Index for jing

Jing, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.M.: Event-Triggered Heading Control of an Energy-Efficient Und...
     with: Gan, C.Q.: HCSC: A Hierarchical Certificate Service Chain Based on Rep...
     with: Gao, J.: Event-Triggered Heading Control of an Energy-Efficient Underw...
     with: Guan, X.W.: HCSC: A Hierarchical Certificate Service Chain Based on Re...
     with: Min, B.: Event-Triggered Heading Control of an Energy-Efficient Underw...
     with: Pan, G.: Event-Triggered Heading Control of an Energy-Efficient Underw...
     with: Qin, Y.Z.: HCSC: A Hierarchical Certificate Service Chain Based on Rep...
     with: Wang, J.: Event-Triggered Heading Control of an Energy-Efficient Under...
     with: Zhu, Q.Y.: HCSC: A Hierarchical Certificate Service Chain Based on Rep...
9 for Jing, A.

Jing, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berlinghieri, R.: Subspace Diffusion Generative Models
     with: Corso, G.: Subspace Diffusion Generative Models
     with: Jaakkola, T.: Subspace Diffusion Generative Models

Jing, B.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, Y.J.: Pband: A General Signal Progression Model With Phase Optimi...
     with: Lu, K.: Pband: A General Signal Progression Model With Phase Optimizat...
     with: Shou, Y.F.: Pband: A General Signal Progression Model With Phase Optim...
     with: Xu, J.M.: Pband: A General Signal Progression Model With Phase Optimiz...

Jing, B.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, G.Z.: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classi...
     with: Guo, J.H.: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classif...
     with: Hu, M.: Prior-DualGAN: Rain rendering from coarse to fine
     with: Sun, T.: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classific...
     with: Yang, J.B.: Prior-DualGAN: Rain rendering from coarse to fine
     with: Yu, J.X.: Prior-DualGAN: Rain rendering from coarse to fine

Jing, B.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chan, P.P.K.: Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using mat...
     with: Lu, C.Y.: Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using mathema...
     with: Wang, J.: Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using mathema...
     with: Xiang, D.: Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using mathem...
     with: Xie, W.: Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using mathemat...
     with: Yeung, D.S.: Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using math...

Jing, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, W.H.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency ...
     with: Bai, Z.W.: GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation M...
     with: Cao, Y.: Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay I...
     with: Chen, Q.: Hierarchical Data Model for Storage and Indexing of Massive ...
     with: Chen, Q.: Hybridization of An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and...
     with: Cheng, L.J.: thorough review of models, evaluation metrics, and datase...
     with: Di, G.D.: Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GNSS...
     with: Dong, Z.: Heterogeneous Hashing Network for Face Retrieval Across Imag...
     with: Du, M.: Hierarchical Data Model for Storage and Indexing of Massive St...
     with: Du, M.: Hybridization of An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and F...
     with: Du, Y.: GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation Moni...
     with: Duan, C.D.: Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GN...
     with: Gao, F.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency QZ...
     with: Gao, Y.: kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: Gu, S.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency QZS...
     with: Huang, G.: Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay...
     with: Huang, G.: GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation M...
     with: Jia, Y.: Heterogeneous Hashing Network for Face Retrieval Across Image...
     with: Jiang, J.: Hierarchical Data Model for Storage and Indexing of Massive...
     with: Jiang, J.: Hybridization of An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization an...
     with: Kong, Y.H.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency...
     with: Li, X.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency QZS...
     with: Li, X.: GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation Moni...
     with: Liu, G.L.: Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay...
     with: Liu, R.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency QZ...
     with: Lu, C.: Hybridization of An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and F...
     with: Lu, F.: Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GNSS-R...
     with: Luo, G.F.: thorough review of models, evaluation metrics, and datasets...
     with: Luo, N.: kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: Niu, X.L.: Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GNS...
     with: Pei, M.: Heterogeneous Hashing Network for Face Retrieval Across Image...
     with: Song, D.M.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency...
     with: Song, G.Z.: thorough review of models, evaluation metrics, and dataset...
     with: Sun, H.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency QZ...
     with: Ta, L.Y.: Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay ...
     with: Tian, Y.M.: kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Wang, B.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency Q...
     with: Wang, J.: Hierarchical Data Model for Storage and Indexing of Massive ...
     with: Wang, Q.: kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentation...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: kNN-Based Feature Learning Network for Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Wang, Z.W.: Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Dela...
     with: Xu, Y.: Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay In...
     with: Yang, X.F.: Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval from the First Chinese GN...
     with: Yin, C.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequency QZ...
     with: Zhang, Q.: GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation M...
     with: Zhao, C.: thorough review of models, evaluation metrics, and datasets ...
     with: Zhong, Z.Y.: Experiment for Oil Spill Detection Based on Dual-Frequenc...
     with: Zhou, L.: Hybridization of An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and...
48 for Jing, C.

Jing, C.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Qian, Y.G.: Mapping the Urban Population in Residential Neighborhoods ...
     with: Wang, W.M.: Time-Series Landsat Data for 3D Reconstruction of Urban Hi...
     with: Yan, J.L.: Mapping the Urban Population in Residential Neighborhoods b...
     with: Yu, W.J.: Time-Series Landsat Data for 3D Reconstruction of Urban Hist...
     with: Zheng, Z.: Time-Series Landsat Data for 3D Reconstruction of Urban His...
     with: Zhou, W.Q.: Mapping the Urban Population in Residential Neighborhoods ...
     with: Zhou, W.Q.: Time-Series Landsat Data for 3D Reconstruction of Urban Hi...
7 for Jing, C.B.

Jing, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.: Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Shot ...
     with: Chen, H.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-lev...
     with: Dong, Z.: Deep CNN based binary hash video representations for face re...
     with: Fan, C.X.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-le...
     with: Jia, Y.D.: Compositional Substitutivity of Visual Reasoning for Visual...
     with: Jia, Y.D.: Deep CNN based binary hash video representations for face r...
     with: Jia, Y.D.: Exploring the Effect of Primitives for Compositional Genera...
     with: Jia, Y.D.: Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Q...
     with: Li, C.H.: Compositional Substitutivity of Visual Reasoning for Visual ...
     with: Li, C.H.: Exploring the Effect of Primitives for Compositional General...
     with: Li, H.T.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-lev...
     with: Li, Z.: Compositional Substitutivity of Visual Reasoning for Visual Qu...
     with: Li, Z.: Exploring the Effect of Primitives for Compositional Generaliz...
     with: Liang, G.Q.: Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Sh...
     with: Liu, L.Q.: Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Shot...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Q...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-le...
     with: Mao, W.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-leve...
     with: Pei, M.T.: Deep CNN based binary hash video representations for face r...
     with: Shen, C.H.: Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Sho...
     with: Shen, C.H.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-l...
     with: Wang, P.: Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Shot ...
     with: Wang, Q.S.: Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Sho...
     with: Wu, Q.: Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Ques...
     with: Wu, Y.W.: Compositional Substitutivity of Visual Reasoning for Visual ...
     with: Wu, Y.W.: Exploring the Effect of Primitives for Compositional General...
     with: Wu, Y.W.: Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Qu...
     with: Zhai, M.L.: Compositional Substitutivity of Visual Reasoning for Visua...
     with: Zhu, M.: SegPrompt: Boosting Open-world Segmentation via Category-leve...
29 for Jing, C.C.

Jing, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, B.L.: Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of U...
     with: Chen, Q.: Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Ur...
     with: Chen, Q.A.: Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Differentiation for Pub...
     with: Cheng, Q.H.: Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Differentiation for Pu...
     with: Cheng, Q.H.: Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of...
     with: Du, M.Y.: Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of...
     with: Du, M.Y.: Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Freque...
     with: Du, M.Y.: Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Differentiation for Publi...
     with: Du, M.Y.: Urban Rain Gauge Siting Selection Based On GIS-multicriteria...
     with: Fu, Y.L.: Urban Rain Gauge Siting Selection Based On GIS-multicriteria...
     with: Gao, W.C.: Full Life Data Quality Workflow Research and Project Practi...
     with: Guo, S.: SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consumpti...
     with: Guo, X.: Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of ...
     with: Hu, Y.: Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of U...
     with: Huang, W.: Adaptive Spatiotemporal InceptionNet for Traffic Flow Forec...
     with: Jiang, J.: Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification o...
     with: Jin, S.Y.: Adaptive Spatiotemporal InceptionNet for Traffic Flow Forec...
     with: Li, J.J.: Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Freque...
     with: Li, M.W.: Spatial Quantitative Model of Human Activity Disturbance Int...
     with: Li, X.F.: Full Life Data Quality Workflow Research and Project Practic...
     with: Li, X.F.: Praxis on Data Quality Evaluation of Underground Pipeline, A
     with: Li, Y.Y.: Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Ur...
     with: Lv, X.X.: Adaptive Spatiotemporal InceptionNet for Traffic Flow Foreca...
     with: Lv, X.X.: SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consumpt...
     with: Qu, L.Z.: Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Freque...
     with: Wang, D.L.: SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consum...
     with: Wang, J.: Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Freque...
     with: Wang, X.: Spatial Quantitative Model of Human Activity Disturbance Int...
     with: Wang, Y.: Adaptive Spatiotemporal InceptionNet for Traffic Flow Foreca...
     with: Wang, Y.: Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Scale T...
     with: Xu, S.S.: Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of...
     with: Zhang, H.Y.: Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification...
     with: Zhang, H.Y.: SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consu...
     with: Zhang, P.: Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Frequ...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Spatial Quantitative Model of Human Activity Disturbance ...
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Full Life Data Quality Workflow Research and Project Pract...
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Praxis on Data Quality Evaluation of Underground Pipeline, A
     with: Zhao, Q.: Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Freque...
     with: Zhong, C.P.: Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of...
     with: Zhou, J.: Praxis on Data Quality Evaluation of Underground Pipeline, A
     with: Zhou, Z.: Spatial Quantitative Model of Human Activity Disturbance Int...
41 for Jing, C.F.

Jing, C.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, L.: Downscaling of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Storage Based on th...
     with: He, Q.S.: Downscaling of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Storage Based on th...
     with: Li, J.Y.: Downscaling of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Storage Based on th...
     with: Liu, K.: Downscaling of GRACE-Derived Groundwater Storage Based on the...

Jing, C.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Combining polar harmonic transforms and 2D compound chaoti...
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Establishment of Color Printer Profile File Based on ICC S...
     with: Kang, X.B.: Combining polar harmonic transforms and 2D compound chaoti...
     with: Lin, G.F.: Combining polar harmonic transforms and 2D compound chaotic...
     with: Zhang, E.H.: Establishment of Color Printer Profile File Based on ICC ...
     with: Zhao, F.: Combining polar harmonic transforms and 2D compound chaotic ...

Jing, C.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, S.Z.: Impacts of Typhoons on the Evolution of Surface Anticycloni...
     with: Cha, J.: Sea Surface Salinity Anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during the ...
     with: Chen, S.L.: Sea Surface Salinity Anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during t...
     with: Chen, S.L.: Unraveling the Influence of Equatorial Waves on Post-Monso...
     with: Ding, R.: Assessment of the Impact of Pacific Inflow on Sea Surface Te...
     with: Kuang, F.F.: Impacts of Typhoons on the Evolution of Surface Anticyclo...
     with: Li, K.: Impacts of Typhoons on the Evolution of Surface Anticyclonic E...
     with: Qiu, F.: Sea Surface Salinity Anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during the ...
     with: Qiu, F.: Unraveling the Influence of Equatorial Waves on Post-Monsoon ...
     with: Qiu, Y.: Sea Surface Salinity Anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during the ...
     with: Qiu, Y.: Unraveling the Influence of Equatorial Waves on Post-Monsoon ...
     with: Wang, W.: Assessment of the Impact of Pacific Inflow on Sea Surface Te...
     with: Wang, W.: Impacts of Typhoons on the Evolution of Surface Anticyclonic...
     with: Wang, Y.: Assessment of the Impact of Pacific Inflow on Sea Surface Te...
     with: Xu, J.: Impacts of Typhoons on the Evolution of Surface Anticyclonic E...
     with: Xu, J.: Sea Surface Salinity Anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during the 2...
     with: Zhang, J.P.: Assessment of the Impact of Pacific Inflow on Sea Surface...
     with: Zhang, J.P.: Impacts of Typhoons on the Evolution of Surface Anticyclo...
     with: Zhang, J.P.: Unraveling the Influence of Equatorial Waves on Post-Mons...
19 for Jing, C.S.

Jing, C.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tai, H.M.: Design and implementation of a fast algorithm for modulated...

Jing, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, R.: Optimal design method of public transit network considering ...
     with: Guo, L.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Han, L.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Hu, Y.H.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Li, X.C.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Li, Y.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Sun, X.: Optimal design method of public transit network considering t...
     with: Xing, M.D.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Xu, Q.: Multi-Band and Polarization SAR Images Colorization Fusion
     with: Yao, E.: Optimal design method of public transit network considering t...
10 for Jing, D.

Jing, D.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shao, H.K.: Boosting edge detection via Fusing Spatial and Frequency D...
     with: Zhong, D.X.: Boosting edge detection via Fusing Spatial and Frequency ...

Jing, D.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, C.W.: Sparse Channel Pruning and Assistant Distillation for Fast...
     with: Deng, C.W.: Towards Feature Decoupling for Lightweight Oriented Object...
     with: Deng, Z.Y.: Towards Feature Decoupling for Lightweight Oriented Object...
     with: Ding, Z.H.: Sparse Channel Pruning and Assistant Distillation for Fast...
     with: Dong, L.H.: Task-Sensitive Efficient Feature Extraction Network for Or...
     with: Han, Y.Q.: Sparse Channel Pruning and Assistant Distillation for Faste...
     with: Han, Y.Q.: Towards Feature Decoupling for Lightweight Oriented Object ...
     with: He, G.Q.: Task-Sensitive Efficient Feature Extraction Network for Orie...
     with: Liu, Z.: Task-Sensitive Efficient Feature Extraction Network for Orien...
     with: Zhang, H.: Towards Feature Decoupling for Lightweight Oriented Object ...
     with: Zhang, H.X.: Task-Sensitive Efficient Feature Extraction Network for O...
     with: Zhu, H.: Optimizing Slender Target Detection in Remote Sensing with Ad...
12 for Jing, D.L.

Jing, D.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.B.: SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scalin...
     with: Tang, X.T.: SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scalin...
     with: Yan, J.: SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scaling a...
     with: Zhang, F.: SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scaling...
     with: Zhen, P.N.: SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scalin...

Jing, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.: accumulation cost of relaxed fixed time accumulation mode, The
     with: Deng, L.: accumulation cost of relaxed fixed time accumulation mode, The
     with: Deng, L.: Train Operation Simulation and Capacity Analysis for a High-...
     with: Li, H.X.: Train Operation Simulation and Capacity Analysis for a High-...
     with: Li, Y.J.: Train Operation Simulation and Capacity Analysis for a High-...
     with: Xu, J.: accumulation cost of relaxed fixed time accumulation mode, The
     with: Zhang, Y.: Train Operation Simulation and Capacity Analysis for a High...
7 for Jing, E.

Jing, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chauhan, A.: Changes in Atmospheric, Meteorological, and Ocean Paramet...
     with: Cheng, E.: Unified Relevance Feedback Framework for Web Image Retrieva...
     with: Dash, P.: Changes in Atmospheric, Meteorological, and Ocean Parameters...
     with: El Kork, N.: Possible Overestimation of Nitrogen Dioxide Outgassing du...
     with: Fan, J.F.: Linear Gaussian bounding box representation and ring-shaped...
     with: Farahat, A.: Possible Overestimation of Nitrogen Dioxide Outgassing du...
     with: Ke, Y.: Design of High-Level Features for Photo Quality Assessment, The
     with: Lau, L.: Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Determ...
     with: Li, M.: Unified Framework for Image Retrieval Using Keyword and Visual...
     with: Li, M.J.: Efficient and Effective Region-Based Image Retrieval Framewo...
     with: Li, M.J.: Learning in hidden annotation-based image retrieval
     with: Li, M.J.: Relevance Feedback for Keyword and Visual Feature-Based Imag...
     with: Li, M.J.: Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Linear Gaussian bounding box representation and ring-shaped...
     with: Ma, W.Y.: AnnoSearch: Image Auto-Annotation by Search
     with: Ma, Y.K.: Linear Gaussian bounding box representation and ring-shaped ...
     with: Qian, N.: Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Deter...
     with: Quan, Y.M.: Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Det...
     with: Singh, R.P.: Changes in Atmospheric, Meteorological, and Ocean Paramet...
     with: Singh, R.P.: Possible Overestimation of Nitrogen Dioxide Outgassing du...
     with: Singh, R.P.: Pronounced Changes in Thermal Signals Associated with the...
     with: Tan, M.: Linear Gaussian bounding box representation and ring-shaped r...
     with: Tang, X.: Design of High-Level Features for Photo Quality Assessment, ...
     with: Wan, J.J.: Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Dete...
     with: Wang, C.H.: Content-Based Image Annotation Refinement
     with: Wang, X.J.: AnnoSearch: Image Auto-Annotation by Search
     with: Wen, C.H.: Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Dete...
     with: Zhang, B.: Efficient and Effective Region-Based Image Retrieval Framew...
     with: Zhang, B.: Learning in hidden annotation-based image retrieval
     with: Zhang, B.: Relevance Feedback for Keyword and Visual Feature-Based Ima...
     with: Zhang, B.: Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Zhang, B.: Unified Framework for Image Retrieval Using Keyword and Vis...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Content-Based Image Annotation Refinement
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Efficient and Effective Region-Based Image Retrieval Fram...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Learning in hidden annotation-based image retrieval
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Relevance Feedback for Keyword and Visual Feature-Based I...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Unified Framework for Image Retrieval Using Keyword and V...
     with: Zhang, J.W.: Learning in hidden annotation-based image retrieval
     with: Zhang, L.: AnnoSearch: Image Auto-Annotation by Search
     with: Zhang, L.: Content-Based Image Annotation Refinement
     with: Zhang, L.: Pronounced Changes in Thermal Signals Associated with the M...
     with: Zhang, L.: Unified Relevance Feedback Framework for Web Image Retrieva...
     with: Zhou, N.: Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Deter...
     with: Zhou, Z.: Linear Gaussian bounding box representation and ring-shaped ...
45 for Jing, F.

Jing, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bie, B.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cart...
     with: Duan, Z.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Surfa...
     with: Feng, L.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Surfa...
     with: Guo, Y.: Content-Aware Video2Comics With Manga-Style Layout
     with: Halefom, A.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Su...
     with: He, Y.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Surface...
     with: Hu, Y.: Content-Aware Video2Comics With Manga-Style Layout
     with: Ishaq, R.A.F.: Systematic Review of Radiative Transfer Models for Crop...
     with: Jiang, H.Z.: Systematic Review of Radiative Transfer Models for Crop Y...
     with: Li, R.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Surface...
     with: Liang, Y.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Ca...
     with: Lopez, F.P.A.: XCO2 and XCH4 Reconstruction Using GOSAT Satellite Data...
     with: Luo, Z.Q.: WenSiM: A Relative Accuracy Assessment Method for Land Cove...
     with: Nemoto, T.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Sur...
     with: Raghavan, V.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land S...
     with: Shi, Y.Z.: WenSiM: A Relative Accuracy Assessment Method for Land Cove...
     with: Song, X.F.: Impact of Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change on Land Sur...
     with: Sun, G.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cart...
     with: Tan, Y.M.: Systematic Review of Radiative Transfer Models for Crop Yie...
     with: Tan, Y.M.: WenSiM: A Relative Accuracy Assessment Method for Land Cove...
     with: Tan, Y.M.: XCO2 and XCH4 Reconstruction Using GOSAT Satellite Data Bas...
     with: Tian, C.: Systematic Review of Radiative Transfer Models for Crop Yiel...
     with: ur Rehman, O.: Systematic Review of Radiative Transfer Models for Crop...
     with: Wang, J.: WenSiM: A Relative Accuracy Assessment Method for Land Cover...
     with: Wang, W.: Content-Aware Video2Comics With Manga-Style Layout
     with: Wang, X.L.: WenSiM: A Relative Accuracy Assessment Method for Land Cov...
     with: Wei, T.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cart...
     with: Xia, X.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cart...
     with: Xing, M.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Car...
     with: Yu, Y.: Content-Aware Video2Comics With Manga-Style Layout
     with: Yu, Y.: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Carte...
     with: Zhang, K.: XCO2 and XCH4 Reconstruction Using GOSAT Satellite Data Bas...
     with: Zhou, G.H.: Systematic Review of Radiative Transfer Models for Crop Yi...
     with: Zhou, G.H.: XCO2 and XCH4 Reconstruction Using GOSAT Satellite Data Ba...
     with: Zhu, R.: WenSiM: A Relative Accuracy Assessment Method for Land Cover ...
35 for Jing, G.

Jing, G.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cui, J.Y.: Validating GEV Model for Reflection Symmetry-Based Ocean Sh...
     with: Guo, R.: Validating GEV Model for Reflection Symmetry-Based Ocean Ship...
     with: Xing, M.D.: Validating GEV Model for Reflection Symmetry-Based Ocean S...
     with: Zhang, S.X.: Validating GEV Model for Reflection Symmetry-Based Ocean ...

Jing, G.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, B.X.: Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote ...
     with: Shi, Y.Z.: Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote ...
     with: Tan, Y.M.: Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote ...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote...
     with: Xu, L.: Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote Sen...
     with: Zhou, K.L.: Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote...

