* *OpenCV
* 1-Color Problem and the Brylawski Model, The
* 2D Face Recognition in the IV2 Evaluation Campaign
* 3,4,5) Curvilinear Skeleton, The
* 3-Component Inverse Depth Parameterization for Particle Filter SLAM, A
* 3-D assisted generative model for facial texture super-resolution, A
* 3-D High-Frequency Array Based 16 Channel Photoacoustic Microscopy System for In Vivo Micro-Vascular Imaging, A
* 3D Building Reconstruction from Lidar Based on a Cell Decomposition Approach
* 3D Computer Vision: Efficient Methods and Applications
* 3d Extended Histogram of Oriented Gradients (3DHoG) for Classification of Road Users in Urban Scenes
* 3D Face Alignment via Cascade 2D Shape Alignment and Constrained Structure from Motion
* 3D Face Model for Pose and Illumination Invariant Face Recognition, A
* 3D Face Recognition Using Multiview Keypoint Matching
* 3D Filtering of Colour Video Sequences Using Fuzzy Logic and Vector Order Statistics
* 3d head pose estimation from multiple distant views
* 3D Head Reconstruction Using Multi-camera Stream
* 3d Human Body-part Tracking and Action Classification Using A Hierarchical Body Model
* 3D Image Segmentation Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid
* 3D Motion Segmentation Using Intensity Trajectory
* 3D Neural Model-Based Stopped Object Detection
* 3D Object Reconstruction Using Full Pixel Matching
* 3D Open-surface Shape Correspondence for Statistical Shape Modeling: Identifying Topologically Consistent Landmarks
* 3D reconstruction from image collections with a single known focal length
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion and Skeleton from Uncalibrated Monocular Video
* 3D Scanner for Transparent Glass, A
* 3D Statistical Facial Feature Model and Its Application on Locating Facial Landmarks, A
* 3D-Assisted Facial Texture Super-resolution
* 7-Round Parallel Hardware-Saving Accelerator for Gaussian and DoG Pyramid Construction Part of SIFT, A
* Abandoned Object Detection System Based on Dual Background Segmentation, An
* Absolute scale in structure from motion from a single vehicle mounted camera by exploiting nonholonomic constraints
* Accelerated Human Motion Tracking System Based on Voxel Reconstruction under Complex Environments, An
* Accelerated Nonrigid Intensity-Based Image Registration Using Importance Sampling
* Accelerating Image Retrieval Using Factorial Correspondence Analysis on GPU
* Accurate 3D Modelling by Fusion of Potentially Reliable Active Range and Passive Stereo Data
* Accurate and Efficient Cost Aggregation Strategy for Stereo Correspondence Based on Approximated Joint Bilateral Filtering
* Accurate Image Rotation Using Hermite Expansions
* Acoustic Based Surveillance System for Intrusion Detection
* Acoustic event detection in meeting-room environments
* Action categorization with modified hidden conditional random field
* Action detection in complex scenes with spatial and temporal ambiguities
* Action recognition feedback-based framework for human pose reconstruction from monocular images
* Actionable information in vision
* Active Appearance Models with Rotation Invariant Kernels
* Active Contour Model for Segmenting and Measuring Retinal Vessels, An
* Active Segmentation with Fixation
* Active skeleton for non-rigid object detection
* Active Structured Learning for High-Speed Object Detection
* Active subspace learning
* Active, Foveated, Uncalibrated Stereovision
* Activity recognition using the velocity histories of tracked keypoints
* Adaptable k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for MMSE Image Interpolation, An
* Adaptation of Roads to ALS Data by Means of Networks Snakes
* Adapting quantization offset in multiple description coding for error resilient video transmission
* Adapting SVM Image Classifiers to Changes in Imaging Conditions Using Incremental SVM: An Application to Car Detection
* Adaptive Arbitration of Intra-Field and Motion Compensation Methods for De-Interlacing
* adaptive blink detector to initialize and update a view-basedremote eye gaze tracking system in a natural scenario, An
* Adaptive client-impostor centric score normalization: A case study in fingerprint verification
* Adaptive Edge-Oriented Shot Boundary Detection
* Adaptive Foreground/Background Segmentation Using Multiview Silhouette Fusion
* Adaptive fragments-based tracking of non-rigid objects using level sets
* Adaptive Mean-Shift Framework for MRI Brain Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Method for Recovering Image from Mixed Noisy Data, An
* Adaptive Noise-Filtering Algorithm for AVIRIS Data With Implications for Classification Accuracy, An
* Adaptive shape prior for recognition and variational segmentation of degraded historical characters
* Adaptive Sharpening with Overshoot Control
* Adaptive Technique for Accurate Feature Extraction from Regular and Irregular Image Data, An
* Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
* Adaptive two-stage FEC scheme for scalable video transmission over wireless networks
* Adaptive Variable Block-Size Early Motion Estimation Termination Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
* Adaptive video coding control for real-time H.264/AVC encoder
* Adaptive-Scale Robust Estimator Using Distribution Model Fitting
* Advanced Vision Processing Systems: Spike-Based Simulation and Processing
* Aerial Images and Lidar Data Fusion for Automatic Feature Extraction using the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Classifier
* Affine Adaptation of Local Image Features Using the Hessian Matrix
* Affine Connections, and Midpoint Formation
* Affine Moment Invariants of Color Images
* Affine-invariant contours recognition using an incremental hybrid learning approach
* Age estimation using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machine regression
* Agent-based image iris segmentation and multiple views boundary refining
* Airborne Lidar feature Selection for urban classification using random forests
* Airtime Fair Distributed Cross-Layer Congestion Control for Real-Time Video Over WLAN
* algebraic approach to affine registration of point sets, An
* Algebraic Line Search for Bundle Adjustment
* algebraic model for fast corner detection, An
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Power-Oriented H.264/AVC Baseline Profile Encoder for Portable Devices
* Algorithm for Detection of Partially Camouflaged People, An
* algorithm for minimizing the Mumford-Shah functional, An
* Algorithms for the Sample Mean of Graphs
* Aligning Coupled Manifolds for Face Hallucination
* Analysis and Classification of Crithidia Luciliae Fluorescent Images
* Analysis of Gait Using a Treadmill and a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Analysis of Orientation and Scale in Smoothly Varying Textures
* Analysis of Pigmented Skin Lesion Border Irregularity Using the Harmonic Wavelet Transform
* Analysis of Speed Sign Classification Algorithms Using Shape Based Segmentation of Binary Images
* Analysis of Time-multiplexed Security Videos
* Anisotropic Huber-L1 Optical Flow
* Anomaly-Based Detection of IRC Botnets by Means of One-Class Support Vector Classifiers
* Anytime learning for the NoSLLiP tracker
* Appearance Radii in Medial Axis Test Mask for Small Planar Chamfer Norms
* Application of TLS for Change Detection in Rock Faces
* Applying Recursive EM to Scene Segmentation
* Applying Visual Object Categorization and Memory Colors for Automatic Color Constancy
* Approach for Navigation in 3D Models on mobile Devices, An
* Approach to Urban Traffic State Estimation by Fusing Multisource Information, An
* Approximate input sensitive algorithms for point pattern matching
* Architectural Considerations for Video Content Analysis in Urban Surveillance
* Arithmetic Discrete Planes Are Quasicrystals
* Arithmetization of a Circular Arc
* Assessing the Impact of Digital Surface Models on Road Extraction in Suburban Areas by Region-based Road Subgraph Extraction
* Associating Groups of People
* Association and Identification in Heterogeneous Sensors Environment with Coverage Uncertainty
* Associative hierarchical CRFs for object class image segmentation
* Atmospheric Visibility Monitoring Using Digital Image Analysis Techniques
* Attached shadow coding: Estimating surface normals from shadows under unknown reflectance and lighting conditions
* Attenuation map estimation with SPECT emission data only
* Attraction-Repulsion Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Image Reconstruction and Sensor Field Estimation
* Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
* Attribute Multiset Grammars for Global Explanations of Activities
* Attributed Graph Matching Using Local Descriptions
* Audio-Guided Video-Based Face Recognition
* Auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Region Based Rate Control Application
* Automated 3-D Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Automated breast cancer detection and classification using ultrasound images: A survey
* Automated Center of Radial Distortion Estimation, Using Active Targets
* automated method for predicting iris segmentation failures, An
* Automated processing for map generalization using web services
* Automated selection of terrestrial images from sequences for the texture mapping of 3d city models
* Automatic 3D Points Cloud Registration for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Automatic 3D Powerline Reconstruction Using Airborne LIDAR Data
* Automatic Abdominal Organ Segmentation from CT images
* Automatic Annotation of Human Actions in Video
* Automatic Break Line Determination for the Generation of a DTM Along the River Main
* Automatic Camera Calibration Applied to Medical Endoscopy
* Automatic Components of Integrated CCTV Surveillance Systems: Functionality, Accuracy and Confidence
* Automatic Computer-Aided Detection System for Meniscal Tears on Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in CTA Images
* Automatic Estimation of the Inlier Threshold in Robust Multiple Structures Fitting
* Automatic Extraction of Urban Objects from Multi-Source Aerial Data
* Automatic Extraction of Vertical Walls from Mobile and Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Fontanel Extraction from Newborns' CT Images Using Variational Level Set
* Automatic Gait Recognition Using Weighted Binary Pattern on Video
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Dynamic Region Growth and Multiresolution Merging
* Automatic Initiation of the Periorbital Signal Extraction in Thermal Imagery
* Automatic landmark location with a Combined Active Shape Model
* Automatic learning and extraction of multi-local features
* Automatic Method for Counting Annual Rings in Noisy Sawmill Images, An
* Automatic ovarian follicle quantification from 3D ultrasound data using global/local context with database guided segmentation
* Automatic Road Extraction from Lidar Data Based on Classifier Fusion in Urban Area
* Automatic writer identification framework for online handwritten documents using character prototypes
* Automatically reconstructed roof shapes for LiDAR strip adjustment and quality control
* Autonomous Navigation of Vehicles from a Visual Memory Using a Generic Camera Model
* AVSS Multiple Camera Person Tracking Challenge Evaluation Overview
* Background Estimation Based on Device Pixel Structures for Silhouette Extraction
* Background Subtraction for Freely Moving Cameras
* Background Subtraction Techniques: Systematic Evaluation and Comparative Analysis
* Backing Off: Hierarchical Decomposition of Activity for 3d Novel Pose Recovery
* Bag of Optical Flow Volumes for Image Sequence Recognition
* Bandwidth Aggregation-Aware Dynamic QoS Negotiation for Real-Time Video Streaming in Next-Generation Wireless Networks
* Bayesian 3D Human Body Pose Tracking from Depth Image Sequences
* Bayesian Bio-inspired Model for Learning Interactive Trajectories
* Bayesian Order-Consistency Testing with Class Priors Derivation for Robust Change Detection
* Bayesian Poisson regression for crowd counting
* Bayesian Pressure Snake for Weld Defect Detection
* Bayesian selection of scaling laws for motion modeling in images
* Beating the Quality of JPEG 2000 with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Behavioral State Detection of Newborns Based on Facial Expression Analysis
* Benchmarking Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Better appearance models for pictorial structures
* Better Correspondence by Registration
* Beyond connecting the dots: A polynomial-time algorithm for segmentation and boundary estimation with imprecise user input
* Beyond Pairwise Shape Similarity Analysis
* Beyond the Euclidean distance: Creating effective visual codebooks using the Histogram Intersection Kernel
* bi-modal face recognition framework integrating facial expression with facial appearance, A
* biased sampling strategy for object categorization, A
* Bilateral Symmetry Detection via Symmetry-growing
* Bio-inspired Approach for the Recognition of Goal-Directed Hand Actions
* Biometric authentication using augmented face and random projection
* biometric database with rotating head videos and hand-drawn face sketches, A
* Biometric fusion: Does modeling correlation really matter?
