Update Dates 0412

0412 * 3-D chamfer distances and norms in anisotropic grids
* 3-D space-time motion detection for an invariant image registration approach in digital subtraction angiography, A
* 3-dimensional object modeling with mesh simplification based resolution adjustment
* 3D growing deformable B-surface model for object detection
* 3D head pose estimation using range images for face recognition
* 3D image sensing for bit plane method of progressive transmission
* 3D model retrieval based on 2D slice similarity measurements
* 3D model watermarking for indexing using the generalized radon transform
* 3D modelling and visualization of the human lung
* 3D non-linear invisible boundary detection filters
* 3D objects detection with Bayesian networks for vision-guided mobile robot navigation
* 3D performance capture for facial animation
* 3D reconstruction of natural scenes with view-adaptive multi-texturing
* 3D reconstruction using spatial orthogonal constraints
* 3D shape registration using regularized medial scaffolds
* 3D stereoscopic image pairs by depth-map generation
* 3D vision technology and its applications in welding
* Accurate 3D acquisition of freely moving objects
* Accurate and stable vision in robot soccer
* Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness variations
* Acquiring height maps of faces from a single image
* Acquisition, modelling and rendering of very large urban environments
* active vision system with facial expressions, An
* Adaptive 2.5D visual servoing of cartesian robots
* adaptive filter for speckle reduction in medical ultrasound image processing, An
* Adaptive image enhancement filter
* adaptive model of person identification combining speech and image information, An
* Adaptive online transmission of 3D texmesh using scale-space analysis
* Adaptive space carving
* Adaptive video filtering framework
* Advancing Fan-Front: 3D triangle mesh compression using fan based traversal
* Algorithms for multiplex scheduling of object-based audio-visual presentations
* Analysis and improvement of Marr's algorithm for image reconstruction
* Analysis of three-dimensional motion of an object using a fixed monocular camera
* application of shape from shading, An
* Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data
* Artificial Neural Networks for Document Analysis and Recognition
* Assessment of perfusion by dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging using a deconvolution approach based on regression and singular value decomposition
* Authentication of biomedical images based on zero location watermarking
* Automated texture mapping of 3D city models with oblique aerial imagery
* Automatic extraction of planar projections from panoramic range images
* Automatic feed system based on machine vision
* Automatic passive recovery of 3D from images and video
* Automatically parsing and labelling video based on camera motion qualitative analysis
* Bayesian framework for 3D models retrieval based on characteristic views, A
* Bayesian surface reconstruction
* Beyond self-duality in morphological image analysis
* Biometrics under continuous observations
* Blind watermarking of 3D shapes using localized constraints
* Blocking Adult Images Based on Statistical Skin Detection
* Camera motion and visual information fusion for 3D target tracking
* Characterization of acuity laser range finder
* Classification of handwritten digits using evolving fuzzy neural network
* closed-form solution for a two-view self-calibration problem under fixation, A
* Color image segmentation based on adaptive local thresholds
* Color inspection of printed texture using scanner: compensation of positional deviation via NN model
* Color, fusion, and stereopsis
* Combination of the assembly neural network with a perceptron for recognition of handwritten digits arranged in numeral strings
* Comparison of image partition methods for adaptive image categorization based on structural image representation
* Comparison of the support vector machine and relevant vector machine in regression and classification problems
* Complete calibration of a structured light stripe vision sensor through planar target of unknown orientations
* Compute visibility without depth in multi-reference images
* Computing and analysing convex deficiencies to characterise 3D complex objects
* Construction of animal models and motion synthesis in 3D virtual environments using image sequences
* Content based image retrieval using motif cooccurrence matrix
* Content-aware full search scheme for motion estimation
* Content-based watermarking scheme for image authentication
* Continuous human activity recognition
* Copasetic analysis: automated analysis of biological gene expression images