Jing, G.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Choi, Y.K.: Gradient guided image interpolation
     with: Wang, J.: Gradient guided image interpolation
     with: Wang, W.P.: Gradient guided image interpolation

Jing, G.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, G.Q.: Experimental Study of Static and Dynamic Loading Effects on...
     with: Tajali, M.: Experimental Study of Static and Dynamic Loading Effects o...
     with: Zhang, M.: Experimental Study of Static and Dynamic Loading Effects on...

Jing, G.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, A.Y.: Research on Time-Frequency Characteristics of Engine Induc...
     with: Gao, Q.Q.: Research on Time-Frequency Characteristics of Engine Induct...

Jing, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, G.X.: Envelope-Based Sparse-Constrained Deconvolution for Veloci...
     with: Chen, N.: Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Ve...
     with: Cheng, Y.Q.: Adaptive Network Detector for Radar Target in Changing Sc...
     with: Dai, L.L.: impact of introducing textual semantics on item instance re...
     with: Dianati, M.: Integrity Monitoring of GNSS/INS Based Positioning System...
     with: Ding, Z.T.: Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a No...
     with: Gao, Y.: Integrity Monitoring of GNSS/INS Based Positioning Systems fo...
     with: Han, Q.: CBRISK: Colored Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
     with: He, X.: CBRISK: Colored Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
     with: He, Y.C.: Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a Nove...
     with: Hu, C.: Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehi...
     with: Huang, Z.Z.: impact of introducing textual semantics on item instance ...
     with: Hunter, G.: Monitoring Capabilities Of A Mobile Mapping System Based O...
     with: Li, B.: impact of introducing textual semantics on item instance retri...
     with: Li, M.M.: Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a Nove...
     with: Liu, Y.: Envelope-Based Sparse-Constrained Deconvolution for Velocity ...
     with: Luo, J.R.: Envelope-Based Sparse-Constrained Deconvolution for Velocit...
     with: Ma, Y.D.: Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a Nove...
     with: Meng, X.: Monitoring Capabilities Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On ...
     with: Nie, S.: Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a Novel...
     with: Niu, X.: CBRISK: Colored Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
     with: Shahbeigi, S.: Integrity Monitoring of GNSS/INS Based Positioning Syst...
     with: Slatcher, N.: Monitoring Capabilities Of A Mobile Mapping System Based...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Adaptive Network Detector for Radar Target in Changing Sce...
     with: Wang, R.: Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Ve...
     with: Wu, H.: Adaptive Network Detector for Radar Target in Changing Scenes
     with: Yan, F.: Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Veh...
     with: Yang, W.: Envelope-Based Sparse-Constrained Deconvolution for Velocity...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Case-Adaptive Classification Based on Image Retrieval for ...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Image retrieval for computer-aided diagnosis of breast can...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Regularized adaptive classification based on image retriev...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Spatial distribution modeling for detection of clustered m...
     with: Zheng, J.: Potential and Electro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of a Nov...
     with: Zhu, J.S.: impact of introducing textual semantics on item instance re...
34 for Jing, H.

Jing, H.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.: MRSP: Learn Multi-Representations of Single Primitive for Co...
     with: Chen, T.: Incremental equilibrium assignment and applications to traff...
     with: Jiang, D.: MRSP: Learn Multi-Representations of Single Primitive for C...
     with: Li, M.H.: Incremental equilibrium assignment and applications to traff...
     with: Ma, Y.Q.: MRSP: Learn Multi-Representations of Single Primitive for Co...
     with: Sun, C.: Incremental equilibrium assignment and applications to traffi...
     with: Zhang, P.: Incremental equilibrium assignment and applications to traf...
     with: Zheng, N.N.: MRSP: Learn Multi-Representations of Single Primitive for...
8 for Jing, H.D.

Jing, H.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhang, S.: Fast log-Gabor-based nonlocal means image denoising methods

Jing, H.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fu, K.: Fast spatial-temporal stereo matching for 3D face reconstructi...
     with: Xie, Y.J.: Fast spatial-temporal stereo matching for 3D face reconstru...
     with: Zhu, J.P.: Fast spatial-temporal stereo matching for 3D face reconstru...

Jing, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.: ETR: An Efficient Transformer for Re-ranking in Visual Place...
     with: Jin, C.: ETR: An Efficient Transformer for Re-ranking in Visual Place ...
     with: Wu, Y.: ETR: An Efficient Transformer for Re-ranking in Visual Place R...
     with: Zhang, H.: ETR: An Efficient Transformer for Re-ranking in Visual Plac...
     with: Zheng, Y.B.: ETR: An Efficient Transformer for Re-ranking in Visual Pl...

Jing, H.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, Y.: Thickness Measurement of Water Film/Rivulets Based on Grays...
     with: He, J.: Thickness Measurement of Water Film/Rivulets Based on Grayscal...
     with: He, X.: Thickness Measurement of Water Film/Rivulets Based on Grayscal...
     with: Zhou, X.: Thickness Measurement of Water Film/Rivulets Based on Graysc...

Jing, H.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blay, K.B.: Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial V...
     with: Hancock, C.: Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial ...
     with: Qiao, P.: Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial Veh...
     with: Shen, N.: Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial Veh...
     with: Xu, J.H.: Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial Veh...
     with: Zhang, S.: Improving Real-Scene 3D Model Quality of Unmanned Aerial Ve...

Jing, H.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, K.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmentation...
     with: Guo, H.: Enhancing Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images: Adv...
     with: He, S.: Enhancing Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images: Adva...
     with: Hu, Z.L.: Research on Spaceborne InSAR Images Registration and Removal...
     with: Huang, Z.X.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmenta...
     with: Li, H.: Enhancing Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images: Adva...
     with: Lin, H.: Fast Reconstruction of Three Dimensional City Model Based on ...
     with: Lin, H.: Research on Spaceborne InSAR Images Registration and Removal ...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmentati...
     with: Liu, Y.M.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmentati...
     with: Luo, H.F.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmentati...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmentat...
     with: Yan, G.: Enhancing Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images: Adv...
     with: Yang, X.M.: Segment Anything Model Combined with Multi-Scale Segmentat...
     with: Zhang, L.P.: Fast Reconstruction of Three Dimensional City Model Based...
     with: Zhang, L.P.: Research on Spaceborne InSAR Images Registration and Remo...
16 for Jing, H.T.

Jing, H.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cui, G.Z.: Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multiv...
     with: Sun, C.: Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multiveh...
     with: Xiao, Y.Q.: Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multi...
     with: Zhang, W.: Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multiv...
     with: Zhao, M.: Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multive...

Jing, H.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akhil, K.A.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ancuti, C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ancuti, C.O.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Arora, A.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Busch, C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Cao, X.C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Cao, Y.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafrost...
     with: Chang, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, A.: DPAFD-net: A dual-path adaptive fusion dehazing network
     with: Chen, A.: Efficient image dehazing algorithm using multiple priors con...
     with: Chen, D.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafros...
     with: Chen, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, J.C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, J.X.: DPAFD-net: A dual-path adaptive fusion dehazing network
     with: Chen, M.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, T.Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Cheng, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chudasama, V.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Du, Q.S.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafros...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with a Multiscale Fusion-...
     with: Dudhane, A.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Fu, J.H.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Fu, M.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Fu, Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Gao, C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Gao, K.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafrost...
     with: Geethu, M.M.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Guo, J.C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Guo, T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Han, L.H.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Han, Q.: Co-saliency Detection Linearly Combining Single-View Saliency...
     with: Han, Q.: Novel Bayes' Theorem-Based Saliency Detection Model, A
     with: Han, Q.: Saliency Density and Edge Response Based Salient Object Detec...
     with: Hayat, M.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: He, X.: Co-saliency Detection Linearly Combining Single-View Saliency ...
     with: He, X.: Novel Bayes' Theorem-Based Saliency Detection Model, A
     with: He, X.: Saliency Density and Edge Response Based Salient Object Detect...
     with: Hong, C.: Efficient image dehazing algorithm using multiple priors con...
     with: Huang, G.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Huang, Y.T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Huang, Z.L.: Efficient image dehazing algorithm using multiple priors ...
     with: Huang, Z.L.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Huang, Z.X.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Jeena, R.S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Jiang, W.T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Jo, E.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Khan, F.S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Khan, S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Leng, C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Li, C.Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Li, G.Y.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafros...
     with: Li, J.D.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Li, Q.: Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark Embed...
     with: Li, T.F.: Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark Emb...
     with: Li, Y.: Improved Just Noticeable Difference Model Based Algorithm for ...
     with: Lian, Z.C.: Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark E...
     with: Lin, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, H.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Spatial Downscaling of Nighttime Land Surface Temperature B...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, Z.: Improved Just Noticeable Difference Model Based Algorithm for...
     with: Lu, H.Y.: Improved Just Noticeable Difference Model Based Algorithm fo...
     with: Luo, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Luo, X.T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Luo, Z.P.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Lv, H.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Manu, C.M.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Meng, S.: Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark Emb...
     with: Monga, V.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Niu, X.: Co-saliency Detection Linearly Combining Single-View Saliency...
     with: Niu, X.: Novel Bayes' Theorem-Based Saliency Detection Model, A
     with: Niu, X.: Saliency Density and Edge Response Based Salient Object Detec...
     with: Niu, X.T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Patel, H.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Prajapati, K.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Qi, S.S.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafros...
     with: Qu, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Raja, K.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ramachandra, R.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ren, W.Q.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ruan, X.T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Sarvaiya, A.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Shang, X.: DPAFD-net: A dual-path adaptive fusion dehazing network
     with: Shang, X.: Efficient image dehazing algorithm using multiple priors co...
     with: Shao, L.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Sim, J.Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Sreeni, K.G.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Su, Q.C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Sun, P.L.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Sung, C.S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Upla, K.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Vasluianu, F.A.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, F.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafros...
     with: Wang, H.: Improved Just Noticeable Difference Model Based Algorithm fo...
     with: Wang, J.: Spatial Downscaling of Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Ba...
     with: Wang, K.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, S.: Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark Emb...
     with: Wang, S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, T.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, X.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafros...
     with: Wang, X.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, Y.D.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, Y.F.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, Y.Y.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with a Multiscale Fusio...
     with: Wei, S.: DPAFD-net: A dual-path adaptive fusion dehazing network
     with: Wu, G.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafrost ...
     with: Wu, H.Q.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wu, S.: Spatial Downscaling of Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Base...
     with: Xiao, Q.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Xu, K.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Xu, Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yan, Q.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yan, Y.M.: Spatial Downscaling of Nighttime Land Surface Temperature B...
     with: Yang, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yang, L.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yang, W.J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yu, Y.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zacharias, J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zamir, S.W.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zha, Q.X.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, B.F.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: DPAFD-net: A dual-path adaptive fusion dehazing network
     with: Zhang, F.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with a Multiscale Fusion...
     with: Zhang, H.C.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, L.F.: Spatial Downscaling of Nighttime Land Surface Temperature...
     with: Zhang, M.M.: Improved Just Noticeable Difference Model Based Algorithm...
     with: Zhang, N.: Spatial Downscaling of Nighttime Land Surface Temperature B...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, Y.W.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, Z.R.: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permaf...
     with: Zhao, M.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zheng, J.J.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zheng, S.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zheng, Z.R.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhou, S.G.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhu, Z.W.: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
142 for Jing, H.Y.

Jing, H.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, Y.: Advancements in Vision-Language Models for Remote Sensing: Da...
     with: Tao, L.J.: Advancements in Vision-Language Models for Remote Sensing: ...
     with: Wei, G.: Advancements in Vision-Language Models for Remote Sensing: Da...
     with: Xue, X.: Advancements in Vision-Language Models for Remote Sensing: Da...
     with: Yan, D.W.: Advancements in Vision-Language Models for Remote Sensing: ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Advancements in Vision-Language Models for Remote Sensing: ...

Jing, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bian, J.: Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution ...
     with: Bian, S.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical...
     with: Cao, Y.: Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detectio...
     with: Chen, K.: High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Uneven...
     with: Chena, Y.: Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detect...
     with: Cheng, L.Q.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medi...
     with: Deng, M.: High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Uneven...
     with: Gao, X.: Learning a Cascade Regression for No-Reference Super-Resoluti...
     with: He, K.L.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical...
     with: Hua, Y.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical ...
     with: Huang, G.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medica...
     with: Jin, H.: Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution L...
     with: Jin, Q.: Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detectio...
     with: Li, A.: Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution Le...
     with: Li, J.: Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detection...
     with: Li, Q.: Three-Dimensional Gridded Radar Echo Extrapolation for Convect...
     with: Liu, C.G.: High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Uneve...
     with: Liu, P.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical ...
     with: Liu, Y.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical ...
     with: Lu, J.F.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing E...
     with: Lu, X.Y.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical...
     with: Lu, Y.: Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detection...
     with: Luo, X.H.: High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Uneve...
     with: Nan, X.: Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution L...
     with: Ran, M.S.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing ...
     with: Rao, C.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical ...
     with: Sun, N.L.: Three-Dimensional Gridded Radar Echo Extrapolation for Conv...
     with: Wang, M.: High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Uneven...
     with: Wang, T.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing E...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medic...
     with: Wang, Z.W.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing...
     with: Xiao, Z.: Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution ...
     with: Yang, Z.Y.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing...
     with: Yin, G.: Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution L...
     with: Yu, H.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing Equ...
     with: Zhang, K.: Learning a Cascade Regression for No-Reference Super-Resolu...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing ...
     with: Zhao, Q.X.: High-Resolution Resistivity Imaging of a Transversely Unev...
     with: Zhou, Z.M.: Three-Dimensional Gridded Radar Echo Extrapolation for Con...
     with: Zhu, D.: Learning a Cascade Regression for No-Reference Super-Resoluti...
     with: Zhu, R.: Deep Learning Based Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Detectio...
41 for Jing, J.

Jing, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, T.: Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detec...
     with: Gao, Y.S.: Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Det...
     with: He, X.J.: Face hallucination based on cluster consistent dictionary le...
     with: Lam, K.M.: Face hallucination based on cluster consistent dictionary l...
     with: Li, M.Q.: Face hallucination based on cluster consistent dictionary le...
     with: Li, P.F.: Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale local ...
     with: Sun, C.M.: Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Det...
     with: Wang, Z.: Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale local ...
     with: Xiong, Z.G.: Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale loc...
     with: Yan, Y.: Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale local s...
     with: Zhang, K.B.: Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale loc...
     with: Zhang, K.B.: Face hallucination based on cluster consistent dictionary...
     with: Zhang, W.C.: Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point D...
13 for Jing, J.F.

Jing, J.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gu, H.: Generating Paired Seismic Training Data with Cycle-Consistent ...
     with: Li, H.Y.: Generating Paired Seismic Training Data with Cycle-Consisten...
     with: Yan, Z.: Generating Paired Seismic Training Data with Cycle-Consistent...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Generating Paired Seismic Training Data with Cycle-Consiste...

Jing, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, H.X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Cao, P.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Chen, J.B.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, J.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, L.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, Z.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Chu, X.J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Dai, B.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Deng, X.: DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
     with: Deng, X.: Extremely Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Invertible Imag...
     with: Deng, X.: HiNet: Deep Image Hiding by Invertible Network
     with: Deng, X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Deng, X.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficient...
     with: Gao, F.Y.: Extremely Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Invertible Ima...
     with: Gao, G.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Gu, S.H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Guan, Z.Y.: DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
     with: Guan, Z.Y.: HiNet: Deep Image Hiding by Invertible Network
     with: Guan, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Guo, G.D.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Guo, H.S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Guo, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Guo, W.L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Guo, Y.C.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficien...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Hu, X.T.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Huang, Y.L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Jiang, L.: DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
     with: Jiang, L.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficien...
     with: Jin, K.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Kim, H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Kim, J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Li, A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, G.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, J.C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Li, J.K.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficient...
     with: Li, W.J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Li, Y.P.: DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
     with: Liang, Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Lin, J.X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Liu, J.Y.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficien...
     with: Liu, S.C.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficien...
     with: Liu, S.Z.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Liu, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Ma, C.H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Mao, Y.: Match-stereo-videos: Bidirectional Alignment for Consistent D...
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Match-stereo-videos: Bidirectional Alignment for Cons...
     with: Nie, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Park, E.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Peng, C.X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Peng, F.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Pi, H.C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Qiao, M.L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Qu, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Sigal, L.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficien...
     with: Sim, J.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Song, Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Sun, L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: HiNet: Deep Image Hiding by Invertible Network
     with: Wang, L.G.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wei, Z.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Xiao, H.X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Xiao, P.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Xing, Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Xiong, P.F.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Effici...
     with: Xu, J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Xu, M.: DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
     with: Xu, M.: Extremely Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Invertible Image ...
     with: Xu, M.: HiNet: Deep Image Hiding by Invertible Network
     with: Xu, M.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Xu, M.: Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficient S...
     with: Xu, R.J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Yan, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Yang, A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Yang, L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Yang, Z.J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Yin, L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Yu, W.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zeng, P.C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zeng, T.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zhai, J.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhang, D.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, J.T.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Zhang, R.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, S.L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Zhang, Z.: DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhao, W.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhou, X.Z.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zou, X.: Extremely Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Invertible Image...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
102 for Jing, J.P.

Jing, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, C.: Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation ...
     with: Ma, J.X.: Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation d...
     with: Song, T.C.: Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation...
     with: Xie, Y.R.: Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation ...

Jing, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.J.: Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network ...
     with: Ishwar, P.: Image saliency: From intrinsic to extrinsic context
     with: Konrad, J.: Image saliency: From intrinsic to extrinsic context
     with: Li, X.: Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit Regul...
     with: Ma, J.H.: Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit Reg...
     with: Pan, P.: Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network for...
     with: Rowley, H.: Image saliency: From intrinsic to extrinsic context
     with: Sun, J.: Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network for...
     with: Wang, M.: Image saliency: From intrinsic to extrinsic context
     with: Wang, Y.B.: Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit R...
     with: Xu, Z.B.: Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit Reg...
     with: Yang, Y.: Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit Reg...
     with: Zhang, C.F.: Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network...
     with: Zheng, H.R.: Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit ...
     with: Zhu, J.L.: Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network f...
15 for Jing, K.

Jing, K.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.J.: Efficient dense attention fusion network with channel correl...
     with: Liu, Z.: Efficient dense attention fusion network with channel correla...
     with: Yang, K.: Efficient dense attention fusion network with channel correl...
     with: Zhang, Z.J.: Efficient dense attention fusion network with channel cor...

Jing, K.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Xu, X.B.: Double-Laplacian Mixture-Error Model-Based Supervised Group-...
     with: Zhang, X.: Double-Laplacian Mixture-Error Model-Based Supervised Group...

Jing, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andres, K.N.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in H...
     with: Bernd, J.: DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation for...
     with: Chen, S.L.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optica...
     with: Chen, Y.: Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Segmentation From Image-Level Labels
     with: Cheng, M.: Tensor-Based Low-Dimensional Representation Learning for Mu...
     with: Choi, J.: DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation for ...
     with: Darrozes, J.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using...
     with: Ding, Y.M.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-bas...
     with: Fan, R.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effects...
     with: Fang, H.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-based...
     with: Feng, K.: Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosystem S...
     with: Feng, S.L.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Con...
     with: Fornwalt, B.K.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in...
     with: Friedland, G.: DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation...
     with: Gao, F.: Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A Cas...
     with: Gao, F.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS ...
     with: Gao, Y.P.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-base...
     with: Grabau, J.D.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in H...
     with: Guo, Z.D.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optical...
     with: Haggerty, C.M.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in...
     with: Hamlet, S.M.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in H...
     with: Han, Y.: Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosystem Se...
     with: He, D.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optical-Re...
     with: He, K.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effects ...
     with: Hong, X.B.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using G...
     with: Hu, Q.: Adaptive Sample-Level Graph Combination for Partial Multiview ...
     with: Hu, X.Q.: incremental dimensionality reduction method on discriminant ...
     with: Huang, F.: MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for ...
     with: Huang, J.: Multi-Density Sketch-to-Image Translation Network
     with: Janin, A.: DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation for...
     with: Jia, J.N.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Cons...
     with: Jiang, B.C.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Co...
     with: Jiang, T.L.: Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosyste...
     with: Kong, Y.H.: Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A ...
     with: Kwong, S.: Multi-Density Sketch-to-Image Translation Network
     with: Lei, G.C.: Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain System...
     with: Lei, G.C.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effec...
     with: Li, Q.Y.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Const...
     with: Li, X.L.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-based...
     with: Li, Y.: Adaptive Sample-Level Graph Combination for Partial Multiview ...
     with: Li, Y.L.: Energy saving routing algorithm based on SPIN protocol in WSN
     with: Liang, S.Q.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optic...
     with: Liu, B.: DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation for A...
     with: Liu, C.: RFNET: Refined Fusion Three-Branch RGB-D Salient Object Detec...
     with: Liu, F.: Energy saving routing algorithm based on SPIN protocol in WSN
     with: Liu, M.C.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Cons...
     with: Liu, P.Z.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effec...
     with: Liu, S.G.: Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain System...
     with: Liu, S.G.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Cons...
     with: Lu, C.: Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain Systems w...
     with: Lu, C.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effects ...
     with: Lu, W.Z.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Const...
     with: Lu, W.Z.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effect...
     with: Lu, Y.L.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS...
     with: Mahoney, M.W.: DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation...
     with: Mojsejenko, D.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in...
     with: Ng, M.K.: SNMFCA: Supervised NMF-Based Image Classification and Annota...
     with: Ng, M.K.: Tensor-Based Low-Dimensional Representation Learning for Mul...
     with: Ning, Y.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Const...
     with: Powell, D.K.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in H...
     with: Qu, Y.P.: Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosystem S...
     with: Ruan, H.L.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using G...
     with: Schaefer, G.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-b...
     with: Shao, W.H.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optica...
     with: Shen, C.: Adaptive Sample-Level Graph Combination for Partial Multivie...
     with: Suever, J.D.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in H...
     with: Sun, B.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS ...
     with: Tan, Z.F.: Multi-Density Sketch-to-Image Translation Network
     with: Tian, Y.: Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Segmentation From Image-Level Labels
     with: Tu, J.S.: Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A Ca...
     with: Wang, D.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-based...
     with: Wang, K.X.: RFNET: Refined Fusion Three-Branch RGB-D Salient Object De...
     with: Wang, N.Z.: Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A ...
     with: Wang, N.Z.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using G...
     with: Wang, Z.: MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for g...
     with: Wang, Z.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Const...
     with: Wang, Z.G.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-bas...
     with: Wehner, G.J.: Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in H...
     with: Wei, H.G.: RFNET: Refined Fusion Three-Branch RGB-D Salient Object Det...
     with: Wen, L.: Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain Systems ...
     with: Wen, L.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effects...
     with: Xu, T.: Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A Case...
     with: Xu, T.H.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS...
     with: Yan, W.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Constr...
     with: Yan, X.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-based ...
     with: Yang, D.K.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using G...
     with: Yang, G.C.: MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for...
     with: Yang, L.: Adaptive Sample-Level Graph Combination for Partial Multivie...
     with: Yang, L.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS...
     with: Yang, W.T.: Daily Flood Monitoring Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R Data: A ...
     with: Yang, W.T.: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using G...
     with: Yang, W.Z.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optica...
     with: Yang, Z.X.: incremental dimensionality reduction method on discriminan...
     with: Ye, Z.H.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optical-...
     with: Yin, Y.F.: MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for ...
     with: Yu, J.: Joint Multi-Task CNN for Cross-Age Face Recognition, A
     with: Zeng, Q.: Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain Systems...
     with: Zeng, Q.: Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effect...
     with: Zhang, C.: SNMFCA: Supervised NMF-Based Image Classification and Annot...
     with: Zhang, G.X.: Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosyste...
     with: Zhang, R.: RFNET: Refined Fusion Three-Branch RGB-D Salient Object Det...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosyste...
     with: Zhao, B.: HPL-ESS: Hybrid Pseudo-Labeling for Unsupervised Event-based...
     with: Zhou, J.S.: Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optica...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain Systems...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Quantification of the Environmental Impacts of Highway Constr...
106 for Jing, L.

