Update Dates 8600

8600 * *Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Volume 2, Image Enhancement and Restoration
* *Evaluation of Multicomputers in Image Processing
* *Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
* *Techniques For 3-D Machine Perception
* 3-D Measurement Using Automatic Camera Calibration Method
* 3-D model Reconstruction and Processing for CAE
* 3-D Motion Recovery from Time-Varying Optical Flows
* 3DPO: A Three-Dimensional Part Orientation System
* Adaptive Buffer-Instrumented Entropy-Coded Quantizer Performance for Memoryless Sources
* Adaptive Invariant Novelty Filters
* Adaptive Navigation of Automated Vehicles by Image Analysis Techniques
* Adaptive Transform Coding Based on Chain Coding Concepts
* Adaptive Windows: Edges, Stereopsis, and Stripes
* Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbors in (Approximately) Constant Time, An
* Algorithm for the Segmentation of Bilevel Images, An
* Algorithms and Techniques for Automated Visual Inspection
* alternative technique for the computation of the designator in the retinex theory of color vision, An
* Analysis of the Connectivity of an Object in a Binary Image: Pretopological Approach
* Analysis of the Error in the Reconstruction of N-Dimensional Stochastic Processes
* Analysis of the Retinex Theory of Color Vision
* Analyzing the Movement of a Wave Field by Computer
* Application of the Singular Value Method and Signal Sub-Space Methods to Sampled Radar Images
* Approach for Automatic Recognition of Graphics, An
* Approach to 3-D Object Identification Using Range Images, An
* Architecture for Sensor Fusion in a Mobile Robot, An
* Asymptotic Performance of Unrestricted Polar Quantizers
* Attributed String Matching with Statistical Constraints for Character Recognition
* Automated Bridge Detection in FLIR Images
* Automated Generation of Simply Connected Solid Objects from Wire-Frame Data Using Operations on Graphs
* Automatic Detection of Address Blocks on Irregular Mail Pieces
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Chinese Characters by Four Corner Codes
* Automatic Region Construction by Edge Detection and Contour Following in Image Segmentation
* Automatic Road Network Detection on Aerial Photographs
* Autoregressive Model Approach to Two-Dimensional Shape Classification, An
* Back Tracking Algorithm for Matching Two Line Drawings of a 3-D Moving Object, A
* Back-Buffer Algorithm: An Extension of the Radiosity Method to Dynamic Environments, The
* Benchmark results: the Abingdon cross
* Bilevel Information Recognition and Coding in Office Paper Documents
* Biomedical Image Analysis
* Bipartite Graph Matching for Points on a Line or a Circle
* Bit-Sequential Array for Pattern Matching
* Boundary Localization in an Image Pyramid
* Brief Survey of Knowledge Aggregation Methods, A
* Building Visual Maps by Combining Noisy Stereo Measurements
* CAGD-Based 3-D Visual Recognition
* Calibration Problem for Stereo, The
* Character Recognition by Computer and Applications
* Character Segmentation in Japanese Hand-Written Document Images
* Characterization of Some Drilled Pit Images from Contour and Ridge Points Detection
* Class of Rank Order Smoothers, A
* Classification of Chromosomes Contrained by Expected Class Size
* Classification of Multispectral Images using Associative Nets
* Classified Vector Quantization of Images
* Cluster Analysis
* Clustering Methods for Geometric Objects and Applications to Design Problems
* Coarse-to-Fine Control Strategy for Stereo and Motion on a Mesh-connected Computer, A
* Color Constancy: A Method for Recovering Surface Spectral Reflectance
* Color Image Segmentation by Clustering and Parametric-Histogramming Technique
* Comment on an Investigation into the Skeletonization Approach of Hilditch, A
* Comment on An Upper Bound on Run-Length Coding Entropy
* Comments on A Predictor Switching Scheme for DPCM Coding of Video Signals
* Comments on A Simple Approximation for Minimum Mean-Square Error Symmetric Uniform Quantization
* Compact Set of Image Processing Primitives and Their Role in a Successful Application Program, A
* Comparison of Resolution for Spotlight Synthetic-Aperture Radar and Computer-Aided Tomography, A
* Compatibility and Support Functions in Probabilistic Relaxation
* Complementary Two-Dimensional Digital Filters
* Compression of Two-Dimensional Data
* Computational Analysis of Time-Varying Images, A