* correspondence framework for 3D surface matching algorithms, The
* Data reduction of large vector graphics
* Data-driven approaches to digital human modeling
* Dense multiple view stereo with general camera placement using tensor voting
* Design and Implementation of Efficient Architectures for Color Space Conversion
* Design of signal-adapted multidimensional lifting scheme for lossy coding
* Detection and compensation of image sequence jitter due to an unstable ccd camera for video tracking of a moving target
* Detection of range errors due to occlusion in separated transceiver LADARs
* Detection of wafer warpages during thermal processing in microlithography
* Determination of the optimal number of features for quadratic discriminant analysis via the normal approximation to the discriminant distribution
* Development of an intelligent lift monitoring system for preemptive maintenance
* Digital watermarking based on frequency random position insertion
* Directed connection measurement for evaluating reconstructed stroke sequence in handwriting images
* Discrete analytical curve reconstruction without patches
* Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation and recognition
* Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery Introduction
* Discrete topology on N-dimensional square tessellated grids
* Discriminative Common Vectors for Face Recognition
* Disordered patterns projection for 3D motion recovering
* Dynamically optimised 3D (virtual reality) data transmission for mobile devices
* easy viewer for out-of-core visualization of huge point-sampled models, An
* Edge detection in ultrasound imagery using the instantaneous coefficient of variation
* Effective video text detection using line features
* efficient and anonymous buyer-seller watermarking protocol, An
* Efficient calculation of resolution and covariance for penalized-likelihood reconstruction in fully 3-D SPECT
* Efficient computation of the Hutchinson metric between digitized images
* Efficient Fourier-Based Approach for Detecting Orientations and Occlusions in Epipolar Plane Images for 3D Scene Modeling
* Efficient generation of discontinuity-preserving adaptive triangulations from range images
* Efficient identification of speakers in news video based on shot segmentation
* efficient illumination compensation scheme for face recognition, An
* Efficient interactive rendering of detailed models with hierarchical levels of detail
* Efficient model creation of large structures based on range segmentation
* Efficient Techniques for Reducing the Blocking Artifacts in Motion Compensated Frame
* Efficient tracking of cyclic human motion by component motion
* embedded system for an eye-detection sensor, An
* Encoding volumetric grids for streaming isosurface extraction
* Enhanced real-time stereo using bilateral filtering
* Enhanced surface reconstruction from wide baseline images
* Enhanced vector quantization for data reduction and filtering
* Enhancement in performance of genetic algorithm for object location problem
* Entire model acquisition system using handheld 3D digitizer
* Estimating curvatures and their derivatives on triangle meshes
* Estimating the eye gaze from one eye
* Estimating the surface radiance function from single images
* Estimation of displacement vectors and strain tensors in elastography using angular insonifications
* Evaluation of Webcam Achitecture Challenges
* Exact and fast algorithm for two-dimensional image wavelet moments via the projection transform
* Exact medial axis with euclidean distance
* Expanding the digital camera's reach
* experimental comparison of feature-based 3D retrieval methods, An
* Exploitation of 3D images for face authentication under pose and illumination variations
* extended ICM algorithm for range image segmentation, An
* Extracting layers and analyzing their specular properties using epipolar-plane-image analysis
* Extraction of courtesy amount item from Chinese check
* Extraction of face image edges with application to expression analysis
* Eye gaze tracking techniques for interactive applications
* Eye tracking in the wild
* f-information measures in medical image registration
* Face and Palmprint Recognition Approach Based on Discriminant DCT Feature Extraction, A
* Face recognition from 3d data using iterative closest point algorithm and gaussian mixture models
* Facial View Synthesis from a Single Image Using Shape from Shading
* Fan-meshes: a geometric primitive for point-based description of 3D models and scenes
* Fast Algorithm for Motion Estimation Under the Varying Inter-Frame Brightness Characteristics, A
* Fast and robust bore detection in range image data for industrial automation
* Fast high-accuracy multi-dimensional pattern inspection