Jing, L.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, S.: Research on Scale Improvement of Geochemical Exploration Base...
     with: Chen, F.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessing ...
     with: Chen, F.L.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessin...
     with: Cheng, Q.: Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Porphyry Copper Deposits B...
     with: Cheng, Q.M.: Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Ir...
     with: Cheng, Q.M.: Improved Pansharpening with Un-Mixing of Mixed MS Sub-Pix...
     with: Cheng, Q.M.: Lithological Classification Using Sentinel-2A Data in the...
     with: Dai, P.W.: HIST: Hierarchical and sequential transformer for image cap...
     with: Ding, H.F.: Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Iro...
     with: Ding, H.F.: Comprehensive Assessment of the Pansharpening of the Night...
     with: Ding, H.F.: HyperGAN: A Hyperspectral Image Fusion Approach Based on G...
     with: Ding, H.F.: Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne LiDAR Dat...
     with: Ding, H.F.: Research on Scale Improvement of Geochemical Exploration B...
     with: Dong, X.: PAD: Patch-Agnostic Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks
     with: Dou, C.Y.: Comprehensive Assessment of the Pansharpening of the Nightt...
     with: Fu, H.: Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Porphyry Copper Deposits Base...
     with: Fu, Y.F.: Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Porphyry Copper Deposits Ba...
     with: Gao, C.S.: Lithological Classification Using Sentinel-2A Data in the S...
     with: Gao, H.: Geostatistical modelling of spatial dependence in area-class ...
     with: Gao, J.F.: Contributing Factors and Trend Prediction of Urban-Settled ...
     with: Ge, W.Y.: Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Iron-...
     with: Ge, W.Y.: Lithological Classification Using Sentinel-2A Data in the Sh...
     with: Guo, H.D.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessing...
     with: Hu, B.X.: individual tree crown delineation method based on multi-scal...
     with: Hu, B.X.: New Individual Tree Crown Delineation Method for High Resolu...
     with: Ishwaran, N.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assess...
     with: Jancso, T.: Contributing Factors and Trend Prediction of Urban-Settled...
     with: Jiang, S.: Source Apportionment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban-...
     with: Lei, Z.L.: Individual Tree Species Classification Based on a Hierarchi...
     with: Li, H.: Comprehensive Assessment of the Pansharpening of the Nighttime...
     with: Li, H.: HyperGAN: A Hyperspectral Image Fusion Approach Based on Gener...
     with: Li, H.: Image Registration Method Using Deep Residual Network Features...
     with: Li, H.: Improved Pansharpening with Un-Mixing of Mixed MS Sub-Pixels n...
     with: Li, H.: Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne LiDAR Data an...
     with: Li, H.: Individual Tree Species Classification Based on a Hierarchical...
     with: Li, H.: New Individual Tree Crown Delineation Method for High Resoluti...
     with: Li, H.: Tree Species Classification of Forest Stands Using Multisource...
     with: Li, J.: individual tree crown delineation method based on multi-scale ...
     with: Li, L.: Research on Scale Improvement of Geochemical Exploration Based...
     with: Li, X.: Hybrid Model Integrating Spatial Pattern, Spatial Correlation,...
     with: Li, X.: Integrating spectral variability and spatial distribution for ...
     with: Lin, Y.Y.: Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne LiDAR Data...
     with: Lv, F.X.: HIST: Hierarchical and sequential transformer for image capt...
     with: Meng, Q.Y.: Contributing Factors and Trend Prediction of Urban-Settled...
     with: Noland, T.: individual tree crown delineation method based on multi-sc...
     with: Qi, J.: Contributing Factors and Trend Prediction of Urban-Settled Pop...
     with: Qiu, F.: Hybrid Model Integrating Spatial Pattern, Spatial Correlation...
     with: Qiu, F.: Integrating spectral variability and spatial distribution for...
     with: Qiu, F.: Tree Species Classification of Forest Stands Using Multisourc...
     with: Qiu, L.: New Individual Tree Crown Delineation Method for High Resolut...
     with: Ren, W.Q.: PAD: Patch-Agnostic Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks
     with: Shi, F.: Hybrid Model Integrating Spatial Pattern, Spatial Correlation...
     with: Shi, F.: Integrating spectral variability and spatial distribution for...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: Geostatistical modelling of spatial dependence in area-cla...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: Hybrid Model Integrating Spatial Pattern, Spatial Correlat...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: HyperGAN: A Hyperspectral Image Fusion Approach Based on G...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: Individual Tree Species Classification Based on a Hierarch...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: Integrating spectral variability and spatial distribution ...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: Lithological Classification Using Sentinel-2A Data in the ...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: New Individual Tree Crown Delineation Method for High Reso...
     with: Tang, Y.W.: Tree Species Classification of Forest Stands Using Multiso...
     with: Tian, S.: Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne LiDAR Data ...
     with: Wan, H.M.: Tree Species Classification of Forest Stands Using Multisou...
     with: Wang, B.: EMNet: Edge-guided multi-level network for salient object de...
     with: Wang, F.: Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Iron-...
     with: Wang, H.: New Individual Tree Species Recognition Method Based on a Co...
     with: Wang, H.K.: Individual Tree Species Classification Based on a Hierarch...
     with: Wang, J.: HyperGAN: A Hyperspectral Image Fusion Approach Based on Gen...
     with: Wang, L.M.: Improved Pansharpening with Un-Mixing of Mixed MS Sub-Pixe...
     with: Wang, P.: Image Registration Method Using Deep Residual Network Featur...
     with: Wang, R.: HIST: Hierarchical and sequential transformer for image capt...
     with: Wang, R.: PAD: Patch-Agnostic Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks
     with: Wang, R.: Victim and The Beneficiary: Exploiting a Poisoned Model to T...
     with: Wang, X.M.: Contributing Factors and Trend Prediction of Urban-Settled...
     with: Wu, W.J.: Tree Species Classification of Forest Stands Using Multisour...
     with: Xi, M.J.: Research on Scale Improvement of Geochemical Exploration Bas...
     with: Xiao, Z.Q.: HyperGAN: A Hyperspectral Image Fusion Approach Based on G...
     with: Xue, Y.: Source Apportionment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban-Ag...
     with: Yan, S.J.: New Individual Tree Species Recognition Method Based on a C...
     with: Yang, R.X.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessin...
     with: Yao, C.Y.: Research on Scale Improvement of Geochemical Exploration Ba...
     with: Ye, B.: Mineral Prospectivity Mapping of Porphyry Copper Deposits Base...
     with: Zeng, H.C.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessin...
     with: Zeng, L.: Source Apportionment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban-A...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: Geostatistical modelling of spatial dependence in area-cl...
     with: Zhang, L.L.: Contributing Factors and Trend Prediction of Urban-Settle...
     with: Zhao, J.: Individual Tree Species Classification Based on a Hierarchic...
     with: Zhao, M.: Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Iron-...
     with: Zhao, X.: Image Registration Method Using Deep Residual Network Featur...
     with: Zhou, W.: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessing ...
     with: Zhu, X.: HyperGAN: A Hyperspectral Image Fusion Approach Based on Gene...
     with: Zhu, Z.X.: Victim and The Beneficiary: Exploiting a Poisoned Model to ...
     with: Zou, C.: PAD: Patch-Agnostic Defense against Adversarial Patch Attacks
     with: Zou, C.: Victim and The Beneficiary: Exploiting a Poisoned Model to Tr...
94 for Jing, L.H.

Jing, L.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akin, O.: Medical Image Tampering Detection: A New Dataset and Baseline
     with: Angelova, A.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Visi...
     with: Chen, Z.M.: Class-Level Confidence Based 3D Semi-Supervised Learning
     with: Feng, Z.Y.: Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised...
     with: Funkhouser, T.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vi...
     with: He, J.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Action Rec...
     with: Huenerfauth, M.: Recognizing American Sign Language Nonmanual Signal G...
     with: Hung, W.C.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision...
     with: Inoue, K.: NPR Technique for Pointillistic and Mosaic Images with Impr...
     with: Ji, J.W.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision-l...
     with: Jiang, C.M.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Visio...
     with: Kuo, W.C.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision-...
     with: Li, B.: Class-Level Confidence Based 3D Semi-Supervised Learning
     with: Li, B.: Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised Mul...
     with: Li, Y.W.: Class-Level Confidence Based 3D Semi-Supervised Learning
     with: Li, Y.W.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Action R...
     with: Parag, T.: VideoSSL: Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Classification
     with: Reichman, B.: Medical Image Tampering Detection: A New Dataset and Bas...
     with: She, Q.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Action Re...
     with: Sheng, S.W.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Visio...
     with: Tan, J.X.: Cross-Modal Center Loss for 3D Cross-Modal Retrieval
     with: Tian, Y.: Medical Image Tampering Detection: A New Dataset and Baseline
     with: Tian, Y.L.: 3D convolutional neural network with multi-model framework...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Cross-Modal Center Loss for 3D Cross-Modal Retrieval
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Recognizing American Sign Language Nonmanual Signal Gramma...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Self-supervised Feature Learning by Cross-modality and Cro...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Self-Supervised Visual Feature Learning With Deep Neural N...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Video you only look once: Overall temporal convolutions fo...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: VideoSSL: Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Classification
     with: Urahama, K.: NPR Technique for Pointillistic and Mosaic Images with Im...
     with: Vahdani, E.: Cross-Modal Center Loss for 3D Cross-Modal Retrieval
     with: Vahdani, E.: Recognizing American Sign Language Nonmanual Signal Gramm...
     with: Wang, H.C.: VideoSSL: Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Classification
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised...
     with: Wu, S.X.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision-l...
     with: Wu, Z.: VideoSSL: Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Classification
     with: Xiao, J.F.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Action...
     with: Xiao, Z.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision-l...
     with: Yang, L.: Class-Level Confidence Based 3D Semi-Supervised Learning
     with: Yang, L.: Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised M...
     with: Yang, X.D.: 3D convolutional neural network with multi-model framework...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Video you only look once: Overall temporal convolutions fo...
     with: Ye, Y.C.: 3D convolutional neural network with multi-model framework f...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Acti...
     with: Zhang, L.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Action ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Self-supervised Feature Learning by Cross-modality and Cros...
     with: Zhou, Y.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision-l...
     with: Zhou, Z.W.: Learning from Temporal Gradient for Semi-supervised Action...
     with: Zhu, A.Z.: 3d Open-vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2d-3d Vision-...
50 for Jing, L.L.

Jing, L.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, D.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene R...
     with: Chen, Y.: BSDP: Brain-inspired Streaming Dual-level Perturbations for ...
     with: Dai, B.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mode...
     with: Dou, D.J.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene ...
     with: Fan, H.: Cyclic Refiner: Object-Aware Temporal Representation Learning...
     with: Fan, H.: Divert More Attention to Vision-Language Object Tracking
     with: Fang, Z.W.: Strong Transferable Adversarial Attacks via Ensembled Asym...
     with: Gao, X.B.: GADNet: Improving image-text matching via graph-based aggre...
     with: Gittens, A.: Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classifi...
     with: Guo, M.Z.: Cyclic Refiner: Object-Aware Temporal Representation Learni...
     with: Guo, M.Z.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classifi...
     with: Guo, M.Z.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Guo, M.Z.: Divert More Attention to Vision-Language Object Tracking
     with: Guo, Y.L.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mo...
     with: He, Y.: Cyclic Refiner: Object-Aware Temporal Representation Learning ...
     with: Hu, D.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene Rec...
     with: Huang, J.Z.: Stratified feature sampling method for ensemble clusterin...
     with: Huang, T.: Strong Transferable Adversarial Attacks via Ensembled Asymp...
     with: Jin, L.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mode...
     with: Jin, P.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene Re...
     with: Li, J.: Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classification
     with: Li, J.S.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mod...
     with: Li, X.H.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene R...
     with: Ling, H.B.: Divert More Attention to Vision-Language Object Tracking
     with: Liu, B.: Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classification
     with: Liu, H.F.: Cluster-wise Hierarchical Generative Model for Deep Amortiz...
     with: Liu, H.F.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classifi...
     with: Liu, H.F.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Liu, H.F.: Interpretable Image Recognition by Constructing Transparent...
     with: Liu, H.F.: Transparent Embedding Space for Interpretable Image Recogni...
     with: Luo, F.: Shyness Trait Recognition for Schoolchildren via Multi-View F...
     with: Lyu, Y.L.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classifi...
     with: Lyu, Y.L.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Ma, L.Y.: BSDP: Brain-inspired Streaming Dual-level Perturbations for ...
     with: Mahoney, M.W.: Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classi...
     with: Min, C.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mode...
     with: Mou, L.C.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene ...
     with: Ng, M.K.: discriminative and sparse topic model for image classificati...
     with: Ng, M.K.: Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value...
     with: Ng, M.K.: Robust and Non-Negative Collective Matrix Factorization for ...
     with: Ng, M.K.: Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Mapping Learning for Multi-Label Cl...
     with: Ng, M.K.: Sparse Label-Indicator Optimization Methods for Image Classi...
     with: Nie, Y.M.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mo...
     with: Pu, X.: GADNet: Improving image-text matching via graph-based aggregat...
     with: Shen, C.: Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value...
     with: Shen, C.: Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Mapping Learning for Multi-Label Cl...
     with: Tian, K.: Stratified feature sampling method for ensemble clustering o...
     with: Tian, X.T.: Shyness Trait Recognition for Schoolchildren via Multi-Vie...
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Cluster-wise Hierarchical Generative Model for Deep Amorti...
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classif...
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Interpretable Image Recognition by Constructing Transparen...
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Transparent Embedding Space for Interpretable Image Recogn...
     with: Wang, K.: Cyclic Refiner: Object-Aware Temporal Representation Learnin...
     with: Wang, R.: Strong Transferable Adversarial Attacks via Ensembled Asympt...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classif...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Interpretable Image Recognition by Constructing Transparen...
     with: Wang, Z.W.: GADNet: Improving image-text matching via graph-based aggr...
     with: Wu, Y.: GADNet: Improving image-text matching via graph-based aggregat...
     with: Xiao, L.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mod...
     with: Xing, J.L.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World M...
     with: Xu, X.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Model...
     with: Yang, L.: discriminative and sparse topic model for image classificati...
     with: Yang, L.: Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value...
     with: Yang, L.: Robust and Non-Negative Collective Matrix Factorization for ...
     with: Yang, L.: Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Mapping Learning for Multi-Label Cl...
     with: Yu, J.: BSDP: Brain-inspired Streaming Dual-level Perturbations for On...
     with: Yu, J.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classificat...
     with: Yu, J.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Yu, J.: discriminative and sparse topic model for image classification...
     with: Yu, J.: Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classification
     with: Yu, J.: Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value D...
     with: Yu, J.: Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Mapping Learning for Multi-Label Clas...
     with: Yuan, L.: GADNet: Improving image-text matching via graph-based aggreg...
     with: Zeng, T.Y.: Deep Generative Mixture Model for Robust Imbalance Classif...
     with: Zeng, T.Y.: Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification
     with: Zhang, S.: Shyness Trait Recognition for Schoolchildren via Multi-View...
     with: Zhang, Z.P.: Cyclic Refiner: Object-Aware Temporal Representation Lear...
     with: Zhang, Z.P.: Divert More Attention to Vision-Language Object Tracking
     with: Zhao, D.W.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World M...
     with: Zhao, J.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mod...
     with: Zhu, X.X.: Cross-task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene ...
     with: Zhu, Z.: DriveWorld: 4D Pre-Trained Scene Understanding via World Mode...
84 for Jing, L.P.

Jing, L.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, T.T.: Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP...
     with: Fu, X.H.: Cross-Domain Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification by Exploi...
     with: Hao, T.: Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP Re...
     with: Li, R.X.: Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP R...
     with: Li, X.: Cross-Domain Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification by Exploiti...
     with: Liu, J.: Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP Re...
     with: Luo, C.: Cross-Domain Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification by Exploit...
     with: Wang, D.L.: Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP...
     with: Ye, Y.M.: Cross-Domain Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification by Exploi...
     with: Zhang, B.: Cross-Domain Aspect-Based Sentiment Classification by Explo...
     with: Zhao, A.: Automatic Detection of Subglacial Water Bodies in the AGAP R...
11 for Jing, L.W.

Jing, L.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, C.F.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Underwater Acoustic Com...
     with: He, C.B.: Adaptive Channel Estimation Based on Multidirectional Struct...
     with: He, C.B.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Underwater Acoustic Commu...
     with: He, C.B.: Adaptive Packet Coding for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Comm...
     with: Hu, X.G.: Lightweight attention-guided redundancy-reuse network for re...
     with: Ji, X.Y.: Performance Analysis of Relay-Aided NOMA Optical Wireless Co...
     with: Jin, M.Q.: Adaptive Channel Estimation Based on Multidirectional Struc...
     with: Liang, Y.J.: Performance Analysis of Relay-Aided NOMA Optical Wireless...
     with: Shi, W.T.: Adaptive Channel Estimation Based on Multidirectional Struc...
     with: Shi, W.T.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Underwater Acoustic Comm...
     with: Tang, Y.Q.: Adaptive Packet Coding for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Co...
     with: Tu, N.: Adaptive Channel Estimation Based on Multidirectional Structur...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Performance Analysis of Relay-Aided NOMA Optical Wireless ...
     with: Xu, S.H.: Lightweight attention-guided redundancy-reuse network for re...
     with: Yin, H.X.: Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Underwater Acoustic Comm...
     with: Yin, H.X.: Adaptive Packet Coding for Reliable Underwater Acoustic Com...
     with: Yin, H.X.: Performance Analysis of Relay-Aided NOMA Optical Wireless C...
17 for Jing, L.Y.