* Computational Approach to Visual Word Recognition: Hypothesis Generation and Testing, A
* Computer Analysis of Two-Dimensional Gels by a General Image Processing System
* Computer-Aided Geometric Design Based 3-D Models for Machine Vision
* Computing Depth from Stereo Images by Using Optical Flow
* Computing Range with an Active Camera System
* Computing Stereopsis Using Feature Point Contour Matching
* Computing Voronoi Diagrams in Digital Pictures
* Connection Machine Stereomatching
* Context Classifier, A
* Continuous Functions on Digital Pictures
* Core-Line Tracing for Fuzzy Image Subsets
* Cosmos Image Analyser, The
* Critical Survey of Image Analysis Methods, A
* Curve Fitting Based On Polygonal Approximation
* Curve Fitting with Optimized Mesh Point Placement
* Curve Matching Problem in Astronomy, A
* Decomposition of Polyhedral Scenes in Hough Space
* Defect Analysis Method for Visual Inspection, A
* Depth Extraction by Stereo Triples and a Fast Correspondence Estimation Algorithm
* Depth from Three Camera Stereo
* Description of Planar Patterns by Invariant Features: An Attempt Towards the Explanation of Visual Pattern Recognition
* Design and Implementation of Two-Dimensional Fully Recursive Digital Filters
* Designing Systolic Algorithms Using Sequential Machines
* Detecting Half-Edges and Vertices in Images
* Detecting Shape Correspondences by Using the Generalized Hough Transform
* Detecting the Image Boundaries Between Optical Flow Fields from Several Moving Planar Facets
* Detection and Control of Mobile Robot Motion by Real-Time Computer Vision
* Detection of Abnormalities on Carotid Angiograms Using Syntactic Techniques
* Detection of Diffuse Clusters in Noise Background
* Detection of Linear Networks on Satellite Images
* Detection of Linear Oblique Structures and Skew Scan in Digitized Documents
* Determination of Local Coordinate Systems for Texture Synthesis on 3-D Surfaces
* Determining Grasp Configurations Using Photometric Stereo and the PRISM Binocular Stereo System
* Determining Motion Parameters Using Intensity Guided Range Sensing
* Determining the 3-D Motion of a Rigid Planar Patch Without Correspondence, under Perspective Projection
* Determining Three-Dimensional Motion and Structure from Perspective Views
* Development Tools for a Model Directed Workpiece Recognition System
* Direct Corner Detecting Algorithm, A
* Discrimination of Symbols, Lines, and Characters in Flow Chart Recognition
* Distances Defined By Neighborhood Sequences
* Document Image Analysis
* Document Image Binarization: Evaluation of Algorithms
* Document Recognition System for Office Automation
* Document Understanding System Incorporating with Character Recognition, A
* DP Matching Method for Recognition of Occluded, Reflective and Transparent Objects with Unconstrained Background and Illumination
* Dynamic Shape
* Dynamic Thresholding of Grey-Level Images
* Edge Detection Using the Directional Derivatives of a Space Varying Correlated Random Field Model
* Edge Detection Using the Linear Model
* Edge Information in Color Images Based on Histograms of Differences
* Edge Preserving Smoothing Filter Based on the Robust Estimate, An
* Effect of Fuzzy Membership on Recognition of Gray Level Images
* Efficient Algorithm to Decode Substitution Ciphers with Application to OCR
* Efficient Memory System for Image Processing, An
* Efficient Models for Color Textures
* Egomotion Using Active Vision
* Encoding and Progressive Transmission of Still Pictures in NTSC Composite Format Using Transform Domain Methods
* Estimation of Displacement Vector Fields by Means of Adaptive Affine Transformations, The
* Etude de quelques problemes semi-lineaires paraboliques et elliptiques
* Exact Least Squares Fitting Technique for Two-Dimensional Frequency Wavenumber Estimation, An
* Experimental CSG Environment for Modelling Solid
* Experimental Implementation of a Ratio Image Depth Sensor
* Experimental System for Disk Head Inspection, An
* Extraction of Boundaries Using Local Measures Driven by Rules, The
* Extraction of Curved Surface Features with Generic Range Sensors, The
* Eyes for Automatons
* Fast Algorithms for the Multidimensional Discrete Fourier Transform
* Fast Correlation Registration Method Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Fast Percentile Filtering
* Fast Polygonal Approximation Method for Real-Time Shape Recognition, A
