* 2-D Shape Decomposition into Overlapping Parts
* 3-D Modelling and Robot Localization from Visual and Range Data in Natural Scenes
* 3D Modeling Based on Radon Transform with Application in Volume Measurement
* 3D Point Distribution Models of the Cortical Sulci
* 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Silhouettes: Generalization from Few Views by Neural Network Learning
* 3D Surface roughness quantification
* Accessing Multi-User Virtual Worlds over IP
* Active Areas: On Interacting in a Virtual Environment
* Active Knowledge-Based Scene Analysis
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Using the Quadratic Spline Interpolator, An
* Adaptive Segmentation of MR Axial Brain Images Using Connected Components
* Adaptive Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* ADORE: Adaptive Object Recognition
* Affine alignment for stroke classification
* algorithm for on-line strokes verification of chinese characters using discrete features, An
* Algorithmic Fusion for More Robust Feature Tracking
* Alignment-Based Recognition of Shape Outlines
* Ambiguous Digitizations by Dilation
* Analysis of stability in hand-written dynamic signatures
* Analytical Solution of Shape from Shading Problem
* Appearance-Based Structure from Motion Using Linear Classes of 3-D Models
* Arbitrary Viewpoint Video Synthesis from Uncalibrated Multiple Cameras
* Ascender II: A Visual Framework for 3D Reconstruction
* Augmented Reality Using Uncalibrated Video Sequences
* Automated assessment: How confident are we?
* Automatic detection of handwriting forgery
* Automatic handwriting recognition and writer matching on anthrax-related handwritten mail
* Automatic Keyframe Selection for High-Quality Image-Based Walkthrough Animation Using Viewpoint Entropy
* Automatic TV advertisement detection from MPEG bitstream
* Automating performance optimization for script word recognition systems
* Balanced template tracker for tracking an object image sequence
* Baseline estimation for Arabic handwritten words
* Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions, A
* Behind the Image Sequence: The Semantics of Moving Shapes
* Bias Correction in Photometric Stereo Using Control Points
* Bigram-based post-processing for on-line handwriting recognition using correctness evaluation
* Binocular License Plate Reader for High Precision Speed Measurement, A
* Biometric perils and patches
* Bit plane decomposition and the scanning n-tuple classifier
* Camera Calibration Using Neural Networks
* Camera Motion Extraction Using Correlation for Motion-Based Video Classification
* Camera Self-Calibration from Unknown Planar Structures Enforcing the Multiview Constraints between Collineations
* Cells Octree: A New Data Structure for Volume Modeling and Visualization
* Class-confidence critic combining
* Classifying human endothelial cells based on individual granulometric size distributions
* Classifying isogenous fields
* Clustering categorical data sets using tabu search techniques
* Clustering writing styles with a self-organizing map
* Color and Shape Index for Region-Based Image Retrieval
* color coding method for radiographic images, A
* Color object indexing and retrieval in digital libraries
* Color Recognition by Learning: ATR in Color Images
* combination method of two classifiers based on the information of confusion matrix, A
* Combination of local and global vision modelling for Arabic handwritten words recognition
* Combination of multiple classifiers for handwritten word recognition
* Combination of multiple classifiers using probabilistic dictionary and its application to postcode recognition
* Compact encoding of 3-D voxel surfaces based on pattern code representation
* Compact Model for Viewpoint Dependent Texture Synthesis, A
* Compact rendering for processing binary high addressability images
* comparative study of approaches to automatic pollen identification, A
* comparative study on mirror image learning and ALSM, A
* Comparing image resamplers via a model of the human vision system
* Comparing On-Line Recognition of Japanese and Western Script in Preparation for Recognizing Multi-Language Documents
* Comparison and Evaluation of Retrospective Intermodality Registration Techniques
* Comparison of Fractal Texture Descriptors, A
* Compressed Adaptive Multiresolution Encoding
* Compression of Isosurfaces for Structured Volumes
* Compression of Large 3-D Engineering Models Using Automatic Discovery of Repeating Geometric Features