* Fast Interpolated Cameras by Combining a GPU Based Plane Sweep with a Max-Flow Regularisation Algorithm
* fast motion segmentation based watermarking for MPEG-2 video, A
* fast subpixel edge detection method using Sobel-Zernike moments operator, A
* fast video encryption scheme based on chaos, A
* Fast-searching algorithm for vector quantization using projection and triangular inequality
* Feature based registration of range images for mapping of natural outdoor environments
* Feature Fusion Method Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Handwritten Character Recognition
* Features extraction for structured light image of welding seam with arc and splash disturbance
* Filling the signed distance field by fitting local quadrics
* Finding axes of symmetry from potential fields
* formulation of boundary mesh segmentation, A
* Fourier transform based methods for height from gradients
* Fourier-LDA approach for image recognition, A
* Frequency domain registration of computer tomography data
* From the Lab to the Silver Screen: Computer Vision and the Art of Special Effects
* Fusing multiple color images for texturing models
* Fusion of PCA and KFDA for rapid face recognition
* Fuzzy Spatial Relationships for Image Processing and Interpretation: A Review
* Gabor filters-based feature extraction for character recognition
* generative framework for real time object detection and classification, A
* generic approach to rugged terrain analysis based on fuzzy inference, A
* Geodesic active regions and level set methods for motion estimation and tracking
* geometric error for homographies, The
* Geometrical model to drive vision systems with error propagation
* Geometry processing: A personal perspective
* GPU-assisted Z-field simplification
* Gradient model based feature extraction for simultaneous localization and mapping in outdoor applications
* granulometric analysis of specular microscopy images of human corneal endothelia, A
* graph cut based adaptive structured light approach for real-time range acquisition, A
* Grayscale level connectivity: theory and applications
* Guest editorial
* HandTalker II: a Chinese sign language recognition and synthesis system
* Helmholtz stereopsis on rough and strongly textured surfaces
* Heterogeneous deformation model for 3D shape and motion recovery from multi-viewpoint images
* Hierarchical 3D surface reconstruction based on radial basis functions
* high-precision binocular method for model-based pose estimation, A
* High-Resolution Cytometry Network Project: Client/Server System for 3D Optical Microscope Data Storage and Analysis
* High-resolution image reconstruction using joint constrained edge pattern recognition and POCS formulation
* Holographic digital Fourier microscopy for selective imaging of biological tissue
* Hue flows and scene structure
* Human motion: modeling and recognition of actions and interactions
* Human posture recognition in video sequence using pseudo 2-D hidden Markov models
* Iconic Memory-Based Omnidirectional Route Panorama Navigation
* Illumination compensation and normalization using logarithm and discrete cosine transform
* Image compression using principal component neural network
* Image enhancement based on the statistics of visual representation
* Image fusion by means of A trous discrete wavelet decomposition
* Image hiding based on block difference
* Image matching based on co-motion statistics
* image quality assessment method based on fuzzy inference rules, An
* Image reconstruction with a shift-variant filtration in circular cone-beam CT
* Image-based view rendering in endoscopy
* improved noise model for the generation of synthetic fingerprints, An
* Improved range image segmentation by analyzing surface fit patterns
* Improved shot boundary detection method based on text edges
* Incremental PCA based face recognition
* influence of shape on image correspondence, The
* Information Fusion Framework for Robust Shape Tracking, An
* Information Fusion Methods Based on Physical Laws
* intelligent character recognizer for Telugu scripts using multiresolution analysis and associative memory, An
* Interactive modeling from dense color and sparse depth
* Interactive walkthroughs using morphable 3D-mosaics
* Inverse image warping without searching
* Irregular, unknown light sources in dynamic global illumination
* Iterative error detection and correction of H.263 coded video for wireless networks
* Iterative learning control of wheeled robot trajectory tracking
* iterative procedure for removing random-valued impulse noise, An
* Joint detection and tracking of multiple maneuvering targets in clutter using random finite sets
* Kernel direct discriminant analysis and its theoretical foundation
* Knowledge-Based Framework for Image Enhancement in Aviation Security, A
