* 3-Step Algorithm Using Region-Based Active Contours for Video Objects Detection, A
* 3D C-string: a new spatio-temporal knowledge representation for video database systems
* 3D Head Models Retrieval Based on Hierarchical Facial Region Similarity
* 3D reconstruction, omnidirectional vision and understanding of scenes
* Active contours for cell tracking
* Active Model for Facial Feature Tracking, An
* Adaptive and global optimization methods for weighted vector median filters
* Adaptive image compression using local pattern information
* Adaptive Learning of Statistical Appearance Models for 3D Human Tracking
* adaptive modulated wavelet transform image representation, The
* Adaptive motion-compensation fine-granular-scalability (AMC-FGS) for wireless video
* Adaptive post-filtering for reducing blocking and ringing artifacts in low bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive-Sampling Algorithm for Object Representation, An
* Affordable 3D Face Tracking Using Projective Vision
* Algorithm with Reduced Operations for Connected Components Detection in ITU-T Group 3/4 Coded Images, An
* Algorithme Génétique et Critère de la Trace pour l'Optimisation du Vecteur Attribut: Application à la Classification Supervisée des Images de Textures
* Alignment using Spectral Clusters
* analysis and efficient implementation of half-pel motion estimation, An
* Analysis of Depth Estimation Error for Cylindrical Stereo Imaging
* Analysis of motion and curvature in image sequences
* Animating Volumetric Models
* Anisotropic Diffusion by a Recursive Linear Convolving Method: Application to Space-time Segmentation and Pattern Recognition
* Anomaly detection and classification for hyperspectral imagery
* Antiforgery: a novel pseudo-outer product based fuzzy neural network driven signature verification system
* Application of task-specific metrics in JPEG2000 ROI compression
* Arabic Character Recognition with Shape Mixtures
* AtomsNet: Multimedia Peer2Peer File Sharing
* Augmented Geophysical Data Interpretation Through Automated Velocity Picking in Semblance Velocity Images
* Automated detection of all kinds of violations at a street intersection using real time individual vehicle tracking
* Automated Quality Assurance Applied to Mammographic Imaging
* Automated quality control for micro-technology components using a depth from focus approach
* Automated Scene Matching in Movies
* Automated video person tracking system
* Automated Visual Surveillance Using Hidden Markov Models
* Automatic referencing of multi-spectral images
* Automatic segmentation of moving objects in video sequences: A region labeling approach
* Autonomous Visual Events Detection and Classification without Explicit Object-Centred Segmentation and Tracking
* B-Spline Active Contour with Handling of Topology Changes for Fast Video Segmentation
* Bayesian Real-Time Optical Flow
* Bidirectional Deformable Matching with Application to Handwritten Character Extraction
* Blending Images for Texturing 3D Models
* Blobworld: Image Segmentation Using Expectation-Maximization and Its Application to Image Querying
* Block-based, memory-efficient JPEG2000 images indexing in compressed-domain
* Boundary macroblock padding in MPEG-4 video decoding using a graphics coprocessor
* British Machine Vision Conference 2000
* Bundle Adjustment: A Fast Method with Weak Initialisation
* Camera Calibration with a Viewfinder
* Categorization of Image Databases for Efficient Retrieval Using Robust Mixture Decomposition
* CBIR in medicine: still a long way to go
* Challenges and opportunities in search and retrieval for media databases
* Challenges for Content-Based Navigation of Digital Video in the Fischlar Digital Library
* Challenges of Image and Video Retrieval
* Character pattern extraction from documents with complex backgrounds
* Classification of breast mass abnormalities using denseness and architectural distortion
* Classifying Ambiguities in a Visual Spatial Language
* Coder selection for lossy compression of still images
* Collaborative fuzzy clustering
* Combination of Decisions by Multiple Document Object Locators
* Combined Frequency and Spatial Domain Algorithm for the Removal of Blocking Artifacts
* Combining textual and visual cues for content-based image retrieval on the World Wide Web
* comparative study of two object recognition methods, A
* Comparing Variations on the Active Appearance Model Algorithm
* comparison of a novel neural spell checker and standard spell checking algorithms, A
* Comparison of Face Verification Algorithms using Appearance Models, A
* Comparison of resection-intersection algorithms and projection geometries in radiostereometry
* comparison of techniques to optimize measurement of voltage changes in electrical impedance tomography by minimizing phase shift errors, A