* Computational Steering by Direct Image Manipulation
* Computer-Aided Detection and Segmentation of Objects on Medical Images
* Confidence modeling for verification post-processing for handwriting recognition
* Confident assessment of children's handwritten responses
* Consistent Visual Information Processing Applied to Object Recognition, Landmark Definition, and Real-Time Tracking
* Constructing Boosting Algorithms from SVMs: An Application to One-Class Classification
* Context-dependent substroke model for HMM-based on-line handwriting recognition
* Continuous approach to segmentation of handwritten text
* Controlled Fusion of Multiple Partial Models to Reconstruct a Regularized 3-D Complete Model
* Correspondence Using Distinct Points Based on Image Invariants
* Creation of classifier ensembles for handwritten word recognition using feature selection algorithms
* Curvature Measures of 3D Vector Fields and their Applications
* Curve Skeletonization by Junction Detection in Surface Skeletons
* data base for arabic handwritten text recognition research, A
* Deformable Model using Probabalistic Labelling and Surface Relaxation to Segment MR Volumes, A
* Degenerate Models of Additive and Multiplicative Motion Transparency
* DEMEDITOR: A Tool for Editing DEMs
* Depth Estimation from Image Structure
* DESEO: An Active Vision System for Detection, Tracking and Recognition
* Detecting and locating landmine fields from vehicle- and air-borne measured IR Images
* Detecting and Measuring Individual Trees Using an Airborne Laser Scanner
* Detecting dominant point on on-line scripts with a simple approach
* Detecting Stellate Lesions in Mammograms via Statistical Models
* Detection and Enhancement of Line Structures in an Image by Anisotropic Diffusion
* Device and method for converting two-dimensional video into three-dimensional video
* Digital Planar Segment Based Polyhedrization for Surface Area Estimation
* Direct 3D Pattern Matching in the Domain of Freeform Shapes
* Direction-Driven Shape-Based Interpolation of Volume Data
* Discrete Curvature Based on Osculating Circle Estimation
* Discrete Deformable Boundaries for the Segmentation of Multidimensional Images
* Discriminant feature extraction using empirical probability density estimation and a local basis library
* Distinctive Descriptions for Face Processing
* Document Mosaicing
* DP matching using kalman filter as pre-processing in on-line signature verification
* Dynamic Models for Wavelet Representations of Shape
* Dynamic observations and dynamic state termination for off-line handwritten word recognition using HMM
* effect of large training set sizes on online japanese kanji and english cursive recognizers, The
* Efficient Free Form Light Field Rendering
* Efficient Generation of 3-D Models out of Depth Maps
* efficient prototype merging strategy for the condensed 1-NN rule through class-conditional hierarchical clustering, An
* Efficient prototype reordering in nearest neighbor classification
* Efficient Shape Description Using NURBS
* Empirical error based optimization of SVM kernels: Application to digit image recognition
* Employing Region Features for Searching an Image Database
* EndoView: A Phantom Study of a Tracked Virtual Bronchoscopy
* Epipolar Geometry for Central Catadioptric Cameras
* Erosion and Dilation on 2-D and 3-D Digital Images: A New Size-Independent Approach
* Estimation of Objects in Highly Variable Images Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Euclidean Fitting Revisited
* Evaluation of Attentional Control in Active Vision Systems Using a 3D Simulation Framework
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Perceptual Grouping, An
* Experience in Integrating Image Processing Programs
* Exploiting shadows in a visual, hand-driven user interface
* Extended Visual Cryptography for Natural Images
* Extracting Cylinders in Full 3-D Data Using a Random Sampling Method and the Gaussian Image
* Extraction of place-name from natural scenes
* Extraction of Topological Features from Sequential Volume Data
* Eyes from Eyes
* Face Recognition in Dynamic Scenes
* Face synthesis system and methodology
* Face-Tracking and Coding for Video Compression
* Facial Reconstruction Using Volumetric Data
* Factorization with Uncertainty
* Fast Acquiring and Analysis of 3-D Laser Range Data
* Fast Algorithm for Creating Image-Based Stereo Images
* fast algorithm for finding k-nearest neighbors with non-metric dissimilarity, A
* Fast Face Localisation and Verification
