in Subjective Quality Assessment of X-Ray Images
* Mesh-Based Active Model Initialization for Multiple Organ Segmentation in MR Images
* Method of Panchromatic Image Modification for Satellite Imagery Data Fusion, A
* Method of Ship Detection under Complex Background, A
* methodology to discover and understand complex patterns: Interpreted Integrative Multiview Clustering (I2MC), A
* Micro-GA Embedded PSO Feature Selection Approach to Intelligent Facial Emotion Recognition, A
* Microexpression Identification and Categorization Using a Facial Dynamics Map
* Microstructural Analysis of Cardiac Endomyocardial Biopsies with Synchrotron Radiation-Based X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging
* Microstructurally Anchored Cardiac Kinematics by Combining In Vivo DENSE MRI and cDTI
* Mini-batch bagging and attribute ranking for accurate user authentication in keystroke dynamics
* Minimising Entropy Changes in Dynamic Network Evolution
* Mining discriminative descriptors for goal-based activity detection
* Mining Frequent Patterns in 2D+t Grid Graphs for Cellular Automata Analysis
* Mining Skier Transportation Patterns From Ski Resort Lift Usage Data
* Mining the Urdu Language-Based Web Content for Opinion Extraction
* Mirror Mirror on the Wall... An Unobtrusive Intelligent Multisensory Mirror for Well-Being Status Self-Assessment and Visualization
* Mixed Noise Removal via Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling and Nonlocal Low-Rank Approximation
* Mixed Spectral-Element Method for Overcoming the Low-Frequency Breakdown Problem in Subsurface EM Exploration
* ML-Based Radial Velocity Estimation Algorithm for Moving Targets in Spaceborne High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Systems, An
* Model-based motion blur estimation for the improvement of motion tracking
* Modeling Dependencies in Supervised Classification
* Modeling of Myocardium Compressibility and its Impact in Computational Simulations of the Healthy and Infarcted Heart
* Modeling Satellite Precipitation Errors Over Mountainous Terrain: The Influence of Gauge Density, Seasonality, and Temporal Resolution
* Modeling Spatial Effect in Residential Burglary: A Case Study from ZG City, China
* Modeling the Hourly Distribution of Population at a High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Subway Smart Card Data: A Case Study in the Central Area of Beijing
* Modeling the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Gross Domestic Product in China Using Extended Temporal Coverage Nighttime Light Data
* Modified Equivalent Range Model and Wavenumber-Domain Imaging Approach for High-Resolution-High-Squint SAR With Curved Trajectory, A
* MODIS Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth over Turbid Coastal Water
* Modulation Model of High Frequency Band Radar Backscatter by the Internal Wave Based on the Third-Order Statistics
* Monitoring and Assessing Post-Disaster Tourism Recovery Using Geotagged Social Media Data
* Monitoring mangrove biomass change in Vietnam using SPOT images and an object-based approach combined with machine learning algorithms
* Monitoring short-lived climate pollutants by laser absorption spectroscopy
* Monitoring the Arctic Seas: How Satellite Altimetry Can Be Used to Detect Open Water in Sea-Ice Regions
* Monitoring the Invasion of Spartina alterniflora Using Multi-source High-resolution Imagery in the Zhangjiang Estuary, China
* Monte Carlo Simulations of Diffusion Weighted MRI in Myocardium: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis
* Morphing of Building Footprints Using a Turning Angle Function
* Morphological Analysis Combined with a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Utrasound Median Sagittal Sections for the Nuchal Translucency Measurement
* Morphological Analysis of Brownian Motion for Physical Measurements
* Morphological Characterization of Graphene Plans Stacking
* Morphological Hierarchical Image Decomposition Based on Laplacian 0-Crossings
* Morphological Links Between Formal Concepts and Hypergraphs
* Morphological Perceptrons: Geometry and Training Algorithms
* Morphological Processing of Gaussian Residuals for Edge-Preserving Smoothing
* Morphological Semigroups and Scale-Spaces on Ultrametric Spaces
* Morphological Texture Description from Multispectral Skin Images in Cosmetology
* morphologically preserved multi-resolution TIN surface modeling and visualization method for virtual globes, A
* Motion-Homogeneous-Based Fast Transcoding Method From H.264: AVC to HEVC
* Motion-State-Adaptive Video Summarization via Spatiotemporal Analysis
* Moving Targets Detection Capacities Improvement in Multichannel SAR Framework
* Moving to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission: Comparing Synthesized Compact Polarimetry and Dual Polarimetry Data with Fully Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data for Image Classification of Peatlands
* MRI reconstruction using a joint constraint in patch-based total variational framework
* Multi-Algorithm Indices and Look-Up Table for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval in Highly Turbid Water Bodies Using Multispectral Data
* Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-criteria handwriting quality analysis with online fuzzy models
* Multi-cycle Reconstruction of Cardiac MRI for the Analysis of Inter-ventricular Septum Motion During Free Breathing
* Multi-Decadal Surface Water Dynamics in North American Tundra
* Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Model for the Classification of Mangrove Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Feature Segmentation for High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Fractal Net Evolution Approach
* Multi-Layer Quantization Control for Quality-Constrained H.265/HEVC
* Multi-manifold matrix decomposition for data co-clustering
* Multi-modal Complete Breast Segmentation
* Multi-Modality Imaging Enables Detailed Hemodynamic Simulations in Dissecting Aneurysms in Mice
* Multi-Objective Emergency Material Vehicle Dispatching and Routing under Dynamic Constraints in an Earthquake Disaster Environment
* Multi-projection 3D displays using multiplexing techniques in autostereoscopic displays
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Very High Resolution Satellite Images Using Unsupervised Techniques
* Multi-scale inherent variation features-based texture filtering
* Multi-view face recognition from single RGBD models of the faces
* Multiangular Observation of Canopy Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence by Combining Imaging Spectroscopy and Stereoscopy
* Multidimensional Compression of ITS Data Using Wavelet-Based Compression Techniques
* Multimodal Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* Multimodal Neural Networks: RGB-D for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection
* Multimode Hybrid Geometric Calibration of Spaceborne SAR Considering Atmospheric Propagation Delay
* Multinational vehicle license plate detection in complex backgrounds
