Update Dates 1907

1907 * 3D Visual passcode: Speech-driven 3D facial dynamics for behaviometrics
* 3D2SeqViews: Aggregating Sequential Views for 3D Global Feature Learning by CNN With Hierarchical Attention Aggregation
* A2RMNet: Adaptively Aspect Ratio Multi-Scale Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Abnormal gesture recognition based on multi-model fusion strategy
* Accounting for Wood, Foliage Properties, and Laser Effective Footprint in Estimations of Leaf Area Density from Multiview-LiDAR Data
* Accuracy Evaluation and Consistency Analysis of Four Global Land Cover Products in the Arctic Region
* Action Parsing-Driven Video Summarization Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Tracking Control of Surface Vessel Using Optimized Backstepping Technique
* Adjustment of Transceiver Lever Arm Offset and Sound Speed Bias for GNSS-Acoustic Positioning
* Advanced Outlier Detected Total Least-Squares Algorithm for 3-D Point Clouds Registration, An
* Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Ground-Penetrating Radar: Applications to civil engineering
* Advances in the Derivation of Northeast Siberian Forest Metrics Using High-Resolution UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Advances in Variational Inference
* Adversarial Deep Tracking
* AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means of RGB and Multispectral Images Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Age-related craniofacial differences based on spatio-temporal face image atlases
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of a Hardware-Efficient Image Dehazing Engine
* Aligning Pixel Values of DMSP and VIIRS Nighttime Light Images to Evaluate Urban Dynamics
* Analysis and Design of Coil-Based Electromagnetic-Induced Thermoacoustic for Rail Internal-Flaw Inspection
* Analytical Relationship between Two-Band Spectral Vegetation Indices Measured at Multiple Sensors on a Parametric Representation of Soil Isoline Equations
* Analyzing Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Crop Parameters Using Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data
* Analyzing the Magnesium (Mg) Number of Olivine on the Lunar Surface and Its Geological Significance
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Low-Rank Representation Incorporating a Spatial Constraint
* Anticipating Where People will Look Using Adversarial Networks
* Applications of QC and Merged Doppler Spectral Density Data from Ka-Band Cloud Radar to Microphysics Retrieval and Comparison with Airplane in Situ Observation
* Applying Ground-Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography Data Processing in Cultural Heritage: State of the art and future trends
* Approach to Moho Topography Recovery Using the On-Orbit GOCE Gravity Gradients and Its Applications in Tibet, An
* Assessment of the Dual Polarimetric Sentinel-1A Data for Forest Fuel Moisture Content Estimation
* Assessment of the Ice Wedge Polygon Current State by Means of UAV Imagery Analysis (Samoylov Island, the Lena Delta)
* Assessment of Water Storage Change in China's Lakes and Reservoirs over the Last Three Decades
* Assimilating Soil Moisture Retrieved from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model to Improve Winter Wheat Yield Estimation
* Attention-Based Dense LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Audiovisual emotion recognition in wild
* Automated Extraction of Built-Up Areas by Fusing VIIRS Nighttime Lights and Landsat-8 Data
* Automated Visual Recognizability Evaluation of Traffic Sign Based on 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
* Automatic and Semantically-Aware 3D UAV Flight Planning for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic extraction of accurate 3D tie points for trajectory adjustment of mobile laser scanners using aerial imagery
* Automatic Extraction of Gravity Waves from All-Sky Airglow Image Based on Machine Learning
* Automatic Identification of Shrub-Encroached Grassland in the Mongolian Plateau Based on UAS Remote Sensing
* Automatic Muscle Fiber Orientation Tracking in Ultrasound Images Using a New Adaptive Fading Bayesian Kalman Smoother
* Automatic Pathological Lung Segmentation in Low-Dose CT Image Using Eigenspace Sparse Shape Composition
* Automatic Source Localization and Attenuation of Seismic Interference Noise Using Density-Based Clustering Method
* Automatic Updating of Land Cover Maps in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions by Relational Knowledge Transferring from GlobeLand30
* Availability and Performance Analysis of Train-to-Train Data Communication System
* Back-Projection Tomographic Framework for VHR SAR Image Change Detection, A
* Background Subtraction Based on Integration of Alternative Cues in Freely Moving Camera
* Bagging-RandomMiner: A one-class classifier for file access-based masquerade detection
* Beyond estimating discrete directions of walk: a fuzzy approach
* Blind Image Deblurring via Deep Discriminative Priors
* Blind Source Separation Technique for Document Restoration, A
* Brightness Temperatures From Very Lossy Medium With Near-Field Bistatic Transmission Coefficients
* Calculating potential evapotranspiration and single crop coefficient based on energy balance equation using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2
* Calibrating Classification Probabilities with Shape-Restricted Polynomial Regression
* Canopy Height Layering Biomass Estimation Model (CHL-BEM) with Full-Waveform LiDAR
* Capturing Coastal Dune Natural Vegetation Types Using a Phenology-Based Mapping Approach: The Potential of Sentinel-2
* Changes in Forest Net Primary Productivity in the Yangtze River Basin and Its Relationship with Climate Change and Human Activities
* Chaotic image encryption algorithm using frequency-domain DNA encoding
* Characteristics of Absorption Spectra of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the Pearl River Estuary in Spring
* Characteristics of BD3 Global Service Satellites: POD, Open Service Signal and Atomic Clock Performance
* Charting Dynamic Areas in the Mackenzie River with RADARSAT-2, Simulated RADARSAT Constellation Mission and Optical Remote Sensing Data
* City-Level Comparison of Urban Land-Cover Configurations from 2000-2015 across 65 Countries within the Global Belt and Road
* Classification of textured images based on new information fusion methods
* Classification of Tropical Forest Tree Species Using Meter-Scale Image Data
* Climate and Land-Use Change Effects on Soil Carbon Stocks over 150 Years in Wisconsin, USA
* Closed-Form Expression of Soil Temperature Sensing Depth at L-Band, A
* Clothing Landmark Detection Using Deep Networks With Prior of Key Point Associations
* Clustering of Wall Geometry from Unstructured Point Clouds Using Conditional Random Fields
* Coal Quality Exploration Technology Based on an Incremental Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine and Remote Sensing Images
* Color Image Encryption Using Pixel Scrambling Operator and Reality-Preserving MPFRHT
* Color Image Restoration by Saturation-Value Total Variation