* Fast Line Detection Algorithms Based on Combinatorial Optimization
* Fast Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Single Free-Hand Line Drawing
* Feature and decision level sensor fusion of electromagnetic induction and ground penetrating radar sensors for landmine detection with hand-held units
* Feature Extraction for Advanced Control of Flexible Forming Processes
* Feature selection toolbox
* Feature sensitive mesh processing
* Feature sets evaluation for handwritten word recognition
* Finding the Epipole from Uncalibrated Optical Flow
* Fitting 3D point distribution models of fish to stereo images
* fixation and viewpoint measure for object-based gaze control, A
* Flexible Noise Model for Designing Maps, A
* Fragment-Based Approach to Object Representation and Classification, A
* Frame Decimation for Structure and Motion
* Framework to Investigate Behavioural Models, A
* Free Form Shape Representation Using NURBS Modeling
* From ligatures to characters: a shape-based algorithm for handwriting segmentation
* Fully-Automatic Branch Labelling of Voxel Vessel
* Fuzzy color histogram and its use in color image retrieval
* Fuzzy Linking Models for Pyramidal Edge Detection
* General Purpose Matching of Grey Level Arbitrary Images
* Generalized Uncertainty Principle and Sparse Representation in Pairs of Bases, A
* Generating cubical complexes from image data and computation of the Euler number
* Generation of Decomposition Hierarchies for Efficient Occlusion Culling of Large Polygonal Models
* Generic Model for Perception-Action Systems. Analysis of a Knowledge-Based Prototype, A
* Genetical engineering of handwriting representations
* Geometry and Texture from Thousands of Images
* Global Topological Properties of Images Derived from Local Curvature Features
* Graph-Decomposition Algorithm for Graph Optimal Monomorphism, A
* Group testing for image compression
* Grouping Character Shapes by Means of Genetic Programming
* Guest Editorial, Medical Special Issue
* Handprinted Hiragana recognition using support vector machines
* Handwritten address recognition with open vocabulary using character N-grams
* handwritten character recognition method based on unconstrained elastic matching and eigen-deformations, A
* Handwritten digit recognition using state-of-the-art techniques
* Handwritten document retrieval
* Handwritten numeral string recognition using neural network classifier trained with negative data
* Handwritten text recognition through writer adaptation
* Hardware-Accelerated High-Quality Filtering on PC Hardware
* Hardware-Accelerated Terrain Rendering by Adaptive Slicing
* Hardware-Accelerated Visualization of Time-Varying 2-D and 3-D Vector Fields by Texture Advection via Programmable Per-Pixel Operations
* HEIV based estimation
* Helmholtz Stereopsis: Exploiting Reciprocity for Surface Reconstruction
* Hidden loop recovery for handwriting recognition
* Hidden markov model length optimization for handwriting recognition systems
* Hierarchical classifiers based on neighbourhood criteria with adaptive computational cost
* Hierarchical recognition of structured hand-printed documents using rule-trees
* Hierarchical Vision Architecture for Robotic Manipulation Tasks, A
* High-Quality Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data
* HMM-Based Segmentation Method for Traffic Monitoring Movies, An
* How Folds Cut a Scene
* Human Behaviour Visualisation and Simulation for Automatic Video Understanding
* Human Pose Estimation from Silhouettes: A Consistent Approach Using Distance Level Sets
* Hybrid adaptation: integration of adaptive classification with adaptive context processing
* Hybrid Approach to the Construction of Triangulated 3D Models of Building Interiors
* hybrid large vocabulary handwritten word recognition system using neural networks with hidden markov models, A
* hybrid learning system for image deblurring, A
* Image Indexing by Contour Analysis: A Comparison
* Image Morphing Based on Morphological Interpolation Combined with Linear Filtering
* Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings
* Image Rotation without Scaling on Spiral Architecture
* Image-Based Rendering for Teleconference Systems
* Impact of lexicon completeness on city name recognition
* Implementational Improvements for Active Region Models
* Improved Appearance-Based 3-D Object Recognition Using Wavelet Features
* Improving 3D Active Visual Tracking
* Improving Feature Tracking by Robust Points of Interest Selection
