* *CRV
* Affine invariant multiscale wavelet-based shape matching algorithm
* ANN-based visibility prediction for camera placement in vision metrology
* Antibacterial activity detection and evaluation based on the detection of multiple concentric circles with the Hough transform
* Appearance-based models of locations for mobile robots
* Application of augmented reality to industrial tele-training
* Application of markerless image-based arm tracking to robot-manipulator teleoperation
* Approximating the visuomotor function for visual servoing
* Attending to visual motion: localizing and classifying affine motion patterns
* Automatic object recognition within an office environment
* Bayesian segmentation supported by neighborhood configurations
* Boundary based corner detection and localization using new 'cornerity' index: a robust approach
* Categorization and learning of pen motion using hidden Markov models
* Change detection in aerial images
* Closed-loop person tracking and detection
* Commodity real-time stereo vision for navigation
* Comparing viewpoint evaluation functions for model-based inspectional coverage
* Comparison between the Cosine and Hartley Based Naturalness Preserving Transforms for Image Watermarking and Data Hiding
* Consideration of a person/photograph distinction using the surface direction image
* Depth Weighted Modified Hausdorff Distance for Range Face Recognition
* Detection of perceptual junctions by curve partitioning and grouping
* Development of a guide dog system for the blind with character recognition ability
* dynamic fuzzy classifier for detecting abnormalities in mammograms, A
* Estimating camera motion through a 3D cluttered scene
* Estimation of average cell shape from digital images of cellular surfaces
* Evaluating certainties in image intensity differentation for optical flow
* Evaluation of model independent image-based visual servoing
* Experience with 3D optical flow on gated MRI cardiac datasets
* Expression learning and recognition system for a family robot
* extension of statistical face detection to face tracking, The
* Extraction of relief information on textured and coloured rough surfaces for the optimisation of a propagation model for wireless transmission
* Fast and accurate skin segmentation in color images
* generic methodology for partitioning unorganised 3D point clouds for robotic vision, A
* Image retrieval by ontological description of shapes (IRONS), early results
* Improving CBIR systems by integrating semantic features
* Integrating region and edge information for the automatic segmentation of interventional magnetic resonance images of the shoulder complex
* Inter-image statistics for scene reconstruction
* Linear markers for robot navigation with panoramic vision
* Location by involution
* Machine sensing for mining optimization
* Motion and trajectory recovery for tracking multiple objects undergoing a planar motion
* Multi-modal nonlinear feature reduction for the recognition of handwritten numerals
* new integrative approach to time varying image interpretation, A
* Object tracking: feature selection and confidence propagation
* On the limits of second generation watermarks
* optical-inertial tracking system for fully-enclosed VR displays, An
* Q-Lambda -based image thresholding
* Range image fusion for object reconstruction and modeling
* Real-time hybrid pose estimation from vision and inertial data
* Real-time motion tracker for a robotic vision system
* Recovering the shading image under known illumination
* reinforcement learning framework for parameter control in computer vision applications, A
* Robust estimation of camera rotation, translation and focal length at high outlier rates
* Robust method of recovering epipolar geometry using messy genetic algorithm
* Rotation, scaling, translation invariant image watermarking based on radon transform
* Sea ice boundary detection in SAR satellite images using conflicting strength
* Segmentation of the breast region in mammograms using snakes
* Self-calibration of a simplified camera using Kruppa equations
* Shape from contours and multiple stereo a hierarchical, mesh-based approach
* Simultaneous segmentation of range and color images based on Bayesian decision theory
* Stand-alone vision sensor design based on fuzzy associative database
* Stereo vision algorithm for robotic assembly operations
* Structural method for tracking coronary arteries in coronary cineangiograms