* Compensating for Ensemble-Specific Effects when Building Facial Models
* Component-based LDA Face Descriptor for Image Retrieval
* Compression enhancement of video motion of mouth region using joint audio and video coding
* Computer Vision in the Post-Production Industry
* Conditions for nonnegative independent component analysis
* Constructive Hypervolume Modeling
* Content-Based Analysis for Video from Snooker Broadcasts
* Content-Based Image Retrieval for Semiconductor Process Characterization
* Content-Based Retrieval of Historical Watermark Images: I-tracings
* Content-Based Video Segmentation using Statistical Motion Models
* Convexity Measurement for Polygons, A
* Cross-learning in analytic word recognition without segmentation
* Cross-power spectrum phase for automated registration of multi/hyperspectral data-cubes for efficient information retrieval
* Cryptanalysis of an encryption scheme for binary images
* Customized hough transform for robust segmentation of cervical vertebrae from X-ray images
* Data throughput and robustness studies in a new digital image watermarking technique based upon adaptive segmentation and space-frequency representation (WASSFR)
* Decoding image semantics using composite region templates
* Defect Detection on Inclined Textured Planes Using the Shape from Texture Method and the Delaunay Triangulation
* Deformable Contour Method: A Constrained Optimization Approach
* Dense stereo using pivoted dynamic programming
* Deriving DSMs from LiDAR data with kriging
* Detecting Binocular Half-Occlusions: Empirical Comparisons of Five Approaches
* Detecting man-made objects in unconstrained subsea videos
* Detecting Multiple Texture Planes using Local Spectral Distortion
* Detecting Planes In An Uncalibrated Image Pair
* Detection and Tracking of Eyes for Gaze-camera Control
* Detection of Noncircularity and Eccentricity of a Rolling Winder by Artificial Vision
* Detection of Obstacles Using Features by the Horizon View Camera, The
* Determining 3D structure and motion of man-made objects from image corners
* Dielectrical spectroscopy of canine myocardium during acute ischemia and hypoxia at frequency spectrum from 100 khz to 6 ghz
* Difference Field Estimation for Enhanced 3-D Texture Segmentation
* Direct content access and extraction from JPEG compressed images
* direct reconstruction algorithm for electrical impedance tomography, A
* Discovering Useful Concept Prototypes for Classification Based on Filtering and Abstraction
* Discrete Greens methods and their application to two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Distortion of Shape from Motion
* Edge detection by scale multiplication in wavelet domain
* Edge preserving wavelet speckle filtering
* Effects of incompatible boundary information in EIT on the convergence behavior of an iterative algorithm
* Efficient access to and retrieval from a shape image database
* efficient algorithm for video sequence matching using the modified Hausdorff distance and the directed divergence, An
* Efficient algorithms for 3-D polygonal approximation based on LISE criterion
* Efficient Coding of Three Dimensional Colour Distributions for Image Retrieval, An
* Efficient content representation in MPEG video databases
* Efficient moving object segmentation algorithm using background registration technique
* Efficient multi-modal image registration using local-frequency maps
* Efficient multilevel successive elimination algorithms for block matching motion estimation
* Efficient region boundary approximation using adaptive smoothing and second-order B-splines
* efficient streaming and decoding architecture for stored fgs video, An
* Elastic waves interacting with buried land mines: A study using the FDTD method
* Electrical impedance endo-tomography: imaging tissue from inside
* Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the urinary bladder: the effect of inflammation and edema on identification of malignancy
* Electrical impedance spectroscopy of the breast: Clinical imaging results in 26 subjects
* Electromagnetic impedance tomography (EMIT): A new method for impedance imaging
* Empirical Study of Some Feature Matching Strategies, An
* Entropy estimation for segmentation of multi-spectral chromosome images
* Equal-intensity map texture modeling for natural scene segmentation
* equator MAP-CA(TM)DSP: An end-to-end broadband signal processor(TM) VLIW, The
* Error-resilient video coding using multiple description motion compensation
* Error-resilient video transcoding for robust internetwork communications using GPRS
* Estimating derivatives and curvature of open curves
* Estimating Expansion Rates from Range Data Sequences
* Estimating the Shape of A Surface with Non-Constant Reflectance from a Single Color Image
* Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Segmentation and Grouping, An
* experimental study on content-based image classification for satellite image databases, An
* Extracting human gait signatures by body segment properties
* Extracting Semantic Information from Basketball Video Based on Audio-Visual Features
* Extraction of 2D Motion Trajectories and Its Application to Hand Gesture Recognition
* Extraction of embedded and/or line-touching character-like objects
* Extraction of Hand Features for Recognition of Sign Language Words
* Face Detection for Video Summaries
* Face Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Face recognition with one training image per person
* Face Reconstruction From Shading Using Smooth Projected Polygon NN
* FACERET: An Interactive Face Retrieval System Based on Self-Organizing Maps
* fast algorithm for registration of individual frames and information recovery in fluorescein angiography video image analysis, A
* Fast and robust recognition of orbit and sinus drawings using histograms of forces
* Fast and robust watermarking of JPEG files
* Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
* Fast Computation of Moments on Compressed Grey Images using Block Representation
* Fast content-based image retrieval using quasi-gabor filter and reduction of image feature dimension
* Fast k-NN Image Search with Self-Organizing Maps
* Fast Panoramic Image Mosaicing Using One-dimensional Flow Estimation
* fast pixel mapping algorithm using principal component analysis, A
* Fast processing of medical images using a new parallel architecture, the hybrid system
* Fast Wavelet Histogram Techniques for Image Indexing
* Feature analysis using millimeter-wave real beam and doppler beam sharpening techniques
* Feature extraction from hyperspectral images compressed using the jpeg-2000 standard
* Feedback and error protection strategies for wireless progressive video transmission
* Finding a small number of regions in an image using low-level features
* Finding approximate palindromes in strings
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement using Filtering Techniques
* format-compliant configurable encryption framework for access control of video, A
* Frequency responses of ground-penetrating radars operating over highly lossy grounds
* Fuzzy clustering algorithms based on resolution and their application in image compression
* g-HDAF Multiresolution Deformable Models for Shape Modeling and Reconstruction
* Gabor wavelet networks for efficient head pose estimation
* Gaze position detection by computing the three dimensional facial positions and motions
* Generation of anisotropic-smoothness regularization filters for EIT
* Generation of Arm-gesture and Facial Expression for Intelligent Avatar Communications in the Internet
* Generation of Images of Historical Documents by Composition of their Components
* Geometrical and Topological Informations for Image Segmentation with Monte Carlo Markov Chain Implementation
* Geometry and Statistics of Visual Space-Time
* Geometry of Dynamic Scenes: On Coplanar and Convergent Linear Motions Embedded in 3D Static Scenes, The
* Geometry-based automatic object localization and 3-D pose detection
* Gesture-Tracking in Real Time with Dynamic Regional Range Computation
* Granulometry Using Transformation Based Techniques
* Hand Shape Estimation Using Sequence of Multi-Ocular Images Based on Transition Network
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition using nonlinear active shape models and the Viterbi algorithm
* Harmonic analysis of low-frequency bioelectrode behavior
* Harmonic Computational Geometry: A new tool for visual correspondence
* Head tracking using stereo
* Hierarchical Indexing Images Using Weighted Low Dimensional Texture Features
* Hierarchical Organization Scheme for Video Data, A
* High-resolution imaging of the human retina with a Fourier deconvolution technique
* Histogram Characterization of Colored textures Using One-Dimensional Moments and Chromaticity Diagram
* Hough transform for feature detection in panoramic images
* Human Activity Recognition Using Multidimensional Indexing
* Hybrid System for Recognition of Handwritten Symbols on the Base of Structural Methods and Neural Networks
* hybrid technique for facial feature point detection, A
* Identifying facsimile duplicates using radial pixel densities
* Image analysis as a tool for printer characterization and halftoning algorithm development
* Image database indexing using JPEG coefficients
* Image database retrieval of rotated objects by user sketch
* Image Fusion Using Complex Wavelets
* Image mosaicing using sequential bundle adjustment
* Image Processing in Scale-Orientation Space
* Image resizing in the compressed domain using subband DCT