* Improving Specificity in PDMs using a Hierarchical Approach
* Improving the robustness of parametric shape tracking with switched multiple models
* Incorporating contextual character geometry in word recognition
* Independent Modes of Variation in Point Distribution Models
* Inexact graph matching by means of estimation of distribution algorithms
* Information-Theoretic Bounds on Target Recognition Performance Based on Degraded Image Data
* Information-theoretic matching of two point sets
* Infrastructure independent position determining system
* Ink texture analysis for writer identification
* Insertion of Three-Dimensional Objects in Architectural Photos
* Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numerals: Comparison of Classification Algorithms
* Integrated Traffic and Pedestrian Model-Based Vision System, An
* Integrating Framework for Robust Real-Time 3D Object Tracking, An
* Integrating Vision-Based Behaviors with an Autonomous Robot
* Integration of Local and Global Shape Analysis for Logo Classification
* Integration of Vision and Decision-Making in an Autonomous Airborne Vehicle for Traffic Surveillance
* Interactive Computer Vision System DyPERS: Dynamic Personal Enhanced Reality System, An
* Interactive Manipulation of Voxel Volumes with Free-Formed Voxel Tools
* Interactive Repositioning of Bone Fracture Segments
* Interactive Vision-Based Tool for Model-Based Scene Calibration of Augmented Reality Environments, An
* invariant approach for image registration in digital subtraction angiography, An
* Invariant Recognition and Processing of Planar Shapes
* Invariant Signatures from Polygonal Approximations of Smooth Curves
* Inverse Simulation of Sunshine: Visibility and Reflection in Architectural and Urban Spaces
* joint estimation approach for two-tone image deblurring by blind deconvolution, A
* Judging Whether Multiple Silhouettes Can Come from the Same Object
* Koenderink Corner Points
* Lapped orthogonal transforms designed for error-resilient image coding
* learning algorithm for structured character pattern representation used in on-line recognition of handwritten Japanese characters, A
* Learning to Identify and Track Faces in Image Sequences
* Learning-based cursive handwriting synthesis
* Limits on Super-Resolution and How to Break Them
* Line Scratch Detection on Digital Images: An Energy Based Model
* Line Segment Extraction in Panoramic Images
* Linear Multi View Reconstruction and Camera Recovery Using a Reference Plane
* Linear programming support vector machines
* Linguistic integration information in the aabatas arabic text analysis system
* Lip contour extraction from color images using a deformable model
* Lipreading with Spiking Neurons: One Pass Learning
* Locally Adaptive Metric Nearest-Neighbor Classification
* locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, A
* Many-to-many Matching of Attributed Trees Using Association Graphs and Game Dynamics
* Matching Incomplete Objects Using Boundary Signatures
* Maximum Likelihood Surface Estimation
* Maximum Variance Cluster Algorithm, A
* Maximum-likelihood image estimation using photon-correlated beams
* Measuring Isotropic Local Contrast: A Circular Mask Based Approach
* Medical word recognition using a computational semantic lexicon
* Memory-constrained 3-d wavelet transform for video coding without boundary effects
* MEPHISTO: A Modular and Extensible Path Planning System Using Observation
* Mereology of Visual Form
* Meshing Scheme for Real Time Surface Subdivision, A
* MeshToSS: Converting Subdivision Surfaces from Dense Meshes
* Method and apparatus for generating a database of road sign images and positions
* Method and apparatus for rapidly determining whether a digitized image frame contains an object of interest
* Method for generating a unique consistent signal pattern for identification of an individual
* Method for Obtaining the Tesseract by Unraveling the 4D Hypercube, A
* Method of 3D Surface Correspondence for Automated Landmark Generation, A
* Method of distinguishing a moving object and apparatus of tracking and monitoring a moving object
* Minimum classification error training for online handwritten word recognition
* Minimum-Length Polygons in Approximation Sausages
* Mixture Model for Representing Shape Variation, A
* MLSLib: A Lip Sync Library for Multi Agents and Languages
* Model-Based 3-D Shape and Motion Estimation Using Sliding Textures
* Model-Based Technique for the Classification of Textured Surfaces with Illuminant Direction Invariance, A