* Least-Squares Error for Structure from Infinitesimal Motion, The
* linear self-calibration approach for camera focal length estimation, A
* Linear shift-invariant operators for processing surface meshes
* Local approximate 3D matching of proteins in viral cryo-EM density maps
* Localization of acupoints on a head based on a 3D virtual body
* Locally optimum nonlinearities for DCT watermark detection
* Lucas/Kanade Meets Horn/Schunck: Combining Local and Global Optic Flow Methods
* Machine learning techniques for ontology-based leaf classification
* Markerless human motion transfer
* Matching of uncalibrated stereo images by elastic deformation
* Measurements of digitized objects with fuzzy borders in 2D and 3D
* Method for optimizing off-line facial feature tracking
* methodology for extracting objective color from images, A
* Metric 3D Reconstruction and Texture Acquisition of Surfaces of Revolution from a Single Uncalibrated View
* Metrological Analysis of a Procedure for the Automatic 3D Modeling of Dental Plaster Casts
* Model-Based Mixture Discriminant Analysis: An Experimental Study
* Modeling of free-form surfaces and shape from shading
* Modified linear discriminant analysis
* Motion compensation by phase correction for synthetic-aperture side-scan sonar imaging
* Motion detection and tracking based on level set algorithm
* Motion detection and tracking system based on frame analysis and simulated static electric field (SSEF) snake
* Motion estimation using audio and video fusion
* Motion gradient vector flow: an external force for tracking rolling leukocytes with shape and size constrained active contours
* Motion planning based on relative coordinates in dynamic environments for mobile robot
* Motion vision for mobile robot localization
* Moving obstacles' motion prediction for autonomous navigation
* Multi-camera reconstruction based on surface normal estimation and best viewpoint selection
* Multi-spectral stereo image matching using mutual information
* Multimodal registration of retinal images using self organizing maps
* Multiple view reconstruction of people
* multiple-substream unequal error-protection and error-concealment algorithm for SPIHT-coded video bitstreams, A
* Multirobot systems: a classification focused on coordination
* Multiscale corner detection for gray level images using Plessey method
* Neural mesh ensembles
* Neural networks-based terrain acquisition of unmarked area for robot mowers
* new active contour model and its application on cell segmentation, A
* New algorithm for modulated complex lapped transform with symmetrical window function
* new color-based face detection and location by using support vector machine, A
* new fast bit-reversal permutation algorithm based on a symmetry, A
* new pixel-level multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on evolutionary strategy, A
* non causal bayesian framework for object tracking and occlusion handling for the synthesis of stereoscopic video, A
* non-contact device for tracking gaze in a human computer interface, A
* non-linear corresponder for 2D automated point distribution model construction, A
* Non-Rigid Range-Scan Alignment Using Thin-Plate Splines
* Noniterative Greedy Algorithm for Multiframe Point Correspondence, A
* Nonlinear phase portrait modeling of fingerprint orientation
* Nonnegative matrix factorization for rapid recovery of constituent spectra in magnetic resonance chemical shift imaging of the brain
* Novel diffractive optical elements and algorithms for real-time 3D and hyperspectral imaging
* Novel Document Ranking Method Using the Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* novel non-intrusive eye gaze estimation using cross-ratio under large head motion, A
* novel segmentation method of handwritten Chinese number character strings, A
* Obstacle-navigation control for a mobile robot suspended on overhead ground wires
* Off-line signature verification and forgery detection using fuzzy modeling
* On intelligent avatar communication using Korean, Chinese and Japanese sign-languages: an overview
* On robustness and localization accuracy of optical flow computation from color imagery
* On the gray-level central and absolute central moments and the mass center of the gray-level variability in low-level image processing
* On using priors in affine matching
* On Utilizing Search Methods to Select Subspace Dimensions for Kernel-Based Nonlinear Subspace Classifiers
* Online surface reconstruction from unorganized 3D-points for the DLR hand-guided scanner system
* Optimal partial shape similarity
* Optimal watermark detection under quantization in the transform domain
* Orthogonal ICA representation of images
* Panoramic Image Transform of Omnidirectional Images Using Discrete Geometry Techniques