* Combining colour and grey-level co-occurrence matrix features: A comparative study
* Combining multi-wavelet and CNN for palmprint recognition against noise and misalignment
* Comments on Automated Determination of Snow Water Equivalent by Acoustic Reflectometry
* Compact Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar: Short-range structural monitoring
* Comparative Assessment of Machine-Learning Techniques for Land Use and Land Cover Classification of the Brazilian Tropical Savanna Using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Polarimetric Images, A
* Comparative framework for vision-based gesturing modes and implementation of robust colour-marker detector for practical environments
* Comparative Study of Different Variants of Newton-Krylov PDE-Constrained Stokes-LDDMM Parameterized in the Space of Band-Limited Vector Fields, A
* Comparative Study on Variable Selection Approaches in Establishment of Remote Sensing Model for Forest Biomass Estimation
* Comparison of Fusion Methods for HSRRSI Considering the Effectiveness of Land Cover (Features) Object Recognition Based on Deep Learning, The
* Comparison of Pixel- and Object-Based Classification Methods of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data Applied to Coastal Dune Vegetation Communities: Casal Borsetti Case Study
* Comparison of Radar-Based Hail Detection Using Single- and Dual-Polarization
* Comparison of Two Tree Detection Methods for Estimation of Forest Stand and Ecological Variables from Airborne LiDAR Data in Central European Forests, A
* Comparison of Vegetation Indices Derived from UAV Data for Differentiation of Tillage Effects in Agriculture
* Complementarity of X-, C-, and L-band SAR Backscatter Observations to Retrieve Forest Stem Volume in Boreal Forest
* Complete-Q Model for Poro-Viscoelastic Media in Subsurface Sensing: Large-Scale Simulation With an Adaptive DG Algorithm
* Component-Graph Construction
* Conductivity Tensor Imaging of In Vivo Human Brain and Experimental Validation Using Giant Vesicle Suspension
* Connected Vehicle-Based Lane Selection Assistance Application
* Content Harvest Network: Optimizing First Mile for Crowdsourced Live Streaming
* Content-Adaptive Noise Estimation for Color Images With Cross-Channel Noise Modeling
* Content-based retinal image retrieval
* Continuous Monitoring of the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Surface Water in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Types in a Mediterranean Lagoon Complex
* Contrast Invariant SNR and Isotonic Regressions
* Convolutional Neural Networks for On-Board Cloud Screening
* Cooperative Prescribed Performance Tracking Control for Multiple High-Speed Trains in Moving Block Signaling System
* Copula-Based Abrupt Variations Detection in the Relationship of Seasonal Vegetation-Climate in the Jing River Basin, China
* Copy-for-duplication forgery detection in colour images using QPCETMs and sub-image approach
* Coral Reef Change Detection in Remote Pacific Islands Using Support Vector Machine Classifiers
* Corrected Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization Method for Noisy Low-Rank Tensor Completion, A
* CoSpace: Common Subspace Learning From Hyperspectral-Multispectral Correspondences
* Coupling Ocean Currents and Waves with Wind Stress over the Gulf Stream
* Crack Propagation and Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) of Wood in the Longitudinal Direction Determined Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Technique
* critical analysis of satellite stereo pairs for digital surface model generation and a matching quality prediction model, A
* Crop NDVI Monitoring Based on Sentinel 1
* Cross-View Person Identification Based on Confidence-Weighted Human Pose Matching
* Crossbar-Net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Kidney Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* DAEN: Deep Autoencoder Networks for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* DCN-Based Spatial Features for Improving Parcel-Based Crop Classification Using High-Resolution Optical Images and Multi-Temporal SAR Data
* DECODE: Deep Confidence Network for Robust Image Classification
* Deep Attention Network for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Deep CNN for removal of salt and pepper noise
* Deep Feature Fusion with Integration of Residual Connection and Attention Model for Classification of VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Deep learning approach for segmentation of plain carbon steel microstructure images
* Deep Learning Based Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass from Combined LiDAR and Landsat 8 Data
* Deep Learning for SAR Image Despeckling
* Deep Learning-Based Approach for Automated Yellow Rust Disease Detection from High-Resolution Hyperspectral UAV Images, A
* Deep Saliency With Channel-Wise Hierarchical Feature Responses for Traffic Sign Detection
* Deep Scene Representation for Aerial Scene Classification, A
* Deep Supervision with Intermediate Concepts
* Deformable Object Tracking With Gated Fusion
* Derivation of Vegetation Optical Depth and Water Content in the Source Region of the Yellow River using the FY-3B Microwave Data
* Design and Demonstration of a Configurable Imaging Platform for Combined Laser, Ultrasound, and Elasticity Imaging
* Detecting Infrared Maritime Targets Overwhelmed in Sun Glitters by Antijitter Spatiotemporal Saliency
* Detecting personality and emotion traits in crowds from video sequences
* Detection and Localization for Multiple Stationary Human Targets Based on Cross-Correlation of Dual-Station SFCW Radars
* Detection of abnormal behavior in narrow scene with perspective distortion
* Determination of Optimum Tie Point Interval for SAR Image Coregistration by Decomposing Autocorrelation Coefficient
* Determination of Vegetation Thresholds for Assessing Land Use and Land Use Changes in Cambodia using the Google Earth Engine Cloud-Computing Platform
* Determining Optimal Solar Power Plant Locations Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Methods: A Case Study from Croatia
* Developing an Aircraft-Based Angular Distribution Model of Solar Reflection from Wildfire Smoke to Aid Satellite-Based Radiative Flux Estimation
* Development of soil moisture indices from differences in water absorption between shortwave-infrared bands
* Differential Inter-System Biases Estimation and Initial Assessment of Instantaneous Tightly Combined RTK with BDS-3, GPS, and Galileo
* Direct linear and refraction-invariant pose estimation and calibration model for underwater imaging
* Discerning Feature Supported Encoder for Image Representation
* Discovery of the Fastest Ice Flow along the Central Flow Line of Austre Lovénbreen, a Poly-thermal Valley Glacier in Svalbard
* Distributed Cooperative Cruise Control of Multiple High-Speed Trains Under a State-Dependent Information Transmission Topology
* Does Anthropogenic Land Use Change Play a Role in Changes of Precipitation Frequency and Intensity over the Loess Plateau of China?
