Index for kuma

Kumaar, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lyu, Y.: Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context Aggregation Netw...
     with: Nex, F.: Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context Aggregation Netw...
     with: Yang, M.Y.: Real-time Semantic Segmentation with Context Aggregation N...

Kumada, K.M.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Costa, P.D.P.: SILFA: Sign Language Facial Action Database for the Dev...
     with: da Silva, E.P.: SILFA: Sign Language Facial Action Database for the De...
     with: de Martino, J.M.: SILFA: Sign Language Facial Action Database for the ...

Kumada, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chan, C.S.: Understanding Scenery Quality: A Visual Attention Measure ...
     with: Duan, J.Y.: Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Metaph...
     with: Iwaki, S.: Golden Ratio: The Attributes of Facial Attractiveness Learn...
     with: Liang, X.: Golden Ratio: The Attributes of Facial Attractiveness Learn...
     with: Liang, X.: Understanding Scenery Quality: A Visual Attention Measure a...
     with: Liang, X.: Visual attention inspired distant view and close-up view cl...
     with: Liang, X.F.: Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Metap...
     with: Liang, X.F.: Photo Shot-Type Disambiguation by Multi-Classifier Semi-S...
     with: Liu, Y.: Photo Shot-Type Disambiguation by Multi-Classifier Semi-Super...
     with: Loh, Y.P.: Understanding Scenery Quality: A Visual Attention Measure a...
     with: Loh, Y.P.: Visual attention inspired distant view and close-up view cl...
     with: Nakashima, R.: Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Met...
     with: Peng, K.: Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Metaphor...
     with: Tong, S.: Golden Ratio: The Attributes of Facial Attractiveness Learne...
     with: Tong, S.: Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Metaphor...
     with: Tong, S.: Photo Shot-Type Disambiguation by Multi-Classifier Semi-Supe...
     with: Tong, S.: Understanding Scenery Quality: A Visual Attention Measure an...
     with: Tong, S.: Visual attention inspired distant view and close-up view cla...
18 for Kumada, T.

Kumagai, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adachi, K.: Covariance-Aware Feature Alignment with Pre-Computed Sourc...
     with: Yamaguchi, S.: Covariance-Aware Feature Alignment with Pre-Computed So...

Kumagai, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, A.: UAV-Borne 3-D Mapping System by Multisensor Integration
     with: Asama, H.: Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for Micro...
     with: Chen, T.: UAV-Borne 3-D Mapping System by Multisensor Integration
     with: Kawabata, K.: Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for Mi...
     with: Mishima, T.: Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for Mic...
     with: Morishita, S.: Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for M...
     with: Nagai, M.: UAV-Borne 3-D Mapping System by Multisensor Integration
     with: Shibasaki, R.: UAV-Borne 3-D Mapping System by Multisensor Integration
8 for Kumagai, H.

Kumagai, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aburto Oropeza, O.: Driven by Drones: Improving Mangrove Extent Maps U...
     with: Dorian, J.: Driven by Drones: Improving Mangrove Extent Maps Using Hig...
     with: Favoretto, F.: Driven by Drones: Improving Mangrove Extent Maps Using ...
     with: Hsu, A.J.: Driven by Drones: Improving Mangrove Extent Maps Using High...
     with: Martinez, B.G.: Driven by Drones: Improving Mangrove Extent Maps Using...
     with: Nakagawa, M.: Semi-automatic Road Extraction from High-Resolution Sate...
     with: Shibasaki, R.: Semi-automatic Road Extraction from High-Resolution Sat...
     with: Zhao, H.J.: Semi-automatic Road Extraction from High-Resolution Satell...
8 for Kumagai, J.

Kumagai, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aono, Y.S.: Egocentric Action Recognition by Capturing Hand-Object Con...
     with: Kato, H.: Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the measu...
     with: Matsuda, Y.: Estimation Of Housing Vacancy Distributions: Basic Bayesi...
     with: Miyazaki, J.: Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the m...
     with: Oikawa, M.A.: Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the m...
     with: Ono, Y.: Estimation Of Housing Vacancy Distributions: Basic Bayesian A...
     with: Seshimo, H.: Egocentric Action Recognition by Capturing Hand-Object Co...
     with: Shiota, T.: Egocentric Action Recognition by Capturing Hand-Object Con...
     with: Takagi, M.: Egocentric Action Recognition by Capturing Hand-Object Con...
     with: Taketomi, T.: Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the m...
     with: Uematsu, H.: Analysis of Relationship Between Vegetation Distribution ...
     with: Yamamoto, G.: Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the m...
12 for Kumagai, K.

Kumagai, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hotta, K.: HLAC between Cells of HOG Feature for Crowd Counting
     with: Hotta, K.: Mixture of counting CNNs
     with: Kurita, T.: Mixture of counting CNNs

Kumagai, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayama, M.: Color Appearance in the Entire Visual Field: Color Zone Map...
     with: Liang, J.J.: Character-Position-Free On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text...
     with: Nakagawa, M.: Character-Position-Free On-Line Handwritten Japanese Tex...
     with: Sakurai, M.: Color Appearance in the Entire Visual Field: Color Zone M...
     with: Zhu, B.L.: Character-Position-Free On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text R...

Kumagai, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kanamori, T.: Robust Label Prediction via Label Propagation and Geodes...
     with: Su, S.Q.A.: Robust Label Prediction via Label Propagation and Geodesic...
     with: Wada, Y.: Robust Label Prediction via Label Propagation and Geodesic k...

Kumagai, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ohashi, G.: Object Extraction Using an Edge-Based Feature for Query-by...
     with: Ohashi, G.: Query-by-Sketch Image Retrieval Using Edge Relation Histog...
     with: Takasu, T.: Object Extraction Using an Edge-Based Feature for Query-by...

Kumagiri, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ikekawa, M.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPX...
     with: Kayama, N.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Kumura, T.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Kuroda, I.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Kusano, T.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPXK...
     with: Nishitani, T.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power S...
     with: Shionoya, S.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SP...
     with: Yoshida, M.: Performance Evaluation of the AV CODEC on a Low-Power SPX...
8 for Kumagiri, K.

Kumah, K.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: David, N.: MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link Rainfall...
     with: Gao, H.O.: MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link Rainfall...
     with: Hoedjes, J.C.B.: MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link Ra...
     with: Maathuis, B.H.P.: MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link R...
     with: Su, B.Z.: MSG Technique: Improving Commercial Microwave Link Rainfall ...

Kumaki, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ohnishi, N.: Separating Real and Virtual Objects from Their Overlappin...
     with: Tanaka, T.: Separating Real and Virtual Objects from Their Overlapping...
     with: Yamamura, Y.: Separating Real and Virtual Objects from Their Overlappi...

Kumaki, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arimoto, K.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memo...
     with: Arimoto, K.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data P...
     with: Dosaka, K.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memor...
     with: Dosaka, K.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pa...
     with: Fujino, T.: Hierarchical-Masked Image Filtering for Privacy-Protection
     with: Ishizaki, M.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Mem...
     with: Ishizaki, M.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data ...
     with: Ishizaki, M.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Paral...
     with: Koide, T.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory...
     with: Koide, T.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pat...
     with: Koide, T.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Parallel...
     with: Kono, Y.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Parallel ...
     with: Kuroda, Y.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memor...
     with: Kuroda, Y.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pa...
     with: Mattausch, H.J.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel ...
     with: Mattausch, H.J.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Da...
     with: Mattausch, H.J.: Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Pa...
     with: Noda, H.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory-...
     with: Noda, H.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Path...
     with: Saito, K.: Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory...
     with: Saito, K.: Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Pat...
21 for Kumaki, T.

Kumakura, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fujiyoshi, Y.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow...
     with: Hanado, H.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow Wi...
     with: Minda, H.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow Wit...
     with: Nakagawa, K.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow ...
     with: Nakai, S.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow Wit...
     with: Nakamura, K.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow ...
     with: Nishikawa, M.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow...
     with: Oki, R.: Radar Attenuation and Reflectivity Measurements of Snow With ...
8 for Kumakura, T.

Kumalasari, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antonova, D.P.: Planning Walkable Cities: Generative Design Approach t...
     with: Koeva, M.: Planning Walkable Cities: Generative Design Approach toward...
     with: Kuffer, M.: Planning Walkable Cities: Generative Design Approach towar...
     with: Vahdatikhaki, F.: Planning Walkable Cities: Generative Design Approach...

Kumamaru, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Inoue, K.: 3-D Shapes Modeling Which Has Hierarchical Structure Based ...
     with: Inoue, K.: Segmentation of range data based on a stochastic clustering...
     with: Inoue, K.: Shapes Modeling of 3-D Objects Based on A Hybrid Representa...
     with: Inoue, K.: Surface Recovery by Using Regularization Theory and Its App...
     with: Maeda, M.: 3-D Shapes Modeling Which Has Hierarchical Structure Based ...
     with: Maeda, M.: Segmentation of range data based on a stochastic clustering...
     with: Maeda, M.: Shapes Modeling of 3-D Objects Based on A Hybrid Representa...
     with: Maeda, M.: Surface Recovery by Using Regularization Theory and Its App...
     with: Zha, H.: 3-D Shapes Modeling Which Has Hierarchical Structure Based on...
     with: Zha, H.B.: Surface Recovery by Using Regularization Theory and Its App...
10 for Kumamaru, K.

Kumamoto, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kim, J.H.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Radar S...
     with: Kobayashi, T.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Rad...
     with: Lee, S.R.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Radar S...
     with: Nakagawa, H.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Rada...
     with: Ono, T.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Radar Sou...
     with: Oshigami, S.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Rada...
     with: Oya, H.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Radar Sou...
     with: Yamaguchi, Y.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Rad...
     with: Yamaji, A.: Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Radar ...
9 for Kumamoto, A.

Kumamoto, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Horiuchi, T.: On speeding candidate selection in handprinted chinese c...
     with: Toraichi, K.: Feature Analysis of Handprinted Chinese Characters
     with: Toraichi, K.: On speeding candidate selection in handprinted chinese c...
     with: Yamada, H.: Feature Analysis of Handprinted Chinese Characters
     with: Yamada, H.: On speeding candidate selection in handprinted chinese cha...
     with: Yamamoto, K.: Feature Analysis of Handprinted Chinese Characters
     with: Yamamoto, K.: On speeding candidate selection in handprinted chinese c...
7 for Kumamoto, T.

Kumamura, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hata, S.: Shape Extraction of Transparent Object Using Genetic Algorithm
     with: Kaida, K.: Shape Extraction of Transparent Object Using Genetic Algori...
     with: Saitoh, Y.: Shape Extraction of Transparent Object Using Genetic Algor...

Kumano, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amano, M.: Video editing support system based on video grammar and con...
     with: Ariki, Y.: Video editing support system based on video grammar and con...
     with: Shunto, K.: Video editing support system based on video grammar and co...
     with: Tsukada, K.: Video editing support system based on video grammar and c...
     with: Uehara, K.: Video editing support system based on video grammar and co...

Kumano, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bianchi Berthouze, N.: Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
     with: Iehara, M.: Nonuniform azimuth image shift observed in the radarsat im...
     with: Ishii, R.: Collective First-Person Vision for Automatic Gaze Analysis ...
     with: Kera, H.: Sparse fooling images: Fooling machine perception through un...
     with: Maeda, E.: Combining Stochastic and Deterministic Search for Pose-Inva...
     with: Maeda, E.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variable...
     with: Matsuda, M.: Analyzing Interpersonal Empathy via Collective Impressions
     with: Matsuda, M.: Analyzing Perceived Empathy Based on Reaction Time in Beh...
     with: Matsuda, M.: Analyzing perceived empathy/antipathy based on reaction t...
     with: Michel, N.: Adversarially Robust Continual Learning with Anti-Forgetti...
     with: Mikami, D.: Analyzing empathetic interactions based on the probabilist...
     with: Mikami, D.: Analyzing Interpersonal Empathy via Collective Impressions
     with: Mikami, D.: Enhancing Memory-Based Particle Filter with Detection-Base...
     with: Morimura, K.: Nonuniform azimuth image shift observed in the radarsat ...
     with: Mukai, K.: Adversarially Robust Continual Learning with Anti-Forgettin...
     with: Mukai, K.: Improving Robustness to out-of-Distribution Data by Frequen...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Analyzing empathetic interactions based on the probabilist...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Analyzing Interpersonal Empathy via Collective Impressions
     with: Otsuka, K.: Analyzing Perceived Empathy Based on Reaction Time in Beha...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Analyzing perceived empathy/antipathy based on reaction ti...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Collective First-Person Vision for Automatic Gaze Analysis...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Combining Stochastic and Deterministic Search for Pose-Inv...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Enhancing Memory-Based Particle Filter with Detection-Base...
     with: Otsuka, K.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variabl...
     with: Ouchi, K.: Nonuniform azimuth image shift observed in the radarsat ima...
     with: Provost, E.M.: Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
     with: Sano, A.: Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
     with: Sato, Y.: Combining Stochastic and Deterministic Search for Pose-Invar...
     with: Sato, Y.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variable-...
     with: Soleymani, M.: Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
     with: Suzuki, K.: Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
     with: Takami, I.: Nonuniform azimuth image shift observed in the radarsat im...
     with: Xiao, L.: Adversarially Robust Continual Learning with Anti-Forgetting...
     with: Yamasaki, T.: Adversarially Robust Continual Learning with Anti-Forget...
     with: Yamasaki, T.: Improving Robustness to out-of-Distribution Data by Freq...
     with: Yamasaki, T.: Sparse fooling images: Fooling machine perception throug...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Analyzing empathetic interactions based on the probabili...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Analyzing Interpersonal Empathy via Collective Impressions
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Analyzing Perceived Empathy Based on Reaction Time in Be...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Analyzing perceived empathy/antipathy based on reaction ...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Collective First-Person Vision for Automatic Gaze Analys...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Combining Stochastic and Deterministic Search for Pose-I...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Enhancing Memory-Based Particle Filter with Detection-Ba...
     with: Yamato, J.J.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Varia...
48 for Kumano, S.

Kumar B G, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bala, R.: Multi-Scale Regularized Deep Network for Retinal Vessel Segm...
     with: Cherukuri, V.: Multi-Scale Regularized Deep Network for Retinal Vessel...
     with: Monga, V.: Multi-Scale Regularized Deep Network for Retinal Vessel Seg...

Kumar Bhatia, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duhan, N.: comprehensive survey and mathematical insights towards vide...
     with: Narwal, P.: comprehensive survey and mathematical insights towards vid...

Kumar Bhunia, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, P.: Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Deep En...
     with: Banerjee, P.: Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convolut...
     with: Bhowmick, A.: Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Deep En...
     with: Bhowmick, A.: Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convolut...
     with: Konwer, A.: Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Deep Enco...
     with: Konwer, A.: Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convolutio...
     with: Kumar Bhunia, A.: Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Dee...
     with: Kumar Bhunia, A.: Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Conv...
     with: Pal, U.: Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Deep Encoder...
     with: Pal, U.: Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convolutional...
     with: Pratim Roy, P.: Handwriting Trajectory Recovery using End-to-End Deep ...
     with: Pratim Roy, P.: Word Level Font-to-Font Image Translation using Convol...
24 for Kumar Bhunia, A.

Kumar Ghosh, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Prathosh, A.P.: Cumulative Impulse Strength for Epoch Extraction
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Cumulative Impulse Strength for Epoch Extraction
     with: Sujith, P.: Cumulative Impulse Strength for Epoch Extraction

Kumar M., A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chickerur, S.: Image Restoration: Past, Present and Future

Kumar Pasupuleti, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar Ramasamy, C.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications...
     with: Narayana Gadde, R.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications...
     with: Rajagopal, V.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on E...
     with: Rajaram, A.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Emb...
     with: Rao Miniskar, N.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications o...
     with: Vishnoi, A.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Emb...
     with: Yadvandu, D.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Em...
7 for Kumar Pasupuleti, S.

Kumar Raja, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ganguly, S.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagr...
     with: Kumar, U.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagran...
     with: Milesi, C.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagra...
     with: Nemani, R.R.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lag...
     with: Wang, W.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagrang...

Kumar Ramasamy, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar Pasupuleti, S.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applicatio...
     with: Narayana Gadde, R.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications...
     with: Rajagopal, V.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on E...
     with: Rajaram, A.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Emb...
     with: Rao Miniskar, N.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications o...
     with: Vishnoi, A.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Emb...
     with: Yadvandu, D.: Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Em...
7 for Kumar Ramasamy, C.

Kumar Sanodiya, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gilo, O.: Unsupervised sub-domain adaptation using optimal transport
     with: Mathew, J.: Unsupervised sub-domain adaptation using optimal transport
     with: Mondal, S.: Unsupervised sub-domain adaptation using optimal transport

Kumar Yadav, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abhishek: Parzen Window Approximation on Riemannian Manifold
     with: Verma, S.: Parzen Window Approximation on Riemannian Manifold

Kumar Yadav, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jaiswal, G.: DFD-SS: Document Forgery Detection using Spectral-Spatial...
     with: Sharma, A.: DFD-SS: Document Forgery Detection using Spectral-Spatial ...