* Blind Decomposition of Transmission Light Microscopic Hyperspectral Cube Using Sparse Representation
* Blind Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on ICA and Image Dividing Blocks, A
* BLOGS: Balanced local and global search for non-degenerate two view epipolar geometry
* Boat Speed Monitoring Using Artificial Vision
* Body-relative Navigation Guidance Using Uncalibrated Cameras
* Boosted multi-resolution spatiotemporal descriptors for facial expression recognition
* Boosting Shift-Invariant Features
* Border Operator for Generalized Maps
* Boundary ownership by lifting to 2.1D
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal calibration of a camera-and-rotation-sensor system, A
* Building Footprint Database Improvement for 3D Reconstruction: A Direction Aware Split and Merge Approach
* Building recognition using sketch-based representations and spectral graph matching
* Building Rome in a day
* Bundle Adjustment using Conjugate Gradients with Multiscale Preconditioning
* Bundler: Structure from Motion for Unordered Image Collections
* Calibration of a Riegl LMS-Z420i based on a multi-station adjustment and a geometric model with additional parameters
* Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Fitting Principal Component
* Calibration of Rotating Sensors
* Camera-Based Online Signature Verification with Sequential Marginal Likelihood Change Detector
* Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in brightfield images
* Canonical Stiefel Quotient and its application to generic face recognition in illumination spaces
* Capturing Physiology of Emotion along Facial Muscles: A Method of Distinguishing Feigned from Involuntary Expressions
* Carotenoid Concentration of Arctic Charr (Salvelinus Alpinus L.) from Spectral Data
* Categorization of Multiple Objects in a Scene without Semantic Segmentation
* Category-specific Object Recognition and Segmentation Using a Skeletal Shape Model
* Cellular Tracking in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Images
* Characterisation of Retinal Feature Points Applied to a Biometric System
* Characterization of Simple Closed Surfaces in Z3: A New Proposition with a Graph-Theoretical Approach
* Christoffel and Fibonacci Tiles
* Chromosome Image Recognition Method Based on Subregions, A
* Circular Road Sign Extraction from Street Level Images using Colour, Shape and Texture Database Maps
* Circularity and Gaussianity Detection Using the Complex Generalized Gaussian Distribution
* Class Segmentation and Object Localization with Superpixel Neighborhoods
* Classification Architecture Based on Connected Components for Text Detection in Unconstrained Environments, A
* Classification System of GIS-Objects using Multi-sensorial Imagery for Near-Realtime Disaster Management
* Clifford-Hodge Flow: An Extension of the Beltrami Flow, The
* Closed-Form Solution for Image Sequence Segmentation with Dynamical Shape Priors, A
* Cluster-based genetic segmentation of time series with DWT
* Clustered Synopsis of Surveillance Video
* Clustering constrained symbolic data
* Clustering of Lidar Data Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm in Urban area
* Clustering Videos by Location
* Clustering-Based Descriptors for Fingerprint Indexing and Fast Retrieval
* Co-occurrence Random Forests for Object Localization and Classification
* Coarse registration of 3D surface triangulations based on moment invariants with applications to object alignment and identification
* coarse-to-fine curvature analysis-based rotation invariant 3D face landmarking, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Tracking of Articulated Objects Using a Hierarchical Spring System
* Coastline Detection from SAR Images by Level Set Model
* CoCRF Deformable Model: A Geometric Model Driven by Collaborative Conditional Random Fields
* Coded aperture pairs for depth from defocus
* Coding Complexity Prediction for H.264/AVC Rate Control
* Cognitive Techniques in Visual Data Interpretation
* Color Based Bags-of-Emotions
* Color constancy using 3D scene geometry
* Color Correction and Compression for Multi-view Video Using H.264 Features
* Color Correction Preprocessing for Multiview Video Coding
* Color Features Performance Comparison for Image Retrieval
* Color Filter Array Demosaicking Using High-Order Interpolation Techniques With a Weighted Median Filter for Sharp Color Edge Preservation
* Color Image Segmentation by the Vector-Valued Allen-Cahn Phase-Field Model: A Multigrid Solution
* Color Me Right: Seamless Image Compositing
* Color Quantization Based on PCA and Kohonen SOFM
* Color Quantization by Multiresolution Analysis
* Color-Based Interest Operator, A
* Color-Based Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Colorization Using Segmentation with Random Walk
* Combination of Attributes in Stereovision Matching for Fish-Eye Lenses in Forest Analysis
* Combination of Low Pulse ALS Data and TERRASAR-X Radar images in the Estimation of Plot-Level Forest Variables
* Combination of Roadside and In-vehicle Sensors for Extensive Visibility Range Monitoring
* Combination Strategies in Multi-Atlas Image Segmentation: Application to Brain MR Data
* Combined GKLT Feature Tracking and Reconstruction for Next Best View Planning
* Combined Motion and Appearance Models for Robust Object Tracking in Real-Time
* Combining Appearance and Structure from Motion Features for Road Scene Understanding
* Combining classifiers through fuzzy cognitive maps in natural images
* Combining Contour Based Orientation and Curvature Features for Writer Recognition
* Combining Discriminative and Descriptive Models for Tracking
* Combining diverse on-line and off-line systems for handwritten text line recognition
* Combining Edge and Color Features for Tracking Partially Occluded Humans
* Combining efficient object localization and image classification
* Combining Facial Appearance and Dynamics for Face Recognition
* Combining Local and Global Shape Models for Deformable Object Matching
* Combining meshes and geometric primitives for accurate and semantic modeling
* Combining predictions in pairwise classification: An optimal adaptive voting strategy and its relation to weighted voting
* Comments on Fast Radix-9 Algorithm for the DCT-IV Computation
* Comments on Phase-Shifting for Nonseparable 2-D Haar Wavelets
* Compact Signatures for 3D Face Recognition under Varying Expressions
* Compact signatures for high-speed interest point description and matching
* Comparative analysis of Green's functions of 1D matching equations for motion synthesis, A
* Comparative Analysis of Radial-tchebichef Moments and Zernike Moments, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Stationary Foreground Object Detection Algorithms Based on Background Subtraction Techniques
* comparative study of facial appearance modeling methods for active appearance models, A
* Comparative Study on Feature Selection for Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using FABC, A
* Comparing and Improving Algorithms for Iris Recognition
* Comparing Feature Matching for Object Categorization in Video Surveillance
* Comparing verification performance of kids and adults for Fingerprint, Palmprint, Hand-geometry and Digitprint biometrics
* Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets
* Comparison of ALS-Based Low-Pulse Density Forest Inventories
* comparison of fingerprint image quality and matching performance between healthcare and general populations, A
* Comparison of Methods for Automated Building Extraction from High Resolution Image Data
* Compensating for nonstationary blurring by further blurring and deconvolution
* Competing 3D Priors for Object Extraction in Remote Sensing Data
* Complete multi-view reconstruction of dynamic scenes from probabilistic fusion of narrow and wide baseline stereo
* Complex networks: Application for Texture Characterization and Classification
* Complex Scene Analysis in Urban Areas Based on an Ensemble Clustering Method Applied on Lidar Data
* Complex Volume and Pose Tracking with Probabilistic Dynamical Models and Visual Hull Constraints
* Component Analysis Approach to Estimation of Tissue Intensity Distributions of 3D Images
* Comprehensive Evaluation Framework and a Comparative Study for Human Detectors, A
* Compressed image reproduction based on block decomposition
* Compression of Remote Sensing Images for the PROBA-V Satellite Mission
* Compressive-Projection Principal Component Analysis
* Computation complexity of branch-and-bound model selection
* Computation of Zernike moments in improved polar configuration
* computational efficient iris extraction approach in unconstrained environments, A
* Computer Analysis of Lighting in Realist Master Art: Current Methods and Future Challenges
* Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Analysis of Paintings and Drawings: An Introduction to the Literature
* Computing Homology: A Global Reduction Approach
* Concealed Object Perception and Recognition Using a Photometric Stereo Strategy
* Conditions for Segmentation of 2D Translations of 3D Objects
* Confidence Measures for Error Correction in Interactive Transcription Handwritten Text
* Confidence-Based Color Modeling for Online Video Segmentation
* Connected Component Labeling Techniques on Modern Architectures
* Consensus set maximization with guaranteed global optimality for robust geometry estimation
* Consistent Sampling and Efficient Signal Reconstruction
* Constant Time Stereo Matching
* Constant-time Efficient Stereo SLAM System, A
* Constrained clustering by spectral kernel learning
* Constrained Region-Based Segmentation of Pleural Effusion in Thin-Slice CT
* Constructing implicit 3D shape models for pose estimation
* Contact lenses: Handle with care for iris recognition
* Contemporary technologies for 3D digitization of Maori and Pacific Island artifacts
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using Unclean Positive Examples
* Content-Aware Distortion-Fair Video Streaming in Congested Networks
* Content-Based Annotation of User Generated Videos on a Mobile Platform
* Context by region ancestry
* Context-Adaptive Prediction Scheme for Parameter Estimation in H.264/AVC Macroblock Layer Rate Control, A
* Context-Based Multimedia Sensor Selection Method
* Context-Based Reasoning Using Ontologies to Adapt Visual Tracking in Surveillance
* Contextual-Guided Bag-of-Visual-Words Model for Multi-class Object Categorization
* Continuous recognition of motion based gestures in sign language
* Contour Extraction Based on Surround Inhibition and Contour Grouping
* Contour Segment Matching by Integrating Intra and Inter Shape Cues of Objects
* Contradiction and Correlation for Camera Overlap Estimation
* Control-Theoretic Approach to Rate Control for Streaming Videos, A
* Convergence and Parameter Choice for Monte-Carlo Simulations of Diffusion MRI
* Convergence of Binomial-Based Derivative Estimation for C2 Noisy Discretized Curves
* Convex Hull-Based Feature Selection in Application to Classification of Wireless Capsule Endoscopic Images
* Convex multi-region segmentation on manifolds
* Convex optimization for multi-class image labeling with a novel family of total variation based regularizers
* Convex regularization-based hardware/software co-design for real-time enhancement of remote sensing imagery
* Convolutional Virtual Electric Field External Force for Active Contours
* Cooperative Object Tracking and Event Detection with Wireless Smart Cameras
* Cooperative Stereo Matching with Color-Based Adaptive Local Support
* Correction for Camera Roll in a Perspectively Distorted Image: Cases for 2 and 3 point perspectives
* Correlated Probabilistic Trajectories for Pedestrian Motion Detection
* Cost curve analysis of biometric system performance
* Cost-Effective Solution to Synchronized Audio-Visual Capture Using Multiple Sensors
* Cost-Effective Ultrasonic Sensor-Based Driver-Assistance System for Congested Traffic Conditions, A
* Counting People in Groups
* Crease Detection on Noisy Meshes via Probabilistic Scale Selection
* Creating Human Activity Recognition Systems Using Pareto-based Multiobjective Optimization
* Critical Assessment of 2D and 3D Face Recognition Algorithms, A
* Cross-Based Local Stereo Matching Using Orthogonal Integral Images
* Crowd Flow Characterization with Optimal Control Theory
* Curvature Analysis of Lidar Data for Single Tree Species Classification in alpine Latitude Forests
* Curvature regularity for region-based image segmentation and inpainting: A linear programming relaxation
* Curvelet Approach for SAR Image Denoising, Structure Enhancement, and Change Detection
* De-Interlacing Algorithm Using Spatial-Temporal Correlation-Assisted Motion Estimation
* Deciduous-Coniferous Classification and Internal Structure Derivation Using Airborne Lidar Data, A
* Decision Trees on Lidar to Classify Land Uses and Covers
* Decision Trees Using the Minimum Entropy-of-Error Principle
* decision-boundary-oriented feature selection method and its application to face recognition, A
* Decision-Feedback Closest Lattice Point Search for UMTS HSPA System
* Decoding Color Structured Light Patterns with a Region Adjacency Graph
* Decomposing a scene into geometric and semantically consistent regions
* Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles
* Decorrelation and Distinctiveness Provide with Human-Like Saliency
* Deformable model fitting with a mixture of local experts
* Deformation invariant image matching by spectrally controlled diffeomorphic alignment
* Deformation-Aware Log-Linear Models
* Deformed Lattice Detection in Real-World Images Using Mean-Shift Belief Propagation
* Denoising Magnetic Resonance Images Using Fourth Order Complex Diffusion
* Denoising of Digital Radiographic Images with Automatic Regularization Based on Total Variation
* Denoising Point Cloud Data of Small-Structured Free Form-Surfaces Captured by a Phase-Based Laserscanner
* Dense 3D Reconstruction Method Using a Single Pattern for Fast Moving Object
* Dense and Accurate Spatio-temporal Multi-view Stereovision
* Dense Matching in High resolution oblique airborne images
* Dense Stereo-Based ROI Generation for Pedestrian Detection
* Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence by Self-organizing Neural Network
* Depth estimation with a practical camera
* Depth Imaging by Combining Time-of-Flight and On-Demand Stereo
* Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pair of Stereo Images
* Descriptive temporal template features for visual motion recognition
* Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy-Modified Ant Colony Hardware Structure for Image Retrieval
* Design of a Scalable Multicast Scheme With an Application-Network Cross-Layer Approach
* Design of Clinical Support Systems Using Integrated Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine
* Design, Construction, and Testing of a Stereo-Photogrammetric Tool for the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Infants
* Detecting Critical Configurations for Dividing Long Image Sequences for Factorization-Based 3-D Scene Reconstruction
* Detecting Cross-Fades in Interlaced Video With 3:2 Film Cadence
* Detecting Hubs in Music Audio Based on Network Analysis
* Detecting interpretable and accurate scale-invariant keypoints
* Detecting local audio-visual synchrony in monologues utilizing vocal pitch and facial landmark trajectories
* Detecting objects in large image collections and videos by efficient subimage retrieval
* Detecting Spatiotemporal Structure Boundaries: Beyond Motion Discontinuities
* Detection and removal of chromatic moving shadows in surveillance scenarios
* Detection and segmentation of cervical cell cytoplast and nucleus
* Detection Driven Adaptive Multi-cue Integration for Multiple Human Tracking
* Detection of a Hand Holding a Cellular Phone Using Multiple Image Features
* Detection of Ambiguous Patterns Using SVMs: Application to Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Detection of chain structures embedded in multidimensional symbolic data
* Detection of Curbstones in Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Detection of Duplicated Regions in Tampered Digital Images by Bit-Plane Analysis
* Detection of human actions from a single example
* Detection of Non-convex Objects by Dynamic Programming
* Detection of Object Motion Regions in Aerial Image Pairs With a Multilayer Markovian Model
* Detection of Vehicle Manufacture Logos Using Contextual Information