* Double-Rice System Simulation in a Topographically Diverse Region: A Remote-Sensing-Driven Case Study in Hunan Province of China
* Driving behaviour recognition from still images by using multi-stream fusion CNN
* Drones survey the great barrier reef: Aided by AI, hyperspectral cameras can distinguish bleached from unbleached coral
* Drought Monitoring Utility using Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over the Xiang River Basin in China
* Dual-channel CNN for efficient abnormal behavior identification through crowd feature engineering
* Dual-Colony Ant Algorithm for the Receiving and Shipping Door Assignments in Cross-Docks, A
* Dual-Stream Interactive Networks for No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Dynamic Harris Hawks Optimization with Mutation Mechanism for Satellite Image Segmentation
* Dynamic Multimodal Freight Routing Using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach
* Ea-GANs: Edge-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Edge of Computational Photography, The
* Effectiveness Evaluation Model for Satellite Observation and Data-Downlink Scheduling Considering Weather Uncertainties, An
* Effects of Compression on Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Fractal Analysis
* Efficient and Scalable Framework for Processing Remotely Sensed Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments, An
* efficient Concealed Information Test: EEG feature extraction and ensemble classification for lie identification, An
* Efficient In-Situ Debris Flow Monitoring System over a Wireless Accelerometer Network, An
* Efficient Representation-Based Subspace Clustering Framework for Polarized Hyperspectral Images, An
* EKF-Based Visual Inertial Navigation Using Sliding Window Nonlinear Optimization
* Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Emotional expressions reconsidered: Challenges to inferring emotion from human facial movements
* End-to-End Conditional Random Fields and Skip-Connected Generative Adversarial Segmentation Network for Remote Sensing Images, An
* End-to-End Instrument Performance Simulation System (EIPS) Framework: Application to Satellite Microwave Atmospheric Sounding Systems
* Energy-Saving Metro Train Timetable Rescheduling Model Considering ATO Profiles and Dynamic Passenger Flow
* Enhanced Mapping Function with Ionospheric Varying Height, An
* Enhanced Non-Local Total Variation Model and Multi-Directional Feature Prediction Prior for Single Image Super Resolution
* Enhanced-Resolution SMAP Brightness Temperature Image Products
* Enhancing Quality for HEVC Compressed Videos
* Entropy Based Illumination-Invariant Foreground Detection
* Error Measures for Trajectory Estimations With Geo-Tagged Mobility Sample Data
* Estimating leaf area index and aboveground biomass of grazing pastures using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images
* Estimating Live Fuel Moisture Using SMAP L-Band Radiometer Soil Moisture for Southern California, USA
* Estimating Phase Duration for SPaT Messages
* Estimating Sea Ice Concentration From SAR: Training Convolutional Neural Networks With Passive Microwave Data
* Estimating Subsurface Thermohaline Structure of the Global Ocean Using Surface Remote Sensing Observations
* Estimation of Ground Surface and Accuracy Assessments of Growth Parameters for a Sweet Potato Community in Ridge Cultivation
* Estimation of Soil Heavy Metal Content Using Hyperspectral Data
* EuroCity Persons: A Novel Benchmark for Person Detection in Traffic Scenes
* Evaluating the Performance of a Random Forest Kernel for Land Cover Classification
* Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms over Spanish Inland Waters for Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Imagery Data
* Evaluation of Earth Observation Solutions for Namibia's SDG Monitoring System
* Evaluation of Six Satellite-Based Precipitation Products and Their Ability for Capturing Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation Events over a Climate Transition Area in China
* Evaluation of the Snow Albedo Retrieved from the Snow Kernel Improved the Ross-Roujean BRDF Model
* Evaluation of topographic effects on multiscale leaf area index estimation using remotely sensed observations from multiple sensors
* Evaluation of Vegetation Biophysical Variables Time Series Derived from Synthetic Sentinel-2 Images
* Exact Robust Method to Localize a Known Sphere by Means of One Image, An
* Examining the Deep Belief Network for Subpixel Unmixing with Medium Spatial Resolution Multispectral Imagery in Urban Environments
* Experimental Investigation of Ocean Wave Measurement Using Short-Range K-Band Radar: Dock-Based and Boat-Based Wind Wave Measurements
* Explanation for the seam line discontinuity in terrestrial laser scanner point clouds
* Exploiting Adiabatic Pulses With Prepolarization in Detection of Underground Nuclear Magnetic Resonant Signals
* Exploiting the Anisotropy of Correlation Filter Learning for Visual Tracking
* Exploiting Unlabeled Data in CNNs by Self-Supervised Learning to Rank
* Extended Sampling Method for Inverse Elastic Scattering Problems Using One Incident Wave
* Extending Hyperspectral Imaging for Plant Phenotyping to the UV-Range
* Extraction of Time-Varying Spatiotemporal Networks Using Parameter-Tuned Constrained IVA
* Extraction of Visible Boundaries for Cadastral Mapping Based on UAV Imagery
* Facet-Based Numerical Model for Simulating SAR Altimeter Echoes From Heterogeneous Sea Ice Surfaces, A
* Fast Abnormal Event Detection
* Fast algorithm for HEVC intra-coding implemented by preprocessing
* Fast Computation with Efficient Object Data Distribution for Large-Scale Hologram Generation on a Multi-GPU Cluster
* Fast Cross-Range Scaling Algorithm for ISAR Images Based on the 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform and Pseudopolar Fourier Transform, A
* Fast GPU-Based Enhanced Wiener Filter for Despeckling SAR Data
* Fast Non-Overlapping Multi-Camera People Re-Identification Algorithm and Tracking Based on Visual Channel Model, A
* Fast Robust Dejitter and Interslice Discontinuity Removal in MRI Phase Acquisitions: Application to Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Feasibility of Using Grammars to Infer Room Semantics
* Feed-Forward ALINEA: A Ramp Metering Control Algorithm for Nearby and Distant Bottlenecks
* Feedback Unilateral Grid-Based Clustering Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Fencing Tactics Analysis in Broadcast Video: A Point-by-Point Analytical System
* Fine-Scale SAR Soil Moisture Estimation in the Subarctic Tundra
* Fisheye Image Matching Method Boosted by Recursive Search Space for Close Range Photogrammetry, A
* Flexible Space-Variant Anisotropic Regularization for Image Restoration with Automated Parameter Selection, A
* Flood Spatial Modeling in Northern Iran Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Comparison between Evidential Belief Functions and Its Ensemble with a Multivariate Logistic Regression Model
* Flow Fields: Dense Correspondence Fields for Highly Accurate Large Displacement Optical Flow Estimation
* Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
* Focusing Improvement of Curved Trajectory Spaceborne SAR Based on Optimal LRWC Preprocessing and 2-D Singular Value Decomposition