Kumar, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acharyya, T.: Decline in Phytoplankton Biomass along Indian Coastal Wa...
     with: Adi, Y.: SAGRNN: Self-Attentive Gated RNN For Binaural Speaker Separat...
     with: Afouras, T.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Agarwal, A.: Coupling Vision and Proprioception for Navigation of Legg...
     with: Agarwal, R.P.: Correcting Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensor Non Unifor...
     with: Agarwal, V.: Comparative Study of Groundwater-Induced Subsidence for L...
     with: Agarwal, V.: Lessons for Sustainable Urban Development: Interplay of C...
     with: Aggarwal, J.K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Ahmad, M.O.: Image Denoising Based on Fractional Gradient Vector Flow ...
     with: Ahmad, M.O.: Tchebichef and Adaptive Steerable-Based Total Variation M...
     with: Ahn, E.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for der...
     with: Ahn, E.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images Usi...
     with: Ahuja, H.: Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Visu...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Generalized Pupil-centric Imaging and Analytical Calibratio...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Generalized Radial Alignment Constraint for Camera Calibrat...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Motion-based background subtraction and panoramic mosaicing...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Non-frontal Camera Calibration Using Focal Stack Imagery
     with: Ahuja, N.: On the Equivalence of Moving Entrance Pupil and Radial Dist...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Robust segmentation of freight containers in train monitori...
     with: Ahuja, N.: Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains, A
     with: Ajani, O.S.: GridShift: A Faster Mode-seeking Algorithm for Image Segm...
     with: Alam, H.: Structured and unstructured document summarization: Design o...
     with: Alam, H.: Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural langu...
     with: Alavi, A.: KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained Faces...
     with: Alavi, A.: KEPLER: Simultaneous estimation of keypoints and 3D pose of...
     with: Alavi, A.: Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural...
     with: Aleissaee, A.A.: Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
     with: Ali, G.G.M.N.: Novel Hybrid MAC Protocol for Basic Safety Message Broa...
     with: Allebach, J.P.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with M...
     with: Anand, K.: CoroNetGAN: Controlled Pruning of GANs via Hypernetworks
     with: Anand, K.: Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for Tr...
     with: Anand, R.S.: closed form design method for the two-channel quadrature ...
     with: Anand, R.S.: improved method for the design of quadrature mirror filte...
     with: Ananthabhotla, I.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localizati...
     with: Anati, R.: Experiments on visual loop closing using vocabulary trees
     with: Andreadis, K.M.: Multi-Sensor Approach to Characterize Winter Water-Le...
     with: Ansari, I.A.: reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique fo...
     with: Anul Haq, M.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud comp...
     with: Anwer, R.M.: Efficient 3d-aware Facial Image Editing via Attribute-spe...
     with: Anwer, R.M.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image ...
     with: Anwer, R.M.: Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Arbelaez, P.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Arora, C.: Master of All: Simultaneous Generalization of Urban-Scene S...
     with: Ashique, S.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short...
     with: Ashutosh, K.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Askergaliyev, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Dete...
     with: Asthana, R.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused grap...
     with: Atkins, C.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Avtar, R.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Awais, M.: Efficient 3d-aware Facial Image Editing via Attribute-speci...
     with: Ayush, K.: SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtua...
     with: Bagci, U.: ControlPolypNet: Towards Controlled Colon Polyp Synthesis f...
     with: Bagwari, A.: Comparative study of Directional antenna gain for MANET N...
     with: Bahl, R.: Comments on Automated Determination of Snow Water Equivalent...
     with: Bahl, R.: Estimation of instantaneous frequencies using iterative empi...
     with: Bai, F.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Baiyya, V.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Bajaj, V.: Backtracking search algorithm for color image multilevel th...
     with: Baktashmotlagh, M.: Master of All: Simultaneous Generalization of Urba...
     with: Bala, N.: Holistic knuckle recognition through adept texture represent...
     with: Balamurugan, E.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud c...
     with: Balas, G.J.: Optical-Flow: A Curve Evolution Approach
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Improving Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Pse...
     with: Bali, K.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Databas...
     with: Ball, W.E.: Multiscale Approach for Recognizing Complex Annotations in...
     with: Balla, P.K.: 4-channelled hazy image input generation and deep learnin...
     with: Balyan, P.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Datab...
     with: Banerjee, B.: AdaMT-Net: An Adaptive Weight Learning Based Multi-Task ...
     with: Banerjee, B.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For...
     with: Banoth, B.N.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstruction f...
     with: Bansal, N.: Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Vis...
     with: Bansal, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Bansal, S.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Bar Shalom, Y.: Precision Tracking Based on Segmentation with Optimal ...
     with: Bar Shalom, Y.: Precision Tracking with Segmentation for Imaging Sensors
     with: Basharat, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval usin...
     with: Batra, D.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Bautista, M.A.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holis...
     with: Behera, L.: Pick-or-Mix: Dynamic Channel Sampling for ConvNets
     with: Bertasius, G.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Bhalerao, S.: reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique fo...
     with: Bhandari, A.K.: Backtracking search algorithm for color image multilev...
     with: Bhandari, A.K.: Comparative analysis of different wavelet filters for ...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.: Quantitative Analytical Framework for Photon Transfer Cu...
     with: Bharti, V.: MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using gradi...
     with: Bhatnagar, J.: Estimating Sample Size Requirements for Reliable Person...
     with: Bhatnagar, J.: Novel Approach to Improve Biometric Recognition Using R...
     with: Bhatnagar, J.: On estimating performance indices for biometric identif...
     with: Bhatnagar, J.: On Some Performance Indices for Biometric Identificatio...
     with: Bhattacharya, B.K.: Detection of Aphid-Infested Mustard Crop Using Gro...
     with: Bhavsar, A.: Syn2Real: Forgery Classification via Unsupervised Domain ...
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image...
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for...
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recogn...
     with: Bhunia, A.K.: Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from...
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: ControlPolypNet: Towards Controlled Colon Polyp Synthesi...
     with: Bi, L.: attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodule a...
     with: Bi, L.: Graph-Based Intercategory and Intermodality Network for Multil...
     with: Bi, L.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learni...
     with: Bi, L.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for derm...
     with: Bian, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Birah, A.: Detection of Aphid-Infested Mustard Crop Using Ground Spect...
     with: Bittner, R.M.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Ana...
     with: Blue, R.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Blumenstien, M.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred vi...
     with: Bo, L.F.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Boeckel, B.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Boote, B.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Borza, D.: attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestrian...
     with: Brazil, G.: DEVIANT: Depth EquiVarIAnt NeTwork for Monocular 3D Object...
     with: Brazil, G.: GrooMeD-NMS: Grouped Mathematically Differentiable NMS for...
     with: Brazil, G.: Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detectio...
     with: Brocca, L.: Machine Learning Approach for Improving Near-Real-Time Sat...
     with: Buddhiraju, K.M.: Target Detection and Characterization of Multi-Platf...
     with: Burt, P.J.: Qualitative Assessment of Video Stabilization and Mosaicki...
     with: Butler, C.: Multi-Sensor Approach to Characterize Winter Water-Level D...
     with: Byrne, E.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Byrne, E.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Cai, Y.J.: Characteristic Function-Based Method for Bottom-Up Human Po...
     with: Caramanis, C.: Beyond First-Order Tweedie: Solving Inverse Problems us...
     with: Carceroni, R.L.: Structure from Motion with Known Camera Positions
     with: Cartillier, V.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric V...
     with: Castillo, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Castillo, C.D.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification ...
     with: Castillo, C.D.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with...
     with: Cenkeramaddi, L.R.: Improving Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Pseudo...
     with: Chakraborty, S.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streami...
     with: Chakraborty, S.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long S...
     with: Chan, C.S.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video t...
     with: Chan, T.S.: Iris recognition using quaternionic sparse orientation cod...
     with: Chan, T.S.T.: Reliable ear identification using 2-D quadrature filters
     with: Chan, T.S.T.: Robust ear identification using sparse representation of...
     with: Chander, S.: Detection of Aphid-Infested Mustard Crop Using Ground Spe...
     with: Chandrasekaran, S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieva...
     with: Chang, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Chang, S.F.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Channappayya, S.S.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Stre...
     with: Channappayya, S.S.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Lon...
     with: Chaudhary, H.: Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal D...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: AdaMT-Net: An Adaptive Weight Learning Based Multi-Task...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture Fo...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Novel view synthesis using a translating camera
     with: Chavis, Z.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Chavis, Z.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Chellappa, R.: Disentangling 3D Pose in a Dendritic CNN for Unconstrai...
     with: Chellappa, R.: Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-...
     with: Chellappa, R.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification w...
     with: Chellappa, R.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye A...
     with: Chellappa, R.: KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained F...
     with: Chellappa, R.: KEPLER: Simultaneous estimation of keypoints and 3D pos...
     with: Chellappa, R.: S2LD: Semi-Supervised Landmark Detection in Low Resolut...
     with: Chellappa, R.: Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimation...
     with: Chellappa, R.: Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Ne...
     with: Chellappa, R.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with ...
     with: Chen, C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Chen, C.C.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Chen, C.H.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification with...
     with: Chen, C.H.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with Dee...
     with: Chen, C.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, J.: Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-Ident...
     with: Chen, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Chen, J.: Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimation from...
     with: Chen, J.C.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification with...
     with: Chen, J.C.: Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neura...
     with: Chen, J.C.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with Dee...
     with: Chen, Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Chen, S.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, T.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Chen, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Chen, X.K.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, X.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, Y.: Beyond First-Order Tweedie: Solving Inverse Problems using L...
     with: Chen, Y.F.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Datas...
     with: Cheng, F.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Cheng, K.H.M.: Advancing Surface Feature Encoding and Matching for Mor...
     with: Cheng, K.H.M.: Contactless Biometric Identification Using 3D Finger Kn...
     with: Cheng, K.H.M.: Efficient and Accurate 3D Finger Knuckle Matching Using...
     with: Cheng, K.H.M.: Revisiting Outlier Rejection Approach for Non-Lambertia...
     with: Cheng, Q.S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Fully-Adaptive Feature Sharing in Multi-Task Networks with ...
     with: Cheng, Y.: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
     with: Chennamsetty, S.S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object De...
     with: Cherian, A.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Unc...
     with: Cherian, A.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussia...
     with: Chhapariya, K.: Target Detection and Characterization of Multi-Platfor...
     with: Cho, D.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Chockalingam, P.: Qualitative Assessment of Video Stabilization and Mo...
     with: Choi, J.W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Cholakkal, H.: Efficient 3d-aware Facial Image Editing via Attribute-s...
     with: Cholakkal, H.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Imag...
     with: Cholakkal, H.: Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
     with: Chong, M.J.: Retrieve in Style: Unsupervised Facial Feature Transfer a...
     with: Chong, P.H.J.: Novel Hybrid MAC Protocol for Basic Safety Message Broa...
     with: Chopra, A.: SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtu...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: DPAM: A New Deep Parallel Attention Model for Multipl...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder ...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Rec...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects f...
     with: Chowdhury, P.N.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network vi...
     with: Chowdhury, S.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Da...
     with: Chu, F.J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Chu, W.S.: Beyond First-Order Tweedie: Solving Inverse Problems using ...
     with: Chu, W.S.: Retrieve in Style: Unsupervised Facial Feature Transfer and...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Decoupled Approach to Illumination-Robust Optical Flow E...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Multi-scale tensor vector field active contour
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Tensor vector field based active contours
     with: Colaco, A.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Multi...
     with: Collins, R.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Cong, D.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Corona, E.: DEVIANT: Depth EquiVarIAnt NeTwork for Monocular 3D Object...
     with: Crandall, D.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Crane, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Crane, S.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Cuntoor, N.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Dai, W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Damen, D.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Damen, D.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Daniilidis, K.: Experiments on visual loop closing using vocabulary tr...
     with: Daniilidis, K.: Structure from Motion with Known Camera Positions
     with: Daniilidis, K.: Using omnidirectional structure from motion for regist...
     with: Das, P.K.: ControlPolypNet: Towards Controlled Colon Polyp Synthesis f...
     with: Das, S.: GridShift: A Faster Mode-seeking Algorithm for Image Segmenta...
     with: Das, S.K.: AESPNet: Attention Enhanced Stacked Parallel Network to imp...
     with: Dasgupta, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Dasgupta, R.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its...
     with: Daume, H.: Generalized Multiview Analysis: A discriminative latent space
     with: Dave, A.: Compressive image recovery using recurrent generative model
     with: Dave, C.: Unsupervised single image dehazing: A contour approach
     with: Dave, H.K.: Quantitative Analytical Framework for Photon Transfer Curv...
     with: Dave, I.: GabriellaV2: Towards better generalization in surveillance v...
     with: Davis, L.S.: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
     with: Davis, L.S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Dayal, A.: Improving Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Pseudo-candidat...
     with: Demetriou, A.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Ana...
     with: Desai, M.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Dey, S.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Database...
     with: Dhar, P.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Authen...
     with: Dhar, P.: Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimation from...
     with: Diksha: Measuring Vertical Urban Growth of Patna Urban Agglomeration U...
     with: Ditri, A.L.: Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temperat...
     with: Dixit, K.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Databa...
     with: Do, T.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Dong, C.: Think Twice Before Detecting GAN-generated Fake Images from ...
     with: Dong, C.D.: Synthesis of Multi-View 3D Fingerprints to Advance Contact...
     with: Dong, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Donley, J.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in E...
     with: Doulaty, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Drew, B.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Drew, M.S.: Illumination-based Transformations Improve Skin Lesion Seg...
     with: Du, D.W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Dwivedi, R.: Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote S...
     with: Elgazzar, K.: Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent ...
     with: Engel, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Equeenuddin, S.M.: Decline in Phytoplankton Biomass along Indian Coast...
     with: Erapalli, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Escobar, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Eswara, N.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Ov...
     with: Eswara, N.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short-...
     with: Farinella, G.M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from ...
     with: Farinella, G.M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric ...
     with: Feichtenhofer, C.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentri...
     with: Feng, C.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncert...
     with: Feng, C.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian L...
     with: Feng, D.: Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung C...
     with: Feng, D.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detectio...
     with: Feng, D.D.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel le...
     with: Feng, D.D.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for ...
     with: Feng, D.D.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images ...
     with: Feng, T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Feris, R.: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
     with: Feris, R.S.: Fully-Adaptive Feature Sharing in Multi-Task Networks wit...
     with: Feris, R.S.: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
     with: Feris, R.S.: SpotTune: Transfer Learning Through Adaptive Fine-Tuning
     with: Ferrer, M.A.: Incorporating color information for reliable palmprint a...
     with: Ferrer, M.A.: Interdigital palm region for biometric identification
     with: Ferrer, M.A.: Towards contactless palmprint authentication
     with: Fieguth, P.W.: Multi-scale tensor vector field active contour
     with: Fieguth, P.W.: Tensor vector field based active contours
     with: Fieldhouse, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Fletcher, P.T.: Riemannian Geometry of Deep Generative Models, The
     with: Foo, L.G.: Characteristic Function-Based Method for Bottom-Up Human Po...
     with: Forigua, C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Forsyth, D.A.: Retrieve in Style: Unsupervised Facial Feature Transfer...
     with: Fragomeni, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Fu, Q.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Fu, X.H.: attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodule...
     with: Fu, X.H.: Graph-Based Intercategory and Intermodality Network for Mult...
     with: Fu, X.Z.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Fu, Z.P.: Coupling Vision and Proprioception for Navigation of Legged ...
     with: Fuegen, C.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Fulham, M.: attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodu...
     with: Fulham, M.: Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung...
     with: Fulham, M.: Graph-Based Intercategory and Intermodality Network for Mu...
     with: Fulham, M.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for ...
     with: Fulham, M.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images ...
     with: Fulham, M.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detect...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel ...
     with: Furnari, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Furnari, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Furuta, R.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Gadde, M.: Comparative analysis of different wavelet filters for low c...
     with: Ganesan, G.C.: Replay: Remove Projective Lidar Depthmap Artifacts via ...
     with: Ganguly, D.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Data...
     with: Gao, G.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Gao, R.H.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in Eg...
     with: Garg, S.: Finetune like you pretrain: Improved finetuning of zero-shot...
     with: Gargava, P.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Data...
     with: Gautam, R.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Estimations in Indi...
     with: Ge, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Gebreselasie, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from...
     with: Gebreselasie, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric...
     with: Gebru, I.D.: Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Data...
     with: Gee, D.: Comparative Study of Groundwater-Induced Subsidence for Londo...
     with: Ghanem, B.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Ghanem, B.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Ghose, S.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for Te...
     with: Ghose, S.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognition
     with: Ghose, S.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network via Adve...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: High Resolution Temporal Normalized Difference Vegetation...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal DAT...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote S...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification U...
     with: Girdhar, R.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Gkioxari, G.: Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detect...
     with: Gomes, R.L.: Comparative Study of Groundwater-Induced Subsidence for L...
     with: Gomes, R.L.: Lessons for Sustainable Urban Development: Interplay of C...
     with: Gonzalez, C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Gonzalez, C.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Goyal, S.: Finetune like you pretrain: Improved finetuning of zero-sho...
     with: Grauman, K.: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
     with: Grauman, K.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Grauman, K.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Grauman, K.: SpotTune: Transfer Learning Through Adaptive Fine-Tuning
     with: Grebby, S.: Comparative Study of Groundwater-Induced Subsidence for Lo...
     with: Greco, C.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Gu, T.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-grain...
     with: Gulati, S.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analys...
     with: Guo, W.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstruction from S...
     with: Guo, Y.H.: SpotTune: Transfer Learning Through Adaptive Fine-Tuning
     with: Guo, Y.L.: SeaBird: Segmentation in Bird's View with Dice Loss Improve...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: SUP-NeRF: A Streamlined Unification of Pose Estimation and ...
     with: Gupta, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Gupta, A.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused graphs...
     with: Gupta, D.: Using omnidirectional structure from motion for registratio...
     with: Gupta, H.M.: Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
     with: Gupta, H.M.: Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimiza...
     with: Gupta, K.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Authe...
     with: Gupta, M.: Zero Shot License Plate Re-Identification
     with: Gupta, P.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Gupta, R.: Estimation of instantaneous frequencies using iterative emp...
     with: Gupta, R.: Holistic knuckle recognition through adept texture represen...
     with: Gururaj, M.: Multi-capture Dynamic Calibration of Multi-camera Systems
     with: Hamarneh, G.: Illumination-based Transformations Improve Skin Lesion S...
     with: Hamburger, J.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Han, W.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail G...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Biometric Authentication Based on Infrared Thermal Hand...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimi...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: palm print authentication system using quantized phase ...
     with: Hanson, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Haresh, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Hart, J.M.: Motion-based background subtraction and panoramic mosaicin...
     with: Hart, J.M.: Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains, A
     with: Hartono, R.: Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural la...
     with: Haupt, J.: Convexifying Sparse Interpolation With Infinitely Wide Neur...
     with: He, X.C.: Multi-Sensor Approach to Characterize Winter Water-Level Dra...
     with: Heide, F.: Flow-Guided Online Stereo Rectification for Wide Baseline S...
     with: Hemani, M.: SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtu...
     with: Hillis, J.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Hoffman, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Hong, S.G.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Hoogs, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Hu, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- an...
     with: Hu, J.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Hu, Q.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Huang, C.: Egocentric Audio-Visual Object Localization
     with: Huang, C.: High-quality Visually-guided Sound Separation from Diverse ...
     with: Huang, C.: Language-guided Joint Audio-visual Editing via One-shot Ada...
     with: Huang, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Huang, J.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Huang, K.Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Huang, L.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Huang, X.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Huang, X.Y.: SeaBird: Segmentation in Bird's View with Dice Loss Impro...
     with: Huang, X.Y.: SUP-NeRF: A Streamlined Unification of Pose Estimation an...
     with: Huang, Y.F.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Huang, Y.F.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Huang, Y.M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Humphrey, E.J.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice An...
     with: Huo, C.L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Ientilucci, E.: Target Detection and Characterization of Multi-Platfor...
     with: Ilango, N.: Landsat 8 Virtual Orange Band for Mapping Cyanobacterial B...
     with: Imam, F.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Databas...
     with: Islam, M.M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Ithapu, V.K.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Ithapu, V.K.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in...
     with: Jacobs, D.W.: Generalized Multiview Analysis: A discriminative latent ...
     with: Jafari, O.H.: Flow-Guided Online Stereo Rectification for Wide Baselin...
     with: Jain, A.: Bayesian Gait-Based Gender Identification (BGGI) Network on ...
     with: Jain, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Jain, A.K.: Personal authentication using hand images
     with: Jain, A.K.: Personal Verification Using Palmprint and Hand Geometry Bi...
     with: Jain, D.K.: reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique for ...
     with: Jain, D.K.: TANA: The amalgam neural architecture for sarcasm detectio...
     with: Jain, N.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
     with: Jain, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Jandial, S.: SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virt...
     with: Jansson, A.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analy...
     with: Javidi, T.: Fully-Adaptive Feature Sharing in Multi-Task Networks with...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Content-level Annotation of Large Collection of Printed...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Efficient Search in Document Image Collections
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Robust Recognition of Documents by Fusing Results of Wo...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains, A
     with: Jee, R.: Comparative study of Directional antenna gain for MANET Nodes...
     with: Jehan, T.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analysi...
     with: Jha, A.: AdaMT-Net: An Adaptive Weight Learning Based Multi-Task Learn...
     with: Jha, A.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For Visu...
     with: Jha, D.: ControlPolypNet: Towards Controlled Colon Polyp Synthesis for...
     with: Jha, R.K.: improved Gamma correction model for image dehazing in a mul...
     with: Jha, R.K.: multi-exposure fusion framework for contrast enhancement of...
     with: Ji, Q.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beha...
     with: Jia, M.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Jia, P.: Exploring Fuzzy Local Spatial Information Algorithms for Remo...
     with: Jia, W.Q.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Jiang, H.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Jin, C.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail G...
     with: Jin, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in ...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: It...
     with: Johnson, J.: Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detecti...
     with: Jones, M.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncer...
     with: Jones, M.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian ...
     with: Joo, H.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Jose, G.: Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial Detection
     with: Jose, G.: Real-Time Object Detection On Low Power Embedded Platforms
     with: Jose, G.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Kale, K.: Temporal Indices Data For Specific Crop Discrimination Using...
     with: Kamal, S.: Novel view synthesis using a translating camera
     with: Kang, S.I.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometri...
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Comments on An Adaptive Multimodal Biometric Management...
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Contactless and Pose Invariant Biometric Identification...
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Human hand identification with 3D hand pose variations
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Multimodal biometrics management using adaptive score-l...
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features
     with: Kanojia, A.K.: Detection of Aphid-Infested Mustard Crop Using Ground S...
     with: Kaplan, K.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Auth...
     with: Kariri, E.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud comput...
     with: Karmakar, J.: Sparse representation based multi-frame image super-reso...
     with: Kasera, N.: CoroNetGAN: Controlled Pruning of GANs via Hypernetworks
     with: Kashiyama, T.: Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from ...
     with: Kashyap, Y.: Enhancing Solar Energy Forecast Using Multi-Column Convol...
     with: Kashyap, Y.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Estimations in Ind...
     with: Kawana, Y.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-g...
     with: Keefe, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Khan, F.S.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image G...
     with: Khan, F.S.: Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
     with: Khan, S.: Efficient 3d-aware Facial Image Editing via Attribute-specif...
     with: Khan, S.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image Gen...
     with: Khan, S.: Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
     with: Khanwalkar, S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Khare, A.: Electroencephalography-based classification of human emotio...
     with: Khare, V.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video te...
     with: Khirodkar, R.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Khoo, W.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Khoo, W.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Khorramshahi, P.: Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle ...
     with: Khorramshahi, P.: Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimat...
     with: Kichenassamy, S.: geometric snake model for segmentation of medical im...
     with: Kichenassamy, S.: Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models
     with: Kilpatrick, K.: Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Tempe...
     with: Kim, D.: Pick-or-Mix: Dynamic Channel Sampling for ConvNets
     with: Kim, G.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in Egoc...
     with: Kim, I.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Kim, J.: Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung Ca...
     with: Kim, J.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detection...
     with: Kim, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Kim, J.M.: attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodul...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Graph-Based Intercategory and Intermodality Network for Mul...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel lea...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for d...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images U...
     with: Kitani, K.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Kitani, K.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Kobori, N.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-g...
     with: Koike Akino, T.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location,...
     with: Koike Akino, T.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gau...
     with: Kolai, J.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Koley, S.: Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from Hu...
     with: Kollerathu, V.A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Dete...
     with: Kolter, Z.: Finetune like you pretrain: Improved finetuning of zero-sh...
     with: Kommineni, A.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming...
     with: Kong, Q.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-gra...
     with: Kong, Q.J.: Robust segmentation of freight containers in train monitor...
     with: Kopaz, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Kosmopoulos, P.: Enhancing Solar Energy Forecast Using Multi-Column Co...
     with: Kosmopoulos, P.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Estimations in...
     with: Kothyari, G.C.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in...
     with: Kotlia, B.S.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Kottur, S.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Kouser, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its R...
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Base...
     with: Krupse, A.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analys...
     with: Kruthiventi, S.: Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial De...
     with: Kruthiventi, S.S.S.: Real-Time Object Detection On Low Power Embedded ...
     with: Kruthiventi, S.S.S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object D...
     with: Kuchi, K.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Ove...
     with: Kuchi, K.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short-T...
     with: Kukreja, D.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Kuldeep, M.: Automatic Ear Detection for Online Biometric Applications
     with: Kumar, A.: Adaptive Security for Human Surveillance Using Multimodal O...
     with: Kumar, B.P.: Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhan...
     with: Kumar, D.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Kumar, P.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in Indi...
     with: Kumar, P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Kumar, S.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
     with: Kumari, M.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in Ind...
     with: Kuo, R.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Kwong, C.: Towards Contactless, Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Fingerprint I...
     with: Laine, A.F.: Multiscale Approach for Recognizing Complex Annotations i...
     with: Lakhavani, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Lakshmikumar, A.: Qualitative Assessment of Video Stabilization and Mo...
     with: Lalla, R.: Improving Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Pseudo-candidat...
     with: Landini, F.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Laney, W.: Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Datase...
     with: Lee, B.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Lee, J.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lehner, B.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analys...
     with: Li, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Li, B.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail Ge...
     with: Li, B.X.: On implementing motion-based Region of Interest detection on...
     with: Li, C.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Li, C.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in Egoce...
     with: Li, D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Li, H.L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Li, H.Z.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Li, L.J.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail ...
     with: Li, S.: Flow-Guided Online Stereo Rectification for Wide Baseline Stereo
     with: Li, W.Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Li, Y.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Li, Z.Q.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Liang, K.J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Liang, S.: High-quality Visually-guided Sound Separation from Diverse ...
     with: Liang, S.: Language-guided Joint Audio-visual Editing via One-shot Ada...
     with: Lin, C.: Matching Contactless and Contact-Based Conventional Fingerpri...
     with: Lin, C.H.: Contactless and partial 3D fingerprint recognition using mu...
     with: Lin, C.H.: Improving cross sensor interoperability for fingerprint ide...
     with: Lin, C.H.: Tetrahedron Based Fast 3D Fingerprint Identification Using ...
     with: Lin, F.: Mixed Spectrum Analysis on fMRI Time-Series
     with: Lin, H.B.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lin, W.: Semi-Automatic 2D Solution for Vehicle Speed Estimation from ...
     with: Litster, S.: Image Restoration of Phase Contrast Nano Scale X-ray CT I...
     with: Liu, C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Liu, C.L.: DPAM: A New Deep Parallel Attention Model for Multiple Lice...
     with: Liu, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beh...
     with: Liu, E.: Think Twice Before Detecting GAN-generated Fake Images from t...
     with: Liu, G.Z.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Liu, J.: Characteristic Function-Based Method for Bottom-Up Human Pose...
     with: Liu, J.: Detecting Presentation Attacks from 3D Face Masks Under Multi...
     with: Liu, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beh...
     with: Liu, J.W.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Liu, L.L.: Tongue line extraction
     with: Liu, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Liu, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Liu, Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Liu, X.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncerta...
     with: Liu, X.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian Lo...
     with: Liu, X.M.: DEVIANT: Depth EquiVarIAnt NeTwork for Monocular 3D Object ...
     with: Liu, X.M.: GrooMeD-NMS: Grouped Mathematically Differentiable NMS for ...
     with: Liu, X.M.: Replay: Remove Projective Lidar Depthmap Artifacts via Expl...
     with: Liu, X.M.: SeaBird: Segmentation in Bird's View with Dice Loss Improve...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Liu, Y.: Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temperatures...
     with: Liu, Y.C.: Robust segmentation of freight containers in train monitori...
     with: Liu, Z.M.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Biometric Authentication Based on Infrared Thermal Hand ...
     with: Lu, H.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Distance metric learning for pattern recognition
     with: Lu, T.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video text ...
     with: Lu, Y.X.: Fully-Adaptive Feature Sharing in Multi-Task Networks with A...
     with: Lu, Y.X.: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
     with: Luck, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Luo, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Luo, N.: Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometric veri...
     with: Luo, N.: Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features
     with: Luo, Z.Y.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Lv, Q.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Madasu, V.K.: Biometric Authentication Based on Infrared Thermal Hand ...
     with: Madasu, V.K.: palm print authentication system using quantized phase f...
     with: Madhu, A.: Exploring Fuzzy Local Spatial Information Algorithms for Re...
     with: Madhvanath, S.: Zero Shot License Plate Re-Identification
     with: Maeda, H.: Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from movi...
     with: Mahapatra, R.P.: Detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in lung...
     with: Majumder, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Makur, A.: Iterative Error Diffusion Halftoning Using a Zero Phase Err...
     with: Makur, A.: On the Phase Response of the Error Diffusion Filter for Ima...
     with: Malik, J.: Coupling Vision and Proprioception for Navigation of Legged...
     with: Malik, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Malik, J.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Mallipeddi, R.: GridShift: A Faster Mode-seeking Algorithm for Image S...
     with: Manasa, K.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Ov...
     with: Mandal, M.K.: Sparse representation based multi-frame image super-reso...
     with: Mandal, P.: Image Restoration of Phase Contrast Nano Scale X-ray CT Im...
     with: Mandloi, S.: CoroNetGAN: Controlled Pruning of GANs via Hypernetworks
     with: Mandloi, S.: Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for ...
     with: Mangalam, K.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval u...
     with: Manmatha, R.: Efficient Search in Document Image Collections
     with: Manmatha, R.: Robust Recognition of Documents by Fusing Results of Wor...
     with: Mannan, F.: Flow-Guided Online Stereo Rectification for Wide Baseline ...
     with: Mao, B.J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Mao, Y.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Marathi, B.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstruction fr...
     with: Marks, T.K.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Unc...
     with: Marks, T.K.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussia...
     with: Marsh, S.: Comparative Study of Groundwater-Induced Subsidence for Lon...
     with: Marsh, S.: Lessons for Sustainable Urban Development: Interplay of Con...
     with: Martin, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Martin, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Mathew, J.: Evolutionary multi-objective optimization based overlappin...
     with: Mavroudi, E.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Mehbodniya, A.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud co...
     with: Meier, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Meredith, B.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Mian, A.: Distance metric learning for pattern recognition
     with: Miller, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Minnett, P.J.: Accuracies of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temper...
     with: Mishra, A.: CoroNetGAN: Controlled Pruning of GANs via Hypernetworks
     with: Mishra, A.: Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for T...
     with: Mishra, A.K.: Tensor vector field based active contours
     with: Mishra, D.R.: Decline in Phytoplankton Biomass along Indian Coastal Wa...
     with: Mishra, D.R.: Landsat 8 Virtual Orange Band for Mapping Cyanobacterial...
     with: Misra, P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Mitra, K.: Compressive image recovery using recurrent generative model
     with: Mittal, K.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnai...
     with: Modhugu, R.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Mohan, C.K.: Improving Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: A Pseudo-candid...
     with: Moolchandani, D.: PredStereo: An Accurate Real-time Stereo Vision System
     with: Moparthi, N.R.: AESPNet: Attention Enhanced Stacked Parallel Network t...
     with: Morales, A.: Incorporating color information for reliable palmprint au...
     with: Morales, A.: Interdigital palm region for biometric identification
     with: Morales, A.: Towards contactless palmprint authentication
     with: Morton, J.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Multi...
     with: Mou, W.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncerta...
     with: Mou, W.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian Lo...
     with: Muduli, P.R.: Decline in Phytoplankton Biomass along Indian Coastal Wa...
     with: Mukhopadhaya, S.: FCM Approach of Similarity and Dissimilarity Measure...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, S.: Approximate Mean Delay Analysis for a Signalized Int...
     with: Mundra, T.S.: New Method for Fingerprint Antispoofing using Pulse Oxio...
     with: Munoz Arriola, F.: Machine Learning Approach for Improving Near-Real-T...
     with: Munro, J.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Muralidhara, H.: Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial De...
     with: Muralidhara, H.: Real-Time Object Detection On Low Power Embedded Plat...
     with: Murdock, C.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in ...
     with: Murrell, T.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Musande, V.: Temporal Indices Data For Specific Crop Discrimination Us...
     with: Nachmani, E.: SAGRNN: Self-Attentive Gated RNN For Binaural Speaker Se...
     with: Nagarajan, T.: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
     with: Nagarajan, T.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Nagarajan, T.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Nakamura, M.: Structured and unstructured document summarization: Desi...
     with: Nalla, P.R.: Toward More Accurate Iris Recognition Using Cross-Spectra...
     with: Namasudra, S.: AESPNet: Attention Enhanced Stacked Parallel Network to...
     with: Nandi, D.: Sparse representation based multi-frame image super-resolut...
     with: Narayan, S.: Efficient 3d-aware Facial Image Editing via Attribute-spe...
     with: Narayan, S.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image ...
     with: Narayanan, P.J.: Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Train...
     with: Narayanswamy, R.: Multi-capture Dynamic Calibration of Multi-camera Sy...
     with: Nestares, O.: New Non-central Model for Fisheye Calibration, A
     with: Neves, J.: attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestrian...
     with: Newcombe, R.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Newcombe, R.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Nie, L.: Periocular Recognition Using Unsupervised Convolutional RBM F...
     with: Nigam, R.: Detection of Aphid-Infested Mustard Crop Using Ground Spect...
     with: Ninomiya, S.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstruction f...
     with: Nishchal, N.K.: improved Gamma correction model for image dehazing in ...
     with: Nishchal, N.K.: multi-exposure fusion framework for contrast enhanceme...
     with: Nishiyasu, T.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Oguntola, O.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Oliva, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Olver, P.J.: geometric snake model for segmentation of medical imagery...
     with: Olver, P.J.: Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models
     with: Omata, H.: Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from movi...
     with: Opra, B.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-gra...
     with: Oron, E.: Precision Tracking Based on Segmentation with Optimal Layeri...
     with: Oron, E.: Precision Tracking with Segmentation for Imaging Sensors
     with: Owens, A.: Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Datase...
     with: Ozao, Y.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-gra...
     with: Paczan, N.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holistic ...
     with: Pailla, D.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detectio...
     with: Pal, U.: DPAM: A New Deep Parallel Attention Model for Multiple Licens...
     with: Pal, U.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network via Advers...
     with: Pan, C.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Pan, G.: 3D Feature Descriptor Recovered from a Single 2D Palmprint Im...
     with: Pan, G.: Numerical Reflectance Compensation for Non-Lambertian Photome...
     with: Pan, J.J.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-gr...
     with: Pan, X.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Panchbhai, A.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Sho...
     with: Pande, S.: MT-UNET: A Novel U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture For Vi...
     with: Pandey, R.: 4-channelled hazy image input generation and deep learning...
     with: Pandey, R.: Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhanc...
     with: Pang, G.K.H.: Defect detection in textured materials using optimized f...
     with: Parchami, A.: DEVIANT: Depth EquiVarIAnt NeTwork for Monocular 3D Obje...
     with: Pare, S.: Backtracking search algorithm for color image multilevel thr...
     with: Park, H.S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Park, H.S.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Park, J.: Pick-or-Mix: Dynamic Channel Sampling for ConvNets
     with: Passi, A.: Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable pe...
     with: Passi, A.: Comparison and combination of iris matchers for reliable pe...
     with: Passi, A.: Improving Iris Identification using User Quality and Cohort...
     with: Patel, H.: Unsupervised single image dehazing: A contour approach
     with: Patel, V.M.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification wit...
     with: Patel, V.M.: Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neur...
     with: Patel, V.M.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with De...
     with: Pathak, D.: Coupling Vision and Proprioception for Navigation of Legge...
     with: Paul, D.: Evolutionary multi-objective optimization based overlapping ...
     with: Peng, P.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Peng, T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Perazzi, F.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Mult...
     with: Perera, A.G.A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Peri, N.: Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-Ident...
     with: Phan, H.T.H.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Dete...
     with: Pradhan, B.: Ground Penetrating Radar in Coastal Hazard Mitigation Stu...
     with: Prakash, A.: Measuring Vertical Urban Growth of Patna Urban Agglomerat...
     with: Pramanick, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Pramod, M.J.: Approximate Mean Delay Analysis for a Signalized Interse...
     with: Prathosh, A.P.: CoroNetGAN: Controlled Pruning of GANs via Hypernetworks
     with: Prathyusha, K.V.: Personal Authentication Using Hand Vein Triangulatio...
     with: Price, W.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Proenca, H.: attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestri...
     with: Proenca, H.: SSS-PR: A short survey of surveys in person re-identifica...
     with: Puentes, P.R.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Purohit, B.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Data...
     with: Purohit, N.: Generalized Rational Sampling Rate Conversion Polyphase F...
     with: Purohit, V.: MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using grad...
     with: Qi, H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Qi, H.Z.: Coupling Vision and Proprioception for Navigation of Legged ...
     with: Qin, W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Qin, Z.Y.: Lessons for Sustainable Urban Development: Interplay of Con...
     with: Qiu, H.Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Qiu, J.L.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail...
     with: Qu, H.X.: Characteristic Function-Based Method for Bottom-Up Human Pos...
     with: Radosavovic, I.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric ...
     with: Raghunathan, A.: Finetune like you pretrain: Improved finetuning of ze...
     with: Ragusa, F.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Rahman, F.: Structured and unstructured document summarization: Design...
     with: Rahman, F.: Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural lan...
     with: Rahman, S.M.K.: New Method for Fingerprint Antispoofing using Pulse Ox...
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Self-supervised Monocular Underwater Depth Recovery...
     with: Rajalakshmi, P.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstructio...
     with: Rajapakse, J.C.: Mixed Spectrum Analysis on fMRI Time-Series
     with: Ramakrishnan, S.K.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity fr...
     with: Ramakrishnan, S.K.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentr...
     with: Raman, B.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Ramapuram, J.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holist...
     with: Ramazanova, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from F...
     with: Ramazanova, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric V...
     with: Rambhatla, S.S.: Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle R...
     with: Ramsankaran, R.: Machine Learning Approach for Improving Near-Real-Tim...
     with: Ranjan, A.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holistic ...
     with: Ranjan, R.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification with...
     with: Ranjan, R.: EyePAD++: A Distillation-based approach for joint Eye Auth...
     with: Ranjan, R.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Multi...
     with: Ranjan, R.: Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neura...
     with: Ranjan, R.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verification with Dee...
     with: Rasagna, V.: Robust Recognition of Documents by Fusing Results of Word...
     with: Rastogi, G.: Decline in Phytoplankton Biomass along Indian Coastal Wat...
     with: Ravi, N.: Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detection ...
     with: Ravikanth, C.: Biometric Authentication using Finger-Back Surface
     with: Rawat, Y.S.: End-to-End Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Action Dete...
     with: Rawat, Y.S.: GabriellaV2: Towards better generalization in surveillanc...
     with: Reda, F.A.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Multi...
     with: Reddy, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Reddy, N.: Master of All: Simultaneous Generalization of Urban-Scene S...
     with: Reddy, P.V.: New Method for Fingerprint Antispoofing using Pulse Oxiom...
     with: Reddy, S.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analysi...
     with: Rehg, J.M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Rehg, J.M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Ren, L.: SeaBird: Segmentation in Bird's View with Dice Loss Improves ...
     with: Ren, L.: SUP-NeRF: A Streamlined Unification of Pose Estimation and Ne...
     with: Rennie, S.: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
     with: Rewald, B.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstruction fro...
     with: Richard, A.: Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Data...
     with: Richardt, C.: Real Acoustic Fields: An Audio-Visual Room Acoustics Dat...
     with: Rimba, A.B.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its ...
     with: Rishi, S.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused graphs...
     with: Roberts, M.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holistic...
     with: Rosing, T.: SpotTune: Transfer Learning Through Adaptive Fine-Tuning
     with: Rout, L.: Beyond First-Order Tweedie: Solving Inverse Problems using L...
     with: Rowley, D.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Roy Chowdhury, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval...
     with: Roy, A.H.: Multi-Sensor Approach to Characterize Winter Water-Level Dr...
     with: Roy, P.P.: UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network via Adve...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote Sen...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Temporal Indices Data For Specific Crop Discrimination Usin...
     with: Roy, S.S.: Determination of network vulnerability factor using rough set
     with: Rude, T.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Ryan, F.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Ryan, F.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Saggar, N.: Novel Approach to Improve Biometric Recognition Using Rank...
     with: Saha, S.: Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial Detection
     with: Saha, S.: Evolutionary multi-objective optimization based overlapping ...
     with: Saha, S.: Real-Time Object Detection On Low Power Embedded Platforms
     with: Sahay, P.: Attack Agnostic Statistical Method for Adversarial Detection
     with: Sahu, N.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Rol...
     with: Sain, A.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for Tex...
     with: Sain, A.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognition
     with: Sain, A.: Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from Hum...
     with: Saini, R.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-gr...
     with: Sanghvi, H.: Decision level biometric fusion using Ant Colony Optimiza...
     with: Sangwan, S.R.: TANA: The amalgam neural architecture for sarcasm detec...
     with: Sankaranarayanan, S.: End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verific...
     with: Sankaranarayanan, S.: Unconstrained Still/Video-Based Face Verificatio...
     with: Sarangi, S.R.: PredStereo: An Accurate Real-time Stereo Vision System
     with: Sari, L.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Sarkar, A.: Extractive Text Summarization Using Topological Features
     with: Sarkar, A.: Quantitative Analytical Framework for Photon Transfer Curv...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Correcting Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensor Non Uniformit...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Distance metric learning for pattern recognition
     with: Sarkar, S.: Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent Dr...
     with: Sarkar, S.S.: Quantitative Analytical Framework for Photon Transfer Cu...
     with: Satapathy, S.C.: SARS-Net: COVID-19 detection from chest x-rays by com...
     with: Sato, Y.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Sato, Y.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Sato, Y.: Wts: A Pedestrian-centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-gra...
     with: Savva, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Saxena, S.: Determination of network vulnerability factor using rough ...
     with: Scheffer, Z.: GabriellaV2: Towards better generalization in surveillan...
     with: Schumann, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detectio...
     with: Seet, B.C.: Novel Hybrid MAC Protocol for Basic Safety Message Broadca...
     with: Seetharaman, P.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice A...
     with: Sekimoto, Y.: Real-time citywide reconstruction of traffic flow from m...
     with: Seminara, L.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Sengar, S.S.: Landslide Identification from IRS-P6 LISS-IV Temporal DA...
     with: Sengar, S.S.: Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification ...
     with: Seshadrinathan, K.: Multi-capture Dynamic Calibration of Multi-camera ...
     with: Sethuram, H.P.: Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streamin...
     with: Sethuram, H.P.: Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Sh...
     with: Shah, M.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Shah, M.: GabriellaV2: Towards better generalization in surveillance v...
     with: Shakkottai, S.: Beyond First-Order Tweedie: Solving Inverse Problems u...
     with: Shamsolmoali, P.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recogni...
     with: Shan, W.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Shao, H.: Riemannian Geometry of Deep Generative Models, The
     with: Sharma, A.: Generalized Multiview Analysis: A discriminative latent sp...
     with: Sharma, A.: Hierarchical deep neural network for mental stress state d...
     with: Sharma, A.: MEmoR: A Multimodal Emotion Recognition using affective bi...
     with: Sharma, B.N.: Quantitative Analytical Framework for Photon Transfer Cu...
     with: Sharma, G.: Novel view synthesis using a translating camera
     with: Sharma, J.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Sharma, K.: Hierarchical deep neural network for mental stress state d...
     with: Sharma, K.: MEmoR: A Multimodal Emotion Recognition using affective bi...
     with: Sharma, K.: Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Vis...
     with: Sharma, V.: ControlPolypNet: Towards Controlled Colon Polyp Synthesis ...
     with: Sharmila, R.B.: SVM-based hybrid approach for corridor-level travel-ti...
     with: Shekhar, S.: Palmprint recognition using rank level fusion
     with: Shekhar, S.: Personal Identification Using Multibiometrics Rank-Level ...
     with: Shen, H.C.: Personal authentication using hand images
     with: Shen, H.C.: Personal Verification Using Palmprint and Hand Geometry Bi...
     with: Shen, H.C.: Texture inspection for defects using neural networks and s...
     with: Shen, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Sherrill, L.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval usin...
     with: Shi, B.: Numerical Reflectance Compensation for Non-Lambertian Photome...
     with: Shi, H.H.: SpotTune: Transfer Learning Through Adaptive Fine-Tuning
     with: Shi, H.L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Shi, J.B.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Shi, J.B.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Shiraz, S.: GabriellaV2: Towards better generalization in surveillance...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: DPAM: A New Deep Parallel Attention Model for Multipl...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred vi...
     with: Shou, M.Z.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Shout, M.Z.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Shrivastava, N.: PredStereo: An Accurate Real-time Stereo Vision System
     with: Shukla, K.K.: Detection of Aphid-Infested Mustard Crop Using Ground Sp...
     with: Shukla, V.K.: Satellite-Based High-Resolution (1-km) Ambient PM2.5 Dat...
     with: Singh, A.: Bayesian Gait-Based Gender Identification (BGGI) Network on...
     with: Singh, A.K.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in In...
     with: Singh, A.K.: MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using grad...
     with: Singh, B.K.: Electroencephalography-based classification of human emot...
     with: Singh, D.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Singh, G.K.: closed form design method for the two-channel quadrature ...
     with: Singh, G.K.: Comparative analysis of different wavelet filters for low...
     with: Singh, G.K.: improved method for the design of quadrature mirror filte...
     with: Singh, G.K.: new method for higher-order linear phase FIR digital filt...
     with: Singh, K.: Comments on Automated Determination of Snow Water Equivalen...
     with: Singh, P.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Singh, R.: MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using gradie...
     with: Singh, S.K.: MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using grad...
     with: Singh, U.K.: Ground Penetrating Radar in Coastal Hazard Mitigation Stu...
     with: Singhal, A.: Master of All: Simultaneous Generalization of Urban-Scene...
     with: Sminchisescu, C.: Support Kernel Machines for Object Recognition
     with: Somasundaram, K.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from...
     with: Somasundaram, K.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric...
     with: Somayazulu, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from F...
     with: Sommer, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Song, B.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Song, C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Song, Y.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Song, Y.Z.: Joint Visual Semantic Reasoning: Multi-Stage Decoder for T...
     with: Song, Y.Z.: MetaHTR: Towards Writer-Adaptive Handwritten Text Recognit...
     with: Song, Y.Z.: Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from H...
     with: Song, Z.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Soni, A.K.: Electroencephalography-based classification of human emoti...
     with: Southerland, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from ...
     with: Southerland, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric ...
     with: Sowmya, S.: Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for T...
     with: Srikanth, T.: Online personal identification in night using multiple f...
     with: Srivastava, A.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval us...
     with: Srivastava, J.B.: Novel view synthesis using a translating camera
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Comments on Automated Determination of Snow Water Eq...
     with: Stein, A.: FCM Approach of Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures with ...
     with: Steinmann, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detecti...
     with: Straub, J.: Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detectio...
     with: Su, S.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- an...
     with: Sugano, Y.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Sullivan, K.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval usin...
     with: Suman, S.: new method for higher-order linear phase FIR digital filter...
     with: Sun, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Sun, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Sun, Z.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using beh...
     with: Sunkaria, R.K.: Two-channel perfect reconstruction (PR) quadrature mir...
     with: Susskind, J.M.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holis...
     with: Swain, D.: Decline in Phytoplankton Biomass along Indian Coastal Water...
     with: Swamy, M.N.S.: Image Denoising Based on Fractional Gradient Vector Flo...
     with: Swamy, M.N.S.: Tchebichef and Adaptive Steerable-Based Total Variation...
     with: Swears, E.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Taloor, A.K.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Tan, C.W.: Accurate Iris Recognition at a Distance Using Stabilized Ir...
     with: Tan, C.W.: Automated segmentation of iris images using visible wavelen...
     with: Tan, C.W.: Human identification from at-a-distance images by simultane...
     with: Tan, C.W.: Towards Online Iris and Periocular Recognition Under Relaxe...
     with: Tan, C.W.: Unified Framework for Automated Iris Segmentation Using Dis...
     with: Tan, K.: SAGRNN: Self-Attentive Gated RNN For Binaural Speaker Separat...
     with: Tannenbaum, A.R.: geometric snake model for segmentation of medical im...
     with: Tannenbaum, A.R.: Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models
     with: Tannenbaum, A.R.: Optical-Flow: A Curve Evolution Approach
     with: Tao, R.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Tardif, J.P.: Experiments on visual loop closing using vocabulary trees
     with: Tarnikova, Y.: Structured and unstructured document summarization: Des...
     with: Tarnikova, Y.: Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural ...
     with: Tateno, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Tesic, J.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using b...
     with: Tezaur, R.: New Non-central Model for Fisheye Calibration, A
     with: Thakur, A.: CoroNetGAN: Controlled Pruning of GANs via Hypernetworks
     with: Thakur, A.: Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for T...
     with: Tian, Y.: Egocentric Audio-Visual Object Localization
     with: Tian, Y.: High-quality Visually-guided Sound Separation from Diverse C...
     with: Tian, Y.: Language-guided Joint Audio-visual Editing via One-shot Adap...
     with: Tiwari, R.: Comparative study of Directional antenna gain for MANET No...
     with: Tiwari, S.P.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Toh, Y.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Torralba, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Torresani, L.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fi...
     with: Torresani, L.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Vi...
     with: Totaro, M.W.: Real-Time Object Processing and Routing for Intelligent ...
     with: Tripathi, A.R.: SARS-Net: COVID-19 detection from chest x-rays by comb...
     with: Tripathi, J.N.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in...
     with: Tung, F.: Decoupled Approach to Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Estim...
     with: Tyagi, K.D.: Comments on Automated Determination of Snow Water Equival...
     with: Upadhyay, P.: High Resolution Temporal Normalized Difference Vegetatio...
     with: Vadathya: Compressive image recovery using recurrent generative model
     with: Varghese, N.: Self-supervised Monocular Underwater Depth Recovery, Ima...
     with: Vasikarla, S.: palm print authentication system using quantized phase ...
     with: Velaga, N.R.: SVM-based hybrid approach for corridor-level travel-time...
     with: Verma, R.: Syn2Real: Forgery Classification via Unsupervised Domain Ad...
     with: Visesh, U.K.: Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains, A
     with: Vo, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Vyas, R.: Holistic knuckle recognition through adept texture represent...
     with: Walia, G.S.: Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused grap...
     with: Walia, G.S.: Unified Graph-Based Multicue Feature Fusion for Robust Vi...
     with: Wang, B.: Recovering and matching minutiae patterns from finger knuckl...
     with: Wang, D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Wang, H.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Wang, J.F.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnai...
     with: Wang, K.: Cross-spectral iris recognition using CNN and supervised dis...
     with: Wang, K.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, L.J.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnai...
     with: Wang, R.: SUP-NeRF: A Streamlined Unification of Pose Estimation and N...
     with: Wang, R.P.: Distance metric learning for pattern recognition
     with: Wang, W.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, X.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using be...
     with: Wang, X.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, Y.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncert...
     with: Wang, Y.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian L...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Wang, Z.K.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, Z.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wason, H.R.: Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification U...
     with: Webb, R.: Hypersim: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Holistic In...
     with: Wei, S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Wei, X.D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Wen, L.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Westbury, A.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Fir...
     with: Westbury, A.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Wilcox, C.: Structured and unstructured document summarization: Design...
     with: Wilcox, C.: Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural lan...
     with: Woehlke, M.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using...
     with: Wong, A.: Decoupled Approach to Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Estim...
     with: Wong, A.: Multi-scale tensor vector field active contour
     with: Wong, A.: Tensor vector field based active contours
     with: Wong, D.C.M.: Personal authentication using hand images
     with: Wong, D.C.M.: Personal Verification Using Palmprint and Hand Geometry ...
     with: Wray, M.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Wray, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Wu, C.Y.: Automated human identification using ear imaging
     with: Wu, H.: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
     with: Wu, T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Wu, X.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Wu, X.Q.: Tongue line extraction
     with: Wu, Z.: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
     with: Xia, G.S.: Transformers in Remote Sensing: A Survey
     with: Xiang, T.: Sketch2Saliency: Learning to Detect Salient Objects from Hu...
     with: Xiang, X.Y.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Mult...
     with: Xie, C.: Finger vein identification using Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Xiong, H.T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Xu, B.: SAGRNN: Self-Attentive Gated RNN For Binaural Speaker Separati...
     with: Xu, C.L.: Egocentric Audio-Visual Object Localization
     with: Xu, C.L.: High-quality Visually-guided Sound Separation from Diverse C...
     with: Xu, C.L.: Language-guided Joint Audio-visual Editing via One-shot Adap...
     with: Xu, E.Z.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Xu, J.J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Xu, M.M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Xu, N.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Can We Use Second Minor Finger Knuckle Patterns to Identify ...
     with: Xue, Z.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Yacoob, Y.: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using ...
     with: Yadav, K.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud computi...
     with: Yadav, S.: Generalized Rational Sampling Rate Conversion Polyphase FIR...
     with: Yaghoubi, E.: attention-based deep learning model for multiple pedestr...
     with: Yaghoubi, E.: SSS-PR: A short survey of surveys in person re-identific...
     with: Yagi, T.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Yagi, T.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Yan, M.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Yan, M.F.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Yang, L.: Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analysis...
     with: Yang, M.H.: Generative Multiplane Neural Radiance for 3D-Aware Image G...
     with: Yang, X.T.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Yang, Z.Y.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnai...
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: geometric snake model for segmentation of medical imagery...
     with: Yezzi, A.J.: Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models
     with: Young, L.D.: HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Mult...
     with: Yu, D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Yu, Z.C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Yulin, F.: BEST: Building evidences from scattered templates for accur...
     with: Yun, H.: Spherical World-locking for Audio-visual Localization in Egoc...
     with: Yunus, A.P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its ...
     with: Zakkam, J.: Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for T...
     with: Zareapoor, M.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
     with: Zeng, D.N.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Zha, S.X.C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from Firs...
     with: Zhai, S.F.: Fully-Adaptive Feature Sharing in Multi-Task Networks with...
     with: Zhai, S.F.: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
     with: Zhan, S.: Periocular Recognition Using Unsupervised Convolutional RBM ...
     with: Zhang, C.: Qualitative Assessment of Video Stabilization and Mosaickin...
     with: Zhang, D.: Biometric Recognition Using Feature Selection and Combination
     with: Zhang, D.: Combining 2D and 3D hand geometry features for biometric ve...
     with: Zhang, D.: Combining Fingerprint, Palmprint and Hand-Shape for User Au...
     with: Zhang, D.: Comments on An Adaptive Multimodal Biometric Management Alg...
     with: Zhang, D.: Contactless and Pose Invariant Biometric Identification Usi...
     with: Zhang, D.: Human hand identification with 3D hand pose variations
     with: Zhang, D.: Incorporating user quality for performance improvement in h...
     with: Zhang, D.: Integrating Shape And Texture For Hand Verification
     with: Zhang, D.: Multimodal biometrics management using adaptive score-level...
     with: Zhang, D.: Personal authentication using multiple palmprint representa...
     with: Zhang, D.: Personal Recognition Using Hand Shape and Texture
     with: Zhang, D.: Robust palmprint verification using 2D and 3D features
     with: Zhang, D.: Tongue line extraction
     with: Zhang, D.: User Authentication Using Fusion Of Face And Palmprint
     with: Zhang, D.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, E.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Zhang, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First-...
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, M.: Novel Hybrid MAC Protocol for Basic Safety Message Broadcas...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, X.Z.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, Y.D.: SARS-Net: COVID-19 detection from chest x-rays by combini...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.J.: Image Restoration of Phase Contrast Nano Scale X-ray CT...
     with: Zhang, Z.F.: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
     with: Zhao, C.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Zhao, C.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Zhao, C.: SUP-NeRF: A Streamlined Unification of Pose Estimation and N...
     with: Zhao, D.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail ...
     with: Zhao, J.S.: Deep-Learning-Based Multispectral Image Reconstruction fro...
     with: Zhao, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Accurate Iris Segmentation Framework Under Relaxed Imaging C...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Towards More Accurate Iris Recognition Using Deeply Learned ...
     with: Zhao, Z.J.: deep learning based unified framework to detect, segment a...
     with: Zhao, Z.W.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First...
     with: Zhao, Z.W.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Zheng, J.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zheng, Q.: 3D Feature Descriptor Recovered from a Single 2D Palmprint ...
     with: Zheng, Q.: Numerical Reflectance Compensation for Non-Lambertian Photo...
     with: Zhong, Y.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhou, J.K.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Zhou, S.: Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural ...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Human Identification Using Finger Images
     with: Zhou, Y.: Personal Identification from Iris Images Using Localized Rad...
     with: Zhou, Y.B.: Contactless fingerprint identification using level zero fe...
     with: Zhou, Y.B.: Human identification using KnuckleCodes
     with: Zhu, J.C.: MMSum: A Dataset for Multimodal Summarization and Thumbnail...
     with: Zhu, P.F.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhu, R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Zhu, S.J.: Replay: Remove Projective Lidar Depthmap Artifacts via Expl...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
     with: Zhu, Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Zhu, Z.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- a...
     with: Zhuo, J.: Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- ...
     with: Zinollayev, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detect...
1139 for Kumar, A.

Kumar, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balamuralidhar, P.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for ...
     with: Gubbi, J.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for action re...
     with: Kanth, R.K.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for action ...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Development of New Index-Based Methodology for Extracti...
     with: Ramachandran, P.: Development of New Index-Based Methodology for Extra...
     with: Ramaswamy, A.: STP-Net: Spatio-Temporal Polarization Network for actio...

Kumar, A.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandarkar, S.: Matching Disparate Image Pairs Using Shape-Aware ConvN...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Action Recognition in Still Images Using Word Embedd...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Deep Learning Paradigm for Detection of Harmful Alga...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: DepthNet: A Recurrent Neural Network Architecture fo...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Monocular Depth Prediction Using Generative Adversar...
     with: Chopra, A.: Matching Disparate Image Pairs Using Shape-Aware ConvNets
     with: Prasad, M.: DepthNet: A Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Mono...
     with: Prasad, M.: Monocular Depth Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Ne...
     with: Sharma, D.: Matching Disparate Image Pairs Using Shape-Aware ConvNets
     with: Sharma, K.: Action Recognition in Still Images Using Word Embeddings f...
     with: Srivastava, S.: Matching Disparate Image Pairs Using Shape-Aware ConvN...
11 for Kumar, A.C.

Kumar, A.C.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandarkar, S.: Class-Specific Object Pose Estimation and Reconstructi...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previo...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Joint geometric graph embedding for partial shape ma...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Learning Hierarchical Models for Class-Specific Reco...
     with: Bodis Szomoru, A.: Class-Specific Object Pose Estimation and Reconstru...
     with: Dandu, H.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previously Un...
     with: Kumar, V.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previously Un...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, A.: Joint geometric graph embedding for partial shape ma...
     with: Prasad, M.: Class-Specific Object Pose Estimation and Reconstruction U...
     with: Prasad, M.: Learning Hierarchical Models for Class-Specific Reconstruc...
     with: Sharma, K.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previously U...
11 for Kumar, A.C.S.

Kumar, A.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babu, S.R.: Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on S...
     with: Basha, G.: Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on St...
     with: Jiang, J.H.: Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on ...
     with: Kishore, P.: Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on ...
     with: Ratnam, M.V.: Impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption on...
     with: Sunilkumar, S.V.: Assessment of INSAT-3D Retrieved Temperature and Wat...

Kumar, A.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banerjee, D.: High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale m...
     with: Banerjee, D.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor P...
     with: Li, J.: High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale manifol...
     with: Li, J.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Progres...
     with: Li, Y.H.: High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale manif...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Progr...
     with: McKenzie, F.: High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale m...
     with: McKenzie, F.D.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor...
     with: Raja, S.K.: On the Application of a Modified Self-Organizing Neural Ne...
     with: Sun, X.Y.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Prog...
     with: Tran, L.: High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale manif...
     with: Tran, L.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Progr...
     with: Venkatesh, Y.V.: On the Application of a Modified Self-Organizing Neur...
     with: Vinning, D.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Pr...
     with: Wang, J.H.: High-dimensional MRI data analysis using a large-scale man...
     with: Wang, J.H.: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Pro...
16 for Kumar, A.J.

Kumar, A.J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhanu, B.: Depth Videos for the Classification of Micro-Expressions
     with: Bhanu, B.: Micro-Expression Classification based on Landmark Relations...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Relational Edge-Node Graph Attention Network for Classifica...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Three Stream Graph Attention Network using Dynamic Patch Se...
     with: Bhanu, B.: Uncovering Hidden Emotions with Adaptive Multi-Attention Gr...
     with: Casey, C.: Depth Videos for the Classification of Micro-Expressions
     with: Cheung, S.G.: Depth Videos for the Classification of Micro-Expressions
     with: Seitz, A.: Depth Videos for the Classification of Micro-Expressions
8 for Kumar, A.J.R.

Kumar, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, S.: Two viewpoints based real-time recognition for hand gestures
     with: Kumar, A.K.: Two viewpoints based real-time recognition for hand gestu...
     with: Locharam, S.: Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis,...
     with: Mittal, G.: Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis, An
     with: Sasi, S.: Color-Based Signal Light Tracking in Real-Time Video
     with: Sasi, S.: Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis, An
     with: Shaffer, G.R.: Color-Based Signal Light Tracking in Real-Time Video
     with: Shaffer, G.R.: Efficient Video Enhancement Method Using LA*B* Analysis...
     with: Yelal, M.R.: Color-Based Signal Light Tracking in Real-Time Video
11 for Kumar, A.K.

Kumar, A.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Das, S.: System-on-programmable-chip implementation for on-line face r...
     with: Kamakoti, V.: System-on-programmable-chip implementation for on-line f...
     with: Mishra, D.: Harnessing feedback region proposals for multi-object trac...

Kumar, A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nayudu, P.P.: Automatic cervical cancer classification using adaptive ...
     with: Nirmala, G.: Automatic cervical cancer classification using adaptive v...
     with: Sagar, R.: Automatic cervical cancer classification using adaptive vis...

Kumar, A.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, S.P.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeli...
     with: Aggarwal, S.P.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and...
     with: Arora, S.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In...
     with: Bisht, S.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In...
     with: Chauhan, P.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling ...
     with: Chauhan, P.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Te...
     with: Chauhan, V.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Te...
     with: Choudhury, A.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modelin...
     with: Chouksey, A.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling...
     with: Chouksey, A.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and T...
     with: Dhote, P.R.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling ...
     with: Dhote, P.R.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Te...
     with: Dixit, A.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In...
     with: Dogra, V.S.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Te...
     with: Garg, V.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling In ...
     with: Garg, V.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Terra...
     with: Jani, M.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Terra...
     with: Kartikeyan, B.: Band sharpening of IRS-multispectral imagery by cubic ...
     with: Kumar, H.N.N.: Automatic facial expression recognition combining textu...
     with: Majumdar, K.L.: Band sharpening of IRS-multispectral imagery by cubic ...
     with: Nikam, B.R.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling ...
     with: Nikam, B.R.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Te...
     with: Pokhriyal, N.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and ...
     with: Prasad, M.S.G.: Automatic facial expression recognition combining text...
     with: Rank, S.: BEAPS: Integrating Volumetric Dynamics in Virtual Agent Prot...
     with: Rao, G.S.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Terr...
     with: Reyes, S.R.: Preface: Technical Commission V - Youth Forum
     with: Roy, A.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Terrai...
     with: Shah, M.A.: Automatic facial expression recognition combining texture ...
     with: Sharma, V.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling I...
     with: Thakur, N.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and Ter...
     with: Thakur, P.K.: Role of Earth Observation Data and Hydrological Modeling...
     with: Thakur, P.K.: Significance of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation and T...
33 for Kumar, A.S.

Kumar, A.S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhowmick, S.A.: Cross Calibration of the OceanSAT -2 Scatterometer Wit...
     with: Kumar, R.: Cross Calibration of the OceanSAT -2 Scatterometer With Qui...

Kumar, A.T.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bacskai, B.J.: Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small An...
     with: Boas, D.A.: Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small Anima...
     with: Dunn, A.K.: Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small Anima...
     with: Raymond, S.B.: Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small An...

Kumar, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akula, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Almasri, F.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Aminzadeh, A.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sig...
     with: Ardakani, P.B.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Arhatari, B.D.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Si...
     with: Athalye, C.D.: On the Contractivity of Plug-and-Play Operators
     with: Baruah, T.: Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Deterministic ...
     with: Beksi, W.J.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Bharti, P.K.: New Design of Occlusion-Invariant Face Recognition Using...
     with: Brennan, P.C.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sig...
     with: Busch, C.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Chand, S.: Text Region Extraction From Scene Images Using AGF and MSER
     with: Chaudhury, K.N.: On the Contractivity of Plug-and-Play Operators
     with: Chudasama, V.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Dalal, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Debeir, O.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Dikshit, O.: Parallel Implementation Of Morphological Profile Based Sp...
     with: Dikshit, O.: Spectral Contextual Classification of Hyperspectral Image...
     with: Dimmock, M.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signa...
     with: Feng, K.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Fox, J.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal in...
     with: Gupta, P.: Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relati...
     with: Gupta, P.: Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantizatio...
     with: Gureyev, T.E.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sig...
     with: Gutierrez, N.B.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Hall, C.J.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal...
     with: Hausermann, D.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Si...
     with: Kansal, P.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Lewis, S.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal ...
     with: Li, N.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Lockie, D.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal...
     with: Lohani, B.: multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classificatio...
     with: Lovish: Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantization a...
     with: Maksimenko, A.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Si...
     with: Mayo, S.C.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal...
     with: Mazumder, A.: Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Deterministi...
     with: Mehri, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Misra, S.C.: multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classificati...
     with: Nathan, S.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Nesterets, Y.I.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field S...
     with: Nguyen, Q.H.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Nigam, A.: Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relati...
     with: Nigam, A.: Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantizatio...
     with: Paganin, D.M.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sig...
     with: Pandey, G.: multi-faceted CNN architecture for automatic classificatio...
     with: Pandey, S.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Pankaj: New Design of Occlusion-Invariant Face Recognition Using Optim...
     with: Patel, H.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Patel, K.K.: Accuracy assessment of a hand-held PPG based ECG acquisit...
     with: Pattanaik, V.: Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Determinist...
     with: Pavlov, K.M.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sign...
     with: Peele, A.G.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signa...
     with: Prajapati, K.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Prodanovic, Z.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Si...
     with: Quiney, H.M.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sign...
     with: Raja, K.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Ramachandra, R.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Rathore, P.: Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Deterministic...
     with: Rivadeneira, R.E.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Sahil, M.: Performance Evaluation of Various Histogram Equalization Te...
     with: Sappa, A.D.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Sarvaiya, A.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Sharma, D.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Sharma, R.: Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Deterministic ...
     with: Singh, H.: Performance Evaluation of Various Histogram Equalization Te...
     with: Singh, S.: Performance Evaluation of Various Histogram Equalization Te...
     with: Soni, R.: Text Region Extraction From Scene Images Using AGF and MSER
     with: Srivastava, R.: Accuracy assessment of a hand-held PPG based ECG acqui...
     with: Taba, S.T.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal...
     with: Thompson, D.: Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Sign...
     with: Triyar, J.: Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relat...
     with: Upla, K.P.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Vandamme, T.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Vintimilla, B.X.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Wu, R.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Yao, J.X.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
     with: Zhao, Y.Q.: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
79 for Kumar, B.

Kumar, B.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achar, A.: Bus Arrival Time Prediction: A Spatial Kalman Filter Approach
     with: Bharathi, D.: Bus Arrival Time Prediction: A Spatial Kalman Filter App...
     with: Gupta, G.: Compression noise based video forgery detection
     with: Ravi, H.: Compression noise based video forgery detection
     with: Subramanyam, A.V.: Compression noise based video forgery detection
     with: Vanajakshi, L.: Bus Arrival Time Prediction: A Spatial Kalman Filter A...

Kumar, B.G.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aravind, R.: 2D model for face superresolution, A
     with: Aravind, R.: Computationally efficient algorithm for face super-resolu...
     with: Bala, R.: STRIVE: Scene Text Replacement In Videos
     with: Bart, E.: STRIVE: Scene Text Replacement In Videos
     with: Carneiro, G.: Bayesian Semantic Instance Segmentation in Open Set World
     with: Carneiro, G.: Multi-modal Cycle-Consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learn...
     with: Carneiro, G.: Unsupervised CNN for Single View Depth Estimation: Geome...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Mod...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Ba...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Single-Stream Multi-level Alignment for Vision-Languag...
     with: Chandraker, M.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detect...
     with: Chordia, V.: STRIVE: Scene Text Replacement In Videos
     with: Dafnis, K.M.: OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Ob...
     with: Do, T.T.: Bayesian Semantic Instance Segmentation in Open Set World
     with: Fang, S.B.: STRIVE: Scene Text Replacement In Videos
     with: Felix, R.: Multi-modal Cycle-Consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Fu, Y.: Single-Stream Multi-level Alignment for Vision-Language Pretra...
     with: Garg, R.: Unsupervised CNN for Single View Depth Estimation: Geometry ...
     with: Guan, K.: STRIVE: Scene Text Replacement In Videos
     with: Khan, Z.: Single-Stream Multi-level Alignment for Vision-Language Pret...
     with: Kotsia, I.: Max-margin Non-negative Matrix Factorization
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Mode...
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Bas...
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based O...
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
     with: Patras, I.: Learning codebook weights for action detection
     with: Patras, I.: Max-margin Non-negative Matrix Factorization
     with: Patras, I.: Supervised dictionary learning for action localization
     with: Pham, T.: Bayesian Semantic Instance Segmentation in Open Set World
     with: Reid, I.D.: Bayesian Semantic Instance Segmentation in Open Set World
     with: Reid, I.D.: Multi-modal Cycle-Consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Reid, I.D.: Unsupervised CNN for Single View Depth Estimation: Geometr...
     with: Schulter, S.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Model...
     with: Schulter, S.: Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Base...
     with: Schulter, S.: OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Ob...
     with: Schulter, S.: Single-Stream Multi-level Alignment for Vision-Language ...
     with: Schulter, S.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
     with: Stathopoulos, A.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language M...
     with: Subramanian, J.: STRIVE: Scene Text Replacement In Videos
     with: Suh, Y.M.: Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Based O...
     with: Suh, Y.M.: OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Objec...
     with: Suh, Y.M.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
     with: Yu, X.: Single-Stream Multi-level Alignment for Vision-Language Pretra...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Models...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Obj...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
     with: Zhao, L.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Models fo...
     with: Zhao, L.: Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Based Ob...
     with: Zhao, L.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
     with: Zhao, S.Y.: Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Models ...
     with: Zhao, S.Y.: Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Based ...
     with: Zhao, S.Y.: OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Obje...
     with: Zhao, S.Y.: Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
53 for Kumar, B.G.V.

Kumar, B.K.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kishore, B.: FPGA based simple and fast JPEG encryptor
     with: Patil, C.R.: FPGA based simple and fast JPEG encryptor

Kumar, B.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, P.: Efficient Quadtree Datastructure For Neighbor Finding Algor...
     with: Hwang, C.J.: Efficient Quadtree Datastructure For Neighbor Finding Alg...
     with: Kumar, A.: Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhance...
     with: Pandey, R.: Region-based adaptive single image dehazing, detail enhanc...

Kumar, B.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ganeshan, R.: Autoregressive-Elephant Herding Optimization based Gener...
     with: Muppidi, S.: Autoregressive-Elephant Herding Optimization based Genera...
     with: Thirupurasundari, D.R.: Autoregressive-Elephant Herding Optimization b...

Kumar, B.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandraker, M.: Q: How to Specialize Large Vision-Language Models to D...
     with: Fu, Y.: Q: How to Specialize Large Vision-Language Models to Data-Scar...
     with: Harikumar, R.: Performance analysis of neural networks for classificat...
     with: Khan, Z.: Q: How to Specialize Large Vision-Language Models to Data-Sc...
     with: Li, K.: novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye fundus...
     with: Prakash, J.: novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye f...
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Machine Recognition of Printed Kannada Text
     with: Schulter, S.: Q: How to Specialize Large Vision-Language Models to Dat...
     with: Wu, T.: novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye fundus...
     with: Yu, X.: Q: How to Specialize Large Vision-Language Models to Data-Scar...
     with: Zhang, S.: novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye fun...
     with: Zhou, L.: novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye fund...
12 for Kumar, B.V.

Kumar, B.V.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jia, P.: Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Discri...
     with: Kong, L.S.: Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Dis...
     with: Li, S.: Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Discrim...
     with: Liu, X.F.: Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Disc...
     with: Savvides, M.: Evaluation of Iris Pattern Representations, An
     with: Thornton, J.: Evaluation of Iris Pattern Representations, An
     with: Xie, C.Y.: Comparison of Kernel Class-dependence Feature Analysis (KCF...
     with: Xie, W.Q.: Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Disc...
     with: You, J.: Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Discri...
9 for Kumar, B.V.K.