* Determination of Electric Conductivity and Local SAR Via B1 Mapping
* Development of a High Resolution 3D Infant Stomach Model for Surgical Planning
* Development of a machine vision system for a real time precision sprayer
* Development of a Sigma-Lognormal representation for on-line signatures
* Diagram techniques for multiple view geometry
* Differential Feature Analysis for Palmprint Authentication
* Difficult detection: A comparison of two different approaches to eye detection for unconstrained environments
* Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam ODF Regularization
* Diffusion Tensor Images Upsampling: A Registration-Based Approach
* Digital Deformable Model Simulating Active Contours
* Digital Video Event Detector Framework for Surveillance Applications
* dimensionality of scene appearance, The
* Dimensionality reduction and principal surfaces via Kernel Map Manifolds
* direct approach for efficiently tracking with 3D morphable models, A
* Direct Reconstruction of Pharmacokinetic-Rate Images of Optical Fluorophores From NIR Measurements
* Directional Force Field-Based Maps: Implementation and Application
* Directional Multi-scale Modeling of High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) Lung Images for Diffuse Lung Disease Classification
* Directional statistics BRDF model
* Discontinuity-Adaptive Shape from Focus Using a Non-convex Prior
* Discrete Distortion for Surface Meshes
* Discrete lambda-Medial Axis, A
* Discrete Versions of Stokes' Theorem Based on Families of Weights on Hypercubes
* Discriminant analysis based on modified generalised singular value decomposition and its numerical error analysis
* Discriminative generalized Hough transform for object dectection
* Discriminative Learning for Dynamic State Prediction
* Discriminative Models for Multi-Class Object Layout
* Disparity Estimation in a Layered Image for Reflection Stereo
* Disparity estimation in stereo sequences using scene flow
* Disparity from stereo-segment silhouettes of weakly-textured images
* Display-camera calibration from eye reflections
* Distance-Based Multiple Paths Quantization of Vocabulary Tree for Object and Scene Retrieval
* Distances on Lozenge Tilings
* Distortion Correction for 3D Scan of Trunk Swaying Human Body Segments
* Distributed Audio Network for Speech Enhancement in Challenging Noise Backgrounds
* Distributed Cognitive Sensor Network Approach for Surveillance Applications
* Distributed Local MRF Models for Tissue and Structure Brain Segmentation
* Domain adaptive semantic diffusion for large scale context-based video annotation
* Dual Digital Watermarking for Internet Media Based on Hybrid Strategies
* Dynamic 2D Ultrasound and 3D CT Image Registration of the Beating Heart
* Dynamic Kernel-Based Progressive Particle Filter for 3D Human Motion Tracking
* Dynamic Partitioned Sampling For Tracking With Discriminative Features
* Dynamic Performance Measures for Object Tracking Systems
* Dynamic Pictorially Enriched Ontologies for Digital Video Libraries
* Dynamic Privacy in Public Surveillance
* Dynamic Programming Approach to Maximizing Tracks for Structure from Motion, A
* Dynamic Texture Extraction and Video Denoising
* Dynamic three-bin real AdaBoost using biased classifiers: An application in face detection
* Dynamics Analysis of Facial Expressions for Person Identification
* Eager interpretation of on-line hand-drawn structured documents: The DALI methodology
* Ecosystem for Semantics, An
* Edge-Based Image Compression with Homogeneous Diffusion
* Edge-directed Interpolation in a Bayesian Framework
* effect of pose on Facial Expression Recognition, The
* Effective Segmentation for Noise-Based Image Verification Using Gamma Mixture Models, An
* Effects on the measurements of the terrestrial laser scanner HDS 6000 (Leica) caused by different object materials
* efficient algorithm for Co-segmentation, An
* Efficient backward decoding of high-order hidden Markov models
* Efficient Block Matching Motion Estimation Using Multilevel Intra- and Inter-Subblock Features Subblock-Based SATD
* Efficient Classification of Images with Taxonomies
* Efficient computation of channel-coded feature maps through piecewise polynomials
* Efficient discriminative learning of parts-based models
* Efficient discriminative local learning for object recognition
* Efficient Disparity Computation without Maximum Disparity for Real-time Stereo Vision
* Efficient Human Action Detection Using a Transferable Distance Function
* Efficient human pose estimation via parsing a tree structure based human model
* Efficient in-network adaptation of encrypted H.264/SVC content
* Efficient indexing for large scale visual search
* Efficient Lattice Width Computation in Arbitrary Dimension
* Efficient Linear Method for the Estimation of Ego-Motion from Optical Flow, An
* Efficient MaxCount and threshold operators of moving objects
* Efficient multi-label ranking for multi-class learning: Application to object recognition
* Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Graph-Based Image Segmentation, An
* Efficient Partial Shape Matching of Outer Contours
* Efficient privacy preserving video surveillance
* Efficient Road Mapping via Interactive Image Segmentation
* Efficient Scale-Space Spatiotemporal Saliency Tracking for Distortion-Free Video Retargeting
* Efficient search strategy in structural analysis for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Efficient segmentation using feature-based graph partitioning active contours
* Efficient statistical face recognition across pose using Local Binary Patterns and Gabor wavelets
* Efficient subset selection via the kernelized Rényi distance
* Efficient, High-quality Image Contour Detection
* efficient, two-stage iris recognition system, An
* Efficiently Increasing Map Density in Visual SLAM Using Planar Features with Adaptive Measurement
* Ellipse Detection with Elemental Subsets
* EM algorithm-based adaptive custom thresholding for image denoising in wavelet domain
* Embedded Bernoulli Mixture HMMs for Continuous Handwritten Text Recognition
* Embedded Geometric Active Contour with Shape Constraint for Mass Segmentation
* Embodied spatial cognition: Biological and artificial systems
* Emerging Trends in Persistent Surveillance Information Fusion
* Empirical Camera Model for Internet Color Vision, An
* Encephalic NMR Tumor Diversification by Textural Interpretation
* Encyclopedia of Biometrics
* Energy-Efficient Image Compression for Resource-Constrained Platforms
* Engineering of Computer Vision Algorithms Using Evolutionary Algorithms
* Enhanced Landmine Detection from Low Resolution IR Image Sequences
* Enhanced Low-Resolution Pruning for Fast Full-Search Template Matching
* Enhanced supervised locally linear embedding
* Enhancing Bilinear Subspace Learning by Element Rearrangement
* Enhancing Sensor Measurements through Wide Baseline Stereo Images
* Error Propagation in Calibration Networks of Synthetic Aperture Radiometers
* Estimating 3D Scene Flow from Multiple 2D Optical Flows
* Estimating Carbon Stocks of Coniferous, Woody Canopy Trees Using Airborne Lidar and Passive Optical Sensor
* Estimating Color Signal at Different Correlated Color Temperature of Daylight
* Estimating Contact Dynamics
* Estimating fibre orientation in spruce using lighting direction
* Estimating Human Pose from Occluded Images
* Estimating Human Shape and Pose from a Single Image
* Estimating natural illumination from a single outdoor image
* Estimating Spatiotemporal Ground Deformation With Improved Persistent-Scatterer Radar Interferometry ast
* Estimating Vertical Leaf Area Density Profiles of Tree Canopies Using Three-Dimensional Portable Lidar Imaging
* Estimation of Channelized Hotelling Observer Performance With Known Class Means or Known Difference of Class Means
* Estimation of Errors in Gene Expression Data Introduced by Diffractive Blurring of Confocal Images
* Estimation of Location Uncertainty for Scale Invariant Features Points
* Estimation of Object Position Based on Color and Shape Contextual Information
* Estimation of orientation of a textured planar surface using projective equations and separable analysis with M-channel wavelet decomposition
* Estimation of the Temporal Dynamics of Posed and Spontaneous Facial Expression Formation Using LLE
* Evaluating information contributions of bottom-up and top-down processes
* Evaluation of a Foreground Segmentation Algorithm for 3D Camera Sensors
* Evaluation of incremental learning algorithms for HMM in the recognition of alphanumeric characters
* Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors for Non-planar, Transparent Scenes
* Evaluation of local spatio-temporal features for action recognition
* Evaluation of Scale and Noise Sensitivity of Fibre Orientation Estimation in Volume Images, An
* Evaluation of Structure Recognition Using Labelled Facade Images
* Event Composition with Imperfect Information for Bus Surveillance
* Evolving Mean Shift with Adaptive Bandwidth: A Fast and Noise Robust Approach
* Exact, Scaled Image Rotation Using the Finite Radon Transform
* Exemplar-based action recognition in video
* Experimental Analysis of the Relationship between Biometric Template Update and the Doddington's Zoo: A Case Study in Face Verification, An
* experimental study on content-based face annotation of photos, An
* Experimental Study on Pitch Compensation in Pedestrian-Protection Systems for Collision Avoidance and Mitigation, An
* Explicit 3D Modeling for Vehicle Monitoring in Non-overlapping Cameras
* Exploiting Inherent Parallelisms for Accelerating Linear Hough Transform
* Exploiting Intensity Inhomogeneity to Extract Textured Objects from Natural Scenes
* Exploiting the Doddington Zoo effect in biometric fusion
* Exploiting uncertainty in random sample consensus
* Exploratory learning structures in artificial cognitive systems
* Exploring multispectral iris recognition beyond 900nm
* Extending continuous cuts: Anisotropic metrics and expansion moves
* Extracting Building Footprints from 3D Point Clouds using Terrestrial Laser Scanning at Street Level
* Extracting Spatio-Temporal Local Features Considering Consecutiveness of Motions
* Extraction of Buildings using Images and Lidar Data and a Combination of Various Methods
* Extraction of Cardiac Motion Using Scale-Space Features Points and Gauged Reconstruction
* Eye-gaze based real-time surveillance video synopsis
* Eye-verifier using ternary template for reliable eye detection in facial color images
* Eyelid and eyelash detection method in the normalized iris image using the parabolic Hough model and Otsu's thresholding method
* Fabric Defect Detection and Classification Using Gabor Filters and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Face alignment by minimizing the closest classification distance
* Face alignment through subspace constrained mean-shifts
* Face Alignment Using Boosting and Evolutionary Search
* Face Detection Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Face Detection Using GPU-Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* Face Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments
* Face Recognition by Estimating Facial Distinctive Information Distribution
* Face recognition using tensors of census transform histograms from Gaussian features maps
* Face Recognition via AAM and Multi-features Fusion on Riemannian Manifolds
* Face recognition with contiguous occlusion using markov random fields
* Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
* Face Relighting Based on Multi-spectral Quotient Image and Illumination Tensorfaces
* Factorizing Scene Albedo and Depth from a Single Foggy Image
* Farthest point distance: A new shape signature for Fourier descriptors
* Fast 2-D AR Parameter Estimation Algorithm Based on Functional Schur Coefficients, A
* Fast and Accurate 3D Edge Detection for Surface Reconstruction
* Fast and robust Earth Mover's Distances
* Fast Block Clustering Based Optimized Adaptive Mediod Shift
* Fast Compressed Domain Motion Detection in H.264 Video Streams for Video Surveillance Applications
* Fast Converging Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Time-Varying Channels, A
* Fast damage mapping in case of earthquakes using multitemporal SAR data
* Fast Depth Map Compression and Meshing with Compressed Tritree
* Fast Edge Map Pyramids for Hexagonal Image Structures
* Fast Generation of View-Direction-Free Perspective Display from Distorted Fisheye Image
* Fast gesture recognition based on a two-level representation
* Fast Invariant Contour-Based Classification of Hand Symbols for HCI
* Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm with Topology Preserving Constraint, A
* Fast motion estimation for H.264
* Fast Multi Frames Selection Algorithm Based on Macroblock Reference Map for H.264/AVC
* Fast Multiscale Operator Development for Hexagonal Images
* Fast Ray features for learning irregular shapes
* Fast real-time onboard processing of hyperspectral imagery for detection and classification
* Fast realistic multi-action recognition using mined dense spatio-temporal features
* Fast Segmentation via Randomized Hashing
* Fast Trilateral Filtering
* Fast Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Aerial Image Bursts
* Fast Visibility Restoration from a Single Color or Gray Level Image
* Feature Based Approach to Automatic Change Detection from Lidar Data in Urban Areas, A
* Feature correspondence and deformable object matching via agglomerative correspondence clustering
* Feature Extraction Algorithm for Banknote Textures Based on Incomplete Shift Invariant Wavelet Packet Transform
* Feature Ranking Algorithms for Improving Classification of Vector Space Embedded Graphs
* Feature subset selection from positive and unlabelled examples
* Feature subset selection in large dimensionality domains
* Feature-Assisted Sparse to Dense Motion Estimation Using Geodesic Distances
* Feature-centric Efficient Subwindow Search
* FESID: Finite Element Scale Invariant Detector
* Filter Flow
* Filtering of Artifacts and Pavement Segmentation from Mobile LiDAR Data
* Filtering of TLS Point Clouds for the Generation of DTM in Salt-Marsh Areas
* Finding good composition in panoramic scenes
* Finding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Viewing Parameters from a Single Realist Painting
* Finding Kinematic Structure in Time Series Volume Data
* Finding shareable informative patterns and optimal coding matrix for multiclass boosting
* Finding words in alphabet soup: Inference on freeform character recognition for historical scripts
* Finger vein recognition using minutia-based alignment and local binary pattern-based feature extraction
* Finger-Knuckle-Print Verification Based on Band-Limited Phase-Only Correlation
* Finger-Vein Recognition Based on a Bank of Gabor Filters
* Fingerprint Orientation Field Estimation: Model of Primary Ridge for Global Structure and Model of Secondary Ridge for Correction
* Fingerprint recognition performance in rugged outdoors and cold weather conditions
* Fingerprint skeleton matching based on local descriptor
* Fingerspelling Recognition through Classification of Letter-to-Letter Transitions
* First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition: LivDet 2009
* Fitting Product of HMM to Human Motions
* Flexible Surveillance System Architecture, A
* FLoSS: Facility location for subspace segmentation
* Folk Song Retrieval System with a Gesture-Based Interface, A
* Forecasting the View of Mt. Fuji Using Earth Observation Data
* Foreground Focus: Unsupervised Learning from Partially Matching Images
* Forward Error Correction for Multipath Media Streaming
* Fourier-wavelet regularization of phase retrieval in x-ray in-line phase tomography
* Fragile watermarking using finite field trigonometrical transforms
* Frame difference energy image for gait recognition with incomplete silhouettes
* Framework For Evaluating Visual SLAM, A
* Framework for Geometric Analysis of Vascular Structures: Application to Cerebral Aneurysms, A
* framework for visual saliency detection with applications to image thumbnailing, A
* Framework of View-Dependent Planar Scene Active Camouflage, A
* From medical data to simple virtual mock-up of scapulo-humeral joint
* From Ramp Discontinuities to Segmentation Tree
* From Rank-n to Rank-1 Face Recognition Based on Motion Similarity
* Full RDO-Support Power-Aware CABAC Encoder With Efficient Context Access