* Texture analysis using gaussian weighted grey level co-occurrence probabilities
* Toward glaucoma classification with moment methods
* Towards on-board color constancy on mobile robots
* Unsupervised segmentation of synthetic aperture radar sea ice imagery using MRF models
* Use of four surface normal approximations and optimization of light direction for robust shape reconstruction from single images
* Vision guided control of multiple robots
* Vision-based multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping
* Visual tracking using active appearance models
71 for CRV04
* *CRV
* 3D Feature Tracking Using a Dynamic Structured Light System
* 3D Model-Assisted Face Recognition in Video
* 3D Reconstruction of Environments for Planetary Exploration
* 3D SSD Tracking with Estimated 3D Planes
* Analysis of Player Actions in Selected Hockey Game Situations
* Attentional Framework for Stereo Vision, An
* Auto-Correlation Wavelet Support Vector Machine and Its Applications to Regression
* Automated Behavioral Phenotype Detection and Analysis Using Color-Based Motion Tracking
* Automatic Detection of Heads in Colored Images
* Automatic Segmentation Combining Mixture Analysis and Adaptive Region Information: A Level Set Approach, An
* Average Cell Orientation, Shape and Size Estimated from Tissue Images
* Background Subtraction using Self-Identifying Patterns
* Body Tracking in HumanWalk from Monocular Video Sequences
* Collaborative Exploration for a Group of Self-Interested Robots
* Collision and Event Detection using Geometric Features in Spatio-Temporal Volumes
* Combining Local and Global Features for Image Segmentation Using Iterative Classification and Region Merging
* Comparing Classification Metrics for Labeling Segmented Remote Sensing Images
* Computer Vision System for Monitoring Medication Intake, A
* Controlling Camera and Lights for Intelligent Image Acquisition and Merging
* Coordination of Multiple Agents for Probabilistic Object Tracking
* Design and Implementation of a Robot Soccer Team Based on Omni-Directional Wheels
* Detecting Abnormal Gait
* Detection of Linear and Cubic Interpolation in JPEG Compressed Images
* Detection of Multi-Part Objects by Top-Down Perceptual Grouping
* Detection of Occlusion Edges from the Derivatives of Weather Degraded Images
* Dry Granular Flows Need Special Tools
* Entropy-Based Image Merging
* Experimental Comparison of a Hierarchical Range Image Segmentation Algorithm, An
* Face as Mouse Through Visual Face Tracking
* Face Detection Using Combinations of Classifiers
* Face Exemplars Selection from Video Streams for Online Learning
* Face Recognition with Weighted Locally Linear Embedding
* Feature Planning for Robust Execution of General Robot Tasks using Visual Servoing
* Generalizing Inverse Perspective
* Head Pose Estimation of Partially Occluded Faces
* Head Tracking with Shape Modeling and Detection
* Hierarchical Non-Parametric Method for Capturing Non-Rigid Deformations, A
* Histogram Equalization using Neighborhood Metrics
* Identifying Precursory Cancer Lesions Using Temporal Texture Analysis
* Immersive Panoramic Imagery
* Iterative Corner Extraction and Matching for Mosaic Construction
* Kinematic Variables Estimation using Eye-in-Hand Robot Camera System
* Linear Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithm Based on the Linear-Time Legendre Transform, A
* Minimum Bayes Error Features for Visual Recognition by Sequential Feature Selection and Extraction
* Modeling Prior Shape and Appearance Knowledge in Watershed Segmentation
* Monocular Collision Warning System, A
* Multi-View Head Pose Estimation using Neural Networks
* New Multi-baseline Stereo by Counting Interest Points
* New Photo Consistency Test for Voxel Coloring, A
* Novel Scheme for Fingerprint Identification, A
* Object Detection System using Image Reconstruction with PCA, An
* On Processing and Registration of Forward-Scan Acoustic Video Imagery
* Patch-Duplets for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* PDE-Based Robust Robotic Navigation
* People Tracking using Robust Motion Detection and Estimation
* Photometric Stereo via Locality Sensitive High-Dimension Hashing
* Quantitative Comparison of 4 Algorithms for Recovering Dense Accurate Depth, A
* Real-time Detection of Faces in Video Streams
* Real-Time Video Surveillance with Self-Organizing Maps
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Perfect Hashing: An Efficient and Robust Approach