* Multinomial Level-Set Framework for Multi-region Image Segmentation
* Multiobjective Optimized Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Image
* multiphase segmentation method based on binary segmentation method for Gaussian noisy image, A
* Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Indoor Room Optimal Spatial Allocation, A
* Multiple consumer-grade depth camera registration using everyday objects
* Multiple depth layers and all-in-focus image generations by blurring and deblurring operations
* Multiple illuminant estimation from the covariance of colors
* Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Relationship Between Ventricular Fibrillation and First Myocardial Infarction, A
* Multiple kernel learning with hybrid kernel alignment maximization
* Multiple Laplacian graph regularised low-rank representation with application to image representation
* Multiple metric learning with query adaptive weights and multi-task re-weighting for person re-identification
* Multiscale Decomposition in Low-Rank Approximation
* MultiSense: Context-Aware Nonverbal Behavior Analysis Framework: A Psychological Distress Use Case
* Multispectral Constancy Based on Spectral Adaptation Transform
* Multitemporal Landsat Missing Data Recovery Based on Tempo-Spectral Angle Model
* Narrow Fingerprint Template Synthesis by Clustering Minutiae Descriptors
* Neighbor Distance Ratios and Dynamic Weighting in Multi-biometric Fusion
* Nested Alignment Graph Kernel Through the Dynamic Time Warping Framework, A
* Neural Network-Based Passivity Control of Teleoperation System Under Time-Varying Delays
* New Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Critical-Event Probability Due to Wireless Communication Errors in Train Control Systems, A
* New Approach to Performing Bundle Adjustment for Time Series UAV Images 3D Building Change Detection, A
* New Clustering Algorithm for Processing GPS-Based Road Anomaly Reports With a Mahalanobis Distance, A
* New Insights Into Ambiguities in Quad-Pol SAR
* new method for inpainting of depth maps from time-of-flight sensors based on a modified closing by reconstruction algorithm, A
* New Normalized Supervised Edge Detection Evaluation, A
* New Radiometric Correction Method for Side-Scan Sonar Images in Consideration of Seabed Sediment Variation, A
* New Stereo Pair Disparity Index (SPDI) for Detecting Built-Up Areas from High-Resolution Stereo Imagery, A
* new Zernike moments based technique for camera identification and forgery detection, A
* Node Matching Computation Between Two Large Graphs in Linear Computational Cost
* Noise Correlation Effect on Detection: Signals in Equicorrelated or Autoregressive(1) Gaussian
* Noise Sensitive Trajectory Planning for MR Guided TAVI
* Non-dictionary Aided Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images via Weighted Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Non-reference Image Quality Assessment for Fingervein Presentation Attack Detection
* Noncentral and Non-Gaussian Probability Model for SAR Data, A
* Nonlinear Flows for Displacement Correction and Applications in Tomography
* Nonlinear Spectral Image Fusion
* Nonlocal Difference Operators on Graphs for Interpolation on Point Clouds
* nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for enhancing magnetic resonance phase maps, A
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using Nonnegative Polynomial Approximations
* Nonrecursive Approach for Zero Crossing Based Spectral Analysis, A
* Note on Boosting Algorithms for Image Denoising, A
* Note on Transit Coordination Using Integer-Ratio Headways, A
* Notes on shape based tools for treating the objects ellipticity issues
* Novel 3D Gradient LBP Descriptor for Action Recognition, A
* Novel Adjustment Model for Mosaicking Low-Overlap Sweeping Images, A
* Novel Algorithm for Mining ENSO-Oriented Marine Spatial Association Patterns from Raster-Formatted Datasets
* Novel Analysis Method of Geographical Centrality Based on Space of Flows, A
* Novel Automatic Method for the Fusion of ALS and TLS LiDAR Data for Robust Assessment of Tree Crown Structure, A
* Novel Automatic Method to Evaluate Scoliotic Trunk Shape Changes in Different Postures, A
* Novel Classification Technique of Landsat-8 OLI Image-Based Data Visualization: The Application of Andrews' Plots and Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning, A
* Novel Construction of Z-Complementary Pairs Based on Generalized Boolean Functions, A
* Novel Contrast Pattern Selection Method for Class Imbalance Problems, A
* Novel Convex Relaxation for Non-binary Discrete Tomography, A
* Novel Extension of SBR-PO Method for Solving Electrically Large and Complex Electromagnetic Scattering Problem in Half-Space
* Novel Method for Automatic Localization of Joint Area on Knee Plain Radiographs, A
* Novel Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Probability Density Functions, A
* Novel Radar-Based Visibility Estimator, A
* Novel Semisupervised Active-Learning Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Novel Spectral Library Pruning Technique for Spectral Unmixing of Urban Land Cover, A
* Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Following Mobile Robot, A
* Numerical Integration of Riemannian Gradient Flows for Image Labeling
* Object Boundary Based Denoising for Depth Images
* Object Detection Networks on Convolutional Feature Maps
* Object Proposal Generation Applying the Distance Dependent Chinese Restaurant Process
* Object proposal with kernelized partial ranking
* Object Tracking via Pixel-Wise and Block-Wise Sparse Representation
* Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scanner data for land cover classification and map updating
* Object-Based Detection of Linear Kinematic Features in Sea Ice
* Objective Detection of Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Using QuikSCAT Seawinds Scatterometer
* Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influences on Vegetation Greening in China
* On a Projected Weiszfeld Algorithm
* On Angular Features of Radar Bistatic Scattering From Rough Surface
* On Characterization and Decomposition of Isothetic Distance Functions for 2-Manifolds
* On Detecting Road Regions in a Single UAV Image
* On Perception and Reality in Wireless Air Traffic Communication Security
* On Pruning of Data in a Sliding Window for Computing a Rank-Order Element
* On Sets of Line Segments Featuring a Cactus Structure
* On Solving the Problem of Identifying Unreliable Sensors Without a Knowledge of the Ground Truth: The Case of Stochastic Environments
* On the Approximation of the Kolmogorov Complexity for DNA Sequences
* On the Chamfer Polygons on the Triangular Grid
* On the Detectability of Buried Remains with Hyperspectral Measurements
* On the Impact of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles in Improving Freeway Merging: A Modified Intelligent Driver Model-Based Approach
* On the Interplay Between Strong Regularity and Graph Densification