Kumar, B.V.K.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Ghoneim, K.: Unified decision combination framework
     with: Chang, J.H.R.: One Network to Solve Them All: Solving Linear Inverse P...
     with: Che, T.: Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
     with: Coimbra, M.T.: Combining general multi-class and specific two-class cl...
     with: Ding, P.: Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
     with: Guo, Z.: Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-A...
     with: Jia, P.: Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Identity-Aware Facial Expre...
     with: Jia, P.: Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
     with: Jia, P.: Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-A...
     with: Kautz, J.: Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-domain Person ...
     with: Kong, L.: Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-...
     with: Levi, D.: Structured Hough Voting for Vision-Based Highway Border Dete...
     with: Li, C.L.: One Network to Solve Them All: Solving Linear Inverse Proble...
     with: Li, S.: Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-Aw...
     with: Liu, X.: Confidence Regularized Self-Training
     with: Liu, X.: Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-A...
     with: Liu, X.F.: Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Identity-Aware Facial Exp...
     with: Liu, X.F.: Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
     with: Liu, X.F.: Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical D...
     with: Poczos, B.: One Network to Solve Them All: Solving Linear Inverse Prob...
     with: Rodriguez, A.: Automatic target recognition of multiple targets from t...
     with: Song, Y.H.: Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical ...
     with: Wang, J.: Confidence Regularized Self-Training
     with: Wang, J.S.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation v...
     with: Wu, Q.: Raindrop detection and removal using salient visual features
     with: Yang, C.: Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical Di...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-domain Person...
     with: Ye, C.: Combining general multi-class and specific two-class classifie...
     with: You, J.: Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Identity-Aware Facial Expre...
     with: You, J.: Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
     with: You, J.: Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical Dia...
     with: You, J.: Permutation-Invariant Feature Restructuring for Correlation-A...
     with: Yu, Z.: Confidence Regularized Self-Training
     with: Yu, Z.: Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-domain Person Re-...
     with: Yu, Z.D.: Robust rear-view ground surface detection with hidden state ...
     with: Yu, Z.D.: Structured Hough Voting for Vision-Based Highway Border Dete...
     with: Yu, Z.D.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via...
     with: Zhang, W.: Raindrop detection and removal using salient visual features
     with: Zhang, W.: Robust rear-view ground surface detection with hidden state...
     with: Zhang, W.: Structured Hough Voting for Vision-Based Highway Border Det...
     with: Zou, Y.: Confidence Regularized Self-Training
     with: Zou, Y.: Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
     with: Zou, Y.: Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-domain Person Re...
     with: Zou, Y.: Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical Dia...
     with: Zou, Y.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via ...
45 for Kumar, B.V.K.V.

Kumar, B.V.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badveeti, N.S.K.: Facial Affect Recognition Using Semi-supervised Lear...
     with: Balasubramanian, S.: Facial Affect Recognition Using Semi-supervised L...
     with: Gera, D.: Facial Affect Recognition Using Semi-supervised Learning wit...
     with: Halim, A.: Higher order PDE based model for segmenting noisy image
     with: Vijayakrishna, R.: Higher order PDE based model for segmenting noisy i...

Kumar, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhatt, P.: Fine-Scale Mapping of Natural Ecological Communities Using ...
     with: Boll, S.: Visual Overlay on OpenStreetMap Data to Support Spatial Expl...
     with: Dickinson, Y.: Fine-Scale Mapping of Natural Ecological Communities Us...
     with: Heuten, W.: Visual Overlay on OpenStreetMap Data to Support Spatial Ex...
     with: Kumar, D.: Collaborative knowledge distillation for incomplete multi-v...
     with: Kumar, D.: Generative Adversarial Attack on Ensemble Clustering
     with: Maclean, A.: Fine-Scale Mapping of Natural Ecological Communities Usin...
     with: Menges, R.: Eye-Controlled Interfaces for Multimedia Interaction
     with: Shao, M.: Collaborative knowledge distillation for incomplete multi-vi...
     with: Shao, M.: Generative Adversarial Attack on Ensemble Clustering
     with: Staab, S.: Eye-Controlled Interfaces for Multimedia Interaction
11 for Kumar, C.

Kumar, C.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Murthy, K.N.B.: Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimen...
     with: Natarajan, S.: Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimens...
     with: Shekhar, V.S.: Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimens...
     with: Vinay, A.: Affine-scale invariant feature transform and two-dimensiona...

Kumar, C.R.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arun, P.B.: Controlling the position of jointed arm robot using image ...

Kumar, C.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andrews, S.S.: Automated detection of microaneurysms using Stockwell t...
     with: Andrews, S.S.: Fusing dual-tree quaternion wavelet transform and local...
     with: Deepa, V.: Automated detection of microaneurysms using Stockwell trans...
     with: Deepa, V.: Fusing dual-tree quaternion wavelet transform and local mes...
     with: Fraundorfer, F.: Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
     with: George, K.K.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verific...
     with: Hampali, S.: Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
     with: Lepetit, V.: Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
     with: Panda, A.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verification
     with: Ramachandran, K.I.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker v...
     with: Sarkar, S.D.: Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
     with: Sivadas, S.I.: Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verifi...
     with: Stekovic, S.: Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
13 for Kumar, C.S.

Kumar, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antunes, M.: Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
     with: Bezdek, J.C.: Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimensional ...
     with: Bezdek, J.C.: Scalable Framework for Trajectory Prediction, A
     with: Bezdek, J.C.: Visual Structural Assessment and Anomaly Detection for H...
     with: Bezdek, J.C.: visual-numeric approach to clustering and anomaly detect...
     with: Carvalho, P.: Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
     with: Chaudhary, R.S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water ...
     with: Christensen, G.E.: BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Imag...
     with: Chung, A.G.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed To...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Condition and Viewpoint Invariant Omni-Directional Place...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Lung Nodule Classification Using Deep Features in CT Ima...
     with: Couceiro, R.: Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
     with: Das, A.: Condition and Viewpoint Invariant Omni-Directional Place Reco...
     with: Elamvazuthi, I.: 3D Reconstruction of CFL Ligament Based on Ultrasonog...
     with: Gandhamal, A.: Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A...
     with: Geng, X.J.: BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Image Regis...
     with: George, J.: 3D Reconstruction of CFL Ligament Based on Ultrasonographi...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Goecke, R.: Feature Map Augmentation to Improve Rotation Invariance in...
     with: Gupta, A.: modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporati...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed T...
     with: Hani, A.F.M.: Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A ...
     with: Henriques, J.: Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
     with: Hoffman, E.A.: BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Image Re...
     with: Jayaraman, S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Co...
     with: Jeoti, V.: 3D Reconstruction of CFL Ligament Based on Ultrasonographic...
     with: Joshi, A.B.: Security of Digital Images Based on 3D Arnold Cat Map and...
     with: Jyoti, B.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Ke, X.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Ship ...
     with: Khalvati, F.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed T...
     with: Krishnaswamy, S.: Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for...
     with: Kumar, A.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Kumar, C.: Collaborative knowledge distillation for incomplete multi-v...
     with: Kumar, C.: Generative Adversarial Attack on Ensemble Clustering
     with: Kumar, J.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Kumar, K.: Sensitivity of land surface and Cumulus schemes for Thunder...
     with: Kumar, S.: Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recog...
     with: Kumar, V.: Active contour and texture features hybrid model for breast...
     with: Kumar, V.: Improved GAN for image resolution enhancement using ViT for...
     with: Kumari, N.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conte...
     with: Leckie, C.: Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for Under...
     with: Leckie, C.: visual-numeric approach to clustering and anomaly detectio...
     with: Lenka, N.K.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Li, J.W.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Shi...
     with: Maji, P.: Rough-Bayesian approach to select class-pair specific descri...
     with: Marchwica, P.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Re...
     with: Ming, J.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR Im...
     with: Mishra, D.C.: Security of Digital Images Based on 3D Arnold Cat Map an...
     with: Mishra, R.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conte...
     with: Mohanty, M.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Mohanty, U.C.: Sensitivity of land surface and Cumulus schemes for Thu...
     with: Nagi, A.S.: RUF: Effective Sea Ice Floe Segmentation Using End-to-End ...
     with: Neher, H.: Condition and Viewpoint Invariant Omni-Directional Place Re...
     with: Paiva, R.P.: Heart Murmur Classification Using Complexity Signatures
     with: Palaniswami, M.: Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimension...
     with: Palaniswami, M.: Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for ...
     with: Palaniswami, M.: Scalable Framework for Trajectory Prediction, A
     with: Palaniswami, M.: Visual Structural Assessment and Anomaly Detection fo...
     with: Palaniswami, M.: visual-numeric approach to clustering and anomaly det...
     with: Pan, D.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Ship...
     with: Priyanka: Kidney image classification using transfer learning with con...
     with: Rai, C.S.: Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recog...
     with: Rajasegarar, S.: Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimension...
     with: Rajasegarar, S.: Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for ...
     with: Rajasegarar, S.: Scalable Framework for Trajectory Prediction, A
     with: Rajasegarar, S.: Visual Structural Assessment and Anomaly Detection fo...
     with: Rajasegarar, S.: visual-numeric approach to clustering and anomaly det...
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Methods for text segmentation from scene images
     with: Raman, B.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Rani, A.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Content...
     with: Rathore, P.: Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimensional D...
     with: Rathore, P.: Scalable Framework for Trajectory Prediction, A
     with: Rathore, P.: Visual Structural Assessment and Anomaly Detection for Hi...
     with: Rautela, K.: Active contour and texture features hybrid model for brea...
     with: Rautela, K.: Improved GAN for image resolution enhancement using ViT f...
     with: Revathi, A.R.: efficient system for anomaly detection using deep learn...
     with: Scott, K.A.: RUF: Effective Sea Ice Floe Segmentation Using End-to-End...
     with: Shaifee, M.J.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed ...
     with: Shao, M.: Collaborative knowledge distillation for incomplete multi-vi...
     with: Shao, M.: Generative Adversarial Attack on Ensemble Clustering
     with: Sharma, D.: Feature Map Augmentation to Improve Rotation Invariance in...
     with: Shen, D.G.: Motion Correction Strategies for Interventional Angiograph...
     with: Shi, J.: Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture Rad...
     with: Shi, J.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Ship...
     with: Shi, J.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR Ima...
     with: Singh, P.: Neuro-Emotional Mapping of Human Emotions via EEG Signals
     with: Singh, P.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Singh, V.: 3D Reconstruction of CFL Ligament Based on Ultrasonographic...
     with: Sinha, N.K.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Siva, P.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Recipro...
     with: Sola, D.: RUF: Effective Sea Ice Floe Segmentation Using End-to-End RE...
     with: Srivastava, A.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water C...
     with: Su, H.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Ship ...
     with: Su, H.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR Imag...
     with: Suri, J.S.: Motion Correction Strategies for Interventional Angiograph...
     with: Swain, A.K.: 3D Reconstruction of CFL Ligament Based on Ultrasonograph...
     with: Talbar, S.: Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A Re...
     with: Taylor, G.W.: Explaining the Unexplained: A CLass-Enhanced Attentive R...
     with: Thakur, M.: All-in-one multicategory least squares nonparallel hyperpl...
     with: Turlapthi, R.: Motion Correction Strategies for Interventional Angiogr...
     with: Verma, H.: modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporati...
     with: Wang, C.: Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture Ra...
     with: Wang, C.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR Im...
     with: Waslander, S.L.: Condition and Viewpoint Invariant Omni-Directional Pl...
     with: Wei, L.Y.: Motion Correction Strategies for Interventional Angiography...
     with: Wei, S.J.: Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture R...
     with: Wei, S.J.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Sh...
     with: Wei, S.J.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR I...
     with: Wong, A.: Discovery Radiomics for Pathologically-Proven Computed Tomog...
     with: Wong, A.: Explaining the Unexplained: A CLass-Enhanced Attentive Respo...
     with: Wong, A.: Lung Nodule Classification Using Deep Features in CT Images
     with: Wong, A.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Recipro...
     with: Wu, H.: Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for Understan...
     with: Yan, M.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR Ima...
     with: Yang, X.Q.: Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture ...
     with: Zhan, X.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Shi...
     with: Zhang, T.W.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small ...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small ...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: Precise and Robust Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR...
     with: Zhou, Y.: LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Shi...
     with: Zhou, Y.Y.: Deep Multi-Scale Recurrent Network for Synthetic Aperture ...
122 for Kumar, D.

Kumar, D.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for...
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angu...
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With ...
     with: Kumar, E.K.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for 3-D...
     with: Kumar, E.K.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angular ...
     with: Kumar, E.K.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Colo...
     with: Kumar, M.T.K.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for 3...
     with: Kumar, M.T.K.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angula...
     with: Kumar, M.T.K.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Co...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features fo...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Ang...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With...
12 for Kumar, D.A.

Kumar, D.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arjunan, S.P.: Estimation of Muscle Fatigue during Cyclic Contractions...
     with: Arjunan, S.P.: Spectral properties of surface electromyogram signal an...
     with: Arjunan, S.P.: Visual Speech Recognition Method Using Translation, Sca...
     with: Arjunan, S.P.: Visual Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Features And Su...
     with: Azemin, M.Z.C.: Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal...
     with: Azemin, M.Z.C.: Shape Signature for Retinal Biometrics
     with: Chinnadurai, T.: Lip-Reading Technique Using Spatio-Temporal Templates...
     with: Gubbi, J.: Automatic visual speech segmentation and recognition using ...
     with: Kawasaki, R.: Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal V...
     with: Mandal, M.: Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with logical...
     with: Mathur, S.: Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with logical...
     with: Mitchell, P.: Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal V...
     with: Murala, S.: Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with logical...
     with: Naik, G.R.: Estimation of Muscle Fatigue during Cyclic Contractions Us...
     with: Shaikh, A.A.: Automatic visual speech segmentation and recognition usi...
     with: Shimada, H.: Spectral properties of surface electromyogram signal and ...
     with: Verma, M.: Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with logical ...
     with: Vipparthi, S.K.: Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with lo...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal Vas...
     with: Weghorn, H.: Visual Speech Recognition Using Motion Features and Hidde...
     with: Wheeler, K.: Estimation of Muscle Fatigue during Cyclic Contractions U...
     with: Wheeler, K.: Spectral properties of surface electromyogram signal and ...
     with: Wong, T.Y.: Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal Vas...
     with: Wu, H.R.: Shape Signature for Retinal Biometrics
     with: Yau, W.C.: Lip-Reading Technique Using Spatio-Temporal Templates and S...
     with: Yau, W.C.: Visual Speech Recognition Method Using Translation, Scale a...
     with: Yau, W.C.: Visual Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Features And Suppor...
     with: Yau, W.C.: Visual Speech Recognition Using Motion Features and Hidden ...
28 for Kumar, D.K.

Kumar, D.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Indu, J.: Copula-Based Modeling of TMI Brightness Temperature With Rai...
     with: Indu, J.: Evaluation of Precipitation Retrievals From Orbital Data Pro...
     with: Indu, J.: Evaluation of TRMM PR Sampling Error Over a Subtropical Basi...
     with: Paul, S.: Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral data with m...
     with: Shwetha, H.R.: Prediction of high spatio-temporal resolution land surf...

Kumar, D.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gu, I.Y.H.: Privacy-Preserving Fall Detection in Healthcare Using Shap...
     with: Yun, Y.X.: Privacy-Preserving Fall Detection in Healthcare Using Shape...

Kumar, D.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Robust Homography-Based Control for Camera Positioning ...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Visual Servoing in Presence of Non-Rigid Motion

Kumar, E.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for...
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angu...
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With ...
     with: Kumar, D.A.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for 3-D...
     with: Kumar, D.A.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angular ...
     with: Kumar, D.A.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Colo...
     with: Kumar, M.T.K.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for 3...
     with: Kumar, M.T.K.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angula...
     with: Kumar, M.T.K.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Co...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features fo...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Ang...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With...
12 for Kumar, E.K.

Kumar, E.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hasan, M.K.: improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperc...
     with: Kamil, S.: improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and impercep...
     with: Nafi, N.S.: improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperce...
     with: Shafiq, M.: improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperce...
     with: Vincent, R.: improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperc...
     with: Yuvaraj, S.: improved watermarking algorithm for robustness and imperc...

Kumar, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakshi, S.: Knowledge Transfer and Crowdsourcing in Cyber-Physical-Soc...
     with: Elzaafarany, K.: Transcranial Doppler-based modeling of hemodynamics u...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Bayesian Active Learning for Keyword Spotting in Hand...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Bayesian background models for keyword spotting in ha...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Combination of Symmetric Hash Functions for Secure Fi...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Keyword Spotting Framework Using Dynamic Background M...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Multilingual word spotting in offline handwritten doc...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Script Independent Word Spotting in Offline Handwritt...
     with: Govindaraju, V.: Statistical script independent word spotting in offli...
     with: Kolekar, M.H.: CFAT: Unleashing Triangular Windows for Image Super-res...
     with: Naik, A.K.: Gaussian Filtering With Cyber-Attacked Data
     with: Nakhmani, A.: Transcranial Doppler-based modeling of hemodynamics usin...
     with: Narducci, F.: Knowledge Transfer and Crowdsourcing in Cyber-Physical-S...
     with: Ramachandrula, S.: Keyword Spotting Framework Using Dynamic Background...
     with: Ray, A.: CFAT: Unleashing Triangular Windows for Image Super-resolution
     with: Setlur, S.: Keyword Spotting Framework Using Dynamic Background Model
     with: Shi, Z.X.: Keyword Spotting Framework Using Dynamic Background Model
     with: Singh, A.K.: Gaussian Filtering With Cyber-Attacked Data
     with: Swaminathan, R.: Gaussian Filtering With Cyber-Attacked Data
     with: Tulyakov, S.: Combination of Symmetric Hash Functions for Secure Finge...
     with: Wshah, S.: Multilingual word spotting in offline handwritten documents
     with: Wshah, S.: Script Independent Word Spotting in Offline Handwritten Doc...
     with: Wshah, S.: Statistical script independent word spotting in offline han...
23 for Kumar, G.

Kumar, G.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balaji, N.V.: Adaptive switching interpolation filter for restoring im...
     with: Sridhar, K.P.: Adaptive switching interpolation filter for restoring i...
     with: Subash, S.: Adaptive switching interpolation filter for restoring impu...
     with: Varghese, J.: Adaptive switching interpolation filter for restoring im...

Kumar, G.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aradhya, V.N.M.: Language Independent Skew Estimation Technique Based ...
     with: Blumenstein, M.: Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognitio...
     with: Guru, D.S.: Sliding window based approach for document image mosaicing
     with: Ibrahim, R.W.: Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plat...
     with: Imran, M.: New Hybrid Approach for Information Fusion in Multibiometri...
     with: Jalab, H.A.: Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plate ...
     with: Lu, T.: Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognition in Vide...
     with: Lu, T.: Delaunay triangulation based text detection from multi-view im...
     with: Lu, T.: Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition in Video/...
     with: Lu, T.: Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plate Detec...
     with: Nagabhushan, P.: Sliding window based approach for document image mosa...
     with: Nagesha: Signal Resampling Technique Combining Level Crossing and Audi...
     with: Noushath, S.: 2D)2LDA: An efficient approach for face recognition
     with: Noushath, S.: Mixture-of-Laplacian Faces and Its Application to Face R...
     with: Pal, U.: Delaunay triangulation based text detection from multi-view i...
     with: Pal, U.: Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition in Video...
     with: Pal, U.: Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plate Dete...
     with: Raghunandan, K.S.: Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognitio...
     with: Raghunandan, K.S.: Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License ...
     with: Rao, A.: Computerized Analysis of Classification of Lung Nodules and C...
     with: Rao, A.: Language Independent Skew Estimation Technique Based on Gauss...
     with: Rao, A.: Mixture-of-Laplacian Faces and Its Application to Face Recogn...
     with: Rao, A.: New Hybrid Approach for Information Fusion in Multibiometric ...
     with: Roy, S.: Delaunay triangulation based text detection from multi-view i...
     with: Roy, S.: Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition in Video...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: 2D)2LDA: An efficient approach for face recognition
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognitio...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Delaunay triangulation based text detection from mult...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition ...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Pl...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Sliding window based approach for document image mosa...
     with: Tan, C.L.: Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognition in V...
     with: Vinay, K.: Computerized Analysis of Classification of Lung Nodules and...
     with: Wu, Y.: Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognition in Vide...
34 for Kumar, G.H.

Kumar, G.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Discontinuity Adaptive Method for Super-Resolution ...
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Superresolution of License Plates in Real Traffic V...
     with: Suresh, K.V.: Discontinuity Adaptive Method for Super-Resolution of Li...
     with: Suresh, K.V.: Superresolution of License Plates in Real Traffic Videos

Kumar, G.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jana, P.K.: Parallel Construction of Conflict Graph for Phylogenetic N...
     with: Mallick, D.K.: Parallel Construction of Conflict Graph for Phylogeneti...
     with: Rao, D.S.: Parallel Construction of Conflict Graph for Phylogenetic Ne...

Kumar, G.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sahay, R.R.: Accurate Structure Recovery via Weighted Nuclear Norm: A ...

Kumar, G.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandana, P.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in...
     with: Dhumal, A.: Estimation of Tailor-Welded Blank Parameters for Acceptabl...
     with: Gopinath, K.A.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages ...
     with: Kumar, N.R.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in ...
     with: Narayanan, R.G.: Estimation of Tailor-Welded Blank Parameters for Acce...
     with: Prabhakar, M.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages i...
     with: Singh, V.K.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in ...
     with: Siva, G.S.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in S...
     with: Sravan, U.S.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in...
     with: Thirupathi, M.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages ...
10 for Kumar, G.S.

Kumar, G.V.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mohan, P.G.K.: Enhanced Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Informatio...
     with: Mohan, P.G.K.: Improved Content Based Image Retrieval Process Based on...

Kumar, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batutin, A.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sma...
     with: Chen, S.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Chen, Y.X.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smar...
     with: Das, S.D.: Dsrn: an Efficient Deep Network for Image Relighting
     with: Das, S.D.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smart...
     with: Du, J.H.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Dutta, S.: Dsrn: an Efficient Deep Network for Image Relighting
     with: Dutta, S.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smart...
     with: Federico, J.P.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on ...
     with: Ge, C.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartpho...
     with: Gupta, S.: Blur parameter locus curve and its applications
     with: Gupta, S.: Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
     with: Gupta, S.: Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle
     with: Gupta, S.: Simultaneous Estimation of Defocus and Motion Blurs From Si...
     with: Ignatov, A.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sma...
     with: Khojoyan, L.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sm...
     with: Kuenzer, C.: Detecting and Analyzing the Evolution of Subsidence Due t...
     with: Kyrkou, C.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smar...
     with: Li, J.S.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Lin, Y.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartph...
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smart...
     with: Lyda, K.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Malivenko, G.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on S...
     with: Meena, P.: Indoor Scene Localization Method Using Graphical Summary of...
     with: Meena, P.: Scene Inference Using Saliency Graphs With Trust-Theoretic ...
     with: Meena, P.: Volumetric Saliency Guided Image Summarization for RGB-D In...
     with: Paul, S.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Peng, Y.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Ptucha, R.: Gesture recognition using active body parts and active dif...
     with: Riyas, M.J.: Detecting and Analyzing the Evolution of Subsidence Due t...
     with: Shah, N.A.: Dsrn: an Efficient Deep Network for Image Relighting
     with: Shah, N.A.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smar...
     with: Siddiqui, S.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sm...
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Blur parameter locus curve and its applications
     with: Syed, T.H.: Detecting and Analyzing the Evolution of Subsidence Due to...
     with: Thanki, A.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smar...
     with: Tian, Y.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Timofte, R.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sma...
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Simultaneous Estimation of Defocus and Motion Blurs F...
     with: Wu, P.L.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Wu, X.L.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartp...
     with: Xia, X.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartph...
     with: Xiao, X.F.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smar...
     with: Yadav, A.S.: Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
     with: Yadav, S.: Indoor Scene Localization Method Using Graphical Summary of...
     with: Yadav, S.: Scene Inference Using Saliency Graphs With Trust-Theoretic ...
     with: Yadav, S.K.: Volumetric Saliency Guided Image Summarization for RGB-D ...
     with: Zhang, Y.W.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sma...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Sma...
     with: Zhu, F.: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartph...
52 for Kumar, H.

Kumar, H.N.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jagadeesh, B.: Modelling appearance variations in expressive and neutr...
     with: Kumar, A.S.: Automatic facial expression recognition combining texture...
     with: Mahadevaswamy: Modelling appearance variations in expressive and neutr...
     with: Prasad, M.S.G.: Automatic facial expression recognition combining text...
     with: Prasad, M.S.G.: Modelling appearance variations in expressive and neut...
     with: Shah, M.A.: Automatic facial expression recognition combining texture ...
     with: Shah, M.A.: Modelling appearance variations in expressive and neutral ...
     with: Sudheesh, K.V.: Modelling appearance variations in expressive and neut...
8 for Kumar, H.N.N.

Kumar, H.S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar, S.K.N.: Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibble ...
     with: Panduranga, H.T.: Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibb...

Kumar, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhadauria, H.S.: Review of Breast Density Classification Methods, A
     with: Virmani, J.: Review of Breast Density Classification Methods, A

Kumar, I.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandari, A.K.: Spatial Context Energy Curve-Based Multilevel 3-D Otsu...
     with: Singh, A.: Spatial Context Energy Curve-Based Multilevel 3-D Otsu Algo...

Kumar, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abd Almageed, W.: Page Rule-Line Removal Using Linear Subspaces in Mon...
     with: Abd Almageed, W.: Segmentation of Handwritten Textlines in Presence of...
     with: Arvind, K.R.: Entropy Based Skew Correction of Document Images
     with: Bala, R.: Deep Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Medical Procedure Monito...
     with: Bala, R.: Flash/no-flash fusion for mobile document image binarization
     with: Bala, R.: Mobile Video Capture of Multi-page Documents
     with: Bala, R.: On-the-fly hand detection training with application in egoce...
     with: Bala, R.: study on the discriminability of faces from spontaneous faci...
     with: Bernal, E.A.: Deep Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Medical Procedure Mo...
     with: Bernal, E.A.: On-the-fly hand detection training with application in e...
     with: Bernal, E.A.: study on the discriminability of faces from spontaneous ...
     with: Breen, A.L.: Arctic Vegetation Mapping Using Unsupervised Training Dat...
     with: Bulan, O.: Deep learning architectures for domain adaptation in HOV/HO...
     with: Chaudhary, R.S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water ...
     with: Chen, F.: Sharpness estimation for document and scene images
     with: Ding, H.Z.: Mobile Video Capture of Multi-page Documents
     with: Doermann, D.: Beyond Human Opinion Scores: Blind Image Quality Assessm...
     with: Doermann, D.: Dataset for Quality Assessment of Camera Captured Docume...
     with: Doermann, D.: Real-Time No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on...
     with: Doermann, D.: Sharpness estimation for document and scene images
     with: Doermann, D.: Unsupervised feature learning framework for no-reference...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Class...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Document Image Classification and Labeling Using Multi...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Fast Rule-Line Removal Using Integral Images and Suppo...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Learning document structure for retrieval and classifi...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Learning Text-Line Segmentation Using Codebooks and Gr...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Page Rule-Line Removal Using Linear Subspaces in Monoc...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Segmentation of Handwritten Textlines in Presence of T...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Structural similarity for document image classificatio...
     with: Doermann, D.S.: Unsupervised Classification of Structurally Similar Do...
     with: Emmett, P.: Mobile Video Capture of Multi-page Documents
     with: Hoffman, F.M.: Arctic Vegetation Mapping Using Unsupervised Training D...
     with: Hoffman, F.M.: Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in t...
     with: Iversen, C.M.: Arctic Vegetation Mapping Using Unsupervised Training D...
     with: Iversen, C.M.: Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in t...
     with: Jayaraman, S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Co...
     with: Jyoti, B.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Kang, L.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classificat...
     with: Kang, L.: Learning Text-Line Segmentation Using Codebooks and Graph Pa...
     with: Kang, L.: Real-Time No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Fil...
     with: Kang, L.: Segmentation of Handwritten Textlines in Presence of Touchin...
     with: Kang, L.: Unsupervised feature learning framework for no-reference ima...
     with: Kumar, D.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Kumari, N.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conte...
     with: Kyal, S.: On-the-fly hand detection training with application in egoce...
     with: Langford, Z.: Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in th...
     with: Langford, Z.L.: Arctic Vegetation Mapping Using Unsupervised Training ...
     with: Lenka, N.K.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Li, Q.: Deep Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Medical Procedure Monitori...
     with: Li, Q.: On-the-fly hand detection training with application in egocent...
     with: Li, Q.: study on the discriminability of faces from spontaneous facial...
     with: Li, Y.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classification
     with: Madhvanath, S.: Deep Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Medical Procedure ...
     with: Maltz, M.: Flash/no-flash fusion for mobile document image binarization
     with: Mishra, R.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conte...
     with: Mohanty, M.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Norby, R.J.: Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in the...
     with: Paul, P.: Deep learning architectures for domain adaptation in HOV/HOT...
     with: Pillai, J.: Document Image Classification and Labeling Using Multiple ...
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Entropy Based Skew Correction of Document Images
     with: Ramesh, P.: Deep Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Medical Procedure Moni...
     with: Rani, A.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Content...
     with: Shreve, M.: study on the discriminability of faces from spontaneous fa...
     with: Singh, P.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Sinha, N.K.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Sloan, V.L.: Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in the...
     with: Srivastava, A.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water C...
     with: Wshah, S.: Deep learning architectures for domain adaptation in HOV/HO...
     with: Wullschleger, S.D.: Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions...
     with: Xu, B.: Deep learning architectures for domain adaptation in HOV/HOT l...
     with: Yang, X.: Deep Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Medical Procedure Monito...
     with: Ye, P.: Beyond Human Opinion Scores: Blind Image Quality Assessment Ba...
     with: Ye, P.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Classification
     with: Ye, P.: Dataset for Quality Assessment of Camera Captured Document Ima...
     with: Ye, P.: Learning document structure for retrieval and classification
     with: Ye, P.: Learning Text-Line Segmentation Using Codebooks and Graph Part...
     with: Ye, P.: Real-Time No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Filte...
     with: Ye, P.: Structural similarity for document image classification and re...
     with: Ye, P.: Unsupervised feature learning framework for no-reference image...
79 for Kumar, J.

Kumar, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dominic, S.: Rosette plant segmentation with leaf count using orthogon...

Kumar, J.R.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adhikari, R.: Automatic delineation of macular regions based on a loca...
     with: Jampala, R.: Automatic delineation of macular regions based on a local...
     with: Kamath, Y.: Automatic delineation of macular regions based on a locall...
     with: Seelamantula, C.S.: Automatic delineation of macular regions based on ...

Kumar, K. .S.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
     with: Desai, U.B.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Desai, U.B.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
     with: Desai, U.B.: multiresolution approach to color image restoration and p...
     with: Ghokale, S.: multiresolution approach to color image restoration and p...
     with: Karlekar, J.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Karlekar, J.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
     with: Manivasakan, R.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Manivasakan, R.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
     with: Nanda, P.K.: multiresolution approach to color image restoration and p...
     with: Patil, M.M.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Patil, M.M.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
     with: Poonacha, P.G.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Poonacha, P.G.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Finding Faces in Photographs
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Locating Human Faces in a Cluttered Scene
17 for Kumar, K. .S.I.

Kumar, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agugiaro, G.: Survey on the Adoption of GIS Data and Standards in Urba...
     with: Banchhor, S.K.: improved multi-criteria-based feature selection approa...
     with: Bhattacharjee, S.S.: Exponential Hyperbolic Cosine Robust Adaptive Fil...
     with: Bhattacharjee, S.S.: Nearest Kronecker Product Decomposition Based Gen...
     with: Chaddad, A.: Spatially constrained sparse regression for the data-driv...
     with: Chakraborty, S.: InVERGe: Intelligent Visual Encoder for Bridging Moda...
     with: Chand, P.: improved multi-criteria-based feature selection approach fo...
     with: Chauvin, L.: Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft Jac...
     with: Chen, T.H.: Profile View Lip Reading
     with: Deria, A.: InVERGe: Intelligent Visual Encoder for Bridging Modalities...
     with: Desrosiers, C.: Brain Fiber Clustering Using Non-negative Kernelized M...
     with: Desrosiers, C.: Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft ...
     with: Desrosiers, C.: Spatially constrained sparse regression for the data-d...
     with: Dutta, S.: improved multi-criteria-based feature selection approach fo...
     with: George, N.V.: Exponential Hyperbolic Cosine Robust Adaptive Filters fo...
     with: George, N.V.: Nearest Kronecker Product Decomposition Based Generalize...
     with: Goel, S.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Kumar, D.: Sensitivity of land surface and Cumulus schemes for Thunder...
     with: Kumar, M.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Kumar, P.: LEXER: LEXicon Based Emotion AnalyzeR
     with: Kumar, R.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Labetski, A.: Harmonising the OGC Standards for the Built Environment:...
     with: Labetski, A.: Survey on the Adoption of GIS Data and Standards in Urba...
     with: Ledoux, H.: Comparative Analysis Of Data Structures For Storing Massiv...
     with: Ledoux, H.: Dynamic 3D Visualization of Floods: Case of the Netherlands
     with: Ledoux, H.: Harmonising the OGC Standards for the Built Environment: A...
     with: Ledoux, H.: Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU, A
     with: Libal, V.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bimod...
     with: Lu, Y.H.: Adaptation of Multimedia Presentations for Different Display...
     with: Mahapatra, D.: InVERGe: Intelligent Visual Encoder for Bridging Modali...
     with: Marcheret, E.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a b...
     with: Mishra, R.K.: Diagonally Oriented Novel Feature Extractor for Pedestri...
     with: Mohanty, U.C.: Sensitivity of land surface and Cumulus schemes for Thu...
     with: Mohapatra, S.: Blood microscopic image segmentation using rough sets
     with: Navratil, J.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bi...
     with: Nimmagadda, Y.: Adaptation of Multimedia Presentations for Different D...
     with: Ohori, K.A.: Harmonising the OGC Standards for the Built Environment: ...
     with: Pailla, B.: Robust MSFM Learning Network for Classification and Weakly...
     with: Pandey, R.: Exponential Hyperbolic Cosine Robust Adaptive Filters for ...
     with: Patra, D.: Blood microscopic image segmentation using rough sets
     with: Potamianos, G.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a ...
     with: Ramaswamy, G.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a b...
     with: Roy, S.: InVERGe: Intelligent Visual Encoder for Bridging Modalities i...
     with: Roy, S.: Robust MSFM Learning Network for Classification and Weakly Su...
     with: Schmidt, R.: Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU, A
     with: Sharma, S.: LEXER: LEXicon Based Emotion AnalyzeR
     with: Shrimankar, D.D.: F-DES: Fast and Deep Event Summarization
     with: Siddiqi, K.: Brain Fiber Clustering Using Non-negative Kernelized Matc...
     with: Singh, B.K.: improved multi-criteria-based feature selection approach ...
     with: Singh, N.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Stern, R.M.: Profile View Lip Reading
     with: Stoter, J.: Comparative Analysis Of Data Structures For Storing Massiv...
     with: Stoter, J.: Dynamic 3D Visualization of Floods: Case of the Netherlands
     with: Stoter, J.: Harmonising the OGC Standards for the Built Environment: A...
     with: Stoter, J.: Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU, A
     with: Stoter, J.: Survey on the Adoption of GIS Data and Standards in Urban ...
     with: Tadepalli, K.: Robust MSFM Learning Network for Classification and Wea...
     with: Toews, M.: Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft Jacca...
     with: Toews, M.: Spatially constrained sparse regression for the data-driven...
     with: Verheij, T.: Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU, A
     with: Verma, B.: Neural vs. statistical classifier in conjunction with genet...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft Jac...
     with: Zhang, P.: Neural vs. statistical classifier in conjunction with genet...
63 for Kumar, K.

Kumar, K.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belinda, M.J.C.M.: Multi-Layer Acoustic Neural Network-Based Intellige...

Kumar, K.A.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ramakrishnan, K.R.: Distributed sigma point information filters for ta...
     with: Rathna, G.N.: Distributed sigma point information filters for target t...

Kumar, K.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adarsh, K.S.: Malignancy detection on mammograms by integrating modifi...
     with: Dhas, A.S.: Malignancy detection on mammograms by integrating modified...
     with: Melekoodappattu, J.G.: Malignancy detection on mammograms by integrati...

Kumar, K.C.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bastan, M.: Unsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object detecti...
     with: Chakraborty, S.: Unsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object de...
     with: de Vleeschouwer, C.: Discriminative and Efficient Label Propagation on...
     with: de Vleeschouwer, C.: Discriminative Label Propagation for Multi-object...
     with: de Vleeschouwer, C.: Iterative Hypothesis Testing for Multi-object Tra...
     with: de Vleeschouwer, C.: Prioritizing the Propagation of Identity Beliefs ...
     with: Delannay, D.: Iterative Hypothesis Testing for Multi-object Tracking w...
     with: Jacques, L.: Discriminative and Efficient Label Propagation on Complem...
     with: Jacques, L.: Discriminative Label Propagation for Multi-object Trackin...
     with: Jacques, L.: Iterative Hypothesis Testing for Multi-object Tracking wi...
     with: Jacques, L.: Prioritizing the Propagation of Identity Beliefs for Mult...
     with: Naha, S.: Unsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object detection...
     with: Samaras, D.: Unsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object detect...
13 for Kumar, K.C.A.

Kumar, K.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jayaraman, V.K.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protei...
     with: Kulkarni, B.D.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein...
     with: Kumar, M.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein subn...
     with: Mundra, P.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein sub...

Kumar, K.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Reddy, A.R.M.: fast DBSCAN clustering algorithm by accelerating neighb...

Kumar, K.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cenkeramaddi, L.R.: Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Federated Learnin...
     with: Kondapally, M.: Towards a Transitional Weather Scene Recognition Appro...
     with: Mitra, R.: Revamping Federated Learning Security from a Defender's Per...
     with: Mohan, C.K.: Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Federated Learning: A Su...
     with: Mohan, C.K.: Revamping Federated Learning Security from a Defender's P...
     with: Mohan, C.K.: Towards a Transitional Weather Scene Recognition Approach...
     with: Mohan, C.K.: TSANet: Forecasting traffic congestion patterns from aeri...
     with: Roy, D.: TSANet: Forecasting traffic congestion patterns from aerial v...
     with: Suman, T.A.: TSANet: Forecasting traffic congestion patterns from aeri...
     with: Vishnu, C.: Towards a Transitional Weather Scene Recognition Approach ...
     with: Vishnu, C.: TSANet: Forecasting traffic congestion patterns from aeria...
11 for Kumar, K.N.

Kumar, K.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, S.: Spatio-temporal multi-view synthesis for free viewpoint tel...
     with: Narasimhulu, C.V.: 2D Wavelet Tree Ordering Based Localized Total Vari...
     with: Parameswaran, L.: hybrid method for object identification and event de...
     with: Prasad, K.S.: 2D Wavelet Tree Ordering Based Localized Total Variation...
     with: Rao, M.V.G.: Novel Image Recovery from Moving Water Surface Using Mult...
     with: Venkatanarayana, M.: Novel Image Recovery from Moving Water Surface Us...
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Spatio-temporal multi-view synthesis for free viewpoi...
7 for Kumar, K.P.

Kumar, K.P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar, P.: Impact of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer Winds and TMI Observatio...
     with: Pal, P.K.: Impact of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer Winds and TMI Observatio...

Kumar, K.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, J.C.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian ...
     with: de Leeuw, G.: Interdecadal Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth over Pakis...
     with: Hu, J.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian Bioma...
     with: Hu, W.Y.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian Bio...
     with: Khan, R.: Interdecadal Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth over Pakistan ...
     with: Meng, L.: Decadal Global Climatology of Ice Cloud Fraction with Their ...
     with: Pan, H.L.: Decadal Global Climatology of Ice Cloud Fraction with Their...
     with: Shu, Z.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian Biom...
     with: Tian, Z.J.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian B...
     with: Ullah, W.: Interdecadal Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth over Pakistan...
     with: Wang, M.Z.: Decadal Global Climatology of Ice Cloud Fraction with Thei...
     with: Yang, Q.J.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian B...
     with: Zhang, J.T.: Decadal Global Climatology of Ice Cloud Fraction with The...
     with: Zhao, T.L.: Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian B...
     with: Zhao, T.L.: Interdecadal Changes in Aerosol Optical Depth over Pakista...
15 for Kumar, K.R.

Kumar, K.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Desai, U.B.: Integrated Stereo Vision - A Multiresolution Approach
     with: Ganesh: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar-Automa...
     with: Giridharan, M.: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avata...
     with: Kumar, R.K.: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar-A...
     with: Rasheed, A.M.: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar...

Kumar, K.S.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dasarathy, B.V.: CHITRA: Cognitive Handprinted Input Trained Recursive...

Kumar, K.S.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Stouhi, S.: Multi-Scale Voxel Class Balanced ASPP for LIDAR Pointcl...

Kumar, K.S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balasubramanian, A.: Semi-automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Learning Segmentation of Documents with Complex Scripts
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: On Segmentation of Documents in Complex Scripts
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Semi-automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries, A
     with: Kumar, S.: On Segmentation of Documents in Complex Scripts
     with: Meshesha, M.: Semi-automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries, A
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Learning Segmentation of Documents with Complex Scri...
     with: Rawat, S.: Semi-automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries, A
     with: Sikdar, I.D.: Semi-automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries, A
9 for Kumar, K.S.S.

Kumar, K.T.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: John, S.I.: Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing Pathologi...
     with: Kumar, R.K. .S.I.: Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing Pa...
     with: Muraleedharan, K.M.: Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing ...

Kumar, K.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baranval, N.K.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in...
     with: Bhaisal, R.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in th...
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Emittance Spectroscopy and Broadband Thermal Remote Se...
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in...
     with: Ghosh, P.K.: Support Function Representation of Convex Bodies, Its App...
     with: Ghosh, U.K.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in th...
     with: Guha, A.: Emittance Spectroscopy and Broadband Thermal Remote Sensing ...
     with: Guha, A.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the E...
     with: Jetten, V.F.: Object-oriented analysis of multi-temporal panchromatic ...
     with: Jetten, V.G.: Segment Optimization and Data-Driven Thresholding for Kn...
     with: Kerle, N.: Object-oriented analysis of multi-temporal panchromatic ima...
     with: Kerle, N.: Segment Optimization and Data-Driven Thresholding for Knowl...
     with: Martha, T.R.: Object-oriented analysis of multi-temporal panchromatic ...
     with: Martha, T.R.: Segment Optimization and Data-Driven Thresholding for Kn...
     with: Negi, A.: Novel approaches to principal component analysis of image da...
     with: Negi, A.: SubXPCA and a generalized feature partitioning approach to p...
     with: Pour, A.B.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the...
     with: Rani, K.: Emittance Spectroscopy and Broadband Thermal Remote Sensing ...
     with: Rani, N.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the E...
     with: Rao, P.V.N.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in th...
     with: Sinha, J.: Potentials of Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG Data in the ...
     with: van Westen, C.J.: Object-oriented analysis of multi-temporal panchroma...
     with: van Westen, C.J.: Segment Optimization and Data-Driven Thresholding fo...
     with: Yamaguchi, Y.S.: Emittance Spectroscopy and Broadband Thermal Remote S...
24 for Kumar, K.V.

Kumar, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdel Rahman, E.M.: Environmental sustainability with remote sensing i...
     with: Adhikari, K.: Use of Multi-Seasonal Satellite Images to Predict SOC fr...
     with: Aggarwal, A.: Object Tracking Using Affine Structure for Point Corresp...
     with: Al Ghamdi, K.A.: Spatiotemporal Modeling of Urban Growth Predictions B...
     with: Algahtany, M.: Method for Exploring the Link between Urban Area Expans...
     with: Allbed, A.: Mapping and Modelling Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity i...
     with: Alqurashi, A.F.: Spatiotemporal Modeling of Urban Growth Predictions B...
     with: Alqurashi, A.F.: Urban Land Cover Change Modelling Using Time-Series S...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Object Tracking Using Affine Structure for Point Corresp...
     with: Cameron, M.: Depths of Cast Shadow, The
     with: Cameron, M.: Diffuse Skylight as a Surrogate for Shadow Detection in H...
     with: Dang, A.T.N.: Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Coastal Wetland i...
     with: Ghosh, M.K.: Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Bangl...
     with: Giri, A.: Source Aware Deep Learning Framework for Hand Kinematic Reco...
     with: Hegde, R.M.: Stochastic Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis for DOA Estimation i...
     with: Jain, A.: Source Aware Deep Learning Framework for Hand Kinematic Reco...
     with: Jain, P.: Object Tracking Using Affine Structure for Point Corresponde...
     with: Javier, D.N.: Frequency Ratio Landslide Susceptibility Estimation in a...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield by Combining t...
     with: Kandeh, J.: Developing a Relative Ranking of Social Vulnerability of G...
     with: Lamichhane, S.: Use of Multi-Seasonal Satellite Images to Predict SOC ...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield by Combining th...
     with: Manku, G.S.: Object Tracking Using Affine Structure for Point Correspo...
     with: Melville, G.: Sub-Compartment Variation in Tree Height, Stem Diameter ...
     with: Mutanga, O.: Environmental sustainability with remote sensing in Africa
     with: Mutanga, O.: Estimating Biomass of Native Grass Grown under Complex Ma...
     with: Mutanga, O.: Google Earth Engine Applications
     with: Mutanga, O.: Google Earth Engine Applications Since Inception: Usage, ...
     with: Mutanga, O.: Remote Sensing of Above-Ground Biomass
     with: Nguyen, H.: Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Coastal Wetland in ...
     with: Pancholi, S.: Source Aware Deep Learning Framework for Hand Kinematic ...
     with: Pillai, G.N.: Human Gait Recognition Based on Dynamic and Static Featu...
     with: Reid, M.: Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Coastal Wetland in th...
     with: Reid, N.: Rank-Based Methods for Selection of Landscape Metrics for La...
     with: Rouget, M.: Estimating Biomass of Native Grass Grown under Complex Man...
     with: Roy, C.: Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Banglades...
     with: Roy, S.: Source Aware Deep Learning Framework for Hand Kinematic Recon...
     with: Rustagi, L.: Human Gait Recognition Based on Dynamic and Static Featur...
     with: Saremi, H.: Sub-Compartment Variation in Tree Height, Stem Diameter an...
     with: Sibanda, M.: Estimating Biomass of Native Grass Grown under Complex Ma...
     with: Sinha, P.: Independent two-step thresholding of binary images in inter...
     with: Sinha, P.: Mapping and Modelling Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity in...
     with: Sinha, P.: Rank-Based Methods for Selection of Landscape Metrics for L...
     with: Sinha, P.: Urban Land Cover Change Modelling Using Time-Series Satelli...
     with: Stone, C.: Sub-Compartment Variation in Tree Height, Stem Diameter and...
     with: Turner, R.: Sub-Compartment Variation in Tree Height, Stem Diameter an...
     with: Wang, J.H.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield by Combining ...
     with: Weng, Q.H.: Environmental sustainability with remote sensing in Africa
     with: Xu, X.G.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield by Combining th...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield by Combining ...
50 for Kumar, L.