* Parallel recursive computation of the inverse Legendre moment transforms for signal and image reconstruction
* particle filtering framework with indirect measurements for visual tracking, A
* Passive position location estimation using particle filtering
* Patterns of macroeconomic indicators preceding the unemployment rise in Western Europe and the USA
* Photo-consistency based registration of an uncalibrated image pair to a 3D surface model using genetic algorithm
* Pictorial techniques and intrinsic images
* Point samples for efficient 3D processing and content creation
* Position-sensing based a new docking system of RPRS
* Progressive compression of volumetric subdivision meshes
* Projection model, 3D reconstruction and rigid motion estimation from non-central catadioptric images
* prototype of video see-through mixed reality interactive system, A
* Pulmonary Airways: 3-D Reconstruction From Multislice CT and Clinical Investigation
* Pyramid coordinates for morphing and deformation
* quantitative analysis of 3-D coronary modeling from two or more projection images, A
* Radar emitter signal recognition based on support vector machines
* Reactive pedestrian path following from examples
* Real time visualization of 3D variable in time object based on cloud of points data gathered by coloured structure light projection system
* Real-time cooperative multi-target tracking by communicating active vision agents
* real-time machine vision system for bottle finish inspection, A
* Real-time, accurate depth of field using anisotropic diffusion and programmable graphics cards
* Realistic Models of Children Heads from 3D-MRI Segmentation and Tetrahedral Mesh Construction
* Recent advances in visual and infrared face recognition: A review
* Recognition of Object Contours from Stereo Images: An Edge Combination Approach
* Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
* Reconstructing camera projection matrices from multiple pairwise overlapping views
* Reconstruction of Euclidean planes from voxels
* Reconstruction of Lambertian surfaces by discrete equal height contours and regions propagation
* Recovery of the trajectories of multiple moving objects in an image sequence with a PMHT approach
* Registration of range images that preserves local surface structures and color
* Relative navigation of an AUV using a light-section ranging system
* Reliability and judging fatigue reduction in 3D perceptual quality estimation
* Removal and contraction operations to define combinatorial pyramids: Application to the design of a spatial modeler
* Roadmap constrained SLAM in neighborhood environment
* RoboScan: an automatic system for accurate and unattended 3D scanning
* Robust 3D segmentation for underwater acoustic images
* Robust concealment for erroneous block bursts in stereoscopic images
* robust correlation measure for correspondence estimation, A
* robust doorplate recognition system, A
* Robust image-adaptive data hiding using erasure and error correction
* Robust Range Image Registration Using Genetic Algorithms and the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* Robust real-time eye detection and tracking under variable lighting conditions and various face orientations
* Robust structure from motion under weak perspective
* SAR imaging using multidimensional continuous wavelet transform and applications to polarimetry and interferometry
* Scalable and efficient coding of 3d model extracted from a video
* Scene-Consistent Detection of Feature Points in Video Sequences
* Secure semi-blind watermarking based on iteration mapping and image features
* Seeing into the Past: Creating a 3D Modeling Pipeline for Archaeological Visualization
* Segmenting correlation stereo range images using surface elements
* Segmenting lumbar vertebrae in digital video fluoroscopic images through edge enhancement
* Select eigenfaces for face recognition with one training sample per subject
* Shape matching using the 3D radon transform
* Shortest routes on varying height surfaces using gray-level distance transforms
* Similarity motion estimation and active tracking through spatial-domain projections on log-polar images
* simple strategy for detecting outlier samples in microarray data, A
* simple technique for estimating message lengths for additive noise steganography, A
* SINVI: smart indoor navigation for the visually impaired
* Skeletonization of labeled gray-tone images
* Skin Segmentation Using Color Pixel Classification: Analysis and Comparison
* SLAM using natural features in an underwater environment
* Small CPU times and fast interactivity in sonar seabottom surveys
* Some learning issues in user-specific multimodal biometrics
* Some unusual ways of visually sensing 3d shapes