Jing, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adams, W.J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Anwar, A.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Bowden, R.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Chen, H.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Chen, L.: Performance Analysis of Thunder Crystal: A Crowdsourcing-Bas...
     with: Chen, X.Z.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Cheng, K.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Cheng, L.: Evaluation of Ten Deep-Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution D...
     with: Clawson, K.M.: Human Action Recognition in Video via Fused Optical Flo...
     with: Coleman, S.: Biologically motivated spiral architecture for fast video...
     with: Coleman, S.: novel spiral addressing scheme for rectangular images, A
     with: Cullen, P.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity Card...
     with: Dai, Y.C.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Dong, S.C.: Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camera...
     with: Elder, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Fan, H.Q.: Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camera ...
     with: Fan, Y.: CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Network ...
     with: Fan, Y.: Very Deep Residual Network for Image Matting
     with: Finlay, D.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity Card...
     with: Graf, E.W.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Hadfield, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Hoa, H.T.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Hossain, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Huang, B.: CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Networ...
     with: Huang, J.M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Huang, Y.: Very Deep Residual Network for Image Matting
     with: Ji, C.: Evaluation of Ten Deep-Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution Dete...
     with: Ji, R.: Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camera Dep...
     with: Jin, W.: Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camera De...
     with: Kassim, A.A.: Application of image and sound analysis techniques to mo...
     with: Kassim, A.A.: Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surfac...
     with: Li, B.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Li, C.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Li, H.D.: Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camera D...
     with: Li, J.: Locality Preserving Joint Transfer for Domain Adaptation
     with: Li, J.H.: Slope Structural Plane Extraction Method Based on Geo-AINet ...
     with: Li, N.: Evaluation of Ten Deep-Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution Dete...
     with: Li, S.C.: Evaluation of Ten Deep-Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution De...
     with: Liang, J.J.: Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camer...
     with: Liu, J.: Human Action Recognition in Video via Fused Optical Flow and ...
     with: Liu, L.: Slope Structural Plane Extraction Method Based on Geo-AINet E...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Lu, K.: Locality Preserving Joint Transfer for Domain Adaptation
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Application of image and sound analysis techniques to mo...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surfac...
     with: Mattoccia, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: McGinnity, M.: Biologically motivated spiral architecture for fast vid...
     with: McGinnity, M.: novel spiral addressing scheme for rectangular images, A
     with: McLaughlin, D.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity ...
     with: McLaughlin, J.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity ...
     with: McNamee, S.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity Car...
     with: Mercelis, S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Ming, Z.: Performance Analysis of Thunder Crystal: A Crowdsourcing-Bas...
     with: Nam, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Namee, B.M.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity Car...
     with: Poggi, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Qi, X.H.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Qian, C.S.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Ren, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Russell, C.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Sanei, S.: Scanner Artifact Removal in Simultaneous EEG-fMRI for Epile...
     with: Schofield, A.J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Scotney, B.: Biologically motivated spiral architecture for fast video...
     with: Scotney, B.: novel spiral addressing scheme for rectangular images, A
     with: Scotney, B.W.: Human Action Recognition in Video via Fused Optical Flo...
     with: Shen, H.T.: Locality Preserving Joint Transfer for Domain Adaptation
     with: Shi, S.: Slope Structural Plane Extraction Method Based on Geo-AINet E...
     with: Spencer, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Steele, D.: Enhance Categorisation Of Multilevel High-Sensitivity Card...
     with: Tang, H.: Very Deep Residual Network for Image Matting
     with: Tang, Y.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Tosi, F.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Trescakova, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Trinh, L.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Uddin, S.M.N.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Umair, K.M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wan, R.: CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Network ...
     with: Wang, H.: Human Action Recognition in Video via Fused Optical Flow and...
     with: Wang, K.X.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Xiang, M.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Xu, G.K.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Xu, Y.: Performance Analysis of Thunder Crystal: A Crowdsourcing-Based...
     with: Yan, X.: CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Network ...
     with: Yi, X.F.: Slope Structural Plane Extraction Method Based on Geo-AINet ...
     with: Yin, W.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Yu, J.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zeng, X.: Very Deep Residual Network for Image Matting
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: Slope Structural Plane Extraction Method Based on Geo-AIN...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zhang, R.C.: Slope Structural Plane Extraction Method Based on Geo-AIN...
     with: Zhao, C.Q.: Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
     with: Zhou, J.J.: CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Netwo...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Performance Analysis of Thunder Crystal: A Crowdsourcing-Bas...
     with: Zhu, L.: Locality Preserving Joint Transfer for Domain Adaptation
97 for Jing, M.

Jing, M.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, Y.: High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Deblocking Filter Hardwa...
     with: Fan, Y.: LCCStyle: Arbitrary Style Transfer With Low Computational Com...
     with: Fan, Y.: Tear the Image Into Strips for Style Transfer
     with: Hou, B.J.: High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Deblocking Filter Hard...
     with: Huang, L.L.: High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Deblocking Filter Ha...
     with: Huang, Y.J.: LCCStyle: Arbitrary Style Transfer With Low Computational...
     with: Huang, Y.J.: Tear the Image Into Strips for Style Transfer
     with: Liu, Y.H.: LCCStyle: Arbitrary Style Transfer With Low Computational C...
     with: Liu, Y.H.: Tear the Image Into Strips for Style Transfer
     with: Wu, J.T.: Fast two-stage segmentation via non-local active contours in...
     with: Xie, X.Z.: Fast two-stage segmentation via non-local active contours i...
     with: Zeng, X.Y.: Tear the Image Into Strips for Style Transfer
     with: Zhou, J.J.: LCCStyle: Arbitrary Style Transfer With Low Computational ...
13 for Jing, M.G.

Jing, M.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hsieh, C.H.: Image Compression Based on Multistage Vector Quantization
     with: Shao, W.Y.: Image Compression Based on Multistage Vector Quantization

Jing, M.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, H.: Orthogonal 4-tap integer multiwavelet transforms using matr...
     with: Liu, W.: Orthogonal 4-tap integer multiwavelet transforms using matrix...
     with: Qi, C.: Orthogonal 4-tap integer multiwavelet transforms using matrix ...

Jing, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Leveraging the Invariant Side of Generative Zero-Shot Lear...
     with: Huang, Z.: Leveraging the Invariant Side of Generative Zero-Shot Learn...
     with: Li, J.J.: Adversarial Mixup Ratio Confusion for Unsupervised Domain Ad...
     with: Li, J.J.: Challenging tough samples in unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Li, J.J.: Leveraging the Invariant Side of Generative Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Li, J.J.: Order-preserving Consistency Regularization for Domain Adapt...
     with: Li, J.J.: Visually Source-Free Domain Adaptation via Adversarial Style...
     with: Lu, K.: Challenging tough samples in unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Lu, K.: Leveraging the Invariant Side of Generative Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Lu, K.: Visually Source-Free Domain Adaptation via Adversarial Style M...
     with: Meng, L.C.: Adversarial Mixup Ratio Confusion for Unsupervised Domain ...
     with: Shen, H.T.: Adversarial Mixup Ratio Confusion for Unsupervised Domain ...
     with: Shen, H.T.: Visually Source-Free Domain Adaptation via Adversarial Sty...
     with: Snoek, C.G.M.: Order-preserving Consistency Regularization for Domain ...
     with: Yang, Y.: Challenging tough samples in unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Zhen, X.T.: Order-preserving Consistency Regularization for Domain Ada...
     with: Zhu, L.: Adversarial Mixup Ratio Confusion for Unsupervised Domain Ada...
     with: Zhu, L.: Challenging tough samples in unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Zhu, L.: Leveraging the Invariant Side of Generative Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Zhu, L.: Visually Source-Free Domain Adaptation via Adversarial Style ...
     with: Zuo, L.: Challenging tough samples in unsupervised domain adaptation
21 for Jing, M.M.

Jing, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.: GeoViewMatch: A Multi-Scale Feature-Matching Network for Cro...
     with: Chen, H.: Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakl...
     with: Chen, H.: SGA-Net: Self-Constructing Graph Attention Neural Network fo...
     with: Chen, L.: Approach to Accelerating Dissolved Vector Buffer Generation ...
     with: Chen, L.: Efficient Query Algorithm for Trajectory Similarity Based on...
     with: Chen, L.: HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data i...
     with: Chen, L.: Interactive and Online Buffer-Overlay Analytics of Large-Sca...
     with: Chen, L.: Spatial Keyword Query of Region-Of-Interest Based on the Dis...
     with: Chen, L.: STO2Vec: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Object Representation ...
     with: Chen, L.: Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Plan...
     with: Chen, L.: UTSM: A Trajectory Similarity Measure Considering Uncertaint...
     with: Chen, N.: STO2Vec: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Object Representation ...
     with: Du, C.: Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakly ...
     with: Fan, H.C.: Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major C...
     with: Fan, H.C.: Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetM...
     with: Gan, L.: Hybrid organization and visualization of the DSM combined wit...
     with: Gao, Y.: Integration of GIS/RS/GPS for urban fire response
     with: Guo, N.: Efficient Query Algorithm for Trajectory Similarity Based on ...
     with: Guo, N.: Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakly...
     with: Guo, N.: UTSM: A Trajectory Similarity Measure Considering Uncertainty...
     with: Huang, Y.W.: Hierarchical Path View Model for Path Finding in Intellig...
     with: Li, J.: HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data in ...
     with: Li, J.: HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
     with: Li, J.: Hybrid organization and visualization of the DSM combined with...
     with: Li, J.: Interactive and Online Buffer-Overlay Analytics of Large-Scale...
     with: Li, J.: SGA-Net: Self-Constructing Graph Attention Neural Network for ...
     with: Luo, W.Z.: HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data ...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Efficient Query Algorithm for Trajectory Similarity Based on...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data i...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Interactive and Online Buffer-Overlay Analytics of Large-Sca...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Plan...
     with: Ma, Y.D.: Semantic segmentation with cross convolution and multi-layer...
     with: Rundensteiner, E.A.: Hierarchical Path View Model for Path Finding in ...
     with: Shekhar, S.: UTSM: A Trajectory Similarity Measure Considering Uncerta...
     with: Shen, J.X.: Approach to Accelerating Dissolved Vector Buffer Generatio...
     with: Sun, Y.: Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMap...
     with: Wang, L.: HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
     with: Wu, J.J.: HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
     with: Wu, Q.Y.: Integration of GIS/RS/GPS for urban fire response
     with: Wu, S.B.: Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakl...
     with: Wu, Y.: Approach to Accelerating Dissolved Vector Buffer Generation in...
     with: Wu, Y.: HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data in ...
     with: Wu, Y.: Interactive and Online Buffer-Overlay Analytics of Large-Scale...
     with: Wu, Y.: Spatial Keyword Query of Region-Of-Interest Based on the Distr...
     with: Xiong, W.: Efficient Query Algorithm for Trajectory Similarity Based o...
     with: Xiong, W.: SGA-Net: Self-Constructing Graph Attention Neural Network f...
     with: Xiong, W.: STO2Vec: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Object Representation...
     with: Xiong, W.: UTSM: A Trajectory Similarity Measure Considering Uncertain...
     with: Xu, Y.X.: Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakl...
     with: Yang, A.: Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major Co...
     with: Yang, A.: STO2Vec: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Object Representation ...
     with: Yang, A.: Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMa...
     with: Yang, A.: Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Plan...
     with: Zhang, W.H.: GeoViewMatch: A Multi-Scale Feature-Matching Network for ...
     with: Zheng, X.D.: Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path P...
     with: Zhong, Z.N.: GeoViewMatch: A Multi-Scale Feature-Matching Network for ...
     with: Zhong, Z.N.: Integration of GIS/RS/GPS for urban fire response
     with: Zhong, Z.N.: Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path P...
     with: Zhu, G.Y.: HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
     with: Zhu, X.D.: Spatial Keyword Query of Region-Of-Interest Based on the Di...
     with: Zi, W.J.: SGA-Net: Self-Constructing Graph Attention Neural Network fo...
     with: Zipf, A.: Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMa...
63 for Jing, N.

Jing, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.: Low-Rank Regularized Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for Su...
     with: Liu, J.: Low-Rank Regularized Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for S...
     with: Ran, B.: Infrastructure Allocation for Improving Sensing Accuracy and ...
     with: Shaoz, L.: SnapVideo: Personalized Video Generation for a Sightseeing ...
     with: Su, Y.: Low-Rank Regularized Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for Su...
     with: Su, Y.: SnapVideo: Personalized Video Generation for a Sightseeing Trip
     with: Wang, P.Y.: Deep learning-based methods for detecting defects in cast ...
     with: Zhan, F.P.: Infrastructure Allocation for Improving Sensing Accuracy a...
     with: Zhang, C.: SnapVideo: Personalized Video Generation for a Sightseeing ...
     with: Zhang, J.: Low-Rank Regularized Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for...
     with: Zhang, L.: SnapVideo: Personalized Video Generation for a Sightseeing ...
11 for Jing, P.

Jing, P.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, X.: Graph regularized low-rank tensor representation for feature ...
     with: Chu, J.H.: Joint Co-Attention and Co-Reconstruction Representation Lea...
     with: Cui, K.: Category-Aware Multimodal Attention Network for Fashion Compa...
     with: Fan, F.: Dual-Domain Aligned Deep Hierarchical Matrix Factorization Me...
     with: Fan, F.: Multimodal Progressive Modulation Network for Micro-Video Mul...
     with: Fan, F.: SADCMF: Self-Attentive Deep Consistent Matrix Factorization f...
     with: Fan, F.G.: Dual Rank-Constrained Filter Pruning Approach for Convoluti...
     with: Feng, J.W.: Joint Co-Attention and Co-Reconstruction Representation Le...
     with: Gu, H.M.: Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image ...
     with: Gu, H.M.: Predicting Image Memorability Through Adaptive Transfer Lear...
     with: Gu, H.Y.: SADCMF: Self-Attentive Deep Consistent Matrix Factorization ...
     with: Guan, W.: Category-Aware Multimodal Attention Network for Fashion Comp...
     with: Han, J.: VMemNet: A Deep Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Network With A...
     with: He, X.: Comprehensive Ocean Information-Enabled AUV Motion Planning Ba...
     with: Hong, D.Z.: Dual-Domain Aligned Deep Hierarchical Matrix Factorization...
     with: Hong, D.Z.: Low-Rank Regularized Deep Collaborative Matrix Factorizati...
     with: Huang, Z.J.: Edge-aware object pixel-level representation tracking
     with: Jin, X.: Video frame deletion detection based on time-frequency analysis
     with: Li, D.S.: Learning Dual Low-Rank Representation for Multi-Label Micro-...
     with: Li, W.: Graph regularized low-rank tensor representation for feature s...
     with: Li, Y.: Comprehensive Ocean Information-Enabled AUV Motion Planning Ba...
     with: Li, Y.: Low-Rank Regularized Deep Collaborative Matrix Factorization f...
     with: Li, Y.: Multimodal Progressive Modulation Network for Micro-Video Mult...
     with: Lin, J.X.: Multimodal Aggregation Network With Serial Self-Attention M...
     with: Liu, A.: Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimation...
     with: Liu, J.: Adaptive proposal network based on generative adversarial lea...
     with: Liu, J.: BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level Fea...
     with: Liu, J.: Edge-aware object pixel-level representation tracking
     with: Liu, J.: Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image M...
     with: Liu, J.: Graph regularized low-rank tensor representation for feature ...
     with: Liu, J.: Learning Low-Rank Sparse Representations With Robust Relation...
     with: Liu, J.: Low-Rank Regularized Multi-Representation Learning for Fashio...
     with: Liu, J.: Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimation...
     with: Liu, J.: Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enhan...
     with: Liu, J.: Spatiotemporal Symmetric Convolutional Neural Network for Vid...
     with: Liu, J.: Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation f...
     with: Liu, P.P.: Spatiotemporal Symmetric Convolutional Neural Network for V...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Deep Matrix Factorization With Complementary Semantic Aggre...
     with: Liu, Y.: Dual-Domain Aligned Deep Hierarchical Matrix Factorization Me...
     with: Liu, Y.: VMemNet: A Deep Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Network With A...
     with: Lu, W.: Dual Rank-Constrained Filter Pruning Approach for Convolutiona...
     with: Lu, W.: Joint Co-Attention and Co-Reconstruction Representation Learni...
     with: Lu, W.: Learning Dual Low-Rank Representation for Multi-Label Micro-Vi...
     with: Lu, W.: Multimodal Aggregation Network With Serial Self-Attention Mech...
     with: Lu, W.: VMemNet: A Deep Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Network With At...
     with: Lu, Z.K.: Comprehensive Ocean Information-Enabled AUV Motion Planning ...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Category-Aware Multimodal Attention Network for Fashion Com...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Dual-Domain Aligned Deep Hierarchical Matrix Factorization ...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Exploiting Low-Rank Latent Gaussian Graphical Model Estimat...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Learning Dual Low-Rank Representation for Multi-Label Micro...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Learning Low-Rank Sparse Representations With Robust Relati...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Low-Rank Regularized Multi-Representation Learning for Fash...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Predicting Image Memorability Through Adaptive Transfer Lea...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Quality biased multimedia data retrieval in microblogs
     with: Nie, L.Q.: SADCMF: Self-Attentive Deep Consistent Matrix Factorization...
     with: Nie, L.Q.: Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation...
     with: Nie, W.Z.: Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enh...
     with: Qi, S.H.: Quality biased multimedia data retrieval in microblogs
     with: Shang, Y.C.: Learning Low-Rank Sparse Representations With Robust Rela...
     with: Shi, Y.D.: Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimati...
     with: Su, Y.S.: Comprehensive Ocean Information-Enabled AUV Motion Planning ...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Adaptive proposal network based on generative adversarial le...
     with: Su, Y.T.: BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level Fe...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Category-Aware Multimodal Attention Network for Fashion Comp...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Deep Matrix Factorization With Complementary Semantic Aggreg...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Dual Rank-Constrained Filter Pruning Approach for Convolutio...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Dual-Domain Aligned Deep Hierarchical Matrix Factorization M...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Exploiting Low-Rank Latent Gaussian Graphical Model Estimati...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image ...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Graph regularized low-rank tensor representation for feature...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Learning Dual Low-Rank Representation for Multi-Label Micro-...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Learning Low-Rank Sparse Representations With Robust Relatio...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Low-Rank Regularized Deep Collaborative Matrix Factorization...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Low-Rank Regularized Multi-Representation Learning for Fashi...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Low-rank regularized multi-view inverse-covariance estimatio...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Multimodal Aggregation Network With Serial Self-Attention Me...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Multimodal Progressive Modulation Network for Micro-Video Mu...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Predicting Image Memorability Through Adaptive Transfer Lear...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enha...
     with: Su, Y.T.: SADCMF: Self-Attentive Deep Consistent Matrix Factorization ...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Spatiotemporal Symmetric Convolutional Neural Network for Vi...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Tensor-Driven Temporal Correlation Model for Video Sequence ...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation ...
     with: Su, Y.T.: Video frame deletion detection based on time-frequency analy...
     with: Su, Y.T.: VMemNet: A Deep Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Network With ...
     with: Sun, W.N.: BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level F...
     with: Wang, M.: Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image ...
     with: Wang, M.: Learning Low-Rank Sparse Representations With Robust Relatio...
     with: Wang, W.K.: Adaptive proposal network based on generative adversarial ...
     with: Wang, X.: Deep Matrix Factorization With Complementary Semantic Aggreg...
     with: Wang, X.: Quality biased multimedia data retrieval in microblogs
     with: Wang, Y.T.: Edge-aware object pixel-level representation tracking
     with: Wen, X.: Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enhan...
     with: Xu, C.Z.: Tensor-Driven Temporal Correlation Model for Video Sequence ...
     with: Yang, F.: Multimodal Progressive Modulation Network for Micro-Video Mu...
     with: Yang, X.K.: BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level ...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth En...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Spatiotemporal Symmetric Convolutional Neural Network for ...
     with: Ye, S.: Low-Rank Regularized Multi-Representation Learning for Fashion...
     with: Ye, S.: Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation fo...
     with: Yu, J.X.: Edge-aware object pixel-level representation tracking
     with: Zhai, Y.: VMemNet: A Deep Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Network With ...
     with: Zhang, C.Q.: Tensor-Driven Temporal Correlation Model for Video Sequen...
     with: Zhang, J.: Graph regularized low-rank tensor representation for featur...
     with: Zhang, J.: Tensor-Driven Temporal Correlation Model for Video Sequence...
     with: Zhang, J.: Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation...
     with: Zhao, W.: Exploiting Low-Rank Latent Gaussian Graphical Model Estimati...
     with: Zhao, X.: Multimodal Progressive Modulation Network for Micro-Video Mu...
109 for Jing, P.G.

Jing, P.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feng, G.L.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Pen...
     with: Jia, Z.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetr...
     with: Xu, H.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetra...
     with: Yan, J.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetr...

Jing, Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Champagne, C.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived f...
     with: Champagne, C.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Dat...
     with: Chen, J.M.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from...
     with: Chen, J.M.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data a...
     with: Chen, P.F.: New Regionalization Scheme for Effective Ecological Restor...
     with: Cheng, Z.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating...
     with: Daneshfar, B.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Dat...
     with: Davidson, A.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data...
     with: Dong, T.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating ...
     with: Dong, T.F.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and the...
     with: Dong, T.F.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from...
     with: Dong, T.F.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data a...
     with: He, L.M.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from L...
     with: Huffman, T.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and th...
     with: Huffman, T.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data ...
     with: Jia, G.: FlexibleCP: A data augmentation strategy for traffic sign det...
     with: Liu, J.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from La...
     with: Liu, J.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating M...
     with: Liu, J.G.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and the ...
     with: Liu, J.G.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from ...
     with: Liu, J.G.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data an...
     with: Liu, J.G.: New Regionalization Scheme for Effective Ecological Restora...
     with: MacDonald, D.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Dat...
     with: Martin, T.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and the...
     with: McConkey, B.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data...
     with: McNairn, H.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived fro...
     with: Meng, J.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating ...
     with: Powers, J.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from...
     with: Qian, B.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and the E...
     with: Qian, B.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating ...
     with: Qian, B.: New Regionalization Scheme for Effective Ecological Restorat...
     with: Qian, B.D.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from...
     with: Qian, B.D.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data a...
     with: Qiao, Y.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating ...
     with: Rao, H.: FlexibleCP: A data augmentation strategy for traffic sign det...
     with: Shang, J.: Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating...
     with: Shang, J.L.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and th...
     with: Shang, J.L.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived fro...
     with: Shang, J.L.: Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data ...
     with: Shang, J.L.: New Regionalization Scheme for Effective Ecological Resto...
     with: Shi, J.Y.: FlexibleCP: A data augmentation strategy for traffic sign d...
     with: Shi, Y.C.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from ...
     with: Wang, R.: Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from L...
     with: Wen, Z.Q.: FlexibleCP: A data augmentation strategy for traffic sign d...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and th...
45 for Jing, Q.