Kumar, L.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mandal, M.: MotionRec: A Unified Deep Framework for Moving Object Reco...
     with: Saran, M.S.: MotionRec: A Unified Deep Framework for Moving Object Rec...
     with: Vipparthi, S.K.: MotionRec: A Unified Deep Framework for Moving Object...

Kumar, L.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guan, Y.L.: Optimal Energy Transfer Pipe Arrangement for Acoustic Dril...
     with: Han, W.K.: Optimal Energy Transfer Pipe Arrangement for Acoustic Drill...
     with: Jayanthi, B.: Comparison of convolutional neural networks architecture...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: Optimal Energy Transfer Pipe Arrangement for Acoustic Drill...
     with: Pugazhenthi, A.: Automatic cloud segmentation from INSAT-3D satellite ...
     with: Sun, S.: Optimal Energy Transfer Pipe Arrangement for Acoustic Drill S...

Kumar, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adams, J.E.: New digital camera sensor architecture for low light imag...
     with: Aghagolzadeh, M.: Compressive demosaicing for periodic color filter ar...
     with: Aghagolzadeh, M.: Compressive Framework for Demosaicing of Natural Ima...
     with: Agrawal, A.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage Syste...
     with: Aijaz, A.: Opacity, Transparency, and the Ethics of Affective Computing
     with: Bar, A.: Frozen Feature Augmentation for Few-Shot Image Classification
     with: Bhandari, A.K.: Contrast Enhancement Using Novel White Balancing Param...
     with: Bhargava, R.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pai...
     with: Bhushan, S.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learn...
     with: Bijarniya, D.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices...
     with: Chandrasekar, V.: Intrapulse Polyphase Coding System for Second Trip S...
     with: Chattar, O.: Opacity, Transparency, and the Ethics of Affective Comput...
     with: Chinnusamy, V.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV...
     with: Daas, A.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Borne...
     with: Dang, C.T.: Key frame extraction from consumer videos using epitome
     with: Dass, S.: Total Variation-Based Algorithm for Pixel-Level Image Fusion...
     with: Deever, A.T.: Flexible readout image capture with a four-channel CFA
     with: Dehghani, M.: Frozen Feature Augmentation for Few-Shot Image Classific...
     with: Dhandapani, R.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV...
     with: Diwakar, M.: CT image denoising using NLM and correlation-based wavele...
     with: Fritz, G.: Building Detection from Mobile Imagery Using Informative SI...
     with: Gakhar, S.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bor...
     with: Goel, S.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Goyal, D.: Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-based fu...
     with: Gupta, S.I.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learn...
     with: Han, K.J.: Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Usi...
     with: Hao, W.: New digital camera sensor architecture for low light imaging
     with: Houlsby, N.: Frozen Feature Augmentation for Few-Shot Image Classifica...
     with: Insan, A.: Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Ident...
     with: Jain, M.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at R...
     with: Jain, N.: Low cost localization using Nyström extended locally linear ...
     with: Jangir, S.I.K.: Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-bas...
     with: Jat, M.L.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at ...
     with: Jayaraman, V.K.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protei...
     with: Jindal, M.K.: Classification of characters and grading writers in offl...
     with: Jindal, M.K.: k-nearest neighbor based offline handwritten Gurmukhi ch...
     with: Joseph, J.: Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-based f...
     with: Kar, I.N.: Fault Diagnosis of an Air-Conditioning System Using LS-SVM
     with: Khatri, S.I.K.: Collation of performance parameters on various machine...
     with: Kondraju, T.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-B...
     with: Kulkarni, B.D.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein...
     with: Kumar, K.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Kumar, K.K.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein su...
     with: Kumar, P.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage System ...
     with: Kumar, R.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Kumar, S.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pair o...
     with: Kumar, S.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Born...
     with: Lahiri, D.: S2RF: Semantically Stylized Radiance Fields
     with: Li, Y.: SAM Fewshot Finetuning for Anatomical Segmentation in Medical ...
     with: Loui, A.C.: Key frame extraction from consumer videos using sparse rep...
     with: Meena, M.C.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bo...
     with: Messaoud, S.: Can We Learn Heuristics for Graphical Model Inference Us...
     with: Mishra, S.K.: Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-based...
     with: Moghadam, A.A.: Common and Innovative Visuals: A Sparsity Modeling Fra...
     with: Moghadam, A.A.: Compressive demosaicing for periodic color filter arrays
     with: Moghadam, A.A.: Compressive Framework for Demosaicing of Natural Images
     with: Mohammadian, M.: Collation of performance parameters on various machin...
     with: Morales, E.O.: New digital camera sensor architecture for low light im...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-...
     with: Mukherjee, P.: VTHSC-MIR: Vision Transformer Hashing with Supervised C...
     with: Mundra, P.: Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein sub...
     with: Mutharaju, R.: Opacity, Transparency, and the Ethics of Affective Comp...
     with: Narayanan, S.: Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization...
     with: Paletta, L.: Building Detection from Mobile Imagery Using Informative ...
     with: Panse, N.: S2RF: Semantically Stylized Radiance Fields
     with: Park, T.J.: Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Us...
     with: Patil, S.: SAM Fewshot Finetuning for Anatomical Segmentation in Medic...
     with: Pillman, B.: Flexible readout image capture with a four-channel CFA
     with: Poonia, S.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at...
     with: Prajapati, D.K.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage S...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: RANSAC lens boundary feature based kernel SVM for transpa...
     with: Radha, H.: Common and Innovative Visuals: A Sparsity Modeling Framewor...
     with: Radha, H.: Compressive demosaicing for periodic color filter arrays
     with: Radha, H.: Compressive Framework for Demosaicing of Natural Images
     with: Radha, H.: Key frame extraction from consumer videos using epitome
     with: Raman, B.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pair o...
     with: Rani, A.: Image Forensics Based on Lighting Estimation
     with: Ranjan, R.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bor...
     with: Rao, P.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at Re...
     with: Rejith, R.G.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-B...
     with: Sabharwal, A.: Contact-free camera measurements of vital signs
     with: Sahoo, R.N.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bo...
     with: Schulthess, U.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practice...
     with: Schwing, A.G.: Can We Learn Heuristics for Graphical Model Inference U...
     with: Seifert, C.: Building Detection from Mobile Imagery Using Informative ...
     with: Sharma, P.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learni...
     with: Sharma, R.: automated system to detect crop diseases using deep learni...
     with: Sharma, R.K.: Classification of characters and grading writers in offl...
     with: Sharma, R.K.: k-nearest neighbor based offline handwritten Gurmukhi ch...
     with: Shukla, J.: Opacity, Transparency, and the Ethics of Affective Computing
     with: Singh, B.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at ...
     with: Singh, K.M.: Retrieval of head-neck medical images using Gabor filter ...
     with: Singh, L.K.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices a...
     with: Singh, M.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage System ...
     with: Singh, N.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Singh, P.: FPR using machine learning with multi-feature method
     with: Singh, R.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at ...
     with: Singh, R.: VTHSC-MIR: Vision Transformer Hashing with Supervised Contr...
     with: Srivastava, S.: Image Forensics Based on Lighting Estimation
     with: Stoll, N.: Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysi...
     with: Stoll, N.: Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysi...
     with: Stoll, N.: Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Ident...
     with: Stoll, R.: Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysi...
     with: Stoll, R.: Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysi...
     with: Stoll, R.: Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Ident...
     with: Sukavanam, N.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pa...
     with: Thurow, K.: Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analys...
     with: Thurow, K.: Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analys...
     with: Thurow, K.: Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Iden...
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: Contact-free camera measurements of vital signs
     with: Verma, S.: Low cost localization using Nyström extended locally linear...
     with: Verrelst, J.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-B...
     with: Willems, N.: SAM Fewshot Finetuning for Anatomical Segmentation in Med...
     with: Xie, W.Y.: SAM Fewshot Finetuning for Anatomical Segmentation in Medic...
     with: Zhou, W.Q.: Using Sentinel-2 to Track Field-Level Tillage Practices at...
117 for Kumar, M.

Kumar, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chatterji, B.N.: Fast computation of cross-sections of 3D objects from...
     with: Chatterji, B.N.: On approximating Euclidean metrics by digital distanc...
     with: Chatterji, B.N.: Representation of 2D and 3D Binary Images Using Media...
     with: Chatterji, B.N.: Use of medial axis transforms for computing normals a...
     with: D, D.C.: Classifying Emotional States Through EEG-Derived Spectrograms
     with: Das, P.P.: Fast computation of cross-sections of 3D objects from their...
     with: Das, P.P.: On approximating Euclidean metrics by digital distances in ...
     with: Das, P.P.: Representation of 2D and 3D Binary Images Using Medial Circ...
     with: Das, P.P.: Use of medial axis transforms for computing normals at boun...
     with: Godbole, I.: Classifying Emotional States Through EEG-Derived Spectrog...
     with: Gopal, M.: Application of smoothing technique on twin support vector m...
     with: Gopal, M.: comparison study on multiple binary-class SVM methods for u...
     with: Gopal, M.: hybrid SVM based decision tree, A
     with: Manjusha, K.: Integrating scattering feature maps with convolutional n...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Fast computation of cross-sections of 3D objects from t...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: On approximating Euclidean metrics by digital distances...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Representation of 2D and 3D Binary Images Using Medial ...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Use of medial axis transforms for computing normals at ...
     with: Nandan, A.D.M.: Classifying Emotional States Through EEG-Derived Spect...
     with: Soman, K.P.: Integrating scattering feature maps with convolutional ne...
20 for Kumar, M.A.

Kumar, M.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brox, T.: Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Semantic Image S...
     with: Fischer, V.: Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Semantic Imag...
     with: Metzen, J.H.: Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Semantic Ima...

Kumar, M.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lee, C.: DetermiNet: A Large-Scale Diagnostic Dataset for Complex Visu...
     with: Tan, C.: DetermiNet: A Large-Scale Diagnostic Dataset for Complex Visu...

Kumar, M.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gayathri, M.N.: DCE-diff: Diffusion Model for Synthesis of Early and L...
     with: Ram, K.: DCE-diff: Diffusion Model for Synthesis of Early and Late Dyn...
     with: Ramanarayanan, S.: DCE-diff: Diffusion Model for Synthesis of Early an...
     with: Sadhana, S.: DCE-diff: Diffusion Model for Synthesis of Early and Late...
     with: Sarkar, A.: DCE-diff: Diffusion Model for Synthesis of Early and Late ...
     with: Sivaprakasam, M.: DCE-diff: Diffusion Model for Synthesis of Early and...

Kumar, M.L.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bansod, B.S.: Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algori...
     with: Basra, A.: Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm...
     with: Bhalla, R.: Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorith...
     with: Mohine, S.: Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorith...
     with: Sen, D.: Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm f...

Kumar, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandar, K.P.: Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recognition
     with: Kumar, M.R.: Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recognition
     with: Prasad, M.V.N.K.: BMIAE: blockchain-based multi-instance Iris authenti...
     with: Puhan, N.B.: Off-line signature verification: upper and lower envelope...
     with: Raju, U.S.N.: BMIAE: blockchain-based multi-instance Iris authenticati...
     with: Satyasavithri, T.: Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recogn...

Kumar, M.N.S.S.K.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: bilingual OCR for Hindi-Telugu documents and its applic...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Configurable hybrid architectures for character recogni...
     with: Kiran, S.S.R.: bilingual OCR for Hindi-Telugu documents and its applic...

Kumar, M.N.V.S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Madhu, R.: Wireless underwater channel modelling for acoustic communic...
     with: Umamaheswararao, S.: Wireless underwater channel modelling for acousti...

Kumar, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ajanthan, T.: Efficient Linear Programming for Dense CRFs
     with: Ajanthan, T.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-...
     with: Arun, A.: Dissimilarity Coefficient Based Weakly Supervised Object Det...
     with: Arun, A.: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Learning Annotati...
     with: Behl, A.: Learning to Rank Using High-Order Information
     with: Behl, A.: Optimizing Average Precision Using Weakly Supervised Data
     with: Bouchacourt, D.: Entropy-Based Latent Structured Output Prediction
     with: Bunel, R.: Efficient Linear Programming for Dense CRFs
     with: Bunel, R.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-Ord...
     with: Chum, O.: Coplanar Repeats by Energy Minimization
     with: Desmaison, A.: Efficient Linear Programming for Dense CRFs
     with: Desmaison, A.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher...
     with: Dokania, P.K.: Learning to Rank Using High-Order Information
     with: Dokania, P.K.: Partial Linearization Based Optimization for Multi-clas...
     with: Fitzgibbon, A.W.: Learning Class-Specific Edges for Object Detection a...
     with: Goyal, S.: Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation and reco...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Building blocks for autonomous navigation using contour...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation and ...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Dissimilarity Coefficient Based Weakly Supervised Objec...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Learning to Rank Using High-Order Information
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Optimizing Average Precision Using Weakly Supervised Data
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Partial Linearization Based Optimization for Multi-clas...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Learning Ann...
     with: Joy, T.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-Order...
     with: Kohli, P.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-Ord...
     with: Kohli, P.: Energy minimization for linear envelope MRFs
     with: Kohli, P.: P3 and Beyond: Move Making Algorithms for Solving Higher Or...
     with: Kohli, P.: P3 and Beyond: Solving Energies with Higher Order Cliques
     with: Koller, D.: Efficiently selecting regions for scene understanding
     with: Koller, D.: Learning specific-class segmentation from diverse data
     with: Koller, D.: Parameter Estimation and Energy Minimization for Region-Ba...
     with: Kolmogorov, V.: Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions
     with: Kuthirummal, S.: Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation an...
     with: Liu, T.: New Convex Relaxations for MRF Inference With Unknown Graphs
     with: Mohapatra, P.: Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions
     with: Mohapatra, P.: Optimizing Average Precision Using Weakly Supervised Data
     with: Mohapatra, P.: Partial Linearization Based Optimization for Multi-clas...
     with: Narayanan, P.J.: Building blocks for autonomous navigation using conto...
     with: Narayanan, P.J.: Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation an...
     with: Nowozin, S.: Entropy-Based Latent Structured Output Prediction
     with: Pansari, P.: Linear programming-based submodular extensions for margin...
     with: Pansari, P.: Truncated Max-of-Convex Models
     with: Prasad, M.: Learning Class-Specific Edges for Object Detection and Seg...
     with: Preston, D.: Learning specific-class segmentation from diverse data
     with: Preston, D.: Parameter Estimation and Energy Minimization for Region-B...
     with: Pritts, J.: Coplanar Repeats by Energy Minimization
     with: Rolinek, M.: Efficient Optimization for Rank-Based Loss Functions
     with: Rozumnyi, D.: Coplanar Repeats by Energy Minimization
     with: Russell, C.: Linear programming-based submodular extensions for margin...
     with: Salzmann, M.: Efficient Linear Programming for Dense CRFs
     with: Salzmann, M.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-...
     with: Shi, Q.F.: New Convex Relaxations for MRF Inference With Unknown Graphs
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Efficient discriminative learning of parts-based models
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Efficient Linear Programming for Dense CRFs
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Invariant Large Margin Nearest Neighbour Classifier, An
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Learning Class-Specific Edges for Object Detection and S...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Learning Layered Motion Segmentation of Video
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Learning Layered Motion Segmentations of Video
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Obj Cut
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: OBJCUT: Efficient Segmentation Using Top-Down and Bottom...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Object Category Specific MRF for Segmentation, An
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: P3 and Beyond: Move Making Algorithms for Solving Higher...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: P3 and Beyond: Solving Energies with Higher Order Cliques
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Solving Markov Random Fields using Second Order Cone Pro...
     with: Turki, H.: Learning specific-class segmentation from diverse data
     with: Turki, H.: Parameter Estimation and Energy Minimization for Region-Bas...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: New Convex Relaxations for MRF Inference With Unknown Graphs
     with: Zhang, J.H.: New Convex Relaxations for MRF Inference With Unknown Gra...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Efficient discriminative learning of parts-based models
     with: Zisserman, A.: Invariant Large Margin Nearest Neighbour Classifier, An
     with: Zisserman, A.: Learning Class-Specific Edges for Object Detection and ...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Learning Layered Motion Segmentation of Video
     with: Zisserman, A.: Learning Layered Motion Segmentations of Video
     with: Zisserman, A.: Obj Cut
     with: Zisserman, A.: OBJCUT: Efficient Segmentation Using Top-Down and Botto...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Object Category Specific MRF for Segmentation, An
     with: Zisserman, A.: Solving Markov Random Fields using Second Order Cone Pr...
82 for Kumar, M.P.

Kumar, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alazab, M.: Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Predict...
     with: Chandar, K.P.: Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recognition
     with: Gadekallu, T.R.: Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Pr...
     with: Iwendi, C.: Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Predict...
     with: Kumar, M.M.: Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recognition
     with: Lin, J.C.W.: Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Predic...
     with: Ramana, K.: Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Predict...
     with: Satyasavithri, T.: Suitability of Complex Wavelets towards Face Recogn...
     with: Srivastava, G.: Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Pre...
9 for Kumar, M.R.

Kumar, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dinesh, E.: Involuntary diagnosis of intraductal breast images using g...
     with: Mohan Raj, T.: Involuntary diagnosis of intraductal breast images usin...

Kumar, M.S.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babu, R.V.: Fragment-based real-time object tracking: A sparse represe...
     with: Parate, P.: Fragment-based real-time object tracking: A sparse represe...

Kumar, M.T.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for...
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angu...
     with: Kishore, P.V.V.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With ...
     with: Kumar, D.A.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for 3-D...
     with: Kumar, D.A.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angular ...
     with: Kumar, D.A.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Colo...
     with: Kumar, E.K.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features for 3-D...
     with: Kumar, E.K.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Angular ...
     with: Kumar, E.K.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With Colo...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: S3DRGF: Spatial 3-D Relational Geometric Features fo...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: Three-Dimensional Sign Language Recognition With Ang...
     with: Sastry, A.S.C.S.: Training CNNs for 3-D Sign Language Recognition With...
12 for Kumar, M.T.K.

Kumar, M.V.A.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lamba, M.: Real-Time Restoration of Dark Stereo Images
     with: Mitra, K.: Real-Time Restoration of Dark Stereo Images

Kumar, M.V.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mahapatra, S.: Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Adaptive Video S...
     with: Mahapatra, S.: Pyramid coding based rate control for variable bit rate...
     with: Mahapatra, S.: Search range reduction for uni-prediction and bi-predic...
     with: Ravi, K.C.: Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Adaptive Video Stre...
     with: Varma, K.C.R.C.: Pyramid coding based rate control for variable bit ra...
     with: Varma, K.C.R.C.: Search range reduction for uni-prediction and bi-pred...

Kumar, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adam, H.: Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machine Ana...
     with: Adamou, R.: Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time seri...
     with: Aggarwal, S.: Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritime El...
     with: Aggarwal, S.: PETS: P2P Energy Trading Scheduling Scheme for Electric ...
     with: Agrawal, A.: Nonparametric Neural Network Model Based on Rough-Fuzzy M...
     with: Agrawal, R.K.: Hybrid of Principal Component Analysis and Partial Leas...
     with: Agrawal, R.K.: Improved fuzzy entropy clustering algorithm for MRI bra...
     with: Ahmed, M.: MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heteroge...
     with: Ahmed, S.H.: Green Computing in Software Defined Social Internet of Ve...
     with: Alazab, M.: Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent T...
     with: Alghazzawi, D.M.: Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritim...
     with: Almeida, J.S.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad ...
     with: Alsuhaibani, A.M.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Manage...
     with: Alzahrani, B.: Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritime E...
     with: Anand, D.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Arbel, E.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Arora, T.: Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Lear...
     with: Asif, M.: MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heterogen...
     with: Aujla, G.S.: Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Sch...
     with: Awate, S.P.: Kernel generalized Gaussian and robust statistical learni...
     with: Awate, S.P.: Semi-Supervised Robust Mixture Models in RKHS for Abnorma...
     with: Awate, S.P.: Semi-Supervised Robust One-Class Classification in RKHS f...
     with: Baghshah, M.S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cla...
     with: Baheti, B.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Baid, U.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Baingne, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Baksi, K.D.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Bandyopadhyay, S.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Manage...
     with: Bar, S.: Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest Fire ...
     with: Barnawi, A.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-...
     with: Barnawi, A.: Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritime Ele...
     with: Barth, E.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Batra, S.: Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Schem...
     with: Bawa, S.: DyPARK: A Dynamic Pricing and Allocation Scheme for Smart On...
     with: Bawa, S.: Game theoretic approach for real-time data dissemination and...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Behroozi, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Belhumeur, P.N.: Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
     with: Belhumeur, P.N.: Describable Visual Attributes for Face Verification a...
     with: Belhumeur, P.N.: FaceTracer: A Search Engine for Large Collections of ...
     with: Belhumeur, P.N.: Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plan...
     with: Belhumeur, P.N.: Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exempl...
     with: Belhumeur, P.N.: Multi-attribute spaces: Calibration for attribute fus...
     with: Bellavista, P.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understand...
     with: Ben Dor, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Ben Hamza, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Clas...
     with: Berg, A.C.: Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
     with: Berg, A.C.: Describable Visual Attributes for Face Verification and Im...
     with: Bhargava, S.: Dataset and a Technique for Generalized Nuclear Segmenta...
     with: Bhattacharjee, D.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Biswas, A.: Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plant Spe...
     with: Boglione, C.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Lan...
     with: Boulares, M.: Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritime El...
     with: Boult, T.E.: Multi-attribute spaces: Calibration for attribute fusion ...
     with: Braunewell, S.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Brown, G.T.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Budhiraja, I.: Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicle...
     with: Bueno, M.G.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Cai, G.Y.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Caldelli, R.: Local Moment Driven PVO Based Reversible Data Hiding
     with: Cancela, M.L.: Deep Learning Approaches for Head and Operculum Segment...
     with: Cao, H.T.: Dynamic Virtual Resource Allocation Mechanism for Survivabl...
     with: Carletti, A.: Deep Learning Approaches for Head and Operculum Segmenta...
     with: Chakraborti, N.B.: On Using Symmetry Properties for Selecting Transfor...
     with: Chandran, S.: Kernel generalized Gaussian and robust statistical learn...
     with: Chandran, S.: Semi-Supervised Robust One-Class Classification in RKHS ...
     with: Chang, L.: MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention has...
     with: Chaudhary, R.: EnFlow: An Energy-Efficient Fast Flow Forwarding Scheme...
     with: Chaudhry, R.: ChaseMe: A Heuristic Scheme for Electric Vehicles Mobili...
     with: Chaudhry, R.: Green Computing in Software Defined Social Internet of V...
     with: Chauhan, N.S.: Novel Confined Attention Mechanism Driven Bi-GRU Model ...
     with: Chavan, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Chen, C.M.: Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep ...
     with: Chen, G.L.: Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attacks...
     with: Chen, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Chen, H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Chen, K.L.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Chen, M.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Le...
     with: Chen, N.: MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention hash...
     with: Chen, N.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-Fog...
     with: Chidester, B.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Choo, J.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Choo, K.K.R.: BCPPA: A Blockchain-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving...
     with: Chunduri, R.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Colomer, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Cui, Y.P.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Das, B.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zones...
     with: de Albuquerque, V.H.C.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehi...
     with: de Albuquerque, V.H.C.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Un...
     with: de Sousa, P.H.F.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular ...
     with: del Ser, J.: Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comp...
     with: del Ser, J.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding...
     with: Dellacqua, Z.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for La...
     with: Dev, K.: Intelligent Drones Trajectory Generation for Mapping Weed Inf...
     with: Devanathan, S.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Dhakad, N.: Fuzzy Inference Enabled Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based ...
     with: di Biagio, C.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for La...
     with: Do, M.N.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Doctor, F.: Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Compr...
     with: Dong, B.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Dongre, P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Dua, A.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, AI, an...
     with: Dua, A.: Game theoretic approach for real-time data dissemination and ...
     with: Duan, Y.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-Fog...
     with: Duan, Y.X.: MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention ha...
     with: Duddu, K.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervis...
     with: Dutande, P.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Ecker, R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Ecker, R.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Elhoseny, M.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, A...
     with: Elhoseny, M.: Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicles...
     with: Ellinger, I.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Ellinger, I.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Eschweiler, D.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Eskandarian, A.: Novel Confined Attention Mechanism Driven Bi-GRU Mode...
     with: Eslami, A.: Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
     with: Eslami, A.: Normalizing Flow based Feature Synthesis for Outlier-Aware...
     with: Fang, Q.R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Feng, M.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Filho, P.P.R.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad ...
     with: Gaber, A.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Gann, P.H.: Detecting multiple sub-types of breast cancer in a single ...
     with: Garg, S.: Hybrid Deep-Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme for Susp...
     with: Garg, S.: Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme...
     with: Garg, V.: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Scheduling F...
     with: Gavaia, P.J.: Deep Learning Approaches for Head and Operculum Segmenta...
     with: Geurts, P.: Deep Learning Approaches for Head and Operculum Segmentati...
     with: Geurts, P.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Landm...
     with: Ghosh, D.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Goel, S.: Robust One Shot Audio to Video Generation
     with: Gooya, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Graham, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Graham, S.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Gruening, P.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Guha, T.: Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machine Ana...
     with: Guha, T.: Unsupervised Discovery of Character Dictionaries in Animatio...
     with: Guizani, M.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-...
     with: Guizani, M.: Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attack...
     with: Gumhold, S.: Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
     with: Gumhold, S.: Normalizing Flow based Feature Synthesis for Outlier-Awar...
     with: Gumhold, S.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Bra...
     with: Gunda, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Guo, K.: Deep Reinforcement Learning and NOMA-Based Multi-Objective RI...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Multi-stage Approach to Curve Extraction, A
     with: Gupta, D.: Simsam: Simple Siamese Representations Based Semantic Affin...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework ...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchai...
     with: Gupta, S.: Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Lear...
     with: Guzman, G.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervi...
     with: Hanel, T.: Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
     with: Hasan, M.: Robust One Shot Audio to Video Generation
     with: Hassan, M.M.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad H...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Dee...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: Hassan, M.R.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad H...
     with: He, D.: BCPPA: A Blockchain-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authe...
     with: He, D.: Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-Modal Impl...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Hijji, M.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding f...
     with: Hoffmann, N.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Br...
     with: Hossain, A.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Z...
     with: Hu, B.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Hu, C.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Hu, Z.Q.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Hua, K.L.: Neural Style Palette: A Multimodal and Interactive Style Tr...
     with: Huang, X.Y.: BCPPA: A Blockchain-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving ...
     with: Huang, Y.J.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Hussain, T.: Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comp...
     with: Hussain, T.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding...
     with: Iftekharuddin, K.M.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Irshad, A.: MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heterog...
     with: Islam, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Jacobs, D.W.: Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plant S...
     with: Jacobs, D.W.: Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exemplars
     with: Jahanifar, M.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Jahromi, S.A.F.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cl...
     with: Jaiswal, A.: Hybrid of Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least ...
     with: Jameel, F.: Efficient Power-Splitting and Resource Allocation for Cell...
     with: Jantti, R.: Efficient Power-Splitting and Resource Allocation for Cell...
     with: Jena, R.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zo...
     with: Jolfaei, A.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep...
     with: Joshi, U.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Jung, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Junsheng, Y.: MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heter...
     with: Kaginalkar, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the W...
     with: Kaiwartya, O.: ChaseMe: A Heuristic Scheme for Electric Vehicles Mobil...
     with: Kaiwartya, O.: Green Computing in Software Defined Social Internet of ...
     with: Kale, M.P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Kamra, C.G.: Simsam: Simple Siamese Representations Based Semantic Aff...
     with: Kant, K.: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Le...
     with: Kascenas, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Kaur, K.: Hybrid Deep-Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme for Susp...
     with: Kaur, S.: Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme...
     with: Khan, M.A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Khan, W.U.: Efficient Power-Splitting and Resource Allocation for Cell...
     with: Khani, A.A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Khare, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kharkar, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Kimia, B.B.: Multi-stage Approach to Curve Extraction, A
     with: Kini, L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Kirsch, M.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Brai...
     with: Koch, E.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional Brain ...
     with: Koduganty, P.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Kohl, M.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Koka, D.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Koohbanani, N.A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Kress, W.J.: Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plant Sp...
     with: Kriegman, D.J.: Localizing Parts of Faces Using a Consensus of Exemplars
     with: Kumar, N.: ChaseMe: A Heuristic Scheme for Electric Vehicles Mobility ...
     with: Kumar, N.: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Scheduling ...
     with: Kumar, N.: Green Computing in Software Defined Social Internet of Vehi...
     with: Kumar, P.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, P.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, R.: Local Moment Driven PVO Based Reversible Data Hiding
     with: Kumar, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, V.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kurian, N.C.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segm...
     with: Kurian, N.C.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Kwak, J.T.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Labade, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Lakys, Y.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, AI, ...
     with: Lakys, Y.: Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A...
     with: Law, J.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifica...
     with: Lee, J.: Intelligent Mobile Video Surveillance System as a Bayesian Co...
     with: Li, F.J.: Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep Le...
     with: Li, J.H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Li, M.Z.: Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
     with: Li, X.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Li, X.: Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Trans...
     with: Li, X.W.: Deep Reinforcement Learning and NOMA-Based Multi-Objective R...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Limboo, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Lin, C.: BCPPA: A Blockchain-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Auth...
     with: Liu, A.: Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Tran...
     with: Liu, L.: Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attacks in...
     with: Liu, L.: Space-Air-Ground Integrated Multi-Domain Network Resource Orc...
     with: Liu, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifica...
     with: Liu, X.J.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Liu, Y.L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Lodaya, R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Long, J.Y.: Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep ...
     with: Lopez, I.C.: Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plant Sp...
     with: Lotfi, D.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Luitel, B.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Luo, D.X.: Dynamic Virtual Resource Allocation Mechanism for Survivabl...
     with: Luo, Z.P.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Lv, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classificat...
     with: Ma, J.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Mahapatra, D.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Clas...
     with: Mahbod, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Mahbod, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Maree, R.: Deep Learning Approaches for Head and Operculum Segmentatio...
     with: Maree, R.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Landma...
     with: Martinez, V.R.: Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machi...
     with: Martini, A.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Land...
     with: Marttinen, P.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Mastan, I.D.: Simsam: Simple Siamese Representations Based Semantic Af...
     with: Meher, S.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Mhatre, J.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Miglani, A.: Blockchain Based Matching Game for Content Sharing in Con...
     with: Miglani, A.: BloomACS: Bloom Filter-Based Access Control Scheme in Blo...
     with: Mirza, M.A.: MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Hetero...
     with: Mishra, D.C.: Crypto-stego System for Securing Text and Image Data
     with: Mishra, S.: Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, and A...
     with: Mitkari, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Mittal, S.: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Scheduling...
     with: Moharana, P.C.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Managemen...
     with: Montahaei, E.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Clas...
     with: Muhammad, K.: Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Com...
     with: Muhammad, K.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understandin...
     with: Muhuri, S.: Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, and A...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WR...
     with: Mukherjee, A.K.: On Using Symmetry Properties for Selecting Transform ...
     with: Mukherjee, D.P.: U-PC: Unsupervised Planogram Compliance
     with: Muller, M.: Deep Learning Approaches for Head and Operculum Segmentati...
     with: Muller, M.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Landm...
     with: Narang, A.: Robust One Shot Audio to Video Generation
     with: Naranjo, V.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Narayanan, M.: Multi-stage Approach to Curve Extraction, A
     with: Narayanan, P.L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cl...
     with: Narayanan, S.: Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machin...
     with: Narayanan, S.S.: Unsupervised Discovery of Character Dictionaries in A...
     with: Narkhede, K.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Attribute and simile classifiers for face verification
     with: Nayar, S.K.: Describable Visual Attributes for Face Verification and I...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: FaceTracer: A Search Engine for Large Collections of Imag...
     with: Nayar, S.K.: What Is a Good Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Finding Si...
     with: Nogueira, F.G.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad...
     with: O'Neil, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Obaidat, M.S.: Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Co...
     with: Oelschlagel, M.: Structural Similarity Based Anatomical and Functional...
     with: Ohata, E.F.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad Ho...
     with: Onder, O.F.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Ople, J.J.M.: Neural Style Palette: A Multimodal and Interactive Style...
     with: Padua, S.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Pandey, A.C.: Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest ...
     with: Pardeshi, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Parida, B.R.: Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest ...
     with: Patil, A.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Patil, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Pedraza, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Pei, L.M.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Philips, N.D.: Intelligent Drones Trajectory Generation for Mapping We...
     with: Pokale, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Pradhan, U.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management...
     with: Radhakrishnan, S.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Rahman, S.S.: Fuzzy Inference Enabled Deep Reinforcement Learning-Base...
     with: Rai, N.K.: Learning to predict super resolution wavelet coefficients
     with: Raja, G.: Intelligent Drones Trajectory Generation for Mapping Weed In...
     with: Rajpoot, N.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Rajpoot, N.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Rajput, N.S.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, A...
     with: Rajwade, A.V.: Kernel generalized Gaussian and robust statistical lear...
     with: Rajwade, A.V.: Semi-Supervised Robust One-Class Classification in RKHS...
     with: Ramachandra, V.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cl...
     with: Ramachandran, S.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Managem...
     with: Raman, R.: Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning Approaches for Landma...
     with: Ramasamy, R.K.: Intelligent Drones Trajectory Generation for Mapping W...
     with: Rane, S.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmenta...
     with: Rane, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Rassadin, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Ray, A.: U-PC: Unsupervised Planogram Compliance
     with: Ray, P.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zones...
     with: Ray, S.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Raza, S.: MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heterogen...
     with: Raza, S.E.A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Remer, I.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Ren, X.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Rezaei, M.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding ...
     with: Ritcey, J.A.: Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attac...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Cl...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: Hybrid Deep-Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Sche...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: Intelligent Mobile Video Surveillance System as a...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous V...
     with: Roy, K.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Roy, P.D.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zon...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Safdari, R.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Saharan, S.: DyPARK: A Dynamic Pricing and Allocation Scheme for Smart...
     with: Sakurai, K.: Efficient Vehicle-Assisted Aggregate Authentication Schem...
     with: Schaefer, G.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Scheirer, W.J.: Multi-attribute spaces: Calibration for attribute fusi...
     with: Schlesinger, D.: Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
     with: Schulz, D.: Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time seri...
     with: Segvic, S.: Normalizing Flow based Feature Synthesis for Outlier-Aware...
     with: Seitz, S.: Photo Recall: Using the Internet to Label Your Photos
     with: Semkin, P.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Sethi, A.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Sethi, A.: Convolutional neural networks for wavelet domain super reso...
     with: Sethi, A.: Dataset and a Technique for Generalized Nuclear Segmentatio...
     with: Sethi, A.: Detecting multiple sub-types of breast cancer in a single p...
     with: Sethi, A.: Fast Learning-Based Single Image Super-Resolution
     with: Sethi, A.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervis...
     with: Sethi, A.: Learning to predict super resolution wavelet coefficients
     with: Sethi, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Sethi, A.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Sethi, A.: On spatial neighborhood of patch-based super resolution
     with: Sethi, A.: Super Resolution by Comprehensively Exploiting Dependencies...
     with: Shakya, H.K.: Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, and...
     with: Sharma, G.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management ...
     with: Sharma, H.: Crypto-stego System for Securing Text and Image Data
     with: Sharma, H.: Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: ...
     with: Sharma, M.: MWIRSTD: A MWIR Small Target Detection Dataset
     with: Sharma, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Sharma, R.K.: Crypto-stego System for Securing Text and Image Data
     with: Sharma, S.: Dataset and a Technique for Generalized Nuclear Segmentati...
     with: Sharma, S.: MWIRSTD: A MWIR Small Target Detection Dataset
     with: Sharma, S.: Postal Automation System in Gurmukhi Script using Deep Lea...
     with: Shaw, A.K.: U-PC: Unsupervised Planogram Compliance
     with: Shen, D.G.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Shen, L.L.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Singh, A.: Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Schem...
     with: Singh, P.: MWIRSTD: A MWIR Small Target Detection Dataset
     with: Singh, S.K.: Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Z...
     with: Singh, S.S.: Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, and ...
     with: Singh, U.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, AI, ...
     with: Singh, V.K.: Saliency bagging: a novel framework for robust salient ob...
     with: Sinha, R.: Enrollee-constrained sparse coding of test data for speaker...
     with: Sirazitdinova, E.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Sisodia, S.: Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, AI...
     with: Smedby, O.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Smiley, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Soares, J.V.B.: Leafsnap: A Computer Vision System for Automatic Plant...
     with: Somandepalli, K.: Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Mac...
     with: Somandepalli, K.: Unsupervised Discovery of Character Dictionaries in ...
     with: Song, D.W.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Song, H.: Deep Reinforcement Learning and NOMA-Based Multi-Objective R...
     with: Sreedhar, H.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Super...
     with: Sreshtha, D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Srivastava, D.: Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, a...
     with: Srivastava, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cla...
     with: Stegmaier, J.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Sukavanam, N.: weakly supervised CNN model for spatial localization of...
     with: Sukavanam, N.: Weakly supervised deep network for spatiotemporal local...
     with: Sultan, M.A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Sun, P.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Tajeddin, N.Z.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Talbar, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Talekar, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Tan, D.S.: Neural Style Palette: A Multimodal and Interactive Style Tr...
     with: Tan, H.: Efficient Vehicle-Assisted Aggregate Authentication Scheme fo...
     with: Tan, J.: Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Tran...
     with: Tanveer, M.: Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comp...
     with: Tanveer, M.: Neural Style Palette: A Multimodal and Interactive Style ...
     with: Tejomay, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Thakare, G.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Tian, X.M.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Tischbein, B.: Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time s...
     with: Tiwari, P.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Ton, T.V.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Torrico, B.C.: Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad ...
     with: Tran, M.T.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Tripathi, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework...
     with: Tripathi, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: Trnavska, L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Tsougenis, E.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Ullah, H.: Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding f...
     with: Unal, E.: Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
     with: Upadhyay, A.: MWIRSTD: A MWIR Small Target Detection Dataset
     with: Uppala, P.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervi...
     with: Vahadane, A.: Dataset and a Technique for Generalized Nuclear Segmenta...
     with: Varma, V.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervis...
     with: Verleysdonk, S.: Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time...
     with: Verma, H.: Improved fuzzy entropy clustering algorithm for MRI brain i...
     with: Verma, R.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Verma, R.: Convolutional neural networks for wavelet domain super reso...
     with: Verma, R.: Dataset and a Technique for Generalized Nuclear Segmentatio...
     with: Verma, R.: Detecting multiple sub-types of breast cancer in a single p...
     with: Verma, R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Verma, R.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Verma, R.: On spatial neighborhood of patch-based super resolution
     with: Vijayakumar, P.: Efficient Vehicle-Assisted Aggregate Authentication S...
     with: Vijayakumar, P.: Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-M...
     with: Vijayakumar, P.: Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intellig...
     with: Virtusio, J.J.: Neural Style Palette: A Multimodal and Interactive Sty...
     with: Vu, Q.D.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Vu, Q.D.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Walsh, M.: Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervis...
     with: Wang, C.: Space-Air-Ground Integrated Multi-Domain Network Resource Or...
     with: Wang, C.L.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Wang, K.: Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep Le...
     with: Wang, L.S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Wang, Q.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Wang, Y.Q.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Wei, F.: Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-Modal Imp...
     with: Wen, W.: MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention hashi...
     with: Weng, C.H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Wu, M.: Deep Reinforcement Learning and NOMA-Based Multi-Objective RIS...
     with: Wu, X.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classificat...
     with: Wu, Z.H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Xie, X.P.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Xu, D.Y.: Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attacks i...
     with: Xu, G.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-Fog-E...
     with: Xu, K.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classificat...
     with: Xu, S.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Yang, C.K.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Yang, L.X.: Dynamic Virtual Resource Allocation Mechanism for Survivab...
     with: Yang, M.H.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Yang, S.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Yao, Y.H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Yeh, C.Y.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Yeung, P.H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Yin, B.C.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Yin, H.: Land use mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series ...
     with: Yin, T.K.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Yu, K.P.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-Fog...
     with: Yu, K.P.: Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attacks i...
     with: Yu, W.H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Yuan, Y.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Zeadally, S.: Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-Moda...
     with: Zhang, H.Y.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Zhang, L.: What Is a Good Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Finding Simi...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention h...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: Space-Air-Ground Integrated Multi-Domain Network Resource...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Dynamic Virtual Resource Allocation Mechanism for Survivab...
     with: Zhao, Z.G.: EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
     with: Zheng, W.Y.: Efficient Vehicle-Assisted Aggregate Authentication Schem...
     with: Zhou, S.H.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Zhou, X.Y.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Zhou, Y.N.: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
     with: Zunair, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Zwager, M.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
501 for Kumar, N.

Kumar, N.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Albuquerque, V.H.C.: Classification of EEG signals to detect alcoho...
     with: Filho, P.P.R.: Classification of EEG signals to detect alcoholism usin...
     with: Peixoto, E.: Classification of EEG signals to detect alcoholism using ...
     with: Rodrigues, J.D.: Classification of EEG signals to detect alcoholism us...

Kumar, N.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: George, E.B.: Adapting Prediction Models to Bare Soil Fractional Cover...
     with: Gomez, C.: Adapting Prediction Models to Bare Soil Fractional Cover fo...

Kumar, N.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandana, P.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in...
     with: Gopinath, K.A.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages ...
     with: Kumar, G.S.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in ...
     with: Prabhakar, M.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages i...
     with: Singh, V.K.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in ...
     with: Siva, G.S.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in S...
     with: Soar, J.: Novel Image Compressive Sensing Method Based on Complex Meas...
     with: Sravan, U.S.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages in...
     with: Thirupathi, M.: Mapping Leaf Area Index at Various Rice Growth Stages ...
     with: Xiang, W.: Novel Image Compressive Sensing Method Based on Complex Mea...
10 for Kumar, N.R.

Kumar, N.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chan, A.B.: Fine-Grained Crowd Counting
     with: Wan, J.: Fine-Grained Crowd Counting

Kumar, N.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guru, D.S.: alternative framework for univariate filter based feature ...
     with: Raju, L.N.: alternative framework for univariate filter based feature ...
     with: Suhil, M.: alternative framework for univariate filter based feature s...