* From Handcrafted to Deep-Learning-Based Cancer Radiomics: Challenges and opportunities
* Full-Coverage Daily Average PM2.5 Retrieval Method with Two-Stage IVW Fused MODIS C6 AOD and Two-Stage GAM Model, A
* Fusion of Change Vector Analysis in Posterior Probability Space and Postclassification Comparison for Change Detection from Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
* Fusion of transformed shallow features for facial expression recognition
* Future Millimeter-Wave Indoor Systems: A Blueprint for Joint Communication and Sensing
* Fuzziness Modeling of Polarized Scattering Mechanisms and PolSAR Image Classification Using Fuzzy Triplet Discriminative Random Fields
* Galileo Single Point Positioning Assessment Including FOC Satellites in Eccentric Orbits
* Gaussian Processes for Vegetation Parameter Estimation from Hyperspectral Data with Limited Ground Truth
* Generating Red-Edge Images at 3 M Spatial Resolution by Fusing Sentinel-2 and Planet Satellite Products
* Generation and Evaluation of LAI and FPAR Products from Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Data
* Generation of long-term InSAR ground displacement time-series through a novel multi-sensor data merging technique: The case study of the Shanghai coastal area
* Geographic and Climatic Attributions of Autumn Land Surface Phenology Spatial Patterns in the Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest of China
* Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Land Surface Temperatures Over Urban Heterogeneous Regions, A
* GPS + BDS Network Real-Time Differential Positioning Using a Position Domain Estimation Method
* Gravity Field Model Determination Based on GOCE Satellite Point-Wise Accelerations Estimated from Onboard Carrier Phase Observations
* Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations of CHOCHO and HCHO in Beijing and Baoding, China
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Rail Transportation
* Guest editorial: special issue on human abnormal behavioural analysis
* Heavy Metal Contamination Index Using Spectral Variables for White Precipitates Induced by Acid Mine Drainage: A Case Study of Soro Creek, South Korea
* Heterogeneous Behavior of the Campotosto Normal Fault (Central Italy) Imaged by InSAR GPS and Strong-Motion Data: Insights from the 18 January 2017 Events
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Coordinated Electric Railway Traction System Energy Management
* Hierarchical Urban Forest Index Using Street-Level Imagery and Deep Learning, A
* High-Performance Algorithm Adaptations and Hardware Architecture for HEVC Intra Encoders
* High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Imaging via Poisson Disk Sampling and Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding
* High-Resolution Lightning Detection and Possible Relationship with Rainfall Events over the Central Mediterranean Area
* High-Resolution Vegetation Mapping Using eXtreme Gradient Boosting Based on Extensive Features
* How to Make n-D Plain Maps Defined on Discrete Surfaces Alexandrov-Well-Composed in a Self-Dual Way
* Human Pose Estimation in Video via Structured Space Learning and Halfway Temporal Evaluation
* Hybrid 3-D Electromagnetic Method for Induction Detection of Hydraulic Fractures Through a Tilted Cased Borehole in Planar Stratified Media, A
* Hybrid Dual-Polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Hybrid Model Integrating Spatial Pattern, Spatial Correlation, and Edge Information for Image Classification, A
* Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abundance Maps Addressing Spectral Variability
* Identify and Monitor Growth Faulting Using InSAR over Northern Greater Houston, Texas, USA
* Improved Approach to Exposing JPEG Seam Carving Under Recompression, An
* Improved GPS-Inferred Seasonal Terrestrial Water Storage Using Terrain-Corrected Vertical Crustal Displacements Constrained by GRACE, An
* Improved Spring Vegetation Phenology Calculation Method Using a Coupled Model and Anomalous Point Detection
* Improvement and Assessment of the Absolute Positioning Accuracy of Chinese High-Resolution SAR Satellites
* Improving Pairwise PEE via Hybrid-Dimensional Histogram Generation and Adaptive Mapping Selection
* Improving public data for building segmentation from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for fused airborne lidar and image data using active contours
* Improving the Positioning Accuracy of Satellite-Borne GNSS-R Specular Reflection Point on Sea Surface Based on the Ocean Tidal Correction Positioning Method
* Improving the Transferability of Suspended Solid Estimation in Wetland and Deltaic Waters with an Empirical Hyperspectral Approach
* Incipient Fault Detection for Traction Motors of High-Speed Railways Using an Interval Sliding Mode Observer
* Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Marginal Energies
* Influence of Geostatistical Prior Modeling on the Solution of DCT-Based Bayesian Inversion: A Case Study from Chicken Creek Catchment, The
* Influence of Scanner Position and Plot Size on the Accuracy of Tree Detection and Diameter Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning on Forest Inventory Plots
* Influence of Topographic Resolution and Accuracy on Hydraulic Channel Flow Simulations: Case Study of the Versilia River (Italy)
* Inherent Optical Properties in Lake Taihu Derived from VIIRS Satellite Observations
* Inland Waters Suspended Solids Concentration Retrieval Based on PSO-LSSVM for UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Integrated View of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Changes Based on Models and Satellite Observations, An
* Integration of Multi-source Remotely-Sensed Data in Support of the Classification of Wetlands, The
* Intelligent Safe Driving Methods Based on Hybrid Automata and Ensemble CART Algorithms for Multihigh-Speed Trains
* Inter-Calibration of the DSCOVR EPIC Imager with Aqua-MODIS and NPP-VIIRS, The
* Interaction of Seasonal Sun-Angle and Savanna Phenology Observed and Modelled using MODIS
* Inverse Acoustic Scattering with Phaseless Far Field Data: Uniqueness, Phase Retrieval, and Direct Sampling Methods
* Inverse Obstacle Scattering for Elastic Waves with Phased or Phaseless Far-Field Data
* Inverse Source Problem Connected with Thermoacoustic Imaging in Multi-layer Planar Medium, An
* Investigating Spatiotemporal Patterns of Surface Urban Heat Islands in the Hangzhou Metropolitan Area, China, 2000-2015
* Investigating the Consistency of Uncalibrated Multispectral Lidar Vegetation Indices at Different Altitudes
* Investigating the Feasibility of Multi-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Characterize Tree Communities in Southern Boreal Forests
* Ionospheric Peak Parameters Retrieved from FY-3C Radio Occultation: A Statistical Comparison with Measurements from COSMIC RO and Digisondes Over the Globe
* IR Thermography from UAVs to Monitor Thermal Anomalies in the Envelopes of Traditional Wine Cellars: Field Test
* Iterative Joint Image Demosaicking and Denoising Using a Residual Denoising Network
* JigsawNet: Shredded Image Reassembly Using Convolutional Neural Network and Loop-Based Composition
* Joint 2-D-3-D Traffic Sign Landmark Data Set for Geo-Localization Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Joint Image Deconvolution and Separation Using Mixed Dictionaries