* Recognizing Hand-Raising Gestures using HMM
* Registration Uncertainty for Robot Self-localization in 3D
* Resampling 4-D Images Using Adaptive Filtering
* Scene Reconstruction with Sparse Range Information
* Seeing the Trees before the Forest
* Segment-Based Hand Pose Estimation
* Segmentation and Feature Extraction to Evaluate the Stomach Dynamic
* Segmentation of Laparoscopic Images: Integrating Graph-Based Segmentation and Multistage Region Merging
* Singularity Avoidance in Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
* Spatial Decomposition of the Hough Transform
* Structure from Motion using SIFT Features and the PH Transform with Panoramic Imagery
* Topology Inference for a Vision-Based Sensor Network
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation by Adaptive Thresholding and Gradient Watershed
* Unified Stochastic Model for Detecting and Tracking Faces, A
* Upper Body Pose Estimation from Stereo and Hand-Face Tracking
* Using Vanishing Points To Correct Camera Rotation In Images
* Video with Ground-Truth for Validation of Visual Registration, Tracking and Navigation Algorithms
* Video-Based Framework for Face Recognition in Video
* View Matching with Blob Features
80 for CRV05
* *CRV
* 3D Face Reconstruction from Stereo Video
* 3D Terrain Modeling for Rover Localization and Navigation
* Accurate Photometric Stereo Using Four Surface Normal Approximations
* Automated Detection of Unusual Events on Stairs
* Automatic Classification of Outdoor Images by Region Matching
* Autonomous fish tracking by ROV using Monocular Camera
* Autonomous Learning of Object Appearances using Colour Contour Frames
* Avatar: a virtual reality based tool for collaborative production of theater shows
* Belief Propagation on the GPU for Stereo Vision
* Building Local Safety Maps for a Wheelchair Robot using Vision and Lasers
* Collaborative Multi-Camera Surveillance with Automated Person Detection
* Colour-Gradient Redundancy for Real-time Spatial Pose Tracking in Autonomous Robot Navigation
* Comparison of Super-Resolution Algorithms Using Image Quality Measures
* Confidence Based updation of Motion Conspicuity in Dynamic Scenes
* Design and analysis of a framework for real-time vision-based SLAM using Rao-Blackwellised particle filters
* Detection and tracking of pianist hands and fingers
* Determining Shot Accuracy of a Robotic Pool System
* Disparity Map Estimation Using A Total Variation Bound
* Edge Preserving Locally Adaptive Anti-aliasing Zooming Algorithm with Diffused Interpolation, An
* Efficient Match-based Duplication Detection Algorithm, An
* Enhanced Positioning Algorithm for a Self-Referencing Hand-Held 3D Sensor, An
* Epipolar Geometry for the Rectification of Cubic Panoramas
* Error Analysis of Camera Parameter Estimation based on Collinear Features
* Evaluation of Colour Image Segmentation Hierarchies
* Evolving a Vision-Based Line-Following Robot Controller
* Expert Knowledge Based Automatic Regions-of-Interest (ROI) Selection in Scanned Documents for Digital Image Encryption
* Expression-Invariant Face Recognition with Expression Classification
* Extracting and tracking Colon's Pattern from Colonoscopic Images
* feature-based tracking algorithm for vehicles in intersections, A
* Generic Detection of Multi-Part Objects by High-Level Analysis
* GPU-based Algorithm for Estimating 3D Geometry and Motion in Near Real-time, A
* Graph Cut based Panoramic 3D Modeling and Ground Truth Comparison with a Mobile Platform: The Wagele
* Handling Occlusions in Real-time Augmented Reality: Dealing with Movable Real and Virtual Objects
* Hierarchical Region Mean-Based Image Segmentation
* Image Classification and Retrieval using Correlation
* Image Inpainting and Segmentation using Hierarchical Level Set Method
* Image Thresholding Using Ant Colony Optimization
* Information-Theoretic Approach to Georegistration of Digital Elevation Maps, An
* Integrating Animated Pedagogical Agent as Motivational Supporter into Interactive System
* Interpreting Camera Operations in the Context of Content-based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Iterative Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences using a Bayesian Approach with BTV prior and Affine Block-Based Registration, An
* Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection
* Line Extraction with Composite Background Subtract
* Local Feature Matching For Face Recognition