Kumar, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdul Rahman, A.: Automated Extraction of Buildings From Aerial Lidar ...
     with: Abdul Rahman, A.: Semi-Automated Approach for Mapping Urban Trees from...
     with: Abrishami, S.: Automatic Web Page Coloring
     with: Agrawal, A.: GPU-Accelerated Interactive Visualization of 3D Volumetri...
     with: Agrawal, A.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage Syste...
     with: Agrawal, S.: SISL:Self-Supervised Image Signature Learning for Splicin...
     with: Alam, M.A.: Decadal Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Its Impact o...
     with: Alare, R.S.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieva...
     with: Amara, Y.: Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuated ...
     with: Ambadkar, A.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sens...
     with: Anand, A.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land C...
     with: Angelats, E.: Automated Road Roughness Detection From Mobile Laser Sca...
     with: Arora, C.: U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automate...
     with: Asner, G.P.: Challenges in Estimating Tropical Forest Canopy Height fr...
     with: Avtar, R.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Babu, G.R.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile E...
     with: Babu, N.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Co...
     with: Babu, V.: SISL:Self-Supervised Image Signature Learning for Splicing D...
     with: Barik, S.K.: Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically A...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Lan...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically ...
     with: Behera, P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Behera, S.K.: Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
     with: Behera, S.K.: Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-...
     with: Bensekrane, I.: Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actu...
     with: Berretta, D.P.: On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties F...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.K.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Im...
     with: Bhat, K.M.: GLiDR: Topologically Regularized Graph Generative Network ...
     with: Bhatnagar, D.: Pseudo One Pass Thinning Algorithm
     with: Biswal, S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Bouamama, B.O.: Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Adaptive Bayesian Technique for Tracking Multiple Object...
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Adaptive Multiple Object Tracking Using Colour and Segme...
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Integrated Bayesian multi-cue tracker for objects observ...
     with: Brooks, M.J.: Multiple target tracking with an efficient compact colou...
     with: Bulatov, Y.: Hand Recognition Using Geometric Classifiers
     with: Buyuksalih, G.: Semi-Automated Approach for Mapping Urban Trees from I...
     with: Cahalane, C.: Initial Results From European Road Safety Inspection (EU...
     with: Cai, J.H.: Automated Detection of Root Crowns Using Gaussian Mixture M...
     with: Cai, J.H.: Root crown detection using statistics of Zernike moments
     with: Chakraborty, A.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and ...
     with: Chakravarthi, V.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and...
     with: Chaturvedi, A.: energy efficient algorithm to avoid hot spot effects i...
     with: Chaudhari, S.A.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and ...
     with: Chaudhary, B.S.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retr...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Monitoring a large surveillance space through distribut...
     with: Chavan, M.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Chen, H.Y.: TCCT-Net: Two-Stream Network Architecture for Fast and Eff...
     with: Chetri, T.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieval...
     with: Chettibi, T.: Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuat...
     with: Chhabra, S.: novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection, A
     with: Chilgunde, A.: Multi-Camera Target Tracking in Blind Regions of Camera...
     with: Choudhury, A.R.: Reconstructing Road Network Graphs from both Aerial L...
     with: Coelen, V.: Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuated...
     with: Coelen, V.: Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
     with: Conrard, B.: Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
     with: Crespo, R.G.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR ...
     with: Csillik, O.: Challenges in Estimating Tropical Forest Canopy Height fr...
     with: Darmody, R.G.: On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties Fr...
     with: Das, A.: Image registration: A pre-step in patient's position verifica...
     with: Das, A.K.: Blockchain Assisted Intra-Twin and Inter-Twin Authenticatio...
     with: Das, P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cov...
     with: Das, S.: Deflation based Fast and Robust Preconditioner for Bundle Adj...
     with: Das, S.: Two-Grid Preconditioned Solver for Bundle Adjustment
     with: Dasgupta, R.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its...
     with: Debnath, J.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC...
     with: Deka, J.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Co...
     with: Dick, A.: Adaptive earth movers distance-based Bayesian multi-target t...
     with: Dick, A.: Adaptive Multiple Object Tracking Using Colour and Segmentat...
     with: Dick, A.: Integrated Bayesian multi-cue tracker for objects observed f...
     with: Dick, A.: Multiple target tracking with an efficient compact colour co...
     with: Dick, A.: Real Time Target Tracking with Pan Tilt Zoom Camera
     with: Dixit, J.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Dogancay, K.: Analysis of Brightness Transfer Function for Matching Ta...
     with: Dogon Yaro, M.A.: Semi-Automated Approach for Mapping Urban Trees from...
     with: Dogra, D.P.: Coupled HMM-based multi-sensor data fusion for sign langu...
     with: Dogra, D.P.: Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
     with: Dogra, D.P.: Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-w...
     with: Dutta, D.: Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne R...
     with: Dutta, D.: Framework for Global Characterization of Soil Properties Us...
     with: Dutta, D.: On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties From A...
     with: Dwevidi, R.S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and La...
     with: Ehrlich, M.: Explaining the Implicit Neural Canvas: Connecting Pixels ...
     with: Farooq, M.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensin...
     with: Farooq, M.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC ...
     with: Farooq, M.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of C...
     with: Farooq, M.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Su...
     with: Finn, A.: Automated Georectification, Mosaicking and 3D Point Cloud Ge...
     with: Finn, A.: Unsupervised spectral-spatial processing of drone imagery fo...
     with: Fukushi, K.: Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spatia...
     with: Gangodkar, D.: Robust Segmentation of Moving Vehicles Under Complex Ou...
     with: Ganguly, P.: PlotQA: Reasoning over Scientific Plots
     with: Garg, S.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Modeli...
     with: Garg, V.: Decadal Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Its Impact on ...
     with: Garvey, J.E.: On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties Fro...
     with: Gauba, H.: Coupled HMM-based multi-sensor data fusion for sign languag...
     with: Gautam, D.: Blockchain Assisted Intra-Twin and Inter-Twin Authenticati...
     with: Ghosh, R.: RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagari...
     with: Ghosh, S.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature reco...
     with: Ghosh, S.K.: Graph-Theoretic Approach for Studying the Convergence of ...
     with: Ghrera, S.P.: fast novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise can...
     with: Goodwell, A.: Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborn...
     with: Goodwell, A.E.: On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties F...
     with: Gowsalya, M.S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and L...
     with: Greenberg, J.A.: On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties ...
     with: Grewal, M.: Boosted Cascaded Convnets for Multilabel Classification of...
     with: Gupta, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Gupta, A.: U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automate...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Mod...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework ...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchai...
     with: Gupta, S.K.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image...
     with: Gupta, Y.: Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recogni...
     with: Gwilliam, M.: Explaining the Implicit Neural Canvas: Connecting Pixels...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection, A
     with: Hashimoto, S.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LU...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Mo...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Co-operative Multi-target Tracking and Classification
     with: Huang, W.M.: Cooperative Multitarget Tracking With Efficient Split and...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Framework for Real-Time Behavior Interpretation From Traf...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Multi-Camera Target Tracking in Blind Regions of Cameras ...
     with: Imran, J.: Combining CNN streams of RGB-D and skeletal data for human ...
     with: Indu, S.: Monitoring a large surveillance space through distributed fa...
     with: Iwamura, M.: End-to-end Triplet Loss based Emotion Embedding System fo...
     with: Jain, A.K.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Jain, S.: End-to-end Triplet Loss based Emotion Embedding System for S...
     with: Jamali, A.: Automated Extraction of Buildings From Aerial Lidar Point ...
     with: Jambawalikar, S.: Hand Recognition Using Geometric Classifiers
     with: Jayaraman, V.K.: Granular Support Vector Machine Based Method for Pred...
     with: Jayasree, P.S.: fast novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise c...
     with: Jindal, A.: novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection, A
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sen...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in ...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: It...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land...
     with: Joshi, C.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land C...
     with: Joshi, P.K.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land...
     with: Kale, M.P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Kalra, P.: GLiDR: Topologically Regularized Graph Generative Network f...
     with: Kalra, P.K.: MOVES: Movable and moving LiDAR scene segmentation in lab...
     with: Kanga, S.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensing...
     with: Kanga, S.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Ca...
     with: Kanga, S.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Kanga, S.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Sur...
     with: Katyan, S.: Deflation based Fast and Robust Preconditioner for Bundle ...
     with: Katyan, S.: Two-Grid Preconditioned Solver for Bundle Adjustment
     with: Kaur, S.: Indian Sign Language Generation System
     with: Kefi, M.: Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spatial A...
     with: Khaire, P.: Combining CNN streams of RGB-D and skeletal data for human...
     with: Khaire, P.: Deep learning and RGB-D based human action, human-human an...
     with: Khan, A.W.: Impact of Assimilation of MADRAS Geophysical Parameters on...
     with: Khan, M.L.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Khani, A.: Evaluating Special Event Transit Demand: A Robust Principal...
     with: Khapra, M.M.: PlotQA: Reasoning over Scientific Plots
     with: Khari, M.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cas...
     with: Khokher, V.: Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recog...
     with: Kothyari, G.C.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in...
     with: Kotlia, B.S.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Kotteeswaran, M.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and...
     with: Kouser, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its R...
     with: Krishna, A.P.: Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Ground ...
     with: Kulkarni, B.D.: Granular Support Vector Machine Based Method for Predi...
     with: Kumar, A.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in Indi...
     with: Kumar, A.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Kumar, K.: LEXER: LEXicon Based Emotion AnalyzeR
     with: Kumar, K.P.H.: Impact of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer Winds and TMI Observ...
     with: Kumar, M.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage System ...
     with: Kumar, N.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, N.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, P.: Fusion of Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum Video for R...
     with: Kumar, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, V.: Exploring the Frontier of Object Detection: A Deep Dive int...
     with: Kumari, G.V.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile...
     with: Kumari, M.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in Ind...
     with: Kushwaha, D.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Lan...
     with: Kuzma, A.: Image Compression with Laplacian Guided Scale Space Inpaint...
     with: Lahon, D.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC C...
     with: Lee, E.: Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne Rem...
     with: Lewis, P.: automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terrestr...
     with: Li, X.B.: TCCT-Net: Two-Stream Network Architecture for Fast and Effic...
     with: Luo, L.: Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Action Reco...
     with: Maes, P.: Penetra3D: A penetrable, interactive, 360-degree viewable di...
     with: Mahanand, S.: Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically ...
     with: Maithani, S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Lan...
     with: Maiya, S.R.: Explaining the Implicit Neural Canvas: Connecting Pixels ...
     with: Makwana, D.: MOVES: Movable and moving LiDAR scene segmentation in lab...
     with: Manogaran, G.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR...
     with: Manonmani, R.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and La...
     with: Marazi, A.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Su...
     with: Masago, Y.: Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spatial...
     with: Matin, S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land C...
     with: McCarthy, T.: automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terre...
     with: McCarthy, T.: Initial Results From European Road Safety Inspection (EU...
     with: Mcelhinney, C.: Initial Results From European Road Safety Inspection (...
     with: McElhinney, C.P.: automated algorithm for extracting road edges from t...
     with: Mehta, S.: Real-time moving object detection algorithm on high-resolut...
     with: Meiyappan, P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and La...
     with: Melingui, A.: Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuat...
     with: Meraj, G.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensing...
     with: Meraj, G.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC C...
     with: Meraj, G.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Ca...
     with: Meraj, G.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Meraj, G.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Sur...
     with: Merzouki, R.: Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuat...
     with: Merzouki, R.: Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
     with: Methani, N.: PlotQA: Reasoning over Scientific Plots
     with: Miklavcic, S.: Automated Detection of Root Crowns Using Gaussian Mixtu...
     with: Miklavcic, S.: Root crown detection using statistics of Zernike moments
     with: Miklavcic, S.J.: Integrated self-calibration of single axis motion for...
     with: Mishra, B.K.: Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spati...
     with: Mishra, R.: Monitoring a large surveillance space through distributed ...
     with: Misra, P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Mittal, A.: Content-based network resource allocation for real time re...
     with: Mittal, A.: Fusion of Thermal Infrared and Visible Spectrum Video for ...
     with: Mittal, A.: MOVES: Movable and moving LiDAR scene segmentation in labe...
     with: Mittal, A.: Parallel Blob Extraction Using the Multi-core Cell Processor
     with: Mittal, A.: Real-time moving object detection algorithm on high-resolu...
     with: Mittal, A.: Robust Segmentation of Moving Vehicles Under Complex Outdo...
     with: Mondal, I.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Moniruzzaman, M.: Decadal Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Its Im...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Graph-Theoretic Approach for Studying the Convergence o...
     with: Nadkarni, V.B.S.: GLiDR: Topologically Regularized Graph Generative Ne...
     with: Nagar, P.: U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automate...
     with: Naram, J.: Nonnegative Low-Rank Tensor Completion via Dual Formulation...
     with: Narendra, P.S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and L...
     with: Nath, N.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Ch...
     with: Niu, Z.Y.: Scale Analysis of Typhoon In-Fa (2021) Based on FY-4A Geost...
     with: O'Hehir, J.: Automated Georectification, Mosaicking and 3D Point Cloud...
     with: O'Hehir, J.: Unsupervised spectral-spatial processing of drone imagery...
     with: Olafsson, H.: Decadal Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Its Impact...
     with: Padalia, H.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land...
     with: Padmanabhan, N.: Explaining the Implicit Neural Canvas: Connecting Pix...
     with: Padmanabhan, N.: Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Act...
     with: Pal, M.K.: Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Ground Fore...
     with: Pal, P.K.: Impact of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer Winds and TMI Observatio...
     with: Pal, U.: lexicon-free approach for 3D handwriting recognition using cl...
     with: Pal, U.: Modeling local and global behavior for trajectory classificat...
     with: Palaniappan, K.: Parallel Blob Extraction Using the Multi-core Cell Pr...
     with: Palchowdhuri, Y.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and...
     with: Pande, A.: Content-based network resource allocation for real time rem...
     with: Pande, A.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...
     with: Parag, T.: SISL:Self-Supervised Image Signature Learning for Splicing ...
     with: Parajuli, B.: Reconstructing Road Network Graphs from both Aerial Lida...
     with: Pardeshi, S.N.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and L...
     with: Park, Y.: Blockchain Assisted Intra-Twin and Inter-Twin Authentication...
     with: Patairiya, S.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrie...
     with: Patel, S.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieval ...
     with: Peters, S.: Automated Georectification, Mosaicking and 3D Point Cloud ...
     with: Peters, S.: Unsupervised spectral-spatial processing of drone imagery ...
     with: Pinjarla, B.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Lan...
     with: Prajapati, D.K.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage S...
     with: Priya, V.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land C...
     with: Priyankar, S.: Scale-aware Conditional Generative Adversarial Network ...
     with: PV, M.N.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Surf...
     with: Rai, A.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensing-B...
     with: Raj, P.: fast novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise cancella...
     with: Raj, R.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Casca...
     with: Rajan, K.S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land...
     with: Rajiv, P.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cas...
     with: Ramachandran, R.M.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use a...
     with: Ramalingam, M.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and L...
     with: Raman, B.: End-to-end Triplet Loss based Emotion Embedding System for ...
     with: Raman, B.: Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recogni...
     with: Rambhatla, S.S.: Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Act...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Co-operative Multi-target Tracking and Classification
     with: Ranganath, S.: Cooperative Multitarget Tracking With Efficient Split a...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Framework for Real-Time Behavior Interpretation From Tr...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Multi-Camera Target Tracking in Blind Regions of Camera...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Real Time Detection and Recognition of Human Profiles U...
     with: Rani, M.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieval i...
     with: Rao, G.M.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...
     with: Rasmussen, T.M.: Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Groun...
     with: Rather, M.A.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of...
     with: Rawat, J.S.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieva...
     with: Reddy, M.K.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land...
     with: Rehman, S.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieval...
     with: Rimba, A.B.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its ...
     with: Rousta, I.: Decadal Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Its Impact o...
     with: Roy, A.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Cov...
     with: Roy, P.P.: Coupled HMM-based multi-sensor data fusion for sign languag...
     with: Roy, P.P.: End-to-end Triplet Loss based Emotion Embedding System for ...
     with: Roy, P.P.: Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
     with: Roy, P.P.: lexicon-free approach for 3D handwriting recognition using ...
     with: Roy, P.P.: Modeling local and global behavior for trajectory classific...
     with: Roy, P.P.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature reco...
     with: Roy, P.P.: Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-wri...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land C...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Act...
     with: Sabharwal, M.: Image Compression with Laplacian Guided Scale Space Inp...
     with: Sahariah, D.: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LUL...
     with: Sahu, N.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensing-...
     with: Sahu, N.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Cat...
     with: Sahu, N.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Rol...
     with: Sahu, N.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land Surf...
     with: Saini, R.: lexicon-free approach for 3D handwriting recognition using ...
     with: Saini, R.: Modeling local and global behavior for trajectory classific...
     with: Saini, R.: Real-time recognition of sign language gestures and air-wri...
     with: Sajan, B.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Sajjad, H.: NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieval...
     with: Sardana, H.K.: Image registration: A pre-step in patient's position ve...
     with: Sardana, V.: Image registration: A pre-step in patient's position veri...
     with: Scheme, E.: novel spatio-temporal Siamese network for 3D signature rec...
     with: Seetharaman, G.: Parallel Blob Extraction Using the Multi-core Cell Pr...
     with: Sengupta, K.: Co-operative Multi-target Tracking and Classification
     with: Sengupta, K.: Cooperative Multitarget Tracking With Efficient Split an...
     with: Sengupta, K.: Framework for Real-Time Behavior Interpretation From Tra...
     with: Sengupta, K.: Real Time Detection and Recognition of Human Profiles Us...
     with: Seppanen, T.: TCCT-Net: Two-Stream Network Architecture for Fast and E...
     with: Seth, S.: SISL:Self-Supervised Image Signature Learning for Splicing D...
     with: Sethia, S.: Hand Recognition Using Geometric Classifiers
     with: Sharma, S.: LEXER: LEXicon Based Emotion AnalyzeR
     with: Sharma, Y.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land ...
     with: Sheng, T.S.: Real Time Target Tracking with Pan Tilt Zoom Camera
     with: Shi, J.: Image Compression with Laplacian Guided Scale Space Inpainting
     with: Shiekh, B.A.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Explaining the Implicit Neural Canvas: Connecting Pix...
     with: Shrivastava, A.: Trajectory-aligned Space-time Tokens for Few-shot Act...
     with: Siddavatam, R.: fast novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise c...
     with: Siddavatam, R.: Salt-and-pepper noise removal by adaptive median-based...
     with: Singh, A.K.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in In...
     with: Singh, D.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Ro...
     with: Singh, J.S.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land...
     with: Singh, M.: SISL:Self-Supervised Image Signature Learning for Splicing ...
     with: Singh, M.: Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage System ...
     with: Singh, R.: Detecting Face2Face Facial Reenactment in Videos
     with: Singh, S.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image S...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Assessing the Yield of Wheat Using Satellite Remote Sensi...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of ...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Understanding the Linkage between Urban Growth and Land S...
     with: Singhal, A.: Real-time moving object detection algorithm on high-resol...
     with: Singla, P.: Image registration: A pre-step in patient's position verif...
     with: Sinha, K.P.: Human activity recognition from UAV videos using a novel ...
     with: Sinha, T.K.: Nonnegative Low-Rank Tensor Completion via Dual Formulati...
     with: Sree, P.S.J.: Salt-and-pepper noise removal by adaptive median-based l...
     with: Srivastava, M.M.: Boosted Cascaded Convnets for Multilabel Classificat...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Satellite Based Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetica...
     with: Srivastava, S.K.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and...
     with: Srivastava, V.K.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and...
     with: Subramanian, N.: Evaluation of Information Visualization Tools Using t...
     with: Sugandhi: Indian Sign Language Generation System
     with: Sur, J.A.: Scale-aware Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for ...
     with: Susladkar, O.: MOVES: Movable and moving LiDAR scene segmentation in l...
     with: Taloor, A.K.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Talukdar, G.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Lan...
     with: Thakur, G.: Blockchain Assisted Intra-Twin and Inter-Twin Authenticati...
     with: Thakur, P.K.: Decadal Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Its Impact...
     with: Thiruvengadam, P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use an...
     with: Tiwari, S.P.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Tiwari, S.P.: Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of...
     with: Tripathi, J.N.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in...
     with: Tripathi, O.P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and L...
     with: Tripathi, P.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Lan...
     with: Tripathi, R.: DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Mo...
     with: Tripathi, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework...
     with: Tripathi, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: Unapathi Rao, P.S.: Pseudo One Pass Thinning Algorithm
     with: Vamshi, C.: RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagar...
     with: van den Hengel, A.J.: Adaptive Bayesian Technique for Tracking Multipl...
     with: Varma, A.K.: Impact of Assimilation of MADRAS Geophysical Parameters o...
     with: Vatsa, M.: Detecting Face2Face Facial Reenactment in Videos
     with: Vedernikov, A.: TCCT-Net: Two-Stream Network Architecture for Fast and...
     with: Verdu, E.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cas...
     with: Verma, O.P.: novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection, A
     with: Verma, R.: Salt-and-pepper noise removal by adaptive median-based lift...
     with: Volkova, P.: Automatic Web Page Coloring
     with: Vyas, A.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use and Land Co...
     with: Wagner, D.: Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne ...
     with: Wang, K.: Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne Re...
     with: Wang, L.W.: Scale Analysis of Typhoon In-Fa (2021) Based on FY-4A Geos...
     with: Woo, D.K.: Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne R...
     with: Yelishetty, K.M.V.N.: Development of Decadal (1985-1995-2005) Land Use...
     with: Yunus, A.P.: Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its ...
     with: Zhang, K.: Evaluation of Information Visualization Tools Using the NFR...
     with: Zhang, L.: Image Compression with Laplacian Guided Scale Space Inpaint...
380 for Kumar, P.

Kumar, P.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Evangeline, C.: Device analysis and computer modelling of a-Si:H solar...
     with: Jasmi, R.P.: Device analysis and computer modelling of a-Si:H solar cell

Kumar, P.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shanthakumar, P.: Computer aided brain tumor detection system using wa...

Kumar, P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhosale, G.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigat...
     with: Chandrasekhar, A.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence M...
     with: Deshmukh, A.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitiga...
     with: Kumar, P.K.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigat...
     with: Medasani, S.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitiga...
     with: Reddy, K.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation
     with: Vijayasagar, K.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mit...
7 for Kumar, P.H.

Kumar, P.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandari, A.K.: Context-Based Image Contrast Enhancement Using Energy ...
     with: Bhosale, G.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigat...
     with: Chandrasekhar, A.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence M...
     with: Darshan, P.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum...
     with: Deshmukh, A.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitiga...
     with: Kumar, P.H.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigat...
     with: Kumar, S.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum l...
     with: Medasani, S.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitiga...
     with: Rajan, J.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum l...
     with: Ravindra, R.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximu...
     with: Reddy, K.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation
     with: Saba, L.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum li...
     with: Srinivas, K.: Context-Based Image Contrast Enhancement Using Energy Eq...
     with: Suri, J.S.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum ...
     with: Vijayasagar, K.: Embedded Vision System for Atmospheric Turbulence Mit...
15 for Kumar, P.K.

Kumar, P.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adewopo, J.: Banana Mapping in Heterogenous Smallholder Farming System...
     with: Alabi, T.R.: Banana Mapping in Heterogenous Smallholder Farming System...
     with: Duke, O.P.: Banana Mapping in Heterogenous Smallholder Farming Systems...

Kumar, P.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babu, G.C.: Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing Veh...
     with: Basheer, S.: Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing Ve...
     with: Bi, D.: Internet of things assisted public security management platfor...
     with: Gao, J.: Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traffic Man...
     with: Hsu, C.H.: Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traffic M...
     with: Kadry, S.: Internet of things assisted public security management plat...
     with: Kadry, S.: Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traffic M...
     with: Konstantinou, C.: Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securi...
     with: Manogaran, G.: Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing ...
     with: Manogaran, G.: Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traff...
     with: Nguyen, T.N.: Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traffi...
     with: Rawal, B.S.: Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing Ve...
12 for Kumar, P.M.

Kumar, P.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Elango, P.: Novel Ensemble Stacking Classification of Genetic Variatio...
     with: Jahnavi, Y.: Novel Ensemble Stacking Classification of Genetic Variati...
     with: Raja, S.P.: Novel Ensemble Stacking Classification of Genetic Variatio...

Kumar, P.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarwal, A.: Towards Improving the Accuracy of Telugu OCR Systems
     with: Bhagvati, C.: Towards Improving the Accuracy of Telugu OCR Systems
     with: Deekshatulu, B.L.: Towards Improving the Accuracy of Telugu OCR Systems
     with: Kant, K.: C-FAR: A Compositional Framework for Anomaly Resolution in I...
     with: Negi, A.: Towards Improving the Accuracy of Telugu OCR Systems
     with: Pal, A.: C-FAR: A Compositional Framework for Anomaly Resolution in In...

Kumar, P.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alekhya, L.: new approach to detect cardiovascular diseases using ECG ...
     with: Dhenakaran, S.S.: Pixel based feature extraction for ear biometrics
     with: Rapaka, S.: Efficient approach for non-ideal iris segmentation using i...
     with: Satchidanandan, B.: Dynamic Watermarking: Active Defense of Networked ...
     with: Satish, R.: Efficient method for segmentation of noisy and non-circula...

Kumar, P.U.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jampana, P.V.: Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing ...
     with: Sastry, C.S.: Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing M...
     with: Theeda, P.: Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing Mat...

Kumar, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adler, J.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data sets
     with: Aggarwal, M.: Real-Time Wide Area Multi-Camera Stereo Tracking
     with: Aggarwal, M.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multi...
     with: Agrawal, S.: Dataset for Interactive Vision-Language Navigation with U...
     with: Ahmed, M.: Towards estimation of human intent in assistive robotic tel...
     with: Ali, S.: High-precision localization using visual landmarks fused with...
     with: Anandan, P.: Efficient representations of video sequences and their ap...
     with: Anandan, P.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data sets
     with: Anandan, P.: Method and system for image combination using a parallax-...
     with: Anandan, P.: Method and system for rendering and combining images to f...
     with: Anandan, P.: Representation of Scenes from Collections of Images
     with: Anandan, P.: Shape Recovery from Multiple Views: A Parallax Based Appr...
     with: Anandan, P.: Video as an image data source: efficient representations ...
     with: Anastasiu, D.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi...
     with: Andreopoulos, Y.: Guest Editorial: Special Section on New Software/Har...
     with: Ankur: Bit-Plane Based Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Usin...
     with: Aouf, L.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa A...
     with: Arsan, D.: Dataset for Interactive Vision-Language Navigation with Unk...
     with: Asmuth, J.: Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
     with: Asmuth, J.C.: Multi-View 3D Estimation and Applications to Match Move
     with: Asmuth, J.C.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Asmuth, J.C.: Registration of Video to Geo-Referenced Imagery
     with: Asmuth, J.C.: Validation of an optical flow method for tag displacemen...
     with: Axel, L.: Validation of an optical flow method for tag displacement es...
     with: Azam, A.: Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
     with: Bak, S.: Brownian descriptor: A rich meta-feature for appearance match...
     with: Bak, S.: Exploiting Feature Correlations by Brownian Statistics for Pe...
     with: Balasubramanian, R.: Efficient Method and Architecture for Real-Time V...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Beyond the Lambertian assumption: A generative model for...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Eigenbubbles: An Enhanced Apparent BRDF Representation
     with: Banerjee, A.: Maximizing all margins: Pushing face recognition with Ke...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Non-Lambertian Reflectance Modeling and Shape Recovery o...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to F...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Volterrafaces: Discriminant analysis using Volterra kern...
     with: Barmpoutis, A.: Beyond the Lambertian assumption: A generative model f...
     with: Barmpoutis, A.: Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continu...
     with: Barmpoutis, A.: Non-Lambertian Reflectance Modeling and Shape Recovery...
     with: Basu, S.: Impact of Assimilating SARAL/AltiKa SWH in SWAN Model During...
     with: Batra, D.: Pose tracking by efficiently exploiting global features
     with: Bergen, J.: Video as an image data source: efficient representations a...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Apparatus for enhancing images using flow estimation
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Efficient representations of video sequences and their a...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data s...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Method and apparatus for enhancing regions of aligned im...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Method and apparatus for processing images to compute im...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Method and system for image combination using a parallax...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Method and system for rendering and combining images to ...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Multi-view image registration with application to mosaic...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Representation of Scenes from Collections of Images
     with: Bergen, J.R.: Techniques and systems for developing high-resolution im...
     with: Bergen, J.R.: VideoBrush: Experiences with Consumer Video Mosaicing
     with: Beveridge, J.R.: Landmark-Based Navigation and the Acquisition of Envi...
     with: Beveridge, J.R.: Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
     with: Beymer, D.: Cardiac disease detection from echocardiogram using edge f...
     with: Beymer, D.: Echocardiogram view classification using edge filtered sca...
     with: Bhandari, A.K.: Fuzzified Contrast Enhancement for Nearly Invisible Im...
     with: Bhartia, A.: DCT Domain Transcoding of H.264/AVC Video into MPEG-2 Video
     with: Bhattacherjee, V.: K-Means Algorithm to Identify k1-Most Demanding Pro...
     with: Bhomia, S.: Multimodel Prediction of Monsoon Rain Using Dynamical Mode...
     with: Bhondekar, A.P.: Consensus-Based Odor Source Localization by Multiagen...
     with: Bhowmick, S.A.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Al...
     with: Bhowmick, S.A.: Cross Calibration of the OceanSAT -2 Scatterometer Wit...
     with: Bhowmick, S.A.: Impact of Assimilating SARAL/AltiKa SWH in SWAN Model ...
     with: Birchfield, S.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Mult...
     with: Birchfield, S.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-...
     with: Birla, L.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Birol, F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Bishnu, P.S.: K-Means Algorithm to Identify k1-Most Demanding Products
     with: Blom, A.S.: Validation of an optical flow method for tag displacement ...
     with: Bonnefond, P.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Branzoi, V.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Shoo...
     with: Branzoi, V.: Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
     with: Bremond, F.: Brownian descriptor: A rich meta-feature for appearance m...
     with: Bremond, F.: Exploiting Feature Correlations by Brownian Statistics fo...
     with: Brill, M.H.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Burns, A.: Dataset for Interactive Vision-Language Navigation with Unk...
     with: Burrill, J.: DARPA Image Understanding Motion Benchmark, The
     with: Burt, P.J.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Burt, P.J.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Caldelli, R.: Local Moment Driven PVO Based Reversible Data Hiding
     with: Calmant, S.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Carney, P.R.: Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continuou...
     with: Chai, S.: Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
     with: Chanda, B.: Novel Approach for Detection of Alteration in Ball Pen Wri...
     with: Chanda, B.: novel sparse model based forensic writer identification, A
     with: Chanda, B.: Writer Identification for Handwritten Telugu Documents Usi...
     with: Chanda, B.: Writer-independent off-line signature verification using s...
     with: Chandra, P.: empirical evaluation of rotation invariance of LDP featur...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Real-Time Content-Based Adaptive Streaming of Sports Videos
     with: Charpiat, G.: Hierarchical representation of videos with spatio-tempor...
     with: Charpiat, G.: Multiple Object Tracking by Efficient Graph Partitioning
     with: Chaudhry, A.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Sho...
     with: Chaudhry, A.: GPU Accelerated Realtime Stereo for Augmented Reality
     with: Chen, L.G.: Guest Editorial: Special Section on New Software/Hardware ...
     with: Chiu, H.P.: GraphMapper: Efficient Visual Navigation by Scene Graph Ge...
     with: Chiu, H.P.: High-precision localization using visual landmarks fused w...
     with: Chiu, H.P.: Semantically-aware Spatio-temporal Reasoning Agent for Vis...
     with: Chopra, D.: efficient ensemble explainable AI (XAI) approach for morph...
     with: Conchy, T.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa...
     with: Cretaux, J.F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Crispo, B.: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deaut...
     with: Dana, K.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data sets
     with: Das, A.: VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
     with: Dassopoulos, T.: Meta Method for Image Matching, A
     with: Davis, J.: Disjoint Pose and Shape for 3D Face Reconstruction
     with: Dibarboure, G.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Al...
     with: Dixon, D.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Dixon, D.: VideoBrush: Experiences with Consumer Video Mosaicing
     with: Dixon, D.F.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Dougherty, L.: Validation of an optical flow method for tag displaceme...
     with: Dropsho, S.: DARPA Image Understanding Motion Benchmark, The
     with: Dubey, A.K.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Dusad, K.: Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
     with: Dwivedi, A.: Hybrid DSSCS and convolutional neural network for periphe...
     with: Dwivedi, R.: efficient ensemble explainable AI (XAI) approach for morp...
     with: Evans, B.L.: Guest Editorial: Special Section on New Software/Hardware...
     with: Farouk, R.M.: Iris matching using multi-dimensional artificial neural ...
     with: Faugere, Y.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Fennema, C.L.: Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
     with: Fields, J.: Monocular structure from motion for near to long ranges
     with: Forsyth, D.A.: Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
     with: Fryling, H.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Clas...
     with: Gao, Q.: Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizers i...
     with: Gendel, G.: VideoBrush: Experiences with Consumer Video Mosaicing
     with: Gendel, G.A.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Germano, T.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multip...
     with: Goel, S.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Gopalakrishnan, V.: Interactive object segmentation using single touch
     with: Grimaldi, M.: YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Em...
     with: Gudis, E.: Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
     with: Guerreiro, K.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Guo, Y.: 3d Manipulation of Motion Imagery
     with: Guo, Y.: Multi-view 3D analysis with applications for augmented realit...
     with: Guo, Y.: Multi-View 3D Estimation and Applications to Match Move
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Heterogeneous Feature-based Image Alignment Method, A
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Learning-Based Building Outline Detection from Multiple Aer...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Matching vehicles under large pose transformations using ap...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Method and apparatus for detecting independent motion in th...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Techniques and systems for developing high-resolution imagery
     with: Gupta, A.K.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings a...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework ...
     with: Gupta, G.P.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchai...
     with: Gupta, H.P.: Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa...
     with: Gupta, M.: Food Image-based Nutritional Management System to Overcome ...
     with: Gupta, P.: RADIANT: Better rPPG estimation using signal embeddings and...
     with: Gupta, P.K.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Gupta, S.: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deauth...
     with: Gupta, S.: Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
     with: Hadsell, R.: High-precision localization using visual landmarks fused ...
     with: Hager, G.D.: Meta Method for Image Matching, A
     with: Hamon, M.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Han, F.: Discovering class specific composite features through discrim...
     with: Han, F.: Learning Exemplar-Based Categorization for the Detection of M...
     with: Hanmandlu, M.: empirical evaluation of rotation invariance of LDP feat...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Apparatus for enhancing images using flow estimation
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Method and apparatus for enhancing and indexing video and...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Method and apparatus for enhancing regions of aligned ima...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Method and apparatus for processing images to compute ima...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Method and system for image combination using a parallax-...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Method and system for rendering and combining images to f...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Registration of Highly-oblique and Zoomed in Aerial Video...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Representation of Scenes from Collections of Images
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Robust Video Georegistration
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Shape Recovery from Multiple Views: A Parallax Based Appr...
     with: Hanna, K.J.: Techniques and systems for developing high-resolution ima...
     with: Hansen, M.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Hansen, M.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Hanson, A.R.: 3D Model Acquisition from Monocular Image Sequences
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Analysis of Different Robust Methods for Pose Refinement
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Application of Pose Determination Techniques to Model Ex...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Landmark-Based Navigation and the Acquisition of Environ...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Landmark-Based Navigation-Model Extension and Refinement
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Model Extension and Refinement Using Landmarks
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Pose Refinement: Application to Model Extension and Sens...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Robust Estimation of Camera Location and Orientation fro...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Robust Methods for Estimating Pose and a Sensitivity Ana...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Sensitivity of the Pose Refinement Problem to Accurate E...
     with: Harsh, O.: Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for the...
     with: Hassan, M.M.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: He, P.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Classific...
     with: Hebert, M.: Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and accura...
     with: Hebert, M.: Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and...
     with: Hemler, P.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data sets
     with: Herman, J.R.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Hirvonen, D.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Hirvonen, D.J.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Hirvonen, D.J.: Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Eval...
     with: Ho, Y.E.J.: Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizer...
     with: Hodge, W.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Ident...
     with: Hong, K.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks and Mul...
     with: Hsu, S.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Hsu, S.: Multi-view 3D analysis with applications for augmented realit...
     with: Hsu, S.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Hsu, S.: Pose Estimation, Model Refinement, and Enhanced Visualization...
     with: Hsu, S.: Registration of Highly-oblique and Zoomed in Aerial Video to ...
     with: Hsu, S.C.: 3D Building Detection and Modeling from Aerial LIDAR Data
     with: Hsu, S.C.: 3d Manipulation of Motion Imagery
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Efficient representations of video sequences and their appl...
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Learning-Based Building Outline Detection from Multiple Aer...
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Registration of Video to Geo-Referenced Imagery
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Robust Video Georegistration
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Robust Video Mosaicing Through Topology Inference and Local...
     with: Hsu, S.C.: Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evaluation
     with: Huber, D.F.: Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and accur...
     with: Huber, D.F.: Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing an...
     with: Hwang, J.N.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-C...
     with: Iftode, L.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks and M...
     with: Irani, M.: Efficient representations of video sequences and their appl...
     with: Irani, M.: Method and system for image combination using a parallax-ba...
     with: Irani, M.: Representation of Scenes from Collections of Images
     with: Irani, M.: Video as an image data source: efficient representations an...
     with: Irshad, M.Z.: Semantically-aware Spatio-temporal Reasoning Agent for V...
     with: Iyer, K.N.: Interactive object segmentation using single touch
     with: Jain, R.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks and Mul...
     with: Jaiswal, N.: Multimodel Prediction of Monsoon Rain Using Dynamical Mod...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Task Specific Factors for Video Characterization
     with: Jayaraman, V.K.: SVM classifier incorporating simultaneous noise reduc...
     with: Jayaraman, V.K.: Symbolization assisted SVM classifier for noisy data
     with: Jebri, F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa ...
     with: Jiang, H.: Guest Editorial: Special Section on New Software/Hardware P...
     with: Jones, M.: Morphable Reflectance Fields for enhancing face recognition
     with: Joshi, D.G.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification...
     with: Joshi, S.: Hybrid DSSCS and convolutional neural network for periphera...
     with: Kacimi, M.: IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deaut...
     with: Kalyani, T.: DCT Domain Transcoding of H.264/AVC Video into MPEG-2 Video
     with: Kar, S.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification Usi...
     with: Kaur, G.: High-quality reversible data hiding scheme using sorting and...
     with: Kaur, R.: Consensus-Based Odor Source Localization by Multiagent Systems
     with: Kaur, R.: Food Image-based Nutritional Management System to Overcome P...
     with: Kaushik, B.K.: Efficient Method and Architecture for Real-Time Video D...
     with: Khan, S.: YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embedd...
     with: Kherani, A.A.: Towards estimation of human intent in assistive robotic...
     with: Kim, J.: Building segmentation for densely built urban regions using a...
     with: Kim, J.: Matching vehicles under large pose transformations using appr...
     with: Kiran, K.G.V.: Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for...
     with: Kishtawal, C.M.: Multimodel Prediction of Monsoon Rain Using Dynamical...
     with: Knowles, A.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multip...
     with: Kothari, P.: efficient ensemble explainable AI (XAI) approach for morp...
     with: Kulkarni, A.: Symbolization assisted SVM classifier for noisy data
     with: Kulkarni, B.D.: SVM classifier incorporating simultaneous noise reduct...
     with: Kulkarni, B.D.: Symbolization assisted SVM classifier for noisy data
     with: Kumar, A.S.K.: Cross Calibration of the OceanSAT -2 Scatterometer With...
     with: Kumar, K.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Kumar, M.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Kumar, N.: Local Moment Driven PVO Based Reversible Data Hiding
     with: Kumar, N.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, N.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, P.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework fo...
     with: Kumar, P.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-...
     with: Kumar, V.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification U...
     with: Kuthirummal, S.: GPU Accelerated Realtime Stereo for Augmented Reality
     with: Kuthirummal, S.: Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
     with: Kwak, Y.J.: Analysis of Hydrological Sensitivity for Flood Risk Assess...
     with: Lall, B.: Towards estimation of human intent in assistive robotic tele...
     with: Lata, N.: DSIT: A Dynamic Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm for Secur...
     with: Lazarevich, I.: YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on ...
     with: Lehman, W.B.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Lehman, W.B.: Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evalua...
     with: Li, S.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Classific...
     with: Li, Z.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Classific...
     with: Liu, M.Y.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-Cam...
     with: Lokkoju, S.: Interactive object segmentation using single touch
     with: Lubin, J.: Apparatus for enhancing images using flow estimation
     with: Lubin, J.: Method and apparatus for enhancing regions of aligned image...
     with: Lubin, J.: Method and apparatus for processing images to compute image...
     with: Luo, J.H.: Disjoint Pose and Shape for 3D Face Reconstruction
     with: Majhi, S.: Direct Construction of Asymptotically Optimal Type-II ZCP f...
     with: Makkapati, V.V.: Encoding of multispectral and hyperspectral image dat...
     with: Makkapati, V.V.: Improved Encoding of Wavelet Coefficients Extracted f...
     with: Malik, A.: High-quality reversible data hiding scheme using sorting an...
     with: Manikandan, S.: Task Specific Factors for Video Characterization
     with: Mareci, T.H.: Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continuou...
     with: Marks, T.K.: Morphable Reflectance Fields for enhancing face recognition
     with: Matei, B.: Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and accurat...
     with: Matei, B.: Partial Object Matching with Shapeme Histograms
     with: Matei, B.: Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and ...
     with: Matei, B.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Matei, B.: Robust Video Georegistration
     with: Matei, B.: Shapeme Histogram Projection and Matching for Partial Objec...
     with: Matei, B.: Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evaluation
     with: Matei, B.C.: Building segmentation for densely built urban regions usi...
     with: Maurya, N.K.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Usi...
     with: Maxwell, B.A.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Cl...
     with: Mishra, G.: individual fairness based outlier detection ensemble, An
     with: Mishra, R.: Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa-...
     with: Mishra, S.: Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
     with: Mithun, N.C.: GraphMapper: Efficient Visual Navigation by Scene Graph ...
     with: Mithun, N.C.: Semantically-aware Spatio-temporal Reasoning Agent for V...
     with: Mitra, S.: YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embed...
     with: Morrow, R.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: DCT Domain Transcoding of H.264/AVC Video into MPEG-2 V...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Fast Arbitrary Down-Sizing Algorithm for Video Transcod...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Fast Arbitrary Factor Video Resizing Algorithm, A
     with: Mukhriya, A.: Building outlier detection ensembles by selective parame...
     with: Mukhriya, A.: Iterative target updation based boosting ensembles for o...
     with: Mullin, G.: Meta Method for Image Matching, A
     with: Murino, V.: Exploiting Feature Correlations by Brownian Statistics for...
     with: Nagla, K.S.: Object identification in dynamic environment using sensor...
     with: Naphade, M.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-C...
     with: Naphade, M.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Ide...
     with: Naroditsky, O.: VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
     with: Okamoto, N.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric data sets
     with: Oskiper, T.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Shoo...
     with: Oskiper, T.: High-precision localization using visual landmarks fused ...
     with: Oskiper, T.: Real-time global localization with a pre-built visual lan...
     with: Oskiper, T.: Ten-fold Improvement in Visual Odometry Using Landmark Ma...
     with: Oskiper, T.: VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
     with: Oskiper, T.: Visual Odometry System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras and ...
     with: Pal, N.R.: Novel Approach for Detection of Alteration in Ball Pen Writ...
     with: Pandey, P.C.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Usi...
     with: Pang, A.: Disjoint Pose and Shape for 3D Face Reconstruction
     with: Paragan, V.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Paragano, V.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Paragano, V.: VideoBrush: Experiences with Consumer Video Mosaicing
     with: Pascual, A.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Patel, A.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Classi...
     with: Patil, V.: DCT Domain Frame-Skipping Transcoder, A
     with: Patil, V.: DCT Domain Transcoding of H.264/AVC Video into MPEG-2 Video
     with: Patil, V.: Efficient Motion Vector Composition Scheme for Arbitrary Fr...
     with: Patil, V.: Fast Arbitrary Down-Sizing Algorithm for Video Transcoding, A
     with: Patil, V.: Fast Arbitrary Factor H.264/AVC Video Re-Sizing Algorithm, A
     with: Patil, V.: Fast Arbitrary Factor Video Resizing Algorithm, A
     with: Patil, V.: Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithm for DCT-Domain V...
     with: Peleg, S.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Pfister, H.: Maximizing all margins: Pushing face recognition with Ker...
     with: Pfister, H.: Radon-Like features and their application to connectomics
     with: Pfister, H.: Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to Fa...
     with: Phoha, V.V.: Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Acce...
     with: Plummer, B.A.: Dataset for Interactive Vision-Language Navigation with...
     with: Plummer, B.A.: Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
     with: Plummer, B.A.: Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
     with: Pope, A.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Pope, A.R.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Pope, A.R.: Registration of Video to Geo-Referenced Imagery
     with: Prasad, S.: Fast Arbitrary Down-Sizing Algorithm for Video Transcoding...
     with: Primo, A.: Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Accele...
     with: Pujol, M.I.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Purkait, P.: Writer Identification for Handwritten Telugu Documents Us...
     with: Purwar, A.: Interactive object segmentation using single touch
     with: Rajpal, S.: Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
     with: Rajput, K.S.: Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for ...
     with: Ramachandran, U.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks...
     with: Rani, R.: High-quality reversible data hiding scheme using sorting and...
     with: Rao, C.: Heterogeneous Feature-based Image Alignment Method, A
     with: Rao, C.: Matching vehicles under large pose transformations using appr...
     with: Rao, Y.V.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification U...
     with: Ratliff, B.M.: Digital Superresolution Method With Minimal Sensitivity...
     with: Ravi, N.S.: Digital Superresolution Method With Minimal Sensitivity to...
     with: Remy, E.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa A...
     with: Remy, F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa A...
     with: Riad, K.A.: Iris matching using multi-dimensional artificial neural ne...
     with: Riseman, E.M.: Landmark-Based Navigation and the Acquisition of Enviro...
     with: Riseman, E.M.: Landmark-Based Navigation-Model Extension and Refinement
     with: Riseman, E.M.: Model Extension and Refinement Using Landmarks
     with: Riseman, E.M.: Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
     with: Rockett, P.I.: Triplet Geometric Representation: A Novel Scale, Transl...
     with: Roth, I.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multiple ...
     with: Rothermel, K.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks an...
     with: Saenko, K.: Dataset for Interactive Vision-Language Navigation with Un...
     with: Sah, S.: YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embedde...
     with: Salgian, G.: Monocular structure from motion for near to long ranges
     with: Saligrama, V.: Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
     with: Samarasekera, S.: 3d Manipulation of Motion Imagery
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Samarasekera, S.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Building segmentation for densely built urban region...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: GPU Accelerated Realtime Stereo for Augmented Reality
     with: Samarasekera, S.: GraphMapper: Efficient Visual Navigation by Scene Gr...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: High-precision localization using visual landmarks f...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Magic Mirror: A virtual handbag shopping system
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Matching vehicles under large pose transformations u...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Monocular structure from motion for near to long ran...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Multi-view 3D analysis with applications for augment...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Pose Estimation, Model Refinement, and Enhanced Visu...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Real-time global localization with a pre-built visua...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Registration of Highly-oblique and Zoomed in Aerial ...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Robust Video Georegistration
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Semantically-aware Spatio-temporal Reasoning Agent f...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Ten-fold Improvement in Visual Odometry Using Landma...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area m...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
     with: Samarasekera, S.: Visual Odometry System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras...
     with: San Biagio, M.: Exploiting Feature Correlations by Brownian Statistics...
     with: Sarkar, P.: Direct Construction of Asymptotically Optimal Type-II ZCP ...
     with: Sarkar, S.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Using...
     with: Sarma, B.: Analysis of Hydrological Sensitivity for Flood Risk Assessm...
     with: Sartori, J.: Branch and Data Herding: Reducing Control and Memory Dive...
     with: Sawhney, H.: Landmark-Based Navigation and the Acquisition of Environm...
     with: Sawhney, H.: Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
     with: Sawhney, H.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multip...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: 3d Manipulation of Motion Imagery
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: 3D Model Acquisition from Monocular Image Sequences
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Apparatus for enhancing images using flow estimation
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Building segmentation for densely built urban regions u...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Discovering class specific composite features through d...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Dynamic Depth Recovery from Multiple Synchronized Video...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Global Matching Framework for Stereo Computation, A
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: GPU Accelerated Realtime Stereo for Augmented Reality
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Heterogeneous Feature-based Image Alignment Method, A
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Independent Motion Detection in 3D Scenes
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Landmark-Based Navigation-Model Extension and Refinement
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Learning Exemplar-Based Categorization for the Detectio...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Learning-Based Building Outline Detection from Multiple...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and acc...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Matching vehicles under large pose transformations usin...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Method and apparatus for detecting independent motion i...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Method and apparatus for enhancing and indexing video a...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Method and apparatus for enhancing regions of aligned i...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Method and apparatus for processing images to compute i...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in a s...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Model Extension and Refinement Using Landmarks
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Multi-Image Alignment
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Multi-view 3D analysis with applications for augmented ...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Multi-View 3D Estimation and Applications to Match Move
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Multi-view image registration with application to mosai...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Multimedia Applications of Computer Vision
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Partial Object Matching with Shapeme Histograms
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Pose Estimation, Model Refinement, and Enhanced Visuali...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing ...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Real-time global localization with a pre-built visual l...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Real-Time Wide Area Multi-Camera Stereo Tracking
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Registration of Video to Geo-Referenced Imagery
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Robust Video Georegistration
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Robust Video Mosaicing Through Topology Inference and L...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Shapeme Histogram Projection and Matching for Partial O...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Techniques and systems for developing high-resolution i...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Ten-fold Improvement in Visual Odometry Using Landmark ...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: True Multi-Image Alignment and Its Application to Mosai...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: VideoBrush: Experiences with Consumer Video Mosaicing
     with: Serwadda, A.: Context-Aware Active Authentication Using Smartphone Acc...
     with: Seshamani, S.: Meta Method for Image Matching, A
     with: Seymour, Z.: GraphMapper: Efficient Visual Navigation by Scene Graph G...
     with: Seymour, Z.: Semantically-aware Spatio-temporal Reasoning Agent for Vi...
     with: Shah, M.: Video Registration
     with: Shah, M.: Video Registration: A Perspective
     with: Shan, Y.: Discovering class specific composite features through discri...
     with: Shan, Y.: Learning Exemplar-Based Categorization for the Detection of ...
     with: Shan, Y.: Linear model hashing and batch RANSAC for rapid and accurate...
     with: Shan, Y.: Partial Object Matching with Shapeme Histograms
     with: Shan, Y.: Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and J...
     with: Shan, Y.: Shapeme Histogram Projection and Matching for Partial Object...
     with: Sharma, A.: Rearrangement of Recognized Strokes in Online Handwritten ...
     with: Sharma, A.K.: Bit-Plane Based Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Imag...
     with: Sharma, J.D.: Novel Approach for Detection of Alteration in Ball Pen W...
     with: Sharma, J.D.: novel sparse model based forensic writer identification, A
     with: Sharma, J.D.: Writer-independent off-line signature verification using...
     with: Sharma, P.: PC-GNN: Pearson Correlation-Based Graph Neural Network for...
     with: Sharma, R.: Impact of Assimilating SARAL/AltiKa SWH in SWAN Model Duri...
     with: Sharma, R.K.: Rearrangement of Recognized Strokes in Online Handwritte...
     with: Sharma, S.K.: Analysis of Hydrological Sensitivity for Flood Risk Asse...
     with: Shen, Y.: Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
     with: Sheykhahmad, F.R.: Implementation of convolutional neural network cate...
     with: Shin, J.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks and Mul...
     with: Singh, A.: Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for the...
     with: Singh, D.: Object identification in dynamic environment using sensor f...
     with: Singh, M.: efficient ensemble explainable AI (XAI) approach for morphe...
     with: Singh, N.: Gait recognition based on vision systems: A systematic survey
     with: Singh, S.: High-quality reversible data hiding scheme using sorting an...
     with: Singhania, S.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Cl...
     with: Sinha, A.: Consensus-Based Odor Source Localization by Multiagent Syst...
     with: Sivakumar, R.: Large-Scale Situation Awareness With Camera Networks an...
     with: Sizintsev, M.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Sh...
     with: Sizintsev, M.: GPU Accelerated Realtime Stereo for Augmented Reality
     with: Smith, W.H.F.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Direct Construction of Asymptotically Optimal Type-I...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants...
     with: Stover, J.A.: Behavior-Based Intelligent Control Architecture with App...
     with: Sumanaweera, T.S.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric d...
     with: Sun, H.: Logarithmic Lenses: Exploring Log RGB Data for Image Classifi...
     with: Syeda Mahmood, T.: Cardiac disease detection from echocardiogram using...
     with: Syeda Mahmood, T.: Echocardiogram view classification using edge filte...
     with: Tan, Y.: Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and Jo...
     with: Tang, Z.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-Came...
     with: Tang, Z.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Identi...
     with: Tao, H.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Tao, H.: Dynamic Depth Recovery from Multiple Synchronized Video Streams
     with: Tao, H.: Global Matching Framework for Stereo Computation, A
     with: Tao, H.: Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects in a sequenc...
     with: Thonnat, M.: Hierarchical representation of videos with spatio-tempora...
     with: Thonnat, M.: Multiple Object Tracking by Efficient Graph Partitioning
     with: Tinkre, M.: Method and system for rendering and combining images to fo...
     with: Tournadre, J.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/Alt...
     with: Tremblay, J.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Id...
     with: Tripathi, R.: P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework...
     with: Tripathi, R.: Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockcha...
     with: Uddin, M.: Object identification in dynamic environment using sensor f...
     with: Vamsi, C.S.S.: Real-Time Aerial Suspicious Analysis (ASANA) System for...
     with: van den Elsen, P.A.: Frameless registration of MR and CT 3D volumetric...
     with: van der Wal, G.: Stereo Vision embedded system for Augmented Reality
     with: Vasileva, M.I.: Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
     with: Vazquez Reina, A.: Radon-Like features and their application to connec...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Beyond the Lambertian assumption: A generative model for...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Eigenbubbles: An Enhanced Apparent BRDF Representation
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Maximizing all margins: Pushing face recognition with Ke...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Multi-fiber reconstruction from DW-MRI using a continuou...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Non-Lambertian Reflectance Modeling and Shape Recovery o...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to F...
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Volterrafaces: Discriminant analysis using Volterra kern...
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Video stabilization using regularity of energy flow
     with: Vergara, O.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiK...
     with: Verma, V.: 3D Building Detection and Modeling from Aerial LIDAR Data
     with: Verron, J.: Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa...
     with: Vijayvargiya, A.: PC-GNN: Pearson Correlation-Based Graph Neural Netwo...
     with: Villamil, R.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Sho...
     with: Villamil, R.: Magic Mirror: A virtual handbag shopping system
     with: Vitovitch, N.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Sh...
     with: Wang, F.: Cardiac disease detection from echocardiogram using edge fil...
     with: Wang, F.: Echocardiogram view classification using edge filtered scale...
     with: Wang, L.: Magic Mirror: A virtual handbag shopping system
     with: Wang, S.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-Came...
     with: Wang, S.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Identi...
     with: Weaver, G.: DARPA Image Understanding Motion Benchmark, The
     with: Weems, C.: DARPA Image Understanding Motion Benchmark, The
     with: Wildes, R.P.: Aerial video surveillance and exploitation
     with: Wildes, R.P.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Wildes, R.P.: Robust Video Georegistration
     with: Wildes, R.P.: Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evalua...
     with: Williams, K.: Method and system for rendering and combining images to ...
     with: Xiao, W.: Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizers ...
     with: Yang, X.: PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Identi...
     with: Yang, X.D.: CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-Ca...
     with: Yu, C.L.E.: Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizer...
     with: Zhang, Z.P.: Effectively Leveraging Attributes for Visual Similarity
     with: Zhao, T.: Real-Time Wide Area Multi-Camera Stereo Tracking
     with: Zhao, T.: Toward a sentient environment: Real-time wide area multiple ...
     with: Zhao, W.Y.: Real-Time Video Georegistration
     with: Zhao, W.Y.: Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evaluation
     with: Zhong, D.: Real-Time Content-Based Adaptive Streaming of Sports Videos
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: AR-Weapon: Live Augmented Reality Based First-Person Shooti...
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: High-precision localization using visual landmarks fused wi...
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: Real-time global localization with a pre-built visual landm...
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: Ten-fold Improvement in Visual Odometry Using Landmark Matc...
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: Visual Odometry System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras and In...
562 for Kumar, R.