* Fast Two-Dimensional Hartley Transform
* Feature Based Correspondence Algorithm for Image Matching, A
* Feature Selection and Extraction
* Finding 3D Point Correspondences in Motion Estimation
* Finding of Objects Moving in a Pathway by a Moving Observer
* Finding The Convex Hull Of A Simple Polygon In Linear Time
* Fingerprint Identification Using Graph Matching
* Floating Mask Method for Extracting Hand-Printed Character Features
* Form-Invariant Linear Filtering: Theory and Applications
* Fourier Coding and Reconstruction of Complicated Contours
* Free-form deformation of solid geometric models
* From Mathematical Morphology to Artificial Intelligence
* From Pixels to Predicates
* Further Study on Error Probabilities of Laplacian-Gaussian Edge Detection, A
* Future paths for Integer Programming and Links to Artificial Intelligence
* Fuzzy Decision Operator in Recognizing Greek Hand-Drawn Characters, A
* G-Quadtree: A Hierarchical Representation of Gray-Scale Digital Images
* General in-Place Calculation of Discrete Fourier Transforms of Multidimensional Sequences
* General Moment-Invariants/Attributed-Graph Method for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition from a Single Image, A
* General Software System for Supervised Statistical Classification of Symbols, A
* Gradient Algorithms for Designing Predictive Vector Quantizers
* Group Properties of Cellular Automata and VLSI Applications
* Harmonic Shape Decomposition
* Heuristic Approach to Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Hierarchical Algorithm for the Segmentation of 3-D Images, A
* Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm, A
* High Speed String Correction for OCR
* How not to Benchmark Image Processors
* How to Discriminate Shapes Using the Shape Vector
* How to Use more than Two Frames to Estimate Motion
* Hypothesis Generation in a Computational Model for Visual Word Recognition
* Identifying Planes for the Construction of the World Model of a Mobile Robot
* Image Coding
* Image Compression Using Adaptive Vector Quantization
* Image Database Systems
* Image Enhancement And Restoration
* Image Enhancement and Restoration
* Image Flow Continuity Equations for Motion and Density
* Image Package Software: IPS -- Design and Abilities, An
* Image Reconstruction from Zero Crossings
* Image Segmentation
* Image Sequence Coding Using Vector Quantization
* Image Sequence Processing as an Aid for Three-Dimensional Display
* Image Space Transforms for Detecting Straight Edges in Industrial Images
* Implementation of Conditional Processing and Pyramids with a General Purpose Pipelined Pixel Processor
* Improving Depth Map by Right-Angled Trinocular Stereo
* Incremental Recovery of Structure from Motion: Position vs. Velocity Based Formulations, The
* Index Transforms of Multidimensional Cyclic Convolutions and Discrete Fourier Transforms
* Induction of Decision Trees
* Inexact Vision
* Information Fusion Problem and Rule Based Hypothesis Applied to Complex Aggregations of Image Events, The
* Intelligent Computer Vision System, An
* Interactive Curve Drawing by Segmented Bezier Approximation with a Control Parameter
* Interpretation of Structure and Motion Using Straight Line Correspondences
* Introduction to Digital Image Processing, An
* Invariant Surface Reconstruction Using Weak Continuity Constraints
* Iterative methods for total variation denoising
* Knowledge Aided Character Segmentation from Handwritten Document Image
* Knowledge-Base Reasoning for Road Following
* Knowledge-Based Image Analysis of Landsat Data: How to Extract and How to Describe Water Information
* Knowledge-Based Robotic Assembly Cell, A
* Knowledge-Based Segmentation Method for Document Understanding, A
* Knowledge-Based Stereo and Structured Light for 3-D Robot Vision
* Labeled Point Pattern Matching by Delaunay Triangulation and Maximal Cliques
* Labeling Connected Components on a Massively Parallel Tree Machine
* Lattice Quantizers: Entropy Reduction by Proper Tie-Handling
* Learning Techniques Applied to Multi-Font Character Recognition
* Lens Distortion for Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Lifegame Approach to Surface Modeling and Rendering, A
* Linear Feature Detection and Enhancement in Noisy Images via the Radon Transform
* Linear-Time Algorithm for Solving the Strong Hidden-Line Problem in a Simple Polygon, A
* Living in a dynamic world
* Local Motion Estimation with the Dynamic Pyramid