* Image retrieval evaluation
* Image Retrieval Methods for a Database of Funeral Monuments
* Image-Based Model Updating
* Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the heart cycle with electrical impedance using a linear spot-electrode array
* Improved Method of Handwritten Digit Recognition Tested on MNIST Database
* Improving architectural 3D reconstruction by plane and edge constraining
* Improving fitting quality of polygonal approximation by using the dynamic programming technique
* Integrated Segmentation and Depth Ordering of Motion Layers in Image Sequences
* interactive authoring system for video object segmentation and annotation, An
* Interactive clustering and merging with a new fuzzy expected value
* Interactive Visual Dialog
* Interlayer Jitter Index for the Transmission of Layered Video Stream over the Internet
* Intrinsic Filtering of Range Images Using a Physically Based Noise Model
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovative Applications of Computer Vision
* Introduction to the special issue on multimedia implementation
* Introduction to the special issue on wireless communication
* Invariant Features from Interest Point Groups
* Iterative Method for Improving Bas-relief Ambiguity, An
* J-substitution algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT): phantom experiments for static resistivity images
* Joint error control and power allocation for video transmission over CDMA networks with multiuser detection
* Joint source channel rate-distortion analysis for adaptive mode selection and rate control in wireless video coding
* Joint source coding and transmission power management for energy efficient wireless video communications
* JPEG Image Retrieval Based on Features from DCT Domain
* Kernel density estimation with adaptive varying window size
* Krylov subspace iterative techniques: on the detection of brain activity with electrical impedance tomography
* Learning feature relevance and similarity metrics in image databases
* Learning Surveillance Tracking Models for the Self-Calibrated Ground Plane
* light-weight text image processing method for handheld embedded cameras, A
* Limiting the Search Range of Correlation Stereo Using Silhouettes
* Linear filtering of spatially invariant image sequences for feature separation and compression under three types of image noise
* Linear Image-Pair Model and the Associated Hypothesis Test for Matching, A
* linear prediction land mine detection algorithm for hand held ground penetrating radar, A
* Local Affine Frames for Image Retrieval
* Local versus global features for content-based image retrieval
* Locating an affine/projective invariant identifier patch on an image
* Logarithm bispectrum-based approach to radar range profile for automatic target recognition
* Low Density Feature Point Matching for Articulated Pose Identification
* Machine Vision Quality Control System for Industrial Acrylic Fibre Production, A
* Marginal noise removal of document images
* Match Propagation for Image-Based Modeling and Rendering
* Matching patterns of line segments by eigenvector decomposition
* Matching Pursuits Multiple Description Coding for Wireless Video
* Maximum Likelihood 3D Reconstruction from One or More Images under Geometric Constraints
* Measuring Geodesic Distances on the Space of Bounded Diffeomorphisms
* Medical imaging challenges photogrammetry
* Medical imaging: examples of clinical applications
* Medical photogrammetric measurement: overview and prospects
* Method and apparatus for image-based object detection and tracking
* Method and apparatus for processing images to compute image flow information
* Method and apparatus for using rotatable templates within look-up tables to enhance image reproduction
* Method and system for calibrating digital cameras
* Method for Evaluating the Performance of Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems Based on Subjectively Determined Similarity between Images, A
* method for evaluating the performance of content-based image retrieval systems, A
* method for the segmentation of very high spatial resolution images of forested landscapes, A
* Method of tracking and sensing position of objects
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction for Combinations of Points and Lines in Three Views
* Model selection for automated reconstruction from multiple views
* Model-based error concealment for wireless video
* Modeling and querying video data: a hybrid approach
* Modeling non-rayleigh speckle distribution in SAR images
* Modelling life cycle related and individual shape variation in biological specimens
* Monte carlo simulations for clutter statistics in minefields: AP-mine-like-target buried near a dielectric object beneath 2-D random rough ground surfaces