* Modeling of a Fitting Inlay from Various Information
* Modelling Collective Animal Behaviour using Extended Point Distribution Models
* Modular Clutter Rejection Technique for Flir Imagery Using Region-based Principal Component Analysis, A
* Moire Interfermoter with overlapping illumination and imaging systems
* Monitoring and Correction of Geometric Distortion in Projected Displays
* Monitoring system and imaging system
* MOrpho-LEXical analysis for correcting OCR-genereted arabic words (MOLEX)
* Morphological Image Processing for Evaluating Malaria Disease
* Morphological representation of DCT coefficients for image compression
* Mosaicing and enhancement of images for ophthalmic diagnosis and documentation
* Motion Consistency for Image-Based Rendering
* Motion Tracking of Animals for Behavior Analysis
* Multi-LDI: An Image Based Rendering Approach for Interaction, Navigation, and Visualization in Complex Vitrual Environments, The
* Multi-Scale Approach to Corner Tracking, A
* Multi-Sensor Object Localization System, A
* Multi-Step View Synthesis with Occlusion Handling
* Multi-View Scene Capture by Surfel Sampling: From Video Streams to Non-Rigid 3D Motion, Shape and Reflectance
* Multidimensional multistage K-NN classifiers for handwritten digit recognition
* Multilevel Integration of Vision and Speech Understanding Using Bayesian Networks
* Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Multiresolution Isosurface Fitting on a Surface Octree
* Multiscale Feature Extraction from the Visual Environment in an Active Vision System
* Multiscale Method for the Reassembly of Two-Dimensional Fragmented Objects, A
* Multispectral image visualization through first-order fusion
* Neural network experiences between perceptrons and support vectors
* New architecture for dynamic frame-skipping transcoder
* new database for research on bank-check processing, A
* New Shape Space for Second Order 3D-Variations, A
* New techniques for multi-resolution motion estimation
* new warping technique for normalizing likelihood of multiple classifiers and its effectiveness in combined on-line/off-line Japanese character recognition, A
* Non-manifold Multi-tessellation: From Meshes to Iconic Representations of Objects
* NonConformity Problem in 3D Grid Decompositions
* novel algorithm for fast computation of Zernike moments, A
* Novel approaches to optimized self-configuration in high performance multiple-expert classifiers
* Novel Probabilistic Model for 3-D Object Recognition: Spin-Glass Markov Random Fields, A
* Object Localization Using Linear Adaptive Filters
* Object Recognition for a Grasping Task by a Mobile Manipulator
* Objects Recognition by Means of Projective Invariants Considering Corner-points
* Off-line handwritten Arabic character segmentation algorithm: ACSA
* On Camera Calibration for Scene Model Acquisition and Maintenance Using an Active Vision System
* On Computing Metric Upgrades of Projective Reconstructions Under the Rectangular Pixel Assumption
* On Geometric Evolution and Cascadic Multigrid in Subdivision
* On Learning the Shape of Complex Actions
* On line signature verification: fusion of a hidden markov model and a neural network via a support vector machine
* On Matching Algorithms for the Recognition of Objects in Cluttered Background
* On the inverse problem of rotation moment invariants
* On the Learning of Complex Movement Sequences
* On the Representation of Visual Information
* On the use of Bernoulli mixture models for text classification
* On-line handwriting recognition using character bigram match vectors
* On-line handwriting recognition with support vector machines: A kernel approach
* On-line recognition of handwritten Arabic characters using a Kohonen neural network
* On-line signature verification
* on-line signature verification system using hidden markov model in polar space, An
* On-the-Fly Adaptive Subdivision Terrain
* One-Sided Stability of MAT and Its Applications
* Optimal Gabor filters for textile flaw detection
* Optimal Image Processing Architecture for Active Vision Systems
* Optimal Local Distances for Distance Transforms in 3D Using an Extended Neighbourhood
* Optimal Memory Constrained Isosurface Extraction
* Optimal multidimensional bit-rate control for video communication
* Optimal Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Optimal projection of 2-D displacements for 3-D translational motion estimation
* Oriented Structure of the Occlusion Distortion: Is It Reliable?