* Sonar and vision based navigation schemes for autonomous underwater vehicles
* Spacetime-coherent geometry reconstruction from multiple video streams
* Special issue: eye detection and tracking
* Specularity elimination in range sensing for accurate 3D modeling of specular objects
* Speech-driven face synthesis from 3D video
* statistical method for robust 3D surface reconstruction from sparse data, A
* Stereo image coder based on MRF analysis for disparity estimation and morphological encoding
* Stereo-based human detection for mobile service robots
* Structure-from-Motion Method: Use of Motion in Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Moving Objects from Multiple-View Image Sequences, A
* Study and evaluation of different Fourier methods for image retrieval
* study on multi-unit iris recognition, A
* Style Consistent Classification of Isogenous Patterns
* Style Context with Second-Order Statistics
* subsumptive, hierarchical, and distributed vision-based architecture for smart robotics, A
* Summarising Contextual Activity and Detecting Unusual Inactivity in a Supportive Home Environment
* Super-resolution imaging: use of zoom as a cue
* supervised neural network approach to invariant image recognition, A
* Surface area estimation of digitized 3D objects using weighted local configurations
* Surface height recovery using heat flow and manifold embedding
* Surface Illuminance Flow
* Surface model generation from range images of industrial environments
* Surface normals and height from non-lambertian image data
* surface partitioning spectrum (SPS) for retrieval and indexing of 3D CAD models, A
* Surface reconstruction from the projection of points, curves and contours
* Surface segmentation using geodesic centroidal tesselation
* survey of motion-parallax-based 3-D reconstruction algorithms, A
* Synthetic image of multiresolution sketch leads to new features
* Target-tracking and path planning for vehicle following in jungle environment
* Tensor Voting for Image Correction by Global and Local Intensity Alignment
* Testing reflectance models against radiance data
* Texture evolution: 3D texture synthesis from single 2D growable texture pattern
* Texture image segmentation based on entropy theory
* theorem on the generalized canonical projective vectors, A
* Theoretical accuracy analysis of N-ocular vision systems for scene reconstruction, motion estimation, and positioning
* Theoretical analysis and reduction of the quantization noise effects in the SA-DCT
* Thickness histogram and statistical harmonic representation for 3D model retrieval
* Tilted plane Feldkamp type reconstruction algorithm for spiral cone-beam CT
* Time-varying reconstruction in single photon emission computed tomography
* Topology and geometry of unorganized point clouds
* Towards a general sampling theory for shape preservation
* Tracking as recognition: a stable 3D tracking framework
* two-stage Kalman estimator for motion control using model predictive strategy, A
* uncalibrated lightfield acquisition system, An
* unified approach for motion analysis and view synthesis, A
* unified representation for interactive 3D modeling, A
* Unifying measured point sequences of deforming objects
* Unifying statistical texture classification frameworks
* Unsupervised motion classification by means of efficient feature selection and tracking
* Unsupervised video segmentation method based on feature distance
* User-controlled simplification of polygonal models
* Using 3D-Bresenham for resampling structured grids
* Using omnidirectional structure from motion for registration of range images of minimal overlap
* variational analysis of shape from specularities using sparse data, A
* Vascular segmentation of phase contrast magnetic resonance angiograms based on statistical mixture modeling and local phase coherence
* VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
* Video contents access method that uses trajectories of objects and apparatus therefor
* Video sequences error concealment based on texture detection
* View dependence of 3D recovery from folded pictures and warped 3D faces
* Viewpoint consistent texture synthesis
* Visual detection of 3D obstacles using gated images
* Visual-hull reconstruction from uncalibrated and unsynchronized video streams
* Visualization of arbitrary-shaped 3D scenes on depth-limited 3D displays
* WARP: Accurate Retrieval of Shapes Using Phase of Fourier Descriptors and Time Warping Distance
* Wavelet-based denoising with nearly arbitrarily shaped windows
* Weighted features for infrared vehicle verification based on Gabor filters
* X-ray image segmentation using wavelet method
396 for 0412

Index for "0"

Last update:15-Sep-24 16:55:52
Use price@usc.edu for comments.