* Motion Segmentation and Pose Recognition with Motion History Gradients
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking
* Multi-object Motion Pattern Classification for Visual Surveillance and Sports Video Retrieval
* Multi-resolution an multi-sensor data fusion for remote sensing in detecting air pollution
* Multiagent System for Edge Detection and Continuity Perception on Fish Otolith Images, A
* Multicast and unicast real-time video streaming over wireless LANs
* Multicore system-on-chip architecture for MPEG-4 streaming video
* Multidomain pseudospectral time-domain simulations of scattering by objects buried in lossy media
* Multiframe resolution-enhancement methods for compressed video
* Multimodal Person Identification in Movies
* multinomial selection procedure for evaluating pattern recognition algorithms, A
* Multiphoton Imaging of Neurons in Living Tissue: Acquisition and Analysis of Time-Lapse Morphological Data
* Multiple eigenspaces
* Multiple object labeling in video sequences without skill
* Multiple Plane Segmentation Using Optical Flow
* Multiple Regions and Their Spatial Relationship-Based Image Retrieval
* Multiple-Feature Spatiotemporal Segmentation of Moving Sequences using a Rule-based Approach
* multiresolution spatiotemporal motion segmentation technique for video sequences based on pyramidal structures, A
* Multiresolution Video Coding Based on Kalman Filtering Motion Estimation
* Multiresolution-Based Segmentation of Calcifications for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer
* N-Feature Neural Network Human Face Recognition
* NAPSAC: High Noise, High Dimensional Robust Estimation - it's in the Bag
* Near-recursive optical flow from disturbance fields
* Nested partitions using texture segmentation
* neural approach to zoom-lens camera calibration from data with outliers, A
* Neural network classification and novelty detection
* Neural networks method for identification of the objects behind the screen
* New Approach to Pose Detection using a Trinocular Stereovision System, A
* new approach to vanishing point detection in architectural environments, A
* New Constrained Parameter Estimator: Experiments in Fundamental Matrix Computation, A
* New family of lapped biorthogonal transform via lifting steps
* New Fast and Robust Circle Extraction Algorithm, A
* New image processing models for opacity image analysis in chest radiographs
* New matrix formulation for two-dimensional DCT/IDCT computation and its distributed-memory VLSI implementation
* New Method for Region-Based Depth Ordering in a Video Sequence: Application to Frame Interpolation, A
* new rate control scheme for H.263 video transmission, A
* New Side-Match Finite-State Vector Quantization Using Neural Networks for Image Coding, A
* new wavelet-based measure of image focus, A
* non-linear model of shape and motion for tracking finger spelt American sign language, A
* Non-Parametric Image Subtraction using Grey Level Scattergrams
* Non-retrieval: Blocking Pornographic Images
* Normalized Kemeny and Snell Distance: A Novel Metric for Quantitative Evaluation of Rank-Order Similarity of Images
* note on conic fitting by the gradient weighted least-squares estimation: refined eigenvector solution, A
* Nouse Use Your Nose as a Mouse: A New Technology for Hands-free Games and Interfaces
* novel all-binary motion estimation (ABME) with optimized hardware architectures, A
* Novel EIS postprocessing algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis
* novel full-search vector quantization algorithm based on the law of cosines, A
* Novel Hexagonal Search Algorithm for Fast Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* novel object-oriented approach to image analysis and retrieval, A
* Novel Probability Model for Background Maintenance and Subtraction, A
* Novel Techniques for Robust Voxelization and Visualization of Implicit Surfaces
* Novel View Specification and Synthesis
* Object Recognition by a Cascade of Edge Probes
* Object Recognition for Video Retrieval
* Object Recognition using Local Affine Frames on Distinguished Regions
* Object-Based Image Retrieval Using Hierarchical Shape Descriptor
* Object-Oriented Progressive-Simplification-Based Vectorization System for Engineering Drawings: Model, Algorithm, and Performance, An
* Off-line signature verification using structural feature correspondence
* Offline signature verification with generated training samples
* On image classification: city vs. landscape
* On Moving Object Reconstruction by Moments
* On the Coupled Forward and Backward Anisotropic Diffusion Scheme for Color Image Enhancement
* On the Generation of Time-Evolving Regional Data
* On the Individuality of Fingerprints
* On the optimal choice of quality metric in image compression