* On the Interrelation of Security, QoS, and Safety in Cooperative ITS
* On the Role of the Bounded Lemma in the SDP Formulation of Atomic Norm Problems
* On the topology preservation of Gneiting's functions in image registration
* On the Use of Spearman's Rho to Measure the Stability of Feature Rankings
* On Time-Reversal Imaging by Statistical Testing
* On-Board Detection and Matching of Feature Points
* One Mesh to Rule Them All: Registration-Based Personalized Cardiac Flow Simulations
* One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Land-Cover Classification of Multi-Seasonal Hyperspectral Imagery in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
* One-Shot Learning of Human Activity With an MAP Adapted GMM and Simplex-HMM
* Online Fault Diagnosis of Motor Bearing via Stochastic-Resonance-Based Adaptive Filter in an Embedded System
* Online flowchart understanding by combining max-margin Markov random field with grammatical analysis
* Online hash tracking with spatio-temporal saliency auxiliary
* Online Learning of Attributed Bi-Automata for Dialogue Management in Spoken Dialogue Systems
* Online recognition of handwritten music symbols
* operational method for the disaggregation of land surface temperature to estimate actual evapotranspiration in the arid region of Chile, An
* Optic disc and cup segmentation by automatic thresholding with morphological operation for glaucoma evaluation
* Optical Classification Tool for Global Lake Waters, An
* Optical Cloud Pixel Recovery via Machine Learning
* Optimal configuration of static Mueller imagers for target detection
* Optimal Patch Assignment for Statistically Constrained Texture Synthesis
* Optimal Power Splitting for Simultaneous Information Detection and Energy Harvesting
* Optimal Traffic Sensor Location for Origin-Destination Estimation Using a Compressed Sensing Framework
* Optimal Transport for Manifold-Valued Images
* Optimal Transport-Based Restoration Method for Q-Ball Imaging, An
* Optimised Anisotropic Poisson Denoising
* Optimised blind image watermarking method based on firefly algorithm in DWT-QR transform domain
* Optimization of a Deep Convective Cloud Technique in Evaluating the Long-Term Radiometric Stability of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* Optimized Adaptive Streaming of Multi-video Stream Bundles
* Optimized Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Optimized Perceptual Tone Mapping for Contrast Enhancement of Images
* Optimizing Semi-Analytical Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a and Phycocyanin Concentrations in Inland Waters in Korea
* Optimizing the Processing of UAV-Based Thermal Imagery
* Optoacoustic Dermoscopy of the Human Skin: Tuning Excitation Energy for Optimal Detection Bandwidth With Fast and Deep Imaging in vivo
* Order-Adaptive Regularisation for Variational Optical Flow: Global, Local and in Between
* Ordered small multiple treemaps for visualizing time-varying hierarchical pesticide residue data
* Orders for Simplifying Partial Partitions
* Ordinal Class Imbalance with Ranking
* Outage Investigation of Beamforming Over Random-Phase Finite-Scatterer MISO Channels
* Oversegmentation Methods: A New Evaluation
* Pan-Sharpening of Landsat-8 Images and Its Application in Calculating Vegetation Greenness and Canopy Water Contents
* Parallel Contextual Array Insertion Deletion P System
* Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Pattern Recognition in Mixed Databases, A
* parallel thinning algorithm based on stroke continuity detection, A
* Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Subways
* Parameter Optimization to Solve the Inverse Problem in Electrocardiography, A
* parameter randomization approach for constructing classifier ensembles, A
* Parametric Quality-Estimation Model for Adaptive-Bitrate-Streaming Services
* Part-based 3D object retrieval via multi-label optimization
* Part-Based Robust Tracking Using Online Latent Structured Learning
* Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for the Segmentation of Retinal Vessels from Fundus Images
* Pathline-Based Background Subtraction Algorithm, A
* Patient-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of the Left Atrium in Atrial Fibrillation: Development and Initial Evaluation, A
* Pattern classification using smallest normalized difference associative memory
* PDE for Bivariate Amoeba Median Filtering
* People silhouette extraction from people detection bounding boxes in images
* People's Re-identification Across Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras by Local Discriminative Patch Matching
* People-Flow Counting Using Depth Images for Embedded Processing
* Per-pixel mirror-based method for high-speed video acquisition
* Perceptually lossless coder for volumetric medical image data
* Performance Analysis of Circular Antenna Array for Microwave Interferometric Radiometers
* Performance Bounds for Cosparse Multichannel Signal Recovery via Collaborative-TV
* Performance evaluation of local descriptors for maximally stable extremal regions
* Performance Metrics for Model Fusion in Twitter Data Drifts
* Performance of five surface energy balance models for estimating daily evapotranspiration in high biomass sorghum
* Performance of MODIS C6 Aerosol Product during Frequent Haze-Fog Events: A Case Study of Beijing
* Period Estimation of an Almost Periodic Signal Using Persistent Homology With Application to Respiratory Rate Measurement
* Perspective Reconstruction by Determining Vanishing Points for Autonomous Mobile Robot Visual Localization on Supermarkets
* PET Image Reconstruction and Deformable Motion Correction Using Unorganized Point Clouds
* Phenology-Based Biomass Estimation to Support Rangeland Management in Semi-Arid Environments
* Physically Based Susceptibility Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using a Fuzzy Point Estimate Method
* Physics-Aware Gaussian Processes for Earth Observation
* Pictures We Like Are Our Image: Continuous Mapping of Favorite Pictures into Self-Assessed and Attributed Personality Traits, The
* Pipette Hunter: Patch-Clamp Pipette Detection
* pixel-based approach for classification of cardiac single photon emission computed tomography images, A
* Plane Refined Structure from Motion
* Plots of high-dimensional data
* Plume Segmentation from UV Camera Images for SO2 Emission Rate Quantification on Cloud Days
* Poisson nonnegative matrix factorization method with parameter subspace clustering constraint for endmember extraction in hyperspectral imagery, A
* Polarisation photometric stereo
* Polarized Remote Sensing: A Note on the Stokes Parameters Measurements From Natural and Man-Made Targets Using a Spectrometer
* Polynomial Time Algorithm for Inferring Subclasses of Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array Languages
* Poor textural image tie point matching via graph theory
* Possibility of Estimating Seasonal Snow Depth Based Solely on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing on the Greenland Ice Sheet in Spring