Kumar, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chutia, D.: Promoting International Collaboration Through Training and...
     with: Goswami, J.: Promoting International Collaboration Through Training an...
     with: Nishant, N.: Promoting International Collaboration Through Training an...
     with: Raju, P.L.N.: Promoting International Collaboration Through Training a...

Kumar, R.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumaraswamy, Y.S.: Investigation and classification of ECG beat using ...

Kumar, R.K. .S.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: John, S.I.: Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing Pathologi...
     with: Kumar, K.T.B.: Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing Pathol...
     with: Muraleedharan, K.M.: Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing ...

Kumar, R.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Birla, L.: robust unsupervised pattern discovery and clustering of spe...
     with: Essa, I.A.: Player localization using multiple static cameras for spor...
     with: Essa, I.A.: visualization framework for team sports captured using mul...
     with: Frahm, J.M.: Simple calibration of non-overlapping cameras with a mirror
     with: Ganesh: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar-Automa...
     with: Garain, J.: BCP-BCS: Best-Fit Cascaded Matching Paradigm with Cohort S...
     with: Garain, J.: Constraint saliency based intelligent camera for enhancing...
     with: Garain, J.: Estimating Attention of Faces Due to its Growing Level of ...
     with: Garain, J.: Selection of User-Dependent Cohorts Using Bezier Curve for...
     with: Giridharan, M.: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avata...
     with: Grundmann, M.: Player localization using multiple static cameras for s...
     with: Hamid, R.: Player localization using multiple static cameras for sport...
     with: Hamid, R.: visualization framework for team sports captured using mult...
     with: Hodgins, J.K.: Player localization using multiple static cameras for s...
     with: Hodgins, J.K.: visualization framework for team sports captured using ...
     with: Ilie, A.: Simple calibration of non-overlapping cameras with a mirror
     with: Kim, K.: Player localization using multiple static cameras for sports ...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: BCP-BCS: Best-Fit Cascaded Matching Paradigm with Cohort ...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Constraint saliency based intelligent camera for enhancin...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Estimating Attention of Faces Due to its Growing Level of...
     with: Kisku, D.R.: Selection of User-Dependent Cohorts Using Bezier Curve fo...
     with: Kumar, K.S.: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar-A...
     with: Mitra, S.K.: Color Transfer Using Motion Estimations and Its Applicati...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Simple calibration of non-overlapping cameras with a mi...
     with: Rao, K.S.: robust unsupervised pattern discovery and clustering of spe...
     with: Rasheed, A.M.: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar...
     with: Sanyal, G.: BCP-BCS: Best-Fit Cascaded Matching Paradigm with Cohort S...
     with: Sanyal, G.: Constraint saliency based intelligent camera for enhancing...
     with: Sanyal, G.: Estimating Attention of Faces Due to its Growing Level of ...
     with: Sanyal, G.: Selection of User-Dependent Cohorts Using Bezier Curve for...
     with: Shah, A.: BCP-BCS: Best-Fit Cascaded Matching Paradigm with Cohort Sel...
31 for Kumar, R.K.

Kumar, R.M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anitha, C.: GEVE: A generative adversarial network for extremely dark ...
     with: Silvoster, M.L.: Efficient segmentation of lumbar intervertebral disc ...

Kumar, R.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buttolo, P.: Tracking Occupant Activities in Autonomous Vehicles Using...
     with: Jia, Y.: Tracking Occupant Activities in Autonomous Vehicles Using Cap...
     with: Melcher, D.: Tracking Occupant Activities in Autonomous Vehicles Using...

Kumar, R.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Habib, B.: Modelling Fine Scale Movement Corridors For The Tricarinate...
     with: Karthick, S.: Brain tumor segmentation and survival time prediction us...
     with: Mondal, I.: Modelling Fine Scale Movement Corridors For The Tricarinat...
     with: Padmapriya, R.: Brain tumor segmentation and survival time prediction ...
     with: Ramkumar, M.: Brain tumor segmentation and survival time prediction us...
     with: Talukdar, G.: Modelling Fine Scale Movement Corridors For The Tricarin...

Kumar, R.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Action exemplar based real-time action detection
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Learning Actions Using Robust String Kernels
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Multiple Cue Integrated Action Detection
     with: Guo, Y.L.: PEET: Prototype Embedding and Embedding Transition for Matc...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterog...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in Vi...
     with: Hanson, A.R.: Preface to Workshop on Image and Video Registration
     with: Haralick, R.M.: Preface to Workshop on Image and Video Registration
     with: Hsu, S.: Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterogen...
     with: Hsu, S.: Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in Videos
     with: Hung, Y.P.: Preface to Workshop on Image and Video Registration
     with: Jung, S.H.: Action exemplar based real-time action detection
     with: Jung, S.H.: Multiple Cue Integrated Action Detection
     with: Raja, S.K.: Eye detection using color cues and projection functions
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Eye detection using color cues and projection func...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Action exemplar based real-time action detection
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Dynamic Layer Representation with Applications to Track...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Learning Actions Using Robust String Kernels
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Multiple Cue Integrated Action Detection
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Object Tracking with Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Lay...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: PEET: Prototype Embedding and Embedding Transition for ...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Het...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures f...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking i...
     with: Sawhney, H.S.: Vehicle Identification between Non-Overlapping Cameras ...
     with: Shan, Y.: PEET: Prototype Embedding and Embedding Transition for Match...
     with: Shan, Y.: Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heteroge...
     with: Shan, Y.: Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures for Ve...
     with: Shan, Y.: Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in Vid...
     with: Shan, Y.: Vehicle Identification between Non-Overlapping Cameras witho...
     with: Tao, H.: Dynamic Layer Representation with Applications to Tracking
     with: Tao, H.: Object Tracking with Bayesian Estimation of Dynamic Layer Rep...
     with: Yang, C.J.: Learning Actions Using Robust String Kernels
     with: Zhu, Z.G.: Preface to Workshop on Image and Video Registration
40 for Kumar, R.T.

Kumar, R.V.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jain, R.C.: Non-Linear Optimization Algorithm for the Estimation of St...
     with: Mishra, A.: Block Algorithms for the Parametric Estimation of Signals ...
     with: Tirumalai, A.P.: Non-Linear Optimization Algorithm for the Estimation ...
     with: Tiwari, A.K.: Least-Squares Based Switched Adaptive Predictors for Los...
     with: Tiwari, A.K.: minimum entropy based switched adaptive predictor for lo...
     with: Tiwari, A.K.: Switched Predictive Coding Method for Lossless Video Cod...

Kumar, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullah, A.H.: Location error resilient geographical routing for vehi...
     with: Abdullah, A.H.: Location information verification using transferable b...
     with: Acharya, U.K.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of C...
     with: Affolter, R.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager De...
     with: Agarwal, A.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Deep ...
     with: Agarwal, A.: Vision based human interaction system for disabled
     with: Agarwal, P.: Combining Skeletal Pose with Local Motion for Human Activ...
     with: Agarwal, P.: Electroencephalography based imagined alphabets classific...
     with: Agarwal, P.: Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation in...
     with: Agrawal, N.: Polinsar Based Scattering Information Retrieval for Fores...
     with: Agusti Parareda, A.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing ...
     with: Ahmed, A.: Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation Le...
     with: Ahmed, M.K.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COV...
     with: Aitken, R.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Auto...
     with: Akbari, V.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India, U...
     with: Akhtar, M.S.: Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Humor Classification i...
     with: Akula, A.: Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery using s...
     with: Alazab, M.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against By...
     with: Albergel, C.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global ...
     with: Alempijevic, A.: Sensor Registration and Calibration using Moving Targ...
     with: Ali, F.: Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Compressed Sens...
     with: Ali, M.: Application of a novel image moment computation in X-ray and ...
     with: Ali, M.T.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID...
     with: Aljaidi, M.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Amarnath, G.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipi...
     with: Amoke, I.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species Det...
     with: Anantrao, G.G.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, Indi...
     with: Annavajjala, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for New...
     with: Arduini, G.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global E...
     with: Arevalo, I.: MethaneMapper: Spectral Absorption Aware Hyperspectral Tr...
     with: Arvind, M.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn ...
     with: Asari, V.K.: new approach for nonlinear distortion correction in endos...
     with: Ashutosh, K.: 3D-NVS: A 3D Supervision Approach for Next View Selection
     with: August, J.: Exploiting Inference for Approximate Parameter Learning in...
     with: Ayasse, A.: Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in Overh...
     with: Azartash, H.: Real-Time Affine Global Motion Estimation Using Phase Co...
     with: Bachani, N.: Vision based human interaction system for disabled
     with: Bagad, P.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Baghel, T.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipita...
     with: Bai, C.Y.: M2P2: Multimodal Persuasion Prediction Using Adaptive Fusion
     with: Bajpai, R.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identificati...
     with: Balsamo, G.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global E...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distilla...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distilla...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Distilling Spikes: Knowledge Distillation in Spiking Neu...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Empowering Knowledge Distillation via Open Set Recogniti...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Compressed...
     with: Banerjee, B.: Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Trans...
     with: Banerjee, S.: SAU: Smooth Activation Function Using Convolution with A...
     with: Banerjee, S.: Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep...
     with: Banka, H.: Texture and colour region separation based image retrieval ...
     with: Bansal, A.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Management in India...
     with: Bansal, G.: Deep3DSCan: Deep residual network and morphological descri...
     with: Barik, S.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-...
     with: Bedi, M.: Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Humor Classification in Co...
     with: Behera, A.: Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Rec...
     with: Behera, A.: Rotation Axis Focused Attention Network (rafa-net) for Est...
     with: Behera, A.: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time Ima...
     with: Behera, L.: Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Followin...
     with: Behera, L.: on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based d...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi...
     with: Behera, S.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi...
     with: Belbase, D.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipit...
     with: Beljaars, A.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global ...
     with: Bhardwaj, A.: Empowering Knowledge Distillation via Open Set Recogniti...
     with: Bhargava, R.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pai...
     with: Bhaskaran, P.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Mu...
     with: Bhattacharyya, P.: Scientific Document Summarization using Citation Co...
     with: Bhowmik, D.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India, ...
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: Extraction of informative regions of a face for facial e...
     with: Bidlot, J.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Biswal, B.: MAEU-NET: A novel supervised architecture for brain tumor ...
     with: Biswas, K.: SAU: Smooth Activation Function Using Convolution with App...
     with: Biswas, K.: Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep N...
     with: Biswas, M.: Compression Artifact Reduction using Support Vector Regres...
     with: Biswas, M.: DCT-based phase correlation motion estimation
     with: Biswas, M.: Performance Analysis of Motion-Compensated De-Interlacing ...
     with: Biswas, M.: Real-Time Affine Global Motion Estimation Using Phase Corr...
     with: Blake, A.: Digital Tapestry
     with: Blanc, P.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Deriv...
     with: Blyth, E.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ear...
     with: Bousserez, N.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global...
     with: Boussetta, S.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: On Recovering Hyperquadrics from Range Data
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Point Correspondence in Unstructured Nonrigid Motion
     with: Brahma, B.: AI-Based Model for Detection and Classification of Alzheim...
     with: Bresniker, K.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in A...
     with: Brown, A.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ear...
     with: Buizza, R.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Bullock, T.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Buontempo, C.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global...
     with: Cao, Q.: How Does Noise Help Robustness? Explanation and Exploration u...
     with: Cao, Y.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Cao, Y.: Location error resilient geographical routing for vehicular a...
     with: Cao, Y.: Location information verification using transferable belief m...
     with: Castillo, O.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-t...
     with: Chakrabarti, A.: Rethinking FID: Towards a Better Evaluation Metric fo...
     with: Chakraborty, B.K.: Extraction of informative regions of a face for fac...
     with: Chakraborty, T.: Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Humor Classificatio...
     with: Chakravorty, S.: Generalized Sampling-Based Motion Planners
     with: Chamola, V.: Deep3DSCan: Deep residual network and morphological descr...
     with: Chand, S.: New pixel based approach for reverse play of MPEG video for...
     with: Chandra, S.: Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words Using Naive Bayes Clus...
     with: Chandra, S.: Learning Multiple Non-linear Sub-spaces Using K-RBMs
     with: Chandramouli, R.: Joint optimization of quantization and on-line chann...
     with: Chandrashekar, V.: Compacting Large and Loose Communities
     with: Chang, S.F.: Exploration of Parameter Redundancy in Deep Networks with...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
     with: Chang, S.F.: Learning Spread-Out Local Feature Descriptors
     with: Chang, S.F.: Semi-Supervised Hashing for Large-Scale Search
     with: Chang, S.F.: Semi-supervised hashing for scalable image retrieval
     with: Chatterjee, R.S.: Interferometric SAR for characterization of ravines ...
     with: Chattoraj, S.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Dee...
     with: Chattoraj, S.L.: Integrated Analysis of Water Ice Detection in Erlange...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: 3D-NVS: A 3D Supervision Approach for Next View Selection
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distill...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Compresse...
     with: Chaudhuri, U.: Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Tran...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Chaurasia, G.: Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
     with: Chen, H.P.: M2P2: Multimodal Persuasion Prediction Using Adaptive Fusion
     with: Cheng, Y.: Exploration of Parameter Redundancy in Deep Networks with C...
     with: Cherian, A.: Scalable Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: A Grassma...
     with: Chevallier, F.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Globa...
     with: Chew, F.T.: Invariant texture classification for biomedical cell speci...
     with: Chew, F.T.: Luminance- and Contrast-Invariant Edge-Similarity Measure, A
     with: Chew, F.T.: rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
     with: Chew, F.T.: Segmentation of microscope cell images via adaptive eigenf...
     with: Chhabra, R.: Graphical Speech Training system for hearing impaired
     with: Chhetri, M.: Deep BLSTM-GRU Model for Monthly Rainfall Prediction: A C...
     with: Chilamkurthy, S.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using ...
     with: Chiniya, P.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Chinnusamy, V.: High-Resolution NIR Prediction from RGB Images: Applic...
     with: Chinnusamy, V.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV...
     with: Choong, H.Y.: Quantum Annealing for Single Image Super-Resolution
     with: Choudhary, A.: Exploration of Parameter Redundancy in Deep Networks wi...
     with: Choulga, M.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global E...
     with: Cloke, H.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ear...
     with: Cohen, J.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D-...
     with: Cooper, J.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D...
     with: Corso, J.J.: Combining Skeletal Pose with Local Motion for Human Activ...
     with: Corso, J.J.: Learning Compositional Sparse Bimodal Models
     with: Corso, J.J.: Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation in...
     with: Coskun, H.: Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Best-bases feature extraction algorithms for classific...
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SA...
     with: Cronin, M.F.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global ...
     with: Daas, A.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Borne...
     with: Dadhwal, V.K.: Interferometric SAR for characterization of ravines as ...
     with: Dahoui, M.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Dynamic Scen...
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Multi-Body Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Scalable Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: A Grassmann...
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Spatio-temporal union of subspaces for multi-body non-rigid...
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Superpixel Soup: Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Com...
     with: Dalmia, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn ...
     with: Danisetty, S.K.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for New...
     with: Darshan, P.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum...
     with: Das, A.: robust area based disparity estimation technique for stereo v...
     with: Das, K.: DECDM: Document Enhancement using Cycle-Consistent Diffusion ...
     with: Das, P.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Sens...
     with: Datta, A.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India, Us...
     with: de Rosnay, P.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global...
     with: Debnath, B.: Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Re...
     with: Deka, N.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn An...
     with: Dhandapani, R.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV...
     with: Dhiman, V.: Learning Compositional Sparse Bimodal Models
     with: Dick, R.P.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Auto...
     with: Dierstein, C.: Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open...
     with: Dinesh, D.: Machine Learning Modelling for Soil Moisture Retrieval fro...
     with: Dirmeyer, P.A.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Globa...
     with: Dissanayake, G.: Sensor Registration and Calibration using Moving Targ...
     with: Doshi, J.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Douillard, B.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Droste, R.: Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
     with: Drusch, M.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Dubey, G.: Extended opinion lexicon and ML-based sentiment analysis of...
     with: Duncan, D.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D...
     with: Durmaz, M.: Editorial on the Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity B...
     with: Durrant Whyte, H.F.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Dutra, E.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ear...
     with: Dutta, M.: Encoder-Decoder Based Thermo-Visible Image Translation for ...
     with: Dutton, N.: Inferring the Variability of Dielectric Constant on the Mo...
     with: Ek, M.B.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Eart...
     with: Escorcia Gutierrez, J.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational A...
     with: Evangelista, P.: Mapping Invasive Tamarisk (Tamarix): A Comparison of ...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Exploration of Parameter Redundancy in Deep Networks with...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Ferrari, V.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Dee...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photom...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric Ste...
     with: Ferrari, V.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Foresti, G.L.: Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier
     with: Foresti, G.L.: Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Cam...
     with: Foresti, G.L.: Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous ...
     with: Foresti, G.L.: Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural ...
     with: Frederick, H.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species...
     with: Fu, W.T.: Gestural Interactions of Embodied Educational Technology Usi...
     with: Gakhar, S.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bor...
     with: Gamarra, M.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder ...
     with: Ganju, A.: Snowpack Density Retrieval Using Fully Polarimetric TerraSA...
     with: Garg, R.D.: PolSAR-Decomposition-Based Extended Water Cloud Modeling f...
     with: Garg, S.: Hierarchical Frame-by-Frame Association Method Based on Grap...
     with: Garg, S.: occlusion reasoning scheme for monocular pedestrian tracking...
     with: Garg, S.: on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based dyn...
     with: Garg, S.: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time Image...
     with: Gast, J.: Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
     with: Gaurav, K.: Estimation of Soil Moisture Applying Modified Dubois Model...
     with: Gentine, P.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global E...
     with: Ghosh, J.: Best-bases feature extraction algorithms for classification...
     with: Ghosh, R.: Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery using s...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipitat...
     with: Ghosh, S.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Ghosh, S.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Sug...
     with: Ghosh, S.M.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-...
     with: Gibeaut, J.C.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR...
     with: Giesbrecht, B.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Glasner, D.: MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-to-Im...
     with: Glasner, D.: Rethinking FID: Towards a Better Evaluation Metric for Im...
     with: Gluckman, J.M.: Visual Interface for Conducting Virtual Orchestra
     with: Goebel, M.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Golas, A.: Explosion Simulation Using Compressible Fluids
     with: Goldgof, D.: Matching point features under small nonrigid motion
     with: Goldgof, D.: Model Based Part Segmentation of Range Data: Hyperquadric...
     with: Goldgof, D.: On Recovering Hyperquadrics from Range Data
     with: Goldgof, D.: Point Correspondence in Unstructured Nonrigid Motion
     with: Goldgof, D.: Recovery of Global Nonrigid Motion: A Model-Based Approa...
     with: Goldgof, D.: Robust Technique for the Estimation of the Deformable Hyp...
     with: Goldgof, D.B.: Model Based Estimation of Point Correspondences between...
     with: Goldgof, D.B.: Parallel Algorithms for Circle Detection in Images
     with: Golla, S.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Deep Le...
     with: Gondal, M.W.: Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
     with: Gore, A.: Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel magn...
     with: Goswami, N.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Der...
     with: Govil, H.: Integrated Analysis of Water Ice Detection in Erlanger Crat...
     with: Govil, H.: PolSAR-Decomposition-Based Extended Water Cloud Modeling fo...
     with: Govil, H.: Spaceborne Multifrequency PolInSAR-Based Inversion Modellin...
     with: Grafton, S.T.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Gu, S.: Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivariate Gaus...
     with: Gudavalli, C.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species...
     with: Guha, P.: Hierarchical Frame-by-Frame Association Method Based on Grap...
     with: Guha, P.: occlusion reasoning scheme for monocular pedestrian tracking...
     with: Guo, R.Q.: Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
     with: Gupta, A.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Gupta, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Gupta, D.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder Mo...
     with: Gupta, H.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of COVID...
     with: Gupta, M.: Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-Following...
     with: Gupta, M.: on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based dy...
     with: Gupta, M.D.: Non-convex P-Norm Projection for Robust Sparsity
     with: Gupta, N.: Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
     with: Gupta, R.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Gupta, S.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for d...
     with: Gupta, S.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identificatio...
     with: Gupta, S.: Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel mag...
     with: Gupta, S.: Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Transfor...
     with: Gupta, S.K.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using ...
     with: Gupta, U.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VG...
     with: Haldar, D.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Su...
     with: Han, S.: On Recovering Hyperquadrics from Range Data
     with: Hanrieder, N.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager D...
     with: Haresh, S.: Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
     with: Haresh, S.: Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation L...
     with: Hassan, A.N.: Location information verification using transferable bel...
     with: Hassan, E.: Hierarchical Frame-by-Frame Association Method Based on Gr...
     with: Hassan, E.: Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and Thresh...
     with: Hebbalaguppe, R.: Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and ...
     with: Hebert, M.: Discriminative Random Fields
     with: Hebert, M.: Discriminative random fields: a discriminative framework f...
     with: Hebert, M.: Exploiting Inference for Approximate Parameter Learning in...
     with: Hebert, M.: Hierarchical Field Framework for Unified Context-Based Cla...
     with: Hebert, M.: Man-made structure detection in natural images using a cau...
     with: Hebert, M.: observation-constrained generative approach for probabilis...
     with: Hewage, P.: Rotation Axis Focused Attention Network (rafa-net) for Est...
     with: Hewitt, H.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Holmes, T.: Attribution of Flux Partitioning Variations between Land S...
     with: Hsieh, C.: How Does Noise Help Robustness? Explanation and Exploration...
     with: Hu, F.: Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Raptor and R...
     with: Hu, F.: Impact of Spectrum Sensing Frequency and Packet-Loading Scheme...
     with: Huang, X.L.: Impact of Spectrum Sensing Frequency and Packet-Loading S...
     with: Huang, Z.W.: Generative Flows with Invertible Attentions
     with: Huang, Z.W.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Dee...
     with: Hubenthal, M.: Image-Text Pre-Training for Logo Recognition
     with: Hughey, L.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species De...
     with: Hunter, P.D.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India,...
     with: Iftekhar, A.: MethaneMapper: Spectral Absorption Aware Hyperspectral T...
     with: Iftekhar, A.S.M.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Jain, N.: Enhanced Stable View Synthesis
     with: Jain, N.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
     with: Jain, N.: Learning Robust Multi-scale Representation for Neural Radian...
     with: Jain, R.C.: Efficient Lapped Orthogonal Transform Image-Coding Techniq...
     with: Jain, R.C.: Low-Complexity Fractal-Based Image Compression Technique
     with: Jain, S.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn An...
     with: Janakiraman, R.: Continuous Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
     with: Janakiraman, R.: Using Continuous Face Verification to Improve Desktop...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Compacting Large and Loose Communities
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words Using Naive Bayes Cl...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Learning Multiple Non-linear Sub-spaces Using K-RBMs
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: On Segmentation of Documents in Complex Scripts
     with: Jawak, S.D.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica ...
     with: Jayasumana, S.: MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-to...
     with: Jayasumana, S.: Rethinking FID: Towards a Better Evaluation Metric for...
     with: Jeganathan, C.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Mul...
     with: Jha, D.N.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Jha, R.K.: FD-based detector for medical image watermarking
     with: Jha, R.K.: Image encryption based on fractional discrete cosine transf...
     with: Jiang, Q.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against Byz...
     with: Jones, M.: Improving Person Tracking Using an Inexpensive Thermal Infr...
     with: Joshi, H.C.: Artificial Intelligence Failures in Autonomous Vehicles: ...
     with: Joshi, M.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica Us...
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images
     with: Junokas, M.J.: Gestural Interactions of Embodied Educational Technolog...
     with: Kaiwartya, O.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Kaiwartya, O.: Location error resilient geographical routing for vehic...
     with: Kaiwartya, O.: Location information verification using transferable be...
     with: Kalra, P.: Explosion Simulation Using Compressible Fluids
     with: Kambhamettu, C.: Face Recognition Using a Color PCA Framework
     with: Kambhamettu, C.: Model Based Estimation of Point Correspondences betwe...
     with: Kanazawa, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newbor...
     with: Kansal, R.: vectorization framework for constant and linear gradient f...
     with: Karthik, M.S.: Small Object Discovery and Recognition Using Actively G...
     with: Kasana, R.: Location error resilient geographical routing for vehicula...
     with: Kashyap, Y.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Management in Indi...
     with: Kaur, M.: VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VGG...
     with: Kaya, B.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Kaya, B.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Deep P...
     with: Kaya, B.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photometr...
     with: Kaya, B.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric Stereo...
     with: Kaya, B.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Kazantzidis, A.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager...
     with: Keeley, S.P.E.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Globa...
     with: Kerr, Y.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Eart...
     with: Khan, A.: Explosion Simulation Using Compressible Fluids
     with: Khan, P.: AT2GRU: A Human Emotion Recognition Model With Mitigated Dev...
     with: Khan, Z.: Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
     with: Khandelwal, Y.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newb...
     with: Kim, B.G.: Deep BLSTM-GRU Model for Monthly Rainfall Prediction: A Cas...
     with: Kim, M.Y.: Face tracking and recognition with visual constraints in re...
     with: Klebanoff, L.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in A...
     with: Kleczkowski, A.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, Ind...
     with: Kocaman, S.: Editorial on the Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity ...
     with: Koch, P.A.: Learning Compositional Sparse Bimodal Models
     with: Kodagoda, K.R.S.: Sensor Registration and Calibration using Moving Tar...
     with: Kohlburn, G.: Gestural Interactions of Embodied Educational Technology...
     with: Kolmogorov, V.: Digital Tapestry
     with: Kondraju, T.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-B...
     with: Konin, A.: Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
     with: Konin, A.: Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation Le...
     with: Kosmopoulos, P.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Management in ...
     with: Krishna, G.S.: Speaker independent VSR: A systematic review and futuri...
     with: Krishna, K.M.: Small Object Discovery and Recognition Using Actively G...
     with: Krovi, V.N.: Combining Skeletal Pose with Local Motion for Human Activ...
     with: Krovi, V.N.: Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation in...
     with: Kuhn, P.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Derive...
     with: Kulkarni, A.V.: Snowpack Density Retrieval Using Fully Polarimetric Te...
     with: Kumar, A.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
     with: Kumar, D.: Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recog...
     with: Kumar, K.S.S.: On Segmentation of Documents in Complex Scripts
     with: Kumar, M.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pair o...
     with: Kumar, M.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Born...
     with: Kumar, P.K.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum...
     with: Kumar, S.: Disparity estimation using fractional dual tree complex wav...
     with: Kumar, S.I.: Extended opinion lexicon and ML-based sentiment analysis ...
     with: Kumari, S.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against By...
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: Error-resilient coding of 3-d graphic models via adaptive...
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: Mesh Segmentation Schemes for Error Resilient Coding of 3...
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: Robust Coding of 3D Graphic Models using Mesh Segmentatio...
     with: Kurmi, V.K.: Attending to Discriminative Certainty for Domain Adaptation
     with: Kurmi, V.K.: Deep Bayesian Network for Visual Question Generation
     with: Kurmi, V.K.: MUMC: Minimizing uncertainty of mixture of cues
     with: Kushawaha, R.K.: Distilling Spikes: Knowledge Distillation in Spiking ...
     with: Kushwaha, S.P.S.: PolSAR-Decomposition-Based Extended Water Cloud Mode...
     with: Kushwaha, S.P.S.: Spaceborne Multifrequency PolInSAR-Based Inversion M...
     with: Lakhera, R.C.: Interferometric SAR for characterization of ravines as ...
     with: Lane, B.: Gestural Interactions of Embodied Educational Technology Usi...
     with: Leskovec, J.: M2P2: Multimodal Persuasion Prediction Using Adaptive Fu...
     with: Levenson, C.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species ...
     with: Li, B.X.: YouTubeCat: Learning to categorize wild web videos
     with: Li, H.D.: Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Dynamic Scene...
     with: Li, H.D.: Multi-Body Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
     with: Li, H.D.: Scalable Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: A Grassmanni...
     with: Li, H.D.: Spatio-temporal union of subspaces for multi-body non-rigid ...
     with: Li, H.D.: Superpixel Soup: Monocular Dense 3D Reconstruction of a Comp...
     with: Li, J.K.: Robust Coding of 3D Graphic Models using Mesh Segmentation a...
     with: Li, M.: DCT-based phase correlation motion estimation
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Automa...
     with: Lindgren, R.: Gestural Interactions of Embodied Educational Technology...
     with: Liu, C.: Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivariate Gau...
     with: Liu, X.: How Does Noise Help Robustness? Explanation and Exploration u...
     with: Lloret, J.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Louis, A.C.: observation-constrained generative approach for probabili...
     with: Lu, W.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Automate...
     with: Luis, A.J.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica U...
     with: Lunayach, M.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newbor...
     with: Lupu, C.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Eart...
     with: Ma, X.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against Byzant...
     with: MacLean, M.H.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Macri, T.: Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
     with: Madan, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Mahajan, S.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for...
     with: Mahanti, P.: Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
     with: Maharaj, S.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India, ...
     with: Mahfouf, J.F.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global...
     with: Mailhiot, C.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Au...
     with: Maiti, A.: Inferring the Variability of Dielectric Constant on the Moo...
     with: Maiti, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Majhi, S.: Blind CFOs Estimation by Capon Method for Multi-User MIMO-O...
     with: Majumder, A.: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time I...
     with: Makadia, A.: Baselines for Image Annotation
     with: Makadia, A.: New Baseline for Image Annotation, A
     with: Mani, S.: Objective color image quality assessment based on Sobel magn...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in ...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: MethaneMapper: Spectral Absorption Aware Hyperspectra...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Speci...
     with: Manocha, D.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Mansotra, V.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model fo...
     with: Mansour, R.F.: Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencode...
     with: Marinella, M.J.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in...
     with: Marino, A.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India, U...
     with: Marisetty, A.: Cross-modal hybrid architectures for gastrointestinal t...
     with: Marks, T.K.: Improving Person Tracking Using an Inexpensive Thermal In...
     with: Masoom, A.: Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Management in India...
     with: Mathew, S.: Interferometric SAR for characterization of ravines as a f...
     with: Matyjas, J.D.: Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Rapto...
     with: McNorton, J.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global ...
     with: Mecklenburg, S.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Glob...
     with: Medi, P.R.: Cross-modal hybrid architectures for gastrointestinal trac...
     with: Meena, G.K.: Estimation of Soil Moisture Applying Modified Dubois Mode...
     with: Meena, M.C.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bo...
     with: Mehra, R.: Optimised CNN in conjunction with efficient pooling strateg...
     with: Micheloni, C.: Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier
     with: Micheloni, C.: Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Cam...
     with: Micheloni, C.: Stereo Localization Using Dual PTZ Cameras
     with: Micheloni, C.: Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous ...
     with: Micheloni, C.: Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural ...
     with: Miller, M.B.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Mishra, A.S.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of CO...
     with: Mishra, N.K.: Encoder-Decoder Based Thermo-Visible Image Translation f...
     with: Mittal, S.: Small Object Discovery and Recognition Using Actively Guid...
     with: Mocko, D.: Impact of Surface Albedo Assimilation on Snow Estimation
     with: Mocko, D.M.: Attribution of Flux Partitioning Variations between Land ...
     with: Mogensen, K.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global ...
     with: Mogill, J.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Auto...
     with: Mohan, N.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for d...
     with: Mohanty, S.: Novel Approach for the Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Us...
     with: Morisette, J.: Mapping Invasive Tamarisk (Tamarix): A Comparison of Si...
     with: Most, D.: Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open Sour...
     with: Mouatadid, L.: DECDM: Document Enhancement using Cycle-Consistent Diff...
     with: Mukeka, J.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species De...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-...
     with: Munoz Sabater, J.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Gl...
     with: Mwanje, M.D.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Mwiu, S.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species Dete...
     with: Nakahira, Y.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Au...
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: Attending to Discriminative Certainty for Domain Ada...
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: Auto QA: The Question Is Not Only What, but Also Where
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: Can I teach a robot to replicate a line art
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: Deep Bayesian Network for Visual Question Generation
     with: Namboodiri, V.P.: MUMC: Minimizing uncertainty of mixture of cues
     with: Nandal, S.: Fractional-Order Anisotropic Diffusion for Defogging of RG...
     with: Narang, P.: Deep3DSCan: Deep residual network and morphological descri...
     with: Narayan, A.: Introducing Diversity In Feature Scatter Adversarial Trai...
     with: Naser, A.: Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles
     with: Navaney, P.: Extended opinion lexicon and ML-based sentiment analysis ...
     with: Nayan, N.: Detecting anomalous crowd behavior using correlation analys...
     with: Nemani, P.: Cross-modal hybrid architectures for gastrointestinal trac...
     with: Nemani, P.: Speaker independent VSR: A systematic review and futuristi...
     with: Neuenschwander, A.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometri...
     with: Nguyen, T.: DCT-based phase correlation motion estimation
     with: Nguyen, T.Q.: Compression Artifact Reduction using Support Vector Regr...
     with: Nguyen, T.Q.: Performance Analysis of Motion-Compensated De-Interlacin...
     with: Nguyen, T.Q.: Real-Time Affine Global Motion Estimation Using Phase Co...
     with: Nguyen, T.Q.: Total subset variation prior
     with: Nouri, B.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Deriv...
     with: O'Brient, M.: Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity R...
     with: Ogutu, J.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species Det...
     with: Ojwang, G.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species De...
     with: Oliapuram, N.J.: Realtime forest animation in wind
     with: Oliveira, C.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Oliveira, C.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric St...
     with: Oliveira, C.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Omer, O.J.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identificati...
     with: Ong, S.H.: Invariant texture classification for biomedical cell specim...
     with: Ong, S.H.: Luminance- and Contrast-Invariant Edge-Similarity Measure, A
     with: Ong, S.H.: rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
     with: Ong, S.H.: Segmentation of microscope cell images via adaptive eigenfi...
     with: Ong, T.C.: rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
     with: Ong, T.C.: Segmentation of microscope cell images via adaptive eigenfi...
     with: Orth, R.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Eart...
     with: Oswald, M.R.: Learning Online Multi-Sensor Depth Fusion
     with: Pal, A.K.: Texture and colour region separation based image retrieval ...
     with: Pande, S.: Adversarial Approach to Discriminative Modality Distillatio...
     with: Pandey, A.K.: SAU: Smooth Activation Function Using Convolution with A...
     with: Pandey, A.K.: Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep...
     with: Pandit, P.H.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctica...
     with: Panicker, R.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newbor...
     with: Panna, B.: Image encryption based on fractional discrete cosine transf...
     with: Pappenberger, F.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Glo...
     with: Park, E.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipitati...
     with: Patil, A.: Novel Approach for the Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Usin...
     with: Patra, A.K.: Experimental Evaluation of Theoretical Formulations for t...
     with: Patro, B.N.: Auto QA: The Question Is Not Only What, but Also Where
     with: Patro, B.N.: Deep Bayesian Network for Visual Question Generation
     with: Patro, B.N.: MUMC: Minimizing uncertainty of mixture of cues
     with: Patterson, G.W.: Inferring the Variability of Dielectric Constant on t...
     with: Paul, R.K.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Su...
     with: Pavlovic, V.: Baselines for Image Annotation
     with: Pavlovic, V.: Face tracking and recognition with visual constraints in...
     with: Pavlovic, V.: New Baseline for Image Annotation, A
     with: Peer, P.: Occluded thermal face recognition using BoCNN and radial der...
     with: Peters Lidard, C.: Attribution of Flux Partitioning Variations between...
     with: Peters Lidard, C.: Impact of Surface Albedo Assimilation on Snow Estim...
     with: Piciarelli, C.: Stereo Localization Based on Network's Uncalibrated Ca...
     with: Piciarelli, C.: Stereo Localization Using Dual PTZ Cameras
     with: Piciarelli, C.: Stereo rectification of uncalibrated and heterogeneous...
     with: Pimpale, S.: Empowering Knowledge Distillation via Open Set Recognitio...
     with: Pitz Paal, R.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager D...
     with: Poduvattil, V.K.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, In...
     with: Prabhu, G.N.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India,...
     with: Pradhan, J.: Texture and colour region separation based image retrieva...
     with: Prakash, A.J.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Mult...
     with: Pramanik, M.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipi...
     with: Putha, P.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Deep Le...
     with: Rabier, F.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Radhakrishna, B.: Identification and Separation of Turbulence Echo Fro...
     with: Radhakrishnan, D.: new approach for nonlinear distortion correction in...
     with: Rai, A.: Vision based human interaction system for disabled
     with: Rai, C.S.: Analysis of unsupervised learning techniques for face recog...
     with: Rajan, J.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum l...
     with: Ramalingam, S.: MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-to...
     with: Ramalingam, S.: Rethinking FID: Towards a Better Evaluation Metric for...
     with: Raman, B.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pair o...
     with: Raman, B.: Disparity estimation using fractional dual tree complex wav...
     with: Raman, S.: Deep3DSCan: Deep residual network and morphological descrip...
     with: Ramos, F.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Rana, S.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn An...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Invariant texture classification for biomedical cell sp...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Luminance- and Contrast-Invariant Edge-Similarity Measu...
     with: Ranganath, S.: rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
     with: Ranganath, S.: Segmentation of microscope cell images via adaptive eig...
     with: Ranganathan, N.: Joint optimization of quantization and on-line channe...
     with: Ranganathan, N.: Parallel Algorithms for Circle Detection in Images
     with: Rani, A.: Human Action Recognition using a Hybrid NTLD Classifier
     with: Rani, A.: Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural Tree
     with: Rani, R.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for de...
     with: Ranjan, P.: AT2GRU: A Human Emotion Recognition Model With Mitigated D...
     with: Ranjan, R.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bor...
     with: Rao, M.D.: Experimental Evaluation of Theoretical Formulations for the...
     with: Rao, T.N.: Experimental Evaluation of Theoretical Formulations for the...
     with: Rao, T.N.: Identification and Separation of Turbulence Echo From the M...
     with: Rathi, Y.N.: Efficient Lapped Orthogonal Transform Image-Coding Techni...
     with: Ratnakaram, R.: occlusion reasoning scheme for monocular pedestrian tr...
     with: Ratnarajah, A.: AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
     with: Raval, A.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Ravindra, R.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximu...
     with: Reichle, R.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global E...
     with: Rejith, R.G.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-B...
     with: Resmi, K.: Graphical Speech Training system for hearing impaired
     with: Reyes, E.B.G.: Multimodal fusion for pattern recognition
     with: Ricard, M.R.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR ...
     with: Ridley, M.: Novel Visual Perception Framework, A
     with: Rimchala, J.: DECDM: Document Enhancement using Cycle-Consistent Diffu...
     with: Roberts, D.: Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in Over...
     with: Rother, C.: Digital Tapestry
     with: Rowley, H.A.: Classification of Weakly-Labeled Data with Partial Equiv...
     with: Rowley, H.A.: Face tracking and recognition with visual constraints in...
     with: Rowley, H.A.: Large-scale manifold learning
     with: Roy, P.P.: Deep BLSTM-GRU Model for Monthly Rainfall Prediction: A Cas...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Se...
     with: Rudiger, C.: Novel Approach for the Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Us...
     with: Ruiz, I.A.: Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
     with: Rupavatharam, S.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, In...
     with: Ruston, B.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Ryde, J.: Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation in Mo...
     with: Saba, L.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum li...
     with: Saha, S.: Scientific Document Summarization using Citation Context and...
     with: Saha, S.K.: Interferometric SAR for characterization of ravines as a f...
     with: Sahay, J.: Compact reconfigurable triple notch ultra-wideband bandpass...
     with: Sahoo, R.N.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-Bo...
     with: Sahu, C.: Integrated Analysis of Water Ice Detection in Erlanger Crate...
     with: Sahu, S.S.: Detecting anomalous crowd behavior using correlation analy...
     with: Saini, D.: Application of a novel image moment computation in X-ray an...
     with: Saini, D.: Stereo Vision-Based Conic Reconstruction Using a Ray-Quadri...
     with: Saini, N.: Scientific Document Summarization using Citation Context an...
     with: Sallam, M.: Matching point features under small nonrigid motion
     with: Sallam, M.: Model Based Estimation of Point Correspondences between Bo...
     with: Sallam, M.: Point Correspondence in Unstructured Nonrigid Motion
     with: Saluja, D.: Connectivity Improvement of Hybrid Millimeter Wave and Mic...
     with: Saluja, D.: Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate ...
     with: Saluja, D.: Spread Spectrum Coded Radar for R2R Interference Mitigatio...
     with: Saluja, D.: TRAP: Traffic-Based Adaptive Ramp Packing for Blind Cancel...
     with: Saluja, N.: Connectivity Improvement of Hybrid Millimeter Wave and Mic...
     with: Saluja, N.: Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate ...
     with: Sandstrom, E.: Learning Online Multi-Sensor Depth Fusion
     with: Sandu, I.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ear...
     with: Santander, T.: StressNet: Detecting Stress in Thermal Videos
     with: Saran, S.: Editorial on the Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity Bu...
     with: Saran, S.: Machine Learning Modelling for Soil Moisture Retrieval from...
     with: Sardana, H.K.: Graphical Speech Training system for hearing impaired
     with: Sardana, H.K.: Moving target detection in thermal infrared imagery usi...
     with: Sardana, H.K.: robust area based disparity estimation technique for st...
     with: Sarno, F.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Deep ...
     with: Sarno, F.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photomet...
     with: Satija, U.: Blind CFOs Estimation by Capon Method for Multi-User MIMO-...
     with: Savakis, A.: Learning a perceptual manifold for image set classification
     with: Savakis, A.: Robust Domain Adaptation on the L1-Grassmannian Manifold
     with: Scharf, H.: Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open So...
     with: Schroedter Homscheidt, M.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All ...
     with: Seetharaman, G.: Hierarchical Histograms: A New Representation Scheme ...
     with: Segen, J.: Fast and Accurate 3D Gesture Recognition Interface
     with: Segen, J.: GestureVR: Vision-Based 3D Hand Interface for Spatial Inter...
     with: Segen, J.: Human-computer interaction using gesture recognition and 3D...
     with: Segen, J.: Look Ma, No Mouse!: Simplifying Human-Computer Interaction ...
     with: Segen, J.: Shadow Gestures: 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using a Single Cam...
     with: Segen, J.: Visual Interface for Conducting Virtual Orchestra
     with: Selvamani, B.R.: Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
     with: Seneviratne, S.I.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Gl...
     with: Severa, W.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Auto...
     with: Shakya, S.: Characterising and predicting the movement of clouds using...
     with: Shamsolmoali, P.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recogni...
     with: Shankar, R.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Der...
     with: Sharma, M.: High-Resolution NIR Prediction from RGB Images: Applicatio...
     with: Sharma, S.: Optimised CNN in conjunction with efficient pooling strate...
     with: Shastri, S.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for...
     with: Sheet, D.K.: Location information verification using transferable beli...
     with: Shojafar, M.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against ...
     with: Shukla, A.: High-Resolution NIR Prediction from RGB Images: Applicatio...
     with: Shukla, S.: Inferring the Variability of Dielectric Constant on the Mo...
     with: Shukla, S.: Investigating the Retention of Solar Wind Implanted Helium...
     with: Si, S.: How Does Noise Help Robustness? Explanation and Exploration un...
     with: Siddiqui, M.T.: Hybrid deep neural network for automatic detection of ...
     with: Sidhu, H.S.: robust area based disparity estimation technique for ster...
     with: Sim, T.: Continuous Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
     with: Sim, T.: Using Continuous Face Verification to Improve Desktop Security
     with: Simpson, M.D.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India...
     with: Singh, A.: Estimation of Soil Moisture Applying Modified Dubois Model ...
     with: Singh, A.K.: Muzzle point pattern based techniques for individual catt...
     with: Singh, A.K.: Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
     with: Singh, G.: Novel Approach for the Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Usin...
     with: Singh, G.: Snowpack Density Retrieval Using Fully Polarimetric TerraSA...
     with: Singh, K.: LiteCovidNet: A lightweight deep neural network model for d...
     with: Singh, M.K.: Application of a novel image moment computation in X-ray ...
     with: Singh, N.P.: AI-Based Model for Detection and Classification of Alzhei...
     with: Singh, R.: Connectivity Improvement of Hybrid Millimeter Wave and Micr...
     with: Singh, R.: Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate U...
     with: Singh, R.: Spread Spectrum Coded Radar for R2R Interference Mitigation...
     with: Singh, R.: TRAP: Traffic-Based Adaptive Ramp Packing for Blind Cancell...
     with: Singh, R.S.: Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
     with: Singh, S.: Blind CFOs Estimation by Capon Method for Multi-User MIMO-O...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Encoder-Decoder Based Thermo-Visible Image Translation fo...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Improved Image Compression Based on Feed-forward Adaptive...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Muzzle point pattern based techniques for individual catt...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Novel adaptive color space transform and application to i...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Occluded Thermal Face Recognition Using Bag of CNN (BoCNN)
     with: Singh, S.K.: Occluded thermal face recognition using BoCNN and radial ...
     with: Singh, S.K.: Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
     with: Singh, S.K.: Visual animal biometrics: survey
     with: Sminchisescu, C.: Learning Online Multi-Sensor Depth Fusion
     with: Snehmani: Novel Approach for the Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Using...
     with: Snehmani: Snowpack Density Retrieval Using Fully Polarimetric TerraSAR...
     with: Snyder, D.: Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D...
     with: Somadas, A.T.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarctic...
     with: Song, Y.: YouTubeCat: Learning to categorize wild web videos
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Objective color image quality assessment based on So...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and M...
     with: Srivastava, P.K.: Spaceborne Multifrequency PolInSAR-Based Inversion M...
     with: Stabach, J.A.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species...
     with: Staudigl, L.: Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
     with: Stein, A.: Investigating the Retention of Solar Wind Implanted Helium-...
     with: Stohlgren, T.: Mapping Invasive Tamarisk (Tamarix): A Comparison of Si...
     with: Strachan, J.P.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in ...
     with: Subrahmanian, V.S.: M2P2: Multimodal Persuasion Prediction Using Adapt...
     with: Subramanian, V.K.: Novel Vision-Based Tracking Algorithm for a Human-F...
     with: Sujeetha, J.A.R.P.: Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, ...
     with: Sukavanam, N.: Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces from Texture-less Pa...
     with: Sukavanam, N.: Disparity estimation using fractional dual tree complex...
     with: Sukthanker, R.S.: Generative Flows with Invertible Attentions
     with: Sundaram, G.: Image encryption based on fractional discrete cosine tra...
     with: Supriya, K.: Speaker independent VSR: A systematic review and futurist...
     with: Suresh, L.: Fruit Fly-Based Artificial Neural Network Classifier with ...
     with: Suri, J.S.: Magnetic resonance image denoising using nonlocal maximum ...
     with: Syed, S.N.: Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
     with: Talin, A.A.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Aut...
     with: Talwalkar, A.: Large-scale manifold learning
     with: Tanamala, S.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Deep...
     with: Tapaswi, M.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn...
     with: Thakur, P.K.: Spaceborne Multifrequency PolInSAR-Based Inversion Model...
     with: Thomas, M.: Face Recognition Using a Color PCA Framework
     with: Tietsche, S.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global ...
     with: Timofte, R.: Generative Flows with Invertible Attentions
     with: Timofte, R.: Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivariate...
     with: Tiwari, S.: Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics
     with: Tolpekin, V.: Investigating the Retention of Solar Wind Implanted Heli...
     with: Tolpekin, V.A.: Polinsar Based Scattering Information Retrieval for Fo...
     with: Torres, C.: Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in Overh...
     with: Tran, Q.H.: Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
     with: Tran, Q.H.: Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation L...
     with: Trigo, I.F.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global E...
     with: Uijlenhoet, R.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Globa...
     with: Ulutan, O.: Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in Overh...
     with: Underwood, J.: Sensor Registration and Calibration using Moving Targets
     with: Upadhyay, A.: High-Resolution NIR Prediction from RGB Images: Applicat...
     with: Upadhyay, U.: Mind the Clot: Automated LVO Detection on CTA using Deep...
     with: Vadali, V.S.S.: Cross-modal hybrid architectures for gastrointestinal ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Enhanced Stable View Synthesis
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Generative Flows with Invertible Attentions
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Learning Online Multi-Sensor Depth Fusion
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Learning Robust Multi-scale Representation for Neural ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Pho...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Organic Priors in Non-rigid Structure from Motion
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Quantum Annealing for Single Image Super-Resolution
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivari...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Uncalibrated Neural Inverse Rendering for Photometric ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo
     with: Vankadari, M.: Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time ...
     with: Veit, A.: MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-to-Image...
     with: Veit, A.: Rethinking FID: Towards a Better Evaluation Metric for Image...
     with: Velmurugan, R.: Distilling Spikes: Knowledge Distillation in Spiking N...
     with: Venkataramaiyer, R.B.: Can I teach a robot to replicate a line art
     with: Venkatesh, K.S.: Motion Estimation from Motion Smear: A System Identif...
     with: Verma, A.: Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and Thresho...
     with: Verma, A.: Snowpack Density Retrieval Using Fully Polarimetric TerraSA...
     with: Verrelst, J.: Optimizing the Retrieval of Wheat Crop Traits from UAV-B...
     with: Vig, L.: Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and Threshold...
     with: Vineyard, C.M.: Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in ...
     with: Vollala, S.: Cross-modal hybrid architectures for gastrointestinal tra...
     with: Vuyovich, C.: Impact of Surface Albedo Assimilation on Snow Estimation
     with: Wang, G.: Impact of Spectrum Sensing Frequency and Packet-Loading Sche...
     with: Wang, J.: Semi-Supervised Hashing for Large-Scale Search
     with: Wang, J.: Semi-supervised hashing for scalable image retrieval
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Assessing the Performance of the Satellite-Based Precipita...
     with: Wang, S.G.: Attribution of Flux Partitioning Variations between Land S...
     with: Wang, S.J.: Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
     with: Wang, Z.S.: YouTubeCat: Learning to categorize wild web videos
     with: Wankhede, S.F.: Mapping Velocity of The Potsdam Glacier, East Antarcti...
     with: Weder, S.: Learning Online Multi-Sensor Depth Fusion
     with: Wedi, N.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Eart...
     with: Wharton, Z.: Rotation Axis Focused Attention Network (rafa-net) for Es...
     with: White, J.: NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn A...
     with: Wilbert, S.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Der...
     with: Woolway, R.I.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global...
     with: Wu, Y.: Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Raptor and R...
     with: Xiao, T.: How Does Noise Help Robustness? Explanation and Exploration ...
     with: Xu, R.: Combining Skeletal Pose with Local Motion for Human Activity R...
     with: Yamaguchi, Y.: Snowpack Density Retrieval Using Fully Polarimetric Ter...
     with: Yan, W.: Location error resilient geographical routing for vehicular a...
     with: Yan, Z.: Error-resilient coding of 3-d graphic models via adaptive mes...
     with: Yan, Z.: Mesh Segmentation Schemes for Error Resilient Coding of 3-D G...
     with: Yan, Z.D.: Robust Coding of 3D Graphic Models using Mesh Segmentation ...
     with: Yeasin, M.: Machine Learning Techniques for Phenology Assessment of Su...
     with: Yu, F.: Learning Online Multi-Sensor Depth Fusion
     with: Yu, F.X.: Exploration of Parameter Redundancy in Deep Networks with Ci...
     with: Yu, F.X.: Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
     with: Yu, F.X.: Learning Spread-Out Local Feature Descriptors
     with: Zareapoor, M.: Hybrid deep neural networks for face emotion recognition
     with: Zarzalejo, L.: Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager D...
     with: Zeng, X.B.: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Ea...
     with: Zhang, B.: WildlifeMapper: Aerial Image Analysis for Multi-Species Det...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: DECDM: Document Enhancement using Cycle-Consistent Diffus...
     with: Zhang, S.: Continuous Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
     with: Zhang, S.: Using Continuous Face Verification to Improve Desktop Secur...
     with: Zhang, X.: Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
     with: Zhang, X.: Learning Spread-Out Local Feature Descriptors
     with: Zhao, M.: YouTubeCat: Learning to categorize wild web videos
     with: Zheng, R.: Hierarchical Category Detector for Clothing Recognition fro...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Raptor and ...
     with: Zia, M.Z.: Learning by Aligning Videos in Time
     with: Zia, M.Z.: Unsupervised Action Segmentation by Joint Representation Le...
     with: Zipf, M.: Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open Sour...
     with: Zophel, C.: Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open So...
826 for Kumar, S.