* Joint Image Filtering with Deep Convolutional Networks
* Joint Multiscale Direct Envelope Inversion of Phase and Amplitude in the Time-Frequency Domain
* Joint Sparse Aperture ISAR Autofocusing and Scaling via Modified Newton Method-Based Variational Bayesian Inference
* Kinematic GPR-TPS Model for Infrastructure Asset Identification with High 3D Georeference Accuracy Developed in a Real Urban Test Field
* Kinematic Model for Swarm Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking, A
* LAM: Locality affine-invariant feature matching
* Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Land Subsidence and Ground Fissures in Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA): Evidence from Quasi-PS InSAR Analysis
* Landslide-Induced Damage Probability Estimation Coupling InSAR and Field Survey Data by Fragility Curves
* Lane Detection With a High-Resolution Automotive Radar by Introducing a New Type of Road Marking
* Large-Area, High Spatial Resolution Land Cover Mapping Using Random Forests, GEOBIA, and NAIP Orthophotography: Findings and Recommendations
* Large-Scale Crop Mapping Based on Machine Learning and Parallel Computation with Grids
* Latent Heat Flux in the Agulhas Current
* Learning Compact and Discriminative Stacked Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning Deep Binary Descriptor with Multi-Quantization
* Learning Discriminant Direction Binary Palmprint Descriptor
* Learning from data: A post classification method for annual land cover analysis in urban areas
* Lightweight Hyperspectral Image Anomaly Detector for Real-Time Mission, A
* LMR: Learning a Two-Class Classifier for Mismatch Removal
* Local climate zone-based urban land cover classification from multi-seasonal Sentinel-2 images with a recurrent residual network
* Local Frequency Interpretation and Non-Local Self-Similarity on Graph for Point Cloud Inpainting
* Localizability Constraint-Based Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Long-Term (1986-2015) Crop Water Use Characterization over the Upper Rio Grande Basin of United States and Mexico Using Landsat-Based Evapotranspiration
* Long-term adaptive tracking via complementary trackers
* Low Complexity, Hardware-Efficient Neighbor-Guided SGM Optical Flow for Low-Power Mobile Vision Applications
* Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Ischemic Stroke Onset Time From Imaging, A
* Machine Learning-Based Fast-Forward Solver for Ground Penetrating Radar With Application to Full-Waveform Inversion, A
* Magnetic Resonance Tomography for 3-D Water-Bearing Structures Using a Loop Array Layout
* Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Forest Restoration Process through Images Obtained by UAV and LiDAR
* Manhattan Distance-Based Adaptive 3D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering for Laser Speckle Imaging of Blood Flow
* Mapping Listvenite Occurrences in the Damage Zones of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica Using ASTER Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping the Irradiance Field of a Single Tree: Quantifying Vegetation-Induced Adjacency Effects
* Mapping Urban Areas Using a Combination of Remote Sensing and Geolocation Data
* Maximal Information Coefficient-Based Two-Stage Feature Selection Method for Railway Condition Monitoring
* Measurement of Road Surface Deformation Using Images Captured from UAVs
* Measurement of three dimensional volcanic plume properties using multiple ground based infrared cameras
* Memorability-based image compression
* Messapic Site of Muro Leccese: New Results from Integrated Geophysical and Archaeological Surveys, The
* Meta-Heuristics for Bi-Objective Urban Traffic Light Scheduling Problems
* Method Based on Temporal Component Decomposition for Estimating 1-km All-Weather Land Surface Temperature by Merging Satellite Thermal Infrared and Passive Microwave Observations, A
* Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance Validation
* Mid-season Crop Classification Using Dual-, Compact-, and Full-Polarization in Preparation for the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM)
* Mineral Classification of Soils Using Hyperspectral Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Ground-Based Data
* Mobility Sharing as a Preference Matching Problem
* Model Predictive Control Approach for Virtual Coupling in Railways, A
* Modeling Point Spread Function in Fluorescence Microscopy With a Sparse Gaussian Mixture: Tradeoff Between Accuracy and Efficiency
* Modelling of buildings from aerial LiDAR point clouds using TINs and label maps
* Modelling the Surface of Racing Vessel's Hull by Laser Scanning and Digital Photogrammetry
* Monitoring and Computation of the Volumes of Stockpiles of Bulk Material by Means of UAV Photogrammetric Surveying
* Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems
* Monitoring Green Infrastructure for Natural Water Retention Using Copernicus Global Land Products
* Monitoring Land Surface Displacement over Xuzhou (China) in 2015-2018 through PCA-Based Correction Applied to SAR Interferometry
* Monitoring the Variation of Vegetation Water Content with Machine Learning Methods: Point-Surface Fusion of MODIS Products and GNSS-IR Observations
* motion-based waveform for the detection of breathing difficulties during sleep, A
* MR Image Reconstruction Using Deep Density Priors
* Multi-covariate Imaging of Sub-resolution Targets
* Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Large Rock Avalanches Combining Remote Sensing, GIS and Field Surveys: The Case of the Scanno Landslide, Italy, A
* Multi-Frame motion deblurring of video using the natural oscillatory motion of dexterous legged robots
* Multi-Grid Phase Field Skin Tumor Segmentation in 3D Ultrasound Images
* Multi-objective differential evolution-based ensemble method for brain tumour diagnosis
* Multi-Objective Optimization and Characterization of Pareto Points for Scalable Coding
* Multi-Scale Wavelet 3D-CNN for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Multi-sensor medical image fusion using pyramid-based DWT: a multi-resolution approach
* Multi-Site Harmonization of Diffusion MRI Data via Method of Moments
* Multi-Spectral Lidar: Radiometric Calibration, Canopy Spectral Reflectance, and Vegetation Vertical SVI Profiles
* Multi-Temporal Dual- and Quad-Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Crop-Type Mapping
* Multi-Temporal Investigation of the Boulder Clay Glacier and Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica) by Integrated Surveying Techniques
* Multi-Turn Video Question Answering via Hierarchical Attention Context Reinforced Networks
* Multiobjective Sparse Subpixel Mapping for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiple-Scale Variations of Sea Ice and Ocean Circulation in the Bering Sea Using Remote Sensing Observations and Numerical Modeling
* Multiplicative Noise Removal Based on the Smooth Diffusion Equation
* Multiplicative Noise Removal for Texture Images Based on Adaptive Anisotropic Fractional Diffusion Equations
* Multisource Region Attention Network for Fine-Grained Object Recognition in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multispectral and Radar Data for the Setting of Gold Mineralization in the South Eastern Desert, Egypt