* Post-Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Monitoring of Louisiana Salt Marshes Using Landsat Imagery
* Potential Benefits of Combining Anomaly Detection with View Planning for UAV Infrastructure Modeling
* Potential of Deep Features for Small Object Class Identification in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, The
* Power Tree Filter: A Theoretical Framework Linking Shortest Path Filters and Minimum Spanning Tree Filters
* Pre-trained Convolutional Networks and Generative Statistical Models: A Comparative Study in Large Datasets
* Precision Near-Field Reconstruction in the Time Domain via Minimum Entropy for Ultra-High Resolution Radar Imaging
* Predicting the Quality of Fused Long Wave Infrared and Visible Light Images
* Predicting Upcoming Values of Stress While Driving
* Prediction of Breast Deformities: A Step Forward for Planning Aesthetic Results After Breast Surgery
* Prediction of Post-Ablation Outcome in Atrial Fibrillation Using Shape Parameterization and Partial Least Squares Regression
* Prediction of Species-Specific Volume Using Different Inventory Approaches by Fusing Airborne Laser Scanning and Hyperspectral Data
* Preview Controller Design for Vehicle Stability With V2V Communication
* Principles of image reconstruction in optical interferometry: tutorial
* Prior-Based Hierarchical Segmentation Highlighting Structures of Interest
* Probabilistic Framework for Curve Evolution, A
* Probabilistic Prediction of Bus Headway Using Relevance Vector Machine Regression
* Probabilistic Segmentation of Brain White Matter Lesions Using Texture-Based Classification
* Procrustean Normal Distribution for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* Projection Method for Optimization Problems on the Stiefel Manifold, A
* Pruned non-local means
* Pupil Light Reflex Mitigation Using Non-linear Image Warping
* Quality assessment for real out-of-focus blurred images
* Quality Assessment Method for Linear Feature Simplification Based on Multi-Scale Spatial Uncertainty
* Quality index evaluation of videos based on fuzzy interface system
* Quantifying Changes of Villages in the Urbanizing Beijing Metropolitan Region: Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis
* Quantifying Streamflow Variations in Ungauged Lake Basins by Integrating Remote Sensing and Water Balance Modelling: A Case Study of the Erdos Larus relictus National Nature Reserve, China
* Quantifying Sub-Pixel Surface Water Coverage in Urban Environments Using Low-Albedo Fraction from Landsat Imagery
* Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Trends of Canopy Layer Heat Island (CLHI) and Its Driving Factors over Wuhan, China with Satellite Remote Sensing
* Quantization parameter cascading for video coding: Leveraging a new temporal distortion propagation model
* Quasi-Flat Zones for Angular Data Simplification
* Random Forest Based Left Ventricle Segmentation in LGE-MRI
* Randomly Perturbed B-Splines for Nonrigid Image Registration
* Rank-based voting with inclusion relationship for accurate image search
* Ranking the City: The Role of Location-Based Social Media Check-Ins in Collective Human Mobility Prediction
* Rate-Distortion-Optimization-Based Quantization Parameter Cascading Technique for Random-Access Configuration in H.265/HEVC
* RCMF: Robust Constrained Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Real Time Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Cells by Cameras on Drones
* Real-Time Guiding Catheter and Guidewire Detection for Congenital Cardiovascular Interventions
* Real-time gymnast detection and performance analysis with a portable 3D camera
* Real-Time Ionospheric Threat Adaptation Using a Space Weather Prediction for GNSS-Based Aircraft Landing Systems
* Real-Time Traffic State Estimation With Connected Vehicles
* Reasoning About Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds
* Recent Deceleration of the Ice Elevation Change of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica)
* Recent developments and trends in point set registration methods
* Recognizing Activities of Daily Living from Egocentric Images
* Reconstruction of Nearly Convex Colored Images
* Reducing Building Conflicts in Map Generalization with an Improved PSO Algorithm
* Redundancy-driven modified Tomek-link based undersampling: A solution to class imbalance
* Reeb Graphs of Piecewise Linear Functions
* Region-of-Interest Extraction Based on Local-Global Contrast Analysis and Intra-Spectrum Information Distribution Estimation for Remote Sensing Images
* Registration of Breast Surface Data Before and After Surgical Intervention
* Registration of Multi-Level Property Rights in 3D in The Netherlands: Two Cases and Next Steps in Further Implementation
* Regularised differentiation for image derivatives
* Regularized 2-D complex-log spectral analysis and subspace reliability analysis of micro-Doppler signature for UAV detection
* Relational Generalization of the Khalimsky Topology, A
* Relationship between Urban Land Surface Material Fractions and Brightness Temperature Based on MESMA, The
* Remote identification of research and educational activities using spectral properties of nighttime light
* Remote Sensing Approach for Regional-Scale Mapping of Agricultural Land-Use Systems Based on NDVI Time Series, A
* Remote sensing estimation of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in optically shallow waters
* Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Multiple Image Features
* Remote Sensing Image Registration with Line Segments and Their Intersections
* Remotely Monitoring Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Grassland and Cropland in China's Arid and Semi-Arid Regions with MODIS Data
* Reproduction Angular Error for Evaluating the Performance of Illuminant Estimation Algorithms, The
* Residual vs. Inception vs. Classical Networks for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Retinal Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease: Insights from Transgenic Mouse Models
* Retinal vessel delineation using a brain-inspired wavelet transform and random forest
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation from a Hyperspectral Camera Images
* Retrieval and Comparison of Forest Leaf Area Index Based on Remote Sensing Data from AVNIR-2, Landsat-5 TM, MODIS, and PALSAR Sensors
* Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth Using the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) Based on PARASOL Multi-Angle Intensity Data
* Retrievals of Lake Ice Thickness From Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake Using CryoSat-2
* Revealing Implicit Assumptions of the Component Substitution Pansharpening Methods
* Review of the Current State of UAV Regulations
* Revisiting Co-Saliency Detection: A Novel Approach Based on Two-Stage Multi-View Spectral Rotation Co-clustering
* RGB-D Computer Vision Techniques for Simulated Prosthetic Vision
* RKEM: Redundant Keypoint Elimination Method in Image Registration