* Fully automatic and segmentation-robust classification of breast tumors based on local texture analysis of ultrasound images
* Fully Parallel 3D Thinning Algorithms Based on Sufficient Conditions for Topology Preservation
* Fusion of IR and visible light modalities for face recognition
* Fusion of Optical and InSAR Features for Building Recognition in Urban Areas
* Fuzzy Algorithm to Trace Stained Neurons in Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy Image Series, A
* Fuzzy Smoothed Composition of Local Mapping Transformations for Non-rigid Image Registration
* Gable Roof Description by Self-Avoiding Polygon
* Gabor-Based Tensor Level Set Method for Multiregional Image Segmentation, The
* Gait Identification Considering Body Tilt by Walking Direction Changes
* Gait Recognition Using Procrustes Shape Analysis and Shape Context
* Gait Representation Using Flow Fields
* Gappy PCA Classification for Occlusion Tolerant 3D Face Detection
* Gaussian Weak Classifiers Based on Haar-Like Features with Four Rectangles for Real-time Face Detection
* Gender from Body: A Biologically-Inspired Approach with Manifold Learning
* Gender Recognition via Locality Preserving Tensor Analysis on Face Images
* General Adaptive Neighborhood Choquet Image Filtering
* general procedure for learning mixtures of independent component analyzers, A
* Generalized Butterfly Graph and Its Application to Video Stream Authentication
* Generalized Embedding of Multiplicative Watermarks
* Generalized multi-ethnic face age-estimation
* Generating provably secure cancelable fingerprint templates based on correlation-invariant random filtering
* Generation of an Omnidirectional Video without Invisible Areas Using Image Inpainting
* Generation of Spatial Information System for Architecture with Laserscanning Data
* Generic Method of Line Matching for Central Imaging Systems under Short-Baseline Motion, A
* Geometric Potential Force for the Deformable Model
* Geometric-Aligned Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Get Out of my Picture! Internet-based Inpainting
* Global Context Extraction for Object Recognition Using a Combination of Range and Visual Features
* Global Illumination Compensation for Background Subtraction Using Gaussian-Based Background Difference Modeling
* Global Localization of Vehicles Using Local Pole Patterns
* global perspective on MAP inference for low-level vision, A
* Globally optimal affine epipolar geometry from apparent contours
* Globally Optimal Finsler Active Contours
* Globally optimal segmentation of multi-region objects
* Globally Optimal Spatio-temporal Reconstruction from Cluttered Videos
* GPU Implementation of the Affine Transform for 3D Image Registration
* Gradient Descent Approximation for Graph Cuts, A
* Gradient domain layer separation under independent motion
* Gradient Vector Flow over Manifold for Active Contours
* Grammar Supported Facade Reconstruction from Mobile Lidar Mapping
* Graph cuts using a Riemannian metric induced by tensor voting
* Graph-Based Approach for Shape Skeleton Analysis, A
* Graph-Based Feature Combination Approach to Object Tracking, A
* Graph-Based k-Means Clustering: A Comparison of the Set Median versus the Generalized Median Graph
* Graph-Based Object Class Discovery
* Graph-based transductive learning for robust visual tracking
* Graph-based Urban Object Model Processing
* Grey Level Estimation for Discrete Tomography
* GREYC keystroke: A benchmark for keystroke dynamics biometric systems
* Ground truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic image algorithms
* Ground-Texture-Based Localization for Intelligent Vehicles
* Group-sensitive multiple kernel learning for object categorization
* GroupSAC: Efficient consensus in the presence of groupings
* Guest Editorial Introducing Perception, Planning, and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Probabilistic Graphical Models
* Guiding Visual Surveillance by Tracking Human Attention
* H.264 Deblocking Speedup
* Haar Local Binary Pattern Feature for Fast Illumination Invariant Face Detection
* Haar-like features with optimally weighted rectangles for rapid object detection
* Hallucinating Faces: Global Linear Modal Based Super-Resolution and Position Based Residue Compensation
* hand-held photometric stereo camera for 3-D modeling, A
* Handwriting recognition research: Twenty years of achievement... and beyond
* Handwritten Chinese text line segmentation by clustering with distance metric learning
* Handwritten document image segmentation into text lines and words
* Harmonic Filters for Generic Feature Detection in 3D
* Harris-Like Scale Invariant Feature Detector, A
* Head Pose Classification in Crowded Scenes
* Head Pose Estimation Based on Manifold Embedding and Distance Metric Learning
* Head Pose Estimation by a Stepwise Nonlinear Regression
* Heavy-Tailed Model for Visual Tracking via Robust Subspace Learning
* Heterogeneous feature machines for visual recognition
* Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Visual Speech Recognition
* Hierarchical 3D diffusion wavelet shape priors
* hierarchical attention-based neural network architecture, based on human brain guidance, for perception, conceptualisation, action and reasoning, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian Sparse Image Reconstruction With Application to MRFM
* Hierarchical Decomposition of Handwritten Manuscripts Layouts
* Hierarchical Gaussianization for image classification
* Hierarchical Image Matching for Pose-invariant Face Recognition
* Hierarchical Image-region Labeling via Structured Learning
* Hierarchical learning for tubular structure parsing in medical imaging: A study on coronary arteries using 3D CT Angiography
* Hierarchical Matching of 3D Pedestrian Trajectories for Surveillance Applications
* Hierarchical Model for Joint Detection and Tracking of Multi-target
* High Resolution Data from Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry Terrestrial Methodologies Test Site: An Architectural Surface
* High-Fidelity RGB Video Coding Using Adaptive Inter-Plane Weighted Prediction
* High-Level Fusion of Depth and Intensity for Pedestrian Classification
* High-resolution shape reconstruction from multiple range images based on simultaneous estimation of surface and motion
* High-Throughput H.264/AVC High-Profile CABAC Decoder for HDTV Applications
* Higher-order gradient descent by fusion-move graph cut
* Highlight Removal from Single Image
* Highly-Automatic MI Based Multiple 2D/3D Image Registration Using Self-initialized Geodesic Feature Correspondences
* Histogram Modification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* HMM based Archive Film Defect Detection with Spatial and Temporal Constraints
* HMM-Based Defect Localization in Wire Ropes: A New Approach to Unusual Subsequence Recognition
* HOG-LBP Human Detector with Partial Occlusion Handling, An
* Homological Tree-Based Strategies for Image Analysis
* Hough transform-based mouth localization for audio-visual speech recognition
* Hu moment invariant as a shape circularity measure, A
* Human action recognition by feature-reduced Gaussian process classification
* Human Action Recognition by Semilatent Topic Models
* Human Action Recognition under Log-Euclidean Riemannian Metric
* Human Action Recognition Using HDP by Integrating Motion and Location Information
* Human Action Recognition Using LBP-TOP as Sparse Spatio-Temporal Feature Descriptor
* Human Action Recognition Using Non-separable Oriented 3D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets
* Human Action Recognition Using Pyramid Vocabulary Tree
* Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Classification
* Human Age Estimation by Metric Learning for Regression Problems
* Human Body Articulation for Action Recognition in Video Sequences
* Human Detection Using Partial Least Squares Analysis
* Human identification using KnuckleCodes
* Human Pose Estimation Using Consistent Max Covering
* Human Shape-Motion Analysis In Athletics Videos for Coarse To Fine Action/Activity Recognition Using Transferable Belief Model
* Human-Machine Interaction Issues in Quality Control Based on Online Image Classification
* Hybrid Approach Handling Imbalanced Datasets, A
* Hybrid Approach to Land Cover Classification from Multi Spectral Images, A
* Hybrid Background Model Using Spatial-Temporal LBP
* hybrid generative/discriminative classification framework based on free-energy terms, A
* Hybrid System Using Symbolic and Numeric Knowledge for the Semantic Annotation of Sulco-Gyral Anatomy in Brain MRI Images, A
* Hybrid Tagging and Browsing Approaches for Efficient Manual Image Annotation
* Hypergraph-Based Model for Graph Clustering: Application to Image Indexing, A
* Hypergraphs, Characteristic Polynomials and the Ihara Zeta Function
* I Know What You Did Last Summer: Object-level Auto-annotation of Holiday Snaps
* Iconic and multi-stroke gesture recognition
* Illumination Aware MCMC Particle Filter for Long-term Outdoor Multi-object Simultaneous Tracking and Classification
* Illumination-Robust Face Recognition from a Single Image per Person Using Matrix Polar Decomposition
* Image Analysis and Machine Learning: How to Foster a Stronger Connection?
* Image annotation using multi-label correlated Green's function
* Image Categorization Based on a Hierarchical Spatial Markov Model
* Image Categorization Using ESFS: A New Embedded Feature Selection Method Based on SFS
* Image Classification Using Probability Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlations
* Image compression with anisotropic triangulations
* Image Content Based Curve Matching Using HMCD Descriptor
* Image Denoising Using Trivariate Shrinkage Filter in the Wavelet Domain and Joint Bilateral Filter in the Spatial Domain
* Image Enhancement of Low-Light Scenes with Near-Infrared Flash Images
* Image Hatching for Visual Cryptography
* Image matting based on local color discrimination by SVM
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Edge-Region Information and Distorted Pixel for JPEG and JPEG2000
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-scale Geometric Analysis
* Image Registration Using Adaptive Polar Transform
* Image restoration using online photo collections
* Image Saliency by Isocentric Curvedness and Color
* Image Search Result Summarization with Informative Priors
* Image Segmentation Based on GrabCut Framework Integrating Multiscale Nonlinear Structure Tensor
* Image segmentation with a bounding box prior
* Image segmentation with simultaneous illumination and reflectance estimation: An energy minimization approach
* Image sequence geolocation with human travel priors
* Image-Based Lunar Surface Reconstruction
* Image-Driven Population Analysis Through Mixture Modeling
* Image-Set Based Face Recognition Using Boosted Global and Local Principal Angles
* Image/video-based pattern analysis and HCI applications
* Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice
* Impact of Angle Parametrisation on Terrestrial Laser Scanner Self-Calibration, The
* Impact of combining quality measures on biometric sample matching
* Impact of Reliability Evaluation on a Semi-supervised Learning Approach, The
* Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Localization Tasks of Anatomical Priors in SPECT Reconstruction
* Implicit color segmentation features for pedestrian and object detection
* implicit non-linear numerical scheme for illumination-robust variational optical flow, An
* Improved Adaptive Smoothing Method, An
* improved approach for automatic detection of changes in buildings, An
* Improved Arterial Inner Wall Detection Using Generalized Median Computation
* Improved Coordinate System for Point Correspondences of 2D Articulated Shapes, An
* Improved Handwriting Recognition by Combining Two Forms of Hidden Markov Models and a Recurrent Neural Network
* improved Hough transform voting scheme utilizing surround suppression, An
* Improved Low-Complexity Algorithm for 2-D Integer Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform Using Symmetric Mask-Based Scheme
* Improved Template Matching Method for Object Detection, An
* Improved Uncalibrated View Synthesis by Extended Positioning of Virtual Cameras and Image Quality Optimization
* Improvements in Active Appearance Model based synthetic age progression for adult aging
* Improving accuracy of geometric parameter estimation using projected score method
* Improving hand-based verification through online finger template update based on fused confidences
* Improving Image Segmentation using Multiple View Analysis
* Improving the Accuracy of a Score Fusion Approach Based on Likelihood Ratio in Multimodal Biometric Systems
* Improving User Control with Minimum Involvement in User-Guided Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform
* In vivo interactive visualization of four-dimensional blood flow patterns: Realtime assessment of volumetric phase contrast MRI
* Incidence angle influence on the quality of Terrestrial Laser Scanning points
* Incorporating Higher-order Cues in Image Colorization
* Incorporating Shape Features in an Appearance-Based Object Detection System
* Incorporating Spatial Correlogram into Bag-of-Features Model for Scene Categorization
* Increasing the Dimension of Creativity in Rotation Invariant Feature Design Using 3D Tensorial Harmonics
* Incremental action recognition using feature-tree
* Incremental discriminative-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* Incremental EM for Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis on Human Action Recognition
* Incremental learning of bidirectional principal components for face recognition
* Incremental learning of dynamical models of faces
* Incremental Learning of Statistical Motion Patterns With Growing Hidden Markov Models
* Incremental Multi-view Face Tracking Based on General View Manifold
* Incremental Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Recognition
* Incremental spectral clustering by efficiently updating the eigen-system
* Incremental Visual Hull Reconstruction
* Incrementally Discovering Object Classes Using Similarity Propagation and Graph Clustering
* Indexing Large Visual Vocabulary by Randomized Dimensions Hashing for High Quantization Accuracy: Improving the Object Retrieval Quality
* Indistinct Frame Detection in Colonoscopy Videos
* infinite Hidden Markov random field model, The
* information theoretic approach for tracker performance evaluation, An
* Information Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Information Value Driven Architecture for Urban Video Surveillance in Data and Attention Bandwidth Constrained Environments, An
* Informationally Decentralized System Resource Management for Multiple Multimedia Tasks
* Inpainting in Shape from Focus: Taking a Cue from Motion Parallax
* Integral Channel Features
* Integrating prior domain knowledge into discriminative learning using automatic model construction and phantom examples
* Integration of Contextual Information in Online Handwriting Representation
* Integration of full-waveform information into the airborne laser scanning data filtering process
* Intelligent Acquisition and Learning of Fluorescence Microscope Data Models
* Intelligent Video for Protecting Crowded Sports Venues
* Intelligent Video Surveillance for Detecting Snow and Ice Coverage on Electrical Insulators of Power Transmission Lines
* Intelligent Vision: A First Step - Real Time Stereovision
* interactive 3D medical visualization system based on a light field display, An
* Interactive Level Set Approach to Semi-automatic Detection of Features in Food Micrographs, An
* Interactive Shadow Removal from a Single Image Using Hierarchical Graph Cut
* Interactive Super-Resolution through Neighbor Embedding
* Interactive Texture Segmentation using Random Forests and Total Variation
* introduction to biometric-completeness: The equivalence of matching and quality, An
* Investigating adjustment of Airborne Laser Scanning strips without usage of GNSS/IMU trajectory data
* Investigations on Ambiguity Unwrapping of Range Images
* Irregular-Grid-Overlapped Block Motion Compensation and its Practical Application
* Is a detector only good for detection?
* Is Dual Linear Self-calibration Artificially Ambiguous?
* Is that you? Metric learning approaches for face identification
* Is White Light the Best Illumination for Palmprint Recognition?