* overview and comparison of voting methods for pattern recognition, An
* Overview of Visibility Problem Algorithms in 1.5D, An
* Page segmentation of Chinese newspapers
* Panel Session on Computations and Algorithms
* Panel Session on Extended Environments
* Panel Session on Visual Scene Representation
* Parallel Rendering Within the Integrated Simulation and Visualization Framework gridlib
* Part segmentation of objects in real images
* Partially Occluded Object Recognition Using Statistical Models
* Patient Specific Surgical Simulation System for Procedures in Colonoscopy
* Pattern Detection Using a Maximal Rejection Classifier
* Pattern recognition in information systems
* Perception-Based 2D Shape Modeling by Curvature Shaping
* Perceptualization: Techniques for Effective Image Generation, Visualization, and Communication of Information
* Performance evaluation and optimization of embedded image sources over noisy channels
* PGF: A New Progressive File Format for Lossy and Lossless Image Compression
* Playing Domino: A Case Study for an Active Vision System
* Possibility Theory and Rough Histograms for Motion Estimation in a Video Sequence
* Probabilistic Hypothesis Generation for Rapid 3D Object Recognition
* Progress in arbitrary topology deformable surfaces
* Progressive Scheme for Stereo Matching, A
* Prototyping Structural Shape Descriptions by Inductive Learning
* Pursuing Reality with Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting
* Qualitative Estimation of Depth in Monocular Vision
* random set view of texture classification, A
* Reactive Computer Vision System with Reconfigurable Architecture
* Real-time Dynamic Deformable Meshes for Volumetric Segmentation and Visualisation
* Real-Time Dynamic Radiosity Relighting of Virtual Environments
* Real-Time Maintenance of Figure-Ground Segmentation
* Real-Time Segmentation for Advanced Disparity Estimation in Immersive Videoconference Applications
* Reality: An Interactive Reconstruction Tool of 3-D Objects from Photographs
* Recent Advances in Structural Pattern Recognition with Applications to Visual Form Analysis
* Recognition of courtesy amounts on bank checks based on a segmentation approach
* Recognition of Handwritten Month Words on Bank Cheques
* Rectification with unconstrained stereo geometry
* Redistributing Light
* Region-Based Fuzzy Feature Matching Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Registering Real-Scene to Virtual Imagery Using Robust Image Features
* Regularized Quadrature Filters for Local Frequency Estimation: Application to Multimodal Volume Image Registration
* Rejection measures for handwriting sentence recognition
* Relighting with the Reflected Irradiance Field: Representation, Sampling and Reconstruction
* Rendering with Non-uniform Approximate Concentric Mosaics
* Representation of Fuzzy Shapes
* Representation of Polyhedral Objects Using SP-Octrees
* Representations and metrics for off-line handwriting segmentation
* Rigid Motion Recovery From Less Than Eight Feature Point Matches
* Robust and Accurate 3D Measurement of Formed Tube Using Trinocular Stereo Vision
* Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
* Robust Factorization
* Robust Procedure to Eliminate Degenerate Faces from Triangle Meshes, A
* Robust reconstruction of 3D space-curves from images at arbitrary angles
* Robust Recursive Structure and Motion Recovery under Affine Projection
* Robust stack-run coding for low bit-rate image transmission over noisy channels
* Robust Stereo via Temporal Consistency
* Robust Structural Indexing through Quasi-Invariant Shape Signatures and Feature Generation
* Robust watermarking of fingerprint images
* robustness of some scale-spaces, The
* Rotation Invariant Retrieval and Annotation of Image Databases
* Rotation-Invariant Morphology for Shape Analysis of Anisotropic Objects and Structures, A
* Sassy: A Language and Optimizing Compiler for Image Processing on Reconfigurable Computing Systems
* Scalable Extrinsic Calibration of Omni-Directional Image Networks
* Schurmann-polynomials: Roots and offsprings their impact on today's pattern recognition
* Script and Language Identification from Document Images
* Script and nature differentiation for Arabic and Latin text images
* Search method and apparatus for locating digitally stored content, such as visual images, music and sounds, text, or software, in storage devices on a computer network
* Search Space Reduction in the Edge Based Stereo Correspondence
* Segmentation and recognition of handwritten dates
* Segmentation of Range Images Through the Integration of Different Strategies
* segmentation system for touching handwritten Japanese characters, A
* Segmentation-Based Postprocessing in Real-Time Immersive Video Conferencing
* Selection for Gamut Mapping Colour Constancy
* Self-calibration with varying focal length from two images obtained by a stereo head
* Separating text and background in degraded document images: A comparison of global thresholding techniques for multi-stage thresholding
* Separation of touching and overlapping words in adjacent lines of handwritten text
* Sequential Localisation and Map-Building in Computer Vision and Robotics