Kumar, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ashwin, S.: Edge preserving algorithm for impulse noise removal using ...
     with: Gorthi, R.K.: Adv-Cut Paste: Semantic adversarial class specific data ...
     with: Harsha, J.S.: Towards Accurate Disease Segmentation in Plant Images: A...
     with: Mopuri, K.R.: Adv-Cut Paste: Semantic adversarial class specific data ...
     with: Pal, A.: Adv-Cut Paste: Semantic adversarial class specific data augme...
     with: Prashanth, K.: Towards Accurate Disease Segmentation in Plant Images: ...
     with: Sree, S.J.: Edge preserving algorithm for impulse noise removal using ...
     with: Srilekha, J.: Towards Accurate Disease Segmentation in Plant Images: A...
8 for Kumar, S.A.

Kumar, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ramakrishnan, K.R.: efficient depth estimation using temporal 3D-Warpi...
     with: Suraj, K.: efficient depth estimation using temporal 3D-Warping, An

Kumar, S.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bailey, B.: Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video for lo...
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: Combining image and global pixel distribution model for ...
     with: Bhuyan, M.K.: Hierarchical uncorrelated multiview discriminant localit...
     with: Chakraborty, B.K.: Combining image and global pixel distribution model...
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Chaudhury, S.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using M...
     with: Cosman, P.C.: H.264/AVC video packet aggregation and unequal error pro...
     with: Cosman, P.C.: Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video for ...
     with: Dimitrova, N.: Classification method for microarray probe selection us...
     with: Dubey, G.: Extended opinion lexicon and ML-based sentiment analysis of...
     with: Falcao, G.: Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for segmen...
     with: Figueiredo, I.N.: Automatic Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Ima...
     with: Figueiredo, I.N.: Bag of Visual Words Approach for Bleeding Detection ...
     with: Figueiredo, I.N.: Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for ...
     with: Figueiredo, I.N.: Wavelet-Based Computer-Aided Detection of Bright Les...
     with: Garcia Vazquez, M.S.: Concealing Damaged Coded Images Using Improved F...
     with: Gorthi, A.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using...
     with: Graca, C.: Hybrid multi-GPU computing: accelerated kernels for segment...
     with: Gupta, L.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using ...
     with: Gupta, R.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Gupta, R.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Match...
     with: Iwahori, Y.J.: Hierarchical uncorrelated multiview discriminant locali...
     with: Joshi, I.: Bag of Visual Words Approach for Bleeding Detection in Wire...
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Joshi, S.D.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Mat...
     with: Kamalakaran, S.: Classification method for microarray probe selection ...
     with: Kambhatla, K.K.R.: H.264/AVC video packet aggregation and unequal erro...
     with: Kambhatla, K.K.R.: Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video...
     with: Kambhatla, K.K.R.: Prioritized packet fragmentation for H.264 video
     with: Kambhatla, K.K.R.: Wireless H.264 Video Quality Enhancement Through Op...
     with: Khanna, N.: Locating text in images using matched wavelets
     with: Khanna, N.: Text Extraction and Document Image Segmentation Using Matc...
     with: Kumar, S.: Extended opinion lexicon and ML-based sentiment analysis of...
     with: Kumar, S.I.: Prioritized packet fragmentation for H.264 video
     with: Kumar, S.I.: Wireless H.264 Video Quality Enhancement Through Optimal ...
     with: Lakshmi, B.: Classification method for microarray probe selection usin...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Hierarchical uncorrelated multiview discriminant localit...
     with: Madam, N.T.: Unsupervised Class-Specific Deblurring
     with: Mandal, M.K.: Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC standard
     with: Mandal, M.K.: Improving Data Recovery in MPEG-4
     with: Mandal, M.K.: Special issue on emerging H.264/AVC video coding standard
     with: Matyjas, J.: H.264/AVC video packet aggregation and unequal error prot...
     with: Matyjas, J.: Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video for l...
     with: Navaney, P.: Extended opinion lexicon and ML-based sentiment analysis ...
     with: Padhi, A.K.: Efficient Correlated Gamma Wave-Based Lightweight Model f...
     with: Pai, D.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using se...
     with: Paluri, S.: Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video for lo...
     with: Paluri, S.: Prioritized packet fragmentation for H.264 video
     with: Paluri, S.: Wireless H.264 Video Quality Enhancement Through Optimal P...
     with: Panchanathan, S.: Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC standard
     with: Panchanathan, S.: Special issue on emerging H.264/AVC video coding sta...
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Unsupervised Class-Specific Deblurring
     with: Rajpopat, S.: Efficient Correlated Gamma Wave-Based Lightweight Model ...
     with: Ramirez Acosta, A.A.: Concealing Damaged Coded Images Using Improved F...
     with: Shaik, R.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using ...
     with: Singh, R.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using ...
     with: Wigler, M.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using...
     with: Xu, L.Y.: Efficient and Low-Delay MCTF Partitioning, An
     with: Xu, L.Y.: Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC standard
     with: Xu, L.Y.: Improving Data Recovery in MPEG-4
     with: Xu, L.Y.: RVLC decoding scheme for improved data recovery in MPEG-4 vi...
     with: Zhao, X.Y.: Classification method for microarray probe selection using...
72 for Kumar, S.I.

Kumar, S.K.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar, H.S.S.: Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibble ...
     with: Panduranga, H.T.: Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibb...

Kumar, S.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alarifi, N.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi...
     with: Devi, Y.S.: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Image Synthesis Using DCGAN and ...
     with: Gobi, R.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-Ar...
     with: Latte, M.V.: Accurate Liver Border Identification Model in CT Scan Ima...
     with: Latte, M.V.: Volumetric lung nodule segmentation in thoracic CT scan u...
     with: Lee, J.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-Ari...
     with: Qaysi, S.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-A...
     with: Ramya, M.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-A...
     with: Sathiyamurthi, S.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanize...
     with: Siri, S.K.: Accurate Liver Border Identification Model in CT Scan Images
     with: Siri, S.K.: Volumetric lung nodule segmentation in thoracic CT scan us...
     with: Sivasakthi, M.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized S...
     with: Subbarayan, S.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized S...
     with: Wahba, M.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-A...
     with: Youssef, Y.M.: Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Se...
15 for Kumar, S.P.

Kumar, S.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hamid, S.: Analysis of Learning Analytics in Higher Educational Instit...
     with: Huang, J.: Automatic Hierarchical Color Image Classification
     with: Huang, J.: Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
     with: Huang, J.: Spatial Color Indexing and Applications
     with: Jayachandran, A.: Microaneurysm classification system in color fundus ...
     with: Mitra, M.: Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
     with: Mitra, M.: Spatial Color Indexing and Applications
     with: Ramkumar, K.: Cable driven robot as a blackboard writer for remote cla...
     with: Zabih, R.: Automatic Hierarchical Color Image Classification
     with: Zabih, R.: Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
     with: Zabih, R.: Spatial Color Indexing and Applications
     with: Zhu, W.J.: Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
     with: Zhu, W.J.: Spatial Color Indexing and Applications
17 for Kumar, S.R.

Kumar, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anchang, J.: Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Sav...
     with: Anchang, J.Y.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savann...
     with: Boschetti, L.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Ins...
     with: Bradski, G.: Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by dep...
     with: Bradski, G.: Toward Automatic 3D Generic Object Modeling from One Sing...
     with: Chitra, B.: Early cervical cancer diagnosis using Sooty tern-optimized...
     with: Diouf, A.A.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas...
     with: Gomez Dans, J.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral In...
     with: Hanan, N.P.: Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Sav...
     with: Hanan, N.P.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas...
     with: Happee, R.: Optimal Trajectory Planning for Mitigated Motion Sickness:...
     with: Huang, H.Y.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instr...
     with: Hult, J.: Potential Underestimation of Satellite Fire Radiative Power ...
     with: Jain, V.: Optimal Trajectory Planning for Mitigated Motion Sickness: S...
     with: Ji, W.J.: Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Savann...
     with: Ji, W.J.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas of...
     with: Kaptue, A.T.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savanna...
     with: Lal, G.J.: robust watermarking method based on Compressed Sensing and ...
     with: Li, J.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instrument...
     with: Lind, B.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas of...
     with: Lind, B.M.: Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Sava...
     with: Mohammed, K.M.C.: Defective texture classification using optimized neu...
     with: Mohan, B.C.: Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Sugeno's Intuiti...
     with: Moni, R.S.: Automatic liver and lesion segmentation: A primary step in...
     with: Moni, R.S.: Performance analysis of wave atom transform in texture cla...
     with: Papaioannou, G.: Optimal Trajectory Planning for Mitigated Motion Sick...
     with: Peterson, B.: Potential Underestimation of Satellite Fire Radiative Po...
     with: Picotte, J.: Potential Underestimation of Satellite Fire Radiative Pow...
     with: Prabhu, S.V.: robust watermarking method based on Compressed Sensing a...
     with: Prasad, G.: Defective texture classification using optimized neural ne...
     with: Prihodko, L.: Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Sa...
     with: Prihodko, L.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savanna...
     with: Raja, S.P.: Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Through N...
     with: Rajeesh, J.: Automatic liver and lesion segmentation: A primary step i...
     with: Rajeesh, J.: Performance analysis of wave atom transform in texture cl...
     with: Robinson, Y.H.: Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Throu...
     with: Ross, C.W.: Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Sava...
     with: Ross, C.W.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas ...
     with: Roy, D.P.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instrum...
     with: Sarr, M.A.: Trends in Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in the Savannas ...
     with: Sasikanth, S.: Glioma tumor detection in brain MRI image using ANFIS-b...
     with: Savarese, S.: Mobile object detection through client-server based vote...
     with: Savarese, S.: Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by de...
     with: Savarese, S.: Toward Automatic 3D Generic Object Modeling from One Sin...
     with: Shyrokau, B.: Optimal Trajectory Planning for Mitigated Motion Sicknes...
     with: Sigappi, A.N.: Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Throug...
     with: Soman, K.P.: robust watermarking method based on Compressed Sensing an...
     with: Sun, M.: Mobile object detection through client-server based vote tran...
     with: Sun, M.: Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by depth-e...
     with: Sun, M.: Toward Automatic 3D Generic Object Modeling from One Single I...
     with: Thomas, G.A.S.: Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Throu...
     with: Tirupal, T.: Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Sugeno's Intuiti...
     with: Veena, V.K.: robust watermarking method based on Compressed Sensing an...
     with: Yan, L.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instrumen...
     with: Zhang, H.K.: Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instr...
55 for Kumar, S.S.

Kumar, S.U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cushman, S.A.: Pathwalker: A New Individual-Based Movement Model for C...
     with: Kasturi, R.: Text data extraction from microfilm images of punched cards
     with: Kaszta, Z.: Pathwalker: A New Individual-Based Movement Model for Cons...

Kumar, S.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, J.A.: Exploring the Utility of Machine Learning-Based Passive M...
     with: Ahmad, S.K.: Exploring Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 diversity for flood i...
     with: Bell, J.R.: Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface and Nu...
     with: Case, J.L.: Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface and Nu...
     with: Cheng, I.: U-Net Approach for InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Denoising, A
     with: Fisher, M.S.: Geometric pattern matching using dynamic feature combina...
     with: Forman, B.A.: Exploring the Utility of Machine Learning-Based Passive ...
     with: Golden, H.E.: Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MODIS ...
     with: Goldsbury, R.: U-Net Approach for InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Denoising...
     with: Harrison, K.W.: Calibration to Improve Forward Model Simulation of Mic...
     with: Jedlovec, G.J.: Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface an...
     with: Jeyalakshmi, S.: Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MOD...
     with: Kim, I.L.: Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MODIS Lea...
     with: Konapala, G.: Exploring Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 diversity for flood ...
     with: Kwon, Y.H.: Exploring the Utility of Machine Learning-Based Passive Mi...
     with: La Fontaine, F.J.: Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface...
     with: Lane, C.R.: Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MODIS Le...
     with: Nagaraju, C.: Generation of Random Fields for Image Segmentation Techn...
     with: Nagaraju, C.: T2FCS filter: Type 2 fuzzy and cuckoo search-based filte...
     with: Nair, D.: Geometric pattern matching using dynamic feature combinations
     with: Pemula, R.: Generation of Random Fields for Image Segmentation Techniq...
     with: Peters Lidard, C.D.: Calibration to Improve Forward Model Simulation o...
     with: Peters Lidard, C.D.: Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surfa...
     with: Rajib, A.: Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MODIS Lea...
     with: Ramamoorthy, S.: Geometric pattern matching using dynamic feature comb...
     with: Ringerud, S.: Calibration to Improve Forward Model Simulation of Micro...
     with: Smyth, B.: Geometric pattern matching using dynamic feature combinations
     with: Sun, X.Y.: U-Net Approach for InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Denoising, A
     with: Tian, Y.: Calibration to Improve Forward Model Simulation of Microwave...
     with: Wang, Z.: U-Net Approach for InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Denoising, A
     with: Yoon, Y.S.: Exploring the Utility of Machine Learning-Based Passive Mi...
     with: Yu, Z.Q.: Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MODIS Leaf...
32 for Kumar, S.V.

Kumar, S.V.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gopalakrishnan, G.: fast piecewise deformable method for multi-modalit...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, S.: novel progressive thick slab paradigm for volumetric...
     with: Mullick, R.: fast piecewise deformable method for multi-modality image...
     with: Nandedkar, V.: novel progressive thick slab paradigm for volumetric me...
     with: Narayanan, A.: fast piecewise deformable method for multi-modality ima...

Kumar, T. .S.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gour, M.: Residual learning based CNN for breast cancer histopathologi...
     with: Gour, M.: Robust nuclei segmentation with encoder-decoder network from...
     with: Jain, S.: Residual learning based CNN for breast cancer histopathologi...
     with: Jain, S.: Robust nuclei segmentation with encoder-decoder network from...

Kumar, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barrick, D.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Indo...
     with: Chen, T.L.: Grounding-Tracking-Integration
     with: Diposaptono, S.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 ...
     with: Isaacson, J.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Ind...
     with: Jena, B.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Indones...
     with: Lipa, B.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Indones...
     with: Luo, J.B.: Grounding-Tracking-Integration
     with: Nyden, B.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Indone...
     with: Rajesh, K.: High Frequency (HF) Radar Detection of the Weak 2012 Indon...
     with: Su, J.S.: Grounding-Tracking-Integration
     with: Yang, Z.Y.: Grounding-Tracking-Integration
11 for Kumar, T.

Kumar, T.G.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arivazhagan, S.: modified statistical approach for image fusion using ...
     with: Arivazhagan, S.: Texture classification using Curvelet Statistical and...
     with: Arivazhagan, S.: Texture classification using ridgelet transform
     with: Ganesan, L.: modified statistical approach for image fusion using wave...
     with: Ganesan, L.: Texture classification using Curvelet Statistical and Co-...
     with: Ganesan, L.: Texture classification using ridgelet transform
     with: Nagarajan, V.: Local contourlet tetra pattern for image retrieval
7 for Kumar, T.G.S.

Kumar, T.K. .S.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: George, S.N.: computationally efficient moving object detection techni...
     with: Sabat, N.: computationally efficient moving object detection technique...
     with: Subodh Raj, M.S.: computationally efficient moving object detection te...

Kumar, T.K.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayanian, N.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation an...
     with: Cohen, L.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and ...
     with: Honig, W.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and ...
     with: Koenig, S.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and...
     with: Ma, H.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Exe...
     with: Uras, T.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and E...
     with: Xu, H.: Overview: A Hierarchical Framework for Plan Generation and Exe...
7 for Kumar, T.K.S.

Kumar, T.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leiva, L.A.: Attentive Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling of Stroke Gesture...

Kumar, T.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arulkumar, N.: HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedical ...
     with: James, B.C.: HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedical Im...
     with: Jothilakshmi, S.: HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedic...
     with: Kanhangad, V.: Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional Tunable-Q Wavele...
     with: Manneela, S.: Near Real-time Determination Of Earthquake Source Parame...
     with: Nayak, S.R.: Near Real-time Determination Of Earthquake Source Paramet...
     with: Prakash, M.: HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedical Im...
     with: Rekha, C.: HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedical Imag...
8 for Kumar, T.S.

Kumar, T.V.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayuga, J.G.: Assessment of Caatinga response to drought using Meteosat...
     with: Barbosa, H.A.: Assessment of Caatinga response to drought using Meteos...
     with: Barbosa, H.A.: Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River Basin Usi...
     with: de Oliveira Buriti, C.: Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River ...
     with: Elliott, S.: Assessment of Caatinga response to drought using Meteosat...
     with: Giovannettone, J.: Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River Basin...
     with: Paredes Trejo, F.: Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River Basin...
     with: Paredes, F.: Assessment of Caatinga response to drought using Meteosat...
     with: Thakur, M.K.: Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River Basin Usin...
     with: Uzcategui Briceno, C.: Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River B...
10 for Kumar, T.V.L.

Kumar, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aung, A.P.P.: U-Tell: Unsupervised Task Expert Lifelong Learning
     with: Basu, S.: Multi-sensor multi-resolution image fusion for improved vege...
     with: Basu, S.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delinea...
     with: Bhokare, G.: Efficient coding of sparse trees using an enhanced-embedd...
     with: Boyda, E.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deline...
     with: Chakraborty, T.: Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities ...
     with: Chang, W.Y.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropica...
     with: Cook, B.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delinea...
     with: Das, A.: Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities in Socia...
     with: DiBiano, R.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deli...
     with: Dubayah, R.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deli...
     with: Duncanson, L.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover De...
     with: Gadre, V.: Efficient coding of sparse trees using an enhanced-embedded...
     with: Ganguly, S.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Glo...
     with: Ganguly, S.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deli...
     with: Ganguly, S.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagr...
     with: Gayaka, S.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Glob...
     with: Hashimoto, H.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating G...
     with: Janapati, J.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropic...
     with: Jayavelu, S.: Data Generation with Structure Enforcing Adversarial Lea...
     with: Jayavelu, S.: U-Tell: Unsupervised Task Expert Lifelong Learning
     with: Kalia, S.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Globa...
     with: Karki, M.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deline...
     with: Kumar Raja, S.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented L...
     with: Le Loh, J.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical...
     with: Lee, D.I.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical ...
     with: Li, S.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Global L...
     with: Li, S.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delineati...
     with: Lin, P.L.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical ...
     with: Maheshwari, T.: Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities i...
     with: Michaelis, A.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating G...
     with: Michaelis, A.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover De...
     with: Milesi, C.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Glob...
     with: Milesi, C.: Multi-sensor multi-resolution image fusion for improved ve...
     with: Milesi, C.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delin...
     with: Milesi, C.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagra...
     with: Mukhopadhyay, S.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover...
     with: Nemani, R.R.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Gl...
     with: Nemani, R.R.: Multi-sensor multi-resolution image fusion for improved ...
     with: Nemani, R.R.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Del...
     with: Nemani, R.R.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lag...
     with: Patil, B.: Efficient coding of sparse trees using an enhanced-embedded...
     with: Raja, K.S.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Glob...
     with: Reddy, K.K.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropica...
     with: Reddy, M.V.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropica...
     with: Reganti, A.N.: Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities in...
     with: Saatchi, S.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deli...
     with: Seela, B.K.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropica...
     with: Seitz, F.: Remote Sensing of Storage Fluctuations of Poorly Gauged Res...
     with: Singh, A.: Remote Sensing of Storage Fluctuations of Poorly Gauged Res...
     with: Sinha, R.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Globa...
     with: Solomon, I.: Data Generation with Structure Enforcing Adversarial Lear...
     with: Solomon, I.: U-Tell: Unsupervised Task Expert Lifelong Learning
     with: Unnikrishnan, C.K.: Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean ...
     with: Votava, P.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Glob...
     with: Votava, P.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delin...
     with: Wang, W.: Exploring Subpixel Learning Algorithms for Estimating Global...
     with: Wang, W.: Sparse unmixing via variable splitting and augmented Lagrang...
     with: Yu, Y.F.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Delinea...
     with: Zhang, G.: Semiautomated Probabilistic Framework for Tree-Cover Deline...
62 for Kumar, U.

Kumar, U.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Vandewalle, P.: Similarity-Weighted IoU (sIOU): A Comprehensive Metric...

Kumar, U.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bobby, J.S.: QCBO-WSVM: Quantum chaos butterfly optimization-based wei...
     with: Femina, M.A.: QCBO-WSVM: Quantum chaos butterfly optimization-based we...
     with: Kapali, B.S.C.: QCBO-WSVM: Quantum chaos butterfly optimization-based ...