* Isometric deformation modeling using singular value decomposition for 3D expression-invariant face recognition
* Isometric Deformation Modelling for Object Recognition
* Iterated Graph Cuts for Image Segmentation
* Iterative Camera Motion and Depth Estimation in a Video Sequence
* Joint Affine and Illumination Estimation Using Scale Manipulation Features
* Joint Affine and Radiometric Registration Using Kernel Operators
* Joint learning of visual attributes, object classes and visual saliency
* Joint optimization of segmentation and appearance models
* Joint Pose Estimator and Feature Learning for Object Detection
* Joint Rate Control Algorithm for Low-Delay MPEG-4 Object-Based Video Encoding
* Joint video/depth rate allocation for 3D video coding based on view synthesis distortion model
* Jointly Estimating Demographics and Height with a Calibrated Camera
* Jordan Curve Theorems with Respect to Certain Pretopologies on Z2
* Jumping Emerging Substrings in Image Classification
* k/K-Nearest Neighborhood Criterion for Improvement of Locally Linear Embedding
* Kernel active contour
* Kernel Grassmannian distances and discriminant analysis for face recognition from image sets
* Kernel map compression using generalized radial basis functions
* Kernel methods for weakly supervised mean shift clustering
* Kernel PCA for HMM-Based Cursive Handwriting Recognition
* Kernelized locality-sensitive hashing for scalable image search
* Keyframe-based Real-time Camera Tracking
* Keystroke dynamics with low constraints SVM based passphrase enrollment
* Kolmogorov Superposition Theorem and Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
* Label set perturbation for MRF based neuroimaging segmentation
* LabelMe video: Building a video database with human annotations
* Lagrange multiplier selection in wavelet-based scalable video coding for quality scalability
* Landmark classification in large-scale image collections
* Landmark Localisation in 3D Face Data
* Landmark-based sparse color representations for color transfer
* Lane Detection and Tracking Using a Layered Approach
* Language identification for handwritten document images using a shape codebook
* Large displacement optical flow computation without warping
* Large-scale privacy protection in Google Street View
* Laser-Scanner-Based Approach Toward Driving Safety and Traffic Data Collection, A
* Latent Model for Visual Disambiguation of Keyword-based Image Search, A
* latent model of discriminative aspect, A
* Latent Semantics Local Distribution for CRF-based Image Semantic Segmentation
* Layered Dynamic Textures
* Learning a dense multi-view representation for detection, viewpoint classification and synthesis of object categories
* Learning actions from the Web
* Learning based digital matting
* Learning Bundle Manifold by Double Neighborhood Graphs
* Learning Class Specific Graph Prototypes
* Learning complex background by multi-scale discriminative model
* Learning deformable action templates from cluttered videos
* Learning generative texture models with extended Fields-of-experts
* Learning Group Activity in Soccer Videos from Local Motion
* Learning image similarity from Flickr groups using Stochastic Intersection Kernel Machines
* Learning Kernel in Kernel-Based LDA for Face Recognition Under Illumination Variations
* Learning Local Patch Orientation with a Cascade of Sparse Regressors
* Learning Logic Rules for Scene Interpretation Based on Markov Logic Networks
* Learning long term face aging patterns from partially dense aging databases
* Learning mixture models with support vector machines for sequence classification and segmentation
* Learning Models for Object Recognition from Natural Language Descriptions
* Learning Object Location Predictors with Boosting and Grammar-guided Feature Extraction
* Learning pedestrian dynamics from the real world
* Learning People Trajectories Using Semi-directional Statistics
* Learning to predict where humans look
* Learning Video Preferences Using Visual Features and Closed Captions
* Learning with dynamic group sparsity
* Learning with Few Examples by Transferring Feature Relevance
* Learning with Missing or Incomplete Data
* Learning-based Face Synthesis for Pose-robust Recognition from Single Image
* Learning-based image representation and method for face recognition
* Least squares one-class support vector machine
* Least-squares congealing for large numbers of images
* Level Set Segmentation Based on Local Gaussian Distribution Fitting
* Level set segmentation with both shape and intensity priors
* Level Set-Based Fast Multi-phase Graph Partitioning Active Contours Using Constant Memory
* Levels of Details for Gaussian Mixture Models
* License Plate Detection and Character Recognition
* License Plate Extraction Algorithm Based on Edge Statistics and Region Growing, A
* Lidar Filtering Algorithm for Urban Flood Application
* Light Field Video Stabilization
* linear formulation of shape from specular flow, A
* Linear Time and Space Algorithm for Detecting Path Intersection, A
* linear-complexity reparameterisation strategy for the hierarchical bootstrapping of capabilities within perception-action architectures, A
* LIVEcut: Learning-based Interactive Video Segmentation by Evaluation of Multiple Propagated Cues
* Local and Global Collaboration for Object Detection Enhancement with Information Redundancy
* Local Color Descriptor for Object Recognition across Illumination Changes
* Local Distance Functions: A Taxonomy, New Algorithms, and an Evaluation
* Local Feature Hashing for face recognition
* Local Spatial Co-occurrence for Background Subtraction via Adaptive Binned Kernel Estimation
* Local Trinary Patterns for human action recognition
* Localised Mixture Models in Region-Based Tracking
* Locally Adaptive Speed Functions for Level Sets in Image Segmentation
* Log-linear Mixtures for Object Class Recognition
* Looking Around the Corner Using Transient Imaging
* Lorentzian Discriminant Projection and Its Applications
* Low-Power H.264 Video Compression Architectures for Mobile Communication
* Lower and Upper Bounds for Scaling Factors Used for Integer Approximation of 3D Anisotropic Chamfer Distance Operator
* lower bound on the sample size needed to perform a significant frequent pattern mining task, A
* Making Archetypal Analysis Practical
* Making Shape from Shading Work for Real-World Images
* Manifold Estimation in View-Based Feature Space for Face Synthesis across Poses
* Many-to-Many Matching under the L1 Norm
* Marching Triangle Polygonization for Efficient Surface Reconstruction from Its Distance Transform
* Markerless 3D Face Tracking
* Markov Clustering Topic Model for Mining Behaviour in Video, A
* Matching as a non-cooperative game
* Mathematics in Atmospheric Sciences: An Overview
* Matte-Based Restoration of Vintage Video
* Max-margin additive classifiers for detection
* MCMC-Based Algorithm to Adjust Scale Bias in Large Series of Electron Microscopical Ultrathin Sections
* Mean-Shift Object Tracking with a Novel Back-Projection Calculation Method
* Measure of circularity for parts of digital boundaries and its fast computation
* Measuring the Influence of Concept Detection on Video Retrieval
* Medical biometrics: The perils of ignoring time dependency
* meeting scheduling problem respecting time and space, A
* meta-analysis of face recognition covariates, A
* method for combining complementary techniques for document image segmentation, A
* Method for Compositing Polar MODIS Satellite Images to Remove Cloud Cover for Landfast Sea-Ice Detection, A
* Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal for Corresponding Images, A
* Methods for the automatic geometric registration of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds in forest stands
* Metric and Multiscale Color Segmentation Using the Color Monogenic Signal, A
* MIFT: A Mirror Reflection Invariant Feature Descriptor
* Minimal Offsets That Guarantee Maximal or Minimal Connectivity of Digital Curves in nD
* Minimal Solutions for Panoramic Stitching with Radial Distortion
* Minimized Database of Unit Selection in Visual Speech Synthesis without Loss of Naturalness
* Minimizing energy functions on 4-connected lattices using elimination
* Mining visual actions from movies
* MixIn3D: 3D Mixed Reality with ToF-Camera
* Mixture of Transformed Hidden Markov Models for Elastic Motion Estimation, A
* Mixtures of Normalized Linear Projections
* Mode-detection via median-shift
* Model Based Analysis of Face Images for Facial Feature Extraction
* Model Based Method for Overall Well Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition with Multi-focal Images, A
* model change detection approach to dynamic scene modeling, A
* Model for Saliency Detection Using NMFsc Algorithm, A
* Model selection for the LS-SVM. Application to handwriting recognition
* Model-Based 3D Object Localization Using Occluding Contours
* Model-Based Illumination Correction for Face Images in Uncontrolled Scenarios
* Model-Based Transrating of H.264 Coded Video
* Modeling 3D Human Poses from Uncalibrated Monocular Images
* Modeling and Analysis of Distortion Caused by Markov-Model Burst Packet Losses in Video Transmission
* Modeling and Measurement of 3D Deformation of Scoliotic Spine Using 2D X-ray Images
* Modeling deformable objects from a single depth camera
* Modeling inverse covariance matrices by expansion of tied basis matrices for online handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Modelling Activity Global Temporal Dependencies Using Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Modelling and Managing Domain Context for Automatic Surveillance Systems
* Modelling fingerprint ridge orientation using Legendre polynomials
* Modelling Human Segmentation Trough Color and Space Analysis
* Modelling Multi-object Activity by Gaussian Processes
* Models and analysis of streaming video transmission over wireless fading channels
* Modified Steepest-Descent for Bit Allocation in Strongly Dependent Video Coding
* Monocular 3D tracking of deformable surfaces using sequential second order cone programming
* Monocular Template-Based Tracking of Inextensible Deformable Surfaces under L2-Norm
* more you know, the less you learn: from knowledge transfer to one-shot learning of object categories, The
* Motion Estimation Optimization for H.264/AVC Using Source Image Edge Features
* Motion study of the hip joint in extreme postures
* Motion trajectory reproduction from generalized signature description
* Motion-based behaviour learning, profiling and classification in the presence of anomalies
* Motion-compensated DCT temporal filters for efficient spatio-temporal scalable video coding
* MotionSearch: Context-Based Video Retrieval and Activity Recognition in Video Surveillance
* Mountain c-regressions method
* Moving in stereo: Efficient structure and motion using lines
* Moving Object Segmentation in the H.264 Compressed Domain
* Multi-algorithm fusion with template protection
* Multi-biometrics based cryptographic key regeneration scheme
* Multi-class Binary Symbol Classification with Circular Blurred Shape Models
* Multi-cue Based Visual Tracking in Clutter Scenes with Occlusions
* Multi-Label Simple Points Definition for 3D Images Digital Deformable Model
* Multi-person tracking with overlapping cameras in complex, dynamic environments
* multi-sample, multi-tree approach to bag-of-words image representation for image retrieval, A
* Multi-scale Bilateral Structure Tensor Based Corner Detector, A
* Multi-scale object detection by clustering lines
* Multi-scale Piecewise-Linear Feature Detector for Spectrogram Tracks, A
* Multi-sensor Multi-cue Fusion for Object Detection in Video Surveillance
* Multi-view Geometry of the Refractive Plane
* Multi-view Object Detection Based on Spatial Consistency in a Low Dimensional Space
* Multi-view Object Localization in H.264/AVC Compressed Domain
* Multi-view synchronization of human actions and dynamic scenes
* Multi-view Texturing of Imprecise Mesh
* Multicamera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Shape and Motion Cues
* Multichannel Watermarking for Color Images by Using Quantization Visibility Thresholds
* Multicue Graph Mincut for Image Segmentation
* Multiframe Motion Segmentation via Penalized Map Estimation and Linear Programming
* Multilevel Algebraic Invariants Extraction by Incremental Fitting Scheme
* Multilinear Nonparametric Feature Analysis
* Multimedia at Work: Harvesting Resources for Recording Concurrent Videoconferences
* Multimodal Abandoned/Removed Object Detection for Low Power Video Surveillance Systems
* Multimodal Partial Estimates Fusion
* Multiperspective stereo matching and volumetric reconstruction
* Multiple Human Tracking in High-Density Crowds
* Multiple kernels for object detection
* Multiple One-shots for Utilizing Class Label Information
* Multiple Target Localisation at over 100 Fps
* Multiple View Reconstruction of a Quadric of Revolution from Its Occluding Contours
* Multiple view semantic segmentation for street view images
* Multiscale Discrete Geometry
* Multiscale Probabilistic Dithering for Suppressing Contour Artifacts in Digital Images
* Multiscale Symmetric Part Detection and Grouping
* Multisensor Fusion for Monitoring Elderly Activities at Home
* Multistage Hierarchical Algorithm for Hand Shape Recognition, A
* Multiuser Rate Allocation Games for Multimedia Communications
* Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data
* n-SIFT: n-Dimensional Scale Invariant Feature Transform
* Narrowband Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Natural Image Segmentation with Adaptive Texture and Boundary Encoding
* near optimal acceptance-rejection algorithm for exact cross-correlation search, A
* Near real-time parallel processing and advanced data management of SAR images in grid environments
* Near real-time SAR-based processing to support flood monitoring
* Near-Regular Texture Synthesis
* Necessary and Sufficient Contractivity Condition for the Fractal Transform Operator, A
* Neighborhood Preserving Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* neural contextual model for detecting perceptually salient contours, A
* New Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation Based on Ant Colony Optimization, A
* New Approach for Segmentation and Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Touching Numeral Pairs, A
* New Approach to Sparse Image Representation Using MMV and K-SVD, A
* new approach to unwrap a 3-D fingerprint to a 2-D rolled equivalent fingerprint, A
* New Approach to Weighted Graph Matching, A
* new benchmark on the recognition of handwritten Bangla and Farsi numeral characters, A
* New Conditional Sampling Strategies for Speeded-up Ransac
* New Feasible Approach to Multi-dimensional Scale Saliency, A
* New Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* New Gabor Phase Difference Pattern for Face and Ear Recognition, A
* New Generative Feature Set Based on Entropy Distance for Discriminative Classification, A
* New Integration Approach of Photogrammetric and Lidar Techniques for Architectural Surveys
* New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection and Tracking
* New Large Urdu Database for Off-Line Handwriting Recognition, A
* New Linguistic-Perceptual Event Model for Spatio-Temporal Event Detection and Personalized Retrieval of Sports Video, A
* new lower bound for evaluating the performances of sensor location algorithms, A
* New Method for Individual Tree Delineation and Undergrowth Removal from High Resolution Airborne Lidar, A
* New Method for Segmentation of Images Represented in a HSV Color Space, A
* new minimal solution to the relative pose of a calibrated stereo camera with small field of view overlap, A
* new multiview spacetime-consistent depth recovery framework for free viewpoint video rendering, A
* New Optical Distortion Model for Multi-camera Calibration, A
* New Rate Distortion Bounds for Natural Videos Based on a Texture-Dependent Correlation Model
* new software/hardware architecture for real time image processing of wide area airborne camera images, A
* New Spatial Measure for Dispersed-Dot Halftoning Assuring Good Point Distribution in Any Density
* new steganographic scheme based on vector quantisation and search-order coding, A
* New Technique for Image Magnification, A
* Next best view planning for active model improvement
* Night-Time Traffic Surveillance: A Robust Framework for Multi-vehicle Detection, Classification and Tracking
* Noise-Driven Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering of MRI
* Noisy MPEG Motion Vector Reduction for Motion Analysis
* Non-Euclidean image-adaptive Radial Basis Functions for 3D interactive segmentation
* Non-iterative approach for fast and accurate vanishing point detection
* Non-Local Fuzzy Segmentation Method: Application to Brain MRI, A
* Non-local sparse models for image restoration
* Non-Model Based Method for an Automation of 3D Acquisition and Post-Processing
* Non-negative matrix factorization of partial track data for motion segmentation
* Non-parametric patch based video matting
* Non-parametric Single View Reconstruction of Curved Objects Using Convex Optimization
* Non-rigid Object Localization and Segmentation Using Eigenspace Representation
* Non-rigid Shape Matching Using Geometry and Photometry
* Non-rigid structure from motion using quadratic deformation models
* Noniterative MAP Reconstruction Using Sparse Matrix Representations
* Nonlinear Constraint Network Optimization for Efficient Map Learning
* Nonlinear Diffusion Filters without Parameters for Image Segmentation
* Nonlinear Dimension Reduction and Visualization of Labeled Data
* Nonlinear Embedded Map Projection for Dimensionality Reduction
* Nonlinear L_1-Norm Approach for Joint Image Registration and Super-Resolution, A
* Nonlinear Motion Detection
* Nonlocal Means-Based Speckle Filtering for Ultrasound Images
* Nonlocal Similarity Image Filtering
* Normalization of Lidar Intensity Data Based on Range and Surface Incidence Angle
* Normalized Subspace Inclusion: Robust clustering of motion subspaces, The
* novel 3D mesh compression using mesh segmentation with multiple principal plane analysis, A
* Novel Algorithm for Distance Transformation on Irregular Isothetic Grids, A
* Novel Approach for Word Spotting Using Merge-Split Edit Distance, A
* novel approach to classification of facial expressions from 3D-mesh datasets using modified PCA, A
* novel approach to design of user re-authentication systems, A
* Novel Approach to Estimate Fractal Dimension from Closed Curves, A
* novel approach to expression recognition from non-frontal face images, A
* Novel Approach to Geometric Fitting of Implicit Quadrics, A
* Novel Approach to Steganography in High- Dynamic-Range Images, A