* On the similarity of identical twin fingerprints
* On the use of nearest feature line for speaker identification
* On-line Object Tracking for Colour Video Analysis
* Online Bayesian Video Summarization and Linking
* Online Fingerprint Template Improvement
* OpenCV: Examples of Use and New Applications in Stereo, Recognition and Tracking
* Optimal nonlinear sampling for video streaming at low bit rates
* Optimal search in Hough parameter hyperspace for estimation of complex motion in image sequences
* Orientation Correlation
* Overview of research efforts on media ISA extensions and their usage in video coding
* Parallel content-based image analysis on PIM processors
* Partitioning and searching dictionary for correction of optically read Devanagari character strings
* Percentile blobs for image similarity
* Performance analysis of adaptive filter structure employing wavelet and sparse subfilters
* Performance analysis on new biometric gait motion model
* Performance of 3D landmark detection methods for point-based warping in autoradiographic brain imaging
* Performing automatic target detection with evolvable finite state automata
* Person Identification Technique Using Human Iris Recognition
* Personal Construct Theory as a Research Tool for Analysing User Perceptions of Photographs
* perspective view on visual information retrieval systems, A
* Photogrammetric calibration of a C-arm X-ray system as a verification tool for orthopaedic navigation systems
* Photogrammetric measurement of patients in radiotherapy
* planar perspective image matching using point correspondences and rectangle-to-quadrilateral mapping, A
* Plurality Voting-Based Multiple Classifier Systems: Statistically Independent with Respect to Dependent Classifier Sets
* Point-to-line mappings as Hough transforms
* Polarimetric surface scattering omnidirectionally from distributed target
* Pose Error Effects on Range Sensing
* Power-minimized bit allocation for video communication over wireless channels
* Practical Generation of Video Textures using the Auto-Regressive Process
* Pre-classification of chest radiographs for improved active shape model segmentation of ribs
* Procedure for Automatically Estimating Model Parameters in Optical Motion Capture, A
* Progressive Trellis-Coded Space-Frequency Quantization for Wavelet Image Coding
* Projection based method for segmentation of human face and its evaluation
* Propagation of measurement noise through backprojection reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography
* Qualitative, Multi-scale Grammar For Image Description and Analysis, A
* Quantitative assessment of image quality enhancement due to unsharp-mask processing in x-ray fluoroscopy
* quasi-static analysis for a class of induced-current EIT systems using discrete coils, A
* Query by Fax for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Radiometric normalization of multitemporal high-resolution satellite images with quality control for land cover change detection
* Randomized RANSAC with T(d,d) test
* Ranking Algorithm Using Dynamic Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Rapid Summarisation and Browsing of Video Sequences
* Real time registration of known or recovered multi-planar structures: application to AR
* Real Time Robust Template Matching
* Real-Time Implementation of Obstacle Detection Algorithms on a Datacube MaxPCI Architecture
* Real-Time Motion Estimation by Object-Matching for High-Level Video Representation
* Real-time Registration for Image Moisaicing
* Real-time Sub-pixel Cross Bar Position Metrology
* Real-Time Tracking for Visual Interface Applications in Cluttered and Occluding Situations
* Realistic mouth synthesis based on shape appearance dependence mapping
* Recognising Text in Real Scenes
* Recognition of simple and complex interacting non-orthogonal features
* Recognizing 2-tone images in grey-level parametric eigenspaces
* Reconnaissance en-Ligne de Caractères Arabes Manuscrits par un Réseau de Kohonen
* Reconstructing Depth from Spatiotemporal Curves
* Reconstruction of Surfaces of Revolution from Single Uncalibrated Views
* Reducing energy dissipation of frame memory by adaptive bit-width compression
* Region segmentation by multispectral imaging
* Region-Based Image Retrieval using Wavelet Transform
* Regional lung perfusion as determined by electrical impedance tomography in comparison with electron beam ct imaging
* Registration of Technical Drawings and Calibrated Images for Industrial Augmented Reality
* Regulated complexity scalable MPEG-2 video decoding for media processors
* Resolution Adaptive Volume Sculpting
* Restoring SPOT images using PSF-derived deconvolution filters
* Retrieval of Archival Moving Imagery: CBIR Outside the Frame?
* Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model
* Road Sign Recognition by Single Positioning of Space-Variant Sensor Window
* Robot Navigation Using Panoramic Landmark Tracking
* Robust Corner Tracking for Real-time Augmented Reality
* robust distance measure for the retrieval of video objects, A
* Robust Face Detection and Japanese Sign Language Hand Posture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction in an Intelligent Room
* robust fine granularity scalability using trellis-based predictive leak, A
* Robust Point Correspondence by Concave Minimization
* Robust Shape Matching
* Robust vision-based features and classification schemes for off-line handwritten digit recognition
* Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* ROC Method for the Evaluation of Multi-class Segmentation/Classification Algorithms with Infrared Imagery
* rough-fuzzy approach for generating classification rules, A
* Saliency of Interest Points under Scale Changes
* scalable and programmable architecture for 2-d DWT decoding, A
* screening system for the assessment of opacity profusion in chest radiographs of miners with pneumoconiosis, A
* Segmentation and analysis of nerve fibers in histologic sections of the cerebral human cortex
* Segmentation of ultrasound images by using a hybrid neural network
* Semantic agents for content-based discovery in distributed image libraries
* Semantic Video Retrieval Using Audio Analysis
* Semantics Retrieval by Content and Context of Image Regions
* Semantics-Based Image Retrieval by Region Saliency
* Semi-Automated Extraction of Rivers from Digital Imagery
* Sensitivity analysis of a spatially adaptive estimator for data fusion
* ShadowFlash: an approach for shadow removal in an active illumination environment
* Shape-Based Features for Cat Ganglion Retinal Cells Classification
* Signal differentiation through a Green's function approach
* Simple Distances Between Handwritten Signatures
* Simulating Eye Movement in Reading using Short-term Memory
* Simulation of Specular Surface Imaging Based on Computer Graphics: Application on a Vision Inspection System
* Simulation Toolbox for 3D-FISH Spot-Counting Algorithms
* Simultaneous Computation of Defocus Blur and Apparent Shifts in Spatial Domain
* Simultaneous Graphic Generalization of Vector Data Sets
* Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on Randomly Generated Curves
* Spatial and Probabilistic Modelling of Pedestrian Behaviour
* Spatial and Spectral Methods for Weed Detection and Localization
* Spatial methods for characterising land cover and detecting land-cover changes for the tropics
* Spatio-temporal motion segmentation via level set partial differential equation
* Special Issue on Applied Visual Inspection
* Special issue on electrical impedance imaging
* Special Issue On Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services: Part II
* Special Issue on Volume Modeling
* Special Issue: Imaging In Bioinformatics
* Spectrally Layered Color Indexing
* Speed v. Accuracy for High Resolution Colour Texture Classification
* Spin Images and Neural Networks for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval in 3D Object Databases
* Stable Recovery of Shape and Motion from Partially Tracked Feature Points with Fast Nonlinear Optimization
* Standard-Compliant Virtual Meeting System with Active Video Object Tracking, A
* Statistical-information-based performance criteria for Richardson-Lucy image deblurring
* Statistics of spatial cone-excitation ratios in natural scenes
* Stereo Confidence Metric Using Single View Imagery, A
* Stochastic Rate-control of Video Coders for Wireless Channels
* Study on the effect of object to camera distance on polynomial expansion coefficients in barrel distortion correction
* Subband-based, memory-efficient JPEG2000 images indexing in compressed-domain
* Subspace morphing theory for appearance based object identification
* Subspace position measurement in the presence of occlusion
* Super-resolution enhancement of native digital video versus digitized NTSC sequences
* Surface measurement and tracking of human body parts from multi-image video sequences
* Surfacing Signatures: An Orientation Independent Free-Form Surface Representation Scheme for the Purpose of Objects Registration and Matching