* Road Detection by Using a Generalized Hough Transform
* Robotic System for Automation of Water Quality Monitoring and Feeding in Aquaculture Shadehouse
* Robust Abdominal Organ Segmentation Using Regional Convolutional Neural Networks
* Robust and accurate computation of geometric distance for Lipschitz continuous implicit curves
* Robust and Practical Depth Map Fusion for Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Robust Anomaly Detection Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging for Surface Quality Inspection
* Robust Blind Deconvolution with Convolution-Spectrum-Based Kernel Regulariser and Poisson-Noise Data Terms
* Robust blind image watermarking using crisscross inter-block prediction in the DCT domain
* Robust Data Whitening as an Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares Problem
* Robust DOA Estimation in the Presence of Miscalibrated Sensors
* Robust ImageGraph: Rank-Level Feature Fusion for Image Search
* Robust Iteratively Reweighted L_ Approach for Spectral Compressed Sensing in Impulsive Noise, A
* Robust Model-Based Registration of Cardiac MR Images for T1 and ECV Mapping
* Robust player detection and tracking in broadcast soccer video based on enhanced particle filter
* Robust point cloud classification based on multi-level semantic relationships for urban scenes
* Robust skin-roughness estimation based on co-occurrence matrix
* Robust upright adjustment of 360 spherical panoramas
* Robust visual tracking via co-trained Kernelized correlation filters
* Robust, Efficient Depth Reconstruction With Hierarchical Confidence-Based Matching
* ROIs Segmentation in Facial Images Based on Morphology and Density Concepts
* Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clouds, The
* Role of the Thumb: Study of Finger Motion in Grasping and Reachability Space in Human and Robotic Hands, The
* Rotation and script independent text detection from video frames using sub pixel mapping
* Rotational contour signatures for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape
* Rule-Based Method to Model Myocardial Fiber Orientation for Simulating Ventricular Outflow Tract Arrhythmias, A
* Rural Settlement Subdivision by Using Landscape Metrics as Spatial Contextual Information
* S-Hock dataset: A new benchmark for spectator crowd analysis, The
* Saliency Analysis via Hyperparameter Sparse Representation and Energy Distribution Optimization for Remote Sensing Images
* Saliency Detection by Fully Learning a Continuous Conditional Random Field
* Saliency Detection via A Graph Based Diffusion Model
* Salient Object Detection in Images by Combining Objectness Clues in the RGBD Space
* Salient Object Detection With Spatiotemporal Background Priors for Video
* Satellite Monitoring the Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Desertification in Response to Climate Change and Human Activities across the Ordos Plateau, China
* Satellite-Based Inversion and Field Validation of Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration in an Alpine Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau
* Satellite-Based Method for Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Crop Evapotranspiration: Sensitivity to the Priestley-Taylor Coefficient
* Satellite-Based Sea Ice Navigation for Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
* Satellite-Based Sunshine Duration Climate Data Record for Europe and Africa, A
* Scalable RFID Tag Estimator With Enhanced Accuracy and Low Estimation Time
* Scale and Rotation Invariant Character Segmentation from Coins
* Scaling-up multiobjective evolutionary clustering algorithms using stratification
* Scanning and animating characters dressed in multiple-layer garments
* Scatter Component Analysis: A Unified Framework for Domain Adaptation and Domain Generalization
* Scene-specific classifier for effective and efficient team sport players detection from a single calibrated camera
* Scrubbing Up: Multi-Scale Investigation of Woody Encroachment in a Southern African Savannah
* Sea Ice Concentration Estimation during Freeze-Up from SAR Imagery Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Sea Surface Currents Estimated from Spaceborne Infrared Images Validated against Reanalysis Data and Drifters in the Mediterranean Sea
* Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Columbia Glacier, Alaska (2011-2016): Ice Velocity, Mass Flux, Surface Elevation and Front Position
* Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a (2000-2012) in the Bohai Sea, China
* Seasonal Timing for Estimating Carbon Mitigation in Revegetation of Abandoned Agricultural Land with High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing
* Seed Robustness of Oriented Image Foresting Transform: Core Computation and the Robustness Coefficient
* Segment-Oriented Depiction and Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Data
* Segmentation of Collagen Fiber Bundles in 3D by Waterfall on Orientations
* Segmentation of LiDAR Intensity Using CNN Feature Based on Weighted Voting
* Segmentation of Locally Varying Numbers of Outer Retinal Layers by a Model Selection Approach
* Segmentation of Multiple Structures in Chest Radiographs Using Multi-task Fully Convolutional Networks
* Segmentation of Prostate in Diffusion MR Images via Clustering
* Segmentation of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle Anterior Fascia for the Analysis of Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforators
* Segmenting Multi-Source Images Using Hidden Markov Fields With Copula-Based Multivariate Statistical Distributions
* Self calibration of the stereo vision system of the Chang'e-3 lunar rover based on the bundle block adjustment
* Self-Organizing Frequency Approach to 802.11p Channel Estimation, A
* Semantic 3D indoor scene enhancement using guide words
* Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-Style Architectural Roofs of Digital Heritage
* Semantic Highlight Retrieval and Term Prediction
* Semantic Similarity Analysis of Urdu Documents
* semBnet: A semantic Bayesian network for multivariate prediction of meteorological time series data
* sEMG Signal-Based Lower Limb Human Motion Detection Using a Top and Slope Feature Extraction Algorithm
* Semi-automatic Method for Intervertebral Kinematics Measurement in the Cervical Spine
* Semi-calibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo
* Semi-supervised multi-label feature selection via label correlation analysis with L1-norm graph embedding
* Semisupervised Endmember Identification in Nonlinear Spectral Mixtures via Semantic Representation
* Sentiment Recognition in Egocentric Photostreams
* Sentinel-1A/B Combined Product Geolocation Accuracy
* Sequential Deep Trajectory Descriptor for Action Recognition With Three-Stream CNN
* Service-Oriented Cooperation Models and Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Driverless Vehicles at Continuous Static Critical Sections
* Shadow Cursor for Calibrating Screen Coordinates of Tabletop Displays and Its Evaluation, A