* Novel Approach to the Selection of Spatially Invariant Features for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images With Improved Generalization Capability, A
* Novel Directional Gradient Descent Searches for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Novel Estimation Method for Physiological Parameters in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: Application of a Distributed Parameter Model Using Fourier-Domain Calculations, A
* Novel Hierarchical Model of Attention: Maximizing Information Acquisition, A
* novel matching algorithm for distorted fingerprints based on penalized quadratic model, A
* Novel moment invariants for improved classification performance in computer vision applications
* Novel Recognition Approach for Sketch-Based Interfaces, A
* Novel script line identification method for script normalization and feature extraction in on-line handwritten whiteboard note recognition
* Novel Self-created Tree Structure Based Multi-view Face Detection, A
* Novel System for Robust Text Location and Recognition of Book Covers, A
* Novel Visual Organization Based on Topological Perception, A
* Nurbs Warps
* Object Detection by Estimating and Combining High-Level Features
* Object detection in airborne LIDAR data for improved solar radiation modeling in urban areas
* Object Detection with Multiple Motion Models
* Object Extraction from Lidar Data using an Artificial Swarm Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm
* Object Localization with Global and Local Context Kernels
* Object Matching in Distributed Video Surveillance Systems by LDA-Based Appearance Descriptors
* Object Recognition with 3d Models
* Object Tracking by Non-overlapping Distributed Camera Network
* Object Tracking from Unstabilized Platforms by Particle Filtering with Embedded Camera Ego Motion
* Object Tracking in Video Sequences by Unsupervised Learning
* Object Tracking via Multi-region Covariance and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Object-Video Streams for Preserving Privacy in Video Surveillance
* Object-Wise Multilayer Background Ordering for Public Area Surveillance
* Objective Quality Assessment Measurement for Typhoon Cloud Image Enhancement
* Observing Human-Object Interactions: Using Spatial and Functional Compatibility for Recognition
* Obstacle Detection and Tracking for the Urban Challenge
* Obtaining the Shape of a Moving Object with a Specular Surface
* OIF: An Online Inferential Framework for Multi-object Tracking with Kalman Filter
* Omni-directional Polarization Image Sensor Based on an Omni-directional Camera and a Polarization Filter
* On a New Measure of Classifier Competence Applied to the Design of Multiclassifier Systems
* On Adapting the Tensor Voting Framework to Robust Color Image Denoising
* On assessing the robustness of pen coordinates, pen pressure and pen inclination to time variability with personal entropy
* On Computing the Prediction Sum of Squares Statistic in Linear Least Squares Problems with Multiple Parameter or Measurement Sets
* On Feature Combination for Multiclass Object Classification
* On Improving the Efficiency of Eigenface Using a Novel Facial Feature Localization
* On optimizing subspaces for face recognition
* On the completeness of coding with image features
* On the Connecting Thickness of Arithmetical Discrete Planes
* On the Evaluation of Segmentation Methods for Wildland Fire
* On the Optimality of Motion-Based Particle Filtering
* On the Quantitative Estimation of Short-Term Aging in Human Faces
* On the Recovery of Depth from a Single Defocused Image
* On the Role of Exponential Splines in Image Interpolation
* On the Roles of Eye Gaze and Head Dynamics in Predicting Driver's Intent to Change Lanes
* On the Training Patterns Pruning for Optimum-Path Forest
* On the use of hierarchical prediction structures for efficient summary generation of H.264/AVC bitstreams
* On Three Constrained Versions of the Digital Circular Arc Recognition Problem
* On-line Arabic handwriting recognition with templates
* On-line hand-drawn electric circuit diagram recognition using 2D dynamic programming
* On-line Learning of Shape Information for Object Segmentation and Tracking
* On-line signature authentication using Zernike moments
* One-Shot similarity kernel, The
* Online Framework for Learning Novel Concepts over Multiple Cues, An
* Online learning in biometrics: A case study in face classifier update
* Ontology for Event Detection and its Application in Surveillance Video, An
* Operational Mapping of the Environmental Condition of Riparian Zones over Large Regions from LiDAR Data
* Optic Flow Using Multi-scale Anchor Points
* Optical flow estimation on coarse-to-fine region-trees using discrete optimization
* Optimal Channel Adaptation of Scalable Video Over a Multicarrier-Based Multicell Environment
* Optimal correspondences from pairwise constraints
* Optimal multiple surfaces searching for video/image resizing: A graph-theoretic approach
* Optimal Parameter Estimation with Homogeneous Entities and Arbitrary Constraints
* Optimal Partial Tiling of Manhattan Polyominoes
* Optimization framework for learning a hierarchical shape vocabulary for object class detection
* Optimization-Based Dynamic Sensor Management for Distributed Multitarget Tracking
* Optimized Bit Extraction Using Distortion Modeling in the Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC
* Optimizing parametric total variation models
* Optimum Sensors for Chromaticity Constancy in the Pixel
* Orientation and Processing of Airborne Laser Scanning data (OPALS): Concept and first results of a comprehensive ALS software
* Orientation and Scale Invariant Kernel-Based Object Tracking with Probabilistic Emphasizing
* Ortho-Rectified Facade Image by Fusion of 3D Laser Data and Optical Images
* Out-of-bag estimation of the optimal sample size in bagging
* Outage Probability of Selection Cooperation With MRC in Nakagami-m Fading Channels
* Overview of 3D Video and Free Viewpoint Video, An
* Packing bag-of-features
* Palmprint based Verification System Robust to Occlusion using Low-order Zernike Moments of Sub-image
* Palmprint Recognition Using 3-D Information
* Palmprint verification using binary orientation co-occurrence vector
* Parallel Blob Extraction Using the Multi-core Cell Processor
* Parallel Region-Based Level Set Method with Displacement Correction for Tracking a Single Moving Object
* Parameter Estimation in Bayesian Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Rotated and Translated Images
* Parameter Free Approach for Clustering Analysis, A
* Parameterized geometric alignment for minutiae-based fingerprint template protection
* Parametric Trajectory Representations for Behaviour Classification
* Parcellation of the Auditory Cortex into Landmark-Related Regions of Interest
* Parity Bit Replenishment for JPEG 2000-Based Video Streaming
* Part-Based Object Detection Using Cascades of Boosted Classifiers
* Partial matching of interpose 3D facial data for face recognition
* Particle Filter Approach Adapted to Catadioptric Images for Target Tracking Application
* Patch-based within-object classification
* Pathnodes Integration of Standalone Particle Filters for People Tracking on Distributed Surveillance Systems
* Pathway detection and geometrical description from ALS data in forested mountaneous area
* Pattern Analysis for an Automatic and Low-Cost 3D Face Acquisition Technique
* Pattern Analysis of Dermoscopic Images Based on FSCM Color Markov Random Fields
* Patterns in Discretized Parabolas and Length Estimation
* Pedestrian Detection by Probabilistic Component Assembly
* Pedestrian Recognition Using Second-Order HOG Feature
* People Counting System Based on Face Detection and Tracking in a Video, A
* People Tracking and Segmentation Using Efficient Shape Sequences Matching
* Perceivable artifacts in compressed video and their relation to video quality
* Perception-Based Lighting Adjustment of Image Sequences
* Performance Comparison of De-convolution Algorithms on Transmission Terahertz Images, A
* Performance Evaluation of Airport Lighting Using Mobile Camera Techniques
* Performance Evaluation of RANSAC Family
* Performance Prediction for Unsupervised Video Indexing
* Periocular biometrics in the visible spectrum: A feasibility study
* Person De-Identification in Videos
* Person's Recognition Using Palmprint Based on 2D Gabor Filter Response
* Personal Authentication Using Hand Vein Triangulation and Knuckle Shape
* Personalized text snippet extraction using statistical language models
* Personalized X-Ray 3-D Reconstruction of the Scoliotic Spine From Hybrid Statistical and Image-Based Models
* Phantom-Based Point Spread Function Estimation for Terahertz Imaging System
* Phrase-based correction model for improving handwriting recognition accuracies
* Piecewise Planar Stereo for Image-based Rendering
* Piecewise-consistent color mappings of images acquired under various conditions
* Pitfall of the Detection Rate Optimized Bit Allocation within template protection and a remedy
* Pixel Approximation Errors in Common Watershed Algorithms
* Pixel Coverage Segmentation for Improved Feature Estimation
* Planar Scene Modeling from Quasiconvex Subproblems
* Plane-based calibration of central catadioptric cameras
* Plant leaf identification using Gabor wavelets
* Plant Leaf Identification Using Multi-scale Fractal Dimension
* Plant Species Identification Using Multi-scale Fractal Dimension Applied to Images of Adaxial Surface Epidermis
* Plastic surgery 1, face recognition 0
* Point Cloud Segmentation Based on Radial Reflection
* Point-pair descriptors for 3D facial landmark localisation
* Poisson Kalman Particle Filtering for Tracking Centrosomes in Low-Light 3-D Confocal Image Sequences
* Polygonal approximation of digital planar curves through break point suppression
* Polygonal Light Source Estimation
* Polymorphous Facial Trait Code
* Pose manifold curvature is typically less near frontal face views
* Poselets: Body Part Detectors Trained Using 3D Human Pose Annotations
* Position Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot Including Tire Behavior
* Power watersheds: A new image segmentation framework extending graph cuts, random walker and optimal spanning forest
* PPCA-Based Missing Data Imputation for Traffic Flow Volume: A Systematical Approach
* Principal Deformations Modes of Articulated Models for the Analysis of 3D Spine Deformities
* Principal Gabor filters for face recognition
* Prism-based System for Multispectral Video Acquisition, A
* PrISM: Principled Implicit Shape Model
* Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems Using Scalable Video Coding
* Privacy-Enabled Object Tracking in Video Sequences Using Compressive Sensing
* Probabilistic Cascade Random Fields for Man-Made Structure Detection
* Probabilistic Corner Detection for Facial Feature Extraction
* Probabilistic Framework for 3D Visual Object Representation, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Partial Intrinsic Symmetries in Geometric Data, A
* probabilistic method for keyword retrieval in handwritten document images, A
* Probabilistic Model for Correspondence Problems Using Random Walks with Restart, A
* Probabilistic occlusion boundary detection on spatio-temporal lattices
* Probabilistic Satellite Image Fusion
* Problem solving through imitation
* Processing Hexagonal Images in a Virtual Environment
* Proforma: Probabilistic Feature-based On-line Rapid Model Acquisition
* Programmable Deblocking Filter Architecture for a VC-1 Video Decoder
* Proof of Concept of Iterative DSM Improvement through SAR Scene Simulation, A
* Properties of Higher Order Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Pruning Approach Improving Face Identification Systems, A
* PSO versus AdaBoost for feature selection in multimodal biometrics
* PWP3D: Real-Time Segmentation and Tracking of 3D Objects
* Quality Assessment of the MPEG-4 Scalable Video CODEC
* Quality based rank-level fusion in multibiometric systems
* Quality Fusion Rule for Face Recognition in Video
* Quality of Reconstructed Spectrum for Watermarked Spectral Images Subject to Various Illumination Conditions
* Quality-Driven Cross-Layer Solution for MPEG Video Streaming Over WiMAX Networks, A
* Quantification of the Effects of Land-Cover-Class Spectral Separability on the Accuracy of Markov-Random-Field-Based Superresolution Mapping
* Quantifying contextual information for object detection
* Quantifying Surface Reflectivity for Spaceborne Lidar via Two Independent Methods
* Quantitative Assessment of Image Segmentation Quality by Random Walk Relaxation Times
* Quantitative Assessment of Oral Orbicular Muscle Deformation After Cleft Lip Reconstruction: An Ultrasound Elastography Study
* Quantitative Evaluation of Texture Feature Robustness and Interpolation Behaviour, A
* Quantized Antenna Combining for Multiuser MIMO-OFDM With Limited Feedback
* Quasi-Affine Transformation in Higher Dimension
* Quasi-periodic Event Analysis for Social Game Retrieval
* Radar Imager for Perception and Mapping in Outdoor Environments
* Radar micro-doppler for long range front-view gait recognition
* Radar Stride Rate Extraction
* Radiometric compensation using stratified inverses
* Random Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform
* Random Forest Clustering and Application to Video Segmentation
* RankBoost with L1 regularization for facial expression recognition and intensity estimation
* Rapid Classification of Surface Reflectance from Image Velocities
* Rapid Detection of Many Object Instances
* Rapid Inference of Object Rigidity and Reflectance Using Optic Flow
* Ray Tracing and SAR-Tomography for 3D Analysis of Microwave Scattering at Man-Made Objects
* Re-photography and Environment Monitoring Using a Social Sensor Network
* Reading from Scratch: A Vision-System for Reading Data on Micro-structured Surfaces
* Real Aperture Axial Stereo: Solving for Correspondences in Blur
* Real Time Foreground-Background Segmentation Using a Modified Codebook Model
* Real-Time Adaptive Camera Tamper Detection for Video Surveillance
* Real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images using multivariate normal mixture models and GPU processing
* Real-Time Center Detection of an OLED Structure
* Real-Time Descriptorless Feature Tracking
* Real-Time Estimation of FLE Statistics for 3-D Tracking With Point-Based Registration
* Real-Time FPGA Processing for High-Speed Optical Frequency Domain Imaging
* Real-Time GPU-Based Voxel Carving with Systematic Occlusion Handling
* Real-Time Hierarchical Outdoor SLAM Based on Stereovision and GPS Fusion
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection in Outdoor Environments Using 1-D Transformation
* Real-Time Moving Object Detection for Video Surveillance
* Real-Time Multiview Recognition of Human Gestures by Distributed Image Processing
* Real-Time Object Detection with Adaptive Background Model and Margined Sign Correlation
* Real-Time Occlusion Aware Hardware Structure for Disparity Map Computation, A
* Real-Time Online Video Object Silhouette Extraction Using Graph Cuts on the GPU
* Real-Time Probabilistic Tracking of Faces in Video
* Real-time Stable Texture Regions Extraction for Motion-based Object Segmentation
* Real-Time Stereo Vision: Making More Out of Dynamic Programming
* Real-time texture boundary detection from ridges in the standard deviation space
* Real-time traffic sign recognition from video by class-specific discriminative features
* Real-Time Video Matting Based on Bilayer Segmentation
* Real-time Visual Tracking via Incremental Covariance Tensor Learning
* Real-Time Volumetric Reconstruction and Tracking of Hands in a Desktop Environment
* Realistic Depth Blur for Images with Range Data
* Realtime background subtraction from dynamic scenes
* Realtime Kernel based Machine Learning Template Matching (KMLT)
* RECM: Relational evidential c-means algorithm
* Recognition of Occluded Shapes Using Size Functions
* Recognition of quantized still face images
* Recognition of Simple 3D Geometrical Objects under Partial Occlusion
* Recognition-Based Segmentation of Nom Characters from Body Text Regions of Stele Images Using Area Voronoi Diagram
* Recognizing Actions by Shape-motion Prototype Trees
* Recognizing body poses using multilinear analysis and semi-supervised learning
* Recognizing Human Actions Using Silhouette-based HMM
* Reconfigurable processing for satellite on-board automatic cloud cover assessment
* Reconnecting Broken Ridges in Fingerprint Images
* Reconstructing 3D Facial Shape Using Spherical Harmonics
* Reconstructing 3D Motion Trajectories of Particle Swarms by Global Correspondence Selection
* Reconstructing Building Interiors from Images
* Reconstructing Videos From Multiple Compressed Copies
* Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Affine Silhouettes
* Reconstruction of Sewer Shaft Profiles from Fisheye-Lens Camera Images
* Recovering planar homographies between 2D shapes
* Recovering the spatial layout of cluttered rooms
* Red Eye Detection through Bag-of-Keypoints Classification
* Reduced Inverse Distance Weighting Interpolation for Painterly Rendering
* Reduced-reference metric design for objective perceptual quality assessment in wireless imaging
* Reducing forgeries in writer-independent off-line signature verification through ensemble of classifiers
* Reducing Keypoint Database Size
* Reduction of discrete cosine transform/ quantisation/inverse quantisation/inverse discrete cosine transform computational complexity in H.264 video encoding by using an efficient prediction algorithm
* Referencing of images to laser scanner data using linear features extracted from digital images and range images
* Refined Exponential Filter with Applications to Image Restoration and Interpolation
* Refining Building Facade Models with Images
* Refining Correctness of Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Aerial Image Sequences by Means of Velocity and Trajectory Evaluation
* Refining Side Information for Improved Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Region Based Color Image Retrieval Using Curvelet Transform
* Region-Based Illuminant Estimation for Effective Color Correction
* Regional category parsing in undirected graphical models
* Registration of Cervical MRI Using Multifeature Mutual Information
* Regressed Importance Sampling on Manifolds for Efficient Object Tracking
* Regression Based Non-frontal Face Synthesis for Improved Identity Verification
* Regularization Approaches to Demosaicking
* Relating Pace to Activity Changes in Mono- and Multi-camera Surveillance Videos
* Relational Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Improve Multi-target Tracking
* Reliability Analysis for Global Motion Estimation
* Remote Interactive Browsing of Video Surveillance Content Based on JPEG 2000
* Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts!