* survey of media processing approaches, A
* Survey of Spatio-temporal Grouping Techniques, A
* Survey of Watermarking Algorithms for Image Authentication, A
* Symmetry-based indexing of image databases
* System and method for generating and playback of three-dimensional movies
* system-theoretical view on local motion estimation, A
* Temporal Segmentation of MPEG Video Streams
* Textural features for image database retrieval
* Texture classification with thousands of features
* Theme issue on medical imaging and photogrammetry
* Thin Lens Based Camera Model for Depth Estimation from Blur and Translation by Zooming, A
* Three-dimensional EIT imaging of breast tissues: System Design and Clinical Testing
* Three-dimensional Structure Calculation: Achieving Accuracy without Calibration
* Three-dimensional subband coding techniques for wireless video communications
* TLA Based Face Tracking
* Toward secure public-key blockwise fragile authentication watermarking
* Towards a Complete Dense Geometric and Photometric Reconstruction under Varying Pose and Illumination
* Towards a Fast and Reliable Dense Matching Algorithm
* Towards computer-assisted surgery in shoulder joint replacement
* Towards virtual electrical breast biopsy: Space-frequency music for trans-admittance data
* Tracking and MAP reconstruction of line scratches in degraded motion pictures
* Tracking Many Objects Using Subordinated Condensation
* Tracking moving objects as spatio-temporal boundary detection
* Tracking of Objects in Video Scenes with Time Varying Content
* Tracking people in three dimensions using a hierarchical model of dynamics
* Training Object Detection Models with Weakly Labeled Data
* Transforming Pixel Signatures into an Improved Metric Space
* Truth about Corel: Evaluation in Image Retrieval, The
* Tuning JPEG2000 image compression for graphics regions
* Two dimensional projective point matching
* unconstrained handwriting recognition system, An
* Urban change detection based on an artificial neural network
* Use of Computer-Aided Screening for Detection of Motility Mutants in Zebrafish Embryos
* Use of medial axis transforms for computing normals at boundary points
* use of Roentgen stereophotogrammetry to study micromotion of orthopaedic implants, The
* Using an Image Retrieval System for Vision-Based Mobile Robot Localization
* Using eigencolor normalization for illumination-invariant color object recognition
* Using Points at Infinity for Parameter Decoupling in Camera Calibration
* Using weighted spatial relationships in retrieval by visual contents
* Validating MRI Field Homogeneity Correction Using Image Information Measures
* ViBE: a new paradigm for video database browsing and search
* Video analysis for universal multimedia messaging
* Video Indexing and Retrieval for Archeological Digital Library, CLIOH
* Video preprocessing for audiovisual indexing
* Video Retrieval by Feature Learning in Key Frames
* Video signal processing device and method employingtransformation matrix to generate composite image
* Video-rate eigen space method for position tracking and remote monitoring
* View-based active appearance models
* vision system for an underwater cable tracker, A
* Vision-based method and apparatus for monitoring vehicular traffic events
* Visual Abstraction of Wildlife Footage using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Visual Clustering of Trademarks Using the Self-Organizing Map
* Visual Inspection of Machined Metallic High-Precision Surfaces
* Visual presentation of information derived from a 3D image system
* Visualization, Estimation and User-Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Image Libraries
* VLSI implementation for low-complexity full-search motion estimation
* Volumetric segmentation via 3D active shape models
* Wafer Defect Detection Using Directional Morphological Gradient Techniques
* Wavelet Based Resolution Enhancement of Omnidirectional Image
* wavelet filter bank which minimizes a novel translation invariant discrete uncertainty measure, A
* Weighted regularization in electrical impedance tomography with applications to acute cerebral stroke
* What's wrong with Fisher criterion?
* Wireless video transport using conditional retransmission and low-delay interleaving
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