* Local Stereo Matching with Segmentation-based Outlier Rejection
* McGill Object Detection Suite, The
* Multiple-Sensor Indoor Surveillance System
* Nomad 200 and the Nomad SuperScout: Reverse engineered and resurrected, The
* Novel Clustering-Based Method for Adaptive Background Segmentation, A
* Object Boundary Detection in Ultrasound Images
* Object detection and tracking using iterative division and correlograms
* Object Extraction and Reconstruction in Active Video
* Photo Hull Regularized Stereo
* Photometric Stereo with Nearby Planar Distributed Illuminants
* Pixel-Weighting Method for Discriminating Objects of Different Sizes in an Image Captured from a Single Camera, A
* Pseudo-convex Contour Criterion for Hierarchical Segmentation of SAR Images
* Reflection Stereo: Novel Monocular Stereo using a Transparent Plate
* Robust Image Segmentation using Local Median
* Robust Preprocessing Algorithm for Face Recognition
* Robust SSD tracking with incremental 3D structure estimation
* Semiautomatic Segmentation with Compact Shape Prior
* Shape-Based Object Segmentation with Simultaneous Intensity Adjustment
* Simple Software for Microarray Image Analysis
* Simultaneous Tracking and Action Recognition using the PCA-HOG Descriptor
* Single landmark based self-localization of mobile robots
* Sparse Disparity Map from Uncalibrated Infrared Stereo Images
* Stability Improvement of Vision Algorithms
* Stereo Retinex
* Toward a Realistic Interpretation of Blue-spill for Blue-screen Matting
* Toward an Application of Content-Based Video Indexing to Computer-Assisted Descriptive Video
* Tracking 3D free form object in video sequence
* Underwater 3D Mapping: Experiences and Lessons learned
* Urban Position Estimation from One Dimensional Visual Cues
* Use of Spatial Reference Systems in Interactive Object Recognition
* User Authentication based on Face Recognition with Support Vector Machines
* Using 3D Spline Differentiation to Compute Quantitative Optical Flow
* Using Normalized Interest Point Trajectories Over Scale for Image Search
78 for CRV06
* *CRV
* 3D Tree-Structured Object Tracking for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Adaptive Appearance Model for Object Contour Tracking in Videos
* Automated Detection of Mitosis in Embryonic Tissues
* Automatic Annotation of Humans in Surveillance Video
* Automatic Detection and Clustering of Actor Faces based on Spectral Clustering Techniques
* Camera Sensor Model for Visual SLAM
* Can Lucas-Kanade be used to estimate motion parallax in 3D cluttered scenes?
* Classification of Bovine Reproductive Cycle Phase using Ultrasound-Detected Features
* Computer Assisted Detection of Polycystic Ovary Morphology in Ultrasound Images
* Computing View-normalized Body Parts Trajectories
* Constructing Face Image Logs that are Both Complete and Concise
* Corridor Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance using Visual Potential for Mobile Robot
* Dense Stereo Range Sensing with Marching Pseudo-Random Patterns
* Efficient camera motion and 3D recovery using an inertial sensor
* Efficient indexing for strongly similar subimage retrieval
* Efficient Non-Parametric Corner Detection: An Approach Based on Small Eigenvalue
* Efficient Registration of 3D SPHARM Surfaces
* Energy Efficient Robot Rendezvous
* Establishing Visual Correspondence from Multi-Resolution Graph Cuts for Stereo-Motion
* Extending Graph-Cut to Continuous Value Domain Minimization
* Extracting Salient Objects from Operator-Framed Images
* Extrinsic Recalibration in Camera Networks
* Factorized Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion from Image Velocities, A
* Figure-ground segmentation using a hierarchical conditional random field
* Finite Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Applications to Image and Video Foreground Segmentation
* Fourier tags: Smoothly degradable fiducial markers for use in human-robot interaction
* Framework for 3D Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition using Elements of Genetic Programming, A
* Identification and Recognition of Objects in Color Stereo Images Using a Hierachial SOM
* Images Restoration Using an Iterative Dynamic Programming Approach
* importance of scale when selecting pixels for image registration, The
* INVICON: A Toolkit for Knowledge-Based Control of Vision Systems
* Learning Saccadic Gaze Control via Motion Prediciton
* Lighting Direction Estimation in Perspective Shape from Shading by Genetic Algorithm