* Resilient Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Restoration of Videos Degraded by Local Isoplanatism Effects in the Near-Infrared Domain
* Retina Identification Based on the Pattern of Blood Vessels Using Angular and Radial Partitioning
* Retinex Combined with Total Variation for Image Illumination Normalization
* Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Using Sorting and Prediction
* Reworking Bridging for Use within the Image Domain
* Ridges Based Curled Textline Region Detection from Grayscale Camera-Captured Document Images
* Riemannian analysis of 3D nose shapes for partial human biometrics, A
* Riemannian Bayesian estimation of diffusion tensor images
* Riemannian Scalar Measure for Diffusion Tensor Images, A
* Riemannian Self-Organizing Map, A
* Road Roundabout Extraction from Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Robust 3D Face Recognition Based on Rejection and Adaptive Region Selection
* Robust Algorithm for Color Correction between Two Stereo Images, A
* Robust and Efficient Approach for Human Tracking in Multi-camera Systems, A
* Robust and transparent watermarking scheme for colour images
* robust boosting tracker with minimum error bound in a co-training framework, A
* Robust Car License Plate Localization Using a Novel Texture Descriptor
* Robust Density Comparison for Visual Tracking
* Robust Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects in Traffic Video Surveillance
* Robust dynamical model for simultaneous registration and segmentation in a variational framework: A Bayesian approach
* robust elastic and partial matching metric for face recognition, A
* Robust face recognition using posterior union model based neural networks
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Selected Multi-resolution Linear Predictors
* Robust fitting of multiple structures: The statistical learning approach
* Robust Focal Length Estimation by Voting in Multi-view Scene Reconstruction
* Robust Focusing using Orientation Code Matching
* Robust graph-cut scene segmentation and reconstruction for free-viewpoint video of complex dynamic scenes
* Robust image segmentation using learned priors
* Robust Iris Localization Model Based on Phase Congruency and Least Trimmed Squares Estimation, A
* Robust matching of building facades under large viewpoint changes
* Robust modified Active Shape Model for automatic facial landmark annotation of frontal faces
* Robust Motion Detection via the Fuzzy Fusion of 6D Feature Space Decompositions
* Robust Motion Estimation Using Trajectory Spectrum Learning: Application to Aortic and Mitral Valve Modeling from 4D TEE
* Robust multilinear principal component analysis
* Robust Multiperson Tracking from a Mobile Platform
* Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features
* Robust Panning Analysis for Slideshow Detection in Video Databases
* Robust partitional clustering by outlier and density insensitive seeding
* Robust Pose Estimation of Moving Objects Using Laser Camera Data for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking
* Robust Real-Time Multiple Target Tracking
* Robust Region-of-Interest Determination Based on User Attention Model Through Visual Rhythm Analysis
* Robust Surveillance on Compressed Video: Uniform Performance from High to Low Bitrates
* Robust tracking-by-detection using a detector confidence particle filter
* Robust Vehicle Detection for Tracking in Highway Surveillance Videos Using Unsupervised Learning
* Robust Video Fingerprinting Based on Symmetric Pairwise Boosting
* Robust Video Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Leaky Prediction
* Robust Video Stabilization Based on Particle Filter Tracking of Projected Camera Motion
* Robust Visual Tracking Using L1 Minimization
* role for Airborne Laser Scanning Intensity Data in Vertical Stratification of Multilayered Ecosystems, A
* Rotation Averaging with Application to Camera-Rig Calibration
* Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial Shoeprints
* Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using Binary Filter Response Pattern (BFRP)
* RSLDI: Restoration of single-sided low-quality document images
* Runlength-Based Processing Methods for Low Bit-depth Images
* Saliency Based on Decorrelation and Distinctiveness of Local Responses
* Saliency driven total variation segmentation
* Sampling Algorithm for Occlusion Robust Multi Target Detection, A
* Satellite communications as a viable method for biometric record transfer in field biometric devices
* Satellite image segmentation using hybrid variable genetic algorithm
* Scalable Algorithm for Learning a Mahalanobis Distance Metric, A
* Scalable Image Retrieval Based on Feature Forest
* Scalable Video Multicast Using Expanding Window Fountain Codes
* Scalable Video Stabilization Algorithm for Multi-camera Systems, A
* Scalable Video Streaming With Fine-Grain Adaptive Forward Error Correction
* Scale invariance and noise in natural images
* Scale Space Hierarchy of Segments
* Scene Gist: A Holistic Generative Model of Natural Image
* Scene shape priors for superpixel segmentation
* Scene Text Recognition Using Similarity and a Lexicon with Sparse Belief Propagation
* Scheduling and Routing of AMOs in an Intelligent Transport System
* SCRAMSAC: Improving RANSAC's efficiency with a spatial consistency filter
* Second-Level Partition for Estimating FAR Confidence Intervals in Biometric Systems
* Secret image sharing based on cellular automata and steganography
* Secure video distribution scheme based on partial encryption
* Seeing 3D Objects in a Single 2D Image
* Seeing is not believing
* Seeing through Water: Image Restoration Using Model-based Tracking
* Segment Model Based Vehicle Motion Analysis
* Segmentation Based Interest Points and Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Segmentation Methods
* Segmentation of Intertwining Stringlike Objects in Three Dimensional CT Image Based on Positional Information
* Segmentation of Motion Objects from Surveillance Video Sequences Using Temporal Differencing Combined with Multiple Correlation
* Segmentation of Wood Fibres in 3D CT Images Using Graph Cuts
* Segmentation, Ordering and Multi-object Tracking Using Graphical Models
* Segmentation-based Urban Traffic Scene Understanding
* Selecting surface features for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction
* Selection and context for action recognition
* Selective Search Area Reuse Algorithm for Low External Memory Access Motion Estimation
* Self Organizing and Fuzzy Modelling for Parked Vehicles Detection
* Self-assessed Contrast-Maximizing Adaptive Region Growing
* Self-Aware Matching Measure for stereo, The
* Self-Calibration and Control of a PTZ Camera Based on a Spherical Mirror
* Self-Organizing Maps for Pose Estimation with a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Self-updating Multiexpert System for Face Identification, A
* SEM Image Analysis for Quality Control of Nanoparticles
* Semantic Classification in Aerial Imagery by Integrating Appearance and Height Information
* Semantic feature based registration of terrestrial point clouds
* Semantic Image Classification using Consistent Regions and Individual Context
* Semantic retrieval of events from indoor surveillance video databases
* Semantic Scene Segmentation using Random Multinomial Logit
* Semantic Shape Context for the Registration of Multiple Partial 3d Views
* Semantic video fingerprinting and retrieval using face information
* Semantic-Based Segmentation and Annotation of 3D Models
* Semi-automated Method for the Measurement of the Fetal Nuchal Translucency in Ultrasound Images, A
* Semi-automatic Approach to Object Extraction from a Combination of Image and Laser Data, A
* Semi-automatic City Model Extraction from Tri-stereoscopic VHR Satellite Imagery
* Semi-automatic knowledge extraction, representation and context-sensitive intelligent retrieval of video content using collateral context modelling with scalable ontological networks
* Semi-automatic stereo extraction from video footage
* Semi-automatic System for Ground Truth Generation of Soccer Video Sequences, A
* Semi-supervised Discriminant Analysis via Spectral Transduction
* Semi-supervised Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Semi-Supervised Learning Model Based Efficient Image Annotation
* Semi-Supervised Random Forests
* Semiotic Design of a Hypermedia for Cultural Heritage
* Separation of Overlapping and Touching Lines within Handwritten Arabic Documents
* Sequential Particle Generation for Visual Tracking
* Shadow cameras: Reciprocal views from illumination masks
* Shadow Detection in Dynamic Scenes Using Dense Stereo Information and an Outdoor Illumination Model
* Shadow Removal in Outdoor Video Sequences by Automatic Thresholding of Division Images
* Shape analysis with multivariate tensor-based morphometry and holomorphic differentials
* Shape and Motion Reconstruction from 3D-to-1D Orthographically Projected Data via Object-Image Relations
* Shape Classification Using a Flexible Graph Kernel
* Shape Derivative Based Approach for Crowd Flow Segmentation, A
* Shape Detection from Line Drawings by Hierarchical Matching
* Shape feature extraction and description based on tensor scale
* Shape From Motion of Nonrigid Objects: The Case of Isometrically Deformable Flat Surfaces
* Shape from silhouette using topology-adaptive mesh deformation
* Shape guided contour grouping with particle filters
* Shape Recognition by Voting on Fast Marching Iterations
* Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data
* shape-based object class model for knowledge transfer, A
* Shape-based recognition of 3D point clouds in urban environments
* Shape-from-shading driven 3d Morphable Models for Illumination Insensitive Face Recognition
* shape-from-shading framework for satisfying data-closeness and structure-preserving smoothness constraints, A
* Shift-map image editing
* Shot Boundary Detection in MPEG Videos Using Local and Global Indicators
* Significance Tests and Statistical Inequalities for Segmentation by Region Growing on Graph
* Similarity metrics for categorization: From monolithic to category specific
* Similarity Scores Based on Background Samples
* Similarity Searches in Face Databases
* Similarity-based Fisherfaces
* Simple Method of Radial Distortion Correction with Centre of Distortion Estimation, A
* Simultaneous alignment and clustering for an image ensemble
* Simultaneous and orthogonal decomposition of data using Multimodal Discriminant Analysis
* Simultaneous Camera Pose and Correspondence Estimation in Cornerless Images
* Simultaneous color consistency and depth map estimation for radiometrically varying stereo images
* Simultaneous Document Margin Removal and Skew Correction Based on Corner Detection in Projection Profiles
* Simultaneous Estimation of Pose and Motion at Highly Dynamic Turn Maneuvers
* Simultaneous latent fingerprint recognition: A preliminary study
* Simultaneous photometric invariance and shape recovery
* Simultaneously learning to recognize and control a low-cost robotic arm
* Single view reconstruction using shape grammars for urban environments
* Single-Camera Multi-baseline Stereo Using Fish-Eye Lens and Mirrors
* Single-Frame 3D Human Pose Recovery from Multiple Views
* Size from Specular Highlights for Analyzing Droplet Size Distributions
* Skeleton Graph Matching Based on Critical Points Using Path Similarity
* SLIC: Short-length iris codes
* Slice-based architecture for biometrics: Prototype illustration on privacy preserving voice verification
* Smarter Particle Filter, A
* Smooth Multi-Manifold Embedding for Robust Identity-Independent Head Pose Estimation
* SNR and temporal scalable coding of 3-D mesh sequences using singular value decomposition
* Soft Measure of Visual Token Occurrences for Object Categorization
* Solving Multilabel MRFs Using Incremental alpha-Expansion on the GPUs
* Solving Some Instances of the 2-Color Problem
* Sparse Bayesian Regression for Grouped Variables in Generalized Linear Models
* Sparse representation of cast shadows via L1-regularized least squares
* Sparsity induced similarity measure for label propagation
* Sparsity inspired selection and recognition of iris images
* Sparsity preserving projections with applications to face recognition
* Spatial Correlation Model for Visual Information in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, A
* Spatial Filtering for Wall-Clutter Mitigation in Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging
* Spatial Statistics for Tumor Cell Counting and Classification
* Spatially Varying Regularization of Image Sequences Super-Resolution
* Spatio-Temporal Auto Regressive Model for Frame Rate Upconversion, A
* Spatio-Temporal Isotropic Operator for the Attention-Point Extraction, A
* Spatio-temporal relationship match: Video structure comparison for recognition of complex human activities
* Spatiotemporal Region Enhancement and Merging for Unsupervized Object Segmentation
* Spatiotemporal saliency for video classification
* Special issue on architectures and techniques for real-time processing of remotely sensed images
* Special issue on Perception, Action and Learning
* Spectral clustering of linear subspaces for motion segmentation
* Spectral error correcting output codes for efficient multiclass recognition
* Spectral Graph Partitioning Based on a Random Walk Diffusion Similarity Measure
* Spectral image reconstruction using an edge preserving spatio-spectral Wiener estimation
* Spectral minutiae representations of fingerprints enhanced by quality data
* Specularity and Shadow Interpolation via Robust Polynomial Texture Maps
* Speech Based Approach to Surveillance Video Retrieval, A
* Speedup of Color Palette Indexing in Self-Organization of Kohonen Feature Map
* Spiral phase filtering and orientation-selective edge detection/enhancement
* Stabilizing Motion Tracking Using Retrieved Motion Priors
* Standards: The MPEG Open Access Application Format
* STARS: Sign tracking and recognition system using input-output HMMs
* Static multi-camera factorization using rigid motion
* Statistical analysis of fingerprint sensor interoperability performance
* Statistical Deformable Model-Based Reconstruction of a Patient-Specific Surface Model from Single Standard X-ray Radiograph
* Statistical Framework for Video Decoding Complexity Modeling and Prediction
* Statistical Scheduling of Offline Comparative Subjective Evaluations for Real-Time Multimedia
* Statistical-Structural Constraint Model for Cartoon Face Wrinkle Representation and Generation, A
* Steganalysis and payload estimation of embedding in pixel differences using neural networks
* Stereo Depth Recovery Method Using Layered Representation of the Scene, A
* Stereo from flickering caustics
* Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Camera Pairs
* Stereo Localization Using Dual PTZ Cameras