* Local Rotational Symmetries
* Locally Adaptive Data Compression Scheme, A
* Machine Interpretation of Line Drawings
* Machine Printed Chinese and Japanese Character Recognition Method and Experiments for Reading Japanese Pocket Books
* Machine Recognition of Indian Language Characters Using a Tree Structure Based on Primitives
* Machine Recognition of Multi Font Printed Arabic Texts
* Making Progressive Transmission Adaptive
* Matching Algorithm for Horizontal Motion: Application to Tracking, A
* Matching Images Using Motion Features
* Matching SAR Imagery with Terrain Feature Models
* Measure of Edge Ambiguity Using Fuzzy Sets, A
* Measuring the Human Chest with Structured Lighting
* Mechanisms of Color Constancy
* Medial Line: Graph Representation and Shape Description
* Method for Computing the Scene-Illuminant Chromaticity from Specular Highlights
* Method for Extracting Marked Regions from Document Images, A
* Method of Detecting the Orientation of Aligned Components, A
* Method of Image Guided Vehicle Using White Line Recognition, A
* Method of Integrating Motion Information along Contours Including Segmentation, A
* Midline Model Based Segmentation
* Minimum Error Thresholding
* Mobile Robot with Onboard Parallel Processor and Large Workspace Arm, A
* Model Based Analysis of Industrial Scenes
* Model Based Interpretation Of 3-D Range Data
* Model Driven Synthesis of Natural Textures for 3-D Scenes
* Model of Handwriting Process and Its Analysis
* Model-Based Recognition and Localization from Sparse Range Data
* Modeling of Two-Dimensional Random Fields by Parametric Cepstrum
* More on the Benefit of a Third Eye for Machine Stereo Perception
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery: An Overview
* Motion Estimation from 3-D Point Sets with and without Correspondences
* Motion Estimation: The Proper Formulation for when 3 or 4 Frames Are Available
* Multi-Layered Image Representation: Structure And Application in Recognition of Parts of Brain Anatomy
* Multi-Look Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from Dynamic Ocean Surfaces
* Multigrid Algorithms on the Hypercube Multiprocessor
* Multiple-Scale Segmentation and Representation of Solid Plane Shapes
* Neural Cocktail-Party Processor, A
* New Algorithm for Real-Time Median Filtering, A
* New Applications of Distance Transformation Methods for Effective Structural Image Analysis
* New Approach to Image Segmentation, A
* New Approach to Recognition of Both Handwritten and Multi-Font Printed Chinese Characters, A
* New Approach to Robot Location by House Corners, A
* New Noiseless Coding Technique for Binary Images, A
* New Shape Recognition System, A
* New Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* New Types of Edge Detectors Based on Linear and Median Operators
* Noise Filtering in Digital Images and Approximation Theory
* Nonlinear Extension to a Moment Method Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Microwave Tomography
* Nonlinear Mean Filters in Image Processing
* Nonlinear Space-Variant Postprocessing of Block Coded Images
* Nonparametric Tests for Edge Detection in Noise
* Normalization and Decomposition of Thin Lines Representing Handprinted Characters
* Note On Convex Hull Algorithms, A
* Note on the Sampling of Zero Crossings of Two-Dimensional Signals, A
* Object Recognition by Three-Dimensional Curve Matching
* Object Recognition from Range Images
* Object Recognition Using the Connection Machine's Router
* Objective Method for Computing Advective Surface Velocities from Sequential Infrared Images, An
* On Bit Reduction of Chain Coded Line Drawings
* On Optimum Edge Recognition Using Matched Filters
* On the Extraction and Alignment of Image Edges
* On the Precision of a Feature Based Displacement Measurement
* On the Reconstruction of a Scene from Two Unregistered Images
* On the Statistical Analysis of Dirty Pictures
* On the Use of Relaxation Labelling in the Correspondence Problem
* On Two-Dimensional Polyphase Filter Banks
* On-Line Processing of Transmission Electron Microscopic Images
* On-Line Recognition of Handprint Schematic Pseudocode for Automatic Fortran Code Generation
* Online Hand-Sketched Figure Recognition
* Optical Clustering
* Optical Flow and the Taylor Expansion
* Optical Flow Fields in Hough Transform Space
* Optical Flow of Planar Surfaces, The