* Multitemporal Chlorophyll Mapping in Pome Fruit Orchards from Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
* Multiview Attenuation Estimation and Correction
* nD Variational Restoration of Curvilinear Structures With Prior-Based Directional Regularization
* New Approach for Temporal Stability Evaluation of Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS)
* New Method for Characterizing NOAA-20/S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Response Versus Scan Using On-Orbit Pitch Maneuver Data, A
* New Method to Enhance the Spatial Features of Multitemporal NDVI Image Series, A
* New Operator Splitting Method for the Euler Elastica Model for Image Smoothing, A
* New Temporal and Spectral Unfiltering Technique for ERBE/ERBS WFOV Nonscanner Instrument Observations
* Newly Built Construction Detection in SAR Images Using Deep Learning
* Night Thermal Unmixing for the Study of Microscale Surface Urban Heat Islands with TRISHNA-Like Data
* Noise-Induced Improvement of the Parkinsonian State: A Computational Study
* Noise-Robust Motion Compensation for Aerial Maneuvering Target ISAR Imaging by Parametric Minimum Entropy Optimization
* Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing With Graphical Models
* Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularized Tensor Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Nonparametric Blind Super-Resolution Using Adaptive Heavy-Tailed Priors
* Normalized Non-Negative Sparse Encoder for Fast Image Representation
* Novel Algorithm for Volume-Preserving Parameterizations of 3-Manifolds, A
* Novel Approach to the Unsupervised Update of Land-Cover Maps by Classification of Time Series of Multispectral Images, A
* Novel Change Detection Method for Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images Based on Binary Hyperspectral Change Vectors, A
* Novel Framework of Detecting Convective Initiation Combining Automated Sampling, Machine Learning, and Repeated Model Tuning from Geostationary Satellite Data, A
* Novel Method for Estimating the Vertical Velocity of Air with a Descending Radiosonde System, A
* Novel Rank Approximation Method for Mixture Noise Removal of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Novel Two-Step Registration Method for Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep and Local Features, A
* Object-Based Mapping of Coral Reef Habitats Using Planet Dove Satellites
* Obtaining High-Resolution Seabed Topography and Surface Details by Co-Registration of Side-Scan Sonar and Multibeam Echo Sounder Images
* OEDIPUS: An Experiment Design Framework for Sparsity-Constrained MRI
* On the Automated Mapping of Snow Cover on Glaciers and Calculation of Snow Line Altitudes from Multi-Temporal Landsat Data
* On the Effect of Polarization and Incidence Angle on the Estimation of Significant Wave Height From SAR Data
* On the Study of Influences of Different Factors on the Rapid Tropospheric Tomography
* One-Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo Using Skylight Estimation
* One-Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo Using Skylight Estimation
* Online Mutual Foreground Segmentation for Multispectral Stereo Videos
* Open Set Incremental Learning for Automatic Target Recognition
* Operational Approach for Generating the Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation Product From MODIS Data, An
* Operational Flood Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Images: A Case Study from Bangladesh
* Optical Properties of Reflected Light From Leaves: A Case Study From One Species
* Optimal Cloud-Based Routing With In-Route Charging of Mobility-on-Demand Electric Vehicles
* Optimal Combination of Image Denoisers
* Optimal Control for Speed Harmonization of Automated Vehicles
* Optimal Cyanobacterial Pigment Retrieval from Ocean Colour Sensors in a Highly Turbid, Optically Complex Lake
* Optimal Decision-Tree Design Strategy and Its Application to Sea Ice Classification from SAR Imagery, An
* Optimal Transport Approximation of 2-Dimensional Measures
* Optimized Deep Network Representation of Multimutation Differential Evolution and its Application in Seismic Inversion, An
* ORSIm Detector: A Novel Object Detection Framework in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Spatial-Frequency Channel Features
* PAN-Guided Cross-Resolution Projection for Local Adaptive Sparse Representation- Based Pansharpening
* Parameter Estimation and Error Calibration for Multi-Channel Beam-Steering SAR Systems
* Patch Redundancy in Images: A Statistical Testing Framework and Some Applications
* Patterns of Arctic Tundra Greenness Based on Spatially Downscaled Solar-Induced Fluorescence
* Pedestrian detection framework based on magnetic regional regression
* Performance Analysis of Parameter Estimation in Electromagnetic Induction Data
* Performance Evaluation of Newly Proposed Seaweed Enhancing Index (SEI)
* PET Counting Response Variability Depending on Tumor Location, Activity, and Patient Obesity: A Feasibility Study of Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Using Monte Carlo
* PET Image Reconstruction Using Deep Image Prior
* PET Reconstruction of the Posterior Image Probability, Including Multimodal Images
* Phenology and Seasonal Ecosystem Productivity in an Amazonian Floodplain Forest
* Pixel Size and Revisit Rate Requirements for Monitoring Power Plant CO2 Emissions from Space
* Pixel size of aerial imagery constrains the applications of unmanned aerial vehicle in crop breeding
* Pixel-Level Discrete Multiobjective Sampling for Image Matting
* Planetary Boundary Layer Height Detection Using Mountaintop-Based GNSS Radio Occultation Signal Amplitude
* Power Pylon Reconstruction Based on Abstract Template Structures Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Pre-Collapse Space Geodetic Observations of Critical Infrastructure: The Morandi Bridge, Genoa, Italy
* Predicting Personality Traits From Physical Activity Intensity
* Prediction of High-Quality MODIS-NPP Product Data
* Principles of Biological Echolocation Applied to Radar Sensing: Applying biomimetic sensors to achieve autonomous navigation
* Priori Solar Radiation Pressure Model for BeiDou-3 MEO Satellites, A
* Probabilistic Data Fusion for Short-Term Traffic Prediction With Semiparametric Density Ratio Model
* Projection onto Epigraph Sets for Rapid Self-Tuning Compressed Sensing MRI
* Proximal Radar Sensors for Precision Viticulture
* PSASL: Pixel-Level and Superpixel-Level Aware Subspace Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Pyramid scene parsing network in 3D: Improving semantic segmentation of point clouds with multi-scale contextual information
* Quality Index for Benchmarking Image Inpainting Algorithms with Guided Regional Statistics
* Quantifying Leaf Phenology of Individual Trees and Species in a Tropical Forest Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images
* Quantitative Analysis of Anthropogenic Morphologies Based on Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Topography
* Quantitative Analysis of Spectral Response to Soda Saline-Alkali Soil after Cracking Process: A Laboratory Procedure to Improve Soil Property Estimation
* Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From Fingerprinting to Integrated Physics-Based Models
* Queue Estimation in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Convex Approach
* R3-Net: A Deep Network for Multioriented Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images and Videos
* Radar Image Series Denoising of Space Targets Based on Gaussian Process Regression
* Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in Assisted Living: The challenges associated with real-time implementation of emerging algorithms
* Radar-Based Human-Motion Recognition With Deep Learning: Promising applications for indoor monitoring
* Raindrop Size Distributions and Rain Characteristics Observed by a PARSIVEL Disdrometer in Beijing, Northern China
* Random Walks for Pansharpening in Complex Tight Framelet Domain
* Rangeland Productivity Partitioned to Sub-Pixel Plant Functional Types
* Rank-1 Tensor Approximation for High-Order Association in Multi-target Tracking
* Real-time georeferencing of thermal images using small fixed-wing UAVs in maritime environments
* real-time webcam-based method for assessing upper-body postures, A
* Rearranging Online Tubes for Streaming Video Synopsis: A Dynamic Graph Coloring Approach
* Recent Regime Shifts in Mineral Dust Trends Over South Asia From Long-Term CALIPSO Observations
* Recognition of Moving Object in High Dynamic Scene for Visual Prosthesis
* Recurrent CNN for Automatic Detection and Classification of Coronary Artery Plaque and Stenosis in Coronary CT Angiography, A
* Reduction Method of Bathymetric Datasets that Preserves True Geodata, The
* Region Merging Method for Remote Sensing Spectral Image Aided by Inter-Segment and Boundary Homogeneities
* Region-Based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking, A
* Regionally and Locally Adaptive Models for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters From Remotely Sensed Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Regionally Robust High-Spatial-Resolution Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm for MODIS Images Over Eastern China, A
* Registration Algorithm Based on Line-Intersection-Line for Satellite Remote Sensing Images of Urban Areas
* Regularization with Metric Double Integrals of Functions with Values in a Set of Vectors
* Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for High-Dimensional Clustering
* Relating X-band SAR Backscattering to Leaf Area Index of Rice in Different Phenological Phases
* Relationship of Abrupt Vegetation Change to Climate Change and Ecological Engineering with Multi-Timescale Analysis in the Karst Region, Southwest China
* Remote Sensing of Night Lights: Beyond DMSP
* Remote Sensing of Snow Cover Using Spaceborne SAR: A Review
* Remotely Sensed Spatial Structure as an Indicator of Internal Changes of Vegetation Communities in Desert Landscapes
* Residual RCM Correction for LFM-CW Mini-SAR System Based on Fast-Time Split-Band Signal Interferometry
* Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
* Retrieval of Grassland Aboveground Biomass through Inversion of the PROSAIL Model with MODIS Imagery
* Retrieving Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Incorporating Variable Leaf Surface Reflectance in the PROSPECT Model
* Reversibility-oriented secret image sharing mechanism with steganography and authentication based on code division multiplexing
* Review of Techniques for Diagnosing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Using Aerosol Lidar Data, A
* Review on Deep Learning Techniques for 3D Sensed Data Classification, A
* RFim: A Real-Time Inundation Extent Model for Large Floodplains Based on Remote Sensing Big Data and Water Level Observations
* Richer Convolutional Features for Edge Detection
* Robust Distracter-Resistive Tracker via Learning a Multi-Component Discriminative Dictionary
* Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Component Analysis for Image Representation
* Robust Localization of Interpolated Frames by Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on an Artifact Indicated Map and Tchebichef Moments
* Robust Monocular 3D Object Tracking Method Combining Statistical and Photometric Constraints, A
* Robust Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Time-Frequency Structured Measurements
* Robust Tracking with Low-Dimensional Target-Specific Feature Extraction, A
* RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment
* SAR Image Change Detection Based on Deep Denoising and CNN
* Satellite Image Super-Resolution via Multi-Scale Residual Deep Neural Network
* Satellite-Based Climatology of Wind-Induced Surface Temperature Anomalies for the Antarctic, A
* Scalable One-Pass Self-Representation Learning for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Scalable Wavelet-Based Coding of Irregular Meshes With Interactive Region-of-Interest Support
* Scene Segmentation-Based Luminance Adjustment for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Segment-Based Disparity Refinement With Occlusion Handling for Stereo Matching
* Semantic segmentation of road furniture in mobile laser scanning data
* Semantic Segmentation of SLAR Imagery with Convolutional LSTM Selectional AutoEncoders
* Semi-automatic extraction of liana stems from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds of tropical rainforests
* Sensitivity Analysis and Minimal Measurement Geometry for the Target-Based Calibration of High-End Panoramic Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Sensitivity of the Gravity Model and Orbital Frame for On-board Real-Time Orbit Determination: Operational Results of GPS-12 GPS Receiver
* Sentinel-3A SRAL Global Statistical Assessment and Cross-Calibration with Jason-3
* Shape Reconstruction in Inverse Scattering by an Inhomogeneous Cavity with Internal Measurements
* Ship Detection from Optical Remote Sensing Images Using Multi-Scale Analysis and Fourier HOG Descriptor
* Short-Term Variation of the Surface Flow Pattern South of Lombok Strait Observed from the Himawari-8 Sea Surface Temperature
* Signal Processing for High-Throughput Satellites: Challenges in new interference-limited scenarios
* Similarity Constrained Convex Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Simple Similarity Index for the Comparison of Remotely Sensed Time Series with Scarce Simultaneous Acquisitions, A
* Simultaneous Dimensionality Reduction and Classification via Dual Embedding Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Simultaneous Estimation of Dish Locations and Calories with Multi-Task Learning
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Anomaly Detection of Subsampled Hyperspectral Images Using l_(1/2) Regularized Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Recovery
* Simultaneous Subspace Clustering and Cluster Number Estimating Based on Triplet Relationship
* Sinkhole Detection and Characterization Using LiDAR-Derived DEM with Logistic Regression
* Sinkhorn Algorithm for Lifted Assignment Problems
* SMART: Joint Sampling and Regression for Visual Tracking
* SmartDrive: Traction Energy Optimization and Applications in Rail Systems
* Social Anchor-Unit Graph Regularized Tensor Completion for Large-Scale Image Retagging
* Soil Texture Estimation Using Radar and Optical Data from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