* Shape Invariants and Principal Directions from 3D Points and Normals
* Shape Model and Threshold Extraction via Shape Gradients
* Shape Reconstruction from an Image Sequence
* Shape-Guided Split and Merge of Image Regions
* Shock Scaffold for Representing 3D Shape, The
* Signature verification: benefits of multiple tries
* Simulation and Scheduling of Real-Time Computer Vision Algorithms
* Skeletal Measure of 2D Shape Similarity, A
* Skeleton-Based Shape Models with Pressure Forces: Application to Segmentation of Overlapping Leaves
* Skeletons in the Framework of Graph Pyramids
* Skew angle estimation for printed and handwritten documents using the Wigner-Ville distribution
* Slant correction of handwritten strings based on structural properties of Korean characters
* Smart Cameras as Embedded Systems
* Spatial Relations among Pattern Subsets as a Guide for Skeleton Pruning
* Spatio-Temporal Approaches to Computation of Optical Flow
* Speaker recognition: general classifier approaches and data fusion methods
* Stabilizing Image Mosaicing by Model Selection
* Statistical correlation analysis in image retrieval
* Straightening and Partitioning Shapes
* Stroke level HMMs for on-line handwriting recognition
* Structurally Gated Pairwise Geometric Histograms for Shape Indexing
* study on the use of CDHMM for large vocabulary offline recognition of handwritten chinese characters, A
* Sub-Atomic Subdivision Approach, A
* Supporting image and video applications in a multihop radio environment using path diversity and multiple description coding
* Surface Reconstruction Approach Based on Multi-resolution Methods and the T-Surfaces Framework, A
* Surveillance System Based on Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects Using CMOS Imagers
* System and method of visual orientation
* Theoretical Comparison of Monte Carlo Radiosity Algorithms, A
* Tiled Blue Noise Samples
* Topological Maps for Visual Navigation
* Towards a Realistic Simulation of Individual Facial Mimics
* Towards Man-Machine Interfaces: Combining Top-down Constraints with Bottom-up Learning in Facial Analysis
* Towards Real-Time Visual Simulation of Water Surfaces
* Tracking Closed Streamlines in Time-Dependent Planar Flows
* Tracking People in a Railway Station during Rush-Hour
* Training Space Truncation in Vision-Based Recognition
* Transcript mapping for historic handwritten document images
* TreadMill ink: Enabling continuous pen input on small devices
* Uncalibrated Stereo Correspondence by Singular Value Decomposition
* unified approach to restoration, deinterlacing and resolution enhancement in decoding MPEG-2 video, A
* Unified Framework for Indexing and Matching Hierarchical Shape Structures, A
* Universal Analytical Forms for Modeling Image Probabilities
* Unsupervised video-shot segmentation and model-free anchorperson detection for news video story parsing
* Using an Extended Hough Transform Combined with a Kalman Filter to Segment Tubular Structures in 3-D Medical Images
* Using Beltrami Framework for Orientation Diffusion in Image Processing
* Using Computer Vision to Control a Reactive Computer Graphics Character in a Theater Play
* Using Fourier/Mellin-based correlators and their fractional versions in navigational tasks
* Using Hidden Markov Models and Dynamic Size Functions for Gesture Recognition
* Using Quaternions for Parametrizing 3-D Rotations in Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization
* Using relaxation technique for region-based object recognition
* Variational Representation for Efficient Noisy Segmentation, A
* Vector Field Metrics Based on Distance Measures of First Order Critical Points
* Vehicle Tracking with Applications to Collision Alert
* Video Mosaicing using Manifold Projection
* VideoPlus: A Method for Capturing the Structure and Appearance of Immersive Environments
* Viewpoint Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy
* Vind(x): using the user through cooperative annotation
* Virtual Drilling in 3-D Objects Reconstructed by Shape-Based Interpolation
* Vision for Longitudinal Vehicle Control
* Vision-Aided Outdoor Navigation of an Autonomous Horticultural Vehicle
* Visual Search and Visual Lobe Size
* Visual Tracking of Solid Objects Based on an Active Contour Model
* Visual-Geometric Scene Reconstruction from Image Streams
* VLSI architecture design of MPEG-4 shape coding
* VLSI-Compatible Computer Vision Algorithm for Stereoscopic Depth Analysis in Real-Time, A
* VOICI: Video Overview for Image Cluster Indexing: A swift browsing tool for a large digital image database using similarities
* Volumetric Warping for Voxel Coloring on an Infinite Domain
* Watershed Transfromation: Reducing the Over-Segmentation Problem by Applying a Noice Reducer and a Region Merger
* Wavelet-based rotational invariant roughness features for texture classification and segmentation
* Weighted Multiple Bit-Plane Matching, a Simple and Efficient Matching Criterion for Electronic Digital Image Stabilizer Application
* Weighting Factors in Multiple Expert Fusion
* Writer adaptation techniques in off-line cursive word recognition
* Writer identification by writer's invariants
* Writers authentication and fractal compression
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