* Optimal Cell Size for Efficient Retrieval of Sparse Data by Approximate 2D Position Using a Coarse Spatial Array
* Optimal Technique for Constraint-Based Image Restoration and Reconstruction, An
* Origins of linear and nonlinear recursive restoration algorithms
* Overview of Character Recognition Methodologies, An
* Parallel Algorithms for Low level Vision on the Homogeneous Multiprocessor
* Parallel Architectures for Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Perception
* Parallel Processor Implementation of a Chromosome Analysis System, A
* Parametric Projection Filter for Image and Signal Restoration
* Pattern Recognition by Circular Layer Code Approach
* Pattern Storage and Associative Memory in Quasi-Neural Networks
* Perception of Structure from Motion: I: Optic Flow vs. Discrete Displacements, II: Lower Bound Results
* Perspective Invariant Description of Planar Point Set and Their Application in Matching
* Picture and Text Query and Archiving System, A
* Piecewise Linear Mapping Functions for Image Registration
* Planar Motion Estimation with a Fast Converging Algorithm
* Planar Partially Occluded Objects Scene Analysis
* Planning Views for the Incremental Construction of Body Models
* Polynomial Time Algorithm for Subpattern Matching, A
* Precompilation of Syntactical Descriptions and Knowledge Directed Analysis of Patterns
* Progress in Robot Road-Following
* Projective Duality and the Analysis of Image Sequences
* Pseudo-Euclidean Skeletons
* Pyramid Machine Simulator for the Symbolics 3600, A
* Pyramid Vector Quantizer, A
* Quadratic Surface Fitting Laplacian Operators
* Radiosity: A Method for Computing Global Illumination
* Radon Transform, The
* Range Data Processing: Representation of Surfaces by Edges
* Range From Focus
* Range Imaging System Based on Binary Image Accumulation
* Rapid Recognition of Object Outlines in Reduced Resolution Images
* Real Time Textured Image Segmentation Based on Noncausal Markovian Random Field Models
* Real-Time Two-Dimensional Moment Generating Algorithm and Its Single Chip Implementation, A
* Realization of First-Order Two-Dimensional All-Pass Digital Filters
* Reasoning about Scene Descriptions
* Recent Advances in Error Rate Estimation
* Recognition of Handprinted Characters in the First Level of JIS Chinese Characters
* Recognition of Isolated and Simply Connected Handwritten Numerals
* Recognition of Polyhedra from Range Data
* Recognition of Two-Dimensional Modeled Objects in Images, The
* Recognizer with Learning Mechanism for Hand-Written Script English Words
* Recognizing Objects Using Surface Information and Object Models
* Recognizing Shapes via Random Chord Samplings
* Reconstruction from Projections: Applications in Computerized Tomography
* Rectangular Parallelepiped Coding for Solid Modeling
* Recursive Block Coding: A New Approach to Transform Coding
* Recursive Wiener Filtering for Image Restoration
* Refinement of Environmental Depth Maps over Multiple Frames
* Region Adjacency and Its Application to Object Detection
* Region-Based Approach to Digital Image Registration with Subpixel Accuracy, A
* Registration Techniques for Partially Covered Image Sequence
* Remote Sensing
* Reordering of Surface Feature Vectors in Training for 3-D Object Recognition
* Representation and Incremental Construction of a Three-Dimensional Scene Model
* Representation of Geometric Features, Tolerances, and Attributes in Solid Modelers Based on Constructive Geometry
* Representation of Uncertainty in Computer Vision Using Fuzzy Sets
* Representation, Recognition, and Locating of 3-D Objects, The
* Representations Based on Zero-Crossings in Scale-Space
* Robot Vision
* Robotic Manipulation Experiments Using Structural Stereopsis for 3D Vision
* Rule Based System for Pattern Recognition that Exploits Topological Constraints, A
* Rule-Based System for Document Understanding, A
* Script Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Seeing Structure Through Chaos
* Segmentation Algorithm of Polyhedral Scene Using Three Dimensional Information, A
* Segmentation of Handwritten Characters
* Selective Sorting of Glass Bottles by Artificial Vision
* Sensing Strategies for Disambiguating Among Multiple Objects in Known Poses
* Separating Characters in Scripted Documents
* Sequential Thinning of Binary Pictures Using Distance Transformation
* Shape and 3-D Motion from Contour without Point to Point Correspondences: General Principles