Kumar, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdelhamed, A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset,...
     with: Abdulatif, S.: ipA-MedGAN: Inpainting of Arbitrary Regions in Medical ...
     with: Aditya, H.: Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
     with: Aerts, H.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a...
     with: Afifi, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Agrawal, D.D.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach...
     with: Ahmadian, N.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clou...
     with: Ahsan, H.: Multi-label annotation of music
     with: Archana, C.P.: Creation of a Huge Annotated Database for Tamil and Kan...
     with: Armanious, K.: ipA-MedGAN: Inpainting of Arbitrary Regions in Medical ...
     with: Asati, A.: Low-latency median filter core for hardware implementation ...
     with: Asati, A.: Memory-efficient architecture of circle Hough transform and...
     with: Atluri, G.: Brain-Network Paradigm: Using Functional Imaging Data to S...
     with: Babaie, H.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research...
     with: Bai, D.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Baingne, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitation ...
     with: Bajpai, P.K.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Resear...
     with: Bansal, A.: Sparse Document Image Coding for Restoration
     with: Bao, L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Baranwal, M.: novel machine learning-based analytical framework for au...
     with: Bastidas, A.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Becker Reshef, I.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water...
     with: Beham, P.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognitio...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Bendtsen, C.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usin...
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previo...
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water ...
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neur...
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Com...
     with: Bisulco, A.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event ...
     with: Biswas, M.K.: MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classification ...
     with: Bonatti, R.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Ra...
     with: Borg, E.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud Mo...
     with: Borne, K.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research ...
     with: Brecht, B.: Security Credential Management System for V2X Communicatio...
     with: Brown, M.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Bust, G.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research A...
     with: Cai, Y.P.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Cao, Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Cao, Y.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Cao, Y.P.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Carlson, K.M.: Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MO...
     with: Carneiro, G.: Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for ...
     with: Chakraborty, A.: CAFT: Class Aware Frequency Transform for Reducing Do...
     with: Chakraborty, A.: CoNMix for Source-free Single and Multi-target Domain...
     with: Chakraborty, A.: Improving Domain Adaptation Through Class Aware Frequ...
     with: Chaney, K.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event D...
     with: Chaudhary, V.: Block-based image fusion using multi-scale analysis to ...
     with: Chavan, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Cheatham, M.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Resear...
     with: Chen, M.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemp...
     with: Chen, M.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and...
     with: Chen, W.D.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Cho, H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Choi, H.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Choi, J.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Chouhan, R.: No-reference image quality assessment using Gabor-based s...
     with: Cladera, F.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Ra...
     with: Cladera, F.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event ...
     with: Conrad, C.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud ...
     with: Dabrowska Zielinska, K.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and...
     with: Dai, Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and ...
     with: Dandu, H.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previously Un...
     with: Daniilidis, K.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural...
     with: Daniilidis, K.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Eve...
     with: Davidson, A.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clou...
     with: de Abelleyra, D.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water ...
     with: Dekker, A.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using ...
     with: Dhall, A.: Dual stage semantic information based generative adversaria...
     with: Dhall, A.: Frequency aware face hallucination generative adversarial n...
     with: Dharminder, D.: SFVCC: Chaotic map-based security framework for vehicu...
     with: Diaz de Maria, F.: Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Redu...
     with: Ding, E.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Dixit, P.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
     with: Do, T.T.: Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for Impr...
     with: Dongre, P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Dovedi, T.: Hybrid time-reassigned multisynchrosqueezing transform-Pic...
     with: Dua, Y.: Convolution Neural Network based lossy compression of hypersp...
     with: Dua, Y.: Morphologically dilated convolutional neural network for hype...
     with: Ebert Uphoff, I.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Re...
     with: Ehricke, H.H.: Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-B...
     with: Etten, A.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Fan, Y.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Fan, Y.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Fayaz, S.: Underwater image restoration: A state-of-the-art review
     with: Feng, R.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods a...
     with: Frery, A.C.: Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Compact ...
     with: Gatenby, R.A.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usi...
     with: Gatidis, S.: ipA-MedGAN: Inpainting of Arbitrary Regions in Medical Im...
     with: Geetha, K.: Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition and ...
     with: Gerber, J.S.: Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MOD...
     with: Ghosh, R.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Ghosh, R.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Gil, Y.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research Ag...
     with: Giles, C.L.: OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spheri...
     with: Gillies, R.J.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usi...
     with: Girdhar, A.: Comprehensive survey of 3D image steganography techniques
     with: Goldgof, D.B.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images usi...
     with: Gomes, C.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research ...
     with: Gopalakrishnan, P.S.: Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and...
     with: Goudy, R.: Security Credential Management System for V2X Communication...
     with: Goyal, M.: novel machine learning-based analytical framework for autom...
     with: Gu, J.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and R...
     with: Gu, Y.H.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Guan, K.Y.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiote...
     with: Guan, K.Y.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resolut...
     with: Gudavalli, J.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recogn...
     with: Gupta, A.: Low-latency median filter core for hardware implementation ...
     with: Gupta, A.: Memory-efficient architecture of circle Hough transform and...
     with: Gupta, J.K.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Ra...
     with: Gupta, J.P.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
     with: Gupta, R.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Gupta, U.: Improving Stock Market Forecasting Using Advanced Time Seri...
     with: Gurdak, R.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud ...
     with: Hall, L.O.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using ...
     with: Han, J.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Harker, P.: Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitation ...
     with: Harwin, W.S.: Kinematic Modeling of Head-Neck Movements
     with: Harwin, W.S.: Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitatio...
     with: Hehn, T.: Security Credential Management System for V2X Communications...
     with: Hemadri, V.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognit...
     with: Hemalatha, S.: Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition a...
     with: Hepp, T.: ipA-MedGAN: Inpainting of Arbitrary Regions in Medical Imaging
     with: Hill, M.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research A...
     with: Hoang, T.: Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for Imp...
     with: Homayouni, S.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clo...
     with: Horel, J.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research ...
     with: Hosseini, M.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clou...
     with: Hsieh, M.A.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event ...
     with: Hsu, L.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research Ag...
     with: Hu, F.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Huang, T.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Huang, Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Husain, M.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recogniti...
     with: Islam, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Jagannath, H.S.: Morphological Enhancement of Microcalcifications in D...
     with: Jain, S.: novel machine learning-based analytical framework for automa...
     with: Jalal, A.S.: Support vector machine-based macro-block mode decision in...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Face Recognition in Videos by Label Propagation
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Identifying Ragas in Indian Music
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recogn...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Multi-label annotation of music
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Pose-Aware Person Recognition
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Region Pooling with Adaptive Feature Fusion for End-to-...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Semi-supervised annotation of faces in image collection
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Sparse Document Image Coding for Restoration
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition with Limit...
     with: Jawahar, C.V.: Visual Phrases for Exemplar Face Detection
     with: Jeong, J.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Jia, X.W.: Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MODIS ...
     with: Jia, X.W.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Jiang, C.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Jiang, H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Jimenez Moreno, A.: Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Red...
     with: Jin, Z.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotempo...
     with: Jin, Z.N.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Johri, S.: Dual stage semantic information based generative adversaria...
     with: Johri, S.: novel machine learning-based analytical framework for autom...
     with: Jos, S.: Learning Fashion Compatibility from In-the-wild Images
     with: Joshi, D.G.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification...
     with: Joshi, U.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Judge, J.: Towards Understanding the Influence of Vertical Water Distr...
     with: Juneja, A.: Aethra-net: Single image and video dehazing using autoenco...
     with: Kaginalkar, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the W...
     with: Kagita, V.R.: Group preserving label embedding for multi-label classif...
     with: Kagita, V.R.: Proximal maximum margin matrix factorization for collabo...
     with: Kagita, V.R.: Skyline recommendation with uncertain preferences
     with: Kale, M.P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Kalra, N.: Characterization of Primary and Secondary Malignant Liver L...
     with: Kalra, N.: comparative study of computer-aided classification systems ...
     with: Kalra, N.: Neural Network Ensemble Based CAD System for Focal Liver Le...
     with: Kalra, N.: PCA-SVM based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions using B-Mo...
     with: Kalra, N.: Prediction of Cirrhosis Based on Singular Value Decompositi...
     with: Kalra, N.: Prediction of cirrhosis from liver ultrasound B-mode images...
     with: Kalra, N.: Prediction of liver cirrhosis based on multiresolution text...
     with: Kalra, N.: Rapid Approach for Prediction of Liver Cirrhosis based on F...
     with: Kalra, N.: SVM-based characterisation of liver cirrhosis by singular v...
     with: Kalra, N.: SVM-Based Characterization of Liver Ultrasound Images Using...
     with: Kanal, L.N.: Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision
     with: Kandasamy, M.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recogn...
     with: Kang, M.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Kang, Y.H.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiote...
     with: Kansal, P.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Kapoor, A.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Rad...
     with: Kar, S.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification Usi...
     with: Kartikeyan, B.: MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classificatio...
     with: Karure, J.C.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recogni...
     with: Kaur, M.: Colour image encryption technique using differential evoluti...
     with: Kaur, M.: E-CNNet: Time-reassigned Multisynchrosqueezing transform-bas...
     with: Khabbazan, S.: Towards Understanding the Influence of Vertical Water D...
     with: Khandelwal, A.: Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using M...
     with: Khandelwal, A.: Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: Characterization of Primary and Secondary Malignant Li...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: comparative study of computer-aided classification sys...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: Neural Network Ensemble Based CAD System for Focal Liv...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: PCA-SVM based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions using...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: Prediction of Cirrhosis Based on Singular Value Decomp...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: Prediction of cirrhosis from liver ultrasound B-mode i...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: Prediction of liver cirrhosis based on multiresolution...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: Rapid Approach for Prediction of Liver Cirrhosis based...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: SVM-based characterisation of liver cirrhosis by singu...
     with: Khandelwal, N.: SVM-Based Characterization of Liver Ultrasound Images ...
     with: Khare, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kharkar, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Khassenov, A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, ...
     with: Kifer, D.: OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherica...
     with: Kim, J.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, S.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, S.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, W.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kim, Y.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Kinter, J.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research...
     with: Klose, U.: Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam ...
     with: Knoblock, C.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Resear...
     with: Korn, R.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Korpela, C.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event ...
     with: Krum, D.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research A...
     with: Kumar, A.C.S.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previousl...
     with: Kumar, D.: Active contour and texture features hybrid model for breast...
     with: Kumar, D.: Improved GAN for image resolution enhancement using ViT for...
     with: Kumar, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kumar, P.: Exploring the Frontier of Object Detection: A Deep Dive int...
     with: Kumar, R.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification U...
     with: Kussul, N.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud ...
     with: Labade, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Lal, R.: CAFT: Class Aware Frequency Transform for Reducing Domain Gap
     with: Lal, R.: CoNMix for Source-free Single and Multi-target Domain Adaptat...
     with: Lal, R.: Improving Domain Adaptation Through Class Aware Frequency Tra...
     with: Lambin, P.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using ...
     with: Laptev, I.: Long term spatio-temporal modeling for action detection
     with: Latkowski, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, ...
     with: Lee, J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Lee, J.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Lei, C.X.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Lermusiaux, P.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Rese...
     with: Li, B.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods...
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Li, C.Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and...
     with: Li, X.L.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Li, Y.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and...
     with: Li, Z.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Lim, K.O.: Brain-Network Paradigm: Using Functional Imaging Data to St...
     with: Limboo, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Lin, C.X.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Lindenbaum, D.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Ling, Z.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and...
     with: Liu, B.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, J.T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Liu, L.C.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotem...
     with: Liu, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Liu, Y.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research Ag...
     with: Loy, C.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Lu, X.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Lu, X.W.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Lu, Y.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Luitel, B.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Lunagariya, S.: Convolution Neural Network based lossy compression of ...
     with: Lv, S.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Ma, Y.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and...
     with: MacDonald, A.: Brain-Network Paradigm: Using Functional Imaging Data t...
     with: Madaan, R.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Rad...
     with: Maggioni, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, M...
     with: Majumder, K.L.: MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classificatio...
     with: Mali, A.: OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherical...
     with: Mandal, D.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud ...
     with: Mandal, D.: Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Compact P...
     with: Mandal, S.K.D.: Combinatorial Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
     with: Mandal, S.K.D.: Image Inpainting Through Metric Labeling via Guided Pa...
     with: Mandal, S.K.D.: Modified Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting via Primal-Du...
     with: Manolakos, E.: Unsupervised Model-Based Object Recognition by Paramete...
     with: Marras, I.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Martinez Enriquez, E.: Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to ...
     with: Matam, R.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks...
     with: Matni, N.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Radi...
     with: Mavromoustakis, C.X.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Dea...
     with: McNairn, H.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud...
     with: McNairn, H.: Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Compact ...
     with: Mcpherson, S.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Meher, S.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Mhatre, J.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Michael, N.: Control of Ensembles of Aerial Robots
     with: Michelini, P.N.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset...
     with: Mishra, A.: Sparse Document Image Coding for Restoration
     with: Mishra, D.: SFVCC: Chaotic map-based security framework for vehicular ...
     with: Mitchell, S.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clou...
     with: Mithal, V.: Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Mac...
     with: Mozejko, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Muduli, A.K.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WR...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Combinatorial Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Image Inpainting Through Metric Labeling via Guided Pat...
     with: Mukherjee, J.: Modified Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting via Primal-Dua...
     with: Mukherjee, M.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline T...
     with: Mulla, D.: Toward Large-Scale Mapping of Tree Crops with High-Resoluti...
     with: Namboodiri, A.: Sparse Document Image Coding for Restoration
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Face Recognition in Videos by Label Propagation
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Pose-Aware Person Recognition
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Region Pooling with Adaptive Feature Fusion for End-...
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Semi-supervised annotation of faces in image collect...
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Sparse Representation Based Face Recognition with Li...
     with: Namboodiri, A.M.: Visual Phrases for Exemplar Face Detection
     with: Nan, N.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Narkhede, K.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Nathan, S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Nayak, G.: Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Mach...
     with: Neelakandan, S.: Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition...
     with: Nemani, R.: Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Mac...
     with: Nethravathi, B.: Creation of a Huge Annotated Database for Tamil and K...
     with: North, C.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research ...
     with: Otto, K.M.: Diffusion MRI Tractography of Crossing Fibers by Cone-Beam...
     with: Ouerfelli, M.: Kinematic Modeling of Head-Neck Movements
     with: Oza, N.C.: Mapping Burned Areas in Tropical Forests Using a Novel Mach...
     with: Padmanabhan, V.: Group preserving label embedding for multi-label clas...
     with: Padmanabhan, V.: Proximal maximum margin matrix factorization for coll...
     with: Padmanabhan, V.: Skyline recommendation with uncertain preferences
     with: Pal, D.K.: MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classification for...
     with: Paluri, M.: Pose-Aware Person Recognition
     with: Pan, Z.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Pandya, H.: Identifying Ragas in Indian Music
     with: Pankratius, V.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Rese...
     with: Parah, S.A.: Underwater image restoration: A state-of-the-art review
     with: Pardeshi, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Park, B.J.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Parwani, K.: Convolution Neural Network based lossy compression of hyp...
     with: Patil, H.: CoNMix for Source-free Single and Multi-target Domain Adapt...
     with: Patil, H.: Improving Domain Adaptation Through Class Aware Frequency T...
     with: Peters, S.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research...
     with: Pierce, S.A.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Resear...
     with: Plale, B.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research ...
     with: Pokale, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Pope, A.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research A...
     with: Popli, A.: Learning Fashion Compatibility from In-the-wild Images
     with: Pujari, A.K.: Group preserving label embedding for multi-label classif...
     with: Pujari, A.K.: Proximal maximum margin matrix factorization for collabo...
     with: Pujari, A.K.: Skyline recommendation with uncertain preferences
     with: Pundir, A.K.S.: Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition ...
     with: Qureshi, G.J.: Underwater image restoration: A state-of-the-art review
     with: Radzali, N.A.W.M.: UAV-based Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Urban Are...
     with: Rajan, B.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognitio...
     with: Raju, R.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognition...
     with: Ramakrishnan, A.G.: Creation of a Huge Annotated Database for Tamil an...
     with: Rana, S.: SFVCC: Chaotic map-based security framework for vehicular cl...
     with: Rao, R.: Calibrating an air-ground control system from motion correspo...
     with: Rao, S.: OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherical ...
     with: Rao, Y.S.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud M...
     with: Rao, Y.S.: Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Compact Po...
     with: Rao, Y.V.: Computer-Vision-Based Approach to Personal Identification U...
     with: Ratha, D.: Radar Vegetation Index for Crop Monitoring Using Compact Po...
     with: Rautela, K.: Active contour and texture features hybrid model for brea...
     with: Rautela, K.: Improved GAN for image resolution enhancement using ViT f...
     with: Ravela, S.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research...
     with: Ray, S.: Information count and distribution matrix: A contemporary app...
     with: Reid, I.D.: Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for Im...
     with: Restrepo, J.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Resear...
     with: Rho, K.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Ridley, A.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research...
     with: Robertson, L.D.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water C...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Roy, S.: Improving Stock Market Forecasting Using Advanced Time Series...
     with: Sahu, S.K.: Proximal maximum margin matrix factorization for collabora...
     with: Saliendra, N.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clo...
     with: Samberg, L.H.: Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MO...
     with: Samet, H.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Research ...
     with: Sarkar, A.: MRF Model-Based Segmentation Approach to Classification fo...
     with: Setty, S.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognitio...
     with: Shafri, H.Z.M.: UAV-based Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Urban Area M...
     with: Shah, N.A.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Shaharum, N.S.N.: UAV-based Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Urban Area...
     with: Sharma, K.: Exploiting Word Embeddings for Recognition of Previously U...
     with: Sharma, K.G.: Support vector machine-based macro-block mode decision i...
     with: Sharma, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Sharma, S.: 3D landmark-based face restoration for recognition using v...
     with: Sharma, S.: Dual stage semantic information based generative adversari...
     with: Sharma, S.: Frequency aware face hallucination generative adversarial ...
     with: Sharma, V.: Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
     with: Shashikiran, K.: Creation of a Huge Annotated Database for Tamil and K...
     with: Shekhar, S.: Intelligent Systems for Geosciences: An Essential Researc...
     with: Shelestov, A.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clo...
     with: Shermeyer, J.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Shin, C.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Shorachi, M.: Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Response to Agricultural Drou...
     with: Singh, D.: Dehazing of remote sensing images using fourth-order partia...
     with: Singh, D.: Image dehazing using Moore neighborhood-based gradient prof...
     with: Singh, N.: robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
     with: Singh, R.S.: Convolution Neural Network based lossy compression of hyp...
     with: Singh, R.S.: Morphologically dilated convolutional neural network for ...
     with: Singh, V.: Dual stage semantic information based generative adversaria...
     with: Singla, S.I.K.: Aethra-net: Single image and video dehazing using auto...
     with: Sinha, T.: Proportional Trends of Continuous Rainfall in Indian Summer...
     with: Slabaugh, G.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, M...
     with: Song, K.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Spengler, D.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Clou...
     with: Sreshtha, D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Srivastava, S.: CAFT: Class Aware Frequency Transform for Reducing Dom...
     with: Steele Dunne, S.C.: Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Response to Agricultura...
     with: Steele Dunne, S.C.: Towards Understanding the Influence of Vertical Wa...
     with: Sultan, M.A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Sun, Q.H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Sun, W.X.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Sunilkumar, K.: Proportional Trends of Continuous Rainfall in Indian S...
     with: Sunitha, G.: Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition and...
     with: Suran, N.A.: UAV-based Hyperspectral Data Analysis for Urban Area Mapp...
     with: Swami, K.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Szafraniuk, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset,...
     with: Talekar, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Tanay, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Tandon, S.: Learning Fashion Compatibility from In-the-wild Images
     with: Tang, H.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Tang, P.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Tang, S.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Tapaswi, M.: Long term spatio-temporal modeling for action detection
     with: Taylor, C.J.: Calibrating an air-ground control system from motion cor...
     with: Taylor, C.J.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event...
     with: Thakare, G.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Therriault, D.: Security Credential Management System for V2X Communic...
     with: Tian, J.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a ...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Tran, T.: Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for Impr...
     with: Treszczotko, L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset...
     with: Trojanowski, K.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset...
     with: Tulsiyan, G.H.: Sparse Document Image Coding for Restoration
     with: Upadhyay, R.: E-CNNet: Time-reassigned Multisynchrosqueezing transform...
     with: Upadhyay, R.: Hybrid time-reassigned multisynchrosqueezing transform-P...
     with: Upadhyay, R.: novel machine learning-based analytical framework for au...
     with: Vaddi, R.: Indian Movie Face Database: A benchmark for face recognitio...
     with: Velazquez, E.R.: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images u...
     with: Vemprala, S.: EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural R...
     with: Vermunt, P.C.: Towards Understanding the Influence of Vertical Water D...
     with: Veron, S.R.: Comparison between Support Vector Machine and Water Cloud...
     with: Virmani, J.: Characterization of Primary and Secondary Malignant Liver...
     with: Virmani, J.: comparative study of computer-aided classification system...
     with: Virmani, J.: Morphological Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digit...
     with: Virmani, J.: Neural Network Ensemble Based CAD System for Focal Liver ...
     with: Virmani, J.: PCA-SVM based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions using B-...
     with: Virmani, J.: Prediction of Cirrhosis Based on Singular Value Decomposi...
     with: Virmani, J.: Prediction of cirrhosis from liver ultrasound B-mode imag...
     with: Virmani, J.: Prediction of liver cirrhosis based on multiresolution te...
     with: Virmani, J.: Rapid Approach for Prediction of Liver Cirrhosis based on...
     with: Virmani, J.: SVM-based characterisation of liver cirrhosis by singular...
     with: Virmani, J.: SVM-Based Characterization of Liver Ultrasound Images Usi...
     with: Wang, S.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Wang, T.N.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Wang, Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: M3ED: Multi-Robot, Multi-Sensor, Multi-Environment Event D...
     with: Weimerskirch, A.: Security Credential Management System for V2X Commun...
     with: Weir, N.: SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset
     with: Wen, C.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: West, P.C.: Automated Plantation Mapping in Southeast Asia Using MODIS...
     with: Whyte, W.: Security Credential Management System for V2X Communication...
     with: Wu, Y.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Wu, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Xi, T.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods...
     with: Xiao, J.J.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods a...
     with: Xu, S.M.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemp...
     with: Xu, S.S.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yan, Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Method...
     with: Yan, Y.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Yang, B.: ipA-MedGAN: Inpainting of Arbitrary Regions in Medical Imaging
     with: Yang, J.X.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Yang, Q.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiotemp...
     with: Yang, Z.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Ye, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yu, S.H.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yu, X.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Metho...
     with: Yu, Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and R...
     with: Zhang, G.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
     with: Zhang, K.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zhang, Z.L.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zhao, Y.Z.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zhou, J.X.: deep transfer learning framework for mapping high spatiote...
     with: Zhou, S.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods a...
     with: Zhou, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zhu, Q.P.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods an...
     with: Zhussip, M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Me...
     with: Zong, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Met...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Meth...
496 for Kumar, V.

Kumar, V.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arora, M.: Deep Learning-Based Classification of Malignant and Benign ...
     with: Mishra, V.: Deep Learning-Based Classification of Malignant and Benign...

Kumar, V.B.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kotsia, I.: Max-Margin Semi-NMF
     with: Patras, I.: Discriminative Voting Scheme for Object Detection using Ho...
     with: Patras, I.: Max-Margin Semi-NMF

Kumar, V.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandra, T.R.: 3D visualization and mapping of choroid thickness based...
     with: Chhablani, J.: 3D visualization and mapping of choroid thickness based...
     with: Jana, S.: 3D visualization and mapping of choroid thickness based on o...
     with: Richhariya, A.: 3D visualization and mapping of choroid thickness base...

Kumar, V.K.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alnuweiri, H.M.: Orthogonal Multiprocessor Sharing Memory with an Enha...
     with: Hwang, K.: Orthogonal Multiprocessor Sharing Memory with an Enhanced M...
     with: Kim, D.S.: Orthogonal Multiprocessor Sharing Memory with an Enhanced M...
     with: Krishnan, V.: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Image Template Matchin...
     with: Misra, M.: Massive memory organizations for implementing neural networks

Kumar, V.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Desai, U.B.: Image Interpretation Using Bayesian Networks
     with: Kotsianti, A.: Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grad...
     with: Oren, M.: Real Time Analysis and Tracking of Mouths for Expression Rec...
     with: Osuna, E.: Real Time Analysis and Tracking of Mouths for Expression Re...
     with: Pang, H.Y.: Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading...
     with: Poggio, T.: Learning-Based Approach to Estimation of Morphable Model P...
     with: Poggio, T.: Learning-Based Approach to Real Time Tracking and Analysis...
     with: Poggio, T.: Real Time Analysis and Tracking of Mouths for Expression R...
     with: Poggio, T.: Recognizing Expressions by Direct Estimation of the Parame...
     with: Saidi, O.: Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading ...
     with: Tabesh, A.: Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading...
     with: Teverovskiy, M.: Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Gr...
     with: Verbel, D.: Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading...
13 for Kumar, V.P.

Kumar, V.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almuzairee, A.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-E...
     with: Bach, M.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation on...
     with: Borse, S.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye-Vi...
     with: Borse, S.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and S...
     with: Burger, F.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Le...
     with: Cai, H.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye-View...
     with: Dahal, A.: Online Learning System for Wireless Charging Alignment Usin...
     with: Eising, C.: Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Autono...
     with: Eising, C.: Online Learning System for Wireless Charging Alignment Usi...
     with: Eising, C.: Surround-View Fisheye Camera Perception for Automated Driv...
     with: El Sallab, A.: Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Aut...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estima...
     with: Fingscheidt, T.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera ...
     with: Jeyanthy, P.A.: Optimization-Assisted CNN Model for Fault Classificati...
     with: Kerofsky, L.: Impact of Video Compression Artifacts on Fisheye Camera ...
     with: Kesavamoorthy, R.: Optimization-Assisted CNN Model for Fault Classific...
     with: Klingner, M.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimatio...
     with: Klingner, M.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Dis...
     with: Klingner, M.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye...
     with: Klingner, M.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks an...
     with: Krizek, P.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Le...
     with: Mader, P.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation o...
     with: Mader, P.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Distan...
     with: Milz, S.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation on...
     with: Milz, S.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Distanc...
     with: Mohamed, E.: Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Auton...
     with: Narayanan, V.: FisheyeBEVSeg: Surround View Fisheye Cameras based Bird...
     with: Narayanan, V.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks a...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Ey...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks a...
     with: Rashed, H.: Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Autono...
     with: Rashed, H.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Le...
     with: Rezaei, B.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks and ...
     with: Sakthi, M.: Impact of Video Compression Artifacts on Fisheye Camera Vi...
     with: Sistu, G.: Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Autonom...
     with: Sistu, G.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Len...
     with: Unger, D.: FisheyeBEVSeg: Surround View Fisheye Cameras based Bird's-E...
     with: Uricar, M.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera Le...
     with: Vobecky, A.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera L...
     with: Witt, C.: Surround-View Fisheye Camera Perception for Automated Drivin...
     with: Yogamani, S.: FisheyeBEVSeg: Surround View Fisheye Cameras based Bird'...
     with: Yogamani, S.: Generalized Object Detection on Fisheye Cameras for Auto...
     with: Yogamani, S.: Impact of Video Compression Artifacts on Fisheye Camera ...
     with: Yogamani, S.: Let's Get Dirty: GAN Based Data Augmentation for Camera ...
     with: Yogamani, S.: Online Learning System for Wireless Charging Alignment U...
     with: Yogamani, S.: SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimatio...
     with: Yogamani, S.: SynDistNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Fisheye Camera Dis...
     with: Yogamani, S.: X-Align: Cross-Modal Cross-View Alignment for Bird's-Eye...
     with: Yogamani, S.: X3KD: Knowledge Distillation Across Modalities, Tasks an...
     with: Yogamani, S.K.: Surround-View Fisheye Camera Perception for Automated ...
50 for Kumar, V.R.

Kumar, V.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bose, S.R.: Efficient inception V2 based deep convolutional neural net...
     with: Gurcan, M.N.: Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image...
     with: Kong, J.: Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image Dat...
     with: Kurc, T.: Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image Dat...
     with: Narayanan, S.: Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Imag...
     with: Saltz, J.H.: Analysis and Semantic Querying in Large Biomedical Image ...

Kumar, V.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abubakr, M.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cru...
     with: Abuchaar, O.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cr...
     with: Adla, R.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruise...
     with: Ali, M.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruise ...
     with: Bitar, G.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruis...
     with: Deering, R.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cru...
     with: Ibrahim, U.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cru...
     with: Kailas, A.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive crui...
     with: Kelkar, P.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive crui...
     with: Meier, J.N.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cru...
     with: Moradi Pari, E.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive...
     with: Parikh, J.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive crui...
     with: Rajab, S.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruis...
     with: Sakakida, M.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cr...
     with: Yamamoto, M.: Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cr...
15 for Kumar, V.V.

Kumar, W.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nongmeikapam, K.: Enhancing scene perception using a multispectral fus...
     with: Nongmeikapam, K.: Fast and Automatically Adjustable GRBF Kernel Based ...
     with: Singh, A.D.: Enhancing scene perception using a multispectral fusion o...
     with: Singh, A.D.: Fast and Automatically Adjustable GRBF Kernel Based Fuzzy...
     with: Singh, N.J.: Image classification using SLIC superpixel and FAAGKFCM i...
     with: Singh, N.K.: Image classification using SLIC superpixel and FAAGKFCM i...

Kumar, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anand, R.S.: Epileptic seizures detection in EEG using DWT-based ApEn ...
     with: Cho, J.M.: Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and...
     with: Dewal, M.L.: Epileptic seizures detection in EEG using DWT-based ApEn ...
     with: Kim, S.W.: Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and...
     with: Lee, S.W.: Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and...
     with: Lee, S.Y.: Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and...
     with: Marttinen, P.: Improving Medical Multi-modal Contrastive Learning with...
     with: Mishra, A.: Few-Shot Referring Relationships in Videos
     with: Rahman, Z.A.A.: Additional Cues Derived from Three Dimensional Image P...
     with: Rathinam, A.K.: Additional Cues Derived from Three Dimensional Image P...
     with: Rawat, S.S.: Infrared small target detection based on non-convex tripl...
     with: Rawat, S.S.: Reweighted infrared patch image model for small target de...
     with: Tung, T.S.: Additional Cues Derived from Three Dimensional Image Proce...
     with: Verma, S.K.: Infrared small target detection based on non-convex tripl...
     with: Verma, S.K.: Reweighted infrared patch image model for small target de...
15 for Kumar, Y.

Kumar, Y.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: Face recognition using multiple facial features
     with: Rao, K.S.: Face recognition using multiple facial features

Kumar, Y.H.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Naveena, C.: SIFT and HOG features for the retrieval of ancient Kannad...
     with: Parashivamurthy, R.: SIFT and HOG features for the retrieval of ancien...

Kumar, Y.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, S.I.K.: Learning Feature Trajectories Using Gabor Filter Bank f...
     with: Ramakrishnan, K.R.: Learning Feature Trajectories Using Gabor Filter B...

Kumar, Y.S.S.S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anand, C.S.: MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Usin...
     with: Chellingi, P.: MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Us...
     with: Ganugula, P.: MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Usi...
     with: Kasera, N.: MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Using...
     with: Reddy, N.K.S.: MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Us...
     with: Thakur, A.: MOSAIC: Multi-Object Segmented Arbitrary Stylization Using...

Kumara, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, R.: large margin approach for writer independent online handw...
     with: Bhattacharyya, C.: large margin approach for writer independent online...

Kumara, S.R.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kao, C.Y.: Extraction of 3D Object Features from CAD Boundary Represen...
     with: Kasturi, R.: Extraction of 3D Object Features from CAD Boundary Repres...

Kumaraguru, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhagat, S.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Bhasin, D.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Gupta, D.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevanc...
     with: Gupta, S.: Attentional Road Safety Networks
     with: Jain, R.R.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Kaushal, R.: Fake News in India: Scale, Diversity, Solution, and Oppor...
     with: Saini, A.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevanc...
     with: Shah, R.R.: Fake News in India: Scale, Diversity, Solution, and Opport...
     with: Shah, R.R.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevan...
     with: Singhal, S.: Fake News in India: Scale, Diversity, Solution, and Oppor...
     with: Srivatsav, D.: Attentional Road Safety Networks
     with: Subramanyam, A.V.: Attentional Road Safety Networks
     with: Uppal, S.: Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevanc...
13 for Kumaraguru, P.

Kumaraguru, P.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alfurhood, B.S.: Hessian Distributed Ant Optimized Perron-Frobenius Ei...
     with: Flammini, F.: Hessian Distributed Ant Optimized Perron-Frobenius Eigen...
     with: Gururaj, H.L.: Hessian Distributed Ant Optimized Perron-Frobenius Eige...
     with: Kamalakkannan, V.: Hessian Distributed Ant Optimized Perron-Frobenius ...
     with: Natarajan, R.: Hessian Distributed Ant Optimized Perron-Frobenius Eige...

Kumaran, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Geiger, D.: shape of illusory figures, The
     with: Geiger, D.: Visual Organization for Figure/Ground Separation
     with: Geiger, D.: Visual Organization of Illusory Surfaces
     with: Pao, H.K.: shape of illusory figures, The
     with: Parida, L.: Visual Organization for Figure/Ground Separation
     with: Rubin, N.: shape of illusory figures, The

Kumaran, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Umbaugh, S.E.: Dynamic Window-Based Runlength Coding Algorithm Applied...

Kumaran, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jeyanth, V.: IoT Empowered AI: Transforming Object Recognition and NLP...
     with: Joseph, S.: IoT Empowered AI: Transforming Object Recognition and NLP ...
     with: Poorvaja, R.: IoT Empowered AI: Transforming Object Recognition and NL...
     with: Priya, S.B.: IoT Empowered AI: Transforming Object Recognition and NLP...
     with: Shivaraj, S.: IoT Empowered AI: Transforming Object Recognition and NL...
     with: Shivesh, P.R.: IoT Empowered AI: Transforming Object Recognition and N...

Kumaran, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gottumukkala, V.S.S.P.R.: IRFNet: Skin Lesion Detection and Classifica...
     with: Reddy, U.S.: Classification of human activity detection based on an in...
     with: Sekhar, V.C.: IRFNet: Skin Lesion Detection and Classification Using U...

Kumaran, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakravarty, A.: Likelihood learning in modified Dirichlet Process Mix...
     with: Dogra, D.P.: Likelihood learning in modified Dirichlet Process Mixture...
     with: Roy, P.P.: Likelihood learning in modified Dirichlet Process Mixture M...

Kumaran, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, R.K.: Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for compu...
     with: Behari, M.: Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for computer...
     with: Gudwani, S.: Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for compute...
     with: Juneja, A.: Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for computer...
     with: Rana, B.: Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for computer a...
     with: Saxena, M.: Graph-theory-based spectral feature selection for computer...

Kumarand, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Galigekere, R.R.: Towards a comprehensive assessment of wound-composit...
     with: Nayak, R.: Towards a comprehensive assessment of wound-composition usi...

Kumarapu, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mukherjee, P.: AnimePose: Multi-person 3D pose estimation and animation

Kumarasamy, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ong, S.H.: Robust contour reconstruction of red blood cells and parasi...
     with: Tan, K.S.W.: Robust contour reconstruction of red blood cells and para...

Kumarasamy, U.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Divakarachari, P.B.: Land-Use and Land-Cover Classification Using a Hu...
     with: Rajendran, G.B.: Land-Use and Land-Cover Classification Using a Human ...
     with: Ullo, S.L.: Land-Use and Land-Cover Classification Using a Human Group...
     with: Zarro, C.: Land-Use and Land-Cover Classification Using a Human Group-...

Kumarasinghe, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Zoysa, K.: Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV with Fl...
     with: Mudannayake, O.: Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV with...
     with: Perera, D.: Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV with Flig...
     with: Samaranayake, H.: Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV wit...
     with: Suduwella, C.: Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV with F...
     with: Wimalaratne, P.: Detecting Water in Visual Image Streams from UAV with...

Kumarasiri, A.D.T.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hoang, K.O.: Temperature Effects in AMSR2 Soil Moisture Products and D...
     with: Lu, M.J.: Temperature Effects in AMSR2 Soil Moisture Products and Deve...

Kumarasiri, U.W.L.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gonzalez, F.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane Crops...
     with: Kulasekara, B.R.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane C...
     with: Narmilan, A.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane Crops...
     with: Salgadoe, A.S.A.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane C...
     with: Weerasinghe, H.A.S.: Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcan...

Kumarasiri, W.C.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karunarathne, G.T.I.: Trainer System for Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting, A
     with: Shiyamala, B.: Trainer System for Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting, A
     with: Silva, H.L.K.: Trainer System for Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting, A
     with: Uthuranga, S.D.: Trainer System for Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting, A
     with: Walisundara, H.B.: Trainer System for Air Rifle/Pistol Shooting, A

Kumaraswamy, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sasibhooshan, R.: WavNet: Visual saliency detection using Discrete Wav...
     with: Sasidharan, S.: WavNet: Visual saliency detection using Discrete Wavel...

Kumaraswamy, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kijak, E.: Detecting Human-Object Interaction with Mixed Supervision
     with: Shi, M.J.: Detecting Human-Object Interaction with Mixed Supervision

Kumaraswamy, Y.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kumar, R.G.: Investigation and classification of ECG beat using Input ...

Kumaratharan, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chitra, S.: Enhanced brain image retrieval using carrier frequency off...
     with: Ramesh, S.: Enhanced brain image retrieval using carrier frequency off...

Kumaravel, S.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayyagari, R.: Decentralized Signal Control for Non-Lane-Based Heteroge...

Kumaravelan, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Appalanaidu, M.V.: Nutrient Deficiency Classification in Rice Plants U...
     with: Geetha, M.K.: Two-Stream Spatial-Temporal Feature Extraction and Class...
     with: Mangai, P.: Two-Stream Spatial-Temporal Feature Extraction and Classif...

Kumaravelu, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dash, S.: CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates
     with: Lee, H.: CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates
     with: Naganoor, V.: CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bit...
     with: Raman, S.K.: CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitr...
     with: Ramesh, A.: CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitra...

Kumarawadu, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lee, T.T.: High-Performance Object Tracking and Fixation With an Onlin...
     with: Lee, T.T.: Neuroadaptive Output Tracking of Fully Autonomous Road Vehi...
     with: Watanabe, K.: High-Performance Object Tracking and Fixation With an On...

Kumaresan, P.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Salem, I.: Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Ch...
     with: Howari, F.M.: Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Cha...
     with: Karthi, A.: Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Chara...
     with: Nazzal, Y.: Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Chara...
     with: Sharma, M.: Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Chara...
     with: Xavier, C.M.: Investigation on the Morphological and Mineralogical Cha...

Kumaresan, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, P.K.: Vector-Radix Algorithm for a 2-D Discrete Hartley Transform
     with: Shaw, A.K.: Exact Least Squares Fitting Technique for Two-Dimensional ...

Kumaresan, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, H.H.: Hand-eye coordination of a robot manipulator based on fuzzy ...

Kumarganesh, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anguraj, K.: Early detection of melanoma images using gray level co-oc...
     with: Suganthi, M.: efficient approach for brain image (tissue) compression ...
     with: Thangaraj, K.: Early detection of melanoma images using gray level co-...
     with: Thiyaneswaran, B.: Early detection of melanoma images using gray level...

Kumari, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mohan, C.K.: Monte Carlo DropBlock for modeling uncertainty in object ...
     with: Srijith, P.K.: Monte Carlo DropBlock for modeling uncertainty in objec...
     with: Yelleni, S.H.: Monte Carlo DropBlock for modeling uncertainty in objec...

Kumari, G.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babu, G.R.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile E...
     with: Kumar, P.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...
     with: Pande, A.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...
     with: Rao, G.M.: Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile En...

Kumari, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mandal, U.K.: Geospatial Technology Based Soil Loss Estimation for Sus...

Kumari, K.H.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barpanda, S.S.: Residual UNet with Dual Attention: An ensemble residua...

Kumari, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dehghan Soraki, Y.: Modified Polarimetric Decompostion for Applicabilt...
     with: Johnson, B.A.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in ...
     with: Kothyari, G.C.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in...
     with: Kotlia, B.S.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Kumar, A.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in Indi...
     with: Kumar, P.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in Indi...
     with: Saha, S.K.: Modified Polarimetric Decompostion for Applicabilty in Com...
     with: Singh, A.K.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in In...
     with: Taloor, A.K.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Tiwari, S.P.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in I...
     with: Tripathi, J.N.: Geospatial Technology-Based Analysis of Air Quality in...
11 for Kumari, M.

Kumari, M.K.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gunaalan, K.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Qua...
     with: Gunarathna, M.H.J.P.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundw...
     with: Ranagalage, M.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Q...
     with: Saravanan, S.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Qu...
     with: Srivaratharasan, T.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwa...
     with: Vithanage, M.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Qu...
     with: Warnasuriya, T.W.S.: Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwa...
7 for Kumari, M.K.N.

Kumari, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dyshkant, N.F.: Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face re...
     with: Gordeev, D.: Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face recon...
     with: Holla, K.R.: Video shot boundary detection: An efficient and an accura...
     with: Mestetskiy, L.M.: Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face ...
     with: Shekar, B.H.: Surface measures for accuracy evaluation in 3d face reco...
     with: Shekar, B.H.: Video shot boundary detection: An efficient and an accur...

Kumari, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anwar, S.: Automated visual stimuli evoked multi-channel EEG signal cl...
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Attributional Robustness Training Using Input-g...
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for...
     with: Balasubramanian, V.N.: Data InStance Prior (DISP) in Generative Advers...
     with: Bhattacharjee, V.: Automated visual stimuli evoked multi-channel EEG s...
     with: Chaudhary, R.S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water ...
     with: Ghosh, S.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of...
     with: Jayaraman, S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Co...
     with: Jyoti, B.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: Attributional Robustness Training Using Input-gradi...
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for Few...
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: Data InStance Prior (DISP) in Generative Adversaria...
     with: Krishnamurthy, B.: LT-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN with Latent Transformat...
     with: Kumar, D.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Kumar, J.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Kushwaha, S.K.P.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integra...
     with: Lenka, N.K.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Mangla, P.: Attributional Robustness Training Using Input-gradient Spa...
     with: Mangla, P.: Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for Few-shot L...
     with: Mangla, P.: Data InStance Prior (DISP) in Generative Adversarial Netwo...
     with: Mishra, R.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conte...
     with: Mohanty, M.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Nandy, S.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of...
     with: Padalia, H.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration ...
     with: Patel, P.: LT-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN with Latent Transformation Dete...
     with: Rani, A.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Content...
     with: Rodriguez, J.F.: Global Analysis of Atmospheric Transmissivity Using C...
     with: Saco, P.M.: Global Analysis of Atmospheric Transmissivity Using Cloud ...
     with: Shechtman, E.: Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Shechtman, E.: Ensembling Off-the-shelf Models for GAN Training
     with: Shechtman, E.: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion
     with: Singh, A.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integration of...
     with: Singh, M.: Attributional Robustness Training Using Input-gradient Spat...
     with: Singh, M.: Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for Few-shot Le...
     with: Singh, M.: Data InStance Prior (DISP) in Generative Adversarial Networks
     with: Singh, M.: LT-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN with Latent Transformation Dete...
     with: Singh, P.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Conten...
     with: Sinha, A.: Attributional Robustness Training Using Input-gradient Spat...
     with: Sinha, A.: Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for Few-shot Le...
     with: Sinha, N.K.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water Cont...
     with: Srivastava, A.: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation by the Integrati...
     with: Srivastava, A.: Global Analysis of Atmospheric Transmissivity Using Cl...
     with: Srivastava, A.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Near-Surface Soil Water C...
     with: Wang, S.Y.: Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Yetemen, O.: Global Analysis of Atmospheric Transmissivity Using Cloud...
     with: Zhang, B.L.: Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Zhang, B.L.: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion
     with: Zhang, R.: Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Zhang, R.: Ensembling Off-the-shelf Models for GAN Training
     with: Zhang, R.: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion
     with: Zhu, J.Y.: Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
     with: Zhu, J.Y.: Ensembling Off-the-shelf Models for GAN Training
     with: Zhu, J.Y.: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion
53 for Kumari, N.

Kumari, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aniyath, P.K.: Combined Hapto-visual and Auditory Rendering of Cultura...
     with: Atrey, P.K.: Concept drift challenge in multimedia anomaly detection: ...
     with: Chaudhuri, S.: Combined Hapto-visual and Auditory Rendering of Cultura...
     with: Choudhary, P.: Concept drift challenge in multimedia anomaly detection...
     with: Dutta, T.: Bayesian Game Based Approach for Associating the Nodes to t...
     with: Gopalan, S.K.: Combined Hapto-visual and Auditory Rendering of Cultura...
     with: Gupta, H.P.: Bayesian Game Based Approach for Associating the Nodes to...
     with: Kujur, V.: Concept drift challenge in multimedia anomaly detection: A ...
     with: Saini, M.: Concept drift challenge in multimedia anomaly detection: A ...
9 for Kumari, P.

Kumari, P.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Patro, K.K.: Detection of cardiac abnormalities in ECG signal using ti...
     with: Prakash, A.J.: Detection of cardiac abnormalities in ECG signal using ...
     with: Rao, M.J.M.: Detection of cardiac abnormalities in ECG signal using ti...
     with: Tummalapalli, G.: Detection of cardiac abnormalities in ECG signal usi...

Kumari, R.D.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Udupa, A.N.: Taylor rate-distortion trade-off and adaptive block searc...

Kumari, R.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arulprakasam, R.: Lyndon Partial Words and Arrays with Applications
     with: Dare, V.R.: Lyndon Partial Words and Arrays with Applications
     with: Paramasivan, M.: Lyndon Partial Words and Arrays with Applications

Kumari, R.S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Prakash, R.M.: Fuzzy C means integrated with spatial information and c...
     with: Prakash, R.M.: Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform based expectation ma...
     with: Sumaiya, M.N.: SAR image despeckling using heavy-tailed Burr distribut...

Kumari, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alazab, M.: AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption...
     with: Alazab, M.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against By...
     with: Alenazi, M.J.F.: CALRA: Practical Conditional Anonymous and Leakage-Re...
     with: Amoon, M.: Blockchain and Machine Learning Integrated Secure Driver Be...
     with: Basak, S.: YOLOv8 Based Deep Learning Method for Potholes Detection
     with: Bhavsar, A.: AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual...
     with: Chandrakar, P.: Blockchain and Machine Learning Integrated Secure Driv...
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Designing Anonymous Key Agreement Scheme for Secure Ve...
     with: Chauhan, P.: Intra- and Inter-annual Trends of Sun-induced Fluorescenc...
     with: Chen, C.M.: AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption...
     with: Chen, C.M.: Blockchain and Machine Learning Integrated Secure Driver B...
     with: Chen, C.M.: HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-Enab...
     with: Du, J.W.: CALRA: Practical Conditional Anonymous and Leakage-Resilient...
     with: Gautam, A.: YOLOv8 Based Deep Learning Method for Potholes Detection
     with: Ismail, M.: Designing Anonymous Key Agreement Scheme for Secure Vehicu...
     with: Jha, R.R.: AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual C...
     with: Jiang, Q.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against Byz...
     with: Jung, K.H.: Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality...
     with: Karuppiah, M.: Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodal...
     with: Kaufman, A.: Augmenting Colonoscopy Using Extended and Directional Cyc...
     with: Kumar, S.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against Byz...
     with: Liu, Y.N.: HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-Enabl...
     with: Ma, J.F.: Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Tas...
     with: Ma, X.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against Byzant...
     with: Mathew, S.: Augmenting Colonoscopy Using Extended and Directional Cycl...
     with: Mitra, S.K.: Human Action Recognition Using DFT
     with: Nadeem, S.: Augmenting Colonoscopy Using Extended and Directional Cycl...
     with: Nandy, S.: Intra- and Inter-annual Trends of Sun-induced Fluorescence ...
     with: Nigam, A.: AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual C...
     with: Padalia, H.: Intra- and Inter-annual Trends of Sun-induced Fluorescenc...
     with: Raman, S.: 3d Point Cloud Completion Using Stacked Auto-Encoder for St...
     with: Ren, Y.L.: CALRA: Practical Conditional Anonymous and Leakage-Resilien...
     with: Rodrigues, J.J.P.C.: Designing Anonymous Key Agreement Scheme for Secu...
     with: Sahu, B.L.: Blockchain and Machine Learning Integrated Secure Driver B...
     with: Saxena, N.: YOLOv8 Based Deep Learning Method for Potholes Detection
     with: Shojafar, M.: AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encrypti...
     with: Shojafar, M.: DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against ...
     with: Shojafar, M.: HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-En...
     with: Shojafar, M.: Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for...
     with: Sing, J.K.: Designing Anonymous Key Agreement Scheme for Secure Vehicu...
     with: Sinha, S.K.: Intra- and Inter-annual Trends of Sun-induced Fluorescenc...
     with: Soundrapandiyan, R.: Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Mult...
     with: Tafazolli, R.: HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-E...
     with: Tie, Z.: AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption in...
     with: Tyagi, S.K.: Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodalit...
     with: Wang, K.: AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption i...
     with: Wang, P.: HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-Enable...
     with: Wei, D.W.: Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Ta...
     with: Wu, F.: Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality Med...
     with: Xi, N.: Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task ...
     with: Xiao, J.R.: CALRA: Practical Conditional Anonymous and Leakage-Resilie...
     with: Yu, H.Y.: CALRA: Practical Conditional Anonymous and Leakage-Resilient...
     with: Zhang, J.: Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Ta...
     with: Zhao, Y.: CALRA: Practical Conditional Anonymous and Leakage-Resilient...
54 for Kumari, S.

Kumari, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, A.: Early detection of cancerous tissues in human breast utiliz...
     with: Kanumuri, T.: Early detection of cancerous tissues in human breast uti...
     with: Shakher, C.: Early detection of cancerous tissues in human breast util...
     with: Sheoran, G.: Early detection of cancerous tissues in human breast util...

Kumatani, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: Mouth Region Localization Method Based on Gaussian M...

Kumawat, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Panda, S.: Integrated Double Hybrid Fusion Approach for Image Smoothin...

Kumawat, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pankajakshan, V.: robust JPEG compression detector for image forensics...

Kumawat, H.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakraborty, M.: Application of DNN for radar micro-doppler signature-...
     with: Dhavale, S.V.: Application of DNN for radar micro-doppler signature-ba...
     with: Raj A, A.B.: Application of DNN for radar micro-doppler signature-base...

Kumawat, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khaparde, A.: Time-Variant Satellite Vegetation Classification Enabled...

Kumawat, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nagahara, H.: Action Recognition From a Single Coded Image
     with: Nagahara, H.: Privacy-Preserving Action Recognition via Motion Differe...
     with: Nakashima, Y.: Depthwise Spatio-Temporal STFT Convolutional Neural Net...
     with: Nakashima, Y.: Yoga-82: A New Dataset for Fine-grained Classification ...
     with: Okawara, T.: Action Recognition From a Single Coded Image
     with: Raman, S.: Depthwise Spatio-Temporal STFT Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Raman, S.: LP-3DCNN: Unveiling Local Phase in 3D Convolutional Neural ...
     with: Raman, S.: Yoga-82: A New Dataset for Fine-grained Classification of H...
     with: Verma, M.: Depthwise Spatio-Temporal STFT Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Verma, M.: Yoga-82: A New Dataset for Fine-grained Classification of H...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Action Recognition From a Single Coded Image
     with: Yoshida, M.: Action Recognition From a Single Coded Image
12 for Kumawat, S.

Kumazaki, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kunii, Y.: Application of 3d Tree Modeling Using Point Cloud Data By T...
     with: Kunii, Y.: Drawing and Landscape Simulation for Japanese Garden by Usi...

Kumazaki, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kawata, Y.: approach for detecting blood vessel diseases from cone-bea...
     with: Kawata, Y.: Feature Extraction of Convex Surfaces on Blood Vessels Usi...
     with: Kawata, Y.: Three-dimensional imaging of blood vessels using cone-beam...
     with: Niki, N.: approach for detecting blood vessel diseases from cone-beam ...
     with: Niki, N.: Feature Extraction of Convex Surfaces on Blood Vessels Using...
     with: Niki, N.: Three-dimensional imaging of blood vessels using cone-beam CT

Kumazakia, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kunii, Y.: 3d Modeling Of Components Of A Garden By Using Point Cloud ...

Kumazawa, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abe, T.: Region Extraction Method Based on Clustering Along an Object ...
     with: Fanany, M.I.: Analytic Reconstruction of Transparent and Opaque Surfac...
     with: Fanany, M.I.: Combinatorial Transparent Surface Modeling from Polariza...
     with: Fanany, M.I.: Face Reconstruction From Shading Using Smooth Projected ...
     with: Fanany, M.I.: neural network for recovering 3D shape from erroneous an...
     with: Fanany, M.I.: Neural Network for Simultaneously Reconstructing Transpa...
     with: Fanany, M.I.: scheme for reconstructing face from shading using smooth...
     with: Fukushi, K.: Occlusion-Robust Human Tracking with Integrated Multi-Vie...
     with: Kobayashi, K.: Combinatorial Transparent Surface Modeling from Polariz...
     with: Matsuzawa, Y.: Object Tracking with Shape Representation Network Using...
     with: Matsuzawa, Y.: Region Extraction Method Based on Clustering Along an O...
     with: Ohno, M.: 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Silhouettes: Generaliz...
     with: Ohno, M.: Face Reconstruction From Shading Using Smooth Projected Poly...
     with: Ohno, M.: scheme for reconstructing face from shading using smooth pro...
     with: Ono, S.: Constrained Convex Optimization Approach to Hyperspectral Ima...
     with: Ono, S.: Image Restoration with Multiple Hard Constraints on Data-Fide...
     with: Ono, S.: Mixed Noise Removal for Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Spa...
     with: Onuki, Y.: Combined Use of Rear Touch Gestures and Facial Feature Dete...
     with: Piperakis, E.: Affine transformations of 3D objects represented with n...
     with: Quivy, C.H.: Background Images Generation Based on the Nelder-Mead Sim...
     with: Takeyama, S.: Constrained Convex Optimization Approach to Hyperspectra...
     with: Takeyama, S.: Image Restoration with Multiple Hard Constraints on Data...
     with: Takeyama, S.: Mixed Noise Removal for Hyperspectral Images Using Hybri...
     with: Yano, K.: Modified Nearest Neighbor Method for Image Reconstruction in...
24 for Kumazawa, I.

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