* Shadow Detection for Vehicle Classification in Urban Environments
* Shallow Water Measurements Using a Single Green Laser Corrected by Building a Near Water Surface Penetration Model
* Shape Matching by Time Integration of Partial Differential Equations
* Shape Matching for Rigid Objects by Aligning Sequences Based on Boundary Change Points
* Shape Simplification Through Graph Sparsification
* SIFT-Symmetry: A robust detection method for copy-move forgery with reflection attack
* SIFTing Through Scales
* Sign Language Gesture Recognition Using HMM
* Signal Processing for a Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Beat Frequency Division Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMC
* SigVox-A 3D feature matching algorithm for automatic street object recognition in mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Similarity Metrics for Intensity-Based Registration Using Breast Density Maps
* Simple and Effective Multi-word Query Spotting in Handwritten Text Images
* Simpler editing of graph-based segmentation hierarchies using zipping algorithms
* Simplification of Polygonal Chains by Enforcing Few Distinctive Edge Directions
* Simplifier Points in 2D Binary Images
* Simulation of Ship-Track versus Satellite-Sensor Differences in Oceanic Precipitation Using an Island-Based Radar
* Simultaneous inversion of multiple land surface parameters from MODIS optical-thermal observations
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Segmentation of CT Scans with Shadowed Data
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Gaussian Process Regression With Dictionary-Based Sampling and Student-t Likelihood
* Single-Objective Path Planning for Autonomous Robots Using Reconfigurable Analog VLSI
* Single-shot dense depth sensing with frequency-division multiplexing fringe projection
* SIRC: A Secure Incentive Scheme for Reliable Cooperative Downloading in Highway VANETs
* Slice-to-Volume Image Registration Models for MRI-Guided Cardiac Procedures
* Slope-Restricted Multi-Scale Feature Matching for Geostationary Satellite Remote Sensing Images
* Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Electrophysiological Modeling: An Alternative to Finite Element Methods
* SMOS-IC: An Alternative SMOS Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth Product
* Snow Disaster Early Warning in Pastoral Areas of Qinghai Province, China
* Soccer player recognition using spatial constellation features and jersey number recognition
* Soft Margin Bayes-Point-Machine Classification via Adaptive Direction Sampling
* Software-Defined GNSS Reflectometry Recording Receiver with Wide-Bandwidth, Multi-Band Capability and Digital Beam-Forming, A
* Solution of Pure Scattering Radiation Transport Equation (RTE) Using Finite Difference Method (FDM)
* Space-Time Flexible Kernel for Recognizing Activities from Wearable Cameras
* Spacial Aliasing Artefact Detection on T1-Weighted MRI Images
* Sparse and Low-Rank Near-Isometric Linear Embedding Method for Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* Sparse Approximation by Matching Pursuit Using Shift-Invariant Dictionary
* Sparse Bayesian Non-linear Regression for Multiple Onsets Estimation in Non-invasive Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Sparse Multigraph Embedding for Multimodal Feature Representation
* Sparse Nonlinear Electromagnetic Imaging Accelerated With Projected Steepest Descent Algorithm
* Sparse PDE for SAR image speckle suppression
* Sparse representation for robust face recognition by dictionary decomposition
* Sparse Stereo Disparity Map Densification Using Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Spatial and Spectral Hybrid Image Classification for Rice Lodging Assessment through UAV Imagery
* Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral Images Using Spectral Unmixing and Bayesian Sparse Representation
* Spatio-Temporal Behavior Analysis and Pheromone-Based Fusion Model for Big Trace Data
* Spatio-Temporal Relationships between Optical Information and Carbon Fluxes in a Mediterranean Tree-Grass Ecosystem
* Spatio-Temporal Scale Selection in Video Data
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Lake Water Quality in the Context of Remote Sensing Models
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Particulate Organic Carbon Based on Long-Term MODIS Observations in Taihu Lake, China
* Spatiotemporally enhancing time-series DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery for assessing large-scale urban dynamics
* Special Issue on Pattern Recognition Techniques in Data Mining
* Species classification using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-acquired high spatial resolution imagery in a heterogeneous grassland
* Spectral Clustering Using PCKID: A Probabilistic Cluster Kernel for Incomplete Data
* Speeding-Up Graph-Based Keyword Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents
* Sperm Flagellum Center-Line Tracing in Fluorescence 3D+t Low SNR Stacks Using an Iterative Minimal Path Method
* Spherical Tensor Algebra: A Toolkit for 3D Image Processing
* splitting method for total least squares color image restoration problem, A
* Spring and Autumn Phenological Variability across Environmental Gradients of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA
* Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learning: application to medical image segmentation
* Staff-Line Detection on Grayscale Images with Pixel Classification
* Standardization and Harmonization of Land Cover Classification Systems towards Harmonized Datasets: A Review, The
* State Estimation of the Performance of Gravity Tables Using Multispectral Image Analysis
* Static Optimal Sensor Selection via Linear Integer Programming: The Orthogonal Case
* Statistical Atlases for Electroanatomical Mapping of Cardiac Arrhythmias
* Statistical Comparison and Combination of GPS, GLONASS, and Multi-GNSS Multipath Reflectometry Applied to Snow Depth Retrieval
* Statistical Evaluation of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Metrics for Remote Sensing Images
* Statistical Properties of Marine Surface Slopes From Its Glitter Patterns: The 1-D Case
* Statistical Threshold Selection for Path Openings to Detect Cracks
* Statistical-Topological Feature Combination for Recognition of Isolated Hand Gestures from Kinect Based Depth Images, A
* Steganalysis of content-adaptive binary image data hiding
* Step-by-step pipeline processing approach for line segment detection
* Stepwise Calibration of Global DMSP/OLS Stable Nighttime Light Data (1992-2013), A
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment by learning non-negative matrix factorization-based color visual characteristics and considering binocular interactions
* Stitching images of dual-cameras onboard satellite
* Stochastic Image Reconstruction from Local Histograms of Gradient Orientation
* Strain-Based Parameters for Infarct Localization: Evaluation via a Learning Algorithm on a Synthetic Database of Pathological Hearts