* Solar Influence on Fire Radiative Power Retrieved With the Bispectral Method
* Some Theoretical Links Between Shortest Path Filters and Minimum Spanning Tree Filters
* Spaceborne GNSS-R Observation of Global Lake Level: First Results from the TechDemoSat-1 Mission
* Sparse Multi-Bending Snakes
* Sparsity-Inducing Nonconvex Nonseparable Regularization for Convex Image Processing
* Spatial Density Peak Clustering for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Noisy Labels
* Spatial Filtering in DCT Domain-Based Frameworks for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Spatial-Temporal Super-Resolution Land Cover Mapping With a Local Spatial-Temporal Dependence Model
* Spatially Variable Glacier Changes in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal, 2000 to 2016
* spatiotemporal attention-based ResC3D model for large-scale gesture recognition, A
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Drought and Associated Multi-Scale Response to Climate Change over the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018
* Spectral Image Fusion From Compressive Measurements Using Spectral Unmixing and a Sparse Representation of Abundance Maps
* Spectral-Spatial Discriminant Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification via Robust Low-Rank Feature Extraction and Markov Random Field
* StackGAN++: Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks
* State-Aware Anti-Drift Object Tracking
* Statistical Characteristic-Based Road Structure Recognition in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Statistical detection of a panic behavior in crowded scenes
* Statistically Segregated k-Space Sampling for Accelerating Multiple-Acquisition MRI
* Stereo Video Object Segmentation Using Stereoscopic Foreground Trajectories
* Strawberry Yield Prediction Based on a Deep Neural Network Using High-Resolution Aerial Orthoimages
* Structure Tensor and Guided Filtering-Based Algorithm for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Study of the Technology Used to Distinguish Sea Ice and Seawater on the Haiyang-2A/B (HY-2A/B) Altimeter Data, A
* Superpixel Tensor Model for Spatial-Spectral Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Survey of Mobile Laser Scanning Applications and Key Techniques over Urban Areas, A
* Synergy of ICESat-2 and Landsat for Mapping Forest Aboveground Biomass with Deep Learning
* Tensor Based Multiscale Low Rank Decomposition for Hyperspectral Images Dimensionality Reduction
* Texture Classification in Extreme Scale Variations Using GANet
* Theory of SAR Signature Defocus Morphology for Arbitrary 3-D Target Motion Over Terrain Relief
* Through-the-Multilayered Wall Imaging Using Passive Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Time-Constrained Video Delivery Using Adaptive Coding Parameters
* Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS
* Tomographic Approach to Ground-Penetrating Radar for Underground Exploration and Monitoring: A more user-friendly and unconventional method for subsurface investigation, The
* Top Cloud Motion Field of Typhoon Megi-2016 Revealed by GF-4 Images
* Towards a Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature Earth System Data Record from Geostationary Satellites
* Towards Global Volcano Monitoring Using Multisensor Sentinel Missions and Artificial Intelligence: The MOUNTS Monitoring System
* Trajectory-Based Surveillance Analysis: A Survey
* Transfer and Association: A Novel Detection Method for Targets without Prior Homogeneous Samples
* Trip Distribution Modeling Using Mobile Phone Data: Emphasis on Intra-Zonal Trips
* True-Color Three-Dimensional Imaging and Target Classification BASED on Hyperspectral LiDAR
* Two-Dimensional Ship Velocity Estimation Based on KOMPSAT-5 Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Uncertainty Descriptor for Quantitative Measurement of the Uncertainty of Remote Sensing Images, An
* Underwater Image Restoration Based on a Parallel Convolutional Neural Network
* Unified Formulation of Polarimetric Weather Radar With Application to IQ Data Simulation, A
* Uniform Color Space-Based High Dynamic Range Video Compression
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Remote Sensing Applications: A Review
* Unsupervised Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition Using Target-Adapted Least-Squares Regression
* Unsupervised Kernelized Correlation-Based Hyperspectral Unmixing With Missing Pixels
* Unsupervised Semantic-Preserving Adversarial Hashing for Image Search
* Urban Forest Growth and Gap Dynamics Detected by Yearly Repeated Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR): A Case Study of Cheonan, South Korea
* Urban Landscape Change Analysis Using Local Climate Zones and Object-Based Classification in the Salt Lake Metro Region, Utah, USA
* Urban Trajectory Analytics: Day-of-Week Movement Pattern Mining Using Tensor Factorization
* Use of UAV Mounted Sensors for Precise Detection of Bark Beetle Infestation, The
* Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Images and Support Vector Machine to Assess the Changes in Agricultural Irrigated Areas in the Mogtedo Region, Burkina Faso
* Validation of 7 Years in-Flight HY-2A Calibration Microwave Radiometer Products Using Numerical Weather Model and Radiosondes
* Validation of Satellite, Reanalysis and RCM Data of Monthly Rainfall in Calabria (Southern Italy)
* Variable Density Sampling Scheme for Compressive Fourier Transform Interferometry, A
* Variational Textured Dirichlet Process Mixture Model With Pairwise Constraint for Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images
* Vicarious Calibration of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
* Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow
* Video-based discomfort detection for infants
* View Adaptive Neural Networks for High Performance Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* View-Invariant Human Action Recognition Based on a 3D Bio-Constrained Skeleton Model
* VIIRS-Derived Water Turbidity in the Great Lakes
* Virtual Adversarial Training: A Regularization Method for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Visibility Constrained Generative Model for Depth-Based 3D Facial Pose Tracking
* Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Direct-Global Separation with Contact Imaging
* Wanted: HI-RES, surgery-free brain interfaces: DARPA aims to develop wearable devices that let soldiers communicate directly with machines
* Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection With Spatiotemporal Cascade Neural Networks
* Weather Radar Data Processing and Atmospheric Applications: An overview of tools for monitoring clouds and detecting wind shear
* Weber Centralized Binary Fusion Descriptor for Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* Webly-Supervised Food Detection with Foodness Proposal
* Winter Wheat Green-up Date Variation and its Diverse Response on the Hydrothermal Conditions over the North China Plain, Using MODIS Time-Series Data
* Wireless Radio Frequency Triggered Acquisition Device (WRAD) for Self-Synchronised Measurements of the Rate of Change of the MRI Gradient Vector Field for Motion Tracking, A
* Zero-Shot Learning via Latent Space Encoding
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.