Jing, Q.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.: G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrar...
     with: Chen, Y.: Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identificat...
     with: Li, Z.H.: G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrar...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identificat...
     with: Lu, L.: G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrared...
     with: Sun, Z.Y.: G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infra...
     with: Sun, Z.Y.: Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identifica...
     with: Wan, L.: G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrare...
     with: Wan, L.: Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
9 for Jing, Q.Y.

Jing, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cui, P.T.: CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algorith...
     with: Deng, L.: Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regres...
     with: Duan, F.Z.: NDVI Retrieval Method Based on a Double-Attention Recurren...
     with: Gong, Z.N.: Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regr...
     with: Huang, J.F.: CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algori...
     with: Lu, F.X.: NDVI Retrieval Method Based on a Double-Attention Recurrent ...
     with: Pu, R.L.: Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regres...
     with: Wang, B.: CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algorithm...
     with: Yan, T.: CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algorithm ...
     with: Zhang, M.: NDVI Retrieval Method Based on a Double-Attention Recurrent...
     with: Zhang, Q.: CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algorith...
     with: Zhao, W.J.: Above-bottom biomass retrieval of aquatic plants with regr...
     with: Zhao, W.J.: NDVI Retrieval Method Based on a Double-Attention Recurren...
13 for Jing, R.

Jing, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gu, W.K.: Back Tracking Algorithm for Matching Two Line Drawings of a ...
     with: Pan, F.: Back Tracking Algorithm for Matching Two Line Drawings of a 3...

Jing, R.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, Z.W.: Weak Coupling of Semi-Supervised Learning with Generative...
     with: Wang, Q.Y.: Weak Coupling of Semi-Supervised Learning with Generative ...
     with: Wang, S.W.: Weak Coupling of Semi-Supervised Learning with Generative ...
     with: Wang, X.: Weak Coupling of Semi-Supervised Learning with Generative Ad...

Jing, R.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, Z.J.S.: Flight Delay Prediction With Priority Information of Wea...
     with: Li, Q.: Flight Delay Prediction With Priority Information of Weather a...
     with: Li, Q.: Generation and prediction of flight delays in air transport

Jing, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chao, T.: Time Series Land Cover Classification Based on Semi-supervis...
     with: Farina, D.: Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Electro...
     with: Gao, L.L.: Memory-Based Augmentation Network for Video Captioning
     with: Gong, X.Y.: Parallel Education Systems Under Perspective of System Con...
     with: Guez, A.S.: Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Electro...
     with: Hodossy, B.K.: Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Elec...
     with: Hui, F.: Cooperative Game Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence and on-...
     with: Hui, F.: Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Hierarchical Control of C...
     with: Huo, W.G.: Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Electrod...
     with: Khattak, A.J.: Cooperative Game Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence a...
     with: Khattak, A.J.: Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Hierarchical Contro...
     with: Liu, X.: Parallel Education Systems Under Perspective of System Constr...
     with: Rios Torres, J.: Cooperative Game Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence...
     with: Rios Torres, J.: Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Hierarchical Cont...
     with: Shen, H.T.: Memory-Based Augmentation Network for Video Captioning
     with: Song, J.K.: Memory-Based Augmentation Network for Video Captioning
     with: Vaidyanathan, R.: Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar E...
     with: Wang, X.: Parallel Education Systems Under Perspective of System Const...
     with: Zeng, P.P.: Memory-Based Augmentation Network for Video Captioning
     with: Zhang, H.: Memory-Based Augmentation Network for Video Captioning
     with: Zhao, X.: Cooperative Game Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence and on...
     with: Zhao, X.M.: Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Hierarchical Control o...
22 for Jing, S.

Jing, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lu, S.Z.: Intelligence control method and application for decomposing ...
     with: Wang, X.H.: Intelligence control method and application for decomposin...

Jing, S.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, L.J.: Automatic speech discrete labels to dimensional emotional ...
     with: Liu, H.L.: MVT: Multi-Vision Transformer for Event-Based Small Target ...
     with: Lv, H.Y.: MVT: Multi-Vision Transformer for Event-Based Small Target D...
     with: Mao, X.: Automatic speech discrete labels to dimensional emotional val...
     with: Sun, M.: MVT: Multi-Vision Transformer for Event-Based Small Target De...
     with: Zhao, Y.C.: MVT: Multi-Vision Transformer for Event-Based Small Target...

Jing, S.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, J.: Image-Based Measurement of the Ming Great Wall
     with: Liao, A.P.: Image-Based Measurement of the Ming Great Wall
     with: Zhang, H.W.: Image-Based Measurement of the Ming Great Wall
     with: Zhao, Y.S.: Image-Based Measurement of the Ming Great Wall

Jing, S.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, L.J.: Remote Sensing Pansharpening by Full-Depth Feature Fusion
     with: Jin, X.X.: Remote Sensing Pansharpening by Full-Depth Feature Fusion
     with: Jin, Z.R.: Remote Sensing Pansharpening by Full-Depth Feature Fusion
     with: Zhang, T.J.: Remote Sensing Pansharpening by Full-Depth Feature Fusion
     with: Zhuo, Y.W.: Remote Sensing Pansharpening by Full-Depth Feature Fusion

Jing, S.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, W.: Meaningful ciphertext encryption algorithm based on bit scra...
     with: Guo, Y.: Meaningful ciphertext encryption algorithm based on bit scram...

Jing, S.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yuan, Q.: Captured Human Motion Segmentation Based on Dynamics and Pri...

Jing, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bessinger, Z.: iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
     with: Bi, H.J.: Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microcal...
     with: Chen, H.: Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microcal...
     with: Cui, P.F.: Objects Discovery Based on Co-Occurrence Word Model With An...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Generative Inference Network for Imbalanced Domain General...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Maximum Structural Generation Discrepancy for Unsupervised...
     with: Dong, H.H.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicula...
     with: Fan, X.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicular E...
     with: Fu, Y.: EV-Action: Electromyography-Vision Multi-Modal Action Dataset
     with: Gao, M.L.: Objects Discovery Based on Co-Occurrence Word Model With An...
     with: Han, D.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicular E...
     with: Hao, X.L.: Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microca...
     with: Kang, S.B.: iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
     with: Khosravan, N.: iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
     with: Li, X.: integrated dependability guarantee provisioning for cluster-ba...
     with: Li, X.H.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicular ...
     with: Li, X.J.: Objects Discovery Based on Co-Occurrence Word Model With Anc...
     with: Li, X.Y.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicular ...
     with: Meng, Q.H.: SmokePose: End-to-End Smoke Keypoint Detection
     with: Robinson, J.: EV-Action: Electromyography-Vision Multi-Modal Action Da...
     with: Sun, B.: EV-Action: Electromyography-Vision Multi-Modal Action Dataset
     with: Tian, C.H.: Objects Discovery Based on Co-Occurrence Word Model With A...
     with: Wan, Z.Q.: iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
     with: Wang, L.: EV-Action: Electromyography-Vision Multi-Modal Action Dataset
     with: Wang, L.C.: iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
     with: Wang, X.X.: integrated dependability guarantee provisioning for cluste...
     with: Wang, X.X.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicula...
     with: Xia, H.F.: Generative Inference Network for Imbalanced Domain Generali...
     with: Xia, H.F.: Maximum Structural Generation Discrepancy for Unsupervised ...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microc...
     with: Yao, C.: Adaptive kernel learning for detection of clustered microcalc...
     with: Yu, F.R.: Two-Stage Offloading for an Enhancing Distributed Vehicular ...
     with: Yu, H.: integrated dependability guarantee provisioning for cluster-ba...
     with: Zeng, M.: SmokePose: End-to-End Smoke Keypoint Detection
     with: Zhang, Z.W.: Objects Discovery Based on Co-Occurrence Word Model With ...
36 for Jing, T.

Jing, T.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, H.R.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autonom...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Adversarial Dual Distinct Classifiers for Unsupervised Dom...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Augmented Multimodality Fusion for Generalized Zero-Shot S...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autonom...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Towards Fair Knowledge Transfer for Imbalanced Domain Adap...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Towards Novel Target Discovery Through Open-Set Domain Ada...
     with: Domeyer, J.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autono...
     with: Hamm, J.: Augmented Multimodality Fusion for Generalized Zero-Shot Ske...
     with: Liu, H.F.: Towards Novel Target Discovery Through Open-Set Domain Adap...
     with: Luo, X.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autonomous...
     with: Sherony, R.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autono...
     with: Tian, R.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autonomou...
     with: Xia, H.F.: Augmented Multimodality Fusion for Generalized Zero-Shot Sk...
     with: Xia, H.F.: InAction: Interpretable Action Decision Making for Autonomo...
     with: Xu, B.R.: Towards Fair Knowledge Transfer for Imbalanced Domain Adapta...
15 for Jing, T.T.

Jing, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acar, C.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Ammari, H.: Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological Der...
     with: Bi, Y.G.: Robust video stabilization based on bounded path planning
     with: Bretin, E.: Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological Der...
     with: Chen, J.: Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Dir...
     with: Cheng, Y.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Cui, B.: SRSe-Net: Super-Resolution-Based Semantic Segmentation Networ...
     with: Cui, J.M.: SRSe-Net: Super-Resolution-Based Semantic Segmentation Netw...
     with: Gao, L.P.: Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Di...
     with: Garnier, J.: Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological De...
     with: Goh, R.S.M.: Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Ba...
     with: Gu, Z.Q.: Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Dir...
     with: Guo, K.: LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-T...
     with: Hao, D.: LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-T...
     with: Kang, H.: Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological Deriv...
     with: Li, L.Y.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Li, S.E.: Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Dir...
     with: Li, W.: LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-Te...
     with: Lim, J.H.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Liu, H.F.: SRSe-Net: Super-Resolution-Based Semantic Segmentation Netw...
     with: Liu, W.W.: LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long...
     with: Ma, H.: Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Direc...
     with: Miao, Z.W.: LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Lon...
     with: Pan, J.: LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-T...
     with: Song, C.H.: Robust video stabilization based on bounded path planning
     with: Sun, A.: Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Based ...
     with: Sun, A.: Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Future Di...
     with: Sun, Y.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Tan, C.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Wahab, A.: Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological Deri...
     with: Wu, Y.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
     with: Zhang, H.: Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Base...
     with: Zhang, H.: Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Future ...
     with: Zhang, H.Q.: SRSe-Net: Super-Resolution-Based Semantic Segmentation Ne...
     with: Zhao, H.: Robust video stabilization based on bounded path planning
     with: Zhen, L.L.: Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Bas...
     with: Zheng, S.: Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Di...
     with: Zhou, J.T.Y.: Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-B...
     with: Zhou, J.T.Y.: Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Futu...
     with: Zhu, H.Y.: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
40 for Jing, W.

Jing, W.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, J.: Multitask Learning-Based for SAR Image Superpixel Generation
     with: Liu, J.F.: Multitask Learning-Based for SAR Image Superpixel Generation
     with: Wang, Q.S.: Multitask Learning-Based for SAR Image Superpixel Generation
     with: Xiang, D.L.: Multitask Learning-Based for SAR Image Superpixel Generat...

Jing, W.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, S.S.: Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Lear...
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Cl...
     with: Dai, X.A.: Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfall ...
     with: Deng, Y.B.: Comparison of Machine Learning and Empirical Approaches fo...
     with: Feng, M.: Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Clas...
     with: Gao, Z.: Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Prec...
     with: Hou, Z.W.: Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of Geoscience Knowled...
     with: Hou, Z.W.: Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Pr...
     with: Hu, H.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas wi...
     with: Hu, H.D.: Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identificat...
     with: Hu, Y.Q.: Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identificat...
     with: Huang, J.X.: Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Lea...
     with: Jia, B.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas w...
     with: Jiang, H.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas...
     with: Jiang, H.: Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Learn...
     with: Jiang, H.: Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Cla...
     with: Jiang, H.: Reconstructing Satellite-Based Monthly Precipitation over N...
     with: Li, D.: Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Learning...
     with: Li, Y.: Comparison of Machine Learning and Empirical Approaches for De...
     with: Li, Y.: Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identificatio...
     with: Liu, X.: Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of Geoscience Knowledge...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfall ...
     with: Liu, Y.X.Y.: Comparison of Different Machine Learning Approaches for M...
     with: Liu, Y.X.Y.: New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based ...
     with: Luo, P.P.: Potential Land Use Conflict Identification Based on Improve...
     with: Ruan, H.H.: Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfall...
     with: Shu, S.J.: Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identifica...
     with: Song, J.: Comparison of ECV and SMOS Soil Moisture Products Based on O...
     with: Sun, J.: Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Prec...
     with: Sun, L.: Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Class...
     with: Tang, G.Q.: Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged P...
     with: Tang, Y.M.: Comparison of Machine Learning and Empirical Approaches fo...
     with: Wu, L.: Potential Land Use Conflict Identification Based on Improved M...
     with: Xu, J.H.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas ...
     with: Xu, J.H.: Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Learni...
     with: Xu, J.H.: Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfall E...
     with: Yang, C.: Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identificat...
     with: Yang, J.: Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of Geoscience Knowledg...
     with: Yang, J.: Comparison of Machine Learning and Empirical Approaches for ...
     with: Yang, J.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Areas ...
     with: Yang, J.: Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Learni...
     with: Yang, J.: Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Pre...
     with: Yang, J.: Performance Analysis of Ocean Eddy Detection and Identificat...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Comparison of Different Machine Learning Approaches for Mo...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Comparison of Different Regression Algorithms for Downscal...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Mapping Urban Areas with Integration of DMSP/OLS Nighttime...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based o...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Spatial Downscaling Algorithm for Satellite-Based Precipit...
     with: Yao, L.: New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based on M...
     with: Yu, K.: Potential Land Use Conflict Identification Based on Improved M...
     with: Yue, X.F.: Comparison of Different Machine Learning Approaches for Mon...
     with: Yue, X.F.: Comparison of Different Regression Algorithms for Downscali...
     with: Yue, X.F.: Mapping Urban Areas with Integration of DMSP/OLS Nighttime ...
     with: Yue, X.F.: New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based on...
     with: Yue, X.F.: Spatial Downscaling Algorithm for Satellite-Based Precipita...
     with: Zhang, F.F.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Are...
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfal...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: Reconstructing Satellite-Based Monthly Precipitation over...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Comparison of Machine Learning and Empirical Approaches for...
     with: Zhao, H.W.: Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Cl...
     with: Zhao, X.D.: Comparison of Different Regression Algorithms for Downscal...
     with: Zhao, X.D.: Comparison of ECV and SMOS Soil Moisture Products Based on...
     with: Zhao, X.D.: Mapping Urban Areas with Integration of DMSP/OLS Nighttime...
     with: Zhao, X.D.: New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based o...
     with: Zhao, X.D.: Reconstructing Satellite-Based Monthly Precipitation over ...
     with: Zhao, X.D.: Spatial Downscaling Algorithm for Satellite-Based Precipit...
     with: Zhong, K.W.: Downscaling Aster Land Surface Temperature over Urban Are...
     with: Zhou, S.N.: Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of Geoscience Knowle...
     with: Zhou, W.N.: Comparison of Machine Learning and Empirical Approaches fo...
69 for Jing, W.L.

Jing, W.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, G.S.: AGNet: An Attention-Based Graph Network for Point Cloud Cl...
     with: Chen, G.S.: MSAR-DefogNet: Lightweight cloud removal network for high ...
     with: Chen, G.S.: Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification with Laten...
     with: Chen, G.S.: Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Mult...
     with: Chen, G.S.: SERNet: Squeeze and Excitation Residual Network for Semant...
     with: Cui, S.J.: Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Multi...
     with: Damasevicius, R.: MSAR-DefogNet: Lightweight cloud removal network for...
     with: Di, D.L.: AGNet: An Attention-Based Graph Network for Point Cloud Clas...
     with: Di, D.L.: SERNet: Squeeze and Excitation Residual Network for Semantic...
     with: Emam, M.: SERNet: Squeeze and Excitation Residual Network for Semantic...
     with: Fu, X.Y.: Consortium Blockchain-Based Security and Efficient Resource ...
     with: Gu, J.T.: Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Land Cover Classification B...
     with: Ji, J.C.: Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification with Latent ...
     with: Jia, L.: Consortium Blockchain-Based Security and Efficient Resource T...
     with: Kang, J.: Mining taxi trajectories for most suitable stations of shari...
     with: Kang, P.L.: Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Mult...
     with: Li, C.: Edge Real-Time Object Detection and DPU-Based Hardware Impleme...
     with: Li, C.: HGSNet: A hypergraph network for subtle lesions segmentation i...
     with: Li, D.D.: HGSNet: A hypergraph network for subtle lesions segmentation...
     with: Li, L.H.: AGNet: An Attention-Based Graph Network for Point Cloud Clas...
     with: Li, L.H.: SERNet: Squeeze and Excitation Residual Network for Semantic...
     with: Lin, J.B.: Building NAS: Automatic designation of efficient neural arc...
     with: Lin, J.B.: Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification with Latent...
     with: Liu, M.L.: Mining taxi trajectories for most suitable stations of shar...
     with: Liu, P.: Consortium Blockchain-Based Security and Efficient Resource T...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: Throughput Optimization in Heterogeneous Swarms of Unmanned...
     with: Lv, Y.: Edge Real-Time Object Detection and DPU-Based Hardware Impleme...
     with: Niu, S.T.: Throughput Optimization in Heterogeneous Swarms of Unmanned...
     with: Ren, Q.L.: AutoRSISC: Automatic design of neural architecture for remo...
     with: Scherer, R.: MSAR-DefogNet: Lightweight cloud removal network for high...
     with: Song, H.: Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Multi-...
     with: Song, H.B.: AutoRSISC: Automatic design of neural architecture for rem...
     with: Song, H.B.: Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Classification with Laten...
     with: Song, H.B.: Throughput Optimization in Heterogeneous Swarms of Unmanne...
     with: Wang, H.H.: Building NAS: Automatic designation of efficient neural ar...
     with: Wang, J.: AGNet: An Attention-Based Graph Network for Point Cloud Clas...
     with: Wang, J.: HGSNet: A hypergraph network for subtle lesions segmentation...
     with: Wang, J.: MSAR-DefogNet: Lightweight cloud removal network for high re...
     with: Wang, J.: Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Multi-...
     with: Wang, J.: SERNet: Squeeze and Excitation Residual Network for Semantic...
     with: Wang, J.: Throughput Optimization in Heterogeneous Swarms of Unmanned ...
     with: Xiao, Y.: Consortium Blockchain-Based Security and Efficient Resource ...
     with: Xu, R.: Edge Real-Time Object Detection and DPU-Based Hardware Impleme...
     with: You, H.H.: Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Land Cover Classification ...
     with: Zhang, W.J.: AGNet: An Attention-Based Graph Network for Point Cloud C...
     with: Zhang, W.J.: HGSNet: A hypergraph network for subtle lesions segmentat...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: SERNet: Squeeze and Excitation Residual Network for Seman...
     with: Zhao, Y.H.: Edge Real-Time Object Detection and DPU-Based Hardware Imp...
     with: Zhou, J.: AutoRSISC: Automatic design of neural architecture for remot...
     with: Zhou, Y.: MSAR-DefogNet: Lightweight cloud removal network for high re...
     with: Zhu, S.Y.: Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Multi...
51 for Jing, W.P.

Jing, W.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, H.F.: GFCNet: Contrastive Learning Network with Geography Feature ...
     with: Li, H.F.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identit...
     with: Li, P.L.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identit...
     with: Liu, L.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity...
     with: Qi, J.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity ...
     with: Su, M.M.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identit...
     with: Tao, C.: GFCNet: Contrastive Learning Network with Geography Feature S...
     with: Wei, G.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity...
     with: Wu, H.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity ...
     with: Wu, K.: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity ...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: GFCNet: Contrastive Learning Network with Geography Featu...
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: GFCNet: Contrastive Learning Network with Geography Featu...
12 for Jing, W.X.