* Local Graph Matching for Object Category Recognition
* Mapping and Exploration of Complex Environments Using Persistent 3D Model
* Monocular Range Estimation through a Double-Sided Half-Mirror Plate
* new segmentation method for MRI images of the shoulder joint, A
* non-myopic approach to visual search, A
* Non-Uniform Hierarchical Geo-consistency for Multi-baseline Stereo
* Oriented-Filters Based Head Pose Estimation
* Petri Net-Based Cooperation In Multi-Agent Systems
* PFAAM: An Active Appearance Model based Particle Filter for both Robust and Precise Tracking
* Prototype No-Reference Video Quality System, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Feature Extractors for Visual SLAM
* Real-Time Commercial Recognition Using Color Moments and Hashing
* Real-time eye blink detection with GPU-based SIFT tracking
* Region detection and description for Object Category Recognition
* Registration of IR and EO Video Sequences based on Frame Difference
* Robust Subspace Position Measurement Using Localized Sub-Windows
* Robust Video Foreground Segmentation by Using Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling, A
* SAR Sea Ice Image Segmentation Based on Edge-preserving Watersheds
* Screen-Camera Calibration using a Spherical Mirror
* Simple Operator for Very Precise Estimation of Ellipses, A
* Spatial Topology Graphs for Feature-Minimal Correspondence
* Speckle Simulation Based on B-Mode Echographic Image Acquisition Model
* Super-resolution based on interpolation and global sub pixel translation
* Terrain Modelling for Planetary Exploration
* Training Database Adequacy Analysis for Learning-Based Super-Resolution
* Using a Raster Display for Photometric Stereo
* Using Feature Selection For Object Segmentation and Tracking
* Vehicle Tracking and Distance Estimation Based on Multiple Image Features
* Version and vergence control of a stereo camera head by fitting the movement into the Hering's law
* Wavelet-based Light Reconstruction from a Single Image
64 for CRV07
* *CRV
* 3D Human Motion Tracking Using Dynamic Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
* 6D Vision Goes Fisheye for Intersection Assistance
* Accurate Boundary Localization using Dynamic Programming on Snakes
* Active Vision for Door Localization and Door Opening using Playbot: A Computer Controlled Wheelchair for People with Mobility Impairments
* Automatic Object Extraction in Images using Embedded Labels
* Automatic Pyramidal Intensity-based Laser Scan Matcher for 3D Modeling of Large Scale Unstructured Environments
* Automatic Registration of Color and Infrared Videos Using Trajectories Obtained from a Multiple Object Tracking Algorithm
* Automatically Detecting and Tracking People Walking through a Transparent Door with Vision
* Camera Self-Calibration and Three Dimensional Reconstruction under Quasi-Perspective Projection
* Challenges of Vision for Real-Time Sensor Based Control
* Cue to Shading: Elongations near Intensity Maxima, A
* Deforestation: Extracting 3D Bare-Earth Surface from Airborne LiDAR Data
* Detecting Hand-Ball Events in Video Sequences
* Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Real-World Scenarios using Attributed Relational Graph
* Development of Continuum Shape Constraint Analysis (CSCA) for Computer Vision Applications Using Range Data
* Efficient Region-Based Background Subtraction Technique, An
* Enhancing Exploration in Graph-like Worlds
* Enhancing Steganography in Digital Images
* Eye-In-Hand Visual Servoing for Accurate Shooting in Pool Robotics
* Face and Hands Detection and Tracking Applied to the Monitoring of Medication Intake
* Fast Normal Map Acquisition Using an LCD Screen Emitting Gradient Patterns
* Framework of View-Dependent Planar Scene Active Camouflage, A
* Generating Semantic Information from 3D Scans of Crime Scenes
* Geometrical Primitives for the Classification of Images Containing Structural Cartographic Objects
* Hand and Wrist Physiological Features Extraction for near Infrared Biometrics
* Hierarchical Stereo with Thin Structures and Transparency
* Improved Euler Spiral Algorithm for Shape Completion, An
* Integrating Color and Gradient into Real-time Curve Tracking
* Invariant Classification of Gait Types
* Iterative Approach to Improved Local Phase Coherence Estimation, An
* Multiple Object Tracking Based on Adaptive Depth Segmentation
* Multiple View Integration and Display Using Virtual Mirrors