* Stereo-Based Pedestrian Detection for Collision-Avoidance Applications
* Stereo-Based Pedestrian Detection using Multiple Patterns
* Stixel World: A Compact Medium Level Representation of the 3D-World, The
* stochastic approach for modelling airborne lidar waveforms, A
* Stochastic Image Denoising
* stochastic version of Expectation Maximization algorithm for better estimation of Hidden Markov Model, A
* Storyboard Sketches for Content Based Video Retrieval
* Structural SVM for visual localization and continuous state estimation
* Structure and kinematics triangulation with a rolling shutter stereo rig
* Structure- and motion-adaptive regularization for high accuracy optic flow
* Structure-Preserving Regularisation Constraints for Shape-from-Shading
* Structure-Preserving Smoothing of Biomedical Images
* Study of SIFT Descriptors for Image Matching based Localization in Urban Street View Context
* study on automatic age estimation using a large database, A
* study on security evaluation methodology for image-based biometrics authentication systems, A
* Studying brain morphometry using conformal equivalence class
* Subjective Method for Image Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Subspace matching: Unique solution to point matching with geometric constraints
* Subtitle-free Movie to Script Alignment
* Sudden Changes Detection in WCE Video
* Super-Resolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction, A
* Super-resolution from a single image
* Super-Resolution of Moving Vehicles Using an Affine Motion Model
* Super-Resolution of Multiple Moving 3D Objects with Pixel-Based Registration
* Super-Resolution Without Explicit Subpixel Motion Estimation
* Superresolution and Denoising of 3D Fluid Flow Estimates
* Superresolution texture maps for multiview reconstruction
* Supervised Face Recognition for Railway Stations Surveillance
* Support Aggregation via Non-linear Diffusion with Disparity-Dependent Support-Weights for Stereo Matching
* SURF Tracking
* Surf-face: Face Recognition Under Viewpoint Consistency Constraints
* Surface Function Actives
* Surface Modelling for Road Networks using Multi-Source Geodata
* Surface Sketching with a Voxel-Based Skeleton
* SVC-based scalable multiple description video coding and optimization of encoding configuration
* SVR-Based Jitter Reduction for Markerless Augmented Reality
* Swap and Expansion moves revisited and fused, The
* Symmetry Detection for Multi-object Using Local Polar Coordinate
* Synthetic handwritten CAPTCHAs
* TagProp: Discriminative metric learning in nearest neighbor models for image auto-annotation
* Target Graph Matching for Building Reconstruction
* Template Analysis Methodology to Improve the Efficiency of Fast Matching Algorithms, A
* Template-free Monocular Reconstruction of Deformable Surfaces
* Temporal Subsampling Approach for Multiview Depth Map Compression, A
* Temporal Templates for Detecting the Trajectories of Moving Vehicles
* Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts for Human Pose Estimation
* Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Values in Visual Data
* Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Cloud Denoising for Small Size Objects
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning Combined with Photogrammetry for Digital Outcrop Modeling
* Test of Automatic Building Change Detection Approaches, A
* Texel-based texture segmentation
* Text Extraction from Street Level Images
* Text line and word segmentation of handwritten documents
* Text Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents Using Mumford-Shah Model
* Texture Based Shoe Retrieval System for Shoe Marks of Real Crime Scenes, A
* Texture Classification for 3D Urban Map
* Texture Editing Using Frequency Swap Strategy
* Texture-based parametric active contour for target detection and tracking
* Theia: Multispectral Image Analysis and Archaeological Survey
* Theorems Relating Polynomial Approximation, Orthogonality and Balancing Conditions for the Design of Nonseparable Bidimensional Multiwavelets
* Theoretical Analysis of Building Height Estimation using Spaceborne SAR Interferometry for Rapid Mapping Applications
* theory of active object localization, A
* Theory of Phase Singularities for Image Representation and its Applications to Object Tracking and Image Matching, A
* Thinning Algorithms as Multivalued NN -Retractions
* Third Eye for Performance Evaluation in Stereo Sequence Analysis, A
* Three-Phase Approach to Photometric Calibration for Multi-projector Display Using LCD Projectors, A
* Time based Activity Inference using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
* Time series prediction by chaotic modeling of nonlinear dynamical systems
* Time-constrained Photography
* Top-down color attention for object recognition
* Topographic and Distance Effects in Laser Scanner Intensity Correction
* Topological active volumes: A topology-adaptive deformable model for volume segmentation
* Topology-Preserving Thinning in 2-D Pseudomanifolds
* Total Variation Processing of Images with Poisson Statistics
* Total Variation-Based Algorithm for Pixel-Level Image Fusion, A
* Towards 3D-aided profile-based face recognition
* Towards a Linear Combination of Dichotomizers by Margin Maximization
* Towards a Subject-Centered Analysis for Automated Video Surveillance
* Towards a Theoretical Framework for Learning Multi-modal Patterns for Embodied Agents
* Towards Automatic Trunk Classification on Young Conifers
* Towards Generic Detection of Unusual Events in Video Surveillance
* Towards Modeling of Cardiac Micro-Structure With Catheter-Based Confocal Microscopy: A Novel Approach for Dye Delivery and Tissue Characterization
* Towards Protein Interaction Analysis through Surface Labeling
* Towards Robust Object Detection: Integrated Background Modeling Based on Spatio-temporal Features
* Tracking 3D Orientation through Corresponding Conics
* Tracking a hand manipulating an object
* Tracking a Large Number of Objects from Multiple Views
* Tracking Endocardial Boundary and Motion via Graph Cut Distribution Matching and Multiple Model Filtering
* Tracking Eye Gaze under Coordinated Head Rotations with an Ordinary Camera
* Tracking HoG Descriptors for Gesture Recognition
* Tracking in unstructured crowded scenes
* Trade-Offs in Bit-Rate Allocation for Wireless Video Streaming
* Traffic Density Estimation with On-line SVM Classifier
* Training data selection for improving discriminative training of acoustic models
* Training for Task Specific Keypoint Detection
* Training Support Vector Machines on Large Sets of Image Data
* Trajectory Association and Fusion across Partially Overlapping Cameras
* Trajectory-based Scene Description and Classification by Analytical Functions
* Transductive Segmentation of Textured Meshes
* Transform Invariant Video Fingerprinting by NMF
* Transform-Exempted Calculation of Sum of Absolute Hadamard Transformed Differences
* Tree Covering within a Graph Kernel Framework for Shape Classification
* Tree Crown Delineation from High Resolution Airborne Lidar Based on Densities of High Points
* triangle area based nearest neighbors approach to intrusion detection, A
* Tricolor Attenuation Model for Shadow Detection
* Turning Surveillance Video into Structured Information and Actionable Events
* Twisted Cubic: Degeneracy Degree and Relationship with General Degeneracy
* Two Linear-Time Algorithms for Computing the Minimum Length Polygon of a Digital Contour
* Two View Geometry from Uncertain Correspondences
* Two-Dimensional Multilabel Active Learning with an Efficient Online Adaptation Model for Image Classification
* Two-Dimensional Windowing in the Structural Similarity Index for the Colour Image Quality Assessment
* Two-Level Bimodal Association for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Two-View Geometry and Reconstruction under Quasi-perspective Projection
* Typhoon cloud image enhancement and reducing speckle with genetic algorithm in stationary wavelet domain
* Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via Super Resolution and Nonlinear Diffusion
* Unconstrained face recognition using MRF priors and manifold traversing
* Understanding Video Events: A Survey of Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Semantic Occurrences in Video
* Unequal Error Protection Techniques Based on Wyner-Ziv Coding
* Unfolding a Face: From Singular to Manifold
* Unified Bayesian Framework for Adaptive Visual Tracking, A
* Unified Bundling and Registration of Brain White Matter Fibers
* Unified Framework for Robust Estimation of Brain Networks From fMRI Using Temporal and Spatial Correlation Analyses
* unified image retrieval framework on local visual and semantic concept-based feature spaces, A
* Unified Stereo-based 3d Head Tracking Using Online Illumination Modeling
* Universal Spaces for (k,kbar)-Surfaces
* Unlabeled data improves word prediction
* Unsupervised Detection of Gradual Video Shot Changes with Motion-Based False Alarm Removal
* Unsupervised face alignment by robust nonrigid mapping
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Segmentation of a Facade Building Image in Elementary 2D-Models, An
* Unsupervised learning of high-order structural semantics from images
* Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Object Models (POMs) for Object Classification, Segmentation, and Recognition Using Knowledge Propagation
* Unsupervised Learning of Stereo Vision with Monocular Depth Cues
* Unsupervised Object Pose Classification from Short Video Sequences
* Untangling fibers by quotient appearance manifold mapping for grayscale shape classification
* Unusual Activity Recognition in Noisy Environments
* Update-efficient indexing of moving objects in road networks
* Usability of Sunlit-Shaded Area Separation in Individual Tree Species Classification
* Usability testing of an overlay to improve face capture
* Use of Coloured Tracers in Gas Flow Experiments for a Lagrangian Flow Analysis with Increased Tracer Density
* Use of Dynamic and Static Characteristics of Gait for Individual Identification, The
* Using CCD Moiré Pattern Analysis to Implement Pressure-Sensitive Touch Surfaces
* Using continuous features in the maximum entropy model
* Using fragile bit coincidence to improve iris recognition
* Using individuality to track individuals: Clustering individual trajectories in crowds using local appearance and frequency trait
* Using Lateral Coupled Snakes for Modeling the Contours of Worms
* Using RTT Variability for Adaptive Cross-Layer Approach to Multimedia Delivery in Heterogeneous Networks
* Utilization of 3D City Models and Airborne Laser Scanning for Terrain-based Navigation of Helicopters and UAVs
* Vanishing Point Detection with an Intersection Point Neighborhood
* Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm With a Gradient-Based Weighted Average
* Variance Ranklets: orientation-selective rank features for contrast modulations
* Variant of the Trace Quotient Formulation for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* Variants to compute variance information for mass data
* Vehicle Activity Indication from Airborne Lidar Data of Urban Areas by Binary Shape Classification of Point Sets
* Vehicle Headlights Detection Using Markov Random Fields
* Vehicle Tracking Using Geometric Features
* Vehicle Tracking Using Projective Particle Filter
* Verification of a building damage analysis and extension to surroundings of reference buildings
* Video Analytics in Urban Environments
* Video and Signal Based Surveillance for Airport Applications
* Video Background Segmentation Using Adaptive Background Models
* Video Block Motion Estimation Based on Gray-Code Kernels
* Video Coding With Low-Complexity Directional Adaptive Interpolation Filters
* Video Event Classification Using Bag of Words and String Kernels
* Video object segmentation by tracking regions
* Video scene categorization by 3D hierarchical histogram matching
* Video Scene Understanding Using Multi-scale Analysis
* Video Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts Based on Spatio-temporal Volumes
* Video Sequences Association for People Re-identification across Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras
* Video Stabilization Using Robust Feature Trajectories
* Video Super Resolution Using Duality Based TV-L1 Optical Flow
* Video Surveillance and Biometric Technology Applications
* Video transcoding from H.264/AVC to MPEG-2 with reduced computational complexity
* View Planning for 3D Reconstruction Using Time-of-Flight Camera Data
* View-Invariant Action Recognition from Point Triplets
* Villagefinder: Segmentation of Nucleated Villages in Satellite Imagery
* Virtual Boundary Crossing Detection without Explicit Object Tracking
* Virtual Mirror: A New Interaction Paradigm for Augmented Reality Environments, The
* Virtual Vision: Simulating Camera Networks in Virtual Reality for Surveillance System Design and Evaluation
* Visibility-based modelling and control for network-based robotics
* Vision-Based Markerless Gaming Interface
* Vision-based monitoring method using gray relational analysis
* Vision-Based Motion Capture of Interacting Multiple People
* VISRET: A Content Based Annotation, Retrieval and Visualization Toolchain
* Vistas: Hierarchial boundary priors using multiscale conditional random fields
* Visual data association for real-time video tracking using genetic and estimation of distribution algorithms
* Visual Focus of Attention Recognition in the Ambient Kitchen
* Visual Saliency Based Object Tracking
* Visual Saliency Based on Conditional Entropy
* VLSI-oriented algorithm and its implementation for AVS chroma interpolation, A
* Wand-based calibration of 3D kinematic system
* Watermarking for Palmprint Image Protection
* Wavelet-Based Feature Extraction for Handwritten Numerals
* Wavelet-Based SAR Image Despeckling and Information Extraction, Using Particle Filter
* Weakly supervised discriminative localization and classification: A joint learning process
* Web data retrieval: solving spatial range queries using k-nearest neighbor searches
* Webcam-Based Visual Gaze Estimation
* Weighted graph characteristics from oriented line graph polynomials
* Weighted Map for Reflectance and Shading Separation Using a Single Image
* What is the best multi-stage architecture for object recognition?
* What Would You Pay for Automated Video Analysis?
* Which Faces to Tag: Adding Prior Constraints into Active Learning
* Wide-baseline image matching using Line Signatures
* Wide-Baseline Visible Features for Highly Dynamic Scene Recognition
* You'll never walk alone: Modeling social behavior for multi-target tracking
* Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablation Electrode-Induced Displacement Fields: A Feasibility Study
* Zero knowledge hidden Markov model inference
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