Jing, X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aaron, D.: Lifetime Absolute Calibration of the EO-1 Hyperion Sensor a...
     with: Akman, A.: Audio-Based Kinship Verification Using Age Domain Conversion
     with: Badawi, M.: Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance ...
     with: Bu, K.: Adversarial Transfer Learning for Deep Learning Based Automati...
     with: Cai, T.: Multi-Factor Collaborative Analysis of Conservation Effective...
     with: Cao, C.Y.: Comparison between the Suomi-NPP Day-Night Band and DMSP-OL...
     with: Cao, C.Y.: Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calibr...
     with: Chandran, A.K.: Camera Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Id...
     with: Chau, L.P.: Smooth constrained motion estimation for video coding
     with: Chen, J.: Investigating the Performance of Red and Far-Red SIF for Mon...
     with: Chen, W.: Uncertainty Evaluation of an In-Flight Absolute Radiometric ...
     with: Chen, Y.: Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calibra...
     with: Chen, Y.: Spire RO Thermal Profiles for Climate Studies: Initial Compa...
     with: Chi, C.Q.: Study on Anomalies of the Geomagnetic Topology Network Asso...
     with: Dai, F.: Light Field Reconstruction Using Dynamically Generated Filters
     with: Dong, Y.Y.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Base...
     with: Du, K.Q.: Improved Approach to Monitoring Wheat Stripe Rust with Sun-I...
     with: Du, K.Q.: Integrate the Canopy SIF and Its Derived Structural and Phys...
     with: Du, S.S.: Investigating the Performance of Red and Far-Red SIF for Mon...
     with: Duan, W.: Investigating the Performance of Red and Far-Red SIF for Mon...
     with: Emmanuel, S.: Auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Reg...
     with: Fan, X.: Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
     with: Feng, H.K.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Fu, X.D.: Comparison between the Suomi-NPP Day-Night Band and DMSP-OLS...
     with: Gao, H.: Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion Han...
     with: Gao, N.: Pilot Contamination Attack Detection and Defense Strategy in ...
     with: Ge, P.: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image Sy...
     with: Gong, Y.: Geographical Information Enhanced Cooperative Localization i...
     with: Gu, X.F.: novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust to p...
     with: Han, J.: Adversarial Transfer Learning for Deep Learning Based Automat...
     with: He, Y.: Adversarial Transfer Learning for Deep Learning Based Automati...
     with: Helder, D.: Evaluation of RadCalNet Output Data Using Landsat 7, Lands...
     with: Helder, D.: Lifetime Absolute Calibration of the EO-1 Hyperion Sensor ...
     with: Helder, D.: Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance ...
     with: Ho, S.P.: Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature a...
     with: Ho, S.P.: Spire RO Thermal Profiles for Climate Studies: Initial Compa...
     with: Huang, J.X.: Improved Approach to Monitoring Wheat Stripe Rust with Su...
     with: Huang, Q.S.: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Ima...
     with: Jia, S.C.: Self-Supervised 3D Reconstruction and Ego-Motion Estimation...
     with: Jiang, G.: Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion H...
     with: Jiao, T.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Mo...
     with: Jin, D.: Sparse Representation and Weighted Clustering Based Abnormal ...
     with: Ju, C.: Multi-Factor Collaborative Analysis of Conservation Effectiven...
     with: Kireev, S.: Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature...
     with: Leigh, L.: Evaluation Analysis of Landsat Level-1 and Level-2 Data Pro...
     with: Leigh, L.: Evaluation of RadCalNet Output Data Using Landsat 7, Landsa...
     with: Leigh, L.: Lifetime Absolute Calibration of the EO-1 Hyperion Sensor a...
     with: Leigh, L.: Methods for Earth-Observing Satellite Surface Reflectance V...
     with: Li, B.: Improved Approach to Monitoring Wheat Stripe Rust with Sun-Ind...
     with: Li, B.: Integrate the Canopy SIF and Its Derived Structural and Physio...
     with: Li, B.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Based on...
     with: Li, W.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Moti...
     with: Li, Y.: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image Sy...
     with: Li, Y.Y.: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image ...
     with: Li, Z.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Moti...
     with: Li, Z.: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi-...
     with: Li, Z.Q.: Uncertainty Evaluation of an In-Flight Absolute Radiometric ...
     with: Lin, W.S.: Camera Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identif...
     with: Liu, J.: Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion Han...
     with: Liu, L.Y.: Investigating the Performance of Red and Far-Red SIF for Mo...
     with: Liu, M.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Mot...
     with: Liu, T.C.: Evaluation of SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Datasets Using RadCalN...
     with: Liu, T.C.: Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calibr...
     with: Liu, T.C.: Spire RO Thermal Profiles for Climate Studies: Initial Comp...
     with: Liu, W.Q.: novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust to ...
     with: Liu, X.J.: Investigating the Performance of Red and Far-Red SIF for Mo...
     with: Liu, Y.: Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion Han...
     with: Liu, Z.C.: novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust to ...
     with: Lu, Z.: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi-...
     with: Luo, F.: Geographical Information Enhanced Cooperative Localization in...
     with: Lv, H.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Moti...
     with: Lyu, K.: Light Field Reconstruction Using Dynamically Generated Filters
     with: Ma, Y.: Light Field Reconstruction Using Dynamically Generated Filters
     with: Milling, M.: Audio-Based Kinship Verification Using Age Domain Convers...
     with: Ming, S.K.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Nie, J.: Context-Aware Three-Dimensional Mean-Shift With Occlusion Han...
     with: Pei, X.: Self-Supervised 3D Reconstruction and Ego-Motion Estimation V...
     with: Peng, Q.: Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
     with: Pinto, C.T.: Evaluation Analysis of Landsat Level-1 and Level-2 Data P...
     with: Pinto, C.T.: Evaluation of RadCalNet Output Data Using Landsat 7, Land...
     with: Qin, Z.: Pilot Contamination Attack Detection and Defense Strategy in ...
     with: Schuller, B.W.: Audio-Based Kinship Verification Using Age Domain Conv...
     with: Shao, X.: Comparison between the Suomi-NPP Day-Night Band and DMSP-OLS...
     with: Shao, X.: Evaluation of SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Datasets Using RadCalNe...
     with: Shao, X.: Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calibra...
     with: Shao, X.: Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature a...
     with: Shao, X.: Spire RO Thermal Profiles for Climate Studies: Initial Compa...
     with: Sheng, H.: Multi-Factor Collaborative Analysis of Conservation Effecti...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Sun, Q.: Audio-Based Kinship Verification Using Age Domain Conversion
     with: Sun, X.: Weak Supervised Learning Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
     with: Sun, Z.: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image S...
     with: Tang, H.: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Mult...
     with: Teixeira Pinto, C.: Lifetime Absolute Calibration of the EO-1 Hyperion...
     with: Uprety, S.: Evaluation of SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Datasets Using RadCal...
     with: Wang, H.F.: novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust to...
     with: Wang, J.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Mo...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Wang, S.: Geographical Information Enhanced Cooperative Localization i...
     with: Wang, W.H.: Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calib...
     with: Wang, X.W.: Study on Anomalies of the Geomagnetic Topology Network Ass...
     with: Wu, S.: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi-...
     with: Wu, S.: Sparse Representation and Weighted Clustering Based Abnormal B...
     with: Wu, S.: Weak Supervised Learning Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
     with: Xiang, W.: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image...
     with: Xiong, B.: Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
     with: Xue, H.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-Mot...
     with: Yan, J.: Integrate the Canopy SIF and Its Derived Structural and Physi...
     with: Yan, J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Based o...
     with: Yan, L.: Comparison between the Suomi-NPP Day-Night Band and DMSP-OLS ...
     with: Yan, L.: Uncertainty Evaluation of an In-Flight Absolute Radiometric C...
     with: Yan, Y.: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi...
     with: Yang, C.H.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Yao, D.: Self-Supervised 3D Reconstruction and Ego-Motion Estimation V...
     with: Ye, Q.X.: Improved Approach to Monitoring Wheat Stripe Rust with Sun-I...
     with: Ye, Q.X.: Integrate the Canopy SIF and Its Derived Structural and Phys...
     with: You, X.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Learni...
     with: Yu, Z.: Study on Anomalies of the Geomagnetic Topology Network Associa...
     with: Zeng, Y.: Improved Approach to Monitoring Wheat Stripe Rust with Sun-I...
     with: Zhang, B.: Evaluation of SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Datasets Using RadCalN...
     with: Zhang, F.: Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calibr...
     with: Zhang, G.Q.: Camera Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Ident...
     with: Zhang, H.W.: Camera Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Ident...
     with: Zhang, J.: Multi-Factor Collaborative Analysis of Conservation Effecti...
     with: Zhang, J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Bas...
     with: Zhang, L.: Geographical Information Enhanced Cooperative Localization ...
     with: Zhang, P.: Auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Region...
     with: Zhang, T.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Lear...
     with: Zhang, X.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Lear...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Characterization and Identification of IR-UWB Respiratory-M...
     with: Zhang, Y.M.: novel GCN-based point cloud classification model robust t...
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: Auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Regi...
     with: Zhao, H.M.: Uncertainty Evaluation of an In-Flight Absolute Radiometri...
     with: Zhao, Q.A.: Light Field Reconstruction Using Dynamically Generated Fil...
     with: Zheng, H.Y.: Study on Anomalies of the Geomagnetic Topology Network As...
     with: Zhou, X.J.: Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature...
     with: Zhou, X.J.: Spire RO Thermal Profiles for Climate Studies: Initial Com...
     with: Zhu, C.: Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
     with: Zhu, C.: Smooth constrained motion estimation for video coding
     with: Zhu, S.: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi...
     with: Zhu, S.: Sparse Representation and Weighted Clustering Based Abnormal ...
     with: Zhu, S.: Weak Supervised Learning Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
     with: Zhu, X.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Learni...
     with: Zou, Q.: Integrate the Canopy SIF and Its Derived Structural and Physi...
     with: Zou, Q.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Winter Wheat Stripe Rust Based o...
146 for Jing, X.

Jing, X.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, B.: Moving Source Localization in Passive Sensor Network With Loca...
     with: Mao, Z.: Moving Source Localization in Passive Sensor Network With Loc...
     with: Su, H.T.: Moving Source Localization in Passive Sensor Network With Lo...

Jing, X.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bo, W.: Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
     with: Cui, Y.H.: Palm vein recognition scheme based on an adaptive Gabor fil...
     with: Fioranelli, F.: Human Motion Recognition With Limited Radar Micro-Dopp...
     with: He, Y.: Human Motion Recognition With Limited Radar Micro-Doppler Sign...
     with: He, Y.: Multiscale Residual Attention Network for Multitask Learning o...
     with: He, Y.: Survey of Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition in Ra...
     with: Huang, H.: Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
     with: Huang, H.: Palm vein recognition scheme based on an adaptive Gabor fil...
     with: Huang, W.J.: Transportation for 4-DOF Tower Cranes: A Periodic Sliding...
     with: Li, J.: Edge detection based on decision-level information fusion and ...
     with: Li, X.Y.: Human Motion Recognition With Limited Radar Micro-Doppler Si...
     with: Li, X.Y.: Multiscale Residual Attention Network for Multitask Learning...
     with: Li, X.Y.: Survey of Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition in ...
     with: Lian, Z.F.: Variable length dominant Gabor local binary pattern (VLD-G...
     with: Liu, J.: Variable length dominant Gabor local binary pattern (VLD-GLBP...
     with: Lu, G.H.: Contact-free measurement of heartbeat signal via a doppler r...
     with: Ma, X.: Palm vein recognition scheme based on an adaptive Gabor filter
     with: Mu, J.S.: Palm vein recognition scheme based on an adaptive Gabor filter
     with: Navarro Alarcon, D.: Predefined-Time Fault-Tolerant Control for Active...
     with: Sun, S.: Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
     with: Sun, S.L.: Variable length dominant Gabor local binary pattern (VLD-GL...
     with: Teng, L.: Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
     with: Wang, J.Q.: Contact-free measurement of heartbeat signal via a doppler...
     with: Yang, F.: Contact-free measurement of heartbeat signal via a doppler r...
     with: Yang, Y.: Human Motion Recognition With Limited Radar Micro-Doppler Si...
     with: Yarovoy, A.: Human Motion Recognition With Limited Radar Micro-Doppler...
     with: Zhang, M.H.: Predefined-Time Fault-Tolerant Control for Active Vehicle...
     with: Zhang, M.H.: Transportation for 4-DOF Tower Cranes: A Periodic Sliding...
     with: Zhang, Y.Y.: Spectral analysis based fingerprint image enhancement alg...
     with: Zhou, Z.C.: Predefined-Time Fault-Tolerant Control for Active Vehicle ...
     with: Zhou, Z.C.: Transportation for 4-DOF Tower Cranes: A Periodic Sliding ...
31 for Jing, X.J.

Jing, X.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, M.: Endpoint fusing method of online freehand-sketched polyhedrons
     with: Wang, S.: Endpoint fusing method of online freehand-sketched polyhedrons
     with: Wang, S.X.: Endpoint fusing method of online freehand-sketched polyhed...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Endpoint fusing method of online freehand-sketched polyhedr...

Jing, X.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, L.Y.: Single-Satellite Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on ...
     with: Li, H.N.: Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Integ...
     with: Li, H.N.: Dual-Satellite Alternate Switching Ranging/INS Integrated Na...
     with: Li, H.N.: Single-Satellite Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on Br...
     with: Ma, J.G.: Single-Satellite Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on Br...
     with: Xia, Y.X.: Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Inte...
     with: Xia, Y.X.: Dual-Satellite Alternate Switching Ranging/INS Integrated N...
     with: Yang, H.F.: Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Int...
     with: Yang, H.F.: Dual-Satellite Alternate Switching Ranging/INS Integrated ...
     with: Yang, Y.K.: Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Int...
     with: Yang, Y.K.: Dual-Satellite Alternate Switching Ranging/INS Integrated ...
     with: Yang, Y.K.: Single-Satellite Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on ...
     with: Ye, L.Y.: Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Integ...
     with: Ye, L.Y.: Dual-Satellite Alternate Switching Ranging/INS Integrated Na...
     with: Ye, L.Y.: Single-Satellite Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on Br...
15 for Jing, X.L.

Jing, X.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, J.Y.: Characterizing Urban Fabric Properties and Their Thermal E...
     with: Li, J.J.: Characterizing Urban Fabric Properties and Their Thermal Eff...
     with: Schwegler, B.: Characterizing Urban Fabric Properties and Their Therma...
     with: Zhang, H.: Characterizing Urban Fabric Properties and Their Thermal Ef...

Jing, X.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, H.Y.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of...
     with: Lin, G.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of F...
     with: Lin, Y.J.: Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds o...
     with: Liu, E.: Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds ove...
     with: Liu, Y.: Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds ove...
     with: Song, L.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of ...
     with: Sun, H.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of F...
     with: Yang, J.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of ...
     with: Yang, J.: Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds ov...
     with: Yang, K.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of ...
     with: Yin, Y.: Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds ove...
     with: Zhang, Q.L.: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance ...
     with: Zhou, Q.: Evaluation and Comparison of Open and High-Resolution LULC D...
13 for Jing, X.Q.