* New Miniaturized Embedded Stereo-Vision System (MESVS-I), A
* Object Class Recognition using Quadrangles
* Opto-Mechanical Oriented Edge Filtering
* Path Planning for Planetary Exploration
* Polygonal Meshing for 3D Stereo Video Sensor Data
* Prostate Segmentation from 2-D Ultrasound Images Using Graph Cuts and Domain Knowledge
* Quantitative Verification of Projected Views Using a Power Law Model of Feature Detection
* Ray-based Color Image Segmentation
* Real-time Multi-view Stereo Algorithm using Adaptive-weight Parzen Window and Local Winner-take-all Optimization
* Realtime Visualization of Monocular Data for 3D Reconstruction
* Robust Real-Time Bi-Layer Video Segmentation Using Infrared Video
* Segmentation of Rectangular Objects Lying on an Unknown Background in a Small Preview Scan Image
* Structure from Infrared Stereo Images
* Tessellation of Ground-Based LIDAR Data for ICP Registration
* Thermal Faceprint: A New Thermal Face Signature Extraction for Infrared Face Recognition
* Vision Based Spectroscopy Simulation
* Visual-Model Based Spatial Tracking in the Presence of Occlusions
50 for CRV08
* *CRV
* 3D Modeling from Multiple Views with Integrated Registration and Data Fusion
* Adaptive Monte Carlo Retinex Method for Illumination and Reflectance Separation and Color Image Enhancement
* AI Goggles: Real-time Description and Retrieval in the Real World with Online Learning
* Automated Spatial-Semantic Modeling with Applications to Place Labeling and Informed Search
* Bayesian Algorithm for Reading 1D Barcodes, A
* Bayesian Tracking of Linear Structures in Aerial Images
* Canine Pose Estimation: A Computing for Public Safety Solution
* Efficient and Fast Active Contour Model for Salient Object Detection, An
* Efficient Geometric, Photometric, and Temporal Calibration of an Array of Unsynchronized Video Cameras
* Efficient Local Invariant Region Detector for Image Retrieval, An
* Efficient Online Egomotion Estimation Using Visual and Inertial Readings
* Efficient Target Recovery Using STAGE for Mean-shift Tracking
* Environment Classification for Indoor/Outdoor Robotic Mapping
* Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest
* Generic Moment Invariants Based Supervised Learning Framework for Classification Using Partial Object Information, A
* IceSynth: An Image Synthesis System for Sea-Ice Segmentation Evaluation
* It's All Done with Mirrors: Calibration-and-Correspondence-Free 3D Reconstruction
* JEDI: Adaptive Stochastic Estimation for Joint Enhancement and Despeckling of Images for SAR
* Learning Model Complexity in an Online Environment
* Motion Histogram Analysis Based Key Frame Extraction for Human Action/Activity Representation
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Method with Fragmentation Handling, A
* Near-Real-Time Image Matting with Known Background
* Non-Accidental Features for Gesture Spotting
* Novel Algorithm for Extraction of the Layers of the Cornea, A
* On the Use of Ray-tracing for Viewpoint Interpolation in Panoramic Imagery
* Optical Flow from Motion Blurred Color Images
* Optimal Online Data Sampling or How to Hire the Best Secretaries
* Probabilistic 3D Tracking: Rollator Users' Leg Pose from Coronal Images
* Real-Time Viola-Jones Face Detection in a Web Browser
* Robot Control and Augmented Reality Interface for Multiple Robots, A
* Robust Monocular Egomotion Estimation Based on an IEKF
* Scalable Near-Optimal Recursive Structure from Motion
* Screen-Camera Calibration Using Gray Codes
* SEC: Stochastic Ensemble Consensus Approach to Unsupervised SAR Sea-Ice Segmentation
* Segment and Fusion-Based Stereo Approach, A
* Simple 3D Reconstruction of Single Indoor Image with Perspective Cues
* Stereo-Based System with Inertial Navigation for Outdoor 3D Scanning, A
* Support Vector Machine Based Online Learning Approach for Automated Visual Inspection, A
* Towards a Robust Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detection for Human Action Recognition
* Towards Learning Robotic Reaching and Pointing: An Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Approach
* Towards Navigation Summaries: Automated Production of a Synopsis of a Robot Trajectories
* Unsupervised Learning of Terrain Appearance for Automated Coral Reef Exploration
* Video Pause Detection Using Wavelets
* Vision Based Metal Spectral Analysis Using Multi-label Classification
* Vision-Based Control and Interaction Framework for a Legged Underwater Robot, A
46 for CRV09