* Shape Coding Array, A
* Shape from Light Stripe Texture
* Shape Grammar Compilers
* Shape-from-Shading Using Multiple Light Sources
* Shortest Path Solves Edge-to-Edge Visibility in a Polygon
* Signal-Symbol Approach to Change Detection, A
* Simple Derivation of Lloyd's Classical Result for the Optimum Scalar Quantizer, A
* Simplified Method of Detecting Structure in Glass Patterns, A
* Simultaneous Colour Constancy
* Size and Shape Spaces for Landmark Data in Two Dimensions
* Solution Algorithm for the Consistent Labeling Problem Using the Structure of Constraints, A
* Some Experiments on the Detection of Three-Dimensional Motion of Rigid Objects in Blocks World
* Some Modified Algorithms for Graylevel Thresholding
* Some Properties of a Class of Rank Order Smoothers
* Split-Merge-merge: An Enhanced Segmentation Capability
* Statistical Evaluation of Computer Markers to Detect Leukemias
* Statistical Image Texture Analysis
* Statistical Model-Based Algorithms for Image Analysis
* Statistical Pattern Classification
* Step or Jump Edge Detection by Extrapolation
* Stereo Integral Equation
* Stereo Matching Using Contextual Line Region Primitives
* Stereo Matching Using Intra- and Inter-Row Dynamic Programming
* Stereo Vision of a Mobile Robot: World Constraints for Image Matching and Interpretation
* Stereovision for the Acquisition and Tracking of Moving Three-Dimensional Objects
* Stroke Re-Ordering Algorithm for On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition
* Structural Analysis of Textures: A Solution for Describing Primitives
* Structure and Motion of a Rigid Object Having Unknown Constant Motion
* Structure from Motion, Acceleration and Taylor Series
* Subband Coding of Images
* Subjective Entropy of Probabilistic Sets and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis
* Surface Curvatures in 3D Range Images
* Surface Orientation Using Texture Gradient Derived from Two Views of a Scene
* Surface Reconstruction and Representation of 3-D Scenes
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition with Stochastic Dissimilarity in Japanese On-Line Input System (JOLIS)-1/1.5
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition: Stochastic Languages
* Synthesis of a Road Image as Seen from a Vehicle
* Systolic Algorithms for Local Operations on Images
* Tessellation Graph Characterization Using Rosettas
* Text OCR by Solving a Cryptogram
* Text Parsing Using Spatial Information for Recognizing Addresses in Mail Pieces
* Texture Mapping and Distortion in Digital Graphics
* Third Order Model for Non-Homogeneous Natural Textures
* Three Dimensional Object Recognition Using Oriented Model Points
* Three-Dimensional Measurements of Terminals of Line-Like Objects from Shadow Information
* Three-Dimensional Vision System for Bin-Picking, A
* Thresholding for Edge Detection Using Human Psychovisual Phenomena
* Time Effects Comparison for Software Computation of Images
* Trinocular Vision: New Approach for Correspondence Problem
* Tuned Range Finder for High Precision 3D Data
* Two Methods for Analyzing Pleural Smears for the Presence of Abnormalities
* Two-Dimensional Dot Codes for Product Identification
* Two-Dimensional Model-Based, Boundary Matching Using Footprints
* Two-Dimensional Shape Representation
* Use of a Dictionary in Conjunction with a Handwritten Texts Recognizer
* Use of Data Windows in Feature Extraction for High Dimensional PR Problems, The
* Use of Global Context in Text Recognition, The
* Use of Numerical Relational Distance and Symbolic Differences for Organizing Models and for Matching, The
* Vector-Radix Algorithm for a 2-D Discrete Hartley Transform
* Versatile Method for the Estimation of Displacement Vector Fields from Image Sequences, A
* Visibility Between Two Edges of a Simple Polygon
* Vision System with Active Gaze Control for real-time Interpretation of Well Structured Dynamic Scenes, A
* Visual Motion Ambiguity
* Visual Surface Reconstruction Using Sparse Depth Data
* Visually Weighted Quantization Scheme for Image Bandwidth Compression at Low Data Rates, A
* VLSI Architecture for Dynamic Time-Warp Recognition of Handwritten Symbols
* VLSI Array Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Processing
* VLSI Solution to the Vertical Segment Visibility Problem, A
* Weighted Averaging Method for Image Smoothing, A
425 for 8600

Index for "8"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.