Jing, X.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bao, B.K.: DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image S...
     with: Bian, L.S.: Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelat...
     with: Bian, L.S.: Kernel Uncorrelated Adjacent-class Discriminant Analysis
     with: Bian, L.S.: Novel Kernel Discriminant Feature Extraction Framework Bas...
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Unive...
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: Domain embedding transfer for unequal RGB-D image recognition
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation...
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: Single-/Multi-Source Domain Adaptation via domain separatio...
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: UPT-Flow: Multi-scale transformer-guided normalizing flow f...
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: Visual-Depth Matching Network: Deep RGB-D Domain Adaptation...
     with: Chang, H.: Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Featur...
     with: Chen, D.: Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Learn...
     with: Chen, F.: Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible-i...
     with: Chen, F.: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation of...
     with: Chen, F.: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modality...
     with: Chen, Q.A.: Interactive Multilabel Image Segmentation via Robust Multi...
     with: Chen, S.C.: Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Represen...
     with: Chen, S.C.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representatio...
     with: Dong, X.: Low-rank tensor completion for visual data recovery via the ...
     with: Dong, X.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network ...
     with: Dong, X.: Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for F...
     with: Dong, X.: Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for ...
     with: Dong, X.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recog...
     with: Du, B.: Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Representati...
     with: Du, B.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation Le...
     with: Feng, H.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled ...
     with: Feng, Y.J.: Deep metric learning with dynamic margin hard sampling los...
     with: Feng, Y.J.: Deep Metric Learning with Triplet-Margin-Center Loss for S...
     with: Feng, Y.J.: Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible...
     with: Feng, Y.J.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Feng, Y.J.: Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for mu...
     with: Feng, Y.J.: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modali...
     with: Gao, G.: Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific and...
     with: Gao, G.W.: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation o...
     with: Gao, G.W.: Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representations...
     with: Gao, G.W.: Locality-constrained matrix regression for position-patch b...
     with: Gao, G.W.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Gao, G.W.: Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Lear...
     with: Gao, S.Q.: Discriminant subclass-center manifold preserving projection...
     with: Gao, S.Q.: Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Featur...
     with: Gao, S.Q.: Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelate...
     with: Gao, S.Q.: Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Feat...
     with: Gao, Y.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classifi...
     with: Gao, Y.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Ge, Q.: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification on ...
     with: Ge, Q.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regular...
     with: Ge, Q.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recogni...
     with: Guo, Y.Y.: FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application...
     with: Guo, Y.Y.: HSV-3S and 2D-GDA for High-Saturation Low-Light Image Enhan...
     with: Han, L.: Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for C...
     with: He, Z.Y.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation ...
     with: Hu, C.H.: Deep metric learning with dynamic margin hard sampling loss ...
     with: Hu, C.H.: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature und...
     with: Hu, C.H.: FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application ...
     with: Hu, C.H.: HSV-3S and 2D-GDA for High-Saturation Low-Light Image Enhanc...
     with: Hu, C.H.: Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Driv...
     with: Hu, C.H.: Single Sample Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination vi...
     with: Hu, C.H.: Single-/Multi-Source Domain Adaptation via domain separation...
     with: Hu, C.H.: Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Mo...
     with: Hu, C.H.: UPT-Flow: Multi-scale transformer-guided normalizing flow fo...
     with: Hu, K.: FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application to...
     with: Hu, R.: Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
     with: Hu, R.M.: Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classifica...
     with: Hu, R.M.: Similarity preserving analysis based on sparse representatio...
     with: Hu, R.M.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled ...
     with: Hu, Y.: UPT-Flow: Multi-scale transformer-guided normalizing flow for ...
     with: Huang, Q.H.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial netwo...
     with: Huang, Y.W.: Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Uni...
     with: Ji, Y.: Deep Metric Learning with Triplet-Margin-Center Loss for Sketc...
     with: Ji, Y.: Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible-inf...
     with: Ji, Y.: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation of p...
     with: Ji, Y.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network fo...
     with: Ji, Y.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Ji, Y.: Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific and ...
     with: Ji, Y.: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modality I...
     with: Ji, Y.M.: Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for ...
     with: Ji, Y.M.: Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for mult...
     with: Ji, Z.X.: Interactive Multilabel Image Segmentation via Robust Multila...
     with: Jia, X.D.: Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Represent...
     with: Jia, X.D.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation...
     with: Jiang, G.P.: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation...
     with: Jiang, G.P.: MFECLIP: CLIP With Mapping-Fusion Embedding for Text-Guid...
     with: Jiang, X.B.: Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Jo...
     with: Jin, H.: MFECLIP: CLIP With Mapping-Fusion Embedding for Text-Guided I...
     with: Jin, Z.: Improvements on the Uncorrelated Optimal Discriminant Vectors
     with: Jin, Z.: UODV: Improved Algorithm and Generalized Theory
     with: Lan, C.: Discriminant subclass-center manifold preserving projection f...
     with: Lan, C.: Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant...
     with: Lan, C.: Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Featur...
     with: Lan, C.: Optimal subset-division based discrimination and its kerneliz...
     with: Lan, C.: Sparse cost-sensitive classifier with application to face rec...
     with: Li, H.B.: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification o...
     with: Li, H.B.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regul...
     with: Li, M.: Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF class...
     with: Li, M.: Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant ...
     with: Li, S.: Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant ...
     with: Li, S.: Face recognition based on local uncorrelated and weighted glob...
     with: Li, S.: Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Feature E...
     with: Li, S.: Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelated N...
     with: Li, S.: Kernel Uncorrelated Adjacent-class Discriminant Analysis
     with: Li, S.: Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Feature...
     with: Li, S.: Novel Kernel Discriminant Feature Extraction Framework Based o...
     with: Li, S.: Optimal subset-division based discrimination and its kerneliza...
     with: Li, S.: Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific and ...
     with: Li, S.: Supervised and Unsupervised Parallel Subspace Learning for Lar...
     with: Li, Z.: Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
     with: Li, Z.Q.: Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for F...
     with: Liu, H.J.: Learning correlation filters in independent feature channel...
     with: Liu, P.: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature unde...
     with: Liu, P.: FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application t...
     with: Liu, P.: HSV-3S and 2D-GDA for High-Saturation Low-Light Image Enhance...
     with: Liu, P.: Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Drive...
     with: Liu, P.: Single Sample Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination via...
     with: Liu, P.: Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Mon...
     with: Liu, P.J.: Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Learni...
     with: Liu, Q.: Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelated ...
     with: Liu, Q.: Similarity preserving analysis based on sparse representation...
     with: Liu, Q.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recogn...
     with: Liu, Q.L.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled...
     with: Liu, S.D.: Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible-...
     with: Liu, S.D.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Liu, S.D.: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modalit...
     with: Liu, T.L.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Liu, X.H.: Low-rank tensor completion for visual data recovery via the...
     with: Liu, Y.: Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Drive...
     with: Long, Y.: Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
     with: Lu, C.: Uncorrelated Fisherface Approach for Face and Palmprint Recogn...
     with: Lu, X.B.: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature und...
     with: Lu, X.B.: HSV-3S and 2D-GDA for High-Saturation Low-Light Image Enhanc...
     with: Lu, X.B.: Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Driv...
     with: Lu, X.B.: Single Sample Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination vi...
     with: Lu, X.B.: Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Mo...
     with: Lu, X.B.: UPT-Flow: Multi-scale transformer-guided normalizing flow fo...
     with: Luo, J.B.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Luo, X.K.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network...
     with: Ma, F.: Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Fac...
     with: Ma, W.Y.: Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Featu...
     with: Ma, Y.H.: MFECLIP: CLIP With Mapping-Fusion Embedding for Text-Guided ...
     with: Man, J.Y.: Sparse cost-sensitive classifier with application to face r...
     with: Pang, Z.Q.A.: Distance field guided L1-median skeleton extraction
     with: Qian, J.J.: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
     with: Qian, J.J.: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive atten...
     with: Sebe, N.: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
     with: Sebe, N.: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attenti...
     with: Shan, S.G.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Class...
     with: Shao, L.: Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
     with: Shao, L.: Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Univer...
     with: Shao, L.: Domain embedding transfer for unequal RGB-D image recognition
     with: Shao, L.: Visual-Depth Matching Network: Deep RGB-D Domain Adaptation ...
     with: Shao, W.Z.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Reg...
     with: Shen, F.M.: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification...
     with: Shen, F.M.: Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representation...
     with: Song, C.F.: Distance field guided L1-median skeleton extraction
     with: Sun, Q.S.: Interactive Multilabel Image Segmentation via Robust Multil...
     with: Sun, Q.X.: Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Represent...
     with: Sun, Y.: Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake ...
     with: Tang, G.J.: Low-rank tensor completion for visual data recovery via th...
     with: Tang, H.: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
     with: Tang, H.: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attenti...
     with: Tang, H.: DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Sy...
     with: Tang, H.: Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Featu...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Fourier-LDA approach for image recognition, A
     with: Tao, D.C.: Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: Tao, D.C.: Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Join...
     with: Tao, M.: DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Syn...
     with: Wan, Z.G.: Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific a...
     with: Wang, C.L.: Learning correlation filters in independent feature channe...
     with: Wang, Q.: Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Learnin...
     with: Wang, R.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network ...
     with: Wang, R.C.: Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for mu...
     with: Wang, T.: Interactive Multilabel Image Segmentation via Robust Multila...
     with: Wang, Y.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled ...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Lea...
     with: Wei, P.F.: Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fak...
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regu...
     with: Wong, H.S.: Face recognition based on 2D Fisherface approach
     with: Wong, H.S.: Face Recognition Based on Discriminant Fractional Fourier ...
     with: Wu, F.: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification on ...
     with: Wu, F.: Deep Metric Learning with Triplet-Margin-Center Loss for Sketc...
     with: Wu, F.: DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Synt...
     with: Wu, F.: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under...
     with: Wu, F.: Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible-inf...
     with: Wu, F.: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation of p...
     with: Wu, F.: Low-rank tensor completion for visual data recovery via the te...
     with: Wu, F.: MFECLIP: CLIP With Mapping-Fusion Embedding for Text-Guided Im...
     with: Wu, F.: Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake N...
     with: Wu, F.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network fo...
     with: Wu, F.: Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
     with: Wu, F.: Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Fac...
     with: Wu, F.: Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
     with: Wu, F.: Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for Cl...
     with: Wu, F.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classific...
     with: Wu, F.: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
     with: Wu, F.: Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific and ...
     with: Wu, F.: Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for multi-...
     with: Wu, F.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regular...
     with: Wu, F.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled Lo...
     with: Wu, F.: Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Moni...
     with: Wu, F.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recogni...
     with: Wu, F.: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modality I...
     with: Wu, S.S.: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
     with: Wu, S.S.: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attenti...
     with: Wu, S.S.: Kernel subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Wu, S.S.: Learning image manifold using neighboring similarity integra...
     with: Wu, S.S.: Locality-constrained matrix regression for position-patch ba...
     with: Wu, S.S.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recog...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network ...
     with: Xiao, C.X.: Distance field guided L1-median skeleton extraction
     with: Xiao, L.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regul...
     with: Xie, S.P.: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification ...
     with: Xu, B.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled Lo...
     with: Xu, C.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: Xu, C.S.: DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Sy...
     with: Xu, J.: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation of p...
     with: Xu, J.M.: Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross-...
     with: Xu, J.M.: Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Joint...
     with: Xu, L.T.: HSV-3S and 2D-GDA for High-Saturation Low-Light Image Enhanc...
     with: Xu, L.T.: Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Driv...
     with: Xu, L.T.: UPT-Flow: Multi-scale transformer-guided normalizing flow fo...
     with: Xu, M.W.: Kernel subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Xu, Y.C.: Learning correlation filters in independent feature channels...
     with: Yan, Y.: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
     with: Yan, Y.: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attentio...
     with: Yang, J.: Learning image manifold using neighboring similarity integra...
     with: Yang, J.: Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representations ...
     with: Yang, J.: Supervised and Unsupervised Parallel Subspace Learning for L...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Discriminant subclass-center manifold preserving projectio...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF c...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discrimin...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Face recognition based on a group decision-making combinat...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Face recognition based on local uncorrelated and weighted ...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Featu...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Kernel subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Kernel Uncorrelated Adjacent-class Discriminant Analysis
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Learning image manifold using neighboring similarity integ...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classifi...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Class...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Optimal subset-division based discrimination and its kerne...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Similarity preserving analysis based on sparse representat...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Couple...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Supervised and Unsupervised Parallel Subspace Learning for...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face rec...
     with: Yang, L.: Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Learn...
     with: Yang, W.K.: Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Dr...
     with: Yang, W.K.: Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representation...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF cl...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Featur...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelate...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Improvements on the linear discrimination technique with ap...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Kernel Uncorrelated Adjacent-class Discriminant Analysis
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Feat...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Novel Kernel Discriminant Feature Extraction Framework Base...
     with: Yao, Y.F.: Similarity preserving analysis based on sparse representati...
     with: Yi, W.L.: FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application ...
     with: You, X.G.: Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross...
     with: You, X.G.: Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classific...
     with: You, X.G.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: You, X.G.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classi...
     with: You, X.G.: Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Join...
     with: You, X.G.: Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Lear...
     with: You, X.G.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled...
     with: Yu, J.: Deep metric learning with dynamic margin hard sampling loss fo...
     with: Yu, J.: Deep Metric Learning with Triplet-Margin-Center Loss for Sketc...
     with: Yu, J.: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under...
     with: Yu, J.: Homogeneous and heterogeneous relational graph for visible-inf...
     with: Yu, J.: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modality I...
     with: Yu, S.J.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: Yu, S.J.: Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Joint...
     with: Yuan, W.: Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross-...
     with: Yuan, W.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: Yue, D.: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification on...
     with: Yue, D.: Learning Robust and Discriminative Low-Rank Representations f...
     with: Yue, D.: Locality-constrained matrix regression for position-patch bas...
     with: Yue, D.: Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classificat...
     with: Yue, D.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation L...
     with: Yue, D.: Single Sample Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination via...
     with: Yue, D.: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regula...
     with: Yue, D.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled L...
     with: Yue, D.: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recogn...
     with: Zhang, D.: Discriminant subclass-center manifold preserving projection...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF cl...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face and Palmprint Recognition Approach Based on Discrimina...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discrimina...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face recognition based on 2D Fisherface approach
     with: Zhang, D.: Face recognition based on a group decision-making combinati...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face Recognition Based on Discriminant Fractional Fourier F...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face recognition based on local uncorrelated and weighted g...
     with: Zhang, D.: Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Featur...
     with: Zhang, D.: Fourier-LDA approach for image recognition, A
     with: Zhang, D.: Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Represent...
     with: Zhang, D.: Improvements on the linear discrimination technique with ap...
     with: Zhang, D.: Improvements on the Uncorrelated Optimal Discriminant Vectors
     with: Zhang, D.: Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
     with: Zhang, D.: Novel Kernel Discriminant Feature Extraction Framework Base...
     with: Zhang, D.: Optimal subset-division based discrimination and its kernel...
     with: Zhang, D.: Sparse cost-sensitive classifier with application to face r...
     with: Zhang, D.: Supervised and Unsupervised Parallel Subspace Learning for ...
     with: Zhang, D.: Uncorrelated Fisherface Approach for Face and Palmprint Rec...
     with: Zhang, D.: UODV: Improved Algorithm and Generalized Theory
     with: Zhang, D.D.: Single-/Multi-Source Domain Adaptation via domain separat...
     with: Zhang, D.Y.: Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Lear...
     with: Zhang, H.Z.: Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Lear...
     with: Zhang, K.: Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Learni...
     with: Zhang, P.: Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Join...
     with: Zhang, Q.H.: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive atte...
     with: Zhang, T.F.: Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Uni...
     with: Zhang, T.F.: Single-/Multi-Source Domain Adaptation via domain separat...
     with: Zhang, T.P.: Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cro...
     with: Zhang, T.P.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Clas...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature un...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic M...
     with: Zhao, H.F.: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
     with: Zhao, Y.: Multi-view manifold learning with locality alignment
     with: Zheng, Y.F.: Attention Cycle-consistent universal network for More Uni...
     with: Zhou, H.: Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake...
     with: Zhou, Q.: Locality-constrained matrix regression for position-patch ba...
     with: Zhu, S.H.: Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discrimina...
     with: Zhu, X.: Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Fa...
     with: Zhu, X.: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation L...
     with: Zhu, X.K.: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classi...
     with: Zhu, X.K.: Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Lear...
     with: Zhu, X.K.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled...
329 for Jing, X.Y.

Jing, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, D.: Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
     with: An, J.: Edge Detection of Oil Spills Image Using Self-Adaptive Dynamic...
     with: An, J.: Novel Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Global Minimization Ac...
     with: An, J.: Simple and Robust Feature Point Matching Algorithm Based on Re...
     with: Bai, K.: Makeup transfer: A review
     with: Cai, E.X.: Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Resid...
     with: Canning, A.J.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functiona...
     with: Chai, T.: Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic M...
     with: Chen, F.Q.: Dynamic Differential Pricing of High-Speed Railway Based o...
     with: Chen, F.Q.: Short-Term Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow...
     with: Chen, H.: SFRS-Net: A Cloud-Detection Method Based on Deep Convolution...
     with: Cheng, X.L.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: In...
     with: Ding, S.Y.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connect...
     with: Ding, S.Y.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence P...
     with: Dong, K.: SFRS-Net: A Cloud-Detection Method Based on Deep Convolution...
     with: Dong, K.H.: Cloud Detection of SuperView-1 Remote Sensing Images Based...
     with: Fan, S.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Insigh...
     with: Feng, C.: Interference and Outage Probability Analysis for Massive MIM...
     with: Fu, J.: Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Mob...
     with: Gao, Z.Q.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Insi...
     with: Guo, G.C.: Optimal Design of Noise-Enhanced Binary Threshold Detector ...
     with: Guo, R.Z.: Intra-Urban Scaling Properties Examined by Automatically Ex...
     with: Guo, S.: Dynamic Differential Pricing of High-Speed Railway Based on I...
     with: Guo, S.: Short-Term Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow in...
     with: Han, C.Z.: Cloud Detection of SuperView-1 Remote Sensing Images Based ...
     with: Han, C.Z.: SFRS-Net: A Cloud-Detection Method Based on Deep Convolutio...
     with: He, F.: Makeup transfer: A review
     with: He, K.: Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
     with: Hu, H.T.: Short-Term Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow i...
     with: Huang, Y.: Interleaved Training for Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wirel...
     with: Huang, Y.: Massive MIMO With Ternary ADCs
     with: Huang, Y.: Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
     with: Jiang, L.F.: Sensitivity of Large Eddy Simulations to Grid Resolution ...
     with: Jin, S.: Interference and Outage Probability Analysis for Massive MIMO...
     with: Kasatkina, L.A.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functio...
     with: Klippel, P.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional ...
     with: Kong, T.: Locate then Segment: A Strong Pipeline for Referring Image S...
     with: Li, J.: Phase Retrieval via the Alternating Direction Method of Multip...
     with: Li, J.W.: Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Reside...
     with: Li, K.X.: Dynamic Differential Pricing of High-Speed Railway Based on ...
     with: Li, L.: Edge Detection of Oil Spills Image Using Self-Adaptive Dynamic...
     with: Li, L.: Locate then Segment: A Strong Pipeline for Referring Image Seg...
     with: Li, L.M.: Feature Evaluation for Underwater Acoustic Object Counting a...
     with: Li, X.L.: Cloud Detection of SuperView-1 Remote Sensing Images Based o...
     with: Li, X.L.: SFRS-Net: A Cloud-Detection Method Based on Deep Convolution...
     with: Li, Y.: Sensitivity of Large Eddy Simulations to Grid Resolution in Tr...
     with: Li, Z.: Design and Testing of a LIDAR Platform for a UAV for Heritage ...
     with: Li, Z.: Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Mob...
     with: Liang, J.: Phase Retrieval via the Alternating Direction Method of Mul...
     with: Liang, J.: Spectrally Constrained Unimodular Sequence Design Without S...
     with: Lim, J.H.: Automatic cell classification and population estimation in ...
     with: Liu, G.S.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Pr...
     with: Liu, J.: Automatic cell classification and population estimation in bl...
     with: Liu, Y.: Automatic Extraction of Damaged Houses by Earthquake Based on...
     with: Liu, Y.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connectivi...
     with: Liu, Y.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Proc...
     with: Liu, Y.L.: Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Resid...
     with: Liu, Z.: Novel Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Global Minimization A...
     with: Liu, Z.: Simple and Robust Feature Point Matching Algorithm Based on R...
     with: Lu, Z.: Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
     with: Ma, C.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional and M...
     with: Ma, D.: Intra-Urban Scaling Properties Examined by Automatically Extra...
     with: Mandal, M.: Optimal Design of Noise-Enhanced Binary Threshold Detector...
     with: Miao, S.G.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Ins...
     with: Ong, S.H.: Automatic cell classification and population estimation in ...
     with: Ou, K.: Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity and ...
     with: Pang, G.: Feature Evaluation for Underwater Acoustic Object Counting a...
     with: Ren, Y.: Automatic Extraction of Damaged Houses by Earthquake Based on...
     with: Si, C.Y.: Skeleton-based action recognition with hierarchical spatial ...
     with: Si, C.Y.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning and...
     with: So, H.C.: Spectrally Constrained Unimodular Sequence Design Without Sp...
     with: Song, M.: Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity an...
     with: Song, S.: Feature Evaluation for Underwater Acoustic Object Counting a...
     with: Stoica, P.: Phase Retrieval via the Alternating Direction Method of Mu...
     with: Su, C.: Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Mob...
     with: Tan, K.S.W.: Automatic cell classification and population estimation i...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Moment Alignment Network for Perso...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Learning Aligned Image-Text Representations Using Graph Att...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Locate then Segment: A Strong Pipeline for Referring Image ...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Relational graph neural network for situation recognition
     with: Tan, T.N.: Skeleton-based action recognition with hierarchical spatial...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning an...
     with: Tang, Y.Q.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional a...
     with: Tao, D.: Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity and...
     with: Tian, F.: Motion Tracking Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic M...
     with: Verkhusha, V.V.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functio...
     with: Vo Dinh, T.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional ...
     with: Vu, T.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional and M...
     with: Wan, B.C.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Insi...
     with: Wang, A.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connectiv...
     with: Wang, A.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Pro...
     with: Wang, A.: Sensitivity of Large Eddy Simulations to Grid Resolution in ...
     with: Wang, C.: Makeup transfer: A review
     with: Wang, D.C.: Automatic Extraction of Damaged Houses by Earthquake Based...
     with: Wang, H.: Sensitivity of Large Eddy Simulations to Grid Resolution in ...
     with: Wang, H.B.: Cloud Detection of SuperView-1 Remote Sensing Images Based...
     with: Wang, J.: Relational graph neural network for situation recognition
     with: Wang, L.: Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Moment Alignment Network for Person...
     with: Wang, L.: Feature Evaluation for Underwater Acoustic Object Counting a...
     with: Wang, L.: Learning Aligned Image-Text Representations Using Graph Atte...
     with: Wang, L.: Locate then Segment: A Strong Pipeline for Referring Image S...
     with: Wang, L.: Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
     with: Wang, L.: Relational graph neural network for situation recognition
     with: Wang, L.: Skeleton-based action recognition with hierarchical spatial ...
     with: Wang, L.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning and...
     with: Wang, L.L.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Ins...
     with: Wang, W.: Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Moment Alignment Network for Person...
     with: Wang, W.: Learning Aligned Image-Text Representations Using Graph Atte...
     with: Wang, W.: Locate then Segment: A Strong Pipeline for Referring Image S...
     with: Wang, W.: Relational graph neural network for situation recognition
     with: Wang, W.: Skeleton-based action recognition with hierarchical spatial ...
     with: Wang, W.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning and...
     with: Wang, X.: Dynamic Differential Pricing of High-Speed Railway Based on ...
     with: Wang, X.: Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity an...
     with: Wang, X.: Short-Term Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow i...
     with: Wu, G.Q.: Makeup transfer: A review
     with: Xia, J.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional and ...
     with: Xiong, W.: Automatic cell classification and population estimation in ...
     with: Yan, Y.: Design and Testing of a LIDAR Platform for a UAV for Heritage...
     with: Yang, J.H.: Intra-Urban Scaling Properties Examined by Automatically E...
     with: Yang, Y.J.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Ins...
     with: Yao, J.J.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional an...
     with: Ye, J.: Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity and ...
     with: Ye, L.: Feature Evaluation for Underwater Acoustic Object Counting and...
     with: Ye, L.: Sensitivity of Large Eddy Simulations to Grid Resolution in Tr...
     with: Yin, C.H.: Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Resid...
     with: You, X.: Interleaved Training for Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wireles...
     with: You, X.: Massive MIMO With Ternary ADCs
     with: Yu, J.H.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connectiv...
     with: Yu, J.H.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Pro...
     with: Yu, L.J.: Automatic Extraction of Damaged Houses by Earthquake Based o...
     with: Yu, X.W.: Optimal Design of Noise-Enhanced Binary Threshold Detector U...
     with: Yu, Z.H.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connectiv...
     with: Yu, Z.H.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence Pro...
     with: Zhang, C.: Interleaved Training for Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wirel...
     with: Zhang, C.: Massive MIMO With Ternary ADCs
     with: Zhang, G.J.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connec...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Assessing Spatial Accessibility of Public and Private Resid...
     with: Zhao, Q.H.: Optimizing Management Practices to Reduce Sediment Connect...
     with: Zhao, Q.H.: Response of Sediment Connectivity to Altered Convergence P...
     with: Zhao, S.G.: Design and Testing of a LIDAR Platform for a UAV for Herit...
     with: Zhao, Z.G.: Intra-Urban Scaling Properties Examined by Automatically E...
     with: Zheng, H.: Cloud Detection of SuperView-1 Remote Sensing Images Based ...
     with: Zheng, H.: SFRS-Net: A Cloud-Detection Method Based on Deep Convolutio...
     with: Zheng, W.T.: Cloud Detection of SuperView-1 Remote Sensing Images Base...
     with: Zheng, W.T.: SFRS-Net: A Cloud-Detection Method Based on Deep Convolut...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Intra-Urban Scaling Properties Examined by Automatically Ex...
     with: Zhou, D.: Spectrally Constrained Unimodular Sequence Design Without Sp...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Makeup transfer: A review
     with: Zhu, P.: Sensitivity of Large Eddy Simulations to Grid Resolution in T...
     with: Zong, Y.X.: Makeup transfer: A review
     with: Zou, H.: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in Urban Beijing: Insigh...
153 for Jing, Y.