* Strategies of Dictionary Usages for Sparse Representations for Pedestrian Classification
* Stripe noise removal of remote sensing images by total variation regularization and group sparsity constraint
* Stroke Width Transform for Linear Structure Detection: Application to River and Road Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Structure from Motion by Artificial Neural Networks
* Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regularization for Noise Removal
* Structured Output-Associated Dictionary Learning for Haptic Understanding
* Study of Prototype Selection Algorithms for Nearest Neighbour in Class-Imbalanced Problems, A
* Study of Ship Rotation Effects on SAR Image, A
* Study on the Cardinality of Ordered Average Pooling in Visual Recognition, A
* Subpixel-Precise Tracking of Rigid Objects in Real-Time
* Subspace Least Squares Multidimensional Scaling
* Successfully Mapping DASH Over a P2P Live Streaming Architecture
* Sun position estimation and tracking for virtual object placement in time-lapse videos
* Sunshine Hours and Sunlight Direction Using Shadow Detection in a Video
* Superpixel segmentation: A benchmark
* Superpixel-Based Multiple Local CNN for Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Classification
* Superresolution for UAV Images via Adaptive Multiple Sparse Representation and Its Application to 3-D Reconstruction
* Supervised Approaches for Function Prediction of Proteins Contact Networks from Topological Structure Information
* Supervoxel-Based Solution to Resume Segmentation for Interactive Correction by Differential Image-Foresting Transforms, A
* Surface Extraction from TIN based Search-space Minimization (SETSM) algorithm, The
* Surface Reflectance and Sun-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy Measurements Using a Small Hyperspectral UAS
* Survey on Applications of Bipartite Graph Edit Distance, A
* Survey on Approaches of Motion Mode Recognition Using Sensors, A
* survey on player tracking in soccer videos, A
* Survey: How good are the current advances in image set based face identification?: Experiments on three popular benchmarks with a naïve approach
* Swarm-Inspired Modeling of a Highway System With Stability Analysis
* Symmetric Counterparts of Classical 1D Haar Filters for Improved Image Reconstruction via Discrete Back-Projection
* Synchronization Over the Birkhoff Polytope for Multi-graph Matching
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Monitoring of Avalanche Activity: An Automated Detection Scheme
* Systematic Approach for Cross-Source Point Cloud Registration by Preserving Macro and Micro Structures, A
* Technical Perspective: What Led Computer Vision to Deep Learning?
* technology platform for automatic high-level tennis game analysis, A
* Template-Based Pattern Matching in Two-Dimensional Arrays
* Tensorial Kernel Based on Spatial Structure Information for Neuroimaging Classification
* Terrestrial Hyperspectral Image Shadow Restoration through Lidar Fusion
* TextProposals: A text-specific selective search algorithm for word spotting in the wild
* Textured Image Demoireing via Signal Decomposition and Guided Filtering
* Thistle Detection
* Three-Dimensional Localization Method for Multistatic SAR Based on Numerical Range-Doppler Algorithm and Entropy Minimization, A
* Three-Dimensional Quantification of Myocardial Collagen Morphology from Confocal Images
* Time Discrete Extrapolation in a Riemannian Space of Images
* Time-Efficient Optimisation Framework for Parameters of Optical Flow Methods, A
* Time-of-Day Pricing in Taxi Markets
* Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Vegetated Surfaces Using L-Band Radar Backscatter, A
* Top-Down Deep Appearance Attention for Action Recognition
* Topographic Spatial Variation Analysis of Loess Shoulder Lines in the Loess Plateau of China Based on MF-DFA
* Topological Data Analysis for Self-organization of Biological Tissues
* Topological Relations Between Bipolar Fuzzy Sets Based on Mathematical Morphology
* Total canopy transmittance estimated from small-footprint, full-waveform airborne LiDAR
* Total Variation Regularized Reweighted Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Toward accurate real-time marker labeling for live optical motion capture
* Toward an Improved Wind Quality Control for RapidScat
* Toward Parallel Computation of Dense Homotopy Skeletons for nD Digital Objects
* Towards a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
* Towards Cognition-Guided Patient-Specific FEM-Based Cardiac Surgery Simulation
* Towards contactless palmprint recognition: A novel device, a new benchmark, and a collaborative representation based identification approach
* Towards multi-stage texture-based active contour image segmentation
* Tracking Based Multi-Orientation Scene Text Detection: A Unified Framework With Dynamic Programming
* Traffic Control Magnetic Loops Electric Characteristics Variation Due to the Passage of Vehicles Over Them
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
* Traffic Velocity Estimation From Vehicle Count Sequences
* Trajectories and Traces on Non-traditional Regular Tessellations of the Plane
* Transductive Zero-Shot Action Recognition by Word-Vector Embedding
* Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Anti-spoofing
* Transfer Learning with Partial Observability Applied to Cervical Cancer Screening
* Transform Coding for Point Clouds Using a Gaussian Process Model
* Transient VRM Response From a Large Circular Loop Over a Conductive and Magnetically Viscous Half-Space
* Transport Based Image Morphing with Intensity Modulation
* tree based representation for effective pattern discovery from multimedia documents, A
* Tree Stem Diameter Estimation From Volumetric TLS Image Data
* Tree-Structured Models for Efficient Multi-Cue Scene Labeling
* Trends in Greenness and Snow Cover in Alaska's Arctic National Parks, 2000-2016
* Triplet Networks Feature Masking for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Heat Diffusion
* Turn Left after the WC, and Use the Lift to Go to the 2nd Floor Generation of Landmark-Based Route Instructions for Indoor Navigation
* Tweet-SCAN: An event discovery technique for geo-located tweets
* Two-Source Surface Reconstruction Using Polarisation
* Two-view underwater 3D reconstruction for cameras with unknown poses under flat refractive interfaces
* UAS-Based Change Detection of the Glacial and Proglacial Transition Zone at Pasterze Glacier, Austria
* Ultimate Opening Combined with Area Stability Applied to Urban Scenes
* Ultrafast Synthetic Transmit Aperture Imaging Using Hadamard-Encoded Virtual Sources With Overlapping Sub-Apertures
* Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural Network Framework
* Uncertainty Computation in Large 3D Reconstruction
* Uncertainty Quantification of Soil Moisture Estimations Based on a Bayesian Probabilistic Inversion
* Uncovering Distribution Patterns of High Performance Taxis from Big Trace Data
* Understanding and localizing activities from correspondences of clustered trajectories
* Underwater Topography Detection in Coastal Areas Using Fully Polarimetric SAR Data
* Unified Approach to PDE-Driven Morphology for Fields of Orthogonal and Generalized Doubly-Stochastic Matrices, A
* Unified Framework for the Restoration of Images Corrupted by Additive White Noise, A
* Unified Framework for Vehicle Rerouting and Traffic Light Control to Reduce Traffic Congestion, A
* Unified Hyperelastic Joint Segmentation/Registration Model Based on Weighted Total Variation and Nonlocal Shape Descriptors, A
* Unifying Model for Camera Calibration, A
* Unimodal Stopping Model-Based Early SKIP Mode Decision for High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Universal Multimode Background Subtraction
* Unsupervised Change Detection for Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Using Random Walks
* Unsupervised cluster-based method for segmenting biological tumour volume of laryngeal tumours in 18F-FDG-PET images
* Unsupervised Group Activity Detection by Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
* Unsupervised multi class segmentation of 3D images with intensity inhomogeneities
* Unsupervised Multi-manifold Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images with Contractive Autoencoder
* Unsupervised PolSAR Image Classification Using Discriminative Clustering
* Unsupervised refinement of color and stroke features for text binarization
* Unsupervised shape discovery using synchronized spectral networks
* Unsupervised varied density based clustering algorithm using spline
* Upscaling of Surface Soil Moisture Using a Deep Learning Model with VIIRS RDR
* Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat Islands in China's Yangtze River Basin
* Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Marine Mammal Research, The
* Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery of Forest Vegetation on Petroleum Well Sites
* User Recognition From Social Behavior in Computer-Mediated Social Context
* User-assisted image shadow removal
* User-Friendly Simultaneous Tomographic Reconstruction and Segmentation with Class Priors
* Using Atlas Prior with Graph Cut Methods for Right Ventricle Segmentation from Cardiac MRI
* Using Remote-Sensing Environmental and Fishery Data to Map Potential Yellowfin Tuna Habitats in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
* Using Sentinel-2 Data for Retrieving LAI and Leaf and Canopy Chlorophyll Content of a Potato Crop
* Using Space-Time Features to Improve Detection of Forest Disturbances from Landsat Time Series
* Using spectrotemporal indices to improve the fruit-tree crop classification accuracy
* Validation of Abundance Map Reference Data for Spectral Unmixing
* Validation of Sentinel-1A SAR Coastal Wind Speeds Against Scanning LiDAR
* Validation of VIIRS AOD through a Comparison with a Sun Photometer and MODIS AODs over Wuhan
* Variance Based Sensitivity Analysis of IKr in a Model of the Human Atrial Action Potential Using Gaussian Process Emulators
* Vehicle counting based on double virtual lines
* Vehicle detection and inter-vehicle distance estimation using single-lens video camera on urban/suburb roads
* Vehicle Detection by a Context-Aware Multichannel Feature Pyramid
* Vehicle Speed Prediction by Two-Level Data Driven Models in Vehicular Networks
* Vehicle X-ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Optimization Problem
* Verification of Hypotheses Generated by Case-Based Reasoning Object Matching
* VFH-Color and Deep Belief Network for 3D Point Cloud Recognition
* VIBIKNet: Visual Bidirectional Kernelized Network for Visual Question Answering
* Video Anomaly Detection With Compact Feature Sets for Online Performance
* Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction via Reweighted Residual Sparsity
* Video Object Segmentation via Global Consistency Aware Query Strategy
* Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low-Rank Coherency Diffusion
* Video synthesis from stereo videos with iterative depth refinement
* Video-Based System for Vehicle Speed Measurement in Urban Roadways, A
* VideoSet: A large-scale compressed video quality dataset based on JND measurement
* Visual Language Identification from Facial Landmarks
* Visual Object Detection Using Cascades of Binary and One-Class Classifiers
* Visual Object Tracking with Online Sample Selection Via LASSO Regularization
* Visual Remote Monitoring and Control System for Rod Braking on Hot Rolling Mills
* Visual Servoing of Constrained Mobile Robots Based on Model Predictive Control
* Visual simulation of fire-flakes synchronized with flame
* Visual-Attention-Based Background Modeling for Detecting Infrequently Moving Objects
* Visualization of Distinct DNA Regions of the Modern Human Relatively to a Neanderthal Genome
* Voronoi-Based Compact Image Descriptors: Efficient Region-of-Interest Retrieval With VLAD and Deep-Learning-Based Descriptors
* voting-based statistical cylinder detection framework applied to fallen tree mapping in terrestrial laser scanning point clouds, A
* VRFP: On-the-Fly Video Retrieval Using Web Images and Fast Fisher Vector Products
* VT Scan: Towards an Efficient Pipeline from Computed Tomography Images to Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation
* Watermark BER and Channel Capacity Analysis for QPSK-Based RF Watermarking by Constellation Dithering in AWGN Channel
* Watershed Segmentation with a Controlled Precision
* Watersheds on Hypergraphs for Data Clustering
* Weak Classifier for Density Estimation in Eye Localization and Tracking
* Wearable Gaze Trackers: Mapping Visual Attention in 3D
* Wearable Glove-Type Driver Stress Detection Using a Motion Sensor
* Weight Multispectral Reconstruction Strategy for Enhanced Reconstruction Accuracy and Stability With Cerenkov Luminescence Tomography
* Weight-Selection Strategy on Training Deep Neural Networks for Imbalanced Classification, A
* What Do Datasets Say About Saliency Models?
* When Slepian Meets Fiedler: Putting a Focus on the Graph Spectrum
* Where should cameras look at soccer games: Improving smoothness using the overlapped hidden Markov model
* Windowing strategy for Distributed Data Mining optimized through GPUs, A
* Winner takes all hashing for speeding up the training of neural networks in large class problems
* Withdrawn: Adaptive multiclass support vector machine for multimodal data analysis
* Withdrawn: Fast compressive tracking with robust example selection based on multiple instance learning in smart and autonomous systems
* Within Skyline Query Processing in Dynamic Road Networks
* WREP: A wavelet-based technique for extracting the red edge position from reflectance spectra for estimating leaf and canopy chlorophyll contents of cereal crops
* X-Band Sea Surface Coherence Time Inferred From Bistatic SAR Interferometry
* Z-Images
* Zero-Shot Learning With Transferred Samples
* Zero-Shot Scene Classification for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.