Jing, Y.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdallah, A.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ali, A.M.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ancuti, C.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ancuti, C.O.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Bai, H.R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Barik, P.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Benjdira, B.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Bishop, T.E.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Cha...
     with: Busch, C.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Cao, C.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Cao, P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Cao, W.F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Cao, Y.P.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Cao, Z.G.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Chatterjee, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution:...
     with: Chen, B.L.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Chen, B.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, I.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, I.H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, I.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Chen, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Chen, J.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, J.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Chen, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Chen, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Chen, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chen, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Chen, Z.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Cheng, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Chiang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: M...
     with: Chiang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Chiang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Conde, M.V.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chal...
     with: Cong, X.F.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Cui, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Deng, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Deng, W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Ding, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Dong, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Dong, W.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Dong, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Dong, Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Dudhane, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Elbaz, E.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Elshahat, D.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Emad, H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Fan, H.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Fan, M.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Feng, Z.L.: Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Rece...
     with: Fu, B.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Fu, H.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Gao, H.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Gao, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Gao, Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Gao, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Gao, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Gendy, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Gu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Guo, J.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Guo, Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Guo, Y.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Guo, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Gustafsson, F.K.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023...
     with: Gustafsson, F.K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolutio...
     with: Gustafsson, F.K.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Gustafsson, F.K.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Han, M.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Hao, D.J.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: He, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: He, G.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: He, H.M.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: He, S.F.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: He, Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: He, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Hoang, T.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Hoang, T.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Hou, J.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Hsieh, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Hsieh, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Hu, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Huang, J.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Huang, Q.: Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-Exp...
     with: Huang, T.R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Huang, W.Q.: Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-E...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Jaiswal, S.I.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: ...
     with: Jakhetiya, V.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: ...
     with: Jiang, C.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Jiang, K.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Jiang, M.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Jiang, T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Jiang, Z.X.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Jiao, L.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Jin, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Ju, L.: Deep Graph Reprogramming
     with: Kansal, P.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Khan, M.R.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Kolmet, M.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Kondo, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Kong, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Kong, X.Y.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Koubaa, A.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Kuang, W.Q.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Kulkarni, A.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Lai, S.Y.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Lee, Y.R.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Lei, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Leng, C.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Li, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Li, D.W.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Li, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, J.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Li, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, L.Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Li, S.H.: error concealment adaptive framework for intra-frames, An
     with: Li, X.P.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Li, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Li, Y.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Li, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, Z.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Lian, W.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Lin, W.J.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Liu, C.L.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Liu, C.W.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Liu, C.X.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Liu, G.L.: Analysis of out-of-focus blur influence on fingerprint live...
     with: Liu, H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, R.W.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, S.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challeng...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Liu, S.C.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Liu, T.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Liu, Y.: Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Recepti...
     with: Liu, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Liu, Z.X.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Long, Y.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Lu, Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Lu, Y.H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Luo, J.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Luo, S.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Luo, X.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challeng...
     with: Luo, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Luo, Z.W.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Luo, Z.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Luo, Z.W.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Luo, Z.W.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Ma, H.D.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Ma, H.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Ma, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Ma, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Mahajan, P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Mai, T.C.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Mao, Y.: Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
     with: Mehta, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Mi, M.B.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Mistry, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Miyata, R.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Monga, V.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Monga, V.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Murala, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Murala, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Naruki, T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Nathan, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Nie, R.F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Niu, J.X.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Oh, W.T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Pan, J.S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Pan, W.W.: Seek-and-Hide: Adversarial Steganography via Deep Reinforce...
     with: Pan, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Pan, Z.Y.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Park, S.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Patra, R.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Peng, J.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Peng, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Phutke, S.S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Prajapati, K.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Qiu, T.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Qiu, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Qu, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Raja, K.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ramachandra, R.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Rathod, C.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ren, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Ren, W.Q.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ryu, H.C.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Sabor, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Sarvaiya, A.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Schon, T.B.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chal...
     with: Schon, T.B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Schon, T.B.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Schon, T.B.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Seizinger, T.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Ch...
     with: Seizinger, T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: She, W.X.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Shen, L.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Shen, N.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Sheng, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Shi, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Sjolund, J.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chal...
     with: Sjolund, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Sjolund, J.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Sjolund, J.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Song, B.B.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Song, J.: Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-Expl...
     with: Song, J.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Song, M.L.: Amalgamating Knowledge from Heterogeneous Graph Neural Net...
     with: Song, M.L.: Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-Ex...
     with: Song, M.L.: Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
     with: Song, M.L.: Meta-Aggregator: Learning to Aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neu...
     with: Song, M.L.: Seek-and-Hide: Adversarial Steganography via Deep Reinforc...
     with: Song, M.L.: Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Rece...
     with: Song, M.L.: Turning Frequency to Resolution: Video Super-resolution vi...
     with: Song, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Sowmya, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Subudhi, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Sun, C.M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Sun, H.Q.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Sun, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Sun, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Sun, R.H.: New Urban Functional Zone-Based Climate Zoning System for U...
     with: Sun, X.P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Sun, Y.F.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Tan, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Tang, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Tang, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Amalgamating Knowledge from Heterogeneous Graph Neural Netw...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Deep Graph Reprogramming
     with: Tao, D.C.: Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
     with: Tao, D.C.: Meta-Aggregator: Learning to Aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neur...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Recep...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Turning Frequency to Resolution: Video Super-resolution via...
     with: Tian, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Timofte, R.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chal...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Tong, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Ukita, N.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Upla, K.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Vasluianu, F.A.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Vasluianu, F.A.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Vipparthi, S.K.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wang, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Wang, B.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wang, F.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Wang, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Wang, J.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wang, J.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, K.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, L.G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, M.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wang, X.C.: Amalgamating Knowledge from Heterogeneous Graph Neural Net...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Deep Graph Reprogramming
     with: Wang, X.C.: Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
     with: Wang, X.C.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Meta-Aggregator: Learning to Aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neu...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Seek-and-Hide: Adversarial Steganography via Deep Reinforc...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Turning Frequency to Resolution: Video Super-resolution vi...
     with: Wang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wang, Y.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wang, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Wei, X.L.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wei, X.M.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wei, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Wei, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wei, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wen, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Wu, A.J.H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wu, J.L.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Wu, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wu, Y.W.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Wu, Y.W.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Wu, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Xia, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Xia, W.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Xian, K.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Xian, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Xianwei, L.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Xie, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Xiong, T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Xu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Xu, Y.Q.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Xue, M.Q.: Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-Exp...
     with: Yang, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Yang, G.Y.: New Urban Functional Zone-Based Climate Zoning System for ...
     with: Yang, H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yang, K.J.: error concealment adaptive framework for intra-frames, An
     with: Yang, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Yang, L.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yang, X.Y.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Yang, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Yang, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yang, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Amalgamating Knowledge from Heterogeneous Graph Neural Net...
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Deep Graph Reprogramming
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Meta-Aggregator: Learning to Aggregate for 1-bit Graph Neu...
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Turning Frequency to Resolution: Video Super-resolution vi...
     with: Yang, Y.Z.: Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Rece...
     with: Yang, Z.H.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Yang, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Yao, M.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yasser, Y.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yasue, F.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yazdani, A.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chal...
     with: Yazdani, A.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Ye, H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Ye, N.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yeo, W.H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yin, X.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yin, X.F.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Yin, Y.L.: Seek-and-Hide: Adversarial Steganography via Deep Reinforce...
     with: Yu, L.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yu, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Yu, Y.Z.: Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Recept...
     with: Yu, Z.W.: New Urban Functional Zone-Based Climate Zoning System for Ur...
     with: Yu, Z.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Yuan, C.B.: Deep Graph Reprogramming
     with: Yuan, W.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zeng, J.T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zhai, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhan, Y.B.: Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer
     with: Zhan, Z.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zhang, D.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Zhang, D.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, D.Q.: error concealment adaptive framework for intra-frames, An
     with: Zhang, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, H.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challe...
     with: Zhang, H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, H.F.: Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-E...
     with: Zhang, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, J.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Zhang, J.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, W.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Zhang, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, X.S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhang, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhao, B.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhao, F.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhao, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhao, S.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhao, S.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhao, S.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zhao, Y.X.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Chall...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challen...
     with: Zhao, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhao, Z.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhao, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zheng, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Zheng, H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zheng, H.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zheng, N.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhou, H.: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
     with: Zhou, J.T.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zhou, Y.B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Met...
     with: Zhu, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Zhu, L.: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
     with: Zou, W.B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Meth...
393 for Jing, Y.C.

Jing, Y.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, Q.W.: Uncertainty Quantification Enforced Flash Radiography Recons...
     with: Liu, Y.: Dam Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Images Combined...
     with: Liu, Y.L.: Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection fo...
     with: Ma, H.J.: Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection for...
     with: Ren, Y.H.: Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection fo...
     with: Ren, Y.H.: Dam Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Images Combin...
     with: Wang, D.C.: Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection f...
     with: Wang, D.C.: Dam Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Images Combi...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Uncertainty Quantification Enforced Flash Radiography Reco...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Uncertainty Quantification Enforced Flash Radiography Reco...
     with: Xu, J.X.: Uncertainty Quantification Enforced Flash Radiography Recons...
     with: Yu, J.X.: Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection for...
     with: Yu, L.J.: Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection for...
     with: Yu, L.J.: Dam Extraction from High-Resolution Satellite Images Combine...
14 for Jing, Y.F.

Jing, Y.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ai, H.F.: Distributed Adaptive Platooning Control of Connected Vehicle...
     with: Chu, C.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and Ana...
     with: Ding, J.Y.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and ...
     with: Ding, S.: Distributed Adaptive Platooning Control of Connected Vehicle...
     with: Feng, S.W.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and ...
     with: Guan, X.O.: Two-Stage Fusion Framework to Generate a Spatio-Temporally...
     with: Li, X.H.: Two-Stage Fusion Framework to Generate a Spatio-Temporally C...
     with: Luan, G.Z.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and ...
     with: Peng, Z.Y.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and ...
     with: Shen, H.F.: Two-Stage Fusion Framework to Generate a Spatio-Temporally...
     with: Song, L.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and An...
     with: Xie, X.P.: Distributed Adaptive Platooning Control of Connected Vehicl...
     with: Xie, Z.Q.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and A...
     with: Yang, J.Q.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and ...
     with: Zhao, F.: Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Mapping: Construction and An...
15 for Jing, Y.H.

Jing, Y.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bo, S.K.: Effect of Partitioning of Feature Space on Specific Class Ex...

Jing, Y.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, F.: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous con...
     with: Jin, B.: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous co...
     with: Ning, X.: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous c...
     with: Wang, C.: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous c...
     with: Wu, G.Q.: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous c...
     with: Zhou, Y.: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous c...

Jing, Y.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chu, J.B.: Bio-Inspired Visual Perception Transformer for Cross-Domain...
     with: Deng, B.: High-resolution Face Swapping via Latent Semantics Disentang...
     with: Gao, Y.J.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Unde...
     with: Gou, W.B.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Unde...
     with: Hasnain, A.: Uncorrelated Geo-Text Inhibition Method Based on Voronoi ...
     with: He, S.F.: High-resolution Face Swapping via Latent Semantics Disentang...
     with: He, Y.F.: Uncorrelated Geo-Text Inhibition Method Based on Voronoi K-O...
     with: Li, B.L.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Under...
     with: Pan, J.: High-resolution Face Swapping via Latent Semantics Disentangl...
     with: Sheng, Y.: Uncorrelated Geo-Text Inhibition Method Based on Voronoi K-...
     with: Wang, H.T.: Bio-Inspired Visual Perception Transformer for Cross-Domai...
     with: Wang, J.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Under...
     with: Wang, J.: High-resolution Face Swapping via Latent Semantics Disentang...
     with: Wang, J.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Bio-Inspired Visual Perception Transformer for Cross-Domai...
     with: Xu, T.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
     with: Xu, Y.Y.: High-resolution Face Swapping via Latent Semantics Disentang...
     with: Yan, D.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Under ...
     with: Yang, F.Y.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Und...
     with: Yang, W.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
     with: Yang, X.M.: Bio-Inspired Visual Perception Transformer for Cross-Domai...
     with: Ye, Y.T.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
     with: Yin, Y.: Uncorrelated Geo-Text Inhibition Method Based on Voronoi K-Or...
     with: Yu, J.Q.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
     with: Yu, J.Y.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
     with: Zeng, A.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Under...
     with: Zhang, R.M.: FreeMan: Towards Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation Un...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.: NeMF: Inverse Volume Rendering with Neural Microflake Field
29 for Jing, Y.Q.

Jing, Y.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aizawa, K.: Sketch2Manga: Sketch-based manga retrieval
     with: Baluja, S.: Canonical image selection from the web
     with: Baluja, S.: VisualRank: Applying PageRank to Large-Scale Image Search
     with: Covell, M.: Learning Query-Specific Distance Functions for Large-Scale...
     with: Dong, Y.Y.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrim...
     with: Han, L.X.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimi...
     with: Hou, Y.W.: Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extracti...
     with: Huang, W.J.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discri...
     with: Ioffe, S.: Large-scale image annotation using visual synset
     with: Liu, L.Y.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimi...
     with: Liu, Y.: Large-scale image annotation using visual synset
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extracti...
     with: Ma, H.Q.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimin...
     with: Matsui, Y.: Sketch2Manga: Sketch-based manga retrieval
     with: Rehg, J.M.: Large-scale image annotation using visual synset
     with: Rehg, J.M.: Learning Query-Specific Distance Functions for Large-Scale...
     with: Rowley, H.: Canonical image selection from the web
     with: Rowley, H.A.: Large-scale image annotation using visual synset
     with: Ruan, C.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimin...
     with: Shi, Y.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimina...
     with: Sun, C.M.: Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extracti...
     with: Tsai, D.: Large-scale image annotation using visual synset
     with: Tsai, D.: Learning Query-Specific Distance Functions for Large-Scale W...
     with: Wang, L.: Assessing the impact of sharp shift from drought to flood on...
     with: Yang, C.H.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrim...
     with: Ye, H.C.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimin...
     with: Zhang, T.: Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extracti...
     with: Zheng, Q.: Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discrimi...
28 for Jing, Y.S.

Jing, Y.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, J.: Insulator detection based on FA-YOLO network with improved f...
     with: Gao, L.F.: Insulator detection based on FA-YOLO network with improved ...
     with: Huang, T.: Insulator detection based on FA-YOLO network with improved ...

Jing, Y.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bi, K.: Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and Him...
     with: Cao, Z.: Innovative Remote Sensing Identification of Cyanobacterial Bl...
     with: Chen, L.F.: Influence of Spatial Resolution and Retrieval Frequency on...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and...
     with: Chu, Q.: MODIS-Based Remote Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of a...
     with: Chu, Q.: MODIS-Satellite-Based Analysis of Long-Term Temporal-Spatial ...
     with: Han, T.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
     with: Hu, M.Q.: MODIS-Based Remote Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of ...
     with: Hu, M.Q.: MODIS-Satellite-Based Analysis of Long-Term Temporal-Spatial...
     with: Hu, M.Q.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
     with: Jin, D.C.: Texture-Guided End-to-End Depth Map Compression
     with: Lai, L.: Innovative Remote Sensing Identification of Cyanobacterial Bl...
     with: Lai, L.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
     with: Lei, J.J.: Texture-Guided End-to-End Depth Map Compression
     with: Li, R.: Influence of Spatial Resolution and Retrieval Frequency on App...
     with: Li, X.: Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and Him...
     with: Liu, X.R.: Texture-Guided End-to-End Depth Map Compression
     with: Liu, Z.M.: Innovative Remote Sensing Identification of Cyanobacterial ...
     with: Loiselle, S.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic La...
     with: Ma, J.L.: Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and H...
     with: Ma, N.K.: Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and H...
     with: Ma, R.H.: MODIS-Based Remote Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of ...
     with: Ma, R.H.: MODIS-Satellite-Based Analysis of Long-Term Temporal-Spatial...
     with: Ma, X.C.: Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and H...
     with: Mei, X.: Influence of Spatial Resolution and Retrieval Frequency on Ap...
     with: Pan, Z.Q.: Texture-Guided End-to-End Depth Map Compression
     with: Peng, B.: Texture-Guided End-to-End Depth Map Compression
     with: Shi, K.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
     with: Wang, Z.F.: Influence of Spatial Resolution and Retrieval Frequency on...
     with: Wei, L.F.: Influence of Spatial Resolution and Retrieval Frequency on ...
     with: Yang, Q.: Innovative Remote Sensing Identification of Cyanobacterial B...
     with: Zhan, P.F.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
     with: Zhang, M.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: Innovative Remote Sensing Identification of Cyanobacteria...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: MODIS-Based Remote Estimation of Absorption Coefficients ...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: MODIS-Satellite-Based Analysis of Long-Term Temporal-Spat...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: Wind Effects for Floating Algae Dynamics in Eutrophic Lakes
37 for Jing, Y.Y.

Jing, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bie, H.X.: Talking-Head Video Compression With Motion Semantic Enhance...
     with: Bie, Z.: Talking-Head Video Compression With Motion Semantic Enhanceme...
     with: Dong, P.: Consensus Nonlinear Filter With Measurement Uncertainty in D...
     with: Du, T.: Fine-Scale Eddies Detected by SWOT in the Kuroshio Extension
     with: Fang Qi, S.: Recovering the Parameters of an LDPC Code From Noisy Inte...
     with: Lei, H.: Talking-Head Video Compression With Motion Semantic Enhanceme...
     with: Leung, H.: Robust Minimum Error Entropy Based Cubature Information Fil...
     with: Li, M.: Robust Minimum Error Entropy Based Cubature Information Filter...
     with: Long Qing, L.: Recovering the Parameters of an LDPC Code From Noisy In...
     with: Mariani, R.: Glasses Detection and Extraction by Deformable Contour
     with: Shen, K.: Consensus Nonlinear Filter With Measurement Uncertainty in D...
     with: Yang, B.: Simple Method to Build Oversampled Filter Banks and Tight Fr...
12 for Jing, Z.

Jing, Z.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning fo...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adapt...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identificatio...
     with: Gao, X.G.: 1D-CNN-Transformer for Radar Emitter Identification and Imp...
     with: Gao, Y.: Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive...
     with: Li, P.: 1D-CNN-Transformer for Radar Emitter Identification and Implem...
     with: Li, P.: Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for Fe...
     with: Li, P.: Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive ...
     with: Li, P.: Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
     with: Liu, G.: Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
     with: Liu, J.: Land Subsidence Monitoring and Building Risk Assessment Using...
     with: Wang, Z.: Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
     with: Wu, B.: 1D-CNN-Transformer for Radar Emitter Identification and Implem...
     with: Wu, B.: Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for Fe...
     with: Wu, B.: Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive ...
     with: Wu, Z.: Land Subsidence Monitoring and Building Risk Assessment Using ...
     with: Xu, Y.M.: Land Subsidence Monitoring and Building Risk Assessment Usin...
     with: Yan, E.: Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive...
     with: Yan, E.: Knowledge Graph-Driven CNN for Radar Emitter Identification, A
     with: Yuan, S.: Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Land Subsidence Monitoring and Building Risk Assessment Usi...
21 for Jing, Z.H.

Jing, Z.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, W.D.: Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Pl...
     with: Fang, Z.: Joint probability estimation of attribute chain for zero-sho...
     with: Feng, P.: Joint probability estimation of attribute chain for zero-sho...
     with: Hu, J.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
     with: Hu, Y.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for Sub...
     with: Huang, W.: Evaluation of focus measures in multi-focus image fusion
     with: Huang, W.: Multi-focus image fusion using pulse coupled neural network
     with: Jin, B.: Locally discriminative stable model for visual tracking with ...
     with: Leung, H.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
     with: Leung, H.: Hyperspectral Image Fusion and Multitemporal Image Fusion b...
     with: Li, H.X.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for S...
     with: Li, M.Z.: Hyperspectral Image Fusion and Multitemporal Image Fusion by...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Extended scheme of Chan-Vese models for colour image segment...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Spiral band model for locating Tropical Cyclone centers
     with: Li, Z.H.: Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non-s...
     with: Liang, X.: Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Pla...
     with: Liu, J.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for Su...
     with: Liu, S.L.: Spiral band model for locating Tropical Cyclone centers
     with: Liu, Y.: DDFusion: An efficient multi-exposure fusion network with den...
     with: Liu, Y.H.: Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Pla...
     with: Liu, Z.: Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Plana...
     with: Pan, H.: DDFusion: An efficient multi-exposure fusion network with den...
     with: Pan, H.: Hyperspectral Image Fusion and Multitemporal Image Fusion by ...
     with: Pan, H.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for Su...
     with: Peng, P.: DDFusion: An efficient multi-exposure fusion network with de...
     with: Qiao, L.F.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
     with: Qiao, L.F.: Joint attribute chain prediction for zero-shot learning
     with: Qiao, L.F.: Joint probability estimation of attribute chain for zero-s...
     with: Song, Y.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for S...
     with: Sun, S.Y.: Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non-...
     with: Sun, S.Y.: Local structure based supervised feature extraction
     with: Tang, H.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for S...
     with: Tang, X.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for S...
     with: Tang, Y.P.: Locally discriminative stable model for visual tracking wi...
     with: Tuo, H.Y.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
     with: Tuo, H.Y.: Extended scheme of Chan-Vese models for colour image segmen...
     with: Tuo, H.Y.: Joint attribute chain prediction for zero-shot learning
     with: Tuo, H.Y.: Joint probability estimation of attribute chain for zero-sh...
     with: Wang, C.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
     with: Wang, C.: Joint attribute chain prediction for zero-shot learning
     with: Wang, H.S.: Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Pl...
     with: Wang, J.X.: Joint attribute chain prediction for zero-shot learning
     with: Wang, R.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for S...
     with: Wei, K.: Extended scheme of Chan-Vese models for colour image segmenta...
     with: Wei, K.: Spiral band model for locating Tropical Cyclone centers
     with: Xiao, G.: Locally discriminative stable model for visual tracking with...
     with: Yan, J.C.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Local structure based supervised feature extraction
     with: Yang, X.H.: Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non...
     with: You, B.: Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Plana...
     with: Yu, J.P.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation for S...
     with: Zhang, C.L.: Locally discriminative stable model for visual tracking w...
     with: Zhang, H.: DDFusion: An efficient multi-exposure fusion network with d...
     with: Zhang, Y.X.: SSR-Encoder: Encoding Selective Subject Representation fo...
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Local structure based supervised feature extraction
     with: Zhong, H.W.: Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network
56 for Jing, Z.L.

Jing, Z.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, M.L.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dyn...
     with: Chen, T.S.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dyn...
     with: Han, Y.L.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dyna...
     with: Lv, G.N.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dynam...
     with: Wang, H.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dynam...
     with: Wu, M.G.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dynam...
     with: Zhang, K.: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dyna...
7 for Jing, Z.M.

Jing, Z.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guan, H.Y.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-Po...
     with: Li, D.L.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-Poin...
     with: Li, J.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-PointN...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-Po...
     with: Yu, Y.T.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-Poin...
     with: Zang, Y.F.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-Po...
     with: Zhao, P.R.: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-Po...
7 for Jing, Z.W.

Jing, Z.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Wang, R.: FEDMI: A Federated Learning Framewoek for Secure Sharing of ...
     with: Xiang, H.Y.: FEDMI: A Federated Learning Framewoek for Secure Sharing ...

Jinguji, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nakahara, H.: FPGA Realization of a Random Forest with k-Means Cluster...
     with: Sato, S.: FPGA Realization of a Random Forest with k-Means Clustering ...

Jingwen, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huaping, X.: Comparison of diverse approaches for synthetic aperture r...
     with: Pengbo, W.: Comparison of diverse approaches for synthetic aperture ra...
     with: Xueyun, W.: Comparison of diverse approaches for synthetic aperture ra...

Index for "j"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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